Tag Archives: weekly horoscope

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 12, 2016


Aries (March 20-April 19) — Your relationships are not a question of who can do what for whom. Rather, think of them as creating a mutually supportive environment. The difference may seem subtle, though what I’m suggesting is more offering, and more giving, and less taking, and less in the way of expectation. Fairness is the necessary primary value. This is not about some form of exact exchange. You may give more than you receive in some situations, but that’s your contribution to the greater good. You are certainly being offered more than you might expect in other situations, and about these things you would be wise to be gracious and receive with a spirit of genuine appreciation. There exists a question of what to do if you’re feeling anger. I would propose that this is about something much older than your current circumstances, and you would be wise to address it as such.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You must consider what your point of hesitation is. This seems to be influencing a creative project or sexual relationship; perhaps the place where the two meet. What exactly are you not trusting? What idea or fear is preventing you from offering your complete trust? Consider the relationship between trust and vulnerability. They are different facets of the same thing. To trust you must be vulnerable, and being vulnerable is painful unless you are in a position to trust. I suggest you take the discussion, whether with yourself or with someone else, on this level. You seem to be aware that there’s some risk involved in what you want to do. The question is how to approach that with an open heart and an open mind. You will get the most positive results by treating everything as an experiment.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — An artist is someone who is aware of their environment in the moment, and who carefully considers the impact of their words or other creative expression. An artist can be in any field, no matter how technical or seemingly ‘non-artistic’. You’re being called to just such awareness now: to bring yourself and all of your talents into everything you do, but more than that, to understand what you make as being inherently relational: that is, with every breath you breathe, with every mark of a pencil on a page or letter that you type, you are connecting to someone. And in connecting, you’re having an influence and creating an effect. As a matter of your highest ethics and what some call dharma — acting as if to hold the world together — you must consider the impact of what you create. This is best as a matter of day-to-day habit. Your true talent will flourish when you do.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — If ever there was a ‘feather your own nest’ moment of your life, this is it. As one born under the sign Cancer, it’s easy for you to put the needs of others ahead of your own. You do this as much because you need to as because you want to. However, it’s time to reverse this process for a while, and to make a focused effort on taking care of yourself. The first place this translates to is your living space; the second, to any other facet of living that helps you feel more confident and secure. One clue that I can offer you is to focus on the beauty of your living environment. Freshen things up; clear out the corners; bring in what makes you feel alive, such as your favorite colors and textures. When you follow your own aesthetic sense, you feel more spiritually connected. Your relationships go more smoothly. It’s easier for you to relax and open up. That’s all excellent incentive.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Most people don’t know what they believe — and this is a luxury you cannot afford. Not only do you need to know what you believe, but also to discern whether it’s true. Pay attention to what you say every time you utter the phrase ‘I think’, which really means, ‘I believe’. Have you verified whether it’s true, or whether other points of view might expand your thinking? You need to establish yourself as your own fact-checker. You might also be mindful of when you impose your beliefs on others, and back off from that. It would be altogether wiser of you to really understand your own thoughts and ideas rather than exporting them in some way. This will help you develop your considerable intelligence, deepen your maturity and tap into all that you’ve learned. If you present yourself to the people in your life as someone who questions yourself, nobody will need to question you.

Planet Waves
Late summer landscape in Washington County, New York. Photo by Eric Francis.
The audio segments of your Virgo 2016-17 Birthday Reading are available for immediate access, and the video Tarot reading will follow soon. Get hold of some excellent guidance from your favorite astrologer to navigate through this eclipse season. Order your birthday reading today.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Your world is still vibrating with last week’s total solar eclipse in your sign. It’s now undeniable that you’re fully involved in a process of not just transformation but of claiming some deep aspect of who you are. Here is something to consider, while you’re on the way to doing that, which is the source of your anger: The most toxic anger is what a person takes out on themselves, often in the form of guilt. Yet there are other manifestations, and I suggest you watch them all. It’s possible you’re figuring out that someone has kept you in the dark about an important matter. You might have some idea that you have to cool down before you assert your opinion or make a decision. However, I would say that you need to use your points of leverage, and you have one coming this week. Just bear in mind there are some old issues that are coming up, having nothing directly to do with your current situation. Be clear with yourself about that.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Jupiter enters your sign this week. Without carrying on too much, this is good news for you. Jupiter offers protection, and knowledge, and — in your sign — a sense of fairness. Yet the real gift is one of abundance. You can afford to offer yourself to life without hesitation. You can afford to love whomever you want to love. You are free to take creative risks. Jupiter in your sign is designed to awaken something subtle in you, which is seeing the love and wisdom of the cosmos reflected in anything you perceive as beautiful. Too often the ‘divinity’ factor is assigned to dogma or books about being a better person. There’s something better, though. Yours is the sign that sees the beauty in everything, and is especially adept at bringing beauty into the world. This can come in any form: from thoughtfully arranging the cheese and crackers, to decorating a room, writing a song or making a sculpture. Beauty is your religion. Who needs any other?


