Monthly Archives: January 2013

Cancer 2016

Moonshine Horoscope for Capricorn New Moon #1132 | By Len Wallick

If you have not already made resolutions for the New Year (or if you have metaphorical room for another), you may want to consider this: in all probability, there is something still unresolved from a relationship that concluded two or more years ago. Most likely the unfinished business is not with any other person, but instead with yourself. While it may ultimately be advisable for you to secure the services of an appropriate and willing counselor whom you can meet with in person, it’s very possible that you can accomplish some inner reconciliation on your own. As a guideline towards gaining some internal closure, the first thing to keep in mind is that being constantly critical of yourself will almost certainly not be helpful. Think of how sugar dissolves more efficiently in a heated beverage, and make it your first principle to be as warm towards yourself as you would want any other to be towards you.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 26, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

There’s no predicting most other people right now. The best you can do is work with existing people in your life to focus their most basic commitments to you, and to keep the lines of communication open. Whether they will show up for more is anyone’s guess. The best thing you can do is to keep your own house in order, which means honoring your top priorities. The less you count on people right now, the better. Nobody is truly self-sufficient, though it’s possible to be less dependent on others, and to focus those dependencies on people or businesses that have proven themselves to be reliable partners. At the moment it may seem like you’re treading water, or trying to hold things together. Take it lightly. This won’t last forever, and soon enough you will be focusing on the next great thing you are ready to accomplish. For now, conserve your energy, do what’s necessary and stay right with yourself.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 19, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Your relationships are a map, and they point you to an inner door. That door is guiding you to a level of psychic and emotional healing. If you remember that it’s not your relationships that you’re working on but rather your own growth and maturity, things will be a lot simpler. If you make your own growth about other people, you’ve entered a paradox that is difficult to get out of. Yet those other people hold clues, and you’ll gain significantly if you’re listening. Over the next few days you may notice that the lights are coming on, and you understand much better how you relate to people and what you can do to get along with them better. If you’re willing to ask honest questions and be open to answers, you will discover that you have plenty of common ground with those you care about. There will be points you don’t agree on as well, though these are not necessarily deal-breakers.

Moonshine Horoscope for Gemini Full Moon #1130 | By Len Wallick

If there are things you always wanted to do but never did, the time is right to reach for at least one of them over the next month or so. In all likelihood at least some of your unfulfilled ambitions represent an inner resource you can now draw upon to better get your needs met. Begin with the most attainable aspirations — those where lack of time has been the only reason for lack of manifestation. In order to create that temporal space, select which of your most cherished responsibilities you might be able to temporarily delegate to someone who has earned your trust. After all, there can be no doubt that you have earned a chance to explore and exploit the undiscovered possibilities you have always had the ability to live.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 12, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Tomorrow’s Full Moon in Gemini will help you resolve some mysteries about yourself. I’m talking about the kind of situation where you might think one thing, and then feel like precisely the opposite thing is true at the same time. The resolution is not one way or the other; and it’s not morphing both sides of the debate. Rather, you’re being taken to a new level of thought, one where the seeming contradiction is irrelevant. This is truly a transformational experience, one that will take you through a series of discoveries during the next four or five days. You might think of this as getting to know yourself, yet really you’re becoming a somewhat different person as you go through this. All the different experiences you want, and the different people you seem to contain, do in fact add up to one thing, which is you. Most of what transforms itself is the illusion that you’re anything but 100% aligned with who you are.

Short Monthly Horoscope for December 2016, #1129 | By Eric Francis

Your relationship life has been heating up lately, and the pace of events has been increasing along with it. You would be wise to take things slowly for the next few weeks, and take a wait-and-see approach to decisions. Planetary conditions insist that you seek genuine mutual understanding, which might be a challenge if people seem to keep changing their minds in ways that influence you. However, if you read between the lines you will have a good idea of where people are coming from, and you can respond accordingly. Your long-practiced independence will be a useful tool.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 5, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Lately you’re in the role of getting people together. This is the proverbial herding of cats; of building consensus; of getting people to agree that there is such a thing as the common good. Hey, someone has to do it. Remember, the idea that we all might share some common needs is not agreeable to everyone. Sometimes one person will try to block a plan that benefits many others, for no good reason. Here is where you’ll need to be a master politician. The chances are, anyone who objects to a plan wants more input. Therefore, listen and incorporate their ideas, but only as relevant. Focus on the positive; keep your emphasis on listening; make sure you know what is truly necessary, and gently guide the outcome in that direction. Remember that you can always use power where persuasion won’t work, though it would be better to avoid that. Coffee and sandwiches work better.

Moonshine Horoscope for Sagittarius New Moon #1128 | By Len Wallick

The talented and versatile performer Chris Rock once asserted that the best way to prepare for a night of improvisational stand-up comedy is to spend the entire day before “basically doing nothing.” You might want to take Mr. Rock’s advice to heart. Relax and recharge so as to thrive when it comes time to stand in the spotlight.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 28, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Take it as it comes. That’s the best approach to your relationships right now. Someone close to you has been through a particularly challenging transformation. You may have been involved, directly or indirectly. Here’s the thing to remember, at this juncture. People arrive in your life with what they have to offer: their integrity, their desire to share, their growth needs, their unfinished business, and whatever gratitude they might offer. You might take some time and space to observe what changes they’re experiencing, and how they’re making sense of their new self-perception. Remember that this is a kind of reflection for you. There’s information available that will shift your perception of yourself and of your relationships. This may turn out to be a profound life-lesson disguised as something ordinary. Your relationship orientation is likely to have been shifted by this event. Now, gently plot the way forward — that is, your way forward.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope — December 2016, #1127 | By Eric Francis

The thing about love interests is that if you’re alive and friendly, there are likely to be a few of them around. This is true regardless of whether you consider yourself monogamous, polyamorous or something in between. Regardless of your orientation, you cannot really endure jealousy for long; you feel how controlling it is. Though you’re a loyal person, you can be loyal to many people; indeed, to anyone; which is rooted in your commitment to your own purpose. Therefore, you need a way to engage with people close to you and deflect the issue until you can have a real conversation. It’s possible that you’ve attained a state of harmony among the people around you, or that you’re on the way to doing so. You thrive on collaboration and cooperation. Competition does not feel good, and it has limited use. Yet you also need to love whom you love, which is a privilege rarely taken with an open heart and clear conscience. You owe yourself at least this much. This is true in all aspects of your life, from the (seemingly) most private to the (seemingly) most public. What you strive to do in life, the impact and influence that you have, all stem directly from you. You are the primary person who will benefit, who will notice and who will give yourself credit for what you’ve accomplished.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 21, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You have an unusual opportunity to connect with someone in an intimate way. Whether this happens in the context of an existing relationship, or a new encounter, the experience will lead you to a deeper place. You might even wonder why connecting with others cannot be like this all the time. It can be, if both parties are willing. It can be, if both parties have as their agenda human bonding rather than a corporate arrangement. Human bonding would tend to disregard the official rules and emphasize the rare and beautiful opportunity of the moment. It’s about what feels right because it is right, not because anyone is living up to a theory. The astrology I’m describing is about more than one encounter with one person. You are looking at the potential for how you can live your life: you might say in direct relationship to existence rather than to anyone’s expectations about it.

Weekly Horoscope for Nov. 17, 2016, #1126 | By Amy Elliott

This is a pretty significant moment for you in terms of shaping your personal identity. You’ve probably put a lot of work into the development, and while this is likely to continue in the near future, you are starting to see the results. If you feel you need a breather, go right ahead. You know what you need to do in order to keep up the momentum. Also, someone significant could lend a useful hand just now, in the sense of additional perspective. Provided you remain in the driving seat, feel free to take them into your confidence.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 14, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Monday’s Full Moon will shine the light on you and what you’re doing. Worry less about what you’re wearing and more about keeping a smile on your face and your heart wide open. As I roam the world, I keep noticing how socially awkward people seem. It’s as if they have no sense of their own presence, or think they’re being judged by everyone. If you feel this way, remember it’s all in your imagination. Feeling good is a matter of choosing to do so. Being loving is a matter of summoning the love you’re capable of and letting it out. It’s not a finite substance; and you will feel less vulnerable, not more so, if you’re open, positive and affirming of the people you interact with. Said another way, you have only to gain by being positive and friendly with the people around you. This more than anything is what they will know you by and love you for.

Short Monthly Horoscope for November 2016, #1125 | By Eric Francis

When you look at a brilliant three-minute music video or clever one-page ad, remember that it took months of effort, and the talent of many people, to pull it together. Then consider your own development in the same light. To get the result you want, you will need to focus your resources, and blend artistic talent and passion with patience, persistence and elbow grease. The good news is that this combination of factors is especially potent now. Maintain your focus and you will actually accomplish something unusual. You’re most of the way there already. Keep going — nice and steady.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 7, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Where money is concerned, you want to get yourself onto level ground; that is, with people who are much more successful than you currently are. What New Agers call ‘poverty consciousness’ — that is, the idea that there’s not enough to go around — is a serious trap. There is plenty to go around, and it’s helpful to observe and learn from people who have figured that out for themselves. Central to this is addressing the idea of sacrifice. The people to rub yourself against are those who work with the concept of mutual benefit rather than win-lose. Neither you nor others have to sacrifice anything to have things turn out well. Yet this depends on your state of mind, which you can enhance greatly by sharing what you have. Yes, sometimes it’s necessary to offer to someone else something that you really need. Most of the time, though, you can offer from a place of excess, and you have plenty.

Moonshine Horoscope for Scorpio New Moon, #1124 | By Len Wallick

Even if being a caretaker is second nature for you, it’s likely that you have a first nature that needs to be taken care of as well. Think of yourself as having roots — unseen but vital parts of yourself from which you derive both stability and nourishment. Then think about what you could do to water and fertilize those roots. In all likelihood, that’s what you should be giving yourself permission to do more of now. It could be as simple as getting more comfortable with touching yourself intimately. If auto-erotica is something you have neglected or avoided, now is a good time to take a chance on taking better care of that need.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 31, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Your solar chart this week is all about sex. Excellent sex; the kind where you can’t decide if it’s what you need, or what you want. This falls under the larger heading of creativity. You might count the benefits of pleasure and recreation in your assessment of what you have to accomplish; but then you probably already know about that. Take your well-earned knowledge to heart. Your primary goal needs to be feeling good, so that you can let your ideas and your sense of self flourish. It won’t be hard to find a playmate or two to help this process along, and there seems to be someone in your life of the sparky, irreverent sort. In our moment when time is in such high demand and everyone seems stressed to their limit, efficiency is the key. The most efficient thing you can do is lead an integrated life, where everything feeds everything else; where work and play serve the same purpose.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for November 2016, #1123 | By Eric Francis

Better things are calling you — creative, amorous, erotic, adventurous. All you need to do is respond. This is usually easier said than done, because the demands of life and, moreover, the habitual patterns of life rarely support those aspects of being. Indeed, they seem designed to prevent them. If there is a key to unfolding your potential, it’s allowing yourself to feel and to be your secret self. By this I mean the self that you rarely speak of or reveal. Both true creativity and actual involvement and investment in your life require this one thing: the risk of revealing who you are; first to yourself, then in the process to the people around you. It’s true that authentic art and focused relating both take discipline. Yet before there can be discipline you must allow the flow of your personal truth to open up. There must be some risk involved in everything you express and everyone you relate to. Safe and predictable situations will not foster your growth. The opposite of safety is not danger; rather, you might say that the measure of authenticity is the sensation of risking something when you express yourself. You want the situations with uncertain outcomes. You want the people who challenge you to rise to the occasion of your own existence.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 24, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Nearly all the energy coming at you involves sex in some form or another. That might include desire, love, lust, attachment or attraction. And, because many people have some issues around sex, a diversity of shadow emotions are possible — meaning the things that are difficult to acknowledge or understand, such as shame, guilt and repulsion. How you experience these things depends on your state of mind. We live in times when the seemingly logical first thing to do is to get offended (rather than to laugh at something). You have better options open than that. Given that laughing or taking offense is not necessarily appropriate, you might try talking with whomever else is involved, by which I mean speaking and listening alternately till you gain some understanding. You might make a discovery, such as what initially seemed weird or offensive turns you on like nothing before.

Weekly Horoscope for Oct. 20, 2016, #1122 | By Amy Elliott

If you need a little breathing space, go ahead and take it. I’d recommend spending at least some time this week consciously doing things that help you relax. In particular, whatever sustains or improves your wellbeing would make excellent priorities. Your sign has a rather beautiful reputation of caring for others; just now, you will almost certainly maximize your effectiveness in that regard by taking care of yourself first. When you are in the place you need to be, your calmness ripples out to soothe others without effort or exertion.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 17, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Work for a negotiated settlement in any conflict you may be involved with. There is a matter of power involved; you have some, and other people have some. Yet you don’t want any situation to come to blows. Rather, everyone needs to respect where the other is coming from, and the resources that they have available; and you’re the person who is going to set that tone. By all means be strong and clear, and assert what you think is right. That, however, is different from being confrontational. Not everyone will agree with this philosophy, and some people may believe force is the best approach. In that case I recommend working between three options. One: delay. Do not engage, or do so only minimally. Two: be clever, exerting as little energy as possible. Rather, look for opportunities to strategically shift the situation. Three: do the thing you do best and keep things on the human level: kids, dogs, cats, football, lunch, etc. Take it slowly — this will blow over soon enough.

Moonshine Horoscope for Aries Full Moon, #1121 | By Len Wallick

You are not an omnipotent being. Even so, you do appear to be in a position of great potential. To manifest everything you are capable of right now, consider releasing attachment to having power. Focus on gaining awareness instead. Begin by slowing down and stepping back from the fray occasionally to be aware of yourself. Breathe deliberately. Feel your pulse. Get clear about what your needs are, as distinguished from what you want. Once you are fully present with yourself again, resume involvement with others. Repeat the process just described whenever you feel either tense or confronted. Odds are you will be most pleased by what results.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 10, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

It’s time to have a party. Your home is where the fun is. You’re a private person by nature, but that inclines you to do your socializing in your own space and on your own terms. Yet the party does not need to be any more than you — that is, celebrating your physical space, caring for it, and making sure you feel at home there. The forthcoming Aries Full Moon is suggesting some unusual and exciting developments in your career, and one of my theories of life is that work goes better when one is more grounded and comfy in one’s home environment. Home is the true foundation of achievement in the world, and it’s the thing that holds the ship upright when a good wind is blowing and the currents are moving quickly. You will almost surely be investing your time in a kind of breakthrough project as these days and weeks unfold. And as that happens, you’ll be grateful that your home is in order and supports you spiritually, emotionally and, most of all, physically.

Short Monthly Horoscope for October 2016, #1120 | By Eric Francis

This is potentially a brilliant time for you professionally. Yet you will need to be courageous in everything you do, every time you do something. Bring out some true element of spark, light or genius with each task. Ask yourself what’s the best, most inventive way to do whatever you’re doing. Burst through boredom with the vengeance it deserves. Remember that in any authentic career, exceedingly little follows the ‘established’ ways of doing things. You must break some rules in order to do things better or to succeed in innovative ways. Be smooth, persistent and as naughty as you please.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 3, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

The recent New Moon served as yet another invitation to take better care of yourself. By now you understand that this is not just a good idea; it’s the only idea. However, you don’t want to do that by neglecting work, which will just raise the tension. Rather, free yourself from work by being the master of your priorities and your time. This means making conscious decisions about what to focus on, and choosing to avoid the biggest time-waster of all: conflict. This would also hold true in your personal relationships. Others may be in a feisty state. It may be personal, it may not be; though you can help the situation by staying a step ahead of people on any shared responsibilities that you may have. As for the fun side of this astrology, people are likely to be more assertive about their desire. You may find yourself with one or more suitors, and with your options open.

Moonshine Horoscope for Libra New Moon, #1119 | By Len Wallick

There’s a rather earthy old saying that will not be repeated in its entirety here because it would be offensive to some readers. Suffice to say the subject matter is opinions, and the punch line is: “everybody has one.” There is now a distinct possibility that your opinions are of far greater value than suggested by that profanely pithy proverb. Yet even absolute certainty of being correct will not justify your being pushy when it comes to asserting your convictions at this time, however. Better to be a clear example by living your truth rather than speaking it. Should you have no choice about stating your position, do it concisely, and just once — preferably in writing. Rather than waste your energy on endless, fruitless debates, allow the passage of time to prove the veracity of your prescient perspective.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 26, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Everyone knows that old Woody Guthrie song ‘This Land is Your Land’. Here’s a new version of that for you: this world is your world. It’s time for you to take up a little more space on the planet, to stretch into the world and, in a sense, to be at home everywhere. This may involve something that’s a bit taboo these days, which is living with a sense of entitlement. I don’t mean this in the arrogant sense of the word, though you may feel as if you would be stepping with a little extra swagger. The state of mind I’m describing is being willing to occupy physical space and mental bandwidth. Expand your sense of being, and your ideas, and perhaps speak more loudly and clearly. Take control of the various environments in your life, whether it’s your home, your office, or deciding where you want to sit in a restaurant. It’s time for people to move over and make some room for you.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscopes for October 2016, #1118 | By Eric Francis

You have been working toward something, though you might discover that it was something other than what you thought. Whatever unusual developments arrive in your professional life, meet them full on and without hesitation. You have been preparing for this moment. It’s your chance to do two things. One is to break free of some pattern that’s kept you living or working one particular way for longer than you have wanted or expected to. The other is to meet people whom you perceive as powerful either on their level, or on your terms, or both. You are done being intimidated by people, only to discover the daunting factor was in your own mind. Said another way, the genuine benefit of this time in your life is your opportunity to even out the field of play. If you remember that this is entirely psychological, it will be easier and more fun. Along the way, you’re likely to see an opening to an expanded reputation or a level of notoriety that far exceeds your hopes or expectations. Yet forthcoming aspects describe you discovering the ability to connect, emotionally and creatively, with something much larger than yourself. That something is usually experienced as intangible or vanished into the landscape. You can feel it, hear it and smell it, and you’re about to see what the heck it really is.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 19, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

The past few weeks have been mentally agitating, though that does not appear to have dimmed your enthusiasm. You may have exerted quite a bit more energy and worry than you care to. With Mercury returning to direct motion and the Sun moving in your favor later in the week, you’re more likely to get a grip. Overall the astrology is delivering one message, which is that the central priority of your life must be your life, rather than your work. However, work is an essential part of life, so this re-prioritization is likely to require many subtle changes in your way of life — though now is the time to make them. The first among those adjustments is making sure that all of your relationships are founded on a degree of genuine mutuality. This must begin with the people closest to you. To make it happen, you might need to think your way out of a box. But it’s only a box.

Pisces Full Moon Moonshine for Sept. 15, 2016, #1117 | By Len Wallick

If you’ve had enough excitement for one year, you’re in luck. Your life should begin to settle down after a few more weeks. In addition, a journey so long and complex as to have felt like more than a lifetime should finally start to transform into an epilogue. In sum, you will soon be reaching a point where you have both reconciliation with your past and a clearer vision of where you are going than perhaps ever before. The only thing that might trip you up is if you are reluctant to shed the equivalent of a shell or skin that you have outgrown. Sure, doing so might make you feel vulnerable for a while. Don’t worry, though. What you have gained inside will translate to your being able to work and play better with what’s outside.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 12, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

If ever there was a ‘feather your own nest’ moment of your life, this is it. As one born under the sign Cancer, it’s easy for you to put the needs of others ahead of your own. You do this as much because you need to as because you want to. However, it’s time to reverse this process for a while, and to make a focused effort on taking care of yourself. The first place this translates to is your living space; the second, to any other facet of living that helps you feel more confident and secure. One clue that I can offer you is to focus on the beauty of your living environment. Freshen things up; clear out the corners; bring in what makes you feel alive, such as your favorite colors and textures. When you follow your own aesthetic sense, you feel more spiritually connected. Your relationships go more smoothly. It’s easier for you to relax and open up. That’s all excellent incentive.

Short Monthly Horoscope for September 2016, #1116 | By Eric Francis

You have something to say, but will others receive or understand you? There are a few ways to consider this. One is to be as clear as possible. Another is to decide you don’t really care. Another is to trust that you will reach whomever you need to reach. In an era of billionaires and starving artists, success is a concept worth evaluating and defining for yourself. You are poised for some unusual breakthrough in the coming months, and comparisons to others will not get you too far. In any definition of accomplishment, remember to include happiness and peace of mind.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 5, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Keep your focus on your immediate environment — in particular, getting yourself organized. You’ve probably been feeling the need for this already. If you have, it’s the right instinct. This may be more challenging than it seems, but the results will be worth it. Clear clutter out of the way, both mental and physical. Resolve past issues, and go looking for things left undone: leftover filing, mystery mail or nameless clumps of paper in the corner of your desk. Emphasize the physical plane first; the actual reality you inhabit in time and space is more important than anything in the cyber dimension. As one born under your sign, the quality of your working and living space is the single most influential factor affecting your state of mind. As you organize, begin sketching plans for future action. Insert a delay; for best results on new plans, move forward when Mercury stations direct on Sept. 22.

Virgo New Moon Moonshine for Sept. 1, 2016, #1115 | By Len Wallick

Craving satisfaction? You can get it. The key is to be willing to find it in more than just one way. If you are not receiving appropriate recognition or reward for what you have already achieved, be open to starting a new chapter or journey that has the potential to provide satisfaction as part of the process, rather than as an end result. It will not be necessary for you to initiate on a grand scale. After all, satisfaction is a personal need, not a public accomplishment. For that reason alone, allow yourself to follow up on whatever piques your interest or whets your curiosity without getting invested in a particular outcome. Give yourself a chance to try and err. Explore for exploration’s sake. This is not to say that you should be aimless. What you might want to aim for, however, is a feeling more than a thing.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 29, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

On the offhand chance you’re a writer or aspire to be one, sharpen your pencil. This is the perfect moment to commit yourself to an ambitious project — one that you may have thought was over your head or beyond your talent. For everyone else, I would remind you that our civilization was built on the written word. Our ideas about ourselves, and the communities that we live in, are based almost entirely on literacy. You’re a distinct individual before you’re a member of any tribe. You are a person with an inner sanctuary, a place in you that you know to be real. And you’re someone with a unique point of view that only gets stronger as you explore your own perspective — and physically move around and see things from as many angles as possible. All of these things relate to the power of the written word. When you take this skill into your hands, recognize its true role in society, and bring your full integrity to the task.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for Sept. 2016, #1114 | By Eric Francis

You certainly have plenty on your mind and your plate. That’s a beautiful thing — you’re involved with your own life. Yet at times you may feel a little overwhelmed, as if your life is living you. When that happens, slow down and make some decisions; rearrange your schedule; eliminate what’s not truly necessary and emphasize what is. Amidst the sheer volume of thought and activity, you may find it easy to focus on the single most significant thing you need to be doing, and there most certainly is one. Pay attention to what you’re called to do the first week of the month. If you need a clue, I can give it to you in one word: writing. But what exactly? The thing you’ve been wanting to do very nearly forever. What if you’re not a writer? There is some element of analysis and exposition, in written words, of the thing that you do the best. It might involve a business plan, a proposal, a grant, your CV or resume, or that important letter you need to write. This might involve an intimate aspect of your life, such as your journals (dust them off, in any case). There is a special role that both reading and writing have, which is the cultivation of inner, private space, and your sense of self. Ultimately, this is what you’re working toward.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 22, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

It can take a long time and a lot of thankless work to reach the point of a breakthrough. You’re at that spot right now, and I suggest you proceed with persistence rather than with pressure or force. Gently guide the flow of energy, relying on the considerable momentum that you’ve accumulated. When you encounter resistance, use water rather than fire: that is, slow, gentle, rhythmic pressure rather than a siege or flare-up. The most valuable information you can have at any time is where you are in that moment, and what direction you’re headed. Resist or let go of any notion of planning the future and stick to right now. I don’t mean to get too Zen or New Agey on you, but that’s what your solar chart is suggesting: focus on the task at hand, and focus on doing it well. Tap into your abundant intelligence and think through every problem or puzzle at least three different ways. You will find out all you need to know.

Full Moon Moonshine Horoscope for Aug. 18, 2016, #1113 | By Len Wallick

To be a Jack or Jill of all trades does not necessarily mean being a master of none. As a matter of fact, you may very well have become master of more than you give yourself credit for over the last six months or so. Hidden somewhere within your recently acquired versatility is likely to be at least the root, if not the fruit, of a newfound virtuosity. However, to become aware of what would appear to be latent but authentic proficiencies, you will need to share them. Therefore, if somebody asks you to do something you have never done before, consider saying ‘yes’ on faith in yourself.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 15, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Be ready to negotiate for what you want. That means three things mainly: preparation, knowledge and flexibility. You must be coming from an informed place, to the degree that you know more than anyone with whom you’re working out business or contractual arrangements. Powerful forces are at work in your life, and you must be their master, or you face the risk that they will master you. Therefore, I suggest you over-prepare on every subject, but don’t show off your knowledge. Rather, use what you know to ask the right questions. Listen carefully and figure out what other people know, revealing as little as possible. Your astrology reveals that you have a rare opportunity to crack the code of one particular puzzle involving sex, money or some combination of the two. This discovery will lead you to rethink your relationships, and put yourself on much firmer ground when you’re done.

Weekly Horoscope for Aug. 11, 2016, #1112 | By Amy Elliott

A particular issue or theme in your life right now may appear like a puzzle with several layers. Your mission (should you choose to accept it) is to keep digging until you find the solution. You will need to make use of logic, and also of skepticism — that is, recognize that the surface environment is probably not what it seems. If you seize instinctively on an apparently obvious answer, the chances are you’ll need to look again, and look deeper within yourself, for the gem of truth.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 8, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

To succeed professionally, it’s essential that you have a solid home life. This is not true for everyone, though it’s essential for you. You need harmony in your living space, and also order and beauty. You need space you can depend on and use as you need to, and you need to feel good there. In a few weeks Jupiter will be entering the home angle of your solar chart. This transit is about one year of focused improvement, feathering your nest, clearing out space and, quite possibly, getting yourself into a better location. All of this adds up to taking care of the space you have, and figuring out what you need and want. My own preference is for high ceilings, wood floors and a lot of light, which turns out to be easy to find. Yours may be just as easy, though it helps significantly to know what you want before you find it. Pay attention to where you feel good.

Short Monthly Horoscope for August 2016, #1111 | By Eric Francis

Money is not the only measure of value; in fact, where value and self-worth are concerned, it means very little. Yet money is important for the things that it’s useful for. I suggest you focus your efforts on taking advantage of some rare opportunities for connecting with the financial value of your work, and equally rare openings to put your resources to work wisely. The combination of even modest funding and your mind teeming with ideas will get you far. Just remember: you must be the one who takes action; potential is only the beginning. Your choices, passion and commitment are the rest.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 1, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Sometimes when you have a concern about money it helps to drill right in and tackle the subject specifically. Other times it helps to work on other, related issues. It would seem that the financial part of your life will take care of itself if you keep everything else moving, and in balance. Such as your ideas, for example, and your work flow, and your ongoing plan of taking better care of yourself. By now you already know the benefit of honoring sex as a means to wellbeing, with the approximate value of oxygen; keep reminding yourself about that and take every wholesome opportunity you get to share and explore. As you do, feel your sense of flow and movement develop and deepen. If you catch the hint that you’re in the right place at the right time, pause, slow down, and appreciate that fully. One good thing leads to the next.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for August 2016, #1110 | By Eric Francis

You may seem to be building your fortunes at the same time you’re dealing with constant uncertainty. In fact you’re standing on more stable ground than you may recognize; what you need to do the most is to keep your priorities in order. Stick close to your core mission and your minimum needs. Understand your motives and remind yourself what they are when you forget. It’s true that you see all kinds of potentials and many possible paths to the future. You cannot tell at this point which are valid and which are not. Yet the one thing that all paths have in common is your feet. Therefore, keep the abstractions to a minimum and focus on what is tangible: that is, what produces the results that you want, and how that fits into a larger pattern. Focus on the short- and medium- range, living one day at a time. Set goals you can accomplish, and notice your feeling of even the most mild achievement when you get something done — then move on quickly to the next tangible goal or project. At this time, it’s necessary to invoke the future with care and caution. For you, the future is not what you want to do, but rather who you want to be. And you can be that person exactly where you are right now.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 25, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

While the world at times obsesses over what is in truth a global debt crisis, it would seem that the true deficit is self-worth. Rare aspects now have you in a position to truly feel and understand that you belong in the world. You possess a kind of spiritual capital that is now bearing dividends. These are coming in many forms, but the most vital one is faith in your abilities. The thing to do with that faith is whatever you think needs to be done, or that you want to do. Choose projects or ventures that truly matter to you, and that align with your values, and you’re likely to get a positive result. While you’re at it, invest in others you believe in any way you can. That might be sharing your knowledge or contacts, financial support or basic encouragement. You got where you are through hard work; that’s a given for everyone. Now you can make someone’s path a little easier.

Weekly Horoscope for July 21, 2016, #1109 | By Amy Elliott

Living is a process, and to embrace it fully means a devotion to the pursuit of truth. It’s all too easy for the human mind to get stuck on a particular recurring theme. Old or deep emotions might be acting like quicksand for you this week. If so, you can pull yourself free by consciously turning your thoughts elsewhere. Get together with friends, for example; or apply your wits to studying something completely new. Notice what this teaches you about your beliefs and values; you may discover exciting, previously unexplored conceptual territory.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 18, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

This week, there’s a Full Moon in your opposite sign Capricorn, which happens once a year. This is the aspect that for you describes your relationships. Full Moons work two main ways. One is that they can stir up controversy and polarity. The other is that they can help you move a situation that is stuck, or what might be more poetically called an impasse. Now is the time to be aware of any such scenarios in your life. Look and feel around your relationships and your physical environment. What needs movement? What needs to be unstuck? You might empty a closet or reorganize a room that’s been gathering clutter. Go in deep — empty the whole thing out and work on the level of structure, organizing the space from the ground up. If you have some money to invest, it might be time for a new bed, or at least bedding. This energy will come back to you many times over.

Full Moon Moonshine Horoscope for July 14, 2016, #1108 | By Len Wallick

Resist the urge to slip into the role of either parent or child with other adults, and your life will be a lot easier. Be helpful, even charitable; but take full responsibility only for that which is yours to take care of. Welcome support, but be confident enough not to require approval. Be open to participation and sharing, but have your own places to go, and your own things to do at least half the time. Of course, you can’t realistically control or change anybody else but you. By the same token you should not indulge or expect others to change or control you. Finally, endeavor to love and be loved without feeling the need to prove yourself right, or anybody else wrong.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 11, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

It’s time to focus on money. This will have benefits for you, especially if you keep it positive. You have an excellent earning opportunity, though you must keep your vibrations high, and remember that your worth is not a concept. It’s something real and tangible. It’s not measured in hours. It’s not about you being a wonderful person. When you are involved in a transaction with someone, focus your mind on the actual value you’re providing. If you’re unclear about that, then get clear. Make sure the actual value is a factor in the discussion, and that it’s something agreed to. Be flexible about how you might be more helpful, though what you do needs to be done based on an agreement. Over the next few weeks I suggest you do an inventory of your most valuable skills, gifts and talents. Remember what you have accomplished and keep it close to the front of your mind.

Short Monthly Horoscope for July 2016, #1107 | by Eric Francis

You have every reason to feel good about yourself. Leave behind any recent challenges that may have had you working too hard to tap into the pleasure, creativity or contact that you need. If you orient your life on these core human experiences, you’ll find it much easier to reach for the great accomplishments you know you’re capable of. Success at this stage of your life has nothing to do with ambition. Rather, it’s about full appreciation of your own humanity, coupled with understanding that any job worth doing is worth doing well. Happiness is success; everything else is window dressing.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 4, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Push your limits. Start with the one about how outrageous you’re not supposed to be. Outrageous translates to outgoing, nervy, funny, talented, assertive or sexy. Move from your center, like a well-trained dancer. Allow your presence to expand into wherever you are, and don’t be afraid to take up space and conversation bandwidth. It will help if you hang loose. If you want an example of how much a person can get away with in polite company, watch the film Borat, wherein he pushes every single limit and lives to tell some great stories. I will say this another way. You don’t need to be well-behaved; you want to be real rather than good. By all means, keep your commitments and be professional about your work, though that leaves you a heck of a lot of room for creativity. There is enough space on this planet to accommodate all of who you are.

New Moon Moonshine Horoscope for June 30, 2016, #1106 | by Len Wallick

What the world most needs now is precisely what you presently have a superior ability to offer: love. Before you can deliver on the promise of being an emissary of love, however, you must first minister to yourself. Begin with your physical wellbeing. For the next couple months, take a little extra time each day to care for your body. Make a special effort to do what it takes so that it’s evident you feel comfortable and confident as you are. There is no need for you to go to great expense or adorn yourself in any way. You will simply want those beholding your countenance to be impressed by how well you take care of yourself. It is by making just such a favorable impression that you will convince others that you have love enough to care for them, and will be generous in giving it when and where your care is welcomed.

Monday Morning Horoscope for June 27, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You must be what you want to become. The world usually gets this one backwards: You become something, and then you get to be it. That might work for holding public office (president, police officer, judge); but for what you’re doing, you do what you do and that makes you what you are. Therefore, stop putting off your most cherished goals for sometime in the future. I am aware of the time crunch that may be affecting your life, seemingly more than those of other people you know. This is mostly an illusion. You can correct this two ways: you don’t need as much leisure time as you think. Artists of any stripe who really do their work are engaged all the time. Stop thinking in terms of time on and time off, and carry a pencil and notebook everywhere. Train your mind to the task for which it’s best suited: total devotion. Second, plenty of time is wasted. Pay attention to where your hours go, and you will use them much more wisely.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for July 2016, #1105 | by Eric Francis

Adjust to your physical surroundings as a conscious act. Notice your environment. Feel the heat for a moment before you flip on the air conditioning. Notice who is in a room when you walk in, and notice how air in the room smells. Notice how you feel. This is about being fully present where you are. If you can do that, you are likely to notice how supportive your environment is. Life is offering you a lot right now. You will experience that abundance and that support by harmonizing with your surroundings. That means being open and receptive to who and what is around you. Feel the natural tides of life and move with them. The result will be emphasizing the beauty of existence over and above any one task or goal. This, in turn, will make the things you do more meaningful. You have equally abundant opportunity for creativity, achievement and worldly success, though that is dependent entirely on your ability to tune in and see opportunities that other people would miss or misunderstand. It’s likely that your highest and most cherished goals involve things that have not been done before, or which are at least rare enough to find. This will require invoking calm focus and expanding your mind enough to embrace the unusual and the unlikely.

Monday Morning Horoscope for June 20, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

The Sun enters your sign in grand style this week, on the heels of the Full Moon. Better still, Venus is in your sign, which is helping you attract whom and what you want — even in this unpredictable and unstable moment of time. Make yourself one promise: sometime in the next four weeks, you’ll slow down and take some time for yourself. By this I mean open up space to appreciate who and what you love the most in life — space to remind yourself of, and to strengthen your bond with, those people and things most meaningful to you. Venus is bestowing you with some magnetic power, to draw toward you more of whatever that is. Tune into that vibration and let it fill you up. This might take a little trust and it’ll definitely call on you to filter out some of the noise and distraction that flood our lives so easily these days. It’ll be worth any care or effort required.

Moonshine Horoscope for June 16, 2016, #1104 | by Len Wallick

A great deal of what life has to offer is available to those who simply show up at the right place. Often, however, the very best of what life has to offer is claimed by those who show up at the right time in that right place. You have always understood the value of timing, but it may have been a while since you last practiced its fine art. Has it been eight or nine years or just a matter of days since you were at the top of your temporal game? In the end, how long it’s been does not matter. What matters is that you now become consciously aware of having regained your smooth, natural feel for the moment. Sure, there may be some rust to polish off, and more practice might be needed to be confident of your quips, steps or rhythms. The main thing, however, is to believe in your ability to seize the day. Unless there is a good, solid reason, hesitate no more.

Monday Morning Horoscope for June 13, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

It’s now necessary that you create an environment of mutual care. That may mean shifting the balance more in favor of taking care of others and their needs, or in the direction of taking care of your own needs. Be honest with yourself and make a real assessment, and figure out which you have to do. The thing to ensure is that you neglect nothing. This will require looking for aspects of life that have been cut off and cast away. These you must collect, rethink and rehydrate with feeling. This may be like stretching out limbs that have grown stiff. You might feel like you’re blowing the dust and grime out of the corners of your life. Others around you might be made nervous by the fact that you’re claiming your existence, which to be precise is exactly what you’re doing. Remember that your existence includes you and your environment.

Monday Morning Horoscope for June 6, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You can see and feel ‘both sides’ of yourself with unusual clarity right now — so well that you might decide there are a lot more than two. Yet they aren’t separate; you are not separate from yourself. Inner division is an optical illusion, yet it can take some learning to understand that on an intuitive level. You might try a meditation for the next week or so, in various forms: I am united with myself; I am one being; I act in harmony with my own intentions; I am aligned with my creative force. It’s true that one of the most challenging spiritual quests is healing the sense of a Self divided against itself. As you explore, learn and facilitate that healing, you’ll experience many points of personal reunion; each of them beautiful, each a reclaiming of something that’s truly yours. And as you do this, you will become stronger, more honest and less easy to deceive.

Short Monthly Horoscope for June 2016, #1103 | By Eric Francis

Put your feelings, your needs and your desires into words. So much may be moving and developing within you that you might think it’s impossible to get it into some clear form. Yet if you want to be understood and have harmony in your relationships, it will help immensely if you describe what evades description and explain what resists easy explanation. There will be rich rewards for doing so, which include the experience of contact, warmth and the thing you live for, which is the feeling of being home. And you will discover how much the people around you really care.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 30, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Your inner life is rather rich right now: your fantasy life, your dreams, your imagination. I suggest you feed this fire, and push the boundaries of what you consider appropriate (within your own mind, there are in fact no such rules unless you say there are). Yet don’t stop there. You are craving some physical expression or connection: to actually feel in your body what you’re imagining in your mind. You may well have opportunities to do that, especially if you’re open and welcoming of them. Remember, there’s always a translation between imagination and physical reality. Sometimes something is lost, sometimes something is gained (usually both are true). If you don’t set concrete expectations, you will find it easier to navigate the translation process. This is, of course, a metaphor for all of life — how thought inspires action and what happens along the way. It will help you to be familiar with this territory.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for June 2016, #1102 | By Eric Francis

You cannot force a breakthrough, though you can set up the conditions that facilitate it. The first step is to become conscious of everything you tend to overlook. This would require a genuine exercise of mindfulness, and dropping your awareness down to the levels you generally don’t notice, or tend to miss. Your dream activity will be profoundly revealing, and clue you into the ways that you can better cooperate with yourself. The phenomenon of levels is vitally important now, though not in the usual sense of pay grade, highest academic degree or the corporate ladder. By levels I mean that a certain type of awareness tends to open up a corresponding dimension in the world. You align your mind, and you notice something or someone that you might not have ever noticed otherwise. It can help to be randomly aware of whatever you observe, to introduce yourself to people you might not have acknowledged, and to shift your point of view continually. There’s one other thing: what you choose to nourish. You will come to love, and to make ever more real, that which you devote loving energy to. This includes doing what you can to take care of people who seem to have much more than you. Few gestures are more effective at establishing common ground, which you might call the key to your success.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 23, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

It’s true that life is a journey of self-discovery, though you are poised to have many unusual revelations about yourself. It would appear that emotions, choices and observations that seem to have made no sense are about to come into focus. You will see, I believe, not the folly of your ways, but rather their wisdom. This is likely to come with a well-needed shift in your social environment. Here’s how the astrology reads: the more honest you are with yourself, and the deeper peace you make with your inner truth, the more you will attract to you people who actually get you. If there is a risk, it’s about living close to the surface of who you are. You are not your own representative. You are your one self, even as you iron out your inner contradictions. What you’re likely to discover is that you’re not really at odds with yourself. To feel how that is, take a chance and set aside that very fear: the fear of being seen as a contradiction.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for May 19, 2016, #1101 | By Len Wallick

Do not underrate how versatile you truly are. Inside you, there’s a vast array of personal resources you might appropriately call tools. The tricks you are now being faced with performing may very well come down to simply and (above all) consciously choosing the right tool for any given situation. In other words, you will want to be more careful than ever about reacting without thinking in any circumstance that gives you even a little time to think. You will also want to be very aware of all your habits, even the very best ones. That’s because you are entering a period of at least two weeks when you are likely to encounter exceptional situations in which your best interests would be served by making an exception to what you usually do. Eschew the necessity of defaults now, so as not to find yourself in fault later.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 16, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You seem to need a personal retreat. Obviously it’s not practical to go underground, and you have good reasons to stay accessible and visible most of the time. Yet you might take some extra space for yourself over the next few weeks. Time away from the Internet would be helpful, even if it’s just an evening here and there, or a whole day during the weekend. This is not for the sake of purity, but rather to give you an opportunity to clear your mind. You might think of this as designating an inner sanctuary for yourself. Some might consider this avoiding reality, though you are born under the sign that is associated with seclusion. If you are busy with your career, your relationships and your family, that’s all the more reason to take time and space out, so that you can figure out what you’re feeling, or more likely, give yourself permission to be ambiguous. It’s healthy to indulge that every now and then.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for May 12, 2016, #1100 | By Len Wallick

Look to form or be part of a team effort or two, and you will probably enjoy more than just successful results. If circumstances indicate that you should be the one organizing or managing a collective endeavor, remember that the best teams are made of very different individuals who each make a unique contribution to create a whole greater than the sum of its parts. Therefore, as a leader, encourage both diversity and motivation. If your calling at this time is to be more follower than leader, work to do more than just your part, by supporting the morale and relieving the burdens of those whose direction you serve.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 9, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Your solar chart right now is all about your connection to the wider world, whatever that means to you: expanding your circle of friends, connecting to new communities, or connecting somehow to the public. Despite the reputation of your sign for being private and cloistered, you are so comfortable in this realm that it could be viewed as one of your spiritual homes. It’s not so much that you want to be seen, as that you want to be known for what you do, what you offer and who you really are. Those are qualities you’re being invited to extend into the world now, and to share generously. Yes, to do this, you will need to trust existence. You may need to rise above some misgiving or question. You can do this boldly now, because you and what you are offering are of genuine value and worth to a community that expands well beyond your own four walls.

Moonshine Horoscope for May 5, 2016, #1099 | By Len Wallick

So long as you have been true to yourself and the values you hold dear, there is no need to burden yourself with thoughts of what might have been. That’s especially true now, when looking and moving forward would seem to be much more appropriate than dwelling on the past. Begin by thinking about what you want your life to look like after next year, and then start taking small but solid steps to make your vision into a reality. Believe it or not, the most appropriate first step will be to get your home base in the sort of order that will make it both a launching pad and a safe place to land. It will be much better to be thorough than fast, so that any need to look back is something you finally put behind you.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 2, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Here’s an idea: write one personal ad a day for a week. Change it up every day: what you’re seeking, how you describe yourself, what your specific needs are. You don’t need to post these anywhere, though of course you have the option of sharing them. Really, this is between you and you. It’s clear that you’re looking for some new adventures in your social life, though it’s not always easy to know what you want. And usually, that’s a discovery that comes in layers. The idea of writing something new every day is to help you remove some of those surface notions and go deeper, get clearer and perhaps make a discovery. One thing to monitor is your idea of ‘how people might respond’ — that is, the people you know and think might judge you. The ideas that you think are the most taboo are likely to be the ones that will make you the happiest.

Short Monthly Horoscope for May 2016, #1098 | By Eric Francis

Most people you know love and adore you, and that’s all you need. It’s easy to take one negative opinion as the one that matters most, though I assure that it’s not. When you’re open about your ideas, you can expect a few mixed reviews — the happy artist, entrepreneur or visionary welcomes them. Though your sign is represented by a crab, you’re not really the thick-skinned type. The graciousness and generosity that people are offering you would be the envy of many. Take all opinions on board long enough to consider them. You will learn from all of them.

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 25, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You can do wonders healing your self-image by working with photos. I don’t mean contributing to the endless stream of selfies, but rather with conscious and intentional self-portraits that you study and grow with. I suggest you pay special attention to photos where you’re inclined to judge some aspect of your appearance or of your personality, and make peace with what you don’t like. This will take you deeper than the seemingly surface level of appearance and personality. There’s actual material for spiritual growth and self-acceptance right under the surface. Pay attention to whatever you have seemed to ‘always’ judge about yourself, or the thing you think you can never get over. Right behind those negative feelings is where you’ll find the healing power you seek, not hiding so much as waiting for you to reach in and make contact with yourself. Right with that is the discovery that you do indeed have the gift of self-healing.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for May 2016, #1097 | By Eric Francis

Be conscious of how much effort you exert, and notice what energy gets what result or reward. There are two main approaches you might take for the next few weeks; one brings results with relatively little effort, and the other might lead you to work your buns off with few benefits. Since it so often happens that great effort leads to little return, you will need to pay attention, especially when something you do goes well. That is the direction in which to proceed. One distinction between easy and difficult probably involves cooperation. How you use the energy and brainpower provided by others, and made available to you, is a significant element in this story. How you feel when you try to go it alone will also be helpful. To put this simply, you would be wise to learn how to ask for assistance, to drum up some cooperation among your peers, and to offer yourself voluntarily when you notice you might be of service. Think of this as stimulating your local economy, of which you are part. Remember that little of any consequence or service to humanity was ever built or created by one person working independently. Let this be no affront to your pride, or to your sense of your self-worth. Indeed, the value you share and exchange with others is the one you can most vividly feel and relate to.

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 18, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You seem ready to answer some profound life calling, and it will pay to have the courage to act on what, to others, may seem like a wild idea or long shot. It looks like a good idea, neither wild nor out of reach. Yet your faith in yourself is the single most significant factor in this equation. It doesn’t matter if you’re the only person who thinks this is a good idea. However, you will be compelling if you explain yourself to others and seek their involvement. Just make sure that anyone you work with is with you 100% and is ready for the adventure. While you must focus on the task at hand, the theme of your charts is thinking big. Therefore, consider your idea in its present form, and two or three orders of magnitude larger. If you’re doing a business plan for one amount, write up another for ten times the value.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for April 14, 2016, #1096 | By Len Wallick

It’s fair to say that you’ve gone beyond growing. One might reasonably say that you are evolving. Hence, if you have not already done so, it’s currently a good time to contemplate the difference between growth and evolution. Once you have resolved the distinction, your next step will be to develop a strategy to stimulate or revive a more fully conscious and intentional personal evolution for yourself. As part of that strategy (and to the extent you are capable of doing so safely and comfortably), go to high places that afford expansive views. Visit the tops of hills or buildings whenever you can, and allow yourself to be inspired by seeing further than before you made your ascent.

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 11, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

When you look back on this time in your life, you will be impressed how much progress you made in professional development. Yet now you are living in this moment, and you still have the chance to make the very most of it. I would recommend a few things. One is to be assertive. Rather than waiting for anyone or anything to come to you, go to it. Make your presence known. You may have an aversion to being your own pitch-man, but that’s how life is these days: you have to be your own best promoter. Throw off any self-consciousness you may have about doing this; or modesty, whether true or false. Just forget it and tell people what you have to offer them, with full confidence in your talent. Be articulate and just a little pushy. If you’re going to talk to anyone, make it the head honcho.

Moonshine Horoscope for April 7, 2016 #1095 | By Len Wallick

It’s very possible you don’t know your own strength when it comes to getting what you want from the world right now. Therefore, apply your efforts gently until you get a sense of how much they are being multiplied on the other end. It should go without saying that you will not need to knock any doors down. Instead, seek to persuade others to open up to you by showing you understand their needs. That way, their needs and your wants can both be fulfilled, so that the process of exchange you are seeking to consummate feels easy for everybody involved. Once you do get what you want, it would also be wise to follow up and establish a relationship that will last longer than the yield of any transaction.

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 4, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

In hindsight, these months and seasons may turn out to be one of the most successful times of your life. Therefore, take hold of the moment while you have it within reach. That means getting clear on what your most important goals are. I don’t mean last year’s goals; I mean the ones that are exciting to you now. You might notice that some of them have followed you through many incarnations of your work, even if you didn’t do anything about them along the way — those are the ones to notice. Right now you’re imbued with the power of invention. Inventors work with an idea, and then embark on a process of trial, error and success that helps modify that idea. In trying something, you’re not committing to it for life. You are, instead, embarking on a journey, and you might have little idea where it will lead. Give yourself permission to be bold, and trust synchronicity.

Short Monthly Horoscope for April 2016, #1094 | By Eric Francis

You may be feeling the cosmic invitation to success that the butler so recently handed you: your cue to make your mark on the world. Originality is often overrated, and ascribed incorrectly; though it is certainly the theme of your current solar chart. The beauty is that you don’t have to do much to make it real — merely present yourself in the way that feels right to you, from moment to moment. There is also something about exchange. Where professional and vocational matters are concerned, always know what you’re offering, and what you’re being offered.

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 28, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Drink water; look at pictures of water; visit a lake, stream or ocean; take a bath; and don’t forget to water the plants. You have a lot of fire in your chart this week, and water will help keep you in balance. Fire is important right now: you are reaching for some ambitious goals, and it’s fire that’s going to get you there. It would not, however, be helpful to burn out or to overextend yourself. The more you’re reaching for, the more balanced you must be. If you’re aspiring to concrete ambitions, remember general ideas such as being generous and empathetic. Every action must be backed by a deeper spiritual or humanitarian value. Your goal is never merely to succeed; it’s to succeed in a way that serves the greater good for all concerned. This is not always 100% possible, but right now you can come close.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for April, 2016, #1093 | By Eric Francis

This is a take-charge moment for you. No doubt you’ve been feeling this as unusual confidence. You can feel your own presence in the world, so it’s not surprising that others feel your presence as well. The usual glass ceiling has opened up into a skylight. You are visible and people are taking notice of both how you look and what you have to say. This combination of factors is often the formula for success. I would suggest one thing, which is that if you want to be a revolutionary, you must mind your politics. Live as if every word you’re saying is being recorded. Understand who has influence and why. Know the difference between formal leadership (the boss, for example) and informal leadership (the executive assistant who can make anything happen) and work with that distinction. All in all, remember the human dimension of everything. Slow down and make contact with people, one at a time. Learn the names of everyone you work with and pay attention to how they feel. This would usually come naturally to one born under the sign of mothering, but right now your solar chart suggests you’re more like big daddy. So make sure you draw reserves from your feminine side and take the time to express genuine caring, even as you set out to achieve bold and beautiful things like never before.

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 21, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

With Mercury about to move in your favor, be on the lookout for significant news of a career development this week. Yet don’t act too soon, because one development will follow another and you’ll need to take the sequence of events as one story rather than as unrelated developments. It’s just as necessary that you base any decisions on how you feel as much as on what promise the situation seems to hold. Fame and fortune are not everything; indeed, they can be a distraction from the real work. The ability to enhance your reputation or get your message out can be productive. It will be, as long as you remember that how you experience something internally, intuitively and emotionally must be the deciding factor for you. Attending to your inner needs, and your family relationships, will influence your future success more than anything else.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for March 17, 2016 #1092 | By Len Wallick

Having and holding tangible objects is commonly both a measure of wealth and a source of comfort. It is also possible to possess that which is not material in nature, but is substantial nonetheless. Now would seem to be a good time for you to think about acquisitions of the less-than-palpable kind. A time is coming when a skill or knowledge you do not yet possess will open doors for you. To figure out what sort of further education would be appropriate to prepare you for those impending portals, close your eyes and bring to mind aspirations you have always put off. Then open your eyes to see ways you might now pursue one of them.

