Tag Archives: self-awareness

The Day of the Entertainer: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is June 7
The Day of the Entertainer | Order Your 2019-20 Gemini Reading | All Other Signs

You can gain considerable momentum this year, though you could also get caught in a kind of psychic whirlpool. Make sure you consistently apply the self-honesty test (“am I being real with myself about this?” Then go to, “Why or why not?”). And then notice your direction of travel. To do that, you need to check where you just were, where you are now, and what looks like it’s straight ahead. Plot your course on a regular basis. It will help to have a clear destination in mind, even it it’s not the place you ultimately intend to get. Just know where you’re going next, and why you want to be there.
— by Eric Francis Coppolino
Hear Eric speak about your year in-depth in your 2019-20 Gemini Astrology Studio Reading.

Written in the Planets

Mercury in Cancer is in a highly energized position today: it’s making squares to the objects Logos, Salacia and Chiron, plus a sextile to Uranus. It looks possible to make some new discoveries about old (as in, generations-old in some cases) personal material. Or, even if the area of your concern is not that old, it could feel intensely personal — such as something to do with your sexuality, identity, buried hurts, and so on.

We seem to be in a moment of heightened awareness, of the kind that will feel good to acknowledge fully and do something productive with. That could include expressing it verbally. New solutions to stubborn problems might also become apparent; you just need to see them for what they are. If you can go with their flow without getting carried away by doubts, you’ll be in good shape. You do have a choice in where and how to direct your imagination.
— by Amanda Painter

Did you know that Eric Francis has recorded new videos for all 12 signs, specifically investigating Mars interacting with some of astrology’s most influential planets this season? His Call the Astrologer readings are available individually or as a 12-sign set to share with your loved ones. Check out samples here and here.

Choice of Movement

By Amanda Painter

On one level, this week’s astrology is describing some very insistent and action-oriented themes, related to Mercury making the same aspects in the cardinal signs that Mars has been making. At the same time, we have activity in mutable signs lending their own sense of movement, in their own style.

Photo by Amanda Painter

Photo by Amanda Painter

To start with, Mercury is currently in early Cancer.

Over the next couple of days it makes squares to Makemake and Logos in Libra, an opposition to Quaoar in Capricorn, and squares to Salacia and Chiron in Aries (it opposed Pholus in Capricorn on Wednesday). So we’re still working with ideas about how family and generational patterns play out; what we think of ‘secret’ sexual material and how it does and does not get spoken about; and the ‘mystery’ and logic of how things have come to be the way they are.

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The Day of the Brilliant Path: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is June 5
The Day of the Brilliant Path | Order Your 2019-20 Gemini Reading | All Other Signs

This year will bring tests of your true priorities. You already know what they are; the question is whether you will exercise them like options. It’s too easy for people to subvert their most cherished desires to what they think is the will of others. Yet when one takes the chance and dares to stand up for oneself, there can be considerable pain and confusion. This is a temporary stage in the growth process, and one that at a certain point we must learn to push through. If you want to call this experience your life, that’s the necessary project.
— by Eric Francis Coppolino
Hear Eric speak about your year in-depth in your 2019-20 Gemini Astrology Studio Reading.

Written in the Planets

Mercury in Cancer opposing the centaur Pholus (along with Quaoar) in Capricorn could be focusing your attention on a ‘runaway emotions’ situation. Is it yours, or one that you’re witnessing? It could also feel more like your mind is getting carried off, or has been catalyzed into an ever-developing chain reaction of thoughts. If this describes you, however, you’ll want to consider whether any of these thought patterns and emotional habits are hand-me-downs from a past generation. Do you really need to burn up all that energy? Same if someone you know is currently mirroring a dynamic like that to you.

With Juno in Cancer also opposing Pluto in Capricorn, the question of emotional security in relationships arises. As much as it can seem like ‘stability’ is the key to that (that is, things staying the same), you may discover that flowing with the changes both you and a partner are experiencing offers the most comfortable (and honest) way to stay present — and connected.
— by Amanda Painter

Did you know that Eric Francis just recorded new videos for all 12 signs, specifically investigating Mars interacting with some of astrology’s most influential planets this season? His Call the Astrologer readings are available individually or as a 12-sign set to share with your loved ones. Check out samples here and here.

The Day of Critical Expertise: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is June 4
The Day of Critical Expertise | Order Your 2019-20 Gemini Reading | All Other Signs

You may need to let certain important situations play themselves out much longer than you would normally think is reasonable to get the best outcome. This will require a particular kind of trust that does not come naturally in the world. Therefore, delay important decisions till you have full confidence that you really understand what is happening. For this to work, you will have to know when you don’t know; you must be sensitive to when you are traveling through a fog. Awakening is a very different feeling from sleeping.
— by Eric Francis Coppolino
Hear Eric speak about your year in-depth in your 2019-20 Gemini Astrology Studio Reading.