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — It’s time to confront the dark side of your relationships: all the emotions that you don’t usually consider. This will, after a little while, have the desirable effect of setting you free. Now let’s consider a few possible emotions. To be clear, I am not proposing that you actually feel them, but I suggest you question whether you do. One is an entitlement to feel jealous, particularly in sexual situations. There’s no emotion more capable of shutting down the love that might flow between you and someone else. Yet you’re missing an opportunity to learn about yourself, and something profound about your existence, if you do. Another is the reluctance to state, in simple and honest terms, what you need — and to allow others the chance to respond. One last is projecting your struggle to love yourself onto others, pretending that for whatever reason they don’t love you. The moment you become aware of any of these (or any related scenarios) you also invoke the power to change them, if you want.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You must be exceptionally careful when dealing with colleagues, as well as with bosses and superior officers. You might lose your temper at exactly the wrong moment, and cause a cascade of events that you truly regret. Therefore, keep a cool head, and keep your opinion to yourself for at least 48 hours after you decide you have one. This will give you time to cool down, and also an opportunity to see things from other points of view. After half that much time, you might decide you don’t even care. If you take that approach, you’ll allow everyone else to reveal their opinions and their psychology while you take it all in; make sure to take at least mental notes and remember what you learn. If you’re a keen observer and bide your time, you will discover opportunities for leadership. There would indeed seem to be some problem that you understand and nobody else does, but wait till they throw up their hands before saying a peep.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Aspects this week move boldly in favor of your career plans, and this will hold true for the next year. Yet the planets in their courses also remind you that bravado is the very last thing you want — that is, being a big shot at whatever you do, rather than someone who does it competently and on time. In one sense, we could say that you’re being given an opportunity to exceed your experience and your usual talent level. You’re likely to be more visible than you typically are, and that means being noticed. Therefore, understate your own case, and be careful never to presume knowledge that you don’t have. Take the ideas of others on board, and be fair-minded. You are, in a sense, a judge of all that you survey. You cannot avoid this, as the tendency of the mind is to assess, compare and evaluate. Yet you must seek balance and impeccable honesty as a conscious act of creative will.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You of all people simply must have faith in humanity, or life isn’t worth living. Jupiter changing signs to Libra this week will help you with just that project. You might also discover that your sense of the future opens up like a window overlooking a vista. It’s there to be seen, to be discovered and to be embarked upon. Despite whatever petty complications you might be going through at the moment, keep your outlook both positive and, most of all, long. Dare to consider what you want to accomplish in a year, or in five or in ten years, knowing there are no guarantees. That’s the point of the adventure, isn’t it? You know, the bit about not being sure whether you can achieve or accomplish something, but aspiring to do it anyway. Dare to be optimistic, even when the world seems to be unraveling. The more you do this, the more likely whatever you’re negotiating or working out with a partner is likely to go brilliantly.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — This week Jupiter moves into Libra, your 8th house of shared finances, passionate sex and deep commitment. (The three are directly related in astrology.) This placement will last for the next year, and it’s an invitation to success. On the most basic level, this opens up a world of resources for you. You have the fully activated potential for your collaborations to be more mutually profitable than ever. Here is the catch: you must select those people with whom you feel the open flow of energy; people who offer themselves and their ideas to you. To gain the best benefits of this transit, that would exclude anyone to whom you have to plead or even ask for what you want. Focus on the people who know what you want, and who want a mutually beneficial relationship. Focus on those who understand that working together and playing together is the way to get there. Love, beauty, intelligence and Eros: let them flow.

