Yearly Archives: 2012

Libra 2012

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Dec. 14, 2012 #930 | By Eric Francis
I suggest you take every opportunity to get out of your head. You are immersed in a world of ideas; some are friendly, some are creative, and some represent the darker shades of existence. ‘In your head’ means thinking and thinking with no sense of resolution. ‘Out of your head’ can mean a few things — one is out into the world, the 3D world of experience. It can also mean into some form of expression, which would be both exciting and therapeutic, and lead to other adventures. There is a lot to be said for the imagination. Arm-chair travel is a real thing. But to have some fine, exotic experiences, you actually don’t need to go far. In fact, some of what you want is coming in your direction even as you are heading toward it. There is a meeting place, and it’s not necessarily that far from where you’re sitting right now. Meanwhile, to the extent that you are using your mind, do so in a creative way. Use pictures. Use words. Use sound. Your mind contains the deep pool known as your imagination — a truly beautiful thing.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Dec. 7, 2012 #929

You seem to have made up your mind about yourself based on some poor treatment, negligence or abuse that happened to you in the past. This point of view may ‘inform’ you at certain points, especially when you want to take a chance on an intimate experience. The chance may seem extra risky due to the potential that someone would abuse your trust. Note also your possible concern about what might get out through a social network or some form of gossip. The question here is: are you trying to hide something? Are you trying to cover a perceived vulnerability, and in doing so, do you block off the kind of experience that you can only have by being vulnerable? Leaving the whole matter unresolved can become a kind of a hedge that you use, much like people use the excuse of having a partner to make sure they don’t meet anyone new — having nothing to do with their existing relationship. Be honest with yourself and get to the bottom of this. You will be much happier.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Nov. 30, 2012 #928

You seem to be making up your mind how you feel about yourself. It’s a complex matter, isn’t it? I assure you, despite war, famine and strife, this is one of the most challenging situations that humanity faces — how we feel about ourselves. It’s made more complex when everyone from your cousin to your mother to the Audi marketing department wants to get in on the game. Having misgivings about yourself makes you weak and susceptible to manipulation by any of those parties. Here is the thing: in getting strong and clear about this, you run the risk of being a little too harsh on yourself, or putting up a kind of emotional barricade to keep out certain people and to block yourself against feelings that don’t contribute to your happiness. If you do that, you might get the feeling that you’re trapped in a relationship with yourself. While it’s true that your relationship to yourself is the one affair you cannot leave, feeling trapped in there is no consolation. I suggest you open the door, just a little, and let in some light and sunshine.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for December | By Eric Francis
Standing in for Weekly Horoscope #927

Are you feeling confident, or afraid that the ground is going to drop out beneath you? Is it time to embrace the people in your life, or are you making more excuses to keep them at arm’s length? What you’re going through is certainly deep, and it’s stirring up some old questions, some fear and many of your old reasons to keep people at a distance. That said, I don’t think there is a time when we’re actually ‘ready’ to be close to others. Rather, I would say there may be a time when we understand that everyone is a work in progress. Part of that progress is the willingness to accept your insecurities, not as a permanent part of who you are but rather something you experience. To accept your insecurities implies revealing them in intimate situations, which in turn implies giving people power over you. Here’s the problem with this point of view: if you see your life as a power dynamic, you’re living in the world of politics rather than human emotions. Part of your Libra karma is to understand what one professor at my university called ‘the politics of love’, which includes the politics of your early-childhood environment. That may have been a rigid world, based more on expectations than on compassion. You have the awareness and determination to see the implications of the past on your life today, and to work them out. I would ask: what’s that inside your velvet glove? Is it an iron fist, or a warm, loving hand?

Planet Waves Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for December

The direction of your life and your love is into yourself. Yes, this raises many issues, from your investment in relationships, to your fear of abandonment, to your ongoing quest for self-esteem. Remember, this is subtle — it’s easy to forget, especially if you get distracted by projects or adventures. Try to maintain self-awareness of what you’re learning about yourself on the deepest levels, and bring this into everything you do. You have a truly unusual opportunity to build emotional confidence, as well as to experience yourself directly outside of the context of close personal relationships. Being your own person — emotionally, sexually, creatively and every other way you can imagine — takes practice, and it’s the kind of learning you must apply to every aspect of your life. There’s an irresistible pull drawing you inward. Honor that and anything is possible.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Nov. 16, 2012 #926

For Libra and Libra rising, I’ve been developing the theme of self-esteem in recent columns. This is because Saturn, the Sun, Mercury and a recent total solar eclipse have been dancing around the sign next to yours — your solar 2nd house, Scorpio. As a matter of psychic structure, Scorpio is the region of the zodiac that holds the keys to how you feel about yourself, which includes the ways you can learn to feel better about yourself. Because Scorpio is involved, you have the special karmic mission of ‘self-esteem’ translating to making peace with some of the deepest matters we encounter in a physical lifetime: the mysteries of sex and death; questions about our cosmic origins; and the often contradictory nature of the human emotional body. Because the questions go so deep, they are not your average matters of self-respect. Yet what this gives you is profound access to your humanity. Libra is one of the most creative and multifaceted energies on the wheel of life. There is a reason: you are drawing from a deep well.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Nov. 9, 2012 #925

How you feel about yourself, what you feel about yourself — this is the nature of your quest now. I say this knowing that you are experiencing dark and light spots, many questions and a quest for self-discovery. Everything in your life surrounds this investigation — and that’s what it is. On one level, you’re experimenting with your identity, and how you project yourself into the world. On another, there’s a kind of emotional vortex that’s opening up, where you can immerse yourself in some of the deepest questions about the meaning and value of your existence. Imagine you’re sailing around an island, looking for an alcove that’s difficult to spot, and that few people ever find. Then you see it, and then you go in, not knowing what you will discover. Go in gently, honoring the fact that some of what you find will be frightening, some will mystify you and other elements will embrace you passionately. This thing known as a ‘self’ is vastly complex, and you no longer need to deny or avoid that complexity; this is your moment to indulge in its beauty, which is the beauty that you contain within you.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Nov. 2, 2012 #924

If you’re the master of yourself, you will be able to negotiate and navigate your way through an interesting maze over the next week or so. Indeed, the situation seems like the perfect setup for you to rise to the occasion and demonstrate your self-confidence and faith in yourself. I suggest you worry less about how you are perceived and instead focus on bringing your true self into your encounters with others: that is, no facade, no masks, no white lies — and at the same time, be realistic about who others are. Guide yourself to treat others in kind, as they treat you, and appreciate these opportunities for a sincere exchange with unusual people. You have an opportunity to get to know yourself, and to be confident in the person who you normally keep a few layers in and who wants more than anything to be expressed in the world. Conducting yourself this way can come with moments of loneliness or isolation, though if you encounter them with an open heart, you will move through them into a space of clarity, strength and passion.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for November 2012 #923

You will need to be impeccable with money and resources for the rest of the year. This includes making no commitments you’re not sure you can keep, or that you even suspect you might not be able to keep. You’ll also need to preserve what you have as a conscious act. As you do this, a lot of information is going to come your way. There will be certain specific facts that prove to be useful, though the thing to look for is the overall pattern. This will take some time to develop, and you may find yourself wading through plenty of murky water before you arrive at several moments of clarity. Take these one at a time, and watch the pattern of what you learn from these developments as well. Any sense of needing to rush is entirely artificial. Rather than resisting the urge to push forward, devote your energy to learning, and in particular, learning about the way in which resources are as important as money, or more so. ‘Resources’ includes your skills, your reputation and your ability to relate to others. It would also include your relationships with resourceful people, and all those who care about you and have demonstrated over time that they are willing to lend support to your cause. The communication piece — listening, and learning to speak in a clear, focused way — may be the most significant of all. In a sense, it’s the key to everything else, and the most meaningful tool for establishing both your credibility, and your creativity.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Oct. 19, 2012 #922

Do you want a relationship, or do you want some opportunities to experiment and explore? Over the past couple of years, circumstances have guided or pushed you in the direction of the unknown. You may be feeling like you’re on an edge of some kind, and I would not be surprised if you’re feeling a little more fear than usual. If so, consider this. There seems to be some aspect of yourself that you’re reluctant to reveal to others, while at the same time you know this is the most meaningful thing about you. It’s also likely to be an attribute of yourself that would help you connect with others in a nourishing way, were you able to be open about it. Consider the last couple of days of the Sun transiting your sign to be a kind of incubation phase, while you make contact with whatever this element of yourself is. Get used to the fact that it’s there. Then once the Sun enters Scorpio on Monday, you will feel the beauty and value of what you possess.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Oct. 12, 2012 #921

Monday’s New Moon in your birth sign indicates not just a new chapter but also a new volume in your life. Yet you seem to be ready to move forward less trusting of intimate relationships than you have been in the past. This coincides with a commitment to get to know yourself better, including plumbing down into the shadowy world of self-esteem. One thing to remember about ‘relationships’ the way they are generally arranged is that they tend to be designed to help us avoid the deeper questions involving how you feel about yourself. Relationships even become a substitute for self-esteem, but you’re long past having another person in your life just to prop you up. Yet you will pay a price for that privilege, which is focused, steadfast devotion to the cause of who you are. That will involve admitting what you feel comfortable with about yourself, and what you don’t like as much. When you feel the strength of admitting your weaknesses (beginning with yourself), you will feel a lot better being authentic in the presence of others.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Oct. 5, 2012 #920

If you find yourself facing a problem that can’t be solved, state the problem differently, until you’ve conceived of it in a way that’s more amenable to resolution. It’s true that there are very difficult problems, though what you seem to be facing is the loss of faith in yourself rather than some external situation to which you cannot adapt. Yet there are moments when it may be difficult to tell the difference. I suggest you focus on the faith aspect, understanding the ways that your perception, and your personal history, are influencing how you’re perceiving the world around you — and one person in particular. You may perceive their life one way and not understand how they might see it differently; the same is likely to be true for how they perceive you and your choices. Still, this is a situation where you fear you might get hurt, and where you can easily get caught in your worst expectations. You have learned how powerful it is to be honest with yourself — which is far more important than whether anyone is being honest with you.

Monthly horoscope for October 2012 standing in for Weekly Horoscope #919

There’s always a difference between theory and reality, and you’re about to find out what it is — in reality and not in theory. Through most of the month, your ruling planet Venus is trekking across Virgo, where you do lots of contemplating, ruminating and a very precise kind of fantasizing. Toward the end of the month, Venus emerges into your sign, where it starts making aspects to planets that have already been stirring a revolution in your life. You’re likely to see how little a real-time experiment has in common with all of your (admittedly) fascinating concepts and plans. You can expect the pace of events to pick up rapidly. You can expect to go deeper into questions that have been nagging you, though about which you have only skimmed the surface. And there is something about allowing your relationships to change you. I suspect this may be a sticking point for you, as one of your goals is stability and change happening only in a controlled environment, and only with your consent. That’s more for the laboratory, and you’ll be there for a little while longer; then comes an extended field experience. As you’re going through all of this, a new theme emerges in your life, which is: understanding the reasons you do and do not respect yourself. Most people know there is something called self-esteem, but what exactly is it made of? How does it express itself, in its positive and negative manifestations? In the long run, everything hinges on this — and I do mean everything.

Planet Waves Inner Space Horoscope for October 2012

This month’s New Moon in your birth sign opens up a new phase of your life and of your relationships. Yet there’s a specific focal point, which is moving forward remembering that you don’t have to make up for the emotional inadequacies of others, or tell them who they are, or provide stability when they act like they don’t know. The heart of the matter is a caution about ‘bringing out’ who another person is, or helping save them from their personality chaos. You have your hands full figuring out who you are, what you want and what your purpose is; doing this for anyone else right now would qualify as a significant distraction. Yet there’s a lot you can learn from the ways that people ‘search for’ themselves: in particular, what doesn’t work so well.

Friday, September 21, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #918

What do you identify with, within yourself? Your personal assets? Your problems? What you’ve accomplished? Your relationships? You’re bigger than all of these things combined. This can be a challenging lesson to learn, since one at a time these different elements of experience tend to take over consciousness and our sense of identity. Yet none of them are really you. Yes, they all give you clues, and those clues point to something deeper, bigger, vastly more significant than any transient experience. You can, however, use these experiences in interesting ways. One is to notice what they all have in common. Look for the underlying motive, need or desire that connects the many seemingly different experiences of your existence. Trust that there is a common thread, use your imagination and see if you can figure out what it is. You can also experiment with the sensation that everything is a mirror, or that consciousness itself is a reflection — and if that is true, what, exactly, is being reflected? You may wear a thousand masks, but someone is behind them all.

Friday, September 14, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #917

You may be wondering what’s brewing behind the scenes, though you could just as well look at what’s obvious. I know there seems to be a strange kind of pressure leaning on you. Various planetary factors describe a crisis of maturity. This makes sense given how that’s been the theme of your life for most of the time that Saturn has been in your sign — particularly now that this phase is coming to a close (Saturn leaves your sign on Oct. 5). Here is the thing to remember: You’re bigger than the parts of yourself that you don’t like. You’re bigger than your problems. You’re stronger than any disruptive influence that comes in through a relationship. It’s easy to lose sight of that. Yet keeping this in focus is a key element of this sometimes-elusive thing called growth. At the moment, however, you’re in a kind of blind spot, which gradually opens up over the next few days. Remember to take the issues one at a time, start slowly and build momentum.

Friday, September 7, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #916

One reason most people stay out of public view is insecurity. The mere thought of people being able to see them, or see the work they do, is enough to inspire nearly anyone to hide in the house. You don’t have that luxury now; you’ve stepped into a kind of spotlight, even if this is only among your closest friends and associates. You may be feeling some tension about what people find out about you, and how being noticed and observed will change who you are. When you’re making adjustments, I suggest that you err on the side of being a little more real. While cloaking yourself or retreating may seem to work to alleviate temporary discomfort, consider the longterm effects. Anything you choose to conceal now you may have to reveal later, and until you do, you’re likely to worry about it. Therefore, I suggest you be yourself — and get used to the feeling of gradually opening up and exposing yourself to the minds of others. You have more going for you than you think, though you have some progress to make developing your confidence in that fact.

Inner Space Horoscopes for September 2012

The Sun is about to enter your sign, which is the beginning of your solar year — and the next four seasons promise to be one of the more extraordinary times in your life. You will discover the ways in which you fit into the larger scheme of existence, and you’ll see how many of the decisions you’ve made leave you free to do just that. That larger scheme is a work in progress right now, so I would remind you that you don’t have to ‘be settled’ or ‘know what you’re doing with the rest of your life’ in order to increase your participation in what you discover is most meaningful to you. In fact, feeling slightly unsettled, and a bit daunted by your own possibilities, would be a much more adventurous, and practical, way to greet your new year.

Friday, August 31, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #915

I suggest you make a list of all your unfinished business with everyone in your life who truly matters to you. You’re drawing to the close of a major phase of your life, as Saturn gets ready to leave your sign and enter Scorpio. This phase dates back to 2009, when Saturn first entered your sign. I’ve described it in the past as a time of coming to terms with yourself. If you were born in the early 1980s or the mid-1950s, it also coincides with a life passage called your Saturn return (no matter what Sun sign you were born under). The themes of these Saturn events include embracing maturity, grounding your life in a purpose, setting boundaries and dealing with what are sometimes called ‘authority issues’. Yet as a Libran, part of coming to terms with yourself means coming to terms with your intimate partners, and your philosophy of relationship. Notice whether you’ve outgrown anything lately; that’s the feeling of not being able to fit the person you are into the idea of what a relationship is that, for a while anyway, served you well.

Moonshine Horoscope by Genevieve Hathaway, standing in for Planet Waves Weekly 914 for Friday, August 17, 2012. Edited by Eric.

Relating and relationship are two essential ingredients for you to live what feels like an emotionally rewarding life. They are not the same thing. Relating is something you do with everyone; relationship implies some level of mutual commitment. It’s a connection to which you apply your need for balance and harmony. You bring these same principles to your working dynamic and reputation. Others’ perceptions carry an emotional component for you. Their approval is important; so is being liked and accepted. You may have concerns that others are questioning your reputation, though this seems to be unfounded. Your natural sense of fairness is widely respected even if those around you do not vocalize it. I would pose a question for consideration: if all eyes were on you, how would you use the opportunity, and what message would you communicate in terms of your most precious career goals? In essence, that is the situation you find yourself in. Notice how smoothly conversations, deals and proposals proceed when you are shining your most radiantly. Trust that in making moves to assert your agenda, you are not tipping the scale out of balance, rather moving everyone along with your vision to a place of greater harmony for all involved. — By Genevieve Hathaway

Friday, August 10, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #913

Venus, your ruling planet, has changed signs for the first time since April; this week, it ingressed the career, reputation and life mission angle of your chart, which is the sign Cancer. This is likely to be stoking up your ambitions, though I suggest that your boldest quest is going to be doing what you do with total commitment to creativity and passion. Remember that you have a professional life that runs in cycles: of interest, of dedication, of emotional contact with what you’re doing. Yet everything you want, reach for and accomplish has one thing in common: that would be you. I suggest that you get clear that your calling in life, and the work that you do, are not things separate from you; they are expressions of who you are — whatever you happen to be doing, or whatever you want to do. Over the next few days you may get some ideas how to take that journey deeper, and a clue about what you can accomplish using the miracle of collaboration.

Friday, August 3, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #912

You’re beginning to emerge from a challenging time in your life, when it’s seemed that you could get very little right. I suggest you set aside that feeling — whether it’s true or not — and consider the ways in which you have come through a kind of initiation phase. Imagine yourself looking back on this time in your life from a distance of 10 years. Consider the before-and-after factor; what was your life about before this year, and what did it become in the years after? Well, you get to decide that second piece, though remember that you’re at the fulcrum right now. It’s easier to point yourself in the direction you want to go now than it will be, say, in five years. The first step is getting a sense of that new direction. I suggest you consider this on the basis of what you would do if you had exclusive authority over your life, along with what you’d do if you really felt comfortable in your own skin.

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for August 2012

This is not the month to push your luck, your relationships, or the patience of anyone in a position of authority in your life. It is most definitely the month to use your Libra talent for balance, which I suggest you do in the form of ultra-high consciousness of the balance factors in your relationships. Asking, giving and receiving need to be in proportion. You have a polite way of being demanding, and it’s time you notice that for what it is. One self-study project can be learning how to extend yourself above what you think is expected of you. You’re likely to go through a series of inner responses to the feeling of doing that, which will land you in the place of: the more you give, the more you’ll realize you have.

Friday, July 20, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #911

There is a difference between justice and revenge, and now is the time to sort that out. You seem to be angry at something or someone — perhaps a situation where a partner is playing it so cool that you can see your breath even in the afternoon heat. It’s important that you keep expressing your feelings, to someone you trust who is willing to listen and give honest feedback. You’re running the risk of your anger building up over the next few weeks, then bursting out suddenly — all in all, an unhealthy scenario. This isn’t necessary, if you can stay in contact with your feelings. Look for opportunities to vent pressure before you find yourself in a spot so tight you don’t know what to do with yourself. ‘Venting’ would include creative expression, sexual expression, some form of physical activity and — probably more important than anything — sharing how you feel in a safe place with someone you trust is objective and has no agenda for you.

Friday, July 6, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #910

First of two thoughts: I suggest you consider the value of your image. It may actually be worth something, and more meaningfully, worth something to you. How you’re perceived actually has a bearing on your life. You may be involved in a series of adjustments to make sure that how you present yourself to others is consistent with who you actually are; your current solar chart is a study in sincerity. Being authentic saves energy — a lot of it, too. Second: this is the time to appreciate your friends, and let them know how much you care about them. Of all the things or circumstances in the world that have actual meaning, the people who have demonstrated that they’re there for you are at the top of the list. Count yourself among the most fortunate people on Earth if you understand the concept ‘trust’ and if you have even one person you know in your heart is a friend.

Friday, July 6, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #909

You may be noticing an exaggeration effect: of desire, need, restlessness or any other focused emotion. You may be feeling more independent than usual. If you do, be aware of your environment. You are surrounded by forces much larger than you are. It’s not that you cannot move, flow or dance with them — you just need to be conscious of what you’re doing, which includes what you’re thinking. You are an autonomous person, though currently this has some limits on it that are calling for a disciplined approach to life. If you start to experience resistance, tension or blowback from your environment, I suggest you rein yourself in a little and investigate why that might be happening. It’s true that certain people in your environment are the ones who seem reactive, though this is a dynamic response of two forces responding to one another. What is the cause and what is the effect? In your life, you’re the primary cause.

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for July 2012

Now you’ll get to see if everything you’ve been worrying about for so long was actually real. At least when you look at the very short list of things that actually turn out to be problems, you’ll have the determination to resolve the issues. However, avoid ‘solving’ things in such a way that causes you to go out of balance, thus creating more issues and the need for more effort. Assert yourself gently. Keep your mind on the whole-system known as your life. Rather than putting energy fast and furious into the small elements of what seems wrong, consider ways you can make many improvements with a few focused decisions. The key word is focus — a solid understanding of what you want to do and how you plan to do it, rather than committing to pouring out your energy.

Friday, June 29, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #908

This week’s planetary activity includes several changes that influence your sign: your ruling planet Venus stationed direct; Saturn stationed direct in your sign; and Mars is ingressing your sign. All together, this looks like the release of stuck energy combined with a lot of new motivation. You may want to leap forward all at once, though I suggest taking things one step at a time and proceeding methodically. The energy and motivation provided by Mars don’t come with guaranteed good judgment; that’s something you have to provide for yourself. It will require some reflection and adaptation to your new emotional environment. As priority one, I would suggest keeping your focus on balance. Make sure those scales of yours are equally weighted, and notice how little energy it takes to tip things in one direction or another. Take the time to observe how little energy it takes to get the job done.

Friday, June 15, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #907

Putting up resistance to what seems like a chaotic relationship influence is not going to work. What will work is doing your best to stay in balance, which calls for flexibility and seeing your options. Resistance, that is, fighting something or tightening your grip, will have the opposite effect — that of knocking you off kilter. I am not suggesting that you condone anyone’s inconsiderate conduct, rather that you do something other than fight it, and you have options. With Venus, your primary planet, still moving in retrograde motion, it may take you a few more weeks to see what those choices are. One of them is to notice what it is about someone that you find challenging and then work out those same attributes in yourself. The thing that may be most irritating is when someone insists they don’t know who they are. Beneath any certainty you may feel about who you are, there are some questions that if asked sincerely will have rich rewards.

