Tag Archives: People

Trayvon Martin and the Uranus-Pluto Square

Dear Friend and Reader:

If you’re one of those people who dares to watch the news, you know this has been a momentous and swiftly-moving week. Health care reform made it to the Supreme Court for three days of hearings, and the shooting of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin has burst into public consciousness for the trial-by-media of the century — these, among many other stories that are giving our era its science fiction feeling.

Planet Waves
While everyone was looking the other way, James Cameron went to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. Shown here with his Deepsea Challenger, he’s the first person to reach the Mariana Trench since 1960 — and the first person to get a good look at the territory. Photo: National Geographic.

Trayvon’s story has developed by the hour, with one strange twist after the next. Mercury retrograde in Pisces is one of the key aspects in this story, with all its confusion, denial and leaks to the press. That reaches a turning point soon enough, when Mercury stations direct on Wednesday.

Along the longer arc of world history, though, the most astonishing event got the least attention: James Cameron making it to the bottom of the Mariana Trench, the deepest known spot in all of the world’s oceans. In the firestorm surrounding Trayvon Martin, news of this achievement has been all but lost. Cameron, who directed Titanic, returned Monday from his 35,756-foot (6.77-mile deep) dive to a place 50 times bigger than the Grand Canyon.

In a video we’ve linked to, he said it resembled another world, far from anything we’re familiar with. Many have commented that we know more about outer space than we do about the oceans on our own planet. Only one prior manned expedition has reached this spot, in 1960. [Read more at PC Magazine and on Huffington Post.]

Cameron’s 12-ton craft, which he and his team designed personally (they didn’t rent it from National) is a giant underwater movie camera, with LED ighting arrays and the ability to shoot in 3D; we will soon have the opportunity to take the trip with him, at least visually. Notably, this will be a true life adventure film wherein nobody is shot, shoots someone else, wrecks 30 cars or bursts into flames. Let’s hope anyone is interested.

The public nervous system known as ‘the news’ skipping over Cameron’s dive is the perfect metaphor for how few people want to go deep — though clearly some do. For those scanning the world for events described by Chiron and Neptune in Pisces, here we have the perfect image of that aspect. Yet the flashy, fiery, contentious events get most of the attention. This is a good illustration of how the elements fire and water work differently. Fire happens up at the surface, where everyone can see it. The water is below the surface, where few people want to go, or even dream of what’s down there.

Speaking of going deep — poet Adrienne Rich, often quoted in these pages, died Tuesday at age 82. Her most famous poem is called Diving Into the Wreck, which uses a story of her exploring a shipwreck alone as a metaphor for making discoveries about her gender identity.

This is just a small sample of what’s been happening; there has been plenty of astrology pushing things along. Over the past few days, the Sun passed through the Uranus-Pluto square — on Sunday, the Sun was conjunct Uranus, and Thursday it was square Pluto. Think of this as one event, setting off the energy of the square — which came close on the heels of the Aries New Moon and vernal equinox last week, sparking off what will be one of the most interesting seasons in anyone’s memory. At the heart of the astrology is the Uranus-Pluto square.

Planet Waves
Adrienne Rich (1929-2012) was one of the first poetic and intellectual voices of the modern women’s movement. Considered a radical by some and a minimalist by others, she always spoke in a clear and empathic voice, even when expressing collective rage. Photo by Neal Boenzi / The New York Times.

Both Uranus and Pluto are close to this mysterious thing called the Aries Point — the first degree of the zodiac, which serves as an amplifier of consciousness, a breach in the false divider between what we sort into private and public spheres of experience. It was in a class about Adrienne that my professor, Carol Smith, discussed the notion of the personal/political intersection, which was a cornerstone of Rich’s work. The way she put it, there is no private life that is not influenced by some larger public life.

Uranus is still in a fairly close conjunction to the Aries Point and will be for a while; Pluto is early enough in Capricorn to be square the Aries Point. Suitably, as the Aries Sun passed through the square, two critical and seemingly unrelated events came to a head this week: a law that would make medical services more affordable and available to all Americans (just like in every other advanced country), and a racial battle that is more reminiscent of the 1950s than it is of today.

Even as the major aspects (for example, Uranus square Pluto) strive to push us forward and help us confront modern problems, we’re being reminded of what remains unresolved from our collective past. While Trayvon Martin may seem insignificant to some and an overblown story to others, racial karma is one of the most significant issues we face on the planet, though in truth the next layer down involves the economic problems we face: the distribution of resources that fuel racial crises and are at the root of many ethnicity-based wars and genocides.

What exactly was George Zimmerman worried that Trayvon Martin was doing? Well, stealing, of course. Stealing what? What else? White people’s stuff.

Let’s not forget the elemental equation that informs so much of what we think of as politics: lighter-skinned guy thinks darker-skinned guy is trying to take the stuff of lighter-skinned guys. Sadly, this sounds more reductionist than it is. You can look at almost any national issue through this filter and suddenly it makes more sense.

For example, one of the reasons that so many conservatives object to expanded health services for everyone involves resentment that darker people might get some of what the lighter people “worked so hard” for. This is the basic formula for how economics translates into racial issues. However, this is a divide and conquer tactic, which is designed to pit the very wealthy against the very poor. If you want a quick history lesson, check out the lyrics to the Bob Dylan song Only A Pawn In Their Game.

The Castle Doctrine

Note: Here is the discussion page for this issue.

Our discussion of Trayvon Martin starts with the Castle Doctrine. When I heard this term I thought I might have missed an important Supreme Court ruling, but it turns out to be a concept from an English law book published in 1628. The concept is, “An Englishman’s home is his castle,” which means you have the right to kill someone who comes into your house to harm you or, more probably, to steal some of your stuff.

Planet Waves
“Stand Your Ground” laws are also known as “Make My Day” laws, a reference to justifiable homicide, quoted from the “Dirty Harry” films of the 1980s. These laws are derived from the Castle Doctrine, which says you have a right to defend yourself in your own home.

This was imported with the colonists to the New World, where it became, “A man’s home is his castle.” A castle, remember, is a place where aristocrats live, and the intruder is presumed to be a poor person. The Castle Doctrine was translated from Common Law (that is, ancient English case law) into American statutes in the form of laws that allow people to shoot intruders in their homes with impunity. Currently, about 17 states have some version of a Castle Doctrine law, otherwise known as “no duty to retreat at home.”

Six states and DC have “duty to retreat” provisions, which means that you have to make an attempt to get out of harm’s way before you use deadly force against an intruder inside your home. If you are cornered and cannot retreat, then you have the right to use deadly force.

This was evolved by clever lobbyists into the The Stand Your Ground laws. The controversy is swirling around this concept, which extends the concept of ‘castle’ to your car, your office, or anyplace you legitimately belong. According to Florida law (and the laws of other states with this provision), if you reasonably feel threatened, you don’t have to retreat — you can stand your ground. In the elegant language (and distorted thinking) of Guns.com, “People should not have to retreat, they should not have to run and hide and hope the bad guy will leave them alone. They should not have to live in fear of being raped, beaten, robbed or murdered because they have been told to call the police and let the crime happen.”

Currently, 16 states have some version of the Stand Your Ground law, which is being lobbied for by the NRA and guided by a conservative legislation mill called the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). We all know the NRA — all guns, all the time. ALEC is less familiar: it’s a conservatively-themed organization that writes legislation designed to be adopted by state legislatures. These organizations, rather than serving the public good, “assist politicians in developing what it considers model laws serving the economic and political aims of its members.”

Thinking like the NRA for a moment, what good is a gun if you can’t use it? If more states pass more laws that allow people to use their guns for self-defense, manufacturers will sell more guns. Notably, six of the Stand Your Ground states were part of the Confederacy — states that went to war to defend slavery. A seventh is Indiana, historically a hub of the KKK. In my view, this is a racial thing.

These laws feed the fantasies of American vigilante justice, much of which has its roots in racism. And the pile of bodies is growing higher; “justifiable” homicides have tripled since Florida adopted this law. Anyone who thinks it’s wise to keep a gun in your house should watch the film Five American Guns. But there is a huge, gaping question at the center of the Trayvon Marin case: is Stand Your Ground even vaguely applicable, or is it being used as a license to kill?

Neighborhood Watch, Sunday, Feb. 26, 2012

One body in the pile is that of Trayvon Martin, who was shot and killed by George Zimmerman one month ago while he was out taking a walk to 7-Eleven. The incident begins when Zimmerman, who was on Neighborhood Watch patrol in Sanford, Florida, a small city near Orlando, sees Trayvon (who was walking home from the store) and calls the police dispatcher on the non-emergency line.

Planet Waves
Family photo of Trayvon Martin and an unidentified relative.

This happens at about 7 pm — and that’s going to be the time of our chart, since that’s when the sequence of events is set in motion. This transcript is one of the few primary source documents that provide a baseline of what Zimmerman was thinking as he made his choices. It reveals his state of mind and what was motivating him.

Where there is a corpse and an accusation of murder, the motive is the thing you want to know about first. This is in the movies, and it’s also true. It takes significant motivation to kill another person.

I will re-publish the salient piece of the conversation between Zimmerman and the dispatcher. [Here is the full transcript if you want to read it.] Zimmerman starts off by saying that “we’ve had some break-ins in my area,” adding that “this guy looks like he’s up to no good, or he’s on drugs or something. It’s raining and he’s just walking around, looking about.”

Zimmerman: Yeah, now he’s coming towards me.

Dispatcher: OK.

Zimmerman: He’s got his hand in his waistband. And he’s a black male.

Dispatcher: How old would you say he looks?

Zimmerman: He’s got a button on his shirt, late teens.

Dispatcher: Late teens ok.

Zimmerman: Something’s wrong with him. Yup, he’s coming to check me out, he’s got something in his hands, I don’t know what his deal is.

Dispatcher: Just let me know if he does anything ok.

Zimmerman: How long until you get an officer over here?

Dispatcher: Yeah we’ve got someone on the way, just let me know if this guy does anything else.

Zimmerman: Okay. These assholes they always get away. When you come to the clubhouse you come straight in and make a left. Actually you would go past the clubhouse.

Dispatcher: So it’s on the lefthand side from the clubhouse?

Zimmerman: No you go in straight through the entrance and then you make a left — uh you go straight in, don’t turn, and make a left. Shit he’s running.

Dispatcher: He’s running? Which way is he running?

Zimmerman: Down towards the other entrance to the neighborhood.

Dispatcher: Which entrance is that that he’s heading towards?

Zimmerman: The back entrance — fucking [unintelligible, possibly ‘coon’]

Dispatcher: Are you following him?

Zimmerman: Yeah

Dispatcher: Ok, we don’t need you to do that.

Zimmerman: Ok.

So much for standing your ground. Trayvon runs — he runs away, that is — and then against the direct guidance of the police dispatcher, Zimmerman pursues him, stalks him, confronts and kills him. One witness said that there was the sound of crying, and after the gun fired, there was silence. Clearly those were not the anguished cries of George Zimmerman.

Transcripts are beautiful things. They reveal so much that you don’t usually hear, if you’re just listening. Nothing has happened yet — but Zimmerman is angry. Before he knows anything, he has tried and convicted Trayvon as one of the people burglarizing houses; Zimmerman believes that Trayvon, whom he does not know, is on drugs and believes that he’s about to be attacked. There is a word for this: paranoia. I don’t mean this in the sense of schizophrenic, but rather the personality disorder. Paranoid people make up scenarios that have nothing to do with reality, and then pretend they’re real — and often act them out.

Planet Waves
Shooting of Trayvon Martin. Mars rising is on the left, on the horizontal line; that line is the ascendant, and Mars is in the 12th house (above the ascendant). The 8th house is approximately at 2 o’clock toward the right side of the chart, and has many planets; this suggests that the cause of death is complicated. Yet Trayvon seems to be a hapless victim rather than someone with a prior involvement. Note: All of the charts for this issue are posted at full size on the audio page.

Now, let’s see how this looks as an astrology chart and maybe get a look behind the scenes.

First, note that this is an event that took place a month ago, back when the Sun was in early Pisces. Things in mutable signs can be slow to develop, though as the Sun approached Aries and finally crossed the Aries Point, Trayvon Martin became a household word and the story ran wild. True enough, it filled the news void left by the petering off Republican primary, but clearly this issue is touching something deep in the American psyche.

Our story begins with a chart with Virgo rising. There is a planet rising at the moment this all goes down — Mars. See it there on the left side of the chart, in red? It’s rising at the speed of the rising Sun, just above the horizon, tucked into what’s called the 12th house. It’s in the ascending sign so it has a direct manifestation, yet because it’s just slightly above the horizon, it has a veiled or invisible quality and is not fully connected to reality.

This is an odd thing about the 12th — planets in the 12th can actually be visible, but the interpretation of the house is that they are veiled. This is characteristic of the contradictory nature of the 12th; how this works deserves a whole article, but I wanted to point out the issue in case this has been bugging anyone all the years they’ve been studying astrology. (One clever interpretation is that the 12th represents the ‘waking dream’ or ‘trance consciousness’ that so many are caught in nearly all the time. I will come back to this theme.)

Mars retrograde in Virgo in the 12th is angry and paranoid. The 12th blows things out of proportion; it can represent either something that has gone missing, or a scenario in one’s imagination or dreams that takes over and becomes larger than life — and it’s often based on fear. There’s little sense of proportion or realism with the 12th, and in that rising Mars we have a picture of all the things Zimmerman is making up about Trayvon. We have a picture of Zimmerman himself.

Now let’s do something a little fancier: what house does Mars come from? That is to say, where do we find Aries, and where do we find Scorpio, the signs that are ruled by Mars? Those two places in the chart will tell us more about what Mars is doing and thinking. Look around the outside of the wheel till you find the Scorpio glyph, which is purple. That’s on the 3rd house cusp — the 3rd is the house of ‘the neighborhood’ (local activity, brethren, neighbors), and Scorpio in one elegant phrase describes it as a scene of death (a Scorpio topic).

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NYS Senator Eric Adams, other senators and assembly members wore hoodies to legislative sessions this week, showing their solidarity with the “I Am Trayvon” movement. Photo: NYS Senate.

We find Aries on the cusp of the 8th house — the house of death and also the transference of property. In any death chart, the contents of the 8th house, and the location of the planet associated with the sign on the cusp, are critical planets. Aries is the sign — it points to that angry, paranoid Mars rising. This chart fits the scene (always important to check that out before proceeding); that congruence argues that it’s trustworthy.

Now look at how much activity there is inside that house — there are five points in the 8th, and a sixth right outside the house (which gets a ‘close enough’ rating). That other planet is Ceres — the grieving mother. If the 8th is about the cause of death, this is a complex situation; we are talking about the motive here, since when someone is killed, the motive is the ’cause’.

Venus Conjunct Eris in Aries

There’s a conjunction glaring out of the 8th house: Venus conjunct Eris in Aries. This is chaotic, angry and self-centered; Eris is all about psychology, and her mythology is about getting revenge. This is an extremely telling aspect. See if you can follow this: the judicial system and the laws of the land are represented by the 9th house, which has Taurus on the cusp. Therefore, Venus (though located in Aries) represents law itself (and in Aries, it is a self-serving version of the law) — and it’s conjunct Eris. The cause of death is legal chaos — a bad law that basically allows for murder. Zimmerman, I believe, knew he could get away with killing Trayvon by claiming self-defense.

Planet Waves
It must really be illegal — meanwhile Bobby Rush, a democratic congressman from Illinois, was thrown out of the House chambers on Wednesday for wearing a hoodie. There is actually a rule against wearing a hood on the House floor, probably from the days when members arrived by horse and carriage.

The Moon is in this house, located in an eerie degree — the one with the Sabian symbol, “A widow at an open grave.” While this degree is often about leaving the past behind, it’s still a fitting image of the whole situation. Jupiter is there, lending a sense of scale — this is going to be big. And then there is the Black Moon Lilith, which is another dark psychological point, magnified by Jupiter — another image of a contaminated sense of justice.

Said another way, there is a lot going on in the house that stands for the nature and cause of death, and it’s all embodied in that angry, paranoid Mars rising — who represents Zimmerman. Note also the number of points: many things in the 8th can illustrate a lot of dead people (all the ones who were killed under the excuse of ‘justifiable homicide’). And finally, disgusting as this is, the 8th is about financial interests (an idea deriving from the ‘inheritance’ theme of death) — and a lot of money is at stake. The arms trade in the United States is positively huge, and any restriction on guns cuts into profits.

While that packed 8th house represents the nature and cause of death, it also represents money — that is, the money of others, shared resources and wealth of some kind. Zimmerman fancied himself a protector of his neighborhood’s value — he was patrolling for burglars. It’s a complicated house, and the planets in that house reverberate in aspects all over the chart — look at the diagram in the middle. The cluster of blue lines to the right show some of the aspects being made by 8th house planets.

Once he kills Trayvon, he knows he has a problem. Florida loves its death penalty, so he could be next. So he has to come up with a story, claiming he was really defending himself when in truth he was stalking someone. He’s an older, heavier guy with a semi-automatic gun; he’s not going to get away with this unless he claims it was self-defense. This is his only chance to walk away — and to make that claim, he has to make up some lies on the spot, and that is why his alibis are so ridiculous — getting his head slammed into the ground repeatedly, and his nose broken, and being threatened with death by an unarmed boy.

