Monthly Archives: January 2013

Pisces 2016

Moonshine Horoscope for Capricorn New Moon #1132 | By Len Wallick

Don’t settle for less, especially from yourself. You don’t need to compensate for any deficiencies, because you don’t have any that pertain to what you are doing now. If for some reason you are tempted to over-correct or otherwise jump the proverbial shark, just ask your friends if they think you can handle what you have taken on. Even though it may come as a surprise, it’s a reasonable bet that everybody who knows you well can discern that you are equal to finishing what you have started, in finer form than you had allowed yourself to even dream of. The reason some people sometimes fail on the verge of success is because they never let themselves believe they could get so far. You were born to follow through and take those last few steps up to the top of the mountain. And that mountain would have chosen you had you not the balls to choose it first. Everybody else can see that. Time for you to see it too.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 26, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Don’t fret that the world seems to be such a mess. It is, though what you’re witnessing is part of a necessary transition that was going to happen one way or another. You have your role in the process. Indeed you are intimately linked, both spiritually and structurally, to this next phase of developments. You have your purpose; now you need only to focus on making it work for you. Over the next few weeks you’ll have some opportunities to consider your sources of professional income. You might start with an assessment of where your financial support has come from in the past year. You will see some patterns, and you’ll be able to develop the ones that are working. Here’s the one thing you need to remember when considering your professional options. As a Pisces, your work must be spiritually compatible with who you are. You cannot go against your deepest values. Seen one way, that narrows your possibilities. Seen another, it vastly expands them.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 19, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Desire is controversial. Merely allowing yourself to explore the idea of freedom, by which I mean freedom to feel, can provoke others. Yet you’re reaching for this like a plant’s leaves reach for sunlight, and like its roots reach for water. There’s no changing this fact about you, certainly not now. And it’s not as easy a path as many people make it out to be, because the freedom to feel implies taking responsibility for what you feel. And that, in turn, implies making choices and taking responsibility for them. Only you can determine what is right for you, and in the end, others may have little say as you respond to the truth of your heart. Do not be deceived by those committed to deception. Just remind yourself that you’re on your own journey, which will take you deeper into your healing process, your self-awareness and your creative passion. Go boldly.

Moonshine Horoscope for Gemini Full Moon #1130 | By Len Wallick

The world, if not the cosmos itself, is just as or more likely to be your oyster, socially speaking, compared to nearly anybody else right now. To maximize the probability of being a favored child of the schmooze universe, you must first know when to call it a day as regards to your work. Busy though you may be, you have a metaphorical wave to catch — and you won’t be able to do that unless you first go to the allegorical beach. In your case, the beach will be anyplace people are gathered for purposes that have nothing to do with productivity, achievement or status. Therefore, after an appropriately attenuated day at the office, give yourself a temporary break from following up with another form of drudgery. Hang out and let the good times roll.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 12, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You must bring all of your assets to whatever you’re doing. This includes your skills and your talents; what you’ve learned from negative experiences; and what you consider weaknesses as well as your strengths. Making your way in the world depends on bringing all of who you are to the challenges of your life. The more honest with yourself you are, the more confident you will be. The more you try to hide, the less confident you will be. In this way, you can turn any seeming debility to your advantage. The very best way to handle insecurities is to challenge them directly. Do the thing you’re the most afraid of. Speak to the person who makes you nervous. Take charge in a situation that you know needs to be sorted out and made right. One step will lead to another. With each mistake, you will learn how to get it right, and how to spot similar issues in advance.

Short Monthly Horoscope for December 2016, #1129 | By Eric Francis

You have excellent ideas and others have the means to make them real. This could result in a brilliant collaboration, and cultivating this will be worth your time and thought. Refine your presentation to something clear, beautiful and a bit idealistic. Show that you’re capable of managing your affairs, and that you make wise use of your resources. Treat everyone as a potential business partner, without saying a word about it to them at first. There are people who are more excited about your talent than you are. Pay careful attention and you’ll know them when you see them.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 5, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You must make your definition of success. Once you do, you’ll know what you must do to get there. Make sure you have a definition that encompasses not just financial success (which is actually the easiest kind to attain), but things like peace of mind, and your ability to bring your true being into your work. Until you get there, I suggest you define success as covering the basic necessities of life, of art and of business. Do you have space to live and work? Do you have food to eat, and to feed your kids and critters? Do you have water for washing, drinking and tea? Do you have an internet connection? Can you get through the day? If you answered yes to these questions, you’ve made the top 10% of the human condition. Now, play your advantages. Use your ideas, your wits, your commitment and, most of all, your time.

Moonshine Horoscope for Sagittarius New Moon #1128 | By Len Wallick

What you’ve lived through is not unknown. There is no question about that. What is subject to examination is how busy you’ve been, especially over the last decade and a half. Time to catch up. If you can, dig out some photos taken of you back in the 20th century. Tell those images about who you are now, and imagine what they would say in reply.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 28, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

In the solar chart of a Pisces, Sagittarius is the sign of achievement, notoriety and success. Sagittarius is the sign of the hunter with his arrow pointed at its mark. Alternately, it’s the sign of Chiron the centaur, the morph of human and horse, whose distinction is to be the greatest teacher and mentor in all of Greek mythology. Once you tap into this fiery Sagittarian quality in yourself, you will connect with the experience of drive, intention and wholesome ambition like you’ve never felt it before. It’s funny, though; you never read about this in any description of Pisces; at least I never have. Tuesday there is a stunning New Moon in this area of your chart. This represents the beginning of a new cycle of achievement and success. Saturn, the planet of discipline and self-mastery, has been here for more than a year, opening the way. Keep your focus. Keep doing what you know to be right. Do not worry about what others are doing, or compare yourself to them. A revelation is at hand.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope — December 2016, #1127 | By Eric Francis

The coming year is the last full year of Chiron in your birth sign. That journey began in April 2010, and represents a series of initiations that you’ve been through. You are no longer an aspirant. You’ve had little choice other than to rise to the occasion of whatever Chiron has offered. This complex little planet has many facets; here are three of them. Perhaps the very essence of Chiron is training your ability to turn what has harmed you in the past into a source of strength and wisdom today. Talents and healing gifts can collect around these injured places, which can have a way of transforming your life and your sense of purpose. Second, Chiron has taught you that it’s necessary for you to be as different as you are. Continue the process of burning off any awkwardness or uncertainty about this. You simply must stand out and be who you actually are, even if there seems to be a price to pay for that. Last, perhaps the least acknowledged theme of Chiron, is that of mentorship. This is a form of teaching where the flame of knowledge and power is passed directly from one person to another. Note the few people in your life who have stayed with you through this journey. Note as well your own state of devotion to those who seek out your leadership and guidance one-on-one. You teach what you most need to learn.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 21, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Put your wheels on the ground, sit down in the driver’s seat and point yourself in the direction you want to go. Take leadership of your life and make the decisions you need to make. Don’t talk about it: begin taking steps, and get it done. You must aim your sights high, though. Draw upon the objectives and goals that you hold most dear, and select three of them that support one another. Do not waste time wondering whether you’re taken seriously. You are. Do not waste time with others who do not take themselves seriously; they are not your problem. Of all the signs, Pisces is the one that has the greatest blessing of aspiration. You also have a wide perspective, which can sometimes get in your way, because you know that everything is possible and that on one level, all things are equal. Now, indulge yourself in the art of setting priorities, and aligning yourself with specific goals that you allow to be more relevant than others. Then give it everything you’ve got.

Weekly Horoscope for Nov. 17, 2016, #1126 | By Amy Elliott

You need to banish any idea that the tranquility or the loving interactions you long for are somehow out of reach for you. If that trope is hanging around, it’s likely due to some early imposition by someone who should have known better. Really, you know well enough that when you receive kindness or affection you can trust its authenticity. You probably have far more well-wishers than you’re aware of. Be open to that idea; be utterly sincere and candid in your treatment of others; and continue to practice your unique brand of boundless goodwill.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 14, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You are letting go of some old ideas about yourself, ideas that don’t work for you. Some could be called delusions, and others could be called illusions. Some were lies you were told about yourself and others are ones you made up. They’re all the same thing; pull the plug and drain the pool. A lot is said in supposed spiritual circles about how the past no longer exists and it’s an illusion and all that. If that’s true, how come the world is drowning in its own history? Why ever that may be, you can allow and cooperate with releasing your own history. Your desire and your willingness to do so are the catalysts. Then you must align yourself with the process at the same time you take concrete steps forward. You must be bold because this is a bold moment, and you are being summoned to leadership.

Short Monthly Horoscope for November 2016, #1125 | By Eric Francis

This year has been about making real gains on the career front. You’ve set your mind to this task, you’re committed and you’re making progress. Yet as a great poet once wrote, “Without love in the dream, it will never come true.” You want your dreams to come true, so include the people you care about in your aspirations. Get their views, involve them, and honor your collaborators like the vital life partners that they are. There’s something special in the air, a sense of abundance that is activated through mutual agreement. Take as your motto, “Let’s do something brilliant, together.”

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 7, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You have an opening to take charge and make some significant professional strides. There are two parts to this process: how you feel inwardly, and what you do externally, and the order in which you take them. Start from the feeling, and only do what you truly feel aligned with. Then make your moves carefully, one by one. Choose selectively, and pay attention to what you do first. Preparation is essential, while you have the chance. While you’re busy doing this, you may notice that things seem to happen unrelated to what you’re doing: that you get results on projects started long ago or investments of effort that you forgot you made. In fact, you would be wise to consider projects you started and made progress on, and dust some of them off. The time has come for at least one of them to come to fruition.

Moonshine Horoscope for Scorpio New Moon, #1124 | By Len Wallick

Consider the term ‘quantum leap’. In essence, that often-used but less-often-understood phrase alludes to how electrons evidently move from one energy level to another without ever being in between. Pertinent astrological indicators imply that there is some sort of quantum leap in store for you when it comes to whatever you are trying to create or otherwise manifest at this time. But it almost certainly won’t happen by itself. You will need to participate. The good news is that your part will be simple. In essence, keep practicing consistently, and have faith that no effort will be wasted. If you can do just that, you will hasten the day when you wake up to find that you have suddenly left one metaphorical plateau behind for another one with a much nicer view

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 31, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

With the New Moon in Scorpio and Jupiter in rare form, the world is leaning in your favor; the boughs with the fruit are reaching down to you. Now, you must reach back, by reaching for what you want and being willing to receive it. Some say that life is about fate; for you, life is about faith, though faith in the unseen must be met by your own choices and intention expressed as action. One thing that would help you significantly is to stop seeking approval. Rather, be a true artist and do what you are moved to do, because it’s the thing to do. Rather than those who approve of you, consider carefully with whom you might collaborate. Get the conversation going, and shift the discussion into some form of reality as soon as you can. This is not about pushing the river; rather, it’s about conducting real-time experiments and determining what works and what does not work. Needless to say, respond appropriately to that information.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for November 2016, #1123 | By Eric Francis

You may have noticed that you have more traction than usual: you’re getting things done. You have respect and self-respect. Now it’s time to expand your mission. The past few years of Chiron in your sign (actually, back to 2010) have been a time of profound introspection, dealing with your insecurities and taking care of your healing agenda. The majority of that work is behind you. You have a better sense of who you are than at any time in the past (and you knew pretty well as a kid). I suggest you count those gains for what they are, and embrace the confidence that is available to you. A greater sense of purpose is calling you, though it’s vital that you take this on more than the generic level. Reflect carefully and get clear about what you want to accomplish. Then, without hesitating, move forward and let nothing stop you. The conditions of your chart are supporting you many different ways. The more you step up to the challenge, the more support you will feel and be able to take on board. In a world that is running out of control and that in many ways seems utterly insane, it’s easy to miss the fact that you have actual worthwhile ideas, and the ability to carry them out. Remind yourself every day.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 24, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

While you’re taking care of day-to-day business, keep some focus on your medium- and long-range plans. If you don’t have plans, come up with some ideas. You need a vision that you can grow into — one that’s either not limited by your current commitments, or which extends them to a totally new place. Then, it’ll help if you act on your ideas as soon as possible. Take some tangible step in the direction that you want to go. If you experience any resistance, keep going, a little each day if necessary. One of the themes of your chart for the foreseeable future is leadership, and the most important form of that is self-leadership. Think of this as a series of commitments that you make to yourself, and then you fulfill them. And keep going.

Weekly Horoscope for Oct. 20, 2016, #1122 | By Amy Elliott

Don’t get too distracted or lose sight of the inspiration you’ve had. I realize that in today’s environment this is easier said than done. However, it would probably be useful just now to ensure that you follow through with commitments as well as you can. There will be plenty of time to explore all the fascinating side paths you’re presently noticing, as long as you take steps not to get lost in them. Your long-term plan is much too important for you to get waylaid. I suggest you keep your notes in order and muster your powers of concentration.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 17, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Your astrology continues to be high-impact; that is, your impact on the world around you. You have a lot of responsibility focused on you. It’s therefore vital that you maintain your spin control. You are visible, even if you’re not a public person. Your example is being taken as a form of leadership even if you don’t say a word. It may seem that with so much going on, you must neglect something — though I propose you take a different approach. Know your priorities, and invest in all of them, but give your top-ranked agenda items more energy. Make sure that among those items on top of your list include things that are for work, and things entirely for pleasure. Most importantly, make sure that every day you make some investment in the future. It might be jotting down a thought, expanding an idea, reading about something you want to do, or making contacts in a new field of interest. We live in wildly unbalanced times. Respond by maintaining a balance and, as the saying goes in the game Monopoly, building evenly.

Moonshine Horoscope for Aries Full Moon, #1121 | By Len Wallick

You have the ability at this moment to expand your sphere of influence exponentially, and to take a big step forward in your personal journey. Do not underestimate the authority others may invest in you, or the potency of your example. Therefore, be gentle during every encounter. Offer encouragement generously, and validate those who have earned it. Above all, act as responsibly as if you are truly in the public eye. Nobody is perfect — and you may be well aware of your imperfections — but you also know you have a vision for your growth. How you handle yourself in the coming weeks could actually illuminate the way for people you may never meet.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 10, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Pluck up every drop of your confidence and get ready to meet the world. The laid-back, ‘whatever happens’ attitude of Pisces is officially retired. You’re discovering that you’re a person of considerable determination and ambition. You’re discovering that you have ideas and plans and that it’s time to put them into action. That time is not in the future. It’s now. You must make friends with your own power, and with people you perceive to be powerful, without compromising your integrity. What that means is being a whole person, and being who you are, all the time, in every circumstance. Not everyone will like that, though it’s not actually your problem. If you cut through the fog and bullshit, which you seem to be doing brilliantly, you will connect with the people who want to work with you, who can help you and to whom you can be an asset and a resource. This is a moment of forming bonds and partnerships that can last a lifetime. Yet that comes from one quality only, which is being real.

Short Monthly Horoscope for October 2016, #1120 | By Eric Francis

Life is about an exchange. Trees absorb what humans exhale, and turn it into wood. Dogs and people have followed one another around for tens of thousands of years, to great mutual benefit. Cats protect our food supplies by eating the vermin that threaten our health. Your existence is now the very model of this quality, which is called symbiosis. Your relationships have the potential to be mutually profitable, more so than ever. Offer yourself fully to them, and accept and embrace the gifts that the people around you are offering. This is a rare moment that will nourish you for many years.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 3, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

It’s time to make your presence known: to announce your existence and your ideas to whom it may concern or, for that matter, to whom it may not concern. You’ve certainly not been lying idle these past seasons, but you would benefit from being considerably more assertive about what you’re doing. By that I mean to the public, whatever you consider that to be: beyond your immediate circle of friends and clients. Do not be in any way daunted by naysayers, complainers or those who judge. It’s easy for you to take people’s negativity on board. That’s their problem, not yours. Assert who you are and what you do. Consciously seek out collaborators; people who helped you in the past may be available to help you again. Those who may have had less interest in the past may take an active interest now. This is one of those times in your life when it’s really worth having another try at things you wanted to do but could not quite break through.

Moonshine Horoscope for Libra New Moon, #1119 | By Len Wallick

It is in some way likely that your interactions with the world at this time are taking place in an environment that favors your natural talents and tendencies. You might even have found a very supportive and productive niche for the time being. If that’s not how life is working out for you now, it could very well be that one or two relatively small adaptations on your part would turn things around and put you in hog heaven. The best sources of information regarding what adjustments would work best to promote your good fortune are people who have known you for a long while, rather than recent acquaintances. Be proactive and ask any and all such confidantes about what you should do to thrive, rather than just survive, where you currently live, work and play.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 26, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

The past month or so has presented some significant challenges in your relationships. There have been great moments of promise, which have been interlaced with misunderstandings. Yet you must admit that the ground beneath you has shifted in a positive and helpful direction, thanks in part to your recent intimate encounters. What it will help to remember is that relationships and partnerships of all kinds are built on common values, desires and interests. Yes, to some extent, opposites attract — though there’s only so far that goes; even opposition contains elements of mutual contact that make it workable. It’s essential now that you spend time with the people around whom you feel good. Though it’s easy to build relationships on commitment, obligation and continuity with the past, you’re beyond the point where you can accept anyone in your life besides those you know and feel in your heart you want, and to whom you are willing to offer yourself.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscopes for October 2016, #1118 | By Eric Francis

You must be discerning about your ideas, your talents and your possessions. It’s true that you’re in a time of changing fortunes, and you don’t really know what each day will bring. Yet you have plenty to work with. Even so, you need to sift through your resources carefully and select the gems. Regarding your talents: it’s time to get an understanding of both what is worth the most — that is, what you can get paid for, which also aligns the most closely with your values — and what gives you the most pleasure. There are all kinds of things you can do, and might do, though it’s now necessary that you have a better match than ever before. When you come into that alignment, you will notice that others respond by coming into harmony with you. But, as every musician must tune his or her instrument to be in tune with the orchestra, you must maintain focus on yourself, which means feeling and listening to the notes that you play. To use another musical metaphor, there’s a big difference between an electric guitar and an acoustic one. An electric instrument can express more sounds with less effort, and tap into the power grid to shake the stadium or wake your neighbors. That’s the instrument you’re playing right now. Therefore, slow down, center yourself and allow the music (and art, money, love and sex) to flow through you.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 19, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

It’s up to you to set a positive tone in your relationships. More than anything that includes leaving the past behind. Humanity is in the unfortunate state of seeming to drown in its own karma. Many people cannot seem to get out of the past long enough to catch a glimpse of the light of day. You cannot allow this to dictate the course of your life, or of your relationships. Yet this is not a matter of wishful thinking, of hope, or of optimism. Rather, it’s about calling yourself to be fully present and maintaining your awareness of the present. Along the way, you must let go of many insults and injuries that have been cast about, which date back as long and as far as you remember. If you can do this for a little while, the return of happiness, shared space and productivity will demonstrate that it’s the best way to live.

Pisces Full Moon Moonshine for Sept. 15, 2016, #1117 | By Len Wallick

Cutting corners does not become you. Show good faith and others will be faithful in kind. Neither is it necessary for you to be menacing or intimidating, especially given how formidable and impressive you already are. You have nothing to prove. Instead, you are a living proof. Just be who you are with those you love. Just be who you are with those you feel safe with. That will be enough to sweep others off their feet in devotion, and eliminate any need to bring others to their knees in defeat. Yes, you may have been hurt by the untrustworthy in your past, but that does not mean you should abandon trust altogether. If others know you have their back, there is nothing they will not do to protect yours.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 12, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

This week Jupiter moves into Libra, your 8th house of shared finances, passionate sex and deep commitment. (The three are directly related in astrology.) This placement will last for the next year, and it’s an invitation to success. On the most basic level, this opens up a world of resources for you. You have the fully activated potential for your collaborations to be more mutually profitable than ever. Here is the catch: you must select those people with whom you feel the open flow of energy; people who offer themselves and their ideas to you. To gain the best benefits of this transit, that would exclude anyone to whom you have to plead or even ask for what you want. Focus on the people who know what you want, and who want a mutually beneficial relationship. Focus on those who understand that working together and playing together is the way to get there. Love, beauty, intelligence and Eros: let them flow.

Short Monthly Horoscope for September 2016, #1116 | By Eric Francis

Your success this month will come from a blend of unusual ambition (for a Pisces anyway) and a newfound ability to negotiate for what you want. In the civilized world, these are the two factors that usually get the job done. Yet you would be wise to distance yourself from any need for approval from authority figures. In fact you must become your own boss in every respect: manager, cheerleader and creative consultant. And remember that cooperation, not competition, is necessary for any truly beneficial progress. So take charge of yourself, and boldly foster an environment of cooperation.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 5, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Keep challenging yourself to do more relevant, creative things. Remember your highest goals, the ones that seemed out of your reach, and get them into your plan of action. To do this, bear in mind that you depend on both structure and creativity to succeed. The two often contradict one another, but the true artist or engineer or self-visionary gets them working together. Beyond balancing the two, you have the ability to form a whole new substance that incorporates and accentuates both. You are in a truly unusual phase of life; one that may be pushing you to your limits, only to discover that it was time to exceed them. However, you must be cool about this. Despite your passion and ability, you must keep a cool head and err on the side of humility. This isn’t something one usually has to tell a Pisces, but it’s clear from your charts. Be a collaborator first and boss second.

Virgo New Moon Moonshine for Sept. 1, 2016, #1115 | By Len Wallick

Relationships with other individuals differ from those you have with groups, institutions or the world as a whole. If it’s just a question of what goes on between you and another consenting adult, the two of you are accorded a great deal of freedom. Even so, many pairs, partners and other types of couples never even think to explore that freedom. Many pairings are mediated, formed, shaped and finally determined by expectations and rules taken in from the outside. There is now the distinct possibility that at least one of your one-to-one relationships can be among the few that do things differently. Of course in order to refresh, renew or re-balance a partnership entirely from scratch requires that one of you start the conversation. If you see a chance to open negotiations aimed at creating a brave, new private world of thoroughly mutual satisfaction, start slowly and gently, but at least start.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 29, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Amidst all that’s going on in your life, and the many people who surround you, one specific situation stands out as especially meaningful. Whatever it represents is an actual transition in your life. It includes an ending and a beginning. There is a review of the past, and an opportunity to explore the future. Take things one step at a time, though be aware that one step may come on the heels of another. It’s essential that you keep your focus and not lose yourself in anyone or anything. It will help if you give people plenty of room to make their own decisions, with as little attachment as possible to the choices they make. You may feel like you’re in a position only to respond, rather than be proactive. What’s emerging is the result of your being proactive in the past. Keep responding in a creative way, focus on collaboration, and be as patient with people as you can.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for Sept. 2016, #1114 | By Eric Francis

This month ends a long cycle in your relationships and begins another. We might be talking about something that dates back eight to 10 years. That’s quite a while, especially with time speeding along in dog years. Plenty has happened to you; and as you take a step forward, it’s time for a review of what this past decade of relationships has been about. Consider the people, consider the patterns, and consider how your expectations have evolved over time. One hint I can offer you is that as time has gone on, you’ve made peace with what a quirky individual you are. You’ve figured out that your priorities are different, your values are different, and that your drive to be your individual self — almost at all costs — is genuinely unique. This discovery may have come gradually, or it may have come all at once (of course, after building up for a while). Now comes a kind of summation of all your progress and experience. If you feel like you’re heading into unknown and uncertain territory, you’re in the right place. Yet, despite some sense of intensity and living on the edge, you have every reason to be confident. I would sum it up simply in a few words: you’ve reached a stage of life where a real exchange is possible. That translates to: give consciously, and receive graciously.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 22, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You know where you stand with yourself. Don’t forget. You know what you want to accomplish. Remember that every day, from hour to hour. The only way anyone can fool you is if you deceive yourself; therefore, be clear and real about your intentions and do not hesitate or doubt yourself. This is a moment that requires leadership — and in your life, you’re the one who’s going to provide that. No matter who may be involved, or how many people may be involved, the central organizing principle of your existence is your ability to keep your focus. This is a gentle process. People can feel the intensity and drive that you’re carrying now. Pay attention to who notices; observe who intuitively is drawn to what you’re doing and the way you’re doing it. Develop collaborations with those to whom you need to explain the least: those who already feel the rhythm and follow the melody.

Full Moon Moonshine Horoscope for Aug. 18, 2016, #1113 | By Len Wallick

There are times to think your way through a situation. There are other times when it’s more appropriate to go by feel. More than most people, you are likely to encounter both types of circumstances over the next four weeks or so. Therefore, whenever possible, respond slowly rather than react quickly. Let yourself experiment to determine whether an intellectual or emotional approach will bring about the most efficacious solution to any given problem. When in doubt, put on your thinking cap first; but don’t be afraid to discard it so you can reach deep down inside for sheer inspiration.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 15, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You might have the feeling that you’ve found the perfect relationship or the perfect person. You’re certainly being drawn in that direction. At the same time, you are being bold about focusing your purpose and your mission. It’s essential that these two seemingly different aspects of your life not conflict. That would be a waste of a phenomenal opportunity to create harmony between your personal involvements and your most important missions in life. Those missions all require cooperation with others; nearly everything does, though this particular fact is emphasized in your current solar chart. Yet you’re also in the position of setting your own agenda, rather than following what others think is the right thing to do. You must trust your own sense of mission; though remember that you need to reevaluate your goals constantly. There are certain items that have been on your to-do list for a while, and among them are a few that deserve a real investment of your time and your energy.

Weekly Horoscope for Aug. 11, 2016, #1112 | By Amy Elliott

If you’re interested in developing your cultural or artistic knowledge, someone in your life may offer you an opportunity to do precisely that. It’s said we all have a touch of the divine within us. Notice who around you is expressing theirs particularly strongly, and follow where they lead; even if it’s down the rabbit hole, the destination will probably make the journey worthwhile. In fact, what you learn now could serve as an important foundation for future endeavors.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 8, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Stick to your most important goals. Pause what you’re doing, take a survey of what you’ve been up to for the past six months, and prioritize. Mars has returned to Sagittarius, which is your house of ambition and reputation. It will help if you remember that both of those count: you are in an excellent position to strive for unusually bold goals, and you must do so with integrity and a clear sense of mission. By mission, I mean be clear about what your service is. You are being called to work in service, though at the same time, you can and must make it work for you. Emphasize collaboration and include as many points of view as you can; at the same time maintain a position of leadership over your own affairs. When the time comes to connect with people you identify as working on a high level, or as an authority figure of some kind, handle that communication yourself.

Short Monthly Horoscope for August 2016, #1111 | By Eric Francis

Give people you care about the chance to cross the distance and come to you. You are used to reaching out, traveling and going out of your way to offer what is in the best interest of others. You don’t have to do that. If you relax and tune into your environment, you will notice that there are key individuals who are willing to meet you where you are, and to share what they have to offer. Your role is to be available: to keep your eyes and ears open, and to be willing to receive graciously. For you that may be the challenging part.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 1, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You are ready to take on a goal that you had to set aside because you didn’t have the energy or the cooperation. Now you have both. Of the two I suggest you rely on cooperation first. A partnership or collaboration that has been on/off at different times now seems to have matured to the degree where you can get results. This may involve several people, and you’re likely to have additional decisions to make. In order to work with people, you must emphasize communication, which means understanding where people are coming from. Listen to what they say and track their behavior. Where the two seem to conflict will give you the clues that you need. If you find yourself getting defensive about anything, slow down the movie and make an inquiry. What you’re looking for is not just peace and harmony but rather those who can share a commitment to accomplishing something useful and beautiful.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for August 2016, #1110 | By Eric Francis

Now you must do all the things that no astrology book ever said a Pisces was good at: exert strong leadership skills, be practical, and focus on clear objectives. It’s time for you to be a taskmaster, which means a master of tasks. And you must do all the things for which we know and love those born under your sign: express empathy, take everyone’s needs into account and, most of all, be artful in everything that you do. This combination of factors will help you get to a new place in life, one that you’ve been reaching towards for many seasons running. Certain factors might lead you to be impatient; work with that as a resource, like fuel that you burn slowly and carefully rather than all at once. At other times you might get pushy; turn that down to the smallest, most invisible flame that you use to prod people gently rather than aggressively. What you must always remember is that your efforts to shape ‘the world’ or your life are really all experiments in self-becoming. You are, above all other factors, in a profound phase of character formation. It’s therefore essential that you focus on being rather than on doing. Keep your life in order and in balance. Make time for what you love, and learn to come from that place all the time.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 25, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

There’s an interesting scenario in your relationships — maybe you’ve noticed it. You’re in a beautiful position to love people as equals, yet at the same time you end up in the role of mentor or teacher. Perhaps a therapist might not agree that this is possible, much less a good idea, though it’s the role of any true mentor to see the people learning from them not only as equals, but as people who have more potential than they do. That gesture, of seeing the possibilities, has a way of leveling things out. So too does the fact that in any true gesture of teaching, the teacher learns as much as the student. So, be happy that knowledge is being exchanged and created in your relationships. Be willing to teach those you care about what you know. Thoughts increase by being given away, so make them creative and loving thoughts and we’ll all benefit.

Weekly Horoscope for July 21, 2016, #1109 | By Amy Elliott

The extraordinary journey of development you’ve been on lately may receive a nice boost this week. Make sure you grasp any opportunity with the firmness it deserves. This could involve, for example, a revision of old habits that seem to be holding back progress — if that’s true, now is probably a good time to jettison them and pursue more productive methods. Additionally, try to maintain focus and don’t allow yourself to be led off into tangent land. You need to preserve your energy, especially emotional, so that you leave enough space in your head for the Muse to enter.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 18, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

If Pisces needs one thing, it’s fire. Yours is the wateriest of the water signs and Neptune, the planet of water (and of Pisces), is right in your neighborhood. There are many other water placements in the sky at the moment. You might be up to your ears in inspiration, or you might feel overwhelmed by the amount of, well, of everything in your life. Jupiter in Virgo is helping you out: that’s about cooperation, and you’re in a rare moment for that. Take advantage of everyone who shows up to help you, and help them as you can. Yet you need fire — and some has just arrived. This has come in the form of two planets in fire sign Leo: Mercury and Venus. For you, Leo is the sign of work and wellbeing. This is putting some fire in your heart, motivating you to accomplish great things. Just remember to use that energy for work, and for your wellbeing, in approximately equal proportions. In other words: get stuff done, and take good care of yourself as well.

Full Moon Moonshine Horoscope for July 14, 2016, #1108 | By Len Wallick

In a gift economy there is no buying and selling. With the exception of freedom from money, however, neither is anything free. A gift economy demands that each participant bring their best and give it away, trusting all others participating to do the same. The ideal result is prosperity in common. The objective is to realize the true nature of equality and an actual experience of authentic freedom. To participate in such a seemingly Utopian scenario, you must first have enough faith in other people to believe that it is a practical possibility. Then, you must find a way to have an equal amount of faith in yourself. Now is the time to begin with you.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 11, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

There is so much moving so quickly, you may feel that it’s impossible to keep up with yourself, much less the world. Yet despite all of that, keep your focus on the pleasure principle. This does not need to contradict being productive or creative; in fact it will facilitate bringing out the best of who you are. Be disciplined about making sure that after work, fun begins. Be just as devoted to finding ways to make your work enjoyable. Find the creative way to do what must be done. Use your gift of flexibility to do tasks when you feel like doing them (that will require being a few steps ahead of yourself). Notice one beautiful thing that’s happening: the more you let go of old tendencies, the more room you will make in your life for the loving relationships you want the most. Make space, feel your presence in the world, and from there, offer yourself generously to others.

Short Monthly Horoscope for July 2016, #1107 | by Eric Francis

You’re embarking on the summer when you discover your true talent as an artist, as a lover and — most of all — as someone who trusts yourself as these things. Pisces is the sign that’s designed for pleasure, though it’s easy to get distracted from that because you place such a high value on serving others. Yet it’s clear that you need an extended opportunity to soak in the beauty to which you are so sensitive. No matter how busy you may be tempted to be, indulge in what you know are the finer things in life. The result will be flowering into a new phase of your life.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 4, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

This is a beginning for you, the kind which you long for the most. There’s passion in your chart; there is personal expression, lavish creativity and a sense of daring. It’s even fair to say you have the potential for some new dimension of love. At the same time, there is the unusual pressure to be sober and realistic. There is you, a sensitive person, and there is the world you live in, the wider world, which is straining for any peace or sanity at all. You live your life as if straddled between the two realities. You might wish that you could dive into the love and the creativity without having to bother addressing the insanity and pain of the world around you. However, the two seemingly separate realities form a polarity, which like a battery is the true source of your energy. Responding effectively to the paradox that you must stretch yourself across both is the essence of your life. The result is what you’ll create and then take with you the rest of your days.

New Moon Moonshine Horoscope for June 30, 2016, #1106 | by Len Wallick

Are you having fun yet? Whether you know it or not, the Sun, Moon and planets recently have been moving to maximize the chances of making whatever forms of whoopee you like best. Whether you care or not, that trend will continue for at least a fortnight and possibly even two months more. If you want to get some good, healthy jollies in this year, now is the prime time to do it. This does not mean that the rest of the year will be dreary — other forms of felicity will soon be coming over the horizon for you. If, however, you do relish the opportunity to get out and get it on with frantic frivolity (especially in the company of a friend or friends similarly inclined) the next couple of weeks practically have your name on them.

Monday Morning Horoscope for June 27, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

It is often said that we create our own reality. Yet is that true, as an independent statement? Or is it closer to actuality that we drive our lives in various ways, and are also in a complex relationship with our environment, and with many forces outside of our control? Let’s presume the second one is true. We live in a world of cars, and of roads. To drive the car effectively, it’s necessary to understand the roads. You have a creative opportunity in your hands; something unusual, and something that could truly enhance your life. For this to come to fruition, it will be necessary for you to pay attention to what you’re doing, and to pay even closer attention to your environment. One of the most vital factors of environment is belief. You have your beliefs, and you swim in an ocean of the beliefs of others. Notice how the two interrelate and you will have much more fun.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for July 2016, #1105 | by Eric Francis

In many ways, the river of life is flowing. Mars is returning to direct motion on June 29 in your fellow water sign Scorpio (after a long retrograde, dating back to mid-April). Planets are gathering in your fellow aquatic sign Cancer. There already was plenty happening in your sign. Planets in water signs are good for Pisces, which otherwise can feel like, well, a fish out of water. Now, the thing to do is swim. Send out your dolphin sonar and listen for the return signal. Yes, the oceans are large and potentially perilous, though you have the power to get wherever you want to be. In addition to all this water energy, there is the picture of some form of direct contact in your solar chart (illustrated by Jupiter in Virgo), which feels like empathy and the ability to identify with the experience of another person. You don’t have to worry about ‘losing’ your identity; rather, you can only gain from this situation, because you’ll be exposed to ideas and experiences that will compliment what you already have going on. Life is a creative experiment, or it’s very little at all. Circumstances this month will call you out of your old routines, into new ways of expressing yourself. Take the time to explore. Take the time to remember who you are and what you want. Let one good thing lead to another.

Monday Morning Horoscope for June 20, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You seem to be making some important adjustments around money: how you think about it, how you handle it, and what you can do with it. This would be an especially helpful time to conduct some long-term planning, such as sketching out your one-year plan and your five-year plan. Granted, the world is going so fast that most people don’t even dare to think about the future. Though the opportunity you now have is so good you don’t want to miss it. So, be brave and really consider what you want, what you want to accomplish and where, geographically, you might want to be. You won’t be held to any of these plans; you’re not setting anything in concrete and steel. You’re merely writing a rough draft that you will revise a number of times. More than anything, this is about getting your ideas going and beginning a creative process that will teach you something helpful.

Moonshine Horoscope for June 16, 2016, #1104 | by Len Wallick

One of the best products of human civilization might very well be the road. Open roads, especially, do more than create a means of connection from one place to another. In practical fact, highways are a place unto themselves. It appears high time for you to consider a road trip so that you can reacquaint yourself with the unintentional potentials to be found while traversing vast stretches of pavement for their own sake. The season beginning with the Sun’s ingress to Cancer this year is all but a written invitation to travel at least far enough to rediscover where the flow of traffic ends and the flow of life begins. Allow yourself to wander, if only to reassure yourself that you are not lost — even after all the detours your life’s aspirations and efforts have taken since the last time you found some privacy on a public thoroughfare. You just might find yourself more at home on the road right now than anyplace else.

Monday Morning Horoscope for June 13, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Currently you have two sources of strength that you can tap into. One is an unusual form of focus for a Pisces, which is the power of Saturn: structure, discipline and leadership. Clearly you’re at a stage of your life where it’s essential to build this, and you seem to be succeeding against all odds. Yet at the moment there is something else. You have available a direct tap into a spiritual reservoir, which you can access at any time. This takes a shift in perspective from the “I must get it done” state of mind, to or into working with a specific energy available to you. The difference is like rowing a boat versus hoisting a sail and riding the wind. Either way, you have the boat and the desire to get somewhere. You have oars, you have a sail and there is definitely a gust blowing. Here’s the catch: using your sail requires that you surrender to the elements, and apply another level of skill. Your mind becomes more relevant than brute force.

Monday Morning Horoscope for June 6, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Don’t take the pressure so seriously. Most of it is based on abstract thought. It’s true that you’re being called to greater things in every facet of your life simultaneously. What you’re experiencing as stress is actually energy, which can work for you or against you: that’s your choice. Therefore, it will help if you connect everything to your motivation, by which I mean take inspiration from anything in your environment. Necessity is indeed the mother of invention. It’s amazing how that can foster the efficient use of time. In that spirit, I suggest you invest no precious time waiting. Rather, make conscious choices and take action. Look at your limits and decide what to do with them, rather than merely living with them passively. Everything — by which I mean every problem or scenario — has a workaround. Learn how to identify your options and choose from among them. You have plenty.

Short Monthly Horoscope for June 2016, #1103 | By Eric Francis

Keep aiming high. This is one of your most ambitious times in many years, though you are the one who chooses the goals. You set the agenda. You must be the CEO of your own life. If you can get the hang of this now, you will learn a skill that you take with you for all your days. The challenges include seeing your options clearly, making conscious decisions and proceeding with firm commitment. You must also see the financial angle of anything you do. The potential is enormous, if you take charge and run your life with a bold and courageous heart.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 30, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

If you feel like you’re at a turning point, then keep turning. Your astrology reveals that you have more leverage than you think, though at times you may feel like you’re mysteriously stuck. Actually, you’re surpassing one limit after the next, though they may be subtle limits, many of them mental. As you do this, it’s important to be aware of your significant gains. Pay less attention to the day-to-day ups and downs and more attention to the longer scenario. Where were you at a year ago? What about two years? Make a list of every challenge and obstacle you’ve successfully navigated. Consider what you’ve built, made or created, and give yourself extra credit because it’s so challenging to be enthusiastic about anything these days. Yet if you want to get your life onto the next level, it will help if you think of yourself — not your life — differently. Your life is not about what you do. It’s about who you are, and what you do follows from that.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for June 2016, #1102 | By Eric Francis

Keep giving yourself permission to have fun, then go and do it. This month is the perfect storm of opportunity. Mars turning to direct motion in Scorpio is about leaving all of your hang-ups behind. The Sun and Venus heading for your fellow water sign Cancer will open many doors; it’s up to you to walk through them and to keep your emphasis on the grand creative experiment that is life. You can afford to be less picky about who you associate with. Ideally you would find a little something nourishing or inspiring in everyone. If you come from that place of appreciation, you will emit positive vibes and find it easier to move around various social circles. You would be wise to pause and consider the possibility that people are intimidated by you. There continues to be an alignment of slow-moving, deep and evocative planets in your sign. One response people might have to you is that things get real fast when you’re in the room. This is not your problem; don’t take it on. It’s been a long time since people in Western civilization have been this frightened of their shadow. You will get the best results if you consciously choose not to be frightened by anyone or anything, and hang out where art, love and celebration are made. If nothing comes up immediately, be persistent. You will break through.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 23, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

If there’s such a thing as ‘sacred space’, it would be your home. You might think of this as the space that you recognize and accept as an extension of yourself. It’s not where you are; rather, it’s who you are. This is a vital principle of inclusion that, in the end, welcomes you anywhere in the world, and allows you to feel comfortable with anyone. There’s some beautiful astrology developing in the home angle of your chart. The Sun has just entered Gemini, which describes where you live and how you like your home to feel: in a few words, sunny, breezy and light. So push open the windows and let in the spring air. Tidy up and reclaim your inner space. More than anything, stretch out your awareness, relax and feel at home in the world. Speak your mind. You might do something else: if you’ve had a writing project you’ve wanted to get to, it’s beckoning you right now.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for May 19, 2016, #1101 | By Len Wallick

Itemizing how your current abode does (and does not) differ from whatever home or homes were provided for you as a child is an excellent way to begin getting clear about what, if any, changes you want to make in your personal surroundings. The same principle and protocol would almost certainly allow you to take an inventory of the intangibles that constitute your inner life. That way you can get a better idea of both who and what you now are (or are not), as well as what you might (or might not) want to become. Finally, and most importantly, remember that even if there are constraints regarding the extent to which you can change the physical world, the power you have to make changes on the inside are truly unlimited — even if you might need some guidance from the outside in making them.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 16, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You are learning the benefit of keeping your viewpoint moving. This is a real moment of clarity for you, especially where the grand experiment of following your true calling is concerned. Yet you don’t want too much clarity. I suggest you avoid the mistake of thinking you see things ‘as they are’, remembering how much you’ve gained from taking a circumspect approach to reality. Therefore, explore as many points of observation as you can, and make sure you view your activities or your goal from many perspectives. You will still have the power to focus yourself and to make decisions, but they will be smarter decisions that embrace more of your potential. As a Pisces, you are blessed with the gift of seeing how everything relates to everything else. Use that generously. See the interplay of all things, of all ideas, of all people, and it will be easy to spot your various best roles within the planetary symphony.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for May 12, 2016, #1100 | By Len Wallick

Behave as though you are the proud owner of the world, and what you want from the world will be more likely to come your way. When you are with somebody else, show off that tree and those clouds as if you have made them yourself. In a very real way, you do possess and have created all you see, taste, smell, hear and feel. Just as real is the fact that at least some others would absolutely love it if you shared those possessions with them. All you have to do to manifest those realities is to be alert for those moments when somebody asks about your day, and be ready to give them a small but tasty piece of it. Sooner or later what you receive in return will be precisely what you were looking for.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 9, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You are about to get the boost that you need. In many areas of your life, balances are shifting in your favor. You might say that your star is rising: Jupiter has just turned to direct movement and is heading toward the top of your chart. In many other areas you can make note of improvements and of a solid quality that has gradually entered your life. Yet there’s still an awkward feeling in the air, something you cannot pin down, or have not been able to put a name to. Be with that for a while. Notice that there are things you want to do, there are things you need to do, and there are others that you absolutely must do for some reason you may not understand. Honoring that, I suggest you do something that is perhaps out of character for your sign, which is to work with specific goals. Choose one from each category, carefully, making sure you write in pencil so that you can change your mind. Very soon, you will have a clear agenda, and that makes success infinitely easier.

Moonshine Horoscope for May 5, 2016, #1099 | By Len Wallick

Some sort of fellowship may just be starting to appear on your horizon. In all likelihood it is a form of association you have not previously experienced — not quite social, and not exactly familial either. The question is whether you will be comfortable with what you will be expected to offer in return. What do you owe for the support, encouragement and even collaboration you might receive from what amounts to a collegiate enterprise? On the upside, there is a distinct chance your life could become more fulfilling than ever before by throwing in with a small but dynamic group of people who bring out the best in you. That said, you may be asked to make compromises in order to fit in; not a bad thing necessarily, but heed your feelings on this matter. Do not be the only one to compromise. If you are not allowed to make your mark, don’t make a commitment.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 2, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You have accomplished a lot in recent months, which is likely to be the result of a year or more of concentrated effort. It’s time to slow down, catch your breath, and reflect on what you’ve done. Though comparisons to others are rarely helpful, consider what you were doing, and how you were feeling, exactly one year ago, and note the contrast. Remember that your thought, your intentions, your actions and your investment in yourself have gotten you to where you are today. You have great things to accomplish, though to make the most of your future investment of resources, you need perspective. That means a clear survey of your life, and real consideration of what your most important priorities are. As for relationships, I suggest reaching out to people you’ve lost contact with in the recent past. Say hello, find out what they’re up to, and perhaps make plans to meet up. Listen to what you hear — and to what you say.

Short Monthly Horoscope for May 2016, #1098 | By Eric Francis

You live on your reputation, but this has to come from the inside out. Ultimately you must bank on being known for who you really are. Current challenges related to your calling are pushing you to access all your talent, all the time. What should be amazing to you is how much you can do, and how resourceful you are. This time in your life will teach you more about your own gifts than perhaps any other so far. You have a lot to discover. As Hunter S. Thompson said, when the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 25, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Your life at the moment is about mind over matter. Your imagination can get more done than any amount of effort, making it your most effective labor saving device. If you see a problem, start by reminding yourself that it has a solution. If you see a need, remind yourself you can meet any requirement you have for existence, and more. In other words, the first thing to do is not to talk yourself out of trusting your creativity and ingenuity, and the second thing to do is to affirm and most of all experiment with them. If you have an ability you don’t use, you’re not as likely to trust it, and neither will you have as easy access when you need it. This week’s alignment of the Sun in Taurus with your guiding planet Neptune will give you many opportunities to test, and stretch, what you may have thought were limitations on your ability to manifest. There is one requirement that turns the key to this process: knowing, and admitting, what you want.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for May 2016, #1097 | By Eric Francis

Pause and assess the progress you’ve made the past year. Slow down on your quest to take new territory, and develop what you’ve already begun, and begun well. Mars and Saturn continue to emphasize the theme of leadership, which means taking responsibility for your own life. As part of this pattern, you are doing some challenging work of integrating who you are as a person with the mission you came here to fulfill. This is integration on the level of total synthesis: there can no longer be a distinction between ‘you’ and ‘your mission’ or you and your message. Yet to do this well requires a level of self-awareness for which there are few examples to follow. This is why I’m suggesting a review phase, which would include filling in some gaps you may have left in your development process, organizing your physical space, evaluating your resources and getting a little rest. You need enough distance on your situation to get a fresh perspective or two. Remember that the thing you’re doing now is combining long-range commitment with the knack for discipline in the moment. These are two of the most essential factors for success; the third is vision, which for you means revision. Mars retrograde through late June is taking that to a deep level: connecting emotionally with your deepest commitment to your chosen purpose.

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 18, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

As I’ve been hinting for months, you’re in an extended leadership-training program. This involves planetary movement in Sagittarius, which for you is the sign of aspiration, reputation and responsibility. It’s true there is plenty else going on in the sky, but this is the undeniable focus of your life. Leadership starts with yourself: being accountable to yourself and able to meet the responsibilities you’ve taken on with both a sense of duty and with original vision. At the same time, you’re setting an example for others, and are likely to be drawing people to something about your mission that requires some collective or collaborative effort. I suggest you aspire to impeccability and be satisfied with nothing less than being real. Be strong and at the same time, be ready to meet people on mutual territory. What you learn in these weeks and months will last you for a lifetime –- so learn well.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for April 14, 2016, #1096 | By Len Wallick

You probably don’t need anybody lighting a fire under you. It appears as though you are doing a pretty darn good job of motivating yourself already. Therefore, rather than getting further wrapped up in being the dynamo you already are, look for ways to both unwind and relax into being more than just determined and driven. Think about where in your life letting up can be just as (or even more) productive as bearing down. Keep restraint on top of your tool bench right next to action, and choose between them with reflection rather than reflex. Your diligence and focus will indeed make a difference for the better in some ways. At least a few matters, however, might be better off left alone.

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 11, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

One of the deeper (and prevalent) struggles associated with your sign is self-esteem. And you have the opportunity to blow that apart right now, and to be born into the world with rare confidence. Yet this is not some transient phase; you are finally figuring out that there’s no reason at all not to feel entirely faithful in yourself, your abilities and your place in the world. This comes down to two things: valuing yourself and what you have to offer, and your natural leadership ability. The two are closely related. Honoring the gift that you have to offer is a form of leadership, but there’s something more happening right now. When it’s time to take charge of something, do so with clarity and with focus. Learn the trick of self-respect and you will master the art of respect in all other forms. And that will get you far.

Moonshine Horoscope for April 7, 2016 #1095 | By Len Wallick

In some way, you hold the key to the entire theater of your life — which means you have more power than nearly anybody (perhaps even you) can readily see. Yet all that influence will not make you happy by itself. One important factor that will determine whether your power will ultimately serve to please you is whether or not you can delegate when you need to. If you are currently expected to be both star and producer (or even if you think you need or desire to be both), you may need to decide whether you have a preference, or whether some of your tasks can be shifted. This will help you maintain a healthy workload, so that you can shine with your full brightness and beauty.

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 4, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

The theme of finances has been on your mind lately. Rather than being optimistic, I suggest you work on your confidence. The ups and downs of your personal economy have taught you a lot the past few years. You have learned how to stand on your own feet, and you’ve learned how to take leadership. And now you have a mission. What’s interesting is that this may be an old mission into which new life is being breathed; something you’ve worked at for a while and have discovered the value of. As a Pisces, it can be difficult for you to feel bold and strong every day. But now your sensitivity is your greatest asset. Your understanding that the world and many people in it are struggling for sanity is your secret power. Your role is to rise above the emotional level of the struggle, to rise above the problem and see your role in the solution. Feel, be clear about what you’re feeling, and remember that emotion is energy in motion. So keep moving.

Short Monthly Horoscope for April 2016, #1094 | By Eric Francis

For the foreseeable future, we could sum up the theme of your life in one word: leadership. That’s not the typical thing you see associated with Pisces, but it is now, on many accounts. You may have to push people a little harder than you normally like to; I suggest you think of it as being direct. State what you need. Describe the way you want things to work. Express your vision for any task or project. Assert yourself. Most significantly, do not ask whether this approach is legitimate. Rise to the calling and don’t waste your time with questions you’ve long ago answered.

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 28, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Venus is in your sign for another week or so, which means good times for Pisces. Take advantage of this astrology and go for what you want, without any delay. Be open with people. Allow your face to reflect your inner feelings. When you meet someone, proceed with the trust of a child. It’s true that there is plenty going on in your house of career and ambition, but let that take second place to the purely personal dimension. One thing your charts are suggesting strongly is that now is the time to claim what was yours in the past. Remember the gains you’ve made, remember who you’ve known and who you’ve loved, and even more importantly, remember what you’ve learned. Most of all, claim dominion over your own life. It is, after all, your life to live. Claim all of it as your own, which makes it yours to share, because that’s what you love to do.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for April, 2016, #1093 | By Eric Francis

You have before you a brilliant moment of inventiveness with money and other resources. While I’m always careful to include finances as one among many types of assets you can work with, money is the one deserving of your attention and creativity right now. This is mainly because you can get results beyond what you typically think are possible. Many factors in your chart reveal an unusual drive for success and numerable opportunities available to you. You are in rare form now, taking control of your affairs and removing needless obstacles. Yet at the heart of every business plan are the financials. The numbers have to add up, and when you need money to do a certain job, that’s the thing that does the trick. You’re someone who usually avoids being associated with a drive for wealth, though I suggest you try on this identity for a while. Try relating to your desire to be well funded, and to have enough to go around. Wash your hands and clear your mind of any notion that there’s something unholy about money, and remember that the meaning of any tool is about what you do with it. There is plenty that you want to do, and plenty that you can do; one distinction of Pisces is taking the long, slow route, which is now evolving into the faster, more direct way.

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 21, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Events around the time of the solar eclipse in your sign two weeks ago are now starting to show results. Things are building to a crescendo, but one thing is clear: your life is moving, and it’s moving in some interesting directions. Even though the Sun is now in Aries, there are many planets remaining in your sign. These represent personal resources that you can use for anything you want. You have every reason to be self-confident now; so, therefore, you can take those chances and opportunities that require self-esteem. Having faith in yourself does not mean you have a perfect life or are a ‘better’ person. What it means is that you have the courage to face the challenges that arise and to take the opportunities that you see. One topic that’s opening up now involves money. The planets are encouraging you to be as self-sufficient as possible. You don’t have to depend on others. You have what you need, or you can get it.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for March 17, 2016 #1092 | By Len Wallick

What your eyes have seen and what your ears have heard are likely more special than you know. It’s important for you to realize that even some of the most mundane elements of your daily experience would probably serve as the revelation or missing piece that some others are looking for. What you consider to be common knowledge probably isn’t. Therefore, seek to go beyond common ways of expressing yourself. If you are not already doing so, choose and begin developing a means of broadcasting all you have accumulated on the inside that will allow you to reach and be welcomed by the greatest possible number of people on the outside.

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 14, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Venus, the planet of love, abundance and attraction, has joined the impressive lineup of planets in your sign (more than nine in all). This is adding what, for you, is the essential ingredient in your life, and I suggest you milk this moment for all it’s worth. Once you know what you want, it will be easy to seek it out, or to draw it to you. Here is the catch: When you get what you want, be grateful for what the universe is offering, rather than resentful. For example you might think, “I wish I’d had this before.” Yet that would be missing the point entirely. Instead, try something like, “I’m so happy this (experience, person, object) has come into my life, and if I feel good in receiving it, I’ll draw more to me and be even happier.” A way to say this simply is that you’re responsible for all the good that you draw to you.

Moonshine Horoscope for March 10, 2016 #1091 | By Len Wallick

When in doubt, say you can. Assume you can do anything unless proven otherwise. To do so is not overconfidence; rather, it is understanding. Where your limits have in fact been proven, take them as benefits of experience that serve to define both who you are and what you might want to overcome. The more clearly you can define yourself, the more easily you can both appreciate and demonstrate all the qualities that make you both valuable and special. The better your perception of what you might want or need to overcome, the more realistically and efficiently you can apply yourself to improve and make progress. So think twice before saying that you can’t, and if it is indeed necessary to do so today, leave the door open to saying you can tomorrow.

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 7, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

On Tuesday, March 8, there is a total solar eclipse in your birth sign. These are rare, happening perhaps once or twice every decade. They tend to be ‘before and after’ moments: that is, in retrospect, you were living one kind of life before an eclipse, and another kind of life in the months and years after. Now would be an excellent time to tune in and make some adjustments. How would you characterize your existence for the past few years, or for however long it’s been the way it is now? What do you want to change? Then, imagine your life the way that you want it to be. What is it that you want, what do you need, and most significantly, what is your vision for yourself? How does your life actually look, and feel, when it’s the life that you want? Be bold, and be clear. Keep your vision in mind, so you can make the decisions that will lead you there, one choice at a time.

Short Monthly Horoscope for March 2016, #1090 | By Eric Francis

Go beyond the need for a reason to believe in yourself and just have faith. Skipping any rationalizing is essential. This really is a case of damn the critics, the mosquitoes and the traffic jams, remember your most important goal and blaze ahead. You’ll be accessing skill sets and talents you’ve already developed, though you’ll be using them in entirely new ways. The role of collaborators is now crucial, but select only those who share your vision closely enough to help you grow and develop it. Remember: you don’t need to be original; you are an original.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for March 2016, #1089 | By Eric Francis

You will live a year or two this month. It’s as if you’re entering an acceleration chamber, where you will be taken from where you are now, through many changes, to a new place and time. It’s therefore essential that you know the direction you’re headed, and have some idea where you want to go. This means focusing goals in tangible language. Work from your highest priorities, and put some thought into what they are. Eliminate goals that are no longer actually on your agenda. Then you might revisit certain desires, ambitions and objectives that you let go of in the past, whether because they seemed impossible or because you were not ready. You will find that some of those things seem much more practical and attainable now. The whole world is in a phase of acceleration, moving so fast that people don’t have time to think. You, however, must take the time, and consider where you’ve been, where you are, and what you want. This will invariably lead to considering who you were, who you are and who you want to be. Remember that the feeling tone of those destinations is as vital as the specific facts: tones and shades such as relaxed, loving, spacious, creative, erotic, exciting, alive, engaged, successful — mix and match your favorites, then feel your way there.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Feb. 22, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You don’t need to do much to get the results you want. Let the momentum of your life carry you; allow the things you’ve already set in motion to take their course. This may take some trust, but you can at least give yourself some space to work a little less, and put less emphasis on outcomes. This is especially true if they involve other people. Ease back and let them make their decisions. If there is some unresolved matter, know that the ball is in their court, and be ready and available to listen. One thing that’s clear is that if you don’t get the exact results you want, there are other, better possibilities that could easily manifest for you. Invest your energy in going with the flow and doing some of what Pisces is best at: enjoying the good things in life.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for Feb. 18, 2016, #1088 | By Len Wallick

Let the love shine in so that it may also shine out. For every person who takes exception to what is authentically and genuinely you, there are sure to be at least two (and probably more) who want to express their attraction for what you have made yourself to be. For anybody with functional eyes and ears, it should be clear that you, more than most people, have found a way to be true to both yourself and your personal aspirations. That is no small accomplishment, and you need not waste your energy defending yourself against those who are either too blind to perceive what they are looking at, or too deaf to understand what they are hearing. Rather, devote that energy to returning all the affection you deservedly receive.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Feb. 15, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Later this week, the Sun enters your birth sign. So many other planets are currently in Pisces that you may feel a little overwhelmed or disorganized. The Sun’s one-month presence in your home corner of the sky will provide a unifying influence. It’s time to come back to your astrological roots: you’re a creative, pleasure-seeking person. This is true even given the responsibilities you have, and your desire to be an authentic success. Your creativity and desire to feel good can guide and motivate you. Ultimately, you will only be happy succeeding at what is truly right for you, so those are healthy guides. Working well, and intelligently, are essential to honor. Your sense of devotion and commitment are as well. Focus on feeling good and those things will come as naturally to you as sunshine and water.