Friday, June 8, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #906

You have room in your life, and in your mind, only for what is authentic and valid for you. You could say that this is about believing only what is true, though in support of this, I suggest you consider the possibility that ‘belief’ is not actually a value. Rather, it’s more like a substitute for one. Base your viewpoints and opinions on what you observe and can document, and make sure you question those things on a regular basis. This is less about questioning your assumptions and more about figuring out when you’re making them at all. This will help you foster radical discernment, and inspire you to dismantle your illusions — neither of which are especially popular on iTunes. Yet as you devote yourself to these things, you will meet others who are dedicated to both the truth and their personal truth — which often comes with the character trait of being able to change one’s mind.

Friday, June 1, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #905

One (often unspoken) definition of ‘spiritual’ is asexual. This is particularly true in Christian culture, where Jesus, Joseph and Mary are all presumed to be virgins. Yet it extends into many other religious frameworks, where sex is the very thing that is suppressed in the name of holiness. Is there anyone who hasn’t noticed how weird this is? It is entirely backwards, a violation of natural cosmic law in support of imposed social organization. Yet you were created by sex, as was nearly all life on our planet. Religion then comes along, ascribes this all to God and charges fees for the privilege — then tries to inflict guilt if we appreciate nature for what it is. That, however, is what you seem to be doing. Your true nature is burning bright — the nature of your existence and of existence itself. You may feel like your beliefs (or those of your family) are being challenged, and if so, let the challenge begin. You don’t need beliefs because you have access to something direct. This may be shaking the structure of your mind, and if cracks form in the walls and ceiling, all the better for seeing the light shine through.

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for June 2012

Conflicting beliefs are one of the world’s most toxic causes of anxiety. Conflicting belief systems make it even worse — such as if you try to follow the dictates of science, religion and your family all at the same time. Yet I would take it further — the notion of a belief is the thing that we need to question, and your astrology is putting this issue under a microscope. Deep beneath all of these beliefs, there is something that’s true for you. You might think of it as your true cosmic religion — your actual point of contact with existence, which is not about believing anything. Indeed, it transcends anything as flimsy as something anyone could be convinced of. At the core of this is your knowledge of who you are, which is the source of your strength and confidence. And some tangible, life-giving information from this core being is on its way.

Friday, May 18, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #904

A world of possibilities is about to open up to you, though you may be so involved in your current commitments that you can’t see any way of making those possibilities real. However, most of the truly spectacular astrology of the next month takes place in the angle of your chart that speaks about longterm plans, so I suggest you take the long view. That always starts with holding a vision. You will be amazed when you see how efficiently a vision translates into manifested reality. Keeping that in mind, this would be a great time to get clear about what you do not want, and gradually resolve each of those things one at a time. You might notice that as you do this, you will discover that some of those aspects of your life are nourishing you beautifully, and if that’s true, you can keep them.

Friday, May 11, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #903

I suggest you be open to receiving. There is plenty coming your way, though you have the choice whether to allow it in or not. One reason you might hesitate is because vulnerability means you would have to be open to any possibility, and while you sense many wholesome ones, there are a few of which you’re somewhat less trusting. You can still be open and use discernment. You can be aware without being suspicious. You can choose what you want from among the many options — though I suggest you choose what you truly desire. For that to happen, it will help if you make some decisions, or at least refine your ideas about what you want. Closer to the central point of your astrology, it will help if you’re open to the generosity of others. It’s true that there always may be better opportunities available, and nothing can stand in their way except for your own doubts.

Friday, May 4, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #902

The thought process of someone close to you seems to be encountering you as an obstacle. Being an accommodating person, this is not an easy situation for you to be in, though you know that you have to hold a limit or set a boundary, and you’re conducting yourself in a way that is arguably mature and grounded. Remember, though, that you’re a work in progress — and just how much progress that implies is something you will discover soon enough. Meanwhile, when someone approaches you with an idea, please be open minded. You don’t have to respond like a parent talking to a child; you can take a more playful or experimental approach. Imagine that you live in a vastly larger world, among more people with whom you are truly in affinity. Imagine if you really lived the truth that anything is possible. Then, you might recognize that any idea could potentially be a brilliant idea.

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for May 2012

An old expression goes, “You cannot be fully committed part of the time.” Therefore, allow yourself to be fully committed all of the time. Set aside the idea that life is full of contradictions and paradoxes, and recognize the ways that your different talents, ambitions and favorite activities support one another. Right now many people are living with the sensation of ‘so much to do, I don’t know where to start’. Therefore, the most meaningful thing you can do is start, and keep track of where you are with each item on your agenda. Gradual progress on each item on a daily or weekly basis will be enough — for now. There will be a time when you select certain projects or goals and really accomplish something, but that moment is still a few weeks off.

Friday, April 27, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #901

For an agreement to be mutually beneficial both sides entering into the exchange must give and receive. This doesn’t have to be an equal exchange, but more of an equivalent one, based on what’s possible for everyone involved. As long as everyone feels that the contributions are fair, then that is fair enough. You can think of jointly profitable contracts in terms of a word you know very well — balance. Your special sensitivity to this aspect of life (not everyone has it) is one of your resources you have to offer to your current situations. With a short break in personal planet retrogrades, now is a good time to consider any contracts or agreements you’ve been delaying. You’re in a unique position at the moment to see all angles of the issue, and help craft an agreement that benefits all parties. More importantly, you now possess all the knowledge you need to make a good decision. — by Genevieve Hathaway

Friday, April 20, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #900

What seems to be a block is really a question of seeing your options and alternatives for what they are. If you project into the long-term future, there seem to be two paths you can take, and at times you feel the pressure to commit to one of them even before you’re sure where it leads, or what you might be giving up. I don’t think you need to rush any decision that involves finding your true life path. The options you see today are not your real choices. The contradictions and paradoxes that are influencing you now, no matter how subtly, will be replaced by more satisfying questions as the season unfolds. Polarities that today seem to contradict one another will have a way of resolving into something entirely new, and this will shift the way you see yourself and the world. So if things don’t make perfect sense right now, don’t waste your energy stressing, or trying to put together pieces that don’t fit. You will soon see that the edges of reality are more flexible than they seem.

Friday, April 13, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #899

Do your beliefs help you feel any safer on the planet? You can test your theory by getting clear what you believe, where there is no evidence to support that belief. I know this is asking for a lot of self-reflection, and for intense honesty of a kind that’s pretty rare. Whether you feel safe is the question right now, which includes within the private confines of your mind, with the way you relate to someone close to you, and how you feel within your physical environment. You’re more likely to notice an unsupported belief by accident. For example, you encounter an ‘issue’ and you figure out that a series of assumptions got you there. Or you discover that you really were being dragged around by a religious value that you hadn’t identified as such previously. Or you find yourself acting in a way similar to much older relatives who you know are disconnected from reality. It’s easy to forget these discoveries when we make them. I’m suggesting you notice them, and remember them, and then go on a hunt for both their origins and their effects on your life. If the term ‘being your own person’ has any meaning at all, examining these themes would be included in its meaning.

Friday, April 6, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #898

You can afford to Be Here Now. Just because you’re being here now doesn’t mean that certain elements of the past or the future are not truly significant. To the contrary, you are committed to letting go of an old way of life, and you are finally figuring out that you can plot your own course and actually get somewhere. Yet the only way to do anything about the results of the past or your plans for what might happen next is to observe what is happening within your mind right now, and in your immediate environment. You may be obsessed with making things add up or make sense — I suggest you ease back on the approach using logic and focus on making your environment beautiful. For example, rather than organizing for its own sake, motivate yourself with the promise of a more pleasing space to work in. If you keep yourself busy with various beautifying projects, you will set a record for how much garbage you clear out of the way.

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for April 2012

Venus begins its journey across Gemini this month — where we will all experience the Venus transit of the Sun in early June. That’s two months away, but it’s an event so rare that you’re likely to be feeling the energy rising now. The theme, for you, is healing a false split in your mind. At some point, what was considered ‘spiritual’ may have divided off from what is considered ‘unspiritual’. Usually this kind of moral divide involves love and sex, which is constantly cast in an aura of impurity. However you may have decided in the past that this is not true, you’re now at the point where you can embody the message fully, and then continue with your life from a new place of confidence. Affirm with the full power of your faith that love is all that matters, and proceed as if that alone is true.

Friday, March 30, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #897

Venus, the planet most often associated with your sign, is about to enter Gemini, where it’s going to become a star player in this thing we’ve been calling 2012. Speaking in broad terms, you’re in a transition phase that will take you through August, and which will have a peak in early June. There are many surprise encounters along the way, enough that it would be wise to not take any dilemmas you currently may face, or that you encounter, too seriously. Just notice them for what they are. At this point you cannot see the whole picture; it’s likely that you’re not defining the problem in a way that matches reality, hence my suggestion that you wait for further information. The resolution to any issue you may be dealing with will arrive in the form of a ‘third option’ that you haven’t identified yet, and this will open up a new dimension of what you believe is possible in the future. In the time between now and then, one growth project you can involve yourself with is making a note when you discover that you possess conflicting beliefs. Those are a lot more problematic when you don’t know about them; once you spot them, they lose most of their power. Yet you might want to figure out where these differing viewpoints came from.

Weekly Horoscope # 896 for March 23, 2012

Just when you think you know someone well enough, they do something completely out of character that has you re-thinking a situation. This may be unnerving, but ask yourself this: what do you have to lose? You don’t have to rush to make a decision, but something you once thought was impossible is now opening its doors to you. Consciously let go of attachments to the past or the way things have been, or expectations of what form something might take. As long as you are being honest with yourself about what you most value in your relationships, you don’t need to fear being manipulated or taken advantage of. Your relationships, as unpredictable as they may be, are taking you far into the future. The less you cling and the more freedom, trust and acceptance you can offer others or another, the easier it will be to form the kind of relationships that offer you the emotional and tangible security and commitment you seek. — by Priya Kale.

Friday, March 16, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #895

If you’ve ever been in therapy, maybe you got to this point once or twice: you realize that the complicated psychology of other people is too much to deal with, and it’s not your problem anyway. As an antithesis to the games people play, both with themselves and with others, you merely have to notice how people treat you, including whether they mean what they say. You can cut all the games short by using these basic criteria. It helps a lot if you stop trying to understand the seemingly complex and sometimes self-defeating motives of others, and focus exclusively on what drives you. As you grow to understand yourself better, others will become increasingly transparent. Some people are motivated by the desire for communication and community. Others spend their lives avoiding this. While it’s never really possible to sort humanity into two distinct camps, people tend to lean one way or the other. Now, think of this as the one question you have for yourself: Which is your preference, and how do you express it?

Friday, March 9, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #894

Recent losses, episodes of stress and various disruptions may now be revealing themselves for the gifts they contain. Yet you may not quite be trusting yet, so take your time and listen carefully. It’s true that one or perhaps many aspects of your relationship situations is a work in progress. Yet beneath that is a stable foundation you can build on, and depend on. Make sure you notice this, because it’s the real gift of your involvements with others — the ways that are a demonstration of your common ground and the common values that you share. If you have one reason to feel safe despite the looming sense that one change after the next is acting on you, this is the one. Be confident that your addition to the environment is wholly positive, and is perceived that way by the people you care about. Simply put, you can ignore your doubts and treat your fears merely as psychological or spiritual subject matter to work through and learn from. Whether you’re accepting the gifts that come to you or viewing any changes as an adventure, there’s neither room nor need for fear in your life.

Friday, March 2, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #893

This is a complex time in your life and in particular, your relationships, though I would remind you that you’re the one in control. I say this because, sooner or later, everything you accept into your life comes down to a decision, and while you will definitely arrive at a series of decision points, I suggest you take them up on the soon side. That is to say, don’t wait until you think that something has gone too far. Run every circumstance through the filter of your actual boundaries whenever that situation arises, and make your adjustments incrementally rather than all at once, at the ‘end’. The key to avoiding being stressed out is never letting anything get too far. This will require you to stand up for yourself, which I assure you won’t tarnish your image as a reasonable person. To the contrary, certain people in your environment will feel reassured that you’re asserting yourself and your needs when you actually need to.

Inner Space Horoscope for March 2012

In the coming months there will be a lot going on in your relationships, though despite the many surface-level changes and some jarring events, you can depend on a level of structural stability. That’s the thing to count on when the momentum starts to pick up and you wonder where your life is going all at once. You’re not really going anywhere other than where you put your feet. Motion is not the real issue, anyway — your astonishing sensitivity is. Therefore, if you find yourself responding strongly to things that loved ones say to you, or to the events that seem to skate out of your control, I suggest that you ground in yourself, pause and filter out some of the external factors. If others cannot feel you quite so well, you can at least start by feeling yourself and gradually putting those feelings into words someone else can understand.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope # 892, for Friday, Feb. 24, 2012

As much as it may have been your experience lately — life need not be an endless struggle swimming upstream. Although you may have your doubts about something, there is no reason for you to project them on everyone you meet. Keep a healthy frame of mind and you can be blessed with intuitive insights. Then you can find fresh solutions to any situation at work or in your life that have gotten a little stagnant. Although change may have been slow in coming, you can trust this is the solid kind of change you’ve been hoping for. You have more support than you currently realize and even a relationship that once left you feeling high and dry has greater potential to offer you. Look for opportunities and you will find them. The possibilities are truly endless. A New Moon in your 6th solar house is bringing you closer to living the kind of life you’ve always dreamed of. But this will require your active participation in life and its process. Where there is doubt, dip your toes in life and test the waters, then you can decide the direction you would like to turn in. What matters is that you live a life that is deep and fulfills from your soul, right down to your toes. — By Priya Kale for Planet Waves

Friday, Feb. 17, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #891

You’ve been through a tense few weeks, and you may not be feeling any more confident or like things are heading in any better of a direction. I promise you, however, that you will be able to pull back from the edge and that you’re not being pushed into anything you cannot handle. And events over the next few days will do a lot to reassure you that you’re not as close to the edge as you thought. You’ll feel more assured once you know that, and you’ll also feel less alone. There have been several moments the past week where you felt like you didn’t quite belong on the planet, but now even in the midst of similar circumstances, you seem to be aligning more closely with a source of nourishment. Also I would remind you — and you soon may discover — that you’re not alone in any way. But this will be more obvious over the next few days, as the Sun finishes its run through Aquarius and opens a few doors for you. One thing to keep in mind is that not only is there no rush; you’re in an important time of completions. Take those one at a time.

Friday, Feb. 10, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #890

Mars retrograde (now through April 13) is about you turning a corner in your relationship to fear. The thing about fear is that it seems so real, yet it so rarely works out to be true. Have you ever noticed that? Here is the thing about fear that is true, in my experience: it points to an energy source. What could be creative potential is converted into something, heavily tinged by the negative elements of the imagination, and something ‘unreal’ is created. The objective your charts seem to be describing is learning how to convert fear back into something creative. This would start first with feeling the fear or inner tension, acknowledging the inherently neutral nature of energy. Then notice how you color it one way or the other; how you make it into whatever it is. Though it’s emotionally difficult, stay with the feeling a little longer than you might otherwise, so you can get to the good stuff.

Friday, Feb. 3, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #889

You may be feeling like you’ve gone all the way out to the edge, though with an unusual feeling. It’s like you’re having a dream of walking along a narrow walkway much higher up than you’re used to being, yet you’re not scared. If this were a dream, the meaning would in part come from the experience of the altitude but mostly from the feeling of not having any of the usual fear of altitude that you might have in such a delicate situation. If you tune in you may discover that most of your fears are operating in reverse. The things that might normally make you nervous are making you bolder. You know you live on the edge of time, but you’re somehow not concerned about time running out. This is a healthy way to approach your fears and your perceived limitations — as things that might be there but which don’t particularly bother you, or which are optional.

Friday, Jan. 20, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #888

It’s time to notice the relationship between vulnerability and anxiety. For many people who strive to be whole, loving and authentic, this is the very thing they stumble over. Currently the planets are arranged in such a way to illustrate a certain point — that point being that anxiety is one thing and vulnerability is another. They seem to be more closely related than they are, and if there is a relationship, it’s not cause and effect. More often it’s circumstantial: fear and openness happen in similar times and places, though for different reasons. Try to see each of these things as its own entity. You will learn about your fear if you consider the nature and causes of that emotion; you will learn about how to be open, and how to handle yourself when you’re vulnerable, by exploring that sensation. If you confuse them or think of them as one experience, you’re likely to miss learning benefits — and the pleasure that comes with a bit of emotional freedom.

Friday, Jan. 13, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #887

Events this week are asking you to confront the past and let go of your attachment to it. What this really means is letting go of an idea you have about someone. This may not be easy, but relax long enough to stay in the present and you will see your strength in the light of all you’ve been through. As you more consciously confront the shadows cast on your early life, you can reclaim it and your authority to live your life by your rules. Use this opportunity — and the space you’re clearing — to create a more colorful reality with this newfound power. You may be making up your mind to trust a situation even though you have no real proof of why you feel this way. As long as you are being honest with yourself and are in no denial of the lessons you’ve learned, you can trust your judgment and be guided by the love you feel. Give your shadows their place, and then freely dive into the soulful pleasures stirring in your heart.

Friday, Jan. 6, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #886

How far will you go for love? You may be inclined to think that you’ll go too far — however, the dream you’re following will soon lead you to a new feeling, emotional experience or depth of healing. This may feel a little like going down the rabbit hole, but unlike the one that Alice discovered, the dimension you’re entering makes a lot more sense and is better suited to your nature than the brainy abstraction (or odd psychological tension) of the past few days or weeks. The theme of your life shifts clearly and somewhat boldly in the direction of healing, though what you may have forgotten is the extent to which that, for you, involves imagination and creativity, rather than some kind of technique. Both you — and your relationships — need space to move in, space that is reflective, sensual and creative, rather than adorned with too many ideas or chilly intellect.

Sea Changes and Blue Notes

Dear Friend and Reader:

We are in the midst of some truly special astrology: this week, four of the traditional planets change signs. Venus ingressed Virgo on Wednesday. Mercury and Saturn ingress Scorpio together today. Mars ingresses Sagittarius tomorrow.

Planet Waves
Freight ship heads around the south end of Vashon Island on Puget Sound. Riding high on the water, this ship is probably heading toward the Pacific, back to Asia empty of cargo. Photo by Eric Francis.

This is pretty unusual, to have four of the seven traditional planets (or half of the modern set of official planets) change signs within a five-day phase. In a year that’s been characterized by inner planets staying in their signs for a long time (that’s one of the ways to consider an inner planet retrograde, of which there have been many in 2012), now suddenly all of them are moving together.

Synchronous with the inner planets changing signs is Saturn making its move from Libra to Scorpio. The outermost (and therefore slowest-moving) traditional planet, Saturn, takes about 10 seasons to go through a sign, and like other slow-movers, its sign placement has a way of coloring and shaping the psychic environment in which we live during that mini-era. Saturn transits influence everyone, and I know that a good few people are nervous about this one; this article may help alleviate some of your concerns, if you are, and Saturn in Scorpio is a topic I plan to return to many times.

Each of these sign changes is interesting in its own right, satisfying to consider if you appreciate the way that astrology describes the world and how we feel about it, or how it describes you and how you feel about yourself. Astrology presents us with a picture of existence and how we perceive it. Remember that when astrology describes a problem, it also points us toward an answer or at least a workable response.

What these sign changes all have in common is that when the planets enter their new signs, they all make aspects to Neptune in Pisces. When Venus entered Virgo earlier this week, it made an opposition to Neptune. Mercury and Saturn entering Scorpio make trines to Neptune. And Mars ingressing Sagittarius makes a square to Neptune.

This means we’re in a moment of sea changes. Planets changing signs means that the times around us are changing, and doing so rather suddenly. Synchronously, they describe inner movements (what you might experience as growth). Our feelings are moving as well; Mercury, Venus and Mars represent experiences that are ‘close to home’ in consciousness, and describe our most palpable emotional and mental experiences. Those are changing, too; how you feel being in your body and in your senses may shift noticeably as these planets make their moves.

Yet there is something else going on with Neptune in the scenario — a connection to something much larger, more collective, something that colors the whole background of experience in a way that is ubiquitous: it’s everywhere and therefore can seem invisible. When planets make new contacts with Neptune, the figure-ground contrast can change, and it’s often possible to see what we couldn’t see before.

Listening to the Planets

That’s a visual metaphor; let’s use one based on sound. Think of Neptune as a kind of resonator. It will vibrate to the pitch of whatever aspects it. Venus in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces carries tension — but if you could hear it, it would sound dissonant. Venus is associated with Pisces. The old-timey, toga-wearing astrologers from the days of yore tell us that Venus is in its ‘fall’ in Virgo. It may struggle to be itself, or alternately, it may utilize that sense of discomfort and become unusually strong. Venus in Virgo, for example, could express itself (in a way unlike its typical nature, but drawing on Virgo) as intellectual passion.

Planet Waves
View of Quartermaster Harbor from Burton, WA. Photo by Eric Francis.

When we put it in opposition to Neptune, that’s another story. The opposition is the most dissonant aspect. It’s a 180-degree relationship between two points, and it’s a little like dividing a musical scale exactly in half. Though it happens fairly often in astrology, it’s an interval you rarely hear in music (there is one notable exception).

The interval is the relationship between C and F sharp, which is painful to listen to. C to F is a fourth; you hear that all the time in all forms of Western popular music. If you were at a concert listening to a composition based on C to F sharp, you would probably be out in the lobby, and fast. We’ve experienced some of that dissonance this week, though where aspects are concerned, the challenging ones often provide excellent leverage for progress and creativity. They can be frustrating, though it’s necessary to tap the energy source beneath the frustration to get anything done.

Today (Friday), Mercury and Saturn ingress Scorpio together. I’ve noticed that when there’s a big planetary sign change (Saturn counts for big), there is often another planet accompanying it. In this scenario, Mercury fleets right past Saturn, dives into Scorpio and then, 10 hours later, Saturn takes the plunge. This is suggesting that we need to be attentive to messages (Mercury-related) about the forthcoming Saturn in Scorpio experience. It’s also a good time to set your agenda, if you have a sense of what this transit might be about for you.

Saturn and Mercury meet Neptune as a trine — first degree of Scorpio to the first degree of Pisces. That feels harmonious and easy to listen to; it has an ear-candy feeling. The relationship is like C to G, which is a basic folksy kind of sound. It’s helpful that Neptune is there to resonate with these two planets ingressing Scorpio; they pick up the Pisces flavor, which tends to soften Scorpio, helps it drop some of its possessiveness (which can influence both money and love) and control stuff, and offers access to a wider, more full-spectrum sensation of existence.

This is an opening. One of the biggest problems we have on Earth is the jealousy / control / possessiveness complex, which keeps many, many people trapped on a petty level of existence, isolated from their goals, their dreams and true intimacy. We will inevitably get to address this with Saturn in Scorpio, one way or another (most likely, many ways). Jealousy would not be such a problem, were not so many people so attached to it; so deeply devoted to how much they think they can control the universe with their emotions. Indeed, this transit will be all about the nuances of sexual and emotional control — and expression.

