Tag Archives: Jupiter

Rosehips in ice; photo by Amanda Painter.

Of Retrogrades and Gratitude

Dear Friend and Reader:

Mercury is stationing retrograde in Pisces on Sunday (early Monday in some time zones), which puts us in its ‘storm’ phase now. That’s the big astro-news you need to be most aware of. Yet perhaps apropos of Mercury’s stationary status — as it hovers seemingly in one place before appearing to reverse direction — I think I need to begin where I was originally planning to end this essay.

This will be my last weekly column for Planet Waves, at least for the foreseeable future. After 10 years of working for this incredible little astrology-website-that-could, and growing in immeasurable ways in the process, it is time for me to seek new adventures.

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Ceres in Aquarius, and a Vesta Quarter Moon

By Amanda Painter

Tomorrow (Friday), Ceres becomes the next planet to leave the Capricorn stellium. It enters Aquarius at 2:59 am EST (7:58:45 UTC), and immediately bumps into the surprises offered by Uranus in Taurus.

Dewi Sri, the Balinese goddess of rice and fertility. Photo by Amanda Painter.

Dewi Sri, the Balinese goddess of rice and fertility, watches over a home in Ubud. Photo by Amanda Painter.

What does Ceres in Aquarius describe? Ceres is the planet of literal food (specifically grain) and feeding, as well as metaphorical forms of nourishment. Aquarius is the sign of groups.

Automatically, we get an image of the social facet of eating: all forms of breaking bread with others, perhaps especially potluck dinners. Things like volunteering at soup kitchens and food banks bring in the humanitarian facet of Aquarius.

Less literally, we can see the theme of socialness itself being nourishing. Our friendships feed our hearts and souls, and at times offer the kind of nurturing that families of origin were not able to provide. Being accepted by a group can feel nourishing (though its shadow side includes peer pressure, social hierarchies and tribalism).

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Onward into 2020

By Amanda Painter

I don’t know about you, but I’ve found this to be an especially contemplative transition to a new year. I guess that’s true each time we end a decade, as we assess just how much has changed in those ten years. Yet, in moving from 2019 to 2020, I’m aware of just how much extra gravitas, pressure, awareness and restlessness I’m feeling, and its correlation to the Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn.

Photo by Amanda Painter

Photo by Amanda Painter

Ten or so years ago, roughly corresponding to Pluto’s ingress into Capricorn, marked some highly pivotal events in my life.

Tracing the growth I’ve experienced in this last decade — and contrasting it to the general trajectory of the previous ten years — is offering confirmation that the processes of Pluto, daunting as they are, do offer gifts.

Even so, the lessons of Pluto and Saturn tend to be hard-won.

While the lessons of Jupiter (and even Uranus) can seem to fling the doors of one’s life wide open — simply leaving it up to us to stride through (not always easy, depending on one’s circumstances and baggage) — Saturn and Pluto demand more. They ask us to work for what we want. They insist that we make the difficult choice to undo so much that has always appeared solid, or a given, so that we can build anew in ways that afford us more space for who we’re becoming.

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Boy in a funeral procession flashes the peace sign; the Balinese do not mind strangers witnessing their ceremonies. Karma and dharma are a strong part of their Hindu beliefs. Photo by Amanda Painter.

Ringing in the Eclipses

By Amanda Painter

When this column publishes, it’ll be within a couple minutes of the Capricorn New Moon and annular (not total) solar eclipse. The New Moon is exact at 12:13 am EST (5:13:00 UTC), with the eclipse peaking about four minutes later. You likely have some idea already what the event signifies for you.

Boy in a funeral procession; the Balinese do not mind strangers witnessing their ceremonies, and funerals are a big celebration. Karma and dharma are a strong part of their Hindu beliefs. Photo by Amanda Painter.

Boy in a Hindu funeral procession at Pura Goa Lawah; the Balinese do not mind strangers witnessing their ceremonies, and funerals celebrate reincarnation. Photo by Amanda Painter.

Yet even if you were not sent a bright star in the east last night to follow — or some other massive, impossible-to-ignore sign from god — chances are you can look back over the past year to gather some clues. After all, this eclipse is happening in Capricorn, the same sign as the year-defining Saturn-Pluto conjunction that’s exact in a few weeks.

Saturn-Pluto has been the long game: the gradual building of pressure, the progressive dismantling, the ever-increasing awareness of a need to restructure. Its manifestations on the world stage have been obvious and dramatic. Possibly it’s been showing up in your life more subtly — kind of like insistent, repeated nudges in a particular direction, or something coming apart in stages.

