Monthly Archives: June 2013

Let Us See — First Quarter Moon

The lunar first quarter at 1:24 pm EDT Sunday will find the Virgo Moon square the Gemini Sun. As with all first quarter phases, you will be able to see the square aspect yourself. Weather permitting, Luna will be visible at its highest point in the sky while at a right angle to the setting Sun. Distinguishing this particular first quarter, but not visibly, the Moon will also be conjunct the asteroid Sisyphus.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Given that the authoritative Dane Rudhyar referred to lunar quarter phases as times of crisis, and when you consider Sisyphus is named after a mythical symbol of unrelieved futility, you might feel discouraged. Let us see what we can do about that.

First and always, no aspect or set of aspects exists in a vacuum. To fully understand the astrology of any square, conjunction or combination thereof, it’s important to see things holistically.

Chiron is perhaps the single object most closely associated with holistic themes by modern astrologers. As Eric himself wrote over a decade ago, “Chiron functions as an integrating agent.” It is therefore worth noting that Sunday’s lunar first quarter will take place within hours of Chiron’s retrograde station at the same degree of Pisces that it last occupied during the final week of February in 1964.

Integrating Chiron’s turning point into a holistic perspective of the Moon’s concurrent square to the Sun and conjunction with Sisyphus, will thus integrate some lessons from history into the astrology.

For a lot of people, especially those who identified with the established order, it felt like a crisis the last time Chiron was where it is now. An outspoken young black man (who later changed his name to — gasp — Muhammad Ali) became both boxing’s heavyweight champion of the world, and the most popular American in the world outside the United States. Other Americans who prioritized errant nationalism over what is morally right found that to be very discouraging.

Looking back on the big picture now, we can see there was no reason to be discouraged that a man with a conscience should rise to dignify a largely unconscious nation. In both his courageous deeds and mellifluous words, he let us see that it was not futile, but morally correct, to resist an unconscionable war. He was not alone in how he let us see our way through that time.

By the end of February 1964, efforts by the power elite to discredit and exterminate the African-American art of rock-and-roll became a historical symbol of unrelieved futility as The Beatles returned to the UK after having conquered the USA. Yet, a holistic view of the past reveals The Beatles to be an integrating agent if ever there was one. Indeed, it is very possible that the revival of rock-and-roll redeemed the history of a discouragingly compromised nation.

After all, historical redemption goes beyond learning what not to repeat. It also teaches that how you see the present, and what you can do about it, will determine your place in posterity. It’s one thing to feel discouragement and futility, as might be the case with Sunday’s astrology. It’s another thing to succumb to it. Let us see what you can do about not succumbing this weekend, and you will have made a good start towards being part of the solution, and the future, rather than being part of the problems that will only become the past.

Offered In Service

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

Taurus 2018

Read Eric’s description of your sign here.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for January 2018, #1181 | By Eric Francis

Integrity is the very essence of your nature, and you possess a keen awareness of right and wrong. You’ve also figured out by now that you must bring your flexibility into every situation. Nothing is carved in stone or set in concrete, especially where your personal ethics are concerned. You can afford to evaluate every situation on its own merits. You’ve learned many times that this is better than having inflexible rules, though you might say that strict adherence to the law is a kind of temptation for you. However, you can now look at the world with fresh eyes, which also includes taking a more benevolent view of your own past. You don’t need to judge yourself or anyone, nor does whether you agree with something or not need to be your standard of reality. You are bigger than nearly all that you perceive. You’re bigger than your parents, your family, and anyone who has held authority over you. If you keep an open mind, and set orthodoxy aside, these next few years of your life will provide you with some beautiful and original opportunities to learn about yourself and the world. Regarding the question of scale, what you may figure out is that you’re bigger than all you survey. This is a temporary state of affairs; it’s a useful perspective to take, for the time being.

Big Things — Jupiter Opposite Galactic Core

Jupiter opposes the core of our galaxy for the first time since June 2001, shortly before 1 am EDT Thursday. At the same time, the largest planet will complete a mutable cross without historical precedent. The Jupiter-Galactic Core axis of the grand cross indicates big things are imminent.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Unlike 2001, the immense immanence implied is more eminent than infamous — thanks to the other half of the cross configuration. That comprises an opposition from Pisces to Virgo between Salacia and Makemake, which indicates what we may yet grow to become — and where that growth must take place.