Activity in Pisces: Mercury, Sun, Chiron

Mercury is now retrograde in Pisces. You’ve heard me refer to the term ‘Mercury shadow’ or ‘Mercury echo’ before — that’s Mercury getting ready go retrograde. It does this when it enters the degrees where it will soon be retrograde — and that’s one thing that was happening the night that Trayvon was killed. In this chart, Mercury is at 23+ Pisces. When Mercury goes direct on Wednesday, it will have come all the way back to 23+ Pisces, and something is going to happen as a result. In this chart, Mercury represents Trayvon (the planet that rules the Virgo ascendant). Trayvon knows the truth.

To me this rather amazing sequence of events looks like what remains of Zimmerman’s lies coming unraveled. This is already happening fast — this week, among other things, video from inside the police station came out, with Zimmerman all fresh and perky, not looking like he was beaten within inches of his life minutes earlier, as he claims.

The question is, will the additional revelations make a difference? I think so, but it may take another week or two — starting when that Mars in Virgo goes direct. Note that it does so in an opposition to Chiron (a force for awareness and healing). Mars was retrograde at the time of the incident, and it’s proceeded retrograde into an exact opposition to Chiron, and a close opposition to Neptune (which can represent delusions and also what comes out in the wash). The paranoid fantasies and lies of that Mars are not going to withstand the opposition to Chiron, though there is still a long way to go here. I see another turning point when Mars leaves Virgo and enters Libra (making an opposition to the Aries Point) on July 3. If the injustice persists, this is when it will explode.

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Trayvon Martin’s father, Tracy Martin, and his mother, Sabrina Fulton, at the Union Square protest in New York City against Trayvon’s shooting death and the way that it’s being handled.

We also have collective issues. This chart has a Sun-Chiron conjunction. You can see this located below the horizon line, to the right side of the chart — the Sun is a yellow disk and Chiron is an orange key. This conjunction is square the lunar nodes, which provide a kind of spiritual guidance and sense of orientation. What is square the nodes is something that we will have to deal with one way or another, and that something is collective in nature. Sun-Chiron, as we said at the time, is about a maturing process — in particular, around maleness.

On the Planet Waves blog that week, we wrote, “We’re really great at creating warriors, who possess qualities which we then conflate with male maturity and extol as heroism. When you add Chiron to the Sun, by aspect or by transit, that hero can take a fall or be exposed as something less. Consider all the scandals involving corrupt cops and politicians previously venerated as heroes. For psychology heads, this is where the concept ‘shadow material’ comes into the picture, and the question of how we process it.”

And: “When the Sun contacts Chiron, we can make contact with our true solar nature, but often this implies something much deeper — an initiation that puts us in contact with our soul.” And this is really what we are getting here: a mass experiment on whether people are in contact with their soul. It’s also a mass experiment on how people respond to obvious injustice.

Rather than going away, I believe that this story will keep developing. That’s because it brings to the surface a festering spiritual injury that we desperately need to heal. The gun lobby and gun nuts are making a big mistake by hitching their wagon to this issue, though that may be necessary for their downfall. This is not a 2nd Amendment issue or a self-defense issue, not even close.

The core theme is the value that we put on life, no matter who is doing the killing. It’s time for a revolution on this one — and from this week’s astrology, we can see that’s connected to the Uranus-Pluto square. The Trayvon Martin murder has been tried in the media the same week that the health care reform law was tried before the Supreme Court. Both situations reveal the blood lust of a segment of American society. The same emotional wounding that would want anyone to die from their injuries because they lack health insurance is identical to the emotions behind approving of the stalking and shooting of an innocent person. The common thread is that they are likely to be poor, which often amounts to black — often but not always.

While Trayvon Martin may be revealing how far we have to go as a society, and indeed how far back we have slid, to me it represents a painful healing process. The thing that is most lacking in American society is compassion. We find compassion in individual people, but as a society we must learn to adopt empathy as a collective virtue.

Trayvon’s death is a teaching moment. The sooner we learn the lesson, the easier it will be.


Eric Francis

PS: Here is a technical hint, if you’re not so advanced in astrology but are trying to piece this together. A planet can rule one house and be in another house. For example, Venus rules Taurus (in this chart, falling on the 9th house) but it’s located in Aries (in this chart, falling on the 8th house). Or, Mars is the ruler of the 8th house (Aries) but it’s placed in Virgo, in the ascendant. It doesn’t rule Virgo — it’s just sitting there. But Mercury does rule Virgo — and since Virgo is on the 1st house, it’s the subject of the chart, hence, Mercury represents Trayvon. Post to the discussion page with your questions if you’re still confused and trying to figure this out.


Planet Waves

One Thing Leads to Another

Today is the first quarter Moon, which is when the Sun and Moon form a right angle to each other from our perspective here on Earth. In this case, that is happening from Cancer (Moon) to Aries (Sun). It’s a time to take stock of whatever you may have initiated during last week’s New Moon in Aries and gently guide it forward.

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Crab who lives in the East Hampton Shellfish Hatchery ‘just-for-fun’ local specimen tank. Photo by Eric.

This is a natural turning point, which will be accentuated Friday by the Moon’s conjunction to Uranus and square to Pluto. If you’re feeling any inner tension, that is the signal to get a little perspective on where it’s coming from and then use it as leverage if you have any decisions to make.

One reason to be gentle with this forward movement is that Mercury finally stations direct next week, on Wednesday, April 4. This means that Sunday into Monday begins the ‘storm’ phase of Mercury retrograde, which happens toward either end of the cycle. Those days surrounding when Mercury stations are the time to watch the most carefully.

It’s a time when potentially mixed signals — and the reactions that ensue — can be especially tricky to navigate. Mercury is in late Pisces for this station direct, so the watery storm metaphor is especially apt. Keep your ears open for intuitive messages, though you you might want to pause on taking any irreversible action on important matters prior to the station direct Wednesday morning. Action would include speaking in anger or making promises you’re not sure you can keep.

Mars slowing down to its station direct on April 13 is another reason to delay making critical decisions. After these planets station you will have more perspective. Emotions could easily interfere with your sense of perspective, so take things one slow step at a time.

Meantime, Venus ingresses Gemini Tuesday, opening up the earliest phase of its retrograde cycle. When Venus arrives in its new sign it’ll make squares to Neptune and then to Chiron — these are challenging aspects calling for a mindful approach to your feelings (as so many aspects seem to be saying lately). Venus square Neptune leans toward idealism, while Venus square Chiron can use intense pleasure (particularly sexual) as a way to cover hurt feelings.

This will work for a while, though sooner or later you’ll have to get to the bottom of things — it may as well be sooner.


Planet Waves

Dick Cheney has a Change of Heart

Feelings, nothing more than feelings…

Ok, everyone and her sister has made some snarky joke at this point about Dick Cheney’s heart transplant, and whether Dubya is up next for a new brain, and who the hell is wearing those ruby slippers, anyway — Obama? (There’s no place like hope, there’s no place like hope…) But seriously — the guy had a heart transplant with Mercury retrograde in Pisces for Pete’s sake. Is it possible to have a change of heart when they change your heart? Will he be admitting his role in the 9-11 incident and the never-ending hell that is the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq? Will he confess to helping to engineer a national security state bordering on martial law? And whose heart did he get, anyway? Often bodies reject donor organs, but we wouldn’t be surprised if this organ rejects him — or if there isn’t actual human blood to pump in there. If you’re curious about the chart for Cheney’s transplant, it’s on the Planet Waves blog.


Planet Waves

Health Care Has Its Three Days in Court

This week the U.S. Supreme Court held a three-day hearing on President Obama’s health care reform law, the Affordable Care Act. The court will now decide whether to strike down the key provision requiring most Americans to buy health insurance and determine whether the rest of the law can stand. This is one of the most prominent, ongoing examples of the personal and political intertwining in the news as the Uranus-Pluto square heats up. While the Supreme Court is debating whether the law goes too far, some wonder if it goes far enough. A decision on the matter is not expected until June; June 24 is the first exact contact of Uranus and Pluto.


Planet Waves

Close Your Eyes and Think of Wisconsin

Is Neptune in Wisconsin rather than Pisces? According to a Yahoo News story last week, Wisconsin legislator Don Pridemore suggested that “instead of leaving an abusive situation, women should try to remember the things they love about their husbands.” Pridemore remarked to a local news station, “If they can re-find those reasons and get back to why they got married in the first place it might help.” Pridemore, no surprise, is a co-sponsor of Republican state Senator Glenn Grothman’s ‘being single causes child abuse’ bill as well as a controversial voter ID bill that was ruled unconstitutional last week. Personal, political, delusional — does it really matter as long as women don’t get in the way of the men trying to lead this country? Well, yes, it does — and if you live in Wisconsin, please be sure to vote this year. If we didn’t know the astrology behind all of this, we might be even more concerned — but Uranus and Pluto don’t necessarily ‘fix things’, they just shake everything up and get our attention. The rest is up to us — that is, you.


Planet Waves

Activist Tim DeChristopher Visits The Hole

Planet Waves
Tim DeChristopher bid on a mineral lease he could not pay for, intentionally to disrupt the auction — and was given a two-year jail term. Photo by Cliff Lyon/bidder70.org.

Jailed environmental activist Tim DeChristopher was moved on March 9 into isolated confinement upon a phone call from an unknown congressman. DeChristopher, who was sentenced to two years in prison last July for having nonviolently disrupted a federal auction of oil and gas leases in 2008, had emailed a friend using the word “threat.” He was referring to threatening to return money given to his legal fund by a company that may be sending many of its jobs overseas.

That email landed him in a situation with grossly restricted access to communication and exercise. Wednesday, after calls from thousands of people to Herlong Federal Prison in California, the Bureau of Prisons office in Washington, DC and members of Congress, he was returned to his minimum-security cell after 19 days in the Special Housing Unit (SHU). DeChristopher is in a kind of limbo, since he is still under investigation — and there is no timeframe for when that process must start or end. As an enemy of ‘big oil’, he is a political prisoner; as someone who continues to act in these days, he is part of the Uranus-Pluto square in the ways we most need.


Planet Waves

Astrology in the Media and Public Relations: UAC Panel

Astrology is known for its notoriously poor handling of its media opportunities, and being subjected to repeated insults in the press. And to think that horoscope columns sell a heck of a lot of newspapers. In response to this problem, the United Astrology Conference (UAC) is sponsoring a Community Issues Workshop called “Working with the Media and Public Relations.” This takes place at 2:30 pm on Thursday, May 24, the day before the conference officially opens. The panel features Art Harris, who spent 13 years with CNN and is a two-time Emmy Award-winning investigative correspondent. He joins astrologers Eric Francis, David Railey, Donna Woodwell, Gloria Star, Chris Turner, Roy Gillett, and Jack Fertig along with Astrology News Service founder and media consultant Ed Snow. Learn about astrology’s relationship with the media. Having relied upon astrological counsel in his own life, Art challenges those that negate astrology without first investigating it.


Planet Waves

Planet Waves

Cracked.com (a pretty cool website created from the remnants of the now-defunct Cracked magazine) released a hilarious video this week, illustrating how pre-adolescent boys understand sex: a jumbled mix of anatomical words, free-association, pop-culture glamour, random ‘lady-things’, authoritarian guilt, and vestiges of childhood. The piece was created by Rachel Bloom and Jack Dolgen. Astrological notes: this was published with the Sun passing through the Uranus-Pluto square. It’s a risque piece of art dealing with a taboo subject — the sexual imagination of a kid. The point: kids may be a bit naive when it comes to sex, but they are not ‘innocent’. They are sexual like everyone else, a fact we all can remember from our own past if we pause and think about it for one second.


Planet Waves

In various places, I’ve been saying that Venus stations retrograde on May 5 — but it’s really 10 days later, on May 15, as a reader pointed out. Sorry about that! — efc


Planet Waves

This section also includes the upcoming publishing schedule! The April monthly horoscope (long edition) was published Wednesday evening, March 21. Inner Space Monthly was published Tuesday evening, March 27. We’ll publish Genevieve Hathaway’s Moonshine Horoscope on Tuesday, April 3. The next monthly horoscope by Eric will be the May edition, to be published the evening of Wednesday, April 25. There will not be a regular edition that week.


Planet Waves

Slow-Rising Smoke: Trayvon Martin

This week’s edition of Planet Waves FM looks at the shooting of Trayvon Martin. It’s a look at the situation from several angles — political, legal and astrological.

Planet Waves

I cover the concept of the Stand Your Ground law, which is based on an earlier idea, the Castle Doctrine — the one that says “a man’s home is his castle” — that is the basis of Stand Your Ground. However, it would seem that with everyone pretty much agreeing that the Stand Your Ground law does not apply in this case, from the lead investigator to the bill’s sponsor to Jeb Bush himself, clearly something is wrong.

There is one idea I left out of the discussion: the duty to retreat. That’s the alternative to Stand Your Ground. In New York, for example, you have a duty to retreat from an attacker if you can. If you’re cornered by someone who is going to do you harm, or someone you’re protecting, your first job is to get to a safe place — then you can defend yourself if necessary. The purpose of this is so that people claiming self-defense don’t automatically get a license to kill. You can read more about that at the Wikipedia page on the Castle Doctrine.

I include four charts on the Planet Waves blog — the event, the two main players, and the event that started off Arab Spring from late 2010, published on Planet Waves for the first time.

Additional research on this edition provided by Carol van Strum, Nikko Merrell, Amanda Painter, Fe Bongolan, Genevieve Hathaway, Adam Gainsburg and Sarah Bissonnette-Adler.


Planet Waves

Friday, March 30, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #897 | Eric’s Zodiac Sign Descriptions

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — What you learn about yourself over the next few days will surprise you — though there are several more layers to go. It’ll also take a few weeks to put your discoveries into action, which will happen around the time that Mars stations direct. To the extent that the past few months have felt frustrating or been complicated by setbacks, you will be reassured to know that your environments — inner and outer — are gradually shifting. Use this time to get closer to the root causes of your questions, issues and frustrations. Don’t assume you’ve reached the bottom of any issue or situation; just keep going, the more gently as each day passes. Maintaining a light touch really is one key to working out what’s happening for you. Another is a balance between what you think of as opposites: for example physical and non-physical; logic and emotional; details and impressions. Gently work both sides of whatever equation you find yourself involved with, and give yourself time to arrive in a space of clarity.

Hello Aries — I’ve just finished your birthday reading. This includes more than an hour of astrology and a tarot reading, recorded last weekend during the Sun-Uranus conjunction in your sign. My audio readings are motivational, inspiring and intimate. It comes with many features and access to last year’s reading too! Purchase here.

Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Venus is about to enter Gemini, where it will be until August. Plenty of history is going to go by between now and then, both for you personally and for the world around you. However, at the commencement of this trip, it’s as if you pass through a series of gateways. Think of them as pressurized chambers. The first one involves coming to terms with something you were in denial of, which may clue you in to your tendency to pretend certain things don’t exist. A corresponding discovery may come in the form of learning that you prefer the very thing you were in denial of. The next one involves the way you compensate for a past hurt by an excess of some kind. If you can tamp down the excess as an experiment, you may be able to reach the deeper material. This in turn will help you shift your relationship to pleasure, in essence helping you make it a more honest pursuit for its own sake rather than for an ulterior purpose.

Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check. has been published and is available. It is still available at the special subscriber discount price for all 12 signs, or the order price per sign. This year’s annual offers an extended written report plus 90 minutes of audio for each sign and rising sign. You will love it.

Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You may not know why you’re feeling uneasy, though that doesn’t mean there’s a good reason for it. Still, you have little to lose by being just a little extra cautious over the next week or so. Apply that to all the usual modes of honoring the precautionary principle. If you notice a smoke detector has a low battery, put in a new one. Regard the low-energy nightlight as one of the great electrical inventions ever. Rest when you’re overtired, especially if you’re driving or doing anything potentially hazardous. These are just good habits to be in, but there’s something else offering benefit, which is being mindful of your environment. I suggest you do this as a zen-type exercise. Notice everything. Clean or put back into place everything you touch. Patch leaks and tighten up anything loose. Finish up any projects that you left for a later date. Do this for its own sake, though I assure you, you will learn more in this process than you ever learned from a book.

Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check. has been published and is available. It is still available at the special subscriber discount price for all 12 signs, or the order price per sign. This year’s annual offers an extended written report plus 90 minutes of audio for each sign and rising sign. You will love it.

Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — What are you the most devoted to? You can measure partly by way of noticing what you do every day — and by what you want to do every day. Both are dependable metrics. Yet I would put the question another way as well: what are you willing to give up everything for? For what activity, mission or purpose would you trade it all in? I mean this mainly as a thought exercise: if there is indeed something that would be so amazing, so much fun, so incredible, that you would ‘sacrifice’ everything in your known life, you should know about it. Then, once you know about it, you might want to find a way to get moving on that aspect of reality without having to give up everything — just what you don’t really want. You might want to make a list of what you would gladly give up just for its own sake. I recognize the time pressures we’re all under, and how inflexible life seems to be here at the dawn of the Age of Aquarius. Yet change happens. We do create goals and sometimes we even get there. Remember that.

Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check. has been published and is available. It is still available at the special subscriber discount price for all 12 signs, or the order price per sign. This year’s annual offers an extended written report plus 90 minutes of audio for each sign and rising sign. You will love it.

Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You’re figuring out that you have to take initiative when it comes to manifesting the life you want, and one of the ways you can do that is to make space for it. I mean actual physical space: clearing out a room or a corner of your apartment; a table dedicated to something; striking the set on a prior project and leaving it empty for something new. You can do something similar with time: leave free time for yourself rather than scheduling everything down to the tenth of an hour increment. Open space and time represent potential, and I can tell you from experience that this can be intimidating. There is that sense of facing potential that can feel like confronting an abyss. Yet it’s exactly this sense of openness, a kind of blank page in life, that you need to help you create something new for yourself. That something is waiting to meet you, as long as it has the space available, and the time. This is not something to rush. Start slowly and build a little at a time, gradually letting it take over your life.

Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check. has been published and is available. It is still available at the special subscriber discount price for all 12 signs, or the order price per sign. This year’s annual offers an extended written report plus 90 minutes of audio for each sign and rising sign. You will love it.

Introducing the Planet Waves 2012 Spring Report by Eric Francis

Spring 2012 is the wildest season I’ve ever seen in 18 years of doing around-the-clock astrology [listen to short audio preview here]. It fits the 2012 pattern of ‘everything, all at once’, even making that sound like an understatement. I am working on the report even as we edit this issue, and it’s coming out beautifully — every sign is coming through loud and clear and distinctive.

Planet Waves

We have retrogrades of all three inner planets involved — Mercury, Venus and Mars. There is a rare Venus transit of the Sun — an exact conjunction of Venus and the Sun that you will be able to see if you have a clear view during daylight hours (you will need special equipment to protect your eyes). There are eclipses of the Sun and the Moon. And then, just four days after the Cancer solstice, we have the first exact square of Uranus and Pluto.

In honor of putting all this action to work for you, I’m preparing a special Spring Report for all 12 Sun signs and rising signs, as well as an introduction to the astrology that will be useful to everyone. This is a package of all 12 signs for one price. I’m designing it so that you can actually put many of the signs into use — for example, Virgo will be able to use the Gemini report as a career reading. Pisces can use Virgo’s report as a relationship reading, and so on. I give suggestions at the end of each sign, and will do a detailed description so you can get maximum use from this product.

All 12 signs are now available for $24.95. The report is getting rave reviews from people who pre-ordered, including these words from a customer named Donna: “OMG — thank you thank you thank you — just spent this morning listening to my [Spring Report] info, and am so blown away by the accuracy (and relief!) in this experience. Thanks so very much for your part in supporting this work and for showing up in the way that you do!”. Here is the link to order. Thank you, and enjoy.


Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Over the next two weeks, two different inner planets station direct, both of which influence you directly. The first of the two is Mercury, your ruling planet, which stations direct in Pisces — a region of your chart associated with your intimate relationships. There is an additional theme associated with agreements and contracts in those relationships, and it looks like you’ve slowly, too slowly for your taste, been working out some deep question here. Then on April 13, Mars stations direct in your birth sign. What you worked out as an idea you now get to express in action, gradually at first, then with more determination. The charts describe a picture of you building your resolve, from the inside out. You come to a deep understanding, perhaps not sure what to do about it — and then you gradually put it together. What you start now you’re likely to complete in the first week of July, when Mars finally leaves your sign. I would say there’s no rush and no excuse to waste time.

Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check. has been published and is available. It is still available at the special subscriber discount price for all 12 signs, or the order price per sign. This year’s annual offers an extended written report plus 90 minutes of audio for each sign and rising sign. You will love it.

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Venus, the planet most often associated with your sign, is about to enter Gemini, where it’s going to become a star player in this thing we’ve been calling 2012. Speaking in broad terms, you’re in a transition phase that will take you through August, and which will have a peak in early June. There are many surprise encounters along the way, enough that it would be wise to not take any dilemmas you currently may face, or that you encounter, too seriously. Just notice them for what they are. At this point you cannot see the whole picture; it’s likely that you’re not defining the problem in a way that matches reality, hence my suggestion that you wait for further information. The resolution to any issue you may be dealing with will arrive in the form of a ‘third option’ that you haven’t identified yet, and this will open up a new dimension of what you believe is possible in the future. In the time between now and then, one growth project you can involve yourself with is making a note when you discover that you possess conflicting beliefs. Those are a lot more problematic when you don’t know about them; once you spot them, they lose most of their power. Yet you might want to figure out where these differing viewpoints came from.

Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check. has been published and is available. It is still available at the special subscriber discount price for all 12 signs, or the order price per sign. This year’s annual offers an extended written report plus 90 minutes of audio for each sign and rising sign. You will love it.

Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — One key theme of your life right now involves what you believe, and why you believe it. You seem to be figuring out that many people live inside a cage of their own assumptions, which you have discovered in the process of gradually escaping from such a place. Yet the process of freeing yourself is ongoing, one illusion at a time; one belief at a time. Today’s subject is glamour, or the art of appearances. Or rather, the art of false appearances, which are rooted in false beliefs. And: what are they? Have you been figuring out how they influence you? Yet there’s a much better question with a deeper answer. What is false is generally designed to conceal what is true, and what’s true is your friend. As you peer through the mists and wash away the layers of what is starting to look obviously, ridiculously untrue, you’re discovering something about yourself. It’s starting as an idea — and it’s about to evolve into a decision and ultimately into action. Yet while you’re here, I suggest you look for the motives for the cover-up.

Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check. has been published and is available. It is still available at the special subscriber discount price for all 12 signs, or the order price per sign. This year’s annual offers an extended written report plus 90 minutes of audio for each sign and rising sign. You will love it.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — In her book Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey draws a distinction between intuition and instinct. That contrast gets clearer every time you think it through, though at first it deserves some explanation. Instincts include things like the urge to defend yourself, to avoid ‘dangerous’ neighborhoods or to hoard food. Certain levels of sexual feeling could be called instinctual, because the body is doing its thing without much guidance. Intuition, on the other hand, is a subtle incoming message. It’s something we receive, rather than something we already are. For example, if you have two possible routes you might travel, you choose one over the other because it feels right — that’s intuitive. If you’re trying to solve a complex set of problems and you have one idea that influences them all, that too could be called intuitive. AAB suggests that part of the evolutionary path is to gradually grow from being instinctual creatures to intuitive ones, and your charts suggest that’s the process that’s being accelerated for you in the coming weeks.

Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check. has been published and is available. It is still available at the special subscriber discount price for all 12 signs, or the order price per sign. This year’s annual offers an extended written report plus 90 minutes of audio for each sign and rising sign. You will love it.

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Keep a close eye on any developing situation involving a contractual matter. Delay committing to any agreement not only till both Mercury and Mars are direct, but also until you feel like you have a true understanding of the situation and where everyone is coming from. I suggest you use the ‘know when you don’t know’ principle in place of any shade of false certainty — that may take some extra self-awareness. We humans tend to paper over when we have missing information, though just like wallpaper covering a hole in the wall, there’s an obvious weakness palpable to the touch if not the eye. As regards contracts, I suggest you make sure you actually can deliver anything you’re expected to promise — and if you cannot, say so as soon as possible. If you’re hesitating on any commitment, I suggest you investigate why — there may be a good reason, and if there is, you want to know what it is. The current astrology is perfectly arranged so that you’ll get to the bottom of any shaky situation. Proceed with the faith that you’ll be told everything you need to know.

Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check. has been published and is available. It is still available at the special subscriber discount price for all 12 signs, or the order price per sign. This year’s annual offers an extended written report plus 90 minutes of audio for each sign and rising sign. You will love it.

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — It’s not how much money you have, it’s what you do with it. You do know this. I would add a reminder that your real focus must now be on resources in total, not merely on one kind of resource that has come to take the place of God (specifically, cash). I suggest you get clear about your agenda — that is to say, figure out what it is that you’re trying to do and why you want to do it. Once you have that down, I think you’ll quickly see that any plan you create calls for a diversity of resources, which would be true no matter how much money you have available. Pay particular attention to the things that money cannot buy — such as knowledgeable, helpful people; sincerity; the availability of a contact network. Over the next few days you may also come to some realizations about recent disruptions in a situation involving intimate partners. What you learn is not the end of the discovery, though it may point you toward an understanding of how procreation, and creativity in general, can scare the pants back onto certain people.

Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check. has been published and is available. It is still available at the special subscriber discount price for all 12 signs, or the order price per sign. This year’s annual offers an extended written report plus 90 minutes of audio for each sign and rising sign. You will love it.

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Mercury stationing direct in your birth sign next week is likely to come with some deep insights into what is motivating certain people around you. You’ll find this information useful, yet even more valuable will be what you discover about your own motives. There will be that crucial moment when you seem to have a complete understanding of where you’re coming from, only to discover that you have a parallel set of feelings, ideas and values. Which one is true? That question is based on the idea that both cannot be true at once. Yet that seems to be the very issue: you’re reconciling these two sets of seemingly contradictory values — but there is a solution set. I don’t suggest you try to reason it out, or hold yourself to a standard of strict logic. Rather, what feels right and has an elegant intuitive quality will eventually reveal its logic to you, and teach you plenty about yourself in the process.

Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check. has been published and is available. It is still available at the special subscriber discount price for all 12 signs, or the order price per sign. This year’s annual offers an extended written report plus 90 minutes of audio for each sign and rising sign. You will love it.

Rob Fraboni interviewed by Eric Francis

Dear Friend and Reader:

Today I have a special edition of Planet Waves FM for you — an interview with Rob Fraboni. You may not have heard his name, but you’ve heard his work. It’s an odd coincidence that Rob produced the Bob Dylan album Planet Waves. Here is how the Wikipedia editors describe him —

Planet Waves
Sound engineer Rob Fraboni. Photo: Wikimedia.

“Rob is well-known for his work with Bob Dylan, The Band, Eric Clapton, The Rolling Stones, Tim Hardin, The Beach Boys, Joe Cocker, and Bonnie Raitt, and as Vice President at Island Records where he remastered the entire Bob Marley catalog.

“He produced the soundtrack on Martin Scorsese’s groundbreaking concert movie, The Last Waltz, which included an all-star cast of famous rock and roll performers. He built and designed the legendary Shangri-La studios in Malibu to the specification of Bob Dylan and the Band. Referred to as a ‘genius’ by Keith Richards in his bestselling autobiography Life, he is considered one of the most influential recording producers in rock and roll history.”

Rob and I talk about the history of some of this music, including never-before told stories about The Basement Tapes, The Red Room Tapes and most notably, The Last Waltz. We straighten out the rumor that the whole film was overdubbed. Rob would know — he mastered the soundtrack and solved a big problem with the transitions in the film.

We also hear from Rob about his views on digital music, MP3s, and how to get the best sound with the simplest possible setup. If you know any fans of Dylan, The Band, the Rolling Stones or anyone who would aspire to either record, or be in the business, please send them this link.

Rob will see this page, so you’re free to leave comments and messages to him in the comment area. Special thanks to Special Rider Music for permission to use two of Bob’s songs, which were re-mastered by Fraboni — “I Don’t Believe You” and “Forever Young,” both from The Last Waltz soundtrack.

Here is your recording in the Old Player, which includes a downloadable archive. It should update automatically when you launch iTunes, at least in a short while.


Eric Francis

Leia Marie LaTorre and Steve Jobs

Dear Friend and Reader:

Here in Kingston, a young woman named Leia LaTorre apparently took her life Sunday morning. I knew her pretty well, but many of my friends grew up with her, and this has been especially shocking for them, and for her family. Everyone is going to be experiencing this for years. I keep imagining I see her on the street. Right or wrong, we’re all thinking the same thing. This was not necessary. What could I have done? When I heard Wednesday night that Steve Jobs had died, I’d already been thinking about Leia for three days nonstop.

Planet Waves
Leia Marie LaTorre (1981-2011). Family photo.

At Leia’s wake Wednesday afternoon, one of her closest friends asked me why, based on her astrology, I thought she did it. I said that in a few words, it involved self-esteem issues. This is a phrase that doesn’t mean as much as it should.

“She hid it well,” her friend said. Personally, I didn’t think so, but this clued me in to how deeply someone can be struggling and the people around them don’t necessarily pick up on it. Not that this would have helped; everyone has their own path and their own karma, and has made many decisions before they arrive on Earth in their body. And we make plenty when we’re here.

What Leia may not have known about herself is how well she was loved. Her friends and family were passionate about her. When I first met her, she was abrasive and full of attitude; her whole surface impression was ‘back off’. But I was curious, and it only took a few conversations to figure out how much I adored her anyway.

That dichotomy was one of my favorite things about her; it gave me the clue that something special was going on under the surface. When she gave me her chart data a couple of years ago, I learned her last name and discovered that we might be cousins; I am one-fourth LaTorre. Her name means The Tower. For those not familiar with tarot, that’s one of the big cards, and it loosely translates to something shocking happening out of the blue — or radical liberation and transformation.

Over time she warmed up and was friendlier to me, and confided things I could never imagine her saying to anyone else. From this, I learned something important from her about not taking someone’s attitude too personally — and to look right past it. But she could never hide her irritation with existence and how difficult it was for her to navigate emotionally through the world. Like a lot of people her age, she struggled with purpose or to have any coherent sense of her future. Like many people, relationships were a vital part of where she sought meaning, but in many ways this was like building on quicksand for her. When that’s what you want the most and it doesn’t quite work, that can be frustrating and lonely.

I don’t say the words ‘self-esteem issues’ casually, but rather in the deepest sense. Self-esteem is self-respect, and this cannot be found through other people. When this problem exists, it can feel like your core is rotting out, or like you’re an empty shell, and there’s very little that anyone else can do for you. Part of the challenge for someone in such a struggle is difficulty trusting. Trust is the foundation of love, and its absence leads to more isolation, which can take a person down a kind of psychic spiral, especially if alcohol or drugs are involved (and they often are).

Were I the pastor speaking to the many, many young people at her funeral service, I would say something like this. This kind of incident is when we remember that we have to do something to prevent this from happening to others, and thus to the whole community. Many people, young or old, struggle with depression and its consequences. Yet those to whom this is most likely to happen are the ones least likely to be open to help when it’s offered. The love that others offer to them often means the least, it seems doubtful or like it’s not deserved: that’s how it feels through the sensations of gnawing self-doubt and self-hatred.

Planet Waves
Leia was born with the Sun in the final hours of Gemini, which has an edgy feeling, literally like holding onto the edge of herself. She had Mercury retrograde in Cancer. Questions of self-esteem are often found in the 2nd house, which in this chart has Venus and Nessus; you could describe this as deep misgivings about her value (note that both of these are square Pluto, complicating matters significantly). She has Neptune on the 7th house cusp, a caution about the role of projection, idealism — and alcohol or substances of any kind — in intimate relationships.

Anyone struggling like this would likely have to be the one to admit they need some contact or help coping with the pressure of life. This means reaching past their isolation and asking for help in a direct way rather than the ‘calling out for help’ we’ve just witnessed. When they do, the people around them must take notice, but that can be challenging in an environment of denial. What Leia went through was a slightly more extreme expression of what many, many people go through every day, some of whom you might never suspect, unless you stop and listen. There are hundreds of ways to paper it over, including antidepressants — which are associated with increased suicide risk and which can turn episodic depression into a chronic condition.

Leia was born with natal planets gathered on the cardinal cross (in Aries, Cancer and Libra, many of them in the early degrees, aspecting the Aries Point), right where the 2012 aspect has been coming through. The gods of change were making all kinds of transits to her chart, pushing her to break out of her shell and participate with existence in a new way. For example, she was born under a pretty famous conjunction, of the two largest planets — Jupiter and Saturn in very early Libra (associated with the new era when Reagan came into office, AIDS surfaced and religion morphed into politics). That aspect was in 1981; everyone who has this aspect can feel it, at least as potential.

At the moment, Uranus in Aries is exactly opposite her natal conjunction, and this was pushing her to express herself in ways that from what I gathered from listening to her were totally alien to her. Many of us have planets situated where Saturn, Uranus and Pluto are coming through at the same time, and the pressure to grow and transform may be immense or even unbearable. If 2012 is about ‘everything, all at once’, ramp that up a few orders of magnitude based on how many planets you have situated where the aspect is happening. Leia had many, and her growth curve would have intensified over the years. Had she made it through, she would have seemed like a totally different person on the other end. And while these transits were challenging, she had been through a lot more challenging stuff during the past five years.

The planets in your natal chart that are getting rung like bells by the 2012 aspect describe your mode of participation in the current changes. It’s not that they want to get into the game — they are already there, and how you respond is the variable. While I’ve been pretty optimistic about this whole process, I recognize that for those who don’t feel ready, or who think that life is passing them by, it may be really challenging to go through these transits. Some of the changes are the kinds of things you don’t know how you’ll ever do till you actually accomplish them.

You may not know what to do with the sensation that change is inevitable. I don’t have an easy answer for that puzzle, but if you’re interested enough in astrology to be reading this, look at your chart and start to figure it out. Closer to the point, consider the things you’ve wanted to do forever but have not gotten around to. Think back to your childhood goals; the kid in you knew perfectly well what you came here to do, before anyone had a chance to talk you out of it.

Planet Waves
Steve Jobs: A computer is like a bicycle for the mind.

One person to whom that did not happen was Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple Computer (now Apple, Inc.) who died Wednesday. Steve always gave the impression of doing exactly what he came here to do, and doing it well. Remember, though — Apple was not always the computer everyone thought was cool. For many years they had just 10% of the market share; the company was an open secret. People were deterred by the fact that all their friends had PCs and Apples cost twice as much as a computer at Best Buy. So what if it was five times better.

Still, Apple had a way of leading from behind: they led the way in graphic user interface, in ease of operation and inviting people into the world of computers. We forget that it was only recently that the notion of everyone having a computer in their home would have seemed utterly ridiculous. Apple made it seem more obvious, even if most people still bought PCs.

It was not until Apple came out with an entertainment device — the iPod — that people outside their usual market started to notice. The iPod let you keep your entire CD collection in your pocket. That provided a point not just of entry but of obsession, and made people aware of their friendly computers.