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 14, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

The astrology of the past few weeks, and of the foreseeable future, is encouraging you to let go of your old concept of what your life could be. A new vision is ready to throw its arms around you and welcome you. To accept that offering will require an act of faith. Or, said more accurately, you must inspire yourself with a daily expression of your faith in yourself, which involves being courageous in the face of what seems to be unknown. You actually know more than you think you do. You possess greater wisdom than you imagine as of yet, and the potential for accomplishment on another scale of reality than you are accustomed to. Practice taking a wide view of your life. Look from side to side instead of just straight ahead. Consider the possibility that everything you have learned so far has been preparation for a time in your life marked by truly beautiful achievements.

Moonshine Horoscope for March 10, 2016 #1091 | By Len Wallick

More than most, you must pursue your own path to your own satisfaction. If you do indeed feel satisfied with your life right now, give yourself the acknowledgement that you have found what works for you. Then, rather than rest on your laurels, begin thinking about how you can work to both sustain and better share your sense of contentment with others you care about. If satisfaction is currently eluding you somehow, apply your intellect in tandem with your intuitive feelings to conduct an inner inventory. Over the next few weeks, carry a piece of paper with you and gradually compile a list of your emotional needs as they come to mind. Then, sometime before the end of this month, review those needs and get started on a plan to get them met.

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 7, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Think of this time in your life as a setup for developments in the mid- to long-range future. Plenty is happening, and you undoubtedly feel the sense of movement. Yet it’s essential that you take the long view, and work with a larger sense of scale than you’re accustomed to. The potential you feel is real. The diversity of your talents is authentic and rare indeed. Forget that the world is obsessed with results that it wants yesterday. Keep your perspective and remember that the thing you need the most now is good information. Let everything you learn, discover and observe factor into how you shape your concept of the future. You may not know how everything will manifest, or how your ideas will translate into reality; but the more you learn and focus on learning, the more clearly you will be able to see your opportunities.

Short Monthly Horoscope for March 2016, #1090 | By Eric Francis

You’re blessed with an ability to see far beyond the known horizons of your life. It’s as if you can imagine something that is approaching, and then have that very thing manifest. This opens the door to many possibilities, and it’s therefore essential that you focus on what you want to happen. You’re likely to be in full contact with a long-held desire, something that may even seem like it goes back lifetimes. You can make it real now. Despite whatever has happened in the past, keep your mind and your heart open, and envision beautiful developments.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for March 2016, #1089 | By Eric Francis

One of the most brilliant inventors of the 20th century, Buckminster Fuller, was born under the sign Cancer. What drove Fuller was his desire to take care of the world. He devoted his life to improving life on Earth, as someone who created technology that solved enormous problems. You have a strong, urgent streak of this drive to nurture the world. The truly unusual astrology of the next few weeks manifests in the most creative, passionate and visionary angle of your chart. This is the super-alignment in Pisces, complete with a total eclipse of the Sun. Consider this a dimension opening to some potential version of yourself that you always knew you could become. When it happens, it’ll feel like it was always there, right within you. Yet in the transition between now and that moment, I would remind you of a few things. One is to stay close to your erotic feelings. The sensation of yearning, craving and desire is your psychic fertility. Invite this into everything you do, and notice how you respond to every person in your environment. Next, I suggest you be aware of the power of flexibility. Any truly creative environment is dynamic: there are many variables acting simultaneously on one another. The most important one is your own awareness. You don’t need to be in control. You merely need to pay attention.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Feb. 22, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Negotiation is an art, and it’s one you can now do well. Art is more about feeling than it is technique. The first thing to do is to feel where people are coming from. This is the most valuable information you can have in your possession. People do what they are motivated to do. Once you know what gets them going, you can offer them that. If you know what someone’s agenda is, you can work with it; the best thing to do is to ask. By negotiation I don’t mean the hardcore style, but rather the friendly, arrangement-making kind. Keep in mind that we all have similar needs. If you can do that, it’s easier to find the common ground and guide yourself and others in that direction. You’re in a situation where everyone can come out a winner.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for Feb. 18, 2016, #1088 | By Len Wallick

Attend to your health. Even if you are feeling hale and hearty enough, look to improve your physical wellbeing even further. Good times are coming and you will want to be able to enjoy them to the fullest. Place a special emphasis on eliminating any bad habits before they take a perceptible toll. Think of yourself as an athlete going into training in preparation for a successful new season of competition, and you will be on the right track. There will be no need to put yourself through any pain or strain. Rather, realize that you are special rather than ordinary, and treat yourself that way. Sleep well. Eat well. Live well, and make yourself an example of wellness so that you can do the very best with whatever is about to bless you.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Feb. 15, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You’re probably wondering when all the shifts and shake-ups will settle down. It would help if you see the larger process, which is that you’re gradually gathering a new group of people around you — one that will be more stable and supportive. For this reason I suggest you not only go with the changes, but trust them. You can even use the process consciously. For example, write down all the things in your life that you would change if you could. Once you have an idea what you want to change, it’s easier to see the opportunity to make the change when you have it in front of you. One thing to remind yourself is that you’re creative, and this is running at a high point lately. You can afford to trust yourself, and to be more daring than usua.

Moonshine Horoscope for Feb. 11, 2016, #1087 | By Len Wallick

Give yourself a pat on the back for anything you have recently completed in spite of delays or detours. Then, take a look at your hard-won achievement and try to see it as a beginning. Think of yourself as having laid a foundation rather than having completed a structure, and you will be giving yourself a brighter and more stimulating future than you can currently imagine. The key is to start building on that foundation immediately. Part of the construction will involve offering to share the fruits of completion with others. It is by showing the value of your achievements to those around you that you will come to realize the potential you have cultivated in yourself while simply trying to get something done.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Feb. 8, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You’re in an excellent position to make long-term strategic moves where money and investments are concerned. Your solar chart describes you as mainly wanting one thing — financial stability. The best way to gain that is to remember that the only constant is change. Therefore, design something that has the ability to adapt rapidly to a world that never stays the same for a long time. I would remind you that one of your most valuable assets is collaboration. The group of people who now surround you are a rare and beautiful constellation of souls. What I suggest you tune into is a protective spirit that is present among those people — by which I mean protective of you. When someone demonstrates their willingness to look out for your best interests, respond in kind, and with gratitude.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for Feb. 4, 2016, #1086 | By Len Wallick

You have been the underdog long enough. It’s nearing time for you to lead the pack once again. The main thing to remember is that your strength is in the resources you share with those you would lead. Foremost among those resources is what the heart has to offer. Some medical scientists now believe what many — from loyal canines to passionate poets — have long known: that the heart has a consciousness of its own. What’s more, as any being with feelings would intuit, the sentience of the heart does not function (or even exist) apart from that of the brain. Rather, the feeling heart is necessarily inseparable from the calculating mind. So it can be with you and those with whom you cast your lot. You have the unique ability to be the heart wherever and whenever two or more gather in the name of each other, and it is precisely that talent which keeps comrades together. Let others be the brains of the outfit if it comes to that. Intellect can inform, but only heart can inspire others to follow.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Feb. 1, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

It’s as if an energetic gateway is opening inside you, which will allow for many unusual possibilities this week. They may be with a close partner or loved one, with whom you might deepen your connection. This promises to be as fun as it is deep; as beautiful as it is meaningful; as creative as it is transformative. If you are an artist or creative person of any kind, the same wave of energy could lead you to a whole new level of your work. You will be guided more by your feelings than by your concepts. Using music as a metaphor, this is about playing intuitively rather than composing intellectually. To do this, stay close to your vulnerability. Feel your passion and don’t hesitate to put your feelings into words. If you get the urge to be daring, go with it.

Short Monthly Horoscope for February 2016, #1085 | By Eric Francis

You don’t need to pursue anyone; merely be aware of who is focusing on you, and initiate the conversation you want to have. Invest your energy in understanding how people feel about you. Notice how your potential opens up or seems to close down with any person you’re engaging. Keep company with people around whom you feel good about yourself.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 25, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Someone close to you is working out an issue that, to them, might seem like a matter of life or death. Really, they appear to be struggling with a decision that they’ve already made, and are coming to terms with. Not only is it not all that bad, this could represent a truly positive development for everyone. People talk casually about commitment, and often accuse others of not having any. Then they might struggle to offer themselves to someone or something meaningfully. I suggest you be gentle with the whole topic, and see if the world is presenting you with any meaningful reflections you can study. It’s possible you’re seeing something that is usually veiled deep within you dramatized in your environment. That could lead to a meaningful conversation with yourself.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for February, 2016, #1084 | By Eric Francis

The trick to making the most out of the current extraordinary astrology is to consider your wildest and most visionary plans, and then condense them down to some tangible concepts. You don’t even need to act on these ideas yet; you just need to know about them and take the time to get clear. For what may be the eleventy-first time in this column, I suggest that this be in writing, in a notebook; to wit, not on some kind of digital device. And I suggest you write in pencil, to have in your body that all plans are subject to revision and improvement. Part of the tangibility factor, the thing that makes your ideas real, is having a physical relationship with them. You also want to think in a non-linear way; that is, to have the ability to scribble and sketch. I don’t know what this is about, but it’s big. Let that aspect not stop you, remembering how many great things were first sketched on napkins and paper bags. You must remember how moved you are, and then go right to the point of the humble beginning — and stay there for as long as you can. Many stages of this scenario will unfold over the next two years, and right now you’re at the most important step: understanding your concept. Or, you might say, becoming your concept.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 18, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

If there is some burning subject you want to discuss with a partner, I suggest you not push the issue. Rather, let the natural momentum of growth and change bring the subject out naturally. You are likely to be correct if you feel there’s something someone else knows, that you’re supposed to know. This could be personal or it could involve business. The topic may not be ready for a conversation yet. Until then, there’s no actual need to have this information, and the most vital thing you want is to preserve trust with this person. The best way to do that is simply to trust. That means making as few demands as possible, and not fixating on any one topic emotionally or mentally. Rather, do that thing you do so well — ride with the tide.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope — Jan. 14, 2016, #1083 | By Len Wallick

Don’t rely on the talking heads of television to tell you what’s going on in the world; they have an agenda that is not in your best interest. Neither should you depend on authority figures in your life to set your private priorities for you, for their motivations do not take your unique nature into account. While it may seem arbitrary and even impulsive for you to do so, try experimenting with declaring your independence regarding how you meet your emotional needs, and address your personal issues of comfort and security. Once you have reclaimed your inner spaces, then proceed to let them serve as a template by which you evaluate external events. Don’t be surprised if the world looks better as a result.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 11, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

So much is happening in the relationship angle of your chart that you may not be able to make heads or tails out of what people are thinking. Give the scenario a couple of weeks to develop, and observe what people actually do, rather than what they say they’re going to do. This will save you time, energy and distraction. Know what issues belong to others, and let them work out what is theirs. There are many positive ways you can invest your resources, and you don’t need anyone else’s help or permission. Your solar chart suggests you have some excellent ideas that it’s time to develop, and you will get results if you do. As someone wise once pointed out, writing is the art of applying the seat of the pants to the chair.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope — Jan. 7, 2016, #1082 | By Len Wallick

It is now more important than ever for you to be present in the moment. Start small. Count the steps on every flight of stairs you climb. Make note of every eye’s color. Listen for birds. Identify trees. Pay attention to the weather. At the end of every day, count the ways it was different from the day before. After a while, you will notice patterns and trends that are not constant, but changing. With the passage of a little more time, you will get a sense of what direction changes are taking. It may seem ridiculously simple, but keeping constant tabs on your present will liberate you from what is holding you back and what is inhibiting your forward motion as well. Eventually, you will reach a point where a very special moment shared with a very special somebody finds you doing and saying just the right thing at just the right time.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 4, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

The coming 12 months promise to be one of the most ambitious and successful of your life. There will be unexpected twists and turns that will open up opportunities that would have seemed impossible a year ago. Yet at the heart of these developments is not ambition or luck, but rather the passion and devotion that you put into what you do. All your motivation must come from inside you, and there is plenty to go around. Replace any feelings of jealousy or competition with a desire for social justice; that is, for the right thing to happen for everyone. If you believe that is possible, you will find many opportunities to ease the way and make it so. Your actions and contributions have far more influence than you’ve imagined.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for January 2016, #1081 | By Eric Francis

Your goal seems to be to feed the world, whether literally or in some symbolic sense. To do that you must be well-nourished, well-rested and well-informed. The pressure that you’re feeling to succeed in your mission is not some passing whim or fancy. It’s as if the time for a certain level of action has arrived, which comes with a level of dedication and devotion. As a result, you may feel driven like never before. And as a consequence of that, it will be necessary to stir up some chaos, and to deal with things that don’t go according to plan. You’ve been living with that for a while, though now it’s time to maximize that factor. Many great successes are adaptations to instability and uncertainty in society. That’s another way of saying that necessity is the mother of invention. The rate of change in the world is maddening, and you would do yourself a favor by admitting that it’s impossible to keep up. But what is possible is to identify patterns that provide you with opportunities to connect with the world with a viable purpose. As an essential ingredient of that, you will need to bring your vulnerability. Most of the struggle on the planet right now involves coldness and lack of empathy. Your success will depend on calling forth these qualities you possess and, indeed, respect the most about yourself.

Gemini 2016

Moonshine Horoscope for Capricorn New Moon #1132 | By Len Wallick

When you were younger, you might have had reason to feel that you were born either too early or too late. Now it would be fair to say that the world and you have at least potentially caught up with each other. You can bring the improved sense of your being in the right time (and even at the right place) to practical fruition. Try taking either a two-day sabbatical or two hours every week for at least two months to record a short history of your happiest moments on paper. The purpose of using paper and making bliss your subject matter is to help you focus on where personal experience has most pleasantly intersected with physical existence. Stick to the facts, and write for yourself only. Once you have finished, read what you have written. Then, ask yourself two questions. First, what desires can you let go of now that they have been met? Second, what do you now have the strongest will to reach for next?

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 26, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You appear to be headed for a breakthrough in a negotiation process where you may lack any clear advantage. Don’t let that deter you. Consider the wider circumstances that surround your situation. Consider everyone involved; ask yourself what’s motivating them, what they want and what they need. Then you will understand the actual position you’re in. Two factors will work in your favor. One is information. Learn everything you can, whether it’s from reviewing your own notes, research, or asking for information from others. Discover everything about every person involved. And then ask people older and more experienced than you what they think. Listen carefully to the opinions you disagree with the most vehemently: they are likely to hold the very best clues. You’re trying to do something that will require some thought: rebel and fit in at the same time.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 19, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Set all of your commitments into pause-and-review mode. You seem to have various contracts, agreements or understandings with people that need a think-through. For some of these, the issue boils down to dollars and cents. The numbers simply must add up, or nothing else will work. For others, the question is one of willingness, particularly your own. You have time to consider this, and it will be better if you bring the question to the front of your mind rather than having it lurk and linger at the back. Can you deliver what you’ve promised? Do you want to? If the answers to both of those questions are yes, then you may have a third question that’s not so easy to articulate. Going forward with your plan will require you to change and deepen. You might feel like you have to give something up to gain something else. Yes, you will need to give up the past to gain the future.

Moonshine Horoscope for Gemini Full Moon #1130 | By Len Wallick

Keeping in touch with those you care about is always important. For the time being, however, it’s probably at least as important to keep in touch with yourself. To do so, dial back a bit on distractions. Try spending less time watching images on a screen and more time listening to your own thoughts. This does not necessarily mean you should spend your days in isolation or sensory deprivation. On the contrary, some quiet time outside walking under the sky and among trees would probably be one of the best ways for you to explore what’s going on inside your head. Don’t neglect sleep, either. If you are not feeling well rested, it’s unlikely you will have the stamina it takes to think about thinking and to be fully conscious of your awareness.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 12, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You get a fresh start this week, though you are likely to be carrying over some business from last week. No worries: now you get to use the Full Moon Clear-The-Decks method of astrology. Tuesday’s Full Moon takes place in your sign, which will help you resolve any stuck issues, move any stuck energy, and motivate any creaky, squeaky people. Remember not to argue with anyone. Merely keep the discussion focused on action, and move things along. You have unusual persuasive power right now, and you also have certain points of leverage that will help you focus on your goals. Oh, that bit: be clear about what you want to get done. Check in with higher-ups to make sure that your goals are aligned with theirs; don’t run wrangle over anyone else’s agenda. You have the passion and the intelligence to make the outcome work for everyone.

Short Monthly Horoscope for December 2016, #1129 | By Eric Francis

State your expectations clearly, whether you’re speaking to relationship partners, business partners or the representative from your cellular provider. You are the one who must set the tone of all of your communications, and not for a moment allow yourself to be intimidated. When in doubt, stick to the facts and figures. This is your most important hedge against being swayed by the emotions, power or charisma of others. Keep your language simple and make sure that people understand what you mean, and that you understand what they say. The result of every discussion must be a clear agreement.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 5, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

In the realm of sexuality, too much emphasis is placed on power and pain. Too little is placed on communication, pleasure and healing. You have the ability to shift the conversation toward loving, creative ideas. You can set the agenda; though if I may give you a clue, here’s how it will feel when you do: like you’re venturing into taboo territory — and that’s because you are. It’s perfectly acceptable to cast relationships and sexuality in terms of victimization. Where people tend to panic is when things get sensitive, and where the only valid path involves honesty. You get to lead the way. In any discussion requiring two or more people to open up, be the one to speak your heart and soul. Take the risk of vulnerability. Admit your desire. Admit what you need. Offer your assistance in any form that you can give it. One such place would be your willingness to let go of jealousy as a form of gospel truth.

Moonshine Horoscope for Sagittarius New Moon #1128 | By Len Wallick

Nearly everybody has had at least one occasion to understand how opposites do indeed attract. Just such an experience seems to be on your horizon. To help assure that any such encounter will be a positive experience on the whole, all you have to do is remember just one thing: two perfectly complementary personalities might not always be in perfect agreement.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 28, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You will need to maintain inner discipline in your relationship transactions during the coming weeks and well into January. There is a double influence at work. One involves a kind of marriage impulse, and the other looks more like anarchy. Neither is especially trustworthy. Each contains deeper emotions or motives, and you would be wise to look for them. One thing I want to emphasize is not having relationship conversations when anyone is under the influence of any mind-altering substance, even a little alcohol. There’s room for some serious distortion. Therefore, conduct discussions of relationships and sexuality out of bed, such as at the kitchen table; and stone cold sober. You need to know what you’re saying, hear what’s being said to you, and fully trust the understandings and agreements you come to. There’s no wiggle room here. It’s essential that all parties state their true needs, and listen to those of the other. Beware of scorekeeping.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope — December 2016, #1127 | By Eric Francis

Everything about your charts is saying go deep: that you want to, and that you need to. This means having the real conversation sooner rather than later. No matter how apprehensive that may make you feel, you’re the bold person in the equation, the one who has a feeling for what you need to say, and what you want to know. Once the discussion is going, though, you don’t need to push any particular point. Take it gently and allow the momentum of truth to carry the subject forward. You will know you’re having a real conversation when it takes on a life of its own, when things come up that surprise you, and when you end up in a completely different place than you may have intended. You seem to be climbing around on the wreckage or artifacts of the past. If you get that feeling, think of it as the unresolved remnants of past commitments. In the midst of all that, you might find one or two things you can still stand by, though not much else. To actually live, you must clear out of your way any promises you’re no longer able or willing to keep, and free others from the same things. Be aware that most of the time, most humans try to live in the past; that’s why so little of actual relevance ever seems to happen. Your way is different.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 21, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Now is not a good time to make important decisions in your relationships. If you work through the current challenge, you will have another perspective more liberating and beautiful than you might be feeling now. It’s not your relationships that are holding you down; it’s an idea you have about them. You’re in a rare phase of your journey when you can clear those tendencies out of your life. First you must see them for what they are: relationships that are more about structure than about feeling; more about commitment than about devotion. The difference is nothing less than that between what you’re supposed to do, and what you want to do. If you consider this possibility and you feel the allure of freedom, and then you feel guilt, know that you’re moving in the right direction. Guilt is your confirmation of what you really want.

Weekly Horoscope for Nov. 17, 2016, #1126 | By Amy Elliott

You’re on the way to taking some positive and useful steps toward a career that really suits you. You’re almost ready to make the move; just now, you seem to be at the point of deciding what to carry with you and what to leave behind. Your famous mercurial nature aside, it seems there is some particular habit or issue of which you are unwilling to let go. It may help to consider tackling this now as an important learning experience that will assist you toward a kindlier future. Employ that quick brain of yours and persevere until you have the solution.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 14, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

All is not fair in love. It may be fair in war, but they’re not the same thing, and the competitive situations in your life are far from combat. As for love, you need to be guided by your personal code, and decide consciously when you choose to bend or amend it. In other words, when faced with something you consider a temptation, consider the consequences and make a conscious choice. It may be worth the risk — only you know. One question that will be floating around is: what is the meaning of marriage? If that one appears on your radar, ask the question honestly and from as many viewpoints as you can. It would be beautiful if there were not winners and losers in love, and in truth that is actually possible. Along the way, you have the strength to be kind to people, and honest with them. That will lay a strong foundation for the future.

Short Monthly Horoscope for November 2016, #1125 | By Eric Francis

All work is creative work. If for some reason you’re feeling bored or overwhelmed, bring more passion and soul into what you’re doing. You might be saving that for some perfect future scenario, yet it’s your own life-force energy that will get you from here to there. Your talent, vision and love are needed where you are, right now, even if you don’t always feel appreciated. Rise to the occasion of every circumstance in your life. Then take the chance to rise above and get some perspective. From there you will see that each seemingly small, loving gesture contributes to much greater progress.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 7, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You’re in a good position to buy, sell or trade secrets. Your chart is the very picture of intrigue. Just remember, you would be playing with fire. Looked at another way, you have access to inside information for a reason. That would be to enhance your ability to succeed and to help others succeed. This is about gaining an advantage — but not an advantage over anyone. Use your information honestly and fairly. You must be mindful of a few things, one of which is making sure that your facts are correct. Proceed only with data that you’ve verified a few times. Get other viewpoints and assemble your own picture. Also, people are likely to reveal to you sensitive information that they might regret having said. Like a competent journalist, you must protect your sources. And it’s never good form to take any pleasure at all in the pain or struggles of others. Rather, help any way you can.

Moonshine Horoscope for Scorpio New Moon, #1124 | By Len Wallick

If it is at all possible, take at least one day to be all by yourself sometime soon. It’s time to get reacquainted with who you are when separated from work and relationships. Let your special day alone be unstructured. Be rather than do. The possibilities are endless. Whether you stay inside or go outside does not matter so much, so long as you break routine. You could follow up on something that has been intriguing you — something you have not had time to investigate — so long as you do it on your own. Another viable alternative is to be utterly un-ambitious and simply remember how to enjoy your own company once again.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 31, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

There is a way through or around any obstacle or obstruction. You will need to decide whether someone in your life is being stubborn and intractable, or whether they have an interest in growing. If you repeatedly come up against their refusal to change, and if this has gone on for a year or so, you will need some kind of workaround. They are unlikely to be interested in changing. Yet you’re too well suited to adapting to discomfort for your own good. You need to put your survivalist tendencies to good use, rather than letting them be used against you. Anyway, the purpose of relationships is not to endure; it’s to be productive, share in the benefits of life and have fun. So if you find yourself making excellent use of your coping skills, you might back off a little bit, and find other ways either to adapt or to make a real decision.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for November 2016, #1123 | By Eric Francis

Gemini is said to be one of the more mental signs, but now there’s no avoiding an emotional situation that’s been vying for your attention for some time. Once you devote yourself to understanding and healing, you will discover a world of possibilities, by which I mean support from others and an opportunity to grow and create. One item to address is your sexuality, from the standpoint of healing. This can be challenging because few people have any concept of sexual healing until they’ve experienced it, and few healers or thought-leaders bring up the topic. You still tend to think of sex as something that must exist inside a social construct like marriage or commitment. Sex came first. The human body and its feelings came before anyone’s notion of right or wrong imposed over basic biology. One element of healing is living by your own personal code of ethics, one that realistically reflects who you are and what you feel. That’s predicated on knowing what you feel and seeking to discover the truth of who you are. This is opposite from trying to fit yourself into what someone else thinks you’re supposed to be. Just embracing that one idea will help you feel better and set yourself free. You might try this as your mantra for a few weeks: “I am not my parents. I am myself.”

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 24, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Mercury, your personal planet, is about to move into Scorpio. The psychological insight offered by this sign will help you make some sense out of people or situations that were previously not quite adding up. You’ll also have more tolerance of things being out of balance in that characteristically 21st-century way. The thing to remember is the human factor. People have egos, and they tend to be oversensitive, just like you get sometimes. When they’re in that condition, what they need is empathy. This might come as recognition for what they’ve accomplished, even though you might perceive this as excessive pride or childishness. Humor people. Tell them what great work they’re doing and they will be much more cooperative with the great work that you are doing.

Weekly Horoscope for Oct. 20, 2016, #1122 | By Amy Elliott

Everyone is a work in progress to some extent, and it appears progress is what you’re currently making. If life is a detective novel, you’ve either just found an important clue or are about to come across one. Your present mission may involve digging deeper than you usually like to go. Yet, there is every indication that it’s worthwhile, to say the least. If you feel inclined to back away rather than face possible discomfort, here are two thoughts that might help: firstly, talk to someone you love and trust; secondly, think of this as a puzzle, and you’ll get on splendidly.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 17, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You may be feeling scattered, but creatively you’re in rare form. To get the flow of ideas going requires a little chaos, and your life certainly qualifies at the moment. You’ll benefit from channeling your energy into productive activities (making art in any form, imbibing art in any form, passion, sex, etc.) rather than merely emoting, or talking about things. In fact it would make sense to skip the part about telling people what you’re planning to do, and instead get down to business. Meanwhile, your astrology suggests you pay special attention to anything involving shared finance or matters of taxation. Get second opinions, sleep a few nights on any question and, most of all, read before you sign.

Moonshine Horoscope for Aries Full Moon, #1121 | By Len Wallick

There are different types of contests. Some are private, others public. Sometimes the stakes are high; other times the outcome is more of a learning experience. To help your own cause regarding any bones of contention you are faced with right now, give some thought to the interests of others. You need to understand both the motivations and objectives of those you are contending with. In addition, it would be helpful if you were cognizant of how those only looking on are invested. If there is a way you can participate so that everybody involved feels like a winner, your prestige and influence will be unavoidably enhanced.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 10, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You can afford to come out of your shell. In fact, it would seem to be the very thing you want to do the most, and being responsive to that will benefit you. For a couple of months it would seem that you’ve been lost in your own sauce, more concerned with a kind of inner reflection than with expressing yourself. Maybe it felt productive; maybe it was frustrating; I reckon you learned something important about yourself in any case, particularly about your insecurities. Now you get to collect the results of that work, which will come in the form of expressing yourself. That means a form of freedom you haven’t had for a while. Freedom is something you take, not something you’re given. This will require courage, and shifting out of some old patterns — though you have help, and you have incentive. Still, you’re the one who must take the seeming risk of expressing yourself, which means opening yourself up to the potentially significant rewards.

Short Monthly Horoscope for October 2016, #1120 | By Eric Francis

You’re experiencing a creative burst like you’ve rarely ever felt. Celebrate, explore and give yourself some extra freedom to find out what you want to do. You have more potential than you think. It’s a matter of focus, and that is coming. You might feel you have to give up some things to focus on one or two priorities. Let this happen organically. Remember, you’re not really giving anything up. You will take every talent, passion and idea with you, and these will combine into new forms, new projects and new gigs. Have faith in this process, and in yourself.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 3, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Be mindful when conducting any negotiations, particularly if they involve contracts, matters of taxation or negotiating about finances in partnerships. You appear to be motivated to get a fair outcome, but don’t move too quickly. If you feel the discussion is proceeding in a way that is unfair or in which you’re lost in the maze, ask for time to get your facts right. Use your energy on inquisitiveness rather than fighting or resisting. And remember, this is not a matter of how hard you work, or having to earn something extra by your service. This conversation is at the stage of brass tacks; it’s now far less about opinion and almost entirely about power. To keep your power, you must be armed with facts and figures and keep your presentation chilled to just above freezing. People must deal with reality. Emotions get in the way.

Moonshine Horoscope for Libra New Moon, #1119 | By Len Wallick

You know life is good. You also know that the best way to enjoy yourself is in a life-affirming way. Now is a good time to begin putting all that hard-earned knowledge to work, beginning with some serious reflection regarding what works best for you now. Don’t despair if an old thrill has somehow gone. It doesn’t mean you have lost your groove. It simply means you have evolved. Allow yourself to experiment and explore new forms and sources of gratification appropriate to the person you have (perhaps unknowingly) become. If you don’t know how or where to start updating or upgrading your groove, look first into your own heart for what’s currently most important to you. Then, look in the world for where your heart’s desire will be just as important to others as it is to you.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 26, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Jupiter and the Sun are now joining forces in the boldest and most adventurous angle of your chart. That’s an invitation to push the limits of what you think is possible. You have a special challenge ahead of you, which will come with unusual rewards if you step up to your potential. It takes a special state of mind to look at a blank page, or to listen to the silence, and imagine something into being. Yet that seeming blankness is speaking to you now. Ideas are bubbling forth from everyone and everything, if you would only listen. You will also need to take the risk of creation, which means letting your ideas out and then giving them a chance to develop. Don’t rush this process; attend to it like the plants on your windowsill: looking after them daily, giving them light and water, and encouraging them to grow. Light and water includes fun and passion. Keep your energy moving.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscopes for October 2016, #1118 | By Eric Francis

You must be careful what you commit to this month. During the Mercury retrograde into late September, you got a clue just how little it takes to create a misunderstanding. You need to be vigilant about this going forward. That means understanding your responsibilities and commitments under any contract you sign or promise you make. To put it bluntly, you must figure out how much power over you any agreement gives the other party. From the look of your solar chart, that power will be lopsided in favor of others. The first step toward claiming it back is not giving any more away. Any situation where there is some question about this is likely to come to a head, so you will want to be prepared for any discussion in advance. You are not the type to submit to anything against your will; you’re too intelligent and you value your autonomy. Yet what’s unfolding in the current scenario involves old patterns that go back to parents and early caregivers, wherein you had to content yourself with having no influence over the course of events. This is no longer true; however, most of your strength and volition will come from knowledge. Therefore, set no limits on what you know about your circumstances, your rights or anyone with whom you’re dealing. For this is indeed your power.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 19, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Mercury is about to change to direct motion this week just as the Sun enters your fellow air sign Libra. You may have the urge to accomplish every task that’s been bumped off your to-do list the past three weeks. You might suddenly feel that anything is possible. I suggest, however, that you begin your catch-up process close to your most basic emotional needs, your physical body and your living space. Then it will be easy to branch out from there. It will serve you better to work from the inside out, because without you being aligned inwardly, it’s difficult to manifest your intentions or desires in the outer world. One question you might face is what to do in the case of seemingly conflicting desires. This is why knowing yourself, feeling centered and understanding your priorities is so important, and why it’s the place to start.

Pisces Full Moon Moonshine for Sept. 15, 2016, #1117 | By Len Wallick

You have always been able to move on. It’s one of your strengths. Over the last year or so, a different imperative may have come to the fore. Perhaps it’s a need to stake out and occupy some form of ground. Alternatively (or in combination) you may have been compelled somehow to be more persistent than ever before in quest of a goal. Either way, the result at this juncture may be a bit of internal conflict. To resolve that tension, employ a three-step process. First, mentally retrace your choices over the last 12 months. Then, take adequate time to be clear about what you want. Finally, envision what inner peace would look like four years from now, and take your first steps towards achieving it.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 12, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

An artist is someone who is aware of their environment in the moment, and who carefully considers the impact of their words or other creative expression. An artist can be in any field, no matter how technical or seemingly ‘non-artistic’. You’re being called to just such awareness now: to bring yourself and all of your talents into everything you do, but more than that, to understand what you make as being inherently relational: that is, with every breath you breathe, with every mark of a pencil on a page or letter that you type, you are connecting to someone. And in connecting, you’re having an influence and creating an effect. As a matter of your highest ethics and what some call dharma — acting as if to hold the world together — you must consider the impact of what you create. This is best as a matter of day-to-day habit. Your true talent will flourish when you do.

Short Monthly Horoscope for September 2016, #1116 | By Eric Francis

You’re learning how not to be informed by your insecurities. They seem so certain of themselves — which is strange, since they’re describing uncertainty. That alone should make them suspect. One thing you’re being guided to do over and over is to avoid placing your self-esteem in the hands of others. It seems to work for a while, but people and their attitudes can be flaky. Your respect for yourself must be based on your opinion alone. Others may say things that make you feel better or worse, or they may say nothing at all. Your truth about yourself is in your hands.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 5, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You seem to be under the influence of a forgetfulness spell. Therefore, focus on remembering: remember your agenda, remember what you need to do and who you need to talk to, and remember your most basic needs. Most of all, remember your ideas. This is one of those weeks when a beautiful turn of phrase, a solution to a persistent problem, or an elegant chord progression can get lost between the moment you discover it and the time you get to your notebook. So be persistent about this, and trust you are having ideas that are worth remembering. Your chart shows you working toward some impressive goals; remember that the big achievements in life are always a mosaic of seemingly small goals met, combined with an overarching vision. Therefore, set out to accomplish those seemingly little things, and remember that you did, and why you did. And then pull back and size up the big picture at least twice a day.

Virgo New Moon Moonshine for Sept. 1, 2016, #1115 | By Len Wallick

There is a potential and substantial creative achievement inside of you waiting to come out. Interestingly, it is not only your inner environment that needs attention so that your creation can be realized. What you have between you and the manifestation of a masterpiece is thus a two-fold task. You might think of it as doing on one level and not doing on the other. Fortunately, there is nobody with a greater aptitude than you at managing two parallel but related strategies. To begin with, actively attend to the physical space (either home or studio) where you compose. That probably means less clutter and more air. Follow up by taking the pressure off yourself. While still holding a clear vision of your objective, relax regularly in your own way toward a state of inner peace, even temporarily, and see what flows out of its own accord.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 29, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Mercury, your home planet, is about to station retrograde. Typically this is classified as the astrology of inconvenience. For you, and for those you influence, this will be an unusual one, rich with discoveries and a major personal breakthrough. For this to serve you best, you need to remember something you’ve learned many times, which is how to stay open-minded. This extends to being open to your own feelings, and to your feelings changing. Pay attention to your tendency to have to understand every single emotional impulse before you let it in. You’re likely to be feeling so much, particularly the next few days, there’s no accounting for it all. If you open up to your own mental and emotional flow, you’ll feel better, you’ll feel more grounded, and you’ll get more done. The one thing I suggest you give up on is control. This is the primary message coming from your chart: relax a little and let life happen.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for Sept. 2016, #1114 | By Eric Francis

The obsession with security that our society has developed during the past 15 years has a parallel on the human level: how is it possible to feel safe on our planet at this time? There are days when everything seems to be unraveling. We are constantly reminded of what’s supposed to threaten us, from mosquitoes to the nuclear arsenal. The spiritual approach is to declare yourself the safe place. You become your own sanctuary. Yet the private dimension is one of the most menacing for many people, where their own inner voices, such as the critic or the moralist, leave them the least room to be themselves, or to feel safe. However, inner poise is what you must cultivate, and you have many opportunities to do so. One thing your astrology indicates is an inner exploration of the sources of insecurity as they are rooted in your childhood experiences. You might avoid these memories and emotions as one way of dealing with them, though I suggest you address them directly. This is the simplest way to neutralize the power they seem to hold over you. When you hear an inner critic or authority speaking, ask yourself: whose voice is this? If you can get past this layer of turbulence, you will feel safer, and you will tap into a well of wisdom and knowledge from which you will surely benefit.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 22, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Let others lead the way, at least for themselves; they know best, or they think they do. If you stand back a few paces, you’ll succeed in doing two things: allowing close partners or loved ones to make their own decisions, and having some perspective so that you see where you fit in (or don’t). What I suggest you not do is intervene, or try to alter anyone’s trajectory — even if you don’t think they’re doing the right thing. You might be right; or alternately, they might know something you don’t know. There is plenty going on in your life that’s calling for your attention. You seem to be preparing for some emergence into a new phase of your talent. Stick to that. Take care of yourself. Leave the people close to you space to deal with their stuff, and give things a solid week or more to settle down and sort themselves out. You’ll save a lot of needless bother.

Full Moon Moonshine Horoscope for Aug. 18, 2016, #1113 | By Len Wallick

It is not unusual to teach what one most needs to learn. In your case, however, it’s not so simple. For the foreseeable future (which will not be all that long, really), the key to your advancement in the world will largely consist of how willing you are to be taught. There are those who are ready and able to coach you, both to your benefit and to theirs; but the best of them will not be willing to offer their services if you are not at least receptive and willing to learn. The extent to which you are now open to taking in what comes from others is the degree to which you will be able to become more than you have ever been.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 15, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Learning is discovering that something is possible. The next week or so will be rich with this energy: of self-discovery, of your learning potential, and most of all, figuring out how much you already know. Please don’t resist this. Slow down and take your time with everything that you’re doing and everything you’re feeling. We’re not talking about knowledge that’s limited to what you’re holding in your head. For you in particular, authentic knowledge is rooted in your feelings, your blood and your bones. Your body informs your mind, not the other way around, and this quality of your being is coming on strong now. Along with this process, pay attention to what you eat and how it makes you feel. Pay attention to your sleep patterns and dreams. And if you have any connection to your ancestors, particularly on your father’s side, consider what they have taught you and what they are offering you now.

Weekly Horoscope for Aug. 11, 2016, #1112 | By Amy Elliott

On more than one occasion Eric has said, “space is intelligence.” If you have an idea on the brew, it’s possible that the first step to drawing it forth is to make sure your space is ready. Tidy up any clutter that’s preventing you from breathing freely. You may be surprised by how much clearer your head feels afterwards, and by the potentially multiplying effect on your creative skills. Then you can get on with the business of making a more vibrant and wonderful world.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 8, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Don’t trip over yourself. Tie your shoes, pull up your socks and walk forward. You might not be feeling self-confident enough to blaze forward, though this is what I’m speaking about. If you act confidently and proceed with some direction, you will feel confident. If you overthink everything, especially in the context of what will make you feel safe, you’re likely to feel stuck. Others in your environment may seem bold or aggressive, which may be irritating; however, you might consider that they have the right approach to life. It’s true that some people around you may have a higher tolerance for conflict, though you have a skill that can convert friction into cooperation: that would be your gift of language. Your ability to negotiate and to see both sides of an issue will help you turn potential competitors into allies and even friends. Find your common goals and agree to work toward them.

Short Monthly Horoscope for August 2016, #1111 | By Eric Francis

It’s time to be direct with people, and to let them be direct with you. Some feathers may get ruffled, but you’ll save a lot of time. You no longer have the need to analyze psychological motives. You can no longer afford to hope that someone will change, or that you can adapt to anything you don’t really like. Your life right now is a question of stating what you want, listening to what other people want, and deciding on the spot whether there really is a meeting between the two. If you see common ground, seize the moment; and if not, you must live your life your way.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 1, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

At a certain point you have to come out of your comfort zone, and it would seem as if a relationship partner or potential interest is guiding you to do just that. If someone seems to be confronting you, ease back and take it not as an offense, but as a friendly challenge. Work with the idea that it’s up to you to offer people the space to be themselves. You do plenty of changing and choosing; you know that the people you truly call friends are the ones who give you the widest berth to be yourself. If you extend that truly loving courtesy of affirmation to others, you will discover the corresponding reward of how good it feels to offer freedom as well as to have it for yourself. They are so similar as to be the same thing. And it would seem that in this situation, the feeling is mutual.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for August 2016, #1110 | By Eric Francis

The more you cling to your reality, the shakier it will seem. If you can hang loose, you’ll find it much easier to adapt. It might seem that your adjustments mainly involve people and their changing needs and desires. In truth this is about you. There are certain outer circumstances, such as work or partnerships, that seem to protect you from the truth that you’re growing and changing on a constant basis. It’s true that Gemini is the master of being a different person every day, though I’m referring to something deeper. For example, possibly you’re becoming aware that you need your family of choice around you, rather than your family of origin. You may have ideas about how you want to structure your home, or where you want to live. Most of all, you have ideas about what will help you feel safe and secure on the planet in a time when that’s an extremely rare commodity. You may not have the answer to that, though you may also recognize that certain factors in your environment run contrary to that goal. If you discover and acknowledge that something or someone aggravates you, you have the power to remove that influence. Don’t expect it to go away or mysteriously get better. You know it’s your job to take care of yourself. It’s your job to make your own decisions.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 25, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

It’s worth one more mention that quality writing, once the purview of high school students, has become an art form as rare as ballet. The ability to read, once the foundation of all knowledge, has been replaced in most people by the ability to keep up with the latest rumors. Yet you have reading skills that are better than most of the people you know; and better still, reading and writing for you are a dependable form of fun. With that said, these things also make you a more valuable collaborator. Put another way, these skills are actually worth something, by which I mean they have a significant monetary value. Remember that. And do not take your skills for granted: refine them all the time. Read three books on a subject where you might ordinarily read just one. Carefully proofread everything you send, and be one of the people who set the example of honoring language.

Weekly Horoscope for July 21, 2016, #1109 | By Amy Elliott

There’s a reason they say nobody’s an island. If you have a particular project on the go this week and are perhaps scratching your head, don’t be too proud to ask for help. In fact, it’s quite likely that someone you know will have the very answer you seek, whether you bring the subject up consciously or happen to be discussing something entirely different. So keep your eyes and ears open; a moment of serendipity could be all you need. Moreover, if you seem to be getting bogged down in routine, you can easily find inspiration again through taking a break or switching things up. Do what you enjoy, and you’ll be doing it right.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 18, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Those born under your sign are said to have a way with words. I have found few astrological ideas to be so true. You have a gift and you also have the potential to turn it into something that sustains you. Yet for that to happen, you must make your ongoing investment, and you must collect on what you’ve invested in the past. Though more words are spoken and written now than ever before, genuine literacy is not doing so well. By that I mean actual, grounded knowledge that has context, and can be referred to on paper and ink. You may not consider yourself a writer or a scholar, but you’re an intelligent person doing interesting things with your life. Every last endeavor you might explore will benefit from your ability to read and write well, and with passion. And if this means anything to you, such will increase your value as a collaborator, leader or team member.

Full Moon Moonshine Horoscope for July 14, 2016, #1108 | By Len Wallick

Time flies, and in today’s light-speed world it’s easy to miss a trick or two; plus, sometimes we all need to slow down a little. For that reason, look to get ahead of schedule as much as possible over the next four weeks. Think of yourself as now having the chance to build some momentum that will make it a lot easier to get over the next hill, and the number of steps forward will continue to exceed any steps you might have to take back. In addition, you might want to consider the advantages of not flying solo. Many hands make shorter and lighter work. Either look to become part of a team or recruit one. Even a team of two will work better than one.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 11, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You have a rare opportunity to stabilize your life. You’re accustomed to going in cycles, which sometimes takes you by surprise. The first thing to do is get a handle on those cycles. You must observe yourself; and then when you’re on the upswing, set aside energy, save money, get ahead or tackle difficult tasks. Yet there is another dimension: you need to build relationships that provide structural support. That means partners who have some ability to focus and be consistent. That means professional gigs that are steady. That means friends who are solid and not flaky. This is done over a period of time, though it could be well begun today. The one ingredient you will need to bring is commitment to this process even when you don’t feel like it; that is, whether on good days or difficult ones.

Short Monthly Horoscope for July 2016, #1107 | by Eric Francis

Your financial life has a tendency to run in extreme cycles, more than those of most other people you know. If you know how to ride the waves, you can do well for yourself. Your solar chart indicates that this is a moment of relative abundance. This is a great time to get into the habit of stashing away money and other important resources. Just the fact of doing so will have a stabilizing effect; not just on your finances but on your self-esteem, and wealth attracts wealth. Society teaches us a big drama about running on empty. Running on abundance suits you much better.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 4, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Focus on your most valuable personal assets. Not everyone knows what they are — it’s time for you to figure it out. It’s not enough to be awesome, or a great person. You need a specific inventory of what you know how to do, what you have to offer, and what you have the capacity to learn. Know what you’ve accomplished; and from there, have an idea what you want to do next. The current vogue is to have all this be in some vague form, to be generically talented in some way. This is merely palliative. Your skills are your tools, and you have them for practical purposes. I suggest you take any opportunity to acquire new ones, or to sharpen and maintain the ones you already possess. What you may find is that this goes further toward solidifying your self-esteem and self-respect than any psychology exercise, personal brainwashing or personal improvement campaign. Feel the exquisite beauty of, “Yes, I know how to do that,” or, “I’ll figure that out.”

New Moon Moonshine Horoscope for June 30, 2016, #1106 | by Len Wallick

Among the great forms of wisdom demonstrated by little babies is how to own. It’s a simple matter of taking things in hand and putting them into the mouth. While infants do indeed require adult supervision to assure their safety until they learn the necessary discretion about what to grasp for and what to eat, there is no question that kids are born with the right idea of how to participate in the world. Hence, you already have (and have always had) all that you now need to take your own part in the world to a new and more adult level. First, take possession of all that you have ever done or experienced. Then, get your mouth into the action — not to eat, but instead to declare who and what you are with justified pride.

Monday Morning Horoscope for June 27, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You’re more intelligent than you think. If you feel like there is some issue or problem that’s over your head, all you need to do is slow down and tune in. This may relate specifically to a goal you have, one you might think you’re not up to. This insecurity may come back to a single comment some adult made to you as a child. You might also be struggling with an effect of digital life, which is to scramble certain forms of self-awareness. In any situation requiring your ability to think, the first thing to do is to be self-aware. Tune into your body and how you feel. Then start to put things into context. If you feel you don’t understand something, begin to break down just what it is you don’t know. You will figure out that you know more than you think, and you’ll have an inventory of missing information to put the pieces together. This works for any scale of question or problem.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for July 2016, #1105 | by Eric Francis

It’s time to go beyond any semblance of survival mode. This is particularly true when it comes to money. Your chart blends the theme of survivalism (accented by old lessons not learned) with the image of natural abundance, including financial. You might be wondering what the hang-up is. Money is its own special game, with its own skills and techniques. You are particularly susceptible to negative infiltration by ideas such as ‘money is bad’, or ‘people are corrupted by wealth’. Anyway, I don’t see your goal as being rich so much as having enough and some to share. There is a difference. One of the Gemini traits around finance is that you tend to run in cycles, and you must plan for those turns of the tide. You’re likely to be running on the abundant side more than usual right now, and that’s the time to set cash aside. In fact, you will sooner or later figure out that it’s always time to stash money aside, as a kind of religious devotion. One other bit: like many companies, you’re likely to have one profitable product. For you, fortunately, that something is likely to be a direct, tangible benefit to the people who take advantage of what you offer. Put some energy into that every day and you will have something that produces for you on a dependable basis.

Monday Morning Horoscope for June 20, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You may be feeling the calling to devote yourself to a goal with full strength. It may seem like you’re doing this for someone or something, though you’re really doing it for yourself. I don’t mean self-serving in the usual sense of that; I mean in service of your integrity, your ideals and your bonds with others. Once you have those things in line, there will be plenty of overflow of benefits for everyone. Therefore, focus on your commitments. Keep your promises; and for what you cannot keep, or must delay, negotiate and make new arrangements. You’re not the prisoner of your commitments, though you might feel like that at times. Rather, you work in service of them and they work in service of you. Be grateful that you have a structure to use, which will help keep you focused. The more you work within your existing structure, the more freedom you will have — including the freedom to make changes.

Moonshine Horoscope for June 16, 2016, #1104 | by Len Wallick

What success consists of depends on who you are, and what you want. In nearly every case, however, winning has more to do with surpassing yourself than overcoming others. That would appear to be especially true for you now. No matter how well you have achieved your ambitions in the past, the new level of aspirations now within your reach will require you to somehow do and be better than ever before. There should be no doubt about your ability to step up. As a matter of fact, meeting and matching new challenges should be easy as pie for you. What may not be your piece of cake is facing limitations, especially those of your own creation. Acknowledge how you might be holding yourself back, and you will be taking the first and most important step toward propelling yourself beyond your personal best. You’re bound to discover a whole new you on the other side.

Monday Morning Horoscope for June 13, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Your astrology seems, on one level, to be inviting you to avoid or escape from something. Pay attention to that impulse. You may be trying to run from the very thing you want the most. Yet another way to read the same pattern is that you’re seeking a peak experience of some kind. You want to go the whole way into something and do it for real. This desire for intensity is why people do things like bungee jump or parachute from airplanes. The inner movement is the desire for something that will actually change you. This could come in many different forms, though think of it as a real experiment with the thing you think is the realest, or that you want the very most. However, it’s a fine line between escape and what I’m calling peak experience. Pay attention to the distinction, and watch for distractions. For example, if you’re preparing for an interview, an audition or a placement exam, and someone invites you out for drinks, which do you do?

Monday Morning Horoscope for June 6, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

The debate over whether love works, or is real, or lasts forever, is meaningful only to those who are obsessed by guilt. Once guilt is seen as the obstruction that it is, the nature of love becomes obvious. Yes, it’s something that you offer to the people around you; yet in our era, perhaps the greater need is to accept the love that’s offered to you. You can only have as much as you’re willing to receive, and I suggest you open all the way up and just let people care about you, feel for you and support you. You might be thinking that love and support are just not there; or “I’ll receive it when there’s more available.” That, however, is not a formula for happiness. Embrace what is offered to you. Little kids smiling at you count. Random dogs saying hello count. Your ex emailing to see how you’re doing counts. Even an honest ‘no’ gives you information about how and where to proceed: count that as a form of affirmation.