Moonshine Horoscope for Feb. 11, 2016, #1087 | By Len Wallick

Golf is a game within a game. All of the mindsets, reflexes, postures, practices, disciplines and tools that combine to get you from the tee to the green within the requisite number of strokes are no longer of any value once it is time for you to putt. Upon occasion, life can be like golf in that way. Indications are that this may be just such a time for you. It could very well be that you have successfully made it to the point where you need to change the strategies, methods and tactics that have propelled you this far. In order to follow through and complete your triumph-in-the-making, consider how a delicate approach to circumstances might be more appropriate than striking with all your might.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Feb. 8, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

If there seems to be some mysterious new source of energy powering your goals, be grateful for that, and keep doing what you’re doing. We might call this phase of your life a period of achievement. This is working two ways. You have more freedom to establish yourself in the world around you. Your clarity and sense of purpose will have a way of clearing obstacles. Yet at the same time, these activities are squeezing the best of your talents and skills from you. You’re discovering both abilities and confidence that you may not known you had, or which you lacked in the past. Stay a few steps ahead of yourself, and dream big. Gaze out toward the horizon, from as high a vantage point as you can find, and look where you want to be.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for Feb. 4, 2016, #1086 | By Eric Francis

Monday’s Aquarius New Moon offers you unusual insight into your own inner workings, as if you can peer into your unconscious mind. If you can do that, it must be something other than unconscious — awareness is a choice, though sometimes it rises like the tide. And this tide will indeed lift all ships, as you clear away beliefs that have outdone their use. This will open the way to your making contact with new communities, new friends, and new possibilities. Most of your astrology is focused on your vocational activities, and how working toward your goals is bringing out the best in you. That still holds, perhaps more than ever. Yet now your social sphere merges with your creative ambitions in an especially potent way. It’s true that the world has grown stuffier, more resistant to change and more prone to obsessing over appearances. You get to go beyond all of that, as if it’s your personal destiny. It isn’t really; you are choosing to follow an inner calling, and you have things to do and things to say — and the time is ripe.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Feb. 1, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Do your best to stay visible this week. Make sure people know what you’ve been up to, and make sure they can actually see and feel your best work. Whatever you’re doing is now starting to rise above its foundations and show real results. But you must do your part, and stay available and make sure that your accomplishments are known. Therefore, do not be modest. Your idea of bragging is closer to everyone else’s idea of modesty, so you can push things. You are likely to make some unusual contacts, so pay attention, and know who you’re talking to at any time. Get a real conversation going, even if you’ve known someone for five minutes. Your old friends will be even more valuable. You might reach out to people you’ve known for a lifetime, if only to say hello and ask what’s up.

Short Monthly Horoscope for February 2016, #1085 | By Eric Francis

You’re now able to collect on everything you’ve been learning for so long. It’s as if all of your knowledge and experience are concentrated in one place, easy to access and ready to use. Yet you’re also connected to people in a way that you’ve never been before, as if you already know everyone you meet. Use these powers wisely.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 25, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You are looking right at the potential for some unusual success, whether professional or financial, though you must be shrewd. By that I mean: first, recognize the power that you currently have; see the advantages of your position. Recognize how much influence you have on others. It’s far more than you imagine, but don’t let on about that. Invest your energy into figuring out where people are coming from. Gently probe their point of view, and understand what evidence they have to support it. You don’t only want to know what people believe; you also want to know how they got to their conclusion. This will help to craft any message that you have to deliver to a broad audience over the next week or two. Just remember: you have more impact and influence than you know.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for February, 2016, #1084 | By Eric Francis

A constellation of forces is now aligning in your favor. If you can keep your focus from day to day, get enough rest and eat actual food, you’ll be able to make great strides assembling the many parts of the whole you’ve been designing. This will call on you to be at your best in every skill you have, as well as to attend to both one-on-one and group relationships. You have everything you need, you have momentum and you have some significant cooperation. Using your resources wisely has two parts — the wisdom piece and the actual use piece. Put it all to work intelligently, and remember who is doing the coordinating. Yet one interesting fact of your charts is the extent to which the scenario is directed toward the exterior world rather than your inner experience. Therefore, take the time, care and effort to maintain your inner focus. Know how you feel at all times. Pause and assess your inner weather. Track your currents, your tides, your appetite, your libido and your dreams. Pay attention to yourself. The more that’s happening in ‘the world’, the more urgent that is — especially for a Pisces. One other thing: hang out with people who nourish you. If depleting people are buzzing around, put out the Do Not Disturb sign, and stick to the people who show up with food, love and music.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 18, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Have faith. Have faith in the process of your life, in your friends, in your perseverance — and most of all, have faith in yourself. I don’t mean hope or idle wishes — I mean the quiet, inner confidence that you are doing the right thing, and that you’re in the right place and time. If nothing else, this will relieve your mind of needless worry, which will in turn open up your creative flow. Be mindful of how you direct your energy. I know it’s often easier said than done, but keep your thoughts, actions and expectations positive. Whatever you do, affirm the beauty of life. Think of this as a kind of yoga practice. This is the state of mind you will want to be in for some life-changing discovery that you’re about to make.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope — Jan. 14, 2016, #1083 | By Len Wallick

Just as you have finally mastered seeing your own responsibilities through to completion, along comes another challenge: seeing through the nonsense that gets a pass from so many because it’s what they want to believe. The nature of this challenge for you is largely to test the boundaries of your perception, while willingly risking your ego. You have relatively little trouble (compared to many others) releasing attachments to previously untested beliefs, but accepting that your own insights have limits will be more difficult. It means taking some chances. On the one hand, you will need to indulge some speculative alternatives to conventional wisdom. On the other hand, you will have to do so with a sure and certain knowledge that sometimes you will be proven wrong — and be obliged to admit it.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 11, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Let your accomplishments speak for themselves, at least for the next week or so. You have plenty to be proud of, and you’re doing something that is rare enough to find these days: you’re taking responsibility for your own life. In the ‘new paradigm’ of leadership that is emerging with the new generation, this is the essential missing element that must be included, and you at least are convinced this is true. If you want to have power, it helps considerably if you don’t give yours away. You are remarkably close to finding the winning formula that has eluded you for a long time. Listen to people who have specific knowledge, and don’t waste time trying to sell yourself. Rather, be yourself, and do what you do best.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope — Jan. 7, 2016, #1082 | By Len Wallick

If you can figure out a way build a castle in the sky (which you just might be able to do), more power to you. Most castles, however, need a foundation. That foundation, in turn, needs to be laid in a place where it will endure, so that the time and effort you put into construction will be worth your while. Fortunately, you temporally have the ability to read both nature and time with the ease of reading a newspaper. The only thing that could trip you up is doubt in your ability to do so. For that reason, you will want to work on becoming more comfortable with taking risks. This does not mean becoming more reckless, or even more courageous. Instead, you need to trust and continuously develop your ability to see how all the possible outcomes the future holds will eventually collapse into a single reality — one that you could see from the beginning.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 4, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You can go a long way toward enhancing both your income and your standing with clients and higher-ups this week. Yet you need to listen to what people are saying. Listening does not mean doing what others want; it means taking their viewpoint under advisement. This is a bottom-line requirement of authentic power and influence. Deeper than that, it’s essential to be mindful of your agenda at all times. You’re now in a position where you must balance many interests, and coordinate the efforts of more than just yourself. Start with understanding your goal, and knowing why you have that objective. The coming weeks will offer many opportunities to get clear, which will be time well spent. To use that old adage from carpentry, it’s better to measure twice and cut once.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for January 2016, #1081 | By Eric Francis

The emotional details of your relationships are of the essence now. Your success engaging with your fellow humans, and your advancement in the world, are intimately dependent on one another. You must make that delicate move from an orientation on the past to emphasis on the present. Rare and unusual aspects describe the narrow path you must walk in order to be responsive and patient with the sleepy condition of the world. You must tread the way between avoidance, to one side, and cynicism, to the other. If you can do this, you will establish a refuge from some of the worst human failings. You’ll also facilitate your own process of building something designed to last. It had better be, given how long it’s taken you to get where you are, and to have learned what you’ve learned. You’re going beyond the usual description of spiritual, in that everything you do must accomplish both loving intent and practical use. It’s not enough to ‘be a better person’ or to ‘have integrity’. You are here to participate, and to innovate. You have been charged with the responsibility of making actual improvements to your wider environment. And no matter how you may feel about it, this includes exerting actual leadership in a time of profound moral crisis. Yet this is nothing less than what you’ve prepared for all your days.

Aquarius 2016

Moonshine Horoscope for Capricorn New Moon #1132 | By Len Wallick

Somewhere on a sunny beach long ago, some anonymous surfer once offered a piece of advice that has been repeated over the sands ever since. That observation, as pithy as the interior of a fine surfboard, was that “the best way to deal with the situation is not to deal with the situation.” In other words, don’t sabotage yourself by either trying too hard or losing faith in your ability to improvise. Your genes contain literally billions of years of experience with life on Earth. The memories your own life has stored up in your body and mind represent an even more specifically applicable set of resources that is just waiting to be used. It is understandable for you to want relative certainty (or at least a chance to prepare). Yet there are times when you both need and want to draw fearlessly upon your unequaled aptitude to make good things happen on the spot. Just such a moment would appear to be drawing near for you. Surf’s up.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 26, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Do not, repeat, do not let anxiety get the best of you. Your chart suggests you may be worrying to the point of obsession. This may not be about anything in particular; it may be what shrinks call generalized anxiety. While I cannot describe the astrology fully in this short space, it involves the dog-and-pony show going on in your adjoining sign Capricorn (perhaps read this week’s Cap reading for additional insight). Relax and feel the passage of time. Remind yourself that you’re an intelligent, hardworking person who has the adult power to solve any problem you might become aware of. Keep in mind that as one born under the sign Aquarius, the keynote of your sign is cooperation. That means being open to helping others, and being open to assisting when you can. Your community is your most vital resource. This is true of everyone, but each of the signs has its special theme, and this is the theme of your sign. Work that for all it’s worth.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 19, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You know that you have to love yourself, though this often exists as an idea rather than as a feeling. The idea is a starting place, though the feeling is what you want. Often something gets in the way of your positive regard of yourself: some inner voice, some doubt, some question that nags you. If you’re experiencing that, you need a strategy for how to handle it. The chances are that it’s coming from the distant past, which means something you were told in childhood, or memories passed down from parents and grandparents. You don’t have to take on their psychological burdens. You don’t need to take on the role of oppressor, standing in for people who said or did mean things to you or to your older relatives. You live in a different world, you’re a different person and you have more options open. One of them is to seek understanding rather than accepting your supposed lot in life.

Moonshine Horoscope for Gemini Full Moon #1130 | By Len Wallick

In proverbs of old, the “three Rs” were the essentials of public education: “reading, (w)riting and (a)rithmetic.” For you, however, the “three Rs” are more like what appear to be your three best options for the holiday season: rest, recreation and/or romance. The better you can combine the three, the jollier your turnover into 2017 will be. Should you be forced to choose, however, put rest first. After all is said and done, all play and no rest will make you just as dull as all work and no play (and just as likely to come down ill, too). Keeping a proper balance with your “three Rs” will probably come down to two things: First, be moderate with the food and drink. Next (and probably most important) take time away from anything with a glowing screen.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 12, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Don’t let anyone mess with your confidence. By that I mean you can safely ignore the critics and be flattered that they have anything at all to say. Yet whether someone thinks they approve of what you do, or thinks it should or should not be popular, is not the place to be getting your self-assurance. Most good ideas are by definition ahead of their times, and are not usually considered even vaguely worthwhile at the time someone comes up with them. You must have confidence in what you are creating, developing or building; that’s to say, to accomplish this, you need to foster your confidence in yourself. The best way to do this is not to talk yourself out of it. Proceed each day and remind yourself that you’re doing what you came here to do, and that you have every right to succeed. This is not a matter of opinion. It’s much closer to biology. You belong on this planet.

Short Monthly Horoscope for December 2016, #1129 | By Eric Francis

It’s time to start thinking about your longer-term future. It’s as if you’ve had a lens in your mind replaced and can now see ahead more clearly. Yet this involves what you consider possible as much as anything else. Therefore, start from the position that nothing is impossible, and that anything gains potential as you visualize it. This is not about magic; visualizing is how discoveries are made, movies are created and bridges are built. You might be considering a long-distance move, or entering a whole new line of work. Let yourself dream. Love or a partnership may factor into this equation.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 5, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

It’s probably not worth fighting with others, though it’s a temptation. Instead, proceed with your agenda. You are your own master, as long as you maintain the standard of basic responsibility to others. That’s different from doing what they want, or even thinking you have to stop and think about it for too long. It’s also different from trampling over anyone. You must carefully find the middle way, and then proceed with confidence. Part of that confidence is trusting yourself. That seems to be a sticking point lately. Confidence is based on understanding your motives. This one theme is perhaps the most challenging aspect of your current astrology, and the issue isn’t going anywhere soon. However, you will respond to a process of seeking an understanding of why you do what you do, and making peace with that reality. Self-deception is toxic in any form. Once you get clear on what’s driving you, you will be more compelling to everyone around you.

Moonshine Horoscope for Sagittarius New Moon #1128 | By Len Wallick

If you got through last month without doing anything to apologize for, give yourself a well-deserved pat on the back. If things did not go quite so smoothly, let it slide off your back. Either way, and so long as you apply all you have recently learned, you will now have every reason to believe that those who care about you will henceforth have your back as never before.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 28, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Life never lives up to fantasies, but if that’s true, then what are they for? I would propose that one use of fantasy might be to get you to try something, and then be led to a different place or experience. You might not have gotten there otherwise, even if what you were imagining and what you discover are two different things entirely. As you do this, you may realize the difference between fantasy, which is essentially a passive state, and imagination, which is an assertive and creative state. The thing is, society — this place where you try your real-time experiments — is a major mess at the moment. So anything you do is likely to be transformed rapidly, and this may happen in a quick succession of create-recreate experiences. If you ride with this, and pay attention to your surroundings, you will notice that a pattern emerges, and that’s the thing you’re looking for.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope — December 2016, #1127 | By Eric Francis

In addition to being one of the most mentally intelligent signs of the zodiac, Aquarius can have a tendency to outsmart itself. This is the result of overemphasis on analysis as a means of answering questions or solving problems. Reason and rationality are essential tools, and they must be balanced by what is sometimes called emotional intelligence. We might reframe that as physical intelligence, a kind of clairvoyance that comes directly through your body. Your body does not usually speak in words, and it’s easy to drown out its intelligence with too many of them. That said, your intuition seems to be developing a new language. You might think of this as a language conveyed in light rather than in sound or the alphabet. The light you ‘read’ may be experienced internally, or you may gather a feeling or sensation from visual illumination. Look carefully at the edges of things, of people and their auras. There is a message for you, though it will be subtle. It may be filtered and/or doubted by your rational mind. Work with that: doubt is a kind of affirmation and acknowledgement. If you experience any negative emotions directed at yourself, tune in to the spiritual level in this way. The purpose of these communications is healing your self-doubt and past injuries to your self-esteem. Ease back and let the love flow to you, and through you.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 21, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

It’s now necessary, even urgent, to consider your relationship to all this technology that surrounds you. This is particularly true if you’ve had any kind of mishap that you attribute to something like texting or email. Or you might be figuring out what being surrounded by the digital environment has done to you spiritually. Consider your life before all this tech took over all of known reality; how did you feel, and what kinds of relationships did you have? What did you want from life, and how did you feel about the future? The remedy to all these digital robots that engulf our lives is being human. You are an Aquarian, which means quirky and highly social. Get with people, in person. Take a chance and risk face-to-face encounters. Be yourself and remember who you are.

Weekly Horoscope for Nov. 17, 2016, #1126 | By Amy Elliott

Your career path is being bolstered by a fresh perspective, or by an outright change. You can assist this process by bringing to bear your inventiveness and inquisitiveness, both of which seem to be blessed with extra inspiration just now. Reaching your planned destination may appear tough in places, but approach each problem like a mystery that’s just waiting to be solved, one step at a time, and you’ll likely get through nicely. One more thing: in pursuing your goals, don’t forget to employ that sense of fairness for which you are rightly reputed.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 14, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Now is the time to engage your plans. For a couple of months you’ve gradually attained a wider, brighter and more interesting concept of your own possibilities, and therefore, your own future. Dreaming, plotting and planning are one thing; taking action with your hands and feet is another, and it’s now time. You have an opening to connect productive action to your ideas about your future. This will last a little while, though it won’t last forever. The thing to do with these astrological windows is to initiate your choices by action. That’s a form of commitment, and it’s the kind that we move toward, and providence moves toward us. In other words, your chart is the meeting place of personal choice, action and what seems like some spiritual agency at work. Keep at it.

Short Monthly Horoscope for November 2016, #1125 | By Eric Francis

You’re having an impact. That much you can trust. It just may not be what you think it is, which includes the potential that you’re reaching further and wider than you imagined possible. You’re a person with a mission now, one that’s close to your heart. Therefore, let nothing stop you. You will do yourself a service by having total faith in what you’ve set out to accomplish. This may not be the easiest road to travel. You are finding out how thick people can be, though this is leading you to develop new ways of getting your message across.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 7, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Whatever you do or say over the next few days could go viral. That could be by internet, rumor or reputation. You’ll want to choose what you say and to whom you say it. That means paying attention and making choices. Be cautious about what you say that’s motivated by fear, because your concerns will probably turn out not to be true. You might take advantage of the situation and promote your own cause: a project, your business or some social message. Keep spin control by selecting your words carefully. Yet more significant is choosing your feelings, or at least knowing where you’re coming from. You can understate your case; no need to push anything too hard. Your words and your ideas have influence, and even impact. Keep it positive. Look for solutions. Better yet, focus on your best ideas.

Moonshine Horoscope for Scorpio New Moon, #1124 | By Len Wallick

Don’t give up on your aspirations now. Even if you have had some discouraging experiences lately, there will be at least one door opening for each one that appears to have closed until at least this time next year. In addition to being optimistic, there are at least two other things you can do to encourage yourself. First, remember that there is a difference between being stubborn and being persistent. If you can’t make that discernment right now, visualize the difference between digging in with your heels versus digging in with your toes. Let ‘less heel and more toe’ be your slogan. The second thing to keep in mind is that self-respect is contagious. Treat yourself with respect and others will not only return the favor, but also be inspired to emulate your example.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 31, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Monitor your fear level closely. It’s still a potentially serious distraction. Remember that there are two ways to approach any possibly fearful situation: you can ruminate over the past, or you can focus on solutions. The past might provide some helpful information; but that’s about all you need, and working with that information is not about dwelling on history, or fear. When I was in therapy school, I learned something helpful: Let the fear speak first. Rather than suppress it, or get sucked into it, listen to what your fear is saying. If you decide that it’s something valid, then translate that into a plan of action. You are being called to leadership, and the first and most important variety is self-leadership. Guide yourself forward. Take steps in the direction you’re trying to go — at least one per day, and then go for two per day, until you’re up to one per hour.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for November 2016, #1123 | By Eric Francis

Every decision you make stems from what you think you are. When you make contact with who you truly are, you will feel your own grandeur and the beauty of your life. When you feel small, or weak, or inferior, you can be sure you’ve lost contact with who you really are. When you feel that your life has meaning, and like your presence offers strength and encouragement to the world around you, you can be sure you’re in contact with who you are. One theme of your chart is expanding your vision for your life. This story is being told by Jupiter moving through your house of your ‘higher self’. At the same time, Saturn is compelling you to take the opposite approach, and narrow your focus to a specific role. The two processes are not at odds. In fact, this month they join forces, with a rare meeting of Saturn and Jupiter. This will help you prioritize, which is exactly what you need to do. It’s a fact that the possibilities are endless. It’s a fact that you can only embrace and express some of them. It’s also a fact that you need some better possibilities, and those exist if you will see them for what they are. As the month progresses, some key facts will come into focus, and you will be well positioned to take advantage of rare circumstances. Pay attention.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 24, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You’re being offered the help you need; are you open to receiving it? Consider that for a moment, and then let’s go a step further. If for some reason you’re not open to assistance, you might consider why that is, and whether it’s actually the correct position to take. You don’t really need that much help. You might need some companionship, though even that is minimal. Then consider the other possibility: that you would benefit from being more open to assistance. What you and those around you must know is that it’s not really going to benefit you if it’s not on your own terms. Be polite about this. Get an understanding of what’s being offered, and select the elements that you need. Then establish a clear understanding with whoever is involved. In your calmest, most relaxed mental posture, you must be the one who takes charge.

Weekly Horoscope for Oct. 20, 2016, #1122 | By Amy Elliott

If your Saturnian side has come uppermost of late, you might feel in need of some fun. I’m sure you know not to take any careless risks. That caveat in place, I suggest you indulge. Gather your posse and sally forth into the streets (or possibly the shopping mall, the funfair or the nearest quirky bar). Let your inner child loose; bring them into consultation if needs be. This should make it a good deal easier for you to be the person you’re required to be in the more serious areas of life. After all, everyone needs a bit of playtime.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 17, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

There’s that old joke about the person buying the hotdog who says, “Make me one with everything,” then she asks for her change, and the vendor says, “Change comes from within.” Now, your current astrology might not be feeling so Buddhist. You might have thoughts and emotions surfacing associated with matters you thought were long past. You might be feeling some fear or panic. You might be having some unusually racy, deep or fiery erotic thoughts and desires. It’s all part of the same process, and though not all of this feels good (though some of it might), think of it as previously ‘unconscious’ material coming to the surface of your mind. In doing so, it relieves pressure. That, in turn, helps you clear your psychic and emotional bodies. Take the ride, be aware, and let yourself feel rather than stuffing your feelings down. From there, it’s a short hop to the joke about the hotdog vendor.

Moonshine Horoscope for Aries Full Moon, #1121 | By Len Wallick

The world needs more people like you, whether you’re feeling recognized in that way or not. It’s not likely that you are being taken for granted by those who know you best. It is instead more probable that you are currently underrating yourself. To get a more balanced perspective of your place among those closest to you, look for a chance to spend quality time in some form of service among those who don’t know you from Adam or Eve. Doing so would function to accomplish more than to broadening your horizons and expanding your relationships — it would also give you some perspective regarding just how valuable you really are.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 10, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Lately I’ve been reminding you to open your mind and consider the possibilities for your life. Clearly you need and want change. There are basically two ways for that to happen: some event occurs to you and you’re compelled to deal with it. Or, in the alternate, you unfurl your imagination and expand your vision and move into it. Right now your chart is perfectly suited for doing just that. The thing about a vision is that it must exceed who and what you currently are. That presents a real challenge for many people. For example, they might wonder how they’re going to make that thing they want to happen. That’s exactly what not to worry about right now. It doesn’t matter how you’ll get there or even whether you will. What matters is getting your ideas flowing and being real about what you want to do and become. Of note, certain aspects are doing their best to help you dig out of any old ideas you might have about yourself, or that you inherited from your elders. This is demolition work, but don’t let the noise frighten you.

Short Monthly Horoscope for October 2016, #1120 | By Eric Francis

One of your great strengths is your ability to work with others, and this is gleaming out of your solar chart right now. You’ve had to go it alone for a while, or perhaps with less cooperation or resources than are ideal. Yet now your wisdom and leadership are becoming obvious to the people around you. You are stepping into your authority and embracing the knowledge you possess. You have one other gift, which is the ability to be undaunted by fear. That is the true essence of your leadership ability. And it’s rare to find.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 3, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Your motivation comes from inside you. You know this, you forget it, then you remember, then you forget. Now I’m reminding you. Something has just shifted around this area of your life, and you seem to have a newly lit fire under your ass. Here’s the deeper message: you need to make structural changes in your life. This is less about cleaning your desk and more about moving your office to the right part of your house for maximum efficiency. It’s less about sorting your paperwork and more about inventing a file system that suits your actual needs. Less about getting more clients for your current business than it is about revising your business model or plan. Structural changes will generally relate back to physical changes to your environment; alterations to your work pattern; fully conscious decisions about how you organize your time; and in particular, seeking and removing blocks to your progress. Don’t just turn stones over. Get them out of your way.

Moonshine Horoscope for Libra New Moon, #1119 | By Len Wallick

Some astrologers think Aquarius is inherently gregarious. Others aren’t so sure. Most likely, the set of qualities associated with any sign are only potentials that function something like genes. Some qualities tend to be dominant. Others are latent. What ultimately expresses often depends on context. It would appear that the astrological context of at least the next four weeks (if not the next year) would favor your being socially active. This might be especially true in a structured environment such as your workplace, your place of education or even your place of worship. If that’s a plausible scenario for you, be aware of how nearly any behavior can be appropriate if it is practiced at the right time and in the right place. In other words, rather than being a social butterfly, be a social politician.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 26, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Celestial activity this week will lighten up your vibe and remind you that there is a world beyond what you know. The challenge you face now, and for the next few months, is to allow aspiration and the love of what you do to motivate you, rather than fear. This will take some imagination, and a real measure of daily discipline. You may not be able to detach yourself completely from the possibility of negative outcomes; they do exist, in potential. But you can use them to your advantage through a time-honored method known as engaging with shadow. In other words, rather than suppress difficult feelings like shame and fear, admit that they exist, and explore them consciously. This will free up energy, which you can then use for whatever you want. Holding down your feelings burns up life force. Perhaps take this as your mantra: the way out is through.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscopes for October 2016, #1118 | By Eric Francis

This month comes in two distinct phases — before and after the Full Moon of Oct. 16. Rather than arrive at phase two and wonder what you were so worked up about, I suggest you pace yourself and turn your squelch knob up to about eight. (Squelch is the thing on a two-way radio that suppresses background noise but allows through strong signals). There is plenty distracting you in your immediate environment, yet despite this you must persist in weaving your vision for the future. You have the added challenge of being motivated by something other than fear. It may well seem that wanting things not to go badly is a more powerful driving force than wanting them to go well. This would be especially true if you don’t quite have a clear notion of what ‘well’ would be. And this is why you will benefit from focusing specifically on that idea. To do this you will need to rise above the fray of daily activity and get your mind to a clear place. I recommend altitude: a tall building, a mountaintop, a cliff side with a view, a bridge you love. Stay there long enough to take in the perspective and allow it to make an impression on you, so that you think different thoughts. You will be tapping into your ‘alt mind’, which knows more than your regular one.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 19, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Whatever challenges you may be facing in your immediate time and place, you’re being called to take the long view of your life. Even if you’re doing brilliantly and are both happy and successful, it’s time to expand your view of yourself and your purpose. Rather than planning for the future, you might imagine yourself in 10 years looking back at yourself now. What ideas or advice would your future self have for you now? What obstacles that look so challenging today would seem minimal if seen from a greater distance? And what opportunities do you have available that are obscured today, but which seem obvious if seen from a different vantage point? Try a few exercises like that, and stretch your ideas about who you are and what you’re capable of. With the perspective offered by astrology, it’s obvious this is far more than you may think.

Pisces Full Moon Moonshine for Sept. 15, 2016, #1117 | By Len Wallick

Among your most precious possessions are a conscientious nature and a capacity for true originality. By now you know that hard work is the best way to cultivate both of those proficiencies. Pure pragmatism, however, is not your best friend. There is more to you than the tried and true. There is also more to life than just a means to an end. To realize and work the utter magic you are capable of, you must consistently do the right thing by others and constantly endeavor to do your thing in a new and different way every time. For you, being industrious does not require you to emulate the ruthless and derivative ways of big industry. Be not a dinosaur; rather, become a bird.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 12, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You of all people simply must have faith in humanity, or life isn’t worth living. Jupiter changing signs to Libra this week will help you with just that project. You might also discover that your sense of the future opens up like a window overlooking a vista. It’s there to be seen, to be discovered and to be embarked upon. Despite whatever petty complications you might be going through at the moment, keep your outlook both positive and, most of all, long. Dare to consider what you want to accomplish in a year, or in five or in ten years, knowing there are no guarantees. That’s the point of the adventure, isn’t it? You know, the bit about not being sure whether you can achieve or accomplish something, but aspiring to do it anyway. Dare to be optimistic, even when the world seems to be unraveling. The more you do this, the more likely whatever you’re negotiating or working out with a partner is likely to go brilliantly.

Short Monthly Horoscope for September 2016, #1116 | By Eric Francis

You’re only limited by what you think is possible. You would serve yourself well to challenge any concept about yourself or the world that effectively blocks your willingness to take action, or to make improvements in your life or your wider environment. However, possible does not mean easy, nor is there any guarantee of success. The closest you will come is really, truly wanting to accomplish something specific. Then even challenges can and must serve as inspiration and motivation. Focus your vision. Be clear about what you want to do, and you’re much likelier to make it happen.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 5, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Turn your attention to sources of professional revenue. This angle of your chart is on fire lately, and you seem determined to resolve any lingering issue related to being well paid for what you do. Yet here is the caveat or the creative hint: work with your friends and your allies. Work with people in positions of authority. Recognize when someone is in a position to help you, and approach them in a cooperative manner. While you’re at it, take any opportunity to assist a deserving underdog. There’s a great tradition that I associate with the sign Aquarius, which is that of people seeking assistance from their peers and getting it, doing good turns for their peers, and everyone passing it forward. There’s a word for this in Sanskrit, which means “acting as if to hold the world together” — dharma. In times of such tremendous stress as we are currently living through, this means more than ever.

Virgo New Moon Moonshine for Sept. 1, 2016, #1115 | By Len Wallick

Unlike the deepest point in the ocean, the deepest mysteries have no bottom. One layer is peeled back only to reveal another, without end. The subject of bottomless mysteries might very well be of interest to you at this time. That’s because you are probably facing several questions or situations that have not yet resolved themselves with certainty. In addition, there is also a good chance that you will never have an answer for at least one of those questions or situations. Even so, in the absence of a sense of completion you must still go on living from day to day. How do you carry on indefinitely without a sense of closure? As you find your way through doing so, consider having faith in what works for you. When in doubt, rely on the revolutionary idea that the proof you seek lies within, unless or until you may learn otherwise.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 29, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Try to keep things simple, especially where joint finances are concerned. You seem to have a lot of proposals on your desk, or maybe bills, or both. It will help significantly if you prioritize. That means recognizing what is the most important, the least important, and everything in between. As a great songwriter once said, you have to know your plastic from your cash. You might set a priority on being financially solvent (honorable enough), though you might set another one on figuring out how you can take advantage of your current situation to further your own goals. There are some potential partners with whom you can have a mutually profitable relationship. But check them out carefully first. Make sure that anyone you’re doing business with can actually keep their commitments, and — closer to the point — that they want to do so. Not everyone has your integrity, or your drive to succeed in an honest and meaningful way.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for Sept. 2016, #1114 | By Eric Francis

It looks as if you’re ready to go someplace exotic, or at least to travel further than you can drive. In any event, you need a change of scenery and a change of pace. This will help you see the greater possibilities that you contain. When you can feel your own potential, you have a much greater chance of making it real. And that is the very thing that is opening up for you now. If you tune in, you may feel the scale of your entire future. This might manifest as what in the Seth material is described as your ‘probable selves’. You have many; many people you can be, things you can do, and places you can go. Hold that potential open as you make some important decisions this month around your finances and your career. You are starting to see the futility of certain attachments that are not furthering your cause. Before long, you’re sure to notice a certain attractive power of one particular goal. It’s seemed like a nice idea; though, when Venus moves in your favor later this month, you’re likely to be drawn to this with passion and creative lust. You’re intelligent enough to work with a clear strategy, and clever enough to know that part of that strategy must include leaving certain things to what some call luck or fate. Keep your feet loose and your wheels turning around.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 22, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Muster all your personal resources for the task at hand: your skills, your inventiveness, your bullshit-sniffer and your ability to get people cooperating. You’re in that moment when an ideal or fantasy is about to become a reality. There’s always a transformation involved; what you imagine rarely feels like what actually manifests. Yet it will help if you stick close to your core intent, which is to shake up belief in something that’s no longer working. This will require you to do that inside yourself, which in turn will open up the potential for something that gets the result that you want. Just remember, it’s unlikely to happen the way you were planning. Therefore, let go of your plan the moment you need to. Rather than adapt to the new conditions, create something you were not planning. A little turbulence and chaos will go a long way toward creativity and adventure.

Full Moon Moonshine Horoscope for Aug. 18, 2016, #1113 | By Len Wallick

Leadership comes naturally to you. Even the greatest talents, however, are ultimately no match for finely honed skills. Unfortunately, most forms of leadership training either are beneath you or are not sufficiently advanced enough to do you any good. Even so, it would be doing yourself a great deal of good if you were to keep your eyes open for either the equivalent of a graduate-level course in executive proficiency or an open command position that will force you to exceed your previous accomplishments. Whether you can see it or not, room is being made at the top, and your potential to fill it must first be realized.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 15, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

When one goes against popular opinion, one is often playing with fire. I suggest you switch ‘playing’ to ‘working’, and use fire carefully and consciously, as the tool that it is. Bucking popular trends or opinions can work well, if it’s done with a level of Jedi awareness. Our current environment is set up to feed counter-trends, and people love them. Remember that you cannot do this alone. You need allies; you need the experience and the wisdom of others who have done similar things before, and who are capable of studying the environment. This may be your friends, your clients, your colleagues or the general public (depending on what you do). The question to ask yourself is: what is the core belief that you’re working with? I could just as easily have said ‘working against’ but in fact you will be working with the very thing you’re working against. Figure out what that is, and you’re well on the way to succeeding.

Weekly Horoscope for Aug. 11, 2016, #1112 | By Amy Elliott

Resist the temptation either to brood or to do anything that involves more risk than you know would be wise. There is more than enough variety of choice in between. You would probably do well to spend some time with friends, especially if you feel in need of support. In addition, you’re likely to continue developing your knowledge in an intriguing and fresh direction. Your mind seems to be unusually sharp and cohesive just now, and you can use that to your advantage.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 8, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

If you find yourself facing a problem or issue, pause and ask yourself if you’ve already solved it. If you find yourself needing anything, ask yourself if you already purchased it. Rather than discover, acquire or plot new things, check out what you already have on hand. You seem to be up to something — some project with potential public impact, and you want to proceed with intention and use your resources wisely. Draw on your environment: approach your supporters, work with your allies, and make sure you get people on board as far in advance as you can. This same astrology might lead you into high-friction situations, which would be a waste of time. If you use your mind and your intuition, you will save time and get more done. And if you put your social skills to work — which, as you know, is optional — you will get even further. Think and be polite.

Short Monthly Horoscope for August 2016, #1111 | By Eric Francis

There is some debate among professional astrologers whether Aquarius really is the humanitarian sign that it’s made out to be. Whatever they may decide, you have the power to help many people this month, as long as you take care of your own basic needs. That means eating, resting and — most importantly — describing how you feel and what you need from close partners. It would help if you set aside any defensiveness, expectation or emotional charge and simply state the facts. People who are actually working with you will be supportive without hesitation. Some things really are that simple.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 1, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

It’s often necessary to ruffle some feathers or make a pest of yourself to get things done. You have, however, been involved in a kind of cosmic leadership instruction program designed to help you be persistent but less irritating. One of the most helpful methods of doing this is being aware of who you are before you set out to accomplish something. This removes the need for conflict as a path to self-knowledge, from that particular situation. Said another way, your confidence in yourself and in your mission inherently reduces the conflict factor. Think of how insecurity leads you to assert yourself beyond what is necessary. You might not think it’s possible to put confidence as the first item on your to-do list, though that’s what your charts suggest would work, and is possible. You know who you are well enough never to have to argue the point.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for August 2016, #1110 | By Eric Francis

You can afford to sidestep controversy and conflict. In fact, you would be wise to do so — and to invest your energy in more productive things. You might want to keep that skill close to the top of your personal toolkit this month. You will find that if you use your diplomatic resources, you will have much more influence over your environment. Nobody is asking you to suffer fools but rather to know how to deal with them effectively. Relate to everyone on the level of their agenda. That will help you fulfill your agenda, about which you need to be abundantly clear. That is to say: know what you’re working for; be clear about the specific goals you have in mind; and then fit that together with all the people you need to cooperate with you. I suggest keeping that number as low as possible, and placing emphasis on those whom you actually understand, and who are responsive and engaging. Remember: you have a vision. You are working diligently to bring that vision to fruition. You know how tricky this is in a world where everything seems to change every five minutes, and where the one thing you need is stability. Succeeding under the bizarre conditions of the world right now depends on having special skills. You have them, or you’re learning. Make sure you use what you know.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 25, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

This year has come with a training program in leadership for you. It’s arrived in various ways, though the most prominent has been self-leadership. You may not think of it that way: you might be remembering various shades of conflict and a few long stretches of utterly exhausting challenges. You’ve made changes you didn’t really want to make but knew were the right thing to do; so you did them, and ended up in a better space and time. The way you’ve done that, and continue to do that, is by feeling solid in who you are, and bold about your mission. You cannot fake this, and what you’ve been experiencing is precisely that process of engaging your reality. That can involve confrontations; you might have to nudge some people aside to get something even pretty simple done; you might annoy some people. All of these sources of friction serve to make you stronger in who you are. Take a step back and feel your strength.

Weekly Horoscope for July 21, 2016, #1109 | By Amy Elliott

When was the last time you really had fun, as in belly laughs or full-on bliss? If you’re pining for that now, by all means indulge in some relaxation. It’s not necessary to go for what’s truly risky or chaotic simply for the sake of being that. In fact, it can be surprising how well the smaller pleasures in life can answer your needs. Don’t go to the opposite extreme, either, by rationalizing away your desire for a good time; we all need to kick back. If you’re really stuck for a recreation recipe, ask someone close to you for ideas. Then simply serve and enjoy.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 18, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Your role as an Aquarian is to love everyone equally. On some level we all know this is the transcendent love that’s both impersonal and intimate. Not everyone would like this experience. Humanity’s taste for jealous love seems to be persistent, though we’ve barely ever been told that basically just loving everyone is possible. If anything, this would seem a phenomenon of soul. To others it might seem cool and indifferent. To others it might seem impossible. Others are in love with the idea of special love, and nothing else counts. Yet you need to be undeterred, and build up that peculiar, singular strength of loving for the sake of love, and remembering that we are all children of the Earth or we are nothing at all. This does not preclude people playing specific roles in your life, and of course you feel something different for your cat or dog, but in that same gesture you love all cats and dogs. It works the same way with people.

Full Moon Moonshine Horoscope for July 14, 2016, #1108 | By Len Wallick

Michelangelo did not so much see himself as a great artist creating his famous sculptures. Rather, he perceived himself more humbly, as a craftsman who removed the stone from around a specific figure that already resided within a given block of marble. In a very real way, you would do well to emulate Michelangelo at this time in your life. First, you must acknowledge that a masterpiece already exists within you. Then you will need to envision its form precisely. Finally, you must do the work. In all probability the labor will be significant and take some time. The likely result of your efforts, however, will be an enduring symbol of just how beautiful your humanity really is.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 11, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

One of the reasons the world has gone so insane is that people are losing contact with their inner life. This is being provoked by many factors, though if you look at any of our wonderful new technologies carefully, it becomes obvious that they’re turning us inside out. The notion of privacy is gone; in fact, so gone that many people alive right now don’t even know what it is, and if they once knew they have likely forgotten. The theme of your charts for the foreseeable future is cultivating your inner being. That means knowing yourself on a deep level: what may seem totally incomprehensible to many people around you. That’s not your concern; you don’t need to be acceptable to them, or to explain how you feel. Yet you dearly need to know how you feel and why you feel that way. If one thing translates to growth, that’s the one.

Short Monthly Horoscope for July 2016, #1107 | by Eric Francis

Take some space for yourself this month, as in space and time to get to know yourself again. Plenty has changed, and you’ve been through a lot in recent seasons of your life, and it’s time to reassess. It’s true that you could find plenty to keep you busy. The angle of your solar chart that’s getting all the action is the one that covers ‘work and wellbeing’. Emphasize the wellbeing, minimize the work, and you’ll be stunned how much you get done with how little effort. Rest, recreation and repair are the keys to efficiency. This will serve you well.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 4, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Your work environment must be nurturing, like a greenhouse is to plants. Create the right conditions and you will be able to accomplish great things. Presently this seems to include co-workers or employees who are willing to assist and take part, yet who are in need of positive affirmation and a sense of family. This is too often said and not often enough acted upon. Many workplaces resist being too nice to people, knowing that their kindness is most likely to be taken advantage of. Set that fear aside, and promote a value of ‘We’re all in this together; let’s make the most of our experience’. Speaking of values, decisions are best made based on an underlying agreement about what is important or necessary. Agree to that and the right thing to do will be obvious to everyone.

New Moon Moonshine Horoscope for June 30, 2016, #1106 | by Len Wallick

You may have heard it said that you are what you eat. There is a great deal of truth to that statement. Yet, the fact remains that diet is not everything. Lots and lots of people manage to be good and kind, creative and beautiful in spite of habitually consuming mass quantities of donuts, candy, cola and such. Similarly, the world has seen a lot of cruel and offensive people who are that way in spite of very healthy eating habits. Ultimately, what comes out of your mouth is at least as important as what you put into it. While your good health does obviously rely on good nutrition, your food does not define you nearly as much as what you say and how you say it, along with what you do and how you do it.

Monday Morning Horoscope for June 27, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

In order to find yourself or discover who you are, some element of conflict with others is necessary. At the moment, though, I suggest you not challenge anyone other than yourself. While you’re doing this, pay close attention to your environment. Notice how people are responding to you and to one another. You are in a position to offer leadership, though you must take a psychological approach to the question. In other words, your assignment is to know your needs, intentions and plans, and then figure out for everyone else the most likely ways they can help you get that done. This will take some observation, however; and that will take a little time. Aspects currently developing hint strongly that a delay of a few days, perhaps till later in the week, will serve you — and when the time comes to take action, do it subtly, one step at a time, phasing in your plan gently.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for July 2016, #1105 | by Eric Francis

You must trust your own leadership. It’s true that when you have to take over and get the job done, not everyone is happy. But more people will be. It’s essential to recognize how much humans need and depend on leadership. Crooks and tyrants know this; it’s time for wholesome people such as yourself to figure it out. It’s time to assert a few significant goals, and rally the jamboree. Do this in a spirit of service, in the spirit of what is right and true. Offer people the good feeling of cooperation and of assisting one another, and of working for a larger purpose. Say that over and over again until everyone around you is humming it like a catchy tune. There is one thing I suggest you remember, though: a key to your success is exercising your flexibility. As one born under a fixed sign, you have to work at this regularly, and I suggest you do that at every opportunity. Every discussion is an opportunity to compromise and be accommodating. Do this in conscious, measured ways; open up the give-and-take aspect of every situation, and make sure you establish an environment where ‘negotiable’ is a working theme. If you notice someone taking advantage of you, say something sooner rather than later. Keep everything above the boards and state your goals openly.

Monday Morning Horoscope for June 20, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Make a list of everything you would need to do to take care of yourself, and get busy. What’s missing from your life? Exercise? Getting outside? More wholesome food? Cleaning out closets? Better rest? Focus your life on providing those things for yourself. What do you have too much of? Responsibility? Visibility? Relentless effort? Ease back on that and see if you can let your mind, rather than brute force, do the work. When you experience resistance, whether internal or in your environment, pause and see if you can figure out where it’s coming from. You’re making an adjustment in how you assert your will. Rather than applying pressure or persuasion, see if you can align yourself with the right thing. This may take an act of faith, but it won’t be blind faith. If you gently lean into what you want, or want to do, you might find that the world moves more easily than you expected.

Moonshine Horoscope for June 16, 2016, #1104 | by Len Wallick

The world can be a serious place, as the most recent public events continually seem to attest. You are very capable of responding by being every bit as serious in turn. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, but there is another, more private potential within you. It’s an alternative form of response, which you might be inclined keep private because it may rub some people the wrong way. It’s about creating warm, sunny play out of the cold clay that the world can sometimes hand you. Your funny flip side is anything but flippant, however; neither is it crazy. Even so, as you have undoubtedly found from experience, it takes courage to risk showing it. Now could very well be one of those times when your potential to dare making fun out of what’s serious might be thankless but certainly not useless. At the very least, try taking yourself less seriously for your own sake.

Monday Morning Horoscope for June 13, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Developing aspects are calling on you to be honest with yourself. The paradox is that it’s easy to reassure yourself you’re being real when something else is happening. So you need ways to verify, but mostly you need to be aware of your agenda. What are you trying to accomplish and what is your motive? There seems to be something you’re trying to resolve between ‘looking good’ and ‘acting on your authentic values’. Often the two are incompatible. Sometimes, to act on your true values, you must make an ass out of yourself, or let someone down. To look good, it’s often necessary to deny or defy your values. You must decide what is more important to you. Yet the two don’t need to conflict, either. It may take guts, but it’s possible to earn someone’s respect, or public respect, by saying, “This is how I feel” or “This is what I want” and letting it fly.

Monday Morning Horoscope for June 6, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

What you need is experience, not theory. It’s easy to chew everything over in hypothetical form, especially if you live mostly on the Internet. Genuine exploration happens through your physical body. Even if you’re a theoretical physicist, a designer of bridges or professor of philosophy, you don’t really know something for sure until there is an actual experiment performed. I suggest you set about doing that experiment, by which I mean anything prompted by an idea, which also has an uncertain outcome. You might do something like driving to an odd part of the countryside, intentionally getting lost. Visit some strange part of town or some other city, where you would never ordinarily go and where you know nobody, and do something the natives do. Take any chance to immerse yourself in unfamiliar environments, and to expose yourself to points of view you totally disagree with. That will stoke your creative (and social) fires brilliantly.

Short Monthly Horoscope for June 2016, #1103 | By Eric Francis

This will be an enormously productive month, leading to an equally abundant summer. The key to this is making sure you love the work that you’re doing. If you have the power to choose your projects, emphasize the ones you like the very best. If you don’t have that option, then find the thing about every task that is engaging and fun, even if you can only find that in the people you’re working with. These relationships may develop into some brilliant collaborations. Keep your mind open to the possibilities. If someone says, “I have an idea,” perk up and pay attention.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 30, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You might feel as if your career is stalled out or going backwards, though I assure you that’s not true. You’re in an important phase of both rethinking and preparing for developments in the not-too-distant future. Though it may feel particularly challenging now, the thing you need to do is set goals. This will come, of necessity, with reviewing your previous objectives, plans and desires. To do new things, it’s essential to get outdated and/or conflicting plans and desires out of the way. Dedicate yourself to this over the next few weeks. Really sort out your goals, by which I mean your very highest desires for your life. Notice when you seem to reach a limit of what you think is possible. That might be a place you’re inclined to stop your ambitions. I suggest you keep going, for one reason: anything worthwhile that anyone achieves was once considered ridiculous, unlikely or impossible. In hindsight, it was none of the above.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for June 2016, #1102 | By Eric Francis

The poet Marge Piercy wrote, “The good must learn to cultivate their anger like fields of wheat that must feed them, if they are ever to win.” One of the unspoken issues of our time is seething rage, what one pundit called “distemper among the electorate,” that (for example) is driving much of politics at the moment. Yet anger, if taken consciously and properly understood, can be a tremendous force for change. Many other emotions considered unsavory and/or politically incorrect can be cultivated and worked with constructively. Really, do we have any other choice at this point? Shadow is only shadow if it’s unconscious, which typically means projected onto others. You are in a rare position to see the deal the way it’s going down — and to do something about it. This will surely be in many small ways, and potentially some big ways. The action piece is about taking accountability, including for what may not properly be your responsibility. You are in a position of leadership, and your example counts for more than you may know. Yet a vital part of that example involves how you move what is inherently frightening, negative, shadowy and toxic to a new level. This is more than about ‘seeing the positive’ in something. Rather, you have the capacity to recognize anything with emphasis behind it as a source of energy, and to tap that energy on your way to changing the world.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 23, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Much of your existence right now is centered on the wellbeing of others. How is that for a perfectly Aquarian theme? I suggest you not go halfway with this; give yourself the honor and the pleasure of going the whole distance. The hard thing to get over at this point of history is that it’s not all about you. But once you make contact with that, you might catch glimpses of how the whole world, and the whole life you are living, and all that you perceive, is a reflection of you. As you offer your loving support and assistance to people, it’s as if you are reconnecting with scattered aspects of your soul. In a very real sense, you’re being called upon to be submissive to your own existence, as a gesture of respect. As you do this, you will get to know yourself in new ways. You will become personal witness to how every facet of life relates to every other.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for May 19, 2016, #1101 | By Len Wallick

Children who play well, either with others or by themselves, possess a great wisdom: that being human and alive on Earth includes places and times when it is appropriate to have fun. Regardless of what you are now dealing with or living through, indications from the sky above imply that you are being accorded the right time, and enough time and space, in which to have some fun of your own (or you will be soon). But first you must remember what you knew as a child. Play does not have to be anything in particular. It’s about what you feel. If what you are doing when you play feels fun enough to keep you doing it for its own sake; and if you lose track of time, concerns, or even the weight of responsibilities in the process; you will know that you have remembered very well indeed.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 16, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Take some time out of every day and remember to feel safe. If it’s raining out, be grateful for having a dry place to live, or that the plants have something to drink. If you have critters, be grateful for your ability to feed them, and to the mutual loyalty of the relationship. It is true that we in the Western world either don’t know how good we have it, or we lose sight of that basic fact. I suggest you keep this truth about your life firmly in mind. Even if you are struggling financially, which is possible with Mercury retrograde in Taurus, you might take time to appreciate your astonishing resources: be they talents, skill sets, values or collections of people and things. Identify your form of abundance, love it and share it. That’s the best place to come from if you want to live even more abundantly. Said more simply, you have what it takes.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for May 12, 2016, #1100 | By Len Wallick

When you are at home, feel it. Enjoy the comforts of your abode, no matter how humble. Revel in the simple miracle of your pillow, or favorite chair. Take in your table, and everything on it, with a sense of awe and wonder regarding how it all came to you. The same sense of appreciation will go a long way when in the company of friends, or family. Listen to that unique voice and all that it says beyond words. Look into those living, incomparable eyes and search for the soul that is there to be seen through them. Let gratitude be your guide. Let it take you from the prosaic into the profundity that fills even your most mundane moments, and freedom will be yours.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 9, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

No amount of money or number of things is an assurance of feeling secure or confident. Extremely wealthy people are often the most insecure of the lot, which is because wealth on that level only provides a limited kind of confidence. And often it will substitute for other, far more meaningful, kinds of confidence — or worse, interfere with cultivating them. Right now you have an opportunity to experience what happens when confidence comes from deep within you. This may feel like the ground cracking open on a hot day and fresh water spouting out. You might feel like you’ve come to an understanding with yourself, which relates to your genuine value in the world. It is true that many people who contribute the most, and who mean the most to their friends, rarely get to feel that. Listen to yourself this week and you will hear the message that you need.

Moonshine Horoscope for May 5, 2016, #1099 | By Len Wallick

It is true that people do not live by bread alone. In some way, no matter how well you have overcome any instability or dearth of years past, there may be some needs of yours that have long been unmet. Examine your life for frustrated or neglected desires, especially those that have been relegated to the realm of luxury because of your need to focus on necessity. Perhaps you could now consider exchanging one form of affordable luxury for an upgrade that will provide a form of nourishment you have long done without. You know yourself well enough to understand you will not be excessive or irresponsible if you allow yourself to live with — rather than without — what amounts to more sustenance for your soul.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 2, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

There are beautiful treasures to be found right in your home: emotional, creative, aesthetic. I suggest you devote the next few days of your life to appreciating the space you’ve created for yourself. You probably put more thought and effort into your home than you have time to enjoy it, and I suggest you reverse that process. Actually feel what you’ve assembled, and allow yourself to soak in the quality of life that you’ve given yourself. Home space includes the immediate surroundings of where you live, your neighborhood and your neighbors. Much of the world is in crisis and turmoil; chances are if you’re reading this, you’re somewhere safe, warm and dry. This fact deserves more attention than you typically give it. Make sure you add the food you love to your appreciation, dining in rather than going out. If for some reason what I’m saying contradicts the facts, consider that it’s time for a new setting for your life.

Short Monthly Horoscope for May 2016, #1098 | By Eric Francis

The planets are suggesting that your goal is not to be popular, but to get the job done. You’re clearing the way for some important future plans. This involves fewer other people than you might think. Do your thing, go about your plans, and ignore any unsolicited reviews or feedback. You know you’re working with a decent idea, but you might not recognize just how good it is. What you’re doing has the power to change the world. For now, proceed slowly, carefully and with intention, sharing your plans with others only on a need-to-know basis.

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 25, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

The Sun is now in Taurus, and this places the emphasis of your life on your home. You might have noticed that you feel less appeal in going out, especially if you’ve been engaging in what we could politely call mindless diversion. You have important work to do at home, which is your actual base of rest, renewal and repair. Your mind has been active lately, and there are few people in your social sphere who truly understand what you’re going through. If you move your social activities into your living room, you will filter out most of the people who don’t quite get it, and you’ll be able to focus on the ones who do. I suggest you make an effort to prepare your own meals for the next few weeks, shaking off the distinctly modern habit of letting others control your source of nourishment. In this and many ways, you’re really the very best person to do that for yourself.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for May 2016, #1097 | By Eric Francis

It’s time to feather your own nest. You are doing much else besides: your chart in many ways describes what one might call public responsibilities, things that happen outside your own home and which are intended for the benefit or service of others. At the same time, you are advancing in society, or at least your chart describes that potential vividly. This comes with various ups and downs; peaks and lulls in effort; and greater or lesser results, depending on the day and the week. Make this work for you. For all its reputation as an android, the Aquarius solar chart is oriented with Taurus on your home angle, which is another way of saying solid, comfortable, and providing space for you, your friends and maybe a few critters. Living well, as you know, is the ultimate statement of your success. Planets are now gathered in Taurus, emphasizing the point. I suggest you make your home as beautiful as you feel inclined to. Invest resources there. Upgrade or replace what is worn. One large gesture in that regard (a new bed or bedding, for example) would remind you that you are, in reality, feathering your nest in the literal sense. Dig out your cupboards, clean them and replace what you don’t like with what you do like (all while praising the Goddess). The investment will come back to you manifold.

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 18, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Aquarius is considered the most social sign, and it might pain you at times when you need to do things that don’t exactly make you more popular. It is, however, a productive exercise because you benefit from any experience of choosing not to run your life based on what other people feel or want. That doesn’t mean you need to be offensive. However, it’s clear that your long-term plan involves working yourself into the culture in a durable and dependable way. That means doing things your way, which in turn works for others, and this is the process you’re working out. There are times you will need to be abrasive. There are times you will need to be more retreating and conservative. Knowing the difference will require an ongoing social experiment, which is convenient because that’s one of the central purposes of your life.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for April 14, 2016, #1096 | By Len Wallick

It’s almost certainly not necessary for you to hide from the wider world. The answer to taking care of both yourself and your place in the human race is most likely to chill out more efficiently and more often. With regards to any collective enterprise or entity especially, delegate (or even simply leave) as much as you can responsibly to others. Allow yourself the chance to be pleasantly surprised by how well groups or communities you identify with can function without imposing your identity upon them. Take heart in how your peers and comrades can be just as helpful and effective in serving you as you are in serving them.

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 11, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

In the phrase, “Think globally, act locally,” the first operative element is thinking, and the second is acting. That is what your chart is about right now, in a glorious way. You’re naturally an ideas person, but you and everyone else would benefit from trusting your ideas and putting them to work. This means getting out of the realm of theory and into the realm of trying something that you think might work. There’s a debate in astrology about whether Aquarius really is a humanitarian sign. I will say this — you have actual potential to develop that aspect of yourself, and it’s burning bright right now. You play an important role in your community, and you have the ability to focus that into some truly positive contributions, better than you’ve ever done before. Think of yourself as an inventor on a mission to solve something both vexing and obviously needing attention.

Moonshine Horoscope for April 7, 2016 #1095 | By Len Wallick

Doing the right thing for others is an expression of love. So, however, is doing the right thing for yourself. It should currently be possible for you to love both yourself and others at the same time. To get started, review your life for any habits that do not seem to be doing you or those you care for any real good. Then take some actual written notes whenever you indulge those predilections. Note especially your motivations for continuing what (at least on the surface) seems to be an indulgence that costs more than it pays. That way, you will either discover a heretofore-unrealized benefit of these particular customs or gain insight into how to better know and practice what love can be.

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 4, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Rarely mentioned about Aquarius is your sign’s deep commitment to service. You might be into socializing, cars, clothing or your recording studio, though the bottom line of your chart is your humanitarian values. Two things are happening to bring this out. One is that the sky is still swimming in Pisces energy (that’s the water in your urn). At the same time, the Sun is about to meet up with a planet you love: inventive, oddball Uranus. You have a sense of what the people around you need, and you have the ideas and intelligence to do something exceptionally useful. Trust your ideas. Trust yourself. Whatever scale you’re working on, I would encourage you to make the contribution that you want to make. The reward for you will be the exquisite feeling of fulfilling your purpose, which has a way of opening doors both in your mind and in the world around you. Open is not merely good, it’s excellent.

Short Monthly Horoscope for April 2016, #1094 | By Eric Francis

You currently face the challenge of organizing your financial life, which has two implications. First, you want absolute clarity on where you stand in terms of assets, debts and knowing your monthly expenses and income. Yet there is a larger message, which is to have a sense of what all your valuable resources are. You have many, in the form of everything from existing work product to allies to your capacity to solve problems with original ideas. All of these will add up to running your life as a successful economic enterprise. It all starts with knowing exactly where you stand.

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 28, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

There is some irony in that you are born under the sign associated with groups, but you’re the person least concerned about whether you’re popular. Said another way, it’s natural for you to simply be who you are, and that has a way of getting results. The world could learn a few things from you about why, for example, it’s so ridiculous to be pretentious. Right now you’re at your individualistic best, though I see you on a mission. This is less about being you for its own sake and more about using your talent to get some important and lasting results. This process will go on through most of the year, so I suggest you take it slow and take the long view. Persistence will pay off, and — as I’ve been suggesting — your work really is about establishing something of lasting value. Here is a clue: figure out what people believe, and work with that rather than against it.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for April, 2016, #1093 | By Eric Francis

Be mindful of your need to plan things out. You have enough momentum in your life, and sufficient resources, to wing it for a while. Planning and strategy have a defensive quality, which can cut you off from your abundant creativity. This is a state-of-mind thing. Strategizing when you really would thrive on going with the flow is a distraction, which takes you out of the moment and therefore out of your ability to make decisions based on what is actually happening. If you want a strategy that might work, keep looking around at your environment and ask yourself what you need to be aware of, and what you need to do right now. This is called immediacy. It may seem radical not to dwell on the past or on the future, but it’s not so strange if staying right in the moment puts you in contact with the equivalent of vast wealth — emotional, creative and material — plus a community to support you. Home in on what is genuinely available to you. Notice how generous people will be if you show up and are real in the moment. You might be amazed at all you were missing all that time, but you don’t have to dwell on it. You have what you need, and who you need, right here and right now.