Let’s take a look at Steve’s chart and see what it tells us. Steve was a Pisces with Virgo rising. This can manifest as a blend of the beautiful with the technologically sound; a vision with detail.

His Moon was in Aries, which has a dauntless quality. What sets the chart on fire is that his Moon was conjunct Eris in Aries, to the degree. Eris is that new planet with a very long orbit, the one that got Pluto ‘demoted’ back in 2006. Eris, named for the goddess of discord, sums up the personality chaos of our era, and Steve could speak right to this condition intuitively. He knew that computers had to be an extension of the human personality, and he created machines that people could identify with. Macs have always been visually appealing; people with an artistic eye can look at the thing all day, and to everyone else, it’s just cool. When the first Mac was introduced, the one with 128 kb of memory, about the size of an email, the thing talked and wrote in script, blowing away the soldierly IBM-style PC which responded only to code.

Steve had many planets on the cardinal cross — Eris and the Moon (close to the Aries Point, early in that sign), plus Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus and the lunar nodes. That is a lot of innovative energy (which is mirrored in his numerology by the constant reiteration of the number 10). He was a pioneer, but I believe that the Moon conjunct Eris was the thing that made him who he was.

Planet Waves
On the right side of this chart you can see the conjunction of the Moon and Eris. While this happens once a month, we were able to find very few people with this aspect in our files. But one other person who has it is Bill Gates, Steve’s rival and cosmic twin. This fact tells us a lot about how Eris can manifest at its most visionary. There is a reader discussion of Steve’s chart going on at this link.

Here’s the odd part. Bill Gates has the same aspect. I noticed this when Eris was first named, and it seemed really interesting. What is more interesting is that we searched through thousands of charts in our files and hardly found anyone else with this aspect, and just one person with it as close as Steve’s and Bill’s — that would be Angelina Jolie. This is another way of saying that even among the famous and successful, this aspect verges on nonexistent. It may be that it’s just an extremely difficult placement and people have a hard time working with it.

And two of the people who have the aspect turn out to have been among the most influential people of the 20th century. (It’s also fairly close in the chart of Buckminster Fuller, who should be one of the most influential people of the 20th century and may be regarded as such someday.)

Moon-Eris allowed them to peer into the chaos patterns of rapidly developing technology and make absolute sense out of them. Programming is about seeing solutions to complex problems, and Eris has a gift for pattern recognition. As my friend Tracy put it, “Eris can see forever and through everything,” assuming one is not lost in the sauce of overwhelming consciousness. In these two pioneers, it’s interesting that they could see simultaneously the micro level, attuned to the most subtle details of how a computer works, and the macro level, understanding how this whole thing is going to work its way into society itself. This is getting me to think of Eris in a way that works holographically, where micro and macro dimensions contain one another.

Jobs had a special gift though, expressed in his idea that “a computer is like a bicycle for the mind.” He understood what he was creating in the most immediate sense of a relationship. (Watch that video here.) He had Jupiter conjunct Uranus, one of the aspects common to innovators and inventors. This gave the seamless integration of technology, innovation, beauty and soul. Yet it was located in the highly protective sign Cancer, which shows up as how proprietary Apple products are. There are still no Apple ‘clones’. This marketing method engages you with their products in an insidious way. We all know the people who obsessively collect every Apple product, and those who can get a Mac to run for 10 years. Tweak Steve’s chart just slightly and the whole thing might have ended up open source — that kind of populism is truly a Pisces thing. But so is being a master of the marketplace.

Planet Waves
The Mac 128, born 1984 — enough memory for one email.

Instead, Jobs founded what eventually became one of the most profitable companies in the world, but one that is also known for beautiful, elegant products that actually work.

No matter how innovative it is, all of this technology comes at a cost. Steve’s Moon conjunct Eris in Aries understood well the profound search for themselves that people are on, and he answered this with technology people could relate to. Apple was the first to put out a computer that doubled as an entertainment center, in a time when we are clearly entertaining ourselves to death. How you use a computer is, of course, a choice, and Apple has put a lot of computers into schools and into the home offices of teachers.

It’s disheartening that Steve Jobs died of cancer, and that Apple’s most successful product, the iPhone, may also be its most carcinogenic. This is true of all cellphones, especially the ones that run simultaneous connections to five networks (voice, data, WiFi, Bluetooth and GPS). That’s a lot of microwave activity to put right next to a hole in your skull. I’m not the only one who notices a weird burning sensation in my ear from the iPhone, and as a result I rarely use the thing as a phone, limiting myself to about five minutes a day, if that. The rest of the time I leave it as far from my body as I can. It cannot be said enough that cellphones are the cigarettes of our day and age, and must be treated with actual caution.

It would be great to see Apple become an innovator in product safety, now that it’s one of the most profitable companies in the world.


Eric Francis

Additional research and interpretations: Tracy Delaney.


Planet Waves

The Aries Full Moon is exact Tuesday, Oct. 11 at 10:05 pm EDT. This Full Moon makes aspects to many minor planets. The Moon is conjunct centaur planet Bienor, as well as Eris and the Black Moon Lilith. The Sun is conjunct Saturn and Haumea. At the heart of this event is the Saturn-Eris opposition, which I have described as a transitional moment in the concept of ‘finding yourself in relationship’. That idea seems to have reached a limit. I describe this in greater detail in the free audio intro to the Planet Waves Autumn Report. When waxing toward full, the Moon brings the feeling of something approaching an emotional crest. You may be inclined to stay up late (or not be able to sleep). This is a creative time because lunar light illuminates the inner world.


Planet Waves

The Moon is in Aquarius, which cools off the emotional quality and leans into the mental realm. Friday afternoon/evening, the Moon will be in a long conjunction to Neptune, which can range from clairvoyant to visionary to delusional. Easy on the alcohol Friday night as this conjunction passes, even though a group situation may make it tempting to over-indulge. Through the rest of the weekend the Moon is in Pisces, which carries forward the Neptune theme. This is a sensitive, introspective lunar placement, good for art, music and the kind of erotic exploration that has a soulful feeling. The Moon then officially enters full phase when it enters Aries Monday at 8:57 am EDT in a conjunction to Uranus. This is an ‘expect the unexpected’ aspect, with a connotation of feeling like someone you don’t expect to be, with a rebellious streak. Monday it would be ill-advised to be a rebel without a clue, or without an actual cause; and it would be a great day to step into your future self and experiment with the person you are becoming, or want to be.


Planet Waves

Venus enters Scorpio Sunday at 1:50 am EDT. This is Venus at her most sexually indulgent, craving emotional and erotic contact. Venus is in a trine to Chiron in Pisces, which puts the focus on healing and opens the door to a creative approach to sex and sexual relating. Trines open a door and a flow of energy. To experience this, we also need to be open. Most people struggle with both the pleasure aspect of sex and the healing aspect of sex, having no idea how to integrate the two. They are one and the same thing, particularly in a culture with so many misgivings about pleasure. Venus together with Chiron in the water signs calls for some vulnerability, as well as honesty. I suggest that the honesty be both about what you want and what you want to give; what you want to say, and what you want to know.


Planet Waves

As this cardinal cross activity builds to a peak with the Full Moon, let’s keep an eye on the protests brewing in Zuccotti Park, which are almost sure to surge over the next few days, especially under the populist, empathic Pisces Moon. There has been discussion of a potential false flag event being planned to discredit the protesters, something that will blame them for what they did not do. If you’re in the New York area I encourage you to visit and see how friendly the vibes really are, and what interesting people are there. You can also watch their live stream here. This week the Jon Stewart show featured an amazing take down of the insulting coverage of the Occupy Wall Street protest, guaranteed to start your day off right. There was a decision this week just before the Mercury-Saturn conjunction in Libra, involving Amy Goodman and her co-producers at Democracy Now!, who won their lawsuit against the St. Paul police and the Secret Service. This is an incredible story, and you can see it here. I also cover it in my podcast, below.


Planet Waves

Mercury-Saturn, The Quest for Justice and the Next Uprising

In this week’s edition of Planet Waves FM, I cover Thursday’s Mercury-Saturn conjunction, the Aries Full Moon and take a new look at the Uranus-Pluto square. Our musical guest is the band My Sister Jane, featuring Progress Song written by Trace Wiren.


Planet Waves

Friday, Oct. 7, 2011. Horoscope #877. | Eric’s Zodiac Sign Descriptions

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — The approaching Full Moon in your birth sign may have you running forward in all directions. I suggest you slow down and make some decisions about what belongs on top of your agenda, what can wait and what doesn’t belong there at all. As you go through this process of prioritizing, you will gradually discover where your real strength lies — which is not in brute force but rather in strategy. Therefore I suggest you pull back for long enough to get your thoughts in order and make a few clear decisions. That may not be easy with the Full Moon approaching over the weekend; in fact you may have to fight the constant urge to charge ahead. But that is clear evidence that you’re not using your head, and I don’t mean to crack through someone or something. If you do nothing else the next few days, spend some time gathering information, and then consider it carefully.

Aries, your birth sign or rising sign, is getting some of the most potent transits of them all right now. I’ve recorded an hour of astrology and a tarot card reading for you. Learn more by visiting this page.

Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You have been through a lot recently, and you still may not understand quite what it was. Your solar chart suggests you’re on a profound, even urgent, search for a sense of who you are. Be careful not to let that get to the point of desperation, and if you are struggling with anything, you would benefit from framing it as part of the question, ‘who am I?’ This is usually taken for granted, or papered-over with some form of group or partnership identity. If you find that those shared identities are not working for you, or if you are filled with the sensation that there must be something more, direct your search inward. If that makes you feel nervous, that’s all the more reason to go there. The sense of panic that many people feel these days relates to a false sense of emptiness, and that is something that begs to be investigated. Once you open up to yourself, it’s much easier for others to open up to you.

I’ve recorded an hour of astrology and done a tarot reading especially for you. It’s information that will help with your relationships, your professional life and your personal growth. Visit this page to find out more.

Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — We live in a world where there are many predictions of doom and gloom and very few people calmly working toward solutions. You need to be one of them, and over the next few days I suggest you begin by taking up what seem like the most insurmountable problems in your life. Stop at nothing, meditating on the mantra that creativity can get any job done. If you reach a blockage, the chances are it’s based on some idea you have rather than an actual physical fact. Shift your perspective, ask the question a different way, or try an entirely different approach. Beware of mental blocks and quirks in your belief system that might challenge your gumption. You might give yourself some peace of mind by outlining the best- and worst-case scenarios. And please remember: you can only control what you say and do. You cannot control how others perceive you.

Gemini is one of the most misunderstood signs — and as someone born under this sign, part of your role is to hold a mirror to the world. I’ve recorded an hour of audio for you, plus a 20-minute tarot reading. You can get access to these by visiting this page.

Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — People perceive you as being stronger than you may feel these days — and they’re probably right. While there is a get-serious attitude prevailing in the planets lately, there’s also something about expressing your strength and your passion. Yet what is rarely said is that you need to use your strength for your own cause rather than against it. I suggest you take some time and get clear about what that might comprise. If you find yourself resisting something you know is true, make a decision. If you find yourself needing attention, create that in a healthy way. But above all else, I suggest you reckon with the difference between the past, the present and the future. You seem to be obsessing over past events, and you could serve yourself well by acknowledging that a certain phase of your life — particularly involving your family — has finally come to a close. Try living as if that’s actually true and see what happens.

I’ve recorded an hour of astrology and done a tarot reading especially for you. It’s information that will help with your relationships, your professional life and your personal growth. Visit this page to find out more.

Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You may feel like you’re running into a wall, and if that is true I suggest you take a much larger view of your situation. By larger I mean stretching the time spans involved, considering how the issues would look if you were not confining yourself to a strictly local point of view, and considering where you might draw extra strength and inspiration. There seem to be no shortage of people willing to help you, though you may not recognize them as such. That said, there is a degree to which discipline and determination will win the day. You need to take conscious steps toward your objective. Most cats only hunt when they need to, and this would be a good time to go out on the prowl and bring home something good.

The 2011 Leo birthday report is 70 minutes of in-depth astrology plus a 20-minute tarot reading for you, exploring relationships, personal growth and your professional life. Visit this page for additional information.


Planet Waves


Dear Friend and Reader:

I’ve prepared a new 12-sign report for you — one that covers the rest of the year. These little projects have proven to be a popular and efficient way to provide extended astrology information. They’re based on the same method I use for my horoscope, but with spoken word it’s also spacious, with most of the readings being about 15 or 20 minutes long.

Planet Waves
Eric Francis chez Blue Studio.

Most of my colleagues do weekly 12-sign audio. I am working toward that with these seasonal projects, which go into greater depth than you can usually get in a scripted four or five minute recording. Your 12 signs come with a free half-hour introduction that anyone can listen to. Then you can listen to your Sun, Moon and rising signs, or those of your friends.

As for theme: there is an unusual focus on relationships for the next few months and into the first half of 2012. It goes a little like this. We’re conditioned to find our ‘missing piece’ in relationships with others. Sometimes that seems to be the only option available — until we figure out that we really do want to be a whole person relating to another whole person. That provides something solid to stand on, and the security of knowing that someone else is not basing their whole life on you. Looking at the aspect Saturn opposite Eris, I introduce this theme, among others. I covered this subject in the October monthly horoscope.

The idea of independence and autonomy extends into many areas of life, including the creative and work aspects of existence. Those are, in truth, going through as many changes as our relationships. I cover some of this material as well.

My audio readings are casual, free-style (direct from the chart, not from a script) and designed to get you thinking and choosing rather than designed to stoke up your expectations. While I spend a lot of time listening in my one-on-one sessions, I take advantage of my many dialogs with my readers to get a sense of how to tune my interpretations.

Every time one of these products goes out, we get some amazing responses that always surprise me and encourage me to keep experimenting. Just a moment ago, this message came in: “Eric, I love listening to your voice. Your reading was quite enlightening and confirming. Lots of new information that I can work with. Paired with the reading I was able to listen to for 2010…. Wow! You are a gem in the universe. Love to you and your staff.”

If you’re interested in exploring this report, here is the sales link.

Please let me know how you like this series of readings — and by the way they are guaranteed; if you’re anything other than fully satisfied, just call Chelsea and we will return your payment.

Sending the love right back to you —

Eric Francis


Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Many people are walking the streets with the idea that there’s something wrong with them that they cannot fix. This leads many to indulge in all kinds of ‘solutions’ that serve two purposes — one is they offer the sense of doing something, and the other is they provide a distraction from the real problem. This second one actually is a purpose; I’m sure you know many people who spend their lives running from themselves. You may be inclined to seek answers through a relationship or partnership, or to consider everything that’s amiss in your life as being the result of another person’s involvement. You may think that this is the one thing that will set you free — whether that means to escape a relationship or to find one. But I am sure you suspect that the solution resides within you, and I don’t mean that as a metaphor of some kind. I mean it as literal reality, though it would help if you believe this sincerely, or were at least willing to experiment with the potential.

The 2011 Virgo birthday report is ready! I’ve recorded 70 minutes of astrology plus a tarot reading for you, exploring how you’re working through family material, your use of spirituality, some new energy in your relationships and your professional goals. Visit this page for additional information.

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Make sure you remember which problems you’ve already solved, and not put effort into solving them again. If your mind is seized by the notion that everything can go wrong, give it a few hours or a few days and the sensation is likely to pass. It’s clearly rooted in something that happened in the past. While that may have some resemblance to what is happening in your life today, there are enough differences in the circumstances, and in your ability to handle them, that you can have faith in your choices. If you’re feeling nervous, you can do a check-over of your work and your reasoning process to make sure you have the details covered. This is not the time to reverse yourself. Rather, it’s the time to go deeper, which means going past a certain edge of hesitancy and fear and making contact with the actual emotional material that is calling out for healing.

Hi Cousin Libra, I plan to have your birthday report done while the Sun is in your sign. Meanwhile, if you haven’t listened to Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Libra, please go to this link.

Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Are you really under as much pressure as you think, or would it be more accurate to say that you know more than you think? Consider the difference for a moment. Knowledge does imply responsibility, and you’re clearly under some scrutiny that would require you to act on the best information you have. Here is the challenge: It’s vital that you filter out thoughts directly motivated by fear, particularly if it’s of the ‘everything is gonna fall apart’ variety. Don’t ignore the fear — let it have a voice, then listen for the other voices that offer much better information. It’s clear from your chart that something is bothering you, but you have yet to figure out what it is; that will come soon enough. Your goal right now is to avoid making decisions based on unconscious motives or anxieties.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Scorpio, please go to this link.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You may be feeling some kind of psychic burden that is weighing on you, or constantly sending you back to the beginning of something. If you’ve noticed this, it might not be what you think it is; you may be dragging around someone else’s anxiety. You can be sure this is true if you’re enmeshed in any kind of self-criticism that seems to have no escape. The thing is, there actually is a way out, but that won’t come in the form of solving a problem that doesn’t exist, or ‘curing’ something you think is wrong with you that is not actually an issue. I suggest you start by questioning your beliefs. What evidence do you have that something is the way you think it is? By evidence, I mean something pointing to a cause rather than effect. If you cannot find the cause, you may not be dealing with a real issue, only your perception of one. But this will take some investigation.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Sagittarius, please go to this link.