Short Monthly Horoscope for June 2016, #1103 | By Eric Francis

Feel your own presence anywhere you go. Just the fact of your being somewhere has an influence in your environment, and by all indications a positive one. Imagine yourself holding the space open for the right thing to happen. You don’t need to say anything; the most important thing you can do is be aware of who and what is in your environment, and what the purpose of any meeting or project is. Say less than you might normally, though speak your mind when you know your contribution is likely to make a difference. Then, be sure to listen and learn.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 30, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Anytime you see a finished creative work, or someone’s solid accomplishment, it’s easy to forget what went into it. You might not consider all the steps involved, including how what you’re currently looking at began in an entirely different form (such as the musical that started as a novel). It’s also easy to forget that creating a work of art or culture changed the artist or the author, sometimes radically. You are involved in a process of discovering who you are at the same time you’re discovering what you want to achieve. Remember that these are the same process, the same journey. And this is always a journey into the unknown within you. It may be a cliché to say that there are no easy answers, nor answers that come from outside of yourself. Yet the beauty of those ideas is that they can point you in the right direction: inward, where the real creative fire is, and then outward, in the spirit of everything — everything — being an experiment.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for June 2016, #1102 | By Eric Francis

You must make space for yourself in your own world, and in the world. Nobody’s going to do it for you. In fact you might feel as if you’re being crowded out of an increasingly mobbed society. It’s nothing personal, of course; but you must make it so as a conscious act. Space begins with actual room: to work, to think, to live, to explore. Whether there might be an opening for you in a given field starts with whether you have the room to do what you do. Is your worktable big enough? Is your space quiet enough? Do you have time to think? Is there any wasted space in your home, office or studio that can be cleared out? You might start with the corners and work your way into the middle of the room. You could do that mentally as well, noticing what you tend to gloss over or habitually shove aside. As you clear physical and mental space, your energy will begin to flow in a new way. You will gain back some of the emotional self-control that you need to master your creativity. Here’s something to keep in mind: you are more likely to discover an opening or an advantage in the world searching inwardly than you are, say, from a listing on Craigslist. Then you must hold that open as you move through the social world and look for the connection you need.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 23, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

The Sun recently entered your sign, with an unusual traveling companion: the brightest asteroid, Vesta. Associated with devotion, with young women and — most of all — with the use of physical space, Vesta is a reminder to make room for yourself in your own life. We tend to have crowded existences these days; our time is stuffed, we often share living spaces, and our minds are crowded by a dozen different inputs going off night and day. Your astrology is urging you to make quiet space for yourself, especially here in your birthday season. What you’re seeking is the sensation of returning to your inner sanctuary. Warm up that space. Get the fire going. Make sure you have what you need: your notebook, music or a musical instrument, your sketching pencils, your tarot cards. Come home to yourself, and get to know yourself again. Vesta was last in your sign four years ago, in the summer of 2012. Tell yourself the story of what has happened since then, and read it back carefully. You’ll be impressed.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for May 19, 2016, #1101 | By Len Wallick

That which is delayed is not necessarily deferred. There is a difference. You are better at discerning that difference than most people are, and it is precisely that native skill which will allow you to navigate through the period of time you are now entering. Trust your judgment about whether simply being patient will pay off, and endeavor to make forbearance look easy. Conversely, if you sense you are being put off by others, consider not letting such actions simply pass. There are ways to keep your issues and negotiations alive and moving towards results that give everybody a chance to win. Find those ways, and others will see how it is in their best interest to compromise with you — without any requirement that you compromise anything that’s important to, or about, you.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 16, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

In a few days, the Sun will burst into your sign, which I reckon will come with the feeling of being set free. Yet from what, exactly? A state of mind, mainly. You might call it density. Lately it’s as if your thoughts are moving in slow motion. At the same time it’s become difficult to change your mind in the usual way, to shift your thinking or to change the topic. This may be a reminder that something brewing requires focused, conscious thought. Developments this week will make that possible. I suggest, however, that you create mental space to work out your question. By that I mean the equivalent of clearing a table for the purpose of doing a specific project, such as assembling a puzzle. It’s obvious that something like that needs its own dedicated location for a while; you can’t keep moving it around, or taking it apart and putting it back together. The same is true with the problem you’re solving. Leave it out, where you can see it, with a light shining on it — and the solution will come to you, along with a few other brilliant, practical ideas.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for May 12, 2016, #1100 | By Len Wallick

You have every reason to cultivate optimism at this time just as you would care for a garden in its early stages. While flower and fruit may not be evident now, they will be delivered with time and a surprisingly small amount of effort on your part. The key is to be both patient and consistent in all your daily efforts to support any current endeavor that has the potential to support and nourish you in return. Do not allow pessimism to take root. Yes, it is important to be realistic. Most important, however, is a belief in your own ability to be and do what is needed to ultimately enjoy an abundant harvest.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 9, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Your mind has the power to conjure reality. People dispute this fact, though bridges and skyscrapers, clever inventions and the lyrics of hit songs all begin with thoughts, often simple enough to write or sketch on a napkin. If that is not a form of conjuring I don’t know what is. Some highly unusual astrology is presenting you with the opportunity to put this power to work. On Monday, the planet Mercury — the one associated with your sign — will make a rare transit of the Sun. This is an exact conjunction similar to an eclipse, which is likely to make news reports in every country. Rare astrology describes a rare opening in your life. This takes place in your chart where your imagination merges with the substance of the material plane. This is another way of saying that you can create something tangible with the power of your imagination. It’s time to get busy.

Moonshine Horoscope for May 5, 2016, #1099 | By Len Wallick

One way or another, sooner or later, some undeniably good news will almost certainly find its way into your life before the year is over. That, however, is not the really big story for you. The feature event developing for you this year is that one way or another, sooner or later, you can (and probably will) become what amounts to very good news for at least one other person, and possibly for many others. Being an object of gratitude means being given a place of appreciation in the heart of another (or others) because of what you’ve done for them. It is a type of immortality. The trick to earning such a place without undue sacrifice on your own part is to be every bit as kind to yourself as you are to any and everybody else.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 2, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Have you ever had one of those experiences of thinking about something, but not realizing you’re doing it? Or that sensation of remembering a dream, in little pieces, throughout the day? And then you stop and consciously remember what you experienced? Your chart is describing you having what I call ‘parallel world’ experiences. These might include the feeling of deja-vu, or the sensation of being two places at once. In case you’re wondering, I consider these to be not just normal but also helpful; they are indications that your consciousness is expanding. Think of it this way: there is much more of you than is typically invited into the circumstances of your life. There are feelings, thoughts and visions that don’t fit into the usual day-to-day, and those are the places you’re growing into. Let them seep into your mind, and remember to set aside some quiet space to consider what they’re telling you.

Short Monthly Horoscope for May 2016, #1098 | By Eric Francis

You have deep insight into yourself at the moment, though you may be wondering what someone else wants. Is this person interested, or not? Are they offering you something, or expecting something from you? The best idea would be to ask openly: politely, willing to hear any answer. Yet it’s also important to give people a chance to make up their mind, and to change their mind. This is the mark of maturity: remembering that people are free, and what they are most free to do is choose. Merely admitting this could quell much of the personal drama in the world.

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 25, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Listen to yourself. Listen to the words that you say, and how you say them. Sense the feeling beneath your words, which can sometimes conflict with what language alone implies. Imagine for a few days that everything you say, you are saying to yourself. Everything you write, you’re writing to yourself. Everything you perceive is some element of your own mind. When you do that, how does your approach change? Are you sterner or gentler toward others? Are you more or less sincere? It’s not a stretch to say that everything you express has you as its first and ultimate recipient; and that, in a sense, everyone else is coming along for the ride. It’s just so easy to forget this, and it can be a profound experience to remember.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for May 2016, #1097 | By Eric Francis

Once I wrote an article called “All Dogs Need Jobs.” Dogs want nothing more than to participate, which means having an assignment of some kind. This is an approach I suggest you apply to relationships as well. While the romantic notion of relationships is that they should exist for their own sake, I think that the lack of some agreed-upon purpose is where most relationships get lost. It could be a shared commitment to mutual happiness. It could be raising a family. It could be creating a business, or being missionaries in Zimbabwe. It could be giving one another the hottest sex ever. Whatever it is, I suggest that you define that thing as a tangible, observable purpose. You can proceed from this point with a commitment to explore, in what you might think of as a discovery process. First, notice what applying the concept of purpose does to your relationship and how you think about it. If you’re not currently in a partnership to which this applies, notice how it changes your thinking, or perhaps creates some apprehension. The reason I’m making this suggestion is that all relationships have a purpose, whether you’re aware of it or not, and whether you agree with your partner or not. The name of the game, in my view, is being fully connected to, devoted to, and responsive to a reason for being.

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 18, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Take a light-hearted approach to any conflict that might emerge in a relationship. You might feel as if people are being obstinate for its own sake, but you’re probably misreading the situation. One of the most important things we can learn in life is not to take things personally. This is not easy, especially when it seems personal. But how many times has that happened, and then it turned out that the way someone was reacting had nothing to do with you? That’s the most likely scenario; and if you don’t take offense, you won’t create any either. If you live in the moment and focus on your own priorities, you’ll remember all those goals you have and ambitions you’ve been cultivating. I suggest you focus on the most important one, or the one you want the most, and work till you have a sense of accomplishment.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for April 14, 2016, #1096 | By Len Wallick

Some say luck is the residue of preparation. That’s true enough. Even more valid for you is that good fortune can be made to happen based on what you have learned from experience. Specifically, every relationship in your life up to this point is now about to come in handy when it comes to you being as fortunate as possible. You need not believe in anything but yourself. Lucky charms will not be necessary. All that you’ll really need to get what you want is to recall and apply all the lessons that your life’s relationships have taught you about expressing your needs, while also showing others that it’s safe to do the same with you.

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 11, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You have the mojo working to make quite an impression on the people around you, so I would recommend practicing the art of understatement. You don’t need to push your point, or any ideas; you merely need to speak in a normal tone of voice, and people will hear you loud and clear. It’s essential that you not underestimate the impact of your words or your example. I know that in the current version of the world, it’s possible to feel as if you’re never really heard or appreciated. Whatever anyone’s reaction may seem to be, you are, at least, serving as a catalyst. Therefore, choose your words carefully, and think more slowly than you usually do. Consider that there may be several ways to interpret anything you say, and do your best to account for that. More than anything, delicately sidestep direct confrontations. If you must fight, keep it subtle.

Moonshine Horoscope for April 7, 2016 #1095 | By Len Wallick

Time to update the reputation that precedes you. You know you are not the person you were five years ago. You are better. You are more. Fortunately, there is no rush to refresh your social profiles, or even to replace your publicly available photos. Take the time to develop a strategy before you employ any tactics. Get grounded in who you are now, and get clear on who you aim to become. Then, sort out all the ways in which what you see in yourself and envision of yourself differs from how you exist in the minds of others. Finally, think on how to most convincingly change the minds of those who think they know you, so that they can both see and support you in a new and more authentic way.

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 4, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Spend more time listening than you do speaking, particularly at work. Tune into your environment, and notice what people in positions of leadership and management are concerned with. If you take your time with this, and take some notes, and sleep on what you’ve observed, in a few days you may come up with the winning idea that is eluding all of them. If you’re self-employed, you have a free pass to re-think and re-envision your business plan, matching it to some new real-world goal that has come to your attention. It will help immensely if you trust what your intuition is telling you. Listen to yourself; and, rather than second-guessing, give any inwardly discovered information a few days to bear itself out. There is no rush to start the new story, and your time would be well spent tying up old commitments and finishing old projects, the better to make room for the bold adventure that is just ahead.

Short Monthly Horoscope for April 2016, #1094 | By Eric Francis

Sometimes you try to make a goal, and then aspire to it. Other times, you find yourself doing something truly interesting that you never planned on, but discover that you love. Whatever new mission finds you this month will call forth your very best qualities, including your confidence expressing yourself in group situations. If you trust nothing else in this life, have faith in your voice. By that I mean your physical voice and how beautiful it is, and also the fact that you have something to say. Now you get to put the two together in grand style.

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 28, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Do you take your own neurosis as a given? This is a word we don’t hear much any more, though it’s a helpful concept that means conflicting mental scripts. For example, imagine someone likes to stay up late, needs to wake up early and also needs their beauty rest. Those instructions-to-self are in conflict, and something needs to give. Most of the time we live with these things for years, though it makes as much sense as walking around with your shoes tied together. Notice the ways you may have desires or intentions that conflict with one another, and then sort out the appropriate action to take. Often these conflicts are subtle, but sometimes they are glaring if only one would look. Once you solve one or two of these riddles, you will gain a sense of accomplishment, and feel like you have some power to improve your life. Three of them would be a worthy goal for the week.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for April, 2016, #1093 | By Eric Francis

Whatever you may be doing, you have the ability to reach many people this month. What’s more is that you get to be unusually bold about your ideas. Generally society requires people to mince their words and blend them with mayonnaise to ensure public acceptability. You have the opposite effect going on. You will gain traction by presenting your actual concepts, even if they seem radical or like you’re way ahead of your time (which is likely to be true). A window to the future is opening up, and it will stay open long enough for you to make your mark. I would, however, recommend that you follow what I call the American law of success: You can do anything you want, as long as you do it well. Based on that social contract, refinement counts. Quality counts, and so does being thorough. Presentation is essential. If you want to violate cultural taboos, or push the edge, it helps immensely to be polished and manicured. When dealing with business people, have your numbers in order. When addressing editors, make sure everything is already fact-checked and proofread before you turn it in. When working with art directors, present them with two or three options. Above all, be polite, pay attention and listen. You can pull off some wild, unusual coup this month, as long as you’re smooth and well organized.

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 21, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Are you somehow feeling left out of the action? Do you have this sensation that huge events are developing around you, and yet you can’t seem to connect? Have no fear. By which I mean that fear is a distraction from the perhaps-subtle information that’s coming, or from a point of contact that can immediately deal you into the game. Yet that point of contact may not necessarily come from someone who hands it to you; the greater lesson here seems to be about how you can make your own success. In that project you’re excellently situated because your words and ideas have extra influence right now. Therefore, I suggest you guide yourself out of survival mode, or any concept of existence that pits you against the world. Strive for communication, clear exchanges with others and, most of all, emphasizing a cooperative spirit in everything you do. More than anything, remember that your words and your ideas count.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for March 17, 2016 #1092 | By Len Wallick

Your capacity to envision is about to come in handy. Whatever you are passing through right now, and no matter how you feel about it, imagine how you would like to feel once the passage is completed. Perhaps you would like to feel lighter when this current chapter of your life has come full circle into renewal. If so, seek out a non-intoxicating source of levity, so that your own laughing might provoke an image of being effortlessly lifted into your next phase. If, on the other hand, you would like to feel more grounded, begin a daily practice that prolongs your contact with the Earth, and see yourself as deeply and comfortably rooted once again.

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 14, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

As someone once wrote, in the empire of the senses, you are the queen of all you survey. Therefore, take total responsibility for your destiny. As the captain of your own ship, you determine where you sail. As the CEO of your own life, you set your agenda and your mission. It’s true that this is the thing everyone dreams of doing, but that so few actually accomplish. You might ask yourself whom you would be betraying if you were to step up to the challenges of living and take control. Do not fear the jealousy of others, and brush off any resentment others may project at you — or that you fear others may be harboring. To really live takes courage. You must do for yourself everything that your parents did not do. Most of all, it’s necessary to stop waiting for some moment to arrive and decide that you have arrived in this very moment, ready to embrace your existence fully.

Moonshine Horoscope for March 10, 2016 #1091 | By Len Wallick

Education is more than formal schooling. Learning is a process that never stops. Even so, erudition is more than accumulation. The true value of education is revealed when it is put to use. Indications are that you have reached a point where your storehouse of knowledge is quite valuable indeed. Now, the trick is to figure out just how to offer and exchange what you know for something of value in return. It’s a big world, but don’t let that intimidate you. Indeed, let the size and scope of the world encourage you to feel sure that this is the time, and that there is a place, for you to apply your unique combination of skills and scholarship. Start now to look for that place with the same patient effort you have put into your life’s education, and keep the faith until you find it.

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 7, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Avoid power struggles at all costs this week. To do that, say little, and listen with rapt attention to what people around you are talking about — especially those in authority. Statements you make can be taken the wrong way, or push emotional buttons in others that you didn’t know existed. Save yourself the trouble, and keep your options open. Listening to people and actually hearing them will help you map out the psychology of your environment. Many changes are going on around you; and once you get the lay of the land, it will be easier for you to see your role, and to plan your timing and your moves. Those opportunities will come, sooner than you may think. You have the feeling something is in the air. Keep your sixth sense tuned in, and wait quietly like a kitty cat for the right moment to pounce.

Short Monthly Horoscope for March 2016, #1090 | By Eric Francis

You may never understand the choices that others make, so therefore strive to understand yourself. If, however, you’re trying to grasp the motives of a close partner or loved one, consider that they’re having a crisis of faith. This may take them some time to work out, and you can be supportive by remembering it’s not about you. Brilliant things are brewing on the career front — opportunities you’ve never experienced and may never experience again. Keep your focus there, and set your sights high. You’re in a position to command respect for your singular talent, vision and creativity.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for March 2016, #1089 | By Eric Francis

As you know, it’s easier for you to have wide, general goals rather than specific ones. Yet in recent years, a few special ambitions have manifested and taken up a life of their own. Events this month, including a total eclipse in the house associated with your highest calling, can propel you to a new kind of success. This is, however, the kind of success for which there is no formula. Yet several things are clear. You must strive for what is important to you now. It’s easy to get caught up in old goals, or outdated images of yourself. Stay in the moment. What comes your way may be something you’ve never considered before. Real opportunities can be total surprises. You may not feel ready or creative enough; you may feel overwhelmed. Let none of that deter you. Many of the greatest successes in the world arrive at odd or inconvenient times. Many people discover talents they never would have considered unless the circumstances presented themselves. I suggest you use this extraordinary time as an opportunity to set aside your expectations, whether negative or positive, and rise to the occasion of what transpires. The world is a strange place right now, and the quantum idea that life is a dream we create was never more obvious than it is today. Dream beautifully.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Feb. 22, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

It’s helpful to flow with your emotions rather than analyzing them. You know you’re analyzing based on how you feel; for example, if you’re feeling self-critical, that’s a clue. If you’re imagining someone else is being critical of you, that’s also a clue. You may need to wake yourself up a few times and snap out of it. Anything that’s set in motion today will gather momentum, so be careful what you emphasize. I suggest you put some energy into having the basics of life covered. It’s always helpful to be grateful for having food and a dry roof; be grateful for the people who care about you, and if you need reassurance reach out and say so. Feeling safe is a discipline. It’s the first cousin of feeling self-confident; one will lead naturally to the other.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for Feb. 18, 2016, #1088 | By Len Wallick

Don’t be intimidated if something looks like it’s going to take a lot of work. An energetic challenge is exactly the situation you want. Whether you are faced with restoring something tangible or developing a skill from scratch, throw yourself into whatever effort presents itself to you. Go at your most difficult tasks like there is no tomorrow, and you’ll soon find yourself the beneficiary of some very gratifying fringe benefits. Among the gains that acting industriously will probably incur for you is a greater sense of wellbeing, both physically and financially. In addition, the harder you work in the short run, the more likely you will find ways to save labor in the long run. Last, but not least, those to whom you lend your hands will ultimately offer their hearts in return.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Feb. 15, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You may feel this week as if a cloud has passed over you, and you can finally see the Sun and the sky. It’s been a while. You’re someone who lives for new experiences, and you have plenty of them to look forward to. I suggest you go consciously into fresh territory in your life. There are things you’ve wanted to explore for a while — they might involve spiritual or intellectual interests, or someplace you want to go. Encourage your curiosity to expand. If you want to go somewhere, look at photos of the place. If you’re curious about a topic (for example Tibetan Buddhism, a Supreme Court case, or scientists’ visions for the future) get a book on the subject and start reading. Your mind is a fertile field right now, and what you plant will grow.

Moonshine Horoscope for Feb. 11, 2016, #1087 | By Len Wallick

Anything unsatisfactory about the recent past can very soon be behind you if you release any attachments you have formed to what is now done. Breakthroughs are up ahead, if you place yourself in a position to make them. One way to get yourself through what might previously have felt like a ceiling is to find the real-world equivalent of a stairwell, escalator, or elevator. Going back to school is one option to consider. Travel is another potential way to expand your horizons. Neither should you limit yourself to making your breakthroughs alone. There could very well be a crew of some sort not only going your way, but also looking for somebody just like you to complete their number.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Feb. 8, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Monday’s spectacular New Moon in your fellow air sign Aquarius is reminding you that you’re the inventor of your own life. Now that you’re free of certain commitments and entanglements, you can look toward your horizon and feel the potential that you have. It’s true that in many ways, we live in hopeless times. But you have more than hope. You have intelligence, you have ideas and most of all, you have a talent for strategy. All these things are blossoming for you right now. What will help you the most is to have flexibility. What you’re planning or seeing in your own future will take different forms once it manifests, and it will help if you’re able to adapt your plans ongoing. If you encounter an obstacle, remember: you can go over, under, through or around.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for Feb. 4, 2016, #1086 | By Len Wallick

If you are feeling an itch of some sort, it’s probably because you need to move on in some way. It could be a relationship situation. Or perhaps you’ve just worn a rut into whatever you have been focused on manifesting. Either way, it’s more a matter of how you move on than whether or not you should. No wise sailor, for example, needlessly cuts the rope or breaks the chain to an anchor. Rather, the anchor is raised and converted to ballast so that restored mobility will also be more stable. Additionally, the time will inevitably come when that anchor will need to be dropped again. The same almost certainly goes for you. Rather than needlessly abandoning what has served to keep you in a particular place, seek first to change its role — from holding you fast, to keeping you steady and on an even keel. After all, life is big. There is potentially room enough in your life to contain both the old and the new, even if it means you need to expand your heart as well as your horizons.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Feb. 1, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Keep your thoughts and ideas moving. Mercury is now direct, after yet another challenging retrograde phase. You may have noticed a subtle shift over the past week, which led to some unusual discovery about yourself or some unusual breakthrough this past weekend. Don’t fixate on that. Take it with you as you travel, and hold steady in the river of your emotions. Keep looking ahead. If you’re going to pause, I suggest you get to a high place and get a view of your surroundings. I mean this literally, as in a tall building, a mountaintop, even a hilltop or the view from the roof. You are in a rare moment when you can see the future, and feel what is possible. You can catch a glimpse of where you might go. Once you have a strong preference, the plan will manifest.

Short Monthly Horoscope for February 2016, #1085 | By Eric Francis

Follow your intuition on a career matter. Listen to what you’re telling yourself. While you’re doing that, it would be wise to stay three drinks behind the crowd at any work-related event. You must be clear in your understanding of people and not second-guess your perception. Remove any silly reasons to doubt yourself and you’ll find your way to confidence.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 25, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You will need to pay close attention to joint financial matters this week, which may go through more alterations than a tailor does in a month. Keep your calculator handy, and make sure the numbers add up. Even if they do, add them again. Be on the lookout for hidden information, which you might discover when two facts seem to contradict. Meanwhile, beware of acting impulsively, or becoming obsessed with, well, anything. Finances and investments are the surface issue, which conceals something else. Peel back that layer and see if you can reach the underlying subject matter that is the energy source beneath any possible disagreement. The more intense your feelings, or those of someone else, the more necessary it is to seek and discover the deeper truth.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for February 2016, #1084 | By Eric Francis

Start paying attention to financial matters. It could pay off, and it could also save you a lot of hassles. What exactly happened the past two months? Do the forensics; for example, study your bank statements. Yet the real highlight is on shared resources and investments. There are clearly opportunities available, though to get to them, you may need to go back over some points of disinformation that entered your consciousness recently. You might have the feeling that you don’t want to know the truth, but you will directly benefit from knowledge. More to the point, the more information about your own affairs that you’re working with, the more independent you will feel from the influences of others. This is crucial for you now — it is perhaps the deepest ongoing theme of this long phase of your life. You need to not be under anyone’s thumb, or under their financial thrall. That doesn’t mean that mutual support, or being helped by someone, is out of the picture. This really is a question of power. The problems begin when one thing becomes another, and that thing is not questioned. What seems like sex, for example, can often be seen, more truthfully, as a matter of money and consequently of power. The first step toward transcending this is being absolutely honest with yourself about what you’re experiencing and how you feel.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 18, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You may be cooking up a strategy to keep certain secrets hidden away, though it’s clear that you want to reveal yourself. If you’re working with a plan, perhaps let it be a conscious way to handle self-disclosure. People tend to smother themselves in what they don’t want to say, particularly if it involves their family background. One of the themes of your life is learning how to regain your power, or perhaps even to gain it for the first time. I suggest you reveal your secrets to people on a need-to-know basis. Understand exactly why you want someone to know something about you, and discuss the subject on that basis alone. If you’re uncertain about anything, give it a week, until Mercury grants a new level of inner clarity.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope — Jan. 14, 2016, #1083 | By Len Wallick

Pay attention to what reflections are passing through your mind, no matter how idle they may seem. Take pains to note details about people passing through your life, in spite of how insignificant your interactions with them might be. Yours is an exceptional perspective right now. Though it may sometimes seem as if the world has passed you by, nothing could be further from the truth. While you may sometimes feel isolated, your lot may in fact represent an enhanced connection with ways of knowing that has long been neglected by our kind. Even if your mind tells you that you are falling behind, your heart knows the ways in which you are, in fact, far ahead in connecting dots and adding things up.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 11, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

It’s time to think with a clear strategy. Certain plans didn’t work out the way you intended, though better things are possible. I suggest you plot out the path to three different outcomes, rather than just the obvious one, or the one you want the most. Consider each step you must take. Your charts suggest you would benefit from consulting with someone more experienced in this particular subject than you are. Do this before you actually need their assistance or guidance. With Mercury, the Gemini planet, moving in retrograde motion for the next couple of weeks, prevention is worth a lot more than a cure. Yet on a happier note, planning for different positive outcomes will ensure that one of them works out brilliantly.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope — Jan. 7, 2016, #1082 | By Len Wallick

Make ‘returning’ your theme and you will be in greater harmony with the world. What specific form returning takes will depend on who you are and what you perceive your circumstances to be. In general, however, what you are best off reverting to should probably look like a place or time in company with others rather than in isolation. If you have had a setback that has set you apart, for example, now is the time to begin referring to yourself as the ‘Comeback Kid’ regardless of your age, and whether or not you see any opportunity for reunions. You will also want to contemplate taking proactive steps to catch up or seek closure with classmates, business partners, chums or even lovers from days gone by. Don’t worry about whether your return will be welcomed. So long as you offer what you seek (and honor others’ need for space, when expressed), arms will open.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 4, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Life is not a game of truth or dare, it’s a game of truth AND dare. Be bold about your personal reality, and have a policy of keeping no secrets from the people you care about. One problem with secrets is that at first they seem to give you power, but in the end, they give others power over you. You have made great strides in your effort to bring your life onto level ground with others whose influence has, in the past, seemed daunting. The way to maintain that equality is to be transparent, and to insist that others are as well. Most of all, you must consciously take emotional risks and open your heart as well as your mind. Remember that a risk means there are no guarantees. That’s much more fun, anyway.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for January 2016, #1081 | By Eric Francis

Aspire to what has lasting value. Since the future is becoming increasingly difficult to see, you must do this in the present. Yet this does not merely mean going for immediate satisfaction. In material goods, purchase what is of high quality, of real use, and built to last. Yet where you invest your energy must also match the other kind of value — that which you personally possess. You’re being guided as if by cosmic forces to slow down your mind, to see beneath the surface, and to probe deeper into your personal truth. You could say this is about getting real with yourself. Scrupulous honesty with yourself is required, as is acting on authentic goals that match who you know you are. For this you will need to sort out wishful thinking from observing where you actually connect with existence. Which brings us to the most important theme of your year: living every day. The only way to deal with the vast uncertainty of the world is to focus on what you must do, now. As you do, it’s essential to notice whether what you’re doing is working for you, and whether it serves the ‘greatest good for all’ factor as well. It is the quality of your individual days, and individual tasks, that amounts to the quality of your life — and the strength of your foundation for the future.

Taurus 2016

Moonshine Horoscope for Capricorn New Moon #1132 | By Len Wallick

There is no doubt you have a gift for helping others of like mind keep the faith. Your capacity for reinforcing shared values is unsurpassed. The concept of common ground is your home turf. Now, as a new year beckons, so does a unique and rare opportunity for you to grow into a somewhat less familiar but potentially more gratifying role. Instead of being content to serve as the rock or anchor among those with whom you share familiarity, contemplate what it would require of you to go further afield. Think of how rewarding it would be to progress from merely contesting with those not previously convinced by your point of view to eliciting enthusiastic agreement from them. Preaching to the converted is made easier by the fact that you are already understood. Should you aspire to increase the circumference of your communal connections, however, you must first seek to understand.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 26, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Faith is more than just belief. That’s the thing about it. And it’s more than hope, more than wishing, more than dreaming. But what is it? It’s the thing you need the most, and it’s difficult to describe by anything other than its results. Faith contains healing power. It has the ability to reach from one mind to another, transcending the body-level of communication. It’s about aligning with your highest truth that, in turn, aligns with something that’s wider, deeper or more powerful than your individual strength — and then you tap into that greater strength. It’s possible to get there; many people have, and many are right there, right now. You might say that faith is the opposite of fear. It is love that holds the world in a safe place, and can be directed toward specific situations and people. Just remember, it’s easiest to identify by what it’s not: neither hope nor desire nor wishing nor dreaming.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 19, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Opportunities of a social, creative and professional nature will come to you from odd angles where you may not have been looking, such as right next to you. Often people look for these things at a distance, or consider them far-off possibilities. Your chart suggests that people like neighbors, colleagues and existing partners will have something for you — such as ideas for how to make your life easier. For the next few weeks, easing the pressure on your mind and removing some of the purely repetitive work will be helpful. Yet there’s the question of where you’re going from here. Revisions and updates to your existing business or creative plan will serve you better than scrapping anything and starting over. There are facets of what you deal with that are simply annoying, or that you never seem to get right, and those are the ones to address first.

Moonshine Horoscope for Gemini Full Moon #1130 | By Len Wallick

Your innate connection with intangible values is probably very strong at this time. For that reason, you can now afford to make your relationship with the palpable world a greater priority. This does not mean you should indulge your animal appetites with mindless abandon. Neither, however, should you neglect the importance of creature comforts. In order to keep yourself on the middle road between physical excess and dearth, focus first on taking care of your body’s most basic needs. As a next step, endeavor to spend less time getting information through electronic gear and more time gathering data through your corporeal senses. Finally, take whatever chance you have to share the joys you derive from your tangible possessions.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 12, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Refine your leadership style until it’s invisible. That is, take charge in subtle ways and devote yourself to making sure that the right thing happens. This will involve the coordination of people and the structuring of time. Measure your success by the overall success of the organization you’re involved with. This, by the way, is inherent in the nature of Taurus: a kind of highly-structured collectivism, which counts on collaboration. You might think that this conflicts with your highly individualistic tendencies, though I would say the opposite is true. Your ability to work independently and to take responsibility for your own outcome is precisely the kind of leadership by example that the world needs. You’re not in this life to be mom, dad or the government among your peers. The other options are artist and artisan, and they suit you much better.

Short Monthly Horoscope for December 2016, #1129 | By Eric Francis

You possess your own connection to the cosmos and to spiritual wisdom. You don’t need anyone to tell you what’s true, what’s right or what is holy. Rather, all you need to do is listen to your internal voice and respect what you hear. This is a revolutionary act because it’s so rarely done, and because you may get information that contradicts conventional wisdom or your usual values. Yet there’s nothing conventional about who you are right now, and your role in life is not about meeting the expectations of others. If you need an authority figure, consider yourself it.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 5, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You’re not being asked to make any unreasonable compromises. The more you resist, though, the less reasonable they will seem. At the same time, your astrology is all about your taking leadership. Your chart is unusual in that your idea of taking charge has a collective or group approach. You will still need to set a clear example, which is one of cooperation and of listening. Let other people provide you with their ideas and their input, and then craft an original response based on what you’ve learned — and on your own best judgment. In a real sense, whenever you’re in charge, you answer to ‘the people’, though the people don’t always understand the necessities you or your organization face. So keep the conversation going; keep the floor open to comments; and remember that nothing you decide will be popular with every last person. Take the word of naysayers with a sprinkle of salt.

Moonshine Horoscope for Sagittarius New Moon #1128 | By Len Wallick

Even the simplest partnerships consist of more than two parties. Every relationship — business, creative, romantic or other — takes on a life of its own. Often, collaborations go even further to produce something beyond the relationship. Assuming your affiliation with another has recently resulted in something or somebody special for both of you, now would be a good time to initiate discussions aimed at coming to agreements about how to nurture what you have mutually brought forth.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 28, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You’ve passed through a kind of initiation. In the process, you seem to have figured out something about ‘sin’ being a useless concept. Keep exploring and you’ll discover that it’s a ruse — it hides something deeper and more beautiful. That ‘something’ is direct experience, the kind that you own entirely and about which you get to make up your own mind. Another ‘something’ is gratitude. Take that with you, and give it out generously, as you continue to aspire to new adventures. Gratitude offered to your brothers, sisters, teachers and students is always appropriate. The more you give, the more you will have, and the more you’ll appreciate the abundance that you get to receive by the graces of others. This will make you a softer and more humane person. And in this particular moment when your leadership counts for everything, you will level the ground between you and those who assist you — and those who, with their power, open the way for you.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope — December 2016, #1127 | By Eric Francis

You’re seeing the benefits of taking the long view, and the slow approach. Pace yourself, and use your plans as a kind of guide to the possibilities rather than as a firm commitment. One thing you’ve learned is that you must leave room for variables. Taurus is perhaps the most steadfast of all the signs, and you bring tenacity and integrity to all that you do. That includes your relationships. Remember, the safe container you are seeking starts with your confidence in yourself. It almost goes no further. When you have confidence in yourself, you can create, contain or handle anything, and you’ll believe people love you when they do. When two people get together to share anything more than lunch, they have to work out understandings and power-sharing agreements. Those are always cultivated over time, and become the ‘container’ of the relationship. They are based on the discovery of common values that can be built on: common reasons for living. No matter how clear anything may be in the beginning, these understandings evolve, flow, are adapted and adjusted with the nonstop flow of time. We live in the world of forever changes. No house or concept can protect us from change; we don’t need to be protected. To truly live, we must dance with life and death and experience existence outside of any concept about it.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 21, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Faith can move mountains. The history of anyone who has accomplished anything unlikely or seemingly impossible has demonstrated this. Faith ranges from quiet certainty to a deep emotional alignment with what is right and true. It’s the kind of knowingness you have in your body rather than in your mind. This same feeling makes a different kind of sexuality accessible. Erotic feelings that rise to the level of spiritual devotion are something you may have heard about, read about or imagined in your mind; such is a real thing in the world. Yet to go there requires deep inner focus and a kind of moral orientation that takes you beyond judgment. Ordinary ideas of right and wrong do not matter; what matters is your own affinity for your soul and how you want to express yourself, for your own sake and for the people with whom you choose to share energy.

Weekly Horoscope for Nov. 17, 2016, #1126 | By Amy Elliott

It’s possible you’re feeling that certain of your relationships need freshening up or altering in some way; or perhaps the change is already happening, and you’re adjusting your ideas. Take all the time you feel is required. You may well have some concept of a preferred outcome; chances are, this is both sound and possible. If this involves breaking away from early programming, so much the better. Also, sincere devotion is a beautiful thing, provided that you maintain the integrity of your being and principles. Don’t lose sight of your needs.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 14, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Venus in Capricorn might bring out your conservative streak, but let’s not forget the devilish quality of that sign. This would be conservatism in the style of the saucy one in the turtleneck with the modest skirt — and a steamy mind. There’s no such thing as pure or puritan. You’re an earthy person. You like being in your body and you like adventure. All week long, Venus is working its way toward Neptune, which will help you melt your inhibitions and stoke your imagination. It’s the blend of physical presence and fantasy that will make you happiest. Meanwhile, work is also calling you. You may be expected to take leadership and you would be wise to rise to the calling. Bring your passion, charm and charisma to your professional environment and you will be met with respect and recognition. People love who you are; that is, who you really are.

Short Monthly Horoscope for November 2016, #1125 | By Eric Francis

You must keep the lines of communication open in your relationships. It’s easy to pass this off or think that someone else should be responsible. Being intimidated is not an option. Claiming lack of experience does not help you, when experience is the very thing you’re seeking. Put any differences in age or maturity to work for you as an asset. You’re being called to serve as a facilitator of human connections, both in your personal life and your professional affairs. This is not something that just happens; it will take focus and mindfulness — and will be worth the effort.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 7, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

The next few days are likely to take you through a stream of new, different and even strange feelings. You may experience everything but stability, though it’s clear that you’re held by a larger container than emotions and physical sensation. One way to read your astrology is that by letting go into the flume ride of your experiences, you will discover how wide and how deep your spiritual context really is. The fact that you can let go of control and still not have everything suddenly go out of control is some evidence that you’re working with your deeper intelligence. Said another way, you’re opening up and allowing that intelligence to flow through you, body and soul. Pleasure is meaningful, and it contains wisdom. There’s nothing more spiritual than feeling like you belong on the planet, and knowing you’re safe.

Moonshine Horoscope for Scorpio New Moon, #1124 | By Len Wallick

It would appear as though collaborations and artistic endeavors have long been a door through which new individuals have periodically entered your life. Now, it would seem to be that time again. This time around, any personality coming through that door could very well be the type of person you would not have considered working with in the past. The extent to which such an individual strikes you differently now will probably be a measure of how much your ongoing creative activities have in turn re-created you. Therefore, look twice where you would have previously looked away in order to better see yourself.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 31, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You need less of some things and more of others. You need less authority in your life, which means taking more authority for yourself. You’ve probably figured out by now that the more you keep your own ship, your own desk and your own mind in order, the less anyone has to do it for you. You need more conscious exchange with others, which for you really means being willing to offer yourself generously and to receive what others are offering. The two are intimately related. Giving and receiving work with the same spiritual muscle, which is the one you want to exercise. “I have something you might need” and “thank you” are in essence the same thing. Withholding and taking for granted have their own special muscle, and you can safely let that one atrophy. Lastly, you don’t need anyone telling you what their notion of god thinks is good for you. You can make up your own mind about that.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for November 2016, #1123 | By Eric Francis

Consider sincerely the challenges your partners are facing. This isn’t some special treatment you would be offering; rather, it’s the essence of companionship and collaboration. Your own astrology has been compelling you to mature and take on more responsibility; not just for your personal life, but also for the world around you. You might feel like you’re being asked to give something up. You will no more miss whatever you think that is than you miss your childhood toys. As you expand your attention to the details of the world around you, you’ll close the distance between yourself and the people you care about. Indeed, you may make vast discoveries about how much you care. You’ll also feel a greater sense of satisfaction in knowing that you’re integral to creating a better, saner world for everyone. In many ways, doing this is a matter of perspective. You’ve experienced looking at something on the horizon and thinking it’s one thing, and as you get closer, discovering that it’s something else. This works with all facets of life: the closer you get, the more detail you will see, and the more you’ll understand your appropriate role. At the same time, shift your perspective other ways: look from above; consider how things change from a distance; consider how others perceive them. Factor this all into your own perception.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 24, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You may get the feeling that others are demanding more than you can give. But what are they really asking for? Seen one way, it’s a sacrifice of some kind; seen another way, you’re in a situation that’s calling for you to rise to the occasion of your own maturity. Growth presents challenges, and those are worth the effort if, on the other end, you collect the benefits. What you’re experiencing now is indeed about receiving the advantages of previous personal development projects. You merely need to be the best person you already are. This means seeing yourself as equal to any task, and worthy of the trust that people invest in you. If you see ‘authority figures’ as people from whom you can learn, and who facilitate your growth, you will take the pressure off of everyone and have more fun.

Weekly Horoscope for Oct. 20, 2016, #1122 | By Amy Elliott

This time of year usually involves a focus on your relationships in some way. This year, however, it seems there’s an intensifying quality to the spotlight. This could manifest as a soulful deepening of commitments, or possibly a search for fresh meaning and connection. Remember that you have the ultimate power to give meaning and impetus to your life. The great gift of your lasting devotion is best applied to whatever is truest to your principles. Therefore, do not allow anyone to hurry you into any commitment before you are ready.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 17, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You may be in a tight spot emotionally, but you won’t be for long. The past few weeks have been an emotional time, though you have moved through the territory consciously. Do not be deterred if you seem to run up against one final challenge as you move into a new place. You don’t need to fight or defend yourself; just be yourself and do what is right for you. It would help if you admitted that you may want togetherness and you may love to be bonded, but you also want your freedom. This is a difficult position for many people to honor about themselves. Others would do it more willingly if you were to step up to that simple fact of your existence: you cannot be held down. You’re not only capable of profound commitment; you love it. Yet within that space of devotion you need room to move, to expand, and to explore new dimensions of your reality. Step one: keep your sense of humor handy.

Moonshine Horoscope for Aries Full Moon, #1121 | By Len Wallick

There seem to be one or more things you’re not seeing clearly right now. If you shift your perspective just a little bit, the situation won’t last long. Perhaps the best way to adjust your point of view is to listen. When it comes to getting the scoop from another angle, relying on your eyes leaves a lot of room for you to make up a story about what you see. Your ears give you the actual story in the words of another. It will take patience. After all, there is no such thing as ‘speed listening’. If you can simply hear others out, however, the time spent should deliver the clarity you may not even know you are missing.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 10, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You seem to be facing a question of commitment. The thing to remember is that commitment comes from the inside. No matter what contract you might sign or promise you make, you will do what you do because you want to. You can sign a contract for a fitness club, but actually working out is a matter of your own inner drive. This applies to every facet of your life, particularly a relationship situation. You cannot be held to anything; you can only decide that it’s the right thing to do. You might feel like you need to filter out your own emotional needs in order to make room for those of someone else, but the real solution to such a puzzle is to work from a place of mutual desires, and yes, needs. You might listen to what people are saying and ask yourself quietly and carefully whether it’s true, and for whom. There is a meeting point between your interests and those of everyone in your life, no matter how special they may or may not be; that’s why they’re in your life. Your role is to find, and work with, that common ground.

Short Monthly Horoscope for October 2016, #1120 | By Eric Francis

You’re getting to know yourself through another person. The beautiful thing is that you seem to be discovering what you already knew, which is called confirmation. You might be concerned that you’re losing yourself in someone else. You may have moments when you fear that you’re overpowered by someone’s will. I suggest that you cast off those concerns and let this scenario play out, because it’s heading somewhere interesting and you are getting ready to open up wings you didn’t even know you had. You can afford to be bold and courageous. There’s nothing to avoid; dive into your feelings.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 3, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Old beliefs do not give way easily. The cost for that is living in the past. It’s one thing to seek information from what’s happened before, and to respect elements of wisdom gained through experience. But it’s another thing to inhabit the past, and this is often done through outdated beliefs. It’s now time for some updating. Scan your mind as you go through the day, and notice when you’re making a decision based on a belief that you have not updated recently. Now is the time to do a query, and determine what is currently true based on new information, and then respond. All of this demands that you not be lazy, which is asking a lot in the days of tap on the glass twice and sushi manifests at your door. Challenging and revising beliefs is work, but it’s only the preparatory step. The creative step is replacing them with a vision of what you want instead.

Moonshine Horoscope for Libra New Moon, #1119 | By Len Wallick

It would seem as though you have more options now than you had at this time last year. In particular, it would appear as if you have greater opportunity both to create and evolve through your vocation of choice. The only caveat is that you will need to bring the time and energy required to avail yourself of a wider range of collaborators and personal discretion. Therefore, in order to make the most of what’s opening up for you, focus first on your physical wellbeing. Prioritize improved nutrition in particular. Take the next month or so to research possible improvements in your diet, no matter how good you think it is now. Also, review your life for any habits that take more out of you than they return. Finally, endeavor to accept and embrace any form of improved fortune rather than mistrusting it.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 26, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You may feel that if you give too much of yourself, you won’t be able to stop. That would be ideal, actually. That’s the point you find out what you’re made of. This will be a discovery — that is, figuring out how much you have to offer in so many different facets of what you do. One thing that might be productive is taking down the dividers between work, play and creativity. These partitions not only consume energy; they block the flow of creativity. Over the past year, you’ve learned a lot about just how much originality you possess. It’s time to fully claim that and use it as the main fuel that powers your mind. You’re beyond the stage where getting things done is adequate. You’re ready to be brilliant all the time, and there’s just one way to do that: keep your mind on and engaged and ready for adventure.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscopes for October 2016, #1118 | By Eric Francis

As the next few weeks progress, you may feel as if you’re going to burst. The amount of activity, both physical and psychic, may push you toward the edge, particularly around the Full Moon on Oct. 16. Even people who are not prone to anxiety may be feeling more of the stuff, though there are many ways to manifest and to express the same energy of which fear is made. The main points to remember are that there will be a lot of that energy moving, and that energy has to go somewhere. The more you express what you’re feeling in constructive ways, the better you will feel, and the more likely you’ll be to see the events of this time as an opportunity. The prevailing message is to lighten up and dance to the music. Venus in your opposite sign Scorpio is not exactly light and airy. This has you feeling deeply, and describes your investment in a relationship situation that you depend upon. Yet that’s secondary to your own experience of your feelings and your perceptions. Though this is always true, it’s particularly necessary to understand this now: your state of mind colors and shapes your perception of the world around you more than any other factor. Therefore, work with your feelings as they emerge, and do what you need to do in order to feel good.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 19, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You will only act on one condition, which is your own willingness. It’s important that you not be fooled by some other idea, or try to fool yourself. This puts you into control of your own life, to the extent that such is possible. You might, then, focus on willingness as your primary way of relating to life. Whatever may be motivating you, that means working with what you want, or with whatever goal you want to achieve. Presumably, if you want the goal, you will be willing to take the steps to get there. Those will invariably involve some tasks you like more than others, and some that you prefer less than others. They are all part of the same process, as is working with some people you fancy more and some you fancy less. What matters is that you understand what you want to happen, and what it will take to accomplish that; and understand that reaching the goal means not resisting any step along the way — or else changing your goal to suit your needs.

Pisces Full Moon Moonshine for Sept. 15, 2016, #1117 | By Len Wallick

Reputation is a funny thing. It’s not a question of whether repute makes a difference — it does. It’s more a matter of how names are made, and for whom. Distinguishing yourself primarily to the satisfaction of others may seem like a safe and sound thing to do. Your sense of discernment is finer than most, however. Having a solid place among others is important for you, no doubt. Being able to live with yourself is probably even more vital. Now would be a good time to consider how the choices you have made thus far in your life have shaped your public character, and to what extent your private conscience is comfortable with the result. It’s never too late to make adjustments.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 12, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You must consider what your point of hesitation is. This seems to be influencing a creative project or sexual relationship; perhaps the place where the two meet. What exactly are you not trusting? What idea or fear is preventing you from offering your complete trust? Consider the relationship between trust and vulnerability. They are different facets of the same thing. To trust you must be vulnerable, and being vulnerable is painful unless you are in a position to trust. I suggest you take the discussion, whether with yourself or with someone else, on this level. You seem to be aware that there’s some risk involved in what you want to do. The question is how to approach that with an open heart and an open mind. You will get the most positive results by treating everything as an experiment.

Short Monthly Horoscope for September 2016, #1116 | By Eric Francis

Good things are happening. It will help immensely if you let one lead to the next, rather than deciding something isn’t good enough. Some of what you want can lead to more of what you want. Appreciate the details. Let yourself have the kind of fun you want the most: the intelligent kind. You don’t crave mindless diversion; you crave mindful engagement with life, and that’s what’s calling you. You have a passionate mind, and learning quite nearly anything is for you on the highest order of pleasure. Yes, that officially makes you unusual, which is a beautiful thing.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 5, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You might feel like circumstances are compelling you to make more alterations than a busy day in a tailor’s shop. However, you don’t need to renegotiate every agreement in your life. You can afford to slow down and see how things work out. However, remember that ultimately the people in your life are responsible for taking care of their own emotional needs, which might just mean stating them out loud. You could help the situation by encouraging people you care about to do just that: to speak up for themselves. You can set the example by doing so yourself. Speak for your needs calmly and clearly. Not only can you afford to skip any melodrama, you will get much better results if you do. Be patient, especially if the discussion involves sexual or emotional boundaries. This whole topic is more complex than it needs to be.

Virgo New Moon Moonshine for Sept. 1, 2016, #1115 | By Len Wallick

There’s an old saying that one should gamble only what one can afford to lose. Now is a good time for you to remember that. While you have just entered a period when it is good to be optimistic, be aware of the borderline between that and recklessness. You may, however, leverage what appears to be a two-to-three-week ‘window’ of optimism currently opening for you. Do this by keeping two objective intellectual guidelines in mind to balance any undertaking of risk you have a good feeling about. First, stay constantly aware of being able not only to afford, but to contentedly accept, the consequences if the best possible outcome does not accrue. Next, be just as realistic about what you stand to gain if everything turns out exactly the way you want it to, should you literally or figuratively decide to roll the dice.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 29, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

There is that moment in the course of any creative project, or work project, when it seems to take on a life of its own. At that moment it becomes woven into the organic pattern of your life. This usually makes things easier, simplifying the experience of commitment. It’s more of a mutual thing than something you have to push or make happen. What you must do, though, is give yourself over to the process. Said another way, you surrender to becoming someone new, because that’s the experience of creation or of truly mindful involvement in something. Many ingredients are currently brewing in your consciousness. New talents are emerging, which are made from combinations of previous experiments and discoveries, and something truly special about this moment. Note that as you get this going, you’re likely to turn on (as in: light up, provoke or arouse) the people around you. Accept that gift.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for Sept. 2016, #1114 | By Eric Francis

You’ve made an investment in the technical aspects of what you do the best. This has necessitated a long phase of using the ‘beginner’s mind’ technique, even though you’re not a beginner. Said another way, you’ve had to stretch your capacities, your skills and your knowledge. There have been some frustrating moments, perhaps, but along the way you knew you were doing the right thing, and you kept doing it. By all indications it looks like you’ve succeeded at attaining a new level of talent at something you’ve done reasonably well for quite a while. Now you begin a journeyman phase — that is, of being fully qualified to do the work that you do. Along this part of your trip, understate your abilities. Never claim mastery; rather, let others claim it for you. Make sure that your workshop is as beautiful as your work. You thrive on working in a pleasing, well-outfitted environment, one that reflects your personal style. Make an investment in yourself here. Keep doing what you do with style, passion and your impeccable sense of aesthetics and you’re headed for an unusual phase of professional accomplishment. Just remember that your true calling is some form of art, which in any event means doing whatever you do artfully and beautifully and letting this be the one relevant metric of success.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 22, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Current aspects are the perfect fertile ground for growing your blend of intellect, creativity and passion. The Sun is about to join many other planets in the most alive and dynamic angle of your chart, fellow Earth sign Virgo. You are about to figure out that you have everything you need to create anything you want. I know that’s a big statement; it’s tempered by your tendency to think on a small scale rather than a wider and deeper one. You might consider going up one or two orders of magnitude on your plans. Whatever you happen to be working on, ask yourself how this would look and feel were there a larger audience and more elaborate stage. What is the right scale on which to do the things you’re doing? One thing you may have to step over is the sense of limitation imposed by someone close to you, who is not accustomed to thinking in terms of the greatest potential. No offense to anyone, but you’re the one who actually grasps what is possible.

Full Moon Moonshine Horoscope for Aug. 18, 2016, #1113 | By Len Wallick

Allow for some paradox, and let that be okay. Specifically, don’t be surprised if being away from home brings you some of the benefits you would normally expect from being cocooned at your place of residence. Therefore, if you do come across greater nourishment, healing and relaxation out in the big world compared to what you find in your own bed and kitchen, go with the flow. Avail yourself of what you find, even if it is not where you expect it. Conversely, if you also find your fortune somehow within the confines of your home sweet home, follow up and go for the gold.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 15, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You cannot look to others for validation of your feelings, or not at this stage anyway. For you, there is no compromise between the past that you’re leaving behind and the life that you want. You must use your power of persuasion, seduction or some other influence to convince a partner to slow down enough and hear the other sides of an issue. This includes their having a sense of your growth trajectory. One thing you can do for yourself is to evaluate your own beliefs. If you notice that your beliefs are rigid, which means firmly held and not tending to flex or bend, you would do well to soften up. Setting that example will be good for everyone. Allow for change, and for the passage of time. Notice the subtle points, which means listen carefully.

Weekly Horoscope for Aug. 11, 2016, #1112 | By Amy Elliott

You may find, this week, that you are in possession of considerable ability to persuade, influence and carry things through. Make sure you use it wisely and in the service of a principle you hold sincerely. Listen to people you trust, and don’t let self-doubt plague you; above all, be earnest in all your endeavors, and honest too. Hold yourself to the highest possible standard. Then enjoy the ride, because you’ll probably be moving faster than a rabbit at a dog show.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 8, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

It’s amazing how changing your relationship to food can change your life. Most people suspect this, though the details can be elusive. Fad diets compete with ‘fine’ restaurants, the ones where butter makes it better. Your astrology suggests this is the time to get your kitchen and your eating habits in order. This will likely prompt a more holistic review of your life, with food at the center, where it belongs. It’s true that eating well costs money, but it’s a lot cheaper than eating out. If you draw your energy into your home (and, for example, away from restaurants), that will shift the flow of your life in many other ways. The thing you need is control over what goes into your food, and actual choice over what you eat. This will help your mood, your energy level, your creative flow and many other factors of life that you might never associate with a fork or spoon.

