Tag Archives: equinox

The Day of the Breakthrough: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is Sept. 23
The Day of the Breakthrough | Pre-order pre-order the 2019-20 Libra Astrology Studio | All Other Signs

Think in terms of what you want to birth into the world. In a little over a year, a major new cycle focused on your personal creativity clicks into gear. This impacts you directly and, if approached with intention, can propel you far — in terms of both vocation and self-identity. Prepare the ground by tending to old business relative to aspects of your past or your home. All creations need a space within which to grow. That process inevitably creates an internal pressure that may register as anxiety or fears on a subliminal level. Fortunately, you seem to have just the kind of nurturing guidance that you need, and closer than you may realize.
— by Victoria Emory

Do you have your Sun, Moon or rising sign in Libra? If so, your sign is directly aligned with the single most significant astrological event beginning 2020. Eric will walk you through the most effective ways to approach your year in the 2019-2020 Libra Astrology Studio, now available for pre-order.

Written in the Planets

Today is the Libra equinox: the start of Northern Hemisphere fall (spring below the equator). At 3:50 am EDT (7:50:02 UTC), the Sun entered Libra to herald the new season. You can think of each seasonal shift as a kind of natural check-in point throughout the year: a moment to consider what has developed over the previous three months (or six), where you seem to be headed now, and how you’d like to recalibrate your trajectory. The equinoxes in particular — and perhaps Libra especially — focus the question of balance: through the visible, palpable equality of day and night at this time.

In early Libra, the Sun meets up with an interesting cast of minor-planet characters: Bacchus, Hidalgo, and a galaxy called M87 in Libra; Quaoar in Capricorn; and waiting just inside Aries, Chiron and Salacia. One theme coming through this cluster is the idea of being some kind of ‘maverick’, or of setting yourself free in some way.

After a year partially shaped by the expansive, slippery natures of Jupiter and Neptune, where are you beginning to recognize a bubble in your life that only you can pop? Does it relate to sex and relationships, family patterns, career or vocational calling, creativity, some deeper sense of self? All equinoxes and solstices represent a tipping point: either toward more daylight or less. Yet even though today’s ingress of the Sun into Libra represents the solar balance tipping toward more night than daylight (in the Northern Hemisphere), there’s no reason — and few excuses — to stay in the dark about yourself.
— by Amanda Painter

My readings offer a place of refuge, an opportunity to suspend self-judgment, and my careful reading of the charts. I offer you reasons to be motivated, and strategies for handling the strange complexity of society at this time. To this work, I bring all of what I have learned as a journalist, editor, astrologer, spiritual student and man of the world; and I offer it to you for an affordable price. Read more here.

Now available for instant access!

In These Times graphic

The Day of Dogged Persistence: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is March 19
The Day of Dogged Persistence | Order Your 2019-20 Pisces Reading | All Other Signs

Keep your focus. You may feel at times as if anything can happen; yet you have the ability to rise above the chaos and apply your strong sense of resolve. Others are likely to look to you for structure and calm; you can set an example just through being yourself, which is enough for you to stand out. Approaching unfamiliar situations with discernment and a little caution should help you remain on the path.
— By Amy Elliott

Written for the Planets

We’re one day away from the Sun’s entrance into Aries — also known as the equinox. This marks the end of the current astrological year and the beginning of a new one. And shortly after the Sun makes its move tomorrow, the Moon will oppose it for a Full Moon in Libra. So you may be noticing some energy build, or feel an urge to move on to the next stage of something, especially in one or more of your relationships. There’s no need to rush that; in fact, the ongoing Mercury retrograde is a strong reminder to go easy in all things. Due to other factors, relational tension could also come through either as arousal or frustration related to an ingrained habit. How flexible can you be with a partner this week in terms of meeting each other’s needs — sexually, sensually, intellectually and socially?

Note also that today the Pisces Sun makes a square to Ixion in Sagittarius. Can you pursue your current spiritual quest or creative self-expression without repeating ethically questionable choices? If you’re not sure what that might mean, consider things like emotional, energetic and sexual boundaries. You have the potential to make a choice that works for all parties concerned, or that at least works for you in a way that does minimal harm to others. If you have a second chance at something, how do you plan to use it?
— By Amanda Painter

The Day of Return: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is March 18
The Day of Return | Order Your 2019-20 Pisces Reading | All Other Signs

Dream big, and let the tide of fervor and inspiration carry you along for a while. Once you have the broad concept in place, you can begin to fill in the details. At first, though, it can be immensely useful to spend time with your big vision and experience enthusiasm filling you up like fuel. This doesn’t replace hard work, but it does give life and interest to your efforts, and the gift of perseverance when it’s needed.
— By Amy Elliott

Written for the Planets

The Moon moving through the last third of Leo today suggests a more social Monday than usual. Whether you’re looking for emotional contact from others (which might come via a friend or acquaintance rather than something more intimate), feeling inclined to offer support and generosity to others, or getting chatty in the digital realms, keep the energy moving but remember that it’s not all about you. Juno in Gemini opposite the Great Attractor in Sagittarius could describe a sense that relationship needs are either polarizing, pulling you along, or just out of reach. Is it something you can talk about with a friend or two, so you don’t feel like things are at quite such a stalemate? (Note also that we’re building to a Full Moon in Libra with the Aries equinox on Wednesday.) With almost two weeks left of Mercury retrograde in Pisces, keep reminding yourself to double-check the details and take things slowly. When and if something does go wrong, where’s the deeper lesson in it?
— By Amanda Painter

Flowing with the Currents and Lighting the Fire

By Amanda Painter

With the Sun now in Pisces as of this past weekend, winter starts to loosen its grip and we begin the approach to spring (even if the weather doesn’t play along consistently). Right now we have a concentration of planets in Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac; yet it won’t be long before the sky’s emphasis begins shifting again, from deep water to the fire of Aries.

Continue reading

Note to Readers: This is our week off from a regular issue

Planet Waves
View from cliffs, sort of near Lost City at Mohonk Preserve in the Clove Valley of Gardiner, New York. Originally stewarded by the Indians, then the Dutch berry pickers had control of the land, followed by a small community that cut stone for grist mills in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The land in the foreground is part of Minnewaska State Park, and the mountain to the right is Mohonk. What I call the Grandmother Land is between these two mountains about four miles to the northeast. Photo: Eric Francis.

Note to Readers: This is our week off from a regular issue — though we’ve summoned Priya Kale from Mumbai, India, where she’s spending time with her family, to write a weekly horoscope for us. I will see you on Tuesday morning with the Inner Space horoscope for April. In case you missed your monthly horoscope for April (published Wednesday evening) here is a direct link. — efc

PS, re. Chiron Workshop: If you’re considering coming to the Chiron workshop in New York City Monday, there is still some space available. Check the announcement at the top of this link.


Planet Waves

Equinox and Aries New Moon

In this week’s edition of Planet Waves FM, you’ll hear about the Aries ingress of the Sun, the Equinox and the Aries New Moon, which takes place Thursday at 10:37 AM EDT (early morning in California and early afternoon in the UK and Europe). I fill in the news on how the Sun is aspecting the Uranus-Pluto square, and how the events of the spring build to a frenzy that peaks in late June.

Planet Waves

This is a relaxed, mellow edition of Planet Waves FM, with a music break. I preview a special edition of Planet Waves FM that will be posted Sunday night, featuring an interview with Rob Fraboni, a sound engineer who has worked with very nearly everyone — Bob Dylan and the Band, John Lennon, the Rolling Stones, Keith Richards’ solo projects, Etheridge, Eric Clapton, the Beach Boys and others … I will stop boring you with this list.

Rob will be on Planet Waves FM telling many stories — this will be a special treat for fans of Dylan and the Band, especially The Last Waltz, which in my opinion Rob transformed from a minor disaster to a major success. And he was the producer of the Planet Waves album of Dylan. That post goes up Sunday. It’ll refresh into your iTunes if that’s how you listen, and be available in the old and new players.

Here is your program in the old player, along with a zip file for iTunes and the full archives of the program going back to 2010.

Catch you soon.

With love —

Eric Francis


Planet Waves

Weekly Horoscope # 896 for March 23, 2012 — by Priya Kale.

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Current astrology is yet another reminder to keep asking yourself, “Who am I?” If you knew then what you know now, how would you do things differently? And given your current encounters and adventures, what would your future Self say to you? Or perhaps you can meditate on the Zen koan “What did your face look like before your parents were born?” A New Moon in your sign conjunct Uranus marks a personal new start, one even you couldn’t have seen coming. You may be caught unaware with some of the things you are feeling now or beginning to understand about yourself. As scary as this may seem, be honest with yourself about your desires, how they are changing and acknowledge your emotions, however spontaneous. The more you can release an identity that no longer defines you and consciously let go of ambitions that no longer serve your deepest purpose, the more you can open the doors to who you are becoming. There are opportunities making their way to you — expect the unexpected and be prepared to surprise even yourself. — by Priya Kale.

Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check. has been published and is available. It is still available at the special subscriber discount price for all 12 signs, or the order price per sign. This year’s annual offers an extended written report plus 90 minutes of audio for each sign and rising sign. You will love it.

Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — There are things unfolding behind the scenes that you can’t quite make sense of. You may be wrestling secret fears that you can’t even fully articulate or voice or simply don’t dare talk about. You may not even be sure who you can trust. But as much as the unknown unnerves you and as risky as a situation may seem, remember the fear of the unknown is often far worse than your reality. Take the time to go inward this week and confront the subconscious veil of fear, rejection, anger, mistrust or other negative emotions that hold you back from discovering your core potential. You are being awakened to the greater reason behind your existence and the unique purpose you came to this planet with. Your intuition is blazing right now and there are new realms making themselves known to you. Follow a hunch and you might be pleasantly surprised. — by Priya Kale.

Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check. has been published and is available. It is still available at the special subscriber discount price for all 12 signs, or the order price per sign. This year’s annual offers an extended written report plus 90 minutes of audio for each sign and rising sign. You will love it.

Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — “People are strange, when you’re a stranger. Faces look ugly when you’re alone,” sang the Doors. People are strange indeed and although your world is expanding now there is a part of you that doesn’t entirely trust a situation that seems to be taking more than it is giving. An unexpected development calls for deeper confidence on your part, to move boldly forward even when another part of you is retreating. Current developments will work in your favor if you use them consciously rather than taking events passively. There is more freedom here for you than any sacrifices you fear you might have to make. You may have your doubts about a friendship or situation that touches a little too close to home, but this is no reason for you to feel alone or afraid of what is unfolding. As crazy as people may act, take them at face-value and let your sincerity and best skills lead you, as you grant others the trust, acceptance and freedom they need to be themselves. Expectations are a disappointment waiting to happen. The opposite action would be to have faith in people and see what they do when given the chance. — by Priya Kale.

Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check. has been published and is available. It is still available at the special subscriber discount price for all 12 signs, or the order price per sign. This year’s annual offers an extended written report plus 90 minutes of audio for each sign and rising sign. You will love it.

Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Professionally, you are breaking new ground, yet you may still have doubts about an opportunity that is being presented to you. Or it may be that others still have their doubts about the viability of an idea or your plan of action. Trust yourself and your power in a situation, rather than seeking acceptance or validation from others. You have what it takes to be real, and that is expressly what this task calls for — for you to be yourself. Also look closely at your mother’s ambitions for herself, and the things that held her back from achieving some of these. You are your own person and don’t need to give in to or subconsciously recreate the same power struggles that she did. You are a trailblazer and have a unique contribution to make to this world. As you stand in the prime space between the past and the future, you’re beginning to figure that out for yourself. In letting go of what you once thought success meant to you, you are freeing yourself to live your true potential. — by Priya Kale.

Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check. has been published and is available. It is still available at the special subscriber discount price for all 12 signs, or the order price per sign. This year’s annual offers an extended written report plus 90 minutes of audio for each sign and rising sign. You will love it.

Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You are being liberated from a situation that has long had a grip on you, yet despite a certain advantage you have, you know that the key ingredient can come from you alone: courage. That involves giving up an attachment to something you are accustomed to, whether metaphorically or literally, as you experiment with your vision. Use fear to your advantage rather than being troubled by it; one way to do that is to recognize it’s an energy source that you can tap into. You may have your doubts but avoid being too judgmental of a situation or even yourself and your worth. You may never have all the answers, but if you are philosophical, keep perspective and summon your highest and best Self in any situation that unnerves you, you can find a way forward. And you can trust you are not alone on this journey — a partner who comes from a very different world is familiar with the territory, inviting you to a whole new world of possibilities. Be bold, spontaneous, optimistic, have faith and you can make unimaginable progress. — by Priya Kale.

Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check. has been published and is available. It is still available at the special subscriber discount price for all 12 signs, or the order price per sign. This year’s annual offers an extended written report plus 90 minutes of audio for each sign and rising sign. You will love it.

Introducing the Planet Waves 2012 Spring Report by Eric Francis

Spring 2012 is the wildest season I’ve ever seen in 18 years of doing around-the-clock astrology [listen to short audio preview here]. It fits the 2012 pattern of ‘everything, all at once’, even making that sound like an understatement. I am working on the report even as we edit this issue, and it’s coming out beautifully — every sign is coming through loud and clear and distinctive.

Planet Waves

We have retrogrades of all three inner planets involved — Mercury, Venus and Mars. There is a rare Venus transit of the Sun — an exact conjunction of Venus and the Sun that you will be able to see if you have a clear view during daylight hours (you will need special equipment to protect your eyes). There are eclipses of the Sun and the Moon. And then, just four days after the Cancer solstice, we have the first exact square of Uranus and Pluto.

In honor of putting all this action to work for you, I’m preparing a special Spring Report for all 12 Sun signs and rising signs, as well as an introduction to the astrology that will be useful to everyone. This is a package of all 12 signs for one price. I’m designing it so that you can actually put many of the signs into use — for example, Virgo will be able to use the Gemini report as a career reading. Pisces can use Virgo’s report as a relationship reading, and so on. I give suggestions at the end of each sign, and will do a detailed description so you can get maximum use from this product.

All 12 signs are now available for $24.95. The report is getting rave reviews from people who pre-ordered, including these words from a customer named Donna: “OMG — thank you thank you thank you — just spent this morning listening to my [Spring Report] info, and am so blown away by the accuracy (and relief!) in this experience. Thanks so very much for your part in supporting this work and for showing up in the way that you do!”. Here is the link to order. Thank you, and enjoy.


Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Change is moving through your world, awakening you to your power of decision, and how you feel when you use it. You seem to be figuring out that the movement of time is a fact of life; you can trust that recent developments in a situation associated with your work environment are evolving constructively, despite how it may look certain days. Rather than fight your way out of this, it may be wise for you to retreat to a place of greater safety so you can regroup before you move forward again. It would be great to do this letting go of any fears of being taken advantage of. You don’t need to rush a process, only to acknowledge your desires, and let go of guilt or expectations of how things ‘should’ be. You are coming to a deeper understanding of yourself and others and can re-negotiate important relationships in light of the developments taking place, allowing you to open up to new levels of trust, prosperity and feeling supported. — by Priya Kale.

Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check. has been published and is available. It is still available at the special subscriber discount price for all 12 signs, or the order price per sign. This year’s annual offers an extended written report plus 90 minutes of audio for each sign and rising sign. You will love it.

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Just when you think you know someone well enough, they do something completely out of character that has you re-thinking a situation. This may be unnerving, but ask yourself this: what do you have to lose? You don’t have to rush to make a decision, but something you once thought was impossible is now opening its doors to you. Consciously let go of attachments to the past or the way things have been, or expectations of what form something might take. As long as you are being honest with yourself about what you most value in your relationships, you don’t need to fear being manipulated or taken advantage of. Your relationships, as unpredictable as they may be, are taking you far into the future. The less you cling and the more freedom, trust and acceptance you can offer others or another, the easier it will be to form the kind of relationships that offer you the emotional and tangible security and commitment you seek. — by Priya Kale.

Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check. has been published and is available. It is still available at the special subscriber discount price for all 12 signs, or the order price per sign. This year’s annual offers an extended written report plus 90 minutes of audio for each sign and rising sign. You will love it.

Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — A situation in your life or at work is pushing your boundaries, or it may be your health that is a concern right now. You may fear you’re going to run into trouble, but the fears in your head are often far worse than the reality of a situation. You can either chase your passion or let your fears chase you. You can theorize something forever and drive yourself crazy about the best way forward. But at some point you will have to learn through experience. What is unfolding now is asking you to let go of expectations (especially negative ones) as you move toward your most optimistic vision. There is a solution staring you in the face, but it may not be what you expected. To recognize and seize it, let go of your beliefs or thinking you know how things work. Be curious, open minded and willing to learn and experiment a little. As alone as you may feel at times in your experience, you are not. There are loyal partners and people on hand willing to help and support you. Trust a process of change as you consciously reach for solutions, and you can make great progress. This is your lesson in learning to take each day as it comes and live life on its own terms. — by Priya Kale.

Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check. has been published and is available. It is still available at the special subscriber discount price for all 12 signs, or the order price per sign. This year’s annual offers an extended written report plus 90 minutes of audio for each sign and rising sign. You will love it.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You are being called to take a risk in a situation that seems to be pushing you over the edge and way out of your comfort zone. As scary as this may seem, this is an opportunity to ‘re-birth’ and reinvent yourself creatively, sexually and personally and reignite passion in a way you never thought was possible. Just because something didn’t work before doesn’t mean it’s a bad idea; in going back to the drawing board you can find a new solution to an old dilemma. As torn as you may feel between your head and your heart, stay in the moment with whatever is igniting passionate feelings or fear, desire, anger or rage. Rather than try to rationalize your or another’s behavior, understand that people do crazy things when they are in love or feeling cornered. Your feelings may be real but they are certainly not reality, which if you look around you is more abundant than you have feared. Let your passion lead the way and don’t allow others’ doubts to stand in the way of what you know in your heart to be true. Rediscover your inner child and you can be liberated to lead the life that brings you greater joy, purpose and material comfort. — by Priya Kale.

Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check. has been published and is available. It is still available at the special subscriber discount price for all 12 signs, or the order price per sign. This year’s annual offers an extended written report plus 90 minutes of audio for each sign and rising sign. You will love it.

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — The dynamics within a domestic situation or family are changing, demanding your attention. You may feel a little like a lost child in your own home, something may be too close for comfort, or it may be a blast from the past that has you feeling rather emotional. You are at the start of a new cycle now, which has the potential to bring you greater material and emotional security. Don’t be afraid to go deeper into your past and confront childhood fears and insecurities so you can move forward with less baggage and a clean slate. Also re-examine childhood beliefs about what you once thought security meant and ask what is true for you today. Your parents’ idea of security need not be your own. If you’re worried about how this may affect long-term plans and goals, as long as you are honest about your priorities, you can trust you’ll find a balance that works. You are not a child anymore, and once you realize that, you can start making important choices about the foundations you want to build your life upon. — by Priya Kale.

Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check. has been published and is available. It is still available at the special subscriber discount price for all 12 signs, or the order price per sign. This year’s annual offers an extended written report plus 90 minutes of audio for each sign and rising sign. You will love it.

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — A situation is asking you to be brave and have an honest conversation with a partner about how you feel regarding a stressful financial or personal situation. But do you really know how you feel? And do you know what someone else is thinking or feeling? And if you think you do, what makes you so sure? Be honest with yourself first, then you can be honest with others. More importantly be willing to listen. If you enter conversations now with an open mind and few preconceived opinions, you can renegotiate a situation or arrangement in a way that brings you more of what you need, and find a solution or arrangement that works for everyone involved. Be willing to question your perceptions, but don’t doubt yourself. Also, let go of subconscious fears that you face an impossible situation, or must deal with those determined to undermine your plans. What seems like an edgy or daring idea may be pure genius but perhaps you need to give it time to incubate. Brainstorming with someone you trust might help you find the missing piece. — by Priya Kale.

Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check. has been published and is available. It is still available at the special subscriber discount price for all 12 signs, or the order price per sign. This year’s annual offers an extended written report plus 90 minutes of audio for each sign and rising sign. You will love it.

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Something or someone may be triggering your insecurities now, but it is also awakening you to what and who is truly important to you. Rather than fear betrayal or doubt another’s commitment to you, ask yourself what you most desire and value; what you need to trust and feel valued — what you learn may surprise you. There is more potential within a relationship than you may have recently been led to believe or thought. You are at the start of a new cycle that sees you growing in material and emotional security, allowing you to deepen trust within key commitments. You don’t need to fear looking like a fool or worry about what others think. What matters is how you feel, however illogical it may seem to others. You’re at a turning point within a social situation that’s revealing not just how different you are from others, but also how much more you have to offer. Yet it all begins with self-acceptance and self-love. When you trust yourself, by extension, it’s then possible to trust your choices. — by Priya Kale.

Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check. has been published and is available. It is still available at the special subscriber discount price for all 12 signs, or the order price per sign. This year’s annual offers an extended written report plus 90 minutes of audio for each sign and rising sign. You will love it.

Evolution Revelation: The Adventure Begins

Planet Waves
“Redemption.” Digital art by Charlie Lemay.

Dear Friend and Reader:

Vernal equinox arrived and the new season began yesterday on a fiery note, with the Sun joining many planets already in Aries — including Uranus. The Sun changing both signs and seasons made its annual conjunction to the Aries Point and the astrological year reset. The Sun’s presence in Aries keys us into the Uranus-Pluto square, which has been developing the past couple of years and reaches its first of seven peaks on June 24. This is what I’ve been calling the 2012 aspect — a juncture point in the cycles of revolution that had its last big celebration in 1965-1966.

In total, the many astonishing events of this Spring are like a garden path, or rather, wild safari that leads to the first of those seven exact Uranus-Pluto squares in late June. Yet because the Sun is in Aries now, it will be passing through the square, in effect setting it off a little early: the Sun conjoins Uranus on Saturday, March 24 and squares Pluto on Thursday, March 29.

Planet Waves
Total solar eclipse on March 29, 2006. Photo by Anthony.

But we’re just a little ahead of ourselves: Thursday, March 22 is the Aries New Moon, a spectacular chart for many reasons, mainly because the New Moon happens so close to the Aries Point, that mysterious intersection of what we think of as ‘public’ and what we think of as ‘private’. That crossing has been getting a lot of traffic lately — so much someone should put in a big stop light with turn arrows. It seems like the only things that do end up on the political stage have nothing to do with public policy — such as how to run the government or regulate big corporations.

Rather, we’re in an era where debates over ‘public policy’ involve nothing but private matters, such as what your doctor can and cannot say to you, and in truth, whether you actually own your body. However, the real question is: Do you own your mind? Do you even influence it, and what do you do with the information it’s sending you?

Said another way, are you able to utilize your creative power? We see this in the form of Mercury retrograde on the Aries Point (the first degree of Aries) for the New Moon (heading into Pisces). And speaking of Aries, its ruler Mars is retrograde as well, in the brainy sign Virgo — at the moment the astrology seems to be asking more questions than it is giving answers, though that changes soon enough. Remember that the more sincere your questions, the better the responses you’ll get.

One other very noteworthy aspect in the New Moon chart is retrograde Mars opposite Chiron in Pisces. Mars retrograde has been stirring up all kinds of material, including the psychological baggage we carry around the theme of desire. Mars opposite Chiron focuses desire on the healing agenda, as Mars has a direct encounter with the deep consciousness and reparative quality of Chiron in Pisces.

In case you want to follow the play by play, here’s a detailed overview of the events of Spring 2012. These are descriptions of the events themselves; the sequence is interpreted for each of the Sun signs and rising signs in the Spring Report.

Aries Point New Moon on March 22 — A spectacular New Moon conjunct Mercury and Uranus, with many other planets in Aries — including Vesta, Uranus and Ceres. This event is a portent of the many surprising turns of events over the next three months. While it looks like an event in linear time, this electrifying New Moon sets the emotional and mental tone for the next three to four months.

Planet Waves
Solstice Full Moon over Sounion (temple to Neptune) near Athens, taken in June 2010. Photo by Anthony.

Sun square Pluto on March 29 — A turning point in its own right, this aspect between the Sun and Pluto turns the questions internally. Behind the stage show we’re seeing in the media in the drama of our lives, there are pressing questions of growth, healing and personal evolution. Many of them involve our relationship to authority and how we tend to be willing to hand over our power — then wonder where it went.

Mercury retrograde ends April 4 — Mercury stations direct in Pisces, ending a three-week retrograde that began March 12. Mercury re-enters Aries on April 16, setting off the Aries Point again (ideas, drama, big news), and then makes a square to Pluto on April 25; once again we take what is personal personally rather than getting caught in the floor show.

Mars retrograde ends April 13 — Mars has been retrograde in Virgo since mid-January; it stations direct in early Virgo, in the process of making two oppositions to Chiron (as described above). There are many themes of focusing your healing mission and personal integrity; there is an essential blending of the concepts ‘spiritual’ and ‘psychological’. There’s something here about courage: invoking the warrior energy for the benefit of putting your knowledge to work. If you haven’t read much about the current Mars retrograde, I suggest you check it out. Here is an article that opens the topic.

Sun enters Taurus April 19 — Taurus is a fixed earth sign, and the home of the Beltane cross-quarter day. Are you born under this sign? Here is a description.

Venus retrograde starts May 15 — Venus is making a rare retrograde this spring. We’re going through a nearly simultaneous sequence of all three inner planets in retrograde motion in one season. Once again this focuses the energy inward and calls for a review of the past. Venus goes retrograde just after a natural holiday associated with her — Beltane. Astrological recommendation: have sex outside, praising the goddess of love and abundance.

Sun enters Gemini. Annular solar eclipse on May 20 — That would be annular, not annual. That’s a total eclipse with the Sun a bit too far from Earth to fully block the Sun, but a powerful eclipse no less, which takes place in Gemini — the scene of much other adventure this season. This happens the day the Sun enters Gemini, which is unusual and compelling in its own right. Eclipses pick up the pace of existence, and act like convergence points where many different themes and events merge together. Events take on the sensation of being more significant and driven by forces outside our control; therefore, maintaining your power of decision at these times is that much more meaningful.

Partial lunar eclipse on June 4 — Corresponding to the Gemini eclipse, this is a partial eclipse of the Moon in Sagittarius. Note, from this point on, eclipses start to shift onto the Taurus/Scorpio axis. The next set occurs in November 2012. If you’re super-curious about eclipses, here is a list of them from 2012 through 2017. The Sun also makes an occultation to Pluto in Capricorn — another eclipse-like event.

Planet Waves
Among the most distinctive events of spring 2012 is the Venus transit of the Sun. 2012 event corresponds to one in 2004 — the next is in 2117. Photo by Anthony Ayiomamitis.