Written in the Planets

Just a few hours after the Moon enters its home sign of Cancer today, Mercury also enters Cancer. Having the symbol of emotions and the symbol of the mind both in such an especially sensitive, receptive, cyclical sign could indicate a day when suddenly everyone seems to be feeling much more deeply than they were just a day or two ago. Yet those feelings and impressions could ebb and flow frequently. So it might be a wise idea to choose your environments, companions and other sensory inputs consciously, particularly if you’ve been feeling at all overwhelmed lately.

Over the course of today and tomorrow the Moon will echo the major aspects that Mars recently made to objects early in the cardinal signs; Mercury will do the same over the course of this week. This suggests an emotional-level and mental-level encounter with whatever issues of anger and desire came up for you in late May — and with the familial/generational and social/political layers of that material. With Mercury in the Moon’s sign, there could be an especially intuitive understanding that comes through, and listening (over reading) might play a bigger role.

Mercury in Cancer can also be an especially imaginative placement, with some fine print: it helps to find creative ways to express your mind’s meanderings. Give it a job, a purpose; this should help prevent your imagination from turning inward and growing small fears and problems into outsized versions of themselves. The Gemini Sun opposite the Great Attractor offers another reminder to keep perspective on anything that feels too large to understand clearly, especially if you find it particularly compelling in any way. There’s plenty else surrounding you to help you keep your bearings.
— by Amanda Painter

Did you know that Eric Francis just recorded new videos for all 12 signs, specifically investigating Mars interacting with some of astrology’s most influential planets this season? His Call the Astrologer readings are available individually or as a 12-sign set to share with your loved ones. Check out samples here and here.

The Day of Fluent Expression: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is June 3
The Day of Fluent Expression | Order Your 2019-20 Gemini Reading | All Other Signs

Today’s New Moon on your birth anniversary is a reminder that to leave the past behind you, it’s necessary to consciously work through what has been holding you back. We live in a culture that encourages denial, which is easy enough to slide into. Yet that denies the rewards of growth, and the benefits of experimenting with new ways to approach your circumstances. It has been said that problems are opportunities, which is only true if you make the choice to use them for all they are worth.
— by Eric Francis Coppolino
Hear Eric speak about your year in-depth in your 2019-20 Gemini Astrology Studio Reading.

Written in the Planets

Today the New Moon in Gemini is exact at 6:02 am EDT; it appears to indicate a busy, multi-layered fusion of your conscious awareness and your unconscious. Or, think of that as what you express externally and what you experience internally. Your intuition and incidents of synchronicity may be prominent, and worth attention. Same with perfectly timed words and ideas offered by someone in a group or by ‘the collective’ (including the collective unconscious), the dreams you had while sleeping last night, and how any of these things match what you envision for your life.

What are you noticing about something (or someone) you feel inexplicably drawn toward? Do you find it polarizing or triggering in any way at the same time? How many layers or angles to the issue do you see, and do you have mixed thoughts or feelings about it?

An asteroid called Magdalena, associated with Mary Magdalene, is very closely conjunct the New Moon. One possibility is that this represents a long-term commitment to a cause, or possibly even a person — though it may be the ideas or philosophy that’s as important as anything, especially if you’re in a position to offer heartfelt support. Saturn and Neptune are offering assistance in working toward your ideals — just remember not to take yourself too seriously in the process.
— by Amanda Painter

Did you know that Eric Francis just recorded new videos for all 12 signs, specifically investigating Mars interacting with some of astrology’s most influential planets this season? His Call the Astrologer readings are available individually or as a 12-sign set to share with your loved ones. Check out samples here and here.

The Day of the Problem Solvers: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is June 2
The Day of the Problem Solvers | Order Your 2019-20 Gemini Reading | All Other Signs

The message of your birthday chart is clear: wrap up old business, get your house in order, and plant seeds for the future. They will not take long to come to fruition, though they will be fed and fertilized by your vision for yourself. Consider what is possible, and have conscious faith in your potential. Be not overwhelmed by the size or complexity of the world; rather, make friends with these things. You may feel like you’re but a small part of the grand dance of the universe, though you are an essential element of all that is.
— by Eric Francis

Written in the Planets

The Moon enters Gemini today, on its way to a conjunction with the Sun tomorrow: the Gemini New Moon. Your mind may be as busy today and tomorrow as it has been, but it’s possible your thoughts will be directed more inwardly. That’s not to say you won’t talk to anybody; there simply might be more on your mind that goes unsaid.

Multi-tasking looks likely — along with social occasions with more than one goal, especially in terms of communication or a higher/broader purpose than just chit-chat. Even if those activities don’t have the kind of high-energy charge that you’d expect with a Full Moon looming instead of a New Moon, you may still experience a sense of busy-ness.

