Dear Friend and Reader:
We are about to announce the 2016 annual edition of Planet Waves, called Vision Quest. The Planet Waves annual, now in its 17th year, is an Internet tradition and one of the very best astrology readings available in our time.

By Lizanne Webb.
Annual edition customers are treated to 12 extended readings in both written and audio formats, original music, original art and articles by our writers and readers.
These readings are miraculously accurate, given that they do not depend on the natal data. Instead, they depend on divinatory astrology and an understanding of current placements and aspects.
This year’s theme is the quest for a personal and cultural vision. Soon I will be asking for input on topics and themes for the sign readings. First, I have a request for proposals for articles.
I am interested in two types of written pieces: histories of your personal vision quests, and shorter pieces about your vision for yourself and for the world.
For the longer pieces, I am interested in your direct personal experience of a vision quest — ranging from the traditional Lakota ritual to the Order of the Arrow ‘ordeal’ from the Boy Scouts.
I’ve heard of many, many kinds of vision quests in between — some structured; some less formal but equally meaningful, such as a return to the place of your ancestral roots or your first trip to Burning Man.
We want to know what you actually learned doing your vision quest: how it changed your life, what you left behind, what new adventures you embarked upon, or whatever it was about you that changed as a result of this process.
I suggest a length of 1,500 to 2,000 words for these pieces.
I am also interested in your vision for yourself and for the world. Our planet is consumed with chaos, yet many people are persisting with a vision for their lives. Some are persisting with a larger vision for where they want the world to be in the future. You know that it’s your vision that keeps yourself and the world moving forward, providing something to grow into. These pieces are planned for 100 to 400 words.

Eric on vision quest in Greece, 2005. Photo by Christos.
If you would like to participate in sharing your vision quest memoir (the longer pieces, 1,500 to 2,000 words), please send a short proposal describing your event in synopsis format; AND also your proposed first paragraph.
Send this to
For the shorter pieces (100 to 400 words), we will skip the proposal phase, and invite you to send your vision to us directly at
You will need to take care to write these pieces carefully, to fact-check yourself, to get help copy editing, and to follow our specifications as best you can. These articles will be due on Dec. 1, 2015.
We are also looking for artists whose work matches the Vision Quest theme. If you consider yourself one of them, please write to us at
Thank you for your interest in Planet Waves and in Vision Quest.
With love,
PS — As you may know, we do astrology as art, in a holistic way. This is astrology about life, rather than about itself. As part of that, each annual edition comes with original music. Dan and I are composing a set of original compositions, though if you have music you would like to contribute please do send it along. Thank you!

The Green Dragon Strat, designed and modified by Rusty Boris.