Venus transit of the Sun on June 5, in Gemini — The most distinctive event of 2012, a Venus transit is as rare as it is spectacular. If you have clear skies and daylight, you will be able to see Venus cross the disk of the Sun (using special glasses so you don’t fry your eyeballs). Think of this as the emergence of the solar feminine — the assertive, creative side of the feminine soul takes up residence in consciousness. For many this will be about resolving competing agendas and personality splits. Note that on this day, Wisconsin holds its recall election. Here is an article on the 2004 Venus transit of the Sun.

Gemini New Moon on the Atlantis Point on June 19 — I call the degree 28+ Gemini the Atlantis Point because so many really strange things happen when planets show up here. I cover them in the article Here at the Edge of the World from last year — worth reading if you’ve been noticing how strange everything is getting. This is the degree that links together such disparate events as the Sept. 11 incident, the 2004 tsunami, Wikileaks, the charts for Japan and the 2011 nuclear disaster and much else. This New Moon occurs right before the solstice (adding emphasis) and sets off all of those charts at once. I really don’t know what to say about this event but I predict it will be interesting — and we may get another little burst of the 911 Truth Movement.

Solstice on June 20 or 21 (depending on your time zone) — the new season begins, and the Sun once again aspects the Aries Point, Uranus and Pluto in close succession.

Uranus square Pluto June 24 — This is the first of seven squares between now and 2015, which focus the cycle that we last heard from in 1965-1966. We’ve been warming up to this event for a couple of years, particularly with the astonishing events of 2011, from Arab spring to the Wisconsin protests to the Occupy movement.

Venus stations direct on June 27 — This wraps up the rapid sequence of events with its roots in the Spring of 2012, and (with any luck) will come with a revelation about what it all meant.

Alrightie then! Now that I’ve left your head spinning, here is your extended monthly horoscope for April. If you’re curious how all of these events influence you, that’s why I’ve done the Spring Report. It’s a passionate, positive, motivational audio compilation that covers all 12 signs.

All hail the new season and its many mysteries.


Eric Francis

P.S. You can listen to audio that covers many of these events in our Top Five Events of 2012 series. This is free audio connected with the 2012 annual edition.


Planet Waves

Monthly Horoscope for April 2012. | Eric’s Zodiac Sign Descriptions

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — You could look at the whole human drama as a struggle with awareness. We already have the solutions to most problems; many of the most persistent have been solved at least 100 times. What stands between an issue and finding the answer is awareness, and often that translates to self-awareness. You have the answers you need; what you don’t have, you can invent. You may not believe that, though to test the theory you merely need to slow down and be with your existence in a conscious way. Do this often, and with a touch of faith that might feel like ‘suspending disbelief’. While your astrology certainly is illustrating an exciting trip through the outer world, other factors are pulling you deeper into yourself. Don’t get too distracted by all the activity and drama — keep your focus on your soul, which I assure you will be easier than you think. You may even have a breakthrough, which could feel like accessing a deeper part of your consciousness that offers you better information about yourself than you’ve ever had. Yet this is about far more than you. Being invited into a contact point reminds you that in waking up, you’re not alone — many other people are reaching a similar place within themselves. You’ll recognize them more by the look in their eyes than by face; more by their tone of voice rather than the words they say.

Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check. has been published and is available. It is still available at the special subscriber discount price for all 12 signs, or the order price per sign. This year’s annual offers an extended written report plus 90 minutes of audio for each sign and rising sign. You will love it.

Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — The concepts ‘Taurus’ and ‘change’ sometimes seem to have nothing in common, but this is the season when you may shock yourself with how much stuck energy you can move in a short time. This month, Venus ingresses Gemini, where it will be until August — a long time for Venus to be in one sign. This is an extended special occasion, which includes Venus retrograde and the Venus transit of the Sun — a rare event that will be visible during daylight hours. One theme is a sudden, liberating release from the past. This includes moorings into history deeper than you remember, which will allow you to do something else — make contact with a point of origin or what you can think of as your original instructions for this lifetime. Don’t worry if today you don’t have any notion of what that means; live your life as normally as you can, but being responsive to opportunity, to chance encounters and to anything that has an odd sense of familia rity. In essence, the theme of this season is staying open to the experience of existence. Notice what seem to be random encounters, desires that come out of nowhere and people who you find unusually moving. Experiment with new activities, or going deeper into the ones that you love but have not had time for. What influences your life in these very days has the power to do so deeply, and in ways that can truly shift your reality.

Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check. has been published and is available. It is still available at the special subscriber discount price for all 12 signs, or the order price per sign. This year’s annual offers an extended written report plus 90 minutes of audio for each sign and rising sign. You will love it.

Gemini (May 20- June 21)
Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Venus enters your sign this month, where it will be making some spectacular moves later in the season. These come along with eclipses in your sign and your opposite sign, Sagittarius — all of which I can sum up in one word: progress. This whole sequence of events is about getting all the seemingly separate parts of yourself talking to one another, working together, and gaining the kind of strength that comes from integrity. Whatever may change in the external world, remember that it’s part of a deeper inner project, a growth project whose time has come. We’re now at the very beginning of a long sequence of events that will gradually transform your life. The charts for April have a few bold reminders: one is to be flexible. This might include stretching out in the morning, considering different possibilities when you’re making a decision, and being circumspect when considering an important subject. Another hint is to listen. Be receptive to what other people say, and listen to what you say. Hear your own words and consider their meaning. Get a feeling for where you’re coming from. Part of the shift you’re making is from mental intelligence to emotional intelligence — and all factors are pointing in that direction. How you feel about what is said to you, or what you say to others, is just as meaningful as the content of the words. Of course this is so obvious, most of the time only dogs notice that it’s true, but we all have a lot to learn from them.


Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check. has been published and is available. It is still available at the special subscriber discount price for all 12 signs, or the order price per sign. This year’s annual offers an extended written report plus 90 minutes of audio for each sign and rising sign. You will love it.

Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Maintain your devotion to your professional path — the one you’re on, the one you’ve chosen, or the one you want. Do this diligently, as if something larger than you depends on your actions. Follow the momentum of your life as it carries you, and add extra focus, as if you’re tending a fire that might go out, or might go out of control. You may not be able to see your destination (some would say destiny), and you may not be sure how to think about what you’re doing. As regards to ‘thinking’, the most significant thing you can do for yourself is be conscious and review events carefully, though without being too critical, or trying to judge. There’s a difference between judging and assessing; between criticizing and paying attention to details. Be particularly conscious of your use of language, which you can consider a kind of firepower. You’re visible right now — visible to more people than you might imagine, or than yo ur present circumstances might suggest. That of course is not a good enough reason for maintaining your integrity, but it’s as good as any. Over the course of the month, you begin to establish solid contact between your ideas and your aspirations. Old concepts that had merit come to life, and you will begin to see that there was a plan in motion all along. I’ll emphasize again that much of your success comes from your precise and careful use of language. Creativity will follow from precision — so say what you mean and mean what you say.

Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check. has been published and is available. It is still available at the special subscriber discount price for all 12 signs, or the order price per sign. This year’s annual offers an extended written report plus 90 minutes of audio for each sign and rising sign. You will love it.

Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)
Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You’re near the end of a phase of sorting out. It’s good to go through these from time to time, so you can establish your real priorities. Sometimes the sorting is imposed on you, such as when you’re moving house and must decide what to keep and what to toss. Other times it’s an internally driven experience, which seems to be what happened this winter. Note, this assessment is not quite over — it will take all month for you to prepare your final report to yourself. Be aware that what you’re doing is establishing a kind of contract with yourself about what is the most important to you. You’re deciding what you want to do with your precious time and energy, and moreover, you’re making the decisions now that will influence your life for at least two years. There is part of you that wants to take a conservative approach, avoiding risks and staying to one side of a fine line. There’s another voice in your mind that’s saying now is the time to open up a bold vision and explore the world in a new way. The magnificent bird’s-eye view offered by astrology is suggesting that these two values need not conflict. You can remain true to your most basic values and ethics while pushing open a new world of possibilities. Here is a hint: your experience will follow your personal development. You will discover something about yourself, and your agenda will follow that revelation.


Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check. has been published and is available. It is still available at the special subscriber discount price for all 12 signs, or the order price per sign. This year’s annual offers an extended written report plus 90 minutes of audio for each sign and rising sign. You will love it.

Introducing the Planet Waves 2012 Spring Report by Eric Francis

Spring 2012 is the wildest season I’ve ever seen in 18 years of doing around-the-clock astrology [listen to short audio preview here]. It fits the 2012 pattern of ‘everything, all at once’, even making that sound like an understatement. I am working on the report even as we edit this issue, and it’s coming out beautifully — every sign is coming through loud and clear and distinctive.

Planet Waves

We have retrogrades of all three inner planets involved — Mercury, Venus and Mars. There is a rare Venus transit of the Sun — an exact conjunction of Venus and the Sun that you will be able to see if you have a clear view during daylight hours (you will need special equipment to protect your eyes). There are eclipses of the Sun and the Moon. And then, just four days after the Cancer solstice, we have the first exact square of Uranus and Pluto.