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 21, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

These days it may seem like you have so much to offer that you don’t know where to begin, nor have a clue what will be most acceptable or useful to others. You might consider doing less, with greater emphasis on quality. Ultimately you will bring all your talents into the work that you do, though you don’t need to emphasize or even mention them. You seem to have one special project that you’re working to get recognized or even get a foothold with. You are closer to that than you may think, and if you look carefully at what you’re doing, you will see signs of success. While you’re doing that, an unexpected event may point you in the direction of a method or pathway you had no idea existed. Yet it does exist, and the best thing you can do for yourself is keep your eyes open, focusing on the environment around you as you are focusing on your own idea.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for March 17, 2016 #1092 | By Len Wallick

If you want to be understood, you must first seek to understand. Even if you have personal issues that need your attention, it should be possible to turn outward on a regular basis to listen and learn. It could be that some who have something to say to you have been in your place, and are graciously offering the benefit of their experience. Even in the case of those who are too busy with their own affairs to be concerned with yours, it is important for you to acknowledge any legitimate expectations they have of you. If you can show that you know it’s not all about you, and prove that you really care about others, your life will improve even if things already seem okay for you now.

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 14, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You have so much to offer, people are wondering where you get it all. Yet do you really feel this way? Your solar chart is reminding you that the more you give, the more you will feel like you have. If you go to a show and love it, and afterward you meet the musician, try buying all of the artist’s CDs instead of just one. We’re not talking about a lot of money, but it will make a difference in the life of that artist, and you will feel wealthy enough to make that real. You can do this many ways and stay within your means. The same is true with your talents. Many people have the idea that they establish the value of their talent by how much they charge. I would propose that you will experience the priceless quality of what you offer the world by actually doing it. As my mom used to say, make yourself useful.

Moonshine Horoscope for March 10, 2016 #1091 | By Len Wallick

This would be a good time to examine your attachments. Some attachments (such as those motivated and informed by love) are ennobling and worthy of your energies because of the energy and support you receive in return. It is very possible, however, that at least some ties which you formed at another time now serve only to make you less free. One way to pinpoint your attachments is to make note of what you might call ‘knee jerk’ reactions. Behind every case of reacting without thinking is a conditioned response. Some of that conditioning (such as taking your foot off your auto’s accelerator when you see a red light) is good and healthy. Other reflexes, however, might deserve a closer look and a discussion with either a trusted friend or trustworthy professional.

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 7, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You may be tempted to avoid your feelings or to translate everything into an idea, though you would be missing the beauty of the moment. You don’t need to analyze or even ask the question ‘why’. Rather, tune into your senses and see what they tell you. This is the best way to get your priorities in order, which itself is one of your highest priorities right now. Using your senses and your feelings will at least help you decide what you’re not interested in at all, and what actually does mean something to you. Once you have everything that you know is irrelevant out of the way, then a little mindfulness and time management will help you refine your order of operations. One message is coming from your current solar chart: there may be something of genuine significance that you need to remember. You’ll recognize it immediately.

Short Monthly Horoscope for March 2016, #1090 | By Eric Francis

You can get on top of any financial issues you’ve been facing, and you can do a lot better than that. Typically, you’re a resourceful person who knows how to turn everything into a productive enterprise. If that has been more difficult than usual lately, you can trust that the tide is turning. Your part involves giving up what does not work, as much as consciously embracing what nourishes you. If you make all your seemingly financial choices on the basis of what feeds you and enhances your life, rather than mere profitability, that will take you far.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for March 2016, #1089 | By Eric Francis

It’s time to take a step financially. However, for this to work, you will need to make contact with money as the expression of something else, perhaps several other things; and you would decide what they are. It would seem that your fortunes are intimately intertwined with those of someone else, but that is the nature of any economic system; you are not walking around gathering nuts and berries (and even that was done with collaboration). Your own sense of your value to the world is what to focus on first. In the vast exchange process that is the whole world right now, you are giving up something old for something new. Look carefully for some element of your values that no longer works, and update it for something that is about right now: the world the way you know it is today, and who you know yourself to be today. Figure out exactly what you have to offer, from the core-center known as your soul, and then notice who will benefit from that quality. This is your point of exchange. The most vital conducting medium will be service rather than money, though correctly financing the venture is clearly in the stars. Remember at every single turn that this is about you, and it’s also about a heck of a lot more than you. That is happy news.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Feb. 22, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Venus has entered your sign, joining Mercury and a beautiful asteroid called Pallas Athene. This has you at your most Aquarian, tapping into your streak of genius, your love for ideas and, most of all, your ability to motivate people. The real gift of this astrology will be to do the thing that Pallas Athene is best at, which is to come up with a strategy for living. This is the time to brainstorm a plan to do the big things you want to accomplish. It will help if you consult other smart people one by one and put a few questions to them. Then morph the best ideas into your own personal plan of action. No goal is too difficult to meet, and no problem is a match for the ingenious power of your mind. Remember that, and don’t forget.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for Feb. 18, 2016, #1088 | By Len Wallick

This is a rare and special moment for you to make a good impression on both new acquaintances and familiar friends. It is important, however, to do so in such a way as to not spread yourself thin or wear yourself out. Do only what you can with what you have to work with. Do not dwell on what your available time and energy will not allow you to get done. If others do not understand that you cannot possibly please everybody, let that be their problem. Indeed, take heart in the fact that what you offer is valuable enough to be in as much demand as it is. So long as you can go to sleep every night knowing that you have done your best without doing yourself in, let that be enough.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Feb. 15, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You’ve been on a roll with good ideas the past few weeks, though the best is yet to come. Keep mulling over the possibilities, though pay attention to the subtle levels of your mind. You know how ideas sometimes float in seemingly from nowhere? Those are the ones you want. If you wake up from a dream with the sense of seeing a problem in a new way, write down the details. You have a powerful intellect, though what you need to tap into now is your intuition. To do this, focus on listening to your own mind, and notice how you respond to the thoughts of others. Something perfectly ridiculous, or unrelated to the topic at hand, can spark a clever idea in your mind. I would, however, remind you of one guiding principle for what you’re doing: service.

Moonshine Horoscope for Feb. 11, 2016, #1087 | By Len Wallick

Rain is good. Just ask anybody living through a drought. Yet, rainy days have a bad reputation they do not deserve. Now is an excellent time to look at what some commonly disparaged life circumstances might mean to you were they yours to live. It would also be a good idea to understand what others might find enviable about your circumstances now. This means more than counting your blessings — though that would not be a bad idea. Beyond living in gratitude, you might also want to reconsider some life options that you have disregarded or dismissed in the past. It could very well be that some of those options will soon become not only available, but also highly desirable.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Feb. 8, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Monday’s New Moon in your sign seems designed to connect you with your true strength. It’s as if you can make contact with all of your talents and skills at once. If you can identify a need, you can identify a resource to meet that need. Remind yourself that you have everything necessary; and if you don’t, you can connect with it or acquire it. The real gift of this moment is to help you focus on your true purpose. If you know what it is, take the steps necessary to focus your energy on that goal. If you feel like you don’t know, I can assure you that you don’t need to look far to find it. It’s the thing that you feel the most passionate about — no matter what everyone else may think. It’s the thing you want to do for its own sake.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for Feb. 4, 2016, #1086 | By Len Wallick

If you had to choose between power, wisdom and pleasure, which would you pick? There is no denying that there is nothing quite as pleasing as pleasure. Nonetheless, is it really your purpose in life just to please yourself? Neither is power anything to be sneezed at. In practice, power can bring you all the pleasure you can handle, in addition to its many other fringe benefits. Even so, would you really be fulfilled by simply having your way with everything all the time? Wisdom, on the other hand, is neither exclusively gratifying nor entirely self-serving. Being wise, at its most fundamental, includes making the right choices at the right time for everybody involved, even if those decisions require postponing personal pleasure or giving up personal power. Therefore, preferring wisdom over pleasure and power could, in many ways, be the least desirable selection of all — but only if desire is your be-all, end-all. Should you sense that there is something about you that transcends your desires, take your pleasure where you find it and accept power responsibly, but make the acquisition of wisdom your ultimate goal.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Feb. 1, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Remember, you set an example for everyone around you. You’re likely to find yourself in a position where your leadership is required, and people are more inclined to do what you do, rather than do what you say. Yet at the moment you’re a kind of psychic transmitter. So what you feel is as important as what you do. In every situation, take the higher road, and see the best in people. Mars in the achievement angle of your chart may be giving you a competitive edge, but it’s essential that you not act that way. Treat people as your friends and allies, enlist their help when you need it and offer yours at any opportunity you get. Weave a culture of cooperation and mutual benefit, and that will go a long way for you and everyone.

Short Monthly Horoscope for February 2016, #1085 | By Eric Francis

Take leadership, and do it now. Set things right from the beginning. Admit that you know more than nearly anyone else around you, and remind yourself that you have the guts to take action. If you’re clear about these things, you’ll be of true service to those around you. They will benefit from your guidance and ability to make clear decisions.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 25, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Your worst fears are unlikely to be true. Was there ever a time when they were? But that may be small reassurance, if you’re inclined to panic. What can you do? A psychological solution is not going to go deep enough. You need not just insight into your own mind, but actual evidence of truth, and the experience of how it feels. The most revealing information is likely to come through your dreams. Most people feel that dreams are weird and senseless; though, when examined carefully, they often have elegant logic. Go gently into this territory, and allow your observations to flow. Pay attention to how you feel, and remember that every symbol in the dream is a representation of you. How those elements relate is how you relate to yourself.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for February, 2016, #1084 | By Eric Francis

Whatever you’re doing or working to succeed at, turn your soft side to the community. You are in one of those phases where you must be gritty and serious in order to get the job done, to establish yourself or to go to the next level. But make sure the public aspect of what you’re doing is all compassion and empathy. Think of Fred Rogers, who was at once the central figure in Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood and at the same time one of the pioneers of both public television and children’s television. On camera, people met Mr. Rogers, the gentle and kindly friend to the kids. Off camera, people had to work with a shrewd developer, director and businessman. He never confused the two roles, and you would be wise to know which scenario you are in at any given time. What you’re doing requires an all-wheel-drive, brass bolts (and perhaps balls) approach. Yet community relations is where you will actually make contact, and your skill will determine the degree of success you are able to attain. Work on this as a special topic, and develop it as a distinct skill. Study people who are very, very good at it and learn everything you can. When you write for the public, make sure you rewrite until your message and presentation are smooth, clear and authentic.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 18, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You may be in a situation where you need to take charge, though I suggest you do this in subtle ways. Now is not the time to declare yourself the boss of anyone or anything, or to manipulate events — that will likely backfire. Yet you could well be the person through whom the creative solution comes. You could be the person who solves the riddle, or who makes the budget work out when nobody else could. Here is a clue: do this slowly. Take your time. Focus on getting the question right, and the answer is more likely to come to you. Or rather, the answer will come from you. One discovery you’re in the process of making is that just about any information or ideas of real importance bubbles up from inside of you.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope — Jan. 14, 2016, #1083 | By Len Wallick

The weight of being fully and consciously aware of what’s right and wrong as a natural instinct is something that many can successfully avoid, deny or ignore. But not you. Not for long anyway, and certainly not without nearly immediate consequences. If there are any crosses you must bear, always knowing better is almost certainly one of them. All things considered, it’s not such a bad cross even at its heaviest. There are far worse things than being constantly present with your conscience. The main problem that comes with being conscientious is the eventual realization that some of what you have been conditioned to accept is unconscionable. When that happens, remember that it’s always better to be true to yourself than to your conditioning.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 11, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Nearly anyone who succeeds defies the expectations of others, even the experts. Most of the truly innovative things that we now take for granted were thought of as silly, irrelevant or a false rumor (the airplane, for example). Many commodities that power society were first treated as useless waste products (gasoline, for example). Therefore, you don’t need the endorsement of anyone with special qualifications. Rather, cultivate faith in yourself, and the special contribution that you know you want to make. You see the problem clearly, and you can see the solution just as well. Now you must go through the process of working out the details, slowly and carefully. Make friends with people who will support you merely because they like you. So often this makes the world go ‘round.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope — Jan. 7, 2016, #1082 | By Len Wallick

Just because it’s a new year does not mean you should be doing something different. If anybody knows the value of sticking with what works, it is you. The idea, however, is not to get stuck once what works has run its course. Therefore, endeavor to keep going as you have while keeping an eye out for your chance to make things work even better. The most important thing for you to keep in working order at this time is your body. When in doubt, choose rest over strain. Listen to your body and heed its calls for sleep and nourishment. Err on the side of caution when it comes to staying well. If you have your health, nearly anything else is possible, and all sorts of possibilities are soon to open up — provided you can be both physically fit and mentally capable of releasing attachment to what no longer serves you.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 4, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

As usual, you’re doing something unusual, and you’re accustomed as ever to having to go it alone. But at the moment you have at least one ally who is willing to help you, if only you would recognize who this person is. You might think you’re smarter and have more experience; even if that’s true, there’s still a real chance someone holds a missing piece for you. Where you struggle to fit in, they know exactly what to do. Where you may be consumed with a sense of duty, they are inspired by a sense of beauty. Where you have expertise, they bring the beginner’s mind. Where you see limits, they see potential. The meeting of these various elements will be beneficial to everyone, and open the way to some unusual success.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for January 2016, #1081 | By Eric Francis

How exactly do you hold on to your ideals in a world where it seems like the whole game is rigged for greed, competition and conformity? I never thought you’d ask! The answer is: it’s challenging, but you must. It may be five times harder to reach for your truth as the madness of our society reaches a new peak. And in the end it will get you double your investment, because you are building a strong foundation that will be there when the world is in calmer times. Before then, you know you’re being true to yourself, and you cannot live with yourself any other way. The current struggle of our world translates to energy loss, depression and confusion in most people, and it could easily do so for you — which is why you must keep your grounding. And your grounding is in your ideals. I would propose that the one that’s closest to the core is existing in a way where you see the needs of the many, the needs of the few, and your own personal necessities. If you at least acknowledge that they exist, you will have perspective. The one rapidly disappearing element of the world is that of mutual benefit. Practice and apply this concept in everything you do. And while you do that, notice who cannot see past their own personal hunger, and steer clear of them.

Capricorn 2016

Moonshine Horoscope for Capricorn New Moon #1132 | By Len Wallick

Simply being realistic about what you can and cannot do at this time will put you in a superb position to make wiser and more productive choices than ever before. Allowing any sense of discontent to run your life will almost certainly have an opposite effect. If, for example, owning a Rolls Royce is not currently a practical goal right now, you have options. You can choose either to sulk or to be relieved that any achievable purchases will not depreciate nearly as quickly or as much. While such a scenario may seem unrealistic in and of itself, you might want to take a close look in your life for any actual parallels. Pay special attention to any circumstance in which you might be tempted either to judge others too harshly or to blame them for your troubles. What such a cursory self-examination might reveal could very well open your eyes in time to make that metaphorical Rolls possible — if not probable — sooner than you might think.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 26, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Self-discovery never ends. You never actually ‘figure out who you are’ — but you can get to know who you are, and what your tendencies are, here in the world of forever changes. In these weeks you may make some startling, informative or genuinely useful discoveries about your tendencies. You don’t have to do anything about them; just note what you’re learning as you learn it. Notice and make friends with the process of change. Make friends with uncertainty. Being ‘certain’ is often rife with false security. So, too, is the desire for anything to be so-called permanent. The continents drift around the globe. The North Pole was once a tropical region. The Great Sphinx long predates ancient Egypt. Change is your friend, and the easiest thing to change is your mind. Let’s put it this way: if you’re going boat shopping, you don’t need a yacht. You need a very sturdy, dependable little fishing boat. Then get up every day and see what you catch.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 19, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

There’s a concept I learned in Hakomi Therapy training, which they call ‘efforting’. It describes a counseling room phenomenon where the therapist or the client is working too hard emotionally or intellectually to get a desired result. You know, the conversation that goes on too long, or that seems to get nowhere; the problem you keep banging your head on; the person who you cannot convince; the question you cannot answer; the habit you cannot let go of. Often this gets conflated with ‘having integrity’ or ‘working on yourself’. I suggest you be cautious about anything that’s draining your emotional or mental energy. The solution is unlikely to be doing more, but rather to stand back and do less. The mere acknowledgement that ‘this is harder than it’s supposed to be’ is an excellent start. There’s something you’re missing — information you need, or a shift of perspective. Start with the obvious. What do you really want?

Moonshine Horoscope for Gemini Full Moon #1130 | By Len Wallick

Even if you are doing everything you can to keep a low profile, it’s quite likely that you are getting some attention about now. Some are almost certainly looking up to you. Others are probably looking out for you. No doubt a significant number are observing you for reasons somewhere in between. To make the most of what one might call your circumstantial charisma, assume that you will nearly always be making an impression of one kind or another for at least the next month, if not longer. You could also safely assume that simply being your genuine and authentic self will make a good impression. If your life up to now has prepared you for anything, it’s scrutiny. Have fun with the spotlight, and rest assured that any criticism says more about the critics than it does about you.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 12, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Years ago I learned something in Hakomi Therapy training that has served me well ever since. When addressing an intense emotion, approach it from the edge rather than diving into the middle. It’s a little like standing next to an open fire; you can feel the heat and smell the smoke at a safe distance. Now, some would say that this alone represents significant maturity: the ability to take some distance on your feelings. Yes, we can all get drawn in, and it’s pretty easy to lose control. However, you will be at a significant advantage if you keep a handle on yourself and notice what you’re feeling rather than giving into it entirely. Keep possession of your mind and you will have access to real ideas about how to manage your life. Lately this translates to managing change; which is to say, making peace with the fact that change happens. Stay one step ahead of yourself and it’ll be much more fun.

Short Monthly Horoscope for December 2016, #1129 | By Eric Francis

You may need to assemble the truth in small bits rather than getting it as a fully assembled picture. This might require comparing information from different sources over a period of time, perhaps five or six weeks. As you do this, be as methodical and objective as you can be. Then you will have that moment when reality comes into focus. Tempted though you may be, don’t rush to conclusions. Your ultimate determination might be entirely different from what your initial response or reaction was. What you call intuition must be backed up by concrete and provable data.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 5, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You would be wise to address the notion that you must be pure, or perceived as pure. You know you’re not; everyone else knows you’re not; and there’s no such thing as purity except maybe in an air-locked laboratory or in the mind of the pope. But purity is different from integrity. And someone as intense as you are, with opinions as strong as yours are, needs integrity. But what is that? I think of it as having the various parts of yourself in agreement with one another. It’s about noticing when you contradict yourself. There’s the bit about having the same expectations for others that you have for yourself. And it’s about letting your deeper truth out into the room rather than having to stuff it down into the dark. There seems to be something you absolutely must reveal about yourself, and it will prove that you might not be ‘pure’, but you possess genuine integrity.

Moonshine Horoscope for Sagittarius New Moon #1128 | By Len Wallick

You should probably receive a college degree simply for living your life over the last eight years or so. Just as with a university education, everything you’ve experienced since late 2008 will probably boil down to one thing. What you now know better than before has less to do with what you were tested on, and more to do with what you were tested by.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 28, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Steam, heat and flames are roiling and boiling inside of you. This is often true; these days it’s a bit more than the usual. There’s so much that you want to make sense, and so little that actually does. It’s as if you’re looking for yourself in the middle of a hurricane. Note that this may be under the guise of seeking the love of your life, or trying to figure out what happened (or is happening) in a relationship. However, it would seem that anything of any relevance is happening inside of you. If other people are involved, they’re more like supporting actors who briefly come onto the stage in the midst of your one-person show. If that’s true, there’s only one direction for you to look, which is within. You might have to forgive everyone and everything around you to get there; you will definitely need to forgive yourself, and journey inward. You may discover it’s not so dark or foggy after all.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope — December 2016, #1127 | By Eric Francis

There’s a story developing in your chart about devoting your attention to those who are less well-off than you are. If you follow this story, it will become a calling, an invitation to do what you can for whomever you can. I recognize these are instincts that must be followed carefully. It’s easy to burn out or overextend yourself. It’s also easy to listen and hear the seemingly small ways you can be of help, and take action in a way that is harmless to everyone and helpful in the intended way. Noticing that people exist is an excellent place to start; being noticed can be of profound significance for someone who lives their life feeling invisible. And there may be more tangible ways you can help, whether in the moment or in the long run; for example, making introductions between those who have a need and someone else who might be able to fulfill it. The wider theme here is the cultivation of your compassion and empathy. This comes at no cost to anyone, and does not take up your time. What these qualities do call for is vulnerability, and the recognition of human frailty. Once you make contact with that level of your existence, you will tap into a deeper strength, perhaps deeper than you’ve ever known. And you will discover yourself to be a messenger of faith.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 21, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

There’s a kind of healing that can only happen through an honest conversation. Honest and healing begin with gentle, and emotionally grounded. That means close to the Earth, close to the center of your body, and tuned into your feelings. From there, you can tune into the feelings of those you’re intimate with. In any conversation of this kind, there may be references to the past, though be clear about what they are. Acknowledge what has happened and how you feel about it; ask your conversation partner their view on what happened and how they feel about it. Mostly, keep your focus on the present, facing the future, because that is the only direction you can travel. In any discussion, consider that you may begin with one idea about what matters most, or what you have to say, and through the discussion make a whole new discovery.

Weekly Horoscope for Nov. 17, 2016, #1126 | By Amy Elliott

What’s that little idea you seem to have brewing in your thoughts? It might take a bit of reaching if it’s hiding in the depths; but once you’ve figured out its nature, I advise you to share it openly. Do not by any means allow a tendency to retreat into your inner space to take over. Don’t let self-doubt or fear get the better of you. What you have in mind is simply too important to remain hidden in the mists. By all means start with people you trust. Just don’t let slip this chance to make your mark on the world, and to contribute to its improvement.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 14, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Money is not a matter of luck. It’s not a matter of position. It’s a matter of wanting the stuff. If you want it, and you use your intelligence, you can get it. Problems arise when your desire for money puts you in the position of going against your moral code. That’s the place to start. If your ambition (or desire for wealth) exceeds your knowledge and your ethics, you can have a real problem on your hands. You would be wise to temper yourself until you’ve got that clear, and focus on doing the right thing. This means focusing on the task at hand, for its own sake. The question of the right thing to do is answered in what you would do, were you not getting paid. If you are doing anything for the money, especially if you consider it a lot of money, it’s time to reflect and meditate. If you’re in a rush, ask yourself what that’s about.

Short Monthly Horoscope for November 2016, #1125 | By Eric Francis

Your sign has a dual reputation: one for being reserved and cautious on the one hand, and another for being bold and courageous. Lately, your confidence and self-assertiveness have surprised even you, and there’s no turning back from the path you’ve chosen. In life it’s necessary to push back against the world, and get people to move over and make room for you. As you do this, you’ll remind yourself that you actually exist, and that you have desires, and that you seek success and fulfillment. These things are made real in action, not in contemplation. Courage is a muscle — flex it.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 7, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

In a few days your plans and sense of the future are likely to open up. With that, you may start to get the feeling that you’re painted into a corner. You’ll feel fine as long as you don’t seriously entertain the idea of stretching your possibilities. You may feel boxed in the moment you want more or extend yourself into the future. You might think that this is about social acceptability, though that’s a trap. Whether you’ve got the approval of others is the last thing you need to worry about. That’s not because you have or do not have that approval, but because you don’t need it and don’t want it. You are the person who needs to approve of yourself. This is not about telling yourself something you don’t believe; it’s about going deep into your feelings and connecting with your commitment to your mission.

Moonshine Horoscope for Scorpio New Moon, #1124 | By Len Wallick

For every problem, there is a solution. If you can remember just that one fact, you can head off any frustrations before they happen. As regards to any exasperating circumstances you may now be facing, remember two additional things. First, as the late, great astrologer Rachelle “Rockie” Gardiner so often reminded her readers: “Patience is the key to heaven.” Second, you are rarely, if ever, alone with your concerns. Somewhere in your community of friends, peers and citizens there are almost certainly a number of people who share (or at least empathize with) the issues that are important to you. So long as you can make your needs known to those communities while also patiently participating in finding a remedy, contentment should ultimately be yours.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 31, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Mars in your sign is pushing you to be at your best. But what is your best? Being a star, or doing quality work? The two motivations are mutually exclusive. For some people, in some times and some places, the drive for notoriety pushes them to actual accomplishments. For you that’s too risky; it would be too easy for your ego to dominate consciousness. That’s to say, what you do cannot be about you — it must be about the thing you’re doing, and the part that’s about you is the discipline and dedication necessary to make something happen. Be cautious about any inspiration that comes from praise or public attention. Be cautious about anything a detractor says. Consider them to have approximately the same value, which is less value than your own pressing need for integrity. That means listening with your whole mind, telling no lies whatsoever, and accounting for what you promise but do not deliver.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for November 2016, #1123 | By Eric Francis

You’re starting to make contact with your own desire. By that I mean you’re removing the obstacles between what you want and admitting what you want. You might think this is too simple to be effective, but all the complexity — the wrangling over appropriateness and guilt and your fear of personal anarchy if you let go of your precious self-control, even just a little — is all a distraction. Sooner or later, you will admit to what you want, which is another way of saying admit to who you are. Then what, exactly, is the fuss? I would remind you that you no longer have to prove that you’re a good girl or good boy. You no longer have to impress your parents or your teachers. Who you are is in fact none of their business, no matter what they may have convinced you. This extends to partners, friends and people in your community whom you think you have to impress as morally upright. Even if you dispense with all of this mental meshugas, there’s one last point to consider: your need to feel safe. Under your current astrology, clinging to security is the last thing that will give you a sense of confidence. Dancing with the possibilities, with your own potential, and the current chaos of the world will, however, do wonders for you.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 24, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

People already notice you. You don’t have to go out of your way. They already know you do good work; you don’t have to impress them, and you don’t have to impress yourself. If you’re going to be proud of your achievements, make it the mild, laid-back kind of pride, like sitting in a chair and knowing you’re a good dancer. The key idea here is understatement. If you show off your skills or talents, that’s likely to backfire. Focus on getting the job done well and on time, and forget about recognition and even about the money. Put everything you have into quality and devotion to your work for its own sake. If you’re feeling insecure, this may be more of a challenge; though you have what it takes. Insecurity can be a fine inspiration to do what needs to be done. A measure of uncertainty will help you to be thorough and keep an eye out for your mistakes.

Weekly Horoscope for Oct. 20, 2016, #1122 | By Amy Elliott

The world is not your burden to carry, although I am sure you feel that way sometimes. You need to take it easy. Make sure you’re getting enough rest, and that your living space is as comfortable as it can be. This might also be a good time to cultivate your inner life as well as your dealings with what is outside: your imagination is richer than many suspect, as you may have discovered lately. When you’ve had sufficient time and space to refresh yourself, you will be better equipped to proceed with being an asset to the entire planet.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 17, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

If you’re wondering what the right thing to do is, it’s the thing that brings people together rather than driving them apart. That means you, personally, being closer to people, rather than deeming anyone an enemy. Everyone you meet has the potential to help you grow, and you have the same potential for them. The current astrology is focused on your sign, and it is hot, it’s aggressive and it’s deep. That represents how you may be feeling: on the list of possibilities is anger coming to the surface, or some sense of loss, and a need to heal some wound and move beyond the past. What I suggest you remember is that when you clear all these other feelings out of the way, the underlying issue is connecting with yourself more deeply. That means being honest about who and what you want. It also means being honest about what you would do if you were to align your desire with your soul’s mission.

Moonshine Horoscope for Aries Full Moon, #1121 | By Len Wallick

Have you noticed anything new about yourself lately? If you’re not sure, perhaps enlist others to offer their observations. Something momentous is afoot in your life. In fact, it would be realistic to say you are currently at a crucial stage in a long process of evolving into a person of uncommon substance. To get an idea of what you should be alert for, think back to about this time two years ago. Try to remember what issues you were dealing with then, and how you handled them. Of course, that was then and this is now. Nonetheless, the latter part of 2014 likely contained both lessons and rewards for your efforts. Now you have a chance to show both yourself and those who care about you just how far you have come since then.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 10, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

At the moment, there is an unusual conjunction happening in your sign: Mars, the planet of energy, drive and desire, is meeting up with Pluto, the planet of soul and transformation. This is happening after a long buildup — something that’s been developing all year. This is a description of you coming into a new level of your existence, a new idea about who you are, and what you might think of as an increase in your personal power. Yet you must handle this with care and caution. Your words count for three times the potency as usual. Your emotions are exponentially stronger. As this develops over the next week or so, you must practice consciousness and restraint, and be selective about how to express your energy in healthy ways. No doubt some of them will be sexual, because you’re finally making contact with what you want, and are willing to admit it. But be kind to people, and try not to burn anyone as they touch your gorgeous flame, or get touched by you.

Short Monthly Horoscope for October 2016, #1120 | By Eric Francis

This month, you have the power to make any change you want. I don’t use the word ‘power’ lightly, but there really is no other. By change, I mean on a structural level: a deep rearranging of your mentality. It’s as if a force beyond normal desire or intention is working through you. It’s an evolutionary impulse combined with true need that’s moving you to make a decision you might never have predicted. You can trust this process, because it’s entirely natural and coming from within you. Though it might not have made sense a year ago, it makes perfect sense now.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 3, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Mars ingressing your sign this week will have you feeling like your old self again, though in an entirely new way. The main message of this event is that it’s time to unplug fear as a primary force in your psyche. The fear might be there, but you have better sources of information. By fear, I mean anything from vapid anxiety to letting your idea of the worst-case scenario drive your decisions, from the insecurity that’s followed you around for so long to guilt about what you want. You’ve made some unusual choices this year; some have worked out, and others you’re still wondering about. You might count up the cost of what you’ve lost because you were afraid of something that never happened, and was not going to happen. You might seriously reconsider any decision you made based on the fear of some abstract prospect, on guilt, or on any form of denial. Here’s the plain truth: you’re bigger than all of that, not to mention better.

Moonshine Horoscope for Libra New Moon, #1119 | By Len Wallick

Abraham Lincoln reportedly observed that response to hardship is a less-than-reliable indication of personal character. So far as Honest Abe was concerned, the truest test of character is how a person handles being in a position of power. If one assumes that President Lincoln was a good judge of human nature, you might want to be aware of how the astrology for the remainder of this year is implying that you are being conferred a significant amount of power yourself. Specifically, you might expect people to be looking up to you as an authority figure in your public and professional roles, even if your official place in any hierarchy is low man on the totem pole. This could be an opportunity. Act as if you are worthy of influence now, and it might mean a promotion later.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 26, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You’ve come a long way in a short time. Suddenly, that is apparent. You are getting a taste of what it’s like to be recognized and appreciated for what you do. There would seem, however, to be something else that you’re seeking, a different kind of success or reputation. What is this about? I reckon you’re not quite sure yet, and that you’re consciously searching for something. That something is not a thing; it’s yourself. While it’s possible to seek and find some elements of yourself through some activity — which is exactly what you’re doing — this is a journey that you’ll need to take deeper. It will help to avoid any form of false certainty about who you are. And it will be a difficult temptation to resist. Yet the equation is simple: what you do does not define who you are. Who you are is the bottom line.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscopes for October 2016, #1118 | By Eric Francis

You’re going through a phase of catching up with yourself. True, you’ve made plenty of progress the past couple of months, despite factors that would have deterred others. Still, you need to gain some essential experience, so that you can focus your direction based on real information. It’s essential that you be willing to get your hands dirty, and essential that you not go into any project with the expectation that it will be easy. Many factors in your chart are insisting that you be willing to go deep, and that you be willing to embark on projects whose destiny you don’t know. And while everything is designed as a learning process, it must never stop there. It’s imperative to engage with the worth in what you’re doing, and to make sure that you follow through to the point where something actually serves a purpose extrinsic to yourself. People are fed up with complication. That’s the mark of our times. Yet you know that getting a result is not as easy as tapping the screen on a phone, but rather more like the work that took to design and create the app. You don’t need simplicity as much as you need a broad perspective. Jupiter is here to help you, if only you’ll remember there’s more to heaven and earth than you may have believed previously.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 19, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

If you’re honest you will admit to yourself that some of your perceptions of life, and some of your expectations, have fallen short of realistic. I’m not advocating for limiting yourself or curtailing your dreams in any way. Rather, I’m suggesting that you take some time to do a reality check. Saturn, the planet associated with your sign, is calling on you to look at yourself and your life from a new angle, one that shows you something you’ve been missing. Here’s a suggestion: it’s easier than you may think to meet people on common ground. You don’t give up any part of yourself by finding a point of agreement or of cooperation. Rather, you will only enhance your life by sharing your desires, your passion and your drive for success. Life is not an all-or-nothing exercise. Your reality overlaps those of the people you care about in many different ways.

Pisces Full Moon Moonshine for Sept. 15, 2016, #1117 | By Len Wallick

You have already seen the light. Now, you might want to busy yourself with widening the crack through which the light is shining. Interestingly, one way to do so is for you to support and encourage those you are closest to in their efforts to change and grow, just as you have done since about this time last year. In addition, you may want to consider the benefits of sprucing up and otherwise improving your immediate environment, rather than yielding to restlessness and jumping ship without just reason. After all, the light does not always shine everywhere at once. You also know that you have done more than enough time with darkness. Work on improving what’s already good and you will not have wasted your time.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 12, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Aspects this week move boldly in favor of your career plans, and this will hold true for the next year. Yet the planets in their courses also remind you that bravado is the very last thing you want — that is, being a big shot at whatever you do, rather than someone who does it competently and on time. In one sense, we could say that you’re being given an opportunity to exceed your experience and your usual talent level. You’re likely to be more visible than you typically are, and that means being noticed. Therefore, understate your own case, and be careful never to presume knowledge that you don’t have. Take the ideas of others on board, and be fair-minded. You are, in a sense, a judge of all that you survey. You cannot avoid this, as the tendency of the mind is to assess, compare and evaluate. Yet you must seek balance and impeccable honesty as a conscious act of creative will.

Short Monthly Horoscope for September 2016, #1116 | By Eric Francis

Mindfulness is the only way to learn from your fears, but they have something to teach you. The most important is pointing out places where you lack trust, be it in your own strength or in the universe to take care of you. Remind yourself regularly that you have the experience and the intelligence to guide your life, and to respond to any situation that might arise. This ongoing process is nothing less than the cultivation of actual faith in yourself. For you these days, the key to any door or puzzle is courage. A little goes a long way.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 5, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Jupiter crosses the midheaven angle of your solar chart this week. That’s a fancy way of saying you’re moving up in the world. Yet your chart presents a puzzle. When you make a move, you might stir up a nest of anxiety. This, in turn, could stop you from stepping forward. The psychological setup is the classic fear of success masquerading as fear of failure. You might start on something worthwhile and decide that it’s never going to work. The question you might ask is: what if you get results? That would require prolonged commitment. You will need to keep developing your idea; you will need to increase your level of responsibility and visibility; you will need to maintain your devotion to quality. Most of all, there is such a thing as a community standard. You can deal with that by exceeding any standard you perceive, while still keeping your creative integrity. That takes courage and devotion. Get ready.

Virgo New Moon Moonshine for Sept. 1, 2016, #1115 | By Len Wallick

By now you should at least be starting to see in yourself some of what others have seen in you over the last seven or eight years. It has undoubtedly been a long, strange trip for you during those years. You may have wondered what kept some old friends faithful in spite of your testing their loyalty. You also may have mused upon what attracted some new friends to you even when you were feeling anything but attractive. Now, the perspective of your most recent decade should finally be opening your eyes to the greater, wider worth and importance of your life. Perhaps you have been avoiding seeing it. On the other hand, you could have been earnestly seeking it. Either way, a larger truth about you is finally becoming available to you. Let that truth inspire you to take the best care of yourself that you possibly can from here on out.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 29, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

If you have spirituality on your mind, you might consider whether you actually have sex on your mind. This is a fairly typical reversal, and not everyone cares. From the look of your solar chart, you’re determined to find out the truth about something. Yet if that is coming up as the craving for mystical ideas or experiences, I would propose that what you truly want is something more emotional, biological and physically satisfying. That means self-discovery in reality rather than in abstract theory. Your body knows what is right for you, if you will only listen. Your dreams may also be telling you something. If stepping in this direction feels at all edgy, nerve-wracking or comes tinged with guilt, you can be sure you’re following your true calling. You have no need to be pure or holy, only real, which means real with yourself. This is a special moment for you to place your focus here: an excellent time to make friends with desire.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for Sept. 2016, #1114 | By Eric Francis

You tend to split hairs over your beliefs, as if trying to determine which are more true than others. Here is the thing: Belief is just belief. The problem is that when something so frail is assigned authority, that thing can take authority over you. For example, you might have a belief about integrity, and that can take on the stature of a god in your mind, while doing little to influence you in a positive way. Your astrology for the next few weeks is challenging you to consider this issue. What do you believe and why do you believe it? When you encounter one of these thought forms, ask yourself this question, and listen for the answer you get. Then ask again and take it deeper. You might conclude that belief per se is meaningless. It would be a compliment to call it fiction, since fiction at least involves the conscious weaving of a reality for a specific purpose. Yet it works a little like that — the purpose often being convenience. Don’t be afraid to go out of your way to find out what’s actually true for you. That might include going somewhere to conduct a personal inquiry, in search of what is real. The decisions you make this month can influence not just your long-range view of your future, but also your actual destination. Keep your eyes open and shine your light into the dark.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 22, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

If you can rise above your fear, you can do anything you want, and there is plenty that you want to do. I would remind you, though, that to most people, freedom ranges from scary to terrifying. Who would have thunk it? Yet humans invest vast amounts of energy in retreating from their potential rather than exploring it curiously and courageously. I suggest you go right in the direction of what makes you nervous, or gives you butterflies or goose bumps. Those things contain the experiences you seek. The fear is merely what you experience when the first blush of energy rises, though it’s partly about an ingrained habit. Face it: you see far more potential in yourself and to life than your parents did. You are willing to take greater risks for a greater reward. That is progress, if anything is.

Full Moon Moonshine Horoscope for Aug. 18, 2016, #1113 | By Len Wallick

Being in service is usually a good practice. Being in servitude usually isn’t. It’s distinctly possible that you currently have something of a blind spot regarding the difference because it has to do with something you own. It may very well be the case that you are not seeing how something you own in fact owns you. For that reason, endeavor to be more than usually conscious of your possessions over the next month or so — especially any time and expense you put into either maintaining or using them. If you are not getting something out of it in proportion to what you are putting in, you may want to make some changes.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 15, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You’re working to break free of something that has often hindered you in the past: a thought form, an idea about yourself, or an attachment to a belief. (Those are all ways of saying the same thing; choose which one you relate to.) What I suggest you notice is any time you take something on the level of a religious belief. I don’t mean religion per se but rather that style of ‘true believership.’ There are a few qualities that such might have, one of which is that it’s born of an attempt to simplify something complex. Another is that it’s a response to a fear, with a palliative value (it makes you feel better, or is supposed to). Last, it’s the kind of idea that leads you to avoid something rather than to engage it directly. In case nobody has told you yet, you have a bold, brilliant imagination, and you’re capable of coming up with ideas that far surpass any form of simplistic viewpoint. Those ideas have life and they have energy, and that’s what you’re feeling now.

Weekly Horoscope for Aug. 11, 2016, #1112 | By Amy Elliott

We earthy types have a reputation for not especially relishing sudden change; yet there’s a good chance you’ve grown somewhat used to the ground shifting. You know now that it’s part of existence. At present, changes seem to be occurring in the breadth of your horizons, which is to say you’re learning that certain things really are possible. It’s likely that someone specific is acting in the role of teacher. If so, notice that and pay attention. Their message will probably benefit you considerably.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 8, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You must look beyond your tendency to be pessimistic, and consider what is possible. You might not be able to do that based on what you’ve accomplished in the past; that’s the point. You need a different basis for faith in your ability to shape your life. One thing that might ease your way is to let go of having to make an exact plan for every goal. Between the first step in a process and what might seem to be the last one, there are many surprises. It’s not that planning is in some way wrong, but rather that it can only get you so far. Think of your plans as a kind of guide, such as figuring out what rocks you’re going to step on to get to the other side of the stream. Once you’re stepping from rock to rock, you might make another choice, and you might get your feet wet. You’ll still get where you’re going.

Short Monthly Horoscope for August 2016, #1111 | By Eric Francis

Many people carry burdens around their whole lives, not realizing they belong to others. This is the time when you can give up what is not yours to carry. You might think you’re helping someone by doing so, but really, you’re not benefiting anyone by weighing yourself down. You have no need to feel guilt about doing something in your own interest. It might seem strange at first, though the presence of guilt is assurance that you’re doing the right thing rather than something wrong. When you figure out the logic of this, you will be pleasantly stunned at your discovery.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 1, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You need to be more honest about the influence of fear in your life. It has a significant role, though the more you acknowledge that fact, the more you will diminish the power it seems to have over you. The truth is that there’s a lot to be scared of in the world; however, relatively little of it happens to anyone. Fear is best understood as a thing of the imagination. It’s creative energy that’s been turned on itself. I recognize it may not seem that way, though the mind really only has one kind of energy, and that is creative. It’s up to you to use this human gift on your own behalf. This is akin to using a power tool consciously and carefully, or unconsciously. The first step is listening to yourself rather than trying to drown anything out. You want to let the pressure off rather than keeping it contained.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for August 2016, #1110 | By Eric Francis

Pay close attention to your level of anxiety as the next few weeks unfold. Indeed, it would be wise of you to invest a little extra time and space into your inner life, whatever that means to you. Sagittarius, the sign right before yours, is the one that relates to your inner being. Mars will be in there, making a conjunction to your ruling planet Saturn. This could be the formula for a struggle — or it could be the perfect setup you need to help you figure out how, exactly, you can live in peace with yourself. You might get over the idea that you need all the answers, right now. You might set aside the notion that you can control what is true and what is not (which is usually done by ignoring valid information). There is, however, something else. What you thought to be true in the past and what you know to be true today are not compatible. It would seem like you’re trying to reconcile the two, and not very successfully. One last clue: that previously true thing was true for your parents, not for you. And if you find yourself in the midst of some anxiety-producing crisis, it’s really about trying to please them, or somehow live up to some expectation in the past that has nothing to do with you and never did.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 25, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

If you’ve been struggling to establish your social position, you can ease off and let your momentum do the work. Nobody doubts where you’re coming from. You need to feel your place in society, and most of all to know who your friends are. Yet there is one other thing, which is being real about your sexuality. It’s not enough not to be a prude. It’s not enough to be OK with who you are. The gem, the true achievement, the gift, of this year’s Mars retrograde for you is learning to be shameless, transparent and positive about turning on others, and being turned on by them. While this takes some bravery, less is required than you may think, and there are rewards that you have not yet been introduced to. This is likely to be a many-year process of claiming yourself back. Yet the initial throwing-off of the shackles of doubt and embracing honest desire and pleasure as a way of life are the first, boldest and most immediately rewarding steps.

Weekly Horoscope for July 21, 2016, #1109 | By Amy Elliott

Many now subscribe to the view that there is a divine presence within all of us; some believe it consists of all genders. Right now, the goddess part of you is surfacing. You can welcome her and cultivate her acquaintance by giving yourself some extra love and pleasure. That could mean sex; in which case the more time, space and exploration or experimentation you can indulge in, the better. You might also spend a bit of time out in your preferred patch of wilderness. When encountering others, too, do all you can to make the experience life-enhancing and nourishing. Your goddess-self will thank you.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 18, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Your chart is resonating, or perhaps rumbling, with the feeling of deep and inevitable inner change. Most of the time you take this in stride, or have the occasional meltdown requisite of total personality reformation. Then there are times when you get some perspective about where you are, when you are and what ways you are adapting to and rising to the occasion of the moment. You sense the distances involved, and can see their scale. Deep down you also know of the potential of the world, and the abyss over which society seems to be treading some edge. This, by extension, would include you. Or is that a total projection? Are you experiencing ‘I am changing’ as ‘omg, society is about to spin out of control’? As one born under your star sign, you are normally cool enough not to go places like that. Cool, though, is not what you get with a fire like yours burning.

Full Moon Moonshine Horoscope for July 14, 2016, #1108 | By Len Wallick

One difference between pure sport and actual capitalism is the attitude towards competition. For a capitalist, competition is a nuisance to be acquired, undermined or just avoided. In sports, however, a worthy competitor has value as a means by which to measure improvement and achievement. In an astrological sense, the best way for you to approach this coming week is as a sportsperson. Every challenge you may face should be welcomed, and something to be grateful for. That’s because you are at a point in your life when you will almost certainly prevail over what, in the past, has either intimidated or defeated you. Congratulations, you’ve come a long way. Life is now yours to win.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 11, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You’re always your own best friend or worst enemy, and it’s time you commit to one or the other. You don’t need enemies, especially yourself, and you definitely need friends, so the choice should be obvious. Being your own friend means consistently making decisions that support you. Yet at a certain point in the life of any evolved person, the goal must become the greatest good for all concerned. This may seem impossible in a world seemingly made of winners and losers. Yet part of your evolutionary task is to step out of this mode. If you ask yourself the question, ‘how can I work for an outcome that serves everyone?’ you may get some real information. And in the absence of that, do what is genuinely right for you. Yet one thing is clear: figuring out what that is may take a little while.

Short Monthly Horoscope for July 2016, #1107 | by Eric Francis

You may discover that this is a rich month for relationships, so much that you will want to keep your options open. Many feel that when you’re doing that, there’s only so close you can allow yourself to get to other people. You might consider taking the opposite approach, where you stay open and embracing of anyone who strikes your fancy, with no hesitation. You certainly have a little something extra going on. These people are drawn to something, and that something is you. Being open to receiving is one of the great lessons of your life, great being another word for excellent.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 4, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

It would seem that for the great majority of people, allowing themselves to be loved is a challenge greater than loving. Which is it for you? It’s clear that you’re harboring doubts of some kind, perhaps of whether you’re ‘acceptable’ — though if that’s even vaguely true, you just need to get over yourself. There is no orthodoxy necessary; such is merely a power trip. It’s quite enough that we have the privilege, the gift and the ongoing experiment of life. It will be a happy day when that’s accepted by humanity, though you can have that pleasure a heck of a lot sooner if you choose. Just open up and receive. Allow yourself to flow. And remember that you’re bigger than any fear or concern that you could possibly have — if you remember that you are. Said another way, try stepping out of your ideas about life and into life itself.

New Moon Moonshine Horoscope for June 30, 2016, #1106 | by Len Wallick

It appears you have gotten better at making good choices as compared to just a few years ago. Assuming that’s true for you, the next thing you might want to work on to improve the quality of your life is making yourself more happy more often without resorting to bad choices. That’s especially the case when it comes to getting your intimate needs met in a relationship. When all is said and done, being alive is the necessary requisite to everything else; you should remember that good choices start with what keeps you among the living. Other than that, however, don’t make things too complicated. If you know what sort of relationship makes you happy, focus on making it happen. If you don’t know what would make you happy, focus on finding out.

Monday Morning Horoscope for June 27, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You may be wondering how someone feels about you, or whether they are moved by you, but the real question is how you feel, and whether you are moved. Mars is a planet closely associated with your sign, and it’s been at a standstill for days. This suggests some form of either hesitation or of feeling like you must make what seems like a huge decision. Yet is it really that significant? There is an added factor that’s been popping up to some extent all year long, which is concern over what other people might think — by which I mean friends or associates. Concern over your image is the best way to divert attention from the actual substance of who you are: what you want and what you feel. We live in morally corrupt times when nearly everyone is concerned about maintaining the image of purity. This is merely a trap, and one that you don’t need to fall for.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for July 2016, #1105 | by Eric Francis

While life is emphasizing relationships, and offering you so much, it’s possible that you’re feeling isolated. That’s not certain but it’s a potential that’s necessary to address, and it seems to be related to wondering what impact you have on others. What I would propose is that the thing you want is for others to have an impact on you: to be moved by them. Pluto in your sign is strongly emphasized right now, as many planets are going by in the sign Cancer, making oppositions to it. You can be sure that you’re having an influence on people: that they feel you, and want your attention. You can be sure that they notice you, even in those times when you feel invisible. The question is: are you actually moved by them? Do you let yourself be moved? By moved, I mean movement in all its forms, whether physical, psychic, emotional or metaphorical. And I mean moved in the direction of the other, in reality rather than in your head. Pluto in your sign is likely to be making you feel vulnerable, yet at the same time, not necessarily willing to express that openly. Work with your willingness. Offer the very thing you want the most. Give people a chance to trust you, by being trustworthy. Give them a chance to feel you, by feeling them.

Monday Morning Horoscope for June 20, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

If you’re feeling isolated or lonely, or like nobody understands you, take a deep breath. Help is on the way. The Sun enters your opposite sign Cancer on Tuesday, and that will shine some light on your love life. You’ll feel more at home on the planet. Until then it will be helpful if you go gently on yourself, and remember that much of our world is in dire straits. You might need a reminder that you can reach out to others. I suggest you invite over a close friend or two and cook them dinner (not take-out, not instant mac and cheese — actual cooking). What you want to cultivate is the feeling of home. This is more than a safe space; it’s your space, among the people whom you choose to be with. This feeling is disappearing rapidly as living space become less stable, and more time is spent out of the house than benefits anyone.

Moonshine Horoscope for June 16, 2016, #1104 | by Len Wallick

In all likelihood, your life over the last seven or eight years will make a lot more sense if you can look back and see it as a journey. It might be fair to say that your voyage started with a struggle against some things. It might also be accurate to say that sometime along the way you put the struggle against those things behind you, and started striving for something instead. Now, it appears as though the struggle and strife part can be over, but only if you let it go. In large part, your good fight has been won. Just remember, your victory has not brought you to an end. Make peace, not war, in order to remake yourself. If peace means stability at this time, the best way to find it is to be stable within yourself. Settling down need not mean settling for less. Neither is it necessary to confine yourself. Rather, seek to define yourself anew. Then, endeavor to live according to your own, hard-won definition.

Monday Morning Horoscope for June 13, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You might be wondering whether to just have faith, or to work for what you want. Yet it’s not a matter of either/or. You can do both at once. Working toward a goal calls for faith in yourself. That, in turn, is related to courage. It would be easy for you to get caught in the details, and avoid action that way. If you’re asking yourself questions like, “Am I a good enough person?” or “Do I know enough?” that suggests you’re getting bogged down. You need to trust your inherent goodness, use what you know, and strive for real experiences that test your theories and teach you more. If you’re still in any way hung up on your image or what people might think of you — especially whether they think you’re competent or not — you’re merely feeding an excuse for not taking action. You do have useful experience, and the opinions of others count far less than you’ve ever imagined.

Monday Morning Horoscope for June 6, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

As one challenge eases, another seems to come on. Yet have you considered that this energy is coming from inside you? For many years, you’ve built your life on an idea of stability and predictability. You’ve associated an idea of consistency with being a good person. Yet did that equation serve to create either goodness or consistency? Now, any direction you want to move demands that you change. That’s because you have no choice but to grow, and growth is change, which means being different. It’s possible to try to build your life on some concrete idea of yourself, oriented mainly on being secure. Yet you’re likely to create a tense, rigid emotional state when the thing you need is to move and flow. There is so much energy rising up from your core that it would be dangerous to block it. That includes hanging around people who reward you for being stuck or narrow. Your real friends embrace you in all your contradiction and wild potential.

Short Monthly Horoscope for June 2016, #1103 | By Eric Francis

You’re an independent, cautious person, though at the moment it will help if you leave yourself open to the assistance and affection of others. This will call for authentic emotional vulnerability, and requires some real measure of trust. These may be the last things you want to dare right now, yet they will be the most helpful. People care deeply about you. But they cannot express that care and affection if you don’t allow the feelings in. So relax, be a sponge and absorb the nourishing water that others are offering. You will free yourself from the past, and make your world a happier place.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 30, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Last week, The Onion, a satirical website worth checking out, published an article about a space probe crashing into the edge of the universe. The joke, of course, is that the universe doesn’t have an end or a wall or a cliff that a thing can bang into, or fall off of. As you seek the deeper truth of yourself, it will be helpful to recognize that you don’t have such an edge either — though you might feel as if you do. You’ll discover yourself as deeply as you want to go. You might believe there is some limit that you must not exceed, some depth that’s too dangerous to fathom. Most people will obey their fear and stop long before they get anywhere near there. I would encourage you to keep going: to keep pushing your inner limits, and most of all, to experiment being evermore truthful about who you are to your friends. This, and little else, will give you the confidence you seek.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for June 2016, #1102 | By Eric Francis

It’s time for your reputation to live up to your substance. In the age when everyone is their own full-time publicist, it can seem that the thing people are the most afraid of being known for is who they actually are, and what they actually think. This is plastered over — habitually, even incessantly — by the image of integrity and authenticity. Yet it’s not enough to seem sincere. You’re being guided into revealing yourself, your feelings, your misgivings and most of all, what you want. This is likely to be happening among the people you consider your friends and colleagues. Here’s where things get tricky. Social groups are based on the principle of inclusion and, by inference, exclusion. There’s always the lingering primal fear that one will be cast off. So to reveal your inner truth — that is, to actually say what you want, what you want to do, and with whom — you must face that fear. At a certain point the pressure of being bottled up, and the constant need to seem pure and ‘in integrity’, must give way to being known. This is true even (and especially) if you are addressing inner conflict, which is seemingly the most important thing to conceal. Open up and let in the fresh air and sunshine — and as you do, build the confidence that people love you for who you actually are.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 23, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Remember that integrity is not a concept, nor is it an appearance. It’s from a Latin root that means “soundness, wholeness, completeness.” This implies that the main action connected to this word is inclusion of all that you are. You might, therefore, ask what you are afraid others might find out about you. What, specifically? And what would the presumed result of that be? The results of this thought experiment will give you a good idea where you’re holding back; what you might be leaving out of completeness. You would go a long way toward explaining certain recent struggles by identifying those elements of yourself, and inviting them back into the fold. It’s the cast-off aspects that tend to wreak havoc. Once you embrace and take ownership of who you are, you will have far more strength, and your life will be easier. So pay attention and notice what you try to give away or pretend doesn’t exist – they hold the key to your liberation.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for May 19, 2016, #1101 | By Len Wallick

Anybody who thinks you need fixing is probably wrong. Anybody who tries to fix you is almost certainly not doing you a good turn. Your very best friends will distinguish themselves by accepting you and being happy with you as you are. Another attribute of good friends, however, is that they want you to be happy in, and with, your life. For that reason (and for the sake of your friends, as well as for yourself) make it your business to figure out, to the extent that you can, all that makes you happy and all that does not. Once so figured, do your level best to live in ways that support, rather than sabotage, your happiness. If you can do simply that, you will have become more than just your own best friend. You will also have given your friends the best gift possible: your good example.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 16, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Your life seems to be an ongoing study in questioning assumptions about yourself. This process set in slowly, and now it’s taken over. However, should you find yourself in any kind of quandary, difficulty or special challenge, you might return to the yoga of investigating what you presumed to be true before you actually verified it in some way. Apart from the obvious problem with this, assumptions deny you the pleasure of curiosity, investigation and experimentation. And your chart is glowing with these things now — with the craving of direct experience, the thirst for learning by doing, and experiencing the freedom to learn from your mistakes. This will help you get out of your head and into your body. You can afford to take more risks than you do, and most of them involve things like the crazy discoveries you make by being ‘wrong’, exploring new feelings and noticing how you respond to people and things the first time.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for May 12, 2016, #1100 | By Len Wallick

It’s okay to have exactly the life you want to have. There is, however, no need to be distraught if you run into some detours on the way. This does not mean that you need to suppress your emotions or compromise your feelings. It does mean you owe it to yourself to be joyful and elated about your prospects. If there is anything your life has taught you up to this point, it is that you can feel confident and believe in yourself. Just look at how far you have come. Just think about all the people who respect what you have done. Therefore, respect yourself and enjoy the journey, even if the road is not always smooth or straight.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 9, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Your life has been defined recently by the relentless pressure to change and to grow. Like anyone who lives under intense conditions, eventually you get used to them. Then, when some factors change, when the pressure lets off or a welcome opportunity comes your way, you might notice how you’ve felt all along. One factor that’s working in your favor is a better ability to feel your own future. Try it and see. There’s no longer an invisible force making you look over your shoulder all the time. Yet the thing about the future is that it’s always born of our creative experience of the present moment. And that, too, is coming into focus. You might feel it as some inspiration, or better yet, the desire to experiment. That is the thing to do, without any thought of what might become of your idea or your project. One definition of learning is making the discovery that something is possible. And you do that by trying something you thought was, if not impossible, then beyond your ability or talent.

Moonshine Horoscope for May 5, 2016, #1099 | By Len Wallick

In some way or another you have probably received what you asked for. Now the idea is to remember what you were going to do with it. Slipping back into a few old but charming and harmless habits may not be an entirely bad thing. After all, it is important to be comfortable. However, there are indications that you can now go to new places and hook up with new people who might just become guests in your home. Who knows — if there is room in your life and it’s the right time, even a new domestic partner could be in the offing. If that is the case, you would want to pay special attention to making sure that your residential space is at least as attractive as you have worked so hard and so long to be. — by Len Wallick.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 2, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Your solar chart is describing you trying to remember something. The feeling is similar to when you’ve had a dream you cannot quite recall, and you’re struggling to get the image and the feeling back. Yet it never comes back to you that way — you need to relax and let your mind flow; in a sense, you need to forget in order to remember. Then when it comes back to you, it’s subtle, and easy to dismiss — instead, that’s when you would invite a full recall, and scribble down the central image and the feeling. The feeling is more important than anything; give that some time and space to come back to you; five minutes of quiet reflection might be enough. If you’re at home, get off the Internet for a moment; if you’re at work, disappear into the supply closet and meditate. The message wants to come through — though it’s sublime, a distant memory of something relevant now.

Short Monthly Horoscope for May 2016, #1098 | By Eric Francis

We live in an age of anxiety. It really is true, there’s so much that can go wrong. But of all the possibilities, consider how much goes right. The current story of your charts right now is that of understanding and addressing fear. We might first ask whether this is the emotion you need to run on, considering that there is a much better possibility. When you encounter a fear over which you have no control, the best thing to do is give it up to a higher power. This is a pragmatic, easy and effective spiritual practice.