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Gandhi said we have to become the change we want to see in the world. Your chart says you have to become the authority you want to see in the world. Let’s face it, humans need leadership and they need guidance. The best people to do that are the ones who have some authority over themselves, which is to say, those who don’t need to be told right from wrong, and who are capable of getting some work done. ADD may be all the rage, and it may be provoking you from time to time, but that doesn’t work if you’re the boss in any capacity. Maintain your inner focus, do nothing that either is or has the appearance of being hypocritical, and set the example of what a decent, down-to-Earth and honest person is. What you may be concealing is a bit more inner turmoil or emotional chaos than you’re used to experiencing, but that would not count for hypocrisy if you own what you feel and recognize it as inherently human.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Capricorn, please go to this link.

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Tapping your creativity requires indulging some chaos (or inspiration, depending on how you’re wired), and some discipline. Any creative product is the result of both, and you need them in the right blend. That might take some time to get right, but I suggest you indulge yourself in one side of the equation or the other, and the moment that seems to not be interesting, go to the other side. Chaos might look something like writing all of your ideas into a notebook. Discipline might look like typing them in and arranging the order, refining them and seeing what you’ve got. Neither side is worth much without the other, but for a while it’s better if you take turns rather than try to do them at the same time. I suggest that you do a rapid cycle, rather than hanging out too long with one or the other. What remains constant between them is having faith in yourself. For what it’s worth, you actually do have an idea worth developing.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Aquarius, please go to this link.

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — The time has come to make a financial move of some kind, or several moves that add up to something significant. It may include a restructuring of how you conduct business or account for your money; it may be a revaluing of some kind; there are obviously agreements that you need to renegotiate and partnerships that you might want to develop. Plenty has changed since the last time you did anything like this, and I suggest that you review carefully just what that means. Look at your income pattern over the past five years. Consider carefully how your goals have changed, and how your value within your field has changed. Part of what you’re about to do is cash in on what you’ve already accomplished, and how you’re going to get there is to think about it in a totally new way.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Pisces, please go to this link.

Libra Equinox: In Search of Justice

The judge said, “Guilty” in a make-believe trial,
Slapped the sheriff on the back with a smile and said
“Supper’s waiting at home and I got to get to it.”

— Bobby Russell

Dear Friend and Reader:

If there was a silver lining to Wednesday night’s human sacrifice of Troy Davis, it was that so many people cared — and did something tangible about it. In the days and weeks leading up to his execution by the state of Georgia, there was an unprecedented global outpouring of sadness, concern and outrage not just because of evidence that he was innocent, but also of disgust at the continued use of the death penalty by the United States. No death sentence has raised this much public ire since Karla Faye Tucker, who was executed by Texas in 1998.

Troy Anthony Davis as a death row inmate in 2002, shown with his mother, Virginia. Photo from family website.

Troy Davis was convicted of the 1989 murder of off-duty police officer Mark MacPhail in Savannah, Georgia, though seven of the nine witnesses whose testimony convicted him have recanted. One of the other two is believed by many to be the actual shooter. Millions of people signed petitions, spread the world through social media and shut down phone lines going into every conceivable office in the Georgia legal system. But as Troy himself put it, it really was about all the Troy Davises that came before and after the one who died Wednesday night.

The public uprising was truly activism in the tradition of Uranus square Pluto, the centerpiece of 2012 astrology — an aspect directly related to the fabled uprisings of the 1960s. Transcending national boundaries and the usual divisions of race and class, it is during Uranus-Pluto aspects, which happen a few times per century, that progress on human rights is often made. Troy Davis was one of many social justice stories that emerged in the week that the Sun was preparing its ingress into Libra, the sign of the legal system and the concept of fairness, (illustrated with scales, held by Astraea, the goddess of justice). The Sun entered Libra with the equinox early Friday, and will aspect Uranus and Pluto through the weekend and into next week. In doing so, it will set off the 2012 aspect, once again bringing the future a little closer to us.

Those raising their voices on behalf of Troy Davis included former FBI director William Sessions (who served under Ronald Reagan); Dr. Allen Ault, a former warden of the Georgia prison where Davis was killed; Pres. Jimmy Carter; Pope Benedict and many celebrities from around the world.

Most astonishing and unexpected among these figures was Dr. Ault, who with a group of former Georgia prison officials wrote to Gov. Nathan Deal out of “overwhelming concern” that Davis was innocent — and the impact that this would have on the executioners. The issue of what happens to the people who must actually kill the condemned person is finally starting to get some traction, after being raised for years by Helen Prejean.

“We write to you as former wardens and corrections officials who have had direct involvement in executions,” Ault and his colleagues wrote to Gov. Deal, who could have stopped the execution with a phone call.

“Like few others in this country, we understand that you have a job to do in carrying out the lawful orders of the judiciary. We also understand, from our own personal experiences, the awful lifelong repercussions that come from participating in the execution of prisoners. While most of the prisoners whose executions we participated in accepted responsibility for the crimes for which they were punished, some of us have also executed prisoners who maintained their innocence until the end. It is those cases that are most haunting to an executioner.

Amnesty International protest in Atlanta in support of Troy Davis, part of an international show of opposition for his execution — and for the death penalty itself. Many protests were in virtual space, and numerous others took place on the ground. Photo: Elizabeth Hartsig.

“We write to you today with the overwhelming concern that an innocent person could be executed in Georgia tonight. We know the legal process has exhausted itself in the case of Troy Anthony Davis, and yet, doubt about his guilt remains. This very fact will have an irreversible and damaging impact on your [prison] staff. Many people of significant standing share these concerns, including, notably, William Sessions, Director of the FBI under President Ronald Reagan.

“Living with the nightmares is something that we know from experience. No one has the right to ask a public servant to take on a lifelong sentence of nagging doubt, and for some of us, shame and guilt. Should our justice system be causing so much harm to so many people when there is an alternative?” [End of quote from Dr. Ault’s letter.]

The alternative would not have been to release Davis, but rather to commute his sentence to life without the possibility of parole while the investigation continued. The state could have hedged its bets here, especially given that he is likely to be exculpated (declared innocent after conviction, and in this case, execution). Because of the high probability of Davis’ innocence, what Dr. Ault and his co-authors are saying is that the death penalty spreads the agony like poison in water. I believe it spreads the karma of murder out over an entire society. In order for ‘justice’ to be done, millions of people had to feel the pain and helplessness of watching a potentially innocent man be put to death.

MacPhail’s relatives said that Davis and his family had duped people into believing in his innocence. “We know what the truth is,” MacPhail’s widow, Joan MacPhail-Harris, told CNN. “And for someone to ludicrously say that he is a victim — we are victims. Look at us. We have put up with this stuff for 22 years. It’s time for justice. We need our justice.” I think she means revenge. There is a difference, and not everyone gets it. But as a friend pointed out yesterday, the blood lust that is associated with the American death penalty may be the toxic shadow of living in a country where justice has been denied to so many for so long.

Also executed Wednesday night was Lawrence Brewer, a self-avowed racist who tortured and murdered James Byrd, Jr. in 1998. He was the 236th prisoner to be executed by the State of Texas during the governorship of likely Republican candidate Rick Perry — a record number of executions under one governor. While this kind of case is often used as justification for the death penalty, Byrd’s family was opposed to Brewer’s execution on the basis that it is only more killing, which would help nothing.

More killing is what Texas is all about. Since 1976, when the death penalty was resumed in the United States after a brief moratorium, Texas has executed more than 476 prisoners, nearly half of those executed by the United States in the modern era of the death penalty.

Troy Davis pictured at his high school graduation ceremony. Photo provided by Amnesty International.

Despite the impressive reputation of Texas, Georgia is the unofficial capital of capital punishment in the United States. It was the Supreme Court’s Furman v. Georgia decision that stopped the death penalty in 1972 due to numerous problems. These included what was in reality a lottery system of inconsistent application of execution throughout the states, death sentences imposed for rape by some states and not others, and innumerable accusations of racial bias. Justice Potter Stewart famously wrote that the Bill of Rights “cannot tolerate the infliction of a sentence of death under legal systems that permit this unique penalty to be so wantonly and so freakishly imposed.”

It was Gregg v. Georgia, a 1976 decision, that allowed states to resume executions under new, supposedly more rigorous conditions — but those rules seem to have done little to impose fairness or guarantee that condemned people are actually guilty, or guilty of something other than being black. Issues with the death penalty in Georgia are part of its folk history. Everyone remembers “The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia,” the haunting 1972 southern gothic song about the false trial and hanging of an innocent man.

Since then, Georgia’s execution process has been wracked with scandal — including federal officials seizing the state’s illegally imported supply of sodium thiopental, the drug usually used to kill prisoners. Davis’ execution was carried out by a company called CorrectHealth, a for-profit enterprise that oversees all executions in Georgia. What is entered on the certificate of death under the ’cause of death’ as state homicide is in fact corporate homicide.

Before he was killed, Davis spent 22 years in solitary confinement, a form of torture. He had four separate death dates, refusing his last meal for all of them, one time coming within two hours of execution before the process was stopped. His scheduled killing this week was delayed for several hours as the justices of the Supreme Court were polled about whether they wanted to grant a stay. The workings of the Supreme Court are mysterious, but one observer I trust said that the decision to deny a stay was likely unanimous, or the execution would have been halted. Technically, it takes a minimum of five justices to stay an execution, something that they rarely do.

Troy Davis was executed using pentobarbital, a drug usually used to euthanize household animals, and died Wednesday at 11:08 pm. But he leaves a legacy behind him: especially an invigorated anti-death penalty movement, and a name that everyone will recognize if and when evidence emerges that someone else committed the crime for which his life was taken. The chart for his death suggests that capital punishment in the United States will be one of the things overthrown by the public uprisings of 2012-2015.

Personal Questions and Public Issues

In case you didn’t notice, this was a week of subtle tension and constant adjustment. At times it might have been not so subtle, but better described as intense and edgy. There were two main aspects in effect — both of them quincunxes, or 150-degree aspects. If you think of a square as being inwardly confrontational and a trine as being an easy flow, think of a quincunx as halfway between. Their distinctive feeling is that of unresolved tension and the continuous sensation of working it out. In fact, we can make significant progress under the influence of these aspects.

Lady Gaga speaks at the National Equality March on Nov. 28, 2009. She was a leading advocate of open service in the military. Photo by Ryan J. Reilly via Wikimedia Commons.

The aspects were Sun quincunx Neptune, at the same time as Mars quincunx Chiron. It’s fairly rare to have this kind of simultaneous dual alignment of an unusual aspect like this, but for reasons I will describe another time, the sky is a setup for quincunxes at the moment. On a personal level, you may have noticed yourself asking many questions about your life, or rather, discovering that those questions existed. Next, you may have gone on a campaign of making many adjustments, another keyword of the quincunx.

Sun to Neptune had the vibe of not being able to stand the lies, the sensation of slipping, or the disregard of intellectual clarity. One thing about our era of history is its blatant anti-intellectualism — remember that ‘reality based’ is an insult and that science is considered by many to be inconvenient — or a sign of weak faith. Blending the Sun (expression, ego) and Neptune (creativity, deception) in a 150-degree aspect screams with the desire for clarity. Happening as it did at the end of two signs (Virgo and Aquarius), this may have come with the feeling of enough already.

At the same time, Mars was newly in Leo — which grants energy and courage. It was (and still is) making an aspect to Chiron in early Pisces. This is about a new approach, taking up new tools, and taking on life’s challenges with the courage of a warrior and the precision of a surgeon. The fog and slippery quality of Sun-Neptune may have felt like provocation into the new, exacting methods of Mars-Chiron.

These two aspects to me are like an illustration of the necessities of our moment. On one level there is so much bullshit and mental chaos that a sane person cannot stand it. There is that sense of drowning in disinformation, but really needing information good enough to act on. It’s enough to make you question your sanity, especially when events themselves become overwhelming.

Then you look at the situation another way, or feel within yourself for resources. You take an approach that utilizes a psychological tool or the direction of energy. All Mars-Chiron aspects have the feeling of martial arts, which are about the conscious use and application of inner power. This is the perfect antidote to the chaos of the Sun-Neptune aspect. Mars-Chiron favors the underdog and has the sense of a quest for justice.

Lady Gaga in Portand, Maine, on her sexual equality rights tour that helped end “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” Photo by Amanda Painter.

Now two other things are happening: the Sun is beginning its path across Libra, putting it into contact with the Uranus-Pluto square. This feels like resolution; it feels like a new surge of energy. The Sun will make a concentrated series of big aspects through the next two weeks — first to Chiron, then to Uranus, then to Pluto, then to Jupiter and finally to Saturn. (There is a very high-potency lineup on Wednesday, Sept. 29.)

The Sun is now in a cardinal sign and at the first moment of a new season — this sequence of events is about taking action. Said another way, it’s about a surge of energy that is focused into a tangible, disciplined process. The energy surge comes first — followed by the obvious need to focus. The story in the planets right now is not about going with the flow, but neither is it about pushing the river. It’s about the conscious application of mental and emotional power. Chiron is a big player that describes a process of planning, documenting and making decisions that are based on actual data.

As for the public issues — there were two other social justice events this week that would count for signs of the times. The first was the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” the Clinton-era policy that led to an 18-year witch hunt of gay and lesbian people in the military. The legal process that led to this actually started in July, when the leaders of the military said their forces were ready to toss out the old policy that had wrecked so many lives and spread so much paranoia.

With this change, an era of nationally-sanctioned lying and discrimination has come to an end. Over the DADT years more than 14,500 able-bodied soldiers left the Armed Services due to sexual orientation. Very few left the military because they wanted to and with the end of DADT, many who were recently released are planning to rejoin. West Point graduate and activist Dan Choi plans on reenlisting, saying, “Going back to the military will be a vindication. I’m going back because I fought to go back. The seriousness of our claims was not just political theatre — it was really drawn from our lives. I sacrificed so much so I could go back.”

Meanwhile, those discharged as ‘undesirable’ can now petition to have their decisions changed to ‘honorable’, as was a 70-year-old discharge, concerning a World War II soldier.

With one or two rare exceptions, protests on Wall Street, New York City, this week were ignored by the media. At the peak there were more than 2,000 people there. Mayor Bloomberg was having CGI fantasies of many more. Photo by Alex Féthière.

Then there was a protest that was near to my heart: the occupation of Wall Street. On Sept. 17, the event kicked off with some 2,000 protesters crowding Bowling Green Plaza, angry about the financial meltdown caused by “the corruption of the 1%,” and the continuing unregulated speculation that erodes stability of the financial markets and of the whole economy. Protesters were comprised of recent college grads unable to find employment and others who have identified corporate America as the primary cause of our fiscal decline. As with so many protests these days, the idea was developed and implemented through social networking.

Mayor Bloomberg likened it to the Arab Spring, and made it clear that the same kind of “riots” that occurred in Egypt and Spain were unwelcome in New York. Perhaps that’s why there has been so little news coverage of this protest. Just one weekly free paper in New York City covered it, as did Toronto Star. Any journalist who violated an unspoken ban on the story could have been cut off from the mayor’s good graces, which is an annoying possibility to consider. Simultaneous protests are occurring in England, so it is BBC that seems to be the leader in covering both movements.

“Banks are sitting on cash hoards and corporate profits are riding high — yet ordinary U.S. taxpayers face joblessness and cuts,” wrote Amy Goodman in The Guardian (U.K.), apparently unable to place her op-ed in an American newspaper.

By the fourth day, the otherwise peaceful protest, smaller in numbers but no less vocal, had turned testy with a belligerent police presence: see the video here.

A summer ago, people in three-cornered hats, waving placards — some quite disturbing — and carrying guns held protests all over the nation, including in front of the White House. I don’t remember arrests. The Wall Street protest has scored a number of arrests now, including one arrestee reported in severe medical condition.

We remain a nation — and a world — in search of justice.


Additional Research: Rachel Andrews, Steve Bergstein, Judith Gayle and Carol van Strum. Photo research by Sarah Bissonnette-Adler.


Planet Waves FM: About the Death Penalty

Here is your podcast — it covers the death penalty and the equinox chart.

My understanding of how these death penalty cases pan out when they get to the court, is that individual justices are assigned to regions of the country. However, if that justice is unavailable or if that justice wants to defer to a larger discussion, they may do so. The matter went to Clarence Thomas, who is the circuit justice for this circuit. He referred it to the full court and as we know, Davis did not get the five votes that he needed.

Here is your program in the old player and a downloadable archive.


 Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Sept. 23, 2011, #876 – BY ERIC FRANCIS

Revised and Updated! Click for Eric’s Zodiac Sign Descriptions

Aries (March 20-April 19) — You don’t have to apply a lot of force to get your way, or to express yourself — and in truth you don’t need to apply any force at all. Rather, direct your will, your intentions and your desire gently and with precision, and you’ll accomplish exactly what you want to accomplish. That said, be careful about approaching life as a game. This may be a strong temptation, particularly since you may have the notion that you can gain more by gambling than you can by honest effort. That, precisely, is the trap to avoid. Taking a creative approach is risky enough (though it’s a different kind of risk). It would call for more humility and does not involve a win-or-lose-everything approach. In fact it does not involve winning or losing at all. Rather, you will embark on a process of evaluating your actions, mainly through their results. You don’t know all of the factors involved in your life right now, and there are likely to be authority figures who will not look kindly on your playing fast and loose.

Aries, your birth sign or rising sign, is getting some of the most potent transits of them all right now. I’ve recorded an hour of astrology and a tarot card reading for you. Learn more by visiting this page.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — What was the definition of ‘fair’ in the household you grew up in? That idea influences you now. I reckon that it had something to do with listening: with listening to others, and being listened to. There’s also something about the noise level. Were things suppressed and quiet, were they over-boiling and confrontational, or was there actual civility and communication? The answer to this question says something about how you respond to others, and how you expect them to respond to you. Looked at one way, your solar chart hints strongly at growing up in a household where there was a good bit of pride, and where everyone around you had to be number one. Yet this competitive vibe may not have been expressed openly; it may have been subversive. Contrast this now with whatever you’re going through emotionally; you may get a new layer of understanding about how and why you respond to the people close to you.

