The Day of Dogged Persistence: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is March 19
The Day of Dogged Persistence | Order Your 2019-20 Pisces Reading | All Other Signs

Keep your focus. You may feel at times as if anything can happen; yet you have the ability to rise above the chaos and apply your strong sense of resolve. Others are likely to look to you for structure and calm; you can set an example just through being yourself, which is enough for you to stand out. Approaching unfamiliar situations with discernment and a little caution should help you remain on the path.
— By Amy Elliott

Written for the Planets

We’re one day away from the Sun’s entrance into Aries — also known as the equinox. This marks the end of the current astrological year and the beginning of a new one. And shortly after the Sun makes its move tomorrow, the Moon will oppose it for a Full Moon in Libra. So you may be noticing some energy build, or feel an urge to move on to the next stage of something, especially in one or more of your relationships. There’s no need to rush that; in fact, the ongoing Mercury retrograde is a strong reminder to go easy in all things. Due to other factors, relational tension could also come through either as arousal or frustration related to an ingrained habit. How flexible can you be with a partner this week in terms of meeting each other’s needs — sexually, sensually, intellectually and socially?

Note also that today the Pisces Sun makes a square to Ixion in Sagittarius. Can you pursue your current spiritual quest or creative self-expression without repeating ethically questionable choices? If you’re not sure what that might mean, consider things like emotional, energetic and sexual boundaries. You have the potential to make a choice that works for all parties concerned, or that at least works for you in a way that does minimal harm to others. If you have a second chance at something, how do you plan to use it?
— By Amanda Painter

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