Planet Waves
View of Quartermaster Harbor at daybreak, with radio towers on nearby Maury Island (where Planet Waves, Inc. was first incorporated). The two islands are connected by an isthmus. Photo by Eric Francis.

Along this journey, the first thing that happens is that Saturn in Scorpio meets up with Neptune and gets to dissolve some of those jealous tendencies. This is more the gentle melting, and the opportunity to let go, rather than getting anything ripped or wrenched away. I say opportunity rather than enforced changes; it’s available and it will be easy enough to pass over. If you’re interested in taking up this opportunity, listen right now, because Mercury is running vanguard of Saturn and at this moment is in a direct dialog with Neptune, describing the opportunities that you have, and giving you information about what to do with them. (Also note the three dates of the exact Saturn-Neptune trine are Oct. 10, then June 11 and July 19, 2013.)

One opportunity of Saturn in Scorpio is to stabilize our emotions. Borrowing a phrase from Patric Walker, to many this will feel like enforced growth. By one energetic analysis of the world right now, yang (masculine) energy is out of balance and pushing things too hard. We hear this all the time: the patriarchy is out of control. Rarely, though, do we consider the ways that yin (feminine) energy is also out of balance, mainly by being overly reactive, emotive, unstable and unpredictable. How much of what goes on in the world is caused, or fostered, by this kind of instability? How much energy is lost due to the inability to keep to an agenda from day to day? Saturn in Scorpio will actually help stabilize both sides of the equation (yin and yang, in men and women).

The last of this week’s sign changes is Mars ingressing Sagittarius. That happens Saturday. Mars is exiting a sign of which it’s the traditional ruler (Scorpio, a fixed water sign) and entering a new and very different field of experience (Sagittarius, a mutable fire sign). What I haven’t said in this article and which applies to any of these sign changes is that adjoining signs (in this case Scorpio to Sagittarius) describe some of the most palpable contrasts of astrology. Mars going from deep, emotional Scorpio into open, fiery, fast-changing Sagittarius is a big shift in energy.

It’s magnified by Mars in Sagittarius making a square to Neptune in Pisces. The Mars square Neptune aspect is often about pushing boundaries, losing emotional control and over-indulgence in anything Neptune (drink, drugs, deception, illusions) rather than the moderation that allows these things to serve us in a creative way. Mars square Neptune can be self-destructive — though that is mitigated significantly if you’re conscious of what is going on within you and around you.

Planet Waves
View of Quartermaster Harbor at daybreak, as seen from Burton (on Vashon Island, WA). Photo by Eric Francis.

The square aspect (90 degrees) is like a minor third (C to D sharp) in music (looked at another way, it describes the relative minor). Either way, it’s dissonant in a pleasant way. Minor chords also have that melancholy feeling, though when used sparingly they are poignant and also relieve us of the ear-candy, folksy feeling of intervals like a major 5th (C to G). They help us acknowledge the sadness that makes happiness more meaningful.

Mars square Neptune will be adding some poignancy to the feeling of life, though due to its tendency to overindulge, it needs to be handled carefully. It’s a little like a spiritual dilemma. It reminds me of that moment in the life of Siddhartha, when he wakes up to how spiritually vapid all of his overindulgence is — which prompts him to notice that there must be something deeper. Therefore, even a ‘negative’ experience can push us in a positive direction, just like a minor chord can emphasize the positive feeling of a chord progression by adding some darker contrast and an interesting flavor. In practical terms, this aspect is about considering the ethics of how we use desire and personal power. Denial and desire are a dangerous combination; be mindful of that.

Now we’re getting all of these at once, and Neptune is involved. Neptune can be subtle; it can disappear, or blend into the environment and go unnoticed. This is your opportunity to notice your environment in all of its contrasting facets: inner, outer, subtle, obvious (and harmonious and dissonant tones) and the place where all of these blend (within you). Part of why we have so many ‘environmental issues’ is we fail to notice the environment. In normal consciousness (as the philosopher Marshall McLuhan pointed out) the environment tends to be invisible.

In this picture, you’re the resonator that’s being vibrated by all of the planetary transits. To feel that vibration, and sense the changes, you will need to access some non-ordinary states of awareness — and notice where you are and how you feel. Given the current transits, that should be pretty easy if you pause, observe and take in what you’re experiencing. Then, remember what you noticed, and use that information.

Look through your eyes rather than with them. Remember that denial can slip in right at the point when we’re about to put knowledge to practical use.

Why Mitt Romney Seemed to Win the Debate

Pretty much everyone agrees that Mitt Romney ‘won’ the debate Wednesday night, though he won the way he usually does — by aggression, lying and cheating. I consider Obama to be a fairly typical politician, and also someone who has taken to aiding and abetting war criminals (the topic of an upcoming article, so please hold your arrows until I explain this carefully) though not quite a thug on the scale of Romney.

Planet Waves
Ferry dock at Tahlequah, on Vashon Island. Photo by Eric.

Without going into the content of the debates, I can point out a few things about the astrology of Wednesday evening, using the sign changes I’ve just described. It’s worth noting that the chart for the first debate has Eris in Aries exactly rising, to the degree, which to me looked like it would be an ambush (and it was).

The debate happened shortly after Venus entered Virgo, opposing Neptune (C to F sharp, dissonance). Mitt Romney may be the most dissonant, as in acoustically and energetically ugly, human entity I’ve ever observed. To my ear he is even worse than Dick Cheney, who is at least in tune with how ugly he is, and can carry it off. On Wednesday night, we had Mitt Romney doing his dissonant performance under an equally dissonant aspect. He was in tune with his moment, and few people noticed how off-pitch he is.

Obama on the other hand, who usually has pretty good pitch, sounded weak, defensive and out of tune. He seemed off balance from the first moments of the debate, and never found a groove.

There is one example of when you’ll hear C to F sharp — it’s called a blue note. A guitarist often bends a note by half a step (think of Mark Knopfler making the guitar ‘cry or sing’). This sounds beautiful when you hear it for a moment, taking you by surprise, like biting into a grain of spice in an exotic dish. You just don’t want that all the time, though it happens to be what Romney plays (all the time). He’s the guy who cannot even agree with himself from one day to another, and who is constantly adapting (in his dark Pisces way) to what he thinks everyone around him wants him to be.

For the next debate, everything changes. Mercury and Saturn will be in Scorpio, resonating with Neptune. The human environment around him will be more in harmony, the water signs will be in tune with one another, and he will be the one who seems off-pitch. In fact, to those who are sensitive, it may be that we notice that the whole discussion is off-pitch. In other words, these debates cover topics that are irrelevant, even in the context of politics.

More significantly, Mars ingresses Sagittarius, and will make a square to Neptune. This will put a focus on matters of integrity. (This interval is the pleasant minor third, from C to D sharp.) In physical reality, the square can be about a clash, which is how it’s often described. The conflict surfaces if the levels of reality indicated by the two sides of the square are not addressed consciously. In this case, the collective level (Neptune in Pisces) will be aspected by the individual level (Mars in Sagittarius), drawing a contrast between the two.

It was not obvious from his performance Wednesday night that Mitt Romney is in this game exclusively for personal gain and greed, which clashes directly with collective interests. I think it will be a lot more obvious next time. As for Obama, who pretends to be an advocate of working people and those who struggle, we will be able to hear what he is not saying, rather than getting caught in what he’s pretending to say. Get ready for an election endgame with many twists and turns, and a few surprise endings.

About that Secret Meeting

One other thing. I mentioned that Mercury and Saturn move into Scorpio within 10 hours of one another — but what I didn’t say is that they formed an exact conjunction in Libra earlier this morning just before they make their move later today. The location of that conjunction stated in astrological terms was at 29 degrees Libra and 57 arc minutes — very, very close to the end of the sign (signs end at 29 degrees and 59 minutes).

Planet Waves
Earlier today, Mercury and Saturn formed a conjunction one arc minute from the ‘stolen election’ Mercury station of 2000. The Sun in Libra is above and to the left.

When the election of 2000 was stolen by the Cheney/Bush ticket, Mercury stationed direct at 29 degrees and 56 arc minutes of Libra — just 1/60th of a degree away from where this conjunction happened earlier today.

You could say that Mercury and Saturn returned to the crime scene this week, where they seemed to hold a secret meeting — right before the election. Both of these planets blend into Libra nicely and make it difficult to notice that anything strange is going on. As I have reported in Planet Waves and elsewhere, I think there is some election fraud in progress, and the Mercury-Saturn conjunction points right to it. Simply put, this is a warning.

Pay attention — we didn’t last time. We let it happen, though to be fair, it was a real ambush and most were taken by surprise. That does not have to be the case now. There is no election fraud possible without public consent. Public consent can be tacit — that is, seeing something and just going along with it and not speaking up. Or it can be overt — pretending not to know or care, or saying that nothing you do matters anyway.

It’s long past time to speak up and act up, or to admit that you’ve given up.

Have you? I don’t think so. Just remember, we’ll get all the freedom we deserve.


Planet Waves


Planet Waves

Venus Opposite Chiron — Square Juno

Currently, the Moon is in Gemini, about to make a conjunction to Jupiter. This is a friendly aspect, and you might find it easy to speak your feelings, or to offer sincere praise. If you remember that a sincere compliment can turn around someone’s day, you’ll feel good about offering it.

Planet Waves
Photo by Eric Francis.

The Moon ingresses Cancer Saturday at 8:45 pm EDT, where it begins a series of aspects to Neptune, Chiron, Uranus and Pluto that last through Sunday. Pace yourself as you go through these aspects, drink water and take care not to over-exert yourself emotionally.

One aspect I didn’t mention in the lead article above is that Venus, after opposing Neptune this week, moves into an opposition with Chiron in Pisces. The opposition works through dissonance, and often, so does Chiron. This aspect may come with some emotional tension and fear. Fear is probably the single biggest problem we have on Earth. It would be nice if we were fearful only of fearsome things, though many are afraid of everything and everyone.

Try to be selective, and remember what Lou Reed said — you can’t always count on the worst happening. Sometimes it does, though in truth it’s pretty rare for your worst fears to come true. They are emotionally driven thoughts, and one theme of our lives right now is getting a handle on our emotions.

Venus and Chiron are both square Juno, a minor planet associated with marriage and commitment. There is a reminder here that if you’re committed to someone, you’ll be fair with them, and you’ll be sensitive to their feelings. There is a challenge here not to let attachment rule your relationship. Said another way, this whole aspect pattern is a reminder that there is a difference between love and attachment.

Even if you remember that, it can take some focus to work out the equation.


Planet Waves

Gish Galloping to November?

The general consensus is that Mitt Romney won the first presidential debate of 2012 quite handily, with Pres. Obama looking aloof at best or, as one friend of Planet Waves put it, scared in a way we’ve never seen before. How is it that our leonine president didn’t roar back against the flat-out lies Daily Kos is calling Romney out on? By one analysis, Romney was using a debate tactic called a “Gish Gallop.”

Planet Waves
‘I don’t even know where to begin unraveling what he’s saying…’

The Gish Gallop was named for the debate tactic created by creationist shill Duane Gish, and it involves spouting so much crap so quickly that an opponent cannot address or counter all of it. It’s common to include a few talking points with just a smidge of truth — enough to make the person rebutting it waste a lot of time trying to explain why it’s not completely false yet is still not true.

Without getting bogged down in the natal astrology of both candidates (which is rich enough for another full article — forthcoming), it seems that the way in which a Gish Galloper runs roughshod over his opponent both suits Romney to a T and may be a particular Achilles heel for Obama. Planet Waves’ own Fe Bongolan relayed this from a conversation she had with Nancy Sommers at Starlight News:

“Obama has a Chiron return in his first house, exact until just before the third debate, so he’s being challenged with being bullied by Romney, who has a history of being a pathological little prick. (The gang-up on the poor little “sensitive” — AKA gay — kid in boarding school where Mitt and his friends pounced on him and cut off his hair.) Obama has never had a father, only doting grandparents, so no father to teach him how to take a blow and punch back, or how to hold your ground with a bully.

“Mitt’s behavior was reminiscent of an abusive spouse, who puts his wife in a defensive dependent mode by keeping her off balance and stripping away her control. They put Obama off his game, making him retreat further into his aloofness, which though professorial and honest, comes off as too cool. This maneuver is totally [Karl] Rovian.

“But the upside of this is the reaction meters showed women empathizing with Obama more during the debates by the same margin as the CNN snap poll using older Southern white men [who favored Romney]. Women didn’t take to Mitt’s roughhousing the entire debate.”

In case you missed that one, CNN conducted a snap poll in which they declared Romney the winner with 67% of undecided voters — with one catch. The network only polled white people in the South, the majority of whom were male. That doesn’t change how the two candidates conducted themselves Wednesday night. It is however a reminder to pay attention to the fine print and do your own fact checking — especially as Mercury gets closer to stationing retrograde on Election Day.


Planet Waves

Barry Commoner Remembered (No Thanks to The New York Times)

“Much of the media coverage of the dioxin debate has consisted of trying to convince the public that their common sense is wrong and that experts know best. In this case, the public’s view has been largely correct. Dioxin is a dangerous and unwanted chemical pollutant.”
— (From Barry Commoner and Tom Webster, “Overview: The Dioxin Debate,” in Dioxins and Health, 2003).

Planet Waves

Barry Commoner. Photo provided by Columbia University.

Back in the dark ages of 1975, our children sickened, livestock were born deformed, women miscarried, and wildlife died after government helicopters sprayed Agent Orange over our valley. Our alarm about these chemicals was met with such profound contempt that we might have doubted our own experience had it not been for two remarkable individuals.

One was a New Yorker writer, Thomas Whiteside, whose articles on Agent Orange in 1970 had triggered congressional hearings that ended military use of the chemicals in Vietnam. The other was Barry Commoner, founder of the Center for the Biology of Natural Systems, whose work on dioxin contamination of roads and horse arenas in Missouri would lead to the government evacuation and buy-out of the entire town of Times Beach.

Unlike government officials, Whiteside and Commoner did not dismiss our accounts of eyeless fawns, human babies born without brains, deformed chicks and ducklings, dying horses and songbirds. Both men not only took our experiences seriously, but each in his own way also encouraged us to take action, pointing us toward sources and information that would have taken us years to find on our own. Thanks to a kick-start from them, we won a federal court injunction against further use of Agent Orange by the U.S. Forest Service.

Thomas Whiteside died in 1997, earning a brief New York Times obituary headed, “Thomas Whiteside, 79, Dies; Writer Exposed Agent Orange.” The writer’s exceptional work on dioxins and Agent Orange is given a terse four sentences.

In contrast, the Times obituary for Barry Commoner, who died September 30 at age 95, is a lengthy, ostensibly thorough account that in all its 2,280 words not once mentions the word dioxin or Commoner’s pioneering, landmark works on dioxin toxicity, human effects and global atmospheric transport. (The New York Times has a long history of covering up the dioxin issue.)

The Times obituary, in fact, is a masterpiece of damnation with faint praise, painting him as a “maverick” and slyly dismissing Commoner’s prodigious scientific career as cover for a Marxist agenda. It mentions only two of his books, arbitrarily ending its account of Commoner’s professional life 12 years before his death, suggesting that by 2000, “he was no longer getting anything like the attention he had enjoyed in earlier times.”

The Times thus conveniently omits mention of Commoner’s landmark 2003 study on atmospheric transport of dioxin thousands of miles from sources in the U.S. and Mexico to lodge in tissues of Arctic wildlife and humans. Nor, of course, does it mention the detailed overview of dioxin issues by Commoner and Webster in Dioxins and Health, also in 2003. With its less than stellar obituary of a great scientist and champion of human rights, The New York Times continues a shabby history of denial journalism on dioxin.

— Carol Van Strum

Note: If you would like to read more of Commoner’s work, please see this resource, not available online: “Accidental Contamination of Soil with Dioxin in Missouri: Effects and Countermeasures,” by Barry Commoner and Robert Scott, Center for the Biology of Natural Systems, 1976.


Planet Waves

Champion of the Pentagon Papers Story Dies at 86

Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, the former publisher, chairman and chief executive of The New York Times Company, who steered the Gray Lady through unprecedented expansion and choppy financial waters into stability, died Saturday at his home in Southampton, N.Y. He was 86.

Planet Waves
Arthur Ochs Sulzberger; photo: New York Times.

Sulzberger was responsible for publishing the Pentagon Papers in 1971 — thousands of pages documenting the deceit engaged in by the U.S. throughout the hugely unpopular Vietnam War — refusing President Nixon’s demands that the paper stop publishing the series. The White House waged war on a newspaper for telling the truth about war; the Times won with a First Amendment argument, in a defining moment of journalistic history.

“This was not a breach of the national security,” Mr. Sulzberger said at the time, according to his New York Times obituary. “We gave away no national secrets. We didn’t jeopardize any American soldiers or Marines overseas.” Of the government, he added, “It’s a wonderful way if you’ve got egg on your face to prevent anybody from knowing it, stamp it secret and put it away.”

Notably, journalistic integrity and profitability were never at odds under Sulzberger’s leadership. He believed the latter was critical for a newspaper to maintain an independent voice — something lacking in most mainstream media for years now. Almost as rare is a family business that gets as large as the Times and manages to avoid dysfunctional infighting: the Times is in its fourth generation of family leadership. Sulzberger passed the position of publisher to his son Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, Jr. in 1992; his grandfather had purchased the paper in 1896.


Planet Waves

Planet Waves

Darth O’Brien Baxter, played by Hugo Farrant, revels in his government-granted power to spy on Aussies on the Internet. Don’t miss the latest edition of Rap News from The Juice Media.

Big Brother is WWWatching You

The Juice Media is back with another incisive (and witty) take on global politics, media policy, freedom of speech and the prospect of the Internet becoming a giant surveillance weapon: RAP NEWS 15: Big Brother is WWWatching You. Host Robert Foster (Hugo Farrant) interviews newly appointed Thought Police General at the Pentopticon, Darth O’Brien Baxter (also Farrant), and a surprisingly lucid Terence Winston Moonseed (Farrant yet again). The Australian duo behind Rap News (it is co-written and produced by Giordano Nanni) write, “Once again, in the midst of this Grand Human Experiment, we are forced to ask tough questions about our future. Will it involve a free Internet which will continue to revolutionise the way the world communicates with itself? Or is our picture of the future a Boot stamping on this Human InterFace forever?”


Planet Waves

Planet Waves FM :: Planets Land at Neptune Airport

Here is this week’s edition of Planet Waves FM. In it, I have covered much of the same material as in the lead article above, though it’s a more intuitive, conversational approach. I’ve emphasized the sexual themes of Scorpio more than the political implications of Mars leaving — and Mercury and Saturn entering — this emotionally intense, erotically transformative sign. That said, if you follow the link and scroll down through the comments thread, you’ll be treated to a listing of the dates when Mars has ingressed Sagittarius over the last decade and the corresponding political events for each one, compiled by Planet Waves researcher Astrodem. It’s a fascinating pattern.


Planet Waves

Planet Waves monthly horoscopes provide a broader perspective that surveys the themes of the coming month and often, the weeks that follow. The October Monthly horoscope was published Friday, Sept. 28. Inner Space for October was published Tuesday, Oct. 2. The September Moonshine Horoscope was published Tuesday, Sept. 18. Please note that the longer monthly horoscope is being incorporated into the Friday issue after the Sun has entered a new sign; Inner Space still publishes on Tuesdays. A recent weekly horoscope (#918) covered the Libra equinox in detail.


Planet Waves

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Oct. 5, 2012 #920 | By Eric Francis


The time has arrived to let the momentum of your life carry you. I don’t mean you should drift, but rather that you can focus on guiding your life rather than propelling yourself. You have momentum; you can trust that, and you seem to have recently experienced a sudden shift in direction that may finally have you feeling that you can trust the course of your life. That said, keep making decisions, and investing your energy acting on them. You must make a conscious effort not to be guided by your fears — particularly those involving partnership or getting hurt in relationships. Fear has a way of creating the things that we’re worried about, so if you avoid worrying, you will avoid being a magnet. Rather, concern yourself with fairness and sincerity, and look for people who treat you this way as well. NOTE — Learn more about your astrology this year in your Libra birthday reading, which I recorded for you on the Equinox.

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — You may not be where you want to be. You may not even know quite where you are or where you’re headed. It’s almost as if some odd wind of fate has delivered you somewhere unfamiliar — literally or metaphorically — and you have to reorient continuously. Start with your immediate surroundings, getting information from those who may be more familiar with the immediate environment or with recent developments. Avoid emotional or financial survival mode, and try to see your situation as a kind of open-ended adventure. The primary theme is trust — trusting yourself, the people around you, and what seems to be a situation where you don’t understand why your options feel so limited. Actually, the only real limitation is a narrow perspective that you seem to get caught in. This may involve the feeling that a partnership matter has turned dark, though I suggest you do your best to stay optimistic and to keep the conversation going with partners and loved ones, particularly where money is concerned.

Hello Aries — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). If you would like to hear your Aries birthday reading, please visit this link.


Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Your solar chart suggests that you’re taking a relationship situation more seriously while someone close to you seems to be playing fast and loose. If you can see this contrast, it will prove to be a useful learning tool. You’re at a stage in life when you really need to think things through, more than you need to talk them through. You cannot know what will work the best in a relationship when you don’t know what will work the best for you. I suggest that this is a situation that calls for about at least five parts thought for every one part conversation. You seem to know the truth; beware of how the false confidence or self-delusion of others might knock you out of center. Beware of a tendency to second-guess yourself, especially if you have a strong hunch. And be conscious of when you’re fearing the worst. It rarely happens, though in truth there’s a potent energy source in you that could just as well manifest as creativity as it does anxiety.

Hello Taurus — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). If you would like to hear your Taurus birthday reading, please visit this link.


Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Your survival instincts are pretty sharp right now, but don’t outsmart yourself. You would be premature to determine that someone is acting in bad faith, but on point to admit your doubts and seek out more information, as needed. It takes a wise person to know when they don’t know, and I suggest you cultivate this skill and the easy willingness to do just that. This is particularly true when it comes to assessing the motives of others, particularly now. You’re usually pretty good at this one, though at the moment it’s as if there is a cross in communication, a mistaken impression or a blind spot. This makes it especially hazardous to presume intent right now. Listen to what people are saying to you; I mean listen to their words and consider the context and inferences. Take everyone at face value until you have a reason not to (and one potential reason would be aggression). If you don’t understand something, ask, and if you need additional details or if you require someone’s help unraveling their thought process, ask for that.

Hello Gemini — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). Have you listened to your birthday reading? Click here for an hour of astrology plus a tarot reading by Eric.


Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Sex is one of the most powerful forces on Earth, and arguably the one used most recklessly. The time has arrived — and you may have felt it coming for a long time — to keep a handle on this power, to use it in a focused and mature way, no matter what anyone else in the world may be doing. Typically people jump between extremes of purism and thoughtless indulgence. You need more than a ‘middle way’. Rather, sex and sexuality offer us the most when they are experienced as natural, integrated into life in a holistic way. When sex becomes about the transaction of power rather than the expression of creativity, you can be sure things are out of balance. The solution to this would be waking up your imagination, though also understanding the ways you might be feeling insecure that would lead you to seek power in the first place. In relationships, I suggest you go for containment rather than commitment. That’s another way of saying that instead of making promises or holding anyone to theirs, explore within a space that you consciously share.

Hello Cancer — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). To hear your birthday reading for the year ahead, please visit this link.


Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — People must do what they must do to work out their karma and their commitments to others. Plenty of it has nothing to do with you, though it can take some experience to learn how not to take any of it personally. Meanwhile, you must guide your life based on your own values, and at the moment, you know just what they are. It’s easy to get knocked off center or out of balance when others don’t show an interest in what means the most to you, though I suggest that the most direct way to making contact, and having that contact returned, is to keep your focus on what you want to be the core of your life, on what you truly value. Doing so can feel like an enormous risk — or perhaps at the moment, like an irresistible dare. I suggest, however, that if you’re going to take the chance, you not measure your success based on what others think. Measure your success based on what you think — particularly about your willingness to dare. At this phase of your life, it’s crucial that you affirm yourself, and step away from seeking the affirmation of others. Those who do offer their positive vibes of their own accord are your authentic friends.

Hello Leo — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). To hear your birthday reading for the year ahead, please visit this link.


Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — I admit to wanting to sniff nearly every Virgo I meet, so it is true that I am somewhat biased. That said, Venus has just entered your sign, and it’s in a position to make contact with many other planets. This setup has you at your most attractive right now, and whatever you may be feeling, or thinking, I assure you that people are noticing you, they are curious — and they may want more than a little sniff. Now, a few words of caution. You will miss the fun if you’re caught in self-critical mode. I assure you, few people care about or even notice what you think are your worst flaws. Second is, please don’t presume the answer is no before you’ve even engaged the question (though what, in truth, is the question?). Last: do your best to stay out of survival mode. At the moment you are a magnet for all the good things in life, though you’ll put out the sweetest vibes the more self-loving you are, and the more you let your self-love spill over into the affirmation of others. You may make them a little nervous with your beauty; leave an opening, which is to say, be friendly and smile with your eyes.

Hello Virgo — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). Did you miss your birthday reading? Use this link to order an hour of astrology plus a tarot reading by Eric.


Planet Waves

Hello Libra and Libra rising readers. I’ve just finished your 2012-2013 birthday reading. Check this link to listen to your hour-long astrology reading plus tarot. If you’re a Virgo and you missed your birthday report, it’s still available at this link. All other signs, please check our audio store for your birthday reading.


Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — If you find yourself facing a problem that can’t be solved, state the problem differently, until you’ve conceived of it in a way that’s more amenable to resolution. It’s true that there are very difficult problems, though what you seem to be facing is the loss of faith in yourself rather than some external situation to which you cannot adapt. Yet there are moments when it may be difficult to tell the difference. I suggest you focus on the faith aspect, understanding the ways that your perception, and your personal history, are influencing how you’re perceiving the world around you — and one person in particular. You may perceive their life one way and not understand how they might see it differently; the same is likely to be true for how they perceive you and your choices. Still, this is a situation where you fear you might get hurt, and where you can easily get caught in your worst expectations. You have learned how powerful it is to be honest with yourself — which is far more important than whether anyone is being honest with you.

Hello Libra — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — The question is not what others believe about you, or what you think they believe about you. As you’re figuring out, it’s what you believe about yourself. While it’s possible that you may be having your doubts about something, be mindful if you hear yourself protesting too much. Do you really have something to defend? Do you need to establish how different you are from someone else, or everyone else for that matter? One question your charts are sketching out is: how do you know when your perspective is narrow? Let’s say you feel broad-minded, though in truth you’re not quite there. How would you know that? One way would be to question nearly everything you say, think and feel, or at least subject it to some scrutiny. Ask yourself, “Is that really true?” And rather than taking the answer, notice how long it took you to come up with that answer. Assessing whether an idea or perception is valid can take a while. I suggest you hold off judgment for as long as you can, and let the information filter in.

Hello Scorpio — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Your sign has a reputation for devil-be-damned, though in many ways you’re more cautious than you let on. You now run the risk of going to the other extreme — forgetting the cautious side of your nature entirely — and you could lose control of some important part of your life, at least temporarily, if you don’t keep a handle on your intentions, the facts, and the decisions that you make. One vulnerable spot is home structure and family, which are under some stressful aspects. The fact that you may feel lonely or isolated is not helping matters. Still, I suggest that you moderate and focus your energy rather than boldly assert or over-extend yourself. You will still be bold enough even in vigilant mode, though you’ll slow down the movie enough to make better decisions, which will mean fewer complications. There is a significant question about what is true and what is not, and I strongly suggest you keep that out in the open where you can see it and remember that it’s there.

Hello Sagittarius — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Saturn, the planet most associated with Capricorn, changes signs this week. There is something in this move, from Libra to Scorpio, about your figuring out that you are involved in some form of collective responsibility. Even if you cannot discern something specific, I suggest you consider the wider implications of everything that you do, and of everything that happens to you. Consider the ways in which you’re influenced by the wider world in the choices you make, the feelings you experience and the values that you claim as your own. This is a time to start questioning the many ways you’ve been infiltrated, and to sort out who you truly are and what is really yours. Yet the influences of the collective, wider world are becoming more important, not less. This requires careful discernment, and really knowing when you’re thinking something and whether someone is thinking for you; when you’re coming from commitment or obligation; when your actions are self-serving or for the greatest good of all concerned — including you.

Hello Capricorn — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — “Culinary school is fun, but it doesn’t help you advance in this field at all. I feel like I paid thousands of dollars just to have fun, make good friends, hang out and cook all day.” This is a snippet of a conversation with a Facebook friend about her experience at Le Cordon Bleu. What she’s saying is true: you need to be in the kitchen, with all the heat and chaos, investing the time that it takes to learn your onions and build your reputation. To the extent you’ve already done so, you may be getting a message of encouragement or recognition this week, coupled with an opportunity of some kind. This may be a fleeting chance to advance — or investigate — your longterm goals. You may not think the opportunity is a perfect fit, though at this stage I doubt that perfection should be the goal. I propose that the best criteria would be: will I learn something useful from this experience, and contribute something positive? There is no instant success, which is the thing that for you will make success not only possible but inevitable.

Hello Aquarius — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Be specific about what you want — whether personally or professionally — and recognize it when it shows up. I would note, however, that there’s a difference between what you want and what your fantasy is. There are also similarities; there may be many similarities. Yet there is always a translation from the idea of something to the reality, and within that translation is an experimentation process. As long as you’re experimenting, you’re on the ‘reality’ side of the experience. Then, within the experiment, there is potential for actual fantasy fulfillment. One vital key to happiness in this kind of endeavor is being open-minded and flexible. Another vital key is expressing your desire verbally. To do so is to go directly past the notion that it cannot happen, and to embrace the potential that it can. In matters of an erotic or amorous nature, most people need leadership, and you’re in a position to express just that. Be gentle, be clear, and listen just a little more than you speak — and some beautiful adventures are on the horizon.

Hello Pisces — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


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Inner Space Horoscope for October 2012

Dear Friend and Reader:

On Oct. 5, Saturn enters Scorpio, which it last did in November 1982, when Ronald Reagan was president and we were all much younger. Saturn takes about 10 seasons to pass through a sign, so it counts as one of those “for the foreseeable future” transits. Among other things, Saturn represents the principle of necessity, and we certainly have needs where Scorpio is concerned. This sign covers shared resources, sexuality, sexual health, commitments, secrets and our deepest passions. I will have more to say about these things, where space permits, on This month the Libra New Moon is Oct. 15. The Taurus Full Moon is Oct. 29. Mercury is direct this month, though it goes retrograde again on Nov. 6.


Note to Readers — please don’t miss this new blog post about four planets changing signs at once this week. — efc


Planet Waves

Planet Waves monthly horoscopes provide a broader perspective that surveys the themes of the coming month and often, the weeks that follow. The October Monthly horoscope was published Friday, Sept. 28. Inner Space for September was published Tuesday, August 28 (Inner Space for October is below). The September Moonshine Horoscope was published Tuesday, Sept. 18. Please note that the longer monthly horoscope is being incorporated into the Friday issue after the Sun has entered a new sign; Inner Space still publishes on Tuesdays. A recent weekly horoscope (#918) covered the Libra equinox in detail.


Planet Waves

Planet Waves Inner Space Horoscope for October 2012 | By Eric Francis

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — What is a healthy level of dependency in your relationships? There are two ways to answer: one is whatever degree feels helpful and functional, understanding that we need one another. The other is the level of dependency that supports your pressing agenda of being a more independent person. You have many options open along these lines, though what I suggest you remember is your drive for freedom from codependency (choose your definition of that word) and the many reminders you’ve had that you’re on the right track with this agenda. At the same time, notice the many ways that relationships as we think of them are often places where giving up independence is one of the first requirements. You’re walking a fine line in sorting out this material, though I am sure you recognize the time has come to work this out.

Hello Aries — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). If you would like to hear your Aries birthday reading, please visit this link.


Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — There is such a thing as a mature relationship, though it’s not what most people think it is. I can leave out the definition, not because it isn’t essential but rather because it takes care of itself when an essential element of authenticity is present: and that is trust. Trust does not take care of itself; it needs to be cultivated and maintained as a conscious act, usually from day to day. I suggest you do a trust inventory of your relationships, and include looking at the ways in which you extend trust to others and signal that you’ve done so, as well as the ways that the people you’re in any way partnered with extend trust back to you. Then, consider the ways that any given relationship reaches out into the social environment. Is anything missing? Now is the time to address it.

Hello Taurus — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). If you would like to hear your Taurus birthday reading, please visit this link.


Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Your sign is associated with the health of the lungs, though I would take the story a little lower on the totem pole — your pelvis and any function associated with it: for example, your reproductive health. We live in an era when this topic has become a political bonfire, but it’s distinctly personal. It relates to how you feel about your body; what you do with and how you take care of your body; and what you tell your children. Now is the time to take care of all necessities related to reproductive health, as well as sex education. Start with educating yourself, going deep enough that you get answers to all of your pending questions. Then, make the information easy enough to understand so that you can relate it to your partner(s) and any young people who need to know.

Hello Gemini — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). Have you listened to your birthday reading? Click here for an hour of astrology plus a tarot reading by Eric.


Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Risk and reward — the time has come to balance these. This includes being willing to take risks for the rewards that you want, as well as being willing to delay gratification while you take the necessary steps to keep your life functional while you build what you want. What both of these have in common are the idea of a conscious, long-term goal. There’s the implication that you have a diversity of responsibilities, and that these must be taken into account simultaneously, when they seem to conflict. The ability to embrace contradiction and paradox is one mark of maturity, and this is a core theme of your life now. To do this, you can no longer assess things strictly based on how they feel; adding logic is what will actually get you from one place to the next.

Hello Cancer — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). To hear your birthday reading for the year ahead, please visit this link.


Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — The time has come to stretch your boundaries, and deepen your roots. This may come in the form of making room in your life for your relationships — which could include putting yourself into a larger, better space. The physical space you live in must accommodate your life, and the people in it. Looked at one way, that means that your space serves as a container for your emotions. Remember this, as you make decisions for how to organize yourself, where to live and how you coexist with any space you’re in. Said another way, I suggest you locate yourself in places where you feel good about yourself, and where you feel like a larger person — not a more powerful or authoritative one, but someone more embracing of your own potential. Remember to leave yourself room to grow.

Hello Leo — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). To hear your birthday reading for the year ahead, please visit this link.


Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — True intelligence blends every level of thought, perception and sensation. It’s a whole-being kind of experience. This is to say, if you want to be smarter, be more open to the many facets of who you are. And remember, there’s nothing like self-criticism to get in the way of these things, though it often feels like the opposite should be true. For example, it might seem logical that the more you push yourself to be perfect, the more perfect you’ll be, however, human sensitivity doesn’t work that way. I suggest you work on being open minded, exactly in the place where you discover yourself to be closed. Monitor your language; when you make an argument for a limitation, open up to the possibility that you can go beyond it. Remember that there are no limits on who you can become.

Hello Virgo — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). Did you miss your birthday reading? Use this link to order an hour of astrology plus a tarot reading by Eric.


Planet Waves
Hello Libra and Libra rising readers. I’ve just finished your 2012-2013 birthday reading. Check this link to listen to your hour-long astrology reading plus tarot. If you’re a Virgo and you missed your birthday report, it’s still available at this link. All other signs, please check our audio store for your birthday reading.


Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — This month’s New Moon in your birth sign opens up a new phase of your life and of your relationships. Yet there’s a specific focal point, which is moving forward remembering that you don’t have to make up for the emotional inadequacies of others, or tell them who they are, or provide stability when they act like they don’t know. The heart of the matter is a caution about ‘bringing out’ who another person is, or helping save them from their personality chaos. You have your hands full figuring out who you are, what you want and what your purpose is; doing this for anyone else right now would qualify as a significant distraction. Yet there’s a lot you can learn from the ways that people ‘search for’ themselves: in particular, what doesn’t work so well.

Hello Libra — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Saturn’s ingress into your sign opens an extended phase of what one astrologer once described to me as ‘coming to terms with yourself’. That’s a kind of reconciliation, an understanding, and an exploration of your potential and your limits. Though they’re not usually considered compatible ideas, your potential and your limits are closely related; they’re aspects of the same thing. You might think that your limits are a description of your outermost potential, though I think that they show you what you can, and will, go beyond. Therefore I suggest you look at everything as an opportunity. When you reach a spot where you think you cannot go any further, that’s the place to reach beyond. Use your intelligence, use your determination, use your desire — use everything to your advantage.

Hello Scorpio — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You’re embarking on an extended phase of psychological housekeeping. This may involve ‘cleanup’ from years, decades or generations of ordinary living and perhaps some neglect as well. You could say that this is a time of revealing your secrets to yourself. One aspect of your nature is that you tend to see yourself as a simple person with easily understood motives; what you’re about to discover is the complexity of both who you are, and what drives you to be that person. Said another way, there’s a lot you don’t know about yourself — and you’re now on the way to finding out just what that is. There are facts of your life that you can no longer deny, and I would propose that this can come as a relief.

Hello Sagittarius — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You need fewer, better friends who understand that friendship is more than palling around. It’s a matter of mutual support and integrity. Some of the people who will become more significant in your life over the next few years you already know. Some you’ve yet to meet, though the situation is similar with both — their presence will come into focus as you make certain recognitions about your own self-worth, your value to others, and what this informs you about your role in the world. This is about a phase of settling in: it’s as if you relax into how you present yourself, what your purpose is and accepting what you offer to others. That will have a way of commanding the loyalty and respect of those around you, based on both emotional harmony and sense of purpose.

Hello Capricorn — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You’ve always felt like it was your place to accomplish great things. Now you get to address the obstacles that were in the way — and take the next step into tangible achievement. Yet this is very much a matter of taking things one step at a time, which you may have figured out was necessary a while ago. Remember that the idea is to learn how to get out of your own way — rather than to put new obstacles in your path. Yet you’re not always sure of the difference between these two things. Initially, I suggest you set out to accomplish less than you think you’re capable of, rather than shooting for the Moon. Know your vision, select one key piece of it, and give yourself the rest of the year to make it real. This will help you build your confidence on something solid.

Hello Aquarius — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Remember the importance of agreements, and how this differs from a tacit understanding. I suggest you start a trend of making things conscious, if not in writing, then in words spoken. There will be times when it’s necessary to commit understandings to written form, and by all means review contracts carefully for their implicit and explicit statements. Remember to state outright what is important to you, and to remember to listen when others state what is important to them. That’s one thing you can depend on — people will say what matters, though most of the time, nobody is listening. I suggest you listen, both to others and to yourself. This will help you have grounded expectations, which are the only legitimate kind, as well as the grounds to pass on situations that don’t serve your own good. I assure you of one thing: you have options, and therefore can afford to be selective.

Hello Pisces — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


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Stars of October: You Go On

October / And Kingdoms rise
And Kingdoms fall / But you go on…and on…
— Bono

Dear Friend and Reader:

This is a clip-and-save edition of Planet Waves, containing vital information that will influence your life between now and mid-December. This is a time when astrology matters. Please mark important dates in your calendar. Saturday is the Full Moon, which I’ve covered already (in Tuesday’s edition). This is a big Full Moon — the full expression of the 2012 aspect, and a planetary setup to handle with awareness and a measure of caution.

Planet Waves
Star sculpture on playa floor at Burning Man 2012, with the just-past-full Moon in the background. Photo by Amanda Painter.

As you’ve no doubt read, we are in the middle of an historic aspect, Uranus square Pluto. When the more immediate astrology highlights something big (but which is usually in the background), energy, events and ideas previously lurking behind the scenes can emerge into the foreground. The Sun and Moon make the Uranus-Pluto square into a personal event.

Taken in the highest possible light, it’s about creative breakthroughs, awakenings and moving along (or even resolving) situations that have seemed stuck — even for years. Yet many people will be experiencing this event as destabilizing, unpredictable and even a bit frantic. All the usual Full Moon recommendations apply, but redouble the ‘think before you act’ part. Expect the unexpected and remember that awareness and flexibility are your best friends.

Developments of October

The world is watching these last weeks of the presidential election in the United States. Our globe is now global; events that happen in one country can and do influence developments in many other parts of the world. October will be an interesting, somewhat strange month in the ‘international’ department, though each and every development has personal implications. In the event you’re considering international travel in October or November, I suggest you plan carefully and check in with an experienced, qualified astrologer before making your plans.

This is one of those months that begins one way and ends another. You can make all of these changes work for you, as long as you’re aware of the energies involved, and you’re ready to adapt. We all have things in our lives that we want to change — know what that means for you. Look for your opportunities, and if you don’t see them, create them.

On Oct. 5, Saturn changes signs from Libra to Scorpio. The Saturn in Libra phase goes back an unusual three years, to October 2009 (Saturn took its time transitioning out of Virgo). Saturn is now leaving a sign where it’s well suited (Libra, where it is exalted), and entering a sign that it has little in common with — Scorpio. Yet there are many other planets in the water signs right now, and I think that while Saturn may be challenging, it will offer some stability, and it emphasizes the theme of emotional maturity that all of the water signs are resonating with.

Planet Waves
Photo by Amanda Painter.

Mars also changes signs, from Scorpio to Sagittarius, just as Saturn changes signs. So this is a significant shift in the climate, involving two planets that people tend to have the most difficulty with — the one about expressing desire and energy (Mars) and the one about handling authority (Saturn). I also recommend being cautious and alert in all matters involving international travel and international business while Mars is in Sagittarius. It’s not strictly a red light but definitely a yellow light.

One thing about Mars is that in entering Sagittarius, it immediately squares Neptune in Pisces. Aspects from Mars to Neptune (especially the conjunction, square and opposition) require temperance, mindfulness, moderation and most of all, keeping self-destructive and also escapist tendencies under control. Monitor your consumption of alcohol and any drugs that change your mind. Keep them far away from important decisions, negotiations and discussions about emotional and sexual matters.

The problem is that most people tend to open up under the influence of alcohol. That would be fine, except for the ways in which it bends judgment and distorts emotions. Mars square Neptune is not naturally given to integrity and honesty — it’s one of those things that you have to work for, under that influence.

Mercury Retrograde: Real Span is Oct. 18-Dec. 14.

Finally, we are approaching a Mercury retrograde. This one starts in Sagittarius on Nov. 6 (which is Election Day in the United States, covered in this article).

However, its influence reaches into mid-October and extends out to mid-December, so I’m mentioning it now. That will be good for an adventure or two; I suggest you plan around this one, and know in advance that it’s a good idea to put off major purchases, signing contracts and new commitments of any kind under this astrology. Yes, this is astrology 101 but you would be surprised how much grief I have saved my clients by helping them steer clear of the standing wave, undertow and shifting wind known as Mercury retrograde.

Planet Waves
Photo by Amanda Painter.

The retrograde process begins when Mercury enters shadow phase on Oct. 18. This is Mercury entering the degrees where it will be retrograde in just a short while.

Mercury stations retrograde in early Sagittarius on Nov. 6. Mercury stations direct in mid-Scorpio on Nov. 26. Mercury then crawls along through the end of Scorpio, ingresses Sagittarius again and then leaves shadow phase on Dec. 14. That is your ‘all clear’ signal. If you’re feeling rushed about anything during this process, the chances are it can wait.

Mercury will make three squares to Neptune in the midst of all of this (Oct. 29, Nov. 13 and Dec. 11) and this aspect can be challenging to get a handle on. It will require extra discernment, focusing your mind, and striving for honesty. Factor in the interests of everyone concerned, even if you plan to make a decision that only benefits yourself; Mercury square Neptune is a reminder to consider whether there even is such a thing as ‘separate interests’.

Many other aspects say essentially the same thing — so please take this one to heart.


Note to Libra and Libra rising readers — your birthday reading for 2012-2013 is ready. Please check this link for more information.


Planet Waves

Voter Rights Watch 2012: Targeting Latinos

Through this year, one of the most prominent election stories has been the restriction of voter rights to tip the election. Twenty-three states have passed laws that could restrict or deny the right to vote to 10 million Latinos — a number that could affect the outcome of the entire election — according to The Advancement Project, a civil rights organization.

Planet Waves
Don’t miss The Onion’s special feature on the 600-levered, steam powered voting machine that sums up the voting issues in the election of 2012.

The wave of restrictive new voting laws threatens to crash on voters in 16 states that have adopted or are considering voter purges. Most of these target people suspected of not being citizens, plus nine states have new voter ID laws (and two more are considering them). The laws stipulate documentation procedures many people lack the time and/or money to carry out; many are equivalent to poll taxes — that is, making people pay to vote.

Federal protections against noncitizens registering to vote, already in place for ages now, have generally rendered extra measures unnecessary — hence the prevailing view that these new laws aim to disembowel democracy, not encourage involvement.

Democracy Now! reports that in swing states Nevada, Colorado and Florida, where Obama receives tremendously more support from Latinos over Romney, the undertow from these laws could mean sinking rather than swimming for Pres. Obama — and indicates yet another area where Mercury stationing retrograde on Election Day could cloud the waters.

We’ve been warning that Mercury stations retrograde on Election Day. This might have the effect of many seemingly smaller issues coming together and making a large problem. We’ll be following this story.


Planet Waves

Monsanto’s GMO Corn? Nyet!