I’ve recorded an hour of astrology and done a tarot reading especially for you. It’s information that will help with your relationships, your professional life and your personal growth. Visit this page to find out more.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You would be wise to work with those more powerful than yourself rather than against them. If you’re in doubt whether your cooperation would be a good idea, I suggest you sit out this round. Assuming your involvement passes an integrity check, here is what I suggest. Try out something that the Midwest Academy, an organizational training center, calls power analysis. Who actually has the power to make the decision in this situation? And what is your power to influence them? You need to know these things, and work with them carefully. Your mind is hot with ideas and creativity right now, but it’s vital that you direct it like a laser. That calls for applying strategy. Know who your friends are and who your potential enemies are, and do your best to get along with both. Keep peace in your environment; pride or talking too much is not going to serve you well. And if your mind is a geyser of ideas all of which you want to do yesterday, choose carefully among them for the best.

Gemini is one of the most misunderstood signs — and as someone born under this sign, part of your role is to hold a mirror to the world. I’ve recorded an hour of audio for you, plus a 20-minute tarot reading. You can get access to these by visiting this page.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — You will be making a series of financial decisions this week, and I suggest you make them with impeccable care. You happen to have many advantages working for you, but you must guard against overconfidence. It is true that a significant impediment has been lifted from your life during the past week or so, but this merely shifts the balance of power rather than guaranteeing an outcome of any kind. The quality that is the very strongest in your chart right now is a spirit of innovation. Careful experiments, based on what you’ve learned from previous endeavors, are one of the best ways you can invest your time and energy. I do mean careful. You will be rewarded for your discipline and your restraint, which will also provide the perfect venue for your best ideas to come through. Part of that discipline is about understanding the potential costs, benefits and liabilities of everything.

I’ve recorded an hour of astrology and done a tarot reading especially for you. It’s information that will help with your relationships, your professional life and your personal growth. Visit this page to find out more.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You may feel like you’re caught in a situation you cannot get out of — or, if you notice carefully, you may see you’re in the perfect position to take action that has a positive influence on several different situations around you. They all seem to involve partnership, work and finance. You’re serving as a point of contact — but this is not merely a passive role. The part you play is about initiative, motivation and making sure that any action taken is the correct action. As the next week passes, you may have an inclination to increase or magnify your involvement; I suggest you keep your efforts steady and persistent, rather than backing off or coming on stronger. That you have the awareness and courage to assert your will is another — but you’re also setting the tempo of an approach that is designed to last a while. Take as little credit for your contribution as possible, which will keep the involvement of ego down to a minimum. There is no room for games.

Hello Leo! Your birthday report is now available. I’ve recorded 70 minutes of in-depth astrology plus a 20-minute tarot reading for you, exploring relationships, personal growth and your professional life. Visit this page for additional information.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Most things that people start — especially the ones that turn out to be the most meaningful — begin as a kind of mystery, with an outcome that could never be predicted. How many times have you said, or heard someone say, ‘If I knew what I was getting into, I never would have tried — but I’m glad that I did’. You may discover that you’re in just such a moment where one decision leads to another; where one adventure leads to the next and pretty soon you have no idea how you got where you are. I would guess, however, that you have some kind of a clue or a feeling that some unusual turns of events are on the horizon, particularly where your professional life and your creative life intersect. Many things that were cloaked in a fog have become clear even in the past two or three days. This is a time to keep your mind loose and limber, and dance to the music rather than the choreography.

Eric is working on your birthday audio — we plan to have it available shortly — sorry for the delay. Please stay tuned!

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — The Sun moves into your sign [today/Friday], and this will feel like turning the lights on in a space where you were already able to see most things in the dark. You will not only notice subtle differences; you will see your options. You will also discover a surprise in the form of the revelation of how someone close to you feels about something they may not have been stating directly. Did you have a clue about this? Does what you’re discovering seem familiar? Try not to act too surprised. There is actually a significant benefit in this for you. You may be feeling restless the past few months, as if you’ve become stuck in your own footprints — particularly where an important relationship or relationships are concerned. This weekend’s turn of events will connect you to more people, and send a pleasant shockwave through your life, yet without threatening to turn over your world.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Libra, please go to this link.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — The more you overtly assert your leadership, the more likely you are to run into resistance of people who specialize in negative inertia. Look for the small, meaningful leverage points where you can assert your influence gently. If possible, work invisibly, behind the scenes, rather than making any kind of announcement or openly setting an agenda. Let others be the vectors for your ideas. I know this sounds like I’m recommending subterfuge, but actually I’m suggesting that you move carefully beneath the radar of those who may not have your best interests at heart. Unless you proceed with a bit of stealth, you could easily get bogged in emotional drama, or spur the jealousy of those who simply feel like resisting you. Meanwhile, check carefully why you want to do what you’re doing. What is your actual goal? I get that part of it involves personal advancement. But you seem to have other motives. The clearer you are about them, the more easily you will get it to happen.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Scorpio, please go to this link.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Now is the time to make your presence known to the world. I know there’s part of you that wants to hole up and get things done, but you have some rare and precious opportunities to show the world your face, your talent and your shining presence. You’re in an unusual position to meet people who are your creative peers, and who have the energy to shock you to a new level of expression. Indeed, anyone you make contact with or collaborate with during the next few days could do that — and you may find yourself with a new mission or project on your hands. That would be the time to retreat — but only for as long as you need to. I suggest you be as extroverted as you can be for the next month, though if I’m not being clear, this is not about being social as much as it is about pollenating your mind and spreading your presence and involvement in the world.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Sagittarius, please go to this link.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — For you, taking authority is not taking something new — it’s about occupying something that you’ve already created. Authority means authorship, so think of this as living out a story that has been taking shape in your mind for a long time. The theme of the story is justice, which is another way of saying fairness. This does not usually happen by luck; typically, it takes effort, and some degree of subverting all of the other agendas that currently exist around you. And I do mean subvert, rather than challenge openly. The most important thing you can do is present your alternative, and present it not only logically but beautifully so that it has at least two levels of appeal. The second most important thing to do is pay attention to who is pushing their will the hardest, and use the martial arts skill of turning their own energy against them. In other words, set your adversaries up to be their own worst enemy; then you won’t have to play that role.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Capricorn, please go to this link.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Let others know that you’re listening and moreover, that you understand them. Once you’ve spent a few moments getting clear, the words, ‘I understand where you’re coming from’, or ‘This is what I hear you saying’, will go a long way. What close partners (or even adversaries) want most is to be heard, and this is something you can offer. It costs you nothing, and you’ll only benefit. At the same time, your solar chart currently hints at a risk if you assert yourself in a way that tells others you want them to believe you. I dare say that it’s not going to work: someone close to you is in too aggressive a mood to listen to much at all, but their conquering spirit will calm down a little if you pay attention. This is not necessarily going to solve the problem, and I suggest you watch the situation closely. Soon enough whoever you’re dealing with is likely to encounter a more powerful authority and will have to change his or her ways.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Aquarius, please go to this link.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — This is the month to get your financial house in order. Whether you’re dealing with creditors, with clients, with an employer or with some kind of investment advisor, you are in a position to make a series of strategic moves that simplify your situation, allow you to apply several good ideas, and come to a new understanding about the value of your work. One of the distinctive qualities of this adjustment phase is a blend of creativity and absolute practicality. You don’t need to take any flying leaps; you don’t need to risk everything. You need to get the engine connected to the wheels and decide where you want to go. Over the next few weeks you’re likely to discover that doors you thought were closed will swing open, and that people you thought opposed you are willing to cooperate. But most of all you will discover that you’re making a unique contribution to the world — a fact that can serve you very well.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Pisces, please go to this link.

Why Does the Moon?

Dear Friend and Reader:

At first look, the Casey Anthony verdict earlier this week was shocking: to many it was obvious that she killed her daughter Caylee. On closer look, it’s clear that the prosecution did not prove its case, and that they went too far in seeking the death penalty in a situation without a verified cause of death, time or location of death or clear motive. True, much of the circumstantial evidence pointed back to Casey. Not calling the police when your child is missing for a month is weird, but it’s not capital murder.

Casey Anthony’s mugshot, from 2008.

What many are questioning and indeed are disgusted by is the public’s fascination with the case as it unfolded over the past three years. “Because the case received such thorough media attention in Orlando, jurors were brought in from the Tampa Bay area and sequestered for the entire trial,” Wikipedia’s editors wrote. “The case became a macabre tourist attraction as people camped outside for seats in the courtroom, where scuffles also broke out among those wanting seats inside. The New York Post described the trial as going ‘from being a newsworthy case to one of the biggest ratings draws in recent memory’, and Time dubbed it ‘the social media trial of the century’.”

Why, when there is so much going on in the world, in a time when there are so many injustices and so much that needs our moral and ethical attention, is this what so many people were fixating on? One analysis is that it was fed to the public as a distraction from the global banking crisis, the struggle over the national debt and the debt ceiling, the move to cut Social Security and Medicare so that oil companies can be subsidized by taxpayers, school being cut back to four days a week because some states can no longer afford all five days, the endless lies about how cutting taxes for the wealthiest people in society creates jobs, the multiple wars in the Middle East, nuclear meltdowns (and nuclear plants submerging under water and forest fires near nuclear labs). We could view this as just another morbid circus designed to take our collective mind off of what really matters. I would propose that it’s all part of the same thing: that the same mentality is driving every issue right now, and we are ‘surviving’ by cultivating the same insensitivity to everything.

Yet why people are fascinated by this case in particular is the part I understand. Everyone knows that techno-murder committed by the nuclear power industry or Monsanto is wrong, but who can relate to that? Try explaining the inner psychology of a chemical executive who poisons thousands of people by falsifying a safety study, or a school administrator who puts students in a toxic dormitory. It’s so banal as to be sleep-inducing.

What we can identify with is the dark side of a relationship between a parent and a child. We’ve all been there, from one end of the relationship or both. I would say that how parents treat children is more important than any nuclear meltdown or banking scandal, because within those parent-child relationships is contained the future of humanity. And who is not moved — be it chilled, disgusted, outraged, saddened or intrigued — by the curious, inviting eyes of Casey Anthony?

Add to this the extent to which many women are obsessed by the concept of motherhood and you have a formula for excellent ratings. On of my readers, a Florida attorney, posted a comment to our Facebook page Friday morning: “What has amazed me the most is the depth of the emotions so many women had in response to the verdict. When I look at the women who expressed the strongest emotions, they are women who wear the ‘badge of motherhood’ as their very essence, their identifying factor in this world. And if someone wears a badge as strongly as some of these women do, it usually means they are struggling with that very issue in some form or fashion.”

This is the chart for Tuesday’s not guilty verdict in the Casey Anthony trial. You can see Nessus as the light blue glyph with the letter N on top on the lower right, in Aquarius, which describes childhood as inherently abusive — a point Alice Miller tried to make with her entire writing career. The Moon in this chart is perhaps the most telling planet: exactly square Mars, in the 8th house, suggesting that rage (Mars in Gemini) was the cause of death (by a mother, Moon in Virgo). Mercury, the highest planet, is square Jupiter (precise to one arc minute), suggesting that the truth was exaggerated by prosecutors. And Juno, representing a spouse, is exactly square the lunar nodes, suggesting that a marriage partner, or the marriage itself, was directly involved and that the whole situation turned on that one aspect of things.

I didn’t pay any attention to the saga as it unfolded. I saw a total of five minutes of testimony from the bug expert two weeks ago, by accident. My only thought was: that’s the expert testimony? They’re going to have a hard time proving this case. I became interested the moment I learned the verdict was not guilty. Then I got a little shock when I remembered that just a week ago was a solar eclipse in Cancer, the sign of motherhood. That seemed eerie.

So I cast the chart for the verdict. It tells many stories, some of which I will share with you here. I researched the case and cast a number of other charts. Earlier in the week looking at the charts for Casey, Caylee and the crime scene, I became physically nauseous, which persisted for more than an hour after I closed the files. I don’t remember that ever happening looking at a chart, and I’ve done quite a few creepy astrology cases. There was no special reason I could discern; the charts themselves are interesting but did not seem disturbing on their own. For example, Casey has her natal Moon in Cancer, and Friday’s eclipse happened very close to that Moon. Seeing that I think most astrologers would have predicted her conviction.

Let’s take a look at the verdict chart and see what we can observe. The chart has Libra rising, which is an appropriate image for a legal proceeding (the scales of justice are illustrated by that sign). We find the ruler of Libra, Venus, placed in Cancer — the sign of motherhood, and that keeps showing up prominently.

Venus is located in the second degree of Cancer, which means it’s aspecting the Aries Point: talk about something that is deeply personal blowing up into a vast show of political theater that everyone can in some way relate to. This is the kind of situation that washes away any boundary between what we think of as personal and what we think of as political. The real-world places and situations associated with where these astrological contact points occur are extremely alluring and are indeed often irresistible. In other words, when there is an event in the world that shows up in the charts as connected to the Aries Point, many feel compelled to stare.

Venus in this chart is about to make a series of aspects, to Uranus, Jupiter, Chiron, Pluto and Saturn. Casey’s ordeal has only just started. She’s 25 years old and, assuming she survives the next few years (which presents a significant question), she will have to live with this for a long time. She did not get away with anything. Perhaps she did in the legal sense, with its supposed requirement for judicially acceptable proof (despite this, the innocent are often convicted of things they did not do). This is the kind of thing that it can take lifetimes to unravel, and I would note we are not privy to the long history that led up to what we have witnessed.

Venus in Cancer, aspecting the Aries Point, suggests this event is about mothers everywhere. In the verdict chart, she shows up in the 9th house, a house closely associated with the courts. It’s as if motherhood itself was the thing on trial. For reasons I will get into in a moment, it most certainly is. [If you are studying this chart as an astrology student, notice how Mercury rules the South Node as well as 9th house. This implies a very long trajectory to this issue, and by that I mean many lifetimes. And such a prominent 9th house suggests that Casey’s mother’s psychology is a crucial factor in these events.]

Family photo of Caylee Anthony.

There are some chilling planetary placements. Nessus, for example, is right on the 5th house cusp. Nessus, a centaur planet related to Chiron, is about the cycles of karma, and it has a close association with both revealing and healing psychological and sexual abuse. The 5th is the house of childhood and of children. Nessus indicates a cycle of abuse here, and Aquarius suggests that involves the structure of society. Meditating on the case all week, I thought: what happened to Caylee is a more extreme version of what happens to many children. Alice Miller‘s entire body of work is devoted to the theme of how childhood is inherently humiliating and kills something within most kids.

Caylee, the prosecutors said, was gagged with duct tape and poisoned with chloroform (a toxic sedative, much like ether). What child is not told to shut up? How many kids are drugged out of existence, be it by television or Ritalin? Well, there are a few; there are more conscious parents today than I remember as a kid, when every child was hit and there was no such thing as a time out. Yet hardly a day goes by when I don’t see a child humiliated in public by his or her parents. And if I have learned one thing as an astrologer, it’s how difficult it is to be a kid in our society. Very nearly everyone is still dealing with what they experienced during childhood, and once they discover it, many people are convinced that the damage they suffered is intractable.

“It wasn’t until I wrote my books that I found out just how hostile society was toward children,” Miller once said. “I have come to realize that hostility toward children is to be found in countless forms, not only in death camps but throughout all levels of society and in every intellectual discipline — even in most schools of therapy.”

Being a parent is extremely challenging as well. “In mothering, we meet our whole self, not just the light but the dark as well, the creative and the destructive and everything in between,” said Jerilyn Brownstein, a therapist who specializes in working with mothers and expecting mothers. “But we aren’t prepared to meet the whole self. Who teaches us? How do we learn to meet the destructive parts of ourselves?”

New York-area motherhood therapist, Jerilyn Brownstein.

Things that harm can have beneficial effects, but, Brownstein said, “Only if we learn how to work with them. But when we push them underground, or when other people avoid them, they become destructive.” Brownstein’s practice is designed to help women keep these issues visible, where they can deal with them.

When I interviewed Brownstein for an earlier Planet Waves article called Born in the Sixties, she said, “Motherhood initiates women into their creator energy, and their destroyer energy. And unless they learn to work with their destroyer energy consciously, it can destroy a marriage, a partnership, a child’s life, a child’s self-esteem. It doesn’t have to look like murder.”

When the Casey Anthony verdict came out this week, I called Brownstein to get her feedback, since the case was centered on precisely the kind of themes she successfully addresses in therapy and group process with her clients. It had been eight years since our last conversation, and she was continuing to develop her group process work with young and expecting mothers. “We can go to movies and be really obsessed with murder and violence, but what’s at the heart of it?” she asked. “What are we trying to work out? What are we trying to learn about? We’re trying to see these parts of ourselves in the outer world. But then there’s this lingering question: how do I find the gem, the jewel? The gifts are in the darkness. But you have to build muscles to excavate and go in.”

Most of what society does is designed to avoid that darkness and cultivating the strength to find out what might be in there.

Brownstein pointed out that a situation like this does not emerge out of a vacuum. “Events like this always bring up the question: in the circle around this woman, what were people not wanting to see? Whether she’s guilty or not guilty, her child is dead, and there’s information there. Who saw or didn’t see things around this child? What don’t we want to see and why don’t we want to see it? It has to be really big to get our attention. The little voice inside that’s saying look at me, work on me, look at this habit, this way of being that’s not serving you. But watching someone go through a trial for murdering her two-and-a-half-year-old, that’s got our attention.”