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 25, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You’re someone who is accustomed to living on strong foundations. These days, however, your foundations are moving, and you need to move with them. It will not help to cling to anything old and familiar just for the sake of doing so. It will help immensely to immerse yourself in your own creative flow. That means staying awake and alert in the moment, and deciding what you need to do at any given time based on what you notice, and what you perceive your needs are. Keep updating your awareness and asking yourself what is relevant now. This will be especially true if you feel insecure or as if some long-trusted source of support seems not to be there. In many, many ways the universe is reminding you that you must be your own most dependable friend and ally. Once you tap into the strength of that position, you will never want to turn back. And one of the best benefits will be seeing how much you have available to offer others.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for May 2016, #1097 | By Eric Francis

It’s often said that fear is misdirected creative energy — though have you ever experienced that discovery for yourself? Remember that theory is not experience, and rationalizing is not a substitute for understanding. If you want to actually prove something, you must actually experiment. What would it mean to choose something you’re afraid of, face it and dance with it? There seem to be two levels of fear operating in you right now. One you can use as an excuse. The other presents some kind of a block. It’s difficult to see the real block if you’re fixating on the excuse. So you might just pause the story-generation machine and ask yourself what it is you’re concerned might happen if you truly confront what you’re afraid of. I have an idea what that might be: you might have the fun and pleasure you want to have. You might, as in you would likely, experience the love you say you seek and so often search for. Yet if you did, you would have to rearrange your whole belief system. If you confronted one fear successfully, you would then naturally want to confront the rest of them, since you would then be certain they are a waste of precious time and energy. Now for the real question: why ever would you hesitate to do that?

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 18, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

There’s a fear problem on the planet right now. That’s ironic because most places, there’s far less to worry about than there was 100 years ago –- and those of us who live in Western civilization have it better than anyone else on the planet. Yet most people burn themselves up with worry, and you might be feeling that inclination. The past few years you have come a long way in your personal development, independence and maturity. You’ve overcome many obstacles, and one way to address fear is to remind yourself how much you’ve dealt with, and how much strength that reveals you to have. Yet you might consider the possibility that what you’re concerned about has nothing to do with actual situations, and is merely being created by your own mind. At first it takes courage to look fear in the face and say, ‘You are not real’. Then it’s great fun.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for April 14, 2016, #1096 | By Len Wallick

Every step forward has a greater value than usual for you now. Therefore, to the extent that you have a choice, emphasize the quality of what you do over how much you are doing for the time being. By the same token, whenever you are free to do so, prioritize being slow and steady over fast and furious. That way, the chances of a step backward will be minimized and the possibility of your having greater freedom and more options to choose from will be maximized. After all, if you can’t make adequate time and devote the necessary energy to getting things done the right way with your first attempt, where are you going to find the time and energy to do things twice?

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 11, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

My therapist Joe once asked me: if you can’t be naked in your own home, where can you be? Translation: can you be yourself where you live? Can you say what’s on your mind? Can you actually be transparent with the people you share your space with, or who come into your space? If the answer is no, it’s worth asking yourself why you’re there. You’re outgrowing needing people around you to set limits on what is appropriate. In fact you’re shedding all kinds of skins that previously held you in your place. It’s true — that will leave you in a vulnerable position, which is entirely the point. Weaving yourself into a cocoon is getting old, and you seem to want people to actually know and understand who you are. That will involve taking a chance, or deciding you have no other viable choice.

Moonshine Horoscope for April 7, 2016 #1095 | By Len Wallick

If you haven’t recently moved from one abode to another, at least be open to a chance to improve your circumstances by doing so. If a change of residence simply is not in the cards for your foreseeable future, think about what you can do to make changes where you sleep. You know what simply opening a window can sometimes do to make an interior space suddenly more comfortable and restful. In your case, at this time, there are indications that a similarly easy addition or removal at what you call ‘home’ could yield something of the same results. If you need a clue regarding how to make it happen, look around where you live and either add something that says ‘you’, or purge something that doesn’t. Repeat as needed.

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 4, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Your solar chart has the look and feel of home renovation. You might not be diving into Angie’s List this weekend, but let’s take the metaphor in ways that would work for you on the physical and psychological levels. It looks like you want to change things around. It’s often relevant to rearrange your furniture, or to clear out a room and use it for something else; it’s also relevant to rearrange your priorities and make sure that you’re doing first what you want to do and need to do most. That alone can be liberating, not just of time and of energy but also of your sense of freedom. Yet there’s something else — perhaps more appropriate for outdoors, by the water, on a rooftop or in a quiet space: pause, invoke the silence, listen and receive. What you would be listening to is yourself. You have something interesting to say, though it’s subtle — so you’ll need to tune in.

Short Monthly Horoscope for April 2016, #1094 | By Eric Francis

You may be overwhelmed with how much you’re feeling, which is a sure indication that you’re alive and well. True, popular culture (and medical science) often make it seem like feeling too much is unhealthy. Yet life is not an exercise in being cool and detached. If anything, yours is an experiment in being real, which starts with being true to yourself. Take the time to pause and focus your words honestly, and say what you’re experiencing as best you can. Strive to keep the flow going, rather than thinking you must reach always for certainty. Authentic mystery is a form of truth.

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 28, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Can you imagine life without fear? You do a lot of negotiating with that emotion, but really, it’s entirely non-negotiable. When fear seizes your mind, its grip is total, and it takes you out of control of your life. When you decide that fear is meaningless and is not going to influence you, you are powerful, which means free to make choices. I would propose a psychological exercise. If you feel paralyzed or as if you can’t decide something, trace that backwards into the fear that’s leading to your state of mind. There will always be a fear, but you will rarely articulate it — that’s why you have to go looking for it. Then do something bold: give your fear a voice. State what you’re afraid might happen in the worst-case scenario. Then ask yourself the chances of that really happening. You don’t have to be a slave to fear, though the only way out is clarity and courage.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for April, 2016, #1093 | By Eric Francis

If you’re experiencing turbulence in your environment, or if you’re feeling insecure, strive to make peace with yourself. To the extent that we humans create our reality, much depends on how safe we feel within our own mind and body. Part of what leads to your particular form of turbulence is that your imagination is confined. It often seems you can make the most elaborate and beautiful life you want, as long as it’s a shoebox-sized diorama. You want and need more space and freedom than this, and you owe it to yourself to reach for it. The persistent question seems to be: what would people think if they knew what a wild thing you are? Yet why do you care? There’s a reason, which functions as an excuse. It’s easier to judge yourself if you let other people do it for you. Not judging yourself would mean granting yourself permission to explore, to expand your horizons and to experiment with your feelings, your ideas and your body. This would clearly threaten an identity you’ve cultivated around being small. You cannot have both, though I would ask why you would ever want to shrink yourself down. Initially this began as the desire to please other people without actually succeeding. You and only you can call a stop to this cycle, which means claiming your existence as your own.

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 21, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Whatever scenario or drama is unfolding in your professional life, you might consider it in the context of your early childhood. It seems like you may be confusing the power relationships you have with people today, with events when you were much younger and had far less influence over the course of your life. It’s easy to get caught in situations where people appear to have the power of your mother and father, but really they’re just your fellow humans. From the look of your chart, plenty of changes are in motion, and you might consider that there is no development that you cannot put to positive or creative use. But you have to see your opening and call the shot, and not wait for someone or something to act on you. You have the integrity and the foresight to stay several steps ahead of the game, and right now that counts for a lot.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for March 17, 2016 #1092 | By Len Wallick

After things settle down in your public life, take a moment to address your private spaces. To the extent you have been busy in the world, it’s very possible that you have had to let a few things slide where you sleep. While you need not be overly concerned about unmade beds and backlogged laundry now, there will be a time when you will want to be content with where you retreat. In order not to be overwhelmed when you most need to relax, do one small thing every day to reduce the clutter and restore order. Besides your own comfort, there is one other thing to consider. When you do have time to come home and stay a while, you just might have a chance to bring somebody home with you.

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 14, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You may have so much going through your mind that you have no idea what you want, what you believe or what to do next. Thankfully this is a problem of abundance rather than lack. However, I don’t think it’s so strange or mysterious what you really want and need to do. It’s the thing that you’re passionate about, but which you’re afraid is going to upset some applecart. You might ask yourself what role guilt plays in your life and, closer to the main idea, where guilt comes from. This may be the single greatest spiritual and psychological question of our time in history. Do you really need some internal governing device to keep you in line? Do you need to meet any standard of ‘good’, particularly if it’s at the direct expense of being real? What is the worst thing that could happen if you make some honest decisions? Make peace with that and you’ll set yourself free.

Moonshine Horoscope for March 10, 2016 #1091 | By Len Wallick

If there is a pebble in your shoe, it makes sense to stop and remove it even if you are in a hurry to get somewhere. The same is true for anything that is bugging you now. It makes no sense at all to live with unnecessary discomfort even if you feel too busy to avail yourself of relief. Don’t disregard any persistent physical aches and pains. To the extent that you can, consult with an appropriate provider of healthcare and give yourself a chance to better enjoy living. By the same token, allow yourself whenever you can to do whatever it takes to address any mental, emotional or spiritual challenges. If it is at all possible for this time to be one of the best times of your life, don’t let the equivalent of a pebble in your shoe keep you from having the fullest experience possible.

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 7, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Friendship is more than a concept. It’s something that you demonstrate. When someone is your friend, you’re willing to go out of your way or inconvenience yourself. I suggest you translate your feelings into action any chance you get. The point is not reciprocation; in fact, that expectation has a way of detracting from the experience of demonstrating your loyalty just because you feel like it. I suggest you make a project of extending this to whatever you think of as your immediate community. Some of that will be physical and some will be in the online world. Make yourself a resource. Be strong for the people you care about, and understand their needs. Then be patient and notice who responds to you, who expresses gratitude, who offers you what they have. Let your mantra be, “Act as if to hold the world together.”

Short Monthly Horoscope for March 2016, #1090 | By Eric Francis

You can change your mind, by which I mean your way of thinking. Presented with the overflow of information, ideas and sensory data flooding through you now, you must find a new way to consider your experiences. You tend to process your thoughts with your feelings. Under the circumstances, you might want to take that up a few notches and work with one clear idea that puts everything else into perspective. What might that be? The best thought you can develop involves rising above fear. At the heart of everything you’re experiencing is a healing process.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for March 2016, #1089 | By Eric Francis

Your chart looks as if you’re writing the greatest novel ever created. However, if that’s not exactly what’s happening, you might pay closer attention to the idea dynamo that is your mind — and show it some authentic respect. Rather than your usual concepts of propriety and integrity, however, this is the respect that an artist in her studio would demonstrate for an infinite supply of paint and canvas: the willingness to hang loose and experiment. The ideas you’re thinking, feeling or at least capable of are not anything that’s been thought of before. What you express, therefore, has no need to be based on anything tried and true, certified wholesome or subject to the rules of grammar. You are safer in deep water than you are near the rocks and shoals of others’ expectations (or presumed expectations). The days of living up to your parents are long since gone. That revolution has happened, though freedom makes people nervous. Have you noticed that? Most people don’t trust themselves actually to be free, and so generally choose some form of confinement (usually mental, and often sexual). That policy will not facilitate the cosmic explosion going on in your mind right now — though you must. Do yourself a huge favor and face your own infinite potential. Give yourself permission to take the chance. Make up the rules as you go, the most important of which is some form of YES.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Feb. 22, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Your financial strategy must involve communicating with others. Any economy is a community affair; your personal economy is no different. What is distinctive about your solar chart is the extent to which your personal wealth is directly linked to the people around you. Your role is to reach out and to take initiative. Rather than expecting others to come to you, make yourself, your intentions and your needs known to them. Another distinctive feature you possess is the extent to which your value to others is in your ideas. However, in order to make money with your ideas, you need to cultivate and develop them, which means integrating a wide diversity of sources. And you must be flexible; it will help to consider the way that any idea is applicable to any situation. Life doesn’t have separate subjects; it’s really one vast ocean of experiences.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for Feb. 18, 2016, #1088 | By Len Wallick

You have demonstrated a better ability to make and keep commitments to others than you probably give yourself credit for. Just because others have not always been satisfied with what you have done does not mean your efforts have been anything less than satisfactory. As a matter of fact, the time is nigh to make and keep some commitments to satisfy yourself as well as others. Begin with a determination to do what makes you stronger and better able to live the long and prosperous life you deserve. While you need not (indeed, should not) neglect pleasing yourself, it’s now appropriate to do so with discretion. Look beyond indulgences that please only for the short run; keep your eye on benefits that will last.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Feb. 15, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Strive to be fair with others. I know fairness isn’t a big hit these days, but that doesn’t detract from how necessary it is for you now. You can begin by making sure you hear and understand all sides of an issue. Know when you’re being arbitrary, and take a step back. It’s fair to say, “I don’t see where you’re coming from. Please explain it to me.” Or you can say, “I follow your thinking up to this one point. Get me over the hump.” Following someone’s logic doesn’t mean that you agree with them. What it does is to open up space for potential compromise. There is an added benefit, which is giving people the feeling of being heard. That reduces stress in the environment. And of course, if you decide someone is right, the real benefit is that you learned something helpful.

Moonshine Horoscope for Feb. 11, 2016, #1087 | By Len Wallick

Doors are opening for you in proportion to how much you have been knocking. You know this is true. You have evidence that your efforts do get results. Once those doors open, however, the effort need not stop. There are portals beyond where you think you can enter, and you can find them if you persevere with patience. While it is very possible that applying yourself persistently can lead to rapid advancement soon, don’t allow yourself to be discouraged if results accrue in a slow and steady manner. When big things are showing little progress, attend to one small thing in particular — your morale. The luckiest person in the world is usually the one who considers her or himself to be most fortunate. Keep knocking.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Feb. 8, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Money flows toward structure. If you want to improve your financial position, create a structure that helps you account for your income and expenses, or update the one you have. I suggest you make a list of exactly how much you have, how much you owe, your expenses and your income. This will help you make a coherent strategy. Your strategy must be based on actual facts rather than on any form of wishful thinking. When in doubt, return to the numbers. If you set a goal, make sure you have some precedent for that thing being possible. In this way, you may grow incrementally toward the place that you want to be. It is, however, essential that you take one step at a time, and that you know what steps you’re taking.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for Feb. 4, 2016, #1086 | By Len Wallick

Any dissatisfaction or lack you now feel might not, in fact, correlate with something lacking in your life. Rather, you may be sensing that there is something more you can do with your life. There is a difference, and it does not mean you have to change the plans you have already developed and put in motion. By all means, do follow through and complete what you have started. Once you have settled into your new situation, however, look to do yourself one better by setting aspirations that go further than being happier with your lot. Go beyond simply confronting challenges that come your way in due course. Create a challenge you can own. Specifically, look to manifest something you have probably been thinking about (but not acting on) for quite a while now. It will have to do with the reason so many people have been looking up to you, even as you have been looking down on yourself. It will mean seeking out greater responsibility and convincing others that you are ready to make the most of it. But first you must convince yourself that you are ready to call some shots rather than take them.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Feb. 1, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Your planets are describing the potential for a passionate week. Venus in your sign hints at some profound self-discovery you will make, which is rooted in being utterly honest with yourself. This will be easy, because you might say that Venus alludes to an aspect of yourself to which you don’t always have easy access, but you do now. Let your experiences guide you to a deeper place and then remain alert and aware. In work-related matters, this same basic posture will allow you to emerge as a kind of creative prodigy. Your natural inclination is to put love and quality into everything you do. Take that to an extreme. I don’t mean be a perfectionist. I mean intentionally infuse everything you touch with the energy of the goddess, which in a word is beauty. You are her representative on Earth.

Short Monthly Horoscope for February 2016, #1085 | By Eric Francis

There’s a lot you’re willing to say, and there seems to be plenty you don’t want to reveal, or don’t know how. I suggest you mind your need for privacy, though err on the side of saying too much rather than too little. People are interested in what you have to offer, and both you and they will benefit from a real conversation.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 25, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

One would think the human mind is the most flexible thing in the world, though that rarely turns out to be true. You seem to be in a position where you have to change your mind every day, and you may be getting tired of this. Yet this is exactly what learning is. This may seem like an unusually deep or difficult process. What you’re feeling is that it’s real. You have questions, which are themselves compelling you to rearrange your assumptions, especially about yourself. Now you need to keep not just an open mind but a flexible one, so that the answers can find their way into your view of the world and of yourself. Make peace with the fact that authentic discoveries necessitate real adjustments. That is progress.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for February, 2016, #1084 | By Eric Francis

You can now be the bold, lusty being you’ve always wanted to be. Forget your carefully groomed image. Forget prim and proper. Life is not a pageant, nor is it an integrity contest. Anyway, if you associate integrity with being real (that’s the standard, in this astrology lab), then be a real goat. That means mischief, and accessing your somewhat devious/deviant side, and considering anything potentially edible; you don’t know until you try. But most of all it means throwing your image to the four winds. Basically, you’re a prisoner of how you think you appear, which you will only discover the moment you decide, even as an experiment, that it doesn’t matter. The sensation of cracking out of your shell will feel so good, you will wonder how you could have ever waited, or what you were waiting for. The best discovery is likely to be that as you are real with people, you will discover that they are real with you. You have the power to subvert the social media public relations department in the simple gesture of connecting your voice, your words, and your facial expression with your feelings. This will liberate so much energy that you’re likely to do something like make a film, write a novel, foment a revolution or get out of whatever you think is dragging you down. Is freedom dangerous? You will have to see.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 18, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You have a rare moment to consider your relationship to your father. In a sense this holds a key to your happiness, because so many of the rules and restrictions of life are held in that one relationship. You don’t necessarily need to pick up the phone or write a letter, but you can. The real quest is for understanding. Deeper still, your quest is for a clear conscience. If anything is troubling you about any of your past actions, now is the time to bring it to the surface. You may admit that you could have done better, yet you may also figure out that you didn’t do anything wrong; that it was all a mind game. And you might try this: as you meet men, look at them and quietly say to yourself, “This person is not my father.”

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope — Jan. 14, 2016, #1083 | By Len Wallick

You have made a lot of progress in knowing your own mind, and acting as your own person. Yet, you should still be aware of the extent to which you remain highly impressionable, and how that need not be a weakness. Indeed, your willingness to be influenced at this time in your life is a great asset, which you will not always have to the extent you do now. The key to remaining your own person is developing your ability to consciously pick and choose from among the many persuasions vying to steer you. That means being stronger under pressure, and less vulnerable to flattery. In the end, you will be better off influenced by those who hasten to support you than those who endeavor to persuade you.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 11, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

What seems like a lucky break is really a blessing. There is an important difference: luck is not a reflection on your character. A blessing is something you’re more likely to receive as a cosmic gesture for a job well done, or for maintaining your integrity. You’re being called upon to do something daring, which is to think for yourself. You may have to go against common wisdom or the opinions of others. You may need to stand your ground, or decide a debate is not on the agenda. Yet it will be helpful if you carefully consider all sides of the equation rather than dig in. Observe the situation from other angles. Be open to new information. Most of all, listen carefully and be grateful for whatever advantage comes your way.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope — Jan. 7, 2016, #1082 | By Len Wallick

Pride in excess can indeed lead to a fall. In your case, such a danger is unlikely. Ask anybody who loves you, and you will almost certainly hear that their affections are informed and supported by the pride they have in you. Hence, your task is to become proficient with pride. To begin with, get and keep yourself constantly present to what you should rightfully be proud of. In all probability it is achievement, as well as persistence. Do not neglect, however, to be proud of how good you have been to other people. Time and time again you have been supportive above and beyond the call of friendship. Over and over you have gone beyond offering a helping hand to follow through. As result, many have manifested what was once only a dream for them. Of all that, you can and should be justly proud.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 4, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You don’t need to add winning a popularity contest to your resume, though a little crowd-pleasing will go a long way. You have more charisma than you may imagine at the moment, and people will be eager to help you, if only they know that you see their humanity. So start there with everyone you encounter, and then get down to business. It also looks like you’re about to receive a piece of confidential information that allows you to solve a particularly vexing problem. Make sure you protect your sources, and give yourself plenty of time to understand the full implications of what you learn. People in high places are involved, and you must proceed wisely, and with caution, right up to the point where you take action (and beyond).

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for January 2016, #1081 | By Eric Francis

For quite some time you’ve been dealing with undeniable forces of change, which have pushed and stretched you. You’ve made major adjustments, you’ve made progress and you’ve sustained some losses. You know all of this was necessary, because the result has been focusing your life on your evolution. You’re now entering a more introspective time, when outer pressures and chaos will be less influential. Your direction of movement is inherently inward. Even if you’re the outgoing kind of Capricorn, the chances are that in truth you’re an introvert. You are now being pulled deeper in, closer to your spiritual core. You know you’re tapping into aspects of existence that many people around you neither notice nor acknowledge. But here is the thing. Ultimately you are being pressed, guided and compelled to a state of clarity. That, your charts suggest, is going to come in the form of language. While it may seem there are realizations too sacred to be spoken, or too difficult to put into words, you simply must make the effort, for your own sanity. Your inward draw is only as helpful as the ideas that you focus — no matter how challenging, imperfect or imprecise. Leave yourself and others a record of your inner journey, one word or one page at a time, as necessary. As for love, I can sum it up in a sentence: Intimacy is introspection that we share.

Sagittarius 2016

Moonshine Horoscope for Capricorn New Moon #1132 | By Len Wallick

Abrupt changes need not be unpleasant. When things happen fast, they can just as likely be for the better. Even so, sudden shifts do not usually favor everybody equally. Revolutionary developments tend to be better for those who possess a flexible temperament and adaptable skills. It is extremely unlikely that the entire world will change overnight for everybody at any time in the foreseeable future. That being said, consider how you are so often the exception to nearly every rule that applies to almost anybody else. You might want to mentally prepare to make some significant adjustments sometime during the next nine months or so. Once you have both intellectually and emotionally situated yourself to accept unbidden shifts, you will also be among the best situated to profit and prevail come what may. If you can bring yourself to think of your future in that way, who knows; you might be motivated to be among those who get a revolution started.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 26, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

The fewer financial moves you make for the next few weeks, the better. I mean, really, keep it simple and do only what’s necessary. First, you must conserve your resources. You have plans, and your talents are worth a lot, though no matter — efficiency is always in order. One thing you can do is to spend less, and work with what you already have. If you need to buy something, the chances are good that you already have something that will do the job, or someone can loan you what you need for a while. Don’t be afraid to ask. I’ve said many times in this column that we live under the delusion that money can solve all problems. Well, most problems are actually solved by thought, ingenuity and the willingness to do some work. One thing that’s in order right now is taking an inventory: of what you have, including your talents, as well as what you owe to anyone. Give that a few weeks and get some real data to work with.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 19, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Dream big to get big. Why size? Does size matter? Yes, for a Sagittarian it does. Or perhaps better said, your ideas need to find their correct proportion and their correct scale. And that is likely to mean scaling up. You may feel limited by issues around financing your ideas, though that is a matter of planning. It’s a matter of communication and of outreach. Meanwhile, there are many small steps you can take that utilize resources you already have, in the way of people, community and physical needs. One problem with the current world philosophy is the belief that everything can be solved with money. However, cash is useless without ideas about what to do with it, and it’s more often wasted than not. Think efficiently. Use what you have well. Get one or two intelligent people involved. Then figure out what you actually need, and you’ll get ideas how to fund the project.

Moonshine Horoscope for Gemini Full Moon #1130 | By Len Wallick

You have no doubt learned at least a few valuable lessons regarding relationships over the last year. Even though your learning curve is almost certainly not yet complete, the next year or so will represent a time to begin integrating what the experiences of 2016 have taught you. Given astrology’s current indicators, the relationship subject matter most worthy of your evaluation right now would have to do with the place and purpose of boundaries. When it comes to adjoining parcels of real estate, the most applicable aphorism is that good fences often make for good neighbors. For other types of alliance and association, appropriate guidelines are seldom so simple. Nonetheless, you might want to begin your next celestial semester by mending a few metaphorical fences that might have recently come down.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 12, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You may feel as if the universe has trimmed back your plans. Yet it’s often necessary to reduce, minimize and conserve energy before you can experience a growth spurt or enter new territory. Take the long view here. Start to prepare for developments that can come to fruition in late January. By prepare, I mean really prepare: know your goals; have some idea how you’re planning to get there; and give yourself the basic things you need. And please don’t be deterred by the many people around you who have a full-time occupational commitment to being lost. You are not part of the dazed and confused generation. You are, rather, a serious person who is intent on your own success. Step into those shoes without delay. Bring your full professionalism to everything that you do; be the first into the office and the last out. Be willing to do whatever it takes to maximize your talent.

Short Monthly Horoscope for December 2016, #1129 | By Eric Francis

People cannot read your mind; even a clairvoyant would have a hard time figuring out what you’re thinking. Therefore, come in a little closer to the people around you and tell them what’s percolating. Slow down and explain your viewpoint step by step, including how you got there. This is not on the usual Sagittarius menu of options, though your relationships will go more smoothly, and you will feel more confident, if you trust that people understand you. Listen long enough to get their opinion as well. There will be a few crucial moments you’ll be very glad you took the time to do this.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 5, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Be conscious of where you direct your energy. Your words and your ideas have more impact than you may imagine. Resist the temptation to argue on your own behalf, especially if you know you’re right. In that case, let the power of truth do the work for you. You might say, “I don’t think you’re correct,” or, “Let’s take a deeper look at the facts,” though that’s not quite arguing. Stay in control at all times. Your vibes are more persuasive and have more impact than your words or your ideas at this particular point, and that’s very persuasive indeed. Given that, you might take up the causes of those who don’t have your voice or your power. This can include in your intimate relationships, where you recognize subtle (or not-so-subtle) injustices and speak up on behalf of the underdog. Take the occasion to notice any way you might be being unfair to others and correct that first.

Moonshine Horoscope for Sagittarius New Moon #1128 | By Len Wallick

It may not have been easy, but it’s likely you have learned at least one lasting and valuable lesson from another person this year. Interestingly, it’s just as probable you will be somebody’s equally influential teacher next year. In order to prepare for your new and more responsible role as an instructor in the future, work on what would have made you a better student in the past.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 28, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Tomorrow’s New Moon in your birth sign says you must be your own partner, your own lover and your own best friend. All else flows from there. This can be a challenging thing to learn in the land where life is all about the other, or more accurately, about you being the other. When we talk about things like commitments and containers in relationships, that’s a projection — an extension outward — of the need to be contained within, and committed to, oneself. When you experiment with this, you might notice the kind of chaos it seems to stir up around you. Yes, there will be objections, some of them forceful, and they all have deep roots. I remember working with a client once, whose partner was having jealousy issues. His definition of monogamy included a prohibition on her going to community college. And I thought, wow, this is not what it seems to be. Push the edge, just a little, and see what you learn.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope — December 2016, #1127 | By Eric Francis

The past year of your life has summoned a level of discipline in you that’s been most unusual. Yet the results have been worth it. You have come into a state of balance that has brought maturity, progress and some actual achievements. Keep in mind that the most important of those are internal: your ability to make decisions, to get along with others, and to set the course of your life. It’s true that you’ve had to make some sacrifices, though in hindsight you will likely see that what you’ve given up you actually exchanged for experiences of greater value. If your chart describes one necessary growth task at this time, it involves a lingering attachment left over from early in life, which you now have an opportunity to identify and resolve. There are few people who have not endured some kind of abuse or neglect, and most of them underestimate the degree to which this affects their lives today. Even a relatively small unresolved emotional condition can, at times, turn into a reactive state that is projected onto others, who have absolutely no connection to the original situation. Should something like this happen over the next few weeks, you have the ability to stop the show, and get a handle on what’s really going on. Those now in your life will be open to your healing this; you can let it go.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 21, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

A relationship may seem to take a serious turn over the next few days; don’t take that so seriously. What someone close to you is looking for is an open ear and an open heart. They want you to be flexible in your views, and in your view of them. If you open up and offer yourself to this process, you will make some beautiful discoveries about how easy it is to relate to others, when you understand your own power. Borrowing a metaphor from something called Transactional Analysis, the current shape of the relationship might be that of a child trying to get a parent’s attention. If you can shift the discussion to that between two adults, leaving out all the parent-child dynamics, you will find that the conversation goes much more smoothly. You, however, are the one who must initiate this shift, as a fully conscious gesture. Be strong in who you are, and open up to mutual reception..

Weekly Horoscope for Nov. 17, 2016, #1126 | By Amy Elliott

I’m not sure what it’s like to be you just now, but I’d imagine it’s as if you’re doing a Tarot reading and keep pulling out the Major Arcana cards — that is, the big ones, with the sweeping themes. You may well be in a state of continuous surprise at just how many universes now seem to have you at the center. This is not a drill. Rest assured, however, that you have fully earned the place you hold. It doesn’t mean you get to rule by diktat — something you’d most likely be furiously uncomfortable with anyway — but it could certainly be fun.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 14, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You are your lover, your spouse and your domestic partner. You are your own best friend, and if you don’t feel that way, it’s time to make the commitment. This means focusing on your point of origin: your consciousness is the source of all that you experience. Right now, your consciousness is urging you to be self-aware and aligned with your own best interests. Doing this is often the single most relevant turning point in a person’s life, and the most challenging. Many other false loyalties must be questioned, put on hold, or severed (usually in that order). When you do this, confidence is easy; in fact you could say that the lack of confidence is caused by not aligning with your best interests. When you make this switch, when you choose to align with yourself, you can experience a seemingly miraculous boost in your sense of personal power.

Short Monthly Horoscope for November 2016, #1125 | By Eric Francis

People or circumstances you thought could never work together will get you some unusual results. That could be some blend of old and young, serious and freewheeling, traditional and future-oriented. There’s some alchemy happening in your life, and it has nothing to do with what’s worked before. If something is unprecedented, that’s a sign of its potential success. There’s some powerful mojo working behind the scenes of your life, and it will reveal itself in these unusual blends of energy and people. You want to do something new, and that calls for new approaches to what may in truth be very old puzzles.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 7, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Keep your mind on what you’re doing, not what others are doing, or expect of you. You’re in a rich creative moment. Once you tap that well, there will be no stopping you. Therefore, don’t get distracted, or dissuaded from painting, writing, practicing your new song or planning a trip you’ve been wanting to take. Don’t let anyone dampen your enthusiasm. If you discover that a commitment to another person is getting in the way of your self-expression, it may be time to question that commitment, or to look more closely at what’s going on. The first question to ask yourself is: what do you want or need to say that you haven’t yet said? Then the second: what do you fear would happen if you speak up? The thing you fear the most may be the right outcome.

Moonshine Horoscope for Scorpio New Moon, #1124 | By Len Wallick

Assuming you are a licensed driver, now is a good time to look back and recall how it was when you were first learning how to operate an automobile. Odds are good you are now going through a similar learning curve, and dealing with its challenges will be a lot easier if you can remember how your motivations encountered your misgivings to result in your being both safe and comfortable behind the wheel. One thing you surely learned as a student driver is that fear is not helpful but deliberate caution is essential. The same is probably true for you now. Be alert, for sure. Be aware, of course. Just remember that there is no good reason to be afraid.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 31, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You’re under less pressure than you think. You also have more resources to work with than you think, despite any recent setbacks. First, address the pressure. This is mostly psychological, though there’s an emotional dimension. What you seem to be craving is to live out some of your fantasies, whether they are of the rock star, sex diva or financial wizard variety (fill in with your own ideas). The thing to do is to make it real — whatever that might be, even if in a small way. That will help you relax and remove the annoying sense of how abstract and disconnected from reality everything (and everyone) seems to be these days. As for resources, the first thing you need is to know what you need. Be practical about this: make a list. You’ll be able to cross off about half of the items on that list because either you or someone close to you has direct access to that thing. The rest will be within reach, with some effort or negotiation.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for November 2016, #1123 | By Eric Francis

We all have limited time to accomplish what we came here to accomplish — and we don’t know how much time we have. Making peace with those facts is the first step toward bona fide maturity. The presence of Saturn in your birth sign will be reminding you of this in some way every day. Sometimes this might manifest as a sense of limitation; others times as a sense of urgency. I suggest you take it as an entirely practical matter. You are being invited to take charge of your life, which in the first instance means your time. That’s your single most important resource, and you must treat it that way. By fully embracing the finite nature of time (at least as it exists in our consciousness) you will expand your potential into something wider and vaster than you thought was possible. You’re likely to become aware that there is something far greater than time or this one lifetime, though what you have is now, and your sense of your mission. The more seriously you engage with your mission, purpose or however you think of it, the more wisely you will use your time. The more you recognize time as finite, the more strength you can draw upon to act on your most deeply held values without delay.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 24, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Remember, you have your options open. You might start to feel like you’re in a pinch, financially, emotionally or otherwise. Should that happen, stop and take a wider view of your life. Make a list of your possible choices for how to handle your situation. It’s likely that you’re missing something obvious. You might seek the input of someone who knows you well and can help you see some of the potentials that might elude you. They exist, and going through this exercise might result in your seeing some truly excellent possibilities you would have missed otherwise. At least one of them will involve working with a few other people, or seeking resources through your network of contacts. What you need already exists. It might even be in the same room as you are right now.

Weekly Horoscope for Oct. 20, 2016, #1122 | By Amy Elliott

Some of your core philosophy appears to be undergoing a change. It’s possible that recent new experiences, perhaps involving getting to know someone better, have widened your perspective considerably. You can now begin to reap the benefits of this alteration, starting with giving your new ideas a good airing. As long as you are not judgmental or severe in your communications, you’re likely to find more sympathy and goodwill than you might have expected. This is a moment you’ve been preparing for; now it seems you’re ready.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 17, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

This is an excellent time to expand your social network, whether for fun or to spread your influence in some way. In either case, your astrology says keep it friendly, and make your contacts with people in person as much as possible. You want them to see your eyes and your face; you want to see them as humans, and notice how they carry themselves and dress and what their voice sounds like. This whole business of everything happening on the internet is not really helping people. The real basis of trust is in-person relating; and if the association must be long distance, choose telephone rather than text message or email. You’re looking for actual connection, and you have the ability to create it. Let people feel who you are. Charm them with your friendly, positive approach to life, and look for the ways you may work and create.

Moonshine Horoscope for Aries Full Moon, #1121 | By Len Wallick

Life is not always easy. You know that. Even so, working your backside off does not have to be miserable, either. If your chosen field of endeavor is not currently a source of satisfaction, it might be time to consider what else you could be doing. This is not to say your work needs to be all fun all the time, but neither is it necessary for you to live a life of continuous drudgery. It could very well be that you simply need to schedule a long vacation and recharge your batteries. What’s most likely, however, is that you need to get clear about what inspires you, and make plans to be more joyfully earning your way in the world by this time next year.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 10, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

This is your week to be a star, or rather to become one. You have a positively gorgeous alignment of planets in the sweet spot in your chart, which is Libra. It’s your most social angle, and also the one that describes legitimate respect for what you do in the world, and the proceeds from business enterprises. All of these things are glowing with opportunity. What will add something to the equation is your willingness to take creative risks. Smash the mold and do what you think is shocking or stunning or unusual or weird. Whatever you do for art or pleasure, do it in a new way. Challenge yourself to come out of all your safe zones and formulas and let yourself stretch, burst or explode. This is how you’ll reach into yourself and make contact with that deeply original core you contain. This is not territory for the meek, mild or timid; thankfully you have nothing to worry about there.

Short Monthly Horoscope for October 2016, #1120 | By Eric Francis

There is more to life than what you believe. What you have personally verified, and what has stood the test of time, are more important teachers. One gift of this phase of your life is the discovery of your authentic values. That means priorities, or core principles. They’re your rudder that goes deep into the water, or a foundation reaching into the earth. Yet from time to time, even those change and evolve in surprising ways; and that is what seems to be happening. Cooperate fully with this process. You are tapping into deep knowledge extending way beyond the usual scope.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 3, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

It’s time to take action on the money thing. Once there was an astrologer named Lois Rodden, one of the best and most productive of our era. She said to me once, “Most astrologers say Mercury is the money planet. They are wrong. It’s Mars, because making money takes motivation, and that’s what Mars is about.” Mars has now entered the financial angle of your chart. This, after 10 months of retrograde and dancing around in your sign and in Scorpio, as if wondering what the next thing to do really is. Well, now the thing to do is business. You have a keen instinct for finances. You merely need to get past a kind of over-caution that’s not really befitting your swashbuckling soul. Yet you’ve been learning that the careful and reserved side of your nature — especially around money — must be balanced by boldness and imagination, and that’s the story of your life right now. Whatever it is, don’t wait for it to come to you. Go to it.

Moonshine Horoscope for Libra New Moon, #1119 | By Len Wallick

You know the sensation. Just when you begin to feel a little sorry for yourself, something happens that is so gratifying as to make you feel silly for having indulged even the slightest self-pity. Astrological indications are now hinting rather broadly that you are ripe for just such an event at this time. What form the experience takes will depend on who you are. Perhaps love will find you. Maybe you will find a niche in the world that fits you like a glove. Of course, you must do your part by keeping your eyes open for — and being receptive to — what is flowing in your direction almost in spite of yourself. If you need a clue regarding where to look and what to look for, focus on people you already know and places you already go. Odds are that somebody or someplace familiar to you will pleasantly surprise you sooner rather than later.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 26, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

If you’ve been struggling to increase your professional income, now is the time. This will come with the enhancement of your professional stature. You’ve spent much of the last two years doing the real work: building your skills and your reputation. Of course, you can always be better at what you do; and you will get better with the doing. However, you’re at a point in your journey where it’s time to collect on what you’ve accomplished. If astrology is a true indicator of your environment, you will be supported generously. What you need to do above all else is to step into your new stature. You need to be the person you are becoming, only not in the sense of putting on a costume but rather of transforming yourself from the inside out. This will take commitment and practice, especially when you’re in public or among friends. Stand at your full height and walk with confidence.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscopes for October 2016, #1118 | By Eric Francis

Now would be the time to focus on increasing your income. You have the ideas, and you have the motivation, and most of all, you have the opportunity. It’s rare to put all of those factors together in the same place and time. That’s your direct opportunity to take advantage of what you have available. Most of all, this means focusing on actual tasks. It’s easy to get consumed by meaningless details, abstract plans and list making. What you need to do to get this party started are the challenging, potentially difficult but in any case actual tasks with a beginning, middle and end (with emphasis on the end). Know what must happen, and do that first. Know what you want to happen, and get to that a little later in the day. At the moment, you have the added advantage of some relative calm (particularly after the frenetic madness of the past month). So use that space and mental bandwidth wisely. It won’t last forever — though it’ll last long enough to help you make some progress toward your most valued goals. One last thought: this progress will come partly in the form of building things, and partly in the form of taking some things apart. The level of structure is the one to focus on, that is, the underlying layer: walls and doors rather than the furniture.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 19, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

The concept ‘spiritual’ is often described as a kind of Zen state of mind in a hushed space filled with calm and quiet, and a little tree, and a meditation cushion. Then it turns out that the many people we respect the most, the ones who have the courage to challenge authority and to make changes in society and to let their energy have an impact on the world, are doing a whole other kind of spiritual — the one that’s about the fire of actual spirit coursing through their heart and soul. That’s what you have going on right now. It’s as if you’re channeling the energy of the cosmos into every cell in your body. There is intelligence coming through in this experience: about what you want and do not want, about how to make decisions and how to conduct yourself. You can afford to let go into this experience; it’s far better for your integrity than holding yourself back.

Pisces Full Moon Moonshine for Sept. 15, 2016, #1117 | By Len Wallick

It is with good reason that you may feel a need for stability. Yet you also have every reason to be choosy about where, when and with whom you either drop anchor or put down some real roots. Validate the impressive progress you have made in finding yourself on the inside by also taking an appropriate amount of time to find your place in the world. There’s no need for you to rush into commitments. Any place or partnership worthy of you will remain open while you explore other options to be sure of what you want and get clear on what you need. This is not a good time to be impulsive about decisions of substance. Give yourself at least six more months before finalizing anything of long term.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 12, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You must be exceptionally careful when dealing with colleagues, as well as with bosses and superior officers. You might lose your temper at exactly the wrong moment, and cause a cascade of events that you truly regret. Therefore, keep a cool head, and keep your opinion to yourself for at least 48 hours after you decide you have one. This will give you time to cool down, and also an opportunity to see things from other points of view. After half that much time, you might decide you don’t even care. If you take that approach, you’ll allow everyone else to reveal their opinions and their psychology while you take it all in; make sure to take at least mental notes and remember what you learn. If you’re a keen observer and bide your time, you will discover opportunities for leadership. There would indeed seem to be some problem that you understand and nobody else does, but wait till they throw up their hands before saying a peep.

Short Monthly Horoscope for September 2016, #1116 | By Eric Francis

You seem ready to outgrow a concept of yourself that has long been a point of frustration. Just remember your inner growth is not a revolt of a child against a parent. You are an adult, and that means keeping perspective, and acting in your own best interests. What you want seems to be exceeding what your current life will allow you to have, though you must surpass that limit gently and persistently. That means taking some tangible action every day, and giving yourself credit for having done so. One step and then another will dependably take you to the next stage of your life.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 5, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Pay attention to when you say no but you mean yes. The world has become so enamored of the concept of boundaries that many seem to have forgotten that walls can have doors, and doors can have locks and doorknobs. The usual advice is to think long and hard about whether you mean yes. I would propose thinking carefully about whether you really mean to deny yourself or anyone some feeling, experience or thing you might share. Resistance is not integrity, nor is it a substitute for integrity. You don’t have anyone to impress with your purity. But you have a life to live, and the only way to actually proceed and progress is to say yes to whom and what you desire. That’s not a guarantee that you’ll get it, but it’s certainly an affirmation of openness and willingness. Here’s some astrological advice in the style of Mars square Chiron, your current aspect: get out of your own way.

Virgo New Moon Moonshine for Sept. 1, 2016, #1115 | By Len Wallick

It would seem as though there is some mirroring going on (or about to happen) in your life. What form these reciprocal reflections take will depend on who you are. One way or another, however, you will either somehow be seeing yourself in others, or they will somehow see themselves in you. Should you begin to have such a set of experiences, remember that the reflections are most likely subjective. That is, they’ll say more about what is going on inside you (or inside the other person seeing the reflection) than with the party or parties being so perceived. Therefore, don’t assume that somebody is anything like you just because they remind you of yourself. By the same token, don’t take it too seriously if somebody else says you remind them of themselves. Rather, take any such incidents as evidence that the word ‘familiar’ implies a profound possibility of the true interrelatedness of all human beings.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 29, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

In astrology there are two houses devoted to one’s professional activities. One is the 6th house, which is about going to work every day and doing what you’re supposed to do. The other is the 10th house, which is about aspiring to do what you really want to do. Right now planets are collected in your solar 10th house, which is Virgo, and an eclipse is about to happen right there, this very week. This suggests that events at this time in your life are in some way indicative of your highest calling. The price of admission to the 10th is taking total responsibility for answering that calling, and for taking every step that must be taken to get you there. That might mean focusing on the details; it means keeping your mind on your vision for yourself; and most of all it means making decisions consciously. Most people never get as far as the 10th house. You’re there now. Accept your mission. Moreover, love your mission. It’s yours and yours alone.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for Sept. 2016, #1114 | By Eric Francis

Whatever happened in late August was in some way life-altering; which is to say, it looks like you had a moment of clarity. An innovator of therapy named Fritz Perls once said that his definition of learning is discovering that something is possible. So I would ask: what did you discover is possible? Did you challenge yourself to do something that made you push your abilities or talents? That might even include challenging someone who had undue authority in your life. You might have challenged a belief that was holding you back; and if you have not quite squared up to that yet, there’s still time. You remain determined to live your life your way, beyond what’s typical even for you. Take this advantage while you have it. You can proceed with the confidence that your truth is your truth, and if you don’t live for that, you’re not really living. This will, of some necessity, involve conflict. This doesn’t need to be ‘jackets-off, outside’ type of conflict, but it might mean some abrasion. Little scrapes and skirmishes will help you get clear about who you are and what you want. And nearly everyone on the planet needs practice standing up for themselves. Before long you will be able to dial this back and be on friendly terms with the many people who see, and moreover feel, who you are.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 22, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You’re about to experience a personal breakthrough that will, at first, take you by surprise. Then it will seem like you knew exactly what was about to happen, and knew how to respond and what you were going to do with the sense of release you knew you would feel. Take hold of the moment of mystery while it lasts, while the developments still hold their full potential. Stop and consider what you want to do with such a rare moment of transformation. You are setting something within yourself free. That something has a life of its own, which is your life, and you want to express yourself. Yet you no longer have any use for holding any aspect of yourself down. That seems to be the larger message of these events. Hang loose, relax and let the energy flow through you. If you have questions, take your sweet time answering them.

Full Moon Moonshine Horoscope for Aug. 18, 2016, #1113 | By Len Wallick

Freedom beckons. It’s probably not liberty from something or somebody on the outside. More likely the freedom now coming your way has to do with a release of tension you have been holding on the inside. It is equally possible that the release in question will necessarily be from a pattern of thinking or behavior you have identified with and maintained since you were very young. Rather than relying upon serendipity to reveal any ancient attachments now binding you, provoke yourself to find it (or them) on your own. Begin with the absurdly simple. The next time you put on shoes, begin with the other foot. Then go on to break other routines; keep at it until a light comes on.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 15, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You must work with your resistance rather than let it slow you down. The question, though, is what are you holding onto? You must beware of orthodoxy in any form. Checking the semantic roots of that word, we discover that it’s based on the idea of “straight, upright, rectangular, regular; true, correct, proper.” Seen another way, it means stuck in the past for its own sake. The allegedly proper way to do things back then may have little bearing on the way you need to do them today. That might mean breaking tradition, and you might worry this is going to offend people. That is irrelevant. What truly matters is that you understand the wisdom of the past and actually assess its value. It might be relevant; it might not be. Does it help you accomplish what you want to accomplish now, or does it get in your way? The creative process is based more on mistakes than it is on purity.

Weekly Horoscope for Aug. 11, 2016, #1112 | By Amy Elliott

“It’s life, Jim, but not as we know it.” Your particular universe seems to be expanding, and I have no doubt you’ll soon be making first contact with some exotic, previously undiscovered species. I am of course speaking metaphorically. Yet recent experiences might well feel as if you’d somehow landed on another planet. There may still be more revelations to come. Keep your eyes peeled; and if you have an interesting idea, put it out where others can see it.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 8, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Mars is in your sign, and you’re now in the perfect position to assert yourself. But against what? I would say: the past. You’re at the point where you truly want a new vision for yourself, and new plans based on that vision. In light of that, I suggest you update all your files. Make sure that the goals you have are actually the ones you currently value; the ones you really and truly want, now. As you do this, you’re likely to come up against some previous plans, including ones that may have been important to you even recently. It will help if you let go of any attachment you might have; for example, because you worked so hard. The work you did is not lost; it was an investment in your self-development, and you learned plenty. If you get to a point where your new agenda conflicts with your old one, pause and consciously reassess. Use your energy wisely.

Short Monthly Horoscope for August 2016, #1111 | By Eric Francis

You will come to a point this month where everything you’ve been worrying about, and wondering about, seems irrelevant. Let this prove to you how easy it is for fear to disappear like a puff of smoke. Remember this if you find yourself concerned about something: fear is in your mind. One of your greatest assets is your flexibility. You have the ability to stretch, to bend and to compromise, especially if you’re striving for something you want. As for whatever goal you select, proceed without reservation, and let no obstacle deter you. You have both talent and momentum.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 1, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

If you’ve been asking yourself deep questions the past couple of months, or struggling to figure out something about yourself, you’re now ready for answers. Yet with self-knowledge of any form, it’s wise never to think you’ve ‘figured yourself out’ and leave it there. What you learn about yourself must be treated gently, and it’s best to leave your mind in flexible condition rather than being rigid or right. You may not recognize the extent to which you think you’re easygoing and yet are in truth obsessed with the details and even with total control. This is a reflection of how you treat yourself. Remember that everything about you is a work in progress, even your greatest talents and areas of personal mastery. If you feel yourself pushing against something, perhaps it’s the feeling that you’ve arrived, which now needs to give way to a new level of your personal adventure.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for August 2016, #1110 | By Eric Francis

Powerful forces of change are at work in your life. They point to one thing, which is the need for flexibility. Sagittarius is the most interesting blend of broad, sweeping vision (skipping the fine points) and total obsession over every last detail. You may be leaning toward the control/detail side of the equation, though you would benefit from more emphasis on your larger ideas. This may be a case of how all the facts in the world don’t add up to the truth, but the truth can be supported by certain facts. Mars will be back in your sign all month, and it’s driving you to explore life from a space of passion and freedom of being. As you do that, you may notice an obstacle. This is not a physical block but rather an idea that’s separating you from your life force. You may feel the desire to confront whatever this is, though you might take the nonviolent approach and ask yourself: is this true? What good is this serving? The belief may be so deeply rooted as to count for religion. Yet it’s likely to lack any poetic elegance or mark of the divine. It’s more like some huge should or should not. What is this doing where it is? You don’t need any self-governing devices. You merely need to make decisions that make sense and feel right, to you.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 25, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Your chart looks like some kind of creative explosion is happening, which may pertain to dance, music, painting or sex. It’s true that Saturn is in your sign, which can be a depressive or heavy influence, though as my mentor Joe is fond of saying, the opposite of depression is expression. In that spirit, I suggest you express yourself, however you want to. If you face any challenge such as fear of what other people might think (possible even for a Sagittarius), a conservative streak or discomfort with being spontaneous, just get over yourself. You don’t need to be as regulated as you are. You can, instead, lose yourself in the joy of creation or collaboration, the beauty of sharing passion, and most of all, the freedom to change. Take those last four words and write them in lipstick on your bathroom mirror, on your phone case in sharpie, or in reverse lettering on your forehead.

Weekly Horoscope for July 21, 2016, #1109 | By Amy Elliott

Is adventure calling? Feel free to answer; only, while you’re traveling in the glorious realms of imagination, be sure to pack proper supplies and bring along a high-definition camera. This isn’t simply so that the envious folks back here on Earth can get a piece of the action. If you have what appears to be a divinely inspired idea, keeping some form of recording equipment on hand — and also tracking your progress methodically — will likely help you shape your moment of contact with your ingenuity into something concrete, lasting and thoroughly satisfying.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 18, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Your chart remains fine-tuned for high achievement. The feeling tone is essentially this: you are being called to do things that you may think are over your head, above your level of talent, or above your pay grade. That’s the place to lean into any resistance you feel and do what you must do that feels outside your comfort zone. If you get the sensation that all eyes are trained on you, it means you’re doing it right. If you have the notion that you’re somehow accountable for more than just your own life and your own choices, that’s a sign of progress. If you feel yourself needing to connect to something larger than you, you’re catching the vibe of your astrology. Maintain awareness of the broad vision you have, and be the one who also attends to the many details necessary to get anything done.

Full Moon Moonshine Horoscope for July 14, 2016, #1108 | By Len Wallick

Time for some imagination. Specifically, experiment with imagining yourself without a favorite possession. First, picture what, if any, adjustments you would have to make to survive without it. Next, envision what it would take to be happy without it. Then, fantasize a scenario wherein you would actually be grateful to be free of it. Go through the same mental process one step at a time regarding each material object you identify with most deeply, and then finally in combination. The idea is not to impoverish yourself. Rather, the idea behind this mental exercise is to ultimately define yourself as somebody who’s more than what you own.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 11, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

It might seem silly to remind you that you’re a human, not a robot, but these days it’s worth mentioning. We are surrounded by automatic devices, and people become like the tools they use. Yet other factors are guiding us to be less sensitive; less compassionate; less inclined to go out of our way for others. You must reverse all of these tendencies in yourself, as you notice them. Pause and listen to people. Make sure you understand something before you make a judgment call. Take every opportunity to be kind and express the ways in which you care. Your chart is set up for some unusual success at the moment, though everything that comes to you will do so through people, and through relationships. You are in a position of leadership — lead the way with love.

Short Monthly Horoscope for July 2016, #1107 | by Eric Francis

You will lay many anxieties to rest this month, as you discover that your fears were all in your imagination. Once you let go of this kind of resistance, you’ll discover how much more energy you have. Eventually you’ll reach the point where your flow of love and creativity leaves no room for worry or self-doubt, which is how you’re likely to imagine yourself as an enlightened being. This is a rare form of confidence, deeply rooted in your soul. The more you focus on what you love about life, the more you will discover where your true strength lies.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 4, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Flexibility is your best friend. Therefore, offer it lots of gifts. Stretch out and stretch your ability to consider many possibilities rather than just one. Lead yourself into coming up with new potentials based on what you want rather than what you think is possible. On that topic, it will help if you recognize when you’ve taken on someone else’s idea about what’s impossible, and decide for yourself whether that’s true. Can you really know until you’ve tried? Therefore, monitor carefully this idea of what you think is ‘possible’. You have things you want to do; you have places you want to go; you have talents that are aching to be expressed. Too many times, petty fears have blocked you from taking action. There comes a time when you must ignore them, and other times when you must rebel. The choice is yours.

New Moon Moonshine Horoscope for June 30, 2016, #1106 | by Len Wallick

In all probability, you have recently had occasion to reflect on how much you and your life have changed since this time last year. If so, the most important thing is to appreciate those changes. It is likely that you now have a better idea than ever before of who you are. That alone is reason for gratitude. Your recently-acquired knowledge of self will, in turn, soon serve to provide the starting point for a new cycle in your personal evolution. For the time being, however, you have a few things to finish up and a lot more simply to enjoy. While some due diligence is still very much part of the order for your everyday, don’t let what you have to do dull your enjoyment when you get the chance to do as you please.

Monday Morning Horoscope for June 27, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Ask yourself for real: how many times have you been overwhelmed by fear, and then had the specific thing you’re afraid of actually happen? Or even something close to it? The answer is probably close to zero. With such an abysmal track record, how is it that fear is taken so seriously? Well, there is certainly an element of long-term conditioning involved. And there is something about where most fear is hooked, which is on a difficult-to-access emotional level. The difficulty is taboo: there’s a kind of imaginary fence around the region where it’s possible to learn something. Anyway, no part of you is off limits to you. You have no classified or top-secret elements of your psyche that you must avoid. And if you’re willing to embrace how you actually feel, and what you really want, you will be more likely to discover the hook where fear seems to get its power over you — and let it go. Consider, though: it all comes back to desire.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for July 2016, #1105 | by Eric Francis

You are being pulled in what feels like the direction of your destiny. Factors that might otherwise make this particular movement feel strange or alien are balanced by confidence that you really can do what you’ve set out to do. I think that the most delicate challenge is balancing your wider vision with the microscopic details required to get anything done. I would describe this as one of the most elemental factors of being born under your sign. The key, I think, is to keep context. If you find yourself getting lost in the minutiae of something, ask yourself why you’re doing it. If you find yourself having wild, brilliant visions, acknowledge them and then notice if you take the steps toward making your visions real. You have the strength, the experience and the opportunity right now to blend practicality and vision. Just remember: in the end, this is a practical affair. Your vision does not need to be grandiose or even grand in order to be genuinely useful to yourself and your community. The outcome does not need to be certain. What matters is that you engage a specific idea with specific action — and strive to change yourself just a shade more than you’re striving to change the world. Ultimately you are not accountable to anyone or anything outside yourself. Good thing, too.

Monday Morning Horoscope for June 20, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You will need to keep a handle on your emotions today, and if you do, you can figure out something about a nagging emotional need. This might be masquerading as a sexual need, question or issue, and that’s true on one level. I see two things going on. One is about your ability to receive love and other forms of emotional nourishment. For many people it’s easier to love others than it is to receive, though what that prevents is an exchange. And an exchange is what you want. The other thing relates to self-worth. It’s true that the whole self-esteem issue has gripped society on a pandemic scale. Yet it’s your destiny to go beyond this, perhaps before any of your friends; and you know you’re a pioneer. This may not be comfortable territory for you, because the thing you need in order to receive emotional nutrients is vulnerability. Yet the moment you open up, you will feel like someone let the oxygen back into the room.

Moonshine Horoscope for June 16, 2016, #1104 | by Len Wallick

The fact that you can’t control everything does not mean your life is out of control. More than nearly anybody else, you know uncertainty is your friend (and you probably know it now more than ever before in your life). It’s not so much that any other circumstance would be better than yours is now. On the contrary, it appears as though you have at least some enjoyment in direct proportion to how hard you have worked and how much you have evolved since this time last year. Nonetheless, you are very likely now ready to take on anything that comes your way — and to find within yourself not only a way to survive, but also a way to thrive. The degree to which you can be open to what the future will bring is the extent to which you will now be able to begin shaping a future you can gratefully call your own. Let the world watch out: here you come.

Monday Morning Horoscope for June 13, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Be aware of a potential power struggle in a relationship wherein someone feels they must sacrifice something. While it’s not always possible to convince people of this, it will help if you understand that all relationships involve give and take. Ask yourself whether you’re offering your heart, soul and resources to a situation that actually calls for it. Notice what you expect of others in the way of flexibility, offering their time and energy, and the concept of commitment. You won’t benefit from being the kind of person who expects perfect fidelity when you doubt your own (though this is quite common). In any discussion of commitment, focus on what you have to offer, and be mindful of how your words and your actions match up. You’re now at the point where you must provide your own ethical leadership. Life is not about what you can get away with; rather, it’s about what you bring to any collaboration.

Monday Morning Horoscope for June 6, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the United States president from 1933 to 1945. He is famous for many things, including a statement about the nature of fear that they used to teach (in partial form) to schoolchildren. He said: “So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself — nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.” Your astrology is insisting that you have a clear, fully aware relationship to any form of anxiety, hesitation, nervousness or the bouts with outright panic that so many people experience these days. The reason you want a conscious relationship with these feelings is that it’s the only way to resolve them. You can bob, weave and dodge all you want, but you will still feel pursued by your own inner emotions. Just remember: fear and desire often masquerade for one another. You would do well to pause and ask yourself what’s really going on.