Short Monthly Horoscope for August 2016, #1111 | By Eric Francis

You’re figuring out that your life is about more than feeling safe or being secure. You may even be getting the message that to have fun and to explore the possibilities, living to pay the rent is the first thing to leave behind. To do that, it would help if you made contact with your self-confidence. You don’t need to earn your self-trust; you merely need to acknowledge that you know how to take care of yourself. You always have and I trust you always will. Remember that, and you’ll feel free to experiment in the ways that you have been hankering after for months.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 1, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Commitment is an option, otherwise the concept is meaningless. Sometimes involvement with a person is more interesting and easier to roll with if you have your choices open, or if you remind yourself that you’re able to choose. Even better, if you notice that you are indeed doing so, you can feel the strength in your ongoing decision, knowing it’s the right thing for you. When you get to that point, you can discover the freedom that exists within a commitment — the space you have to explore, how it feels to get to know someone, and the awareness that you have another encounter coming. Yet this here-and-now awareness can remind you how delicate every situation is, and how little you can take for granted. The ability to appreciate every moment is indeed a gift; and based on what you’ve learned lately, it’s one that you value dearly.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for August 2016, #1110 | By Eric Francis

What the world needs is stability, though what most people don’t recognize is that they must bring this to the equation of life themselves. Consistency is something that grows from the inside out. It’s up to you to provide that in your life and, to some extent, in those of the people around you. At the same time, you’re being summoned in the direction of a change or breakthrough. That may seem like it’s about some total shakeup; it’s really about deepening your creative journey. If you’re someone who has made a life of suppressing your curiosity, your desire and your creative impulses, this may indeed seem total. If you’ve stayed in contact with your passion, you may understand the idea of integrating the ability to maintain some consistency with the ability to experiment, stretch and grow. In any event, you seem to be working out some significant blockage right now, and it will be worth the effort. The resistance you’re addressing is on the level of your agreement with existence. You might think of this as ‘getting a new religion’. Your old religion goes back a long way. You’ve already figured out some of what you cannot abide. For example, you need peers, not parents. You need the power to negotiate and enter agreements rather than having morals imposed on you. You need the clear view of a future that you can abide.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 25, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

The quiet confidence of Taurus has some of its roots in the placement of Leo in your solar chart, on your home and security angle. The Sun, Mercury and Venus are now hanging out there, which is eminently helpful. Part of what makes you a solid person is having a base of operations and some sense of grounding. Anyone born under your sign who masters this one thing will be much stronger than they would otherwise. While this doesn’t make you immune to fear or worry, keeping your feet on the ground and taking care of yourself reminds you that life provides you with what you need. The better you take care of yourself, and the more you invest in your home base, the better this will work. You would also be well served staying in close contact with those people you consider your extended family. If you need something, one of them has it.

Weekly Horoscope for July 21, 2016, #1109 | By Amy Elliott

One of the things working with Eric has taught me is that healing — whether physical, emotional or at the soul level — fundamentally begins with nourishment. This doesn’t just mean eating properly, although that’s a vital component. It’s also about doing little things to care for yourself such as taking a bath, reading a book or hanging out with friends. As your sign is ruled by Venus, that also makes you deeply sensitive to beauty in nature and art. If you find yourself needing to tap that specific well this week, I suggest you go for full immersion. You don’t have to ask permission. Those treasures are yours to love and enjoy.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 18, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

It’s important to know where you place faith in your strength. Do you trust to luck? Do you trust the universe? Do you know that your friends have your back, and count on them? Do you trust your own strength? Right now, I suggest you draw on a little of each. Experiment and feel where you have support. Yet the thing to remember is that you have an inner source. It’s not exactly you; it’s more like some cosmic flow of energy with your name on it. That’s the thing to learn to work with, to nourish and to cultivate awareness of. It doesn’t go anywhere; you have times when you pay more attention or less attention. There are times when you receive the benefits more and others less. Now is a time to tap into something that is like a natural birthright. Feel good about yourself. Allow yourself to inhabit the moment you’re living in, setting aside the past and the future.

Full Moon Moonshine Horoscope for July 14, 2016, #1108 | By Len Wallick

Practicing moderation does not mean that you have to inhibit yourself. There is nothing you can do that can’t be done. Indications are you can now do or be what you’ve never done or been before so long as it’s realistic. For example, there is no reason to believe you cannot go anywhere in the world from where you are now. At the same time, it would not be realistic to get there by flapping your arms. Get the idea? You are now primed to break with precedent and go beyond limits dictated by previous experience. If you are in doubt about what is in fact possible, find out by having a go at any aspirations you hold before you even think about giving up. Push against stagnation and act boldly to expand your horizons. At the same time, however, keep one foot in touch with the ground to facilitate coming back to Earth safely as you grow.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 11, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Self-esteem is one of the most vexing problems that the majority of people face, though it goes by many names. When you focus the issue of feeling better about yourself and make it a central priority, you will get results. As a Taurus, you have two main options: one is to have a divided opinion of yourself, and the other is to have a unified opinion. If you are having a debate, if you are doubting yourself, if you feel strong one day and then question your strength the next day, that is a divided opinion. If you wake up in the morning and feel confident of who you are, and decide what you need to do, that would be having one solid opinion. This week should bring you some results in the latter direction, so you will get a taste of some unusual strength.

Short Monthly Horoscope for July 2016, #1107 | by Eric Francis

Recent events have taught you a lot about empathy. It was a process, which you might think of as learning to be a compassionate witness to the process another person is going through. The key here is being helpful without getting so involved that you lose your independence. It’s easy to overcompensate and keep too much personal space, which doesn’t really help relationships. You now know how to find a balance. There is an easy formula: all expressions of care begin with self-care, and overflow from there. Then you have plenty of love, patience and food to go around.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 4, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

For a relationship to work as well as you want, something subtle must happen, and you can help. The key is understanding something about yourself that you’ve now had a while to consider. This would fall under the general heading of knowing who you are. The mistake most people make when it comes to self-knowledge is a kind of false clarity that leads to a stuck point of view. The first thing about who you are is that it’s changing continually, and in unexpected ways. This might seem to conflict with that aspect of Taurus that wants everything to be just so. Yet both forces are working in your personality and both contribute to who you are. Make room for yourself to be a little different every day, and it will make much more sense to you that people you care about are a little different every day. With that understanding, keeping your agreements adjustable and negotiable will help them stay durable.

New Moon Moonshine Horoscope for June 30, 2016, #1106 | by Len Wallick

Comfort is available to you. There is no disputing that. In fact, there are only two questions you need answer regarding the solace that seems to be accruing for you since the recent solstice. First, you should make it your business to determine what forms of ease or indulgence would best suit you. It should go without saying that you need to support, rather than undermine, your overall health in the pursuit of pleasure. Even so, it would do you no harm to constantly remind yourself that, first, you should do yourself no harm. The second question is where the best quality of respite and relief is to be found. At least initially, you probably need not look any farther than your own bed and bath.

Monday Morning Horoscope for June 27, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

For all its supposed progress, the world is losing a value on cooperation with one’s neighbors. If it persists, this would be a great loss for humanity, since on our planet nothing happens without mutual enterprise. Take leadership among your friends, colleagues and those you live with, and exploit any opportunity to get people working together. Many hands will make light work, if there is coordination, and you are the organizing intelligence within your immediate sphere of influence. Take this to the social level as well. Many people are slowly going insane from lack of genuine human contact, and from lack of the experience of taking care of one another. You might consider having a small gathering in your home or that of a close friend. I have suggested before that potluck dinners will save the world from its present state of madness and instability. It’s a theory worth testing.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for July 2016, #1105 | by Eric Francis

The undeniable creative prowess of Taurus is rooted in the fact that you mean what you make down to your flesh and blood. Your words carry feeling. While your creative devotion goes in cycles, perhaps more distinct than other people’s, this is not a reflection of your talent, which is as solid and as alive as a magnificent old tree. You’ve reached a kind of harvest time around your creative gifts. Everything is aligned for you to tap into your potential. Not everyone is a writer, though you would benefit from at least experimenting with an idea you’ve been playing with, just to see how it feels. If you are a writer, the time is right to try something more ambitious, something you might ordinarily think is over your head. You may be calm on the outside, yet there is plenty moving and bubbling in you, and that energy is looking for a place to go, and to become. As you embark on this journey, you might find yourself going deeper than you expected, accessing something that feels like it’s ‘beyond you’. It’s not beyond anything: that’s actually who you are. One other bit: if you’re concerned that someone close to you won’t understand or appreciate what you’re learning, give them a chance. You’re closer to being on the same page than you may recognize.

Monday Morning Horoscope for June 20, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Some important relationships in your life are finding their new way of being. This is a somewhat mysterious process that’s related to you making some vivid discoveries about who you are. At the same time, people in your environment are going through a similar process of getting their intentions in order. One thing that’s clear is that if everyone is willing to compromise and accommodate one another just a little (not a lot, just modest compromise), there will be room for everyone, and their goals. The key is being willing to make a series of adjustments, in real time, learning as you go. Small obstacles and obstructions add up to problems, and removing them adds up to clarity and flow. It will help to go to the deeper level of having mutual understandings of what everyone is working toward, and drawing strength from common goals and standing on mutual ground.

Moonshine Horoscope for June 16, 2016, #1104 | by Len Wallick

To find harmony on the outside, you must first establish it on the inside. Indications are that you have nearly completed your journey towards inner harmony. What’s more, it appears as though you have achieved your current state of personal attunement largely on your own terms. That’s all very good; there are a few steps left for you to take, however. Part of the process will be learning to walk the line between affirming yourself (which is also very good) and over-focusing on congratulating yourself (which can get stuck on the level of ego, rather than healthy self-esteem). Another crucial element in your current state of development would seem to entail tying up some loose ends with one or two close relationships. In order to negotiate any closure you need with a special other (or others), be sure to bring your whole self to deal with them, and do it sincerely — remembering that they, too, are a whole self.

Monday Morning Horoscope for June 13, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You can now turn your attention to a financial matter that’s been difficult to grasp the past few weeks. Things should be much clearer than they’ve been, which means that you probably see your options as much more obvious. If you’re paying attention you’ll also see that you’re not in some kind of an impossible financial situation, but rather one where you have considerable influence over the outcome. What may be troubling you is the potential that you have to make a sacrifice of some kind. In our current milieu, where we’re conditioned to want everything for nothing, that can sound scary: you might have to change something, or exchange something, or offer something to your situation, in order to particulate in a genuine way, or to achieve some larger result. It’s not anything you cannot afford to give, or to do, and you will see that your investment makes a difference.

Monday Morning Horoscope for June 6, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You’ve arrived somewhere you’ve been before, perhaps only recently. Your challenge is to see it as a new place. The way to do that is to change your vantage point in some way, such as remembering something you learned that influenced your understanding of your life or of a relationship. You seem to be under pressure to resolve some form of indecision or uncertainty, though I suggest you keep your mind open to the possibilities. Key situations are definitely not resolved, though you may not want them to be. ‘Unresolved’ means subject to change, which in your scenario will likely be change for the better. Over the next week or so, you will be able to put words and ideas to things you’ve been thinking for a while but have not been able to consider clearly. Just make sure that clarity does not fix your viewpoint. Keep your thoughts, your eyes, your ears moving. Turn your head from side to side and notice what you see.

Short Monthly Horoscope for June 2016, #1103 | By Eric Francis

The world we live in was built on reading and writing. The pen is so much mightier than the sword that there’s no competition at all. While you may not call yourself a writer, your solar chart is reminding you to appreciate and indulge the beauty and influence of the written word. If you have something to say, put it on paper, and share it with others. This holds a key to any form of success, whether you’re talking about business, friendship or love. Reread a few of your favorite books and you will infuse your soul with a rare sensation of beauty.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 30, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Confusion is the state before enlightenment. It’s OK if you’re feeling uncertain, or like you don’t quite have your bearings. You’re in a position to let go of much of what felt solid and real but which was really getting in your way. Rather than rush to make up your mind about how you feel, hang out with your uncertainty for a few days. It’s far better than the false certainty that we’re pushed again and again into believing is helpful. And it’s fine to have two opinions about things, until you have to make a decision. Here’s the thing: opinions are informed by values. Something is good or bad, helpful or not, based on its context. What is it that you want? How do you define your purpose? That is really the central question of your life right now. Remember that you can always change your mind, but when you encounter an idea that really works, you will know it.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for June 2016, #1102 | By Eric Francis

You are rapidly moving into a space where you can connect your deepest inner truth to some form of creative expression. Consider that this is what many people reach for their entire lives. Others long wistfully for the meekest feeling of creative satisfaction. You can now be among the fortunate few who connect their soul’s growth to a mode of actual material expression. There’s a kind of Zen koan presented in your charts: remember how easy this is; remember how challenging it is. The ease is a description of how what you’re seeking is right within reach. You can accomplish it using skills you already possess. The difficulty is in continually coaxing yourself to respond to a calling or an idea that may seem elusive. You are not following a prescribed plan. You are not driving toward a destination. Creativity is like a river that runs through you. Your main job is to either get out of the way of the flow, or dive in and float along, and see where you end up. To borrow a phrase, you’re seeking process, not product. Think of the thing you make as a side benefit of an experience, rather than the goal. Gardeners understand this: you’re relating to the plants, you’re communing with their divas; you are tending to something older and larger than yourself. And in that journey, many beautiful things grow, emerge and appear.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 23, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Mercury just changed to direct motion in your sign. This is the perfect image of self-discovery, likely to come with the feeling of something you knew all along and somehow did not notice. You might take this as a cue to notice all the other things that have eluded your attention. You’re in a position now where you can admit things to yourself that you might not ordinarily want to own up to. Take this as good news, because the more of yourself you’ve claimed, the more energy you can concentrate; therefore, the more of your own power you have. Don’t be deceived by what seem to be dilemmas with no resolution. You know enough about yourself to make a fairly easy decision every time you’re faced with a choice. If you find yourself wondering what to do, ask yourself what really matters. Be bold and put the question in those exact terms. You can use this as often as you like. It will save you plenty of debate and confusion.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for May 19, 2016, #1101 | By Len Wallick

It’s amazing how most of us can get through a day without being hyper-vigilant about every detail. It’s also probably a very good thing. That way, you can be selective, choosing how and where to focus your attentions and energy based what your priorities are in the moment. To the extent that you may comfortably do so, however, the next few weeks might be a good time to look more closely at what you have filtered out or passed by. Reliably for you, a good place to start is to quite literally to stop and smell the flowers along your way — provided you can do so safely and without doing anything inappropriate (such as trespassing). Then, go on from flowers to other observations less often taken in. This is not about seeking distraction; quite the opposite. It’s about expanding your mind without losing any focus at all.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 16, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You often have a habit of keeping certain information to yourself. It’s true you have a right to not say anything. Yet if you’re looking for an easy way to let off the pressure in your relationships, it will help if you’re more transparent about what you need. I see the dilemma, though. You might know something, but to admit it outwardly subjects it to a reality test. You might not want to debate the point, for example. There may be another level to this: by not describing your reality, you leave yourself free to change your mind. Here’s an idea: even when you reveal your reality, you’re free to make a new decision (which is inevitable, as nearly all decisions get reviewed and remade eventually). Yet, when you don’t reveal your needs, what you do is deprive people close to you of the ability to respond to who you are in your current reality. Everyone will benefit from that opportunity. And it will do something helpful, which is to keep you focused on the present.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for May 12, 2016, #1100 | By Len Wallick

It’s a good year to be a Taurus. Celebrate your existence, and not just on your birthday. Extend your appreciation of being here now for as long as you feel it to be appropriate. The only thing you might want to be careful about is excess. When you raise a glass to toast, make it pure water more often than not. This does not mean you need to deny yourself the good things in life. Simply realize that there are enough good things available for you to enjoy so that you can sample a bit of each without going overboard with any. After all, variety is the spice of life. More to the point, no palatable diet ever consisted of only spices.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 9, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Many people who have experiences of enlightenment feel them as an awakening to something they already knew. It’s as if they remember their real self all at once. In that moment it seems like the most obvious thing in the world; amazing that they ever could have missed it. Then one of two things happens: either the person embodies the new idea and begins a new journey, or they forget their revelation and go on living as they had. Sometimes the discovery will be actively denied. Your solar chart describes an experience of you remembering something deep and real about yourself. It may be easy to overlook. You cannot force your memory, but you can listen to yourself more carefully. Underneath what you might think of as the usual chatter of your mind, there is an important message coming through.

Moonshine Horoscope for May 5, 2016, #1099 | By Len Wallick

Experience has prepared you to discern true friends from any obvious foes who may cross your path upon occasion. Genuine allies will encourage and support your doing what’s good for you and what’s right by others, because friends want you to be happy, healthy and at your best. Unfriendly critics and competitors will attempt to discourage you in order to get the upper hand. Now that you can tell the difference, the next step is to distinguish yourself by how you respond. Show respect for your friends by making and being satisfied with your best effort, while also taking care of your wellbeing. Show respect for yourself by shedding the aspersions of those who do not have your best interests at heart.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 2, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You seem to be facing a contradiction: feeling some unusual new potential, yet also being pulled in the direction of some unresolved experience or desire. The two are not at odds, but rather can work well together. For example, the sense of something unresolved might be an instinct to retrieve something you left behind: an idea, a goal, a person. You might need some time to yourself to consider carefully what this might be. I recognize that ‘quiet time’ is starting to become something you might look for in a vintage shop or museum, though it will help you considerably. As for that sense of potential: ask yourself whether you believe what you want is possible. It may seem too good to be true, or more than you deserve. Don’t let that get in the way of your vision. Yes, you must always bring your integrity to whatever you do. That is good news.

Short Monthly Horoscope for May 2016, #1098 | By Eric Francis

You are the person who decides when you’re ready to make any decision you want to make. It’s also easy to second- and third-guess yourself. You need to know when your intuition is speaking and when you’re just not feeling confident. In such a moment, it’s best to be patient, and to make a point of being helpful to others. Offering your skills and ideas to people you care about could be the thing that provides you with experiences you need to get clarity. Mercury moves in your favor on the 22nd, by which time you will have the missing information you seek.

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 25, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You have extra support right now from what we might describe as ‘unseen forces’. The way to activate that help is to extend cooperation any time you can, and to open up to receiving it every time you need it. Support is a kind of exchange; and for that to work, it’s essential both to offer and to accept. The thing is that you will have no less for offering, and others will have no less when you receive their gifts. There is an abundance of whatever you need, and it’s likely to be somewhere accessible in your environment already. This applies to the most ordinary material objects — look around your house if you need something – and to emotional support, love and friendship. The mantra ‘I have what I need’ will serve you well. Yet you can trust that this effect is percolating deep beneath what is visible and obvious. Keep your heart and your mind open, and let the good karma circulate in your world.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for May 2016, #1097 | By Eric Francis

Your charts come back to one theme, which is connecting: with yourself, with someone (or more than one person) that you want to be closer to and, ultimately, with your purpose. Let’s take them one at a time. Connecting with yourself means going deeper into your own mind, led by curiosity. You are at the point where you can no longer stand being such a mystery to yourself. You may see aspects of yourself dramatized in your relationships, without recognizing it at first. Look for the parallels; allow the psychology of others and how they make decisions help you figure out what you actually want and need. As you do this, you’re likely to see the parallels between your approach to life and that of someone close to you. The term ‘absolute equality’ is coming to mind: I suggest you trust no concept of superiority, which also implies you living up to your end of any agreement as a matter both of honor and of dharma. This will be an exploration that’s likely to take you ever deeper into your feelings, your motives and your understanding of life. From this journey, you’re likely to get some information about purpose. Remember that, like the theme of a novel, purpose is usually implied rather than stated overtly. It’s something that you figure out, notice and embrace in degrees, one day at a time.

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 18, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Don’t be too eager to hold close partners to their commitments. Someone close to you may be going through some twists and turns, needing to make some important decisions. If you give them the space to go through their process, they’re likely to end up closer to you and with a better self-understanding as well. The key thing is space. Take care of yourself, make as few demands as possible and resist the urge to poke and prod. Rather, a friendly hello, an offer of some food or a loving voice on the phone will do wonders. One thing to keep in mind is that you seem to be in a similar process of self-inquiry, though it may be difficult to define. It involves something about how your perception of yourself influences how you see others.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for April 14, 2016, #1096 | By Len Wallick

If you feel as though something is coming full circle for you, you’re probably right. It’s also probably true that what you are feeling is less a moment and more of a process. Furthermore, the process is not necessarily something you need to go through alone. If you can give yourself at least six weeks to fully experience and integrate what you are going through now, it is likely that you will find yourself at long last on the other side of something that started more than a year ago. You will know if sharing is appropriate should those who were there at the beginning ask to be there with you now. Don’t force anything on anybody else; rather, allow. Think emergence, not emergency, and you will understand.

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 11, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Keep a pulse on yourself. You have so much going on, including important concerns in a personal partnership, that you could lose track of your priorities. It will help if you express yourself in words, if only in a notebook, so that you have some idea what you’re thinking as you think it. Yet it also would be beneficial if you maintain contact with someone close to you, by which I mean updating one another on your daily progress. Communication is essential, and if you persist gently and steadily, you will figure out what an important turning point this is for you. The thing to remember is that you and a partner are going through different kinds of evolutionary steps; yet there is some important common ground, which you will need to discover. When you need it most, that shared space will come in handy.

Moonshine Horoscope for April 7, 2016 #1095 | By Len Wallick

It is as if you are a musician or actor who has finally mastered your art to the point where you can improvise with confidence whenever and wherever you see fit. This is especially true for situations where your personal needs are in actual or potential conflict with your personal obligations. Yet you are still a human being, neither omnipotent nor infallible. Fortunately for you there is one reliable guideline to keep you in clover and out of error at this time: You need to be clear about what you don’t know. Therefore, in any circumstance that finds you in possession of all the pertinent data, proceed to succeed. Where vital information is missing, simply remember to be a detective first, and an executive second.

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 4, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

One of the rewards of your current life is getting to be of service. I suggest you claim this reward with a joyous heart, because you have plenty to offer, the world has plenty of needs, and the meeting of the two is proving to be beneficial to everyone. When you have a point of focus, you can orient on that and organize your world around a real priority. This will work with physical space as well. Imagine that you place a hearth in the middle of everyplace you occupy, whether it’s your desk, your living room, your kitchen, your bedroom or your office. What is the source of heat and of your sensation of being home? Your metaphorical hearth could be an altar you place on your desk; it could be your stove (the altar of culinary pleasure and nutrition); it might be the place you make art or make love. Define your personal center and orchestrate your life outward from there.

Short Monthly Horoscope for April 2016, #1094 | By Eric Francis

You have a rare moment when you can completely redefine yourself. More than a makeover; you can reach into the deepest levels of your being and, in a sense, rewrite the story of your life. In some ways you’ve been on this assignment for a while, though now comes the moment of full engagement with your new reality. The difference is between seeing something as outside yourself and experiencing it as coming from authentic inner experience. You cannot plan these things, but sometimes they happen. The undeniable message: have faith in your ability to actually be yourself, when it counts the most.

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 28, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

How to leave the past behind is a mystery for most people, but it can be done. I suggest reducing an element of the past you want to move on from to a token or souvenir. In other words, remember a little to forget a lot. It’s a way of saying, “Been there, done that, bought the tee shirt,” which you wear every now and then as a reminder. Taking the process of moving forward consciously also helps you maintain perspective and some context. It’s important to honor where you’ve been and who you were as a means of being aware that you’re no longer that person, and you don’t need to be. There’s something especially meaningful here on the subject of how you feel you’re perceived by the public, whatever that word means to you. Stay a few steps ahead of the crowd rather than playing to the crowd.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for April, 2016, #1093 | By Eric Francis

You seem to be jumping with anticipation, as if everything is about to happen all at once. You might feel that way, though I suggest you take events one at a time, just like you would move one piece at a time in a game of chess. Most of the pressure you’re feeling is coming from inside you rather than from some external source. For some, this may feel like living on the verge of a panic attack, and for others, tapping into a deep source of inspiration. One thing I suggest is that you keep your attention as inwardly focused as you can. There’s nothing as interesting in the outer world as what you have going on in your inner world. The great stage of your mind is teaching you everything you need to know; yet at the same time you have the ability to express your most intimate ideas to others. You’re learning to do what most people never figure out, which is how to articulate what really matters to you. The more you figure out what that is, the clearer you’ll be able to express yourself, and I suggest that you not hold back. Speak up about what you care about. Be open about whom you care for, and why. Consciously break the taboo of revealing your actual personal truth, and feel the rare strength that offers you.

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 21, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

It may seem that your whole life is about service to others, when what you really want to be doing is having a good time with friends, or at least doing your own creative thing. Yet whatever assistance you provide to others will in turn inspire you to reach for something unusual or beautiful you might not have tried otherwise. You might consider that service really is the essence of life, and that everything flows from it. In any event, it’s a useful organizing principle to live by, because we need to learn how to help one another, and to be helped. The deeper message involves keeping in mind the idea of a win-win situation. These are often spoken of but rarely sought out or committed to. If you look for the point of mutual benefit in every transaction you have with another person, you are sure to find it.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for March 17, 2016 #1092 | By Len Wallick

It would probably be a good idea to take some time out of your own head. Curling up with a good novel would likely do the trick. What would do you one better, however, is to engage with others in some communal way. If you have access to one or more friends with whom you would feel safe having a long, rambling heart-to-heart conversation, it might do wonders for your wellbeing. As an alternative, you could throw in with or host a group of people you are less than familiar with. Doing so could complete what would otherwise be a tiresome chore, and also get you better acquainted with thoughts, ideas and sensibilities other than your own.

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 14, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Your guiding planet Venus is now in one of its favorite spots, Pisces. Think back just a few years and consider how far you’ve come in a short time. Consider the options you now have open, and the gifts you’re able to give and receive. Some of them involve friends. Others involve supporting yourself doing what you truly love. If you don’t feel that way, be bold, and first admit what you want. Remember what you’re good at, and what you love. Then take the step of actually doing something about it. People are likely to be receptive now in ways they may not have seemed so before. Do not wait for opportunity to come knocking. You are the one who must push the door open and explore the new spaces of your life. Clue: start with the people who you know care about you the most.

Moonshine Horoscope for March 10, 2016 #1091 | By Len Wallick

Nearly everybody wants to be respected. In all probability, it’s especially important to you. Even as essential as it is for you, you know that esteem cannot be bought, coerced or demanded. As with most things you value, respect must be earned. With all you have taken on and accomplished in your life over the last decade or so, there should be no question in your mind that you have earned a great deal of regard, perhaps even deference; maybe even reverence. All of which leaves two questions. First, are you honoring yourself appropriately in proportion to what you have achieved? Next, who already demonstrates that they understand the high regard in which you should be held, and who needs a chance to catch up with all you have become?

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 7, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Keep your focus. It will be easy to feel mentally overwhelmed or to let your imagination run away with your mind. You have a lot happening right now, though only a few items on your agenda are of real importance. Therefore, think your thoughts, rather than letting them think you. Orient yourself on specific goals and objectives rather than on abstract concepts of what you want or what you’re supposed to do. Work from a plan, even if it’s something you sketch out in 10 words and a diagram on the back of an envelope. Whatever you may do, whatever your talent is, you would be wise to stick to your personal truth and to avoid playing to your audience. If you’re true to yourself, you will make the impression on others that you want. Remember, the success you’re seeking is not about perfection; it’s about being real.

Short Monthly Horoscope for March 2016, #1090 | By Eric Francis

You understand service not just as a concept but as a way of life. Being of use to the world (your community, the people you care about, and many beyond) is the antidote to the self-serving habits that dominate our time in history. The more you offer, the more you will discover you have. Seen one way, your most vital role is to hold the space open for the right thing to happen. Make the suggestion, allow time in the schedule, ask who is willing to step up to the challenges you see. Set the example.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for March 2016, #1089 | By Eric Francis

Hold the space open around you. You’re likely to be drawing a lot of attention; and if you’re not conscious about how you handle this, you may start to feel crowded out of your own life. The focus that others place on you can be helpful, but only if you manage it carefully. It’s necessary to know who are your friends, who are your allies and who is unhelpful — and treat everyone accordingly. You seem to be developing a more self-sacrificing way of living, which is a beautiful thing, as long as you understand why you’re doing it and maintain your sense of balance. For you, the important reality checks mostly involve whether your bodily needs are taken care of, beginning with rest, nourishment and time to contemplate your existence. Your life will have a tendency to go in the direction that it’s already going, so it will be helpful to intervene as soon as possible and make sure that the mixture is correct. At a certain point you’re going to let go into what may become a rapid flow of positive creative developments. This is a form of nourishment by itself, but you know that you’re not really happy unless you’re rested, washed and fed. To that I would add giving yourself some space and time that is all your own.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Feb. 22, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Now is the time to put what you’re doing in front of an audience. Show the world the best of what you have to offer, in whatever you’re doing. If you want to advance your career, you’ve got a fantastic opening to make your reputation known. I suggest, however, that you keep this on the human level. If you’re looking for a better opportunity, do everything you can in person rather than online. Work through people you know. If someone can’t help you, ask if they know someone who can, and follow the web of human connection. Making a phone call is closer to ‘in person’ than emailing; so too is mailing a letter or delivering it yourself. When you can, let people see your friendly face and hear your lovely voice. Most of all, use your ears and listen.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for Feb. 18, 2016, #1088 | By Len Wallick

In recent months your hard work has amounted to something, and for good reason. In addition to effort, your big heart and rich soul have enhanced the quality of your endeavors. As a result, your working relationships have been strengthened and you have developed something of a new and improved reputation within your immediate circle. Now, you may want to consider how to widen your circle of both peers and supporters. This is not necessarily about seeking fame or fortune, although it would not be surprising if some exaltation and reward did accrue in due course. What you should focus on at this time is that you have something worthy of sharing with and showing to a wider audience. Presently they are waiting with a need only you will be able to fill.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Feb. 15, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Take your time with whatever plan you’re working up. It looks as if you’re not quite ready to go public or to bring in more collaborators. That time will arrive soon enough. The only people who need to be involved are the ones who are ultimately responsible, even if that’s just you and perhaps a close adviser. There is also some psychology involved that I suggest you consider. Usually our relationship to success, to moving up in the world, and to recognition is mingled with our feelings about our parents. This could involve how successful they told you that you’d be, how successful they are, or whether they’re jealous of your accomplishments. If you take the time to consider this now, you won’t have to do it some time in the future, when the stakes will be much higher.

Moonshine Horoscope for Feb. 11, 2016, #1087 | By Len Wallick

There is no doubt that you are going places, probably faster than you think. Unlike some subatomic particles, however, you cannot simply leap ahead to where you are going without passing in between. On your way towards your future, you will be interacting with others. Those interactions will leave lasting impressions, which, sooner or later, will catch up with you no matter how fast you are progressing now. Therefore it is important to emphasize the quality of your journey at least as much as reaching your destination. Exercise care so that everybody you meet on your daily way will be a willing and enthusiastic part of your support network when you finally have it made.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Feb. 8, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Only you can set yourself free. This holds even if others convinced you of things that were not true. One revelation of the past week and of the upcoming few days is that you must determine what is relevant for you, from personal experience. To do that, it’s necessary to question your values rather than assume they’re true. You can ask, “Is this valid for me?” And once you have an answer, keep asking, because as you grow — which is accelerating right now — your perspective changes. As that happens, your concept of the future will evolve; and that, too, is transforming rapidly. You have old goals that you need to let go of, and new ones that are sprouting from the forest floor. Make sure they get light and water, because some are destined to be tall and mighty trees.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for Feb. 4, 2016, #1086 | By Len Wallick

When you are driving up a mountain highway, looking only through the windshield does not fully convey how steep the road is. A glimpse in the rearview mirror, on the other hand, really helps you to grasp how far you have climbed. Such is probably your situation now. If you focus only on what’s ahead, you will miss out on the gratification of knowing just how much progress you have made in recent months, even since last year. Your energies have not been wasted. You are receiving a return on your efforts, in the form of greater and more assured proficiencies in the areas where you have been applying yourself the most. You owe it to yourself to see that. In order to do so, however, you will have to pause, and look back as well as forward to really take it all in. You need not be concerned about falling behind. In some sense you are now far enough ahead of schedule to pull over and park to take in the scenery. It will take your breath away, and pick up your spirits too.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Feb. 1, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Remember that the most important leadership the world needs now is on ethics. Our entire society seems to be coming unhinged about what is right and what is wrong. Traditions that have served humanity well for centuries are being discarded. Ethical leadership means following your deep inner guidance on all matters of truth and justice, which is likely to be coming through at full strength. Once you know what is right, it’s essential that you not violate your inner guidance. This is the form your leadership takes. You may also be faced with the question of what to do with tradition — such as in a discussion about religion. This need not be controversial. Always look for the universal truth that connects all spiritual traditions. Usually it is obvious, and has a way of making people feel happy.

Short Monthly Horoscope for February 2016, #1085 | By Eric Francis

Many factors are guiding you in the direction of deeper commitment in a close partnership. You must, however, make sure that you’re ready for what you’re being offered. Be sure you don’t make promises that you’re not sure you can keep. At least for the moment, practicality must trump romantic ideals, and then truly beautiful things are possible.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 25, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Relationship themes remain a top priority. It looks as if you’re trying to work out the details of a partnership with someone. I would just caution about having too many fine points on the agenda. Rather than obsessing over details, what you need are the larger, more basic elements of your agreement. You seem to be in a moment of your life where you’re having realizations on just that level: your deepest philosophy of life. In relationships, the schedule matters, as does doing the dishes and sweeping the floor. Yet the authentic point of contact is what makes your life meaningful to you, and that you share with another person. You seem to be asking truly deep questions, and I would encourage you in doing that. You are on the right path.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for February 2016, #1084 | By Eric Francis

Relationships, family matters and your professional ambitions are showing up on the astrological radar right now, though there is a common theme: can one person exercise property rights over another? This seems like a ridiculous question here in the age of political correctness. Of course they can’t! That’s just wrong! But the problem is that people do, and often in ways that are not accounted for. Many of the social behaviors we take for granted involve some measure of this, even if it’s just an underlying assumption or two. One place to start the discussion is with jealousy. Although this is lauded as the token of true love, I would propose that it’s the thing most antithetical to love. Jealousy wears many masks, though from a metaphysical perspective I can say this. If you look at the way the topic of death is handled in any relationship, you will have a way to make transparent the many other themes associated with jealousy. Is it even spoken of? Is it bargained with? Is it something that makes you feel more alive (because your time with anyone is finite) or is it something that sends you into control mode? These normally difficult topics are unusually accessible right now. And if you have the courage to bring them up, or to go with the conversation when it arises, you will learn vital lessons to last a lifetime.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 18, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Be cautious when mixing life’s most sensitive topics — finances and sex — with alcohol or any other substance. There’s a place and time for everything, and some great potential combinations to experiment with. However, there’s a word of caution in your solar chart, suggesting that you want to keep control of your wits and your ability to make clear decisions. At the same time, there’s an indication you might want to push a few limits. That could turn out to be excellent fun, as long as you know where your boundaries are. If you can’t talk about something openly, then it’s probably not a good idea to do it. That said, open sharing on these deep themes of life could lead to a spiritual awakening, or a profound personal revelation.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope — Jan. 14, 2016, #1083 | By Len Wallick

What you or others have come to think of as your predilections now deserve to be thought of as having become something more. It was not without cause or merit that you have long favored quality over quantity. It is not a sign of decadence if your partialities have developed into devotions. There is no character flaw if your heartfelt inclinations have advanced into dedication. More than most people, your biases are informed by virtue, and it’s high time that you became secure enough in your standards to stand up for them. For in a world where cold discipline is over-valued and cynically manipulated, your warmer and more passionate style will now serve to liberate you from a mad and maddening crowd.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 11, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You seem to have come to an understanding with an intimate partner recently, perhaps after plenty of negotiation or wrangling. That is a positive development, and you can trust the outcome. In the process, something else has happened: you’ve discovered your true strength. It’s not about money, sex or beauty, but rather about a spiritual connection that you possess. By that I mean that your roots go deep. You know right from wrong, and you tend to act on that knowledge. The people in your life rely on you for this, and the closer you are to them, the more they do. Setting an example is the most important form of leadership, and this is something all relationships need. The more you do this, the easier it will be.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope — Jan. 7, 2016, #1082 | By Len Wallick

Think of all your endeavors as a journey, and life will probably feel easier than if you were to become fixated on a goal or destination. Envision yourself as a child going through the proverbial stages of growing up, and you will be less likely to perceive crisis in your life. If you choose to see the world as a place of higher education rather than achievement, you might very well keep yourself from being brought low by discouragement. You have an advantage accorded to few right now, in that there is a simple way to determine whether you are doing the right thing. If you feel more energy coming in than going out, let that be your sign to override what other people might say about your course in life at this time. Believe what you are feeling, and don’t let anybody tell you that you are lazy for taking a natural path.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 4, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Keep a close eye on financial matters, especially those where shared resources and tax matters are involved. You have significant potential for mutual profit, dependent on having a realistic vision and, most of all, performing your due diligence. You want all the facts, not just the ones that support your theory. It may take three weeks to get the information you need, as certain relevant details will come to light when Mercury stations direct on the 25th. The personal angle on this astrology is to make sure that in intimate situations, everyone gets a chance to speak and to listen. There is plenty of room to compromise, even between those who seem to have little in common. As Bjork said so eloquently, love is a two-way dream.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for January 2016, #1081 | By Eric Francis

Not everything in life is about power over others, though there’s currently quite the campaign being waged to convince us that it is. Every time you see a news story, it’s about what one person or entity may do to another, just because they can. This is not your way; though, in order to evade and even transcend this, you will need to think clearly and be clever. This you can do. You are currently bestowed with a kind of intelligence that is both deep and unusually perceptive. But now it will be necessary to make decisions and to move faster than you normally want. As the events of the next four seasons emerge, you will need to be flexible and strong. It’s also essential that you have some version of a game plan, by which I mean a basic sketch of your strategy. The most meaningful part of that plan is having a direction in which you’re headed. You will change and correct this, though you still need a point of orientation: at least one guiding principle to focus around. It would be far better if that principle were not about another person. You need an idea about your life that is yours alone, which you then bring with you into every situation. The theme of this year is learning to trust yourself — which, like any skill, is gained with practice.

Aries 2016

Moonshine Horoscope for Capricorn New Moon #1132 | By Len Wallick

Included prominently in what you can probably claim to have gained from 2016 is a strengthened belief in yourself. Just think of all you sustained and maintained better than you might have. Give yourself credit for when your plans and follow-through paid off. Acknowledge what you have overcome when doing so was not a foregone conclusion. Now, as you head into a new calendar year, one worthy objective would be to enhance the extent to which others believe in you. To increase the probability of accomplishing that goal, keep two things in mind. First, do not underestimate the importance of timing. Pick your spots to impress, and endeavor to be both alert and prepared for when spots pick you. Also, remember that others often see you through themselves. Therefore, anything you can do to help others believe in themselves will also serve to raise their estimation of you.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 26, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

In the world there are two main forms of power: official and informal. Official power would be the president of a college, who gives orders and must be obeyed. Informal power would be the most popular student on campus who gets things done because people like him or her and are willing to help. People tend to over-emphasize official authority and forget about informal lines of influence; you must remember both. On any question you may have, or task you want to accomplish, a combination of both is necessary. When dealing with people who have actual control, it’s necessary to work with their official capacity and their human aspect. That means listening, being helpful and doing what you’ve agreed to do (and a little more). Tapping unofficial power means keeping your ear to the ground so you have up-to-date information. And it means making sure that your allies are ready to help you when you need it.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 19, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Cooperate with people of power and influence in your life, even it if means temporarily setting aside your personal goals. Collaboration is the key to your success, and your astrology is suggesting strongly that you take a long-range perspective. This means investing your energy in demonstrating that you’re helpful and reliable to people more advanced in their professional activities than you are. These people become your professional network, which can serve you for the rest of your life. Developing such a network is not merely about knowing people’s names or collecting business cards. It’s about establishing common cause, and supporting the projects of others because you can. Many people these days are asking how they can make their living doing something they love. The answer to that is to start by learning skills and making yourself useful. Worry less about getting paid and more about getting established, and being good at what you do.

Moonshine Horoscope for Gemini Full Moon #1130 | By Len Wallick

Of all the people in the world, the only one you can truly control is yourself. Keep that in mind for the remainder of this year, and you have the key for making your closest relationships work as well as possible. This does not mean you should withdraw and focus on yourself. Instead, make yourself the focus as you interact with others by constantly asking yourself how to set the most authentic, instructional and inspiring example for the people who know you best. This may mean breaking with some of your older and less productive behavioral patterns. More likely, your path towards greater influence in your closest quarters will begin with making the greater good for all involved your biggest concern.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 12, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Belief is one of the most fragile ways to think. Yes, it’s convenient to take things without questioning them; though consider how often you’ve believed something that turned out not to be true. Your astrology this week is about questioning your own presumptions. Don’t be afraid to ask yourself boldly what’s really true. Then toss what does not check out, or what you prove to be wrong. Doing this will bring you closer to your personal truth: what you actually know about yourself, and have discovered to be correct. One potential obstacle is when you run into the deeply rooted ideas of your parents. Most of what you believe without questioning comes from them, and yet your loyalty to your family might make it seem impossible to make up your own mind. It’s not impossible, and you will be doing everyone a favor by thinking for yourself.

Short Monthly Horoscope for December 2016, #1129 | By Eric Francis

Given the high-voltage planets in your sign, you may have wondered if you’re too intense for a normal social life. You would be wise to err on the side of asserting who you are rather than trying to hide or tone down. Jupiter is now boldly working its way through your relationship sign, Libra. That’s a way of saying that people will not only accept who you are, they will benefit and thrive on your energy and your wild streak. The coming year will be one of great meetings. Be real, look people in the eye and welcome them into your life.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 5, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Belief is useful to the degree that it’s flexible. It’s even more useful if it’s acknowledged for what it is: a notion of what might be true. More often, belief is like a shield against truth, or the inconvenience of having to find out. This week, make no compromises in this regard; play no games with yourself or with others. You’re likely to encounter information that challenges what you believe, and this is an opportunity to make some adjustments. Be willing to discard what you discover not to be true. Be willing to embrace the new reality that you face. If it seems that precious ideas are being taken from you, or like your bubble is being burst, stand back from the process and open your mind to learning. You are growing much faster than your present beliefs can contain, and you therefore need to expand your mind to embrace who you are becoming.

Moonshine Horoscope for Sagittarius New Moon #1128 | By Len Wallick

It’s possible you will want to solve a mystery over the next several weeks. More likely you will need to accomplish an entirely different task: developing your discernment and applying it to problems in the world. To be clear on the distinction, envision yourself sorting and matching a pile of socks as opposed to taking the same amount of energy and time to search for a single lost stocking.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 28, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You need a new perspective, and it looks like you’re about to get one. You’ve been so consumed with your own changes and developments the past year that it’s been difficult to see much past that. Now you’re getting a view over the edge of your own horizons. This will give you some space to consider your possibilities without feeling pressured or cramped. The picture in your chart hints at a few other ideas. One is to go beyond seemingly concrete notions of right and wrong. There are many shades, hues and colors to explore. Another involves whether you want or need to consider the interests of a partner in your future. I suggest you question this especially if you’ve taken the answer for granted in the past. An example of this would be never traveling without a partner. Maybe it’s time to go somewhere on your own, with nobody else to answer to.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope — December 2016, #1127 | By Eric Francis

You’re not through finding yourself, though you’re less lost than you were at this time last year. You’re adapting to the idea that you wake up a slightly different person every day, in a different world every day. This means embracing being less certain, though what you’re giving up is a fragile or even false concept of who you are. You now have more space to maneuver, and less need to prove to yourself or anyone who you are. It’s through action and interaction, live and in real time, that you will make your most significant discoveries. Life is not a matter of theory that you or the world must live up to; rather, your experience will have a way of hinting at who and what is real and relevant to you. It’s then up to you to extract the potential from all of this, and create something for yourself. You may still be inclined to ask for permission from others; you may still think you need the approval of authority figures. You may still think there’s a matter of morality involved, especially if someone is trying to impose their morals on your choices. There is no argument to have. It can be challenging to grasp that merely existing sends a stronger message about your intentions than anything you might say.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 21, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

To get what you want, turn up the passion. You don’t need the ordinary kind of desire; you need the instinctual, lusty kind. This is partly about wanting something enough, or wanting it more than others. It’s also about being so devoted to what you do that you draw others into your vortex and encourage them to take up your goals. This devotion starts with you, and your approach to your work and also to your existence. Right now your existence and your purpose must merge into one thing of beauty, that being you. This is one version of leadership by example. Never underestimate how important this is, even if nobody admits it out loud. Many people around you are struggling to care about anything; many strain to understand why anything matters at all. You get it; and your demonstration of commitment is essential proof of what’s possible.

Weekly Horoscope for Nov. 17, 2016, #1126 | By Amy Elliott

While creative art involves a good deal more work than Hollywood filmmakers (for example) would have us believe, imagination is also fueled and restocked by occasional play. Shaking loose a bit can be remarkably advantageous to the production of eureka moments. You know this really. You also know that it’s important to have some quiet time, regardless of one’s natural level of gregariousness. All these things are like the oil that smoothes the machine and helps to keep it maintained. Try to keep some balance in your schedule.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 14, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

The best sex is always a little chaotic, a bit messy and unpredictable. Never fold your clothes when you undress. Toss them off with abandon and just make sure nothing lands on a lit candle. This is the way to live your life right now. You are the seducing influence in every situation. Your presence will lead people to reveal themselves, and to get in contact with their desire. Yes, you may get some unwanted advances, though that’s part of being attractive — at least you have your options, and just about everyone has something to offer. Mostly, the thing to do with your portable disinhibited zone is to have fun. You’re free to flirt wildly with people and take pleasure in what they say to you and how they look at you. You may wonder how it is that you’re prompting everyone to reveal who they are without really doing anything, and the answer is Scorpio Power.

Short Monthly Horoscope for November 2016, #1125 | By Eric Francis

Progress means change. Sometimes progress happens quickly, and that can be unsettling. Yet given your potential, it would seem that ‘settling’ is the last thing you want, in any sense of the word. You’re in the perfect position to take advantage of this restless, unpredictable moment. Circumstances that might work against other people are opportunities and resources for you. You have the ability to respond to new circumstances quickly, though you must keep an open mind and be willing to take the opinions of others on board. The keys to success are listening and conscious collaboration.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 7, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Success is a conspiracy. Work with your others to make it happen. There’s no abstract concept of fairness that you must adhere to, which leaves you free to get the help of people who believe in you and who support what you’re doing. It’s possible that you will be an asset to someone, and that would be another reason for them to facilitate your progress. What matters is sincerity, and your willingness (and ability) to come through with what you offer. One theme of the times we’re living through is an extreme form of everybody doing their thing. Understanding of the strength and pleasure of cooperation and collaboration is rapidly evaporating. But those qualities have the same value they always had. Define success for yourself, and then plan for it with others who have a similar idea as you do.

Moonshine Horoscope for Scorpio New Moon, #1124 | By Len Wallick

Know thyself, especially in comparison to who and what you were at this time last year. If you are pretty much the same person you were 12 months ago — if your needs are being met and your life is going smoothly — you are in a position to demand substantial reward for risking any change to your good thing. If your personal evolution has been substantial enough to make change your primary need at this time, consider thinking differently. Instead of risk versus reward, think in terms of renegotiating any previously incurred contracts, responsibilities or obligations to do right by both your new self and your old relationships.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 31, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You need a new deal, and you can negotiate it. The time is perfect. However, that won’t mean much to you if you don’t grasp the concept of negotiation. It’s a conversation where people state their expectations and what they’re willing to offer or deliver. Then, with that information on the table, you reach an agreement. For you, the basis of the discussion is what you personally want, what you want to contribute, and whether what you’re being offered is acceptable. Most people balk at discussions this direct in the personal realm; I suggest you proceed with confidence and with clarity. You’re likely to underestimate your influence or power in the situation, though don’t make the mistake of overrating yourself, either. Recognize that everyone has needs and everyone has something to offer. The question is: can you work out something that’s mutually acceptable? Whether this is personal or professional, there’s no reason why not.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for November 2016, #1123 | By Eric Francis

Fighting chaos is like trying to smooth out the surface of water with a canoe paddle. You may be facing some challenging situations at work, though it won’t take much for you to turn them into opportunities. The first thing to do is take a different approach to any turbulence or conflict, which would begin by stepping back and observing. You may not be noticing how your influence in the situation is stirring up your environment. The best way to figure that out is to step back, observe and listen. The thing to study is relationships. Notice where people’s loyalty is invested, without judging it or saying anything about it. This is a matter of facts, not of opinion. The only way to get anything done — whether it’s a project of some kind, or your own professional advancement — is to work with others. And that is entirely based on who is loyal to whom, and why. What I suggest you remember about this thing called ‘work’ is that for most people, it’s merely the one means they know of to the end called eating. For a few other people, work is a creative endeavor that gives meaning to their lives. For a few others, it’s a political game or power trip. Know where you stand, and know who you’re dealing with at any time.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 24, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

If you think friendly thoughts, you will see friends everywhere. If you’re thinking darker and more suspicious thoughts, you might see conspiracies around you. There are two things going on: one is that these days, your thoughts are powerful projectors of your reality. Experiment with this: as you change your thoughts, your reality will change. You might need to convince yourself to try this for the sake of the experiment. The other phenomenon is the sense that all people and events are somehow interconnected. This might manifest as making the discovery that people you meet already know people you’re connected to; you might experience other synchronicities that reveal the extent to which the world you see is the projection of your own mind. The beauty of this discovery is that it reveals how much influence you have over your own life.

Weekly Horoscope for Oct. 20, 2016, #1122 | By Amy Elliott

If in the past week or so you’ve experienced anything from minor turbulence to a full-on tempest, you’ll be relieved to feel the weather clearing up. You might also be glad to find there was a purpose to the boat-rocking. This involves letting go of an old habit. Something has been holding you back from living life to the fullest. Now you are beginning to see how to distance yourself from it, and the potential healing in that process. If you still need a key to the riddle, fun, artistic endeavors or sheer relaxation may provide it.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 17, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You must keep a cool head. This is true in every facet of your life, though let’s start with personal situations. It would appear that a partner is in a space where they’re easily triggered. The only way to handle this is to keep yourself in balance, even if others are finding that a challenging state to maintain for themselves. As for the professional aspect of your life, you seem to be making progress toward a challenging goal that you’ve been working toward for a long time. However, you will need to work with the powers that be, rather than against them. This is not the time to be rebellious; it’s the time to be what’s known as politic: mind your manners, offer your opinion politely, and make sure you’ve listened for a while before you do that. The very worst thing you could do is to get pushy, as it’ll be interpreted as aggressive. Rather, focus your goals, work with your allies, and gently persist at what you want to accomplish.

Moonshine Horoscope for Aries Full Moon, #1121 | By Len Wallick

It’s high time to take it a bit easier on yourself. Likely you have been diligent enough at ‘doing’ in the conventional sense of making things happen. Rather than working harder, think about how to work smarter. This does not necessarily mean you need to organize or be more efficient. Nor is there any certainty you are procrastinating overmuch. Instead of pushing yourself to do more, try another tack: look to address any relationships where inertia has taken over. You might be surprised by how far reviving or refreshing stale connections with others will go towards helping you to give yourself some much-needed slack.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 10, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

The big break in one’s career usually comes gradually. Years of effort eventually lead somewhere, though usually the rewards are collected more like interest on an investment and less like winning the lottery. Then there are times when you must focus and push toward a specific goal, and sometimes that can result in an acceleration of results. That’s the phase you’re in now. Over the next 10 days you’re coming under the influence of an aspect that will drive your ambition. However, I suggest you convert most of that power into productivity, pragmatism and service. If you allow yourself to get into the mode of conquering or even competition, it could backfire on you. Therefore, I suggest you be extremely cautious around the issue of power, and instead, strive to make yourself useful. That can include setting specific goals, though you will succeed based on cooperation rather than on competition. That includes cooperating with people in positions of authority, whether you like them or not.

