Subscription, Archives and Vision Quest
Hi Eric,
Thank you for your kind offer, I’ve just renewed my subscription to PW, I was about to anyway, but I had lost your first e-mail (that was before Mercury turned retrograde, though!). Money is a bit tight right now, but I can’t imagine living without my Planet Waves subscription.
I’ve been following you since 2012, but I also took advantage of your pre-2012 archives, and what I found was so astounding I’ll never find enough words to describe the accurateness of your depiction of the passage of Saturn over my Libra sun, for example. I could not have been more precise.
I haven’t had time to go over your Vision Quest writings in depth yet, but what I read was already quite impressive. I’m looking forward to downloading your audio contributions so that I can listen to you while walking, it helps me think!
With love from Brittany
Sagittarius 2015-16 reading
For what it’s worth—never heard anything so right on, dead on, aligned with what i am looking at, aware of, dealing with, leaning into—especially professionally and emotionally. I can’t even list them all— so many subtle angles and aspects that all resonate and add up. Affirming experiences, potentials, challenges. To a T. Wow. Offers reassurance that I am in the right place at the right time, affirms the work I need to do and how to approach it, and the difference it will make. It offers comfort and hope of productive, highest outcomes if attended to with awareness. Will be getting these transcribed so I can read them over and over.
— Robyn Landis
Dec 19, 2015
I never cease to be amazed at how many times, during my birthday year, I refer back to the annual edition of my birth sign report that you offer.
It is amazing to me, that no matter what time of the birthday year I refer back to it, it has something to offer. To me it has become not only an annual upcoming preview of one’s year ahead, but a continual informative year long reference guide.
I am anxiously looking forward to my upcoming annual edition for Sagittarius for 2016…
Thank you Eric, first and foremost for all the deep concentrative work that you put into these reports; and secondly for inclusion of the asteroids which are so important in adding an in-depth dimension to the reading. More times than not, asteroids are neglected to be included in astrology reports.
Blessings to you Eric… keep up your wonderful work!
— Ann Cortese, B.S., M.P. S
Oct 23, 2015
Just want to say how very much I appreciate your perspective and find your posts enriching – they make me think, and I get to see astrology illustrated in very real ways!
Mahalo nui!
— Sharon Douglas
Oct 23, 2015
2015 Libra reading
Thanks, Eric; this year’s Libra reading seems as if it were written while you were looking at my personal natal chart. It is so accurate. As a Libra rising, it offers great insight and provides me with tools I can use to really make the most of this very pivotal year. — Charlie Lemay
Just a quick note to say thank you for the birthday reading. Very insightful. Good kick in the arse as always and wouldn’t miss it for the world. The one reading always there to open my mind and make me think again and outside the box. Thank you, Eric. Love — Ginger Aarons
I just finished my Libra reading. Soo good! Soo helpful! I was falling back into the dullness after an extended rebirth over the last few years. This reading makes me hopeful. I am so so grateful to you! — Marcy Shears
I want to thank you for such a spot-on reading. Everything mentioned was so accurate to my life and what has been unfolding that when I was listening last night I almost felt you knew me and my inner struggles, goals, etc. Woke up with a new vision. I am ever so grateful. Namaste, Love, Felio
2015 Leo reading: reader comment
You rock, Eric! I’ve listened to these each three or four times, and will continue to repeat them again. Your readings are so rich with information, deeply congruous, and could not be more pertinent to my life and situations. I do not claim to be audience to many, as I have an audience of my own that I serve, but your voice is one of those that I count on. I cannot express greater appreciation for the services of any one person in existence.
Hey Eric,
Just want you to know that the midyear readings are rocking my world. Listened to my Sun, Ascendant and Moon for clarity and each and every one was both inspiring and so on point! As an added attraction, I ordered the Oblique Strategy cards from Brian’s web site. They arrived yesterday and as I was preparing to shuffle them, I cut the deck and lo and behold…
Don’t you just love this Uni-Verse?
Blessings and Happy New Moon
Bob Stevens
Aug 14, 2015
What an amazing reading! I do believe that Eric upped the ante on his reading skills for this year’s Cancer birthday reading. It is insightful, intuitive, spiritual, and practical. I re-listened a few times for the deeper nuance and messaging–a good thing because I discovered so many “hidden gems” throughout the reading!
This was definitely a worthwhile investment in money and time 🙂
Thanks again!