Short Monthly Horoscope for June 2016, #1103 | By Eric Francis

Practice living like you’re the most beloved, wealthiest and most successful person in the world. Open your heart and mind and allow the energy to flow through you. Yet, as you do this, step lightly over the Earth. See everything as an opportunity for both giving and receiving. The principle of exchange is so strong in your solar chart right now that anything is possible. That means you can afford to be generous with your knowledge, time and talent. Be generous with yourself, and keep the mantra going that no goal is too difficult or out of reach.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 30, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You may feel as if some sort of showdown is brewing, which seems like a reasonable enough concern on a planet dominated by conflict. Yet you would be the main source of friction, and you can avoid that by being flexible. A fancier way to say that is ‘psychically mobile’ — which means being able to move your point of view, reconsider your opinions, and figure out what other people are getting at. One thing that tends to make people ‘fix’ their point of view is fear. So if you notice that you’re stuck, ask what you’re afraid of. Conversely, if you notice fear, also notice what that leads you to stick to. It will help you greatly to unmask this psychological tangle. It may not seem like much, but once you get free of the bindings, you will see the clear benefits. One of them will be getting along with others, or rather having more fun with them. I know you have a lot of work to get done; taking human companionship breaks will make it easier.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for June 2016, #1102 | By Eric Francis

You are being taken on a tour of what might be called your underlying motives. You are tapping into the deeper level of your feelings. What you may be noticing is that they don’t quite jive with your image. Neither do they blend well with your conditioning, which other factors in your solar chart are insisting you come to terms with. If you are experiencing any conflict, consider the relationship between these two layers of your psyche. First there is the inner you, driven by passion, a sense of mystery, incessant curiosity and vibrant sexuality. Then there is the outer you, which seems to need space and independence, yet is often caked in a layer of fear that’s difficult to penetrate. Now, at least, you have the impetus to move from the inside out. Your core motives, necessities and desires are speaking to you, growling and groaning and insisting that you take notice. Here is what I propose, for your consideration. You have nobody you must impress, most particularly your parents or some visage of them (the priest, rabbi, lawyer or insurance company among others). There is no outer authority you must obey. You may govern yourself with decency, empathy and a sense of balance, but you don’t need to serve or have the approval of any external master. You are, therefore, free to respond to your actual self.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 23, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Mars has been retrograde in your sign since mid-April. This process is about to take a new turn: Mars will leave your sign and enter Scorpio this week. This is going to challenge your confidence, in the form of pushing you to rise above your fears. It’s true that Sagittarius has a reputation as being all courage and daring, though you’re human like the rest of us. We all must rise above insecurities and some lurking sense that existence is pointless; that is, we must if we ever want to find courage and meaning. You might call this the journey to your deeper humanity, and at this stage, you are being invited to face your fears, your insecurities and any lingering darkness from your past. The healing potential of this astrology is rare and beautiful, and nothing like it will repeat for many, many years. Summon your courage, and remember you are bigger than any fear.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for May 19, 2016, #1101 | By Len Wallick

In spite of what an old Internet hoax may tell you, Mars will never appear to be as large as the Moon from your perspective of the sky here on Earth. For the remainder of this year, however, the things that Mars represents on Earth (among them: desire) could very well appear for you to be as large as some of the things symbolized by the Moon (among them: emotional needs). That’s not necessarily a bad thing. It may be useful for you to know the difference, however. Under some circumstances at least, pursuing a desire could entail a different strategy and require different tactics from seeking to get your needs met. Therefore, to have the best results in both attaining your desires and fulfilling your emotional needs, seek to know the difference — and yourself — better.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 16, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Mars retrograde in your sign is having the effect of making the obvious seem obvious, even if it contradicts what you previously believed. Be glad of the occasion to unburden yourself of so much that was not true. This is a vital step in the process of discovering what is true, getting the clutter that passes for information out of the way. You are gradually entering the realm of direct knowledge. This will take the place of many forms of opinion and theory. Remember that most of this knowledge comes from your relationship with your body, rather than what we think of as the mind. The body has a mind of its own, you might say — and that is the mind you are learning to listen to. The body does not speak in riddles, and it doesn’t speculate. It speaks in clear terms, like thirst (respond by drinking water) or craving anchovies (respond by eating anchovies). You will get other messages as well.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for May 12, 2016, #1100 | By Len Wallick

Worry not. There is no indication that your future will be anything less than your present. Indeed, if anything, there is a promise (even the inevitability) of more. Whatever appears to be a prospect of loss at this time is in all probability the prelude to actual gain. Whatever looks for all the world like an onset of limitations is likely just part of a process leading to personal development and expansion. It’s almost as if you are young and growing again. Even though you may feel trepidation and uncertainty about what’s ahead, the probable fact is that you and your life are about to open and bloom like a flower.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 9, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

One never knows what the future holds. Some use this as an excuse to trounce and elbow their way through life. Others use it as an excuse to be loving toward others, and to take a gentle approach to existence. Usually, this is based on how one treats oneself. Several factors indicate that you may be feeling stressed or irritated without really understanding what the issue is. You might be feeling impatient, as if you’re behind your time. I suggest you settle into a gentle and patient approach to both yourself and to your relationships. You can afford to set aside expectations, and to live a little closer to the present moment. If you do that, you might notice that certain stuck areas are starting to move, and that important goals are showing signs of life. Remember, though, the universe is made of one thing only, and that is relationships.

Moonshine Horoscope for May 5, 2016, #1099 | By Len Wallick

Almost free. You can feel it. You can taste it. You are almost done with some difficult but rewarding work, which, once completed, will allow you to finally stretch your legs and maybe even spread your wings. The main thing is to apply the same effort and diligence to the end of your task as you have to the beginning. If you can manage just that, your own innate gifts for exhibiting excellence will take over and see you through. Once you have met the obligations you took on so long ago, there will of course be other work for you to do, but perhaps not right away. It appears as though you have at least earned a break to enjoy the fruits of your labor by lifting your nose from the grindstone to breathe free at last.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 2, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

It would blow the minds of most people how much of what ails them involves unresolved relationships with their parents. To see this is to see the invisible, though it’s easier than spotting molecules of air floating by. The lack of resolve takes many forms: loyalty to parents that subverts your own needs; having their troublesome emotional habits; being subject to manipulation. With these things in place, the energy can spread, to the point where many people around you seem to have a kind of parental power. This can affect people of any age, including those who are considerably older. Here’s a simple test: When you want to do something merely because you want to do it, how quickly do you experience guilt? And on what particular topics? The presence of guilt is a little like getting snagged in the invisible fence. Suddenly you discover that it’s there. Perhaps cut the power, or just walk on through and don’t look back.

Short Monthly Horoscope for May 2016, #1098 | By Eric Francis

Yours is the sign that wants to fly toward the air like an arrow with one destination. But now both Mars and Saturn are moving backwards through your sign, which is compelling you to stop, rethink, reconsider and revise many of your life plans. You might feel like your life is one long episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm. Yet this is the time for careful review of what you want. The planets are conspiring to remind you that desire plus discipline is the winning formula for life. Be patient and work that equation daily, and you will be unstoppable.

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 25, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

It’s necessary to have tension to create movement. The poles of a battery must oppose one another; an ordinary car engine contains the force of many explosions per second. You have energy of this kind moving in you now, though I suggest you be careful about taking out any negative feelings on yourself. You’re in a particularly sensitive and vulnerable place in your life, which is entirely necessary if you want to make full contact with your talent, your creativity or your life purpose. Just make sure you remember that vulnerability when you approach the tasks you must complete, or when you strive for discipline. You are in a phase of your personal journey when it will help to do less and to feel more; to say less, and to contemplate more. You have in fact accomplished so much that it would be wise of you to choose two or three long-term goals and focus on them exclusively for a while.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for May 2016, #1097 | By Eric Francis

You may be experiencing a side of yourself that you rarely admit to inwardly, much less talk about openly with others. You might, for example, be remembering desires that you left behind or forgot about long ago. You might feel drawn inward, and toward a form of self-discovery that you cannot explain to the people around you. There is no need to. You don’t have to distract yourself with the thought of what others might think. Within your own interior space, only your opinions and viewpoints count now. While you’re there, remember to be gentle. You don’t have to judge what you think, feel or want. You are free to assess and revise your most deeply held beliefs. In fact it’s the perfect time for that. Remember, though, that beliefs often serve as psychological stabilizing devices for what otherwise might be a shaky relationship to existence. You don’t have to worry about that. When you question your beliefs, you tend to build a stronger relationship to truth; that’s because what is untrue only interferes with what is true. You can, therefore, afford to be bold about this. Leave no stone unturned, no found scrap of paper unread, no door un-knocked upon. When you run into any difficulty, look for the belief that it’s not true, and notice whether what seemed to be a problem resolves, or turns to a gift.

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 18, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Mars has just turned to retrograde motion in your sign, something that will last for a little over two months. While most astrologers will be describing this as frustrating, I have another idea: you have the opportunity to connect with your motivation. You know how easy it is to accomplish something when you want to do it. While I don’t suggest you abandon all the responsibilities you don’t fancy, I do suggest you tap into the elements of life that truly inspire you to take action. All in all you need to be driven less by obligation and responsibility than you are by sincere interest and passion. Then you can go through a process of exchanging things that you seemingly must do for what you want to do, one by one. Yes, it’s a process, of growth and learning, and one that will serve you brilliantly.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for April 14, 2016, #1096 | By Len Wallick

Scratching an itch is rather profound if you think about it. The sensation actually exists in your mind, but is addressed by the action of applying your hands to your body. Sometimes the physical action somehow connects body with mind, resulting in relief. Other times the only result is more irritation, and even damage. Hence, a lesson to apply whenever you feel either a physical or metaphorical itch coming on anytime during the remainder of this current season. If some form of friction serves to solve the problem promptly, take it in as an epiphany. If scratching does not work, however, know when to stop and try something else.

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 11, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You are learning how to focus your intention. If you don’t feel that way, you might give it a try, because it’s likely to be easier than ever. The precursor to this, however, is knowing what you want. You may be hesitating, since it’s possible to invest in what you want, and then to change your mind and not want it anymore. This is all part of a process of figuring out authentic desire. There is no way to do this other than to experiment. This includes with people. We’re living through another one of those ages wherein people treat one another as disposable or as married from the first date. There’s a lot of territory between those two not-so-useful polarities. For the next few months, your experiments in desire will take you closer to your core. There are a few surprises waiting for you there, too.

Moonshine Horoscope for April 7, 2016 #1095 | By Len Wallick

If molecular biologists have it right, all the people on Earth are family. If musical anthropologists are correct, an integral part of your human family history is rock-and-roll. What distinguishes rock-and-roll at its best is that it’s fun. The main reason rock is fun evidently has to do with its correlation to one of the most gratifying and enjoyable activities of all: sex. That’s why the people who are at war with sex are nearly always the same folks who want to ban raucous music and dancing. It’s also how you can most safely and surely address anything cramping your style right now. One way or another, give yourself permission to rock with abandon even if it means dancing alone in a chair. It will bust you out and bring you back home.

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 4, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Your sign is a magnificent blend of sensitivity and courage. Both are going at full strength at the moment. I suggest you emphasize your sensitivity for the first few days of the week, and then plunge into the courage side of the equation. Phase one is about feeling how deep your ideas go, and feeling how deep your emotions are. Just being present for yourself will build your confidence. Hang in with yourself — there is no rush. When the psychic tide turns, you will know it, and you may feel called to express yourself in an especially bold or daring way. Your chart depicts you as the ‘true artist’ at the moment — whose inner life, creativity and outward expression are mingled into one idea. Few others might grasp how this works, or how necessary it is for you to be this way, but that hardly matters. Your journey is your journey — and that is the rare beauty of Sagittarius.

Short Monthly Horoscope for April 2016, #1094 | By Eric Francis

Most of the great artists in history have tapped into their emotional challenges to do their work. Most would tell you that without a dependable means of expression, they would have gone mad long ago. Your chart now reveals a setup where you can take the intense emotional processing you’re doing and convey it directly into beauty and healing. Writing will be helpful, preferably in a notebook rather than on a device. Express yourself as much as you can and you will feel healthy, stable and strong. While you’re at it, indulge beauty any way you can, whatever does it for you.

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 28, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Mars, the planet of motivation and desire, is doing something special in your chart: it’s about to be retrograde. This happens every two years, though rarely in Sagittarius. Yours is the sign of the spiritual quest. Often this is lived outwardly, as a passion for travel, curiosity about anything exotic and the love of all things mystical. But now your attention is being turned inward; your quest is about to become a true adventure into the mystery of who you are. Three themes are likely to arise. One is gaining an understanding of your desire nature. You will have the opportunity to make peace with what you really want. The second is getting clear about what you believe — or rather seeking a deep understanding of what is true for you. Finally, you will reach deep into your underlying motives, including discovering something about why you were born and why you chose to come to this particular planet.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for April, 2016, #1093 | By Eric Francis

You might feel like some kind of showdown is brewing, though I doubt it. The real question seems to be what you’re going to do with all this energy you’re feeling. Even if you’re not one of these people who lives surrounded by art supplies, musical instruments and notebooks, I suggest you find a creative outlet for your abundant energy. One secret to the sign Sagittarius is that the most natural place for you to cultivate and grow your sense of personhood is in expressing yourself. Travel is important — yet I would propose this is more important. I am confident you’re aware of the many ways you want to get your thoughts out of your own mind and into the world. You now have the advantage of the best thing that inspires art or writing, which is necessity. You need to take this chance, and to embark on this personal mission. If you’re already an artist in some form, you can do riskier work and take yourself to a deeper place. In a little while you’ll wonder how you ever survived without living like this all the time. Exploring in this direction will be one of the most dependable ways to find your path to the professional success that has been calling you, and that you’ve been reaching for. Set your mind free and good things will follow.

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 21, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Do not be intimidated by the seeming complexity of your life. Emotionally you may feel like you have a few too many fish swimming around your inner aquarium, and you can’t keep their names straight; plus, they all have so much to say. However, there is a clear line of thought that will serve to guide you to where you want to be. There are priorities that stand out high above many other smaller concerns, and I suggest you identify those and focus on them. You have set some significant goals for yourself, and it’s clear that in order to accomplish them it will help to set aside less important activities. Be honest with yourself about what’s the most important to you, and about what you know you’ve set out to accomplish. Then don’t allow anyone or anything to get in the way. Focus, prioritize, achieve.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for March 17, 2016 #1092 | By Len Wallick

Take care of your feet. Take care of your head. Ridiculously simple though it may seem, devoting special attention to the two opposing ends of your body will likely address uncounted needs and provide innumerable benefits for you at this time. Put a special priority on not taking your feet for granted. Everything you can do to pamper your tootsies will be repaid in benefits beyond imagination. Beyond paying for a pedicure, there is a lot you can do yourself. A few minutes of soaking your feet in warm water will go a long way. As will clean socks. As for your head, beyond protecting it from the elements, be choosy about who and what you allow to spend a lot of time inside of it.

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 14, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Mars is now in your sign, and is having two effects. One is to motivate you, and to put a little extra thrust in your rockets. The other seems to be stirring up some family baggage that is so old you’d assumed it would be around forever. In asserting your will over your own life — in short, by doing what you want — you are making great strides toward healing this lingering issue. You know you’re on the right track when you feel like you’re transgressing someone else’s boundary when you live your life, your way. Just in case you need to be reminded, it’s nobody’s role to set the limits on your bliss. If you had your own mind to make up about this — and you do — you would set no limits at all. Yet to step out of those past patterns and the emotional residue in your family pool, you must be bold, courageous and determined. Good thing you already are.

Moonshine Horoscope for March 10, 2016 #1091 | By Len Wallick

Long distance runners are familiar with a phenomenon called a “second wind.” It occurs after a brief period of crisis marked by the apparent onset of exhaustion, long before the course has been run. Experienced runners know not to give up, and how to push through the misleading sense of being worn out prematurely — until they overcome what turns out to be their mind’s resistance to avail themselves of their bodily reserves. Whether you are a runner or not, indications are that you will get your own version of a second wind very soon. Of course, you must discern when it is appropriate to slow down for the sake of your health. But as long as you know that you are both fit and fully capable, persevering at this time should soon bring you to a point where you suddenly feel that you can go the distance and then some.

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 7, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Pace yourself. Some things you want to do can happen fast. Others can and must take time. You need the wisdom to know the difference. When in doubt, avoid acting on emotional impulse. Said another way, the best thing you can do right now is to understand your motives. This will not take 10 years in psychoanalysis. Know when you’re motivated by desire, by a creative impulse, by anger or by wanting to make something right. If you can keep those motives sorted out, you will have more energy and find yourself in less conflict. You seem to be keeping your most important goals in sight; you know you’re going somewhere. The theme of the next few weeks will be tending to your inner needs and your emotional wellbeing. More than you need to accomplish something in the future, you need to resolve something from the past.

Short Monthly Horoscope for March 2016, #1090 | By Eric Francis

Sagittarius, contrary to every myth, is one of the most emotionally sensitive signs of the zodiac. And this is an exceptionally sensitive time in your life. You don’t need to be bold and outgoing if you don’t want to be — and this approach to life will help with long-overdue inner healing processes. It looks like the most vital among them is resolving a family matter that has long eluded your grasp. Along the way you can take great strides toward making sure that your home really is the place where you feel safe, warm and welcome.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for March 2016, #1089 | By Eric Francis

You seem to be alternating between the feeling of wanting to run coast-to-coast, and that of being backed into a corner. The first is a more accurate representation of your true state. The bit about being stuck or held down is merely because you have not yet figured out how to make the most of your circumstances. This, in part, is about an emotional quagmire connected to your family. There’s no version of ensnared as effective as the emotional dysfunctions of close relatives. What happens over the next few weeks is akin to a drain opening up at the bottom of your psyche, allowing you to drain one particular emotional pool associated with your distant past. This might even be your ancestral past. You came into this life a different person from your relatives, with a different mission and your own set of unique and vital assets. Don’t let anyone convince you that someone else’s problems are your own; but — closer to the point — don’t convince yourself. It will take some focus to step out of those influences, though the most effective way will be to step into your own life: your highest goals, your unusual style of leadership and your willingness to serve. Others who are obsessed with their problems live their way; you have your own agenda and every right to live fully.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Feb. 22, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Contrary to what you might read in many astrology books, yours is one of the most detail-oriented signs. I have no idea where anyone came up with the thing about ‘big picture only, don’t bother me with the numbers, the punctuation or the boring theory’. Actually, you know that success comes from making sure the fine points are covered. However, right now, I suggest you keep your mind on larger goals, and the widest view you can attain. There’s a potential trap in getting caught in petty concerns, and a special reward if you consider your most precious desires, objectives and ambitions. Focus on what matters, on what feels productive and, most of all, what feels good. That will be the best mind-food you can give yourself, and you will get results. If anything you think seems like an idea, write it down and remember where you put it.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for Feb. 18, 2016, #1088 | By Len Wallick

If you have a home, take good care of it. Show your appreciation for both the places and people with whom you find comfort and safety. It is no small thing to have a place of your own in this world, and if you are lucky enough to be among those who do, be present to your good fortune. If you either do not feel at home where you are, or do not happen to desire at present to put down roots, note within yourself all that is worthy of shelter and care. Then honor that worthiness in everything you do, by taking the best care of yourself you possibly can. If you care for whatever you do have, and whatever you most deeply value, you will be bringing a sense of ‘home’ to wherever you are. At the same time, you’ll likely also attract what amounts to better residential and relational circumstances than ever before.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Feb. 15, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You will feel better, and better able to make progress in your life, if you can let go of something that’s troubling you from the past. It may be some half-completed goodbye or a development you have not fully come to terms with yet. Doing so consciously will help you restore your energy and simplify your affairs. We live in a time when very little that happens in the past is actually resolved. As a result, it tends to collect; then it’s difficult for people to focus their minds on the present and the future. You’ve reached a point where you know you must come to terms with certain points of history. The question is how? The answer is: consciously, and a little bit every day. The more honest you are with yourself, the better you will feel.

Moonshine Horoscope for Feb. 11, 2016, #1087 | By Len Wallick

Your generosity is a strength. Your magnanimity is an asset. Don’t let any pressure currently originating from outside of you depreciate what you bring to your immediate environment. Neither should you allow any pressure you are putting on yourself to do anything other than motivate you to do and be better. There is no reason to judge yourself harshly for not being perfect. A diamond in the rough is still a diamond. The same applies to you. You are already a precious jewel. Just because you are currently in the process of enhancing your value in the world should not detract from what you intrinsically already are to those who know and love you — ideally including you.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Feb. 8, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You cannot reason your way out of all fear. At a certain point you must address anxiety as its own subject. Because so few things that we fear actually go wrong, you can safely treat fear as an emotion, rather than as a prediction or premonition. This is a crucial distinction to make, because if fear has relevance, it’s about the thing that you fear coming to pass. It looks like your concerns may center around control of some kind, such as over the behavior of a partner. If you find yourself keeping score, I would propose that this is not helpful. Ditto if you find yourself keeping secrets. I suggest that you would benefit from being honest with yourself — and then with intimate partners — about what is truly important to you. Right now, honesty and transparency are your best friends.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for Feb. 4, 2016, #1086 | By Len Wallick

What you have been searching for is probably in your immediate vicinity. No kidding. Instead of coming over the horizon, what you have been longing for is most likely in plain sight among the living beings and inanimate objects you encounter every day. It is not so much that you have to look further. Rather, you need to see better. What there is no need for is getting down on yourself. Part of being a human being is accepting that you cannot and will not ever be perfect. Yet, it is possible to understand and work with your imperfections, including those that have to do with not always perceiving and appreciating what is within easy reach. Indeed, the fact that you are now overlooking something or somebody already there for you is reason to feel good about yourself; because the next step — actually realizing the value of what you already have — is a step you will never again forget how to take. Therefore, do not think of yourself as one who is about to stumble across anything. In a very real way, you are about to rise to it.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Feb. 1, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

There is no order of difficulty of miracles. They are all equally easy, or what would be the point? Your astrology is pointing to some minor challenge that, if you meet it consciously, opens the way to infinite experience. It’s as if, in the process of solving some minor problem or meeting a routine challenge, you tap into a kind of spiritual well that contains the answer to much more than you were looking for. It would help, therefore, to pay attention to small things, even those too small to notice under normal circumstances. Consider every question you’re asking to be a metaphor for something greater; every puzzle you try to solve or problem you try to resolve the key to something larger. Tap the deeper, abundant creative energy that is currently filling your deepest well.

Short Monthly Horoscope for February 2016, #1085 | By Eric Francis

Recent developments are leading you to take a more structured and serious approach to life, though it’s essential that you maintain your flexibility. You can afford to take everyone’s different point of view under consideration, then make up your own mind. Most excellent ideas really are a group effort, especially as they develop. Take charge of this process and you’ll get genius results.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 25, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

The most important fact about money is knowing how much of the stuff you have. As Peter Gabriel said, you must know your plastic from your cash. With that out of the way, remember that ideas are much more valuable than funds are, if you act on them. Make sure that every decision you make is aligned with your long-term goals. This will keep you focused on those goals, which would be something of a miracle here in the age of Attention Deficit. Trust, above all, that you’re being drawn in the right direction, though this will be far more meaningful if you actually answer the calling. It’s true that you have some impressive goals, which you actually can accomplish if you’re willing to invest the time and devotion for a few years.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for February, 2016, #1084 | By Eric Francis

Let your fears inform you. You might try an exercise where you transform them into some kind of opposite outcome. Imagine that each worry or concern is really an explication of what might happen in the best possible outcome, but reversed. For example, “I fear my partner might leave me” would translate to something like, “This could be the best relationship I’ve ever had,” or, “I am ready for the right relationship in my life.” All fear has a source, and I would propose that it’s a kind of ego reaction to your currently incredible creative potential. However, apropos of understanding and working with that potential, remember that at the moment, building your life is in part about what you’re adding, and partly about what you will be subtracting. This is not about going forward in all directions, or the nonstop bull market. Nor is it about magical alchemy. What you’re doing is more like an industrial process of experimenting, synthesizing and putting in the time and discipline to get something like the result you’re looking for. Don’t be attached to one outcome — there are better things possible than what you might be imagining. Yet underneath it all, both the objective and the result is confidence in yourself. This is not about a test but more about a process of temperance: of gradually conditioning yourself to be in actual possession of the strength you know you already have.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 18, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Be impeccable with money this week. First of all, know how much you have at all times. Be aware of your resources, financial and otherwise. This is a core element in your ongoing process of learning self-esteem. Some people are born respecting themselves and some take it way too far. You need a realistic point of view, which means acknowledging your own competence, considering what you’ve accomplished, and recognizing that you’re a helpful person. No matter who may be involved, respect is something that is earned. As you work with that process internally, you will discover that people around you treat you with greater confidence. Whether you strive for this or not, you are setting an example for many other people. Remember that basic truth every day.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope — Jan. 14, 2016, #1083 | By Len Wallick

While you may not have access to the same technology employed by the fictional Doctor Who, it appears as though you have come into some of the same facility with regard to time and making it work for you. But first you must change your perception of what time is. Thanks to the work of Albert Einstein, you can make a good start. It was Einstein who realized (and apparently proved) that space and time are the same thing. Therefore, begin by organizing the spaces that are yours alone. Get places such as your desk, the interior of your car, and your private residence under control. If Einstein was correct, time should then begin coming under control for you as well.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 11, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

There’s no question that you deserve love, though recent events may have challenged your faith. Yet the deeper experience you’re seeking is trust, which is so often what we mean when we say love. Put in those terms, everything is clearer. This not only involves ‘special’ people and situations, but rather everyone, and your relationship to your own life. Ultimately, you must trust yourself first. Think of it this way: In the end, you must have faith in your decision to trust others — and that’s actually about you. Strive to become the most solid person in your life. Be the person you depend on, and be your own best friend. Once you do that for a while, it will be much easier to see where you stand with others.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope — Jan. 7, 2016, #1082 | By Len Wallick

In the long run, time will prove to be on your side. It simply may not seem that way right now. That’s the reason you need to find some faith to tide you over, like a wisely chosen snack can help you keep going between meals. Just as with a snack, you should not overdo the faith thing. Take only what you need. Remember that its purpose is to sustain you. Even though it would be best if you chose to have faith in yourself first and foremost, it does not really matter what form of faith works for you. So long as it is working for you and you are not a slave to it, any form of faith will probably do you a lot of good this year. What you learn from employing (rather than being employed by) faith will also stand you in good stead when your relationship with time turns around, and you are finally on top of it again.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 4, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

This is a get-serious time in your life, and I suggest you sing the praises of the planets that this is true. Focus your efforts on your most important goals and you will, at the same time, begin to unravel the insecurity that has stopped you so many times before. Engineers know that the best way to build a bridge is to have it already be there — so start by laying that first cable across the water, and then do it again, and again. You may feel odd or out of sorts at times, which means you’re entering new and unfamiliar territory. That is exactly where you want to be. Just think of how strange and beautiful it will feel to succeed at things you previously thought were impossible.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for January 2016, #1081 | By Eric Francis

Can anyone ever plan to be on top of their game? Preparation and focus can get you pretty far. Ambition and a sense of mission can take you even further. The last and most challenging factor is the emotional piece. Imagine if you could feel good every single day — you would be unstoppable. One method that’s worked for you in the past has been detachment. That, however, now verges on impossible. Your solar chart is so emotionally connected that you have no choice but to get in the water and swim. I think that full immersion in your feelings is the way to get you into that play-to-win mode. It is easier to feel than to resist, because resistance consumes precious energy. There is something else that would help, which is to see all of your motives, desires and aspirations not only as valid but as aspects of the same thing. You are one unified, holistic being. As you gather the seemingly different facets of yourself, and consider them all valuable assets, you will concentrate your energy. And you will discover how many small things it takes to make a lot. Remember that while the details matter and must be attended to, your overall vision matters a heck of a lot more. Stay in contact with yourself and rise to your own true level.

Scorpio 2016

Moonshine Horoscope for Capricorn New Moon #1132 | By Len Wallick

New trends seem to be emerging in your environment. To best deal with them, you might want to want to think about changing your style. Note that this is not the same as changing your substance. Specifically, it could be very useful if you were to consider how you exist currently in the minds of others. Changing how you present yourself, especially in response to reasoned entreaties, would not require you to be either untrue to yourself or dishonest with others. What other people think about you is their business. What you can do, however, is heighten your awareness of the impact you have on others — and modulate how much intensity you bring to any encounter. All things in good measure; first, however, you need to know how much the recipe calls for. That should make any adjustments on your part more than worth your trouble.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 26, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Are you living your past desires, or your present ones? I mean this in two areas of your life: sexual relationships, and your creative aspirations. Go back to age 16 and ask yourself what you wanted. Then pick a date halfway between then and now, and ask yourself what you wanted. Now consider what you want today — and whether you’re satisfied with your life. If you’re not, I would propose that you need some new desires; some new goals; some new reasons to be alive. You’re in a perfect position to update your files: to determine that certain older objectives and reasons for being no longer serve you, and to come up with some new ones (which you probably already have). Then you need to be brave enough, and take yourself seriously enough, to do something about it. To have progress, you must welcome change. There are two parts to that: goodbye, and hello.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 19, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

At a certain point, you’ll want to reveal your whole sexual reality. When that time comes, you might feel ready or you might have to take a leap. That means revealing who you are, what you’ve done, what’s happened to you, and what you want. It feels good to do this; that’s the nature of intimacy. However, you may fear that someone’s ego will be hurt by knowing the truth about you. Actually, it’s much more personal: this is about you. By going deep into your personal reality, you summon up old material for healing. That takes courage, and few people go here willingly. The result will be to release old pain or self-blame that you’ve been holding, and that feels good. Pleasure begets healing and love brings up everything unlike itself. So as you get realer and realer, you’re likely to have those moments of release, and of wanting to go deeper. This is about you, not anyone else.

Moonshine Horoscope for Gemini Full Moon #1130 | By Len Wallick

If you are dealing with some challenges at this time, the best way to begin overcoming them would entail simply having faith in your ability to meet those provocations. Similarly, if you are now endeavoring to achieve something, faith in yourself would also be the essential first step towards an eventually successful attainment. Of course, the most efficacious forms of faith are not blind, but informed. By now you have had enough experience with life to understand that the most important piece of information you can possess is provided by your conscience. Regardless of what odds you face, and in spite of what opinions other people may have, so long as you know that you are doing the right thing, faith in yourself will be justified.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 12, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You can afford to be more confident about money. You know enough to know that planning, structure and discipline go a long way. This is important whether your cash flow is a stream, a river or a waterfall. There’s another side to the equation, though, which is what you’re worth. I mean this in the pragmatic sense of how much you get paid. There are two ways to make significant money in Western society: one is to run a scam, and the other way is to make yourself useful. The more useful you make yourself, the more money you can make. This involves noticing needs in the world, and noticing what your skills and talents are. Putting them together is this thing called business or profession. Work this equation aggressively. Think it through from as many directions as you can. Define ‘useful’ for yourself and work with that definition consciously.

Short Monthly Horoscope for December 2016, #1129 | By Eric Francis

Even if you don’t keep a diary, you might want to this month. Repeatedly, this year, you’ve been put in a position to review your past and to understand why things happened the way they did. You’ll see this is less a matter of opinion and more about analysis of known facts. What is more significant is why you respond the way that you do, something you seem committed to changing. It’s about time you had a handle on where you’re coming from and where you’re going. Committing your thoughts to paper, and reading them back, will make that a lot easier to track.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 5, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

It will help if you take a diplomatic approach to family or household issues. You’ll save yourself grief, time and effort if you sidestep any contention or controversy, and avoid provoking it as best you can. The fuss leads nowhere, and you have it in you to take a clear-headed approach to the question. The thing to remember is that you’re not a child. This is something that it would help all people to remember all the time, as most negative reactions come from the perspective of being powerless (like a child). Remember that people value your presence in their lives for a reason. Keep that reason in mind, and quietly, subtly, use it as leverage. If you’re going to explain to anyone why something is in their best interests, only do that once. Anyone who doesn’t get it the first time needs to be approached differently.

Moonshine Horoscope for Sagittarius New Moon #1128 | By Len Wallick

Further your aptitude for both giving and receiving to improve your life. Focus on acts of assistance. Work on making it just as easy for you to ask for or offer practical help as it has been for you to accept or share spoken affirmations. If you can do just that, the desires you have been chasing just might surprise you by turning up unannounced.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 28, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

The nature and meaning of your personal possessions and resources is now the front-and-center theme of your life. What do you have? What do you value? Who do you value? What about yourself is the most solidly and dependably your own? There’s a real question arising with the current astrology about what’s yours, and what is community property. Community may range from housemates to your colleagues to your family of origin. It’s any circumstance where you must fan out your personal resources into a group of any size, going back to the beginning of your life. If you are feeling anger in any form, you might want to consider what of yours is being treated like some kind of collective property. Once you get a handle on what that might be, you can begin to claim yourself back, step by step. The goal here is not to be covetous of what you have, but rather to claim it as your own, so that you may share it as you wish, with whom you wish — or not.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope — December 2016, #1127 | By Eric Francis

Points of transgression often contain powerful sexual energy. This is one of the core paradoxes involved in any form of sexual healing. There are often mixed feelings, of being violated and of being turned on. This seeming split can be painful and confusing until it’s seen for what it is. It seems to be a universal spiritual principle that when a person sustains an injury of any kind, it creates a crisis. That crisis can simmer quietly, it can fester, or it can accumulate power. Think of this as the ‘shamanic wound’ or ‘power wound’ that demands healing and in the process, focuses your ability to heal. This is not so much dangerous territory as it is shrouded in taboo. When healing is activated, when that commitment is made, real power is summoned; power that you might call cosmic, or genetic, or rooted in the miracle of evolution. And when that strength is contacted, it can be so amazing and so profound as to be frightening. Now is your chance to stay with yourself as you make friends with this gift. You’re dealing with something in the human condition that is very old; it’s ancient, and it’s ancestral in that it harks back several generations. See if you can align yourself with the way in which a sense of injury can lead you directly to the strength that will activate your healing gift. Stay present for yourself. Healing is your birthright. It’s natural, and will set you free.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 21, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You’re learning not just how to say what you feel, but how vital that is to your sanity. Yes, you may have been trained to suppress your own voice, your own needs, your own desires and intentions. And you know that you simply cannot live your own life if you keep doing that. Aspects this week invite you to open up to yourself, and feel the pulse of your own existence — and allow that to guide your voice. When you tune into that feeling, let your voice out, any time you’re inclined to use it. Feel the beauty of speaking or in any way vocalizing and of being seen and heard doing so. You need this affirmation — which is both self-affirmation and taking the risk of inviting others to say yes to you, to who you are and what you love. Follow your feeling of danger, embarrassment or reluctance rather than avoiding them. Let yourself out of your bindings and you will enter a new dimension.

Weekly Horoscope for Nov. 17, 2016, #1126 | By Amy Elliott

In the process of reinventing yourself, don’t be surprised or concerned if you’re more reflective than usual. You are simply putting in the requisite thought and concentration. One thing I would suggest is that you keep in mind your remarkable intuitive abilities. That is to say, don’t try to be too logical. Your unconscious mind currently has a hotline to the Akashic librarians. Even in performing works of art, you’ll probably turn up some insight or other. I’d advise you to keep records, no matter how odd the ideas might seem. You never know when you could use them.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 14, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Family: why are they so influential, so potent in our lives, so necessary? You don’t need to be an anthropologist to know that humans are tribal. We traveled through the wild in clans of about 20 for some three million years before gradually settling down on one patch of ground so we could cultivate our food. We could not survive without our clan; we would literally be eaten by wild animals. That is no longer true; yet much of the same power resides in families — granted, in phantom and psychological form. The thing about tribes and families is that by their inherent nature, they demand that you not be an individual. And all of your personal momentum is insisting that you be your own person. You will need to be bold, brave and independent — and not let anyone drag you back down. They cannot harm you and have no power over you that you do not personally hand them. Remember that.

Short Monthly Horoscope for November 2016, #1125 | By Eric Francis

You’ve made your way challenging ideas that others hold dear. You’ve also questioned many of your own beliefs, which has helped build your confidence. You no longer need to be in a comfort zone; you don’t need sacred cows or taboos. If something you choose is truly right for you, then those around you must accept that fact. This will help you grow and develop personally like few other things. If you’re direct, sincere and somewhat formal in your challenges of others, they’re likely to respond positively, especially if you show up with a workable plan of action.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 7, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Watch your spending, and don’t let others spend your money. There’s something in your chart describing your boundaries as being a bit loose in these areas, so you’ll need to tidy up the edges and refrain from loaning anyone your debit card. That said, you’re in an unusually opportune moment to plan future business ventures. But keep your plans to yourself or limited to a carefully selected group of people. This is less about someone stealing your ideas and more a caution against scattering your energy by talking away your ideas. What you want now is a sense of containment, so that you can think clearly and seriously. Involve others on an as-needed basis. You don’t need to reveal your whole plan to any one person; you just need to know, develop and respect your ideas yourself. You set your own ethics, your own schedule and your choice of whom to involve.

Moonshine Horoscope for Scorpio New Moon, #1124 | By Len Wallick

Some of the issues you now face are about you. Some are not. Sorting out which is which will go a long way towards making your load feel lighter. To do so, you need time to think. Keep in mind that thinking is not the same as procrastination. Take care of any urgent situations and keep up with all that you absolutely have to get done in order to keep (and preferably increase) order in your life. Assuming you can organize your affairs to the point that you are no longer running as fast as you can to stay in the same place, you should find that you have more time to meditate at length on the subject of where others end and where you begin.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 31, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Sunday’s spectacular New Moon in your birth sign is a reminder that it’s time to enter a new phase of your life. Sometimes we do this as an act of will; sometimes the emotional landscape opens up and we walk into a new vista; sometimes both are happening at once, and that looks like what’s going on. Understand that you control many facets of your perception through your mental approach and attitude. Approach means how you ‘come at’ any situation, and ‘attitude’ is your position or posture. So pay attention to how you come at things, and what your posture is. You have infinite approaches to any situation you find yourself in, or any puzzle you face. Consider a few before you automatically choose the most habituated one. Every circumstance is, in fact, new — just like every person is different and every day is a new day.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for November 2016, #1123 | By Eric Francis

It’s time to make contact with your drive for social justice. This is a real value that you hold, and it can transcend many other distractions. You believe in the truth, and deep in your heart you want the truth to prevail. You believe in the right thing, and you want the right thing to happen. Taking action on this in small, tangible ways would be more helpful to you and the world than, say, texting money to a charity. Take any opportunity to make the right thing happen. Look around you anywhere and you will see people who need help, who need someone to stand up for them, who need any small advantage. Many times a day you’re in a position to offer that. Make it your business. One benefit of doing this is that it siphons energy from the jealous, competitive and needy side of human nature. You are drawing power from some of the most toxic personality traits and social conditioning and reinvesting it in making yourself a positive force in your environment. Another advantage is that by positioning yourself to be only helpful, you will discover how abundant you are. Notably, much of that abundance is in the form of ideas. Let them lead to action, which will lead to more ideas. Let that ripple out into the world and count it as progress for humanity.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 24, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Take the slow, steady approach in business or professional affairs. Remember that the web of life is woven one relationship at a time. This spans from the seemingly most minor or trivial associations to the most profound and meaningful. There is less difference between them than you may think. For maximum benefit, treat them all the same: with the utmost respect. When you encounter people, remember that on some level everyone is dealing with pain, loss and disappointment. It’s not that you have to coddle people; rather, be as gentle as you can, and have the fewest expectations. This will cultivate natural humility: rich or poor, young or old, happy or sad, we’re all in the same boat. Slow down with each person until you can feel the common ground that you share. Listen and notice. You will make some unusually beautiful discoveries.

Weekly Horoscope for Oct. 20, 2016, #1122 | By Amy Elliott

The Sun is about to enter your sign, beginning the season in which (so they say) the veil between the worlds is thinnest. Born into this moment, you are likely to understand this concept intuitively, and you know of its rich potential for growth. That is true whichever hemisphere you happen to live in; and this year, your strong instincts or your subconscious could provide much of the fuel you need to boost your most significant ambitions. I suggest you pay attention to your inner voice, and also record your dreams.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 17, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Yours is one of the most perceptive signs. I find it great fun to listen to the observation of the world from the Scorpio point of view, because it’s always seeking insight into subtle motives. Now is the time to understand your own motives. And it’s time to honor the power of your words, which is substantial. Your words have so much energy that they will penetrate deeper than you think, and have more impact than you may imagine. If you aspire to write, this is the time to have a breakthrough; that is, to have the feeling of actually, really writing and coming across. Reading will also benefit you now. If there is some subject you’re trying to get to the bottom of, now is the time. Just be clear, and gentle, and sit on things for a day or three before you publish or push ‘send’.

Moonshine Horoscope for Aries Full Moon, #1121 | By Len Wallick

If you are feeling a bit vulnerable right now, don’t despair. Take it as a sign that you are awake and aware. After all, human beings are not made of steel, and that’s a good thing. You don’t have to be hard to be well. You just need to pay attention to what challenges you, and respond appropriately. Most often that response will begin with taking good care of yourself. Be conscious of what choices will make you stronger, and which will not. Beyond that, working with others in a common effort will go a long way towards assuring your comfort. Do the right thing by those with whom you have cast your lot and trust them to do the same.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 10, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

A truly unusual mixture of energies simmers down your need to speak up for yourself. You are processing some deep feelings, and if you don’t express them, you’re likely to explode. That would not be productive. Yet if you’re able to say, ‘I think’, ‘I feel’, and ‘I want’, you will be a much happier person. By ‘say’, I mean, ‘say calmly but sincerely’. The problem with most emotional communication is that it happens close to the boiling point, where there’s a sensation of needs being neglected. Where this elusive thing called needs is concerned, though, it’s essential that they be as self-met as possible, and that relationships be more the purview of voluntary fulfillment. This reverses the usual logic. There are still actual needs in relationships, and to the extent that is true, you need to learn the language of emotions, and gain enough clarity to say what you mean and mean what you say.

Short Monthly Horoscope for October 2016, #1120 | By Eric Francis

This has been an unusual year for you: many self-discoveries, many necessary changes, and discovering something about your deep personal strength. That seems to be rooted in what you want. Yet now, it’s coming from what you want to say. You actually have ideas and, more than that, you have the capacity to change your mind. And this you are seeing the beauty of. Simply put, the actual strength of the mind is its ability to adapt. For you this has gone from being a struggle to a blessing. A discovery that’s on the horizon will help you take your life to a new level.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 3, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Mars has spent much of the year in your sign, connecting you with who you are on an emotional level. The rest of the year, Mars has been in Sagittarius, reminding you of your spiritual goals and your rather unworldly values. This has been a real test: of your integrity, of your willingness to live the truth of what you believe and, most of all, your willingness to let go of the past. Much of that has been conducted through ‘inner work’, and now that work is moving outward into your most intimate relationships, particularly with neighbors, colleagues and siblings. You simply must live the truth of who you are, rather than wish you could. You need to gain confidence that can only come from experience. To gain this experience you’re going to need to violate some protocols, and get past what you perceive as the expectations of others. You might not need to be bad, but your goal cannot be to be good; it must be to be real.

Moonshine Horoscope for Libra New Moon, #1119 | By Len Wallick

Improvisational art is among the greatest human achievements. It is not as easy as it looks, however. When it is the turn of any given musician in a jazz combo to deliver a solo for example, what the audience hears is more than just random noodling. Preceding a jazz musician’s spontaneous creation are years of learning, practice and experience playing with others. The result of this long and individuating evolution is a unique individual, one who can listen with an educated ear and respond in collaboration; one who can capture and express the universe with vital immediacy while also furthering the world’s development into the next moment. Whatever form your own creative nature takes, be confident that you are now ready to deliver your own exquisite solos. All you have to do is pay attention. You will know how to pick your spots.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 26, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Venus is now in your sign, and you’re like honey to the bees. Jupiter is in Libra, an angle of your chart that’s a well of imagination and fantasy. The thing is, you can now make your fantasies and desires real easier than usual. You have the influence and the charisma. Start by acknowledging them to yourself. Do so boldly and graphically, including some details. Then determine which people you might need to get into the act. The thing to remember — and it’s crucial in all facets of life here in the digital age — is that fantasy is different from reality. There’s a necessary step you take into a denser and seemingly less fluid experience when you go from imagination into physical reality. Therefore, be patient, and gain practice. Experiment with people you trust. Try something three times before you decide whether it’s really for you. Once is not enough.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscopes for October 2016, #1118 | By Eric Francis

Though it will be tempting to use pressure or force on certain people who seem stuck, that would not help your situation. Instead, do something that’s relatively easy: let them know you want to understand where they’re coming from. Then really strive to understand their viewpoint and the emotional reality behind it. Your persistent focus on what matters will be an orientation point for others, and it will have a clarifying influence. You merely need to apply the penetrating quality of your mind, and keep the conversation low key. Ask questions and really have a sense whether you understand or not. This will be especially important in work situations where groups are involved. Groups can be entirely lost and either nobody in the group wants to admit it, or they are all following one another around blindly. You’re the one who has to see beyond this. That means recognizing patterns as they point to problems and then to solutions. This is closely related to creativity; or rather, it’s identical, only you would substitute ‘puzzle’ for ‘problem’. You are in a highly unusual position to see the potential in all the chaos that the world is drowning in. You might even be able to understand the spiritual crisis of the internet, because currently you have a sense of the scale of both the problem and the creative puzzle that it presents.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 19, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You seem like you’ve been wanting to burst and keep total control at the same time. You cannot do both, but you may be able to choose when and where you want to let it all out. The thing not to deny is that you have all this energy running through you, and it’s lighting you up and pumping your heat and giving you all these impulses what to do. Once you make friends with your drive and desire and core-level need to express yourself, you will feel more balanced. Yet the thing to do is to actually get your energy moving and to direct it in intentional ways, focused on what you really want to express or create. It would be too easy to blow off all your energy in a way that’s not especially constructive or creative. It will be almost as easy, and much more fun, to focus and do something productive, pleasurable and real.

Pisces Full Moon Moonshine for Sept. 15, 2016, #1117 | By Len Wallick

If you are breathing easier lately, don’t be suspicious of your good fortune. You have earned any break you are now receiving. It may seem counterintuitive, but the best way to keep good times coming your way just might begin with relaxing and allowing yourself to enjoy every single respite in full. Besides the reduction in tension, practicing joy like it’s an occupation will help your creative juices to flow as never before. While trials of the past may have provided you with both motivation and material to work with, it is not necessary for you to suffer in order to be the gifted, proficient and productive artist you are capable of becoming. Only fear can hold you back. Only fear need be feared anymore.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 12, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

It’s time to confront the dark side of your relationships: all the emotions that you don’t usually consider. This will, after a little while, have the desirable effect of setting you free. Now let’s consider a few possible emotions. To be clear, I am not proposing that you actually feel them, but I suggest you question whether you do. One is an entitlement to feel jealous, particularly in sexual situations. There’s no emotion more capable of shutting down the love that might flow between you and someone else. Yet you’re missing an opportunity to learn about yourself, and something profound about your existence, if you do. Another is the reluctance to state, in simple and honest terms, what you need — and to allow others the chance to respond. One last is projecting your struggle to love yourself onto others, pretending that for whatever reason they don’t love you. The moment you become aware of any of these (or any related scenarios) you also invoke the power to change them, if you want.

Short Monthly Horoscope for September 2016, #1116 | By Eric Francis

A longstanding financial issue is coming to a head. When you make peace with certain limits you know exist, you will also begin to see your true potential. Think of restrictions and boundaries as things that you first acknowledge and honor, and then gradually figure out how to move beyond. You will benefit from greater attention to financial structure. From that you will discover that a measure of imposed order leads the way to greater economic freedom. You would benefit from the help of a guide, teacher or professional to help you get yourself organized.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 5, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

There’s a line from a book that I’m reminded of often: “Beware of the temptation to perceive yourself as unfairly treated.” You might, instead, champion the causes of those who really need you. It’s a much better use of your energy, and will serve to remind you how good you have it. If you feel yourself encountering emotions on the jealousy and control side of the spectrum, take a breath and ask yourself whether you’re not really upset about something else. You are equally free to celebrate your own passion by celebrating that of everyone else. It’s a true fact that you cannot control other people. At best you could control yourself, but you don’t need to do much more than guide your thoughts and feelings in the direction of what is alive and life-affirming. When you honor love in any form, you also honor your own need and desire to be loved. Open up and you will feel just how much life is offering you.

Virgo New Moon Moonshine for Sept. 1, 2016, #1115 | By Len Wallick

Whether or not you do the right thing is often a very personal matter. Many are the decisions that remain between you and yourself. In many ways, that’s a good thing, allowing you room to make mistakes and needing only to forgive yourself and learn something from the experience should you find your choices somehow wanting. At this time, and for the foreseeable future, however, you will not be able to avoid having at least some of your judgments and decisions witnessed by those with whom you must continue to share your life in some way. It’s almost as if you are about to go through a period when you will be obliged to show how fair and wise you are capable of being. Someday, it may be the turn of those now watching to judge you. Therefore, do yourself the greatest favor possible and do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 29, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Keep your focus on work. You may have lots of social opportunities, and by all means have some fun. Yet maintaining consistency and devotion to your professional activities, and to your professional image, are essential now. You’re at a turning point where many facets of life are concerned, though especially your work. This can turn out very well for you. Yet your success requires prolonged devotion and dedication. That means persistence, which includes sidestepping turbulence and unhelpful people, and staying on track. Be mindful of the fact that you are, in a sense, on public display at all times. People are looking to you for leadership and as an example. That makes you a focal point of your community, and someone whose ethics are an important part of the message that you send. Stay sober, negotiate rather than get involved in conflict, and at all times remember what you want.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for Sept. 2016, #1114 | By Eric Francis

Do you feel protected? It’s time to tune into that feeling. Your sign is more given to anxiety than the astrology books say, plenty of which is social anxiety about what you think other people think about you. If you knew the sheer volume of energy you’ve wasted on this topic, you would be amazed. No matter how grounded and secure you are in fact, you will scramble that feeling by projecting judgment onto others. Two bits of information might help. People think about you less than you think they do. They have a lot of other people on their mind. Second, it does not matter what most people think or feel, unless they have some direct power over you, or unless you specifically care about them. This will require some sorting out. Your astrology this month is a wild tour of your civic and social world. You will see and notice a lot; you’ve got the power of discernment when it comes to deciding who means what to you, and why. Yet you can afford to go light on your assessments, and you can afford to notice those with whom you share goodwill. Suspicion and judgment in any form will block your perception. There are some people who really have your back. They care about you just because they do. Notice who they are.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 22, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You have a knack for holding the pieces together. Heck, you may be the one person on the planet who is capable of herding cats. Your first order of business is literally business: take care of money, keep the flow going, and allocate precious resources carefully. Make every decision count. You seem determined to work through one particular choke point to your cash flow. If astrology means anything, it looks like this: you have a lot of energy tied up in something that’s not easy to access or to put to use. In a sense you are blocking yourself. What you’re now trying to do is unravel that interference. You may be inclined to do so violently. What I suggest you do, rather than taking a hammer to anything, is to get out your magnifying glass and look closely at the details. There is some deception involved. It may be that you’re not leveling with yourself, or that someone is trying to get one over on you. Be open-minded. Figure this out and you will take many steps ahead.

Full Moon Moonshine Horoscope for Aug. 18, 2016, #1113 | By Len Wallick

While you may very well move in mysterious ways, it’s not really your truest nature to procrastinate. Therefore, if you have been either putting off or avoiding any decisions (especially regarding your residential environment or inner life), make it your business to get down to business now. Begin by getting clear about what you have actually been thinking while things have been hanging. In order to do so, it might very well be of immeasurable help to think out loud in the company of others whom you trust, and whose judgment you respect.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 15, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Finances remain an important theme for you now, and you need to get your house in order. The first thing to do is to prioritize, which is likely to involve making what seem like difficult choices. The question is, what exactly is the difficulty? You appear to be in conflict between what you want, and what you think other people think is right for you. This can be a subtle level of psychology, where you sort out the influence of authority figures in your thought process. Once you start setting your own priorities as a fundamental matter of living, it becomes easier to see where you’re letting others have an influence. I am speaking specifically about parents, siblings and various authority figures from your past who seem to be in a kind of inner debate. None of this is real unless you pretend that it is. What matters is what you say matters.

Weekly Horoscope for Aug. 11, 2016, #1112 | By Amy Elliott

The phrase “count your blessings” is in some ways rightly considered a platitude. When someone really has a problem, this is the last thing they need to hear. Yet if you are feeling tempted by the allure of the grass in the next field, there might be some use in looking more carefully at the one you’re standing in before hopping the fence. You’ve recently been building on good solid ground, and you have some excellent resources at hand. Make sure you’re using them to their fullest capacity.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 8, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Money issues often come back to unresolved issues with parents. Carl Jung, the great 20th century psychoanalyst, said they relate to mother. Sigmund Freud, one of his teachers, said they relate to father. So let’s say it could be either parent, or both — and you’re likely to be rubbing against these themes now. The fact that this question relates to your family may not be obvious on the surface. It’s not always as stark as someone telling you what to do (though it may be). More often it relates to how you feel when you set your own priorities. For example, when you decide what you want and take steps to make it happen, do you feel guilty? Even a little? Do you feel like you’re betraying someone by making your own decisions? That’s the feeling I’m talking about. The core of this issue almost always relates back to being afraid of people who seem to hold authority over you, or who once did. In the next few weeks you can blow through this, with gusto.

Short Monthly Horoscope for August 2016, #1111 | By Eric Francis

Over the next few weeks you may feel a need to push against an obstacle of some kind. Rather than using brute force, use the power of your ideas. Rather than engaging in a confrontation, use reason. Rather than arguing, listen carefully and find the openings where your ideas are the most valuable. You don’t want to get into a situation where one person’s beliefs are pitted against another’s. That means be less attached to what you think is right, and more devoted to discovering the truth. Remain in control of the power to change your mind. It will serve you well.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 1, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Mars is about to leave your sign, after being with you for months. Have you learned to state, in plain and simple terms, what you want? If nothing else, that would be a fitting legacy of your experience. Yet on a deeper level, the theme has been learning to let go of aggression against yourself in the form of self-judgment, resentment or guilt in any form. These are deeply ingrained patterns and they’re not usually transcended easily. Yet the moment you become aware you’re feeling one of them, notice how you can just stop yourself. The more you practice this, the easier it will be. Remember that these strange emotions serve to undermine your self-confidence, and if you focus on that you’ll have an added edge. You need and depend on your confidence, and you’re likely to have plenty of it at the moment.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for August 2016, #1110 | By Eric Francis

You seem to be getting yourself moving dependably enough to set some new goals. By necessity, you’ve invested considerable time and energy this year into resolving the past, and addressing some emotional issues. This has added up to one necessary development: being honest with yourself. Why exactly is this such a challenge, and not just for you but for so many? The answer can be found in one emotion: guilt. I don’t mean regret for something you actually did wrong. Rather, I mean that nagging, toxic sensation of self-questioning. Among other things, guilt is an adhesive that sticks us to the past. Seen one way, this is a vastly complex issue; seen another, it’s as simple as: what would you do if you didn’t feel guilty? Have you ever questioned how one emotion, taught to all children and enforced with a real degree of violence, can so deeply mess with the relationship you have to yourself? And have you considered that’s the main purpose? By now it’s likely you’ve come to an emotional-level understanding of who you are and what you want. Your new learning goal, as I see it, is how to be that person unabashedly. If you feel resistance, notice that and keep going. It will be a combination of optimism and persistence that keep you going through the next month — to a much better place.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 25, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Astrologers around the world still have their eyes focused on Mars in your sign, which was recently retrograde, and involved in many potent aspects. The latest news is that you have finally gone beyond a series of high-friction encounters and confrontations that have taken up much of your time the past month or so. Speaking of the past, you would be wise to go beyond it. It’s way too easy for you to live there, seemingly perpetually. Greater things are calling you, if only you would take a break from obsessing over your own psychology or analyzing your motives. What, exactly, are you concerned about? What evidence do you have, by which I mean actual evidence, that you want anything but the best for other people? If you owe anyone an apology, offer it humbly, forgive yourself, and move on. There are mighty aspects in your chart that are summoning you to fulfill your true destiny. Get to it.

Weekly Horoscope for July 21, 2016, #1109 | By Amy Elliott

This could be the perfect moment for cultivating your relationships, in every sense of that adaptable word. There are many ways to enjoy the delights of other beings in your life, and to bless them in turn with your own gifts. One thing that’s especially beautiful about human contact is that with each person in our multifaceted lives, we develop a form of love that’s wholly unique to that partnership. That makes it possible to love without reserve or restraint; and, as the song goes, the world surely needs it right now. Luckily, you have plenty to give.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 18, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Mars has been big news all year. It’s still in your sign and it will be for a while, moving slowly and thoughtfully. Because Mars is the Scorpio planet from ancient astrology, this has some unusual influence for you: I suggest you consider it a once-in-a-lifetime blessing. It has a specific message, which is that it’s time for you to be yourself despite what all those other people think. It takes strength, courage and integrity to stand apart from the crowd — especially the well-meaning people who tend to think like everyone else. You are different and you’re now learning to express those distinctions that you and only you possess. While it’s not necessary to be in any way hostile or combative, there may be times when you must confront others, and I suggest you not shy away from that. You are in a process of emergence, refinement and tempering, and will benefit from some heat and friction.

Full Moon Moonshine Horoscope for July 14, 2016, #1108 | By Len Wallick

It’s very likely that you currently have a firm grasp and clear understanding of everything that is familiar to you. That’s good, but it would not be so good to think you are an authority regarding lives or circumstances other than your own. Therefore endeavor to be open. Strive to have an open mind defined by a continuous acknowledgement that you can always stand to learn something more. Maintain an open heart, which can sustain feelings of compassion for those you cannot bring yourself to empathize with. Finally, do yourself the vital service of keeping the doors and windows of your perception open to welcome in anything and everything you don’t already know.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 11, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Mars, which was retrograde till recently, is now creeping forward in your birth sign. The image is one of self-completion, and a reminder that you have what you need. This rare condition offers you influence, such as the ability to persuade; it will offer you perspective, such as the value of gradual, steady progress; and most of all, it offers insight into your own psychology and that of others. Now that you have these powers, it’s essential that you use them, and use them wisely. You have the ability to provoke others, or to make them into allies. You have the ability to help or to harm. As has been said many times in different ways, good intentions are not enough. You must use awareness, and discernment. You would be wise to take enough time to make every decision, such as using the guiding rule, ‘sleep on it’.