Planet Waves Daily Oracle for Wednesday, Aug. 3, 2016


Eric is busy creating the new 2016 Midyear Reading, BALANCE. Covering Jupiter in Libra and other forthcoming astrology, this exciting reading will carry you well into 2017. Get all 12 signs today for just $57. Image from the 2012 Blue Marble by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.

Today’s Oracle takes us to the Gemini weekly for Nov. 5, 1999.


Rare is it that we’re compelled to cross bridges, learn lessons or make changes before we’re ready. So worry not. Take your time and space. In reality, while you’re not going to be pushed over the edge of your limits, you now stand at a rare vantage point where you can size up just what changes you might want to make voluntarily over remainder of the year. It would be very wise to think in terms of limitations: on what you are willing to do, on what you are willing to tolerate in relationships, on how much you are willing to spend, and what you are willing to sacrifice for the sake of your family. Fear no information. Anything you now learn has the power to set you free.

The Daily Oracle offers a horoscope selected randomly by our Intelligent Archive Oracle program, unique to Planet Waves. It’s also a database of my horoscopes going back to the late 1990s. You can use the Intelligent Archive Oracle to answer questions and give you ideas for how to handle problems and situations you cannot see through. This feature is available to our Galaxy, Backstage and Core Community members. See this link for more information.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 1, 2016


Aries (March 20-April 19) — Mars, the Aries planet, is finally set to move out of Scorpio, into Sagittarius. This is one of the closing chapters in a long story of self-discovery for you; you’re now moving on to new adventures. You may feel a sudden burst of liberation, or like you pulled in your landing gear in preparation for cruising altitude. For you this may be like those moments when you’re at the end of a relationship and finally decide that it’s time to be free; only this may be about any number of commitments, entanglements or contracts that you’re ready to move beyond. When you get this feeling, I suggest you face toward the future immediately. You don’t have to rush anywhere or into anything new, though once you sense that you’ve got some freedom from the past it’s wise to place your emphasis elsewhere. And there’s certainly plenty of adventure in the air.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Commitment is an option, otherwise the concept is meaningless. Sometimes involvement with a person is more interesting and easier to roll with if you have your choices open, or if you remind yourself that you’re able to choose. Even better, if you notice that you are indeed doing so, you can feel the strength in your ongoing decision, knowing it’s the right thing for you. When you get to that point, you can discover the freedom that exists within a commitment — the space you have to explore, how it feels to get to know someone, and the awareness that you have another encounter coming. Yet this here-and-now awareness can remind you how delicate every situation is, and how little you can take for granted. The ability to appreciate every moment is indeed a gift; and based on what you’ve learned lately, it’s one that you value dearly.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — At a certain point you have to come out of your comfort zone, and it would seem as if a relationship partner or potential interest is guiding you to do just that. If someone seems to be confronting you, ease back and take it not as an offense, but as a friendly challenge. Work with the idea that it’s up to you to offer people the space to be themselves. You do plenty of changing and choosing; you know that the people you truly call friends are the ones who give you the widest berth to be yourself. If you extend that truly loving courtesy of affirmation to others, you will discover the corresponding reward of how good it feels to offer freedom as well as to have it for yourself. They are so similar as to be the same thing. And it would seem that in this situation, the feeling is mutual.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Sometimes when you have a concern about money it helps to drill right in and tackle the subject specifically. Other times it helps to work on other, related issues. It would seem that the financial part of your life will take care of itself if you keep everything else moving, and in balance. Such as your ideas, for example, and your work flow, and your ongoing plan of taking better care of yourself. By now you already know the benefit of honoring sex as a means to wellbeing, with the approximate value of oxygen; keep reminding yourself about that and take every wholesome opportunity you get to share and explore. As you do, feel your sense of flow and movement develop and deepen. If you catch the hint that you’re in the right place at the right time, pause, slow down, and appreciate that fully. One good thing leads to the next.

“What an amazing reading! I do believe that Eric upped the ante on his reading skills.” — Dee McCrorey

Planet Waves
“Stripes” by Gwenn Seemel.

Actively creating one’s life can be challenging. If you or anyone you love with a Leo Sun, Leo rising or a Leo Moon could use a nudge in the right direction — or some deeper insights into current questions — please consider giving them (or yourself) the 2016-17 Leo Birthday Reading as a gift.

Leo is the sign of leadership, and it’s also the sign of service in the sense of the Sun holding all the other planets in orbit. Your life often feels that way, though now you have some help and some unusual options open to you.