The last time Jupiter was closing its Gemini tour with an opposition to Sagittarius’s Galactic Core, infamy was at at hand. Just over two months later, the world was purloined into the impoverishment of perpetual war.

Now, as Jupiter returns to reflect the center of our celestial neighborhood, it’s an auspicious time for you to reflect as well. As Jupiter’s year in mutable air reaches its last fortnight before ingress to Cancer on June 26, to whom will the remaining years of your precious life belong? Beyond that, how will you emulate Jupiter by growing into what you must be?

In astrology, square aspects provide the opportunity for growth. A mutable cross consists of four square aspects, connecting all four of the signs that share the same quality: either cardinal, fixed or mutable. The mutable cross that Jupiter is completing now implies growing out of old patterns and into new ones.

In reality, growth is never easy. The proverbial term “growing pains” is well informed and reflects how the square aspect of astrology expresses in your life. On Earth however, the alternative is incompatible with continued existence. Even mountains, when they cease to grow, ultimately cease to exist. Implicitly, the struggle of growth is your imperative to sustain. How to attain the necessary sustenance is implied by the mutable opposition that will be precisely (to the degree) perpendicular to the axis from Jupiter to the Galactic Center.

In the Pisces corner, wearing the wet trunks, will be distant Salacia. Currently, Salacia is literally distant, half again as far away from the Sun as Pluto, which was the outer limit of the solar system for decades. Through its nominal connection with Neptune’s spouse, however, Salacia’s role in Thursday’s grand cross is to provoke you to grow so as to close the distance between your life on land and its connection with (and probable origin in) the seas, both literally and figuratively.

In the literal sense, the seas of our planet provide a good deal of the oxygen you need to live, while also absorbing a significant amount of the carbon your living produces. In a figurative sense, the oceans represent the vast and mostly unappreciated legacy of the emotions that have motivated us, the intuitions that have guided us, and the psychic potentials that represent the probable direction in which our kind will most productively grow to evolve.

Already opposing Salacia from Virgo is an even more distant object, Makemake. Named after a dominant deity from the farthest removed vestige of human culture (variously known as Easter Island, Rapa Nui and Isla de Pascua) Makemake’s symbolic place on the mutable cross is to promote a growing appreciation of neglected hemispheres, both on Earth and in your skull.

The Southern Hemisphere of our planet (where Easter Island is located) is often not given its due in the world, partially because that is where the seas are most dominant over the land. More specific to the symbolism employed by astrology, however, is how Makemake’s association with a neglected hemisphere on our planet corresponds to a neglected hemisphere of your brain.

The currently dominant paradigm of human consciousness, intrinsic to cultures of the Northern Hemisphere, favors the left hemisphere of the brain. The left brain is the seat of linear thinking and the virtues conferred upon cold, mathematical logic. Your brain’s right hemisphere, home to alternative sorts of sense-making has, in recent centuries, been as deprecated as the Southern Hemisphere of Earth. Yet both places are where there is not only room to grow, but necessity.

So that’s how Jupiter’s last days through Gemini are taking form. In the Jovian opposition to the Galactic Center is the necessity for you, and all of us together, to become as big as events, rather than shrinking from or being swallowed up by them.

In the grand mutable crossing provided by the opposition of Salacia and Makemake is nothing less than the potential you should sustain, and the direction that you should apply yourself toward. You will know you have done it if you can grow to confidently count yourself among those who are in their right minds.

Offered In Service

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

Gemini 2018

Read Eric’s description of your sign here.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for January 2018, #1181 | By Eric Francis

You’ve just been through one of the most — what’s the word? Ridiculous? Exciting? Challenging? — phases of your life, and whatever that was, whatever you’ve been through, is over. Time has given rise to something else, as if you’ve been transported to another dimension of your own existence. I don’t think this will be subtle, though it’s possible to live in the past. If you’re living in the present, you will see that the nature of your commitments has evolved into something more tangible, even solid. This will facilitate the building of relationships and associations of all kinds, whether their purpose is making home, making money or making love. It’s likely that you’ve been so enamored of your need for freedom that you missed the privileges that come with having a stable structure around you. However, when you feel commitment coming from inside you, rather than something you feel is imposed on you, you’ll appreciate its beauty. It will be helpful if you’re less enamored of an abstract concept of your freedom and refine that into something you can actually express. You may need to be specific; for example, decide consciously whether you want a relationship to be live-in or not; monogamous or not; financially intertwined or not. Determine the role you want to play in any business partnership, and know the places where you’re flexible or open to compromise.