Short Monthly Horoscope for July 2016, #1107 | by Eric Francis

Mars has been retrograde in your sign for months, and it changed direction in late June. This has taken you on a journey deep into your emotions, including direct encounters with fear, desire, passion and memories you haven’t recalled in ages. You now know what you’re made of, and what you want. You don’t need to argue with yourself about these things; you merely need to accept what is true about you, and live from that place. Self-acceptance is a journey without a final destination, though as you travel this path you will discover others who accept you without hesitation.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 4, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Make one decision at a time. You don’t need to solve the whole riddle or tie up all the loose ends. Focus your intentions and set a clear, short agenda. Then address a single concern. It might be something minor, to get an easy task out of the way. You might choose something difficult (saving the easier stuff for later) and build confidence in yourself because you’ve risen to an unusual challenge. It doesn’t matter. What will make the real difference is that you gather momentum in a positive direction. Dissolve or withdraw from what is not working for you while you emphasize what is working. Do everything you can to invest in what actually gets a result. Your chart setup is such that your life will accumulate momentum in whatever direction you’re going. That’s the thing to pay attention to; keep it positive, since that’s what will multiply.

New Moon Moonshine Horoscope for June 30, 2016, #1106 | by Len Wallick

One especially cogent aphorism repeated in many social contexts is that there is a time and place for everything. It’s a bit of conventional wisdom that seems to have been forgotten by many in our often-unconventional times. You, however, are among the few who have most likely retained a deep and abiding understanding of how nearly any given practice, behavior or activity can not only be permissible, but appropriate if the where and when are right. It’s not because you are old-fashioned, either. Indeed, it seems that time and culture have gone and come around to make you among the most modern of people precisely because you have the capacity to teach the rest of us how discretion, properly employed, serves to define — not confine — a life well lived.

Monday Morning Horoscope for June 27, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Mars is about to return to direct motion in your sign. This is a turning point along a specific journey of your life that dates back to early January. That’s approximately when some powerful motivation kicked in and led you to start making decisions. You’ve questioned many of them, and gone through some effort to rethink what didn’t work out the first time. For the next month, Mars will assist you in completing that process of reassessment. If you do this honestly, you’ll notice a few things that will benefit from the power of your choice. You might need to make decisions that seem as if they will reverse or up-end what you’ve already established. This will be worth it. You’re far closer to the beginning of your process than you think. In hindsight, whatever you correct or rework now will blend into your memory of the early beginnings of this new phase of your life.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for July 2016, #1105 | by Eric Francis

At long last, Mars is returning to direct motion (on June 29). To the extent that you’ve been feeling out of sorts, you can now wiggle back into alignment with yourself. Mars, however, will spend the next month covering territory in your sign where it was retrograde. You are getting similar life lessons and life experiences in a new way. There are certain factors that you have to penetrate through in layers. In truth it’s taken most of the year, perhaps longer, to do this — though you’re at that point where you must get the point. You would do well to pause asking questions and look at what is blatantly obvious. That includes how you feel. Denial only works for so long. Then something else must take over: bold honesty, imagination, love, lust or all of the above. The nature of your life must be about who you really are, and if you don’t know, then the nature of your life must be about an honest experiment. The thing about that experiment is that you don’t know the outcome. That’s the whole thing. That’s the heart of the matter. However, it’s no longer possible for you to live only with what is predictable, or in ways of life that are pallid in comparison to the passion you feel inside. This is a rare time to move in daring new directions and, presently, the odds of success are stacked your way.

Monday Morning Horoscope for June 20, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You may be aware that for about two months, Mars (the first planet associated with your sign) has been retrograde. Mars is now in Scorpio, slowing down as it gets ready to change directions: a process that peaks on June 29 but which spreads out two weeks in either direction. You may feel some deep movement in your emotions or in your soul. You may feel like you’re realigning with yourself. You may feel like you’re coming to terms with some unusually deep questions that you typically don’t ask yourself, much less answer. If you find yourself asking, go gently on getting a response. This is very much a matter of allowing the information to bubble up from a deep level of your psyche. This might come from so deep you discover a new dimension of who you are. There is one thing you can do to facilitate this process: be honest with yourself about what you want. Do not pretend; do not deny. Be real with yourself. You will feel great.

Moonshine Horoscope for June 16, 2016, #1104 | by Len Wallick

Vindication can be yours. That’s true whether you are living through a time of trial or living the proverbial “life of Riley.” Either way, there are some open questions regarding both past choices and present viability. Perhaps paradoxically, the answers to those questions will not matter as much as how you answer them. It will not help your cause to be defensive. Indeed, it is essential for you to know there is nothing that needs defending. Neither will it do for you to conceal anything. As a matter of fact, being absolutely and convincingly transparent will be your best practice for now and the foreseeable future. Most importantly, you need to feel secure enough to understand that the true power of your present position lies in the certainty that you have earned distinctions that cannot be lost and achievements that can never, ever be taken away.

Monday Morning Horoscope for June 13, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Mars is near the end of its retrograde in your sign, which dates back to late April. This is putting you in contact with some deep feelings about yourself and your purpose in the world. The effect is mainly emotional. Please pay attention to what surfaces, and try not to panic if you find yourself doubting. You’re on the side of this event where doubt is most likely to surface, as is some frustration with the way things have been for so long. The purpose of that feeling is so that you can recognize and heal your doubt, rather than be silently ruled by it. The point of challenge for you is that among what comes to the surface are the deeper issues people tend to brush off using denial or avoidance. What you have now is a rare opportunity to access levels of healing that are not often so easily available. Work this to your advantage.

Monday Morning Horoscope for June 6, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

There’s a reason to avoid going deep into your feelings: you might learn something about yourself. It would be something you could no longer deny, and would therefore need to rearrange your life around. It looks like you can sense the potential for radical changes to your day-to-day activities, the way you structure your life and — most significantly — who you think you are. What may be making you nervous is that you don’t have any sense of who else you might be. But that’s like saying you don’t want to leave your room because you don’t know what you would find when you do. The whole point of discovering and admitting that you don’t really know who you are is so that you can enter the unknown with a sense of adventure. But you’re not really going far; you’ve been carrying a vast, unexplored world within you your whole life — and now it’s calling you.

Short Monthly Horoscope for June 2016, #1103 | By Eric Francis

Draw yourself out of your shell, and engage with the world around you. You may feel like you need to pull yourself inward and conserve your energy. Do that for a little while every day, or for a few days at a time. Yet, once you’ve focused inwardly for a while, test out what you’ve learned in social situations, creative projects and collaborations. Be bold and consider what you want for yourself in the long-term, such as imagining where you might be five years from now. You have a rare perspective to see clearly into the distance.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 30, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Mars, the official Scorpio planet, has returned to your sign, where it’ll stay for more than two months. The message: seek completion in yourself. Our culture has a concept that the only way we can become whole people is by finding some missing element in others. While others can be helpful, as a total plan it doesn’t usually work. Seeking self-esteem in relationships doesn’t get the desired result because relationships tend to be unstable and wrought with judgment. Seen this way, it’s clear that your relationship to yourself needs to be the most stable one in your life. That requires depth, and Mars retrograde in your sign will give you that if you’re willing to take the journey within. You might say this astrology describes questioning all of your assumptions about yourself. The trick is finding them. And the way to do that is, notice when you come up against a contradiction or inner conflict of some kind. That is where to pause and listen.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for June 2016, #1102 | By Eric Francis

Mars ends its long retrograde in your sign on June 29. If you’re asking yourself why your life has been so unusual, why so much emotional material has come up, and what exactly is the nature of the conflicts you’ve experienced, Mars retrograde can help illustrate the point. Several persistent matters are likely to keep vying for your attention. Those are the things to look at and listen to rather than complain about. There are two messages that are pouring through the astrology. One is the emphasis on being here now. By that I mean living in the present, rather than burning your energy obsessing over the past and the future. Note that the very purpose of focusing on anything other than the present is specifically to do just that: essentially, to evade your own life. The answer is found in the second message, which is to be honest about what you want. The whole matter of actual desire can have a way of up-ending social conventions, expectations and agreements, but the real ‘danger’ is that of actually living. I suggest you face that supposed danger; that you take the risk of actually living for what you want rather than for what is expected of you. To be fair, I must say this will have many unexpected results. There is a risk involved in movement and change, and an even greater risk in stagnation.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 23, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Self-esteem is based on another idea: self. It’s impossible to have one without the other. Yet one’s concept of self and the actual, underlying reality are often two different things. The story of your astrology is about penetrating through your notions and concepts of who you are and experiencing your actual inner existence. It may be necessary for you to betray – which really means to reveal – the people who taught you falsely about yourself. You are under no obligation to accept some other person’s untrue idea of who you are. This takes less courage than it may seem. Once you have made contact with your own essence, that has a way of becoming the dominant force in your psyche. Be bold about letting go of what is not true. Celebrate every time you discover an old self-deception you can rid yourself of. Feel the beauty of remembering who you truly are.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for May 19, 2016, #1101 | By Len Wallick

Peggy Noonan wrote that, “Part of courage is simple consistency.” True, consistency can have its shadow side just like anything else; stubbornness for its own sake would be one form. Yet consistency has its place and benefits, too. There is reason to think that your practicing at least one or two forms of consistency could very well contribute to the best possible outcomes for you and everybody you are associated with at this time. Foremost among those consistencies to consider undertaking is being kind to all. That, by the way, would necessarily include being kind to yourself. Another way you might want to practice consistency — more optional but, paradoxically, also more optimal — is by presenting the same face to every person you encounter. For only in that way can you consistently be, and feel like, your very own self.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 16, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Do your best to keep clear with others this week. Monitor your environment for information; listen to what people say, and remember what they say (especially any ‘off topic’ comments). Notice how one particular situation seems to be on the verge of taking a step, though don’t rush the process. Over the next week or so, you’re likely to make a discovery about someone close to you that provokes an even deeper discovery about yourself. You can afford to take your time with this, and to work without any specific goals for a while. You are in the process of diving into some deep spiritual waters, and you will thrive on the experience if you take the time to feel where you are, and notice what you’re experiencing inwardly, all the time. Water is the deep element. You don’t need to exert much force to move your body. In fact, the less, the better.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for May 19, 2016, #1101 | By Len Wallick

Peggy Noonan wrote that, “Part of courage is simple consistency.” True, consistency can have its shadow side just like anything else; stubbornness for its own sake would be one form. Yet consistency has its place and benefits, too. There is reason to think that your practicing at least one or two forms of consistency could very well contribute to the best possible outcomes for you and everybody you are associated with at this time. Foremost among those consistencies to consider undertaking is being kind to all. That, by the way, would necessarily include being kind to yourself. Another way you might want to practice consistency — more optional but, paradoxically, also more optimal — is by presenting the same face to every person you encounter. For only in that way can you consistently be, and feel like, your very own self.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 16, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Do your best to keep clear with others this week. Monitor your environment for information; listen to what people say, and remember what they say (especially any ‘off topic’ comments). Notice how one particular situation seems to be on the verge of taking a step, though don’t rush the process. Over the next week or so, you’re likely to make a discovery about someone close to you that provokes an even deeper discovery about yourself. You can afford to take your time with this, and to work without any specific goals for a while. You are in the process of diving into some deep spiritual waters, and you will thrive on the experience if you take the time to feel where you are, and notice what you’re experiencing inwardly, all the time. Water is the deep element. You don’t need to exert much force to move your body. In fact, the less, the better.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for May 12, 2016, #1100 | By Len Wallick

Odds are a lot of people wish they had at least one of your qualities. Therefore, be present to the good fortune of being you by not taking what you have for granted. Think of yourself as a well, which once dug still needs to be maintained. Be mindful of all the things you should (or shouldn’t) do to assure that you do not run dry, break down or somehow become bitter. This is about more than attending to your own good, because (whether you can see it or not) all that is good about you makes an important contribution towards maintaining an extended community. That community is defined and inspired by your very existence.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 9, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

There is extraordinary movement developing in your house of partnerships this week. This might influence your bonds with others on every level, be it personal, professional or in the many places they overlap. Something you either have deemed impossible or have not recognized the potential of is emerging as a distinct possibility. Yet in order to get the benefits as they are offered to you in the form of an opportunity for closeness, there’s something it would be helpful to hear. Your situation may be one of not wanting to hear, though it also could be that you don’t quite understand the language someone is speaking. You might lean in a little closer, or you might remember a certain idiosyncrasy you’ve noticed in yourself lately. It’s about how a particular thing is important to you, and you don’t know if anyone gets it but that doesn’t matter. Proceed from there and you’ll get it.

Moonshine Horoscope for May 5, 2016, #1099 | By Len Wallick

Your desire to protect those you love is actually quite adorable. That’s one of the things partners and friends find attractive about you. Even as adventurous as life with you can be, those sharing it with you can feel secure in the knowledge that you will have their back. There is a point, however, when your protective nature can add to the stress of those you love rather than actually shield them. For that reason, you may want to listen carefully to feedback from those you seek to care for. If they ask you to back off a bit, don’t be offended or feel useless. Just give your dear ones a chance to work through some of their own problems and even ask for help first, before rushing in with a premature rescue.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 2, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You may be wondering what relationship partners are up to, and why you might not be able to get your signals clear. Here is a clue: have the discussion in person. Skip all the electronica, the social media, the SMS messages, the emails and even the telephone. Get together in a quiet place (preferably private rather than public) and have a conversation. I suggest you begin the discussion with physical needs: have you both eaten recently, and what do you want to eat? Then, with food present, listen to one another. One additional clue I can offer is that any question you have for another person (whomever it might be) is the very thing that would be helpful to ask yourself. You might try a method that has proven to be useful in therapy: treat whomever you’re speaking to, and listening to, as yourself. Or, without changing anything, consider that how you treat them is how you treat yourself. When you look from that angle, what do you notice?

Short Monthly Horoscope for May 2016, #1098 | By Eric Francis

You may not feel you have much to offer, though I would propose that the opposite is true. Like many things in life, it’s worth testing logic the reverse of what the world asserts. Generosity will teach you how much you have. Try this and see. Clinging only amplifies the feeling of not having. But there is something else: if you spend money only on what you truly value, you will see the true value of money. Every time you buy something, ask yourself questions that would have made our grandparents proud: Do I really need this? Do I even want it?

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 25, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You might pause your persistent concern about finances, and focus on the people in your life. Money is important, though it matters far less than most people imagine. Dependable friends, health and emotional contact matter more — and are more challenging to attain and to maintain. If you invest your energy into loving and sharing with people you genuinely care about, you may notice that many other concerns either disappear or find their correct place in your life. One thing about friends is that some of them know more than you about the challenges you might be facing, and will be able to offer ideas and potential solutions you might never have thought of. Remember to do as much of this as you can in person and as close to home as possible. You will have more intimate conversations in private spaces than you will in public ones — plus the food and wine are better.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for May 2016, #1097 | By Eric Francis

A relationship seems to be changing shapes and sizes faster than you can keep up with it; this is an illusion. Beneath the top layer there is a solid foundation of consistency and stability. Yet you cannot deny that you need to take a fresh look at things, which could start with a few new ideas, and reviving a few old ones that have been left by the wayside. It will help to take a light-hearted approach and to remind yourself that if a relationship is not fun, then what is its real purpose? There’s another thing that might be coming up, which is what to do about attractions outside your primary relationship. These things happen to everyone, and they are real. You might face the question of whether to discuss them with a partner or love interest, or to keep them quiet. I think this conceals a deeper question: do you bring all of yourself, or just part of yourself, into your relationships? Do you experience yourself in sections or fragments, or do you experience yourself as one holistic entity? What you do attests to what you believe. It’s true that you may relate to different people different ways, though that’s a natural effect of when the energy fields of two unique beings meet. Give yourself space to be who you are at any moment.

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 18, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

There is money, and there are your values. Most people do not grasp the difference, or how important it is to live with any order or sanity in your life. Enormous emphasis is placed on the acquisition of money and material things, while relatively little emphasis is invested in sorting out what is important and why. It’s clear that you would benefit from organizing your finances more carefully. This includes having a savings plan and a more accurate accounting of your cash flow. As the great astrologer Shelley Ackerman once said to me, “money flows toward structure.” Yet on what basis will you arrange that structure? How will you decide what really matters? The basis of those ideas is called your values. They are the number one most important aspect of self-understanding that you need. Be clear about your values and you will be clear about everything.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for April 14, 2016, #1096 | By Len Wallick

The desire to have material things is not intrinsically bad in any way, shape or form. An object of beauty can be an authentic source of joy forever. Furthermore, useful items often serve to make you more effective in what, after all, is a material world. When all is said and done, however, your most precious possessions can reliably be said to be your physical health and peace of mind. For that reason, the extent to which your tangible personal property serves to make and keep you healthy and happy is the extent to which it is truly useful. Remember that, and you will be able to discern clearly between what things you own and what (if any) things in fact own you.

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 11, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You seem to be concerned about money, and would benefit from taking an approach on the structural level rather than the level of acquiring the stuff. By structural, I mean things like knowing your fixed expenses, considering how to best handle debt (such as whether to refinance) and having solid methods for tracking income and outcome (that is, the results you get). Yet there’s something deeper going on, which is a series of reminders that your methods of acquiring money must be in tune with your actual values — which is to say, what you actually hold true and dear. Current aspects leave you little room to say or do things you don’t believe in, only for pay. And you’re being guided solidly in the direction of accomplishing something you’ve long desired: connecting who you are with how you earn your money. “It’s just a job” is a thing of the past, especially your past.

Moonshine Horoscope for April 7, 2016 #1095 | By Len Wallick

Love your feelings. Give your emotional qualities a hug. This is no time to deny or discredit your passionate and intuitive nature. While there is a proper time and place to be solid and objective, it would not become you to pretend that’s all there is to you. Your gut and heart are as much a part of you as your head; it is almost as if you have a team within you to manage and coach. The trick is to embrace every member of the team and bring them all with you all the time, while also being able to choose which of your multiple assets is most appropriate to apply in any given situation. If you can simply do that, you will always be giving yourself a chance to win.

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 4, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You have reached a maximum point of expansion. Soon it will be time to draw your energy inward, which I think will come with a sense of relief. You seemed to be headed toward a limit that it would be helpful to stop well in advance of. If we take your story back approximately two years, do a review and consider what you’ve left unresolved (whether emotionally or in your commitments to others). If you’re focused and efficient, you can tie up the loose ends in about two or three months. In that time you’ll make some decisions and set some new priorities, and proceed with far greater confidence than you have right now. It’s likely that a financial reorganization will be part of this process. Look at every account carefully. There are places you can stop needless spending, and others where you can consolidate and refinance debts. Be thorough and get second opinions as you proceed.

Short Monthly Horoscope for April 2016, #1094 | By Eric Francis

Busy is not what you want to be — productive is. The difference between these two concepts is often overlooked. I would propose that, currently, the operative difference involves money — connecting ideas, time and effort to revenue. If you do this, you’ll teach yourself to be efficient. And when you’re done, the other kind of productivity is what feels good in a nourishing way — time spent with a loved one, or creating or imbibing art and music. Pretty much anything else would qualify as buzzing about. Keep a finger on the pulse of time. Feel the heartbeat of real vitality.

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 28, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You might think you need to make some important financial moves, and that is true. Much of the theme of 2016 for you is getting clear about your relationship to money. Remember, though, that money is an abstraction. It has no inherent value. It’s barely real, it’s a volatile form of energy, and way too much emphasis is placed on its supposed importance. The same astrology is reminding you to be true to who you are. Be true to your most deeply held values. You might feel uncertain about this, and it would be wise of you to consider your values as a question, riddle or mystery rather than something that’s set in stone. You are on an adventure of finding out what they are. I suggest you treat it that way, and honor the fact that you change as you grow, and different things become important to you. As Joni Mitchell said, “I’m not sure who I am but life is for learning.”

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for April, 2016, #1093 | By Eric Francis

Mars, the classical planet associated with Scorpio, stations retrograde later this month. This focuses questions of attachment, jealousy and, most notably, your relationship to money. Mars will retrograde into your sign, where it will spend all of June and July. So this is less about figuring out things, and more about gaining an understanding of who you are in relationship to those things. The bottom line seems to be about identifying what you actually need, and then learning how to say that out loud. On the deepest level this is an emotional question. We’re really talking about how you feel and how you relate to what you feel, and about a grouping of themes related to survival. It’s possible to play out all kinds of root-chakra dramas and burn up a lot of energy. It’s also possible to seek authentic understanding of your most basic requirements for living, make peace with them, and learn to speak in language that other people understand. Yet this requires the intent of being understood, and the willingness to receive. How do you get there? I would say that generosity would teach you plenty. Do you really need to hold on so tight? Learn to share what you feel and what you have, and soon enough it will seem normal — as will the feeling of being understood.

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 21, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

There is plenty going on in the world and in your world, and you can think of lots of reasons to worry. Yet sometimes that’s the very best time to focus on the pleasures of life. I don’t mean mindless diversion. I mean emphasizing what you love the very most; what you’re the most passionate about; the experiences that lead you to feel the most complete. This would qualify as a way of keeping things positive, but there is more than that. Times of instability and uncertainty can be converted into the most productive, the most creatively lavish, and those where you experience the greatest breakthroughs. You need to keep your energy flowing in a constructive and creative direction, and everyone around you will benefit from your doing so. Your personal growth projects are all about sticking to what is the most important to you, and I would propose that this qualifies.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for March 17, 2016 #1092 | By Len Wallick

If ever there were a time to show your cards, it is now. After all, life does not always (or even frequently) resemble a poker game. In fact, the present time has a potential to resemble another type of game for you — the type you played when you were a child, before you were compelled to compete. You probably remember that time prior to the perception of high stakes and risk, back when games were for the purpose of having fun. You almost certainly still know how to play that way. More to the point, there is a distinct possibility that at least some part of your life that is currently the object of your dedication and devotion can also become a joy. You need only to show your feelings and share your enthusiasm about it.

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 14, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

The Sun and many other planets moving through your fellow water sign Pisces are reminding you that this is one of the most creative moments in recent memory. Yet passion, an eye for beauty and a sense of what you might bring into being all depend on your being open to experience and flexible in your opinions. That may be easier said than done, though being motivated will help a lot. You have many new experiences enticing you to open up, relax and go with the flow of existence. To paraphrase Shakespeare, far more is possible than you ever dreamed of, and you are more creative than you ever imagined. To tap into all this potential, you merely need to get out of your own way, and be willing to take a few chances on yourself. The odds are stacked strongly in your favor.

Moonshine Horoscope for March 10, 2016 #1091 | By Len Wallick

Dedication and devotion are admirable traits. Odds are you have been demonstrating those qualities in how you live. As a matter of fact, your nose may have been so diligently applied to your version of a grindstone as to miss how something has shifted in your life as of late. Perhaps it was subtle; but if you think a bit, you should be able to pinpoint where and how something has recently changed. Once you are clear on what that change is, you may want to consider two additional things. First, this change is probably not permanent. Rather, it is a temporary opening of sorts. Next, the nature of this opening might well consist of a chance to get away from the grind for a while. If your lot lately has been all work and no play, take a break now while you still can.

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 7, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

This is an abundantly inspired and erotic moment for you, though it’s stretching all your boundaries, your limits and what you think of as your potential. Take the ride, and take it as far as you can. Whatever uneasy sense of risk you may be feeling will be replaced by a sense of quest and adventure, something you’ve often said you live for. The difference between the way you’ve lived until now and the way you can live beginning right now involves making flow and flexibility your most readily available modes. Where you feel stiff is the place to lean into. Where you feel frozen is what you want to melt. Existence is moved forward by the feeling of yes, and saying yes to yourself. The brainwashing of no, no, no has been pumped into our minds for decades now, but nothing of value was ever created that way.

Short Monthly Horoscope for March 2016, #1090 | By Eric Francis

This may turn out to be one of the most creative months of your life, opening the door to many new possibilities. The stars and planets are with you. You must bring the willingness to dare, and the childlike curiosity to experiment. If you do, you might find yourself exploring potentials that you have only dreamed of but never imagined could come true. To do this you will indeed need to think, feel and act in a way that’s different from many people around you. In the process, you’re likely to attract those who are right on your wavelength.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for March 2016, #1089 | By Eric Francis

We have all read that Scorpio is the most sexual sign. If there’s one thing that everyone knows about astrology, that would be it. What’s not known is how other signs arranged around the wheel facilitate this, the most significant being Pisces. Your creative zone — the do it for fun, get out the paints and the champagne, the cameras and the models, let’s get this art party going — is Pisces. This stokes your imagination, melts your tendency to be restrained, and gives you a place to get into the flow of life. And this whole region of your consciousness is not only calling you, it’s like the raging river on a glorious spring day inviting you to shoot the rapids. Here’s what I suggest. Rather than telling yourself how creative, or liberated, or experienced you are, approach life as a newcomer. You’re aware by now how much has changed around you, and how nearly every previous expectation you’ve encountered has melted, faded away or exploded. Approach your existence as a learner, always seeking permission to be a little more free. It’s true that you have to let go in order to do this, but you’re not dropping anything more than a shell you no longer need, and that never really protected you. Above all, I suggest you forget psychology and any any form of rationalizing, take a deep breath and give yourself permission to feel.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Feb. 22, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

The things you learn now matter; the discoveries you make at this time in your life count. You are in a special extended moment for doing deep work on yourself. Here’s what the astrology is describing: you are in a learning process that will reveal itself in layers. You may be experiencing things now that you don’t notice or don’t understand; you will then get a few chances to review these things. However, the more aware you are now, and the more you accept what is revealed to you (especially about yourself), the further you can take this journey as it evolves through the spring and into the summer. Do whatever works for you to be reflective, whether you prefer to write, go to therapy, develop your spiritual practice or spend time in places that put you in contact with your soul. You have a wealth of knowledge available to you if you do.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for Feb. 18, 2016, #1088 | By Len Wallick

Whether you know it or not, you currently enjoy a deep and intimate connection with the entire Universe. This bond you have with all that is has not come about by accident. You have been doing something (likely a lot of things) right for a long time. As a matter of fact, the only way you can break the cosmically energetic ties you have forged is by overreaction. For this reason, it is now important to be especially aware of what triggers might cause you to lose your temper and act rashly as result. With awareness and some practice, you can build on and strengthen your connections in the world, channeling whatever fires you up into something constructive. By doing so, you prove you are a master of the fire within that animates you, rather than the other way around.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Feb. 15, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Mars moving slowly through your sign is bestowing an unusual kind of confidence — the kind where you may feel as if you belong anywhere you go. This is some rare astrology, and I suggest you use it wisely. You have an agenda, you have goals and you have plans for self-improvement. The time is perfect for you to use what I would describe as unusual personal power to go past boundaries that have held you back in the past. This may involve penetrating your own psychology or emotional resistance, or working your way up in the world. Doors that were blocked in the past are now open, but you have to put your hand on the knob and turn it, to prove this to yourself. Others can be helpful, though you need to seek out their assistance in a respectful way.

Moonshine Horoscope for Feb. 11, 2016, #1087 | By Len Wallick

For the foreseeable future, consider exhibiting the functional upside of the fictional detective Sherlock Holmes. This does not necessarily mean you should be chasing down criminals or combating villainy. Leave that to the police. Neither does it entail exhibiting the eccentricities of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s famous character. Leave that to actors. Rather, you may find this to be a particularly advantageous time for you to first observe everything carefully and in detail, wherever you go and whatever you are doing. Don’t look for anything in particular at first. Simply be very aware and retain what you note. Then, detect. It is likely that everything you need to know at this time is hidden only by inattention.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Feb. 8, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You want the right thing to happen. Your charts look like you’re feeling protective of someone or something, and committed to a cause, whether it is deeply personal or a social issue. You can help make progress on this, though you will have to use your head. Let passion drive you, but keep your cool. Shift into strategy mode, which means first knowing what you want to happen. Then you need to understand where your real power lies, and break down the steps to your goal. If your scenario involves your family, or your partner’s family, you might question the proper level of your involvement. Are you best positioned to be the front-line warrior, or perhaps better in more of a consultant role? Remember that the appropriateness of your role is the thing that only you can properly assess.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for Feb. 4, 2016, #1086 | By Len Wallick

Life is too short to keep yours to yourself. That’s especially true now, when you are capable of being even more attractive than usual. To increase your allure, however, you will have to withdraw less and open up more. It will probably feel risky, but if you can widen your social circle while simultaneously being more expressive of your needs, the results could make you wonder why you ever even thought to hide yourself away. Believe it or not, there are others who would just love to express their attraction to you by offering to help you either find relief or attain gratification, if only they knew how. In other words, it will not be necessary to assert or demand when it comes to having your needs met; it will simply be a matter of putting yourself out there, both literally and metaphorically. The chance you now have to receive appreciation is an opportunity that few will ever know. All you have to do to get what you have coming is to pull away from your comfort zone and show up as you are.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Feb. 1, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Your astrology is reminding you to be kind. You can afford to be. You have so much going for you, and so many advantages, especially as compared to the sorry state of the world. Rise above any petty feelings or responses that you have, particularly to close partners, and allow yourself to expand. Pay particular attention if someone makes you angry. Once you acknowledge your anger, you will feel better, which means more inclined to express forgiveness and empathy. It just helps to go in that order: recognizing your actual response, and then guiding yourself to a more enlightened level. I also suggest taking any opportunity to stand up for someone who has been cast off, disadvantaged or left behind. The quest for social justice is strong in your charts now, and you will feel much better if you do something about it.

Short Monthly Horoscope for February 2016, #1085 | By Eric Francis

You don’t need to exert force; gentle persuasion will get the job done. Merely be clear what you want and what you’re willing to offer. Your own confidence and presenting yourself without a shade of hesitancy will entice others to see your viewpoint, and once they do that, they’ll see how sensible it is. Explaining yourself in writing will be particularly compelling.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 25, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You must be tactful with people, and do your best to speak their language. Whether this involves work or personal relationships, that means listening carefully, and understanding what their words mean, and doing your best to understand the feeling behind those words. This may take more patience and more time than you’re used to offering. It will be worth the investment. And it may go against your desire to get a result, right now. That’s really the last thing you want since, at the moment, so much is a work in progress, and you don’t have all the information you need. Plenty will come out over the next seven days, though you need to be listening, reading and reading between the lines. Then, carefully put the pieces together.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for February, 2016, #1084 | By Eric Francis

With Mars moving slowly through your sign right now, you’re unusually persuasive and are endowed with some serious, deep-down drive. This is, therefore, a great time for you to make some choices about what is actually right for you, because you have the energy to make any necessary adjustments. The whole theme of this year is threading the needle between your motives, your deepest values and your actions. There is no longer room for cognitive dissonance or neurosis. You simply must act in accord with who you are. Doing anything else is no longer an option. Astrology that develops from April through July is all about going deeper into those already-deep values and motives, but you are likely to discover what you already know. You can save yourself time by having confidence in your knowledge, without needing to relearn anything, whether it’s the hard way or the easy way. Time, as you know, is your most precious resource, and it keeps moving even when you sleep at night. I suggest you live as if you have an honest relationship with life’s many uncertainties, and its finite nature. This alone will be the thing that motivates you to make the changes you need to make, to say what you must say, and to do what you must do. The realer you get with yourself, the happier (and more productive) you will be.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 18, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Mars is now magnificently placed in your sign, which is like the stars saying you’re feeling what it means to be the real you. Yet that entity is a work in progress. It’s easy to get stuck in an image or concept of yourself, especially if it seems to offer you something safe. Right now, however, daring is the theme of your life. Deep desire is your birthright. You might say this is a rare moment when you claim possession of your destiny and make a decision that might have otherwise seemed impossible. You’re being invited to dream out loud to yourself, and to consider what you want no matter how impractical it may seem. Along the way, I suggest you devote yourself to solving one problem that’s larger than yourself, as a gift to the world.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope — Jan. 14, 2016, #1083 | By Len Wallick

Whether you call it “influence,” “juice” or “power,” chances are you either have access to or possession of a substantial amount of it for the foreseeable future. Therefore, if you are feeling impotent, hapless, helpless or hopeless right now, try on the idea that your subjective perceptions are somehow masking the reality of your leverage in the world. Consider the possibility that any crisis you are experiencing now is, at least in part, implicitly brought on by a lack of confidence in your own talents and skills. Not so long ago you had sound reasons to believe in yourself. Do your best to go there again. Those reasons are still valid, and you are, if anything, more vital now than ever.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 11, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Jealousy is one of those emotions that’s considered normal even if it’s obviously toxic. Maybe it’s normal, but that doesn’t make it helpful. Is it inevitable? I don’t think so. With Mars, the Scorpio planet, currently in your sign, you have a lot of energy, drive and passion — and better still, you have the conscious ability to decide what you want to do with it. It’s fair to say that you cannot control others, but you can be a profound and positive influence on their lives. So let your mantra be, “Let the right thing happen.” Meanwhile, the most important person you are influencing is yourself. You’re in a rare moment of clarity when you get to decide how you feel and what your feelings mean. I suggest you choose consciously.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope — Jan. 7, 2016, #1082 | By Len Wallick

Knowledge is not intrinsically a bad thing. Neither is power. Both, however, can be dangerous if you are not grown up enough to handle them. If there is anybody who has earned their qualifications to rise from ignorance and step into power, it is you — just as you are in this very moment. About now, you should be able to look back at whatever trials and tribulations you have been through for the last three years or so and recognize that there was a purpose to what happened and what you did with it. Step back a bit and look at your life with admiration rather than remorse, and you will see a precious and hard-won container of your own creation. That container will hold the knowledge you have gained and manifest all the power you need, but only after you resolve to become it, as it becomes you.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 4, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Mars, the Scorpio planet, has just entered your sign, giving you a surge of energy and confidence to use any way you want. You may be filled with an uncanny desire to address the many injustices of the world. I have a suggestion, which is to keep your work close to home, whether in your immediate community or working with people you already know. Use sources of influence other than money for now. You have many other resources at your disposal, particularly if you collaborate with those who share a common vision. There are a few people who believe that the world’s problems can be solved, and you are one who at least knows that they must be. As you’ll see, modest but devoted efforts go a long way.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for January 2016, #1081 | By Eric Francis

What will it take not to be trapped in your insecurities? You want something else. If you tap into that wanting, and cultivate it like a tree, that desire will grow up and bear fruit. The past two years of Saturn in your sign have brought many enforced changes. You’ve had to rise to occasions that otherwise might have held you down. You’ve been shaped and tempered, and you’ve done a lot of growing up. As a wise astrologer once wrote, Saturn always gives more than it takes away. Now Saturn has moved on to Sagittarius, and the emphasis is on your self-esteem. Were I bestowed with magical power to heal one thing on the planet for everyone, self-esteem would be that thing. Now you get to work on this. Do not take respecting yourself for granted. It’s easy enough for you to do, though now it seems like you’re being tested. You might feel like there’s not enough of you to go around, even for yourself. The planets in their courses are guiding you to experiment with this idea: the opposite of depression is expression. You are being squeezed; and from that pressure, you will discover many openings through which beautiful and seemingly new manifestations of yourself may emerge. When you feel the crush — or feel scarcity in any form — express, express, express. And in the process, you will gain a rare and beautiful kind of confidence.

Libra 2016

Moonshine Horoscope for Capricorn New Moon #1132 | By Len Wallick

Whether in the material world or with intangibles (such as knowledge), you can most often become wealthy in one of two ways. The first and most obvious way is to progress forward and accumulate through your own efforts. The second and subtler protocol is to behave and position yourself to attract what you want as though it were coming home to you on its own accord. It seems most probable for you at this time that you have gone for many a month winning more than losing whenever you take sufficient action. If that’s the case, when should you begin reactivating your capacity to allow for, and simply accept, good fortune? If things begin to get more frustrating than at any time in recent memory, don’t be discouraged. Rather, let it be your sign that a tide has turned. Then begin to brush up on locating and tuning into a flow of what will more often than not be abundance — at least for a while.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 26, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

It seems like you need some passion in your life. Currently most of the energy that would become some form of love or creative expression appears to be getting burned up by worry. Most of that, in turn, seems to surround family issues or shared living arrangements. You must look out for your own interests first, and not be distracted by others who want to hand you their problems. They may have done so in the past, and they may know how to push your buttons, though that doesn’t mean you have to go along for the ride. Anything involving your own children, if you have any, requires special handling. You probably consider them a direct extension of yourself, though be aware of the ways that can be used against you, and play a clean game. Back to my original point: you need passion, not distraction; you need love, not the kinds of political games people seem to be playing.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 19, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

The planets now emphasize family matters, yet you don’t have to get caught in the dramas of others. Where family is concerned, this can be difficult to discern. Someone can try to make their issues into yours, though that doesn’t make it so. You might take as proof the fact that your buttons can get pushed, or that people seem to have the power to upset you. This is the very thing you now have the opportunity to address. Consider that any family weirdness is like flakes of ancestral DNA bursting to life. People around you are living out facets of the past that are so distant in time, nobody actually remembers their origin. You have the option to see all of this for what it is, summon your maturity, and move on with your life. The controversy is that you’re betraying your family. Well, looked at that way, you have to betray either them or yourself. They’ll get over it.

Moonshine Horoscope for Gemini Full Moon #1130 | By Len Wallick

Desire and greed are not the same. On the whole (and in spite of what the fictional movie character Gordon Gekko famously insisted), greed almost never serves to support the greater good. Desire, on the other hand, is almost always among the greatest of good things. Without desire, you probably wouldn’t be alive. While you almost certainly are not one who conflates desire and avarice, you may still sometimes feel a bit guilty for wanting what you want. If ever there was a time to get past that guilt, it’s now. Since we are presently in the thick of what for many is a holiday season, you can begin by giving yourself the generous (yet inexpensive) gift of at least accepting your desires for what they are.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 12, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You’re starting to get a taste of what is possible. Your new life is much more exciting than it’s been many other times. You’re more independent, and you’re willing to stand up for that independence. It helps that others are in a similar place, needing their freedom as well. So if your relationships have not been ‘normal’ recently, there are good reasons why, and those reasons can work for you many ways. All the usual modes of relating seem to be changing rapidly. It’s possible to cling to the past, or to invent something that works for you. Clinging to the past won’t work so well these days; though considering what you actually want and need in your whole life, not just your partnerships, will work brilliantly. Start from scratch and consider what would make you happy — and be real about what freedom you would need to have that happen. The door is open.

Short Monthly Horoscope for December 2016, #1129 | By Eric Francis

What some call luck is on your side now, though use it wisely. Your main advantage is how much you know, though that only has a genuine worth if you put it to conscious use. Another edge you have is stability. This comes in handy when you’re among the brilliant but erratic types. You might try on the feeling of being a tad larger than everyone and everything around you. Adjust your sense of scale and imagine you’re a foot taller than you are. That doesn’t make you better, it just enhances your perspective and levels out the game.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 5, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You may find it challenging to say what you want to say. A few things may be happening, one of which is that you’re having some difficulty putting your message into words. You might feel it’s too large or encompassing to communicate accurately or meaningfully. Consider that you won’t ever get it ‘perfect’, and that you don’t need to. You mainly need to capture the spirit of what you feel and relay it as best you can. Then guide the conversation onward, even if it takes several days or a week to get there. You’re working your way through some layers, down toward something that resembles a core truth. Rather than being some concept or abstract idea, this is about you discovering who you are in the process of trying to describe who you are. Follow your feelings toward that core inner truth rather than your words. It’s true that words count, but not as much as what you’re feeling.

Moonshine Horoscope for Sagittarius New Moon #1128 | By Len Wallick

If you want to finish this year with flying colors, simply remember the immortal words of Navy Admiral and computing pioneer Grace Hopper: “The most dangerous phrase in the language is, ‘We’ve always done it this way.'” If anything is keeping you from being as amazing as Admiral Hopper was, it’s probably a cherished habit that can now safely be jettisoned.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 28, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You seem to be pushing loose from some lonely residue of your past. The longer story of your astrology, going back years, is about cultivating your emotional independence. Most people who know they want to possess this kind of self-containment never get there because one of the requisite steps is giving up what’s blocking you from doing so. And you will never want to release something that you feel is helping you, or that you cannot live without. Taking the first steps into the visceral level of that independence is almost always lonely. The old way of existing is dissolving while the new one has not grounded fully into your awareness. Yet you’re closer than you’ve ever been right now. Many seemingly separate circumstances of your life are conspiring to put you in a position where you must encounter yourself as the center of your existence. From that still point of the turning world, profound growth is possible.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope — December 2016, #1127 | By Eric Francis

There seems to be some complex family situation brewing in your chart, and you have the ability to entirely subvert this from becoming a drama. As you do that, you have an opportunity to shift your perspective on your family history and all the ways that it relates to both your past and your present. There seems to be a lot to unravel here. Yet I can tell you from much experience in therapy that sometimes the simplest observation can reveal the whole pattern, and once you see that for what it is, you can let go of it — if you choose. Here’s a story for you: Many years ago I was in therapy and brought in my father. I was frustrated that he did not seem to recognize who I was, but he was willing to come in. It was a form of Gestalt therapy (which gets right to the point). Joe, the therapist, had us stand face to face about half a step apart. He said, raise your hands and press them together. We stood there like that for a moment, and he said, on the count of three, push. One, two, three — and I went over backwards. My father had just pushed me over backwards. I caught my balance, though in that moment I understood the total dynamic of our relationship. I got it, just like that — and I was set free and never forgot.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 21, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

How would you live if you could be emotionally independent of your family, and of your history with them? This is so unusual as to seem impossible. Yet your growth process going back many years has been driving you in this one direction: into your own need to free yourself from your past, and in the process, develop genuine emotional independence. That means not letting your parents run your life, whether via Facebook or from “the other side.” In order to do this, you will need to face your own insecurities. You will need to see your past in context, realistically. You would have to recognize that the influences that shaped you then do not need to shape you now. And, knowing that, you would select influences that you consciously want to shape you now. Such a moment is upon you. Give yourself credit for how much you’ve accomplished, and get ready to take the next step.

Weekly Horoscope for Nov. 17, 2016, #1126 | By Amy Elliott

If your relationship world has experienced some upheaval, this week you might just begin to be on familiar ground once more. You seem to feel increasingly comfortable in your skin. You can exercise your natural gregariousness, and enjoy mixing with fellow humans, and still never waver in those values you hold most sacred. Recognizing all this about yourself provides the ammunition you need to reach the new heights for which you are aiming. Self-doubt is an illusion, and you easily have the power to prevent it from impeding your progress.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 14, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Insecurity is a drag. You don’t need to be ruled or even influenced by it. Yes, that may seem like a tall order, here in the land of the touchy, the shaky and those hanging by a thread over thin ice. The world is currently an uncertain place. I will let you in on two ancient secrets: one is, it always was uncertain. Two is, you don’t have to let your fears get in the way of anything, or stop you from doing anything, though that requires taking a risk. Here’s what that looks like: if you find yourself getting bogged down in any form of fear, worry or rumination, go into creative mode. Focus on the present, face toward the future and plot your way forward. Fear may seem like an affliction. Actually, it’s an attachment, or a kind of self-feeding addiction. Beyond everything you fear is an actual creative opportunity, though for that to be real, you must fully engage that idea — and you can.

Short Monthly Horoscope for November 2016, #1125 | By Eric Francis

You have many advantages going for you, and you may as well use them. Upcoming developments in your life will more than compensate for any struggles you’ve been through lately. If there is such a thing as luck, you have it on your side. Yet you need more than that. You must be the master of your own motivation, and take action based on what you know to be true. When you put your abundant knowledge and insight to work, you get solid results. You can trust what you’re feeling now, and what you feel inspired to do.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 7, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You have a wider safety buffer than you may think. It’s true that you like to err on the side of caution (that is one likely explanation for the somewhat-famous challenge Librans have making decisions). However, you don’t need to take the safe route all the time. You would be well served to consider the possible implications of what you choose, though sometimes you must spin the wheel. You must be especially cautious under the influence of alcohol or substances, though. Those can mess with your sense of appropriateness. So if you can, consider what you want in a few different states of mind. That of course is not always practical. Sometimes you have to spin the wheel and do something because it’s the thing to do in the moment. Sometimes it’s necessary to break conventions and taboos.

Moonshine Horoscope for Scorpio New Moon, #1124 | By Len Wallick

Whatever you initiated at the beginning of October is almost certainly not coming to a close for you now. It is more likely that you have reached a point where you either need to step up or step back as regards to seeing things through to a conclusion. Before you do so, be aware that the process of finishing what you started could take as much as a year, and could result in your being a changed person. In all likelihood that change would be for the better, resulting in at least some of the balance you have sought in your life. First, however, you must answer an important question: do you really, truly want to change? If the answer is yes, take charge. If the answer is no, delegate the responsibility for closure to assure the best outcome for all concerned.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 31, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

The theme of your life is finding your independence, and this is true from at least two directions: financial and emotional. It’s difficult to have one without the other, so you may as well consider them one goal. They are so intimately related that they are functionally one thing. It’s likely that your relationship to one or both parents is involved. As you understand and work toward establishing your financial sovereignty, emotional issues will come up. As emotional material comes up, you will discover that much of it is inherently financial. Said another way, your emotional clarity and strength are directly related to how you relate to money. This is the dinosaur in the room, and everyone knows it. Just listen for the actual reasons people give for staying in toxic situations, including putting up with their family. Be strong about this, and be clear: anyone who lacks financial power over you has no power at all.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for November 2016, #1123 | By Eric Francis

You must do something about any lingering inferiority complex that you have, or the present one that’s driving you nuts. First, let’s get one thing out of the way: the world is designed to make us all feel inferior and inadequate. All the advertising and politics and catty, competitive social interactions that seem inescapable: all are designed to erode your confidence in yourself, which then can become a permanent judgment. There are alternatives to inferiority. One is finding people you sincerely look up to, who serve as models. You assign them a ‘superior’ role and then aspire to their greatness. We live in tough times because we silently expect everyone who seems good and decent to be revealed as a fraud. Be careful about that thought form, and take a balanced view of people you hold as exemplars. Another is recognizing that we all have equal potential, and what we get out of life is a matter of what we invest. Let’s put it this way: there are some aspiring guitarists who hear Derek Trucks play and feel inferior and disheartened. Others hear him play and think, “I want to play that well. I know it’ll take practice.” Which of these do you choose? One last bit: take everyone as your teacher. The wise, the nutty, the young, the old, the dogs, the cats and the bunnies.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 24, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You seem to be grappling with self-esteem, but really it looks more like self-judgment. Address the second and the first will take care of itself. You will feel better if you depend less on external influences for reassurance. You don’t need people to tell you that you’re great, and you don’t need to be better than anyone; take a break comparing yourself to others and you’ll feel more centered. It matters not whether anyone is ‘better’ or ‘worse’ in any way; the mere gesture of comparison puts you at a disadvantage. When you enter that state of mind, you lose. You are your own exemplar; set the example for yourself. It’s possible to accept yourself for who you are, and consciously engage in learning and growth at the same time.

Weekly Horoscope for Oct. 20, 2016, #1122 | By Amy Elliott

You have permission from the cosmos to believe in yourself. In fact, you might even choose to foster such belief actively. If needs be, you could (for example) find a convenient mirror and compliment yourself to your face. Alternatively, you may have some idea of how to make life better for people in your community — whether by charitable work, activism or in other ways. If that’s something you would be happy doing, then by all means forge ahead. Your community loves you, and they are only waiting for an opportunity to show it.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 17, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You’re burning off some of your deepest insecurities. That’s a process that might make heat and smoke, meaning you might feel your fears in some raw form before you decide you don’t need them anymore. Therefore I suggest being prepared for some emotional intensity — which you would do best to be open about with people you share your living space with. If you’re going through something, tell them you are. This will serve as insurance against anyone taking anything personally when it’s not. You need some room to process your emotions. More than anything, in the grand scheme of things, you need room to feel what you feel. You need emotional independence. That’s good because by one reading, others are either ready to give you space, or you’re not interested in sharing too much space with them. You may learn a lot from people who grate on you a bit, and you’re entitled to take them in limited doses. In any event, you need a room of your own.

Moonshine Horoscope for Aries Full Moon, #1121 | By Len Wallick

If you are not already aware of somehow being something more than you used to be, try entertaining the notion now. Perhaps you have been freed of responsibilities that limited your options. Maybe it just took a while to find yourself. It could even be that hitching your wagon to something bigger than your own interests has functioned to enhance your potential. No matter what led you to this juncture into expansion, it’s most important that you not be afraid of living differently from before. Draw upon the courage that is surely within, pick just one thing you never thought you could do, and get started towards making your life as big as your heart has always been.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 10, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You’re experiencing some of the most vibrant, alive astrology in many, many moons. One thing I’ve noticed is that sometimes even the very best aspects can get mixed results. So I’m here to tell you what’s available: a whole world of possibilities is right within reach. You’re likely to be attracting interesting, exciting people. Let them shake your tree a little. You don’t need to be conservative or withholding — you have plenty to go around, and the more you share the more you’ll realize you have. As for what dark streaks might be coming through, the thing to watch for is jealousy in any form. It’s most likely to be sexual or emotional, and it’s the thing you want to address first — if you happen to be feeling it. Be generous with people by reminding them they are free to pursue their lives, their interests and their pleasure. Those who come to you as part of that quest are the people you want to share your time and space with.

Short Monthly Horoscope for October 2016, #1120 | By Eric Francis

Those born under your sign often avoid controversy and confrontation. Yet you might consider the value they have. You will thrive on a little friction and polarity. That does not mean hostility or any form of negative vibes. Rather, you need the kind of contact that allows you to assert who you are in a sportsman-like way. You can trust saying what’s not included in the script, and say things you were not planning to say, and listen to what others say that pushes your buttons a little. From this, you’ll get ideas you never would have dreamed of otherwise.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 3, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You’re approaching an important decision. It might seem like the decision is approaching you, though this is something you’ve been thinking about for a long time. Whatever it may involve, the key is to choose from a place of strength rather than one of weakness or lack. Once you commit to this, it will be easier than you think. Your main strength involves your resiliency. A lot has changed in the past month, and you’re working with newly accessible resources, ideas that are coming to fruition, and confidence that can only come from actual trials and tests. If you’ve made it this far, you have not just passed those tests; you’ve emerged into a new phase of your life. You are a bigger person than you once were, and it’s time to step into the new scale of your existence. Remember at all times: you actually have something to offer. You possess knowledge, understanding and a sense of potential that’s about to be realized.

Moonshine Horoscope for Libra New Moon, #1119 | By Len Wallick

There is no question that you have a great deal to look forward to during the next 12 months, no matter how things look to you now. For the time being, however, it would be best if you focus more on getting the smaller and more personal details of your life in order. That way, you will be less likely to feel scattered, off your tether or otherwise out of sorts when your experiences begin to make your world a bigger, broader place than it has recently seemed to be. Let there be no question: you are ready. Your life since this time last year has primed and prepared you to take in and retain everything you need to attain greater proficiency and step up to bigger aspirations. Just give yourself a chance to start slow. If you need it, take a nap. If you crave it, linger long in a warm, soothing bath.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 26, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

This week’s meeting of the Sun and Jupiter in your birth sign is nothing short of a glorious invitation to live, to live fully, and to live well. It’s also about your newfound ability to make solid and tangible what was, before this time, wispy and lacking form. You now have some firm, fertile soil to sink your roots into, and to grow tall in. You can think of Jupiter in your birth sign as an opportunity to redefine yourself — how you experience and perceive yourself, and how you want others to experience you. You can magnify the elements of your character that you want to emphasize: such as talents or skills, or things you might not feel you ordinarily have the privilege of expressing. Think of any aspect of yourself that you love but tend to hide. You might think of this as a giant coming-out party. It’s time!

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscopes for October 2016, #1118 | By Eric Francis

You must take the lead in your relationships. By this I mean take a strong hand in setting the agenda in both business and personal partnerships. If you don’t, you could be subjected to the wild swings that other people take you through. Another approach could be to take a step back and be detached. Yet you are way too involved, and your circumstances are too sensitive, for you simply to let go of your control or of your influence. The main thing you will need is a strong degree of self-leadership and self-guidance. This is the only factor that you can count on to help you navigate your environment when the intensity level goes up (which it will mid-month). Let’s put this into terms suited to Libra. You depend on balance, but you cannot depend on others to help keep you in balance. Only you can do that for yourself. It will be tempting to look to others for support when they may be your most dependable source of chaos. This posture may leave you feeling like you’re on your own or out in the cold, but it will work better than any form of toxic togetherness. You have a much deeper agenda: to cultivate and maintain your emotional independence. You’ve been working at this for a long time, and this is the perfect month to practice and learn.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 19, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

The Sun is about to join Jupiter in your birth sign, which will emphasize what an unusual time this is in your life. By unusual I mean beautiful, and with your potential making itself known to you. The thing with potential, though, is that you must consciously choose to make it into something, and then take action. Feeling what you might do, and how much you want to do it, is a good start; now comes the addition of intention and dedicated effort sustained over time. The time factor is one of the most significant issues of our era; the immediacy and instant gratification of our culture (mostly driven by digital consciousness) makes it difficult to think about anything coming to fruition in the long run, such as over the course of a year or so. This is an impossibly long span of time to consider for most people, though if you can focus that much energy and concentration, it will be just enough time to accomplish what you want to accomplish.

Pisces Full Moon Moonshine for Sept. 15, 2016, #1117 | By Len Wallick

It was not so long ago that your good faith was not always met in kind. As recently as five years ago, your good heart may have led you into confining commitments. Now, all of that is in the past. A whole new life is at hand. You can do your part to make the most of any doors now opening by closing a few of your own. Most of all, close the door on cynicism. Leave discouragements and pessimism behind. Plan on doing your best and receiving both support and encouragement in return. Have faith that what you believe in can, and will, come true. Know that your heroic efforts have not been wasted. Finally, open your heart and mind to receive the same gifts of love you’ve already given so well.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 12, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Jupiter enters your sign this week. Without carrying on too much, this is good news for you. Jupiter offers protection, and knowledge, and — in your sign — a sense of fairness. Yet the real gift is one of abundance. You can afford to offer yourself to life without hesitation. You can afford to love whomever you want to love. You are free to take creative risks. Jupiter in your sign is designed to awaken something subtle in you, which is seeing the love and wisdom of the cosmos reflected in anything you perceive as beautiful. Too often the ‘divinity’ factor is assigned to dogma or books about being a better person. There’s something better, though. Yours is the sign that sees the beauty in everything, and is especially adept at bringing beauty into the world. This can come in any form: from thoughtfully arranging the cheese and crackers, to decorating a room, writing a song or making a sculpture. Beauty is your religion. Who needs any other?

Short Monthly Horoscope for September 2016, #1116 | By Eric Francis

You are the gathering point, the focus of your community. Handle that role graciously and without pretense. Your task may be social and may be visible, though it’s humbler than it might seem. As a benefactor, your role is to help people. As a magnet for group energy, your role is to help people get to know one another, and to get along. Resist any temptation to be judgmental, and say less rather than more. You’re likely to be called upon to help resolve a conflict, and it will help if you’re perceived as being genuinely neutral.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 5, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Jupiter enters your birth sign this week, where it will remain for one year. More than anything, Jupiter is the planet of potential. It’s up to you to make that potential real. Jupiter grants its greatest rewards when we define a purpose and do the work, which usually means aspiring to a goal rather than hoping you’ll get there some day. One thing that Jupiter assures is that you’ll have the resources that you need to get the job done. One of those is talent; another is the ability to collaborate; another is the funding you will need. Yet another is your natural charm, which is a precious thing in the human world. Therefore, know your most important objectives and work toward them. Aspire to great things, and to modest ones as well, by taking action. You may have to consciously focus your mind; though when you do, you’ll discover an abundance of energy.

Virgo New Moon Moonshine for Sept. 1, 2016, #1115 | By Len Wallick

Infatuation is a word and a concept for you to be aware of during the next month or so. It’s distinctly possible that somebody will become infatuated with you in the next four weeks. It is somewhat less probable (but still within the realm of possibility) that you will come to be infatuated with someone else. Either way, you should also be aware that the skies above imply your appropriate response will be to exercise a balanced mix of authentic compassion and strong boundaries. Compassion is distinguished from empathy, sympathy and other similar feelings by not being judgmental. Contrary to common opinion, boundaries are best employed not to keep others out, but to keep you functioning at your best — which is to say, within your own limits. Infatuation is no small or shallow thing. It comes from deep within. Match that depth and all will be well.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 29, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

People are often mysteries to themselves, and you may be feeling some of this right now. Yet you don’t need to make sense to yourself. Who you are does not need to add up rationally. Rather, feel who you are, and let your intuition guide you from one discovery to the next. In time, and not so much time, a series of personal revelations will leave you with the feeling that who you are and what you’ve been doing have made sense all along. Until then, you truly can afford to trust this fact. What might confuse you is seeking answers and explanations in ways that are reasonable and logical by some exterior metric — such as you could ‘prove’ them to someone else. You don’t need to think that way. Hang loose, and give yourself a break from being linear. Let your life follow the logic of a dream. Be gentle reading the symbols. Stick close to how you feel rather than what you think something means.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for Sept. 2016, #1114 | By Eric Francis

The big news, of course, is that Jupiter is entering your sign this month. For reference, the most recent time that happened was way back in late September 2004, which leads me to a question: are you still facing the same old fears, or have you found your confidence? I suggest you not make any assumptions; really consider this one. Fear and confidence work in a ratio. The more confidence you have, the less you are inclined to worry about things that might trouble other people. Another theme is generosity. I’ve noticed something grim in the 12 years since Jupiter was last in Libra, which is that being sincerely helpful has grown ever-less fashionable — or worse, it makes less and less sense to many people. The ethos of taking, of getting what you can, of taking advantage, seems to seep through a lot of rhetoric about integrity. You have something to gain by being generous, which is peace of mind. I would propose that you have a need to live knowing that you’re doing everything that you can do for everyone you can do it for. To do this, you must go beyond what you think your capacity is. You must stretch a little, and that is what Jupiter does. You will have many opportunities this year to set small things right — and some big ones, too.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 22, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

For Libra, this is International Get Along With Your Neighbors Week. By that I mean your literal neighbors and housemates, and your sibs and cousins in all their forms, genetically real and metaphorical. There’s tension in this angle of your chart right now, and you’re the one who has the power to guide things to a higher plane of reality. You don’t need drama, and you know that nobody else does, either. You cannot control others, and you have only limited influence over them. What you can do is respond with kindness and concern, which is the missing piece in the world right now. Yet where care and gestures of love exist, it’s best to proceed without attachment. You won’t always get a positive response, though it will help if you continue to respond positively, or just step back until the dust settles. In a sense, what you’re learning is your independence; love must stand on its own, rather than get mired in need and complexity. This is considered impossible for most people, though not for you.

