Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for August, 2016

Posted by Eric F Coppolino


This is a separate post with just the extended Planet Waves monthly forecasts for August 2016, covering all 12 Sun signs and rising signs. Extended horoscopes, and weekly horoscopes by Eric Francis are available on this website to Core Community and Backstage Pass holders. They are also emailed directly to all subscribers, including basic subscribers.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for August, 2016, #1110 | By Eric Francis

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Much of what’s been shocking the world for the past few months involves your birth sign or your primary planet, Mars. This may be resulting in change, clarity or some chaos. You may know that the great astrological event of our era — Uranus conjunct Eris — is happening in Aries. For its part, Mars, on a long visit to Scorpio, has been provoking some results out of the conjunction. Personally, this could be serving to get you interested in being free. By that I mean participating in your relationships on new terms, able to make ongoing choices about who in this world you’re intimate with. The notion that one must give up nearly all close contact with people for the sake of one relationship actually works for very few people. It’s altogether reasonable that anyone would choose to coexist on their own terms. If you notice one thing, maybe it will be this: the social rules that pressure people to be certain always seem to be rooted in the past, but really they are held in place by peer pressure. Couples are often more influenced by the group around them than they are by their own values and ethics. Where do you stand on this? Once you’re solid with yourself and your partner, or potential partner, it’s much easier to do what you want, no matter what the crowd is up to. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — What the world needs is stability, though what most people don’t recognize is that they must bring this to the equation of life themselves. Consistency is something that grows from the inside out. It’s up to you to provide that in your life and, to some extent, in those of the people around you. At the same time, you’re being summoned in the direction of a change or breakthrough. That may seem like it’s about some total shakeup; it’s really about deepening your creative journey. If you’re someone who has made a life of suppressing your curiosity, your desire and your creative impulses, this may indeed seem total. If you’ve stayed in contact with your passion, you may understand the idea of integrating the ability to maintain some consistency with the ability to experiment, stretch and grow. In any event, you seem to be working out some significant blockage right now, and it will be worth the effort. The resistance you’re addressing is on the level of your agreement with existence. You might think of this as ‘getting a new religion’. Your old religion goes back a long way. You’ve already figured out some of what you cannot abide. For example, you need peers, not parents. You need the power to negotiate and enter agreements rather than having morals imposed on you. You need the clear view of a future that you can abide. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — The more you cling to your reality, the shakier it will seem. If you can hang loose, you’ll find it much easier to adapt. It might seem that your adjustments mainly involve people and their changing needs and desires. In truth this is about you. There are certain outer circumstances, such as work or partnerships, that seem to protect you from the truth that you’re growing and changing on a constant basis. It’s true that Gemini is the master of being a different person every day, though I’m referring to something deeper. For example, possibly you’re becoming aware that you need your family of choice around you, rather than your family of origin. You may have ideas about how you want to structure your home, or where you want to live. Most of all, you have ideas about what will help you feel safe and secure on the planet in a time when that’s an extremely rare commodity. You may not have the answer to that, though you may also recognize that certain factors in your environment run contrary to that goal. If you discover and acknowledge that something or someone aggravates you, you have the power to remove that influence. Don’t expect it to go away or mysteriously get better. You know it’s your job to take care of yourself. It’s your job to make your own decisions. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — You may seem to be building your fortunes at the same time you’re dealing with constant uncertainty. In fact you’re standing on more stable ground than you may recognize; what you need to do the most is to keep your priorities in order. Stick close to your core mission and your minimum needs. Understand your motives and remind yourself what they are when you forget. It’s true that you see all kinds of potentials and many possible paths to the future. You cannot tell at this point which are valid and which are not. Yet the one thing that all paths have in common is your feet. Therefore, keep the abstractions to a minimum and focus on what is tangible: that is, what produces the results that you want, and how that fits into a larger pattern. Focus on the short- and medium- range, living one day at a time. Set goals you can accomplish, and notice your feeling of even the most mild achievement when you get something done — then move on quickly to the next tangible goal or project. At this time, it’s necessary to invoke the future with care and caution. For you, the future is not what you want to do, but rather who you want to be. And you can be that person exactly where you are right now. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

Planet Waves

Photo by John Wilkinson / Cape Town. Live it. Love it.

