By Steve Guettermann
The year 2020 may seem to be a lot like 2019, except more intense. There are many reasons for this, not the least of which being few things on the national and world stages get resolved. Our personal New Year resolutions may have the same kind of feel…that is, we try to “re-solve” things we never solved in the first place.

NASA images of Pluto and Saturn combined (not to scale).
Yet, that luxury, if we can call resolving to not solving any-thing a luxury, is at an end. That end is represented by the astrological and astronomical phenomenon known as the Saturn-Pluto conjunction.
It was exact on Jan. 12, but Saturn and Pluto are sharing the same degree, and their results will continue to unfold. There is a lot of astrological information about it, both as an individual aspect, as well as how it relates to the USA.
We can think of it as the Old Structure (Saturn), being confronted by evolutionary change or expression (Pluto.) In other words, Old vs. New, or Known vs. Unknown. Or we can think of it as an immovable object (Saturn) vs. an irresistible force (Pluto). In a way it represents humankind’s tendency to avoid letting go of the old in the face of disruptive, evolutionary change.
So I’d like to offer an antidote to the intensity. I call it AI — not Artificial Intelligence, but something much stronger: Authentic Intimacy.
I often flatter myself by thinking I’ve come up with a term never before heard or used in the annals of human history. I thought Authentic Intimacy was one, but decided to look it up. Sure enough, it’s been around. It’s not as well known as Artificial Intelligence, but Authentic Intimacy is something some psychologists advocate between couples in order to deepen personal relationships.
And I think that’s great, but I am going to offer Authentic Intimacy in a way it is not normally used: as an antidote to the stress metaphorically represented by the Saturn-Pluto conjunction. This is stress created by life becoming more conflicted. Much of this stress is promulgated by Artificial Intelligence. Paradoxically Artificial Intelligence connects us, but with a connection that can distract us from the larger world of intimacy.
This distraction is like listening only to the Farm Report rather than Satellite News. In a way Artificial Intelligence says, ‘Don’t trust your intuition. Don’t trust your heart. Trust me.’
I am not saying get rid of Artificial Intelligence, but let’s not let Artificial Intelligence get rid of Authentic Intimacy.
The Veil is thin between the everyday world and the unseen World of Magic and Creation. In other words, the Veil is thin between Artificial Intelligence and Authentic Intimacy, but we do face a 24/7 technological onslaught on our attention. It may not intend to, but Artificial Intelligence can keep us from accessing our authentic talents and humanity, as well as a connection with the Earth, and her energies and consciousness. Through those energies and intuitive awareness, we connect with one another and everything else.
There is no wisdom in separation, so maybe in 2020 we can try reconnection instead of resolution. What the Saturn-Pluto conjunction represents can help us do that. We can let go of the old and ring in the new. We can earth-connect and connect with one another in many simple ways.
When we hear Alexa or Siri or any other AI voice, let it serve as a reminder for us to part the Veil and connect with the larger, more powerful world of Authentic Intimacy. We can do this by looking and feeling past the distractions and into the heart of the Planet, then sending love to wherever or whomever it is most needed.
Authentic Intimacy adds love to life force. It helps us enjoy life’s complexity, alleviate life’s complications and grow a new branch on the Evolutionary Tree of Life. I think this opportunity is really what the Saturn-Pluto conjunction represents.
Steve Guettermann is a freelance writer and “teaches” critical thinking at Montana State University. He is currently studying Peruvian shamanism under don Oscar Miro-Quesada, and published an article in the 2016 Planet Waves annual edition, Vision Quest. Steve’s email is; you can also visit his website.

The Saturn-Pluto conjunction is separating, but still strongly influencing our experience. While this event will happen two or three times in the lives of most people, this particular instance is a moment of convergence and reckoning for the world and for us as individuals.
Eric has completed recording RESPECT, the 2020-2021 Planet Waves annual readings, to cover the momentous astrology of the coming year-plus. You can read more about the project, and order the readings for instant access, here.