In honor of putting all this action to work for you, I’m preparing a special Spring Report for all 12 Sun signs and rising signs, as well as an introduction to the astrology that will be useful to everyone. This is a package of all 12 signs for one price. I’m designing it so that you can actually put many of the signs into use — for example, Virgo will be able to use the Gemini report as a career reading. Pisces can use Virgo’s report as a relationship reading, and so on. I give suggestions at the end of each sign, and will do a detailed description so you can get maximum use from this product.

All 12 signs are now available for $24.95. The report is getting rave reviews from people who pre-ordered, including these words from a customer named Donna: “OMG — thank you thank you thank you — just spent this morning listening to my [Spring Report] info, and am so blown away by the accuracy (and relief!) in this experience. Thanks so very much for your part in supporting this work and for showing up in the way that you do!”. Here is the link to order. Thank you, and enjoy.


Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Mars retrograde in your sign has been a long quest into yourself, which has taken you through many layers, and you’ve had a chance to get to witness your own process of conflict creation and resolution. In the process, you’ve passed through many different elements of your psyche: your desire nature, how and whether you have faith in yourself and others, and the interconnections between many seemingly separate things in your world. Yet this quest has had a deeper mission: learning how you experience and ultimately create your most intimate relationships. Many of the more painful questions of the past decade are starting to resolve themselves as you claim your strength with partners and loved ones. One element of this is recognizing what an integral role you play in the lives of the people you love; another is recognizing the ways in which you seek and offer healing in those situations. Yet the most meaningful information has come in understanding how significant it is to remain in contact with one fact: what you want. Desire in any form is often subject to a kind of guilt attack, especially for you. Yet you’re waging nothing less than a revolution against this unnecessary, unproductive state of affairs, and in the process, you’re regaining the ability to guide your life in healthy ways. You have learned that you cannot leave this to chance, nor can you leave it to others to decide what is good for you. Said another way, your life is your life.

Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check. has been published and is available. It is still available at the special subscriber discount price for all 12 signs, or the order price per sign. This year’s annual offers an extended written report plus 90 minutes of audio for each sign and rising sign. You will love it.

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — One thing you’ve likely discovered is that no matter how strange life gets, or how unpredictable, you’re standing on a solid foundation. Though this theme is emphasized now, I trust that it’s a gift you’ll take with you even as one phase of planetary history melts into the next, and the next. Yet what is strong can always be stronger; what functions well can always be refined. That’s the theme of the season that’s just begun, and that will arrive with some of the most interesting developments for many years. All eyes will be on Venus, the planet that represents you in your own chart. You are on a quest that involves assembling the different elements of what seem to be competing visions for yourself. The coming astrology, as it influences you and all things Libran, is so astonishing I am reticent to make any predictions — except I can offer a couple of thoughts. One is that elements of life, and your ideas about life, that you thou ght had to compete with one another, actually support one another. You can let go of many ‘either/or’ type of equations; they are simply no longer valid. Yet as you transition from that as an idea to that as a fact of your life, a kind of miracle happens. Many other nagging issues resolve themselves. You will redefine your notion of what a problem is to the point where you recognize you have exceedingly few of them — or maybe none at all.

Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check. has been published and is available. It is still available at the special subscriber discount price for all 12 signs, or the order price per sign. This year’s annual offers an extended written report plus 90 minutes of audio for each sign and rising sign. You will love it.

Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — As you know, we live in a culture obsessed with image, too often lacking any expression of what is real or meaningful. Any time you try to make an impression on someone, or lead them to believe something about you, stop and ask yourself why. Image is powerful, even dangerous, and for you this power must be applied to honest and worthy causes. Given that you stand at a major signpost of your life, it’s time to inquire: who or what do your actions serve? Mars stationing direct (after a long retrograde which began in January) in an angle of your chart that includes the themes of service and your vision for your life, is a reminder that (in the words of Dylan) you’re gonna serve someone (or something). That fact you cannot alter, though you get to decide what that something is, based on your true values. I don’t just mean what might be external to you — I mean searching your depths for what you want to offer to the world. Mars retro grade in Virgo has infused your traditional ruling planet with all of the properties of that sign: attention to detail, devotion to healing, tempering aggressive impulses (particularly toward yourself), and the integration of your masculine and feminine sides. And then there is the famous Virgo theme of devotion to something beyond yourself. Yet what this really suggests is that you’re expanding your concept of yourself, and can now bring together many elements of life you might have thought were separate.

Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check. has been published and is available. It is still available at the special subscriber discount price for all 12 signs, or the order price per sign. This year’s annual offers an extended written report plus 90 minutes of audio for each sign and rising sign. You will love it.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — One really beautiful element of your astrology right now is a rediscovery of what commitment means to you. You’ve had your ideas — and you know how well they’ve worked. You’re now expanding into a whole new concept. It’s more open minded and expansive than your prior ideas; you can think of the new concept as a house with many doors and windows, that allows in the light, and where everyone has enough room to exist comfortably. Said another way, commitment is about who you are, rather than what you promise. When you offer yourself, that’s something you do with your entire being. One recent lesson involved taking care of the details in advance, so that you can proceed with that full sense of engagement. The old astrology books sometimes tell us that Sagittarius likes to skip the details, being more concerned with the broad strokes. Yet one message of the current Mars retrograde is that the details can set you free — if you address them before they become problems. They are opportunities to refine your goals, and with Mars about to complete its long retrograde through your house of ambition, you’ve been doing a lot of that. Make sure that you condense and consolidate your smaller objectives and never lose sight of what inspired them in the first place, or what they add up to when you consider them together. This is likely to come down to one significant decision you make right around April 14 — no sooner.


Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check. has been published and is available. It is still available at the special subscriber discount price for all 12 signs, or the order price per sign. This year’s annual offers an extended written report plus 90 minutes of audio for each sign and rising sign. You will love it.

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — One thing about living on this planet is that it helps to make friends with chaos. I don’t mean warfare or pandemonium — I mean that slight sense of overwhelm, of not being able to keep your house neat, of orderly theories not quite fitting together with what we think of as reality. I am talking about the fertile chaos of not quite being sure what to do, and then you have a real idea. Or the feeling of figuring out that a whole bunch of what you believed in the past isn’t true, which shakes your moorings — and in that moment you figure out something that is actually true and relevant for you. Travel can have this effect on us, by cutting us loose from familiar moorings, which in turn allows us to have a different experience of being. One expression of fertile chaos this month involves certain long-held goals. Some elements are working for you and worth keeping; others on review need to be updated or discarded entirely, to make room for new ideas. One cue to observe for the points of chaotic creative contact are stumbling blocks. When something gets in the way, stop and rethink your plan. When you are typing and type a wrong word, read what that word is and see if you’re trying to tell yourself something. If you lose track of your plan, ask yourself what your objective really is. And most significantly, if someone randomly tries to mess with your idea, listen carefully.


Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check. has been published and is available. It is still available at the special subscriber discount price for all 12 signs, or the order price per sign. This year’s annual offers an extended written report plus 90 minutes of audio for each sign and rising sign. You will love it.

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Many years of relentless pressure have left you in possession of a secret. You hold the key to understanding evil. By this I mean the force within the psyche that guides people to treat one another badly, or unfairly, or dishonestly. I’m also speaking of the impulse to deny oneself, or to deny others. And I am speaking of that strange thing that encourages people to give up their power and go against their own values. You understand the concept of a motive. There are other ways to grasp this, though if you think about it starting with the dark end of the concept, you have the orientation you need to guide your experience into the light. You’re able to remember the one thing that everyone wants to forget, and that many are trying desperately to conceal from themselves — and because of this, you have a distinct advantage. One way to say this is that you’re not trying to fool yourself, or that your learning has reached the point w here you see the danger of trying to. Whatever you may be doing, one thing to remember this month is that you’re in a position of leadership. This may not be about formal authority — rather, it’s a leadership of ideas. You are setting the example of what it means to have a responsible worldview, and also one that’s oriented in the future. One of your most valuable teachings is reminding people that we must do better than ‘every man for himself’.

Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check. has been published and is available. It is still available at the special subscriber discount price for all 12 signs, or the order price per sign. This year’s annual offers an extended written report plus 90 minutes of audio for each sign and rising sign. You will love it.

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — This time in your life is an experiment with what it feels like to have an enhanced sense of self-esteem. This is the sensation that you belong on the planet, that you have a mission, and moreover, that you possess the personal resources to accomplish it. When we talk about the lack of self-esteem, these are the elements that are most often missing. I’m not sure, on the personal level, what it is that can make up for the loss; though it’s easy to see in your solar chart that you’re well on the way to doing precisely that. There are of course pitfalls that you’ll encounter along the way, but if you know what they are you won’t need to step into them — you can go around them. For example, you may be accompanied by some persistent questions about your existence. These can be turned to strengths. You may have the sensation that few others understand you. Yet if you’re alert for those who have similar values as you do, or similar mot ivations, you will feel a greater sense of companionship. As for personal resources: I do mean personal. This includes creativity, intelligence, problem-solving ability and ethics. Yet the bridge you will be crossing every day is the one that goes over the gap of applying these things to real-life situations. Your job is to put your mind to work — and this is about making a conscious and ongoing choice.

Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check. has been published and is available. It is still available at the special subscriber discount price for all 12 signs, or the order price per sign. This year’s annual offers an extended written report plus 90 minutes of audio for each sign and rising sign. You will love it.

The Harvest Moon & the Pegasus Syndrome

Flying Over Tycho. Tycho is the well-known landmark crater of the southern lunar hemisphere, visible here just below the plane’s nose. The crater’s impact rays are believed to extend well into the lunar northern hemisphere. Photo by Anthony Ayiomamitis.

Editor’s Note: Gary Caton is a specialist in observational astrology — an earlier kind of navigation by the stars and planets that depends on what you can see. He will be doing our Full Moon article each month teaching this method, telling you about what is visible in the night sky. Anthony Ayiomamitis is our friend in Greece, and he is a photographer-astronomer who often takes photos near the ancient temples that dot the land of his country. I consider him an honorary astrologer. — efc

By Gary P. Caton

Traditionally, the Full Moon closest to the fall equinox is called the Harvest Moon. The idea is that for a few days the light from the Full Moon allows farmers to work later, and helps them to bring in their crops. Because of the shallow angle the ecliptic (the path of the Sun, Moon and planets) makes to the horizon at this time of year, the extra natural light from the Full Moon is maximized. Normally the Moon rises 50 minutes later each evening, but at this time of year it is only about 30 minutes. So, there is no long period of darkness between sunset and moonrise and farmers can continue being productive, bringing in their crops by moonlight even after the Sun has set. Hence we get the name Harvest Moon.

Star chart showing the constellation Pegasus, with Cetus, the sea-dragon, partially shown at the bottom. Andromeda, the princess, is partially shown at the top; it shares its brightest star with the Great Square of Pegasus. The purple line is the ecliptic.

Visually, the most noticeable thing about this Full Moon is that it has passed by the Summer Triangle, and is now shining under another huge asterism (a grouping of stars that may or may not form a constellation) called the Great Square of Pegasus. Pegasus is an easy constellation to find in the autumn sky. The constellation forms a winged horse, which is flying upside down across the sky. Begin by looking for the four stars of about the same brightness that form an almost perfect square or diamond. This is the Great Square, which represents Pegasus’ body. Next, start at the lower right corner of the Great Square and continue your gaze to the right and down along Pegasus’ neck and then slightly upward to a brighter star. This bright star is Enif, which represents Pegasus’ muzzle or nose.

Enif happens to be an integral star in the Sibly chart for the U.S., as it is shining above the Moon in late Aquarius. The Sibly chart is one of the more commonly used birth charts for the U.S., based on the signing of the Declaration of Independence. We’ll get back to the specifics of this later.

The stars of Pegasus shine above the part of the Zodiac that stretches all the way from late Aquarius, through Pisces and past the vernal point into Aries. Anytime we have planets right below the individual stars of Pegasus, this is considered a conjunction. When we see these conjunctions we should be alert for the signs of a psychological complex called “The Pegasus Syndrome,” which is a set of behaviors that echo some of the mythic themes surrounding one of the winged horse’s unfortunate riders.

Pegasus was the offspring of Medusa and Neptune. The winged horse was born from the mix of sea foam and blood when Perseus tossed Medusa’s severed head into the sea. Early in the myth, we see references to three other constellations nearby Pegasus in the sky: Perseus, Cetus and Andromeda. The story goes that Perseus rode Pegasus, who carried the hero over the sea to defeat Cetus, the sea-dragon, and rescue the Princess Andromeda.

After this, the young colt was taken by Minerva (Athena) to Mt. Helicon and his care entrusted to the Muses. He was the favorite of Urania, the Muse of Astronomy (and presumably astrology as they were not separate then). It then happened that another hero, Bellerophon, was called on to slay the Chimera, a beastly mixture of lion, goat and dragon. Bellerophon accepted the challenge and consulted the soothsayer Polyidus, who advised him to procure the help of Pegasus. For this purpose Polyidus directed Bellerophon to pass the night in the temple of Minerva (who was the patron of heroes), and as he slept Minerva came and gave him a golden bridle. Minerva also showed him Pegasus drinking at the well of Pirene, and at the sight of the golden bridle the winged steed came willingly. Bellerophon mounted him, and gained an easy victory over the monster.

Bellerophon riding Pegasus attempts to fly to Olympus. This ceiling fresco by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo (1696-1770) hangs in the Palazzo Labia, Venice, Italy.

Bellerophon spent many long years and accomplished many heroic deeds in the companionship of Pegasus, but in the end fell victim to the tragic flaw of hubris. Bellerophon attempted to fly up into heaven on his winged steed, but his pride and presumption drew the anger of the gods. Jupiter sent a gadfly, which stung Pegasus and made him throw his rider. The winged steed went on without him to become immortalized in the sky.

From this, we can gather that the Pegasus Syndrome is about people who are, on the one hand, blessed with divine aid and an ability to negotiate difficulties by rising above them. On the other hand, their success carries the danger of overreaching themselves.

In the story, Bellerophon unwisely attempted to fly to Olympus (overreach his potential). After achieving success, which was not entirely his alone, he took himself too seriously and mistakenly believed that Pegasus was subject to his will. However, it was Pegasus who made it to Olympus, and Bellerophon who fell. The moral of the story is that it is unwise to overestimate your abilities or take for granted a partner as the ‘lesser’ person, whom you can control. So, the Pegasus Syndrome is at once the seemingly blessed ability to ‘fly over any situation’, with the caution of reversals or lessons in humility — being ‘taken down a peg or two’.

As mentioned earlier, the brightest star in the constellation Pegasus shines above the Moon in the U.S. Sibly chart. Do any of these mythic themes sound vaguely familiar with regard to the United States as a nation: an heroic figure who achieved many significant victories, but then overreached and got knocked down a peg or two? After WWII the U.S. was the only nation to be both victorious and survive with its infrastructure intact. This put us on the course to become a superpower, both a financial and political hegemon. Since then, however, flying all over the world as a sort of world police has not worked out so well. While technically we can claim victory in the Cold War, we definitely got knocked down a peg in Vietnam, and the jury is still out on Afghanistan and Iraq. It’s a mixed bag at best. In this astrologer’s opinion the U.S. might even be the poster child for the Pegasus Syndrome, and as I have written elsewhere, should consider taking a more cautious approach toward both world relations and resources.

But what does all this have to do with you and me? In my missives on both the June and July Full Moons, I showed how in the summer months the Full Moon is illuminating the Summer Triangle and the mythic journey of the Hero/ine — inviting us to ‘live like stars’. Now, as autumn approaches, the Full Moon is lighting up a part of the sky that warns us of the consequences of taking this heroic journey too far. If the hero/ine doesn’t know when to call it a day, a season or a career, then the victory/treasure may be spoiled or lost. The Tao Te Ching sums up this wisdom in verse 44: To know when you have enough is to be immune from disgrace; to know when to stop is to be preserved from perils.

Depending on your circumstances, it may be time for you to take up one or two last adventures before summer officially ends, but if you venture forth, be aware of the dangers of flying too high or overreaching. If you are tempted to take on an epic adventure which requires great risks, it may be better to put it off until a time when you will have the opportunity to follow up with a second or third chance. It may also be time to simply call it a season and reflect on the lessons in the adventures you’ve already encountered. In either case, the message in the heavens just now is that when living like stars, we must still remain cognizant of our own mortality and fallibility, and not take foolish chances or indulge in self-aggrandizement.

P.S. If you are interested in contributing to the 2012 annual edition, please visit this page.

September: From Virgo to Libra

Dear Friend and Reader:

September is the month of the equinox. Whether you’re a reader in the Northern Hemisphere or the Southern, the Sun soon enters Libra, which is illustrated by scales — of balance, of duality and the ones held by Astraea, the goddess of justice. To me, the thing that stands out the most about Libra is its affinity for elegance and beauty.

Artifact of Bread & Puppet Theater in Vermont, probably from the late 1970s or so, which was hung over the bread-baking station at Dance New England dance camp. The name Bread & Puppet derives from the theater’s practice of sharing its own fresh bread, served for free with aioli with the audience of each performance as a means of creating community, and from its central principle that art should be as basic to life as bread. It’s also a pun on, and reclaiming of, the political phrase, bread and circuses — the things that politicians use to keep the masses disracted. Grain and its storage places are under the dominion of the sign Virgo. Photo by Eric Francis.

For the moment, the Sun is newly in Virgo, as is Venus. I’ll take things in order, covering the events of early September, then covering the equinox and Libra ingress. The Sun through Virgo is the last solar month of the season; every season ends with the Sun in a mutable sign.

