Aries (March 20-April 19) — Belief is best used as a tool, rather than as a block against something else that might be true. You’ve seen the value of opening your mind to new possibilities. Keep reminding yourself how helpful this is. Notice when you run into an old idea about life that slows you down or discourages you, and then come up with some new possibilities. What you observe now, in the present moment, is far more useful than the ideas that others put into your mind long ago. Ask yourself honestly what is true for you, and use what you discover. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Good things are happening. It will help immensely if you let one lead to the next, rather than deciding something isn’t good enough. Some of what you want can lead to more of what you want. Appreciate the details. Let yourself have the kind of fun you want the most: the intelligent kind. You don’t crave mindless diversion; you crave mindful engagement with life, and that’s what’s calling you. You have a passionate mind, and learning quite nearly anything is for you on the highest order of pleasure. Yes, that officially makes you unusual, which is a beautiful thing. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You’re learning how not to be informed by your insecurities. They seem so certain of themselves — which is strange, since they’re describing uncertainty. That alone should make them suspect. One thing you’re being guided to do over and over is to avoid placing your self-esteem in the hands of others. It seems to work for a while, but people and their attitudes can be flaky. Your respect for yourself must be based on your opinion alone. Others may say things that make you feel better or worse, or they may say nothing at all. Your truth about yourself is in your hands. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) — You have something to say, but will others receive or understand you? There are a few ways to consider this. One is to be as clear as possible. Another is to decide you don’t really care. Another is to trust that you will reach whomever you need to reach. In an era of billionaires and starving artists, success is a concept worth evaluating and defining for yourself. You are poised for some unusual breakthrough in the coming months, and comparisons to others will not get you too far. In any definition of accomplishment, remember to include happiness and peace of mind. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You must be shrewder with money, and you can be. You have the natural intelligence to do so, though you must invest in yourself. When you spend a dollar or swipe some plastic, ask yourself how you benefit, and for how long. Ask yourself who else benefits. Self-investment rather than mere spending is cumulative, and the results are durable. This involves time as much as it does money. Slow down, consider what you want, and devote yourself to experiences that will enrich your humanity and have lasting value. You’re worth it. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Don’t hesitate on a decision, especially if you know the right thing to do. You don’t need absolute certainty, nor is that really possible. This most likely involves a domestic matter. You might think that a choice made when you’re annoyed or irritated cannot be made well, though you might ask how many times you’ve been in this same position before during the past year or so. Sometimes you have to take action at the most obvious moment, move forward, and not look back or second-guess yourself. Your potential right now has more to offer than anything in the past. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
Soothe a Virgo Soul with the 2016 Birthday Reading
“Thanks, EFC and all of the wonderful folks at Planet Waves, for your thoughtful medicine to soothe the weary soul! — Elizabeth, after listening to the 2016-17 Virgo Birthday audio segments
Dear Friend and Reader:
Have you been trying to figure out what to get your favorite Virgo Sun or Virgo rising loved one? Having Mercury, Virgo’s ruling planet, currently retrograde in that sign suggests they might be feeling extra-introspective, and we have the perfect gift idea:
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Photo by Amanda Painter.
The 2016-17 Virgo Birthday Reading — still available for the low pre-order price of only $19.97 — even though the audio portions of the reading are available now for instant access.
In addition to the two audio segments, your Virgo gift recipient will receive Eric’s singular video tarot reading and any summary thoughts as soon as he records them.
We’re now halfway into ‘the eclipse zone’ kicked off by the Virgo New Moon. If ever a moment was ideal to tap into the deeper power of this sign through expert astrology, this is it.
If you’re sitting on the fence about this reading (either for a loved one or for yourself), you’re welcome to listen to last year’s Virgo reading, as a gift from us. Consider it a Mercury-retrograde-worthy review resource, as well as a way to check Eric’s accuracy and see just how nuanced, clear and encouraging he is in these readings.
“Thank you for your loving guidance for making the most of Virgo’s upcoming prime time in the personal houses.” — Cheryl Corson, on a recent Virgo reading
I don’t expect the discounted price to last much longer, so I’d encourage you to take advantage of this beautiful Virgo moment and order the 2016-17 Virgo Birthday Reading today.
Yours & truly,
Amanda Painter
Planet Waves Astrology Editor
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You are the gathering point, the focus of your community. Handle that role graciously and without pretense. Your task may be social and may be visible, though it’s humbler than it might seem. As a benefactor, your role is to help people. As a magnet for group energy, your role is to help people get to know one another, and to get along. Resist any temptation to be judgmental, and say less rather than more. You’re likely to be called upon to help resolve a conflict, and it will help if you’re perceived as being genuinely neutral. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — A longstanding financial issue is coming to a head. When you make peace with certain limits you know exist, you will also begin to see your true potential. Think of restrictions and boundaries as things that you first acknowledge and honor, and then gradually figure out how to move beyond. You will benefit from greater attention to financial structure. From that you will discover that a measure of imposed order leads the way to greater economic freedom. You would benefit from the help of a guide, teacher or professional to help you get yourself organized. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You seem ready to outgrow a concept of yourself that has long been a point of frustration. Just remember your inner growth is not a revolt of a child against a parent. You are an adult, and that means keeping perspective, and acting in your own best interests. What you want seems to be exceeding what your current life will allow you to have, though you must surpass that limit gently and persistently. That means taking some tangible action every day, and giving yourself credit for having done so. One step and then another will dependably take you to the next stage of your life. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Mindfulness is the only way to learn from your fears, but they have something to teach you. The most important is pointing out places where you lack trust, be it in your own strength or in the universe to take care of you. Remind yourself regularly that you have the experience and the intelligence to guide your life, and to respond to any situation that might arise. This ongoing process is nothing less than the cultivation of actual faith in yourself. For you these days, the key to any door or puzzle is courage. A little goes a long way. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You’re only limited by what you think is possible. You would serve yourself well to challenge any concept about yourself or the world that effectively blocks your willingness to take action, or to make improvements in your life or your wider environment. However, possible does not mean easy, nor is there any guarantee of success. The closest you will come is really, truly wanting to accomplish something specific. Then even challenges can and must serve as inspiration and motivation. Focus your vision. Be clear about what you want to do, and you’re much likelier to make it happen. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Your success this month will come from a blend of unusual ambition (for a Pisces anyway) and a newfound ability to negotiate for what you want. In the civilized world, these are the two factors that usually get the job done. Yet you would be wise to distance yourself from any need for approval from authority figures. In fact you must become your own boss in every respect: manager, cheerleader and creative consultant. And remember that cooperation, not competition, is necessary for any truly beneficial progress. So take charge of yourself, and boldly foster an environment of cooperation. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.