Author Archives: Amy Jacobs

Through Ohio, and Deeper Into the Heart

Our crew in Columbus, OH.  Can you feel the explosion? Photo by Harold German Bustamante.

Our crew in Columbus, OH. Can you feel the explosion?
Photo by Harold German Bustamante.

Part 1   Part 2   Part 3   Part 4   Part 5   Part 6   Part 7

By Amy E. Jacobs

Third night, 2am, Columbus, OH. 30+ cars lining the streets of a suburban neighborhood. Sleeping bags on every inch of floor space in the house of a supporter gracious enough to offer to a place to stay. Guitar music filtering in from the backyard. A group of organizers huddled over laptops at the kitchen table.

Oh yeah, and a movie star thrown in the mix as well.

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The Peace Train Arrives in Philly

I got a chance to sit next to Bernie Sanders at a coffeeshop in Philadelphia!  This friendly doll was just one of hundreds of very creative visuals at the protests outside City Hall. Photo by: Amy Jacobs.

I got a chance to sit next to Bernie Sanders at a coffeeshop in Philadelphia! This friendly doll was just one of hundreds of very creative visuals at the protests outside City Hall. Photo by: Amy Jacobs.

Part 1   Part 2   Part 3   Part 4   Part 5   Part 6   Part 7

By Amy E. Jacobs

Amy Jacobs has been traveling from the western US toward the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia. This is the fifth article in her series. You can read the fourth one here.

Greetings from Philadelphia! The city of brotherly love, the Liberty Bell and, currently, two thirty-foot-long inflatable joints with the slogans “End the racist drug war!” and “Berned by the DNC!” – among many other fascinating visuals.

I haven’t had a chance to write for two days, and only have time for a quick update right now. As you can imagine, there is a lot going on here.

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Am I really going to write about love again?

The UpToUs crew at our campsite outside of Ferguson, MO -- we're getting bigger! Photo by Ethan Au Green.

The UpToUs crew at our campsite outside of Ferguson, MO — we’re getting bigger!
Photo: Ethan Au Green.

Part 1   Part 2   Part 3   Part 4   Part 5   Part 6   Part 7

By Amy E. Jacobs

Amy Jacobs is currently driving from the western US toward the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia. This is the third article in her series. You can read the second one here.

As I look over my notes from the past 24 hours, that is the thought that pops into my mind.

As a reporter, my tendency is to veer away from the nebulous world of human subjective experience; although I am also sharing some personal commentary with you, I want to keep the focus on the facts — my job is to let you know what is actually going on here. But it seems impossible to even begin today’s article without immediately stepping into the emotional realm.

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UpToUS Caravan Heads to Philadelphia

The Purple Party Bus,part of the UpToUs Caravan, on the road in Nebraska. Photo by Ethan Au Green.

The Purple Party Bus, part of the UpToUs Caravan, on the road in Nebraska. Photo: Ethan Au Green.

Part 1   Part 2   Part 3   Part 4   Part 5   Part 6   Part 7

By Amy E. Jacobs

Amy Jacobs is currently driving from the western US toward the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia. This is the second article in her series. You can read the first one here.

At about 7:30pm on Tuesday, a school-bus sized purple RV pulled up outside the Boulder Theater in downtown Boulder, CO, to cheers from the small crowd outside.  The orange “#UPTOUS” painted on the back window declared its affiliation.

Parked on the streets were more cars with similar decorations, like “#SeeYouInPhilly” and “Make the Movement Move.”

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UpToUs 1

On the Road With the UpToUS Caravan

Part 1   Part 2   Part 3   Part 4   Part 5   Part 6   Part 7

By Amy E. Jacobs

Spare tire. Check. Oil change. Check. Bar of white soap for drawing hashtags on car windows. Check.

Place to stay my first night in Lincoln, NE? No idea, but there’s a Facebook page for that.

I’m about to embark on a journey from Boulder, CO, to Philadelphia, PA.  I will be part of a cross-country caravan of progressive activists traveling to the Democratic National Convention. It’s already exhilarating, and I’m not even on the road yet.

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