The Day of the Cutting Edge: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is May 31
The Day of the Cutting Edge | Order Your 2019-20 Gemini Reading | All Other Signs

Think strategically and over the long term. Careful planning and taking things one step at a time should help you reach your aims. This includes being clear about what you want and why you want it: a gradual approach is benefited enormously by reminding yourself of that potent vision by which you were inspired right at the beginning. Keep that image front and center, and you’ll be able to focus on the necessary level of detail while also steering in the right direction.
— by Amy Elliott

Written in the Planets

Venus is in Taurus — one of its ‘home’ signs — and is making a few aspects today. One of those, a square to the asteroid Psyche in Aquarius, seems to speak to what might be a stubbornly persistent sense of wounding to do with love and relationships. It may have something to do with jealousy, possessiveness, trying to measure up to social expectations of relationships, or some other niggling self-doubt or insecurity. Whatever it is, if you’re feeling some inner tension about it, that’s a sign that you actually can do or say something about it to begin to heal and resolve it.

Venus is also making trines to Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn between today and Sunday. Even though people often cast Saturn and Pluto as ‘scary’ planets, this configuration actually offers a good deal of support for things like: discussing problems with a relationship partner; the kind of stability that comes with two people living up to their responsibilities together; understanding the deep inner workings of your relationships (including sexually and emotionally). With a little effort on your part, the ground appears well prepared for whatever you need to express, verbally or physically.
— by Amanda Painter

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