A square between the Gemini Sun and the centaur Nessus in Pisces brings up the question of duality, particularly where your thoughts and emotions are concerned. The idea with duality-themed signs (the twins of Gemini, the two fish of Pisces) is to find the point of synthesis — which is different from compartmentalization. Whatever you need to express or bring into fuller awareness today, whatever action you need to take to resolve some tension, see if you can do so without hiding or shutting down some other, seemingly conflicting, part of yourself. You are one you; which means all parts of you can coexist consciously. It’s possible this has not always felt the case, but it’s likely time to stop that type of thinking.
— by Amanda Painter

Did you know that Eric Francis just recorded new videos for all 12 signs, specifically investigating Mars interacting with some of astrology’s most influential planets this season? His Call the Astrologer readings are available individually or as a 12-sign set to share with your loved ones. Check out samples here and here.

The Day of the Popular Eye: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is June 1
The Day of the Popular Eye | Order Your 2019-20 Gemini Reading | All Other Signs

Today’s Moon-Venus meeting on your birthday is an invitation to let your light shine: to be seen for your beauty, without hesitation. Don’t hide yourself away; engage with the world on your own terms. The opportunities you have will be the ones that you take. You are the person who activates your own potential, by your choices and by your actions. Growth does not need to be fraught with resistance; there are, at times, easy openings to what you want, though you must be the one who consciously chooses to push the door open, or to set out in a new direction based on your own desire.
— by Eric Francis

Written in the Planets

Notice today if anything seems to point your thoughts toward the early origins of a particular belief. Beliefs tend to be emotion-based, and yet we generally articulate them in the language of fact and rationality. Mercury’s conjunction to the asteroid Chaos today in Gemini suggests multivalenced creative thought is possible, especially in a kind of primordial way: that state before things evolve into their full shape. Yet Mercury and Chaos are also square Borasisi in Pisces: a suggestion that your need to express these ideas (in speech, action or some form of creation) could be at odds with some long-held belief — one that may actually represent a fiction of some kind. What happens to your perspective on this belief in the process?

Meanwhile, Mars in Cancer is making a square to the asteroid Pallas in Libra. This could describe some kind of emotional reaction against a more ‘political’ or diplomatic way of relating to people that you think you’re supposed to use, especially to please them. In other words, pay attention to any need to push against someone or something in a way that indicates you’re not standing in your power as an adult. Can you express yourself directly, from a place of balance, without the full emotional charge? It’s not the same as being diplomatic, because you’d still be saying and doing what you really mean, but it’s less likely to scuttle out sideways like an angry young crab.
— by Amanda Painter

Did you know that Eric Francis just recorded new videos for all 12 signs, specifically investigating Mars interacting with some of astrology’s most influential planets this season? His Call the Astrologer readings are available individually or as a 12-sign set to share with your loved ones. Check out samples here and here.

The Day of the Cutting Edge: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is May 31
The Day of the Cutting Edge | Order Your 2019-20 Gemini Reading | All Other Signs

Think strategically and over the long term. Careful planning and taking things one step at a time should help you reach your aims. This includes being clear about what you want and why you want it: a gradual approach is benefited enormously by reminding yourself of that potent vision by which you were inspired right at the beginning. Keep that image front and center, and you’ll be able to focus on the necessary level of detail while also steering in the right direction.
— by Amy Elliott

Written in the Planets

Venus is in Taurus — one of its ‘home’ signs — and is making a few aspects today. One of those, a square to the asteroid Psyche in Aquarius, seems to speak to what might be a stubbornly persistent sense of wounding to do with love and relationships. It may have something to do with jealousy, possessiveness, trying to measure up to social expectations of relationships, or some other niggling self-doubt or insecurity. Whatever it is, if you’re feeling some inner tension about it, that’s a sign that you actually can do or say something about it to begin to heal and resolve it.

Venus is also making trines to Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn between today and Sunday. Even though people often cast Saturn and Pluto as ‘scary’ planets, this configuration actually offers a good deal of support for things like: discussing problems with a relationship partner; the kind of stability that comes with two people living up to their responsibilities together; understanding the deep inner workings of your relationships (including sexually and emotionally). With a little effort on your part, the ground appears well prepared for whatever you need to express, verbally or physically.
— by Amanda Painter

Have you tried the Astrology Readings Channel?

Planet Waves offers readings for all the signs and rising signs. These readings are must-haves among a core group of people who love them, though perhaps you have not heard what Eric is doing. We’ve taken many readings from 2018 and put them on a 24-hour audio stream, which anyone can tune into. Whatever your sign, you will find it interesting no matter when you tune in. If you’re up late and want something soothing and informative to listen to, or if you’re curious about astrology, tune in here. No login is required.