Short Monthly Horoscope for October 2016, #1120 | By Eric Francis

Nothing is predictable, nor do you want it to be – especially relationships. Leave yourself room for adventure and for surprises, and set this tone with friends and partners. All the good that’s entering your life is doing so through spontaneity. So practice that as yoga. Change up your schedule any way you can. Take different routes to and from places. Meet people you might ordinarily pass by, and hear their story. All of this will feed into your current extravaganza of self-discovery, though one other thing is certain: there’s opportunity in the air, and to get access you must assert yourself.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 3, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You are entering new territory in your professional life. If it seems like you’ve been doing the same old routines this year, Mars moving across the achievement angle of your chart will be refreshing. One thing to be mindful of is being too proud of what you’ve accomplished, such as when presenting yourself to potential employers or clients. Rather, exhibit a calm, quiet confidence. Take the attitude of “I do my best to get results.” Next, you must understand the politics of every situation you’re involved with. Who holds the power? That’s a good place to start. Know who you’re dealing with. Over the next couple of weeks you must be careful not to be seen as if you’re staging some kind of overthrow or revolt. It would be too easy to get on the wrong side of people in authority, and equally easy to work with them to get the result they want.

Moonshine Horoscope for Libra New Moon, #1119 | By Len Wallick

If the skies are any indication of where you are in life, the phrase ‘mending fences’ should resonate in some way for you now. How that term reverberates in your case will in large part depend on relationship choices you made during the past two seasons. In all probability, the consequences of those choices will begin to become increasingly clear during the next month or so, serving to define the parameters of your life for at least the next six months. Because you have already proven yourself to be a reasonably rational and competent decision maker over the last couple of years, there is no reason to second-guess yourself now. Rather, follow through by acting to shore up the framework of one-to-one relationships you have chosen to sustain and develop over the six months just past.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 26, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You are saucier than you let on. In fact you’re quite good at this, though it tends to get in the way of your fun. Imagine yourself at your wildest and most outrageous. Then see if you can move 10% of the way in that direction. That would be just enough to get you out of your familiar safe zone and into some territory where you feel different and get different responses from people. You won’t be committing to much, or risk losing control, but what you’ll have is the experience of exploring an edge of your personality. That’s where the action is, when you want to feel fresh and alive and like you’re taking a chance on living. You’ll also notice different people than you’re usually aware of, by which I mean that even if you troop around the same neighborhood all week, stepping outside your usual bounds will cue you into the existence of people you’ll be very happy you noticed.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscopes for October 2016, #1118 | By Eric Francis

There are those moments when you must give up control over the course of events, and you’re veering into one of them now. You might find this helpful, because there are certain possibilities you may not have fully connected with, and those have a better chance of coming to the forefront if you’re not trying to hold everything together in the way that you have. Said another way, this is a time when you make some chaos work for you. This calls for the one thing that’s in the shortest supply on the planet right now, which is trust. By that I mean trust in the flow of time, in your development and in your relationship to yourself. Those are the most significant factors that will help you align with the world around you, and it’s clear from your astrology that what you’re experiencing is not merely an inner trip. Your relationships, your professional calling and your physical environment are all involved. We are in an edgy moment right now, on many accounts. There is an abundance of fear going around, most of it directed at instability and lack of trust. You are now in the fortunate position of needing to trust yourself, and knowing that your faith in everyone and everything else flows from there. True, this is easier said than done, and you can do it.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 19, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You may feel like it’s taking you 10 hours to get an hour’s work done, or a thousand words to cover what you might ordinarily clear up in a sentence. I suggest you back off on the effort and focus on inner clarity. It’s tempting to want to get things right in relationships, and with work relationships sometimes it’s essential. However, most of what you get done these days, you’re going to accomplish despite other people rather than with their assistance. That’s likely to shift when the Sun ingresses your opposite sign Libra later in the week, and Mercury resumes direct motion after its three-week retrograde. Once that happens, you will need to prioritize carefully rather than trying to catch up with everything in one day. Figure it will take you about one week to get back up to speed. Focus on what is the most pressing or timely, and then tidy up the less important tasks as you go.

Pisces Full Moon Moonshine for Sept. 15, 2016, #1117 | By Len Wallick

It is as if you are a bridge. On one side is what formed during the years of individuating yourself. On the other side, a newer plateau you reached after an evolutionary leap sometime during the last five years or so (a place you are still becoming fully aware of). Now, it’s a matter of whether you want to remain a bridge, holding the tension, or fill in the gap. Either choice will require some effort. Sustaining the status quo will entail constant, indefinite maintenance. The alternative is to metaphorically move a lot of material by doing some proverbial heavy lifting for a while, ultimately allowing you to relax. There is no good or bad in either elective. There is no right or wrong, either. It is a choice to be grateful for.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 12, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Your relationships are not a question of who can do what for whom. Rather, think of them as creating a mutually supportive environment. The difference may seem subtle, though what I’m suggesting is more offering, and more giving, and less taking, and less in the way of expectation. Fairness is the necessary primary value. This is not about some form of exact exchange. You may give more than you receive in some situations, but that’s your contribution to the greater good. You are certainly being offered more than you might expect in other situations, and about these things you would be wise to be gracious and receive with a spirit of genuine appreciation. There exists a question of what to do if you’re feeling anger. I would propose that this is about something much older than your current circumstances, and you would be wise to address it as such.

Short Monthly Horoscope for September 2016, #1116 | By Eric Francis

Belief is best used as a tool, rather than as a block against something else that might be true. You’ve seen the value of opening your mind to new possibilities. Keep reminding yourself how helpful this is. Notice when you run into an old idea about life that slows you down or discourages you, and then come up with some new possibilities. What you observe now, in the present moment, is far more useful than the ideas that others put into your mind long ago. Ask yourself honestly what is true for you, and use what you discover.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 5, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Despite this being such a busy time at work for you, pay attention to your relationships. It would be too easy to let projects push people out of the way, when some of the best life has to offer is coming through them. So make sure that your work has a start time and a finishing time, or at least create some space where you can take it slow and get to know someone. There is also the potential for collaboration, which may come along with a personal encounter. Someone close to you may have ideas that will help you along, or might be available to work with you; or you might form a partnership based on both love and something that you want to create or accomplish. Because two people cannot live by majority rules, it’s important to have a consensus-based decision-making process: that means give-and-take, and sticking to your deeper purpose as the guiding idea.

Virgo New Moon Moonshine for Sept. 1, 2016, #1115 | By Len Wallick

Nobility is often thought of as a privileged social status to which one is born. For you especially, the concept of nobility means much more. It’s a state of mind. It’s also a way of behaving. It would appear as if your sense of nobility is very strong. Even though you may not be explicitly asked to do so, the skies imply that you would be well advised to build on that particular strength in your character even more. Begin with the time-honored maxim that one should be noble in proportion to the degree one is privileged. Then, count the privileges, entitlements, blessings and powers that you have realized or exercised in recent months. Finally, raise the level of your noble conduct appropriately, so as to create a balance in how you influence your world. If you can do just that, the world will respond to leave you feeling more balanced in turn.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 29, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Anything is possible, though usually you must do the work to make it happen. There are times when your efforts seem to count for more, and others when they seem to count for less. At the moment you can harvest the benefits of efficiency and leverage. You have a little something extra going for you. Investing relatively modest amounts of energy will get unusual results. Following your astrology, here is what I suggest: for the next couple of days, work on resolving old business at the same time you plant the seeds of new business. Tidy up the past and, in the same gesture, move any obstacles you find out of your way. This might include clearing physical space, commitments and lingering issues with others. At the same time, clear out your mental space. Make room for new ideas. Be happy to let go of what was not working, experiment with different approaches, and keep your focus on that one thing you know you want to make real.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for Sept. 2016, #1114 | By Eric Francis

If you’ve been wanting for company, you won’t be for much longer. There is companionship in the stars, which means that you’ll have a variety of possibilities available. People have a way of aiming low in their relationship choices. We’ve all been there, and seen it more times than we can count. You have your options open, and I suggest you leave it that way for a while. You don’t have to commit to the first person who you think might be acceptable, and you don’t have to compromise. Stand in your truth, and see who responds to you as the person you really are. This will take some time. And in that time, you’re free to do what you want, with whom. See if you can stand back from the idea that you owe anyone your loyalty, fidelity or exclusivity for as long as you need to have some fun and to truly discover who the people around you are. Far from violating the rules of civil society, you might say you’re violating the rules of low self-esteem. Over the past year or so, you’ve emerged as someone original with a unique mission. There are people in the world who recognize you for these qualities. Those are the people you want in your life: those who are friendly, supportive, encouraging and genuinely loving. Settle for no less.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 22, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

With the Sun moving into Virgo this week, you will now have the energy to accomplish some of the many goals on your list. I suggest, however, that you begin with what is the most difficult, which is likely to be the one you’re the most passionate about. It would be easy to get lost in many side-tasks and alternate projects, and lose sight of the thing you want to accomplish the very most. What could deter you is the feeling that it’s not possible. Let that thought go. Anything is possible; there’s nothing you can do that can’t be done. Yet you will need to focus your energy, and very likely neglect what seem like potentially relevant tasks. Even so, nothing is more meaningful than the one thing you know it’s time to do — and you’re finally in a position to do it. You might notice that when you gather your mind, your intentions and your energy, and stay at it, accomplishing this particular goal will be far easier than you imagined.

Full Moon Moonshine Horoscope for Aug. 18, 2016, #1113 | By Len Wallick

When you were a child, simple and unstructured playtime did more for you than you could have possibly known at the time. That’s especially true regarding play with others of your own age. Now it may be time for a refresher course more consciously taken. It’s not so much that all your hard work lately could use a little complementary balance (although that’s part of the picture). It’s just that new connections to a wider community of similarly inclined people will more likely be established outside of your usual environs of service and work, rather than within them.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 15, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You have some unusual and by all indications excellent opportunities to express yourself, in creativity, in love or both. What you might come up against, though, are some of your more rigid beliefs about life. These are likely to be values that were instilled in you when you were young, and which don’t serve you. Yet you seem to depend upon them, in a way, to protect you from your more exciting options and your true vitality. Now you’re pushing back against them; that is necessary, if you want any room to have some fun, which is another way of saying to get past the limits that were set upon your bliss. Look for examples of this if you decide you want to do something adventurous and then feel guilty about it, or you feel like something horrible might go wrong. That fear is a blockage, and it stands between you and the future. Now is the time to work it out.

Weekly Horoscope for Aug. 11, 2016, #1112 | By Amy Elliott

For a story to be interesting, it usually requires at least a little difficulty. If the hero immediately lays their hands on the prize, there’s nothing to tell. This reflects the idea that the best rewards are the ones worth a substantive effort. You now have the chance to get closer to something you’re seeking. Are you ready to be the protagonist of your own tale? If you are facing challenges, take heart — they’re just likely to make the victory sweeter, and the adventure more of a page-turner.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 8, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Focus on the quality of the work you do, and devote yourself to the service you offer, and you cannot go wrong. You might think that this is the approach you take when you’ve figured out what you want to do with the rest of your life. Yet it’s the devotion to whatever you happen to be doing that will guide you to the place you want to be the most. This is an inner quality rather than an outer one; the common thread is a state of mind rather than any particular activity. Doing quality work in a deli is not that different from doing quality work as a writer; in both cases you must pay attention, focus on the details and keep your human presence strong. Respond to your environment and honor the idea, “I am here only to be truly helpful.” When in doubt, remind yourself of that.

Short Monthly Horoscope for August, 2016, #1111 | By Eric Francis

After months of focusing on some deep inner questions, you are now free to explore new horizons. After considering the past and your previous involvements so carefully, you can look at the future with the confidence that your desires are within reach, and that the potential you feel is real. You might sense your ideas about life expanding suddenly. If you’re wondering whether you should act on these discoveries immediately, ask yourself what you would be waiting for. You might have a reason to pause, though remember that the journey you’re on always leads you to the next place, and the next.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 1, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Mars, the Aries planet, is finally set to move out of Scorpio, into Sagittarius. This is one of the closing chapters in a long story of self-discovery for you; you’re now moving on to new adventures. You may feel a sudden burst of liberation, or like you pulled in your landing gear in preparation for cruising altitude. For you this may be like those moments when you’re at the end of a relationship and finally decide that it’s time to be free; only this may be about any number of commitments, entanglements or contracts that you’re ready to move beyond. When you get this feeling, I suggest you face toward the future immediately. You don’t have to rush anywhere or into anything new, though once you sense that you’ve got some freedom from the past it’s wise to place your emphasis elsewhere. And there’s certainly plenty of adventure in the air.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for August 2016, #1110 | By Eric Francis

Much of what’s been shocking the world for the past few months involves your birth sign or your primary planet, Mars. This may be resulting in change, clarity or some chaos. You may know that the great astrological event of our era — Uranus conjunct Eris — is happening in Aries. For its part, Mars, on a long visit to Scorpio, has been provoking some results out of the conjunction. Personally, this could be serving to get you interested in being free. By that I mean participating in your relationships on new terms, able to make ongoing choices about who in this world you’re intimate with. The notion that one must give up nearly all close contact with people for the sake of one relationship actually works for very few people. It’s altogether reasonable that anyone would choose to coexist on their own terms. If you notice one thing, maybe it will be this: the social rules that pressure people to be certain always seem to be rooted in the past, but really they are held in place by peer pressure. Couples are often more influenced by the group around them than they are by their own values and ethics. Where do you stand on this? Once you’re solid with yourself and your partner, or potential partner, it’s much easier to do what you want, no matter what the crowd is up to.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 25, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

This will develop as one of the most creative and exciting times of the year, if you can stay focused in the moment. You seem to have some concern about the future, which might translate to not quite feeling what is possible. Yet you don’t need to have faith in the future; you need to trust yourself in this moment. Your astrology says that the most beautiful possibilities exist right now, and if you immerse yourself in living, the future will take care of itself. By that I mean you will cultivate the plan that you need to go forward. You don’t have to justify your fun with any excuse, like it’s somehow productive. Sincerely indulged, creativity will get you far. It will help if you set modest goals, like devoting yourself to a task or activity that you’ve wanted to do, so you have something to aim for. Accomplishing anything creative will feel good, and encourage you to do more.

Weekly Horoscope for July 21, 2016, #1109 | By Amy Elliott

Look before you leap. Undoubtedly you’ll have heard that concise bit of wisdom before; this is a good moment to pay it particular heed. If you experience some impulsive emotion that feels a bit like rage, it would probably be worth taking the time to analyze that, or to express it constructively through your favorite creative medium — whether that be painting, blogging or something else — rather than acting it out immediately. Consider carefully the needs and responses of those around you as well, and you’ll be on course to realize the important truth nestled in the swirl of emotion. It’s there, and it’s ready to speak.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 18, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You must proceed with care on the career front. You have some unusual opportunities that are opening up with this week’s Full Moon. Yet there is also the potential for drama and power struggle. I suggest you use your creative energy to avoid the dramas — specifically by fostering cooperation, and knowing when to step back and get out of the way. This will leave you plenty of space and creative energy to make some excellent moves of your own. Just remember: as David Bowie once said, small moves count for a lot. Do only what feels right. Test out modest advances and see what the response is. If you’re going to be innovative, do it with a commitment to quality and practicality with just a little finesse (a little goes a long way). Most of all, delete the concept of ‘power’ from your lexicon. Stick to loving service and you will make some worthwhile progress.

Full Moon Moonshine Horoscope for July 14, 2016, #1108 | By Len Wallick

Act on your highest aspirations and you will most likely be on the right track. If you can do so without resorting to impulsive action and without procrastinating, all the better. In order to have the tides of life in your favor at this time you will first need to be clear about what you want. Once you have that clarity, the rest will be a matter of intent, focus and continuous effort. If you have already been in continuous and consciously defined action for the last two years or so, you should now be near successful culmination. If such a pinnacle does not seem to be at hand, worry not. You still have time to get there. Eschew fantasy. Be fantastic.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 11, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Go as slowly as you need to go, in order to feel your surroundings, and your own inner being. Go as slowly as you need to go so that you feel safe. That’s a tall order with the world the way it is right now, on edge about something new every day. Consider this a special assignment custom-designed for your new level of spiritual growth. Life cannot be lived on the basis of fear. There are a few ways to think of the opposite of fear, one of which is courage and the other of which is confidence. I am talking about a quiet, calm confidence, which is yours to tap into, though this will take a conscious decision to gear down, take a breath and notice what’s really going on within you and around you. Most people are losing this kind of awareness; you must cultivate it.

Short Monthly Horoscope for July 2016, #1107 | by Eric Francis

You can now work out a mutually agreeable plan in an intimate relationship. When you look back on this development, you will see that the missing ingredient was being honest about what you want. You knew all along; this was a matter of admitting it to yourself. True enough, it involved subject matter that’s not easy to discuss even with oneself; but you seem to have figured out that you really need to be more open. This story is not over; you’re learning something that will set the tone of the next couple of years, so remember to use what you know.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 4, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You are still working out a balance with a partner or love interest, which requires an honest dialog about what both of you want. Make no mistake here: without open affirmation of desire, there cannot be honesty. This is because honesty is about what you want. If you find yourself in a situation where you don’t feel you can express your desires, it’s worth stopping yourself and questioning what that’s about. Most of the misery in relationships comes from withholds: the things that people don’t say to one another. I recognize that in modern mythology, those might be considered good things because a level of secrecy provides social lubrication. At this stage in your life, you need to do much better than that, and take the risk of being real. The result will be that you have real relationships — the ones that don’t meet the test will dissolve, and you’ll get to move on.

New Moon Moonshine Horoscope for June 30, 2016, #1106 | by Len Wallick

As always, your greatest asset is your self-confidence. Remember that one constant, and any winds of change you might encounter will only serve to lift you up and propel you forward. Speaking of changes, you may want to consider making some of your own. Specifically, the universe appears to be offering you the dual gifts of ample room to change your mind and sound reason for a change of heart. While the world may not always be fair, you can at least always be fair to yourself. Therefore, take everything that comes with the next month or two as fuel for your fire and grist for your mill. There is no obligation for you to be or live to the satisfaction of others if it means being dissatisfied with yourself.

Monday Morning Horoscope for June 27, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

To the extent that you’re a different kind of person, you need different kinds of relationships. In your case now, that translates to something less glamorous than is the current fashion. Rather than being about anything exotic, innovative or digital, you seem to be craving the kind of connection that is only possible to have in a home space. I suggest that, when you’re with a lover or partner, cook your own meals and eat in. Give yourselves time to get to know one another, for the first time or in a new way for this phase of your life. Your astrology describes you seeking intimacy, understanding and a genuine exchange. These values have nothing in common with relationship by SMS or sex by Snapchat. Getting the devices and, indeed, the robot commonly known as the Internet out of your intimate time will feel radical and revolutionary.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for July 2016, #1105 | by Eric Francis

What is it about sex? I mean, what is it exactly? Have you noticed that the world seems driven by something that it’s simultaneously obsessed with and terrified of? It’s time for you to put sex into the category of what is natural: like organic apples, playing Frisbee with a dog or dancing at a concert. Any time you have a question or a concern, imagine one of those things. Any time a power struggle manifests, think of a border collie leaping into the air and gleefully snapping a flying object in its jaws. While you’re at it, be aware of the faux moral trips that people lay into one another on a regular basis. At a certain point, any mature, happy person must decree that such is utter nonsense, if for no other reason than it’s useless for anyone to mind anyone else’s business. With this comes one particular necessity: dropping the control drama. This may seem like too much to ask, but freedom is to sexuality what breathing is to yoga. You can hold your breath through your Sun salutation, but only at the expense of depriving your brain of oxygen and turning blue. You can now do something radical: allow yourself to be free, and openly encourage others to be free. What do you do with jealousy? Recognize it as the toxic emotion that it is, and put it down — just like cigarettes.

Monday Morning Horoscope for June 20, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

For who you are and what you’re doing, you need special kinds of nutrients. Like an athlete must stay hydrated and pack carbs, you must feed the person you’re becoming. You might be wondering who that is, but don’t psych yourself out. Identity is not as simple as putting on a hat with the Nike swoosh. It’s an inner process, and you’re putting what seem to be pieces together. Here’s the thing: you can never be more or less than one person with one life. You might think you’re many people playing many roles with many missions. What you want to nourish is exactly the opposite of that. Get some focus and simplify. Remove commitments that are not working for you, and that don’t serve the larger purpose you’re growing toward. Make time and space for what is actually working, and don’t be afraid to drop what is not serving you. Rest and eat real food. You will like the results.

Moonshine Horoscope for June 16, 2016, #1104 | by Len Wallick

You will look back on this time and see how many things were working in your favor. Whether hindsight reveals that you were one of those things is something you can determine now. Everything you have been through for the last five years or so has prepared you to be your own most serendipitous supporter. By now, you know your needs like the back of your hand — especially when it comes to sustenance. You have also come to learn something of your value to others in relationship. Over the past two years, especially, you have made great strides finding your place in a changing world. Now, the idea is to get everything working together. One fringe benefit of supporting others is that they often feel more inclined to support you in return. While that is not the reason to help people, there is something to be said for remaining open to receiving from others as you evolve and grow.

Monday Morning Horoscope for June 13, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Every revolution begins with words, but you must get beyond that phase quickly. State your intentions and your plans to yourself, for the sake of clarity — then move on to your points of action. You have a rare opening to turn ideas into physical momentum, and it won’t last for long. It’s true that one can take action and get results any time, though some times are better than others. It will help to think clearly in terms of the level you want to be on. For example, if you’re working toward success in some project, a career move or your talent in general, the question is: where in society do you see yourself doing this? More like a cafe, a small theater or Madison Square Garden? More like a small gallery opening, a full exhibition or a wing at the Museum of Modern Art? You’re in an unusually strong position to move up a level or two. Know where you want to be.

Monday Morning Horoscope for June 6, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Feed the weird part of yourself this week: the nonconformist, the artist, the original thinker. This takes slightly more courage than doing what you might usually do, or going along with what everyone else seems to be doing. You can feed that aspect of your psyche as well, taking as few risks as possible — though if you do, you’ll be missing out on some glorious opportunities. The planets look like this: to think differently, you have to break free from the structure of your past ideas, and the past in general. This is unusually easy at the moment; everything is conspiring to draw you in that direction. Yet internally, you’re craving deeper contact with yourself. Mars, your ruling planet, has re-entered Scorpio, which is calling on you to be submissive to your own inner emotional truth. You have not reached the bottom of your journey there; stay open and guide yourself deeper. You’re doing this for one reason: liberation.

Short Monthly Horoscope for June 2016, #1103 | By Eric Francis

You are becoming someone you never expected to be. That is welcome news, as the change you’re going through will help you find a place in the world that is all your own. Be humble about this fact, but recognize that only you possess the distinctive combination of skills, talents and creativity that you offer. What you do flows from who you are. What you do is an expression of your distinct gifts. Give them to the world gently, without trying to prove anything. Observe carefully who notices you, who recognizes you and who receives what you offer.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 30, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You are being called deeper into your awareness than you have in a long time. All the doors in your emotions that you typically walk past are now asking to be opened one by one. Through this process, you will gradually discover how you actually feel, and what you truly need. It’s easy to gloss over these most important elements of living, and it’s sometimes difficult to stop long enough to locate yourself. Yet at this point self-awareness is your only viable option, if you want some genuine experience of guiding your own life. You’re being taken through a process of bringing energy and consciousness back to anything you’ve disowned or cut off. You’re being guided to regain awareness of anything that you’ve denied. You might think that this would be overwhelming. Yet what you’ve really been experiencing is a lack of information and sensory data, not an overload. Sensitivity will feel good, and you will learn more.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for June 2016, #1102 | By Eric Francis

Take care of yourself — words often spoken and rarely heeded. Most people take far better care of their car than they do of their body, and incredibly, our bodies hold up under constant assault. Our minds, though, feel the stress, and we pay in ways we don’t usually notice. Begin to orient your life around your home. Speaking of cars, save yourself time, energy and money by reducing your time spent on needless travel. Notice the many things that make supposedly modern living into the frenetic chase it so often is. The motion and energy expended on so much that matters so little add up to one huge distraction from life. You need your energy now, as you’re in a rare space of personal breakthrough. It’s the kind of development that’s calling for you to pull your attention inward, so you can actually feel, notice and work with the changes that are developing. It is fair to say that you’re taking a genuine, long-anticipated step in your personhood. While this is a rare moment of personal evolution for you, it would be easy to miss the opportunity for profoundly improved self-awareness that you have in your hands. Feed and nourish your internal progress with quiet spaces, doing the things you love to do the most, and spend time with carefully selected people you care about.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 23, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Slow down the conversation, whatever conversation you’re having. Set a specific place and time, to ensure you increase the odds that you hear one another. There is plenty of room for miscommunication, and there’s also an unusual opportunity to discover and resolve an issue that was lurking under the surface. That thing lurking is something that appears to be an unspoken priority of yours, one that you’re finally going to bring up. You will help your own cause if you set the time, place and feeling of the conversation. First, you want to avoid any feeling of a showdown. As you’ve seen, confrontation has been in the air, and it will be up to you to defuse this feeling. Be aware when you’re clinging to a belief or an opinion. It won’t be long before you either figure out you didn’t have it right, or question your motives and realize you don’t need to be so attached to your point of view. Keep the floor open for any discussion.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for May 19, 2016, #1101 | By Len Wallick

Most of us have a so-called ‘element’. That is to say, an environment in which you are most comfortable and proficient. An actor’s element, for example, might be on the stage. To be out of your element is often referred to as being ‘a fish out of water’. It is possible, however, to discover a separate or alternative element that is just as suitable as the one you now think of as your own (if not more so). Such might very well be the case for you soon. Whether as result of your own personal evolution, or by sheer serendipity, you could come across something or someplace new that feels like home. Be alert for that sensation. If you do feel it, remember to take enough time to make sure that what you are feeling is real before deciding to move in.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 16, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

How important is your opinion? I would propose that admitting to the facts of what you know is more meaningful than your idea of what they might mean. Facts, by which I mean things you can demonstrate to be true for you now, must point to the need for a decision if they are to be considered relevant. Once you intervene with your opinion, that can become a huge sidetrack, like pundits on TV endlessly debating some future probability but unable to do anything about it other than stage a debate. There seems to be one situation where you are missing vital information. If that’s true, it deserves some acknowledgement. When you make this particular discovery (which is about yourself, and one seems inevitable), that is the time to set the appropriate plan into motion. This is a matter of confidence, and you’ll know it when you have it. Give it a week; there’s no rush.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for May 12, 2016, #1100 | By Len Wallick

One way or another, you are making yourself into something more than you thought you could be only two years ago. The question is whether you are fully and consciously aware of what appears to be a successful personal transition in progress. Your day-to-day decision process has evidently been sound enough to get you this far, but is your ascent more than the accumulating sum of your hard work and a lot of good choices? In a way it does not matter if you can see how far you have come. As is often said: don’t mess with success. But at least give yourself credit where credit is due and be proud of who and what you are.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 9, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You have a significant financial opportunity right in your vicinity, though it’s likely to come in the form of a discovery. You might think of this as figuring out how to use what you already have, to some unusual profit or benefit. In leaner times, people were more creative, and would consider the value of their current resources before acquiring or venturing into something else. Now we just buy things. I suggest you take the older-fashioned approach of assuming that for any need or desire, you already have the thing you need in your possession. Now imagine this can work on a much larger scale, and that the ‘thing’ in question may be the solution to a puzzle, an idea for how to expand a business, or a new way to think of your talent. Remember, this is not about getting anything else; it’s about discovering what you have and how to use it in an interesting way.

Moonshine Horoscope for May 5, 2016, #1099 | By Len Wallick

You are far less likely than most to lose your head at this time, and not just because it is attached to your body. The next month or so represents a period when you will find it easier than many others to remain in full possession of yourself, regardless of whether or how things move or change direction in your life. The main thing will be to pay attention. This does not mean you need to be all tense and vigilant 24-7. By all means, allow yourself to periodically set your cares aside, relax and even indulge forms of distraction that serve to refresh and revive your acumen. That way, when you need to be on the ball, you will be in self-control and ready to roll — and you’ll show the rest of us how it’s done.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 2, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Once you know what matters to you, everything else falls into place. Therefore, consider your priorities carefully. If having more money is on your list, I suggest you take that a step or two further and ask yourself what you would do with it. Money is a symbol, and it always represents something else. The question is what, and why. If having a certain kind of relationship is on your list, ask yourself what you would do with that experience. You’ve noticed there’s pressure to emphasize the structure of relationships (marriage, for instance) rather than the content or purpose. From many different angles, your solar chart is illustrating the need to get under the surface image or seeming idea and figure out what’s going on a few levels down. This kind of process might take a while. I suggest giving yourself three weeks of daily self-inquiry, taking notes so you know where you’ve been.

Short Monthly Horoscope for May 2016, #1098 | By Eric Francis

Any financial plans you make would best be long-term. You have some excellent ideas and opportunities, though you need to do more due diligence. Information and timing are marks of the truly successful person. There are likely to be ideas far beyond what you are currently thinking, if you can project yourself a few years into the future. What I suggest you remember is that you have what you need. Not only are the basics covered, you’re unusually resourceful. For those who aspire to great success, it’s good to remember that there’s such a thing as enough.

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 25, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Religion is the contract that you have with your existence. It’s your understanding of why you’re here and the code that you live by. Rare activity in your solar chart is describing you in a process of questioning your old agreement and striving to make a new one. To do this well, you must question all of your beliefs, including ones that you may not have known you had. Be bold and brave about this, and trust that you’re up to the task. People tend to hold on to beliefs that don’t work for them, only because they’re afraid that their life would be unstable if they did the very thing that you’re doing. Yet for you this is not an option; you’re growing and evolving far beyond what your previous beliefs could contain. Here is the thing: you’re actually going deeper than that, deeper than mere opinions or hunches about what is true. You have begun a journey that’s no less than a search for your deepest personal truth.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for May 2016, #1097 | By Eric Francis

No matter what you may think or feel about the progress you’re making, you are building toward an unusual breakthrough. By unusual I mean once-in-a-lifetime, though it may happen in slow motion, such that you don’t notice for a while. Astrology, however, can help align you with your moment. There is a process that’s helping you get there, which may lead you to feel as if you’re delaying or lagging behind, though that’s not true. Mars retrograde in Sagittarius is inviting, enticing or compelling you to question your deepest-held beliefs about existence, which means about yourself. The situation as I see it is that who you are becoming is bigger than your current beliefs can contain. When you cross the boundary of a belief, you can stir up conflict about ‘trying to do the impossible’, which can be self-limiting. Therefore, before you strive to exceed what you think of as your current limitations, you will need to investigate them. One relationship that you’re in the process of changing is how you coexist with time. It will help immensely if you remember the ways you’ve learned what is possible when you use time well. Part of your assignment is learning the personal discipline to do what must be done each day. Part is remaining connected to your long-term goal. When you put the two together, you are unstoppable.

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 18, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You may find yourself questioning long-held beliefs. This might shake up some people, as if the answer to the question, ‘What if that’s not true?’ would surely be scary. I suggest you take the bold approach, and figure out which ideas you’ve held perhaps for your whole life that are not serving you. This can come with a sense of liberation, and you can add things to your list of what not to worry about any more. Be especially vigilant — or perhaps just curious — looking for things you were told about yourself that have no validity at all. You now have the presence of mind to decide what really matters the most for you, and what is an honest expression of your values. This will have the effect of influencing your long-term plans. Updating your beliefs will lead you to update your goals, and your vision for yourself.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for April 14, 2016, #1096 | By Len Wallick

It’s important for you not to underestimate the value of this moment in your life. It’s even more vital that you do not underestimate your own importance. There will always be another day, but there will never be another you. Even as important as it is to seize the day, you should never do so at the cost of your physical, mental, emotional or spiritual health. Therefore, for the sake of your body, sanity, inspiration and creativity, don’t hesitate to get away for rest and relaxation. This is not about taking a long vacation. It’s about improving the quality of your breaks and downtime. Do more with less, so that any and all of your short getaways are long on rest and re-creation.

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 11, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You seem to be going through a transformation process that is calling on you to have some help birthing your new self. You will still do most of the work, and all of the growth; whoever is assisting you is more in the role of midwife. Please don’t be too proud to accept assistance, however great or modest it may be. You’re under the influence of potent aspects, which could manifest several ways. One is an extreme sense of confusion. Another is going from that feeling to resolving inner conflicts that have stalked you for a while. You have the potential to make astonishing progress in the coming seasons of your life, though taking the ‘go it alone’ point of view is more likely to slow you down than it is to ease your way. Give credit where it’s due, to collaborators and even to those who help you in some passing way.

Moonshine Horoscope for April 7, 2016 #1095 | By Len Wallick

Know what works for you. Filter all your options through that knowledge, and your decisions will be properly informed. Simple though the protocol may be, it will be easy to forget. That’s because your life looks as though it might gain considerable stimulation in the coming weeks. A lot of good things and interesting people are likely to be drawn to you. Your power to attract is very strong right now. Unless you exercise discretion and set some boundaries, however, the real gems may get lost in the sheer volume of people and things moving in your direction, through no apparent effort of your own. Be selective. Additionally, prioritize what you want to go after over what or who is coming after you.

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 4, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Use your imagination and figure out what you want from life. Tap into your dreams, your secret desires and your creativity. If you were writing a movie and you were the leading character, what would you have happen? Later this week, you’ll experience a New Moon in your sign, which happens just once a year. Between now and then, the Moon will be in Pisces, which is luring you into your inner vision for yourself. While you’re in there, you might notice a difficulty, past hurt or some factor that is urging you not to trust yourself or what you want. Rather than fight that thing, I suggest you engage in a direct dialog with the feelings surrounding it. At a certain point, what was done to you in the past must cease to predict what will happen in the future. Yet you are the only person who can intervene and alter the flow of events, by making conscious choices from among real options.

Short Monthly Horoscope for April 2016, #1094 | By Eric Francis

Believing in yourself and making an impression on the world: that’s what these weeks of your life are about. When you have confidence, you don’t need luck; you know how to take the right chances. When you have faith in yourself, people of influence notice you. You know you’re in the right place at the right time. Yet there’s one more vital way to express your sense of belonging: look toward the future. Right now that takes courage. Most people do not dare. Be the bold one and reach forward. You know that great things are possible. Now, prove it to yourself.

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 28, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You may feel ready to move on a plan that you thought would take much longer to enact. Take the first steps that lead toward your vision, though stay flexible as to the long-range timing. Whatever you have going on, you don’t want to over-plan. Indeed, a strategy of minimal strategizing will leave you open to adapting to unforeseen changes in your environment. You want to proceed more like a dancer than like a train running down the tracks. One essential ingredient is leaving yourself open-minded enough for intuitive hunches to enter your thought process. This means listening to yourself, and keeping your mind updated with the latest observations. Meeting long-term objectives always happens as a result of many smaller steps, and it is those steps that need your attention now. Keep your eyes open and facing the future. Keep your facts and your mind in order.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for April, 2016, #1093 | By Eric Francis

You’re bestowed with more energy than you know what to do with. Yet the planets are encouraging you to do something not so characteristic of your sign: pace yourself, move methodically and take the long view. You’re onto something unusual, with a bit of extra potential. Yet your path to success looks like it will require you to revise your plan several times, including the financial end. Keep in mind that you’re not sprinting but rather running a marathon, one whose course is not exactly set at this point. As you take the journey of the next year or two, you’ll become a distinctly different person from who you are today. The greatest points of potential emerge where you encounter any seeming obstacle, diversion or reversal. That’s where the real power is contained. To tap that power effectively, you’ll want to be moving slowly and with conscious intention. The challenge here is that you are likely to be feeling driven and ambitious, which for you translates to the desire for speed. Instead, work for mindfulness and efficiency. Most important, focus on who you are becoming as much as on what you’re doing, making or reaching for. When all is said and done, that’s the single most important factor in the equation of your life: who you are becoming, in the present, now.

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 21, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You seem poised to make a discovery this week, but it’s something that you knew all along. So this is more about using your existing knowledge rather than gaining new knowledge. You might ask how or why it took you so long to figure out something that will seem so obvious, though the timing seems appropriate. One discovery appears to be about the value or condition of a relationship, which is likely to show its true colors. You may have had reasons not to acknowledge what you otherwise would have seen clearly. Another discovery may be an attachment, which can have way of blinding people to some deeper reality. Yet now you seem ready to see your life from a deeper place, and to acknowledge what is at the heart of the matter. Relationships rarely end; they just change forms, and you have plenty of influence in how the current transformation takes shape.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for March 17, 2016 #1092 | By Len Wallick

Of all the things it is possible for you to feel, there is nothing that compares to feeling like yourself. Indications are you indeed are at least on the way to feeling more like yourself, after a month or more of what might be called work. If you are not already doing so, consider applying your conscious intent to being yourself. Imagine fitting like a glove into a perfectly snug, yet comfortable seat of your own choosing and design. Then allow that feeling to guide you in the daily regimen of things you are obliged to do, so that you can recognize and engage with all that you need and want to do once again. You’re back, and you’re beautiful.

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 14, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

If you have the sensation that something unusual is brewing, or that you’re about to reach a major turning point in your life, you are correct. Yet you may not have a clue how brilliant a moment this can be, or how excellent an opening you have before you. The best way to prepare for this opportunity is to be aware of what you usually forget or brush aside. For example, make a list of all the patterns that seem to hold you in their grip, the ones you always say you want to change. The most important will involve relationships. I can sum up your three-month outlook as such: you seem to be growing larger than your relationships can contain. Either you must shrink (not really an option), your relationships must grow, or you must admit that they are outgrown. Growth — in ginormous leaps and bounds — is what’s happening. You and the world must take notice.

Moonshine Horoscope for March 10, 2016 #1091 | By Len Wallick

Your vision, hearing, smell, taste and tactile senses provide you with valuable information about the world. That information, however, is always experienced in your mind. Such a state of being conscious provides great advantages. For within your mind is where the experiences of your own lifetime combine with all you have been taught, and even with the essence of life’s history on Earth. Now, perhaps more than ever, it is vital for you to be aware of what your mind brings to your encounters with the world as perceived by your senses. That awareness will be the final ingredient that will blend in with the entire content of your psyche to make you more than the sum of your parts: somebody capable of changing the world at least as much as it changes you. This means what you do with the information you receive is your call.

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 7, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Remember what you’ve learned the past few months because it will come in handy. You may feel set free from an emotional entanglement, which is offering you a sense of what freedom the future holds. Yet you need to be mindful all the time, and make sure that you don’t recreate scenarios of the kind that you know are no longer right for you. I suggest you feel the wider, brighter, lighter space that you’ve entered — that is, notice how good it is to have room to be yourself and to make some long overdue decisions. While you’re doing this, be mindful of situations that remind you of the past you’ve evolved from. Listen carefully and respond to new messages and new ideas with your full awareness and attention. The future does not just happen. You stretch into it and work it until it fits beautifully.

Short Monthly Horoscope for March 2016, #1090 | By Eric Francis

Don’t let the pressure get to you. The energy surge is coming from inside. Your mind is bursting with ideas and imagination, which would make many people nervous. Not you, however. I think you’re aware how rich the moment is. You might call this the Year of the Brilliant Idea, and set as your primary goal expressing yourself any way you know how. You’ve only begun to experience the first waves of the once-in-a-lifetime self-transformation that you’re about to go through. Be aware: that means change. You cannot have one without the other, though many try.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for March 2016, #1089 | By Eric Francis

You may have the sensation that you’re sitting out in a lobby of a theater, while the most fabulous show ever is going on right on the other side of those doors. Yet you may feel like you can’t find your way into that other room, the one where all the action is. Here’s a clue: it’s inside you. That other space, or other dimension, is your own imagination. You are not missing anything at all; what’s happening is that your potential is expanding quickly, and will continue to do so until you can’t contain it any more. This may take a few weeks; then events will begin to manifest rapidly. The best thing you can do for yourself is to stay in touch with your inner life. Recognize that the ideas you have are excellent, though they may be in nascent form. They will require development, and this will take patience and persistence. You need to have enough faith in what you’re creating to stick with the plan for long enough to get results, which will only be the beginning. Rather than slow down, the way to proceed is in tangible steps that you accomplish one at a time, which lead you forward in ways you notice. Patience and taking the long view may not be your strong suits, though there are rewards for developing these skills.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Feb. 22, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You seem to have figured out once again that your worst fears are not true. Yet have you noticed how much creative energy that fear consumes? It might help to look from the other direction — when you’re at your best, when you’re accomplishing the most and relating to the people you care about, there’s no anxiety involved. The solution to the riddle of fear is being conscious about what you do with your creative energy, and keeping it positive. Engage your mind with thoughts of what you want rather than what you don’t want. Focusing on something is like watering a plant. If you choose what thoughts you want to grow and give them attention, that’s what you will nourish. If your thoughts go astray, gently guide yourself back to where you want to be. Remember: you have the power to choose.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for Feb. 18, 2016, #1088 | By Len Wallick

You are in a position to prove that fresh starts can be made as well as found. In your case, the best approach is to be creative like a jazz soloist. Begin with a simple, appealing idea that flows naturally from where you have been. Then, develop the idea gradually, one easy step at a time. Don’t rush things. Rather, emphasize a sustainable rhythm. Neither should you over-extend yourself. Instead, know your limits and work within them. Most of all, relax. It’s not necessary to squeeze juice out of yourself. Nor is there a finish line to hasten towards. So long as you feel inspired and enthusiastic, what comes forth from within you will serve both to please and to sustain you. While perspiration has its place, let inspiration have its day for the time being.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Feb. 15, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

For the next week or so it will be easier to speak with people about subjects that are usually difficult or impossible to bring up. At the same time, it’s also easier to avoid any subject by glossing it over. The choice is yours. Regarding the first possibility, you wouldn’t know something is easier unless you try it. So you might ponder what you’ve wanted to discuss with intimate partners or close friends that you have not been able to, or if there hasn’t been an opportunity. This might involve sex, or it might involve money. The benefit you have now is that others will be more comfortable with taboo topics, and you are more comfortable in the territory of your own private business. This wide and unusual opening will not last forever. Take advantage of it while you can.

Moonshine Horoscope for Feb. 11, 2016, #1087 | By Len Wallick

Let comfort be your guide. Offer comfort to others. As odd as it might seem for a person of action like yourself to make comfort your cause and objective, it’s not really inconsistent. You know from experience how important it is to make a good start in any endeavor. That’s especially true if the endeavor is a cooperative effort. To ensure that any common enterprise you are currently initiating (and maybe even leading) may be successful, do your expected part and then something more. Work to keep yourself and everybody involved feeling content with their role and confident of what anybody would define as success, and your extra effort will pay off.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Feb. 8, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Pay attention to what conditions you put onto people you might date or otherwise engage with. One might involve health. It’s not healthy to count people as potential disease vectors, or to set a standard of purity. Yet it’s also necessary to be aware and have open discussions about the topic, which happens way too rarely. Anxiety can burn up love and trust. Speaking openly has a way of fostering these things; so I suggest you pluck up the courage to have the conversation in a friendly way, not in bed. The kitchen table, a cafe or a walk in the park are much better locations for intimate and potentially sensitive discussions. Be open about your life and ask any questions you might have. This applies to any subject that truly matters to you. Honesty really is the best policy. It takes courage, but not as much as you may think.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for Feb. 4, 2016, #1086 | By Len Wallick

If there is anything that recent years may have taught you, it’s an appreciation for both the specific and the complex. You are better able to ascertain the unique nature of each individual person, place or situation in your life. You understand more about how to perceive and respond to what’s unique about now, rather than reacting to the present as if it is the past. Most of all, you have evolved to better comprehend the importance of subtlety and nuance. For the most part, you have applied your acquired sensibilities towards improving both your creativity and productivity. To some extent you have also brought your more advanced personal skills to individual relationships. Now, you are finally ready to cross another threshold and establish yourself as both more widely influential and more universally respected. As you proceed to take a more responsible place among your peers, simply remember that the example you set will be far more important than the results you seek.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Feb. 1, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Pay attention to your sexual energy. Some profound exchanges are possible now; more emotional, meaningful and beautiful than usual. Rather than thinking this must be with one special partner, you can treat everyone you meet — and share energy with — as the love of your life, at that moment. Treat everyone with equal potential and feel the people who can feel you. You will know because your emotions and even your senses will be richer and more resonant around anyone you have the potential to connect with deeply. If someone is your certified partner, the approach to take is a wide-open space of empathy. Embrace whatever it is that the person loves. Be the person with whom they are utterly free to be themselves. Vibrate with ‘whatever turns you on turns me on’. Cast jealousy to the four winds.

Short Monthly Horoscope for February 2016, #1085 | By Eric Francis

Love always has conditions, and it’s easier if you understand them. To keep things simple, I suggest you have just one: that you be loved for who you are. For that to be possible, you must not only stand boldly in your truth, you need to speak up about what is most important to you. Don’t expect others to read your mind.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 25, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You are now in a position of social leadership. Humans almost always need someone to come up with the plan or strategy, and if it sounds good, they’re likely to go with it. I suggest you lead the crowd rather than go along with it. You may be the one person who can get the people you know, or some of them anyway, to try something that’s actually different. On a more practical level, the power of the group mind is especially strong right now, particularly if you are the one to focus several intelligent individuals on a challenging problem. The approach to take is that everything that actually needs a solution has one. It helps immensely if you commit to believing only what you demonstrate to be true.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for February 2016, #1084 | By Eric Francis

You can have a formula for success, though it requires that you focus many different talents and capabilities simultaneously. The one that stands out is using positive vibes rather than power to persuade people. One way to do that is to get people turned on by what you want. This may seem self-centered, but it’s really saving people the trouble of originality while they get to contribute to something larger than themselves. Therefore, I suggest you know your objectives and know what’s appealing about them — and make a point of both feeling good and being open. In many respects, the more radical your plans, the better. By that I mean that the more you are challenging yourself and others to think in a different way, the better. There is another piece to this, which is about ethics; or rather, teaching ethics. Focus on doing the right thing because it’s the right thing to do. This notion is starting to become popular, but it remains mostly an idea because the skills are not readily available. Yes — what I am saying is that people need both teachers and examples for how to do the right thing: how to be devoted, honest and faithful. There remains the question: is it possible to teach ethics? That’s debatable, but you may find yourself needing to do just that. Start by setting the best example.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 18, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Be mindful of jealous emotions this week. They can disguise themselves a few different ways, including ‘scorekeeping’ in relationships, as well as various shades of control drama. Note: you might not be the one who is feeling these emotions; they may be projected onto you. Either way, you’re in a position to take the discussion to where it really wants to go, which is the heat and passion that will reveal itself when you and a partner are honest with one another. Jealousy or any intense feeling would not be possible were there not some potent energy in the relationship. The key to amorous bliss is expressing it in a way that is humane and friendly, and which recognizes that people in fact have free will and the ability to choose.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope — Jan. 14, 2016, #1083 | By Len Wallick

In Star Wars, Luke Skywalker — restless and eager to leave the confines of his home planet — complains to C3PO that, “If there’s a bright center to the universe, you’re on the planet farthest from it.” He says this at a crucial point in his life when he is yearning to claim his own identity and assert himself, in spite of not knowing the full truth about who he is. The current astrology suggests you find yourself at a similar juncture. Unless, of course, you have already matured (like Obi Wan Kenobi) and are looking for closure regarding older responsibilities and unfinished business — which would allow you to move on and become an initiate again, but at a higher level. Either way, what you are looking for is probably just around the corner, even if it seems long ago or far away. Yet, passivity won’t get you there; teach what you would learn, to orient and advance yourself past your current proficiencies.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 11, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You’re in a position to shape the life of a close partner, and there are several possible ways you can do that. You have actual power in this situation, and you’re driven by passion. Now, let it be passion for the right thing happening. This situation is not really about you; it’s about someone else. You are clearly involved and you have an interest in the outcome, but don’t let that get in the way of your sense of fairness. You could be influenced by envy, and you may have to consciously address or sidestep your own challenging emotions. Fortunately you know how to let things go, though there is always a temptation to cling. Remember that loving someone means supporting their happiness, if it means anything at all.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope — Jan. 7, 2016, #1082 | By Len Wallick

Could be you are seeing everything clearly and not encountering any obstacles. If that is the case for you, cultivate gratitude for your good fortune. Additionally, endeavor to show compassion without judgment toward others who are having a more difficult time. Should your life feel more like walking through an unfamiliar room in the dark, use that metaphor to develop solutions. What, for example, would be the equivalent of bringing and using a flashlight to better find your way? If you have such a tool available, what would possess you to neglect using it? In the event that you do not have access to illumination, exercise caution. Walking sideways, for instance, can prevent stubbed toes and bruised shins. There are alternatives to cursing the darkness, provided you are not overly attached to either cursing or darkness.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 4, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You’re heading into one of the most ambitious and potentially successful weeks in a long time, and will be in rare form as a taskmaster and leader. Take a light touch, and request rather than instruct. With Mercury about to go retrograde, make sure you mind all facets of communication. Clear your plans with higher-ups as you build consensus among your direct colleagues and those who report to you. In the face of missing information, make no assumptions. It’s far better to stop and make sure everyone is on the same page, taking extra care that everyone actually understands one another. This will help you head off potential complications resulting from purely needless misunderstandings. Ethics are also a high priority; there’s no wiggle room there. Set the example of impeccability.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for January 2016, #1081 | By Eric Francis

You stand at a branching of the ways in your own life. One road leads toward appearances, glitter and glamour, and the other leads toward self-realization. Life is not normally so black and white, though a great wave of energy is about to come through your life, and its raw power is inherently neutral. It will carry you far and fuel your endeavors, in whatever direction you choose. You are the one who gives it meaning, and who harnesses it for the purpose that you designate. In other words, you choose what to do with the vital force that powers your entire being. And now that vital force is rising, and you will have great surges of energy, as will many around you. Yet the path of least resistance will be to stay on the surface; and many will do that, transfixed by shiny objects. The more challenging path is to go inward. Part of why it’s challenging is that ‘inward’ is such strange territory these days. For many it’s entirely alien, and for most it’s unfamiliar, intimidating and chaotic. Do not be intimidated by yourself. Leave that to others, if that’s how they feel. You are who you are inwardly, and you are being challenged now to go inside and stay with yourself for a while. If you seek understanding, and self-respect, you will indeed find them.