This Week on Planet Waves FM: the NSA Leak — and Trying to Understand the Overwhelming

Dear Friend and Reader:

In this week’s broadcast of Planet Waves FM, Eric will be exploring some of the spiritual questions and the ‘meta’ level of last week’s revelation that the National Security Administration has been collecting the phone call records of millions of U.S. citizens, as well as emails and records of Internet use by those in other countries.

Planet Waves
Last week the NSA was revealed to be wire-tapping all messages coming from the Milky Way galaxy. Ok, not really — but is that next?

Eric will also take a look at the chart of Edward Snowden in this broadcast. Snowden is the 29-year-old former CIA employee who has publicly claimed responsibility for leaking this monumental information to the public.

Planet Waves FM will also cover the growing stellium of planets in Cancer and the upcoming Mercury retrograde in that sign (Mercury entered its ‘echo’ phase on Sunday). The program generally posts by 8 pm Tuesdays, often earlier.

For other perspectives on the energy you may be feeling, try Monday’s Daily Astrology post, in which Eric touches on the sense of ‘walking on the edge’ that can come with a Sun-Pholus opposition, as well as the “invitation to empathy and service” being extended by the planets in Cancer.

Also on Monday, we published an article asking how you deal with the pressure symbolized by the Sun’s aspects to Pholus and Eris; chances are you have more options than you think, and some of them are actually productive.

In today’s Daily Astrology, the Jupiter-Galactic Center prompts the question, “What do you do with something so big you can’t understand it?” Many people don’t bother trying; is that how we’ve gotten where we are now?

Yours & truly,

Amanda Painter

Planet Waves

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Cancer 2018

Read Eric’s description of your sign here.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for January 2018, #1181 | By Eric Francis

Saturn has entered your solar 7th house of relationships, the sign Capricorn. The most recent time this occurred was 29 years ago, perhaps before you were born. It’s entered Capricorn along with an impressive collection of other planets. The upshot is that where you may have felt like you were living on the frontier, you will now be joined by settlers, who might become colonists. Remember, though, that the spirit of a pioneer is different from that of someone who wants to build a town. You would benefit from those possessing both qualities: those who are undaunted by new territory, and who also want to build something familiar. Saturn’s three-year run through your relationship house will help you clear unnecessary or outmoded relationships, and it will help you develop something entirely new. For many long years, you’ve been deconstructing the rules and traditions that have not served your sensitive and original nature. This has not been easy. Remember that you still have some ground to cover there; and meanwhile, it would be helpful to remove some of the debris that’s been left behind from your various demolition projects. Beware of old ideas, ungrounded expectations, the fear of abandonment and jealousy. The more you give language to these feelings, the easier they will be to work through in a conscious and loving way: the way of the lover.

Leo 2018

Read Eric’s description of your sign here.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for January 2018, #1181 | By Eric Francis

It’s essential that you balance work and wellbeing. You’re one of the hardest-working people you know, and one of the most willing to sacrifice your personal needs and your health for the sake of getting the job done. However, it’s time to live under less Spartan conditions. You still have plenty to accomplish, yet taking care of your body and your mind must come first. One way you can maintain a balance is by learning something that I’ve seen is rather difficult for those born under your sign: how to delegate work. In doing this, you might follow a simple rule. Only assign tasks to those who do them better than you do. This might take a little time to find, though you need to have total trust when you let go of a task. And that would be worth seeking over time and, if need be, waiting for. In any event, collaboration is an art form. This skill will be worth developing. How you structure your time is also vitally important. You must see time as your ally, and use well the time you have. Think in terms of efficiency, making actual decisions about what is and is not necessary, and how much energy certain projects or goals deserve. Yet the first of these must be structuring a life in such a way that you can take care of yourself.

The Weekend Tarot Reading — Sunday, June 9, 2013

By Sarah Taylor

What do you feel when you see these cards? Tell me. What do you feel? Once you’ve identified your feelings, how about this: what was the thought on which your feelings were predicated? And how were you feeling before you had the thought? Was there a significant shift in how you were feeling before you saw the reading, and how you felt afterwards?

If so, then perhaps you have come away with a greater sense of the power that your thoughts about what you see have in affecting your perception of reality.

The Tower, Three of Swords, Eight of Swords -- RWS Tarot deck.

The Tower, Three of Swords, Eight of Swords from the Rider-Waite Smith Tarot deck, created by A E Waite and illustrated by Pamela Colman Smith. Click on the image for a larger version.