This blend of audio and video, astrology and tarot is like a motivational immersion experience, but at a fraction of the cost of a workshop.

The current price is $24.97, and the price will increase when Eric publishes the well-respected reading.

Get your life purring along with one of the best possible forms of empowerment available, allowing you to take the lead in your life while knowing you have support. Pre-order your Leo Reading today.



Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — This week’s New Moon in your sign will unlock many doors for you, though you won’t know which they are unless you turn the knob and try to get in. The perfect collaboration between you and the universe involves opportunities that are activated — that is, turned on and made real — by your curiosity and motivation. These are ‘use it or lose it’ tickets to the future. With Mars about to move in your favor, you should have plenty of ideas and moxie. The question is: will you persist through any resistance or challenging patches along the way to what you want to do? I suggest you promise yourself, now, that you’re not going to give up the first time you feel blocked or come to a rough patch. That’s built into this particular equation, and it would seem that the great reward of this phase of your journey is learning how to keep your momentum running on any terrain.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You already know the seeming power of self-doubt to get in your way. Yet you either keep your power or you give it away. You can choose what voice to listen to; you decide what viewpoint has credibility. It’s essential that you learn how to let fear and anger motivate you rather than shut you down. There’s something you may be really good at, which is standing apart from past influences and the things your family said about you that were clearly not true. And if those things were false, then something else must be true. It’s up to you to figure out what is genuinely your own: what personal gifts, what talents, what interests and most of all what purpose. The thing with purpose is you cannot push it, or push yourself there. It’s necessary to listen to an inner voice that you may usually strain to hear, though it is likely speaking to you clearly right now.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Your social charms remain at a near peak level, and you’re likely to find yourself not just out among people but having fun doing so. You might not claim to like being the focus of attention, though these weeks are an exception. You’re probably the most entertaining person in the room, so you may as well enjoy that fact. I don’t mean dancing on the table, but rather something subtler that you offer. It’s as if you’re transmitting on two levels — the physical level and empathy. People want to be around you because of something they feel from you, something that you offer them. You might think of it as a healing gift or a reassuring quality that you offer with your presence. Given that, you don’t really need to say or do much.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Mars is about to leave your sign, after being with you for months. Have you learned to state, in plain and simple terms, what you want? If nothing else, that would be a fitting legacy of your experience. Yet on a deeper level, the theme has been learning to let go of aggression against yourself in the form of self-judgment, resentment or guilt in any form. These are deeply ingrained patterns and they’re not usually transcended easily. Yet the moment you become aware you’re feeling one of them, notice how you can just stop yourself. The more you practice this, the easier it will be. Remember that these strange emotions serve to undermine your self-confidence, and if you focus on that you’ll have an added edge. You need and depend on your confidence, and you’re likely to have plenty of it at the moment.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — If you’ve been asking yourself deep questions the past couple of months, or struggling to figure out something about yourself, you’re now ready for answers. Yet with self-knowledge of any form, it’s wise never to think you’ve ‘figured yourself out’ and leave it there. What you learn about yourself must be treated gently, and it’s best to leave your mind in flexible condition rather than being rigid or right. You may not recognize the extent to which you think you’re easygoing and yet are in truth obsessed with the details and even with total control. This is a reflection of how you treat yourself. Remember that everything about you is a work in progress, even your greatest talents and areas of personal mastery. If you feel yourself pushing against something, perhaps it’s the feeling that you’ve arrived, which now needs to give way to a new level of your personal adventure.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You need to be more honest about the influence of fear in your life. It has a significant role, though the more you acknowledge that fact, the more you will diminish the power it seems to have over you. The truth is that there’s a lot to be scared of in the world; however, relatively little of it happens to anyone. Fear is best understood as a thing of the imagination. It’s creative energy that’s been turned on itself. I recognize it may not seem that way, though the mind really only has one kind of energy, and that is creative. It’s up to you to use this human gift on your own behalf. This is akin to using a power tool consciously and carefully, or unconsciously. The first step is listening to yourself rather than trying to drown anything out. You want to let the pressure off rather than keeping it contained.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — It’s often necessary to ruffle some feathers or make a pest of yourself to get things done. You have, however, been involved in a kind of cosmic leadership instruction program designed to help you be persistent but less irritating. One of the most helpful methods of doing this is being aware of who you are before you set out to accomplish something. This removes the need for conflict as a path to self-knowledge, from that particular situation. Said another way, your confidence in yourself and in your mission inherently reduces the conflict factor. Think of how insecurity leads you to assert yourself beyond what is necessary. You might not think it’s possible to put confidence as the first item on your to-do list, though that’s what your charts suggest would work, and is possible. You know who you are well enough never to have to argue the point.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You are ready to take on a goal that you had to set aside because you didn’t have the energy or the cooperation. Now you have both. Of the two I suggest you rely on cooperation first. A partnership or collaboration that has been on/off at different times now seems to have matured to the degree where you can get results. This may involve several people, and you’re likely to have additional decisions to make. In order to work with people, you must emphasize communication, which means understanding where people are coming from. Listen to what they say and track their behavior. Where the two seem to conflict will give you the clues that you need. If you find yourself getting defensive about anything, slow down the movie and make an inquiry. What you’re looking for is not just peace and harmony but rather those who can share a commitment to accomplishing something useful and beautiful.

