Author Archives: Amanda Painter

A New Moon Prelude to a New Year

By Amanda Painter

‘I wish it need not have happened in my time’, said Frodo.

‘So do I’, said Gandalf, ‘and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.’

— J.R.R. Tolkien

I know so many people who just want to forget that 2016 ever happened. And I get it: between the global shocks and upsets, the deaths of beloved celebrities, and what looks like the complete undoing of any semblance of functional government about to commence, collectively we’ve been put through the wringer.

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Astrological Gifts — Chimney and Stocking Not Required

By Amanda Painter

‘Twas the day after solstice, and all through the sky, the planets were stirring — though heaven knows why…

Sorry — could not resist! Yesterday the Sun entered Capricorn for the solstice: the shortest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere (longest in the Southern Hemisphere). From here on out, the days will gradually get longer, even if they also get colder for a while. More immediately, however, the weekend astrology looks conducive for holiday celebrations, should Christmas or Chanukah be one of your traditions.

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The Sun, the Galactic Center and You

Combined images from several space telescopes pointed into the Galactic Center. Photo by NASA/ESA/SSC/CXC/STScI

Combined images from the Hubble Space Telescope, Spitzer Space Telescope and the Chandra X-ray Observatory, all pointed into the Galactic Center. Photo by NASA/ESA/SSC/CXC/STScI

By Amanda Painter

How aware are you of your impact on others — especially on the wider world beyond your immediate personal interactions? Come to think of it, how often do you truly get to know your full impact on those individuals with whom you are in direct contact?

I ask because the astrology from now through the weekend seems to emphasize that kind of awareness.

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Open Outcome: Gemini Full Moon

Tomorrow is the last Full Moon of 2016. This calendar year has been anything but dull, and a general mood of questioning and uncertainty seems to prevail. Yet where there are questions, there is opportunity for new solutions.


A stunning Full Moon rising over the Temple of Aphaia, Aigina, Greece. Photo by Anthony Ayiomamitis.

This Full Moon will occur with the Sun in Sagittarius and the Moon in Gemini; it will be exact at about 7:05 pm EST (00:05:29 UTC on Wednesday).

Given what a polarizing year this has been, particularly in the U.S. and the U.K., this Full Moon comes as a timely reminder to be extra aware of moments when you feel like your buttons are getting pushed. And if some interpersonal situation feels stuck, know that it might begin to resolve as the Full Moon peaks.

We all know that the holidays can be a stressful time, even when good things are happening. With a Full Moon in the mix, it’s helpful to remember that you (or those around you) might have a harder time rolling with the unexpected. Gemini, Sagittarius and this season in general can all tend toward spreading oneself rather thin. It’s okay to keep tabs on your needs, to set boundaries or say ‘no’ to yet another event or obligation.

Note that the Full Moon is square to Chiron in Pisces, which is a reminder that any situation in which you feel nervous or uncomfortable, or just unsure, is also an opportunity for healing. Growth (and emotional/spiritual healing contributes to growth) most often happens when we’ve been pushed, squeezed or stretched a little.

How able we are to come at the situation with some imagination and faith often makes a big difference. Chiron in Pisces suggests both are available should you choose to use them.

Bear in mind that we’ll enter next year with Mercury retrograde (it stations retrograde on Dec. 19). That period of easing and slowing to come could well be a welcome relief. Following your Mercury retrograde protocol of double-checking everything and practicing patience might actually help you to create some needed space for yourself.

Time is required to process what has occurred this year, and to prepare for whatever is ahead. To a certain extent, this Full Moon can help with that. It’s saying there is more than one possible outcome; probably many. Rest assured, you have options.

— with Amy Elliott

John Glenn, first American to orbit the Earth

John Herschel Glenn, the last of NASA’s original Mercury Seven astronauts — the first group of Americans to pilot manned spacecraft — died yesterday. He was 95 years old.

John Glenn in his Mercury pressure suit in preparation for launch of the Mercury Atlas 6 (MA-6) rocket. Photo: NASA

John Glenn in his Mercury pressure suit in preparation for launch of the Mercury Atlas 6 (MA-6) rocket. Photo: NASA

Glenn is perhaps most famous for being the first American to orbit the Earth, aboard the Friendship 7 spacecraft in 1962. Later, at age 77 in 1998, he became the oldest person in space aboard the Space Shuttle Discovery.