Thoughts create beliefs — a belief being a thought that has been repeated to the point where it isn’t as immediately open to enquiry. It can become entrenched like the grooves of a record, which is only capable of playing the same song, over and over again.

If that song is a song of fear, one that drowns out your connection to what lies at the very heart of you and separates you from your Self, then you have a choice. You can stick with the song you know — predictable, familiar, conjuring equally predictable and familiar feelings. Or you can see the song for what it is and the effect it has on you each time you get it out and play it. When you can do that, your options expand and you open yourself to freedom.

Take a look at the cards again. It may be that all is not what it at first seems.

On the left there is The Tower, in the centre the Three of Swords, and on the right the Eight of Swords: one major arcana card, which points to an archetypal experience, followed by two cards that describe the thoughts about that experience.

The Tower lies at the foundation of the reading — it has already happened in one form or another. When The Tower has been activated in our lives, we live through an upheaval over which we have little or no control. It occurs when a structure we have built — whether literal or metaphorical — has moved so far out of integrity with our essential selves that it can no longer exist in its current form.

The soul seeks freedom and creativity, and it cannot live fully in the confines of an inflexible and constricting ivory tower. In a misguided attempt to create a place of safety, where we crown ourselves kings over our lives, we find out sooner or later that the ivory becomes grey and lifeless, the skies surrounding it rendered black and without a source of light.

Thus we are overthrown by a higher authority that sees beyond the walls we’ve constructed around us: the divine breaks into consciousness with full impact. When the lightning strikes, it is the lightning of the transpersonal. What falls releases an element of the psyche that has been trapped or isolated by our actions, however well-intentioned, and the energy to the card will very often be felt collectively as well as personally.

In the second card, the foundation of The Tower is given its context — that of relationship. The Three of Swords is typically a love triangle of one form or another, whether personal, familial, professional, or the divided allegiances of communities, governments and cultures. Remember that Swords are thoughts, though — not emotions and not material reality. In the Three of Swords, we witness the belief that we can lay claim to love in the face of perceived competition. By asserting ownership over something that cannot be controlled, we strike to the heart of the love itself. We are not the victims as much as love is. Our limiting thoughts have wounded the very thing we wanted to have; the skies weep with us.

And so to the Eight of Swords. Looking at the swords around the bound and blindfolded figure, there are three swords at the left of the picture, a reflection of the Three of Swords. The figure is turned towards them, aware of their presence, but she cannot see the reality of her circumstances. This demonstrates an inability to see fully, or to recognise that, although the swords — her thoughts — feel familiar, what she is encountering is in fact different.

The Three of Swords is resonating. It has started to play its song, one that she has known before. Yet the song is in her mind; it is not an emotional or physical reality. If she were to exercise her right to freedom, she could remove her blindfold and see the threat for what it is: static blades, unmanned by others, points embedded in the ground. Weapons of her imagination.

Astrologically, we are entering the energy of the grand water trine now, which stretches over the next season and beyond. Water in tarot is the domain of the Cups suit, and it represents both the emotions and the unconscious.

When we move into the deeper waters of our psyche, our conscious mind can interpret this sense of fluidity as a threat, and it throws up all of the thought patterns that have become entrenched as a way of defending against it. Thus we meet the Cups energy with Swords. We try to think ourselves out of a sensation that asks for no-thought. We do this by running tried and tested thought patterns, because that is what our mind defaults to. We bring out our old records and we play them.

But our feeling natures work differently. They move with the beat of our hearts; they are attuned to a wisdom that transcends thought. The old patterns no longer apply. All the old patterns do is to keep us in the landscape of the Eight of Swords: blind to our power, trapped in the shallows while the sea is waiting a little further beyond to welcome us.

Freedom is right in front of you, if you are able to see your prison for what it is. It is the prison of your thoughts and your beliefs, and what you tell yourself based on them. What has happened in the past only continues to happen in the ideas you have about it. Look at the thoughts that hold you hostage, bring them out into the open and talk about them, and disarm them.

Be prepared to see another way, and another way is open to you.

Astrology/Elemental correspondences: The Tower (Mars), Three of Swords (Saturn in Libra), Eight of Swords (Jupiter in Gemini)

If you want to experiment with tarot cards and don’t have any, we provide a free tarot spread generator using the Celtic Wings spread, which is based on the traditional Celtic Cross spread. This article explains how to use the spread.