The French study linking Monsanto’s Roundup Ready GMO corn to increased rates of cancer and organ failure in rats (covered by Planet Waves last week) has prompted Russia to ban the stuff outright. The news broke just as Ceres, named for the goddess of agriculture, entered the sign Cancer, associated with agriculture, the digestive system and its connection to the emotions — thereby engaging the political/personal power of the Aries Point.

Planet Waves

Photo by Achim Raschka/Wikimedia.


Rospotrebnadzor, Russia’s consumer rights watchdog group, has said the country’s Institute of Nutrition has been asked to assess the validity of the study.

In addition, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), has ordered its own review of the research, which is noted for following rats for their entire two-year lifespan, rather than the 90 days common in industry studies. GMO corn is not available for human consumption in Europe, but is used for animal feed.

Monsanto is confident the French study will not impede its take-over of European agriculture; however a number of independent scientists are praising its extensiveness, even though its results must be replicated and confirmed.

“The results are significant,” said Mustafa Djamgoz, the Professor of Cancer Biology at Imperial College, London, who describes himself as a neutral on GMO. “The experiments are, more or less, the best of their kind to date.”

It remains to be seen whether other countries follow Russia’s lead, which might cause an actual dent in sales and international credibility for Monsanto. Meanwhile, France says it will continue to uphold its own ban on GMO crops, and a group in New York City is holding a fundraiser Oct. 1 to help support California’s Proposition 37, which is seeking to label GMO foods in supermarkets. The initiative is up against heavy spending by several corporations, including Monsanto. If you’re in New York, you can get more info and buy a ticket here for the event.


Planet Waves

“Pro-sex. Pro-porn. Pro-knowing the difference.”

When Cindy Gallop, a chic, British-born 52-year-old ad exec (now Web entrepreneur) living in Manhattan decided to test the online dating website her firm was pitching, she had no idea it would change her life — or that it would put her in a position to become a sex educator. Of sorts.

At the time, nearly a decade ago, she was delighted to find young men attracted to her — but not so delighted to find many of their moves were taken straight from the scripted, often-bizarre and highly one-sided world of hardcore pornography.

In 2009 she left her TED talk audience all a-twitter, revealing that abstinence-only sex ‘education’ meant easy-to-access Internet porn was the only source of information for many young people, resulting in insecurities, unrealistic expectations and disappointments; stunting sexual communication; and cutting a whole generation off from fulfilling, loving and genuinely hot sex (whether kinky or vanilla).

Gallop’s solution? To establish the website, which attempts to compare the “porn world” with the “real world” of sex. (The testimonials from 20-somethings on the “About” page are poignant in their gratitude for Gallop’s mission.)

“The issue I’m tackling is not porn,” she explains. “It’s the complete lack of open, healthy dialogue around porn and sex.”

Now, Gallop is taking it to video. Still in an invitation-only beta testing phase (you can sign up to be invited!), the premise of is that real people send in videos of themselves having real sex with a $5 submission fee. Then viewers pay $5 to ‘rent’ a video for three weeks of unlimited viewing, with up to half that fee going back to the person who submitted the video. It’s part sex ed and part sex toy, using social media and a cheeky, DIY-style business attitude to make the world a happier, sexier, more authentic place.

“It’s not about performing for the camera,” Gallop adds. “We’re looking for the comical, the messy, the ridiculous. We’re looking for the real.”

She has made the personal political in a positive way. With much of the Aries Point action lately having to do with trying to suppress women and sex, astrologically this is like finally finding a partner who understands foreplay. And likes it.


Planet Waves

An iPhone a Day Keeps the Riots Away?

About 2,000 Chinese employees at a factory in Taiyuan that makes iPhones rioted early Monday, resulting in 40 taken to the hospital and a number arrested after 5,000 police were sent to end the brawl. Occurring just three days after Apple finally made its highly anticipated iPhone 5 available for purchase, Foxconn Technology Group, the plant’s Taiwanese owner, called the violence a personal disagreement fueled by regional tensions in a dormitory.

Contrary to the official story, employees and their friends have posted messages online that suggest the fighting was spurred by security guards beating a worker nearly to death.

“Clearly there is deep-seated frustration and anger among the employees and no outlet, apart from violence, for that frustration to be released,” Geoff Crothall, communication director at China Labour Bulletin, a labor rights group in Hong Kong, said in a statement. “There is no dialogue and no means of resolving disputes, no matter how minor. So it is not surprising when such disputes escalate into violence.”

This is not the first time that Foxconn, which also makes components for other electronics companies, has been cited for poor working conditions and mistreatment, though reportedly they have been working to improve conditions and wages. Whether or not this takes the shine off the ‘Apple’ for salivating consumers remains to be seen.


Planet Waves

Planet Waves

Spout ‘Inspirations’, Earn Flags, Become President!

Certain members of the Planet Waves editorial staff were barely able to stop laughing long enough to actually post this item in today’s issue. The Gregory Brothers have created a mash-up of the acceptance speeches delivered by Obama and Romney at their respective recent national conventions, complete with 80s-era Atari graphics and music. Published online by The New York Times, you’ll never look at talking points quite the same way.


Planet Waves

Planet Waves FM :: Jesse Ventura on 9/11; Patric Walker

This week’s edition of Planet Waves FM looks at the Sun in Libra and Saturday’s Aries Full Moon. This is a potent Full Moon, which lights up the 2012 aspect — the Uranus-Pluto square. I covered this in Monday’s daily edition as well as Tuesday’s subscriber edition. I begin with a discussion of the Sun in Libra aspecting Uranus and Pluto, and what this says about the state of our relationships.

Planet Waves
Patric Walker.

My musical guest is American composer and performer Diane Cluck, who has recently ventured into being a full-time professional musician and has offered to share her work with us. I play three of her songs — “Sara,” “Red August” and “Why Feel Alone.”

In the second segment, I look at Jesse Ventura blowing the whistle on the Sept 11 incident, live on the Piers Morgan show on CNN. This is an astonishing moment in TV history, which happened while Mercury was transiting through the Uranus-Pluto square.

I also fact-check Jesse — he gets a few things wrong but in essence he has the right idea — and becomes the first person to challenge the official story, in a vocal, obvious way, in the American media.

Finally, I look at the life and work of British horoscope master Patric Walker (1931-1995), who would have been 81 years old Tuesday. I read some of Patric’s horoscopes, describe some of his techniques, tell some stories and then do a short reading of his natal chart, focusing on his Mercury-Moon opposition — the perfect blend of intellect and intuition. This is a rare look at the life of Walker, who is remembered by his fans from back in the day and unknown to many contemporary astrology readers.

Note to Readers — If you have old Patric Walker columns in your files and would like to add to my collection, please get in touch. Thank you!


Planet Waves

Planet Waves monthly horoscopes provide a broader perspective that surveys the themes of the coming month and often, the weeks that follow. The September Monthly horoscope was published Friday, Aug. 24. Inner Space for September was published Tuesday, August 28. The September Moonshine Horoscope was published Tuesday, Sept. 18. Please note that the longer monthly horoscope is being incorporated into the Friday issue after the Sun has entered a new sign (the October monthly is below in this issue); Inner Space still publishes on Tuesdays. Last week’s weekly horoscope (#918) covered the Libra equinox in detail.


Planet Waves

Monthly horoscope for October 2012 standing in for Weekly Horoscope #919

Libra Birthdays This Week (Applies to All Libras!)

If you have a birthday in the neighborhood, this year is a doorway into a new life for you. The current astrology is about breaking free from any deadlocks and opening up blocked energy. It’s true that you’ve been under many influences that are encouraging you to turn the page, yet there are just as many that are leading you to obsess over the past (and perhaps even the distant past). Yet potent forces are provoking you to face the future with a sense of adventure. Which will win the day, and your year? Well, time marches on, wherever your mind may be — and you continue to make your presence known on the planet. You continue to live every day, as consciously as you want. The key to you thriving is about not taking the outside world, particularly your intimate relationships, too seriously. That is, they are not the ultimate goal, nor the bellwether, of your life. Every outer event or encounter has an inner correspondence that is far more important than the particular circumstances that are surrounding you. Let everything you experience point you deeper into yourself. If you can follow this philosophy for a while, you will get a sense of what it’s like to feel your presence in the world much more tangibly. Meanwhile, Saturn ingressing your solar 2nd house (Scorpio) says that your number one project for the coming few years is working out every possible dimension of your self-esteem questions. While in the past you might have told yourself that you can live with compromised self-respect, that is no longer true — Saturn won’t stand for it, and neither will you.

Note to Libra Sun and rising readers: I have just finished recording your birthday reading, which includes more than an hour of astrology (in two sections) and a tarot reading. The reading develops these and other themes. Check this link for more information.

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — The time has arrived to carefully consider the role of religion in your life, in society, and in the place where the two meet — which is where you make your most personal choices within the context of society. Your charts tell the story of someone who goes from making their decisions more or less autonomously, to then suddenly making them in the context of numerous outside influences that vie for which of them will run your life. One of those seemingly outside forces is religion, as if you have some kind of stunning awakening, conversion experience or revival of belief. This could be productive, and who knows, it might be, though your charts describe a scenario of both getting high on power and also of restricting your emotional and erotic freedom in the name of purity. I suggest you start with the notion that there is no such thing; even under laboratory conditions, actual purity is rarely attainable. Within the psyche, there is so much churning around and such a mix of elements that denial would be a more suitable word. I suggest you save yourself a lot of conflict and remember that you’re human. As such, you have both sexual impulses and also the impulse to a relationship with the mysteries. We’re basically forced to convert ‘the mysteries’ to some notion of God or higher power, who invariably wants you to be a better person. It’s time to question whether any of this is really true.

Hello Aries — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Saturn enters your opposite sign Scorpio this month, and that’s a dependable cue that you’re entering an extended phase of housekeeping in your relationships. As with many things Saturn, this is a study in boundaries, which is another way of saying agreements. Part of this experience will be practical: who in your life belongs there? With whom do you have wholesome and healthy connections, and with whom do you have unhealthy or destructive attachments? What are you going to do about them? You may notice that you’re attracting older, ‘more serious’ people who you may recognize have something to teach you about yourself and about life. They will hold up a mirror to the aging process, through which you will be invited to make some decisions about how you want to grow older. Another aspect is conceptual, and even philosophical. What does commitment mean to you? What is bonding? What is the nature of attachment? What does jealousy have to do with any of this? Perhaps most significantly, what role do you allow others to have in your life? One of the most beneficial things you’ll gain from the experience of Saturn in your opposite sign is that of learning how not to give away your power. You may feel like the universe is taking some extreme measures to keep you in alignment with yourself, though remember how challenging it is for you to change in response to any factor besides your own will — and even that can take a miracle.

Hello Taurus — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). If you would like to hear your Taurus birthday reading, please visit this link.


Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — One role that Jupiter plays within our solar system is to absorb stray asteroids and comets, and as a result there are fewer that might strike the Earth. Currently Jupiter is in your sign — and there’s boundless energy coming at you from your opposite sign, Sagittarius. You’re subject to these incoming influences, which will arrive in a diversity of forms, and what they have in common is high energy. Some will be obvious and bold; others will be subtle, and change you in ways that you would never have predicted. As for the obvious, this may come in a diversity of offers to play, to engage with different beliefs and to wage a social crusade or two. As for the less obvious: pay attention when others are inviting or enticing you to compromise your ethics or to rearrange your moral structure. Such may come in the form of “well, now that I’ve had you do this [against your ethics], you may as well do this [even more against your ethics].” Remember that you become like the people you have sex with (this is based on a direct transfer of energy), so if you’re wondering why you’re becoming the way you are, pay attention to who you’re waking up with. The thing to remember is that for the next two months, you’re going to be deeply susceptible to influences that come from outside yourself. The key to managing this is choosing which of these influences to accept, and which to reject — at the first possible opportunity.

Hello Gemini — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). Have you listened to your birthday reading? Click here for an hour of astrology plus a tarot reading by Eric.


Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Heed early warnings, especially where sexual boundaries are concerned. This isn’t about saying no; it’s more like saying maybe, until you understand your environment and everyone’s involvement in your life. Then, do what’s appropriate based on your understanding of your situation. At first this may seem like you’re having a limit placed on your fun. Actually two other things are happening. One is a limit being placed on the new karma you incur based on choices you make. Whatever you encounter is sufficient for a moment of reflection, and to put you on notice where you need to be more vigilant. Second is that you are about to discover ways to channel your vital force in a more structured way. In a sense, you have to get organized about what you want, and make sure you are also aware of what you don’t want — then make your choices using this as your guide. The thing to bear in mind all the time is that whatever theory of relationships we may subscribe to, sex leads to something deeper. That depth could be love, and it could be a diversity of other means of human bonding, connection or entanglement. Saturn is the lord of time, and it’s essential that you use time to your benefit, in order to save time. Taking a little while to test the true nature of your relationship to another person, before you dive in, would be well advised in this moment and for the next couple of years.

Hello Cancer — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). To hear your birthday reading for the year ahead, please visit this link.


Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Saturn’s ingress this month into Scorpio, your solar 4th house (security, home base, family) is about the use of space, and its relationship to your emotional grounding. Scorpio is a somewhat strange energy to have on your house of security, since it’s all about plunging into the deep dark waters of the psyche, and coming out a different person (something you do fairly regularly, and you’re safe knowing that you can). Seen another way, it’s the image of living with a swamp in the basement of your house, wondering if you’re going to get swallowed, or if the whole house is going to sink — and calling that shelter. Saturn making its way through this region of your chart for the next 10 seasons is about getting onto dry ground. It’s about shoring up your foundations and clearing out inner space. As part of this journey, you’re going to stabilize emotionally, which will be good for you and the people you care about. As part of this emotional stability, you will be doing an inventory of family influences from your early childhood, and making sure that you have them contained and confined to your own inner space — this way, you won’t pass them on to anyone younger than you are. One of the over-arching themes of this transit is learning how to feel safe. The combination of Saturn and Scorpio may conspire to do this in strange ways — but if you work with these influences, you will get the job done.

Hello Leo — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). Did you miss your birthday reading? Click here to order an hour of astrology plus a tarot reading by Eric.


Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — From time to time, you’re subject to bouts of what feels like emotional chaos, insecurity and deep questioning. This can compromise your happiness, and at worst, limit your ability to function in the world. In truth, these episodes are about your inner spiritual life, which means it’s deeper than you may think. If the issues were just emotional, it would be a lot easier to address them. Yet you can count yourself lucky when you have any real insight into your situation, or meet anyone who has an actual grasp on what you’re going through (rather than speculating or guessing). Your sign is said to be earthy, intellectual and focused on rationality, though the truth is that you have your vital roots in the world of spirit, a dimension that most of the world denies the existence of. My sense is that you’ve been processing the issues using your intellectual capacity as best you can. However, to effectively learn from, grow from and actually cope with what emerges over the next few weeks, you will need to go directly into the deepest available level of your psyche: your core spiritual identity, or what you might think of as soul level. There’s a lot of competition for what that really means, though I can say at least this: soul level embraces everything and does not deny anything. Therefore, any feeling or memory that comes up for you is normal. Soul level is oriented on the greatest good for all concerned. And there are no problems that don’t come with solutions — as long as you state the problem in a way that makes sense.

Hello Virgo — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


Planet Waves

Hello Libra and Libra rising readers. I’ve just finished your 2012-2013 birthday reading. Check this link to listen to your hour-long astrology reading plus tarot. If you’re a Virgo and you missed your birthday report, it’s still available at this link. All other signs, please check our audio store for your birthday reading.


Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — There’s always a difference between theory and reality, and you’re about to find out what it is — in reality and not in theory. Through most of the month, your ruling planet Venus is trekking across Virgo, where you do lots of contemplating, ruminating and a very precise kind of fantasizing. Toward the end of the month, Venus emerges into your sign, where it starts making aspects to planets that have already been stirring a revolution in your life. You’re likely to see how little a real-time experiment has in common with all of your (admittedly) fascinating concepts and plans. You can expect the pace of events to pick up rapidly. You can expect to go deeper into questions that have been nagging you, though about which you have only skimmed the surface. And there is something about allowing your relationships to change you. I suspect this may be a sticking point for you, as one of your goals is stability and change happening only in a controlled environment, and only with your consent. That’s more for the laboratory, and you’ll be there for a little while longer; then comes an extended field experience. As you’re going through all of this, a new theme emerges in your life, which is: understanding the reasons you do and do not respect yourself. Most people know there is something called self-esteem, but what exactly is it made of? How does it express itself, in its positive and negative manifestations? In the long run, everything hinges on this — and I do mean everything.

Hello Libra — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — You are approaching one of the boldest ‘get serious’ moments of your life, a process spanning nearly three years. When you get to the other side, you’ll have acquired additional self-knowledge, privileges and responsibilities of adulthood. This is about Saturn in your sign, which arrives on Oct. 5 and departs in early 2015. I’ve described Saturn in your Sun sign (or in your rising sign) as an extended phase of coming to terms with yourself. Said another way, this transit is about becoming your own inner authority, something that few people ever do — and which is much likelier with Saturn in your neighborhood. One sad story of our society is people refusing to grow up; other people continue to have authority over their choices and even their opinions. Saturn in your sign can feel like authority figures or seemingly more powerful people imposing themselves on you. This is a reminder to take authority over all of those aspects of your life, and many more where you anticipate this kind of involvement by others. There are structured and organized ways to do this. Many people have described therapy as a kind of ‘re-parenting’ process, at the end of which you’ve taken over the role previously delegated to them. This is what I’m talking about, in whatever form works for you. You have to answer to some authority — whether you provide it, or whether someone or something outside yourself shows up and imposes it on you. The choice is yours.

Hello Scorpio — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Know when you’re coming from belief, and when you’re coming from knowledge. Somewhere in the high 90th percentile of people live like they have no idea what I am talking about, though you cannot afford the luxury of ignorance. I say this because you run the risk of being driven by belief, at the expense of what is true and verifiable. It’s not any excuse that many believe “there is no such thing as the truth.” That’s a good assignment for students to discuss in postmodernist philosophy class. I mean verifying in the most practical ways what you believe against facts that you can identify. I mean reading the fine print, reading between the lines, and remembering what people say to you. I also mean belief in the biggest sense — for example, your relationship to your cosmology. I’ve only heard about five hundred people tell me they weren’t influenced by religion, while they spend their lives acting out the irrationality, guilt and obsessive conduct that can have few other sources. Therefore, reconcile your ideas about life with the actual facts about how you treat people and how you want to be treated. One thing about beliefs is that they tend to be fixed like epoxy, or change every 10 minutes. I suggest you be suspicious in either case, and engage yourself in a reasoning process of evolving your ideas consciously as new information becomes available. Don’t just move on and forget; remember where you’ve been, because before long, it will become significant.

Hello Sagittarius — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — This is the time to be responsible not to your own ambitions, but to your community. I know that this idea is pissing into the wind of the privatization, privation and exclusion that is all the political rage now. Greed worshippers can keep their lies; not only don’t they influence you, you must stand up to this false philosophy, both in yourself and in society. Establish a commons in your life: hold the space for an authentic, equitable exchange of resources. This is leadership in action; there are goals and results involved. There are competing interests involved. There are those who will immediately take advantage of any fair system, and you will have to address that factor as well. Note that there are aspects of this that will happen in your ‘official’ capacity (such as your professional role) and outside of any official capacity, and perhaps even out of sight of others. Another way to describe the aspects that are developing in your chart is that you are shifting your concept of self-interest into a full embrace of the conditions of the world around you. Your role is to use your power, your knowledge and your experience to uphold the personal values you have stated many times are precious to you. Acting on those values requires taking a chance, not the least of which is wondering what all those greedy people will think of you when you insist on fairness and integrity. What they think of you is their issue; what you do is yours.

Hello Capricorn — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Saturn finally changes signs this month, ingressing Scorpio, where it will be into 2015. This is your 10th solar house, the one associated with your highest ambitions, your reputation and your true professional calling. Saturn through the 10th is sometimes associated with having the golden touch of King Midas; however for you there may be some extra challenges involved. As you hear and heed your calling, expect some adversity. Expect a tempering process, where you refine your goals. Imagine that your life is a theater production, where you do the performance, listen to the director’s notes, rewrite, rehearse and do the show again the next night — over and over again, with no intention of just ‘settling in’ to a routine. Bear in mind that the world does not owe you success: not because you’re a good person, not because you’re talented and not because you choose to develop any useful skill. Success is the product of all of these factors, and something else: your determination, and a commitment to be true to your values. This is the kind of success that doesn’t happen overnight, and to which you must dedicate yourself for much longer than you might think. Most of the early progress will be invisible, and you may be convinced you’re in the midst of a setback. It’s nothing of the kind — though you may see it that way unless one of your top priorities is to use anything and everything that you experience as a resource.

Hello Aquarius — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Sexuality has always been your portal into your spiritual side — or rather, sex and the cosmic questions that it evokes, and the inner mysteries to which they grant you access. Yet this organic approach to existence is denied and resisted by many forces in society, including those that would control sex to promote religion, those that use sex for commercial gain, and anyone whose approach to natural human feelings is moralistic (controlling rather than exploratory). Even as adults, we can be constantly entangled in the control dramas and moralizing of others, which include scandal and jealousy. It’s fair to say that unless we intervene, for all our lives, someone else seems to be in charge of our sexuality, and this extends into our creative power, our perspective on life, death and relationships. The time has arrived to live your way of life with full commitment. That means taking charge, and deciding what is right or wrong for you. If you don’t step in and take over yourself, it’s likely that someone else will. This is the Saturn principle in operation: where you lack discipline, boundaries and structure, these things will be imposed on you. If you have discipline, and take a realistic, honest, longterm (and, notably, not a hedonistic) approach to your sexuality, you will have done something that few humans ever accomplish. What would that be? To be the master of your vital force, your creativity and your emotional drives, rather than their slave.

Hello Pisces — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


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Aries Full Moon and Uranus Square Pluto

Dear Friend and Reader:

This whole week is a buildup to the Aries Full Moon. If you’ve ever read the term “Aries Point” on Planet Waves, we are about to experience its influence, in one of the hottest charts I’ve seen in quite a while. This event — an opposition alignment of the Sun and the Moon — will light up the Uranus-Pluto square, the thing I’ve been calling the 2012 aspect — and which was exact for the second time last week. If you read Planet Waves and you haven’t quite got a grasp on what that is, I suggest you find out. It’s rare during any time in history that people know about the history-making aspect while it’s happening — and in this lifetime, and in this moment, you can.

Planet Waves
This is an interpretation of the Mayan calendar glyph for Manik. Illustration by Carol McCloud.

While the Full Moon happens this coming Saturday, the energy is already building; many sensitive people can feel it as the rise in tension and excitement. The Libra Sun is already in range of Uranus, Pluto and other high-energy planets and points. We had the equinox Saturday, which put the Sun into an opposition aspect to the Aries Point, and onto the high-energy cardinal cross of the heavens — the zone where the Sun always arrives when a new season begins.