Eclipses, on the other hand, tend to be a more focused process. Usually there’s one solar and one lunar eclipse bracketing a two-week span. (The corresponding partial lunar eclipse of this pair arrives Jan. 10, almost aligning with the 12 Days of Christmas and the arrival of the three Magi with their gifts.)

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The Day of Flamboyance: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is Dec. 9
The Day of Flamboyance | 2019-20 Sagittarius Astrology Studio | All Other Signs

Let your touchstone in the coming year be an enhanced ability to perceive yourself objectively. Work-related demands and building financial security will require sustained effort. Yet opportunities seized now can lead to substantial, long-lasting results. If commitments trigger resentment, or the balance of power in relationships impacts your self-esteem, analyze underlying issues. With awareness and focus, you can initiate effective and necessary communication about sensitive topics.
— by Victoria Emory

If you have a Sagittarius Sun, rising sign or Moon and could use some insights on such real-life matters as work, relationships and career, your 2019-2020 Sagittarius Astrology Studio reading by Eric Francis will cover your ruling planet Jupiter’s conjunction to the Galactic Core, a preview of Jupiter in Capricorn, and many other potentially life-changing facets of your astrology.

Written in the Planets

Mercury enters Sagittarius today at 4:41 am EST (9:41:26 UTC). Mercury being the planet of the mind, this activates awareness of what else is happening in Sagittarius: namely, the Sun moving between the Great Attractor (a deep-space phenomenon toward which our region of the universe is moving) and the Galactic Core (the center of our Milky Way galaxy). At this time of year, the Earth and the Sun are facing into the galaxy and into a larger galactic structure, focusing us on the Big Questions of Existence. Can you feel them tugging at the edges of your consciousness?

The natal placement of Mercury in Sagittarius tends to describe focusing on what is far-off and/or broad in scope, sometimes to the detriment of the details. Yet people with this Mercury are apt to be direct and sincere, even if they sometimes speak more candidly than others are prepared to hear.

Jupiter, ruler of Sagittarius, is making a conjunction to Pholus in Capricorn and a square to Chiron in Aries. Action is the name of the game with squares; in this case, putting your knowledge and spiritual theory to the test with some actual experimentation. How does it measure up against what you’ve learned previously? Notice if someone seems to be meeting you where you are in your experiment, or is showing you something about how to hold space for such a process in tangible ways.
— by Amanda Painter

In 2020 we have not one but two conjunctions that mark the turn of a generation, and of an era in history. On Jan. 12, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn form their once per 33-year conjunction. Then on Dec. 21. 2020, Jupiter and Saturn, both now in Aquarius, form a conjunction in the first degree of that sign. Read more here…

Exploring the Campuhan Ridge Walk, Ubud, Bali. Photo by Amanda Painter.

Seeking without Hiding, to Stand on New Ground

By Amanda Painter

I completely missed Neptune’s presence in aspect to the Sun (a square) when writing the daily Written in the Planets segments for the second half of this week. Neptune often has this property of slipping under the radar and evading notice, so it’s not entirely surprising.

Exploring the Campuhan Ridge Walk, Ubud, Bali. Photo by Amanda Painter.

Exploring the Campuhan Ridge Walk in Ubud, Bali, Indonesia last month. Photo by Amanda Painter.

Yet Neptune’s an important factor to consider, not least of all because its little disappearing act in my awareness this week demonstrates part of why it matters: what we fail to notice can make a difference — in what we choose to do, in what we think our options are, and in how we feel about all of it (and about ourselves).

Although the Sagittarius Sun does not exactly square Neptune in Pisces until Sunday, Neptune has a wide orb. In other words, its influence on consciousness has been part of the picture all week.

With this square happening right at the midpoint of the signs involved, there are two very interesting things to be aware of. One is that the Sun is conjunct a deep-space phenomenon called the Great Attractor. The Great Attractor (GA) is the focal point of a supercluster of about 100,000 galaxies stretched out over 520 million light years. Everything in our region of the universe seems to be contracting toward it (though overall, the universe is expanding).