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Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You are standing at an intersection in your journey through space and time. There are a few ways to look at this: for example, you might take the more challenging route or the easier one. You might choose to be jealous or forgiving. You might choose to deceive, or to tell the truth. All of those potentials are open, and many more. Yet what I suggest you not do is let ‘fate’ decide. You must determine the approach you want to take to life, and understand your motives for doing so. It would help if you recognize that subtle choices and shifts of energy can make far greater differences than seems obvious. In that environment it makes no more sense to leave your life to luck or destiny than it does to take your eyes off the highway for a few minutes when you’re driving 75 miles per hour. When you’re driving, minuscule decisions can have profound outcomes. Trusting to seeming fate is not appropriate, though for you right now it’s a real temptation. Why you might do that is another question, and it involves your experience of your power. Most of the time it’s far less nerve-wracking to be ineffectual and subject to the whims of others. Invoking one’s own strength and influence can seem dangerous. Fear of failure and fear of success can both loom large. But they are not equal values. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You have spent well over a year stretching into a new idea of who you are, which has not been easy. This has involved learning, absorbing and evaluating the tendencies of others, and establishing a dependable relationship to your environment. All of this leads back to one experience: existing in an unfamiliar state. This is the very definition of being ‘out of one’s comfort zone’. This has persisted so long you’re finally getting accustomed to the feeling, even if you don’t have tangible confirmation of why this process has been so important. You’re likely to get a solid clue as to the meaning of what you’ve experienced, and how what amounts to a transformation will shape your future. Turn the clock back to January 2015, and tune into the feeling at that time in your life. How were you doing on themes like your sense of purpose, your sense of your potential and your desire to live? How does this contrast with today? You may feel like you’ve got more than you can handle. You might feel pushed to exceed your current capacities. What’s really happening is that you’re flushing yourself out of a corner you hung out in for way too long, and are getting a taste of what life has to offer. You can now start to make some refinements and adjustments. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Jupiter will soon be arriving in your sign; that happens on Sept. 9, for the first time in 12 years. Until then, you may feel like you’re stuffed with potential but are having a difficult time expressing any of it. You might be feeling a bit trapped within yourself. I suggest you hold that space as consciously as you can. Feel all that energy you have inside of you. You’re under no special obligation to sort it all out. Let the elements you contain mix and match as they please for now, and see what ideas come to you. I do suggest that you leave yourself at least one creative vent. It might be writing every day, or drawing, or taking pictures, or playing music — though it will help abundantly if it’s an active vent rather than a passive one (i.e., participating rather than observing). You’re not doing this for any special goal, or you don’t have to. Rather, it’s about staying limber and expressive, and keeping contact with your inner world. To this end, keeping a dream journal for the next two months could provide a resource that you treasure for a lifetime, because that’s the most likely way that you will get a sense of your own potential. Notice, feel and observe the way that your sense of self comes in and out of focus. Then keep noticing. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — You seem to be getting yourself moving dependably enough to set some new goals. By necessity, you’ve invested considerable time and energy this year into resolving the past, and addressing some emotional issues. This has added up to one necessary development: being honest with yourself. Why exactly is this such a challenge, and not just for you but for so many? The answer can be found in one emotion: guilt. I don’t mean regret for something you actually did wrong. Rather, I mean that nagging, toxic sensation of self-questioning. Among other things, guilt is an adhesive that sticks us to the past. Seen one way, this is a vastly complex issue; seen another, it’s as simple as: what would you do if you didn’t feel guilty? Have you ever questioned how one emotion, taught to all children and enforced with a real degree of violence, can so deeply mess with the relationship you have to yourself? And have you considered that’s the main purpose? By now it’s likely you’ve come to an emotional-level understanding of who you are and what you want. Your new learning goal, as I see it, is how to be that person unabashedly. If you feel resistance, notice that and keep going. It will be a combination of optimism and persistence that keep you going through the next month — to a much better place. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Powerful forces of change are at work in your life. They point to one thing, which is the need for flexibility. Sagittarius is the most interesting blend of broad, sweeping vision (skipping the fine points) and total obsession over every last detail. You may be leaning toward the control/detail side of the equation, though you would benefit from more emphasis on your larger ideas. This may be a case of how all the facts in the world don’t add up to the truth, but the truth can be supported by certain facts. Mars will be back in your sign all month, and it’s driving you to explore life from a space of passion and freedom of being. As you do that, you may notice an obstacle. This is not a physical block but rather an idea that’s separating you from your life force. You may feel the desire to confront whatever this is, though you might take the nonviolent approach and ask yourself: is this true? What good is this serving? The belief may be so deeply rooted as to count for religion. Yet it’s likely to lack any poetic elegance or mark of the divine. It’s more like some huge should or should not. What is this doing where it is? You don’t need any self-governing devices. You merely need to make decisions that make sense and feel right, to you. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Pay close attention to your level of anxiety as the next few weeks unfold. Indeed, it would be wise of you to invest a little extra time and space into your inner life, whatever that means to you. Sagittarius, the sign right before yours, is the one that relates to your inner being. Mars will be in there, making a conjunction to your ruling planet Saturn. This could be the formula for a struggle — or it could be the perfect setup you need to help you figure out how, exactly, you can live in peace with yourself. You might get over the idea that you need all the answers, right now. You might set aside the notion that you can control what is true and what is not (which is usually done by ignoring valid information). There is, however, something else. What you thought to be true in the past and what you know to be true today are not compatible. It would seem like you’re trying to reconcile the two, and not very successfully. One last clue: that previously true thing was true for your parents, not for you. And if you find yourself in the midst of some anxiety-producing crisis, it’s really about trying to please them, or somehow live up to some expectation in the past that has nothing to do with you and never did. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You can afford to sidestep controversy and conflict. In fact, you would be wise to do so — and to invest your energy in more productive things. You might want to keep that skill close to the top of your personal toolkit this month. You will find that if you use your diplomatic resources, you will have much more influence over your environment. Nobody is asking you to suffer fools but rather to know how to deal with them effectively. Relate to everyone on the level of their agenda. That will help you fulfill your agenda, about which you need to be abundantly clear. That is to say: know what you’re working for; be clear about the specific goals you have in mind; and then fit that together with all the people you need to cooperate with you. I suggest keeping that number as low as possible, and placing emphasis on those whom you actually understand, and who are responsive and engaging. Remember: you have a vision. You are working diligently to bring that vision to fruition. You know how tricky this is in a world where everything seems to change every five minutes, and where the one thing you need is stability. Succeeding under the bizarre conditions of the world right now depends on having special skills. You have them, or you’re learning. Make sure you use what you know. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Now you must do all the things that no astrology book ever said a Pisces was good at: exert strong leadership skills, be practical, and focus on clear objectives. It’s time for you to be a taskmaster, which means a master of tasks. And you must do all the things for which we know and love those born under your sign: express empathy, take everyone’s needs into account and, most of all, be artful in everything that you do. This combination of factors will help you get to a new place in life, one that you’ve been reaching towards for many seasons running. Certain factors might lead you to be impatient; work with that as a resource, like fuel that you burn slowly and carefully rather than all at once. At other times you might get pushy; turn that down to the smallest, most invisible flame that you use to prod people gently rather than aggressively. What you must always remember is that your efforts to shape ‘the world’ or your life are really all experiments in self-becoming. You are, above all other factors, in a profound phase of character formation. It’s therefore essential that you focus on being rather than on doing. Keep your life in order and in balance. Make time for what you love, and learn to come from that place all the time. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