The Pill Kills is a propaganda campaign being waged by fundamentalist Christians in some states against birth control by the American Life League. They propose that the birth control pill is a form of abortion, thus, of murder.

I keep wondering about the events that surrounded Casey’s pregnancy with Caylee. I keep wondering about the truth of her relationship with her husband — the chart suggests in bold terms that he had a vast, concealed role in what went down.

The scale of related events goes way beyond one case. The eclipses we’ve just been through have happened during a particularly disturbing few weeks on the theme of motherhood and the reproductive rights of women. In June, Rachel Maddow reported that fundamentalist Christian activists are “not just trying to roll back abortion rights. They are trying to ban birth control as well. The American Life League’s annual Protest the Pill event was held this past weekend in Texas. Their message: the pill kills. Using birth control makes you a murderer.”

Maddow — one of the few journalists who covers women’s reproductive rights consistently — added, “The Pill Kills folks seem like a fringy group, at least maybe on the extreme edge of things, but their politics on birth control — I don’t know, does it still count as fringe if it’s being proposed by Republican lawmakers in eight states? Alabama state house tomorrow could give final approval to a bill that would change the definition of person in Alabama to mean, quote, ‘all humans from the moment of fertilization and implantation into the womb’. The bill would ban abortion, outright, sure. But because of the way it’s written, because of the whole fertilization and implantation language, because of the way birth control works — with this bill, Alabama might just be poised to ban the most popular forms of birth control as well.”

Two weeks ago, The Guardian (a left-leaning UK newspaper) reported that a Mississippi woman who became pregnant as a girl was facing murder charges — and life in prison — for experiencing a miscarriage.

“[Rennie] Gibbs became pregnant aged 15,” The Guardian wrote, “but lost the baby in December 2006 in a stillbirth when she was 36 weeks into the pregnancy. When prosecutors discovered that she had a cocaine habit — though there is no evidence that drug abuse had anything to do with the baby’s death — they charged her with the ‘depraved-heart murder’ of her child, which carries a mandatory life sentence.”

Many young women face a confusing psychic maze when considering their own reproductive and sexual power — factors that are related but are not the same thing. Their eggs speak loudly, and so do the moral voices that have tried to take control over their lives. Propagating ignorance in the form of abstinence indoctrination is not the answer. Closing off access to the scientific progress of the 20th century is not the answer. There is no answer but respecting individual choice, and giving each young woman the freedom to follow her own conscience. Photo of Heather Fae by Eric Francis from the Book of Blue New York sessions.

The article continued, “Gibbs is the first woman in Mississippi to be charged with murder relating to the loss of her unborn baby. But her case is by no means isolated. Across the U.S. more and more prosecutions are being brought that seek to turn pregnant women into criminals.”

The newspaper reported many other cases of American women who have been charged with murder as a result of incidents during pregnancy. This is a trend that has totally infiltrated U.S. politics to the point where we really do deserve to call our government the American Taliban. Indeed, in the 2010 election, 71 candidates for Congress or state governorships were in favor of criminalizing abortion, which is one shade away from turning every pregnancy into a potential crime scene.

And the anti-abortion movement has taken some ground the past few weeks as well. Kansas, for example, passed a law mandating the state’s three remaining abortion clinics to make changes that amounted to redesigning their facilities on about 72 hours notice, or face closure. That is the state where George Tiller, an abortion doctor, was assassinated while at church — and where the few surviving abortion doctors regularly have their lives threatened and their home addresses published.

In May, Texas passed a law that “requires doctors performing abortions to conduct a sonogram of the fetus and describe it in detail to the mother. Women seeking abortions must then wait 24 hours before having the abortion performed, unless they live more than 100 miles away from the nearest clinic, in which case the waiting period is only two hours.” You can read the full article on the local CBS News website. I have heard of many other examples of take-backs of women’s reproductive rights the past few weeks, including the notion of ‘personhood’ being extended to fetuses (technically, a fertilized egg is not a fetus, it’s a zygote) as a way to charge people who get abortions (or so much as take birth control pills) with murder or manslaughter.

To top things off, England this week moved closer to adopting abstinence-only indoctrination as the country’s method of sex education — a method used in the United States for the past 30 years, initiated by Pres. Ronald Reagan and the Heritage Foundation in 1981. So after denying young women access to real information about reproductive health, the proposed solution to this crisis is to deny them access to reproductive health care, abortion and even birth control, then bring murder charges when something goes wrong.

I suggest we ask ourselves what’s going on — a lot more than the obvious.


Additional Research & Contrbutions: Sarah Bissonnette-Adler, Fe Bongolan, Gary Caton, Amanda Painter, Dena Seki and Carol van Strum.


To discover how the developments of the next six months influence you personally, check out the Planet Waves 2011 Midyear Report by Eric Francis.


Weekly Horoscope for Friday, July 8, 2011, #866 – BY ERIC FRANCIS

Revised and Updated! Click for Eric’s Zodiac Sign Descriptions

Aries (March 20-April 19) — You’ve learned a little about human relations this week, and how to gently guide outcomes to your benefit. Now is the time to remember what you’ve learned. Maintain your best political posture. Small gestures, decisions or interactions can lead to results with much more significant consequences than you imagined. Without walking on eggshells, be conscious who you’re relating to, what they believe, and what influence they might have. On the other hand, don’t underestimate what you learn from very nearly anyone, what ideas float your way, or who in your environment might know someone who can influence a situation positively. The key thing is not to assume; know what you need to know, and know what you don’t know, particularly as regards to your environment and people in your environment.

Click here to order your 2011 Aries Audio Birthday Report.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You can open the flow of your psychic or emotional energy to anything you want. Whatever happens, or whatever you choose, there is an intensity factor involved, and you appear to be in a situation that is influencing you to change profoundly. But despite how things may appear, the direction of that change is optional. You are making decisions ongoing, and anything that seems inevitable is worth questioning. This is not about ‘having an out’ as much as being conscious about what you want, where that might come from, and how you must adapt if you’re going to be in a position to receive it. Your own emotional density level will profoundly influence the situation and how you experience it. By density level, I mean are you in a tight and contracted state, or are you expanded, aware and open to progress?

Click here to order your 2011 Taurus Audio Birthday Report.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You have time to correct an exaggeration or over-reaction that occurred earlier in the week, though without seeming like you’re acting in a lurch. Check back over the past few days and see if you’re not still under the influence of some event, questionable information or social interaction that pushed things out of proportion. Adjust your perspective; set some limits on your own responses and make sure you check the validity of every fact involved. With some conscious boundary setting you will be able to guide the situation back into both a realistic scale as well as take advantage of some mutual benefit you may not have seen at first. By mutual I mean something that everyone benefits from. Be vigilant against exaggerations, gossip or repeating anything at all that you have not personally verified. Don’t count on others to demonstrate maturity and restraint — that’s clearly your role.

Click here to order your 2011 Gemini Audio Birthday Report.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Last week’s eclipse of the Sun in your birth sign is not only still reverberating with change and emotion; it has barely begun to reveal its secrets. The qualities of eclipses include pattern setting, changing continuity, and a sense that what feel like karmic developments are afoot. I suggest you keep using all of these to your advantage now. The Sun is still illuminating your sign, the Moon is waxing toward full phase and there is strong energy coming from the other water signs: all of these things bode well for your ability to gently direct the flow of your life. As I have suggested before, refer back to your long-term vision, and make sure that the small choices you make are in alignment with your actual goals, desires and needs. You’re standing in a moment when it’s possible to influence your life for many years to come. Make sure it’s the influence that you want.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Cancer, please go to this link.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You’re in a position to represent the views of someone close to you, or those of a group of people you care about. In essence, you’re the spokesperson. That’s a funny word because it evokes the image of bicycle spokes that come together in a hub, with that hub connecting everything to everything else. Make sure you stay in contact with people who seem to be on the periphery of the situation, as well as those close to the center. One little catch is, you may not actually feel like you know enough or are confident enough to be in this position. However, your ability to doubt yourself, such as even to ask that question, validates that you have the sense of responsibility that is necessary to support others in a way that is clear and effective. What you’re representing is the worth of something, and part of how you’re doing that is because you have a sense of your own worth. Yet you also have something that is a special gift of Leo: you understand we’re all in this together.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Leo, please go to this link.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — There’s a hidden factor involved in your life, and you’re going to have to deduce its presence using clues. One of the clues will be that you encounter a limit or an authority figure, but when you test the boundary, you find out that it’s something designed or intended to help you rather than block you. This should suggest that you mind your perceptions of what is helpful and what is not; of who is cooperative and who is not. Your first impression may not be correct, and experience will have to be your guide. That said, we all have our prejudices, and I suggest you beware of any you carry that are based on some missing information (most are). Therefore, the best thing you can do is inform yourself. You’re currently in a position where you can make unusual advances on a professional agenda, but only if you’re fully aware of what that agenda is. Therefore, know yourself.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Virgo, please go to this link.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Now is a moment to take leadership, though not the bossy kind. I’m talking about the kind wherein you become the facilitator of cooperation, based on what you know the goals to be. Don’t be squeamish about this — you are fully in tune with the people around you on an intuitive or emotional level; you may understand the overall direction of things better than the people supposedly in leadership. Therefore, trust what you perceive, and use your skill to guide the flow of events in a positive direction. You have much more influence than you may recognize right now; by that I mean, you may be working as an admin assistant or secretary, seemingly lacking ‘real’ authority, but there is something about your position within the social structure that allows you to guide things in a subtle but authentic way. If you happen to be in a certified leadership role, remember that people respond to their emotions before they respond with their minds.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Libra, please go to this link.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — People influence one another in ways you would never expect. That theme of influence is starting to show up in most of the signs this week, and for you it shows up most strongly among those you’re attracted to, and those who are attracted to you. This quality of mutual attraction has the potential to be rather potent, and the sense of mutual reactivity might be stronger than you’re expecting. If you feel a lot of energy, you might want to slow down the movie a little, and take your time making decisions that you cannot reverse. I’m not saying don’t make those decisions, I’m suggesting that this is a time to consult with both your impulses and your rational mind. Regarding any questions of investments, spread out your risks and make sure you understand you know what you’re getting into. Remember, there are at least two sides to every story, and to every person.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Scorpio, please go to this link.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — This is no ordinary time in your life. I feel like I need to keep reminding you of that, because the world is so strange right now, and there’s hardly ever been a moment when you felt your experience on the planet was typical of anything. That said, even by your standards, your potential is hyper-charged at the moment. The way to take advantage of this is to keep grounding your vision into some form of tangible reality. If you have an idea, make a sketch. If you meet a person, follow up and establish the contact. If you get an offer, think it over and respond promptly, and decisively. Don’t be afraid to move on from what does not work — your ability (and willingness) to do so will influence the way that events, resources and people flow in your direction. One last point: the oldest and most modern concept associated with Sagittarius is global. Think large; reach further. Your life is a quest.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Sagittarius, please go to this link.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You’ve become so accustomed to living under constant pressure that you may not remember any other way of life. The pressure to change can get on your nerves, and it can affect your nervous system. I suggest you notice the extent to which the stresses that have been on your life, potentially going back a decade, have eased up. You have matured, and you’ve proven to yourself that you’re able to handle any situation that comes your way. At a certain point you must make a conscious choice to trust that capacity rather than investing any fear at all in the notion that you’re not up to the challenges of life. Not only have certain tension-causing pressures begun to wane long ago, there are supportive influences in your life that you may not have noticed, and if you have, that you may not trust. That is your choice, of course, but you can only take advantage of what you have faith in, and you will tend to love who and what you nurture.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Capricorn, please go to this link.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You’re used to applying yourself to most problems mentally; the concept of intuition defies rationality. But I don’t suggest you make any special effort to foster your intuition, even though your solar chart strongly favors this. Subtle flows of information generally come toward you rather than you going toward them. Seek and ye shall find works with some things; with others, it’s more like be open and ye shall receive. Therefore, focus on your openness. Listen with the part of your mind that is not so prone to questioning, even while you’re busy asking and inquiring. The thing about intuition is that despite what the other methods of evaluation say, it’s the one that usually turns out to be correct. By usually I mean nearly all the time, enough to ask yourself what good reason does at all. Think of it this way — intuition is inherent knowledge. Reason helps you put that knowledge to use.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Aquarius, please go to this link.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — The door you always thought was closed is now open, and you can use it if you remember to. That’s the key — remembering, and among the things on your memory list would be the benefit of a sense of ease in whatever you do. Connecting with ease is a conscious choice. It’s not about luck; it’s not about privilege. Most of the time, you make a decision. Now, this implies that you have choices open to you, which is my basic concept of freedom. If you feel perplexed or uncertain, ask yourself what your choices are. If you have at least two options, consider yourself fortunate, and make a decision based on what will work out best for you (or for everyone, depending on your values). If you go through this process, you’re likely to find your life is a lot simpler than if you do not. Though it may be difficult to grasp, the most important decision to make consciously is the one about who you are.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Pisces, please go to this link.

Clarence Clemons: Centaur of the Saxophone

From the churches to the jails, tonight all is silence in the world
As we take our stand, down in jungleland

Dear Friend and Reader:

As you may have heard, Clarence Clemons, the saxophonist for the E Street Band, died in Florida on Saturday. One of the most beloved figures in all of rock music, Clemons played beside Bruce Springsteen for four decades, providing an impassioned, soulful presence and giving the band much of its atmosphere. But the sax does much more than create a mood. It provides a voice without words, speaking in a language of feeling that goes beyond the intellect. Springsteen has always sought to explain what cannot be explained, peering behind the veil of human experience. To the extent that he succeeded, Clemons had a profound role.

In addition to his musical contribution, he also provided a kind of spiritual foundation for Springsteen, a connection to something deeper. When Springsteen referred to him as the “Master of the World,” he may have been showing his respect for a friend, but he was also referring to something that he sensed in Clemons, and depended upon. Their relationship is illustrated in many photos — of them playing head to head, and even kissing onstage — but none so memorable as the cover of Born to Run, where Bruce is depicted leaning on someone’s back. When you open the LP cover, you can see that it’s Clemons.

Though he was most associated with the E Street Band, he played with many other performers, from the Grateful Dead to Lady Gaga. He was 69 years old and died from complications of a stroke he suffered on June 12. For many years he had struggled with his health, for example having both knees and both hips replaced, and was wheelchair bound for some years. When he could, he continued to perform, despite the pain he was in. He is survived by several of his past wives, who by his request will, together, scatter his ashes in a particular spot in Hawaii. He’s also survived by four grown children.

“Clarence lived a wonderful life,” Springsteen said in a statement this week. “He carried within him a love of people that made them love him. He created a wondrous and extended family. He loved the saxophone, loved our fans and gave everything he had every night he stepped on stage. His loss is immeasurable and we are honored and thankful to have known him and had the opportunity to stand beside him for nearly forty years. He was my great friend, my partner and with Clarence at my side, my band and I were able to tell a story far deeper than those simply contained in our music. His life, his memory, and his love will live on in that story and in our band.”

At Clemons’ funeral on Tuesday, Springsteen gave a eulogy, then played a solo version of “10th Avenue Freeze Out,” which commemorates Clemons’ joining the band. My friend Michael commented, “I have no idea how he got through it.”

To glimpse inside the role that Clemons had among his friends on a social level, think of him as the guy without whom everyone else would have been eating Chef Boyardee. Michaelene Contino, who was Danny Federici’s girlfriend during the Asbury Park days in 1973 and 1974, remembers Clemons as the guy who loved to cook, therefore, everyone else got to eat. He was always the one making sure there were groceries in the house and something on the stove.

Cover of Born to Run, photographed by Eric Meola, shows Springsteen leaning on his musical soulmate Clarence Clemons.

“My impression was of a genuine, loving, kind, centered person; a strong personality, a very big guy, and just a delight,” Contino recalled in a conversation this week. “Always a smile, and he and Danny were very close.” Federici, the organist for the E Street Band, died in 2008.

Clarence Clemons was born in 1942 with the Sun in introverted Capricorn and Mercury in expressive Aquarius. He seemed to express both the inwardly-looking and the gregarious sides of his nature in perfect balance. His chart draws equally on all of the elements, but it’s difficult to miss his Scorpio Moon. Highly sexed, passionate and an unabashed lover of women, that Scorpio Moon is the sensation you felt when Clemons played: soulful, dark, intentional and with a lot of Mars power behind it. The sax can have a lonely or introspective feeling, and that is reflected in his Moon square Pluto.

While it’s fair to say he was not as technically proficient as a trained jazz sax player might have been, nobody else would have played with the same evocative tone or raw power, and of course he wrote his own parts. In the extremely disciplined, even regimented world of Springsteen’s creative process, Clemons was given the most leeway to do what he wanted — and that meant pour out feeling. The background of the world that Springsteen illustrated, from the back streets of Asbury Park to the badlands of Nevada, was painted in the colors of that Scorpio Moon saxophone playing.

Then his voice would step forward from the shadows to tell the story a different way, in a more intuitive and feminine way. Think of the sax solos on “Thunder Road,” “Rosalita” or “Jungleland” (If you’ve never heard this or need a refresher, here is a sample).

Sample of the natal chart of Clarence Clemons (noon chart, no time available) showing two of his centaur conjunctions. Pholus, in light green, is conjunct the sun directly overhead. Nessus, in light blue, is conjunct Mars, on the left. The centaurs give an edgy quality, blending animal and human qualities, speaking of sexual power and a quest for healing. View complete chart here.