A U.S. Marine combat pilot, test pilot, engineer, astronaut and four-term U.S. Senator, Glenn fought in both WW II and the Korean War. It was in that later conflict that he earned the nickname “magnet ass” from his apparent ability to attract enemy flak. Glenn also completed the first supersonic transcontinental flight in 1957.

Glenn was born July 18, 1921, at 4:00 pm in Cambridge, Ohio — putting his Sun in late Cancer. (Scroll down to see his chart.) Almost a Full Moon baby, his Moon is in mid-Capricorn; his ascendant is early in exploratory Sagittarius. Of note, Glenn also has hypothetical point Transpluto, asteroid Pallas, Mars, Mercury and Pluto all in Cancer.

One might not expect someone with a strong Cancer signature in their chart to be quite such a high-stakes risk taker. But as with real estate, one key to interpreting planetary placements is location, location, location:

All of those Cancer planets and points are in the 8th house of death, sex and transformation.

As Eric quipped in an email last night, “No wonder he was not afraid to sit on top of that untested Atlas rocket. He’s practically a shaman. Alive? Dead? Same difference.”

Len Wallick further suggested that Glenn’s natal Mars, in particular, speaks to his courage.

The Mercury astronauts were the subjects of Tom Wolfe’s famous novel The Right Stuff (and the popular movie of the same name), which shows the men to be the rather wild thrill-seekers that they were — despite NASA’s attempts in the 1950s and ‘60s to present them all as perfectly clean-cut, All-American boys.

In conversation, Eric mentioned, “Funny how Tom Wolfe portrays Glenn as a pious prude.” Yet, not only did he not die due to reckless behavior (cause of death has not been disclosed, but his health was declining, as one might expect at 95), he also has never been known for personal reckless behavior. His one “scandal” involved taking an ill-advised donation from Charles Keating while a Democratic Senator. Not only was he exonerated for that, he was still able to win reelection afterwards.

No doubt Glenn’s Cancerian influence and North Node in Libra contributed to his long and reportedly solid marriage to his high school sweetheart, Anna Margaret Castor, who survives as his widow. And while a Capricorn Moon can hide a deeply sexual side to a person, it might also indicate a great ability to compartmentalize. Glenn might not have been out getting into trouble the way his fellow Mercury Seven astronauts were, but as Eric noted further, “He worked the edge his way.”

As indicated by Jupiter and Saturn straggling his Virgo Midheaven, the ‘right stuff’ in John Glenn’s case may have been a precise, detail-oriented combination of expansion and discipline. If you’re going to burn hard and not burn up, apparently you need to know exactly where those limits are so you can dance along them into old age.

Natal chart for John Hirschel Glenn, Jr. View glyph key here.

Natal chart for John Hirschel Glenn, Jr. View glyph key here.

Doing What You Must: Participating With Purpose

Note: This piece, published on its own earlier today, is standing in for Eric’s originally planned essay. The full issue, with horoscopes and the CREATE feature, is in this post; if you commented on the earlier version of this piece, that post is further down the page.

Dear Friend and Reader:

Although the particulars will vary between individuals and among communities (both in-the-flesh and online), we seem to be in a moment of rich awareness and potential for participating with purpose. Issues like the standoff at Standing Rock and post-election developments are commingling with people’s usual end-of-year charitable giving habits and, of course, both religious and secular ideas about the spirit of compassion inherent in Christmas. Even if you do not celebrate Christmas, if you’re in the U.S. (among other countries), you’re surrounded by its themes.

Doing What You Must: Participating With Purpose

By Amanda Painter

Although the particulars will vary between individuals and among communities (both in-the-flesh and online), we seem to be in a moment of rich awareness and potential for participating with purpose. Issues like the standoff at Standing Rock and post-election developments are comingling with people’s usual end-of-year charitable giving habits and, of course, both religious and secular ideas about the spirit of compassion inherent in Christmas. Even if you do not celebrate Christmas, if you’re in the U.S. (among other countries), you’re surrounded by its themes.

Photo by Amanda Painter

Photo by Amanda Painter

The astrology as we head into the weekend looks custom-made for this environment, and for getting involved.