Full Moon Moonshine Horoscope for Aug. 18, 2016, #1113 | By Len Wallick

Even if you could use a break, consider making it an entertaining (or better yet, a stimulating) respite. Whether you can see it or not, the future is about to open for you like a flower. At the very least, consider doing something that will expose you to new patterns of thinking, if not new patterns of living and relating. Don’t let the season of the year or the season of your life restrict you from either traveling or somehow resuming your education later in the year. For the next few months, however, focus on freeing your mind from previous assumptions so that (when the time comes) your body will be ready to follow.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 15, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Most arguments are a waste of time, and this will be especially true this week. I suggest you do that Libra thing and figure out how to sidestep conflict, or turn it into something productive. It’s true that you feel important principles are at stake, but are they really? And do principles really matter? Given the astrology, I would say that part of what you’re doing is re-evaluating your position on matters of deep personal importance that have little involvement with the lives of others. You must make up your mind about what works for you, and you can be more flexible with yourself. If you find yourself feeling certain about something, you might inquire whether that’s not a cover story for feeling utterly clueless. Knowing that you don’t know is a far better option than thinking you know and being wrong. And if someone has an opinion and is right, concede the point quickly and move on.

Weekly Horoscope for Aug. 11, 2016, #1112 | By Amy Elliott

You can safely continue your preparations to emerge from the shadows and burst upon society, like the glorious being you are. There may be some who would like to keep you hidden, but by now you have a pretty good idea how to circumvent that. Your charm speaks for itself. Lay plans for the next few years, in well-ordered steps that you can follow easily; be determined to achieve your goals. Above all, maintain faith in yourself and practice self-kindness. You have good reason.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 8, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You have some interesting people around you, who may be shocking you into a new level of awareness. You might not like their style, or you might be happy that they’re them and you’re you. But the message is that you’re free to be more assertive in your environment. You don’t need to be so retreating or understated. You don’t need to hide your point of view. If you’re looking for yourself, or trying to figure out who you are, step out into the world and give things a push. See how people respond to you, by getting them to respond. The thought of this may make you bristle, though it’s better to have creative experiments rather than actual conflicts — and those seem to be your current options. There’s a level of self-development where you must pull in and maintain your silence. A little of that will help you now, but just a little. Mostly, you need to let your freak flag fly.

Short Monthly Horoscope for August 2016, #1111 | By Eric Francis

If you have something to say, you can be certain there are people who want to listen. If you need help, you can be sure there are people who want to collaborate with you. That’s good, because at this point it would be wise of you to seek and accept support, rather than trying to go it alone. Ask others how they perceive things, even if you see them clearly. Then, listen carefully. This is not about advice; it’s about gaining perspective. You will discover things you never imagined possible, and see potentials you would have missed otherwise.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 1, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Your social charms remain at a near peak level, and you’re likely to find yourself not just out among people but having fun doing so. You might not claim to like being the focus of attention, though these weeks are an exception. You’re probably the most entertaining person in the room, so you may as well enjoy that fact. I don’t mean dancing on the table, but rather something subtler that you offer. It’s as if you’re transmitting on two levels — the physical level and empathy. People want to be around you because of something they feel from you, something that you offer them. You might think of it as a healing gift or a reassuring quality that you offer with your presence. Given that, you don’t really need to say or do much.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for August 2016, #1110 | By Eric Francis

Jupiter will soon be arriving in your sign; that happens on Sept. 9, for the first time in 12 years. Until then, you may feel like you’re stuffed with potential but are having a difficult time expressing any of it. You might be feeling a bit trapped within yourself. I suggest you hold that space as consciously as you can. Feel all that energy you have inside of you. You’re under no special obligation to sort it all out. Let the elements you contain mix and match as they please for now, and see what ideas come to you. I do suggest that you leave yourself at least one creative vent. It might be writing every day, or drawing, or taking pictures, or playing music — though it will help abundantly if it’s an active vent rather than a passive one (i.e., participating rather than observing). You’re not doing this for any special goal, or you don’t have to. Rather, it’s about staying limber and expressive, and keeping contact with your inner world. To this end, keeping a dream journal for the next two months could provide a resource that you treasure for a lifetime, because that’s the most likely way that you will get a sense of your own potential. Notice, feel and observe the way that your sense of self comes in and out of focus. Then keep noticing.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 25, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You’re a natural born charmer, though you’re verging on devastating at the moment. It’s a good thing that you’re generous and have an aversion to being the center of attention. Use those traits well and many doors will open for you. In any event, you can proceed with complete confidence in any social situation, and be an illumination source for those around you. Most people are far less comfortable in social situations than you are. That’s why so much alcohol is used as a social lubricant. It’s a poor substitute for confidence, too, because it makes people sloppy and clouds their judgment. Yet one person in the room who feels good about themselves, and at ease with who they are, can relax the entire place. That would be you at the moment. Be the person who introduces people around, and who smooths over that bit when people don’t remember someone’s name. Along the way, I reckon you’ll have no shortage of candidates for dates.

Weekly Horoscope for July 21, 2016, #1109 | By Amy Elliott

Sometimes it’s necessary to ground yourself before undertaking any new project. This is by no means a bad thing. Inspiration can be as much a product of the everyday as of the unusual. This week, count the blessings you already have, and allow yourself the freedom to enjoy them. If you are able, spend some time with your social group; preferably in person rather than on Facebook. There is an unequaled pleasure in a real face-to-face conversation. Not only will this nourish you emotionally; you are likely to be all the readier when Jupiter arrives in September to rock your world.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 18, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

For the next few weeks you may be the flavor of the month, so have fun and make friends. Do whatever you can to feel like you were just given a million dollars; step out into society and shine. The astrology you’re under favors both business and pleasure, in such a way that the whole is more than the sum of the parts. In other words, one will facilitate the other. Therefore, be bold about who you are and what you do. By bold, I mean friendly and outgoing. Introduce yourself to anyone you want. Walk up to them, say hello and extend your hand. They will feel good meeting you, and were probably already curious about you. Then just let the conversation roll. The key to your success is to go out, be visible, and converse with people about real things that actually interest you. Trust your charm and beauty.

Full Moon Moonshine Horoscope for July 14, 2016, #1108 | By Len Wallick

If it’s not broke, don’t fix it. That’s especially the case regarding where you reside. If your home environment and cohabitants (if any) are providing what you need from them, consider how any itch to make changes may very well have to do with something else, somewhere else. Therefore, don’t be rash. Find the source of your rash first instead. If the origin of any discomfort in your life does indeed prove to be outside of your home, you can avoid potentially making things worse by not taking it home with you. Rather, protect your private sanctuary by taking any negotiations for relief to where it will do the most good. That way, what’s already good will be more likely to stay that way.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 11, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Keep your focus on advancing your professional life. You might have to dodge a few social engagements or opportunities to have fun, though this will be less of an issue if you’re a bit disciplined. The thing about your best work and highest achievements is that they are mostly likely to happen in an environment you like. In selecting goals, you might include as your highest priority the physical place you work, how you feel there, and the overall vibe of the project or organization. You need beauty. You need to be around nourishing people. And you need a true devotion to service, which gives you energy rather than depletes your reserves. That happens when you’re doing something that’s truly creative; you tap that wellspring. You might be tired at the end of the day, but you’ll feel good about what you’ve done.

Short Monthly Horoscope for July 2016, #1107 | by Eric Francis

This is a moment of bold achievement for you, though remember that your real goal is to take care of people. Whatever you do, and whatever you aspire to, consider how important that value is to you. More than being about graciousness, you recognize this as central to your philosophy of existence. It will help considerably if you surround yourself with others who share this approach to life. You can also do some teaching, both in words and by example. You may not recognize how well respected you are, so keep in mind that what you say and what you do are powerful examples to others.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 4, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Be confident of what you want to accomplish and go for it. You can skip over any concerns you might have about doing good or helping others. Those factors seem to be included in your intentions no matter what you do. They are the basis of your plan rather than an add-on. Anything you do that leads to genuine success will be about providing support and some kind of caring to the world. It’s as if your concept of profession inherently stems from the idea that humanity is a family. Yet even a household is a serious business, and you must take that approach. Be clear about your plans and have some idea how you intend to get where you want to be. Make sure you work with a budget; that is, a basic business plan with elements of where revenue comes from and where resources go. Money is one resource to track carefully, though also count the personal gifts you bring to the table, such as emotional energy and time.

New Moon Moonshine Horoscope for June 30, 2016, #1106 | by Len Wallick

Stopping to think may seem like a luxury for you right now. Nonetheless, if you can spare yourself even one day away from your busy schedule to do nothing but think in a leisurely and unstructured manner, you will almost certainly be able to address at least one necessity: catching up with yourself. Think of it as going out on a date with somebody you haven’t seen for a while. Start with an unhurried cup of coffee or tea at some quiet, intimate place. Follow your refreshment up with a slow, rambling walk in a park or pleasant neighborhood. Then seek some distraction, such as offered by a movie or museum. Finally, see yourself home safely, and go to bed early enough to dream long and well about that special person you just got to know again.

Monday Morning Horoscope for June 27, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Aspects around profession, reputation and aspiration are so strong right now, you could make a smashing success of anything. Yet you might feel like this on the outside but less so inwardly. The point of resistance seems to be questioning whether your ideas are good enough. Usually you’re optimistic about your plans and your sense of purpose. If there is a current question, it seems to be lingering around the matter of, “Is this really me?” or, said another way, “Is this how I want to express myself?” On any long-term project or new phase of your life, it helps to keep in mind that there is not always a perfect fit in the early stages. Give yourself the benefit of the doubt. Assume that you’re doing the right thing for yourself (and, it would also seem, your community or surroundings). Then give yourself some time, perhaps a few seasons, to work out the subtle points.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for July 2016, #1105 | by Eric Francis

For most people this is the time of year to take it easier. For you right now, it’s the time to accomplish great things. Do your best not to be distracted by the social fashion of the season, but rather put it to good use when you do get involved. You need less recreation than you think; in the language of your chart, what you need is the satisfaction of creative achievement. Your soul is calling out for the kind of fulfillment that can only come from doing something of genuine significance, in your own opinion. You cannot fake this, because when you invest yourself in your work, you do it with your body and your soul. And that, I believe, is the thing that will give you both emotional nourishment and an opportunity to mature in the ways that you want to grow, particularly as a person of influence. Remember that your sense of contact must flow all the way through from your inspiration or drive into what you create, and how it influences people. The sign that occupies your house of career is the one usually associated with feeding people, with rearing children, and with taking care of a family. That particular sign is Cancer, and right now you have enough to feed many hungry mouths, or hungry souls. Rise to your purpose.

Monday Morning Horoscope for June 20, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You’re working with some extraordinary mojo when it comes to meeting your highest goals and objectives. In other words, this is the week — and indeed the month — not only to dress for success, but to look for every opportunity to make your way in the world. Your planets are especially well-favored for two things. One is a take-charge attitude that also includes building your reputation. The other is working with people who are higher on the food chain or ladder of success than you are. The key to both is a gentle, friendly and creative approach rather than an ambitious or aggressive one. By all means know what you want and develop your plan for getting there, but remember that success is always about how you work with others. And that spirit of collaboration is where you are shining bright. Remember that for a Libra, doing quality work means taking care of people, and it means doing everything beautifully.

Moonshine Horoscope for June 16, 2016, #1104 | by Len Wallick

Think of your life up to now as having been a period of preparation to stake out your place in the world, and you will have an appropriate mindset to deal with both your inner and outer environments. What you lack is not knowledge. You have learned much. Neither are you likely to be wanting for skill. Just being alive at this time means you have, at the very least, successfully completed an apprenticeship of sorts. All that you have taken into yourself is now ready to come back out with a style and flavor uniquely your own. The question you now face is finding the place where what you have to offer will be valued sufficiently to support both personal mastery and public acceptance. That place could be where you already are. If you can bring yourself to at least look elsewhere, however, the odds are you will be very glad you did by this time next year.

Monday Morning Horoscope for June 13, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You must feed what you want, and withdraw energy from what you don’t want. What you feed will grow; what you withhold nourishment from will gradually disappear. I don’t mean ignore, though; remaining aware is essential. Therefore be clear about what you consider to be positive and what you consider to be detrimental, and respond to each appropriately. Just because you might be driven by an idea or infatuated by a person does not make it wholesome for you. If you hear the little voice that says, ‘This isn’t healthy’, you would be wise to respond to it. If you’re attracted to some experience and you think it might be ‘scary’, ask yourself what you’re really scared of and determine whether that is realistic. Often this thing we call scary is a cover for what is most important to you, what is actually real, what is urgent and what may change your life.

Monday Morning Horoscope for June 6, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

What limits do you suspect are wrapped around your potential? Said another way, do you decide what is possible today based on what you accomplished previously? That would be a mistake, because the definition of an accomplishment is doing something you’ve never done before. That’s the whole point. So you need a better basis for assessing what you’re capable of than the past. This would take you out of your proverbial comfort zone, though you might ask yourself how comfortable it really is in there. Or, you might ask: Does self-doubt make me feel good? And if so, why? Anyway, you can go beyond that, though you would need to tap into some long-forgotten resource or talent. There is something you know perfectly well how to do, and it holds a key to your ability and willingness to do so much else. Remember, this comes from you, not from someone else.

Short Monthly Horoscope for June 2016, #1103 | By Eric Francis

Imagine that your life is the perfect blend of logic and dancing. There is logic to dance, though it’s different from that of chemistry. It begins with feeling the music and then allowing yourself to be moved. Rather than worry about how you look, stay with the music and keep flowing. This is the story of your professional life right now. There is a goal calling you, something you need to accomplish. You will get there through flexibility, elegance and sharing your beauty rather than concealing it. Keep your heart open as you aspire to great things. That alone can change the world.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 30, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Your mind is in big adventure mode. All these planets in Gemini (there are several currently, including the Sun, your ruling planet Venus and a fantastic asteroid called Vesta) have you thinking toward the future. You seem to be allowing yourself to consider much wider possibilities than you might otherwise. There are, however, so many of them — so many options — and many are truly appealing. One thing I suggest you watch carefully is any split between what you want to do and what you think you should do. Given that choice, I suggest you lean toward what you want rather than what you ‘think is right’. In the best scenario, what you want is what you think is right, and by ‘want’ I mean with passion and gusto. While I cannot suggest what you want (by topic), it is likely to be the option where you feel like you’ll shine the brightest. Trust that it’s possible.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for June 2016, #1102 | By Eric Francis

Success for you is a matter of caring, of devotion and of beauty. Our culture has long been driving a notion of success as competition and greed. This is not in your DNA, and you would be ill-advised ever to act as if it is: to take part in practices that are, in effect, destroying society. You know that you must take another path, something that respects the inherently familial nature of humanity. This month, particularly toward solstice, your sense of caring increases exponentially, partially in response to what looks like the tail-end of an extended self-esteem crisis. Here is the catch: caring in the style of family can breed resentment. You might feel like you have no choice. That, in turn, can come with a wildly varying cycle of devotion. It may seem inescapable, though it’s one of the essential disciplines of your life to stabilize your caring for others, which is a direct extension of your caring for yourself. If you feel resentment, consider resolving that one of the deepest healing projects of your life. This month you will get a chance to feel how beautiful it is to devote yourself fully, to see its effects in the world and to feel the benefits in your own life. Your success is not about you or the wider world separately, but rather the sensitive place where the two intersect.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 23, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Spirituality is organic, if you love and respect life. Apart from that, there’s nothing to teach, or to learn. This basic honoring of existence is now opening up for you in a new way. All you need to do is make room for it – and to recognize opposing influences that might get you to do otherwise. Our culture may finally be coming out of a long phase where selfishness was revered as the highest virtue. In a world that depends on nothing more or less than cooperation, that cannot possibly be true. I suggest you question everything you hear, and ask yourself whether it’s coming from a place that is respectful of life and human worth. You might apply the same question to your own thoughts and ideas, and guide yourself in the direction of faith and trust. I recognize that not everyone around you is on board with this, but you will still provide an important example to those who care.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for May 19, 2016, #1101 | By Len Wallick

For every little thing you figure out how to do better — even the seemingly insignificant — the result will improve the quality of your life. Therefore, pursue perfection, but not as an end in itself. After all, perfection is only an ideal. The purpose of ideals is to serve as a guide, not as a master. For that reason you should be careful not to become a slave to the unattainable. Making yourself and everything you do more and more excellent should be a process. You will know you are engaging with that process successfully if you get a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment from even the most mundane tasks. That sense will, in turn, bring you joy. By any measure, enjoying yourself more is an indication that the quality of your life has indeed improved.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 16, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You might not appreciate the fact that you’re in the role of teacher, guide or the person holding the rudder of your relationships. Yet this is a more meaningful role than you may imagine. While you may find it irksome that you cannot quite get a handle on ‘normal’, you’re certainly gaining experience with eccentric and interesting. Yet if you agree to do your part and hold space open for whatever is strange or unpredictable, you are doing something else, which is fostering a revolution. You have needed a real change in your relationships for a while, which happens to be the same change the world is either eagerly wanting, or avoiding with all its might. Consider yourself a midwife who is helping others birth new ideas about who they are. You can learn a lot about yourself along the way, though your gift of holding space open for the progress of others will be a precious gift in their lives in the coming days and weeks.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for May 12, 2016, #1100 | By Len Wallick

So far as you are able to do so, it would be worth your while to invest in your community. Your contributions need not be extravagant, monetary or even tangible. What will count most is the quality of what you give and the degree to which your devotions serve to develop bonds with your neighbors. For that reason, offer your services through existing cooperative efforts, at least at first. What’s more, part of what looks to be your personal environment of endeavor at this time implies that you should be something more than just an agent of change and service. Also, be open to being changed, so long as it is for the better.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 9, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You may find yourself able to reach an unusual agreement with a close partner — something that has no resemblance to what is normally thought of as compromise, but rather a whole new kind of double-win situation. You have always known this was possible; for you, mutually beneficial agreements are on the level of a biological instinct. It’s just that humans (at times, yourself included) can have an uncompromising approach to life. Yet now it’s as if what was previously unmovable and inflexible has reached a melting point. You will be amazed how little needs to change on the mental level for so much to change on every other level. Nobody is asking for a lot. Everyone involved seems capable of offering, and even willing to offer, far more. Yet embracing the notion of symbiosis — a biological relationship where two different entities thrive on one another’s presence — will lend itself to much happiness. The keys: listen, and be open.

Moonshine Horoscope for May 5, 2016, #1099 | By Len Wallick

If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. That’s especially true for you now. More specifically, it’s an important (if somewhat earthy) maxim to follow regarding relationships where income and property are co-mingled. The potential for you and your partner (or partners) to share both unprecedented prosperity and blissful harmony is probably much better than it might look for you right now. Give any urge to tinker a rest and allow your mutual venture to develop, so long as it is doing well and that is well enough. While it is never advisable to count your chicks before they hatch, it’s not a good idea to count them out, either. Unless you begin to actually lose financial ground or equal influence, put pie in the sky on the back burner until at least November.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 2, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

How much effort must you exert to get what you need? Do you find that people respond to you, or do you constantly have to push them? Before you can find a meeting place between your needs and those of someone close to you, it would help if you find your own center first. That means understanding yourself well enough to make a few clear, simple statements about which you do not feel guilty. You seem to be under the influence of someone with whom you’re not sure you see eye to eye. You can get to a clear meeting, though understanding yourself is the first step. I recognize how complicated this self-understanding thing is. But it doesn’t need to be that way. If you run into some internal contradiction, consider the two sides of the equation. How exactly did you end up with two values or desires that conflict? Where did you get the idea that you can have one of them, or neither, but not both? You did not make that one up on your own.

Short Monthly Horoscope for May 2016, #1098 | By Eric Francis

Now is the time to have your relationship review conversation. Set aside expectations and come from a place of how much you value someone you care about. Commitment is one thing, but honoring someone’s presence in your life, as demonstrated with genuine appreciation, is what you’re looking for. Some topics may require a conversation that extends over a few weeks. Be patient and work your way to the heart of the matter. Any subject involving money needs to be handled in a genuinely ethical way. Toss out gender roles — everyone must do their bit.

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 25, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You may have the feeling of others not making sense to you all of a sudden — even people who made perfect sense yesterday. But who is actually changing their perspective? It would seem that you are asking some deep questions, going places philosophically where your friends and cousins rarely go. This is a sign of your advancing maturity. You are someone who cares about real ideas, to an extent that can leave other people bewildered. You probably wonder why they don’t care as much as you do; why they don’t read the books that you do, or ask the questions you do. I suggest you keep reading and keep asking; and when you have the chance, ask out loud and see who joins the conversation. You are developing a rare or even unique aspect of your intelligence, which is your ability to see through false ideas and notice the ones that have relevance. You can have plenty of fun doing this, and fill a notebook you will treasure for a lifetime.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for May 2016, #1097 | By Eric Francis

You can negotiate a better deal, though flexibility is a must. So, too, is a kind of optimism that you may not be feeling up to these days, though believe me when I tell you there is gold in them there hills. And not just gold: there is a potential meeting of the minds, on matters of real substance. Yet you must keep a positive frame of mind, and not allow frustration to get the best of you. Find reasons to rise above it; seek the ways to get hold of your mind and put your energy to work for you. You have plenty, if only you would tap into it creatively and constructively. If you find yourself blocked, look for workarounds. Slow your thoughts down; break complex tasks into steps; pause and ask yourself why you’re doing something. Most of all, use time as an ally rather than as an enemy. If you schedule things at a pace you can handle, and really ask yourself what has to be done by when, you will find your efforts easier to manage. But there is no substitute for understanding what you want, and what others want, and identifying the common ground between you. Those shared values are the basis of any real agreement, and you have plenty in common with key people in your life. They can easily be turned to mutual profit.

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 18, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You’re entitled to change your mind, even if you felt passionately about something that you now admit was wrong. Sometimes it seems as if the more energy you invest into an idea, the more likely it is to be wrong, or not to serve your best interests. If you feel yourself pushing something hard, that’s a sign to pause and reflect. It might help going forward to be less attached to what you believe. You’re not being indecisive if you take a more questioning approach to your philosophy of life. As the next month or so progresses, you’ll begin to connect with the emotional drive beneath your thoughts. This will help you make more sense to yourself. You might say the goal of this season in your life is to connect your beliefs to some underlying emotional reality, and then you can decide with more clarity whether they really serve you.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for April 14, 2016, #1096 | By Len Wallick

Family matters would appear to be an appropriate subject for you to reflect on at this time. Specifically, it would seem that your personal relationship with actual family members or the subject of family in general is ripe for review. If you elect to embark upon such an evaluation, it would probably be best to begin consulting with at least one other person outside of family for the purpose of conducting a thorough self-examination. One possible (and worthy) objective of such a consultation would be to discern any differences between your perceptions of family on the inside and realities on the outside. Don’t be surprised if the ultimate result is a much better relationship with yourself.

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 11, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

People in your life are presenting you with a powerful reflection. It’s almost a magnifying mirror, where you can see your tendencies enlarged before your eyes. This will give you the option to choose what you want and what you don’t want. While you’re doing that, I suggest you go gently on yourself. It’s good to do that anyway, but remember that you’re in a kind of echo chamber, where things seem much louder and more vivid to you than they do to the people around you. As you look, listen and feel, you will begin to find new points of contact with your intimate partners. The key here is new — a conversation that has never happened before, a desire that you’ve never expressed and want to experiment with, or something that you want to offer to someone because you care about them. One excellent result of self-discovery is the ability to share yourself.

Moonshine Horoscope for April 7, 2016 #1095 | By Len Wallick

While climbing a tree, it’s usually a good idea to stay close to the trunk where the footholds are strong and there is nearly always a way to pull yourself up further. Going out on a limb is usually understood to be the equivalent of taking a risk. You know from your own experience that the safest, surest way works best most of the time. Even so, there are times when a carefully calculated risk is your best bet. Look around and consider whether now might be one of those times to branch off. In order to evaluate whether that’s true for you, ask yourself two questions. First, is the metaphorical trunk solid or rotted at the core? Next, will the symbolic limb ultimately take you to somewhere besides thin air?

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 4, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Be mindful of negativity in your environment, and make the conscious choice not to take it on. From birth, you’re someone who does what healers call ‘somaticize’ — that is, you can easily transpose emotions to physical experiences and body ailments. However, this is working with greater emphasis in the current extended phase of your life, so you must be especially mindful at this time. Tune into every environment before you dive in, just like you would size up a lake before diving in head-first. Before you eat anything, ask yourself if this is really what you want or need. If you can take care of yourself this way, you’ll turn your exceptional sensitivity into a productive, creative force. Your greatest strength right now is not your time or your labor, it’s your ideas. You can see things that nobody else can perceive. This includes problems and it includes brilliantly creative solutions. Though others will want their say, be sure to trust yourself first.

Short Monthly Horoscope for April 2016, #1094 | By Eric Francis

Relationships are rarely predictable, much as we want them to be. In fact, they often seem to defy expectations. The wise learn to work with this unpredictability factor rather than fight it. With the world as erratic as it currently is, the thing we want is stability. I would propose that you’ll find that quality the most abundant in people who have the ability to change. That and one other thing: the ability to trust the flow of events as best you can, inspired by others who do. The point of agreement that you share with another person is solid, and it’s real.

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 28, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

If you put something in writing, you can say anything and not worry about the effects. That’s because you have the power to revise and edit. I suggest you put a 24-hour delay between what you want to express to someone and the moment you push the ‘send’ button. This will allow you to get in touch with your feelings; in particular, your anger. The thing to remember is that your anger belongs to you. If you have a grievance with someone, it’s preferable that you take ownership of your feelings. There is more to this picture than meets the eye, and it will take some thought and reflection to figure out just what that is. It will, however, be worth your effort, because as I read your charts there is a gift beneath all the layers — understanding something surprising about what you want, and why you want it.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for April, 2016, #1093 | By Eric Francis

Instead of wishing that life was not so confrontational, you might consider rising to the occasion. This will be easier than you think, especially if you consider that you’re paying for the same team as most of the people around you. Rather than invoking an ‘us and them’ kind of response, you might consider everyone ‘us’ and see how that works. What might seem strange is how self-focused people around you are, up to the point where many ordinary aspects of life can seem competitive. One reason people choose to play this kind of game is because it’s more fun, or seems so. Who really wants to play softball if one team doesn’t get to win? Yet few people understand the nature of cooperative games. I would propose that the most significant game going on in your environment (mental and physical) is about figuring out who you are, and understanding your identity, without the need to resort to any form of aggressive confrontation. You would be the likely person in your environment to offer that idea through your example. Some people may understand this one if you offer it in theory, though figuring out and demonstrating what Germaine Greer called “the trick of cooperation” will work a lot better. Note that this would involve cooperating even with people you don’t like; but that’s the whole point, isn’t it?

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 21, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You may seem subject to many forces beyond your control. Yet life is rarely about control, and much more often about influence — and of that you have plenty. Remember this, should you find yourself in an edgy state of mind, or fretting over some perceived uncertainty. In any situation, ask yourself where you have some role to play, or somewhere you might interject an idea. Closer to the point, remember that the power of decision is your most important freedom in this world. You will feel better if you give yourself more choices, particularly where you saw only one before. The way you do that is by pausing, looking at the situation and asking yourself clearly, “what are my options here?” Then start listing things off, beginning with “do nothing,” and including every other possibility from the most sensible to the most outrageous. From among that selection you will see some clearly viable possibilities.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for March 17, 2016 #1092 | By Len Wallick

Let the Sun shine in, in every sense of the word. Welcome and receive day and light in every form. If it would cause no danger or damage, try keeping window shades open until sunset. Provided it would do you no harm, keep your sunglasses in their case more often. Smile, to improve the chances of being smiled at. Most of all, be open to both consciously perceiving and gratefully receiving all that even your most trying relationships have to offer. Each being in your life, from the most loved to the most challenging, is part of a whole that makes you greater just by their being there. Allow yourself to revel in the presence of every living connection.

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 14, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

I would remind you yet again that your physical health and your emotional health are one and the same. Remember this for all your days, but especially remember it now. The feelings you feel have direct effects on your physical state of being. To get a handle on your physical health, you must begin with your emotional health — and that is now more tangible and accessible than it’s ever been. The main thing to address is resentment. If you’re holding onto past grievances, you might try letting them go and moving on. That’s where you will find the justice you seek; that is the only true correction. You might also ask yourself in earnest if you are doing the work that you really want to be doing. Your attitude toward not just your daily activity but also your work environment is one of the most important ingredients that factor into your emotional wellbeing.

Moonshine Horoscope for March 10, 2016 #1091 | By Len Wallick

Sometimes getting along with others means going along with them. That’s not easy when going along doesn’t sit well with your conscience. In order to best rise to such a challenge, it’s necessary to both envision a middle way and believe that it can be found. This middle way would allow you to honor your conscience while also maintaining a social life. The path between one extreme (of abandoning yourself to others) and another extreme (of abandoning others for the sake of yourself) begins with your own conduct. It means behaving as you would like others to behave, while also remaining in society with them. In that way, others can see and (hopefully) learn from your example. Setting an example can be lonely at first, but so long as you trust that others also have a conscience, you won’t be lonely for long.

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 7, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Your chart is the picture of where mind meets body. This is one way to understand your sensitivity, and it will help you access your deepest gifts. When you feel something, or think something, your body responds, and it can be profound. When you take care of your body and your environment, and when you make sure that you’re feeling good, your life changes dependably and you’re at your best. Now is the time to work this with relationships. The next couple of weeks present an opportunity to clear negativity from your life, take steps to feel better, and as a result, step into a lavishly productive and creative time. Cleaning your living and working space counts for double right now. Stretching out, drinking water and eating good food count for triple. Indulging art in any form gets quadruple life-improvement credit. Feeling good is a habit, and it’s calling you now.

Short Monthly Horoscope for March 2016, #1090 | By Eric Francis

Focus on your ideas and you will figure out how powerful they are. Speak, write, share, argue and otherwise articulate what you’ve been thinking. If you discover something isn’t true, change your mind and go deeper. You may spend the next six months revising and reconsidering what you’re thinking, which would be the perfect activity for your current astrology. Above all else, know and trust that you have something to say — something valuable that others will feel was worth hearing. Amidst the confusion of the world, you are a clear light.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for March 2016, #1089 | By Eric Francis

Put your health and wellbeing first, and all else will flow from there. There are, to be sure, times a person’s gotta do what they gotta do — such as when duty calls. But this is theoretical if you lack the power to respond fully, and that is what I suggest you preserve and cultivate. You are sensitive right now; your emotions and the health of your body are more closely linked than ever. It’s for this reason that I suggest you tend to the needs of your body — for nourishment, water, rest and, most of all, pleasure. You have a lot to do; the environment in which you must perform has many variables, some of which have not manifested yet. Yet you can rise not just to the occasion of your circumstances but also to the occasion of your purpose. You are closer now to that purpose than you’ve been in a long time, despite the sensation that it’s difficult to grasp. The purpose of all your creativity is to develop your own original existence. Categories like art, work, personal, business, home, office, artist, craftsman and many others are blurred in your life to the point of being meaningless. You get to explore all of these things and develop them in ways that suit the purposes that you decide are valid. You are creator and created; be bold and loving as you may.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Feb. 22, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

It’s time to have fun. You probably don’t need an astrologer to tell you that, but I am telling you — the time is right. But not just any fun: the exact, specific kind of celebration you want. Whether it’s going to the movies or making a movie; going to an art exhibit or getting out your paints and canvases; going to a rock concert or tuning up your guitar; or reading a romantic novel or having a romantic tryst — go for it. The feeling you’re looking for is a little like cutting out of school to go to the beach. Trade in some responsibility that doesn’t really need your full attention now for something really excellent that you will love. Your solar chart suggests you might want to do this with a few close friends, but if you go solo you’re likely to make new friends wherever you go.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for Feb. 18, 2016, #1088 | By Len Wallick

Before yielding to impatience and impulsiveness by making big changes in your life, give small adjustments a chance first. It could very well be that a little tweak here and a small toggle there will get the results you want, without the unintended consequences that often come with a huge shakeup. You have lived long enough to know that a sense of proportion is important. You have sufficient experience with life to have acquired some perspective. Therefore, trust your hard-earned wisdom and give moderation a chance to succeed. If it turns out that only big changes will do, the option to make them will almost certainly remain available should smaller and less disruptive actions not succeed in making your life what you want it to be.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Feb. 15, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

If your attention has been dominated by emotional or family matters, it’s time to start having more fun. It would seem that, going back to the beginning of the year, you’ve been encountering complexities that you wanted to get beyond but which seemed to be holding you back. Now you’re being set free to experience many other facets of life. To use this freedom, you need to make two decisions — one is either to get out the door, or to be among your people, or to pick up creative projects that you’ve been distracted from. The other is to leave behind the emotional states associated with solving complex problems. Your experience influences how you feel, though it also works the other way. Gently let those old attachments go, especially any lingering affinity for struggle or emotional confusion.

Moonshine Horoscope for Feb. 11, 2016, #1087 | By Len Wallick

There is a difference between gambling and managing risk. No matter how much skill is involved, gambling still leaves things mostly to chance. The essence of risk management, on the other hand, is to leave as little as possible to chance. Gambling is ultimately recreational, and one should only invest what one can be resigned and willing to lose. By comparison, risk management is occupational, with a realistic and achievable intent to realize gain. Indications are that you should eschew gambling for the time being and manage risk instead. You have a gift for finding a way to gain where others only see a potential for loss. For you, the time to begin employing that gift has come.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Feb. 8, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You may have family, partnership or joint financial concerns on your mind, but now is the time to celebrate. You can set all that other stuff aside for a while, and consider the most positive facets of your life. It’s time to explore and to build and to open up some new territory in your creative and social facets of life. The way this will feel is like freedom, like potential opening up, like some inner horizon of who you want to create yourself to be. Regarding partnership, I would offer this: relationships need jobs, a purpose outside the ‘you and me’ theme. They also call for leadership. These two things — purpose and leadership — can help you refresh a relationship, and take some steps on a new phase of your journey. Apply this idea to new partnerships and you’ve got some special potential available.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for Feb. 4, 2016, #1086 | By Len Wallick

How long has it been since you have had some real fun? Not distraction. Not disruption either, but actual delight? More to the point, how long has it been since you have been perceived by others as fun to live, work or hang out with? If your answer to those questions is, “too long,” now would be a good time to begin thinking about how to make life more fun for both yourself and those you know and care about. You will not have to spend a lot of money to restore levity to life. Instead, spend time understanding what fun means to others. Start off by taking the time to share a smile with everybody. That will open some doors and even possibly some hearts. Then, devote additional time toward encouraging others (who show they are willing) to share their enthusiasms with you. Finally, set aside sufficient time to pursue enough of those shared enthusiasms to find newly common ground in the unlikely cauldron of sheer frivolity. Fun is better when offered rather than taken, and best when exchanged as a common value.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Feb. 1, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You have no need to conceal what you’re feeling, as much as it’s your tendency to do so. Rather, I suggest you put words to all the movement and sorting out that you’re going through. Certainly maintain an active dialog with yourself, whether it’s in your diary or some other expressive outlet. Yet you will benefit greatly from choosing one or two people you feel confident with, and letting them know what’s moving and shaking within you. Sometimes talking about things disperses the energy, and sometimes it helps you discover what is real, what is meaningful, what is the most important to you. Your charts describe all forms of expression as having the power to lift your mood, to give you more room to move around and to take a weight off of your chest. Speak freely and be free.

Short Monthly Horoscope for February 2016, #1085 | By Eric Francis

You will make some excellent decisions about money this month, especially if you stop and consider exactly what you’re planning. The sign of a workable choice is that it solves several problems at once and doesn’t create any new ones. So use that analysis for every option and it will soon be obvious what’s the right thing to do.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 25, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Don’t take family quarrels or emotional conflict too seriously. Give yourself some distance rather than getting dragged into the discussion. Your role is to recognize what belongs to others, and to act as if that is true. Yet you’re also in a position to provide what I would call a loving presence. You don’t need to mediate, or help settle the matter, or take sides. You will be at your best if you are able to hold space for a conversation to happen. Before long, any confusion will resolve itself, leading to a genuine moment of peace and harmony. In support of that, it would be helpful if you remain on friendly terms with everyone. You don’t have to take sides, though you do need to be aware of how you feel.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for February, 2016, #1084 | By Eric Francis

You’ve been through many seasons of changes that seemed beyond your control. This has, many times, left you wondering the degree to which you’re really safe, living here on our strange old planet. Yet your solar chart is describing a scenario where you feel right at home, not merely despite all the intensity but thanks to it. Said another way, you’re learning to feel safe in the midst of nearly constant change and adaptation, and if you have not felt that way so far, you can take a big step this month. We could say as an understatement that the Libra charts have been intense, particularly starting in 2012. But really, the story of your life is the story of the world. It’s just that you’re getting it in a particularly focused way. Lest you feel tempted to believe that your life is especially challenging, consider the possibility that you’re particularly gifted at adapting to such a rapidly changing environment. This puts you in a position of leadership, because you’re accustomed to territory that people are just getting used to. Yet you have an added benefit: discovering some unusual source of nourishment in the midst of this all. You’re likely to be in a position to affirm that deep personal investigation, going through changes and, most of all, standing on your own foundation, are actually worth the fuss.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 18, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Love is spiritual. In fact, it’s the only thing that is. You may be figuring out that love is freedom. This is one of those facts that everyone knows and just about everyone forgets. It’s now up to you to remember. Here’s how you know you’re actually going in that direction: you will feel some anxiety or guilt. That’s the trip wire that’s supposed to snare you. Now that you know it’s there, step gently over it and keep going. You can be free with others, though the most important gesture you can make is being liberated within yourself. That means feeling what you want, writing what you want, going where you want to go and believing what you want to believe. Practice doing that and you’ll steadily build your confidence.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope — Jan. 14, 2016, #1083 | By Len Wallick

As you know so well, balance is rarely conferred as a matter of course. Rather, equilibrium is usually attained. You also know that some degree of oscillation on either side of balance is not only something to be expected, but something to be desired. It is the rigid and unyielding that will ultimately fatigue and break. Being supple and adaptive, on the other hand, allows for correction and recovery even if it does not always maintain an even keel. In the case of your own personal conduct, however, you might want to refrain from bending rules set by your own conscience. There may someday be a time when situational ethics is appropriate for you, but that time is almost certainly not the present.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 11, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

The choice you face is not between saying too much or too little; rather, it’s about admitting you’re a person with feelings and authentic concerns. Society puts immense pressure on people not to feel too much. Detached and nonchalant are considered cool, but that does not translate to warm-blooded human. If you ask honestly why you tend to doubt yourself, you will likely come up with an answer that helps you resolve the question. Currently, your self-esteem seems to be invested in a relationship. Like many, you might feel that your value comes from someone else expressing their care for you. Yet your true worth comes from a much deeper place, and it does not involve any other person in the world.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope — Jan. 7, 2016, #1082 | By Len Wallick

Enough with humility for the time being. If you have not conducted yourself to the satisfaction of others, you also know that very few are worthy of judging you. If you do not consider yourself at least the equal of anybody else, ask yourself what it would take to feel that way. If the answer is that you have to be something other than what you are, take that as a sign that you are selling yourself short. Nobody is perfect, and nobody should burden themselves with trying to be perfect. If you are going to take on any aspirations at this time, let them be of your own creation. Your sociable side may want to be ‘where it’s at’, but your soul will be more content if you focus on finding out where you are at and placing yourself there. Granted, being true to yourself may not be easy at first, but eventually it will be right.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 4, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You’ll be far better off using persuasion rather than force, no matter how strongly you may feel about something. More to the point, you’ll also benefit from being real with yourself about your need for independence, both emotional and financial. Here’s a radical idea: you don’t need permission from others to be who you are. That translates to not explaining yourself, asking advice or revealing your plans, until you are completely confident in your chosen course of action. The famous Libra quality of indecision is really a consequence of allowing yourself to be influenced by the desires of others. It’s high time that you run your life, and they run their lives. If you feel any guilt about this, lay it where it belongs: in the fireplace.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for January 2016, #1081 | By Eric Francis

We hear the word ‘security’ a lot these days. If you were some observer not directly associated with our society, you might think it was a product sold by the pound — we spend this much, we feel this good. Yet authentic security is nothing of the kind. You know this because for a number of years, you’ve experienced what seems like every possible challenge to your grounding and stability. Libra is famous for its love of balance. You have been living in an earthquake zone. But what you’ve learned from living there is that ultimately it is your own choice to feel secure. No amount of lawyers, guns, money or shoes can change that. Often the people of the most impressive means are the ones who feel the most threatened by little changes. You are becoming accustomed to feeling secure in the midst of huge changes. For all your life you’ve wanted to stand on your own feet. You’ve wanted to take responsibility for your own decisions, and reap the benefits. And you’ve wanted to serve the world around you in the way that works for you. That is what you are finally getting to do. And now, as this story develops, you’re being called upon to rise to a new level of challenge, and of talent, with a mix of Libra’s two best qualities — elegant finesse and gritty determination.

Virgo 2016

Moonshine Horoscope for Capricorn New Moon #1132 | By Len Wallick

It seems very possible that you are now doing a better job of pleasing yourself than at any time in recent memory. If that’s true for you, by all means stay on your roll. On the other hand, it’s possible you have been so involved with pleasing others as to neglect your own desires. In that case, now would be a good time to firmly and succinctly request adjustments from those who owe you some reciprocation for what you have done on their behalf. The best way to enlist the support of those you are requesting accommodations from is to make it clear that the happier you are, the more happy you can make them. While such a rationale may not at first convince either the reflexively critical or the habitually possessive, you should not have to be insistent forever. When you show others a return on the investment of participating in your liberation, everybody involved will ultimately get their needs met better than ever before.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 26, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Art usually happens by accident. The same holds true for most inventions and breakthroughs of thought. Of course, you do your bit. You show up in your studio or at your workbench every day that you can. You work on solving the problems that you think you understand, as best you can. You can practice music the way that you always have. Then, remember that the most likely place to make a real discovery or to come up with something original is when you make a mistake of some kind. It might violate the rules or your expectations, but it’s different, and it’s unusual. In this way, the usual process of being disciplined is the setup, and then the thing that goes wrong, or differently, or in some unexpected way, is the result. Therefore, don’t be afraid to be unorthodox, or to stretch and bend and blend colors, notes and ideas. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. They can have brilliant results.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 19, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You’re approaching a point of total honesty. You might feel you can go even closer, which is true. For now, though, you’ve revealed enough, and you will benefit from a deep review of what you’ve said, what you’ve heard, and how you feel about it all. With Mercury stationing retrograde today, you might take these next three weeks to consider your current developments. At the heart of the question is your sexual truth. You now understand that you are who you are. It’s not so much that you ‘cannot change’, but rather that you don’t want to. You seem to have gotten the hint that there’s great pleasure in actually being who you are. And there’s little point being anyone else, unless you feel like wasting years of your life trying. It’s true that others have the choice of whether to accept you or not. And like you, you can bet that they’re committed to being who they are as well.

Moonshine Horoscope for Gemini Full Moon #1130 | By Len Wallick

In one of his more famous songs, Kris Kristofferson famously averred that freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose. That may have been true for him then. In all probability it is not true for you now. Indeed, it would appear that an enhanced sense of being at liberty would only bring you gain at this time. Of course, a lot of the outcome will depend on what (or who) you elect to free yourself from, and how you choose to do it. Your first and wisest choice would almost certainly be to liberate yourself from impatience. Unless you are forced to sever a bond for the sake of your (or somebody else’s) safety or wellbeing, it’s probably a good idea to be wary of impulsive or hasty actions when it comes to declaring your independence.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 12, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Here in the age of extreme sports, exhibitionism and energy drinks, most people are caught in their own self-restraint. It’s as if the answer to everything interesting, unusual or challenging is automatically no. What’s that about? Well, engaging with new experiences, and new people, changes a person. That bit about not knowing what to expect is the moment where you open yourself up to your potential. And that’s the moment you’re now in. You seem to be luring yourself into responding to your own curiosity or desire. You seem to have something unusually intense on your mind, which feels like burning and craving. Often it’s easy to subvert those feelings, such as by denying them or delaying responding until the opportunity passes. Whatever option is now open seems way too good to pass up. And why would you? That’s a real question.

Short Monthly Horoscope for December 2016, #1129 | By Eric Francis

You’re likely to be feeling more confident about money now that Jupiter has entered your house of wealth and resources. However, you would be wise to avoid firming up business plans or major commitments until the New Year. There’s too much shifting to have a clear sense of where people stand. You need time to read the fine print and have a handle on what is expected of you before making any promises, or decisions that you cannot reverse. Get the specifics and make sure people demonstrate that they can keep a promise before making any promises to them.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 5, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You have an opportunity to have one of those delicious conversations wherein you bare all and discover who you are in the process. In the midst of such an experience, the inner game is: don’t hold back. Go toward what you might be reluctant to say; rather than running from what might be embarrassing, try going toward it. The deeper truths and the greater pleasures are concealed right behind that veil. There is unusual satisfaction in standing in your truth. I don’t mean the truth of being right, but rather that of being who you are; of owning what you feel. Those close to you will either respond in kind, or they will be frightened. On the long journey to personhood, you will be dealing with those two options fairly regularly. You are, in truth, doing people a service by opening up and being real, as this is a powerful example to set. But don’t do it for them — do it for yourself.

Moonshine Horoscope for Sagittarius New Moon #1128 | By Len Wallick

If your abode is not where your heart currently is, think on how that came about. If, on the other hand, being in your place of residence makes you feel whole and complete, remember what you did to make it so. In one sense or another, you will probably want to retrace your steps home soon. Start with conscious intent now and you will avoid getting lost.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 28, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Continue to tread consciously and carefully in your relationships. There are many layers to what is going on. What is happening on the surface is merely an invitation to look deeper, including into the dark corners. You will need to penetrate through the layers of confusion and deception to get to the real material. Over the next eight weeks, this will invariably lead you into family constellations that set up the current scenario of your life. Be mindful that no one discovery will explain everything. Along the way, though, there will be many revelations, each of which takes you to a deeper place. You will need to keep an open mind, and not cling to any one discovery as a ’cause’. To do this, it will help if you have a circumspect point of view: keep your senses moving, and alert, and pay as much attention to the background as you do to the figures in the foreground. Here’s one last clue: you will learn much from studying the relationships of your ancestors, from your parents back at least three generations.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope — December 2016, #1127 | By Eric Francis

When you are honest with yourself, the feeling is akin to tapping into a hot well of your own strength. If you swim down into yourself in the direction from which the heat is flowing, you can make many discoveries about yourself. They are all part of the same thing. Your chart right now looks like the rocks have cracked open at the bottom of your personal ocean, and light and heat and love are flowing out into your emotional body. You can trust this process, even though it might be frightening at times. That part passes, and you will be left with the deep feeling of being whole within yourself. Your astrology suggests that you’ve been experimenting in this territory for years. Yet a new factor has entered the equation. This, you might say, is an ability to hold space for yourself, as you go through your self-discovery. Your holding open of inner space has many effects. One of them is to wipe out your tendency to be lied to, or to get confused by the self-deception of others. The current of your personal, visceral truth is more potent than any deception or misunderstanding, anywhere. Another is to point you on a trajectory into yourself. You are gradually aligning with an opening that you’ve been seeking for a long time. In that unusual space, all self-judgment releases itself into love.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 21, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You’re still susceptible to the manipulation and self-deception of others. There are people who would have you forget their past, or your own. There are people who would lure you into believing that there have been no consequences to their actions. You tend to fall for this because it seems easier than enduring your own self-criticism. With your tendency to service and healing, you might also think you can help people like this, though history tells us otherwise. You have options. There are people you can relate to who exist outside of your comfort zone. You will recognize them by their adherence to their own ethics. You will see a certain mirror in them, perhaps cast in a different light, but still, what seems like a true reflection. Yet to even notice their existence requires a change in perspective. Your life and your relationships would need to be devoted to learning something new about yourself, and choosing people in your life who are devoted to showing you how beautiful you are. That, and you must be willing to see.

Weekly Horoscope for Nov. 17, 2016, #1126 | By Amy Elliott

If you are feeling somewhat buffeted by recent events, you may be tempted to retreat into yourself, and to shut out the less kind aspects of reality. Try to resist if you can. You’ve made considerable progress developing your self-esteem and solidifying your identity; although at times you may be prone to forget just how far you’ve come, a conscious effort to keep your journey in mind should help. The person you are becoming is fertile with imaginative energy. Keep growing. You don’t necessarily need lots of impetus; just persistence.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 14, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You’ll get a look at a reflection over the next few days. Look gently and know that you can change what you see. Most of what you’re seeing is, in a sense, your own personal history. Yet it’ll be easy to think it’s something else. So, when you encounter a situation that you find challenging, perplexing or painful, ask yourself some questions. One might be: how would this conversation sound if I expressed my real needs? Ask yourself of whom and what the scenario reminds you. You have an opportunity in your hands to uncover, identify and reveal something that you have long wanted to heal. It’s about how your family background colors or taints your intimate relationships. Healing is possible anytime, though sometimes there is an alignment of circumstances with awareness; and this allows you to go deep and make some real progress resolving something — if you make the connections and use what you know. Step one is stop blaming people who are in your life now and recognize they are actors on the stage.

Short Monthly Horoscope for November 2016, #1125 | By Eric Francis

You’ll feel better if you let your feelings out, rather than bottle them up. Recent months have come with one inner revelation after the next, and you’re learning to take a positive approach to who you are. You’re not the sum total of your self-critiques. You are, rather, someone on a mission, with many skills and talents, who must be willing to make mistakes to get anything done. Therefore, count any errors as a sign of progress. You can and must put everything to work for you, and be bold about asking for any help you need.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 7, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You are walking a fine line emotionally. You’ve been holding back and holding fast for a long time; now you’re feeling the inclination to cut loose. So far you’ve been able to manage that, but you might not be able to contain yourself. Therefore I suggest you plan a safe space to let yourself blow off some steam: emotional, creative, sexual, spiritual — it’s all the same, and you want it all. Your astrology is urging you not to judge yourself. One of the great quests of this time in your life is setting yourself free from the expectations of your parents, whether you consider them negative or positive. Most of the time these expectations are internalized: they have an origin somewhere else but they exist inside you. You are your own person with your own desires, living in your own time and place. Make room for that fact of your life.

Moonshine Horoscope for Scorpio New Moon, #1124 | By Len Wallick

Don’t be frustrated if others seem shortsighted. Be kind. Not everybody can see as far as you do right now. Also, be humble. Your foresight could very well be paired along with an inability to detect what’s directly under or in front of your nose. As a matter of fact, now might be a good time to team up with somebody who can gently show you what you are missing, even as you carefully reveal to them what is coming. Ideally, this teammate would be somebody you have known for a long time, and with whom you have already developed strong bonds. If somebody who fits that description comes to mind, consider starting a conversation that begins with you pointing out that two heads are better than one.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 31, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You may have recently made some observations about a person you live with, and you would be wise to act on them rather than put things off for a few more seasons, months or years. This really is a matter of confidence. If you trusted yourself, what would you do? That’s not only a question in this situation — it’s the theme of your life right now and for the foreseeable future. When you trust yourself you have access to your resources. When you don’t, the first thing to ask yourself is where your faith in yourself went, where you left it behind, or to whom you handed it over (any feelings of guilt will give you a clue as to who that is). My point being: it’s not only what you need, it’s the only thing you need, and you would be wise to devote yourself to this one purpose. It transcends all others.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for November 2016, #1123 | By Eric Francis

By all rights, being born under Mercury’s most potent sign would make it easy for you to get to the essence of what you want to say. Yet often it’s more difficult than that. Your ideas get mixed up with your emotions, and therefore lost in the sauce. That, however, is the simpler equation to solve. The more complex one is the influence that other people have on you. It’s easy for you to get lost in their notions of what’s supposedly true for you, or what’s true in general. The first thing to do is to notice this influence. It’s not so easy and it takes willingness and perceptiveness. Lately your relationships seem to come with a kind of haze that can fog over your relationship with yourself. It’s possible to address this in a peaceful and productive way. The thing required is a commitment to being clear with yourself. You cannot escape having feelings, nor do you want to; though it will help if you observe your feelings and notice how they change. You will benefit from a balance of reasoning process, intuition and instinct. Check in with all three. Notice when you’re feeling fear. Notice when you want something, or someone, and you’re not admitting that fact. Here’s a clue: when you feel like you might be betraying someone, you’re most likely to be honoring your own will.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 24, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

As Mercury makes its way into Scorpio, you may find it’s easier to talk about all those difficult-to-express things. I don’t just mean complaints and issues. I mean the deep secrets you want to express, and the desires you have not articulated. Begin with yourself, getting it out into essays or your journal. Then do the unthinkable: share your writing with others. You might even start there, and say exactly what you want to say to everyone you want to say it to. While you might use some discretion among people you work with (where there may be official policies in place), everyone else is open season. This does involve taking a risk, and that feeling of being on the edge is the same feeling as speaking your truth, with love.

Weekly Horoscope for Oct. 20, 2016, #1122 | By Amy Elliott

At last you have the opportunity to make those deep-seated changes you’ve been planning. There is a force stirring in some hidden part of your psyche that is longing to emerge, if only you will allow it to. If you’re worried there may be unforeseen difficulties, remember that you are actually a lot stronger than you think. Those who love you best understand this well: mutable sign you may be, but when it comes to what truly matters, you might as well be made of titanium. Take heart.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 17, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You have a perfectly gorgeous opportunity to let go of some creative and sexual inhibitions. That story in a moment; let’s go to the background first. That would be self-esteem, the foundation of psychic health. You are discovering that in new ways now. You have some added substance to work with, like a car that’s got clean oil and a fresh tank of gas. That gives you some extra mojo when it comes to expressing yourself in daring ways. Through the past five years or so, you’ve been gradually loosening up your previously inhibited approach to life. A series of jolts, moments of liberation and creative breakthroughs have led you to the understanding that there is more to life than you had imagined. Now you get to make some of that real. The way you will do this is by stepping out and asserting your desires. You may have help with that — and clearly people will be interested — but remember, this is about you, not them.

Moonshine Horoscope for Aries Full Moon, #1121 | By Len Wallick

You may have noticed that retreating from that which confronts you does not always help you breathe any easier in the long run. That’s because you cannot retreat from yourself. Wherever you go, there you are, along with at least some of your problems. For the near future at least, think about alternatives to withdrawing whenever you feel uncomfortable. So long as safety is not an issue, look to collaborate and share instead. Building bridges goes faster when the effort is made on both sides at once. For those who show they are willing to meet you in the middle, respond in kind and give cooperation a chance to lighten any load you bear alone.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 10, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Pay close attention to money, in any form, particularly shared finances. There’s an unusual amount of energy moving through your chart and it’s just about all focused on the financial zones. This describes potential, and it describes risk. It’s up to you to balance the two of them. The thing to remember is that from the look of your solar chart, in any partnership, you’re likely to be the one with most of the wealth. So you would be taking most of the risk, but the rewards would be split evenly (since that’s your style). The prudent thing to do would be to limit what you invest into others, or into situations involving others. Preserve most of what you have, and take sensible risks when it comes to having more. The question in any financial or business partnership is: what are the parties bringing to the table? In some rare instances ideas are enough, but there’s little risk in that; and therefore, little reason to follow up the idea with work and focused intelligence.

Short Monthly Horoscope for October 2016, #1120 | By Eric Francis

You may be inclined to focus on money; and if you do, you will get results. Yet you need to think bigger than that, in considering what resources you have available. There’s way too much emphasis placed on monetary value, and way too little on what people often have in abundance: creativity, passion, a sense of mission and the love of beauty. All of your talents count. All of your personal gifts count. And you bring to every situation something that transcends them all, which is that distinctive, beautiful personal quality only you have and only you can offer.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 3, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Mars has entered your fellow earth sign Capricorn, and that’s an invitation to adventure: creative, sexual, romantic or involving a business enterprise. It could be all of the above, since that’s what we want when we’re really living. All year long, Mars — the ultimate planet of self-expression — has been lingering in some of the most private corners of your chart. Moving into Capricorn, your solar 5th house, Mars is inviting you to hang loose and explore, experiment and take some chances. You might not like to admit this, but you tend to have a conservative nature; you’re more adventurous on the inside than on the outside. Now is the time to bring out those qualities and have some fun. To do this, you’ll need to go past the point of your own discomfort. That might mean coming out of your safe zone. It might mean taking the risk of being known for what you have to say. Or it might mean taking a more assertive role with someone you fancy.