Planet Waves Daily Oracle for Monday, Aug. 1, 2016


Eric is busy creating the new 2016 Midyear Reading, BALANCE. Covering Jupiter in Libra and other forthcoming astrology, this exciting reading will carry you well into 2017. Get all 12 signs today for just $57. Image from the 2012 Blue Marble by NASA GSFC.

Today’s Oracle takes us to the Aquarius weekly for Feb. 17, 2006.


Okay, that was a big one. How did you do? You actually seem to be skating along just fine; thinking quickly is one of your strong suits, when you have the incentive go get off your butt and do it. Although the pressure is abating, I suggest you keep your brain warm and your hand on the gear shift. Because when you discover how valuable and worthwhile a particular idea you’ve been working with really is, you will notice you’ve got a lot of incentive. But beware: this idea is going to change you. It’s anything but a neutral force. And by all indications, it’s about to be turned loose on you and the world.

The Daily Oracle offers a horoscope selected randomly by our Intelligent Archive Oracle program, unique to Planet Waves. It’s also a database of my horoscopes going back to the late 1990s. You can use the Intelligent Archive Oracle to answer questions and give you ideas for how to handle problems and situations you cannot see through. This feature is available to our Galaxy, Backstage and Core Community members. See this link for more information.

Planet Waves Daily Oracle for Tuesday, July 26, 2016


Eric is about to begin creating the new 2016 Midyear Reading, BALANCE. Covering Jupiter in Libra and other forthcoming astrology, this exciting reading will carry you well into 2017. Seize your chance to get all 12 signs for the bargain price of $47. Grab your copy today. Image from the 2012 Blue Marble by NASA GSFC.

Today’s Oracle takes us to the Aquarius weekly for June 9, 2016.


What you need is experience, not theory. It’s easy to chew everything over in hypothetical form, especially if you live mostly on the Internet. Genuine exploration happens through your physical body. Even if you’re a theoretical physicist, a designer of bridges or professor of philosophy, you don’t really know something for sure until there is an actual experiment performed. I suggest you set about doing that experiment, by which I mean anything prompted by an idea, which also has an uncertain outcome. You might do something like driving to an odd part of the countryside, intentionally getting lost. Visit some strange part of town or some other city, where you would never ordinarily go and where you know nobody, and do something the natives do. Take any chance to immerse yourself in unfamiliar environments, and to expose yourself to points of view you totally disagree with. That will stoke your creative (and social) fires brilliantly.

The Daily Oracle offers a horoscope selected randomly by our Intelligent Archive Oracle program, unique to Planet Waves. It’s also a database of my horoscopes going back to the late 1990s. You can use the Intelligent Archive Oracle to answer questions and give you ideas for how to handle problems and situations you cannot see through. This feature is available to our Galaxy, Backstage and Core Community members. See this link for more information.

Planet Waves Daily Oracle for Monday, July 25, 2016


Eric is about to begin creating the new 2016 Midyear Reading, BALANCE. Covering Jupiter in Libra and other forthcoming astrology, this exciting reading will carry you well into 2017. Seize your chance to get all 12 signs for the bargain price of $47. Grab your copy today. Image from the 2012 Blue Marble by NASA GSFC.

Today’s Oracle takes us to the Pisces weekly for Nov. 30, 2012.