Pisces 2015

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope — Dec. 17, 2015, #1080 | By Len Wallick

Just as you have finally mastered seeing your own responsibilities through to completion, along comes another challenge: seeing through the nonsense that gets a pass from so many because it’s what they want to believe. The nature of this challenge for you is largely to test the boundaries of your perception, while willingly risking your ego. You have relatively little trouble (compared to many others) releasing attachments to previously untested beliefs, but accepting that your own insights have limits will be more difficult. It means taking some chances. On the one hand, you will need to indulge some speculative alternatives to conventional wisdom. On the other hand, you will have to do so with a sure and certain knowledge that sometimes you will be proven wrong — and be obliged to admit it.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope — Dec. 10, 2015, #1079 | By Len Wallick

Whether you know it or not (and you probably do), you have acquired some valuable and powerful allies as of late. Now your coalition of support will be stronger than ever, provided you continue to include those who were there for you when you had fewer options and things looked a lot less promising. Those who have recently thrown in with you have likely done so because of the interests you have in common, as well as the credentials you have earned. But those who have always been faithful to you for the long run have been motivated by more than just what you have to offer them in return. Your core constituency has hung in there with you through thick and thin because of who you are, not what you are. If you continue to honor their faith, you will have done the highest honor possible to yourself.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope — Dec. 3, 2015, #1078 | By Len Wallick

Travel beckons, but not in the conventional sense. For sure, traversing greater distances than your usual commutes and opening yourself up to new experiences should be in the cards for you sometime around the middle of next year, maybe earlier. For now, however, it’s time travel that is waiting for you at the curb with an open door. You may argue that time travel is the stuff of science fiction, but all of the work you have done on yourself in recent years makes a trip down memory lane not only safer but also potentially more productive than at any other time in your life. The same labors of loving yourself with diligence and purpose for so long have also made you better able to visit possible futures more clearly than most people can ever do. So when you get the time, take some time to explore time itself — and enjoy a payoff that has been long in coming.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope — December 2015, #1077 | By Eric Francis

You may feel like you’re under some strange pressure, which is true enough. But how you describe that sensation and what you choose to allow it to motivate you to do are under your discretion and control. Your astrology describes the theme of synthesis. This word started off meaning ‘deductive reasoning’ though the current definition is about combining the parts of something into a whole. Presumably we are talking about your life, your work and what you’ve accomplished so far. I would take the meaning a step further, which is about the synthesizing of something new from previously existing elements. In other words, there are parts of this holistic entity you’re assembling that you will have to make yourself. This requires the use of chemistry and physics, in the metaphoric sense. Things that don’t seem to mix or combine on the first try may need a few more rounds of experimentation. You might need to account for the missing elements that will make your process work. The single most important thing you can be in possession of is an idea of what you’re working toward — a description and drawing of what it is and how it’s supposed to work. You might start that process with identifying the purpose that you need fulfilled, and let that purpose and vision guide and motivate you. Take up your role as the inventor of your own life.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Nov. 19, 2015, #1076 | By Len Wallick

If you find yourself meeting the world differently from how you did just four or five years ago, don’t be concerned. There is nothing wrong with you. It’s very possible that you are actually showing the rest of us something very right. But being right will do you no good if other people only see righteousness. Therefore, have faith that the content of your character requires little or no revision. Rather, direct your efforts toward finding and refining your best outward form. Since what you have to offer is substantial, it would not do to have that form be trivial or superficial. Yet, your presentation must also be easy to take. Think about what sort of person you would feel comfortable inviting in your home, and model yourself along those lines. Think of your calling as being, at least in part, a caller. Be the different drummer who plays in harmony with the music others already hear in themselves.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Nov. 12, 2015, #1075 | By Len Wallick

Consider what it means to be attractive, and what you would be better off attracting. Not in the Madison Avenue sense of attraction, which emphasizes status and the unattainable. Rather, observe how attraction works in the natural world. Rivers do not flow up mountains that stand above them. All flowing waters, without exception, are attracted to the oceans situated below them. In other words, humility makes you more attractive to those who would actually contribute themselves to your life than authority does. Authority is only attractive to those who are looking to strike a bargain. After rivers, consider what makes flowers attractive to bees. The pleasing forms, colors and scents displayed by flowers are not an end in themselves; they are a signal of where nourishment may be found. Translation: being authentically attractive is more pragmatic than aesthetic. When the people of the world eventually do beat a path to your door it will be because they perceive something they want on the other side.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Nov. 5, 2015, #1074 | By Len Wallick

The idea of earning your own way in the world need not be limited to making enough money to purchase food, clothing and shelter while otherwise maintaining financial solvency. As you have discovered and proven, there are other forms of currency besides legal tender. Reputation is one example. So is authority. Right now you are in a position to redefine what reputation means and where authority comes from, without risking any sort of social or moral bankruptcy. If you so wish, you can now dispense with what previous generations considered to be the right ways to look, live, and work in order to receive respect and gain acceptance. Furthermore, you are now also able to demonstrate by example how others might earn their own way in their own way without having to employ or support a hand-me-down to do so.

Marie Claire Horoscope for November 2015, #1073 | By Eric Francis

You’re highly sensitive to your environment, and to the people around you. Yet you are also opening up to a refined sense of how to think of the future. Notice if you get information about what direction your life is taking, and trust that implicitly. Your vision is exceptionally clear right now, and time is on your side.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for November 2015, #1072 | By Eric Francis

You’re in a period of achievement — though it may not feel like that, or at least not every day. Such a phase is different in that it’s not so much about preparation as it is about the results of the work you’ve already done. Of course, you’re always still learning, and this is essential to maintain as a daily yoga. Your current project is about working on the perfect hybrid of what you do and who you are. (I originally typed that as ‘who you do and what you are’, also accurate.) We see a lot of problems arise in the world when people try to split their character. By that I mean they have a reputation for one thing, and then conduct themselves in a way that entirely contradicts that. For you, Saturn square Neptune is about being one with yourself, which you will get to do on a moment-to-moment basis. The more you do ‘out in the world’, the more you will need to reconcile that with who you are, and who you are becoming. This is saying a lot, given that the end of the year is the busiest time for your professional activities. The underlying theme is about never losing touch with your humanity. But it works the other way too — the closer you stay to your core truth, the more you will achieve.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Oct. 15, 2015 #1071 | By Eric Francis

If you can step out of your Neptune-powered blind spot, you will get a glimpse of how many options you have open. First, about this blind spot: it makes it challenging to see how people perceive you. I suggest you make no attempt to change how people experience you, except to be as aware of it as you can. Remember one thing, mainly: most people are afraid and mystified. You have spent plenty of time in that state as well, and you may still lapse into it. But Chiron is also in your sign, and that means you have the option to tune in and focus. That, however, is not always experienced as friendly; in the current fog of our society, with all its thriving on denial and paying false homage to integrity, someone who is actually paying attention can seem threatening, merely for their awareness. Now, as for all these people in your environment: some may move toward you directly; others may dance around the point; still others may seem unable to make up their mind. See if you can notice the feelings under the surface, which may come across as simply as those who voluntarily make clear statements about their reality. They’re most likely to be the fun ones.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Oct. 8, 2015 #1070 | By Eric Francis

Some people have a lot of weird ideas about sex. Some have nearly no ideas about sex. And a few people have some coherent, helpful ideas about sex. Right now you’re being invited into this third category, which will require you to question what most people are terrified to do: take charge of your own agreements. Everything that’s not a criminal act of some kind depends on an agreement, an understanding or some kind of contractual arrangement. Right now there is festering rage (particularly in American culture) about sex occurring outside the context of an agreement. There is a remedy to that, which is being the master of your interpersonal contracts. To do this well, you must question what you believe, which invariably takes you deeper into questioning who and what you are. That, I believe, is the controversy: to have an honest agreement, you must be in contact with your values, your desires and your needs, and unabashedly so. It’s easier to get overpowered. It’s easier to manipulate. It’s easier to compromise with your values — in the short term. Right now, you have an opportunity to put out what’s absolutely true about you, and in particular your ideas about sex, and get some positive result. This particular window opening up is rare enough, but I think you can squeeze through and come out on the other side.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Oct. 1, 2015 #1069 | By Eric Francis

Mercury is now wrapping up its retrograde in your 8th house, representing the place where sex, relationships and agreements intersect. You of all people believe that fairness is possible. Indeed it would seem that you’re willing to hold out for that and settle for nothing else. The question you may be facing is what to do when others insist on absurd positions, or have a twisted idea of justice. And so far as I can tell, the thing to do is to engage with reasonable people. You don’t have to worry about the ones who make silly demands or who don’t recognize you for who you are. You do not need to be attached to them, or to the idea that they will someday change. The way you recognize reasonable people is by their willingness to make and keep agreements. That may seem simple, and indeed it is on one level; but when you start to hold people to that test, you might see how useful it is, and at the same time notice how few people actually pass it. That’s okay — you only need a few reasonable people in your life to have a very good life.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for October 2015 #1068 | By Eric Francis

You have recently passed through one phase of an initiation, which had the effect of demonstrating your commitment to the truth. I don’t mean The Truth in some mystical sense, but rather your commitment to what you know. This initiation will last for a while, and proceed as you take on ever-greater challenges in the world. I suggest you consciously embrace and love every minute, day, week and month of it. As a Pisces you tend to take things on faith. This, however, creates some famously skeptical people, who are in reaction. I suggest you view the faith versus fact issue as an equation where both sides will eventually balance. If something is valid and authentic, it will probably stand up both to a test of faith and also to an examination of the data. Probably, but not definitely. There are times when a set of facts will point to an absurd conclusion, and times when faith will bear out a point of view that is otherwise not supported by known reality. You must therefore be gentle and avoid coming to quick conclusions. The beauty of your sign is that it grants the ability to be circumspect, which means to look around the whole circle of existence. Keep an open mind, and pay attention to what both your senses and your intuition tell you. In general, pay attention.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Sept. 17, 2015 #1067 | By Eric Francis

You’re embarking on what A Course in Miracles describes as a phase of achievement. This follows a long trail of things like undoing what was not right, sorting out what helps you and what does not, settling in, unsettling and various other twists and turns — and now you know it’s time to establish something solid in the world. Therefore you must hold clearly in your mind what you want to achieve. You’re not being given a free pass, though the way is opening, leading you through obstacles you may have decided would never budge. As you do this, mastering something called the authority issue is central to your success. You are inclined to trust your life to a Higher Power. I would imagine that you believe in, or have faith in, a Divine plan. Now you must take up your role in that plan, which is to say, make your decisions carefully. You have learned plenty, and making decisions means using what you know. You might say that your central responsibility is to be aware of what you know and to put it to good use — not some time later, but today, right now.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Sept. 10, 2015 #1066 | By Eric Francis

Give partners, loved ones and lovers room to move around. They may seem more certain than they are, and are likely to reconsider things they were certain of a week or three or six weeks ago. Get accustomed to being in a changing environment where all your relationships are concerned. Just to give a few examples, Jupiter is now in your opposite sign, which for you is an invitation to contact. There’s about to be a solar eclipse, which is another way of saying movement and change, with the potential for progress. Venus and Mars are working toward a conjunction in your opposite sign. The message I’m seeing in these patterns is for you to be open to the many possibilities, which means pay attention to your whole environment. Rather than just focusing on your life and what you want, notice the wider world for as many hours a day as you can. Notice what is changing; notice what people are saying; notice the ways in which others are becoming flexible enough to relate to the world in a way that’s a bit closer to what you recognize and can abide. It’s true that you’re the protagonist of your own story; we are each the hero in our own dream. Spread out your mind and embrace the full horizon, the background, the unusual way the light falls on the Earth these days.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Sept. 3, 2015 #1065 | By Eric Francis

There’s plenty of you to go around. Your sign represents the ocean and the cosmic ocean. Currently Pisces is home to sea-god Neptune and master healer and mentor Chiron. And Jupiter, the classical planet associated with Pisces, is in your relationship sign Virgo. That means: take initiative. Offer what you have. Be bold about this, and consider every proposal that involves someone else to be an offering of yourself. Many factors suggest that you are the activating agency in your environment. You supply the fertilizing power, the water to sprout the seeds, the creative liquid that melts the paint and inspires movement and exploration. It is therefore essential that you be bolder than you might ordinarily be — that you be the one to start the conversation, to make the offer. Start the project, make the call, get the canvases out of the closet, tune the instrument, charge the camera battery, clean out your car and get ready to go someplace. Every influence in your chart is saying it’s time to live and to live well. This is what I’m talking about.

Monthly Horoscope for Sept. 2015, #1064 | By Eric Francis

By all indications (mostly, Jupiter and Saturn changing signs in the past few weeks) it’s time to stretch your potential. By that I mean it’s time to widen your conduits for emotional exchange, for productivity and for relating to the world in all modes that involve love and work. Everything is in the right place; you will soon discover that the sometimes-meandering journey you’ve taken to get here led you to the right place at the right time. For you now, there is one thing you must do above all else: be yourself. This may seem like the most obvious idea in the world, and it is. But it’s also the idea most easily forsaken, or denied or resented. It’s typically seen as the thing that’s ‘impossible’ to do, because it’s seemingly so difficult, or because it will allegedly blow up on you. Here’s the thing: Nothing else will work. You cannot afford to veil yourself, or to compromise your actual reality in any way. That means: be true to your goals, to your feelings, to the necessities of your environment, to your ethics and most of all to what you want. Notice and track even minor compromises of your reality, and tidy up as you go. Truly great achievements are possible for you now and well into the foreseeable future. Give yourself every advantage.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Aug. 20, 2015 #1063 | By Eric Francis

The question that you want to call into focus repeatedly over the next few years is: what is true, and what is not? This includes variants such as, what is true for me, and what’s true for this other person? You may find yourself in various circumstances where there are different versions of the truth, or two main alternatives that seem unable to be reconciled. This is a trap, and you can sidestep it by staying awake. If you’re tending toward a more complicated version of events or possibilities, experiment with simplifying things. Notice where the complication enters the scenario, and see if you can get an understanding of that influence. Try to break things down to their very most basic elements. You’re entering a phase of your life where your success depends on your clarity. Yet clarity will require an ongoing process of observation and assessment. Look, listen and feel. Always trust yourself above and beyond the trust you put into others, since you have the power to be the most dependable person in your life. As long as you stay awake and aware, nothing is beyond the power of your own intelligence.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Aug. 13, 2015 #1062 | By Eric Francis

Make room for your relationships. In the seasons of your life, you’ve arrived at a time of harvest, though you must be prepared to receive the abundance of nature. That means being open, paying attention to the people around you, and seeking a place of understanding with them. As a Pisces, you have the capacity for greater understanding, and you’re also a bit more of a mystery to others than you may think. So you need to lead the way when it comes to holding open a space of ease and acceptance. In service of that, it would help if you chose not to be a perfectionist, and to have as few expectations of your fellow humans as is humanly possible. Take things as they come, and take every opportunity to choose consciously who and what you want. You have figured out that the world has tried to set many limits on your bliss, be they rules about who is appropriate or who is not, and an ongoing attempt to turn individual emotional and sexual orientation into a homogenized product. Set yourself free of these things one day at a time, and love the way that is right for you.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Aug. 6, 2015 #1061 | By Len Wallick

Things are about to get very interesting for you in a promising way. The results will not be immediately apparent until about this time next year. Even so, you will be able to go a long way toward determining the outcome for yourself if you can simply define and whole-heartedly accept what satisfaction means for you. Doing so could very well force you to make some choices between material and spiritual satisfaction, which will not necessarily entail compromise. Indeed, it’s very probable you will be quite pleasantly surprised by just how often you can have your proverbial cake and eat it too. In other words, the next 12 months or so will not be about choosing one thing to the exclusion of another. Rather, the focus of your life will probably come down to what card needs to be played first so every card that follows will be set up to be a sure winner in turn.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, July 30, 2015 #1060 | By Eric Francis

You can turn any situation to your advantage. In fact, that situation is likely to turn to your advantage, if you let it. For this to work you need to keep in a positive state of mind, and not be deterred by others who might be polarized in other directions. Positive, in part, means focusing on the present. There are people in your environment who cannot get their heads or their feelings out of the past. This will not work for you; it never did. Yet focusing on what is happening now, and on who people are now, and what they say now, will provide all the information you need. Proceed from moment to moment, individual to individual, circumstance to circumstance, and you cannot go wrong. You have, if you tune in, a kind of clairvoyance available, which will tip you off to just about any situation where you need to understand the dynamics. Pay attention — to your senses and to your mind.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for August 2015, #1059 | By Eric Francis

Your relationship environment is a kaleidoscope these days, with influences and personalities changing shapes and colors day by day. If you look, you’ll observe many things you’ve never seen before. This kind of change will work to your advantage, and to make the most of the energy, I suggest you dance with the movements and the developments. Try to let go of what is not in sync with the rhythm you’re hearing and slip into step with what is. The idea of loss is now being washed away by that of change, and change is gradually being replaced by progress. The single most meaningful thing you can do for yourself is to continue to live well, to live from your heart, and to be generous with yourself and with others. Many, many factors of our lives make this difficult for people, and it remains something of a challenge for you — though less than usual, and you seem to be way ahead of society on the theme of sharing who you are and what you have. But you truly must master the art of being generous with yourself, in particular with devoting your precious time to what nourishes you. You may need to do this like yoga practice, or music practice. However, if you focus on this wellbeing project for the next month or so, it’s likely to stick, and deliver excellent outcomes.

Weekly Horoscope for Wednesday, July 15, 2015 #1058 | By Eric Francis

Your astrology is pulsating with creative and sexual energy. You must be feeling this, and it’s likely that others around you are. The thing to do is express, express, express. Well, that and notice the world around you. Notice the beauty, notice the conflict, notice whatever there is to be seen, felt or experienced. You have an open invitation to involve yourself in existence, and a wide latitude for how you interpret things. That is the true nature of art. As for expressing — that is the opposite of things like repressing, suppressing and depressing. If you notice guilt, brush it away like a fly. Guilt only has the power over you that you give it, so start investing in love and beauty. I mean aesthetic and sexual, specifically both. Let whatever and whoever turns you on, turn you on. I know there are rules and by now you know that most of them are bullshit. You exist, you have a right to see and look and feel and encounter people, and ideas, and the whole universe for that matter, boldly and directly. Call that and nothing else being alive.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, July 9th, 2015 #1057 | By Eric Francis

There are so many planets moving in your favor that you have nearly every option open to you. You would go a long way toward fulfilling your desires by keeping your promise not to doubt yourself. Others may be hesitating; others may be unsure; others may not see the potential in their own lives, or be frightened of it. Don’t let them influence your opinion of what is possible for you. Rise above that kind of herd mentality for which humanity is so famous — especially now that anything and everything is used as an excuse for fear. You’re on a path of growth and self-realization that few others around you understand. Put yourself in the presence of those few, and set the example of being fearless about your own potential. Set the example for yourself of being willing to work for what you want, and to live well. Each verges on meaningless without the other. Be bold and saucy in your personal life. Be clever and strategic in your professional life. Remember: as David Bowie once said, small moves mean a lot.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, July 2nd, 2015 #1056 | By Eric Francis

Keep diverting your energy into creative and recreational experiences. In other words, chill out a bit. Pretend all your work is done for a while, no matter how much you may have to do, or want to do. Live as if everything is chill and under control and working out just fine. Do what you can to tune into that feeling tone. Consider this a creative experiment in manifestation without working as hard as you usually do. This is a chance to allow your emotional body to lead the way to contact, to experience and to an expansion of your life. In fact, you have less to worry about than you may think, and certainly less than you did a month or two ago. Much of that worry was the result of a mental fog that obscured your real state of affairs. It described a confused state of communication in your relationships that was in many ways outside of your control. Therefore, strive for ease and clarity and you will receive the benefits that they offer.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for July 2015, #1055 | By Eric Francis

Make the most of every situation in your life. Make the most of every day. Involve yourself in what you do with full commitment. As you do this over the next few weeks, certain people and scenarios are going to have the sensation of opening the way to the future. There are no guarantees, but you will feel that resonance, and it’s worth noticing when you do. Meanwhile, the personal security question that has been nagging you the past two months or so is now coming to a head. You have a decision to make about what is really in your best interests. Before you get there, you have to decide what your best interests really are. This would be a good place to pause, so that you give yourself some time to assess your priorities. You’re at one of those junctures where you must update your files and make sure that every goal you have is really something you still want. Don’t be afraid to decide that something is no longer working for you. Be bold about what options you have to get things working better. Through this process, you will need to be responsive to your own inner feedback. More than that, keep your focus on your creative and erotic impulses. They contain the most valuable information about what you want, and what actually offers you some grounding and stability. Remember: Listen to yourself.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, June 18th, 2015 #1054 | By Len Wallick

John Muir had little patience with those who were interested only in what was ‘useful’ to them. Just as Muir made it a point to periodically step away from the world of those who did not appreciate what was useful in nature, try to get out of your world and into experiences that do not serve a ‘useful’ purpose for you. Also, take some time away from what’s most immediate and pressing for you, and take in the ways of other people. Go to the movie your date wants to see. Ask somebody older what songs she likes, and listen to them three times. Ask somebody younger what’s good to eat ‘around here’ and dine on it twice. There is more to this world than what you are concerned with or want out of it. Whatever you are not into deserves a try, especially if there is no conceivable reason you can now see for doing so.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, June 11th, 2015 #1053 | By Eric Francis

You’ve been carrying some tension and it’s been throwing you off balance. There are many factors involved; some of them are short-term and others are long-term. Over the next few days you may get some insight into the source of this tension and what you can do about it. If you feel a need to figure things out, do your best to set it aside. What you’re experiencing is emotional and physical rather than mental. Searching for an answer or for some logic to your situation may throw you off the scent, and it may be frustrating. Therefore, stick to what you feel, and stick to your experience of being in a body. You are involved in a long-term healing process, by which I mean something that covers a period of years. This involves Chiron and Nessus moving through your sign — two centaur planets associated with deep transformation and self-awareness. At the moment, both of them are being aspected by inner planets Mercury and Mars. So you’re getting an immediate look at what you’re working out over a rather extended phase of time. Take it easy, and take it easy on yourself.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, June 4th, 2015 #1052 | By Eric Francis

I suggest you breathe life into the forgotten aspects in your life. That might include projects, it might include set-aside desires, goals or plans, and it might involve physical spaces. Let’s start with the latter. Clean out rooms and closets; put your work areas in order; if you’ve been so busy you haven’t used your kitchen in three months, it’s time to move out the old supplies and energy and restock with what you want. If you have a second residence, now is the time to revitalize that, open the windows and allow in the fresh air. As for goals and plans, it would seem that you’ve had to put an emphasis on certain aspects of your life at the expense of others, and now is the time to start balancing that out. I have suggested many times that Pisces needs a second residence or home away from home. This is designed to give the ‘other side’ of your nature a place to come out and play. It can be elaborate (a summer home) or modest (a friend’s place you stay at, or a B&B you visit once a month). Try it out and see what I’m talking about.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, May 28th, 2015 #1051 | By Eric Francis

Mercury, Mars and the Sun in Gemini are exaggerating your concerns about your wellbeing and safety. Whatever forms those worries may take, you can test the theory that they’re overblown. You can also test the theory that there’s no problem you cannot think your way out of, as long as ‘think’ means a blend of thinking and feeling. The way to evaluate an idea is how it feels to you and to others, as well as whether it makes sense to you and to others. The two will be intricately related. But be patient in working this out. Your emotional body has a lot of moving parts at the moment. The combination of Mercury retrograde and Mars blazing forward suggest that the future and the past contain elements of one another, elements that cannot be separated. There’s something you’re looking for in the distant past that holds the key to setting you free today. When you’ve worked this out, the thing you will find is your confidence.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for June 2015 #1050 | By Eric Francis

First, the question of the month is: how good do you think your life can be? Keep that in mind for a moment. Meanwhile, you may be going through a phase of insecurity beyond what’s normal for you. This has a great benefit — you’re asking questions about what makes you feel safe, which translate into questions about what you want. Insecurity is usually considered a bad thing. Raised to full consciousness, it’s one of the most productive feelings you can have. So I suggest you do the full consciousness thing and see what comes up. Your astrology is drawing two closely related pictures right now. One of them describes you working to resolve a seeming split in your emotional body. That could be two competing sets of feelings; the influences of radically different childhood family backgrounds; or some other inner division that you are currently exploring one side of, then the other side of. Over in another corner of your chart, your life is illustrated as something in a state of continual improvement. So potent is this developing event that you’re likely to get a taste of the life you want in a way you’ve never seen or felt it before. I suggest you remember that this is not so much a point of arrival as it is a demonstration of what is possible. Remember — this is actual proof.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, May 14th, 2015 #1049 | By Eric Francis

Aspects associated with the forthcoming Mercury retrograde will pass by quickly, though they will highlight some of the most important long-term themes of your life. You will see what you’ve been missing, and get the chance to sort out what you may have had no clue needed your scrutiny and awareness. The theme of this project will seem to be your home base and the structures that help you feel secure. That would be a good place to start. Yet the story that unfolds is really about getting clear about who you are, in part by discovering who you are not; figuring out what is true for you by an elimination process of tossing aside what is not true. Every decision you make needs to be focused on sustaining and developing your vitality. The partners you work with must be true partners, devoted to your wellbeing; otherwise it will be more efficient and sensible to do without them.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, May 7th, 2015 #1048 | By Eric Francis

Mercury square Neptune is not exactly doing wonders for your clarity in relationships, though in service of resolving that, I suggest you listen more than you speak. If you find yourself speaking because you feel like you’re not being heard, start asking questions. Find out what people know and what they don’t know. Get them on the record. Find out what they’re doing and what they’re not doing. You need to know more than you currently do in order to guide your life the way that you must. I would remind you that the people around you know more than enough. There’s just this odd thing that happens when strong people exert their leadership — and you would count, especially since Saturn entered Sagittarius late last year — that others feel like they can slack off. You can avoid that by involving people in clear agreements that they state out loud, face to face or on the telephone. Email is not enough. Text messages don’t count at all.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, April 30th, 2015 #1047 | By Eric Francis

Security for you is a state of mind. We could say that’s true for most people, but you’re especially sensitive to the ways in which your mental state sets the scene for whether you feel safe in your home or on the planet. This is independent of whether you’re actually safe, or have reasons to feel that way. What is interesting about your solar chart is that you have two distinctly different viewpoints related to your own sense of belonging. Sometimes they conflict, sometimes they work in harmony, and sometimes they function independently of one another. One growth mission you have now and for the next month or two is charting this out. You will get to create a mind map, and this map will take you into the distant past. For now, I suggest you stay in the moment, and adopt as your mantra a question: Is that really true? Use that with everything you hear, what you say and what you think.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for May 2015 #1046 | By Eric Francis

Consider all the possible combinations of work, wellbeing and healing, and experiment with them. I don’t mean the words, I mean what those words represent. This is where you can find benefit in your life, for yourself and for others. Many factors may seem to be unpredictable or unstable, at least for the moment. What is dependable is that there’s work to do, that you have some important healing processes going, and that wellbeing is the core theme of your life. Your greatest productivity and strongest relationships will come from the place where these things meet. Focus on those relationships and you will strengthen them, and come into a new state of balance. The world may be stressed out, and people may be struggling to find time to check all their devices. You have abundant energy, you have a clear agenda and a sense of what matters to you. You can trust your perceptions about these things. While you’re here, I suggest you focus on one longterm plan that you know is going to improve your life. If you must lean on others to create (or claim) the space and energy for this special project, that’s why they’re in your life. Allow yourself to be supported by your environment. If it helps, remember the abundant benefit people get from your presence. Take care of yourself and remember that your priorities actually matter.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, April 16th, 2015 #1045 | By Eric Francis

You’re at a state of your growth where you must engage with money and with the life of your soul as one thing. These two concepts are usually divided off and made to be not only different but antagonistic toward one another. You are now involved in a process of integrating them into one concept, one experience. The thing they have in common is that your money and your soul are both expressions of you. They are both manifestations of your energy. That is the way to think of whatever you make, touch, or change; that’s the way to think of any interaction. One of the most significant problems we have in a society that’s full of ‘money issues’ is the failure to see money as a direct extension of life force energy. While nearly everyone is busy amputating it or making it into some kind of abstraction, I suggest you focus and understand that in this world, use of financial resources is a core theme of evolution. Let that inform all your choices.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, April 9, 2015 #1044 | By Eric Francis

You’re having to make a lot of decisions about money lately, and what you’re likely to be discovering along the way is what is truly important to you. In astrology, the same house — the 2nd, which in your chart happens to be Aries — covers your resources, your values and your self-esteem. Resources means money, equipment, supplies and most of all, talent. Values means your personal constitution, which by the way is getting amended regularly as you set new values based on new experiences. Self-esteem is the inherent respect you have for yourself. One message from that facet of your mind is that you’re figuring out how radical you are. Radical has two meanings: it’s commonly said to mean one who dares to challenge the status quo, such as a revolutionary. Semantically, the word means going to the roots of whatever is in question, in this case yourself. Upcoming aspects describe you going deep, and gaining confidence expressing yourself from your core.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, April 2, 2015 #1043 | By Eric Francis

Keep your arrangements flexible, and make sure any agreements you enter are responsive to your immediate circumstances. You are in a rather significant moment wherein anything is up for renegotiation. Evaluate everything first on the basis of how it works for you, and then on the basis of how it works for others. You will need to meet both qualifications for something to be functional for you, though remember the order of operations. Most of all, stay in contact with your environment. Ultimately, that is your primary relationship, and your environment will give you nearly all the information you need about what to do, and how to do it. You probably already know that adaptability is your greatest strength. Put it to work now. Make any changes you need to make. Focus on being flexible, with everything from money to time to any arrangements you need to make to your physical body. Look at the world and be limber enough to look into it, and even through it. You will be told everything you need to know.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for April 2015 #1042 | By Eric Francis

With Chiron in your sign, it’s easy to feel like despite all you’re doing, you’re not getting anywhere. That’s an illusion distinct to Chiron. Really, the truth is quite the opposite. It’s your long, slow persistence that has got you much further toward some specific goals than you think. One by one, every facet of your life has come up for questioning; every system has been (or will be) subject to maintenance; every agreement will be revised and improved; and in the process, you will get to know yourself as you never have before. If you feel like you’re in an ongoing and endless challenge, I suggest you remind yourself that you’re really living your life. You are situated in a society and in a time of history where there is very little offered easily, to anyone. Even those who exploit others are under the constant assault of paranoia about their particular house of cards falling down. At the same time, you are driven by your ideals and your faith in yourself, and you may wonder if you’ve taken on more than you can handle. You may have — and when you discover that you can, in fact, handle it just fine, you will discover that you’ve stretched your capacities beyond what you imagined possible. Therefore, stand up straight, keep your eyes wide open and do what you are called to do every day.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, March 19, 2015 #1041 | By Eric Francis

Friday’s total solar eclipse in your sign is suggesting that you’re being invited to take a step toward becoming yourself in a way irrespective of any other relationship. This experience or process will set you up to be closer to others, even though it may seem to be solitary and introspective. I would propose that the single most significant barrier affecting people’s ability to relate to others is their struggle relating to themselves — and this is something you’re ready to give up, in exchange for something much better. You do not need to struggle with self-esteem. You merely need to be yourself. You do not need to question your value; you only need to express yourself in a way that will demonstrate your value is beyond question. It’s so far beyond question that you will be rather pleasantly shocked.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, March 12, 2015 #1040 | By Eric Francis

Pisces is the sign that, by definition, contains all the potentials of humanity, in a way similar to how more than 100 elements are contained in ordinary seawater. You may need to make contact with, and peace with, the seemingly darker shades of your nature. That runs directly contrary to the ‘love and light equals enlightenment’ spiritual school. And it remains true that love is the only force in the universe that can guide a person out of the darkness, be it their own or imposed on them. Sometimes this is as simple as just loving, and sometimes it’s necessary to be bold about discovering what the other possibilities are. There is a common psychological move: ‘I don’t want to be that way so I’m not going to admit that I contain that potential’. The thing is, you want to contain that potential, whatever it is, because to exist in your full strength, you need every resource available to you. And that’s what you have.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, March 5, 2015 #1039 | By Len Wallick

As absurd as it may seem, your lot is to be envied by all beings without exception. To live as a Pisces now is to receive a challenge divine beings would kneel and beg to face. Though you be mortal, uncounted are the immortals who would be overjoyed to trade places with you. Even if it seems your valiant wit and heroic labors are for naught, your efforts are not leading you into an abyss. Everything you are and all you are doing is amounting to something beyond profound. You need not fear the void. In fact, it’s fair to say the void fears you because only you and others like you possess what even galaxies do not: the ability to bring the deepest darkness into the fullest light. To do so you need not sustain belief. You must allow belief to sustain you. — by Len Wallick

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Feb. 26, 2015 #1038 | By Len Wallick

Throw a party. If you are not a party animal, send out invitations for an afternoon tea. Should tea not be your style, sponsor a game night. Perhaps you are not a night-owl. In that case, ask neighbors over for a weekend brunch. However you do it, it’s high time to have some sort of soiree where you live. If you have roommates, negotiate. Make this your chance to finally clean up if your place is a mess. No matter what, somehow hosting a social gathering of some type holds a dual promise of both living it up and living better long after your last guest has gone home. — by Len Wallick

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for March 2015 #1037 | By Eric Francis

Ultimately you can, must and will do what you want, and that may make some people around you nervous. You are naturally susceptible to the viewpoints and opinions of others, and you must not allow yourself to be blown off course by those with strong opinions. It is, however, in your self-interest to have others allied with you and in service of your goals — and self-interest is potentially a sticky topic for a Pisces. I suggest you wash that off and get real about what serves your agenda. The necessary second step is to figure out how to get others thinking on your frequency. I would remind you how persuasive you can be, which in part accounts for others feeling destabilized by your drive and your intensity. For some, persuasion will involve appealing to their altruism. For others, you may need to appeal to what would be profitable for them. Others will best understand the language of mutual benefit. You are blessed with the gift of insight, as long as you can get some distance on any situation or any person. You have this gift for a reason. Tune in and you will be guided what to do, what to say and how to make the best decisions. Your options remain wide open, and there are people who are eager to assist you.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Feb. 12, 2015 #1036 | By Eric Francis

You get a second chance at something you were sure was a lost cause. That this happens may surprise you; you may not have seen it coming, or thought that it was remotely possible. This development may manifest a number of different ways — for example, as discovering an advantage you’d overlooked; remembering something you had forgotten, but that changes everything; or discovering you have the cooperation of your friends or colleagues, when you were starting to doubt that. Either way, there is the feeling of some deeper truth being revealed to you. Whatever happens will provide a boost to your confidence. At the same time, you have this idea that you must take absolute responsibility for yourself. You are better at this than you think and you can cut yourself some slack. As others take increasing responsibility for themselves, you will have a lot less to worry about.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Feb. 5, 2015 #1035 | By Eric Francis

These have been a bold few weeks for you. You are experiencing what it means to have Chiron and Neptune in your sign. Though these are long-term transits, and somewhat well developed by now, they are being lit up by the presence of Venus and Mars. This whole constellation of planets has been offering you a look at your actual potential, and the opportunity to feel what it’s like to be yourself in full-spectrum form. Mercury, for its part, is slowing to a station in a sensitive corner of your chart, which is adding a depth of inner vision unusual even for you. Here is how I would sum things up: You are learning to engage the physical with the spiritual. You are bringing what is normally etheric or astral into some solid form, and you are doing so in a way that’s revealing of what is possible: the beauty of translating your inner world into tangible form. The beauty of real.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Jan. 29, 2015 #1034 | By Eric Francis

You are experiencing two distinct facets of your nature that each seem to be all of who you are. The effect may be rather convincing, as if you have two entities inhabiting your feelings, your senses and your thoughts. These may, in turn, seem to have two different agendas, which may seem to conflict. But do they really? Are there really two of you, or rather are there two or more ways that you tap into something deep and let it out? I suggest you experiment with that approach. You seem to be experiencing two amazing pools of feeling, inspiration, talent and the need to bring that forth into the world. Yet each of these leads to a common pool, to a vast space within yourself that contains all your potential. You do not need to choose anything at the expense of anything else. Merely reach deeper and bring out what you find there.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for February, 2015 #1033 | By Eric Francis

Step out of your own way and allow your radiance to light up the landscape around you, and guide others to you. You need to make no special effort; you merely need to be available and observant. It’s likely that you would underestimate the influence you have on others, which is why I suggest you look, and be open, rather than try to guess. Because you’ve decided to step up to challenges perhaps greater than you ever have, the way you relate to others is essential. Few people accomplish much alone. People whose minds are rich with ideas, in particular, benefit from the support of others who are able to carry a vision in a creative way. You in particular place a high value on collaboration. This is less about getting others to do work for you and more about what is possible when different approaches combine to form something more brilliant, more original, more helpful. I suggest that you put some trust into how much nourishment other people receive just from being around you. Now in particular, you’re focusing a creative energy reaction that pulses out into your surroundings. This is vividly noticeable given that it’s set amidst a world of entities, many of which merely drain energy. You offer heat, light, nourishment and a measure of reassurance to others. But don’t believe me! Look and feel.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Jan. 15, 2015 #1032 | By Eric Francis

Mars in your sign is stoking up your desire to live and to make contact. Mars in the fashion of Pisces is a self-sustaining creative dynamo. Monday, Mars focuses an exact conjunction to Neptune, which feels like connecting to some elemental source of who you are. You’re likely to have a drive to express that in some way, and I suggest you make contact now and let that inspire you for the next couple of years. Then next week Mars connects with Chiron, in a conjunction that will remind you how much strength, awareness and power you hold in your hands. That is more than a metaphor — Chiron almost always expresses itself through the hands, whether for healing, loving touch, some creative enterprise or digital (manual) contact with the wider world. Mars won’t be back in Pisces till the end of 2016, so get it while it’s hot.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Jan. 8, 2015 #1031 | By Eric Francis

Your worst fears are not true, as you will soon see. But you may as well notice what they are, how they feel and the general theme, which seems to be the results of your karma. Well, your karma is a lot better than you think. People who consciously concern themselves with right and wrong, with self-reflection, and with the possibility of denial are usually working on a pretty high level. You are aware of the possibility of denial and you’re also aware that you can do something about it. You are aware that your thoughts have influence and even power. So, you’re in good shape. At the moment, you can afford to take it all in, and see where you can add something positive and creative.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for January 2015, #1030 | By Eric Francis

No need to wonder what has become of your insecurities: the mighty Saturn has taken its place at the top of your solar chart. This is your moment to take command of your life, and by extension, all the affairs over which you preside. Pisces has big dreams, though few know the extent to which you are driven by the desire and indeed the need to achieve something real. However, in recent years it hasn’t been that easy to concentrate your efforts. Yes, there has been a bit too much going on, and events moving faster than you could keep up. Mainly there has been a confidence issue. Thankfully you’ve grown tired enough of it to want to get over it — and that’s most of what it takes. Part of your confidence issue has involved concerns about being accused of the profit motive. I realize that not every Pisces aspires to be Jesus or Buddha, but most people born under your sign put service first, pleasure second and profits last. Your current phase of enhanced leadership directly involves focusing the drive to make money at what you do. You don’t have to play the game of society’s cognitive dissonance on this issue. Whatever their theoretical philosophy, everyone likes to have money in their pocket. All the better if it’s earned with a clear conscience, as yours most surely is.

Aquarius 2015

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope — Dec. 17, 2015, #1080 | By Len Wallick

It does not suck to be you. Don’t go to that dark place except to laugh at it. You should not measure yourself according to conventional standards when, in fact, you have been unconventional. Neither is it in any way right or appropriate to upbraid yourself for having practiced your idiosyncratic ways even if others cannot or will not understand. As much as you have had to endure the pain of losing who and what you have lost to be who and what you are, you have almost certainly gained even more. At the moment those gains are probably not apparent. Rather, the accumulated stores of what your originality has built up are hidden, and not from you. There are unprecedented and (as of yet) untapped reserves of creative genius inside you. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to find a way to access that genius without resorting to drugs, alcohol or other forms of self-destruction.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope — Dec. 10, 2015, #1079 | By Len Wallick

Answer the bell. Regardless of any difficulties you are confronted with, keep coming out of your corner until you have gone the full distance allotted to you. Now is no time to yield to weariness or pain. However discouraging others may be, and no matter what challenges are yet to come, roll with them so as to conserve yourself — but also maintain a steadfast resolve to stay on your feet. Just as important, continue to keep your own style fair and clean even if others are not fair to you. Good effort and good form are never wasted. In fact, the only way you can truly lose now is to give up; for, a turning point is about to take place. What good you have done is slowly but surely adding up to more than your stumbles and errors. You need not resign yourself to accepting a moral victory, either. As long as you persist without breaking faith, you will continue to have a fighting chance to both prevail and be distinguished for it.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope — Dec. 3, 2015, #1078 | By Len Wallick

Yes, some might be judging you unfairly right now. If you are fair to them, however, you probably must admit you have given others some small reason to judge you. This does not mean there is anything wrong with you, so don’t compound your situation by judging yourself. Neither, in all probability, do you need fixing. It might do simply to be more transparent about your situation. Admittedly, revealing more of your circumstances and taking responsibility for them could mean swallowing your pride, or even risking embarrassment. Even so, it is almost certainly better to take a chance that depends on the understanding and compassion of others than to maintain the unsustainable, doing damage to yourself or your cause in the bargain. Give the truth a chance to set you free, and it probably will.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope — December 2015, #1077 | By Eric Francis

You are trying to establish yourself in the world, and you seem to be making some significant progress, though it may not feel that way. You might want to pause measuring your failures and successes and instead devote your energy to understanding something about yourself. That something involves the relationship between who you are and what society is. Your mind is a microcosm of the world that you’re wanting to establish yourself in. That raises the value on self-knowledge at this time in your life. Self-knowledge means going deeper into your motives and your learning process, and into seeing the way that patterns from your personal history manifest for you. If you are seeking change, and seeking progress, then seek self-understanding. You may be tempted to put all your effort into understanding the world, but even if you succeeded in doing that, the information would be of little value without the one-and-only necessary context of your life — you. The more transparent you become to yourself, the more transparent the world will become. The more flexible you become, the more flexible the world will seem. The more alert you are, the easier it will be to spot other alert people and engage them collaboratively. Yet you will need to suspend judgment as much as you can, and observe yourself carefully nearly all the time.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Nov. 19, 2015, #1076 | By Len Wallick

One of the best ways of showing respect for others is to adopt their values or emulate their behavior. If there is somebody whose physical fitness you respect, ask them to share the details of their regimen. Then, with respect for your own limits and after consulting with your own healthcare provider, give whatever parts of their practice seem both safe and appropriate for you a chance to show similar results. Should you come across a good example of self-regulation, ask that person how they got that way, then look into what it would require of you to learn their skills. By the same token, allow anybody whose spiritual development impresses you to at least inform you of their source of inspiration. It’s not that you are unworthy of respect just the way you are, but if you do find yourself looking up to somebody, wouldn’t it make sense to move so that you can look them in the eye?

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Nov. 12, 2015, #1075 | By Len Wallick

First impressions tend to last a long time. They are the seeds of reputation. Whether you know it or not, you are now moving into a position to take advantage of how first impressions work. That’s because there are new people and relationships on your horizon. Those people yet unmet have the potential to bring on what amounts to an era of reformation for you and your life. But first you must find them. In all likelihood you will not come across what you are looking for one person at a time. Rather, it will probably be a group activity of some sort through which you’ll encounter others who are looking for new communities with a common objective. So even if you are not religious or a good singer, give choirs a look. Even if you are not an athlete be alert for a team or a league where simply being a body can lead to being somebody. Find a place to practice teamwork in the presence of others, and endeavor to be for them what you want them to be for you.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Nov. 5, 2015, #1074 | By Len Wallick

Regardless of what you think or how you feel about how others perceive you, you might want to at least try some of those perceptions on for size before allowing anybody to convince you that you should buy into them. If what you try on does not fit or makes you feel uncomfortable in any way, put it back on the rack. The perceptions others have of you are shaped partly by their own experiences, fears and incomplete understanding of you, in addition to what you present to them; still, it cannot hurt to consider how your actions my have influenced their conclusions. On the other hand, if trying on somebody else’s perception of you makes you think ‘this is me’ or ‘I could rock this’, then you can proceed to contemplate how to tailor it. Calculate the price of owning it. If you do choose to own a perception you’ve received, wear it with pride and confidence while also remembering that at any time you can also choose to change into something you have conceived on your own.

Marie Claire Horoscope for November 2015, #1073 | By Eric Francis

You’re being called to fulfill your mission — not just in your mind, not just on your resume, but in the wide and wild world, where it matters the most. You only need to be a little confident that there is a place for you and your talent; then be just a bit pushy, and that space will open up.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for November 2015, #1072 | By Eric Francis

The Sun, and soon enough Mercury, will be in your 10th solar house of getting things done. Whether you use your solar chart (as I’m doing here) or your natal chart, it’s helpful to follow the Sun’s journey through the various seasons of your year. The 10th house is about visibility. It’s about being seen but, moreover, making sure you’re known for what you want to be known for. Reputations, properly established, take time to be built. The returns can seem minimal, even over long years. But you are starting to accrue some experience, and to make some progress on the issue of personal power and influence. Still, I suggest you seek to establish yourself with your good work rather than try to collect. The world is in an extremely confused state right now; the wars and violence seem never to stop, and we get very little in the way of pleasure that doesn’t come with corporate sponsorship or a high-priced admission ticket. Therefore, keep your focus on what is right. Remind yourself that you’ve cleared out enough psychological baggage from your internal space to have a clue who you actually are. Not everyone has made this investment; most people have kept filling their attic while you were busy cleaning up yours. You are therefore in a distinct position of leadership. You can actually see, feel and breathe.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Oct. 15, 2015 #1071 | By Eric Francis

You may be wondering whether the right thing to do is to act grown up and fulfill your worldly responsibilities, or to cut loose and do whatever you want to do. Think of the responsibility thing (Saturn) as being about holding together the basic structure of your life. If you can do that, you have lots of freedom to experiment with this new role you’re developing for yourself in the world (represented by many other planets currently close to Saturn). While you have to keep a basic plan in place, you simply must experiment, with the passion of a child. Your prior ways of being are not going to work; they are obsolete in the sense that they have lost their distinction. In order to be who you are, you must be distinct — not only from your own history but also in the environment around you — and that means a continuous journey of exploration, trial and error, and invention. Think of yourself as a scientist using society as your laboratory. Or think of yourself as an artist living in a chaotic world who is developing a way to make some sense out of things, or at least respond to the madness in an appropriate way. Just remember, you are what you seek to change.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Oct. 8, 2015 #1070 | By Eric Francis

You may not adhere to any religion, preferring your own version of the cosmic order, based on your own inquiry into life. That is a sign of intelligence; you don’t need to run your body and soul on someone else’s operating system when you can write your own. Here is the place where anyone who is really thinking falls off the wagon of the dot-org, ism-obsessed version of spiritual reality: it almost always prioritizes an abstract relationship (with a seemingly non-incarnated entity) above the connections we have with one another. True, religion pays lip service to ‘love thy neighbor’, but we see how well that works in the corporate version of spiritual life. You seek connection with the divine through connection to humans and other critters, to society and through self-awareness. Nearly all religion is set up to deny the obvious benefits of living in actual contact with yourself and your world. It’s designed to drive people’s lives through guilt into a state of desperation, leading them to seek something ‘greater than themselves’. As part of living your own way, the most vital clue from your chart involves cultivating your own ideas about relationship, on your own terms. For you, that is the message of this Mercury station direct.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Oct. 1, 2015 #1069 | By Eric Francis

Were this 30 years ago, your weekly horoscope would say, “Look for news from abroad.” The thing is that those old formulas can give surprisingly good results. So definitely look for that news from far away — but while you’re doing that you might want to make some of your own. Reach out to your friends who live out of the country, including ones you have not seen or heard from in a while. Since we live in the digital age, you might consider chatting up the people you’re connected to who live in other countries. In sum, do anything you can to make the concept of ‘foreign’ real to you. That might mean reaching for some expansion of your message or business to a faraway place, and it might mean getting on an airplane and going there. Any such activities come with unusual manifesting power now. In fact, any travel at all, of at least a few hours’ distance, will have the same activating effect on your activities — and you will learn a good bit as well.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for October 2015 #1068 | By Eric Francis

There is a place for you in the world. There’s a place for everyone who wants one. The reason why is that the world is constantly changing, if for no other reason than people die and are born every day. What seems to remain consistent are the patterns of society, but even those change, if ever so slowly. Your role is to establish patterns that are consistent with your ideas and your approach to life, recognizing the imminent necessities of our moment — and to do this in the public forum known as the culture. As you proceed, there are two things to be mindful of. One is that the most essential patterns to observe and work with are in your own mind. The mind truly is a microcosm of family, of society and of the global condition, all of which are in upheaval now. Second is that rather than innovating something new, you’re more likely to be updating something traditional, something well-established or time-honored. You are taking something that has already existed and modifying it for a new context. Originality is not an actual value, since nearly everything is derivative. Yet the retrieval of something functional, something that works, in a new context, is original enough for anyone whose goal is to get the job done rather than to make a splash. There is work to do. Do it well, and work joyfully.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Sept. 17, 2015 #1067 | By Eric Francis

Many factors are hinting that it’s time to widen your horizons. That might start with taking a journey in some unusual direction and noticing what you discover. What your chart is calling for is perspective — of time, of distance, of ideas that give you a different way to think about your existence. For a long time you’ve been seeking your special place in the world — one that works for both you and the world. You know this is possible; you know that your vision at its very best matches what the world needs the most right now. It always takes a combination of practice, effort and whatever luck is to make this happen. Right now you have the benefits of all three of these factors. Yet more vital to any or all of them is that you feed your life with a vision. That requires imagination and a deftness with ideas; it requires flexibility; and more than anything you must maintain a sense of perspective. Always know that you’re looking at the world from a point of view, and notice what that line of vision is. Notice how different the world looks when you shift your point of view. Remember.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Sept. 10, 2015 #1066 | By Eric Francis

I am sure you could use some relief from the many responsibilities that have been placed on your shoulders the past three years, and the ones that you’ve taken on as a matter of choice. You did this because it was the thing to do, and I reckon that it actually was. In my reading of the charts, that condition is shifting. Your concept of responsibility is shifting, as is the pressure to achieve and perform. Now you have the option of doing, of living, of exploring, for its own sake. The thing to remember is that you’re someone with an emotionally-rooted sense of duty. I know there’s a psychological dimension and a powerful social one, I would just note that the anchor of your sense of responsibility is in your feeling-body. And this has been emphasized profoundly the past two years, with much else going on at the same time. If I had to sum up the sign change of Saturn for you, it’s about engaging your potential in a new way — what you can do rather than what you must do. What you want rather than what you need. This certainly comes with its own challenges, though I think you’ll like them better.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Sept. 3, 2015 #1065 | By Eric Francis

You seem to have put certain relationship matters on hold, or to be proceeding on a wait-and-see basis. Whatever is revealed this week, as Venus stations direct in your opposite sign Leo, you might well be done waiting and ready to start seeing. So what do you see? Who do you see? Look carefully and better still, listen attentively. The one matter you may be ready to fully engage or indeed confront is what happens to your autonomy when you enter into a close relationship with someone else. You are long past the time when you can give up your individuality and personal volition for the sake of companionship. It’s likely you would rather be ‘alone’ than give up who you really are, what you really want to do, or to have to shut down some aspect of yourself. For you, the thing to do is stay open and available at the same time you exchange love and affirmation with others. The story of your life for the next two years of Saturn in Sagittarius is to stand in your own personal space of who you are. Easier said than done, but easier done than not done.

