To Be Won

Posted by Len Wallick


Starting with the Taurus Full Moon, Len Wallick envisions a relay race in the sky. One after another, four of astrology’s so-called personal planets will take a turn to advance the sum of their archetypes until they finally hand off to — well, read for yourself.

The Moon is now in Taurus, setting the stage for a Full Moon opposed by the Scorpio Sun overnight between Friday and Saturday. Meantime, the two planets inside Earth’s orbit (Venus and Mercury) are moving to change signs as next week begins. Taken in context, those impending highlights suggest an unusual scenario.


Typically, the days leading to up to a Full Moon exhibit some palpable momentum. Usually, after a Full Moon, the tension associated with its opposition to the Sun is quickly released.

Beginning Sunday, however, it will be as if the Moon is handing off a relay baton. Minutes before the Moon departs Taurus to enter Gemini, Luna will oppose Mercury at the end of its Scorpio tenure. Then, less than nine hours later, Mercury (ruler of Gemini) will make ingress to Sagittarius.

Though Mercury is very small compared to the Sun, their proximity works to confer a certain similarity of one to the other. For instance, consciousness (which the Sun is posited to correspond with in this particular case) is never very far from Mercury’s correlation to a similar (but also very different) quality: mind.

This particular ingress of Mercury to Sagittarius also has at least one other indication of continued momentum. It will be 2018 before Mercury (a planet which normally traverses a single sign in three weeks or less) leaves Sagittarius for Capricorn.

That’s because 2017 still has one Mercury retrograde left in it, one which will begin in the very last degree of Sagittarius on the same day as the next Full Moon — Dec. 3.

Then there is Venus. Less than an hour before tonight’s Taurus Full Moon is exact, Venus will contribute its own quotient of tension by precisely opposing retrograde Uranus (winding up a long tenure in Aries) from Libra. After that, on Tuesday, Venus will do its own part to indicate an extension of momentum by moving on to Scorpio.

So what can this implicit relay of the Taurus Full Moon’s energy be said to mean? In short, the Sun, Moon, Mercury and Venus are moving so as to move you.

To paraphrase a parable specific to ancient Rome, history is not made in a day. Even so, the initiation, progress and decline of eras, empires and paradigms unavoidably proceeds one day at a time. With each of those days, people just like you make what seem to be insignificant choices which (with the passage of time) culminate to produce the broader outline of results remembered by posterity.

Slower-moving planets (especially sign rulers Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) have consistently been demonstrated to resonate with those broader outlines.

The so-called personal “planets” (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars), on the other hand, move fast enough to track the daily  pace of your own life. When they align in a temporal sense to extend and relay their respective alignments in space, your role in the longer term is implicitly getting more powerful.

And to think that it all begins with this Taurus Full Moon. Not so much that you are about to become a superhero, or even rich and influential. More like the fact you can clearly do better than so many traditional power structures which no longer have anything to offer but bad faith and abuse.

From all appearances the most personal of planets are moving to hand the baton off to you, and everybody like you (which, at this point in history, is nearly all of us).

You will know the moment. When it comes, you will be faced with a chance to be conscious, compassionate, mindful and loving towards somebody who does not inspire you to demonstrate any of those qualities. What you do then will go a long way towards determining whether the human race is, against all odds, finally won. Or would it be more appropriate to say “one”?

Offered In Service

Posted in Columnist on | 2 comments
Len Wallick

About Len Wallick

Besides endeavoring to be of service to all of you here at Planet Waves, Len strives to live in Seattle while working as a professional astrologer. To contact him for an astrology reading you can send an e-mail to: His telephone number is 206-356-5467. In addition to his profession, Len contributes to the Seattle community without monetary compensation by serving as a Reiki practitioner and teacher through classes and outreach offered by the Seattle Reiki Mastery Series modality.

2 thoughts on “To Be Won

  1. Bette

    “won”…..”one”…lovely, Len, and succinctly expresses what we need to guide us as we go forward. I’ve had a number of experiences recently when I’ve learned new information about several people – information which explains the qualities and behaviours I’d found difficult. I’ve been reminded that everybody has a story (including me), and compassion comes easier with that understanding.

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