4 thoughts on “Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for August, 2016

  1. Priya

    Thanks Eric! What you say for Libra feels spot on! I’ve been feeling like I’m being cooked in a soup with things being added and stirred all the time!….feeling all that fire and water intensely and not knowing what to do….except to experience being cooked on a slow fire :) ….I hope I can be conscious enough to not let anything else catch fire :)

  2. Roni WiseRoni Wise

    Pretty brilliant, you’re on fire along with everyone else. Strange days indeed, best to back up into my observation mode and sift through my stuff as I see a big decision looming in my future. ( cancer, Virgo rising)

    I’m finding it fascinating everyone in my life has the same signs, just in a different order creating a tolerance for each other because everyone has experienced each other’s position

  3. LizzyLizzy

    “For you, the future is not what you want to do, but rather who you want to be. And you can be that person exactly where you are right now.” Thank you, dear Eric.

  4. Pisces SunPisces Sun

    Leo Rising: “You are standing at an intersection in your journey through space and time. There are a few ways to look at this: for example, you might take the more challenging route or the easier one.”
    Pisces (natal) Sun: “Now you must do all the things that no astrology book ever said a Pisces was good at: exert strong leadership skills, be practical, and focus on clear objectives. It’s time for you to be a taskmaster, which means a master of tasks…You are, above all other factors, in a profound phase of character formation.” I am grateful that you laced the horoscope with subtleties filled with love and balance as the proper foundation for leading my own life! Always spot on in your horoscopes Eric. I sense a high energy of urgency everywhere and to read your interpretations of the cosmos as it relates to me, once again, awakens my spirit. Thank you!

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