Tag Archives: UpToUS

Spotlight on Reader Responses from the UpToUs Caravan Series

The Wells Fargo Convention Center in Philadelphia, where the Democratic National Convention was held.

The Wells Fargo Convention Center in Phila., where the Democratic National Convention was held.

Part 1   Part 2   Part 3   Part 4   Part 5   Part 6  Part 7

By Amy E. Jacobs

Hello again, this time from my desk in Arvada, CO (a suburb between Denver and Boulder), where I am grateful to finally be sitting after a 28-hour solo drive back from the east coast. I took some time post-convention to rest up and see some friends, including a trip to Kingston where I spent some time with Eric and had several insightful conversations about my experience. I arrived home on Friday.

I am planning a final article on the UpToUs Caravan, in which I will attempt to summarize the main themes that surfaced over the course of the journey, and some of the potential lessons to be learned. There are so many powerful experiences that I haven’t been able to include thus far, due mainly to the depth of commentary necessary to communicate them — each one could really be its own article. Once when I described this predicament to Eric he told me “you’ve got to just stick your teaspoon under the waterfall.” So that’s what I’ve been doing, though now that I’ve got a bit of distance from the intensity, I hope to offer a slightly more cohesive picture soon.

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The Peace Train Arrives in Philly

I got a chance to sit next to Bernie Sanders at a coffeeshop in Philadelphia!  This friendly doll was just one of hundreds of very creative visuals at the protests outside City Hall. Photo by: Amy Jacobs.

I got a chance to sit next to Bernie Sanders at a coffeeshop in Philadelphia! This friendly doll was just one of hundreds of very creative visuals at the protests outside City Hall. Photo by: Amy Jacobs.

Part 1   Part 2   Part 3   Part 4   Part 5   Part 6   Part 7

By Amy E. Jacobs

Amy Jacobs has been traveling from the western US toward the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia. This is the fifth article in her series. You can read the fourth one here.

Greetings from Philadelphia! The city of brotherly love, the Liberty Bell and, currently, two thirty-foot-long inflatable joints with the slogans “End the racist drug war!” and “Berned by the DNC!” – among many other fascinating visuals.

I haven’t had a chance to write for two days, and only have time for a quick update right now. As you can imagine, there is a lot going on here.

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UpToUS Caravan Heads to Philadelphia

The Purple Party Bus,part of the UpToUs Caravan, on the road in Nebraska. Photo by Ethan Au Green.

The Purple Party Bus, part of the UpToUs Caravan, on the road in Nebraska. Photo: Ethan Au Green.

Part 1   Part 2   Part 3   Part 4   Part 5   Part 6   Part 7

By Amy E. Jacobs

Amy Jacobs is currently driving from the western US toward the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia. This is the second article in her series. You can read the first one here.

At about 7:30pm on Tuesday, a school-bus sized purple RV pulled up outside the Boulder Theater in downtown Boulder, CO, to cheers from the small crowd outside.  The orange “#UPTOUS” painted on the back window declared its affiliation.

Parked on the streets were more cars with similar decorations, like “#SeeYouInPhilly” and “Make the Movement Move.”

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UpToUs 1

On the Road With the UpToUS Caravan

Part 1   Part 2   Part 3   Part 4   Part 5   Part 6   Part 7

By Amy E. Jacobs

Spare tire. Check. Oil change. Check. Bar of white soap for drawing hashtags on car windows. Check.

Place to stay my first night in Lincoln, NE? No idea, but there’s a Facebook page for that.

I’m about to embark on a journey from Boulder, CO, to Philadelphia, PA.  I will be part of a cross-country caravan of progressive activists traveling to the Democratic National Convention. It’s already exhilarating, and I’m not even on the road yet.

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