Photo by Amanda Painter.

Mercury-Chiron in Pisces, and What’s New on Planet Waves

Dear Friend and Reader:

We’re fully in the zone between eclipses, and the astrology is giving you a beautiful prompting to open up some space within you for this leg of the journey: Mercury conjunct Chiron, which is exact today in Pisces. It’s entirely possible this aspect is putting you in touch with some old injuries from childhood — messages that you could not do what you most loved to do, for example, or regrets over missed opportunities. Reminders of this material are coming through for a reason.

Let the old stories wash away. Bathers brave cold, clear La Mina Falls in El Yunque National Forest, Puerto Rico. Photo by Amanda Painter.

In your awareness of these triggers lies the potential to see just how much you’ve actually done, and the potential for some deep healing. I covered Mercury-Chiron in Monday’s Astrology Diary, and the comments section is filling rapidly with anecdotes of shared experience — both the struggles and the triumphs.

Eric’s not sure at this point whether he’ll be able to expand on the astrology later today with a Planet Waves FM broadcast, but if he does, we’ll mail an announcement. If not, we’ll highlight one of his programs that’s perfect for a replay.

In the meantime, if you’re still recovering from Monday or simply could use a cheerleader today, Britta Dubbels divulges her secret to personal happiness and radical self-love in her article from Cosmophilia. She notes that her open inner state did not ‘just happen’: “I’ve worked my butt off for my happiness.”

Sarah Taylor has delayed her tarot reading until today due to teaching some workshops this weekend, so check the main website later this afternoon for that. Amanda Moreno’s latest column considers the need for beliefs and archetypes to evolve. She writes, “As we shift into what Eric has called the ‘post’ 2012 era, I’m grateful for a spiritual framework and language such as astrology that helps us to know the faces of the gods, and relate to them through individual experience.”

In this week’s sex-and-relationships guest-post, writer and photographer David Steinberg recounts the sexual creativity (and eventual reform) engendered by the restrictiveness of his early 1960s college. He concludes that, “The Goddess most assuredly works in strange ways, not the least important of which may be teaching us how to use the difficulty of restrictive circumstances as a means of furthering our personal growth and development.”

Judith Gayle writes this week of the “celestial fireworks” that are punctuating a cultural sea change, as they manifested in a number of disquieting political developments both near and far. In the end, though — befitting the weeks between eclipses — she notes that, “To leave behind what is old, we must allow it expression, to be recognized and discarded.” Amen to that.

As always, visit the Planet Waves website around noon EDT today for Len Wallick’s column. I’ll be back early on Thursday (followed by Len) with the weekend’s astrological highlights, and Eric will have your extended monthly horoscopes for April in the Thursday night issue.

Whether you’re blazing ahead through this inter-eclipse zone or just trying to get your bearings, the cosmos is offering signposts. We’ll do our best to translate them.

Yours & truly,

Amanda Painter

P.S. Speaking of blazing ahead: do you have an Aries Sun, Moon or rising sign? Know and love someone who does? The Aries birthday reading is available for pre-order now, and it makes a great gift.

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