Mercury Revolts: Jesse Calls Out 9/11

Last week we experienced Mercury passing through this region of the sky, lining up with the Uranus-Pluto square, and it was a very interesting week in ways I’m still hearing about. Until a friend told me over the weekend, I had no idea that former Minnesota governor Jesse Ventura blew the whistle on the 9/11 coverup during a rare Piers Morgan live broadcast on CNN — on live television, before a studio audience. Mercury was making contact with the Uranus-Pluto square. Morgan tried to call him a crackpot, but the audience wasn’t having it. Seems like the last people to have a clue about this blatant crime are those with multimillion-dollar TV slots. What is more amazing is the utter lack of curiosity that Morgan displays — his job is to defend a point of view, not to dig out the facts (which tells you something useful about his whole genre of television broadcasts).

Mercury in this position was promising something revolutionary and there were additional significant news developments, including the Middle East exploding in protest against anti-Muslim sentiments, and the now infamous Mitt Romney video coming out (the biggest tipping point so far in his pathetic campaign). A federal judge declared unconstitutional the NDAA — the law allowing Obama to imprison American citizens without a trial, for terrorism by talking. (This could include activism, blogging, what you post to Facebook and other possibilities. I covered that extensively in Friday’s subscriber edition of Planet Waves. The decision was stayed by a higher judge, but it was still astonishing that it even happened).

Mercury moves quickly; Uranus and Pluto move slowly. When a fast-moving point (or points) aspects a slow-moving aspect pattern, you’ll often see an expression of something come out of the background, including a moment of real change. This week in my reading of the charts, something emerges from the background, seemingly by surprise, unexpected and with significant influence.

Planet Waves

THE ULTIMATE ARIES POINT CHART — The arrows point to the “cardinal points,” also known as the Aries Point, a high-energy zone in the zodiac. Technically this is the first degree of Aries, though it also involves degrees that oppose and square the first degree of Aries. The first few degrees of the cardinal points are sensitive as well. This is a (somewhat) simplified chart for the Aries Full Moon, which happens Saturday. I have set the chart up to highlight the Uranus-Pluto square. (Find this aspect!!! Uranus is to the far left, looking like a blue H, conjunct the Aries Moon. Pluto is at the top of the chart, in red, conjunct an asteroid called Icarus, which represents peak experiences.) The Sun is in Libra, to the right, conjunct a Pluto-like planet, Typhon. At the bottom of the chart is Ceres, newly in Cancer, and two extremely slow-moving hypothetical points — Hades (at 2+ Cancer) and Kronos (at 7+ Cancer).

Once Again, Individual Meets Collective

Because this involves the Aries Point and the Uranus-Pluto square (the 2012 aspect), it’s likely to have wide public repercussions. Because it involves the Sun and the Moon, we’re likely to recognize it as something personally significant. I know that we go through week after week where seemingly important things happen, and yet nothing seems to come of it. That ‘seeming’ piece is merely cynical. You will experience events as more meaningful, more useful, more poignant, if you know your point of involvement — that is, your contact point with the larger world outside the bubble of your life. I have been listening to people say they want to do this for decades.

Saturday, Sept 22, the Sun ingressed Libra, and the new season began. Libra is a more expressive and energetic sign — known as a cardinal sign, where the Sun always goes when a season begins. Just like Mercury aspected the Uranus-Pluto square, now the Sun and Earth will align with that square. This will pick up the pace of events, the sense of impending change, and the sensation of chaos. The chaos is the result of an increase in energy which usually results in a surge of activity.

The Sun is our energy source, the hub of the solar system, and (in astrology) the seat of ego consciousness. The Uranus-Pluto square is what you would call dynamic: tense, taut like a spring, provoking change, and waiting for something to come along and mix up with it. When that happens, the dynamic can shift rapidly, and it looks like that’s what’s in store.

What makes things more interesting is that it’s not just the Sun coming through — it’s the Aries Full Moon. Even the most boring Full Moon is interesting; now we have one happening early in the cardinal signs. You don’t even need a big aspect in the background to get some global-scale event; the Full Moon alone can do it. This one is packed with solid rocket boosters.

Note also that there are other points involved. The Sun is conjunct a Pluto-like minor planet called Typhon in early Libra (named for the most fearsome monster in Greek mythology, namesake of typhoons). And all of these points are aspecting two hypothetical planets in early Cancer. One is called Hades, which is like a super-Pluto, and is about going deep; the other is called Kronos, a super-Saturn, which in Cancer describes the emotional maturity necessary to handle all of this rapidly changing energy.

Handling This Energy

What I’m describing is a grand cross in the cardinal signs, which is being activated by the Full Moon. In my experience observing astrology, it doesn’t get any more exciting and more unpredictably predictable. You cannot expect things to be ‘normal’ or smooth. The thing to go for is using the energy in a creative, productive way.

To handle this energy takes real mindfulness and flexibility. It will be necessary to tap into several states of mind simultaneously. If not handled properly, this can feel like a clash of energies. Heck, even if handled well it might feel that way. So remember: mindfulness and flexibility.

Know your agenda. I suggest at the very least that you be absolutely transparent with yourself. Then, you have to be ready to let go of less significant priorities when more significant ones manifest, or when you decide what they are. Know your agenda, and be ready to change it on short notice.

Part of your agenda is your longterm vision. If you know your longterm vision, you’ll be able to make immediate decisions on the basis of whether they fit that vision or not. And you may get information that helps you formulate or change that vision.

I think that the hypothetical points I’ve included in this chart may hold the key to handling this energy. The two points are Hades (a super-Pluto) and Kronos (a super-Saturn), both of which are ultra-longterm visitors to Cancer. Hades says: go deep. Do not be afraid to go deep. Challenge yourself to do so. Kronos to me says: maturity is essential now. It’s seemingly a rare commodity — and it’s always available. Do not factor yourself as insignificant. Do not factor yourself as self-important. Rather, factor yourself as a conscious part of life on Earth, responsible first for your own life and second for where your life intersects with the larger community and historical process.

We live in times where shopping and cynicism are seemingly the answers to everything. They are not. Yes, there is plenty to be angry about, and you can make arguments about how powerless you are until you turn blue and faint. You can also take that same energy, breathe in real oxygen, and get yourself going. This is as much permission as you need — from someone else, anyway (and I don’t care what your boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife, parents or whoever may think). The real authorization you need is from yourself — to make your own decisions and do what is right for you, and for the greater good. Go for it.




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Mercury Retrograde Election Day: Astrology is No Excuse

By Eric Francis

Something happens this year that’s never happened before in American history: Mercury stations retrograde on the day of a presidential election.

Everyone who follows astrology has heard the term “Mercury retrograde” — the astrological manifestation of Murphy’s Law. This is an approximately three-week spell, happening three times a year, wherein Mercury appears to move backwards through the zodiac. It’s a visual illusion, a little like the train next to yours appearing to move backwards because it’s moving more slowly.

Planet Waves
Where did that dimple chad go? What candidate actually won Florida? Where is Karl Rove’s conscience? This iconic image is from the last — and so far only — time Mercury stationed on the day of a presidential election. We’re still living with the effects. Now for the second time, Mercury will station on an Election Day. Photo by Alan Diaz / AP.

Mercury is actually passing between the Earth and the Sun; the visual effect is an illusion, though the real effect may involve the influence of a gigantic magnet passing interfering with all the little magnets here on Earth (particularly the one known as the brain). Anyone who has followed this phenomenon knows that when Mercury goes retrograde, things get a little weird.

This happens three times a year. I know it seems a lot more frequent than that. Lots of people say that “Mercury is always retrograde,” which is not true — but Mercury is always Mercury, which means it’s tricky, and requires a combination of cleverness, skill and respect to handle, whether moving retrograde or direct.

For those who are paying attention, there’s a little reward involved in a Mercury station, which I’ve observed many times: the truth comes out.
If there is a stroke of good fortune to this chart, and this election — that’s what it is.

November 6 is a Blustery Day

The first and last days of any Mercury retrograde are usually the most challenging. Those days are called “stations,” which is short for stationary; one is the station retrograde (when the retrograde begins), and one is the station direct (when it ends). The word “station” in this context means “changes directions.”

There can be considerable confusion on the day of Mercury station, and in fact for about four days on either side there’s something astrologers refer to as the Mercury storm. Think of this as the change of direction rippling out in time. It’s turbulent, just like a ferry pulling into the dock, with the captain putting the engines in reverse to slow the ship down.

When that happens, the water is churning in all directions.
On the day of a Mercury station, that’s how the mental and psychic energy feels. We get the worst, and the most interesting, manifestations of the retrograde on the days that it begins and ends — and that happens next on Nov. 6, the day of the 2012 presidential election, when Mercury stations retrograde in early Sagittarius.

Someone on the Planet Waves research team compared all the dates of retrogrades to the dates of presidential elections, and discovered that Mercury has never before stationed retrograde on the day of a presidential election.

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Mercury (in green, at the center of the image) the moment it stations retrograde. It’s conjunct asteroid Isis, which is about fragmentation or ‘putting the pieces together’. One particular asteroid in this graphic — Apollo — is about lessons of the past not learned, or the same mistakes made over and over.

And it’s only stationed direct on an Election Day once. Take a guess what year that was.

That was on Election Day 2000, when Al Gore won the election and George Bush took office. Remember the chaos that surrounded that election? It really was classic Mercury station material. And it’s not a good precedent. Clearly, it was a terrible outcome; we ended up with a president who owed nothing to the people, because the people did not elect him. The Supreme Court elected him, in part by halting a recount. (The station direct happened in Libra, the scales — an appropriate sign for describing judicial intervention.)

Mercury stationing retrograde on Election Day begins a long process of the retrograde (three weeks retrograde, and then three weeks when Mercury moves direct through the territory where it was during the retrograde, called the shadow phase). This begins just in the last hours of the voting process.

All of the tallying, the news reporting, the certifications and the legal challenges, will happen not just under a retrograde; most of it will happen under the influence of the station, the retrograde and the shadow phase. This means there will be questions about accuracy in all of the above areas.

What is this suggesting? We are looking at the possibility first of uncertainty about the outcome; and of irregularities that could take weeks or months to sort out, and where the truth may never be known. The results may seem to change suddenly — and then change back. We could see an avalanche of incompetence in the work of running the elections. Where Mercury and especially Mercury retrogrades are concerned, there is always the possibility for technical failures that are poorly timed, or well timed, depending on who benefits. These events can represent things beyond anyone’s control, but when there is so much at stake, it’s necessary to scrutinize events and all the surrounding facts carefully.

With the retrograde happening in Sagittarius (another sign associated with the courts) there are likely to be legal challenges. My colleagues and I at Planet Waves have been analyzing this chart for a year; it seems to illustrate the meltdown of the electoral process. Arguably, it’s already in a meltdown, though when Mercury stations retrograde, an overloaded system can suddenly find itself manifesting a collapse that was previously concealed.

We don’t really need astrology to see this coming. Most of us are familiar with Republican efforts to block Democratic voters in many states, including purging the voter rolls, blocking early voting in Democratic counties, blocking Sunday voting in places where black people go from church straight to the polls, requiring identification that many old people, students and poor people lack, and numerous other games. These fraudulent efforts are being conducted in the name of allegedly preventing fraud; yet the only fraud we’ve actually seen has been in years when a Republican won, particularly 2000.

Planet Waves
Gore got more votes and Bush took office. This photo was taken within moments of Mercury stationing direct on Election Day 2000 — so far the only Mercury station in presidential election history. Photo by Stephan Savoia / AP.

The organization Common Cause lists Colorado, Florida, Missouri, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas and Virginia as states vulnerable to problems. For example, there could be poll watchers whose job is really to bully people at the polls, and block them from voting. Common Cause wrote in a recent report that these are “states where races are expected to be competitive, which makes voters in those states particularly vulnerable to challenges.” Quoting one Tea Party voter reform activist, we hear they want to make voting “like driving and seeing the police following you.”

All these efforts conclude on a presidential Election Day — the first in history — where Mercury stations retrograde. It makes perfect sense, really, even if we only use astrology as an illustration of conditions pointing to a probable result. Or, many small results that lead to an avalanche. One curious thing about this chart is that Mercury is exactly conjunct asteroid Isis when it stations retrograde. You can look at this as “putting the pieces together” (such as the public figuring out what really happened) or as “how many small things it takes to make a lot.”

Mutual Reception: Two Sides to One Story

There’s an especially interesting factor in the chart for the retrograde, which suggests the potential for even more complications than normal. Think of it as an astrological shell game. Mercury will be in Sagittarius, and Jupiter will be in Gemini. If you know a little astrology you might recognize that Mercury will be in Jupiter’s sign and Jupiter will be in Mercury’s sign. That’s a rare condition called mutual reception. These are powerful, and they can be very strange. There was a similar mutual reception happening, also involving Mercury, in the chart for the Sept. 11 incident.

Planet Waves
Obama and Romney are considered different candidates with different ideologies. Yet when you look at their actual records, they’re not really so different; it’s more like they’re different expressions of the same corporate government.

Mutual reception can have several effects. One is that the planets can seem to trade places in their influence. We have to look carefully what’s coming from what direction, who is projecting and who might be blaming someone with doing what they just did.

Another interpretation is that of a hostage situation. The two planets are in a sense held captive in a sign they have little in common with. This isn’t necessarily a literal hostage situation, but rather one of interlocking dysfunctional ideologies, or a situation involving extreme codependency. We live with this every day, and rarely call it what it is; the problem is that this kind of involvement reflects something about our personal lives, and our inability to stand up for what we really believe in, quite often, no matter how much it matters.

A third interpretation is that this indicates a situation in which seemingly different political theories and approaches actually support one another. In an election, we’re supposed to be differentiating between the candidates, but we don’t usually notice the ways in which their approaches and conduct are similar, identical, or where the ideologies are codependent. An influence of this could be that whatever happened is being planned, or at least accepted, by both sides in the election.

However this may manifest, the two sides here are inextricably linked. We can see how this manifests in policies that have continuity from one administration to the other — such as when legal and moral boundaries that are breached during Republican administrations become business as usual during Democratic administrations. Many were upset or even outraged at Guantanamo Bay, saying it represented the most oppressive conduct of the Bush/Cheney administration. Obama promised to change that, and he’s left it in place. There are many examples of how this happens.

And this is described by the planets, representing the opposing forces being in one another’s signs, locked in a kind of spiral they cannot get out of. Part of that spiral is the extent to which corporate money, in vast amounts, has been infused into this election, thanks to the Citizens’ United ruling of 2010.

Behind the facade of ideology is the fact that “the business of America is business,” and I don’t mean the local ice cream shop. I mean the companies that can afford to buy elections

The Last Weeks of the Race: The International Angle

Let’s look at the few weeks prior to the election, which are just as interesting as Mercury stationing retrograde. On Oct. 6, one month before the election, Mars arrives in Sagittarius. Currently, there is a power source in Sagittarius that’s in part responsible for all the religious fanaticism we’re seeing in the world, including the strange beliefs driving the American right wing, and its mirror image, what we call “extremist Islamists.”

Planet Waves
Last year’s Occupy protests emerged seemingly out of nowhere — and spread around the world. There is the possibility for much wider-scale protests in mid-autumn. In this photo, Mashtots Park activists, part of the Occupy movement, protesting in front of the city hall of Yerevan, Armenia. Photo by Songoffall / Wikipedia.

Most people think these Koran-thumping, bomb-throwing Muslims are weird; I say that the American fundamentalist movement is far stranger. We know about their apocalyptic thinking, the notion that the world is ending and that Jesus is coming back and therefore, let’s help things along and have a big for-profit, misogynistic, homophobic hate orgy.

Mars in Sagittarius (the planet of aggression in the sign of religion) is going to heat this up, and we’re very likely to see numerous unusual outbursts of religious fervor in October and early November. This will be on both sides of the ideological divide. We are looking at an election where religion is the most likely factor to mobilize the base (whatever base that is), rather than (for example) the economy. The issues involving religion are the ones that evoke the deepest emotional response; voters are easily agitated on the pro-choice and anti-choice sides of the fence, and this is inherently a religious issue. We may see this pushed to a new and impressive degree.

Sagittarius is also the sign of international affairs; Mars trekking across this sign in the last weeks of the election and for the week after looks like some kind of contentious international event. In the first week of November — right before the election — Mars is right in the thick of the Sagittarius mix, making contact with a group of small planets that carry themes of cruelty, warfare, grief and mourning. Are we looking at some outsized terrorism event? An assassination? A ‘new’ war?

We are also in the midst of the 2012 aspect — Uranus square Pluto, which spans from mid-2012 through early 2015. The charts of Iran are aligned with this aspect, and the current astrology is coming right at them. Some form of manipulated international event is likely to influence the election, with everyone standing in shock wondering how this could have happened.

If you ask me, this chart and the scenarios that surround it have as much in common with the election of 1980 as they do with the election of 2000. The 1980 election was influenced by the hostage crisis in Iran. Reagan and Bush cut a deal with the terrorists, who kept the hostages through the election and then released them just as Reagan was being sworn into office on Jan. 20, 1981. This was a facet of what became known as the Iran-Contra scandal, which finally bubbled up to the surface during Reagan’s sixth year in office.

Corporations United

On one level, all of this chaos is a ruse. It’s being used by people who have other agendas, those that thrive in conditions where order has been broken up into a kind of cultivated anarchy. The chart for the 2012 election is a warning to be aware of the agendas that are at play.

Planet Waves
The Supreme Court of Corporations.

As author Chris Hedges wrote after the Citizens’ United decision that allowed unlimited corporate spending in elections, “Liberals, socialists, trade unionists, independent journalists and intellectuals, many of whom were once important voices in our society, have been silenced or targeted for elimination within corporate-controlled academia, the media and government.”

For this reason, he says, political discourse ignores or marginalizes nearly all of the brightest thinkers. Even if they get into the media, can they count on people knowing who they are? I once watched an interview with Ramsey Clark, who was identified as a “peace activist,” not as the former attorney general of the United States.

Hedges continues, “The uniformity of opinion is reinforced by the skillfully orchestrated mass emotions of nationalism and patriotism, which paints all dissidents as ‘soft’ or ‘unpatriotic’. The ‘patriotic’ citizen, plagued by fear of job losses and possible terrorist attacks, unfailingly supports widespread surveillance and the militarized state. This means no questioning of the $1 trillion in defense-related spending. It means that the military and intelligence agencies are held above government, as if somehow they are not part of government.

“The most powerful instruments of state power and control are effectively removed from public discussion. We, as imperial citizens, are taught to be contemptuous of government bureaucracy, yet we stand like sheep before Homeland Security agents in airports and are mute when Congress permits our private correspondence and conversations to be monitored and archived. We endure more state control than at any time in American history.”

So what are we to do? Pay attention. Yes, vote. Help bring out the vote; encourage others (especially young people) to vote and try to take at least one other person to the polls, who might not normally go. If you experience anything strange, document it.

Question what you see and hear in the media. Question your own opinions. Educate others about what you learn. Use every tool at your disposal to get the word out. Take a personal stand and refuse to believe lies, and refuse to be manipulated. Research the truth yourself, and try to figure out what’s really going on. Yes, Mercury will be retrograde, and it may be hard to get to the bottom of things. But astrology is no excuse.

Note — minor edits were made to this article on Sept. 23. The original publication date is Sept. 22, though one email edition said the 23rd; we have reverted to the original date. Second Note: Additional minor edits were made Sept. 28, including the replacement of one photo, with the Armenia protest image from Wikipedia. — efc.

Another Note — A revised version of this article was published on Huffington Post on Weds., Oct. 3. — efc.

About that Metalogue — and the Revolution

Dear Friend and Reader:

I began my comments about this week’s astrology in my Daily Astrology post overnight Sunday, where I proposed we were about to experience a metalogue of some kind. That’s not a word that’s used a lot; think of it as a meta-level conversation, a conversation about what’s being talked about, while that topic is formulating. Or you could say it’s another word for “actual conversation.”

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Screen shot of video published by Mother Jones magazine, wherein Romney spills the beans. View the full video here.

I learned the word early in my astrological studies; it was going around the Psychological Astrology crowd in England in the 1990s, and we thought of it as meaning “that which is being discussed is also arising.” I got this idea because Mercury — the planet of mind and communication — had ingressed Libra on Saturday, putting it where it would be making many aspects.

Among other things, that put Mercury into contact with the Aries Point (an exact opposition, from the first degree of Libra to the first degree of Aries). I knew that would translate to some kind of big news with a personal feeling, and a conversation happening (both in the news, and amongst folks) about whatever that thing was. As Laurie Anderson said in one of her songs, “Oh boy! Right again!”

Sure enough, the ball was in play and we had an extremely interesting discussion this week about those 47% of Americans, all of whom allegedly voted for Obama, who suck off of the government, who have no sense of personal responsibility and who pay no taxes. We think we’re entitled to food, water, health care and a dry roof to sleep under, even if we never want to get out of bed.

This was a rare moment of transparency in politics, and I think that most people actually recognized it for what it was. Everyone who believed that Mitt Romney stands for nothing had a rude awakening. In a secret recording made (apparently by one of the servers) at a $50K per plate fundraiser in Florida earlier this year, we found out that he doesn’t think he’s supposed to actually be president of those 47%, many of whom are Republicans, who collect retirement benefits from Social Security, or veterans on disability. They’re not his concern, he told us. He actually said it; that’s the incredible thing. Think of what else you’re missing.

From an ethical standpoint, he has a lot of nerve, but then, you may not realize how much contempt your supposed representatives have for you — and how many millionaires pay reduced tax rates, or none at all. From a political standpoint, the problem is that many people who are too poor to pay federal income tax vote Republican, which is a topic unto itself; though their choice of candidates is inherent evidence that such voters may lack the analytical skills to figure out that Romney was actually talking about them, not someone else. But then, everything is about someone else, till it’s not.

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According to Mitt Romney, none of these people paid income tax. And according to Barack Obama, they could even be terrorists. Isn’t that one guy wearing a hoodie? Photo by Eric Francis.

In his usual hapless way, Romney punted the ball of Mercury right into personal is political territory — and it mysteriously surfaced this very week when Mercury engaged with the Aries Point. (If you somehow missed that story, you can refer to the original at Mother Jones and you can hear my rendition on Planet Waves FM.)

And then Mercury, moving through Libra, came into contact with Uranus in Aries (an opposition) and Pluto in Capricorn (a square) — which it’s doing as I write on Thursday afternoon, when the big news is that candidates for lower office are abandoning Romney, and even big funders like Rove are investing in ad buys for Senate races rather than going against Obama. Said another way, Mercury is talking to, and listening to, the Uranus-Pluto square — the 2012 aspect that has been shaking the world since 2011 (Arab Spring, Occupy, Fukushima, etc.). Among the events this week was an uprising against the United States, including protests at numerous embassies across the Middle East and North Africa, where there are many, many unemployed, angry men with nothing to lose.