There is one last holdover in Leo: Mercury, which was retrograde through most of August (and will be so through this Friday afternoon, Aug. 26). These phases can be a bit chaotic, though the last week in August has been (and still is) particularly hectic. Friday’s station direct comes just a few days after the Sun entered Virgo on Aug. 23. Mercury changes direction in an instant, but the retrograde process does not end all at once; it takes an extra few weeks to unravel. I would propose that the process will be complete Sept. 10, when Mercury and Chiron — two planets associated with Virgo — meet face to face.

This opposition is a moment of awareness and revelation, where what we think of separately as practical matters and spiritual matters confront one another. If you’re inclined to think of them as ‘separate’ things, take the opportunity to draw from one dimension into other, that is, feeling the presence of spirit in the most ordinary things you do, and giving your spiritual principles some specific job or purpose in the world. I recognize this is considered challenging, and that may be because it relates to one of the fundamental divisions we experience, and that every spiritual path seems designed to address. This dualism shows up in many forms — such as the perceived differences between mind and body, thought and action, or intention and outcome — or in the words of Dickens, fact vs. fancy (a distinction we could use more of lately).

Amanda. Photo by Eric Francis.

There’s something in this aspect about making sure your beliefs and the data confirm one another, or at least inform one another. Some of the opinions we argue for the most aggressively have no basis in observable facts. Some of the most obvious and established fact patterns still fail to make it into our belief systems as something worth considering. The world would not be nearly so troubled if we could negotiate this territory.

Think of Mercury opposite Chiron as a kind of council meeting, where Virgo (what is documentable) and Pisces (what we believe or accept on faith) are going to hold one another accountable. But Chiron is powerful in Pisces, focusing belief into faith, and Mercury is at home in Virgo, sure in its knowledge. Both placements are confident; this can be a real conversation, rather than the usual exchange of dogma.

You might conduct an experiment as this astrology develops. Take one thing you believe and defend and do a little fact checking. How does that belief check out? Can you verify it, or authenticate it? Or, consider something new you learn, which you have reason to believe is true. Does this knowledge influence your conduct? If you do this a few times, you might be surprised what you discover.

There is additional discovery as the Sun and Venus pass through mid-Virgo and make squares to the lunar nodes, which is another way of saying that it activates the Gemini solar eclipse of June 1. One peak time of this activation is the Pisces Full Moon of Sept. 12, another aspect that plays on the logic-intuition dichotomy. The Sun is positioned such that it goes deep into the belly of consciousness, with the feeling of ‘the brighter the light, the darker the shadows’. On the other side of the zodiac, the Moon is in a position that highlights intuition and creativity. Notably, this event is synchronous with the 10th anniversary of the Sept. 11 incident.

Teenagers take over the computer center at Dance New England dance camp last week. Photo by Eric Francis.

The Libra equinox is on Sept. 23. Changes of seasons are always special times, but at this phase of astrological history they are especially so because so many planets are collected at the early degrees of the cardinal signs. I’m referring mainly to Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn — but there is also an important (if rarely mentioned) point called Kronos in early Cancer. When the Sun ingresses Libra, it aspects all of these, and also picks up on Chiron in Pisces.

Because of this, seasonal changes might require bigger, more sudden adjustments than they would ordinarily. This process is being activated by the Sun, and the theme is self-expression. Because the sign involved is Libra, there must be some balance between ‘self’ and ‘expression’ if either is to be meaningful. I daresay this is a tricky one — whether we’re talking about keeping that balance in any creative process, or relational experience (self and other). Often it seems to be a razor’s edge, though veiled in the garb of Libra — which might come with the quest for social justice.

Remember that we tend to learn through conflict. There are other ways to learn, but humans seem to back themselves into this corner frequently. You might want to think back to what you learned from the various points of contention over the past couple of months — it’s been a rather sporting summer, and through your adventures I trust you’ve learned something about conflict resolution. Libra suggests there is a virtue to learning from all sides of the equation. There is validity to the viewpoints you find the most ridiculous (even if that comes in the form of figuring out what you don’t want, or cannot abide). Connect with the person beneath the opinion. Encounter the lover beneath the archetype. Reach inward for the Self beneath your story. That point of contact will help you stay grounded in what you know in your heart.


Additional research: Gary Caton.

PS: I have a detailed post on Mercury stationing direct available, and also a brief reading of the chart for Tuesday’s earthquake in Virginia. Plus the podcast I just posted is amazing — due entirely to its guest, a young man named Porter Eichenlaub, who has a lot to say about getting your education through direct experience. This is a must-listen for high school students, those who feel challenged by the structure of a college, or parents of such young folks.


Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope – September 2011

Revised and Updated! Click for Eric’s Zodiac Sign Descriptions

Aries (March 20-April 19) — I suggest you become more curious about your sense of emotional injury. Usually we avoid investigating this kind of thing when we can. Yet recent events might have stirred you up a bit, and that’s an invitation to go deeper. This is especially true if you’ve had any of those ‘I’m feeling something deep but I really don’t know what it is’ moments the past three or four weeks. Your charts give a clue: the picture shows a relationship between your sense of pride, the sensation of being hurt, and a particular way you tend to get stuck. Somewhere in your distant past, you were told it was wrong to be self-centered, which you took as meaning ‘centered in yourself’. The result, of course, would have been to knock you off-center, as if that were somehow good for you or anyone else. Self-centered vs. centered in yourself has many equivalents. I suggest you also sort out arrogant from confident; narcissistic from self-loving; needing attention from craving meaningful passionate contact with others. Underneath these distinctions is a deeper value. The first concept in each pair is about alienation, and the second is relational. The first involves a sense of injury and the second is about healing. Yet they’re not really opposites; they are related like shadow and light, which depend on one another to exist. If you want the light, it’s necessary to embrace what’s going on in your shadows. Both, treated with awareness, are sources of nourishment and wisdom.

Aries, your birth sign or rising sign, is getting some of the most potent transits of them all right now. I’ve recorded an hour of astrology and a tarot card reading for you. Learn more by visiting this page.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — There comes that point when the mental realm breaks through into the physical, as desire, decision or action — and you are at this point. The inner realm of ideas can be a lot of fun, considering what is possible and making plans for the future. It’s true that there are many possibilities, and you have many ways to express yourself. But thinking about things only goes so far. Suddenly experience becomes the journey, because it must. In my lexicon, experience means a direct experiment. Experiments start with a plan, but the whole point is that you don’t know the outcome. It’s easy to control one’s mind; it’s more challenging to guide it to be free. In an odd way, this takes discipline, which means focusing your desire to make an inquiry that is liberated from rules about the outcome. That’s when the experiment can really begin — and in a sense, it already has. You’ve been passing through a series of gateways, or more like choke points, and as you emerge through each of them you’re born into a slightly new awareness — each one closer to your body than your mind. These passages have served to wake you up to what is possible. When it comes to the actual, conscious experiment, you get to let go again, on a deeper level, sometimes involving another person — and sometimes for only a brief experience that teaches you a lot. Be sensitive to what each particular experience calls for.

I’ve recorded an hour of astrology and done a tarot reading especially for you. It’s information that will help with your relationships, your professional life and your personal growth. Visit this page to find out more.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Mercury is still cooling down from its recent retrograde. You will be working out the adventures and misadventures of the summer for the next few weeks, in a house that for you is about your immediate vicinity and your day-to-day affairs. Make sure you put extra emphasis on resolving unfinished business, despite your desire to move forward. There may be a particular ending that you need to focus on. One crisis of our society is how little attention we pay to closure. We leave the past behind as if it never happened, or in the alternate, slowly go mad with resentment. As a result we often live with the festering wounds of our families (in particular) for much of our lives. You’re at a point where a new kind of power is coming to you. You’re being summoned to unusual achievements, which is another way of saying that you’re activating your talent, potential and quest for the future. To focus that influence, it’s vital that you be clear about the meaning of your own history. I will give you a clue: it means less than you think, but for that to actually be helpful, you must be clear and see the influences for what they are. Your family — neurotic and contradictory as it was — is what made you unique. This is not a matter of discarding or moving beyond anything, but rather of integrating, accepting and making creative use of everything you’ve experienced in all of your time on the planet.

Gemini is one of the most misunderstood signs — and as someone born under this sign, part of your role is to hold a mirror to the world. I’ve recorded an hour of audio for you, plus a 20 minute tarot reading. You can get access to these by visiting this page.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Everything comes down to self-esteem. It’s the quality that mediates your relationship to yourself, to the world and all the people in it. I’m not one for claiming that something is a panacea, but for many reasons it would be wise of you to consider any question you face through the context of how you feel about yourself, and the degree to which you respect yourself. I believe this is true for everyone, but due to certain facts of your chart, and certain elements of the moment now, how you feel about yourself is the obvious, palpable tipping point of your existence. Notably, this inner quality will influence everyone around you. But self-love itself is not so obvious, and it’s wrapped in many taboos that you must violate in order to get where you’re going. I suggest you think not in terms of a goal or ultimate destination, but rather a feeling, and a sense of purpose that you can travel with. What practical actions have you already taken toward that end? What have you already accomplished? Look for specific examples, and then look for the pattern. You’ve accomplished more than you think. Where you’re at now is more about valuing and building on what you’ve started rather than starting anything new. Yet at the same time you may have a strong sense of starting over. To the extent it’s true, you’ve developed tools that you’re learning how to use. You are starting to understand something about your power: mainly — above all else — from where you stand right now, that you have the ability to choose.