Dee McCrorey
Jul 18, 2015
Some feedback from the Retrogrades class on June 20:
Eric was able to convey how he uses retrogrades in a way that wasn’t limited by technique; he never loses sight of the whole person. This is incredibly rare with skilled astrologers in practice and to be able to deliver this to people in class is no easy feat…
His is a truly holistic approach and what he delivers is truly one of a kind – something born of a moment that is as true in that moment as it is later on.
– Suzana Da Costa
Eric is able to transmit his knowledge of astrology with generosity. I appreciate very much the fact that he insist on having our own perspective and context interpretation. His view of astrology as an art but also as a form of therapy is very intriguing to me. Eric is a great communicator.
– Yohainna Abdala
I loved Eric’s patient manner with each of us, our questions and our learning styles. I also gleaned a lot from his way of explaining the sample charts, and using his and our experiences and potential scenarios, to open us to new levels of comprehension.
I look forward to Eric’s class on the houses when he’s ready.
– Rachel Schneiderman
I thought that this was the best class yet. It was very engaging, and seemed as though Eric was focused, and at the top of his form.
…I am grateful to have such a valuable resource in Planet Waves. I agree with the person who wished they could win the lottery in order to give more money to assist PW. Perhaps one of us will win so that we can share the wealth!
– Cathy Stubbs
I have recently become more inspired to pursue and study astrology more seriously… I found it hard to find good, well-researched, info on retrogrades and how to interpret them. When I saw Eric would be teaching a class on them, I knew that he would more than likely be the best source for this knowledge. [And he was!!]
Thank you Eric for continuing to have these classes! They are wonderful.
– Stacey Katz
I am really grateful to Eric and the team for making this available. Planet Waves is extremely generous and I feel really supported by all the writers in their heart-centered approach. By participating in the Planet Waves community, I am learning the wholistic application of spiritual and personal growth studies to living with what is.
– Miruh Sanderson
I appreciate how Eric uses chart examples to illustrate his teaching points. It reinforces and brings to life the astrological theory and techniques. And of course his stories.
– Ramona Thiessen
Eric is a gifted teacher, fascinating story teller, with a incredible base of both knowledge and experience that draws one in. Combined with patience and a gift for translating subject matter into very understandable terms, the class was great.
– Sally Crawford
It is a privilege to be a long time reader and supporter of Planet Waves and Eric Francis.
Just finished the Gemini reading, there is so much content to digest. Listening to an Eric Francis reading is very much like
having an intimate conversation with a valued friend and mentor. This gemini reading sent me into the attic of mind for very early memories that needed to be dusted off, acknowledged and let go of… The reading had me looking at the now and the need to create. It showed me a future that can be of my own choosing. This gemini reading is a neon sign showing me the way.
Good Job Eric and thank you.
– Nora Connaughton

Photo by Anthony Ayiomamitis.
Jun 4, 2015
You are an inspiration to all of us and i greatly appreciate your work and all the people that are a part of Planet Waves.
– Hilary Kennedy
May 7, 2015
So glad to hear from you on both counts – the original email from last week, and this one. Both demonstrate the transparency, vulnerability and integrity that I appreciate from you and Planet Waves.
Many thanks for all you do.
– Jennifer Jackson
May 6, 2015
I’m enjoying my core community horoscope access. You are so right on about Sagittarius needing to trust self, to allow a sense of time and patience with a relationship.
…you had a wise and in-depth perspective that was so right on (for the May monthly horoscope).
I guess I am very impressed by your forecasting skills.
I love your youtube videos… It was like a creative meditation…
Fan since 1999 😀
– Ana Perez
May 6, 2015
Your work is of the very highest integrity and continually stands out in my personal and professional life as an example of the finest personal/creative/planetary ethics, discipline, joy, adventurousness, mastery, and accountability. Thank you. It’s like nothing else.
-Megan Matson
May 5, 2015
Eric, You are such a spot on thinker and your writing style, et al – beckons. I like how forward thinking you are. And the photos are always lovely!
– Jeanne Natré
May 5, 2015
I’m a big fan, and your audioscopes have helped me and my 18 year old son immensely.
– Maggie Curran
May 5, 2015
Just joined Planet Waves as a full access member and so happy I did!
-Kate Cummings
May 4, 2015
I’ve gained so much from you and Planet Waves has become part of my life over the last few years. The work you put in is hugely appreciated. Sending good thoughts your way.