Monthly Horoscope for Sept. 2015, #1064 | By Eric Francis

There’s plenty of talk in the world about right livelihood, and even some that’s sincere. You’re now fully engaging the challenges of doing what is right for you, as a participant in society. The compromises of the past, and of past generations, are behind you. You can no longer divide your life or your character in half; you are deep into the work of integrating your entire reality. This can consume plenty of energy at first, as you’ve been seeing. You’re being compelled by your choices and your circumstances to stand fully in who you are, right now, rather than pretending that you’ll be something in the future. I suggest you do this gently, persistently and a little at a time. Small, steady steps count more than attempts at major changes. As you experience this process, remember how much of the world’s ideas are negotiated on the basis of belief. You have an idea what is true for you, though most others merely believe what they want to believe without regard for verification. You would be wise to avoid controversies that play into this difference. Work with what others believe, and don’t attempt to prove your point. Rather, demonstrate what’s true for you, and let that serve as a practical expression of what is possible. This is a universe apart from proof, and indeed sidesteps the whole issue rather neatly.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Aug. 20, 2015 #1063 | By Eric Francis

You will benefit from some real cooperation, though this will come in the form of someone with specialized intelligence. Look around and pay attention, and don’t settle for anyone who seems to know less than they claim. The puzzle you seem to be facing is how to let go of certain responsibilities that weigh you down — yet doing so in a fully responsible way. This will take some ingenuity, and very likely from a viewpoint not colored by your emotional attachments. In other words, you need some applied intelligence, to a specific situation. One of my favorite lessons in A Course in Miracles is about recognizing the problem so that it can be solved. State whatever you’re trying to address in a way that can in fact be resolved, so you’re that many steps closer to actually having that happen. If a situation is resisting being worked out, I suggest you state it in a different way. Turn it backwards, upside down or inside out. Imagine what your life would be like were everything in perfect order. That vision will be truly informative. Really, stop and consider how things would be.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Aug. 13, 2015 #1062 | By Eric Francis

Now is an excellent time to check in with the people who were important to you in the past, and to notice how strongly you still may feel about them. The rules of supposedly monogamous engagement force us to abandon people all too often, which serves another dark purpose of leaving many unresolved situations behind. It’s time to shine some light on this aspect of your life. Choose a few people who you truly miss, or to whom you have something to say, and look them up. Don’t worry about whether they’re happy to hear from you — allow curiosity to guide you. You may rekindle some beautiful, old flames, and you’ll also learn something about your tendencies in relationships that will help you light the way forward. One of your projects for the next two years is making the most of your own individualistic tendencies. Aquarius is at once a social sign and a reclusive one. You need to have your actual place among those you know, and care about, and within any groups or collaborations. Remember that, and experiment with the idea that the world around you will welcome this the moment that you do.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Aug. 6, 2015 #1061 | By Len Wallick

The very heavens know that you are well aware what you are about. The question is whether you are still clearly seeing the vision you set out to pursue, and are fully present to it. While things may not have gone according to your original plan, you also know that much of life is what happens while those plans are being made. You also know that going through changes is not the same as going through defeat. Only your choice to give up can result in failure for you at this point, and you don’t want that. What you have already accomplished stands on its own as a legitimate success, even though you are entirely right to have even higher aspirations. Additionally, the opportunities you have rightfully earned are too good to simply squander. Therefore, even if you continue to err here and drop a stitch there, do everything you can to persevere, for doing so will indeed serve to further you.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, July 30, 2015 #1060 | By Eric Francis

Friday’s magnificent Full Moon in your birth sign is offering you some unusual ability to spark or initiate events, with very little effort on your part. You might say you live in a moment of the small cause with the big effect. Therefore, be conscious, and a little cautious. Understand your intentions and consider the law of unintended consequences. By all of this, I mean apply your power gently, including the power of thought and of reasoning. A little goes a long way. Rely on the power of suggestion rather than of persuasion. Assume others know you’re right without having to say so yourself. Politely inquire what others know rather than telling them what you know. Remind others of the authority they have rather than the authority you have. You can afford to do this, as you hold considerable sway over the situations in your life. Though many things are moving around you, you remain stable, and it would be wise to remind yourself of that fact.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for August 2015, #1059 | By Eric Francis

Is everything in the world really about contracts and agreements? From the highest courts in the land to the most intimate encounters, we’re told this again and again — and I’ve said it a few times myself. Yet we seem to live in a time when people tend to honor only those agreements that they want to honor. If someone wants to worm out of something, they usually do. I cannot speak with authority on the longterm karmic consequences of this, though I think that for the sake of sanity and overall spiritual health it’s better to keep your promises or make a conscious agreement to get out of them, and I imagine you do as well. Presently you’re in a review phase regarding your relationships and the various ways that commitments have been kept or not kept. Notice that on the social level, people tend to do what they want to do, and this is an entitlement that seems only to be gaining momentum. You would be wise to work with this principle, and surround yourself with people who want you, and who want to be of service to you. This will work brilliantly the other way — make sure the people you devote time, energy and money to are the ones you really and truly want to support. Your review of various past scenarios is likely to demonstrate the validity of this idea.

Weekly Horoscope for Wednesday, July 15, 2015 #1058 | By Eric Francis

You are forming bonds now that may last a lifetime, and that certainly are influencing your world right now. Remember that any real connection is a form of collaboration. I know there’s some skepticism about working with people you love, but the truth is that any loving relationship that is based on something real is indeed a form of working together. You in particular need close bonds with your colleagues. Aquarius is not as chilly a sign as astrology books make it out to be. Far from it, in fact; but you need, in many situations, to express your affections in practical ways. Pay special attention to the people you work with. Reach for, and feel, the undercurrent of trust that is essential to any productive encounter with other humans. While you’re doing that, in all ways seek to improve your life, and those of your friends (which to you often amount to the same thing). Be bold about this. You are at a vital, potent point of beginning on all of these subjects.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, July 9th, 2015 #1057 | By Eric Francis

You may feel like you need to regain authority or a position in your professional life that you somehow lost due to circumstances outside your control. Yet it would make much more sense to work in the moment, with your new opportunities, rather than referencing your idea of success in the past. You must have figured out that the past is nothing to aspire to. You’ve come through many struggles that you really need to leave behind. The one point of resolution, the one thing it would really help if you do, is to claim authority over yourself. This is not about others. If anything, people around you are holding out many opportunities and forms of support that you actually have available to you. But if you’re not your own master (which translates to, if you’re not the one making your own decisions on your own terms), then what you’re being offered won’t amount to much of anything. Live day to day, taking each stretch of road as it comes. What is available will manifest for you clearly and visibly. Then, open up to receive.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, July 2nd, 2015 #1056 | By Eric Francis

Life is holding out many gifts and options right now, as long as you’re open to them. Even as you receive I suggest you remain open and honoring of your own freedom to choose, to give and to receive. People and communities often set a trap when it comes to receiving — once you have someone or something, you’re supposed to fold up, cling to that person or situation, and refuse to want or accept more. I suggest you take another approach: the more that’s offered, the more open you remain. One great invitation can lead to the next. One amorous encounter can open the way to another, with the same person, or someone else. Let one creative or business opportunity establish your viability for another — and be willing to receive them as a form of abundance. To sum up, the more you’re offered, the more I suggest you stay open to receive. Keep your flow going.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for July 2015, #1055 | By Eric Francis

You have some unusual relationship opportunities available to you. This is true even if you’re in a committed partnership. You might, however, begin by assessing the extent to which your idea of commitment is a hedge against allowing unscripted events to unfold. The very thing you want is what’s unplanned and unpredictable. I know that kind of thing can send waves of panic through people these days. You can look at that and see how ridiculous it is — or you can play along. In any event, if you’re wondering where any energy blocks are lurking, it’s around the necessity for expected outcomes. Hold open your possibilities and you will see your life begin to flow in new directions. Enter every situation with a sense of adventure, and appreciate the fact that you have no idea how it’s going to turn out. That’s your best friend right now. This is especially true in some situation that is calling for your leadership. It’s probable that this scenario goes back about two years. You now have to wrap up the final steps in a process, which must be completed before you’re really free to move on. You have your work cut out for you, but make sure you’re specific about what needs to be done, for whom, and by when. You are not in an open-ended commitment; to the contrary, you are now embarking on the real work of completion.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, June 18th, 2015 #1054 | By Len Wallick

Show up. If your presence is required by those in authority, be there. Once you are there, you need not actually be something other than yourself unless that is what you choose. But at least show up. If you don’t, you will make it possible for others to believe or say you are something that you are not. Even more important, show up for obligations you create for yourself. That way, you will dispel doubts — and widen cracks through which the bright light of opportunity shines. Perhaps most vital, always show up in such a way that you do not show others up. Apple polishing and brown-nosing do not become you, least of all now. There is no need to make yourself look better by making others look bad. Rather, show up and make it your purpose to make others either glad you are there, or more truly aware of who you are.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, June 11th, 2015 #1053 | By Eric Francis

You will have a lot more fun with sex if you remember that all sex begins with you and comes back to you — that it’s your experience. True, it’s an experience you share, though first you must claim it as your own. As part of that, a long overdue conversation looks like its time has arrived. The astrology here involves Mercury changing directions (which happened earlier Thursday). The chart for that event describes two things. One is that information, ideas and a real exchange are likely to come out in layers. Try to set aside the idea that everything is going to be resolved instantly, or that your desires will be met instantly. The two processes will develop together. I suggest you work closely with any uncertainty you may be experiencing, and count it as a resource. The unknown is a source of energy, of power and of strength, if you can work with it patiently.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, June 4, 2015 #1052 | By Eric Francis

For the next few months you may need to tidy up residual matters from business of the past two years. If you were to make a chronology of that timeframe, you would see how far you’ve come and what you’ve accomplished. Therefore, don’t be discouraged if you are called upon to be extra vigilant and make sure that everything is resolved; that you understand all of the developments and what prompted them; and that you’re fully committed to understanding the details when necessary. On that note, I suggest you lean in the direction of micromanaging whatever resolution of the past you need to involve yourself with — and make sure you have learned everything you need to have learned from what you witnessed and experienced. The bottom line here is that you are responsible for your own life, and for the decisions that are made on your behalf. In truth this is a happy lesson, because it holds the key to much future happiness and success. Therefore, sharpen your pencil and do what needs to be done over the next three months.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, May 28th, 2015 #1051 | By Eric Francis

You will be the ideal mediator if you see that there’s no conflict. Your role is to see the points of contact between seemingly opposing points of view, and explain that to anyone who is involved. It will help if you recognize that all the parts are elements or representatives of a larger whole. If you start from the whole and then look at the elements, you will work more efficiently than trying to assemble the parts of what in truth is a puzzle that’s already put together. One hint I can offer is that to do this, creativity is involved — creativity, that is, with your viewpoint. I know that’s not a concept you’ll typically see advertised, but in many ways viewpoint is everything. What lends originality is an idea such as: let’s go up on the roof and look around and see what’s visible. If I were a dog listening to this discussion, what would I hear? Is someone saying something over and over that makes no sense, and what do they really mean? Keep your viewpoint moving.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for June 2015 #1050 | By Eric Francis

You may be wondering what kind of crazy romantic karma you have going on. What, exactly, is the purpose of your involvements? Where are they leading you? They seem to start off as one thing and end up as another. The current mix of Mercury retrograde plus Mars is a reminder to everyone that life is a creative experiment. That includes every dimension of eroticism, of art, of pleasure-seeking and for you, of that place where minds meet and reveal to you something about yourself. Though I’m not certain of this, my current theory is that every encounter of this kind is designed as a self-revelation. Following that theory, you may be discovering that your relationship to yourself is presently the most complicated one in your life. Doubts about what you stand for, questions about your priorities, and a need to truly honor your healing process are swimming around your deepest feelings. The sensation of having no solid ground on which to stand is one of the most relevant themes of our time in history, and you can embody it fully. It would seem a scary place to be, except for the fact that it’s got so much to offer you. You might say that if life right now is governed by the uncertainty principle, then you are a master of the game.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, May 14th, 2015 #1049 | By Eric Francis

The next few weeks will take you on a tour of the zone where your creativity, your sexuality and your self-esteem intersect. It’s a rich place, which you might describe as the crossroads of all your potential. Most people resist this idea, I know — the notion that their sexuality is somehow integral to their creativity and all other forms of expression. I suggest you embrace it fully, and apply the full strength of your curiosity to the endeavor. There’s something about bringing your language skills into your self-exploration process — that is, finding the words for things, no matter how imprecise they may feel. You may revise your ideas on a daily basis, though that would seem to be the whole point. And in retrospect, you will have discovered something essential about who you are and what it takes to tap your deepest curiosity — oops I meant creativity. Same idea!

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, May 7th, 2015 #1048 | By Eric Francis

Take some time out for R and R this weekend — the real thing. It will help you beyond measure right now. Think of it this way. There’s an approach that says every hour of sleep you get before midnight counts for two hours after midnight. Right now, every day of rest and reprieve from the daily grind that you get counts for several days under other circumstances. Going into next week, the same counts for slowing down, ending your work days earlier, and getting into a place where you can actually disconnect and relax. This may or may not be your usual style, though it’s vital to admit that we are all working way too hard. This is especially ironic considering we’re surrounded by allegedly labor saving devices. You still need contact with the outer world, but you can safely afford to put a few gadgets in the freezer for a while.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, April 30th, 2015 #1047 | By Eric Francis

You may need to keep your balance in a relationship situation. If you’re finding that’s true, notice where you’ve been left out of the equation. You may have left yourself out, or there may be some setup that somehow includes the viewpoint or needs of everyone else but which omits you. Therefore, notice whether that’s true, and write yourself back into the script of your own life. There seems to be some question of public opinion involved in this whole topic, such as whether you fit in, whether your ideas are acceptable, or what people perceive as your image. I can offer you a clue. There’s something you are saying or doing that is in fact daring, and which as an indirect result calls out the lack of courage of others. It’s not that you’re trying to do this; it’s a matter of perception. It would be wise of you not to pay too much attention to the stuck viewpoints of others; rather stick to your idea or your message.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for May 2015 #1046 | By Eric Francis

Keep scratching out your niche in the world, the one where you belong. If it often seems more difficult than necessary, remember that you’re doing something original. You may also be doing something that contradicts the many prevailing beliefs of our time. But what it doesn’t contradict are the prevailing needs of our time. Rather than focusing on beliefs or on what is supposedly acceptable (or not), stay close to the necessities you’re responding to. Know what they are, and when in doubt, come back to the egg. That’s the thing to speak to. Remember that people are hurting, that they often feel dispossessed of the world, and that they have less energy and often less ability to reason than you do. Plus, very often you’re willing to take chances they are not willing to take. Therefore, don’t try to convince anyone of anything. Rather, speak directly to their needs, and demonstrate what you can do for them. It’s true that this puts you in a nurturing role, though in truth that is what’s required for both your own progress and for that of the planet we all share. Remember too that the solution to any problem is most often born of creativity. That in turn requires an experiment, which is exactly how your chart is describing your life at the moment. So keep at it, one day at a time.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, April 16th, 2015 #1045 | By Eric Francis

You may have the feeling that the universe is expecting you to give and give, and get very little in return. If that’s true, it’s a testament to how much you have. Rather than cutting back, I suggest you keep making yourself available — but only where you’re appreciated, or where you understand that you’re providing something even where you’re not fully appreciated. Over the next few days, the strength of your position will become more apparent. The truth is, you are more grounded than nearly anyone around you. You understand the foundation you’ve built your life on. And you know it’s necessary to be able to stay close to the edge in order to actually participate in a process of change. Right now people need your reassurance more than you need theirs, so remind them that you’re paying attention and participating in their lives.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, April 9, 2015 #1044 | By Eric Francis

It looks to me like there is something you want to put in writing, though you may be running into some issues. One of them is the feeling that it’s not possible to say this thing, exactly, and mean what you say. Get used to that — it’s probably not possible to fit exact meaning into words, and have that same exact meaning appear in someone else’s mind. Therefore, do your best and express yourself sincerely. Go for the feeling as much as the facts. Second, it would seem that what you have to say could pop someone’s mind — that is, it might be controversial. That’s the direction to go in. I don’t mean intentionally stirring people up but rather, inwardly, moving in the direction of not being afraid to do so. In other words, be mindful of when your inner censor says, ‘Don’t say that! You’ll get in trouble!’ That’s the thing you most likely want, and need, to say.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, April 2, 2015 #1043 | By Eric Francis

You’re still in a position where you must be strong for others, even if they don’t see it that way. To do this, you’re having to juggle and shuffle a diversity of self-interests, set them aside, get them out of the way or put them on hold. This is temporary, though you’re learning something interesting, which is how resilient you are. There’s always enough food to go around, enough resources, enough of you. Remember that. What you’re able to offer is largely the result of what you’ve been through over a very long stretch of your life where you seemed to experience everything there was to experience. So you know what others are going through. But more significantly, you have sufficient experience to give you confidence that you can handle anything. The energy you don’t waste worrying whether you can stand up to your current challenges, you’re able to invest in the world around you. Think of your life and all the people in it as a farm that you’re tending. Hard work — but worth it.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for April 2015 #1042 | By Eric Francis

Keep grounded, by which I mean stay focused and eat good food. If you were to bounce between concentrated work and keeping your kitchen a productive place, you would feel excellent, and you would nurture the explosion of ideas that seems to be an ongoing phenomenon within you. To say food is another way of saying respecting yourself as a biological entity. The weather is finally getting warmer and you can take advantage of that by getting involved in some physical activity that may have been impossible through the long, dark winter. Your charts are favoring something aggressive, like martial arts or pounding balls in a batting range. Anything you do to this effect will help get you out of your head, which must be an extremely busy place. By relieving that pressure, you will become more productive and better able to focus your ideas into the concentrated form that they want to take. Just remember that while you’re in a body, your mind is in a close relationship to your biology, which brings me back to the topic of food. I suggest you plan a dinner party or other food-based event this month, and re-integrate the idea of nourishment with the idea of a social experience. This relationship needs some cultivation in our current era of history, and you’re just the person to make that happen.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, March 19, 2015 #1041 | By Eric Francis

You are an original. It’s true that Aquarius is the very emblem of ‘weird and proud of it’, though I am really talking about being innovative. This is as much the product of Aries in your chart as it is of anything else. Though you seem to have memorized all of tradition, you are rather determined to do something new with your mind and with your life. It’s not that the past is boring; it’s just that it’s the past, and we’ve done it all before. What has not been done grabs your sense of adventure and of the unknown, which at times can become an obsession for you. Now would be such a time, as the Sun gets ready to join a fiery group of planets in the idea zone of your chart. Just remember that ideas are made of imagination, and that’s something that has a life and a light of its own. That light is burning hot and bright at the moment, and you are a well of glowing stuff in every color.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, March 12, 2015 #1040 | By Eric Francis

You will need to make an effort not to judge yourself over the next few days. That may prove to be more of a challenge than in the past, though the reward will be greater than usual. The problem with judgment is not that it’s wrong, but rather that it’s incorrect. The issue with that is that it can (and usually does) obscure the truth behind the illusion. If there is one theme associated with your quest for self-esteem, it involves what you’re really responsible for. In the most child-like terms, that translates to the question ‘what is your fault?’ In adult terms, it translates to ‘what are you responsible for changing?’ This kind of question needs to hang in the air for a while. There are many possible answers and not all of them are applicable to you. We could start by saying that you’re not responsible for changing other people, simply because you cannot. And that certainly narrows down the possibilities.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, March 5, 2015 #1039 | By Len Wallick

You might be tempted to think that your best days are behind you. You could feel as though it’s time to pass the torch. It is not so. In fact, a very old torch is on its way into your hands. It is nearly extinguished, but still holds a spark so vital as to defy description. To become the proper custodian of that spark you must first rekindle and nurture the inner fire you know and, frankly, love. It won’t be simple. Indeed, the rest of this year may very well either hold setbacks or show your best efforts only to break even. So long as you are not broken, however, the fire you love will ultimately reward you with love received in return. — by Len Wallick

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Feb. 26, 2015 #1038 | By Len Wallick

Some tough-guy types might tell you trying is lying. Don’t believe them. In your heart, you know every earnest effort makes a difference. Every exertion also makes you better. So, why not avail yourself of the chance astrology apparently now affords you to rehearse? First, think about how to practice without risk. For instance, instead of asking your boss for a raise, begin by asking for more time when you need it. That way, you can practice stating your needs without being so shy. As you get better at stating your needs, you can go on to either higher stakes or subtly honing another skill. — by Len Wallick

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for March 2015 #1037 | By Eric Francis

Be sure you have identified the center of your life, then tend to that center. This may be something requiring you to offer yourself fully to the service of someone or something. It may seem to distract you from other goals, though those goals are alive and well and simmering along. There is a higher purpose involved to what you’re experiencing, and in that you can have faith. You ‘re likely to be feeling this on some level. It may be subtle, and you may go through having faith in this service you’re providing, then forgetting that you have it, then remembering again. That is natural enough, though you would benefit greatly from focusing on this thing, what I am calling your center-focus. The process you’re going through is putting you in contact with an aspect of your nature that has always been present, always been part of who you are, but which has not always been accessible in lived reality. The part of this experience that’s really serving your growth is precisely gaining that access to one of your most valuable inner resources. I can see from your chart that you have big plans that go beyond this particular scenario. Notice that you may actually have the space and time to nudge those along. There is a lot you can get done with little more than a notebook and pencil.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Feb. 12, 2015 #1036 | By Eric Francis

Wednesday, there will be the second New Moon in Aquarius within just four weeks. This is one of the most unusual New Moons I’ve ever seen — happening 1/60th of one degree away from Pisces. If there was ever an event that happened in Aquarius and Pisces simultaneously, this is it. How to interpret this? You are very, very close to accomplishing something, though that something is deeply personal. It’s all about your relationship to yourself. To me it looks like some profound misunderstanding that you’ve been carrying around is suddenly resolved. You have been holding yourself accountable, and then suddenly you may discover that you’re off the hook. This has some positive implications for you; the question is, what can you do, now that you’re free?

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Feb. 5, 2015 #1035 | By Eric Francis

Mercury is slowing to a station in your sign this week. It’s been retrograde since late January, and the whole process has been in Aquarius. Here’s how I would tell the story, based on the chart: You’ve been in search of something you may have forgotten or abandoned. That something is a way you used to relate to yourself, and it was a beautiful thing; well, not a thing, but a space where you could relate to yourself in a certain way. For example, it might have been the state of mind wherein you used to keep a journal. The journal was important, but the devotion to doing so, the ritual, the honoring of the inner space, was the real gift. It may have been a yoga practice, or a spiritual practice, or even reading. It is something done in a designated space, which served as a personal ashram. It looks more mental or intellectual than it does physical, though it could be either or both. You are very close to that space right now; you are right at the door or you may be standing inside.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Jan. 29, 2015 #1034 | By Eric Francis

You might consider saying the one thing you’re holding back. It’s getting in the way of so much else that you have to offer. Whether this is something you have to say to yourself or to someone else, I am not sure; in either circumstance it would require a full inner admission and deep consideration. I just suggest you not stop there, that is, stop short of actually speaking the words to someone who will hear them, or to whom they might matter. Your relationship to yourself and therefore to existence is going through a profound shift. While this has many subtle dimensions, the net effect is so tangible and immediate and real that it’s impossible to miss. You’re not going through a passing phase; you are going through a rite of passage into a new era of your journey.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for February, 2015 #1033 | By Eric Francis

One of the most distinctive shifts from the old year to the new year is that of externalization. Saturn, the primary planet that serves as a reference for Aquarius, has changed signs from Scorpio to Sagittarius, in essence emerging into the light, and into a space where everyone can see you. Looked at another way, you’re being given a chance to learn a new method of leadership, one where it’s no longer lonely at the top. One where you lead by example rather than by authority. One where you are immersed in an environment where the thing being expressed and exchanged is meaning. It’s difficult to quantify the magnitude of this shift, though I recommend you explore the new territory you’re in with some eagerness. What I suggest you remember is that if you’re relating to people on the level of meaning, that meaning comes from you first. Where there is dedication to a purpose, that starts with you. The flame you radiate is your own inner fire. Therefore, tend to your hearth, and notice its warmth. More than tend to it, speak to it and listen to the response you get — as if you’re approaching the Oracle within yourself. Over the next few years, the scenario that develops involves the discovery (or confirmation) that your inner point of contact is reflected in the deeply significant role you play in the lives of others.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Jan. 15, 2015 #1032 | By Eric Francis

The Sun ingresses your sign in a few days, followed by a rather spectacular New Moon, followed by Mercury stationing retrograde in your sign. That’s a lot of Aquarius and that suggests an unusual degree of activity for you, some unpredictable events, and a new phase of your inner journey. In fact the ‘inner journey’ has been the main theme of your charts for several years, and I suggest that you take a survey of where you’ve gone. Declare the Mercury retrograde that ends on Feb. 11 a kind of review period, where you tell yourself the story of what you’ve experienced the past six years. Start with a list of the major events, changes of location, career moves, relationship developments and your own creative plans. You will get an idea how much territory you’ve covered. That, in turn, will help you figure out what you want to do next. Clearly, something is brewing.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Jan. 8, 2015 #1031 | By Eric Francis

Consider the potential repercussions of anything you do. If you focus on your most loving intentions and let them motivate you, you’ll feel safer and be more secure. The thing you want to look after now is your own best interests. They serve you, and they also serve the people you care about, so there’s no conflict there. It’s difficult to consider what is right for everyone else but it’s pretty easy to distinguish what is right for you, what works, what feels ethical, and most of all what seems intelligent. Remember that when you take action, there’s always the likelihood of reaction. Think that through in advance. Be aware of how you direct energy, especially if it involves focused assertion or aggression. Be as gentle as you can.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for January 2015, #1030 | By Eric Francis

You are entering The Year of the Peak Experience. Such is the thing you want to do all the way; the full distance; scaling the actual mountain rather than riding on Space Mountain. A number of factors describe this, though one is letting go of an obsession with consequences that seems to have stalked you for a while. This has been an excellent exercise in accountability. You have, if you’ve been in tune with your astrology, learned how to think things through. You’ve figured out that what you do now influences what happens later. The whole time thing can be annoying, but at least it’s dependable and can be put to productive use. Even as you experiment with more daring people, places and experiences, you still have a diversity of safety devices in place that will keep you from running off the rails — and at times you may need to override them. For example, you may be more conservative than usual in financial and sexual matters, having a tendency to fear the worst. You may check your intuition regularly, seeking facts to support your hunches. In order to succeed at anything, you will need to take some risks. The good thing is that those can be conscious choices rather than involuntary reflexes. That and a modicum of intelligence is all anyone needs, and you have plenty more than that.

Capricorn 2015

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope — Dec. 17, 2015, #1080 | By Len Wallick

Expectations are not your ally, at least not for now. Better to have as few expectations of others as practicality will allow. It’s also a good idea to have only the most humble expectations of yourself. This is not to say you should abandon your ambitions or become some sort of spineless Caspar Milquetoast. It is to say that you should consider making flexibility one of your highest aspirations. If you will but reflect on your experience over the last seven or eight years, it should be clear that being rigid has not been nearly as helpful for you as being supple has. Rest assured, the goals you have pursued have left you with erudition, skills and qualifications you will retain for a long time, even if you have actually attained some very different (and almost certainly very worthwhile) objectives. In fact, nothing will have been lost if you will but combine the admirable diligence you have already shown with a more pliant perspective on your life.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope — Dec. 10, 2015, #1079 | By Len Wallick

Your life has not been for the faint of heart. The fact that you are still alive proves that you are as stout hearted as they come. There is also no denying how big and kind your heart has always been. Now, all the heart you have shown in the past is surely coalescing in a new and improved way. In the depths of your soul, unseen to many (maybe even to you at this point), grows a source of inspiration that you will be able to draw upon to create like an artist and live to the fullest. Most of all, however, those who have had cause to wonder about your ability to mature fully will soon have reason to believe in you even more strongly than they have ever doubted you. As you gradually become more aware of the new type of heart building up inside, the most important thing for you to understand is that you have had it in you all along.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope — Dec. 3, 2015, #1078 | By Len Wallick

For astrologers, your element is earth. What you might want to meditate on right now, however, is what it means to be in your element. You have been around long enough to know when you feel most confident and relaxed. You also have enough experience to know what fields of endeavor allow you to demonstrate impressive competence yet also experience authentic fulfillment. Once you are clear about when and where you are in your element, you can begin making some plans to spend more time there. Don’t put pressure on yourself — you don’t need any more of that. Conceive of moving more fully into your element as a gradual process that should rightfully take years to complete. That way not only can you make adjustments as you go, but also change course altogether should you have a change of heart.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope — December 2015, #1077 | By Eric Francis

Based on images from the unusual astrology influencing you this month, I referred to the Allan Watts book The Wisdom of Insecurity. You know that Pluto has been coursing through your sign for seven years, making it seem like there’s no such thing as solid ground. Now Saturn is in your 12th solar house, which evokes a deep inner mystery and potentially a sense of isolation. Saturn is square Neptune, reminding you how vital it is to be able to focus your mind into coherent thoughts, using language and ideas. Yet nothing is certain, and if you can make peace with that, you can have some of the significant benefits of living without the need for false security. In one of the great works of modern philosophy, Watts writes, “You cannot understand life and its mysteries as long as you try to grasp it. Indeed, you cannot grasp it, just as you cannot walk off with a river in a bucket. If you try to capture running water in a bucket, it is clear that you do not understand it and that you will always be disappointed, for in the bucket the water does not run. To ‘have’ running water you must let go of it and let it run.” Such is the story of your life for the next year: a potentially amazing adventure into the flow.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Nov. 19, 2015, #1076 | By Len Wallick

Among the best friends you have, you must now surely conclude that you are among them. After all the challenges you have faced in recent years, you must admit that you have done a great job of helping yourself to get through them. Now, it appears as if you have reached a crucial point when you can either cement your relationship with yourself as your own best friend forever, or backslide into becoming your own worst enemy. To be your own BFF, return the favor now. Refrain from self-loathing. If you do make a mistake, admit it and move on. If you offend or injure another, make fair amends, and move on. If it is appropriate to express regret or show remorse, be sincere in doing so without going over the edge into perpetual self-flagellation. Learn from any and all errors and do yourself the favor of not repeating them. Afford yourself the same generosity, tolerance and love you offer to others who have supported and affirmed you in your times of greatest need.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Nov. 12, 2015, #1075 | By Len Wallick

Long ago and far away probably does not refer to a galaxy for you. Yet, if there is anything to the slowly moving wheels of astrology in the present, what is long departed still burdens you only because you give it power to do so. Rather than allow what is now only a shadow to throw weight around your life — weight that it no longer actually has — give this shadow from the past a job. Allow what you were once compelled to serve to be in service to what you are now. That way you will feel no need to expend energy on the past, and the energy of the past will have something to do besides weigh you down. Ideally, the best way to harness the energy of residual reactions to past provocations (and to assert your authority over them) is to let them inspire you. Express them through some sort of artistic endeavor that has no other objective than to get it all out. Take up a brush, pen, musical instrument or any other creative means as soon as you can, and seek to wear it out so that you will no longer feel so worn.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Nov. 5, 2015, #1074 | By Len Wallick

There are assumptions that go unquestioned because our physical senses support them. This is sometimes called common sense. Common sense is useful, but it also keeps you within its limits. If there is anybody who is now ready to move beyond the limits common sense imposes, it is you. Begin with the assumption that thought and form are different things. Our physical senses tell us that this is so. Yet can you prove that anything with tangible form is not a thought? Can you argue against the possibility that everything with tangible form began as a thought? To answer those questions, experiment with thinking about yourself, but in a very specific way. Instead of thinking about what you want, what you now are, or what you now do, carry with you a thought of something to be, and watch what form you take as a result.

Marie Claire Horoscope for November 2015, #1073 | By Eric Francis

Recent developments and movements in your world have set you free from some emotional bog, and are pointing the way to the future. Yet you may be wondering whether anyone else is interested in coming with you. For now, don’t even think about this; the planets are guiding you on a journey that only you can take.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for November 2015, #1072 | By Eric Francis

You might be wondering what you’re pushing against, or what you’re running into. It’s something that’s there but which you can neither see nor feel easily. Trying to describe it to others is akin to describing the logic of a dream, which doesn’t even make sense to you when you try to consider it rationally. You must start this phase of your life being the only one who understands who you are or what you go through. Because so much is in motion, it would not be helpful to declare, “There, I get it!” Rather, I suggest seeking the kind of understanding that comes in layers. Remember, though, that we’re in the territory of dream logic. That implies a unique point of view, and at other times a state of isolation. When you find people who actually understand something you say or feel, spend some time with them. When you encounter someone who cares enough to listen, pay attention and share in any way that feels appropriate. You have one special responsibility right now, and it may be difficult: to be absolutely honest with yourself, even when you’re uncertain what the truth is. If all you know is that you don’t know, that’s a good place to start. Your other quest is doing something with fear. Running, hiding and avoidance have outlasted whatever use they had, which was not much to begin with.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Oct. 15, 2015 #1071 | By Eric Francis

Though you’re experiencing many things in your outer life, by which I mean things related to work, community or parenting, the more significant focus is on your inner life. One challenge here is that you cannot see your inner life using the normal senses, and there is so much happening that you can see, which is distracting. It’s also interesting and it may be exciting and gratifying in ways that you want but don’t usually get. This thing I’m describing as your inner life might feel like an abyss — such as facing your worst fears (being alone, for example, or feeling like nobody understands you). It’s not appealing to go there voluntarily. Yet it’s better, I think, than going out of necessity. The planet I’m describing is Saturn, recently arrived in this place called your 12th house. For you this is Sagittarius, suggesting that your actual spiritual quest is inward above all else. Yes, that’s true of everyone, but it’s especially true for you. In addition to being the planet associated with Capricorn, Saturn is the planet of necessity. The message is that what you need the most right now, you will find within yourself, challenging as that may be. This is an essential phase to acquire an essential skill — not a permanent state of being.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Oct. 8, 2015 #1070 | By Eric Francis

You know you’re capable of great things. The question is, what is standing between you and your potential? If you’re asking that, your mind is starting to come into focus. Though you’re a Capricorn, famous for getting things done, it would appear that applying discipline to a specific idea is what you must focus on. It’s not enough to have good ideas, and it’s not enough to be busy all the time. It’s essential to take a larger task, in this case a specific goal, and break it down into smaller steps, and complete each of those steps one at a time. This is about efficiency more than anything; there are a limited number of hours in the day, and a finite number of years in your life. If you find yourself acting like you have time to spare, you need to re-focus your mind and get back to those specific steps. The good news is that you’re in an excellent position to actually do this, rather than merely wanting to, or thinking about doing so. You’re at a point of beginning where you can strike a difficult balance between taking care of the present and taking care of the future. Yet in the long run you must be willing to come back to the task at hand every day, and maintain vigilant awareness of your priorities.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Oct. 1, 2015 #1069 | By Eric Francis

Having watched the issue for a few decades, I can confidently say that most people have no idea the extent to which they are trapped inside of their religious concepts. Very nearly everyone denies it, no matter how ensnared they are. Others think that a little bit of guilt or tiny fear of going to hell is okay. Then there are the few who have seized control of their own minds and thrown off the ideological shackles. You are approaching such a moment. It could appear in any one of several forms, such as some kind of panic attack over your sexual desires, or thinking an idea that seems to contradict ‘tradition’. Here’s the simplest I can make this message: Every person must come to their own observations and conclusions about the nature of life, death and sex, and about the nature of their cosmic intelligence. Religion is not a useful substitute. You will reach your own truth, but only if you actually figure out the extent that you’ve been lied to, and that you believed those lies.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for October 2015 #1068 | By Eric Francis

Consider the concept of inner freedom — that is, the freedom to be honest about who you are and what you feel within the space of your own thoughts. This is typically the first freedom sacrificed to control-devices such as shame and guilt. Often these sacrifices are passed down the generations like some precious inheritance, only to leave people bound and hampered and barely able to move around the world. Saturn moving into Sagittarius, your solar 12th house, describes a phase of your life when you can and indeed must reclaim your inner freedom. By this I mean freedom from dysfunctional beliefs, denial, religiosity, guilt and false ideas of purity. I also mean freedom to think and feel what you want within the sanctity of your own mind, undaunted by the many expectations that have been put upon you, and that you’ve often internalized. I reckon that in learning to give yourself the freedom to actually be yourself, you will hold sacred the freedom of others to be themselves. In encountering such a profound inner confrontation, I reckon you will observe that the meeting places between different people are small, and delicate, and deserve to be honored. As you learn to honor your own distinction, your own difference from others, you will honor their difference from you and, in the process, finally recognize how much you have in common.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Sept. 17, 2015 #1067 | By Eric Francis

A mix of different influences seems to be acting on your confidence in contradictory ways. One factor — the Sun about to enter Libra — is drawing you out of your shell and reminding you how much you want to accomplish. However, Mercury stationing retrograde Thursday is a point of hesitation or nervousness, as if the timing is not quite right. There is also a more potent influence — one that will be with you for years, which is Saturn ingressing Sagittarius, your 12th house. This is the transit that says it’s time to know yourself — as in really know. There is no room for faking this, as we are so often taught to do. You must know yourself even if that means starting with the admission that you do not, that you have a lot to learn, or that you’re afraid of who you might be. It’s as if you’re confronting the great unknown known as yourself, and you’re not sure what to do. Here is a clue: Engaging that inner unknown may not feel like confidence, but I promise you it’s the source of your confidence. You may think being self-assured comes from knowing who you are. I would say its deeper source is dancing with your own uncertainty — and dancing with feeling.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Sept. 10, 2015 #1066 | By Eric Francis

Saturn, the Capricorn planet, does seem to be taking forever to cross that very last degree of Scorpio. Seen symbolically, this is like hesitation before some vast journey to an unknown destination. Saturn is standing on the edge of a state of mind, of a phase of your growth, of an emotional condition characterized by one thing — uncertainty. The thing is that you still have a strong connection to false certainty, including the idea that you can control certain things clearly not under your domain. Once Saturn changes signs, all pretend notions of control might vanish, or you will have the chance to let them go. You would do this for no other reason than the fact that they are useless to you. The new element you’re entering is lighter than all of this. Yet if the rays of light are brighter, the shadows are darker, though at least you can see the contrast between them. This is not so easy with Saturn in Scorpio, where everything seems to be some shade of blue, black or gray. You need contrast now; you will benefit from it and thrive on it.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Sept. 3, 2015 #1065 | By Eric Francis

Saturn is oh so slowly working its way toward Sagittarius. This may be coming with the feeling, “When will the past finally be over?” Well, this is perhaps the most complex psychological issue that humans must engage, if they want to actually exist with the full power of their minds, their creativity, their ability to choose. We could start with the last on that list, choice. Pick a decision that you’re having difficulty making, or sticking to. Then be brutally honest and map out all the little hang-ups that are getting in your way. The more ridiculous they are, the better — various potential consequences, fear of how others will respond, what you might get entangled in, whatever phobias you might have of being yourself, and so on. What are these concepts connected to? If you put that out in plain language, you will get a snapshot of your relationship to the past. One thing that Saturn in Sagittarius will ensure is that you deepen your relationship to yourself. That deepening will take you into the place inhabited by your ancestors, where you will get to confront them and your relationship to them. Remember, you don’t owe them anything, and whoever you thought they were, they are now ascended masters who want to see you live the way you choose to live and no less.

Monthly Horoscope for Sept. 2015, #1064 | By Eric Francis

Your attention is now being drawn inward; you are on an inner quest, and you will be on this journey for the foreseeable future. Yet you clearly have plenty else going on; you won’t be living in a cave in India (though you may visit one). It is therefore essential that you harmonize your inner life and your supposedly outer one. The way you would do this is by making sure that you have the confidence of people who are tuned into your deeply personal journey. It’s true that not every aspect of this can be shared, or understood. There is plenty that will be yours alone to consider and experience. Yet it’s possible to engage with others who understand the concept of the introspective quest. The ones who do will honor your sensitive interior space. They may also offer some clue about the territory you’re entering, which is as much transpersonal as it is personal. In other words, this is about you, but it’s not strictly about you, because your deepest interior space is a collective one, where many people, places and ideas are connected. Most of all, though, you and the people around you must respect your solitude. Don’t be afraid to simply take the space you need, when you need it. Your true friends will understand and support you on that mission.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Aug. 20, 2015 #1063 | By Eric Francis

What would you do if you had a year to live? Most people would live very differently; for one thing, the endless squander of time would be the first thing put to a halt. Time would suddenly be seen as the precious resource that it is. For most people this is a scary thought, since it tends to remind them of two things — one being how much time is wasted, and the second being the uncertainty of the amount remaining. You would go a long way toward finding some real strength by admitting both of these things, and asking yourself what the logical conclusion is. So, give it a try — inquire within what you would do, and how you would live, if you had just one year. One thing I’d propose is that this will help you get your priorities in order. You will see the connection between your day-to-day way of life, and your longer-range goals that absolutely depend on the wise use of time, including what we humans might consider long spans of time. You have a real agenda for this life, and it will take some skill to make it happen. Let that begin with a moment of clarity.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Aug. 13, 2015 #1062 | By Eric Francis

You seem to be standing on the edge of something you don’t understand. How wide that edge is, and how deep is the abyss, are part of the mystery. Sometimes you feel like you’re peering into another dimension, which might hint at the question about where you are now, and how you got here. This mystery that’s got your attention is in fact you. There are times when it’s more or less compelling, and there are times when it’s more or less easy to avoid. For a long time your inner realm was too hot to handle, or to approach directly. You’ve cooled off a little; you’re dealing with less interior chaos than you have in a while (ponder 2006 through 2012 for comparison). Now it’s time to go in, and face this whole reality directly. But you don’t have to dive off of your ledge. You’re not as unstable as you think. It will be immensely helpful, initially, to consider the differences between inner reality and outer; and to notice how the two seem to transpose between one another. This way you can keep your focus where it needs to be for a while, which is inward; and choose people who understand that, with whom you can take extended inner journeys.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Aug. 6, 2015 #1061 | By Len Wallick

If you are not ‘feeling it’, there is no reason to extend yourself to the limit now. Don’t feel bad if something tells you to hold back. While it’s inevitable that you will someday want to push for the top of the symbolic mountain you have long been ascending, the timing has to be right. Just as with actual climbing, you will need all external conditions to be optimal within reason. It will also be necessary for you to commit to a specific path of ascent. In order for that to happen, however, your internal conditions will need to develop to a point where you feel assured of your success, and you’re impatient to git ‘er done once and for all. In the meantime, it is vital that you at least take no steps back unless absolutely necessary for your survival or wellbeing. So take care of yourself even as you bide your time. When the time comes, you will not only be ready but fully able to conquer that summit.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, July 30, 2015 #1060 | By Eric Francis

You seem to be in a position when you must make use of someone else’s resources — be they of your family, of another person, or of the community. But I don’t believe you need as much help as you think. It would help immensely if you were to apply your considerable ingenuity to the situation. You’ll likely figure out that some form of cooperation is in order, though that’s been true all your life. You are resourceful only to the extent that you can cooperate, collaborate and co-create with others. You may have the idea that you can ‘go it alone’, though that’s not true of any individual or any economy. Ask yourself questions such as how you can be of support to the people around you, and how they can be of support to you in a way that is mutually beneficial. This counts for everyone in your life; everyone you encounter, or who encounters you. Indeed, it’s a central question of your existence.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for August 2015, #1059 | By Eric Francis

The space you’re trying to hold open is emotional space, which is inner space. Your current project is not about your social standing, though it may feel that way. Nor is your life about getting what you deserve. So far as I can see, what you need is to hold open territory within your own feelings that has long been encroached on by influences that have seemed beyond your control. To the extent that this is about something within you, that control means everything, mainly meaning having a sense of your own boundaries. That might be enough. Yet it would be incorrect to decide that this is about ‘the world’ or whether you fit in. Rather, consider whether you give yourself space to be yourself, to feel what you feel and to express the many things you want to say. If you assign outward blame, you’ll miss the simple point that only you can give yourself permission to exist. If you can get to the space where you say yes to yourself, you’re likely to see your options open up, and to have a far greater sensation of belonging in the world. As far as your associations with others are concerned, here is the essential piece: you must relate to those who have an inner life, which they are willing to share with you. Yet that will only have meaning proportional to the inner life you share with them. Intimacy is introspection that we share.

Weekly Horoscope for Wednesday, July 15, 2015 #1058 | By Eric Francis

It’s time to get a handle on relationship matters. You seem to be living in a retro world where only the past matters, or alternately, you’re struggling in some way to find the present moment and get real. The only thing the past has to offer at this point is a map of what you don’t want, and some information about some errors in judgment, particularly about your own power. It appears that others are willing to be direct with you, which you may find disorienting. Directness is about the moment. You will find this worthwhile, as others respond to you with generosity and equanimity. The real factor that’s mediating your experience is your willingness to receive. This is likely to be more challenging for you than you’re willing to admit, though that would be a good start. You may have this idea that expressing your vulnerability (which you must do to accept anything offered to you) gets you into some kind of overcommitment. What is that about? Is it really true? Remember, you gain more influence over your life by making decisions than by avoiding them.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, July 9th, 2015 #1057 | By Eric Francis

Your strength is in your clarity. Your integrity is in your honesty with yourself. Your love is proportional to your transparency with others. You seem to be caught in some kind of time warp, confronted by what you thought you had resolved long ago. Rather than struggle against that, notice what you need to resolve and get busy doing so. Instead of seeing yourself as being at odds with others, consider that they’re your friends and allies who want only to help you be who you really are. Just remember that you will see them as you think they are, or perhaps closer to the point, as you think you are. You may have a tendency to overestimate your own power or influence and then underestimate theirs. Rather than estimating, I suggest you be genuinely realistic, which means saying what you mean, and taking others at their word. I can assure you that any problem, issue or challenge you face can be resolved quickly and efficiently by practicing this essential version of the Golden Rule.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, July 2nd, 2015 #1056 | By Eric Francis

You may be feeling like this is your last chance to become something or accomplish something. Who knows, it might be, or it could be a mental illusion. Either way, it’s worth living as if that’s true for a while. Imagine there’s something you’ve been wanting to create for yourself lifetime after lifetime, and now you’ve got another opportunity to have a go at it. But you’re aware that you have not quite given yourself the chance on a number of past occasions, or taken advantage of the relative easy opportunities you’ve had. Now you have another opening. True, the circumstances are not perfect. There may be a few obstacles in the way. But once again you really do have what you need, by which I mean the personal resources. And you have some cooperation that has, in the past, not been forthcoming. So yes, pretend this is your last chance, and let that motivate you.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for July 2015, #1055 | By Eric Francis

You have the strength of your convictions — but as Robert Anton Wilson said, convictions make convicts. What would benefit you and close partners the most is your flexibility — such as working with options rather than all-or-nothing scenarios. You will benefit from having alternatives around the timing of certain things you want to happen. And it includes taking an open-ended approach to resolving apparent conflicts. While there may be some sparks flying, most of the friction is coming from inside of you. For the next couple of months, your ruling planet Saturn is making a final return to Scorpio before moving on to Sagittarius for a two-year stay. This shift is helping you see all that you’ve left unsaid. This includes the implications of information you’ve gathered that you have not taken fully on board, much less shared with others. You are entering a time in your life when you can afford to have no secrets — by which I mean no secrets in intimate situations. Indeed, your willingness to reveal yourself is the measure of your desire to be close to others. When you find yourself stockpiling information for future use, you can be sure that you’re preparing for an unnecessary confrontation. You have so much to offer, and so much to receive. An open heart and an open door are the only way to share in the beauty of life.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, June 18th, 2015 #1054 | By Len Wallick

Do not seek approval from others. You don’t need that. Approve of yourself, for you are worthy of your own affirmation. Give yourself credit. Yes, you have made mistakes; yet, you have also made more than that. You have quite often made the best of what you had to work with. You have even occasionally made a proverbial miracle. In spite of (or perhaps even because of) what turns your life has taken, the actions you have taken in response have shown you to be a person of substance and grit. So give yourself credit, and spend it on further enhancing your value to yourself. Learn new skills because you want to have them, not because somebody else thinks you should. To the extent that others make it their business to depreciate you, make it your business in turn to disassociate with them. Align yourself with those who accept you and want you to accept yourself.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, June 11th, 2015 #1053 | By Eric Francis

If financial questions seem to be interfering with a work-related project, or a health-related one, then be clever and find a way to get it done. Money is difficult to overrate as a vital resource, but it would be incorrect to say that it’s the only one. Your own creativity and intelligence are much more valuable, and without them money is useless anyway. Therefore, focus on using your mind, which also means working with your connections. It looks like there are some super resourceful people in your environment, people who would be willing to help, if only you would get out of your own way and be clear about what you want. That clarity might be the very thing that’s troubling you. You seem to be absolutely certain about something, and then you doubt yourself at the same time. Can both be true? Probably not. There is a third option, which may involve a fairly typical scenario around the time of Mercury stationing direct: there is missing information, and when you have that information, you will have a much better idea what to do.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, June 4, 2015 #1052 | By Eric Francis

As a Capricorn you’re supposed to be a master of politics, though lately small gaffes and misunderstandings are giving you and perhaps others the impression that you’re playing out of your league. The question is, what is your league? What’s the right level of society for you to be involved on? Few people ask this question; many people fancy themselves considerably more or less than would be appropriate for their level of dedication and intelligence. I would suggest that you start exactly where you are, and determine what is expected of you, and consider what you can contribute. While you may feel like environmental factors are getting in your way, remember that the world is not as neat and tidy as it once was; information moves much faster and therefore there are more opportunities for misunderstanding. With Mercury still retrograde, you must remain mindful of communication, and seek clarity at every turn of events. This will be especially true as Mercury slows to a station next week. Keep your footing.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, May 28th, 2015 #1051 | By Eric Francis

You may be busy, but the element to apply is intelligence rather than effort. Now, it’s true that thought takes some energy. It’s a form of effort, or it is most of the time. No need to pretend about that. What I mean is that one good idea can save a lot of labor, and get far more done than toil. This is another way of saying the pen is mightier than the sword. Solutions are easier to create than conflict is to endure. This is especially true once you get everyone cooperating, which you can do, and which in truth you know you must do. The place to begin is to cooperate with others, then see where you can advance the story into new territory. You seem to be pursuing both new and old goals at the same time, as a matter of necessity or of immediate circumstance. Here is a clue: the seemingly new and the seemingly old have nearly everything in common. They’re almost the same thing.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for June 2015 #1050 | By Eric Francis

You may be in the midst of a struggle about where you fit into society. This goes beyond what job you do, and what calling you follow. I’m talking about the most basic elements of establishing your unique place in the world. And that’s precisely the thing — unique means one of a kind, and this is very much about your individual place in a very complicated world. The situation seems to have reached the point where you gave up on the question for a while; in some ways the past few months have come with a sense of isolation that you could not quite understand or describe. I suggest you take up the question of your involvement in the world not as a theoretical thing but as something you experiment with actively. It’s true that this may disrupt certain established patterns. But the reward will be going beyond your expectations and theories and experiencing the results of an actual experiment. If you say you want to do something in the future, try doing it now. If you have an idea of who you are, step into the world as that person, today. This is not a time to be attached to stability for its own sake. All of your real potential is contained in your ability to shuffle the deck, adapt, explore and observe the results that you get.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, May 14th, 2015 #1049 | By Eric Francis

Mental clarity may be in short supply, though the real question seems to be emotional. It’s as if you’re wondering what is really good for you, at the same time you feel driven to take action on improving your life. Yet you could run into a set of paradoxes on this whole theme, and when you do I suggest you stop and carefully consider your situation. Paradoxes have a way of becoming obsessive; people seem to be in love with them. As far as I can see, the most significant impasse you might reach is the place where you know your inner orientation is changing, but your outer orientation is not keeping up. Or your outer circumstances are calling on you to make adjustments that you don’t know how to make, or don’t care to involve yourself with. At a certain point there must be a reckoning of your inner and outer worlds, which would begin with figuring out that they’re not separate; you are one person.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, May 7th, 2015 #1048 | By Eric Francis

You may feel like the harder you try, the less you’re getting done. It would help if you focused your energy differently. You’re likely to be thinking in terms of the number of hours you put into something rather than the quality of your ideas. You may be thinking of how much effort you apply rather than the results that you get. In any mature endeavor, all that counts are the results. Yet the results are not subject to your measure alone; there must be some idea of what is necessary for the whole system. Your thinking seems to be isolated, as if you’re holding onto certain misunderstandings that could be easily cleared up by communicating directly with the people around you. It’s true that by one measure, your astrology describes you containing your feelings and your thoughts, as if you’re alone. You are not alone, and more than that, you need the people around you and they need you.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, April 30th, 2015 #1047 | By Eric Francis

You may be grasping for a strategy that you cannot wrap your hands around. In this and other ways, you may feel like you’re standing on ground that cannot really support you, either because it’s actually shaking or because you don’t trust it. You may feel like you have to put all your faith into something intangible. If I may reinterpret that: what you’re actually experiencing is the potential for change; the simple fact of movement and indeed progress. The expectation of a static universe, of situations and people not changing, is a formula for chaos. The more you expect things to stay the same, the more they will seem to be changing out of your control. The more you notice where you are now and notice the movement of energy, the more you’re likely to feel that you can guide your life and make decisions. The mere fact that decisions are possible speaks to the power of change. Add the factor of necessary risk and you have a formula for progress.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for May 2015 #1046 | By Eric Francis