I’ve recorded an hour of astrology and done a tarot reading especially for you. It’s information that will help with your relationships, your professional life and your personal growth. Visit this page to find out more.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Doubt does not work as a way of life, because doubt is not creative. Therefore, keep sending yourself positive messages about where you are, and what you can accomplish, in that order. The ‘who you are’ piece is one of those lifelong meditations for Leos. I know, it can be so certain, then so tenuous. Your sign is associated with gold, and your ‘planet’, the Sun, is a star — the center of our solar system. But the doubts and questions you’ve been addressing are human to the core. It’s strange how small disturbances, even those you forgot or thought you had resolved, can create a much deeper state of doubt than seems possible. What you have learned the past month, and are still discovering as Mercury works its way through your sign, is how to get out of your own way. This is a trick of the mind; so too is paralyzing doubt (or regret, or any form of anxiety). Yet when doubt seems to fixate on a deeper injury, or events from the past that still haunt you, that’s the time to be aware and make a decision. The past is gone, but a copy of it still exists as if written in a book. What you’re doing is rereading and reinterpreting the past — take that up actively. Be bold looking at old things, and old problems, in new ways. As you do this, one particular goal will come into focus, as will your faithful determination to make it real.

Hello Leo! Your birthday report is now available. I’ve recorded 70 minutes of in-depth astrology plus a 20 minute tarot reading for you, exploring relationships, personal growth and your professional life. Visit this page for additional information.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You are strong enough, and feel beautiful enough, to be yourself in your relationships — 100% yourself and nobody else. It might mean stating your desires honestly. It might mean standing up to someone in a way you never have before. It might mean making a decision based on nothing other than what you know to be true. One of the great challenges of human existence is creating a state of equality in our relationships. But there’s only one way to get there, as far as I can tell, which is calling ourselves fully present into our own lives. There comes a point where you know it’s better to be in no relationship at all than one that is not healthy for you, and that is the moment when equality is possible. This is a way of saying you have nothing to lose by being real, and it’s a way of saying you’re ready to offer yourself fully to the right situation. Now is the time to experience that sense of wholeness and self-sufficiency. In truth this idea goes far deeper than relationships, which get too much emphasis as the core meaning of life. Yet existence itself is a relationship — which might be between you and the other, between you and yourself, or between you and all that you don’t know. Being fully yourself means summoning your commitment to existence.

Eric is working on your birthday audio — we plan to have it available by this time next week. Please stay tuned!

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — There’s a fantastic musical from 1970 called The Me Nobody Knows. It explores the secret lives of inner city kids who put their feelings, observations and experiences into words. The play has no plot — only characters and a theme. In a similar way you come to the world with your own deeply introspective journey, your observations, and certain experiences that don’t seem to rise to the level of a story. Being totally open with yourself about this dimension of your life will help you feel strong, clear and grounded. Go beyond the familiar routines of your life directly into the feeling of existence. As you do, imagine what it would be like to speak your truth to the people around you, even as you discover it. Feel how bold and tentative this is at the same time, when you speak from an unfamiliar place and step out onto the edge of your awareness. That is the creative state: a kind of poignant unknown that you cannot hide from yourself. Shorn of intent or desire, something actually new can emerge. Shorn of judgment, you can allow your fears to come to the surface, where they have less power over you. Be aware of your sense of ambivalence and give it space to exist. There is indeed a you that nobody knows, and you’re discovering who this person is. Don’t rush; rather, listen and feel. You have no role to play, but rather a place to find where you are met by others who look at you through honest eyes.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Libra, please go to this link.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — You tend to be picky about your friends, and you hold them to a high standard. How much of that, I wonder, is a response to your feeling like you’re being judged and scrutinized by others? It looks like this scenario is starting to relax. If you’re feeling more welcoming of others on a social level, you can be sure they’re feeling more welcoming of you. It may seem that this is about letting go of social pretenses, and on one level it is. But the deeper aspect of that is about having reached the point where you have no option other than to be real. That’s drawing you out of your shell and giving you the courage to take a chance on a new kind of vulnerability. Making contact with your own creative force, and the deeper currents in your imagination, is a potent force for making contact with others in a way that is fully authentic. As you do this you will notice the people around you are more embracing than they’ve ever been, or rather, than you’ve ever noticed them being. Your own inhibitions played a role in isolating you from others, and in assuming that they were looking at you askance. Even if that happened in reality, sooner or later you will have to leave your impressions behind and proceed through life free of the prejudices past experiences burdened you with. Take the risk of creating your life in every moment. Life will return the favor by recreating you in every moment.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Scorpio, please go to this link.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — This is a complicated time for you personally — but don’t let that stop you from taking advantage of a moment when the door is open to a great achievement or two. It’s often true that the energy in all aspects of your life increases at the same time. On a personal level, you’re sorting out some potentially troubling, at the very least challenging, questions. Here is one. If you excel in the world, and shine in your chosen profession, does that make you a self-centered, egotistical so and so? Of course it doesn’t, but there are family influences (overt or sly) you might want to investigate, which propagated a belief that success is a sign of bad character. From the look of your charts, you’re in the somewhat uncomfortable position of being compelled to find your individuality, while at the same time pushing back against conditioning that until now you only had a scant clue existed. You will discover more of these influences as you continue to push — they are part of the same self-discovery process. Perhaps it would be more accurate to say a self-creation process, which feels a lot like taking back space that was taken from you. I reckon that as you do this, opportunities will open up in the world around you that match your inner growth. Just remember: even if you seem to get a lucky break, you worked for it — and you will need to put some focus into developing it.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Sagittarius, please go to this link.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Someone close to you may be acting like the human trampoline. I reckon they’re about done, none too soon, either. You cannot really control others, but you can definitely set limits on what you’ll tolerate. Meanwhile, you have more important matters on your mind, and you want to maintain a thoughtful and productive environment. That said, avoid an ‘all business’ attitude. Keep your flexibility and sense of play. You’re in a position of leadership, and that starts with holding a vision and then acting on it. That means bringing people around you into focus — and that is why anyone whose primary function is to rock the boat needs to spend a little time in the water. Yet make sure that you’re not contributing to any games. Be clear about what you want, first with yourself and then with others. At the same time, make careful note of how others influence you. Make sure that their lack of confidence does not become your own. You certainly might have empathy with someone who is feeling less than confident of themselves, but don’t have too much. The chances are that their crisis of confidence isn’t quite what they think it is. Therefore, don’t fall for it — and then if their state of mind influences you or anything you’re doing, address the matter directly with them. This is a moment for you to be steady and stable as a top priority, and though life has thrown you a few curves lately, you’re up for the challenge.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Capricorn, please go to this link.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You seem to be working a particular edge of your presence in the world. The feeling is something like ‘this is so new and strange, but I’m sure I’ve been here before’. Both are true. I want to suggest something bold, which is that you’re currently in the midst of a once-in-a-lifetime spiritual initiation. This is the challenging, painful, beautiful, interesting and necessary process of emerging into the world as the person you always knew you were inside. This may feel tentative and subtle at times, bold and inevitable at others. In this stage, the most meaningful thing is not what you accomplish or do in the world — rather, it’s tuning your perceptions and responses to a new frequency and feeling tone. For the moment, life is all about how you respond to it. You may notice yourself easing out of any competitive tendencies into more collaborative ones. You may be noticing the prevailing fear-based consensus reality for what it is — and in the same gesture understanding that this is simply not your way. Note that how you distinguish yourself and your individual nervous system from the toxic cloud of anxiety is by becoming more sensitive, not less. I know this feels like a big gamble in a world where so many people seem poised to assault at the least opportunity. Part of your evolutionary mission is to be on the forefront of people who actually feel safe on the planet.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Aquarius, please go to this link.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You live closer to the dreamtime than many people — indeed, nearly everyone. By this I mean that you stand with one foot in the unseen world, and the ‘real world’ often looks misty and strange to you. This moment in your life is about going as far beyond the veil as you can, into that other world, and then taking that insight and grounding it in tangible form in the physical plane. One of the gifts you have is the ability to sense the transient, delicate quality of the existence that we share. You may feel like you’re straddling two worlds, one that everyone agrees exists and another that few people believe is real. Remember, that doesn’t make it or your experience any less real. But as someone tapping into an alternate realm of knowledge, you may feel moments of isolation or exclusion. Part of how you’re working through that is by keeping at least one foot and part of your mind in the local world of experience, no matter how strange it seems. There is deep wisdom in exploring that quality of standing apart. I suggest you not rush through it. In order to feel your deeper connection to this world, it’s sometimes necessary to feel your sense of separation from it. This will give you perspective. With that perspective you will be able to sense where you are coming from — I mean that literally — and in the same gesture, have an unusually clear vision of where you are going.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Pisces, please go to this link.