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The Day of Ingenuity: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is Dec. 3
The Day of Ingenuity | 2019-20 Sagittarius Astrology Studio | All Other Signs

The passionate drive necessary to build greater financial security is yours to harness this year. To access it successfully, pay attention to what your inner-being tells you. Intuitive prompts will be fueled by desire that you need to acknowledge, so tune in. Trust your gut, but also use your head. A methodical, process-oriented approach to resource management is your winning ticket.
— by Victoria Emory

If you have a Sagittarius Sun, rising sign or Moon and could use some insights on real-life matters of life, work and relationships, your 2019-2020 Sagittarius Astrology Studio reading by Eric Francis will cover your ruling planet Jupiter’s conjunction to the Galactic Core, a preview of forthcoming Jupiter in Capricorn, and many other potentially life-changing facets of your astrology.

Written in the Planets

When the Moon enters Pisces today, it begins making harmonious aspects to all the planets early in the earth signs (Uranus in Taurus; Jupiter, Pholus, Ceres and Venus in Capricorn) and in the early water signs (Mars in Scorpio, Nessus and Neptune in Pisces). The Pisces Moon is an emotionally and energetically sensitive, creative, dreamy influence, and a conduit into the subtler realms of understanding. Those planets in earth signs can be a little dry and, shall we say, ‘sturdy’.

So this Pisces Moon offers a softening influence — like warming up your modeling clay, so you can use it more fluidly to create unlikely forms that will still stand. The Moon’s first aspect is to Jupiter — traditional ruler of Pisces. This describes some welcome lubrication for Jupiter in its new, more structured circumstances. Notice where your fantasies intersect with practical applications to form a unique opportunity — then take it.

Venus and Mars are themselves in a sextile aspect. Although in signs that tend to be fairly private in their passions, this pattern describes a useful resonance between feelings and actions. Giving and receiving might not be apparent out in public today, but one-on-one encounters behind closed doors or via secure channels should feel balanced, whether focused on erotic, social or business exchanges.
You can access your December monthly horoscopes by Eric here.
— by Amanda Painter

In 2020 we have not one but two conjunctions that mark the turn of a generation, and of an era in history. On Jan. 12, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn form their once per 33-year conjunction. Then on Dec. 21. 2020, Jupiter and Saturn, both now in Aquarius, form a conjunction in the first degree of that sign. Read more here…

The Day of Larger-Than-Life: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is Dec. 2
The Day of Larger-Than-Life | 2019-20 Sagittarius Astrology Studio | All Other Signs

Values, strategy and security; these over-arching themes in your birthday chart hint at big changes and opportunity on the horizon. Your first order of business is getting very clear about what you wish to grow, and what support systems you’ve actually outgrown. With disciplined effort and shrewd self-assessment, you’re well positioned to draw toward you the resources to support who you’ve become.
— by Victoria Emory

If you have a Sagittarius Sun, rising sign or Moon and could use some insights on real-life matters of life, work and relationships, your 2019-2020 Sagittarius Astrology Studio reading by Eric Francis will cover your ruling planet Jupiter’s conjunction to the Galactic Core, a preview of forthcoming Jupiter in Capricorn, and many other potentially life-changing facets of your astrology.

Written in the Planets

Jupiter wraps up its year in its home sign Sagittarius today, entering Capricorn at 1:20 pm EST (10:20 am PST / 18:20:03 UTC). Capricorn is the home sign of Saturn (and Saturn is there, moving into its big conjunction with Pluto). Jupiter and Sagittarius relate to such things as expansion, vision, spiritual concepts, wisdom and optimism. Saturn and Capricorn relate to themes like structure, containment, discipline, practical application and conservatism (even pessimism).

Ideally, you can blend the best of these two opposite forces. For example, by using your sense of humor to see the absurdity in serious, troubling or restrictive situations. You can also make a conscious practice of expressing generosity and warmth as you harness your ambition to move ahead in your life. Doing so is a tool for keeping your aspirations from morphing into avarice, without denying your goals.

Note also that the Sun and asteroid Pallas are exactly conjunct in Sagittarius in today’s chart. This looks like the ability to tap into and express a broad-view strategy, or political idealism. You can be optimistic, if you personally take action toward making the right thing happen, and have a sense of humor. This is the practical application (Saturn/Cap) of vision and faith (Jupiter/Sag). “The right thing” does not happen by magic, or by magical thinking; it is a choice, backed by action. You have the power to make that choice every day.
— by Amanda Painter and Eric Francis

In 2020 we have not one but two conjunctions that mark the turn of a generation, and of an era in history. On Jan. 12, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn form their once per 33-year conjunction. Then on Dec. 21. 2020, Jupiter and Saturn, both now in Aquarius, form a conjunction in the first degree of that sign. Read more here…