Confidence comes in a number of forms, and one of them — perhaps the most meaningful for you — is emotional. You understand that there is usually no basis for comparison between you and the world, though you also know there are times you feel more confident and less so. It may be annoying that you cannot always create that confidence on your own; it’s best when it emerges naturally, and you seem ready to blossom over the next few days. Confidence will express itself in the form of charisma, appeal and a relaxed certainty that you are up to the mission you have taken on. How you feel about yourself is what will radiate out to the world, so the more you ease into the flow of your life, the more warmth and cooperation you will draw to you. Trust that people understand something intuitively and are willing not just to cooperate but to co-create with you. This will present you with options; when you notice them, make sure you choose what you actually want.

The Daily Oracle offers a horoscope selected randomly by our Intelligent Archive Oracle program, unique to Planet Waves. It’s also a database of my horoscopes going back to the late 1990s. You can use the Intelligent Archive Oracle to answer questions and give you ideas for how to handle problems and situations you cannot see through. This feature is available to our Galaxy, Backstage and Core Community members. See this link for more information.

Planet Waves Daily Oracle for Sunday, July 24, 2016


Eric is about to begin creating the new 2016 Midyear Reading, BALANCE. Covering Jupiter in Libra and other forthcoming astrology, this exciting reading will carry you well into 2017. Seize your chance to get all 12 signs for the bargain price of $47. Grab your copy today. Image from the 2012 Blue Marble by NASA GSFC.

Today’s Oracle takes us to the Aries weekly for June 14, 2013.


I suggest that as you make decisions and attempt to organize yourself in what may be an unsettled moment, you follow the idea that a home is best organized from the kitchen outward. The kitchen used to be the hearth — the fire at the center of life, used for warmth, cooking and as a spiritual focal point of the home. In any situation you find yourself, see if you can determine the fire at the center of the situation. Notice the most pragmatic elements and focus on them. Arrange the situations you’re involved with in such a way that you ensure that everyone in your immediate household or sphere is taken care of, and that nobody is left out. There is plenty to eat; there is plenty of space; offer what you have to those around you when you notice that someone has a need you can fulfill. Any confusion or ambivalence you may feel will resolve itself when you put your priorities in order, and right now those can easily be described by a concept that’s easy enough to understand: nourishment.

The Daily Oracle offers a horoscope selected randomly by our Intelligent Archive Oracle program, unique to Planet Waves. It’s also a database of my horoscopes going back to the late 1990s. You can use the Intelligent Archive Oracle to answer questions and give you ideas for how to handle problems and situations you cannot see through. This feature is available to our Galaxy, Backstage and Core Community members. See this link for more information.

Planet Waves Daily Oracle for Saturday, July 23, 2016


Eric is about to begin creating the new 2016 Midyear Reading, BALANCE. Covering Jupiter in Libra and other forthcoming astrology, this exciting reading will carry you well into 2017. Seize your chance to get all 12 signs for the bargain price of $47. Grab your copy today. Image from the 2012 Blue Marble by NASA GSFC.

Today’s Oracle takes us to the Scorpio weekly for Aug. 23, 2013.


You need to set your sights higher. When I say need, I mean it’s actually a matter of necessity: commit to something more challenging, demanding more of your personal resources, experience and talent. I see you involved in something visible, that makes a difference in the world. Yet doing something challenging means encountering challenges. They may seem like they’re worldly in nature — involving your circumstances. In truth, all the territory you’re covering is personal. You’re being called to some new and potentially unexpected form of leadership, one that you’ve known for a while you were aspiring to in theory. This month you go from theory to action. Action means taking charge, staying grounded and bringing both a dynamic, even dramatic quality to what you’re doing at the same time you call forth your deepest maturity. As you know, maturity is useless unless it’s put to good use, and this is the order of the moment. As you see the rewards of this way of doing things, I suggest you reinvest them rather than take them as profits. What you need more than anything is momentum toward a tangible goal. Part of that quality is bringing yourself fully into what you’re doing, creating and expressing — and every inner challenge you overcome will get you one step closer to that spot.

The Daily Oracle offers a horoscope selected randomly by our Intelligent Archive Oracle program, unique to Planet Waves. It’s also a database of my horoscopes going back to the late 1990s. You can use the Intelligent Archive Oracle to answer questions and give you ideas for how to handle problems and situations you cannot see through. This feature is available to our Galaxy, Backstage and Core Community members. See this link for more information.