Clemons did something else in those performances, which was hold a space for Springsteen to go a little wild, or more than a little wild. Clemons has the first three centaur planets — Chiron, Pholus and Nessus, the ones represented by half-man/half-horse beings — prominent in his chart. This makes him a guardian of the edge, and a facilitator of change. Chiron, the best known of the centaurs, is in a square aspect to his Moon, bursting with sexual and transformative energy, focused through his stage presence (Chiron and Pluto in Leo). Moon-Chiron aspects can give the sensation that a person is on fire, burning with personal charisma. That, in turn, helps fill a special need for attention, though he used this to everyone’s advantage.

Next, he has the Sun conjunct Pholus, which adds the sensation of something coming out that cannot go back in. With Pholus you can get excess, alcohol and partying (for all of which Clemons was famous), but you also get the small cause and the big effect. You get that subtle tone quality that completes the scene and makes it real. With that horn going, a song is no longer ‘about’ something — suddenly you’re there.

His Sun and Pholus are in earthy Capricorn. This helped him set limits, and gave him a tap into the distant, even ancestral past. They are talking directly to an equally explosive conjunction — Saturn (the container) and Uranus (pure energy) in Taurus. It’s as if he played his instrument with every cell in his body — a total identification. The sax is a wind instrument, but in Clemons’ case it’s more like an earth instrument. The sound seems to rise up out of the ground and linger in the air.

As for one last centaur: he had bad-boy Nessus conjunct his Mars, immersing his desire nature in the dark side, but emphasizing healing. Clemons was himself a centaur, half-man, half-beast, who gave Springsteen permission to contact his animal side, essential to rock music. He held space for Springsteen to open up and express his power, like a cosmic bodyguard. He was blind in one eye, which can be taken symbolically as one with second sight, who can see into both worlds.

Clarence Clemons playing his “Born to Run” solo on April 24, 2009 with the house lights up at the Hartford Civic Center. Photo used under Creative Commons/Share Alike license from Wikipedia.

In a way, Clemons’ whole life seemed to turn on this quality of holding space for the people around him. He had Vesta, the keeper of the flame, in Sagittarius. Positioned on the Great Attractor (a galactic point that concentrates a lot of energy), Vesta rises above the landscape of his chart like the flame burning high above an oil refinery. It’s also square the lunar nodes (at a point I’ve just learned about recently, called the north bend), meaning that space-holding is an essential evolutionary factor; a focal point of both his personal growth and his chosen service role. In a sense, his life turns on this role.

Centaurs are planets from the borderlands. This is an interesting way to think of the saxophone as well. The instrument was invented as an orchestral instrument, meant to crossover and fill in between the woodwinds and the brass section. Patented by Belgian clarinetist Adolphe Sax in 1846, it has the articulate, emotional quality of the woodwinds (think of the clarinet) and the projection power of a brass instrument (think of the trumpet). It’s an unusual mix of male and female energy, which is why everyone wants to listen, and why it does so well standing on its own. And of course its ‘crossover’ status evokes the role of the centaurs (whose orbits always cross those of other planets).

Like Clemons’ own chart, the chart for the saxophone’s patent has a full-strength Sun-Pholus aspect — an opposition. It’s as if there is something under pressure inside the thing all the time, pushing its way out into the wider environment, where it seems to keep expanding. That the charts of Clemons and the sax both have Sun-Pholus aspects involving Capricorn gives the feeling that he was born to play that thing, but we know that without astrology.

Adolphe Sax, inventor of the sax. He saw the need for an instrument halfway between the woodwind section and the brass section.

The chart for the saxophone has the Sun in Cancer (opposing Pholus in Cap), suggesting that it’s inherently emotional, human and a bit salty. If the sax is seductive, that’s because it’s nourishing. You come back because you feel emotionally fed, not because it leaves you hungry.

The saxophone has come to epitomize jazz, especially in rock bands. There’s a tradition going back to the beginning of rock and roll of having a saxophone player in the band. At a certain point it started to seem quaint and was left out; Springsteen and Clemons revived the tradition in style. The sax is a contact point to the roots of rock music, the saucy, smoky, backroom feeling of jazz. That is the world of Black, a tap into something that has been denatured about humanity in European culture and that rock music expresses so well.

The instrument was brought over from jazz into rock and roll, something that is often credited to Louis Jordan, one of the most successful musicians and songwriters of the 20th century. Jordan’s chart has the Sun and three planets in Cancer — all of them square Pholus. So this emotive power of the sax, always with a strong water-sign, seems to have a Sun-Pholus signature. Even John Coltrane, perhaps the best-known saxophonist in history, has Sun square Pholus in his natal chart.

So the saxophone itself, and three of the most significant sax players, all have Sun and Pholus in similar aspects. Three of these charts involve a strong Cancer-Capricorn chart picture. In the relatively new field of centaur astrology, we have something certifiably interesting here. (If you’re an astrology student and want to see all four charts side by side, here is a link).

But who cares about astrology? Clarence Clemons was a force of nature in his own right, though one with his feet on the ground. He was the guy who liked to cook and who was really, really into chicks — he worked that more than any other member of E Street. He was married five times and there were a lot of special ladies in his life.

One of my personal contact points to the early days of the E Street Band is someone named Jenny Singer, who saw them play many times before they became superstars. She just sent me the following in an email:

“Perhaps I’m just waxing nostalgic, but looking back it seems like we were living in simpler and in many ways better times. In the 1970s, teenagers did not have their noses pressed up against the computer reading the status reports of their virtual Facebook friends, because there was no such thing as a home computer. Teenagers did not have Nintendos, or PlayStations or X-Boxes. My playmates were college boys who went to Monmouth County College, one of whom procured me my very first fake ID, enabling me to gain entrance into Asbury Park hotspots like the famous Fast Lane and The Stone Pony.

Clarence Clemons stands in with the Grateful Dead at Shoreline Amphitheater, on June 26, 1989, shown here with Jerry Garcia. Image from music video posted to YouTube.

“I remember my hand shaking with fear and excitement as I handed my fake ID to the man guarding the door at The Stone Pony for the very first time. I think he noticed my young, barely-covered breasts more than the shaking of my hands. An older man could lust after young girls without having to register on the National Sex Offenders Registry, and plenty lusted after me. I began to hang out at The Stone Pony and the Fast Lane with one of the roadies who worked for another local band, Southside Johnny and the Asbury Jukes. He was a great kisser who kissed the breath from me in between each and every set. My nickname at the clubs became Jailbait. In that moment, Bruce, Clarence and the E Street Band were just on the precipice of the big time. Born to Run would be released a year later, so they could still mix with the crowds, showing up at local clubs to party and at other times to play an unannounced guest appearance.

“There were whispers one night at the Fast Lane that Clarence was in the house. Always one to chase adventure, I set off into the crowd to find and hopefully get a glimpse of this man everyone was so excited about. As I charged ahead, rudely shoving people aside, anxious to find him, I ran right into what seemed like a big hard wall but really was a big large solid black man. I looked up. Way up. It was Clarence Clemons. He really was The Big Man and he looked down at me in amusement with a gentle kindness in his eyes as I clumsily apologized.”

Clarence, we love you, and you know it.


With additional contributions from Michael Ackerman, David Arner, Steve Bergstein, Gary Caton, Virginia Sprance, Jeanne Treadway and Len Walick. Photo research by Sarah Bissonnette-Adler.


Lunar occultation (exact conjunction) of Venus. This aspect occurs again next week. Photo by Anthony Ayiomamitis.

2011 Midyear Report by Eric Francis

Dear Friend and Reader:

I’ve just finished the 2011 Planet Waves Midyear Report. This offers you 12 signs of astrology, which you can listen to for your own Sun sign, plus your rising sign and your Moon. You can also peer into the astrology of your loved ones. All 12 signs are included for one low price of just $19.95. The report is based on the chart for the partial lunar eclipse of Friday, July 1. The readings are about 30+ minutes each; there are two introductory audio segments to open up the material.

We have all been through a heck of a year. Our current moment is a turning point, and a moment of reflection. And there is a lot of potential in the planets right now, as Jupiter, the God of Fortune, makes aspects to many different planets — especially Chiron and Pluto. I’ve created these readings to have both depth and practical use, speaking directly to you like a close friend who happens to know about astrology and how it plays out in the human world.

I recently published three reports in the birthday series, and we got some feedback that I would like to share with you.

Vicky in Brooklyn wrote: “I just want to pass along a huge thank you to Eric. My reading was just transformational. It has given me so much hope — and clarity. I have never experienced a reading that was so truthful, compassionate and exciting. AMAZING. One more reason to love Planet Waves.”

Maria in Australia declared her reading as “very well rounded,” adding that it was “perfect timing really; it all fell gently into place for me.”

Holly, a practicing Buddhist in Washington State, wrote: “Hey Eric — Man in My Head, Heartfelt thanks for a great and soulful reading. At my age, to still derive benefit and confidence from your insight is, if I do say so myself, a high complement and deserving of acknowledgement.”

You can purchase this product for yourself, or as a gift for someone you care about. Planet Waves products are guaranteed, so buying one is risk-free and high on the scale of benefits.

To purchase the 2011 Midyear Report from Planet Waves, please go to this link. If you have questions or prefer to order by phone, you can contact Chelsea at (877) 453-8265 during East Coast business hours.

Thanks for doing your metaphysical shopping at Planet Waves.




Weekly Horoscope for Friday, June 24, 2011, #865 – BY ERIC FRANCIS

Revised and Updated! Click for Eric’s Zodiac Sign Descriptions

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Talk less and write more. Write less on Facebook and more in essay format. This will help you focus your ideas, and get a return on the mental energy you exert. You may not be a patient writer; you think it’s supposed to happen fast. Nearly all good writing is based on an editing or rewriting process, which is really a rethinking process. Part of that rethinking involves seeing around your own point of view and being aware of both opposite viewpoints and those which surround the topic you’re considering. Therefore, rewrite and rethink. Take the time to understand the implications of what you’re saying. Let conversations develop over time. And remember to allow your natural instincts to be just that — not something you try to rationalize out of existence with rigid concepts, including the all-too-human drive to be right. At this point you can afford to be circumspect, and you can afford to test your integrity rather than trying to prove it.

Click here to order your 2011 Aries Audio Birthday Report.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You might find yourself entering the mental loop or psychic hall of mirrors. If that happens — that is, if you find yourself thinking the same thing over and over again — I suggest you go to another level. That other level will call on you to let go of your rational belief systems and slip into something that is not exactly irrational, but which is based on a higher kind of logic. How will you know you’re there? Well, you will get feedback in the hall of mirrors (this by the way is illustrated by Venus and Mars transiting through Gemini). If you like who you see in your reflection — any and all reflections count — then you’re working with that ‘higher kind of logic’, which is basically a creative healing impulse and corresponding flow of energy/information. If you find yourself in competitive states of mind, then you’re probably not quite there. When the creative flow starts, competition melts.

Click here to order your 2011 Taurus Audio Birthday Report.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — There is only so hard you can push before you have to do something like listen, feel or consider all of your options. It will also help to know what you want before you make any demands on others, particularly those in close relationships. If you find close partners acting rebellious, the chances are that you’re uncertain what you desire. If you find others willing to assist, it’s most likely because you’re clear what you want. Jealousy is not an option — or rather, not a viable one, and it can be unusually damaging if you let that genie out of the bottle. The remedy for jealousy is the recognition that the people in your life are free, and you are free. It’s true that freedom is controversial and the attempts at human bondage are commonplace, but that’s an invitation onto the level ground where we can see one another eye to eye.

Click here to order your 2011 Gemini Audio Birthday Report.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — This is a miraculous time to feel your purpose, though this is not a passive thing: the sensation of knowing why you’re here is a call to action. Let’s take those developments in order, starting with the sensation of awareness of your purpose. This is likely to come in a series of revelations over the next week or so, which will open one inner door after the next. I suggest you keep track of what is happening rather than nonchalantly going through the aspects and the bursts of awakening they represent. The more conscious you are the better. That will ease the flow such that awareness will blend into the knowledge of what to do next. You may have the feeling of rediscovering something you knew all along; you may have the feeling that your soul is bare and others can look right through you. Those are signs that you’ve caught the scent of truth.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Cancer, please go to this link.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — This time of year you’re blessed with insight into yourself, as well as the emotional needs of others. There will be moments when you wonder whether you exist, or whether your existence is significant, and the answer to both is yes. Now, while I can say that, you will have the pleasure of discovering it. This particular solstice you’re blessed with an unusually deep flow of understanding, indeed, one that is likely to change your perspective on life. There is something here about resolving the paradox between your needs and the needs of others; there is something here about both commitment and emotional balance, and getting that formula right as an intuitive thing that brings you into alignment with your environment and the people in it. It’s vital that you not overcommit, and equally vital that you make sure you’re fully participating in everything to which you are committed. This may require some friendly negotiation, give-and-take and tangible adjustment.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Leo, please go to this link.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — One disadvantage to Pluto’s movement through Capricorn — your 5th solar house, which addresses creativity, pleasure and risks — is that the progress you’re making may seem at times to be self-indulgent. That goes against your nature, and it’s also a development that would qualify as ‘right on time’ in the sense that you’ve spent your whole life so oriented on service. Lately, though, you’re seeing that you’re the missing piece in the puzzle of your life. The risk here is guilt; it’s an old story. There is a solution illustrated in the planets, which involves Jupiter in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn. The process you’re in is far beyond self-indulgent (or that term is applicable in the best possible sense). Whatever you are focusing on, or rather, whatever you want to focus on, is your growth point. The key is emphasizing your personal preference — not a sense of responsibility or obligation.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Virgo, please go to this link.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — This is a profound time of reorientation for you; you might say it’s a moment for setting goals, or perhaps for deciding what is the most important to you. Here’s how I would phrase it as a question: what is the relationship between what you want and who you are? They are influencing one another; there is a place where there’s 100% overlap between the two. Let’s call it ‘the spot’. It’s the place I suggest you find and that you work from. As an eclipse of the Sun approaches during the next week, you may have the feeling that your goals are defining your personhood. I would say that your personhood is providing a container for your goals. Therefore it would help immensely if you knew what they were, and if you maintained the container. That could be any one of several life circumstances within which you feel held. That is the distinguishing characteristic of the spot.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Libra, please go to this link.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — There are definitely two sides to every story, or rather, at least two sides to everyone who tells every story. You may not be able to determine precisely where another person is coming from, or what about their own opinion they are leaving out of any discussion. And you likely have your doubts. But you can surely know all of your inner viewpoints intimately. For example, be aware when you have two ideas about something but only express one of them. Be mindful of when you don’t tell the whole story, or when you give one person one version and someone else another version. Now for the rub: see if you can figure out why you would do this; what would motivate you? I am not taking a wild guess when I ask you, what are you rebelling against? Or rather, whom?

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Scorpio, please go to this link.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — To be effective, healing must reach the levels within ourselves that we’re not conscious of. Said another way, healing is a process of raising awareness. There is something deep about your past that you’re beginning to notice, and this something influences so many aspects of your existence it would be challenging to name them all. But first among them is whether you feel safe in the world, in your home and in your own feelings. Or perhaps I got the order of those three things backwards, because your sense of belonging starts within you, extends to your home environment and reaches out much further. I will say this, however: you are close to homing in on a past influence that has, at times, seriously jeopardized your sense of safety and belonging within your own existence. This factor was denied or obscured in your early environment, but it was there, and it goes back a lot further than one generation.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Sagittarius, please go to this link.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You are approaching a goal from an unusual angle, perhaps in an effort to see something from the point of view of someone you care about. I suggest you take their viewpoint under advisement, but take your own approach to the goal as you define it. Be aware that you may have decided this is a problem that cannot be solved, or that could only have been solved in the past. Let me offer you another idea, if you would. During that past episode, you were pushed or compelled to take a certain approach that was based on a crisis, and which in turn was based on several other challenging situations. Now you’re in a position to assess this issue with things being more or less equal. You can take your own approach. Yes, others are involved and how you think of things, and what action you apply, matter — but your judgment is sound, and is likely to work for the people around you. But that doesn’t matter.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Capricorn, please go to this link.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You cannot outsmart yourself. If you think you can, then you’re deceiving yourself and you might want to look at that. The only way to get motivated is to make a decision; there really is no trick involved. The challenge you may face, though, is seeing two roughly equivalent possibilities that might have vastly different consequences. It’s just that you don’t know what those might be, and this sensation of choosing is truly ominous for some reason you cannot put your finger on. You may be inclined to hold yourself to a high standard of integrity, feeling that you may have lapsed in the past. That would only work for as long as it didn’t become a mental block, and it could well do so. In truth, you want what you want, and I suggest you don’t let some sense of past injury or having to be a ‘better person’ get in the way of admitting that to yourself.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Aquarius, please go to this link.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — It’s time to carefully consider what you think of as possible, and how you define that term; then get busy putting that definition to work. Two points on that: One, you have rather incredible creative power and mental leverage at the moment. The challenges you face are like being within a latticework that is pretty easy to scale from the inside — even if you cannot see the scenery changing outside the structure. Second, remember to do what you can to feel good. The Sun is now in a water sign, and there’s an eclipse on the way — these are pattern-setting events for you, and the patterns involve the emotional tone of the next few months. Rise to the challenges and leave behind the feeling of struggle. Emphasize creativity over effort as best you can. Remember that love and passion are your best points of contact with the world.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Pisces, please go to this link.