First of all, the Sun is always in Sagittarius this time of year, which highlights many themes around philosophy, religion, how we perceive and respond to humanity, and even the heightened urge to socialize despite the shortening days. Between Friday and Saturday, the Sagittarius Sun makes a pair of aspects (really one event) to two major planets, Jupiter and Saturn. A handful of other planets within range add some extra flavor.

First, the Sun will make a sextile to Jupiter in Libra (exact at 4:39 pm EST / 21:39 UTC Friday). Sextiles are harmonious aspects that offer their full benefit when we actively work the energy. According to astrologer Isabel Hickey, Sun-Jupiter sextiles provide a useful boost for almost any activity. Astrologer Robert Hand notes that this aspect can particularly strengthen the desire to participate in something larger than yourself.

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Making Values Count in the Face of Chaos

By Amanda Painter

You might be feeling a push to put your money where your mouth is, whether literally or figuratively — and I see an astrological correlation for that. I’ve been more aware than usual this week of people around me picking up the phone to make calls to state and local members of government and the White House, and to other bodies of authority. Friends seem to be committing to donating to causes with new urgency.

Photo by Amanda Painter

Photo by Amanda Painter

Both donating money and taking other action come down to values, and specific ways to demonstrate them: what is important to you, and how can you show that tangibly? While Mars is considered the ‘action planet’, Venus is the planet we look to regarding questions of values, as well as material objects of value (money being a stand-in for something more tangible like gold).

Venus is currently in Capricorn: one of the cardinal signs known for initiating seasons, and therefore symbolic of other forms of initiative. So that seems to be where the ‘taking action’ piece comes in, on one level. Capricorn also emphasizes the material or financial angle.

Yet the urge to express one’s values is being further pressed by Venus making a square to Eris in Aries, exact today at 3:08 am EST (8:08 UTC). (Uranus is still close to Eris; Venus was square Uranus on Tuesday; so really, Venus is effectively square Uranus and Eris.) What this brings into the equation is all the chaos, confusion and surprise of the election season — indeed, of the last year.

The question Venus square Eris seems to be asking is, “How will you demonstrate, with tangible action, your core foundation of values in the face of the current turmoil we’re living through?” Your answer will be unique to you, though it may overlap with how others choose to answer. You may even find yourself taking similar actions compared with others, yet in support of directly opposite values.

In any case, if you are feeling overwhelmed with wondering ‘what can I do?’ in the face of our current state of affairs, sitting and fretting is not the long-term answer. Taking some form of action is. Depending on your values that could include dedicating more time to prayer or meditation for the highest good, especially with the Sun and Mercury in Sagittarius.

Mars, the traditional ‘action planet’, is playing a supporting role over in Aquarius. From there, it is making an air-sign trine to Jupiter in Libra (ruled by Venus), exact Thursday at 10:46 pm EST (3:46 UTC Friday).

Mars-Jupiter trines tend to ease the way through optimism, sincerity, straightforwardness, and an emphasis on justice and responsibility. They support travel and physical movement, too. Should you be feeling pushed to ‘travel’ outside your comfort zone to act on your values, Mars-Jupiter may help — after all, both Aquarius and Libra emphasize interpersonal relating (one-on-one and with groups).

A final note about Mercury: Friday at 4:18 pm EST (21:18 UTC), it enters Capricorn. Mercury in Capricorn tends to indicate good concentration and memory, attention to detail, and a more down-to-earth mentality.

That kind of mental landscape or tone is mighty useful as we head into the thick of holiday social demands and shopping. Yet there’s a catch: overnight from Thursday into Friday, while in late Sagittarius, Mercury will enter its pre-retrograde ‘shadow’ or ‘echo’ phase, in preparation for stationing retrograde on Dec. 19.

On one level, this is a reminder to begin noticing particular ideas, issues and themes that emerge for you between now and Dec. 19, because you will likely revisit them during the retrograde proper. On another level, this serves as a reminder to start making lists and checking them twice for more than just gift buying. It might be wise to try and finish your holiday shopping by mid-December. Whether that’s possible or not, keep your receipts, just in case.

The final month of the year often feels accelerated, despite how these shorter Northern Hemisphere days urge us to slow down, quiet down and listen within. If you’re feeling frenzied or despondent and not sure what to do, those three simple steps may very well point you in the direction your values would have you go.


Get hold of the 2017 Planet Waves Annual, The Book of Your Life, by Dec. 1 for our special pre-order price. Read more here or go straight to the purchase page.