There are hints in the astrology that these protests could be coming home any time now. I’ll come back to that in a moment.

Of note, the Uranus-Pluto square made its second exact contact on Wednesday. This is a slow-moving aspect, part of a cycle that began in 1965, which always comes with a blast of revolution. Because Uranus and Pluto move so slowly, and these planets go retrograde (due to the Earth’s movement), the square will happen seven times between mid-2012 and early 2015. (By contrast, the Uranus-Pluto conjunction of 1965-1966 happened just three times.)

The first exact square was in late June, and the second was Wednesday. So when Mercury made its aspect to Uranus-Pluto this week, the alignment was so perfect you could use it to tune an oboe.

My take is that the conversation that is happening — the many conversations — is infused with all of that charged-up, let’s-move-the-game-along, Uranus-Pluto energy, and anything that happens this week will have added impact as a result; we are in a seed moment, when an agenda is being established. There are many important topics that need to come up, but this discussion of what happens to the resources of society is a meaningful one.

We are told a lot of outrageous lies in politics. It was nice to see a pushback against one of them. It was even more satisfying to see the facade of compassionate conservatism tumble down with a thump. Along with Mitt’s comments about the 47%, we learned that he really doesn’t think the Palestinians can handle their own country, and he gave direct instructions for how a terrorist organization can blackmail the United States by threatening to use a dirty bomb, say for example, in Chicago.

Most impressive was Romney’s stupidity, a fact alone that disqualifies him from holding public office, particularly the presidency. In this moment of history, nearly every person who can write his or her name is carrying a video camera. There are more video cameras in people’s pockets than there are guns, and heck, they’re a lot more dangerous. If Second Amendment advocates fancy themselves a menace to the government, they might want to switch amendments to the First, and feel what it’s like to really have some power you can use every day — not just think about using.

NDAA Litigation Against Obama

While this cyclone was brewing, a far more significant story got far less attention. At the end of 2011 (that’s to say, on New Year’s Eve), Pres. Obama signed into law the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), a law with the primary purpose of funding the military. In this particular version of the law was a provision that allows the president to arrest any American citizen deemed to be aiding our enemy in the War on Terror, detain them indefinitely, keep them in offshore penal colonies and to have the military serve as a domestic police force — something that violates the traditions and explicit provisions of American law.

Six people, including Chris Hedges (Pulitzer Prize-winning author), Noam Chomsky (linguist and Papa Smurf of the American left) and Daniel Ellsberg (who helped end the Vietnam War by smuggling the Pentagon Papers home from work), sued Pres. Obama in federal court, seeking to block that provision of the law. Late last week, U.S. District Court Judge Katherine Forrest in New York ruled that the law was unconstitutional and issued an order blocking it, saying that the issue touched the heart of civil liberties.

If anything vibrates with Uranus (the planet of revolution) and Pluto (the planet of evolution) working together, it’s activism on this level — taking on the King directly.

Obama’s lawyers, representing the federal government, appealed that decision, waging “an all-out campaign to block and overturn an order of a federal judge,” in the words of the lawsuit’s co-lead counsel, Bruce Afran.

“As Judge Forrest noted in her opinion, nothing is more fundamental in American law than the possibility that journalists, activists and citizens could lose their liberty, potentially forever, and the Obama administration has now lined up squarely with the most conservative elements of the Republican Party to undermine Americans’ civil liberties.”

Hedges, in his column this week, wrote that, “The decision to vigorously fight Forrest’s ruling is a further example of the Obama White House’s steady and relentless assault against civil liberties, an assault that is more severe than that carried out by George W. Bush.” (A lot of people who study government are saying this, though if you listen to FOX News, you will never hear Obama criticized for doing the same things as Bush.)

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Author Chris Hedges. Photo: Wikipedia.

Obama won the next round — early this week, a single judge on the appeals court placed a stay on Judge Forrest’s order. One question Hedges and his lawyers raised is why Obama went to court to fight for the same provision of NDAA that he said he had problems with, when he signed it into law.

Hedges wrote, “The request by the government to keep the law on the books during the appeal process raises a disturbing question. If the administration is this anxious to restore this section of the NDAA, is it because the Obama government has already used it? Or does it have plans to use the section in the immediate future?”

Afran, his attorney, proposed an answer. “A Department of Homeland Security bulletin was issued Friday [Sept. 14] claiming that the riots [in the Middle East] are likely to come to the U.S. and saying that DHS is looking for the Islamic leaders of these likely riots.”

“It is my view that this is why the government wants to reopen the NDAA — so it has a tool to round up would-be Islamic protesters before they can launch any protest, violent or otherwise. Right now there are no legal tools to arrest would-be protesters. The NDAA would give the government such power. Since the request to vacate the injunction only comes about on the day of the riots, and following the DHS bulletin, it seems to me that the two are connected. The government wants to reopen the NDAA injunction so that they can use it to block protests.”

Speaking of protests — I spent a lot of the weekend and week studying the chart for the 2012 election, and writing a special report that you’ll read in this space shortly. The weeks leading up to the election look like the scene of a protest, including violent incidents, and a mess internationally, including acts of war.

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Cloaked in darkness and operating in the stealth of a Saturday, a holiday and hiding out in Hawaii, Obama signs NDAA in Honolulu on Dec. 31, 2011, at about 10:03 am local time. Photo: Forbes.

Since I’m not the White House astrologer, I cannot tell you if the government is aware of this astrology — but it sure is impressive, and it squares (pardon the pun) with a plan to suppress the very protests that look inevitable.

It’s interesting that if you packaged up this whole NDAA business — deporting of citizens, anything and everything (including political speech and even peaceful protests) subject to being called terrorism, and a government giving itself license to round up its people and put them in military camps — and said it was happening in another country, many Americans would be indignant. It’s the kind of thing used as propaganda to get us to go to war against evil-doers who have no respect for freedom. But if you point out the law that says it could happen here, well, that gets the ostrich effect. “I am not a terrorist. Thankfully, it will be used against someone else — someone who probably deserves it.” Right?

Hedges added, “In the last 220 years there have been only about 135 judicial rulings that have struck down an act of Congress. Most of the cases involved abortion or pornography. Very few dealt with wartime powers and the separation of powers, or what Forrest in her opinion called ‘a question of defining an individual’s core liberties’.”

And This Week, Even Sex is Political

Did you catch that Naomi Wolf, an American author and political consultant, has a new book out, about sex? It’s called Vagina: A New Biography. I commend Wolf for figuring out that there is a sexual-social-political connection, and taking advantage of it.

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Naomi Wolf, author, political consultant and fashion icon. Photo: Wikipedia.

Toni Bentley, who reviewed the book for The New York Times, summed it up this way: “The female counterpart to your penis is not (spoiler alert) our vagina, and calling a book about the female sex ‘Vagina’ is like calling a book about the male sex ‘Scrotum’. Talk about a near miss.” I kept thinking the same thing. Did this woman get her entire sex education at The Vagina Monologues?

“The clitoris is the diva at our party, and she sports the most sensitive millimeters of flesh — male or female — in human existence. Her 8,000 nerve endings — let me repeat that: 8,000 — outnumber those on your circumcised penis by a mere 100 percent,” Bentley wrote in her review. But the clitoris, well, hardly anyone talks about that in polite company, while science is still trying to deduce what it’s for. (Implication: its evolutionary purpose cannot be female orgasm. It has to be about something else, perhaps related to women’s role in hunting-gathering).

Wolf has been something of a sensation this week, as the latest heterosexual woman to come out of the closet (right on the heels of Sandra Fluke). There is so much sexual tension in the air that the world has a spontaneous orgasm any time a woman even mentions sex publicly. Whatever it takes.

This week Wolf wrote an opinion piece for CNN, and I would like to offer my analysis of some of her thoughts. She asks: “Who decides when and how breasts might be exposed; who decides who can say vagina and where; who decides who is a slut; and who must be punished with hard labor for asserting their right to define their own sexual and artistic identities.” [She forgot the question mark, which insinuates that she was making statements, not actually asking questions.]

“The sexual revolution came and went, and yet women are still not as truly sexually free as they deserve to be — here or around the world. They are not yet, as these struggles show, fully free to define the meanings of their bodies and their desire, to assert their sexual wishes without punishment — including punishment by the state. And they are not yet fully free to claim the right to sexual pleasure and autonomy without enduring public shaming.”

Let’s start with the sexual revolution, assuming there even was one. What exactly was it a revolution against? Well, presumably against sexual oppression. Most of what we think of as sexual oppression is created with guilt and shame. Yes, there are plenty of efforts to make sex illegal, but they’re not really efficient. As for who deserves to be free: with an emotionally based self image issue like this one, those who deserve to be free are those who do the personal work that it takes to be free.

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Sexual revolution is specifically revolution against shame. That’s because nearly any ‘outer’ source of oppression requires shame of the individual as its power source. Photo by Eric Francis.

The way oppressive forces control sex is to shame people. You can, therefore, be pretty sure that when anyone speaks up for sexual freedom, someone is going to try to shame them. That shame, which has as its power source our natural instincts, is used to turn us against ourselves. To be free, the first thing we have to deal with is the shame itself.

As long as that shame exists — as a public function or as a private one — there is a need for sexual revolution. Or perhaps the concept we’re looking for is healing. While it might seem that we need to stand up for our rights to abortion and birth control and to be queer and for that matter to be ‘straight’, I would propose that most of what we need to stand up to are our own toxic emotions. Those are what hold us back; those are the tools that are most readily used against us by anyone else.

To have sexual freedom for oneself, it’s not necessary to enter public discourse. In fact, it’s better to shut up about what you’re doing. You just figure out how to have a good time, and the chances are you’ll be left alone. Maybe you might come out to your friends, and your mom and dad, so you don’t feel so lonely, and even when you do that, the thing you’re up against is indeed shame.

It’s only when we want to take the step into advocating liberation on a larger scale that it’s necessary to engage with the larger public realm, and stand in that mysterious ‘personal as political’ Aries Point magnifier — where Mercury has been all week, sparking these kinds of conversations. Then one invariably gets an earful of what society is made of, and what judgments and emotions are contained in the humans who populate it.

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We can only blame advertising for so long. If she’s ashamed of her body or her sexuality, or if she thinks she’s fat or ugly, eventually she has to work that out, and it’s unlikely to happen at a protest — though you never know. Photo by Eric Francis.

Though Wolf seems to long for a world where it’s safe to speak up without being shamed, she is missing the very point of what we need to do right now — which is to confront precisely that shame as the oppressive force. The problem is that things considered shameful are presumed to be that way because they’re also presumed to be ‘wrong’.

Therefore, to speak up is to stand up and to do exactly the thing that everyone else seems to be judging in the first place — being open about your sexuality. This is territory that’s taken back, and you can expect a few people to throw tomatoes. Said another way, if you’re going to confront resistance, you can reasonably expect a little. If you’re going to stand up for anything besides alleged Biblical monogamy, you’re very likely to piss off a good few people.

Wolf concludes her article, “Until that real freedom arrives, we can honor the pioneers such as Lisa Brown, Pussy Riot and the young women of Tahrir Square — and keep up the fight to be free to name our bodies and ourselves.”

Until that real freedom arrives? Does she think that freedom pulls into the station like a train, steps onto the platform, stops for a cappuccino and takes a taxi to the hotel? This reminds me of the people who want the fruits of the land without plunging in their pitchfork and turning over the soil. We want fire, but we’re not willing to split the wood. We want food, but we’re not willing to cook. Wait — where are we? I just checked my GPS and it’s flashing the words WESTERN CIVILIZATION.

The state of the sexual discussion is so dismal at the moment that Wolf’s ideas may have value if we bother to consider and question them — though I don’t think she understands the nature of the problem and therefore cannot speak about the solution.

Mercury is still on the move, and the Sun is about to ingress Libra, where it too will pass through the Uranus-Pluto square, and stir the pot. May the metalogue continue.



Planet Waves

Libra Equinox: Evolution in the Air

Saturday is the [Northern Hemisphere] autumn equinox, when the Sun enters Libra and the new season begins. The Moon is in Sagittarius for this event, conjunct the Galactic Core. I’ll come back to all of that in a moment. First, though, a few additional words about the rather interesting week we’ve just experienced (in nutshell form).

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This chart is set up with the Aries Point rising. Notice Pallas and Uranus on the left. Opposite them is the Sun, to the right — with Mercury close by. On top of the chart is Pluto. The Sun will move into alignment with Pallas, Uranus and Pluto over the next few days, which will activate the aspect, resulting in events that make it visible, expressive and obvious that something unusual is happening.

You may have read in this space that we’re in the middle of a major, generational-scale aspect. It’s called Uranus square Pluto. The aspect spans from mid-2012 to early 2015, with a long warmup on the front end and a cool-down on the back end. We saw many effects of this in 2011, between Arab Spring, the Wisconsin protests and the Occupy movement. There is a gradually rising tide of increasing social and political consciousness, and it’s associated with this longterm aspect.

There are seven exact events; the second one was Wednesday, Sept. 19 — and we are now seeing another peak of protests (mostly in the Middle East, against the United States). These are not just associated with political events; the square indicates that we’re all under considerable pressure to change and to grow. Yet we humans have this tense relationship with the concept of change, and many put lots of energy into resisting it.

Outer planet aspects have many effects that can influence the feeling of a phase of time lasting years. An aspect in 2001-02, for example (Saturn opposite Pluto), was associated with the 9/11 incident and shaped consciousness for the next decade. It was associated with an outer event, and a lot of people feeling a lot of fear — and all of that fear was harvested and used to manipulate us. So, the last time we experienced big change, it came in the form of trauma, and subconsciously (or fully consciously) this is what most people expect.

We are in a similar moment now — though it’s more chaotic and less predictable. It’s oriented on liberation rather than on fear, contraction and oppression. Unlike the 2001-02 aspect, which was all about confronting externals (an opposition), the 2012 aspect is about making, and acting upon, a deeply personal commitment to change and grow in the ways you know are necessary.

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This is what we can see of the Galactic Center, the core of our Milky Way galaxy, located 24,000 light years away. The Moon will be conjunct the core for the equinox on Saturday, infusing the energy of this point into our bodies.

It extends from Aries to Capricorn — describing the meeting place between an individual (Aries) and the institutions that influence and often seem to control our lives (Capricorn). There is tension between the liberationist energy of Uranus in Aries, and the experience of power over us evoked by Pluto in Capricorn. And last, there is tension between the glitz and glam of appearance, excitement and technology, and deep (and deeply concealed) issues, psychological scarring and fear of change.

On Saturday, the Sun enters Libra, which is a power point in the year because it’s a change of seasons, and because the Sun aspects something called the Aries Point — the first degree of Aries. During the following week (next week, that is), the Sun will also oppose Uranus and square Pluto, moving the center of consciousness and the core of the solar system through this aspect structure. This is more than change on the level of words and ideas. Get ready for a direct experience of your own growth, your own adventure. It’s going to be a big week, as the Earth and the Sun align with Uranus, Pluto and other points in that aspect structure.

Here’s the catch: this is an inwardly focused aspect, but it’s not all about you. Rather, it’s about you and what you have in common with many other people, addressing topics that are much easier to address together. As for that Sagittarius Moon conjunct the Galactic Core — to me that’s a reminder that our spiritual quest is a need and not an option.

The Galactic Core is a homing signal toward greater spiritual depth. The Moon on the GC suggests this will be a palpable, physical sensation, coming through our bodies and the collective body known as ‘the public’. It’s a good use of the Moon, a great use of the body and the perfect use of this elusive thing known as the public.


Planet Waves

Uranus-Pluto Takes a Walk(er)

Last Friday, five days before the second exact contact of the Uranus-Pluto square, a Wisconsin judge struck down much of the 2011 state law championed by Governor Scott Walker that strips collective bargaining rights from most public workers, declaring it unconstitutional. This is the law that triggered several weeks of protests in Wisconsin’s capitol last February and prompted all 14 of the state’s Democratic senators to flee to Illinois in an effort to stop the law’s passage. Though more than 930,000 signatures were collected to force a June 2012 recall vote of Walker, which happened about three weeks before the first exact contact of Uranus-Pluto, he survived. Walker vows to appeal.


Planet Waves

GMO Corn, Roundup and You: Not Exactly “The Secret of NIMH”

Do you eat corn chips? Is your neighborhood patrolled by chemical-spraying weed-police? A study released this week, as the Virgo Sun has been squaring Ceres in Gemini, shows that rats fed a lifetime diet of Monsanto’s genetically engineered corn or exposed to the company’s ubiquitous Roundup herbicide developed tumors and suffered severe organ damage, reported Truthout and other publications.

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Gilles-Eric Seralini, a professor and Roundup in his lab. Photo: Charente Libre. Note — that mask he’s wearing is absolutely useless. It won’t keep that stuff out of his lungs.

Scientists fed the rats either Monsanto’s patented NK603 corn alone, corn treated with agricultural levels of Roundup, or water treated with levels of Roundup commonly found in contaminated U.S. water used for drinking and irrigating crops. Rats developed mammary tumors (breast cancer) and severe liver and kidney damage. There were two or three more deaths in each group than in control groups, and in one group, they died sooner.

“This is around the level [that] the American population may eat, where, unfortunately GMOs are not labeled,” said Gilles-Eric Séralini, a professor of molecular biology at the University of Caen who lead the research team. “In Europe, we have this labeling, and it helps us to avoid these compounds if necessary and promote personal choices.”

The news is disturbing, yet may strengthen Proposition 37 in California, a ballot initiative that would require groceries containing genetically engineered ingredients to be labeled accordingly. Biotech chemical companies and food manufacturers such as Monsanto, DuPont, Bayer and Nestle have spent millions of dollars so far in efforts to defeat Proposition 37. Before Californians get to vote on it, however, the Sun, in the sign of the goddess of the harvest, will move on from its illuminative square to Ceres — the goddess of agriculture. It will take her message to the Aries Point via the early degrees of Libra (justice) and into the heart of the Uranus-Pluto square. Your personal health is political, in the sense that its importance is shared by all of us. And this study is not about rats.


Planet Waves

Tit for Tat or Much Ado?

Are Kate’s Royal Tits that much more sacred than Harry’s Royal Balls? Last week, photographs of the Duchess’ breasts were released by French tabloid Closer, to the chagrin of the Royal Family. This is the second time in less than a month that photos of royal parts were made public, after Harry was photographed naked in Las Vegas playing strip billiards. Reactions to the two royal exposures (ahem) have been different, however.

“Their Royal Highnesses have been hugely saddened to learn that a French publication and a photographer have invaded their privacy in such a grotesque and totally unjustifiable manner,” began the statement released by St. James’ Palace, seat of the Royal Court.

Since that statement, The Royal Family has won an injunction prohibiting further publication of Kate’s photos by Closer; no such lawsuit was brought on Harry’s behalf. Reactions to both incidents by bloggers, commenters and media pundits have run the gamut: applauding the freedom of both young Royals; chastising media and paparazzi; trying to shame Harry and Kate for being immodest in the first place.

Both the palace and the public have invoked the tragic death of Princess Diana as a reason Kate’s photos are off limits. Yet, the virgin/whore mentality combined with the good girl/bad boy trope has its fingerprints all over this.

Articles warning of the dangers of nakedness and photography, with the implied vilification of our bodies, are wearing thin. The dangerous combination of sexual repression and hypocrisy is far more compelling — no matter how cute the Royal Tits.

Astrology note by Eric: I just checked the asteroid Photographica, which is dependably about photos and their impact. It’s in Capricorn, square Eris and opposite Varuna. That’s a lot of energy, though the square to Eris implies the search for identity and the sense of chaos; the opposition to Varuna is about equalization — in this case, through photos. Paraphrasing Bob Dylan, sometimes the prince and princess must stand naked.


Planet Waves

NASA: Vesta Probably Had Some Water

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Vesta, from a NASA video.

NASA on Thursday announced that studies of imagery and geologic data captured by its unmanned Dawn spacecraft of the large asteroid Vesta, located 117 million miles from Earth, likely contained hydrated minerals, or minerals that released water.

To be clear, NASA’s Dawn spacecraft didn’t detect any water on the asteroid itself, but rather signatures of hydrogen, bound up in minerals on the asteroid’s surface in the form of hydroxyl.

NASA states in two new papers that the hydroxyl likely came when “high-speed collisions with asteroid belt rocks released water … thought to have explosively degassed into space, leaving behind pothole-like depressions as it escaped.”

— by Carl Franzen, TPM


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Artist’s rendition of Numenor, J.R.R. Tolkien’s version of Atlantis.

The Sixty-Fifteenth Anniversary of The Lord of the Rings

This year marks the 75th anniversary of J.R.R. Tolkien beginning writing The Lord of the Rings and the 1937 publication of The Hobbit. An epic fantasy tale whose themes provide social commentary as relevant now as during World War II, if you haven’t read it lately (or ever), consider wandering for a while through a world where the small and humble accomplish feats for the greater good of all, simply because they must be done. As Tolkien noted, not all those who wander are lost — and we could use more adventuresome hobbits these days. In celebration of Tolkien’s vision, here is a recording of Martin Shaw reading Akallabeth, the fourth part of The Silmarillion — Tolkien’s companion work to LOTR and its prequel. If you’re a Lord of the Rings fan, being familiar with what’s in The Silmarillion and Akallabeth make it a lot more interesting — and the best way to take those works in is on audio, due to all the Elvish pronounciations and exotic names.


Planet Waves

Planet Waves FM :: Uranus Pluto Square & Libra Equinox

Here’s Planet Waves FM. My musical guest is New Paltz, NY-based recording artist Seth Davis. In this edition, I do an audio presentation on three of the topics in the lead article — the equinox and the Uranus-Pluto square, Mitt Romney declaring half of us deadbeats, and the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).


Planet Waves

Planet Waves monthly horoscopes provide a broader perspective that surveys the themes of the coming month and often, the weeks that follow. The September Monthly horoscope was published Friday, Aug. 24. Inner Space for September was published Tuesday, August 28. The September Moonshine Horoscope was published Tuesday, Sept. 18. Please note that the longer monthly horoscope is being incorporated into the Friday issue after the Sun has entered a new sign (the October monthly will publish Sept. 28); Inner Space still publishes on Tuesdays.


Planet Waves

Friday, September 21, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #918 | Eric’s Zodiac Sign Descriptions

Libra Birthdays This Week

In my 2012 annual edition, I promised that 2012 would be “the most important year of your life.” That’s still true, though the next four seasons also promise to be the most interesting year of your life. I suggest you avoid having expectations about anything, mainly for the reason that those expectations will often have you aiming too low. I suggest you do everything you can to consider the highest, most creative potentials — which might feel like aiming for the stars. But you’ll be doing no such thing — what you accomplish and what adventures you embark upon will take place on Earth, among people, in an environment of experimentation rather than false certainty. There are a lot of people who wish they could be as open to the possibilities as you are, and as willing to let go of the dreaded habit of clinging to what is known. I assure you that what you don’t know, and what you’re about to discover, is a heck of a lot more interesting than what you think you know. Note to Libras: I plan to have your 2012-2013 birthday reading completed next week.