-Michael Stephenson
May 3, 2015
Can I say that I think access to personal readings for something less than $1000 was a great part of your service when I first stumbled upon Planet Waves.
– Lesley Waters
Apr 28, 2015
I have had nothing but incredible kindness and generosity from you over the years
– Liz Glanville
Apr 28, 2015
As you can see, everything you said in this reading was completely and absolutely spot-on for me. I have followed other astrologers, had readings done and still keep one in particular as my personal astrologer, but no one, even her, as much as I love her has been able to better articulate the past, present and future possibilities as clearly as you have. I am astounded by your passion and talent. You have a gift. Thank you for sharing it with me. It has been a tremendous help to me over these last few years of very difficult decisions and changes.
-Debra MacFarlane,
Feb 4, 2015
“I’ve been having few astrologers read my chart but it all seems fluff. I am amazed at the accuracy you brought into my Gemini reading this month even though it wasn’t based on me personally. But I do feel that a lot of the things you are sensing seem to be realistic for my current events.”
“Thanks a thousand. I’m immensely enjoying every one (well Sun sign, rising and Moon sign so far) of the wonderfully insightful and energizing readings. They are so accurate that it feels just like he addresses me directly.”
“I have been listening to Eric’s podcasts for the past few months, as well as a brief previous subscriber, but his sincerity/passion for astrology convinced me to become a paid subscriber. I just want to say that I am very impressed by the newsletter of April 19, The War Comes Home to Boston. Kudos to Eric — phenomenal job, and well worth the money!”
“Truly, I don’t go a week without referring to your writings. I offer spiritual direction to a variety of people who are at different stages of spiritual growth, and there is always a pertinent piece to offer them, which comes from your writing.”
“I’m definitely on board for another year and continue to treasure the communications from the expanding PW team. I still prefer the written material to audio, but that’s me. I invest time in staying informed about what is going on in the world, and Eric’s viewpoint is always one I value, as he forms it through filters that uniquely blend his passionate nature and fierce intelligence with his journalism history and substantial astrology wisdom. I so appreciate the good writing, too.”
“I love being a subscriber to PW. It’s like my morning cup of coffee that gives me a boost of knowledge to carry forth for the week. It is compassionate as well as educational and I do so appreciate it. Thank you all for what you contribute. God Bless.”
“After about 13 years as a subscriber, you feel like family. The sustenance, support and sense of community I receive from PW feels so vital to me now…Thank you Eric for all that you and your associates provide in terms of content – so beautiful and nourishing to my mind and soul; and also for your work to develop and sustain a perfect business template for the 21st century; i.e. one which is the epitome of quality, integrity, ethics and, most of all, love and care for your own people and your readers/clients.”
“I just subscribed to your planet waves and, I must say, your astrological interpretations are refreshingly clear and heart centered. Don’t know your chart but you come across as a real person, knowledgeable, creative as well as intellectual. Impressive to me. Thanks Eric.”
“I truly do not know how I would have navigated this past year without Planet Waves.”
“I’m a Cancer with Capricorn rising, all I can say is that I was stunned by LISTEN and by the Birthday Report for Capricorn! They are both absolutely superb, a tremendous tool for my psychological growth… It strikes right to my soul.”
“Eric, you’ve given me a way into dealing with the chaos, which is fundamentally very positive, and also of facing fear. This will be a companion throughout the year.”
“It never fails to amaze me how an analysis meant roughly for one twelfth of the population of the earth jives so closely with my personal experience and my personal astrology, with all the other variables….houses, planets, signs…thanks for being the lantern bearer…can’t imagine my life without PW!!”
“Eric, everything you have said regarding this time period has resonated true in every cell of my body; how no one is listening; the strain of the chaos; the lack of meaningful human connections. You have affirmed my reality and my emotions about that reality. I just listened to the 2013 sample reading for Capricorn which is my rising sign, and what you say is exactly what I am experiencing. I’m ready to shed the old life for a magnificent new one. It will be daunting as you say, but you comfort me so much when you remind me how wonderful and how worth it all it will be. So, thank you, thank you!!!!!!!”
Eric, your 2015 Mercury Retro Reading For Sagittarius was, is and likely will continue to be, uncanningly accurate, especially when listened to in conjunction with my girl friend’s Taurus reading and other close partners. I am not sure how things will play out, but thanks to you I come to such interactions much better prepared, rather than leading with my chin…as we used to say when I boxed. Thank you.