It would help if you believe the information you’re given, especially if you recognize that it’s associated with your personal evolution. Your charts suggest you might not recognize as true something that is indeed true, even though you have evidence to support it. One hint is that you’ve figured this out before, and it didn’t quite register. Now the pattern is easy to see. You don’t need to make the same mistake again, especially if it involves a relationship and what you’re learning and exploring there. You have by this time figured out there is some internal issue that’s preventing you from fully trusting this situation, or in truth, many others. It’s as if you can see this scenario as it is only when you don’t look directly at it. Now, however, a constellation is aligning that is allowing you to enter a direct dialog with this issue. One theme is whether you feel you can accurately express yourself. This in turn has a way of making you feel the only option is silence. But that’s not really a viable route; not now, anyway. The more
progressive way to go is to enter into a direct dialog with every taboo. Put the subject matter into words, whatever that takes. Strive for clarity day by day and please don’t be deterred by the small effort it can take to get there.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, April 16th, 2015 #1045 | By Eric Francis

True confidence comes from the inside. It’s also a misunderstood concept, taken to mean certainty or cockiness. It’s no such thing. Confidence means ‘with fidelity’, which is another way of saying with faith, or with trust. Seen that way, it’s based in uncertainty rather than a sense of knowing, but that can lead to a sublime kind of boldness that you would very much appreciate now. I suggest you work with this gently. Remember that confidence is something you build with experience rather than wait for; it’s a process of slowly figuring it out. As part of that experience, it helps if you don’t try to talk yourself out of anything, or make matters more complicated than they are. It’s also clear that the talent or skill you think you’re the least capable of is the one where you have the greatest gift. But I cannot convince you of that; you can, however, discover it if you want.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, April 9, 2015 #1044 | By Eric Francis

You may be seeking security and finding a form of chaos. It’s as if the more security you seek the more chaos you will find. You might change approaches and dance with the fact of a kaleidoscopic world, a world where everything influences everything else. Because that is true, this thing known as ‘meaning’ must always be seen in context, and given room to grow. That’s a hint that there is no absolute meaning to anything, but rather information to be gathered from how any one circumstance influences you now, and how you influence it. Humans have a tendency to want fixed definitions and permanent states, though definitions morph constantly and the state of the world is in a constant state of change. Where does that leave you? A little like a dancer moving to the music rather than the choreography. This is to say your life is more like the Barefoot Boogie and less like Swan Lake.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, April 2, 2015 #1043 | By Eric Francis

Guide yourself not by instinct but by intuition. Instinct is generally made of old programming; intuition is immediately relevant information that comes in fresh from moment to moment. Your role in the world is changing, from moment to moment, and it would be wise of you to keep up with the news. By role, I mean your calling, and your choice of how to respond. Over the next few days you may notice that an old concept of what you’re ‘supposed to do’ is replaced by a much newer idea. The place where you make a subtle pivot is on the level of taking leadership more seriously. The thing about leadership is that it’s an unusually compelling and necessary calling, and yet at the same time, anyone who is called and who answers must confront a degree of isolation and solitude, at least at first. Consider that you’re aware of necessities others cannot or choose not to perceive. You are responding to what would make others uneasy and insecure. That will not stop you.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for April 2015 #1042 | By Eric Francis

Have no illusions about the nature of the responsibility that is demanded of you. What is expected, mainly because you’re wanting it, is nothing other than drive, passion and a creative approach to existence. To do this, it’s essential that you motivate yourself every day and at all times. If you find someone around you saying, ‘let’s get going’, that means wake up and remember to stay three steps ahead of the game. You don’t need stability right now, even though you may crave that because it seems in such short supply. You need, I would propose, the excitement of connecting your entire existence to the purposes you aspire to. More than that, it’s essential that you connect all activity, every last thing that you do, to those same purposes. At your stage of development, nothing can be outside your core mission. Everything must be brought in, connected with, and understood as an element of the same thing, which is you. You still tend to think in the limited terms of security rather than the bold terms of how good your life would be if you dared and succeeded. But nobody else can, in truth, lead you to this place where you know you belong. Others can set examples — and then you can pick up on the rhythm and then take the lead.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, March 19, 2015 #1041 | By Eric Francis

You may think there is no way you can put what you’re thinking into words. However, when that happens you will discover they are rather effective, rich and useful words, and that all the effort was worth it. Well, not so much effort; actually the opposite thereof. What would help the most is to let your ideas flow, which might mean doing something different from the organized and structured approach you usually take to projects. Your chart is all about letting the colors run into one another and moving from there to some gradually-developing vision for what you want to create. This looks likely to morph into an actual beginning; your chart says you are headed into an unusually bold creative space, toward the center of your being. This alone will provide a balm for the restlessness and insecurity you’ve been feeling for quite some time now.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, March 12, 2015 #1040 | By Eric Francis

Whatever shook up your world over the past few days taught you something about the nature of your own insecurities. Play back that whole scenario day by day, scene by scene, and note what you believed on what day. Then notice how fast it all changed and became something else. It’s that process of ‘changing and becoming something else’ that I suggest you work with as a conscious process. It’s about to happen again in some provocative ways. There really is just one intervention, which is awareness. I know this is often proffered as the solution to everything, and so far nobody’s proven that it’s not true. The most effective awareness over the next few days will come in through your senses, particularly hearing. Reading and writing count for a lot right now as well. All factors seem poised to get you thinking and feeling on a level that most people avoid. Remember that if you get the opportunity to go there and then hesitate.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, March 5, 2015 #1039 | By Len Wallick

It is probably not apparent that the cosmos is grooming you for higher office. It’s about time you knew. All that you have persisted through is about more than just the survival you have salvaged. All that you’ve achieved transcends a need to dig yourself out of a hole or else. The progress you have made in not messing up has served more than just to keep you from getting dressed down. All those who have loved and supported you have in fact been serving the world. It’s been a tough climb for you, but you must admit you are now much stronger. You will need to get stronger yet, but to do so (and as strange as it may seem) you must lighten your load. In the event you are not doing so already, take an inventory of what you need to shed. — by Len Wallick

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Feb. 26, 2015 #1038 | By Len Wallick

Consider if you will how the quality of your life would improve if there were nothing to rage against. Allow yourself at least to imagine that there is no such thing as a dying of the light. Envision how surrender might conceivably be an authentic and genuine act of will. You have your reasons, all of which are worthy of respect. Even so, those same reasons are also worthy of examination. It’s not necessary to sustain adversaries, or darkness, or struggle. You have options. You have not come this far to deny yourself choices. Give yourself a chance to win, and you probably will. — by Len Wallick

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for March 2015 #1037 | By Eric Francis

This month brings a sublime shift in the momentum of your life, which looks a little like this. Your emotional confidence is beginning to exceed the many changes you’ve had to make over the past few years. It’s as if you’re finally catching up with yourself. The whole journey of improving, repairing, renovating and healing can be a distraction from actually taking the chance and living in some way that you want to live. The process of constant adjustment, evolution and enforced changes can come with setbacks in confidence, or delays. Now your confidence begins to pull ahead of the work that you’ve done. This will facilitate your taking bigger risks, greater spontaneity and overall a greater sense of freedom. Looked at one way, you’re becoming your own inner leader rather than your own inner follower. You’ve been working up to this for a long time. There was likely some event in 2010 or early 2011 that sparked the process, though this kind of psychic or emotional momentum can take a while to gather. You’ve now reached a point where you can no longer live on the same emotional or intellectual scale that you had for many years before. You are pressing open from the inside. In the most ordinary terms, you have the feeling that you know who you are, though this is more than a hunch. We’re talking about actual confidence.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Feb. 12, 2015 #1036 | By Eric Francis

You may feel like something is bugging you but you don’t know what it is. You might be feeling upbeat and able to face the challenges of life, but there’s something that you cannot put into words that’s annoying you. The obvious solution? Try putting it into words. You might not be able to fit it into five words or a page, but if you do The Artist’s Way morning pages routine for a week or so, you will learn a lot. That means writing out three pages as early in the day as you can, and setting the pages aside. After about a week, read them over and see what you’ve got. It’s likely you will have figured out your little thing long before that, and will have discovered that it is, indeed, rather small. But it may give you a big clue to cultivating future happiness.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Feb. 5, 2015 #1035 | By Eric Francis

There may not be words for what you’re feeling, though you would benefit from finding ways to express it. One contradiction might be that your experience is too deep for words, or too beautiful, or too distant from them. That is the time to find the words, which you may be searching for. You may have the feeling that words will diminish the depth of what you’re feeling or reduce the beauty, or pain, or passion, to an object form. That is a superstition I suggest you challenge. There is something unusual that you seem ready to express, to relate and to communicate about. It’s not new, however — it’s something you’ve been thinking about, feeling and experiencing for years, and which has recently come into a new degree of focus. If you are searching for or struggling with words, I have a suggestion — pictures will help.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Jan. 29, 2015 #1034 | By Eric Francis

Planets are aligning in a way that says: express yourself. Speak, write, pick up the telephone, photograph, sketch. Your direction of travel is inward as well as outward. What you say to anyone you are saying to yourself. How you perceive anyone is a comment on your perception as much as it is on that seemingly separate entity. These thoughts and ideas and reflections you have about reality, which are really all about you, are of an especially rare kind over the next few days. I suggest you explore generously, and in a way that you can document. In other words, this is not so much about thinking or meditating but rather putting your thoughts and ideas into some form that you can see, feel and appreciate in the coming days, months and years. The discoveries you can make will be that good — and worth revisiting many times.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for February, 2015 #1033 | By Eric Francis

The message of your chart seems to be: there is no value other than inherent worth. In other words, the notion of ‘secondary value’, such as, ‘this is useful, and it can be sold’, is (at least temporarily) out of the question. That idea would be revised to ‘this is useful’. Yet what we’re really talking about is your inherent worth, which in turn translates to your devotion to being alive. You’re being called inward, to respect your own inherent worth, as your most vital asset. Said another way, I’m talking about respect for existence, commencing with your existence. What’s so interesting about how this appears in your chart is how quickly that respect radiates out into your community. It’s not a secondary effect — it’s right at the origin of the idea. One of your reasons for being on Earth, I would propose, is to experience directly the way that you are integral to your community. It is not the same without you and you are not the same without it, because you are one and the same. Now, one possible sticking point is defining community. I would say: it is anything to which you are connected in an integral way. For that reason, I suggest you offer yourself, count yourself in, and understand the mutual nature of the relationship.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Jan. 15, 2015 #1032 | By Eric Francis

Be careful with money, and slow down the implementation of your business plans. A short delay now will save long delays later in the year. Take the time to get it right, and to plan your timing carefully. I suggest that with anything of a financial nature — that is to say, involving outlay of cash, unusual use of credit, or new plans for income — go on pause until around Feb. 14. There are some things that may not be able to wait, though if you evaluate them carefully you may find a workaround. Unless there is some kind of absolute, inviolable deadline, explain to others that you’ll be ready to sign or have that paperwork in a few weeks. Where money and commitments are concerned, it pays to honor Mercury retrograde.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Jan. 8, 2015 #1031 | By Eric Francis

Take care of your home, and who and what you consider home. Keep the fire burning, which is to say, consciously and carefully tend the flame. If you have any questions about the way your life is going, consider that your devotion and attentiveness are the most potent force for your life. The image of the hearth is radiating from your charts; the symbolic one, and the one at the center of your domestic and spiritual life. It’s the source of heat and light, a space where you can prepare food to nourish your loved ones, and a space to gather. Do this consciously, from moment to moment and day to day, never assuming that it’s someone else’s job. You are the one with the understanding and the capability — that’s why it’s your role.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for January 2015, #1030 | By Eric Francis

If you’ve been putting off decisions about money, you will soon know exactly what to do. Do your research and get your plan of action together. Consult any necessary advisors. There will be some matters you can attend to during the first week of the year. However, should there be any additional preparations necessary, I suggest that you wait until after Mercury stations direct on Feb. 11 to implement any actions. The more money is involved, the more important it is to wait out Mercury retrograde. This is less about superstition and more about allowing additional information to emerge. The nature of Mercury retrograde is to flush out hidden information. It’s also to find the weakness in the system; the two are often related. Meanwhile, the recent sign change of Saturn is encouraging you to tune into yourself for all of the information you need, on nearly any subject. No doubt you have plenty of data in your hands and will soon have more. In the end, the final check on any decision is your intuition. As the next few months progress, you may find yourself losing interest in what anyone thinks on any topic of actual importance to you. Pry yourself out of that every now and then and reality check with one or two people that you have come to trust over the years. The final call is always yours.

Sagittarius 2015

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope — Dec. 17, 2015, #1080 | By Len Wallick

Don’t allow any perceived lack of what you conventionally consider progress to get the better of you. To the extent that you can, be task (rather than timetable) oriented. Think of yourself as making a map rather than following one. If you can arrange to see your life that way for the next five or six months, you will avoid a lot of frustration and spare yourself a great deal of wasted energy. In other words, instead of being obsessed with trying to get somewhere, focus on accomplishing something. Let that thing you are making happen justify wherever you need to go and whatever you have to do to complete your task. That way, every cul-de-sac, blind alley or dead end you encounter can be welcomed, noted and recorded as an integral part of the greater whole — rather than be a cause for exasperation. Don’t worry, by this time next year you really will have gone somewhere, precisely because you did something first.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope — Dec. 10, 2015, #1079 | By Len Wallick

You, a leader? Yes, you! As surely as you have been known for your infectious smile, it’s time to own your inspirational style. Just as you have consistently offered empathy and support, others would be thrilled to offer you the reins of authority. Furthermore, the same form of character (known as ‘backbone’) that has permitted you to stand up to both authority and social pressure alike, will now serve very well on behalf of others. Finally, you know in your heart that your competitive side is really something more than a need to distinguish yourself; it is a love of challenge that has long been looking for worthy employment. All that remains for you to step into the leadership roles you were born to fill is to absorb a few remaining lessons about what it means to be a good follower. That means finding one last person to follow in the way that you will someday want to be followed yourself.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope — Dec. 3, 2015, #1078 | By Len Wallick

If the sky is right, you are now settled into a smoother routine than was your situation only three months ago. If that’s not true for you, put on your thinking cap. Next, set aside all doubts about what can and cannot be done as the next order of business. Think as if anything were possible for you, even if it does not seem that way. Then, simply ruminate about the single most simple and easy thing you can do to make your life more simple and easy. What your free-range thinking comes up with may be something you don’t want to do. Let that be okay — because after all, you have a choice. That way, if you do decide to eschew the simple and easy in favor of a more difficult but palatable path, you will at least have come to a greater understanding of what makes you tick — and that alone will come in handy sooner than thinking can reveal.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope — December 2015, #1077 | By Eric Francis

Saturn in your sign will develop as an interesting walk along the ledge between confidence and insecurity. It’s not till you start to experience that directly that you really make valid observations and decisions. Otherwise it’s just theory. And more than anything it’s your theories that need to be put to the test against lived reality. This includes the value of past experience in any form, including prior learning from your parents and other authority figures. One might presume that the presence of Saturn is about maintaining stability, since that’s supposedly what Saturn is about. It’s more likely that Saturn in your sign is pointing to your need and even a kind of drive for new experiences and approaches to life. Saturn’s drive for change, initially, is going to be an experiment in how you relate to your insecurities. If you feel like you’re on solid ground, you will be more inclined to take steps on that ground. If you feel like you’re floating, or walking on a bog, you’re less likely to take firm steps. Therefore, the thing to work on is confidence — which is another way of saying learning to address fear in a cogent, thoughtful way. Ultimately this is less a psychological question and more of a spiritual one, though approaching from both angles will be helpful. Remember that change is inevitable; making your own decisions is optional.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Nov. 19, 2015, #1076 | By Len Wallick

Sometimes there are things you have to do even if you don’t want to do them. Regardless of what obligations go with your territory, however, it’s good to keep in mind that there are at least three things you should never feel bound to do to yourself. First, you need not do things that would clearly and certainly damage your health. Yes, sometimes you have to take manageable risks like crossing a street, but you never absolutely have to throw yourself under a bus on purpose. Neither should you feel it necessary to break your spirit. Agreed, there are times to follow another’s lead or even subordinate your will to serve something greater than yourself. But there is no good reason to render yourself forever incapable of either leading or being a cause. Finally, it should never be inevitable that you would have to build walls that isolate you from everybody else. Even the loneliest tasks do not preclude your resuming connection with others once they are done.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Nov. 12, 2015, #1075 | By Len Wallick

What does satisfaction consist of for you? This is no idle question. Current astrology indicates that one of the things you need most in your life right now is a way to meet any given need with knowledge of how to satisfy it for the long term, so that you can move on. Start with the example of food. If all a satisfying meal did was to sate your hunger, the quest for satisfaction would never end. Yet, you know from experience that some exceptional meals remain satisfying for days, weeks and even years later. So satisfaction must be something that can not only be met, but sustained. All of which makes satisfaction more like an achievement that is always yours once you’ve attained it. That’s a clue about how you might want to pursue satisfying any needs you have now. Rather than merely slaking a need with inherently ephemeral means like food, drugs or alcohol, look for a more lasting solution. Seek to create or find a metaphorical home where your needs can rest in comfort, without being compelled to repeat an endless search.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Nov. 5, 2015, #1074 | By Len Wallick

Most people understand what political freedom looks like. Some folks even choose to practice it by voting, to cite just one example. How you define, understand, experience and practice personal freedom is another matter entirely, because it is not about others or their power over you. It’s about how you refer to yourself. As Nelson Mandela demonstrated by his own example, personal freedom is available even in jail. To become an example for yourself, begin with the phrase ‘I am.’ Whenever one says, ‘I am (something or other),’ it creates a definition of self. Definitions are good, but they can also often limit, or even imprison you — especially if you become attached to them. Therefore, turning things around and experimenting with ‘I am not’ can help to release attachments and open the door to other possibilities.

Marie Claire Horoscope for November 2015, #1073 | By Eric Francis

These weeks will offer insights into yourself that will benefit you for many years. Yet you will need to be open, aware and listening to yourself. The voice that speaks to you may only be whispering, so keep your ears peeled for the sound of your inner wisdom. Then there will come a moment when you know exactly what to do.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for November 2015, #1072 | By Eric Francis

Saturn’s journey through your sign will have many plots and themes, and each will feel like a distinct phase of your personal history. A new one is about to begin. The immediately prior phase involved accountability (that was Saturn square Nessus). That was the message about how it’s easier to take responsibility than it is to blame. It’s better to have a personal code than be subject to the laws of others. Now we have the first of three Saturn square Neptune events, which extend through 2016. This describes the challenge of certainty, which so often seems nonexistent. You may have heard the term ‘moral relativism’, a fancy name for the idea that we decide what is right for us. That’s exactly what you must do, but the challenge is honoring the wider context in which you live. You can and must do what is right for yourself, though for that to work you need a fairly wide definition of self. What you will be exploring is the intersection between you and the connection you have with others, who to some degree are also part of your ‘self’. That’s not a fixed line. It’s barely visible. It will change based on context. Remember, there are no absolutes; there are no proscribed definitions. You must apply these ideas with each decision you make, and learn something from each experience.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Oct. 15, 2015 #1071 | By Eric Francis

Saturn is in your sign, which is granting you a sense of mission and a hint that you really do have a meaningful role in the world. This comes with a higher degree of responsibility than is considered fashionable these days. You might be inclined to achieve your goals at any cost; Saturn is saying you need to think about the people around you, at least to the degree that you complete, resolve or otherwise address your commitments with them. While you are definitely the star of your show, it’s going to take plenty of support and the resources of others to get you where you want to go. Speaking of, you’re in a phase of accomplishment, and of building your reputation. Said another way, what you do — whatever you do — is unusually visible right now. You have tremendous freedom; yet, at the same time, figure that you cannot get away with anything even vaguely untoward. Therefore, be a lady or a gentleman, and remember that what some see as talent is really an offering of service and energy.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Oct. 8, 2015 #1070 | By Eric Francis

The next few days arrive with a rare alignment that gives you many ingredients you need to move your life forward. You might begin by identifying the areas where you feel like you’re held back. This in turn would help you focus your priorities. There are some aspects of your life where you are making steady progress and others where you seem to be lagging behind. The areas where you feel like you’re moving slowly are not as stuck as you may think. Much of what you need is a bold, clear assessment of your existence, your priorities and your sense of the future. Put one way, you need clear goals; and if you take some time today and through the weekend to focus some of those, you will discover later on that they were prescient. Your planets have you aligned with your future so well that you can look right at it and see it clearly. Notice what you can visualize. Notice what you can feel. Notice what makes you curious. Those are signs that you have vitality and passion behind your ideas.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Oct. 1, 2015 #1069 | By Eric Francis

You are aligned perfectly for one or more significant career developments. But these are not things that will happen to you; you will need to take initiative. You will know you’re really doing that when you figure out that in doing something, you’re taking a risk. By that I mean you have this feeling that you could gain something and that you might lose something in the process, and that nothing is certain. These are moments you can thrive on; in fact you have done so on many occasions. It’s just that we’re living in such paranoid times, when it seems like we all must cling to what little we have till the multi-billion-dollar endorsement offer comes in. Okay, whatever. In real life, progress is engaged incrementally, one idea or one decision at a time. Meantime here is a message from Mercury: don’t distract yourself with ideas of what you think other people think about you. They don’t really know enough to have an opinion, nor does it matter in any event. Your opinion is what matters.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for October 2015 #1068 | By Eric Francis

Saturn is now in your sign, which in a word is about maturity. As you experience the effects, the benefits and the challenges of this transit (which will last until late 2017), remember something — the world is in a crisis of maturity. Perhaps in the past too much was made of the requirement to grow up and be an adult. Today too little is made of it. Particularly in the United States, and to a growing extent in other countries, we are encouraged to stay immature and to overlook anything that requires serious thought or self-reflection. This is a self-serving scenario — like frat boys encouraging one another to drink, the better to pretend it’s not a problem. There are ways in which Saturn will seem to limit you, to hamper your freedom and to rein in your choices. This will help you factor out what is not necessary. There is an essential benefit to the efficiency and focus that you will gain under this transit. The one truly valuable gift you can give yourself is to be your own authority. It may not seem so thrilling today, but in the end you will be grateful that you’ve stepped up to the honor of taking responsibility for your own choices, your own necessities, your own idea of who you are and what you want to become. If you let that guide you, you will do brilliantly. Remember: Saturn always gives more than it takes away.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Sept. 17, 2015 #1067 | By Eric Francis

Saturn enters your sign Thursday, and it will remain with you for more than two years. On one level this will call on you to focus your priorities and structure your life in a careful and conscious way. You will be summoned to be your own authority, in effect preempting anyone or anything that would allow others power over your life. If at any time you experience Saturn as some kind of burden or overbearing influence, remember this — take back your power. Look for where you gave it away, and make the decisions you need to make to maintain your sense of dominion over your life. This is especially true where financial matters are concerned; that’s an easy place for people to claim power over you. Therefore you must be the master of your money. Rely closely on numbers and documentation rather than on opinions, assessments and estimates. In the urgent (and often ignored) growth task of getting your parents out of the way of your chosen destiny, understanding and respecting money and its power are central issues. For you, so intent on freedom, this is essential.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Sept. 10, 2015 #1066 | By Eric Francis

Planets and unusual events are moving in the direction of your 10th house — that of achievement, reputation and accountability. First among these markers is Jupiter, your guiding planet, making a one-year visit to your 10th house. That means you can, and would be wise to, identify with your highest potential. You can identify with that quality of being known as a person of accomplishment and integrity. With that comes the responsibility for what you do, and taking success as a matter of duty. In other words, for you being brilliant and shining out into the world are not matters of glory as much as they are getting the job done well. I know this is not the way of the world these days. I know that the money-for-nothing era has metastasized into pure madness. You, however, are still in the era of late nights perfecting your task, and being known for being prepared, for being grounded and intelligent, and for persisting. Last night I flipped on the TV to PBS and caught a few minutes of American Masters on Jimi Hendrix, your brother Sagittarian. One of his associates said, “He was an amazing guitarist but he worked for it. You would never see him without a guitar in his hands.”

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Sept. 3, 2015 #1065 | By Eric Francis

Much of the frenzy about God on our planet is really about sex. How else could you get so many people so riled up? Of course, it’s only religion that insists this cannot and must not be true. We’re told over and over that our bodies and our feelings are not just sinful, but — in the words of one holy book — an attack on God. This is an overt way to say something that’s usually distributed in background-level toxic doses. I would say that it’s time for you to question this doctrine, but the question has probably been brewing for a while. That brew is coming to a boil; one of many signs that your body temperature, and emotional temperature, will be running a few degrees hotter the next few years. It’s essential that you invest your passion in tangible desires. You cannot capture lightning in a bottle, though you can invest your motivation into what is the most meaningful — that is, into those people and experiences you’ve wanted for a long time. While you’re at it, make friends with sex every chance you get. Think of it as the hearth at the center of your home.

Monthly Horoscope for Sept. 2015, #1064 | By Eric Francis

Have you ever had a splinter or shard of glass that took a few years to work through to the surface of your skin, and when it did, that little rip and removing the foreign object was delightful? That’s the feeling of your current astrology, only on the level of an emotional rebirth. Your recent astrology describes you embracing some dark elements of yourself — deep fears, feelings of alienation, and encountering a few moments of being totally lost. Now it’s as if all of that melts away like a dream, though one that you should write down so you remember what happened. The challenge of the coming two years will be to focus your identity and to merge that with a clear vision for your life, based in action. It’s as if who you are morphs into who you want to be, which is connected to a sense of mission unlike anything you’ve ever felt. Indeed, the combination of planetary forces influencing you has not aligned this way in your lifetime. You are in wholly new territory, though it will take you some time to get your bearings. To that end, the first thing you can do would be to take total ownership of everything in your life — and begin a deliberate, vital process of sorting what you want from what you don’t.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Aug. 20, 2015 #1063 | By Eric Francis

Your sign has the reputation of being the ‘big-picture thinker’, the one that can’t be bothered with the details. But the details matter, and you know they do. The fine points of what you’re doing are central to your success. Yet being a micromanager could be detrimental. So you need to know which details to focus on and which to leave to others, or not worry about. Take full charge of whatever requires your specific technical competence. Take responsibility, clear through to every stage of follow-up, about things that are specifically about your own ideas. For example, make sure you do the final edit on anything you write, prior to its being sent out. You also need to be the judge of the critiques of others. Be generous with the wastebasket on this one; only rarely are opinions worth much, so take a moment to extract a potentially valid point from everything and then discard the rest. The key to using your astrology the most effectively is being specific. Vague generalities are a liability now. So break everything down to steps, state the end-goal in concrete terms, and stick to your process.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Aug. 13, 2015 #1062 | By Eric Francis

In many ways you’re reaching a peak moment in your life. It’s true that certain psychological hangups may be lingering around, though I assure you any such feelings are the remnants of a previous time in your life. They are weak and scattered and can only influence you if you focus on them. Therefore, reach beyond any sense of isolation you may feel, and know that a breakthrough is not merely around the corner, but happening right now. Yet this is not a one-step delivery to success. What you have are a set of ingredients you can combine in many forms to create many different outcomes. The best of those have one thing in common — you take over your life as your own authority. Ideally, nobody ever tells you what to do, and whenever someone does, stop and figure out how you got there. Stay several steps ahead of all such games. Set your own quality standards, and your own objectives. Establish solid working relationships with anyone you encounter who is in a position of responsibility or power. Set your own terms and be ready to negotiate pleasantly.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Aug. 6, 2015 #1061 | By Len Wallick

Regardless of what your devotions are or where your enthusiasms lie, you know that attending to them long enough and consistently will show results. You also know from experience that those results are not likely to accrue with perceptible momentum. Instead, a prolonged investment in effort will most often test your faith before you wake up one fine morning to a gratifying realization that you have ‘made it’. The astrology indicates you are about to embark on another prolonged voyage of endeavor, which will once again challenge you to keep faith that a substantial payoff is somewhere over the horizon. To keep yourself going, even when immediate gratification is nowhere to be found, set an intent now. Let that intent be your determination to focus on the quality of your upcoming journey. Allow the destination to take care of itself.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, July 30, 2015 #1060 | By Eric Francis

You may be wondering when the time is right to put your plan into motion, and if so I would say right now. It’s true that you may be experiencing some kind of complication. Yet in truth it’s an opportunity to make your way in the world. Yes, this may be disguised as a riddle or a paradox of some kind. Yet you are headed in a clear direction despite this appearance. Whatever you’re now experiencing is a reminder to attend to the details of your work, and of your life. You cannot delegate that which absolutely must be done correctly. Even if you’re being assisted by some kind of professional, you must take full responsibility for every step of the project. Even as you put your inner control freak to work, it’s essential that you do one thing even better — take command of your vision. You are in a rare, formative moment where you get to accept full responsibility for your life, in the happiest possible way.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for August 2015, #1059 | By Eric Francis

There’s that old adage about the spirit of the law and the letter of the law. You need to honor both now, in a balanced way. In any discussion, particularly involving your professional affairs, there are no absolutes; there’s no room for purism. But there’s enough space and mental bandwidth to balance the most important details and particulars with the overall intent and the central idea of what you’re doing. Sagittarius is an interesting mix of ‘spare me the details’ and ‘I must have creative control over what I’m doing’. It all depends on what project and what phase of the project — and how much you care about it. I suggest that you work only on the projects that really matter to you — let’s get that out of the way. Then take total accountability for them. You need enough contact with the details that you actually have a grip. Right now the details matter more than ever, and they will for the foreseeable future. So now’s the time to wear your managing editor hat and make sure that everything is up to spec. Yet this cannot be at the expense of your broader vision — that is, the spirit of what you’re doing — or else there is no point. Therefore let the details boldly describe your purpose, and let your vision be expressed with care and craftsmanship through all the fine points of what you do.

Weekly Horoscope for Wednesday, July 15, 2015 #1058 | By Eric Francis

You must set the terms of your agreements. It may seem that it doesn’t matter who proposes the arrangement, or writes the contract, though I’m here to remind you that it certainly does. Take control of your language. This includes business arrangements as well as the words and ideas you use to express your feelings and your desires. Be abundantly clear in everything, and make sure you notice the places where you’re inclined to leave out a detail, or to make a compromise without being asked. Regarding your professional goals, I suggest you be as specific as you can about what you want or what you intend to do. As you do this, be mindful of any tendency you have to judge yourself, or to set some limit on what you think you’re capable of. This is very difficult for most people, who tend to inflict on themselves the same ridiculous limits that were set on them by early caregivers and authority figures. The very theme of the coming months is for you to identify and exceed those limits.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, July 9th, 2015 #1057 | By Eric Francis

Today Amanda Painter dug a quote out of an old astrology book I love, which offered this image: a grand fire trine is like having a million dollars stuck up on a shelf in your closet, but which you don’t use. Currently there’s an astonishing grand fire trine in the sky — Uranus and Eris in Aries, Venus and Jupiter in Leo and centaur Pholus in your own sign. That is quite a setup. If you want to take some of that million dollars off the shelf, here’s how to work with it: You are the activating agent of your life. First, remember that all the time. Pholus in your sign suggests that you’re the small cause that can have a big effect. Therefore, you don’t need to do much — though what you do must be intentional and directed carefully. For example, choose one project that you believe in or just simply love and get it going. Choose that one person you’re really, really interested in and introduce yourself. Your influence is potent right now, and you only need to use it in measured amounts — but you must do at least that much.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, July 2nd, 2015 #1056 | By Eric Francis

You’re standing on ground more solid than you may think. It’s true that you can get lost in a world of feelings, which are not subject to control or accounting. Most of what the world counts as dependable is really about the illusion of control. You can afford to let go of that pretense and define ‘real’ your own way. If you can envision something, it’s real. If you have a tangible goal, that is real. If you have a heartfelt desire, that’s real. If you’re able to tap into your own wisdom, that is real. Most of all, your faith in yourself is likely to be the most tangible thing in your life. I would remind you that this isn’t an abundant resource on our particular planet, and that you’re blessed with an unusual gift. It’s yours to use, and I suggest that you strive continuously to make what exists as an idea into something with solid manifestation.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for July 2015, #1055 | By Eric Francis

You are being offered a vision for your life — something that’s both far-reaching and wide. You may have the feeling that what you’re thinking is too idealistic or impractical, though over the next few weeks you will get some proof that it’s really neither. It is, however, your lot in life to be the person who connects your dreams to some tangible plan of action. Though Sagittarius has the reputation for being broad-minded and unconcerned with the details, you know by now that you must attend to the specifics if you want anything to actually happen. You cannot just hope for the best or leave things to others. That said, the translation from your vision to what actually manifests may involve a scaling down of your total vision. This is temporary. What I’m seeing is an exercise in prioritizing the most important thing you want to accomplish, and then breaking that down into steps and making it happen. This is merely a prototype. Pay close attention to what you’re doing, how you’re doing it and what gets results. Learn the method while you’re developing that method. For example, if you want to record an entire CD, start with getting one song right. If you have an idea for a novel, do it first as a short story. This will give you a sense of accomplishment on many levels. Then have faith — bigger things are on the way.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, June 18th, 2015 #1054 | By Len Wallick

Whatever burdens you feel, try an experiment: shake them off. See if they stay off. Whatever does not stay off will need to be addressed in another way, such as meeting obligations or finishing tasks. Even so, there will be some things you should be done with. To get perspective, look for a chance to travel away from where you reside over the next couple months. If you can arrange for such a sojourn, try to spend most of your time with those you have not become accustomed to since this time last year. Once you get back home, look to renegotiate your responsibilities, and delegate to others a little more than you take on in return. If travel is not in the cards for you anytime soon, at least seek to accumulate less of everything. Buy only what you need, give some things away. Let go of want and become lighter. Focus on need so as to be stronger.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, June 11th, 2015 #1053 | By Eric Francis

Someone may reveal something to you that they’ve been keeping hidden for a while, and that they may have never intended to tell you about. Be calm about this. You might potentially experience it as an affront; nobody likes to be lied to. While this may not be an overt deception it would surely qualify as a withhold, or lie by omission. See if you can guide the conversation to the level where you understand this person’s motives. They are likely to be driven by desire, though of a kind that they don’t feel entirely comfortable with. There is some conflict, though there’s also a particular quality that this conflict has, which is a kind of split in their personality. Everyone experiences this from time to time. Handle this with compassion. Whomever you’re engaging with on this topic is more vulnerable than they may seem, and any aggression is likely to be a cover for the feeling of weakness. Therefore, do what you can to add strength to the equation, which could come in the form of your tolerance, acceptance, stability and sanity. If you offer these things, it will be good for everyone.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, June 4, 2015 #1052 | By Eric Francis

If you’re managing to keep your communications clear with others, and to avoid conflicts, you’re doing beautifully. If not, you must be patient, and give others time to see the errors of their ways. Pushing them is not going to help; you will likely be met by some kind of pushback. And that resistance will likely be misguided and seem to make no sense. Therefore I suggest you tread lightly on any unresolved situation and go into fact-finding mode. The deeper truth that emerges around the time of the Mercury station direct next week will level out power imbalances and bring most of the necessary facts out into the open. Then a real conversation can begin. This astrology may relate to certain circumstances about which you’re not aware, or have a mistaken impression. Therefore, say less and pay attention more. Be alert to conflicting information and above all else, know when you don’t know.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, May 28th, 2015 #1051 | By Eric Francis

In theory, your relationships are supposed to be a bit chaotic and unpredictable right now, with all the wild astrology in Gemini. What you may be discovering is that you’re big enough to embrace the contradictions of the people you care about. That is what makes you ‘you’ at your best. Your perspective is both wide and deep, but you also have a sense of time. You know that viewpoints and one’s personal understanding change over time, so you tend to assume that it’s worth giving people some space to figure out what is valid for them. That’s exactly what’s going on with the people around you. In fact you can expect a few genuine reversals of viewpoint over the next few weeks; don’t let that torture you in any way. Keep your sense of humor and appreciate that others are gradually figuring out what’s right for them — as are you.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for June 2015 #1050 | By Eric Francis

If you added it up, you would be surprised how much time you spend solving the problems of others. By that I mean people you know are in your environment, and people who lived on Earth before you (parents and other ancestors). By problems, I mean their hang-ups; their anxieties; the things they didn’t resolve. Their regrets over the experiences they didn’t have. Right now life is offering you many people, places and things to explore. Some of them will approach you; others you must take a small chance and reach out to. You will also have to sort out which of them is friendly, or a positive influence. You may encounter a kind of ambiguity that will, in itself, be seductive. The thing you’re prepared to do that many people in the past could not handle is to embrace variables, unknowns and mixed signals, and not have your mind explode. Take a light approach and listen to what people say; notice how their story changes. Notice how they really feel underneath the story. As you do this you will make some interesting observations about yourself. For example, an overload of small talk may remind you that you really have some ambitious plans for what to do with your talent. You have no need to be deterred by the ways in which others fall short of their own potential.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, May 14th, 2015 #1049 | By Eric Francis

It may be difficult to figure out where you stand with intimate partners, and you’re unlikely to get your answer all at once. You have a high ideal for relationships, and it would seem that your current circumstances are presenting you with a scenario different from the one you want and believe you can attain. So consider what happens over the next few weeks a learning process. Notice when others send you mixed signals, or put you in a position where your only choice is not to trust fully. Notice when others are intentionally reassuring and strive for clarity. Remember how you feel in both circumstances. The environment around you is a setup for a serious fog, and it will take mutual cooperation for you and those close to you to find your way. You might say this is a situation where your faith in others will be tested, but it can just as well be cultivated and strengthened.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, May 7th, 2015 #1048 | By Eric Francis

Some situation seems to be calling for urgent focus on finances. There seems to be plenty of determination, intelligence and money to go around. So why are you hesitating? Does it involve some lack of faith or confidence in yourself? It would seem that way. I suggest you not count yourself out, or deem yourself incapable, of anything — particularly before you’ve tried. I would also suggest skipping the part about how nobody has decreed that you’re qualified to do what you need to do. That is something that you must tell yourself; yours is the only permission you need to do anything, or to be anything. You may have the idea that someone else needs to be committed to the cause before you can be. That would count as one more mental obstacle to something you can in fact do yourself, and do brilliantly. Notice whenever you’re hesitating, for whatever reason, and start making decisions. Then, click a stopwatch and take action in under one minute.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, April 30th, 2015 #1047 | By Eric Francis

If a conversation with a friend or partner seems to hit a block or impasse, keep it light. This is definitely not a situation where if something is stuck, whack harder. In fact the opposite is true. There’s likely to be some external factor that is causing a distraction or distortion. In other words, there’s an element to the situation that is not true, but you believe that it is, and that’s the root of the problem. One thing that will help is giving things time, as in a few days. Several current factors suggest that it’s not easy to see viewpoints for what they are. Others indicate that there’s likely to be an emotional exaggeration (most likely on your part). Therefore to avoid needless complication, interpose a delay. Now is not the time to speak the truth at all costs, because you may not know what it is. Even if you verify certain facts, there are going to be more that come to light. Therefore take it light and take it easy. All opinions are subject to change.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for May 2015 #1046 | By Eric Francis

You don’t need to argue with your emotions, or block them, though you would be wise to notice them and treat them as real. You seem ready to step out of a corner that you somehow let yourself get backed into, and the issue appears to be whether you really can trust someone. Looked at more closely, though, the question is whether you can trust yourself. If you can manage that much, you will be able to make more sense of the potentially erratic thinking and/or conduct of someone you’re close to. I suggest you hold open plenty of space for them to go through their gyrations, and to express everything they want to express, including and especially their contradictions. As they do this, if you’re paying attention, you will have all the information you need to figure out exactly what’s going through their heart and soul. Just be aware this could take a little while. You may have reasons to change, radically shift or end the relationship; I would urge patience and forbearance. Act like you have all the time in the world. While you’re doing this, you’re going to learn a lot — and I do mean a lot — about some inner questions and issues you’ve been wondering about forever. The tolerance you offer to others is the same as what you offer yourself. The truth is organized in layers — therefore, patience really helps.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, April 16th, 2015 #1045 | By Eric Francis

One topic consistently left out of astrology is the deeply emotional nature of those born under your sign. Astrology books talk about your derring-do, your globetrotting, your home that resembles an international youth hostel, and your need for space and for independence. Yet right now your charts are describing an emphasis on your inner reality, with the core quality being devotion. This is a special kind of devotion, centered on home and on your creative journey. I suggest you keep your focus inward, and if you bring other people into your space, make sure they are supportive, gentle and understanding. You are involved in coming to some deep realizations about who you are and what you feel called to do. And at the same time you’re ready to take a new risk expressing yourself based on what you’re now recognizing and accepting about yourself. There is no rush, not even for clarity — what you’re experiencing is beyond words.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, April 9, 2015 #1044 | By Eric Francis

You seem ready to burst through some creative barrier. That means making peace with being different, among other things. What I would suggest is an indirect approach. For example, someone might make a political statement through some form of serious writing; someone else might do it indirectly through art or music. I suggest you take the most subversive route to making your point, which will encourage you to keep whatever you’re doing creative, adventurous and risky. By risky I mean taking the chance to do something different, or in a different way, with each thing that you do. Really pause and consider your methods and your approaches to the puzzles and projects of your life. You may need to go out on limbs where you know you may be less than comfortable, or make others uncomfortable. That is one hint, not proof but a hint, that you’re taking creative risks.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, April 2, 2015 #1043 | By Eric Francis

You are seeking a sense of higher justice — of fairness that really means something. For you, that also translates to having a vision for your own life that matches what you suspect your true talents to be. I want you to know there is an opening for you. By opening I mean a way through; a space in society where you can live and grow. Do not fall for the notion that the world is some kind of closed book. It’s true that opportunities seem few and far between, and many people cling to what they have with a kind of desperation. Pay no mind to that. Pay attention to what you’re doing. Stay focused on developing your talent, and more than that, putting it to productive use. Don’t hoard what you have — share what you have: your knowledge, your skills, your ideas and your talent. Keep an eye on possible paying gigs, or better paying gigs, but keep your heart and soul tuned to who you are, and what you actually do. Do that; be that.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for April 2015 #1042 | By Eric Francis

Take a step back and give people the opportunity to take responsibility for their own existence. You grew tired of your own hard luck stories long ago, and it’s time to be finished with those of others. I’m not, however, saying don’t be helpful when you feel moved to do so. Rather, I’m suggesting that the best help you can offer others is not being distracted by their problems. Rather, focus on your own abundant creativity and allow your existence to shock others to their senses. Celebrate the fact of your energy and the simple fact that nothing will stop you. If you are involved in some kind of professional artistic pursuits, or doing anything that depends on your originality, I suggest you forget your ideas of what people might think. Instead, work in a way that is only in service of your impulse to create. Every artist, lover or adventurer goes through some trepidation about what others might think. You tend to be among the most immune to such thoughts, though you may be having them now, and now is the time to vanquish them. Your real friends are the people who see how brilliant you are, and who treat you like the treasure that you are to them.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, March 19, 2015 #1041 | By Eric Francis

You can afford to be more flexible, especially with your time and with your love. Clearly your ability to be strong and stable are providing you with something you haven’t had access to in a long time. Yet if you push strength and stability too far, you may find yourself feeling insecure. Many factors of your astrology suggest that the more flexible you are, the safer you will feel. In particular, flexibility with your feelings is the thing you want. That starts with inviting yourself to feel, whether gently or strongly, what you actually feel. At times you may feel your ideas and your needs so powerfully you begin to doubt yourself. That sensation of questioning is evidence you’re going in the right direction. The sensation that you don’t know and may never find out, if you follow it, will help lead you to the self-knowledge and confidence you are seeking. Someone close to you may be directly involved in helping you make one particular truly amazing discovery.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, March 12, 2015 #1040 | By Eric Francis

You’re going through a catharsis that’s directly associated with your ability to express yourself sexually and creatively. I would point out, though, that in our particular age, most people don’t get the connection, and that it’s rather easy to get caught in the dark side of these seemingly different things. Let’s stick to art, since that’s less threatening, though only by a shade. Art involves more than expressing oneself. Often there is a transmuting of something fearful into something loving. That could be static nervous energy. It could be something truly terrifying. It could be going beyond the stuck futility and ‘why bother’ energy that seems to have swallowed much of our society at the moment. Imagine you’re going to look right at the root cause of that. Imagine that it’s the one essential ingredient in this process known as setting yourself free.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, March 5, 2015 #1039 | By Len Wallick

Even as advanced as your consciousness is, the checks and balances of your instinct has never been more important than it is now. As rare and wonderful as sentience is, self-awareness alone will not serve to make or keep you solidly connected with the universe. In order to maintain that connection, awareness must be not lie fallow; it must be owned and acted upon with integrity. Only the advanced form of instinct we call conscience is sufficient to prevent you (or any of us) from proving that anybody is capable of the most dismal delusions fueling the most heinous behaviors. Just in case you and your conscience have been out of touch lately, you might want to re-establish contact soon. The rest of us may need you to know better for us all. — by Len Wallick

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Feb. 26, 2015 #1038 | By Len Wallick

Even if you are not a motherless child, you can easily be excused for feeling as though you are every once in a while. It goes with having been born while the Sun walked on mutable fire. Right now, however, should not be one of those times. If it is, examine your habits, especially those newly acquired this year. Could be at least one of your recent routines has taken you out of a flow of affinity that comes naturally, and is so vital for you. If you have unplugged you might want to reconnect more often to recharge your batteries. If you are not getting the juice you need, seek a better outlet. — by Len Wallick

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for March 2015 #1037 | By Eric Francis

You will go a long way to ease the internal pressure you’re feeling by rolling up your sleeves and attending to the practical matters of your life. That might mean sorting out your accounting records for the past year, it might be writing a song, and it might be charging up your camera and doing a photo project. By practical, I mean actually hands-on, doing something that you want or need to do. This, rather than thinking about whatever that might be, or getting frustrated by seemingly competing priorities. If you’re looking for a starting point, choose either the thing you want to do the most, or the thing you need to do the most. Then do it for a while, and reassess your priorities. I’ll remind you that as one born under a mutable sign, you are inherently a multi-tasker. So you will naturally shift from task to task, though what you can master is the art of focusing long enough to have a satisfying experience and move that particular project along. Then you can move onto other things, and return to the original project while it’s still warm. The key is never allowing anything you care about to go cold. Return to things often enough to keep the embers burning. Then when you’re moved to do so, cast all else aside and dive into something for as long as you want. Needing to keep your life interesting is an asset.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Feb. 12, 2015 #1036 | By Eric Francis

Don’t let your doubts run away with you. You may feel them, they may tug at your sleeve or at your emotions, but don’t believe them. Just notice them. Be on the lookout for the one that says ‘you are to blame’. That is the shadow form of something much more significant, more mature and that does not involve guilt: you are responsible for how you respond to your environment. It would seem that you are moving into a new level of self-understanding involving your family, in particular, your father’s side of the family. You have been held accountable for many things that have nothing to do with you; they existed long before you were born. Normally these things go unquestioned, because they existed in your environment since before you can remember. Now, they may suddenly come into focus, and I suggest you question everything.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Feb. 5, 2015 #1035 | By Eric Francis

You may be noticing that the more emotional side of your nature has been coming out lately, and it’s about to reach another peak. To my eyes this looks like an introspective creative space opening up within you. This is the part of the process of art or music that’s the most internal, prior to the actual expression. You are in the alchemical dimension where your inner movements and revelations give rise to what you might let out. Honor the inner mystery of creation as it begins on the level of feeling and emotion. Notice the rich spectrum of memories and experiences that might give rise to. Then allow that profoundly personal process to move you into formulating some new idea or form of expression. Keep this close to yourself for now. You do not need to share it, nor are you under any obligation to. Yet it remains yours to share, to offer, and to experience yourself.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Jan. 29, 2015 #1034 | By Eric Francis

Notice who is rubbing up against you, wanting contact with you. Notice, especially, anyone you feel you may not be interested in, but who seems interested in you. There may be some rather excellent potential in such an encounter, though you will miss it if you act as if your mind is made up in advance. It’s too easy to act like you’ve seen it all before. You might also overlook the person if they don’t show up strongly enough on your high-voltage radar. It’s more challenging to slow down, to inquire, to listen, to feel, to notice. And perhaps even more of an emotional risk to allow yourself to feel that someone so beautiful could really be interested in you. Anyone who is might also be just a little intimidated by you as well — it would help if you turned in their direction, and gently closed that little gap.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for February, 2015 #1033 | By Eric Francis

Conventional astrology would say that Saturn in your sign may be describing certain limitations or boundaries. I would say that Saturn, particularly in Sagittarius, is describing your potential. What you may be feeling is that what you want the most is not going to ‘just happen’. When Saturn is present, optimism alone is not going to do the job. Saturn in the style of Saturn is the willingness to make an authentic effort, and not being deterred because results may take a while. Effort is less about an arduous exertion of energy. It’s more about focusing your mind, your intentions and your interests. Along with this, the concept of ‘boredom’ must be revised into, ‘time available to invest in the result I’m seeking’. Delay becomes an occasion to troubleshoot — or the opportunity to do something else. Sagittarius is a sign known for its fast pace. This quality has a way of breeding distraction, and often a frustration with being spread too thin. Saturn’s presence in your sign is a direct calling to concentrate your efforts. It’s offering some instruction that you must consciously think about the ways you use and structure your time. Most of all, it’s the reminder that you are the only person who can take command of your life. You no longer have any need to give that power away.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Jan. 15, 2015 #1032 | By Eric Francis

What may have seemed like a great idea may no longer seem that way — though there are a whole bunch of better ideas on the way. One of the themes of this year and of the foreseeable future is focusing yourself, which is another way of saying that the result of every day must be some form of work product. Work itself is not enough. Being busy is not enough. Making money is certainly not enough. It will help you immensely to establish a discipline associated with the projects you’ve had in mind for a while. Start with one of them. Break it down into steps and start taking those steps. Persist every day, not allowing the distractions of the world to get in the way of what you know you want to do. Around this basic daily practice, something much more comprehensive can grow. Commit your energy daily — preferably at about the same time every day.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Jan. 8, 2015 #1031 | By Eric Francis

Saturn in your sign is placing you in the role of arbiter of reality. You are having to do so in a time when it’s not widely accepted that there even is such a thing. But there has to be for you. There has to be a reference point or orientation — even if there is not a bottom line. So start with a point of orientation, a benchmark or watermark that you can use, at least, as a way of measuring change. Then, you persist in being the kind of person who knows when they’ve thought about something and when they have not. If there is one thing undermining basic agreements and understandings of what is real, that’s the one. Work out the logic a few different ways, and then translate it into words you can explain.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for January 2015, #1030 | By Eric Francis

Attend to practical matters first. Let form follow function. Let content dictate form. Attend to your responsibilities in the order they come due, and while you’re at it, get ahead on longterm projects. You may be feeling like you’ve been released from an invisible bubble. You may feel like suddenly people are noticing your presence, your talent and your wisdom. Definitely invest some energy into social affairs, though keep your focus on what you know needs to happen; on what you want to make happen. The special beauty of this moment is that your most intelligent ideas will translate easily into something tangible, whereas in the past they might have seemed too abstract to do much with. In a similar vein, each step you take toward any worthwhile goal supports all of your goals. It’s not merely your imagination telling you that your long-range objectives are within reach if you concentrate your efforts and take the necessary steps to get there. You have seen the power of negative thinking waste your energy and derail your peace of mind. That is becoming a thing of the past, though you may have one last run-in with a point of view that you know you’re done with. The key to the puzzle that seems to vex the human race: take absolute responsibility for your own thoughts, and move on fast.