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Whether a relationship or partnership holds any promise as a long-term involvement remains to be seen — though events certainly seem to be moving quickly at the moment. The speed of developments is not a fair indicator of how things might work out in the future, though how you and whoever else is involved move through the sequence of changes certainly is a valid indicator. This is a real-time experiment, under field conditions; this is not about speculation or theory. You’re actually in the territory you want to be covering, and this experience will come with excitement, sense of risk, the emotional exchange and being turned back on yourself to process the experience, basically all at once. Pay attention to how events develop, how you feel about them, and what you notice about the dynamics of the relationship. Notice whether you feel the truth is being told, pay attention to how responsive others are and how you feel at the end of the day. I suggest you take notes, because there are too many details to remember them all. This is one situation where the end really is written in the beginning.

Hello Aries — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).
Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Beware of emotional pitfalls, particularly ones that have been a big problem in the past. It’s your destiny to outgrow and resolve these issues, not to be bound by them. Here is what the aspect structure is describing. You are in close proximity to a spot in your emotional body that feels like an injury to your self-respect. Whatever it was, it has roots in (Northern Hemisphere) summers of 1999 and 2001, though you may not connect those two dates. You may fear that you’re in the same place, or still carrying some residual tendencies — though I suggest you note that feeling and keep going forward. There is something else going on, and it involves your relationship to this elusive thing called ‘maleness’. Much has been said about the alleged differences between male and female desire, though at least for you right now, there is something of a role reversal going on. You can regard any experiences you have of men over the next few days as a form of inner exploration. You’ve skipped over this territory before; I suggest that this time around, you go in deep.

Hello Taurus — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). If you would like to hear your Taurus birthday reading, please visit this link.
Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — In order to understand the nature of a problem, you will need to take a chance. That may mean considering possibilities that seem risky, or point to potentials that you don’t want to consider. When it comes to understanding psychological and emotional dynamics, many people will avoid an idea because they don’t like what it implies. I suggest you treat anything like this that you encounter as opportunities, and even as low-hanging fruit. Meanwhile, I suggest you ditch the notion of a ‘happy childhood’, if such a thing influences you. Childhood is extremely complicated, we tend to forget most of it, and in truth, it’s never easy. Embrace the complexity of what you went through, and the contradictions involved, and recognize the fact that there are parts of you that are still aching from some of what happened. You’re also very likely to be carrying the pain of your parents, and at the moment, what your mother passed along to you is high on the agenda to be looked at, understood and resolved. Said another way: you are ready.

Hello Gemini — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). Have you listened to your birthday reading? Click here for an hour of astrology plus a tarot reading by Eric.
Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — You’re ready for some deep nourishment — which is different from your average, everyday kind of nourishment. The best way to have this need fulfilled is to admit you have it, and remain open and aware, rather than in a state of frustration. I know there’s a taboo against admitting need — whether we (as in we humans in Western society) fear being perceived as that dreaded thing ‘needy’, or whether we fear some compromise of our image as being fully satisfied. Forget your outer image, and I suggest you be mindful of the interplay of you and your self-image. It’s time, I believe, for you to acknowledge directly what you want, and what you know will nourish you, first to yourself and then to someone with whom you may share something so intimate. If you enter territory where there is shame, embarrassment or guilt, you know you’re in the right place. These things are almost always veils thrown over what is the most meaningful, what is the very hottest and ultimately, over who you know you are inside.

Hello Cancer — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). To hear your birthday reading for the year ahead, please visit this link.
Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Keep going and you’re bound to get results. You may be experiencing mixed feelings about that idea, since you know that you’re exerting more energy than you need to. You may also be stalked by the feeling that ‘everything has to change, all at once’. While that’s going on, you may have the feeling that you’re mired in something that’s consuming your energy unnecessarily, though you don’t necessarily know what it is. You might feel at the same time like you’re pushing against an obstacle that seems like it’s outside you, but which is really part of your own emotional makeup. Yes, there is a lot going on at once. But it’s all one experience, and I suggest you step back and see your current circumstances for what they are. You’re in a truly adventurous dynamic with your environment. You’re changing it, and it’s changing you. You’re currently the one in the situation whose ideas can have the most positive influence. Therefore, stay on that level — of being open, and of respecting what comes through your mind and hopefully ends up being jotted down for reference and elaboration in the immediate future.

Hello Leo — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). Did you miss your birthday reading? Click here to order an hour of astrology plus a tarot reading by Eric.


Planet Waves

Hello Virgo and Virgo rising readers. I’ve just finished your 2012-2013 birthday reading. Check this link to listen to your hour-long astrology reading plus Tarot.


Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — I was about to write that it’s not possible to devote too much energy to self-esteem, though if you are, I suggest you ask yourself why that is. I’ve said many times that in terms of personal psychology, the self-esteem deficit is one of the most serious problems we face as individuals and as a society. You’re in exactly the position you need to be in to make some bold progress on this seemingly intractable issue — but to do so, you need to be unusually honest with yourself. I suggest you start by questioning and even stopping the things you typically do to make yourself ‘feel better about yourself’. This might range from any form of self-improvement technique to the designer handbag. You might also include accounting for the influences of medication, on the chance that might be involved. Treat these things as cover-ups for both the real problem and the real solution. They interfere on two levels: one is a physical obstruction, and the other is a matter of where you invest your faith. You don’t want to feel good about who you are; rather, I would propose that what you want is to have faith in yourself.

Hello Virgo — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).
Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — What do you identify with, within yourself? Your personal assets? Your problems? What you’ve accomplished? Your relationships? You’re bigger than all of these things combined. This can be a challenging lesson to learn, since one at a time these different elements of experience tend to take over consciousness and our sense of identity. Yet none of them are really you. Yes, they all give you clues, and those clues point to something deeper, bigger, vastly more significant than any transient experience. You can, however, use these experiences in interesting ways. One is to notice what they all have in common. Look for the underlying motive, need or desire that connects the many seemingly different experiences of your existence. Trust that there is a common thread, use your imagination and see if you can figure out what it is. You can also experiment with the sensation that everything is a mirror, or that consciousness itself is a reflection — and if that is true, what, exactly, is being reflected? You may wear a thousand masks, but someone is behind them all.

Hello Libra — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).
Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Your charts describe the way in which you’re striving to be, or at least to experience, the opposite of what you are now. This looks like a healthy expression of your creative imagination. It’s also a viable way to explore the tension that you’re feeling, which is a kind of inner standoff between two different emotional realities. It’s as if you feel entirely like one of them in one moment, and entirely like the other in the next moment. Which is really you? How can they both feel so vividly true? Consider the possibility that you contain parallel realities. They can coexist like separate dimensions, each of which is valid when you’re in it. Rather than trying to reconcile them against one another, be fully in each of them as you experience it. This will feel a lot better than trying to compel yourself to reconcile them. Both are valid, even if one seems to exclude the other. Be fully where you are and what you’re feeling in every moment and understanding will come.

Hello Scorpio — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You’re in the process of figuring out how much fun you can have, if you get this pesky thing known as attachment out of the way. I know, most people cling to their attachments, even beyond being attached to them. This is similar to being in love with being in love, only it’s less fun. You of all people have the ability to slip right into the space of nonattachment, which is not about giving things up one at a time. Rather, it’s about making contact with your cosmic origins as a direct emotional and psychic experience. While few of us know with certainty the full nature of our journey through the universe, you have the ability to feel the essence of that journey and to embrace it, even if you only do this occasionally. Feel the essence of everything, particularly yourself, as being in motion. Everything is transient within time, though the planets are aligned such that you can feel that transience, and experience both the freedom it contains, and your ability to make contact with others in the midst of the kaleidoscope of your life.

Hello Sagittarius — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).
Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — There is an imperative on emotional maturity right now; consider this a kind of professionalism in the face of change, uncertainty and the demand for leadership — that is to say, your leadership. You have a unique, and well-seasoned, perspective on the unsettled quality of the moment, though you are also in full contact with the potential that’s lurking beyond the chaos. In times such as these, people who can offer a steady example and have a vision are the ones who have the opportunity to shine, while everyone else is scrambling around. Now, as for the maturity piece: this is a learned skill. It’s learned from experience and by following examples, and you have both. The pace of events is about to pick up; you must slow down, long enough to confer with certain people you trust (most likely older than you) and to make reasoned decisions that you don’t have to reconsider. Take things one step at a time — that number is one, not two. And if you find yourself positioned high up, use that as a means of gaining perspective, rather than demanding respect.

Hello Capricorn — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).
Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Do you have to be powerful to be successful? It depends on your concept of power — and of success. If you view power as something that a king has, which is basically that of a ruler over people, success would be measured in how much authority you have. If you view success as the ability to get a job done well, power is more like the gift of being able to muster up cooperation, support and enthusiasm toward a goal. Under this model, power is also about any ability you have to move creative energy and resources in the direction you deem necessary, fun or useful. Under this second definition, you are just getting a taste of what is possible. Once Saturn crosses the success angle of your chart early next month, you will be taking a step up in the world — though initially that means an increase in your responsibilities, and the beginning of doing the work to establish and solidify your reputation. I don’t mean your image or the theory of success that you’re using — I do mean your actual reputation for achievement, which is very much a work in progress.

Hello Aquarius — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).
Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — The art of the deal — it’s not usually your thing, though I suggest you make it your thing for the next few weeks. One thing about your chart, and about life, is that everything is negotiable. Most people don’t believe that, and don’t have the chutzpah to put that idea to work, though I suggest you keep it in mind. Consider everything flexible, everything subject to the principle of fairness, and remember that life is a social and relational affair above all else (rather than being a bureaucratic function or a game). Therefore, stick to the human level in everything you do. Grease the wheels that make your community turn, look for the leverage points to get action and remember what you want at all times — both individually (for you) and collectively (what serves others). Ideally you will engage only in situations where you feel confident that the outcome will be the greatest good for all concerned. And remember you have more influence making that happen than you might think at the moment — though I suspect you’ve got a clue.

Hello Pisces — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).
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Moonshine Horoscope, Schedule Tune-Up — and Uranus-Pluto

Dear Friend and Reader:

This week we have the Moonshine horoscope for you, written by upstart horoscope writer Genevieve Hathaway, filed from Australia. By the way, Genevieve’s contribution to last week’s edition — her reportage from the neighborhood of the Egyptian embassy in Cairo — went uncredited (see second paragraph). We know the street where the embassy is located is blocked by troops and tanks because very recently, she lived three blocks away.

Planet Waves

Campaign promises. Photo by Eric Francis.


While I’m on the topic of monthly horoscopes, I had promised the Planet Waves Monthly horoscope for Friday. However, the Sun will still be in Virgo, and I don’t recall ever mailing the monthly horoscope with the Sun in the old sign. It’s our tradition to mail with the Sun in the new sign and the new story, which can be a little awkward with the Sun changing signs on a Saturday.

I’m just about done with the October monthly, which I’ll send to you on Friday, Sept. 28. That will come with the October overview.

Therefore, for this coming Friday, I’m planning a special horoscope that covers the equinox, the Sun’s ingress into Libra, and an event that happens tomorrow — the second of seven Uranus-Pluto squares. Heck, that should be an exciting horoscope.

If you’re not familiar with the term “Uranus-Pluto square,” this is what I’ve been calling the 2012 aspect. It’s really a series of events between mid-2012 and early 2015 that define the era in which we are living, and the theme is revolutionary change. We’ve been seeing this spread across the Middle East and North Africa. (For readers new to the concept, check out The Top Five Events of 2012, and see the 7th item on the list.)

We’ve been feeling it in our own lives, though many have manifested it mainly as the pressure to change, in an environment where change often seems impossible.

I will have more to say about that on Friday.



Planet Waves

September Moonshine Horoscope by Genevieve Hathaway | Eric’s Zodiac Sign Descriptions

Note: These horoscopes are based on your Moon sign. To look that up, enter your birth data into I suggest you also read your Sun and rising signs. — efc

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — You’ve been moving through a period of discovery, a quest for emotional freedom, regarding your needs in relation to yourself and others. During the past three years, you made much headway reassessing your partnerships and how you related to the concept of relationship, even if you could not always see the progress. At times, you had to drop down through your internal layers to attain the answers and solutions you sought. Re-orientating your relational perceptions and needs meant less energy spent at that time on enacting changes to the structure of partnerships. But, this work, even when accompanied by the sensation of delay, was important to where you’ve grown to in the present. As you prepare for another outer-planet shift, Saturn entering Scorpio, use the next month to evaluate where you’ve been and what you learned. Ease back on the pace of your life, freeing up space and time to reflect. Ideas and insights will solidify into your consciousness from within your emotional body. There is something here about outgrowing the relational assumptions of prior generations. And now: what is the plan, the vision? — by Genevieve Hathaway

Hello Aries — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).
Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Your emotional energy reserves are a precious resource. When your energy tank is full you feel more balanced and able to accomplish your highest goals. You’ve spent the last few years learning what drains you and what brings you the sensation of having plenty of vitality to work with. You can think of vitality like a fire, finite in the sense that without fuel it will go out. But, a continuously stoked fire can burn for eternity. Recently, you’ve learned much in the way of useful information regarding how to continuously add fuel to your own inner source of energy. Knowledge is only useful though when acted upon. I suggest you sit down with a sheet of paper and a pen (not your iPhone), jotting down what drains you and what fills you with vitality. Note what has brought you excitement, the kind of excitement where you feel like you could work for three straight days. Use this information as a starting point when you feel particularly lacking in enthusiasm about people or projects. These changes to the structure of your environment will move you to a place with a stronger energy well to tap. — by Genevieve Hathaway

Hello Taurus — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). If you would like to hear your Taurus birthday reading, please visit this link.
Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Through late September and into early October, you are revisiting the territory you covered in early June, bringing both a review and also an opportunity to fine-tune the changes you’ve begun. What has been on offer is a new manner in relating to yourself. Thought of another way, your concept of being you, the emotional patterns and feelings that govern how you experience situations, is restructuring. New information arose over the past few months that will assist you in making further progress in understanding the patterns and feeling processes you wish to keep, and those you intend to let go. If the boundaries between the old and new instinctual patterns becomes hard to see, I suggest you look for markers of fear, anxiety or guilt. These indicate emotional habits and structures that are not serving you, and are stopping you from settling into living from a place of authenticity. At times, carving out these old responses may mean going all the way back to your childhood; fear, anxiety and guilt are indicators of something that was given to you, rather than an emotional habit that is genuinely you. — by Genevieve Hathaway

Hello Gemini — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). Have you listened to your birthday reading? Click here for an hour of astrology plus a tarot reading by Eric.
Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — The concept of identity crisis implies that a trouble or danger is present; that something is wrong with the individual. This idea denies a real, healthy process of growth and does not inform the actual process by which one’s identity undergoes change. I propose that you build into your self-assessment method a mental warning light surrounding any ideas that involve something being “wrong with you.” This feeling indicates someone else’s agenda is involved. Growth does not involve a danger, emergency or failure on your part; rather than involving any kind of crisis it comes with a breakthrough. The process lets you heal and move to a state that is closer to your authentic self. Over the past few years you’ve undergone quite a bit of growth — moving beyond old internal paradigms. Your wants and needs shifted, at times changing what you valued. Continue following where this development leads, even if it involves some large restructuring in your external world to reflect your new desires. Working from a place of authenticity will ultimately bring the best results for both you and the people around you. — by Genevieve Hathaway

Hello Cancer — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). To hear your birthday reading for the year ahead, please visit this link.
Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — This month a work project you’ve been investing time and creative energy in for a while will gain traction and accelerate, moving past a seeming block that has frustrated you and your partners. Your visibility, personae of leadership, and communication skills will aid the project in moving beyond this apparent hurdle. Trust your instinct to be the front-man, the face of the project. You have the skills and strength to guide the undertaking in the direction it needs to go. The solutions you are currently working with may appear improbable to others, but you see the open side window whereas they keep rushing headlong into the locked front door. Your creative ideas are forming from deep within, tapping into some of your deepest wells of inventiveness. They may not be what others expect, however, so I suggest you stick with your proposals, even if there is initial resistance from business partners. Your emotional connection and devotion to your ideas will aid important individuals in ultimately having faith in your unique solutions. — by Genevieve Hathaway

Hello Leo — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). Did you miss your birthday reading? Click here to order an hour of astrology plus a Tarot reading by Eric.


Planet Waves

Hello Virgo and Virgo rising readers. I’ve just finished your 2012-2013 birthday reading. Check this link to listen to your hour-long astrology reading plus Tarot.


Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Through September, your internal world seems to have taken on a particularly complicated feel. You are currently sorting through many competing yet interconnected emotions. I suggest you take the time to follow the strands of this web to where they lead. This process will take you deep into your past to issues that started in childhood. Something is coming up that you learned from your parents, particularly surrounding your father’s personal beliefs and his relationship to his own emotions. This idea you are working through has informed a lot of how you feel about who you are and how you treat emotions. Any feeling of shame or guilt that arises is not a comment on you, rather part of the conditioning you received as a small child. To navigate through these emotional blocks, start from a place of accepting your imperfections and honoring your vulnerability. Acknowledge these attributes as having worth and being an acceptable part of you. Doing so will help you connect to a deep, solid sense of self-value. — by Genevieve Hathaway

Hello Virgo — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).
Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — For the past three years Saturn has moved through your Moon sign, accompanied at times by a feeling of being a stranger in your own skin. The familiarity that is inherent in the concept of being ‘you’ may not have always felt solid during this time as emotional patterns and needs you were living with clashed with newly realized authentic aspects of yourself. Re-invention of your internal framework involved changing patterns, many of which you learned as a child. The ground you covered involved how you maintained honoring your needs, in a relationship, while also honoring your partner’s needs. This starts with taking care of yourself first and foremost, then works itself out from there to the other people involved. When you’re emotionally nurtured and your needs acknowledged, you then have plenty of reserves to care for others. Over the next few weeks, continue to get comfortable with the new ideas and perspectives you are integrating into what it means to be you, the responses you naturally go to in relational situations. Review how your instinctive reactions now differ from a few years back; where you have grown to will not seem that odd of a place, rather an extension of who you’ve always been at the deepest, most genuine level. — by Genevieve Hathaway

Hello Libra — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).
Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Mars’ current trek through your Moon sign is making your emotional state particularly edgy and intense. Your internal landscape at the moment feels like you’re living with a double dose of you. Great in theory; for who wouldn’t want two of themselves? But in practice one is plenty intense, two explosive. Projecting a calm exterior is your usual state, but that is a thin veil, with strong, hot emotions churning underneath. Many volcanos pull off this trick, too — they appear from a distance to be quiet pinnacles of nature; peer into their craters and you find magma boiling up. Watch your levels of frustration over the next few weeks, and use extra patience when dealing with people. Unnecessary friction could arise, if you don’t keep your currently volatile emotions in check. Those around you can feel the heat you emit, even during your most pleasantly placid moments. I suggest you find a place for this intense feeling and passion to go in a constructive manner. Pour yourself into hot sex, creating art, working on a project and physical exercise. All will serve to release your internal pressure — and you will create some truly inspired work. — by Genevieve Hathaway

Hello Scorpio — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — What does it mean to be a practical risk-taker? How well do you judge when to take a risk and when to act conservatively? I suggest you take the time over the next few weeks to reflect on these questions. Currently, your instinct for risk taking is particularly strategic and adept. Reflecting on how you assess a situation involving a risk or uncertainty will help you note how much skill you actually have in making these types of decisions. As opportunities arise that involve plenty of uncertainty, rely more on your own judgment and system for determining the best course of action, and less on the opinion of others. Some of the risks you are poised to take appear unpredictable from the outside. As a result, individuals may view the decisions you make as rash. This is an incorrect assessment; you know exactly what you are doing and are in a good position to take the leap, even if it seems as wide as the Grand Canyon. Look for the feeling of something you must do; a very focused and driven vision will help you navigate through your different options. For a while, you may have to go it alone with an idea; though there is a lot more support around you than it initially appears, and very soon it will manifest. — by Genevieve Hathaway

Hello Sagittarius — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).
Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — During the past few years, you’ve experienced emotional highs and lows regarding your career path. Many big changes arrived, and the current landscape of the work you do may look quite different from how it did in the early to mid-2000s. At times these changes felt almost personal. I suggest you quickly abandon this perspective, rather viewing career as a learning process and less a fixed entity. Take the longer view, noting how the seeming setbacks and tangible advances directed your career onto a new path. Not all endings are bad; many clear the way for you to move in a new direction. Something you have been holding onto fell away; instead of a loss it actually freed up your creativity which was held stagnate. This new inventiveness is driving new desired changes you wish to make surrounding your larger career goals. Over the next few weeks, wrap up the loose ends of projects that do not further this new career aim. End those business relationships on a productive note, while also freeing up time and energy to invest in the projects that support your new work vision. — by Genevieve Hathaway

Hello Capricorn — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).
Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Over the past three years, you underwent a shift in your personal philosophy, experimenting with, and developing, ideas that more accurately suit your most authentic needs. During this exploration of your belief system, you incorporated different forms of spirituality and philosophies. You were not so much trying on hats to see which best fit, rather seeing which pieces of these higher subjects matched what you’ve observed in the world and synced with your values. Spend the next month reflecting on this perspective change, noting how far you’ve grown and the overarching personal themes that were restructured. Much of what you changed involved the concept of how to live a balanced life, which translates to an emotionally healthy existence. You’ve learned that balance isn’t about two scales being equal, but more often about doing what is best for you. Making decisions from that concept of balance will result in everyone involved benefiting. To support and help others, you must start from a place of fully owning what is best for you. — by Genevieve Hathaway

Hello Aquarius — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).
Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Pisceans are often described as more interested in living in a ‘dream world’ than ‘reality’. Other individuals’ version of reality is often a bit bland, and your ‘dream world’ is actually a vast resource of creativity. Currently, this imaginative element, which runs through every fabric of your emotional being, is particularly abundant, providing plenty of ideas and inspiration for your projects. I suggest you carve out time over the next few weeks to be around that which provides the most inspiration. Photograph, paint, draw, write, make music — spend plenty of time feeding that creative vein into the tangible form and pick a subject that fills you with a sensation of meaning and contribution. Not only will something physically beautiful be created, but this immersion in the production of art will also emotionally nurture you. A regenerative cycle, feeding your emotional body will thus inspire more creativity in your projects and give you plenty of energy to invest in them. — by Genevieve Hathaway

Hello Pisces — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).
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