Moonshine Horoscope for Libra New Moon, #1119 | By Len Wallick

Even if you have not changed your residential address recently (or do not anticipate doing so anytime soon), now would be an excellent time to go through your worldly possessions with an eye towards simplifying your life and lightening your load. Whether you realize it or not, the set of eclipses that concluded only two weeks ago have combined with Mercury’s recent retrograde to send part of you on ahead. Though you may not yet be fully aware of it, the rest of you is likely to follow what has already moved on. Best then to prepare; and there is no better way to do so than through the practice of releasing attachment to material objects that no longer earn their keep with you. At the very least, the end result will function to make your life less cluttered, even if do you eventually elect to bring it all back home.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 26, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

The great god Mercury has resumed direct motion in your sign; Mercury retrograde is over. You may be breathing a deep sigh of relief, as this retrograde has practically kidnapped you and taken you on a wild ride for the past month. You may have experienced a diversity of misadventures and unexpected turns, and invested some energy in things that turned out to be questionable. Yet one thing is clear: you learned something you never would have learned any other way. By learned, I mean you discovered that something was possible, which you may have deemed impossible before — or, more likely — never even considered. Not only is it possible, it will take considerably less effort the next time you do it, and you’ll get better and more efficient as time goes on. Always remember: you know you can do it.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscopes for October 2016, #1118 | By Eric Francis

Somehow recently the financial stakes went up, and it seems that you see more potential for yourself than usual. It’s a fact that you are now in a position to expand your income, though this will take a degree of personal commitment and dedication that you might decide is just not worth it. We live in the age of supposedly easy millions, which looms like a mirage over people’s hopes and dreams. The potential to be suddenly set for life gets in the way of all the steps that it takes to learn a trade, begin a business, work with partners, and manage modest resources efficiently. This is far from poverty consciousness: to the contrary, it’s about maximizing your access to what you already have, so that you can keep your projects going and build them up to a new level. This will invariably involve working with others, though you must be careful about the influence that people with whom you’re involved have on you. It will be easy to get carried away in the values of others, if you don’t keep your focus on your own values and priorities. You are the creative engine that you need to harness and maintain. You are the person with the drive and the passionate curiosity. You don’t need those things from others.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 19, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Mercury changes to direct motion in your sign this week. On one hand this will come as a relief, like an invisible pressurized bubble bursting. On the other hand, this retrograde phase has been keeping you focused on something — possibly to the point of obsession. Whether it’s a constructive activity or not I don’t know, but this looks like the kind of thing you can really make work for you. I suggest you take advantage of it while you can, which means for the full week or so that Mercury seems to be standing still. What that means is that you have an opportunity to complete some deep or introspective journey into yourself, and then to pivot on short notice. This will allow you to respond to a shift in your intentions by making actual changes, some of them on the structural level. Use this moment well, because it’s truly unique in all the world, and it has your name on it.

Pisces Full Moon Moonshine for Sept. 15, 2016, #1117 | By Len Wallick

You may have had good cause to wonder about your future this year. In fact, the only lasting consequence of events that have caused you to feel concern is that you now know your destiny can be clearly seen simply by looking in the mirror. In a very real way, you have become not only your own fate, but also an example for many others who worry about what the future has in store for them. Even though you may never recover the sense of certainty you once had, what you have gained in return this year is a new and more authentic independence, which has enhanced your natural adaptability. If anybody in your world has a just and proven reason to feel more confident than ever, it is you.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 12, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Your world is still vibrating with last week’s total solar eclipse in your sign. It’s now undeniable that you’re fully involved in a process of not just transformation but of claiming some deep aspect of who you are. Here is something to consider, while you’re on the way to doing that, which is the source of your anger: The most toxic anger is what a person takes out on themselves, often in the form of guilt. Yet there are other manifestations, and I suggest you watch them all. It’s possible you’re figuring out that someone has kept you in the dark about an important matter. You might have some idea that you have to cool down before you assert your opinion or make a decision. However, I would say that you need to use your points of leverage, and you have one coming this week. Just bear in mind there are some old issues that are coming up, having nothing directly to do with your current situation. Be clear with yourself about that.

Short Monthly Horoscope for September 2016, #1116 | By Eric Francis

Don’t hesitate on a decision, especially if you know the right thing to do. You don’t need absolute certainty, nor is that really possible. This most likely involves a domestic matter. You might think that a choice made when you’re annoyed or irritated cannot be made well, though you might ask how many times you’ve been in this same position before during the past year or so. Sometimes you have to take action at the most obvious moment, move forward, and not look back or second-guess yourself. Your potential right now has more to offer than anything in the past.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 5, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Mercury is retrograde in your sign in rather spectacular fashion. And you’re still reverberating with the effects of a total eclipse that happened several days ago. I suggest you get used to the feeling of nothing being settled, then take advantage of it. The molecules of your life are shaking and vibrating and forming themselves into new compounds. This is the perfect moment to inject your influence. Rather than retreat from any feeling of chaos or what cannot be explained, take advantage of it; things are more flexible right now, and the glue that usually binds patterns and people has not set. You can make adjustments, or easily pull things apart and put them back together. This is the last week of Jupiter in your sign, which is an indicator that you can tune into all that you’ve learned during the past 12 months, and put it to work for you. There is plenty.

Virgo New Moon Moonshine for Sept. 1, 2016, #1115 | By Len Wallick

Unlike some people, you are probably not well suited to keep out of sight and exercise power from behind the scenes. It’s more becoming for you to be out front so that others can associate a face with the words that move them to action. It’s more powerful for you to shake things up by setting a clear example. To the extent that you have been recently flying below the radar (to consolidate gains, to organize after a change or just to keep out of the way), you might now want to consider coming back among us again soon. You know there are many who respect and want to hear your thoughts. More importantly, you also know the downside of leaving a vacuum either where you physically were or where you existed in the minds of others. It’s time for you to catch up with us, and us with you.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 29, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

A total eclipse of the Sun takes place in your sign this week. This suggests a few possibilities. One is that you’ve reached a point of no return in your personal growth. You must now take the step that you know you’ve been looking toward, and be happy that there is no turning back. If you’ve been consciously working toward this, then now is the time to solidify your commitment, and fully live out, explore and embrace this new phase of what might feel like your destiny. Yet I don’t think this is a point of destination as much as it is one of embarking. You are at a beginning, and a beautiful one it is. You are in a position to connect with and acknowledge your innate gifts, which are one and the same as your sense of purpose. That’s another way of saying you really can live your life your way. It may take a little time to get there; but carry on, overcome any setbacks and keep going.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for Sept. 2016, #1114 | By Eric Francis

You’re beginning one of the most intriguing months in many seasons. A total solar eclipse in your sign, Mercury retrograde in your sign, and Jupiter leaving your sign, combine to create a unique set of circumstances. Let’s take them one at a time. The eclipse is like being reborn, with all the perils and potentials thereof. Said another way, you’re catching up with much growth and progress that you had either not noticed, or not added up on your karmic balance sheet. Update your files and proceed with full credit for all that you’ve learned. Mercury retrograde in your sign looks like what some call a searching and fearless moral inventory. Yet as a Virgo, you must remember that you tend to over-judge yourself, so I suggest you take this on the level of discovering all that is right and true and beautiful about yourself. Learn to see yourself and your life from a benevolent perspective. You have learned plenty the past year about how much you have to offer, and I suggest you make this knowledge a permanent feature in your psychological makeup. As for Jupiter leaving your sign, that means it enters Libra; and for you, that’s a comment on self-esteem. This is not something that’s given to you; rather, it’s something that you must claim for yourself, and the time is ripe.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 22, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

If you’re the kind of Virgo who often feels trapped in a world of imperfection, where everything needs to be improved, you can take a rest from all that. Stretch into this moment. Feel how it feels to be complete in yourself. I say this knowing that you may be facing what seem like intense emotional challenges. Yet you are larger than these issues, and remembering that is the most significant step toward resolving them. You seem determined to clear out your emotional body and no longer be a slave to the past, or to your family, or to your need for security. That takes some rebelling. The way out of your need for security is just that: to no longer need false reassurance, or father figures of any kind to lean on and ultimately deprive yourself of your independence. You have everything you need right now, though the only way to confirm that is to actually use your resources.

Full Moon Moonshine Horoscope for Aug. 18, 2016, #1113 | By Len Wallick

It looks as though any recent brush with uncertainty is now on its way toward being resolved. To the extent that you are now able to begin settling into a new routine of work and maintenance, devote yourself to doing so. At the same time, keep two likelihoods in mind. First, as good as you have shown yourself to be at landing on your feet, it may take longer than you’d normally estimate before recent transitions cycle through to a complete (and fully determined) outcome. Keep the faith that you’ll get there. Next, don’t forget what you discovered about yourself and others between where you were, and what you now are.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 15, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Relationships are always more than the sum of their parts. Working with others in a harmonious way allows for greater creative flow than people working alone, and opens the way for ideas that never would have emerged otherwise. Therefore, you might want to seek collaboration and cooperation on anything you’re working with. Many hands make lighter work, if you can keep people coordinated, though this goes deeper, to the level of a real exchange. Yet you must be the director of any collaboration, proceeding gently and respectfully but with a degree of quiet authority. Mostly this means setting the agenda based on real goals, being aware of the many factors involved in your environment, and consulting with anyone you’re working with. This process of consultation — with lots of listening involved — is where you will demonstrate respect for the ideas of others, bring out your own best ideas, and then create that something extra.

Weekly Horoscope for Aug. 11, 2016, #1112 | By Amy Elliott

This could be a pivotal week for your aspirations, in terms of personal development, and for your relationships. If you’ve been pondering over the question of what you truly want, or where you want to be, you may receive a providential clue; possibly this could come from someone close. Notice what’s happening around you as well. Whatever happens, make the most of your time; be ambitious regarding the work you intend to accomplish, and then simply get going.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 8, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Nothing is all male or all female. All critters have both male and female hormones; all humans have tendencies that are considered native to their sex, and of the opposite sex. Most of these are conditioned and have no relationship to biology. Virgo in particular is a sign that’s ruled by Mercury, the one truly hermaphroditic planet. You have no special need to attach yourself to one particular polarity or viewpoint, and you would have great fun experimenting, especially now. The sticking point is usually the fear of what others might think, though I suggest you step over that like the six-inch-high fence that it is. Apropos of both Mercury and Virgo, the thing to do is to keep moving and exploring rather than getting yourself into a fixed point of view. Beware of clarity; that is, the feeling of having determined something with certainty. The moment you feel that, ask yourself, “And now what?”

Short Monthly Horoscope for August 2016, #1111 | By Eric Francis

It’s time to concentrate your energy, rather than living in bits and pieces. You can apply this to your life, and you can apply it to any one situation that you’re trying to work out. Focus on one important situation at a time, whether it’s a relationship, your career or a personal problem of some kind. Bring your whole mind and all of your energy and determination to the table. Don’t stop till you’ve met your goal, or resolved whatever you need to work out. Zero in and take one step, then the next, till you declare that personal project complete.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 1, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You already know the seeming power of self-doubt to get in your way. Yet you either keep your power or you give it away. You can choose what voice to listen to; you decide what viewpoint has credibility. It’s essential that you learn how to let fear and anger motivate you rather than shut you down. There’s something you may be really good at, which is standing apart from past influences and the things your family said about you that were clearly not true. And if those things were false, then something else must be true. It’s up to you to figure out what is genuinely your own: what personal gifts, what talents, what interests and most of all what purpose. The thing with purpose is you cannot push it, or push yourself there. It’s necessary to listen to an inner voice that you may usually strain to hear, though it is likely speaking to you clearly right now.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for August 2016, #1110 | By Eric Francis

You have spent well over a year stretching into a new idea of who you are, which has not been easy. This has involved learning, absorbing and evaluating the tendencies of others, and establishing a dependable relationship to your environment. All of this leads back to one experience: existing in an unfamiliar state. This is the very definition of being ‘out of one’s comfort zone’. This has persisted so long you’re finally getting accustomed to the feeling, even if you don’t have tangible confirmation of why this process has been so important. You’re likely to get a solid clue as to the meaning of what you’ve experienced, and how what amounts to a transformation will shape your future. Turn the clock back to January 2015, and tune into the feeling at that time in your life. How were you doing on themes like your sense of purpose, your sense of your potential and your desire to live? How does this contrast with today? You may feel like you’ve got more than you can handle. You might feel pushed to exceed your current capacities. What’s really happening is that you’re flushing yourself out of a corner you hung out in for way too long, and are getting a taste of what life has to offer. You can now start to make some refinements and adjustments.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 25, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Jupiter remains in your sign for the next two months, which is about stretching your emotional capacities. By that I mean your ability to feel, and to receive the feelings of others. You might stretch in the direction of being more compromising with the people you care about the most. Jupiter describes you getting out of your head and being more grounded in your senses. Other aspects reveal that you’re going through a concentrated phase of letting go of old tendencies, all the ones that don’t serve you. As you do that, it will become obvious that you both need, and have something to offer, those who are around you. Through this process you will be doing the challenging groundwork of improving your self-esteem. The environment is right, particularly if you choose as exemplars people who have done just what you’re trying to do. They are willing to help, if you’re willing to receive their generosity.

Weekly Horoscope for July 21, 2016, #1109 | By Amy Elliott

This time of year can serve to enhance your capacity for reflection, and for exploring the deepest recesses of your complex and rather beautiful mind. Your instincts are likely to be firing on all cylinders, particularly in terms of understanding and relating to loved ones and new friends alike. Listen to the wisdom of your gut. Notice also what your dreams might be telling you, and write them down if possible. This could be a chance for a creative breakthrough; so make sure your living space is arranged to give you maximum support, and then dive into your depths.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 18, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

It’s time to purge any misgivings you have about sex. By any, I mean any and all. This process may take a while, though it’s also been going on for a while: the process of setting yourself free from false morality. The solution to what seems like a complicated equation is that you came to this planet to create, and therefore expressing your creativity is your natural birthright. There are no valid moral issues with painting, sculpture, photography, theater, dancing or cooking food in a stylish way. Therefore, there need be no moral issues with sexuality. The feelings you feel are your own, and they are legitimate. To place any sort of ethical dilemma or power struggle around it is merely a misunderstanding of your purpose. You don’t need anyone’s permission to feel; it would help if you negotiated agreements with people that you can genuinely abide. Just remember, guilt is not a virtue; it’s merely toxic, and should be treated that way.

Full Moon Moonshine Horoscope for July 14, 2016, #1108 | By Len Wallick

Common sayings are common for a reason — including the one about “all work and no play.” Even though you are probably facing some serious responsibilities right now, please consider how far a little regularly scheduled recreation can go to re-create the edge you need when it comes to meeting your obligations. You know you can trust yourself not to be frivolous. Even more to the point, however, you know yourself well enough not to try and live on food, water, sleep and work alone. Finally, you know that you’re unlikely to overdo most of the activities that truly excite, inspire and stimulate you. So, give yourself some regular breaks, and in the process, you will find yourself.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 11, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

There’s a setup in your chart that has you drawn into yourself in a way that feels unfamiliar and perhaps a bit uncomfortable. It’s stretching you to open up in new ways. That, in turn, is necessitating that you slip out of old patterns and establish new ones. This might feel a little strange now, or like you have to push harder than you should for the results you’re getting. Yet this process is a little like tending the soil, so that things may grow in the future. Sometimes you have to work the land for a couple of seasons, fertilize it, and get it ready for its new purpose. That would be you. So, feel those dry places, and get water into them. Reach inside for the more fertile parts of your psyche. Give up on being stubborn and instead commit to being persistent for good purposes. Most of all, accept the emotional gifts that people offer you. Learning to receive is such an important quality to develop.

Short Monthly Horoscope for July 2016, #1107 | by Eric Francis

Make room for some chaos in your life. It’s true that you love order and organization, but sometimes it works against you. Pick a room, a table, or some part of your living or working area where you allow a storm to brew. Then work in that space without any need to clean up, allowing things to become and evolve in their own organic way. This is a fermentation tank for your future goals, desires and plans. In every great success there is a measure of odd chance, the unpredictable and the unusual. Hold the space open, in a direct invitation to both new vision and opportunity.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 4, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Your intuition is impeccable at the moment, especially in social situations. Your chart is tuned so well that you can trust the first thought that comes to your mind — though by thought I mean something spoken in a calm, clear voice. Intuition is gentle. It speaks just below the level of language. It’s the subtle pull rather than the violent tug or shock. It’s necessary to listen carefully, by which I mean listen to yourself. What you will get for this small effort is genuine guidance. Let that flow through you right now. Once you get a certain aspect of your mind out of the way, you have an abundance of wholesome, useful information available to you. That can guide you on every subject, from what task to do next to whom to talk to in a room with 100 people standing around. That would be useful, right?

New Moon Moonshine Horoscope for June 30, 2016, #1106 | by Len Wallick

If you have not already done so, consider bringing some additional people into your life. It is not so much that the friends and family you now have are not enough in either quantity or quality. It’s more about either desires or opportunities you might have to increase your power and extend your influence in the world. Therefore, be discerning. Make it your business to go beyond simply increasing your social circle. Rather, look to employ, recruit or otherwise enjoin specific others who can help you to address any needs you have that are not currently being met. On some level you probably already know what those needs are. If so, the next step is simply allowing yourself to have, hold and fulfill them.

Monday Morning Horoscope for June 27, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

The self-critical nature of your sign hardly allows you a moment to feel as if you’re the flavor of the month, or that you really belong on the planet. This is mostly a head-trip; that is, something in your own mind. Give yourself a break. That should be easy now. You might try asserting yourself — whether creatively or socially. Do something radical, such as get out of the house, have fun, and don’t worry about what people think. It’s never about what they think, anyway: it’s always about what you think. And you have significant influence over that, if not total control. I suggest this now because you’re likely to find the social waters easier to swim, and your creative gifts easier to express. It’s as if a knot is finally coming untangled and giving you some space and freedom to move around. Relax your mind. Take that as a mantra. Tell yourself over and over.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for July 2016, #1105 | by Eric Francis

Relax and feel appreciated. This is not easy for you, since you’re prone to doubt and rarely cut yourself any slack. Now would be a good time, actually. You know you’re in this moment where you must grow into a new form, even though it requires stretching. Depending on your psychological constitution and your life experience, this might be a significant challenge. It will help if you invoke the flexible quality of Virgo rather than the stubborn quality. It will help if you practice opening up in the face of feeling overwhelmed, rather than shutting down or resisting. There are two factors in your sign currently, and it’s rare to have them together. One is the North Node, which can feel like a magnetic pull toward a form of growth that you don’t necessarily trust. The other is Jupiter, which is making it necessary for you to fully engage with your relationships in a way that’s different from normal. You are experiencing increased sensitivity, and the seemingly external influences (mostly coming from your opposite sign Pisces) are unusually potent. Yet the real movement, the real tension, is entirely internal. You are having to consent to something that also feels inevitable. You know that the gig is up on certain persistent factors in your life. Yet you’re safe following this influence. The time is right.

Monday Morning Horoscope for June 20, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You can cool off on asserting yourself and your point of view. I know it’s been challenging the past couple of months, getting clear, making your viewpoint clear and then getting others on board. You can ease back on all such efforts for a while, and instead pay attention to who actually hears what you say the first time you say it. It would be much more productive use of your time to observe your own thoughts and feelings evolving, and then to listen to (and hear) yourself. Your opinion about some unusually deep matter is changing. You might say it’s doing so despite your intentions or best efforts, and seems to have a life of its own. But ‘its life’ is really evidence that you are alive, that you’re breaking free of something, and that a new burst of life will sprout from the compost of old fears, ideas about yourself and feelings that no longer serve you.

Moonshine Horoscope for June 16, 2016, #1104 | by Len Wallick

One reliable test of character is what a person does when nobody else is looking. You know good and well that’s one test you can pass with flying colors. Your innate connection with how the Earth constantly changes yet stays consistently itself means that you need never wonder what to do when left to your own devices. What’s potentially at question, especially now, is what you do when others are watching. Recent events may have made you less than confident about your conduct being witnessed. Either that, or you may needlessly be putting pressure on yourself to be perfect. Yet, you have no reason to be anything less than self-assured in the public eye. You know yourself to be the equal of every circumstance you have ever encountered in solitude, and there is no reason to believe that being in the spotlight will reveal you to be anything less than your best.

Monday Morning Horoscope for June 13, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

It’s time to step up to the challenge of your calling. I don’t mean it’s time to start getting ready: I mean it’s time to follow your specific desire; to take that chance and assert your plan, your talent, your intention in physically tangible form. It’s not enough to have ideas that you think are wonderful. It’s not enough to have a plan. It’s not helpful to wait. The least you can do for yourself is to initiate a series of actual measures to manifest some aspects of your goal. By goal, I mean that which is the very most meaningful to you; the thing that stems from a feeling of purpose, connection and passion. You will need to scrub some old items from your agenda to do this, and concentrate your energy. Proceed with the understanding that under this scenario, you are known for who you are and what you do. Your reputation builds from this point forward.

Monday Morning Horoscope for June 6, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Reach for something big. Yet recognize that means offering yourself wholly to what you want. Our whole society is centered around getting right now. There seems to be little recognition that getting anything involves an exchange, and when what you want is something dear to you, something you identify with, the thing you give is yourself. This is making a good few people freaky, as it seems like they’re sacrificing something. Giving, however, is different from giving up. Offering is different from sacrificing. You expand, you grow, you become, by offering yourself. Your whole life is about growth, becoming and evolving, and if you leave out that crucial part about surrendering your energy to what you want to become, one result will be inner conflict. The question is: what benefit would you see from rolling yourself into a little ball and holding on tight? A flower blooming is a sign of life. Vulnerability not only demonstrates love; it makes love possible, and makes it real.

Short Monthly Horoscope for June 2016, #1103 | By Eric Francis

This may not be a psychologically comfortable time for you, though that’s necessary if you want to manifest your incredible potential. Instead of searching for who you are, you are plunging into the truth of your own reality, and this means you need to stretch. Seen one way, your solar chart is describing you becoming the exact opposite of who you thought you were. Talents, skills and ambitions you may have never dreamed of are available, though you will need to work for them consistently. There is no end goal here; transformation is a process that occupies every hour of every day.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 30, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Be careful of all the invisible ways others try to set your agenda or control your priorities. The emphasis here is on invisible: it’s the people who don’t state their agenda whom you need to be concerned about. This is important because you have plans, goals and ideas of your own. So do other people, which may or may not match your ideas about what you want. The dimension to be most conscious of is your emotional environment. This is where you’re the most easily influenced, and will tend to respond before you even know what’s happening. It’s never too late to catch yourself and ask, what am I doing and why am I doing it? I mean this particularly in the context of relationships. When you get one of those wake-up moments, come out of automatic mode and ask yourself: what am I feeling? What is the purpose of this? Is this really about love? Then listen quietly for the answers that come back.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for June 2016, #1102 | By Eric Francis

For most of the summer, Jupiter remains in your sign. This is fairly rare, manifesting every 12 years. Jupiter is a planet of opportunity; and in Virgo, for you, it’s the opportunity to expand your inner horizons. It’s when you stretch your inner capability for experience, for feeling and for the movement of energy through you. There is no doubt that Jupiter in your sign is the invitation to improve your life in many ways, and you’re likely to be experiencing many of them without even knowing it. Yet the most vital of these is consciously exploring your capacity for new experience. You are too young to be set in your ways. I suggest you not take any comfort in doing something, or limiting yourself, because that’s ‘just the way you are’. One thing Jupiter represents for you is the integration of outer experience, including people, into your life. It’s about accepting not just the ideas of your environment but also embracing its actual influences on you. As you encounter new experiences (again, including people) it helps to expand into the potential that they reflect. I recognize there are a few possible issues here, one of which is what seems like a culture-wide reluctance to change; the other is a crisis of trust. To put it mildly, actual growth requires both change and trust.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 23, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

This is an unusual phase of learning and growth for you. It’s as if every factor in your mind, emotions and surroundings is calling on you to be yourself. You are being pulled by some invisible magnetic force to grow into who you are, to learn about everything you can, and to understand others. However, this may be drawing you out of your comfort zone. Growth and learning mean change. Most of all, you are being summoned to make friends with what is unfamiliar. You are too young to be set in your ways, or to have made your mind up about everything. You might therefore approach life from the viewpoint of being open to all possibilities. Make friends with the unknown and it will make friends with you. You are well into a process of genuine personal evolution. There is no turning back at this point, nor can I imagine a reason why you would want to.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for May 19, 2016, #1101 | By Len Wallick

There is a through-line. If anybody is connected to it (or even a living manifestation of it), it’s you. The through-line is not necessarily a straight line, but it does reliably pass through what seems to be impassable. It connects everything, even that which seems impossibly remote or even irrevocably severed. For most people, this through-line is expressed by the phrase “life goes on.” For you it is more than a phrase. That’s how you have always been so adaptable when others struggle with change. It’s the reason you have always been so quick to learn new things and even better at mastering them. Remember all this now, and you will see that outward appearances do not do justice to the truth: that your situation at this time is nothing less than a threshold to being you at your very best.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 16, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You might experiment with not trying to fit everything through such a narrow opening. You have two main influences working in your chart at this point (and for the foreseeable future). One of them has you funneling your whole reality through a pastry-decorating bag, squeezing your emotions through in impeccable detail, including the big chunks. The other is like a brightly colored parachute on a cool, clear day, as you sail silently through the sky and land gently on the ground. This setup seems custom designed to show you how your mind works in closed and open modes; in self-critical and self-embracing modes. While you’re considering these possibilities, I suggest you do whatever you can to increase your flexibility, such as touching your toes and then hanging there loosely for a while every now and then. Overall the theme of your solar chart is about listening to your body. That’s another way of saying feel, and get the message.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for May 12, 2016, #1100 | By Len Wallick

Time is on your side. As good as days past may have been for you, there is substantial reason to believe that even better days are yet to come. To do your part to make sure those evidently impending days are the best they can be, don’t simply wait for things to come to pass. Take an active role. For example, even if you see no need to do so at this time, update your resume and keep a presentable copy where you can find it quickly. That way, if an unexpected opportunity comes knocking, you can answer the door promptly and adroitly. Act as though the life of your dreams is looking for you, and you will do the finding.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 9, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

If you’ve been doubting yourself, you now have reason to be assured of what is true. You must be your own reassurance in this world. Yes, it’s helpful to have the approval and understanding of others, but that cannot determine the course of your existence. You might think you need much more confidence for that. This is really a matter of building your confidence by proving to yourself that you know what’s best for you — by doing it. You must be a leader in your own life, not a follower. There is nobody else worth following, no matter how much you may care about them. Claim back your power by being the person who defines your own needs, your own desires and your own priorities. Your astrology is blazing with one message, which is about you setting your priorities and aspiring to your own desires. If this shakes up a relationship, press ahead and you can come to a point of breakthrough where things get a lot better.

Moonshine Horoscope for May 5, 2016, #1099 | By Len Wallick

Resources and assets are not always or necessarily material in nature. In your heart, you know that. Over the years you have willingly and wisely exchanged money and other things of tangible value for experiences, proficiency and personal development. Now (and perhaps right on time) there is a potential for the flow to reverse. Examine your life with optimism for where and how you have already prepared the ground upon which to build either a new career or at least alternative income streams. Keep an eye peeled for opportunities opening up which seem to have your name on them, and be confident enough to say, “Yes, I can,” if you are asked to fill shoes that may have seemed too big not so long ago.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 2, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Who do you see yourself becoming? One effect of contemporary life is the seeming disappearance of both the past and the future. In some odd Buddhist style, we appear to live perpetually in the moment. Yet what’s really going on in ‘the moment’? Are you trying to stay the same, or are you embracing the truth that everything forever changes? Think of your life as a process of ‘becoming’ rather than ‘being’. Right now becoming has two elements: unraveling something that seems stuck (likely to be the residue of the forgotten past) and seeing the potential of what might be (having a vision for your life, and stretching into it every day). You have material you need to resolve, and you will feel better for even making the most basic effort. And you have a life that you want to live. But to even consider that possibility you must open up an idea of the future — and face it with an open heart.

Short Monthly Horoscope for May 2016, #1098 | By Eric Francis

The opportunity you get may not be exactly what you want, but it could be pretty darned close. Notice that the career steps you take are a journey and not a destination. Then you’ll see that the progress you need to make in the future is as important as the progress already made. Anything that offers you most of what you want is a good thing. You are indeed blessed, and you’re moving in the right direction. If your mantra is ‘there’s no such thing as perfection’, it’ll be easier to see just how close you are. Time is on your side.

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 25, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Mercury is the planet associated with your sign. Later this week, it turns to retrograde motion, which typically happens three times a year for three weeks. For you this is an introspective moment. Focus your life on your most genuine priorities. Everyone on this planet spends plenty of time pursuing goals that turn out to be meaningless, and following rules they had no part in setting. Your main task in the few weeks ahead is to ask yourself: what is really true for you? What gives your life meaning? And, perhaps most significantly, what is your long-range goal? You don’t need to answer that as much as you will benefit from extending your present life five or 10 years into the future. Imagine the work you do, the people you’re associating with, and the things that you think are important today. If you were to write a story about each of them, and extend that forward, where would each of those scenarios be? If anything seems like a dead-end, or if the story doesn’t seem to write itself naturally, you might consider other investments of your time and emotions.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for May 2016, #1097 | By Eric Francis

You seem to be walking that fine line between idealistic and practical. They only conflict if they are disconnected from one another. If you align the two, you will tap some unusual alchemy. This in itself is a practical exercise. You might have something you’re dreaming of. Can you describe it in words? Can you sketch it? Can you put a price on it? How long might it take to create? If you can answer a few of those questions, you’re entering the realm of the pragmatic. You might subject any desire to that kind of test; consider that anything you cannot ground in some describable, physical coordinates merely to be wishful thinking. The sketch, the outline and the timeline mean more than you might imagine. Then of course there is the question of how you could pay for it all. Yet once you have a concrete plan that you can describe to another person, money takes second place to ingenuity and drive. It’s often said that the airplane was invented for about $1,000, though it’s more impressive if you remember that money came from the profits of a bicycle shop. As my Godmother used to say in all sincerity, where there is a will, there is a way. Yet the vital thing is the will: the focused mix of desire and intention that you consciously devote to a purpose. And yes, your friends might think that’s radical or weird.

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 18, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You could easily give yourself anxiety attacks when there are far more productive things to do with your energy. It’s actually true that worry is misdirected creative energy. Given that, all you need to do is consciously choose to invest the power of your mind and of your feelings into something constructive. If you’re feeling insecure, it would be wise to consider what it would take to have you feel like you’re actually safe and grounded. You generate a bit of stress wondering what other people think about you, when in truth it matters far less than you think. Then there’s this other thing about the anxieties of your family. Yes, many of them are extremely nervous and you are sensitive. Yet you don’t owe it to anyone to take on their anxiety for them. Any fear worth listening to will arrive with information about how to set things right.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for April 14, 2016, #1096 | By Len Wallick

You are not living on the Titanic. Before making any decision to abandon ship, give adjustments a chance to improve how you feel about where you reside. If you live alone, it could be that all you need is a bit more room in your interior space. Try getting rid of anything you don’t really need. That way, if you do ultimately decide that relocation is the best way to feel more at home in your home, you will have less to move. If you dwell with others with whom you feel safe but stale, consider revising your style of communication and negotiation. That way, should you ultimately decide to go your own way, it will be after confirming that you will not be taking problems with you.

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 11, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Recent developments are giving you the hint that your relationships are all about you. Yes, this contradicts the supposed otherness of romance, the supposed focus on the beloved. Yet you tend to do most of your best self-discovery through others. And that aspect of your personal journey is under excellent aspects now. I suggest you be honest about this with the people you care about. Tell them that you’re learning about yourself and you want their help doing so. Focus on your own desires in an open way rather than a covert way. You may find that people exceed your expectations when it comes to meeting you right there. The exchange in this equation is your gratitude, your appreciation and your unabashed enthusiasm for life. It actually makes other people happy to see and feel you happy. So let yourself shine.

Moonshine Horoscope for April 7, 2016 #1095 | By Len Wallick

Your most cherished values have validity. You have proven and vindicated your core verities, especially over the last ten or eleven years — leaving you both justified and empowered to speak your personal truth. Others, however, have their own values and truths, which have also been justly earned and hard won. Hence your choice at this time: You could elect to circle the proverbial wagons and declare war on any beliefs not your own, but that would only leave you confined within a circumference of your own making. The other option is to be open and present to everybody’s most essential and authentic values, so as to find and integrate the common thread you follow to freedom.

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 4, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

This week it’s essential that you claim for yourself what is yours, and return to others what belongs to them. In particular I’m talking about psychological or emotional needs, including your healing agenda. It’s easy for the past material of others to intrude on your thoughts and feelings. It’s also possible that you will assign to others what is really your own, and which you can resolve with some self-honesty, love and determination. You may discover some places where what is yours and what belongs to a partner seem to overlap. I suggest you treat any shared material first as exclusively your own. Then consider a way to bring up the subject with anyone else who might be involved. This is an important boundary issue. What is in your consciousness and in your life belongs to you in the first instance, and is shared material in the second instance. While there are no absolutes, keeping things in the appropriate order will help you simplify your thinking and facilitate healing.

Short Monthly Horoscope for April 2016, #1094 | By Eric Francis

Recently, a compelling influence has entered your life, as if you’re being drawn ahead by a kind of magnetic beam. You know you’ll discover good and beautiful things about yourself, and about the world, if you follow this pull. This is not about abandoning the past, but about reinterpreting it. Nearly every last thing you’ve ever learned finds its way into being useful now. You have learned plenty. The main thing to remember is that nothing is irrelevant; everything you know has a valid use and a valid purpose. Yet you will discover that you learned it all for a reason.

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 28, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

What will it take for you to allow love into your life? It would help if you didn’t spend so much energy being angry at yourself, convincing yourself that you’re unworthy. That above all other factors makes it difficult for you to have the feeling that anyone cares about you or accepts you for who you are. While self-acceptance is a valuable exercise of its own, it’s important to understand the influences that shaped you to believe what you do about yourself. Only then can you decide that they were not accurate or true and have no part of your present-day self-assessment. There is also something about expectations showing up. Expectations are emotional habits that block and blind you to much greater possibilities. You will be happier if you allow people the space to be who they are, which will remind you to let yourself be who you are.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for April, 2016, #1093 | By Eric Francis

You are one of the lucky ones. Remember that all the time. You have resources available to you that most people don’t even dream of, which include actual, practical intelligence, the ability to solve problems and, right now, the potential to understand where anyone is coming from. That particular one, above all else, is your greatest asset at this time. You do not need to be mystified by the people around you, or the ones you meet. The first thing is to notice how you feel around anyone you encounter. That will tell you almost all you need to know, though if you listen you will learn more. If you’re paying attention you will hear people describe or admit to everything that really matters; notice what you learn the first hour. You can learn through these experiences that it doesn’t help to search for your completion in other people. The more you recognize the differences between you and others, the more interested you’ll be in living as your own distinct person, in your own way. Relationships have their place, though the way to find it is to live more independently of them for a while. When you show up feeling like a whole person, which takes practice, you can have a lot more confidence in yourself and in the situations you manifest. Once again, the time is right.

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 21, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

If you’re wondering what is the ‘thing of value’ in your current situation, particularly if it involves some contractual arrangement, consider that it is you. If you’re the goose that lays the golden eggs, it’s not the eggs that count. You don’t have to announce this to anyone you’re negotiating with, though it will help considerably if you know it in your heart and soul. Holding this knowledge close to you and with full awareness will help you see the whole scenario as it really is, which means acknowledging your influential role. It’s understandable enough if you have some anxiety attacks, though those look more like they are being driven by an abundance of emotional or creative energy rather than a shortage. You have what you need, and it will help if you remember that there is a trick to confidence: acting like you have it. You have the goods to back it up.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for March 17, 2016 #1092 | By Len Wallick

There is every reason for you to be encouraged by where you’re at. Be assured that your efforts are not going into a bottomless hole. A spring is being wound. A reservoir is being filled. Potential is building because of how you have been living your life and all you have been doing. Sooner or later (probably sooner) you will find yourself operating on a level different from the one on which you now labor. Before long, you will awaken to proficiencies you have been working to develop. Keep faith that you are doing the right thing. A new day is around the corner. Persevere and persist on your chosen path. A new and improved you is about to show up and shine at long last.

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 14, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

It may take some time for the recent revelation about a relationship or partnership to sink in. But don’t let it take too long. You know everything you need to know, and you very likely know what you want to do. Only you can grant yourself the freedom of choice. Nobody will hand it to you; nobody can give you permission to live your life, except yourself. Ask yourself what you actually owe people; think this through a few times, and if necessary, pay up. It’s essential to remember that you are not responsible for the burdens or the karma of others — unless you choose to be. And in that choice you would need to be guided by a really good reason. It’s more than enough that you are wholly responsible for your own life. Most people never even get to that point of maturity. You have arrived.

Moonshine Horoscope for March 10, 2016 #1091 | By Len Wallick

Somewhere along the line, your relationship skills have graduated to a greater level of maturity and proficiency than used to be the case for you. Now, it’s time to make sure you are fully conscious of just how far your development in making and maintaining connections has progressed. You can begin with a review of your boundaries. You may find that guidelines that were appropriate for you in the past should now be renegotiated, both in relation to yourself and with others. To reflect the expansion of your wisdom and understanding, you might want to relax at least some of your old boundaries so you can live with greater ease. By the same token, consider tightening other boundaries up a bit in proportion to how much more clearly you are now defined.

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 7, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

There’s a lot happening in your environment. It may be confusing and you may wonder what your role is supposed to be. Here’s what the planets are suggesting. Your presence is providing a balancing influence. You don’t need to say anything or do anything; merely being in your environment is helping to keep things stable. The less you do the better, and you don’t need to say much, either. Yet because you have what may be described as the most objective point of view of anyone involved, when you do offer your views or your opinion, it will be taken as a kind of oracle. That said, let people go through what they need to, in order to figure out that they really would benefit from the ideas of someone with a clear, intelligent mind. From this experience you are likely to discover a true gift you possess.

Short Monthly Horoscope for March 2016, #1090 | By Eric Francis

Be available to people and to experiences. Yes, the current way of the world is to limit your possibilities and stay forever on-script. I suggest you plunge into experience and be open to whomever you meet, and whatever they have to offer. Yes, this will change your perspective; even more meaningfully, your experiences will indeed change you. That is life when you’re really living. You may be amazed how open people are to you, and how meaningless your fears were. Yet you can only learn that through direct encounters. Soak in everything you can from everyone you can.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for March 2016, #1089 | By Eric Francis

You seem to be in a situation where you must handle the changes someone close to you is going through in a fully conscious way. Yet you don’t need to confuse those changes with how you think someone feels about you. Seek and you shall find the truth of that. You may have to wait a little while, and you would be wise to be supportive and refrain from judgment if any unusual events unfold. The thing to do is look for the opening, where what seems to be one thing leads to something else. Your whole environment has that potential — of a portal through the illusion of something and into a reality that corresponds only because it was previously concealed. Use your intuition, instincts and your senses and see the world around you as it is. This corresponds closely to a world within; they are like holograms of one another; a fact that’s always true but is now becoming increasingly obvious, if you slow down enough to notice. Given that, I would suggest you take as your personal motto, “When in doubt, tune in.” Listen and feel. Your ability to influence the flow of your own life comes in your knowing when you’ve reached a point of decision and then using your power to choose. Nothing is destined. Nothing is fated. You remain the center of your reality.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Feb. 22, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Once a year there is a Full Moon in your birth sign, and Monday is the day, though the feeling will ripple into the whole week. There is a mystical quality about this event. There are a few possibilities how this could work. You might notice that your thoughts manifest more quickly into results. You might get the feeling that you’re looking into a cosmic mirror where you see yourself reflected in interesting ways. I suggest you observe the patterns of how ideas translate into tangible events, and how what you feel about yourself is reflected back to you in the attitudes of others. This is going on all the time, but it will be especially noticeable now. One thing you learn may be to guide your mind carefully, because what you think really does affect how you feel, how other people feel, and what happens from moment to moment.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for Feb. 18, 2016, #1088 | By Len Wallick

Some of the long labors you so lovingly, selflessly and courageously chose to take on so long ago are finally nearing their completion. You have done well, but you should not allow yourself to be exclusively defined by what you have almost finished. There is more to you than you have been able to show, and the time for some of it to be shown has finally come. There is more in this world for you to do, and at least some of it should be for yourself. Whatever your good conscience has dictated that you put off deserves another look. More to the point, you deserve at long last to receive as much as you have given. This is no time to doubt your worthiness. Let yourself enjoy the good karma you have accumulated, without thinking yourself selfish or vain.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Feb. 15, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Depending on how you look at it, your astrological picture is one of being able to really feel where someone else is coming from, or a study in boundary issues. The thing to remember is that people depend on one another; we have to, for many things. We’re also subject to one another’s moods and life experiences. You’re now wide open to the influences of others, and as such, you need to manage all that influx. You can have empathy and still have clear boundaries. Contrary to popular belief, these are not walls but rather bridges. Said another way, you don’t need to block people as much as you need to have clear lines of communication. That is where your most dependable power comes from. The more understanding you possess, the more influence you will have over the flow of events.

Moonshine Horoscope for Feb. 11, 2016, #1087 | By Len Wallick

You are appreciated more than you know. You are more respected than you think. While those who really, truly do hold you in high regard may have recently fallen short in demonstrating their esteem, don’t be offended. You are not being disregarded. Even if those who are indebted to you have not followed through by showing their gratitude, don’t be upset with them. You are not being taken for granted. The recognition you deserve and the acknowledgement you have coming will accrue with interest in due time. In the meantime, show that you both respect and appreciate yourself by taking care of your health, appearance and welfare so as to set an example of maturity.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Feb. 8, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You are being pulled by an irresistible force in the direction of your true purpose. This may have the feeling of unfamiliarity or uncertainty, and if so, let that feeling be your best friend. You may not be accustomed to it; you may need a rational explanation, or the confidence that you have the answer key at the back of the book. What you have now is the opposite phenomenon. To make contact with a mystery is to open the potential for direct knowledge. As Mark Twain said, don’t let your schoolin’ get in the way of your learnin’. I would say: don’t let spirituality get in the way of your spirit. When you find an idea that’s compelling, apply it to your life holistically. Everything you learn allows you to reassess and question everything you’ve learned in the past.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for Feb. 4, 2016, #1086 | By Len Wallick

Adolescence was probably when you started spending less time with your parents and more time with those of your own age, with whom you would potentially live the rest of your life. It was probably an awkward, occasionally even painful, period full of trial and error, as you learned to navigate the narrow way between conformity and individuation. Even so, the time span between your childhood and full physical maturity almost certainly yielded some valuable lessons and important skills, which serve you well to this day. As a matter of fact, it’s distinctly possible that the months following your most recent birthday have brought something more than just an appreciation for what your “tween” and “teen” years yielded. You may very well feel that you are, in some updated way, going through your adolescence again. If that is the case for you, don’t worry. History rarely repeats, but it does tend to rhyme; so, you have reason to rejoice. You are not regressing; you are progressing and perceiving your most recent advances through the lens of the last time you grew so much so quickly.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Feb. 1, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Aspects this week describe a profound emotional breakthrough. This is being inspired and driven by your need to feel free within yourself. This has been an ongoing project, but you’ve arrived at a tipping point. It’s as if you’re now catching up to everything that you’ve learned and desired in theory. Now you must make it real, and bring inner changes to fruition in your outer life. It’s as if you’ve taken a long inhale, and now it’s time to exhale some new truth, some new desire, some new phase of your journey on Earth. You don’t need to do a lot, or to make many changes. Start with something small and let that gather momentum. This is the time to take an artistic and experimental approach to life, rather than a romantic one.

Short Monthly Horoscope for February 2016, #1085 | By Eric Francis

You may feel driven to the point of obsession. This seems to be an entirely healthy impulse, though you may think that you’re going over the top. Nothing of any consequence has ever been invented during the 9-to-5 workweek. You must proceed at your own pace, in your own time, for your own motives. Then you’re bound to achieve great things.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 25, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Take the path of least resistance. That’s not always the best way, though it seems to be now. If the subject involves sex, talk it out. That will provide the most direct route to love and pleasure. If the subject involves some creative activity, I suggest you get it into physical form as soon as possible — such as onto paper, or built into a model. If the subject involves a child, you may be expecting them to behave in a way that is more mature than their age. Even if it’s the smart kind of kid, remember: they’re still a kid and don’t need any more pressure on them. That kid may be you, however. As responsible and focused as you are, you need time to play, without having to keep looking at the clock.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for February 2016, #1084 | By Eric Francis

Seen one way, it would seem like the challenge you face in a relationship is not being swallowed by another person. You might be worried you’re trying to ‘be like’ them. Yet I would propose that the challenge is taking advantage of a good example when you have one. Now, there may be many examples around you at the moment, and some are better than others. Yet there is one that stands out, someone with some wisdom, experience and independence, who may be more smitten with you than you think. Indeed, the more intelligent the potential suitor (or suitee), the more likely their feelings are to be deep and authentic. If this is not a romantic situation, it could also be a close friendship or partnership based on learning. You are especially open to new ideas now; but closer to the astrology, you are open to being reminded what you already know. One thing you may know is not to be hung up on the seeming outcome of any human encounter. You have no need to plan, speculate or control. No need to make a head-trip out of anything you feel, wondering what it might mean. Just cup your hands into the waterfall of life and drink up. Humanity is in the midst of a long, chilly winter of discontent. Some hydration will do you good.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 18, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Your family taught you many things, and some of them were not true. By things, I mean things about yourself. This includes certain ways you were taught you had to behave (or else), which you may now be discovering were merely options. The next seven days could shape up to be a time of discovering and reclaiming your passion, and your right to have fun. You’ve been working at unraveling an overly serious side of yourself for quite a while now, and it looks like you’re about to be handed a missing piece. I would add these ingredients to the cake: keep laughing at yourself, and drink a lot of water. If you’re reaching for humility, remember: it’s similar to humor and humidity.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope — Jan. 14, 2016, #1083 | By Len Wallick

The real world is not perfect or permanent; there is give and take. Sometimes the world gives, as do you. Other times, the world takes — just as you do. In the long run, things even out, but you need not wait for that. The short-term alternative is a recognition that you can return what the world gives and recover from what the world takes on a schedule that suits your needs. In this way, both creative and crucial times can be experienced with equanimity. So long as you do not default to discouragement, you are currently in a position to make the most of all that is both given and taken, so as to actually come out ahead at least as often as you break even. And that, as Martha Stewart might say to you, is a good thing.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 11, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Every impulse described by your solar chart is saying it’s time to express yourself. Yet at the same time it seems you’re resisting, or hesitating mentally, as if you’re not convinced. Looked at another way, you might not want to take a certain kind of chance, perhaps because you’re concerned what others might find out about you. I would encourage you to set that aside and focus on what you will discover about yourself. There is plenty. You are doing a fine job of unraveling resistance that has held you back in the past — particularly an avoidance of your own best ideas, and the things that give you the most pleasure. The actual risk you need to take is being absolutely real with yourself. This will pay off.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope — Jan. 7, 2016, #1082 | By Len Wallick

The most responsible, grounded and mature thing you can do right now might be to lighten up. Rather than settle for a few choice moments when you can blow off steam every once in a while, look to change your lifestyle. To do so you need not quit your job, give away your possessions or take leave of your senses. Rather, respect your senses and take care of them. The objective is to modulate what appear to be some rather significant oscillations in stimulus so that you don’t have to spend so much time recovering from emotional (and even physical) exhaustion in response. To begin with, keep a log of your time spent on all sorts of electronic media and make changes based on the results. Then, take a little more time each day to use your hands in ways that free your mind and heal your body.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 4, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Luck is on your side right now, but that’s not the thing to count on. Rather, follow what feels like your destiny. By that I mean rather than do the thing you want to do, be the person you want to be, who does that thing. Then, take the extra step and really make it work for you. Your solar chart shows that you have an unusual shrewdness for money right now. Reveal your plans only to those who you absolutely trust, on a need-to-know basis. Speaking of knowing, with Mercury stationing retrograde on Tuesday, knowledge is power. Mercury retrogrades tend to reveal information in layers through the three-week period (ending Jan. 25). It will pay to bide your time, awaiting developments you can use to your advantage.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for January 2016, #1081 | By Eric Francis

Looked at one way, your solar charts describe you as being guided by the fates and the winds of fortune, subject to their whims. Yet seen another way, you’ve never been more firmly grounded in your sense of commitment and your drive to do what is right. How can both exist at the same time? The answer, in a word, is perception. Fate, fortune and purpose may be stories you tell yourself, but they are not equal in value. The closer you get to purpose, the closer you get to a conscious and intentional meeting with the world around you. This is about a relationship, which must be a mutual endeavor. Your charts state strongly that this must be practical before it is mystical. Your mind, your observations and your choices determine the course of your life. Even if there are other forces at work, you are the person guiding yourself among them. This calls for rising to a new level of responsibility. You must also proceed with some confidence, even though you might feel a bit (or more) out of your element, or like you’re wearing clothes that are a little too tight. As you grow accustomed to your new level of self-direction and decision-making, that firm, tight cloth will begin to soften and loosen up. As that happens, fate will begin to feel more like warm, caring spiritual guidance.

Leo 2016

Moonshine Horoscope for Capricorn New Moon #1132 | By Len Wallick

Every new circumstance benefits from a new perspective. While experience counts for a lot, it is equally as important to be capable of temporarily setting aside, if not forgetting, what you know whenever life gives you a fresh start. If you have recently entered an environment in any way different from where you have been before, now is a good time to evaluate both what you brought in with you and how things are working out for you. It could very well be that any new associates would ultimately benefit from perceptions you gained in a different climate. It is just as likely, however, that you stand to learn a thing or two from those who already know the ropes. In order to maximize the possibility of mutually beneficial exchanges between you and those you are in the process of fitting in with, do what you can to make it known you are willing to listen first and share opinions later.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 26, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You’re inclined to give people the benefit of the doubt, though now would be a good time to make sure that people prove themselves. This is not about being mean or untrusting; it’s about taking care of yourself. Your situation is somewhat complex right now, particularly at work. There don’t seem to be any problems you cannot solve, nor challenges you cannot rise to. Yet any person in a position to assist you can also hurt you, particularly for the next month or week or so. That translates to taking it slowly before handing anyone your keys, your password, or care of your kids or critters (especially them). So, screen people carefully, and test them on small projects before you give them bigger ones. If nobody is up to the task, do it yourself, or wait till you find someone appropriate. This goes for all facets of work. ‘Tis the season when mindfulness is essential.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 19, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Focus your efforts. Rather than trying to get everything done at once or in time for the holidays, choose one project that simply needs to happen, and focus on that. It may be the one that nobody else wants to do, or that has resisted your best efforts. It may be something that’s been delayed a few times. Clearing up this one bit of stuck energy will help get things moving. Remember, though, if you feel like you’re working too hard, or like your effort is going nowhere, change your strategy. The chances are you’re missing some vital information. It might relate to some technical aspect of what you’re doing, or you may not understand why something has to happen. In fact, there’s a chance that it’s not necessary, or that there’s a workaround that solves the problem even better. Take the time to do some research, and ask for help if you need it.

Moonshine Horoscope for Gemini Full Moon #1130 | By Len Wallick

There is family of birth, and there is family of choice. Right about now would be a good time to examine how you feel about all of those you have chosen to identify with thus far. This does not mean you should be critical of your discretionary circle. Rather, you should endeavor to better understand and appreciate just how your currently elective tribe came to be, so as to better know yourself. The reason for such an indirect self-examination may not be clear for you currently. Yet, you would be well advised to proceed with an abiding faith that you will soon be presented with a rare and formative chance to expand your voluntary sphere of shared influence. When that opportunity finally comes, you will want to be clear about what you want to make of it.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 12, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You may need to look beyond the confines of committed relationships to get the contact you need. This may be in the form of an honest conversation, which is not actually in violation of monogamy but which may feel like it. This highlights the differences between — and the confusion between — intimacy and sex. Ideally, you would be able to say anything to anyone; and you would be open to hearing what anyone has to say to you. Yet here’s the discovery: communication and mutual understanding are sexy, and they lead to erotic feelings. In the world where appearance seems to count for everything, and listening seems to count for so little, who would have thought? Now you get to take the opportunity and the risk of being honest about who you are and what you want. The universe is listening. Are you?

Short Monthly Horoscope for December 2016, #1129 | By Eric Francis

This will be a phenomenally productive month at work for you, if you know when to back off and let things work themselves out. You might encounter a diversity of traps that could lure you into wasting your time. The moment you feel like you’re not being productive, ask yourself whether the thing you’re doing actually needs to happen. Review your schedule daily. Be decisive about revising and simplifying your plans, and adjusting your goals. The world goes into a frenzy trying to get stuff done before the end of the year. Set clear priorities and stay off the proverbial treadmill.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 5, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

If you want to have fun, then you must be willing to push your boundaries and take some personal risks. Don’t worry about your dignity. Go out with your hair a mess and notice how warmly people respond to you. You don’t always have to be seen as someone who has everything together all the time. Your astrology is suggesting that you hang a little loose, and give yourself permission to do what might not please the abundant parental figures that populate the world. Speaking of: who is playing that role in your life? Who, in your mind, might be concerned if you have ‘too much’ fun, or get friskier than usual? Check your relationship agreements carefully. Remember that if you have to ask permission, you’re not relating to other people as adults, nor are they to you. The deeper theme of your project of having more fun than usual is about establishing level ground with the people who surround you.

Moonshine Horoscope for Sagittarius New Moon #1128 | By Len Wallick

There is likely something new in your life. It might be a big change. Or maybe you simply purchased some replacement underwear. No matter how apparently important or seemingly insignificant your own personal ‘new’ is, enjoy the feel for its own sake. The sooner you acquire a taste for the unfamiliar, the better you will be prepared for a newer than usual year.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 28, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You might find yourself offering quite a lot of your personal resources to someone close to you; that would include the erotic and creative kind. You seem to know what others need, and you have plenty to offer. You can safely let this flow. Whether or not anyone expresses appreciation, you will find some happiness in the giving. One thing you’ll gain is experience you’re craving. It’s vital to honor that. You will receive good information that will help you sort out some puzzling issues related to partnership and marriage. These themes and questions can never be answered in theory; they must be explored through direct and conscious experience. Though this may sound strange, one way to look at your quest for independence and self-directed creativity is a social justice issue. You crave freedom, and so does everyone around you. Usually it’s a fantasy. Now you can take steps toward making it real.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope — December 2016, #1127 | By Eric Francis

You’re growing and changing in ways you may not understand; don’t let that stop you from appreciating them. You may, for instance, have noticed that the ground seems to be leveling between you and those you previously considered powerful or daunting. It’s a sign of maturity when you can meet people on the human level, irrespective of any rank, status or power they may seem to have. Learning to see people eye to eye, across level ground — including everyone you encounter — is going to be the essence of your life for the far foreseeable future. To do this requires commitment and practice. It’s a form of karma yoga that you can do all the time, and from which nobody you encounter is exempt. By this I mean the great and the mighty, the poor and the infirm, plants, animals, skyscrapers, sacred ruins and all the great achievements of culture. All of the above: train yourself to view this as all being equal to you. This would also include the tragedies you witness, and the desolation that is becoming prevalent in our benighted world. In the most immediate, practical and day-to-day approach, this ‘level field of reality’ reaches first into the agreements that you make mutually with others. You must hold yourself to those agreements, and do what you can to hold others to their commitments to you. That is the beginning.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 21, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You might do what you love; you might also love what you do, whatever it may be. Both are necessary skills at different times in life. Both are possible for you now. Whatever you’re doing, do it with quality and attention. And when you’re done with that, then explore something that you want to do, or simply must do. This is one way to make the divide between “one’s work” and “one’s art” less daunting. Being an artist or craftsman means doing whatever you do with the intention of excellence. This is about you, not whomever you’re working for. It’s less about the product and more about how you feel while you’re engaged in your activity. If you do an unpleasant job with care and love, you will soon understand that you can do even better work, and feel worthy of it. Said another way, master one task and move on to the next.

Weekly Horoscope for Nov. 17, 2016, #1126 | By Amy Elliott

It would seem you have a considerable opportunity to pursue pleasures, probably with someone you love. These enjoyments are likely to have a purpose — however, this does not compel you to take them so uber-seriously that you lose the actual fun. Rather, consider the fun as the foremost goal. Let it bring you naturally into a state of relaxation, or peace of mind. Your journey toward further enlightenment, though certainly a part of all this, can be seen more as the context or background than a requirement to be fulfilled consciously. You’ve got this.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 14, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You must be true to yourself. What are you waiting for, and why would you want any other option? Go straight to the point. This means acting with commitment. You could read your current solar chart a few different ways. One take is that a romantic adventure gets serious. The greater path is commitment to your art; that is, to creation along your own personal edge. Art is your spiritual path. It’s about staying connected to yourself, and disconnected from the madness of the world. It’s about making your own way in life, and making your life into what you want. This is often spoken of but rarely embarked upon with genuine sincerity — and you can do it. Yet this takes commitment to yourself. And in a sense this precludes commitment to others, but only of a certain kind: the neurotic kind.

Short Monthly Horoscope for November 2016, #1125 | By Eric Francis

Only you can allow yourself to be free. You don’t need anyone’s permission, nor will it be helpful. Your inner consent is on the emotional level, rather than as some idea or concept. For you, the line between free and un-free involves trusting yourself. You have no more important task or personal mission at this time in your life. You don’t need to be fearless, but rather know how to keep making decisions, and taking action, despite any anxiety you might feel. Hope is one thing, though you might remind yourself that there no guarantees. Life is far more exciting without them.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 7, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Your solar chart is a study in how to have fun without over-committing. Borrowing from that old joke, you don’t need to bring a U-Haul on the second date. The kind of pleasure you want, and can have, is based on your freedom of movement. Go from experience to experience if you want to keep the sense of adventure alive. The thing to be cautious of is jealousy. It’s easy to get caught in that loop if you feel like a playmate is having more fun than you are. Pay attention to your own experience and train yourself to take pleasure in the fun that other people have. This is one of the most enlightened states of mind; or rather it’s the door that opens up a realm of true liberation. Mostly what gets liberated is you. One positive experience leads to the next, and you get some freedom from negative fixations.

Moonshine Horoscope for Scorpio New Moon, #1124 | By Len Wallick

You could do far worse than make an effort to discover a new purpose about now. That’s especially true if anything happens to free up some of your time and energy over the next month or so. The nature of this new reason to be will depend on who you are, but there are some guidelines you can follow to find it. First off, think less about satisfying others and more about what it would take to satisfy yourself. Next, be open to having at least two purposes — perhaps one for the short term and one for the long term. Finally, start looking where you already are, but don’t be afraid of relocating (at least temporarily) if that’s what it takes to find your new, true cause.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 31, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Not everything is an emotional drama, nor does it have to be made into one. The tendency to take everything personally, and to view anything in the world as a threat to your security, is one of the most wasteful plights of our time in history. You can take 10 years of therapy to figure this out, or you can just see that it’s true: without you feeding the drama, it would hardly exist. Therefore, you might consider withdrawing your energy from anything that’s negative, annoying or intrusive, and investing it in your own wellbeing. You are free to block the phone numbers, ignore the text messages and delete the voicemails of anyone who saps your strength or wastes your time. If you feel any guilt about it, presume it’s a toxin rather than a natural substance. This is a great time to bring certain emotional habits to an end, and teach yourself some new ones.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for November 2016, #1123 | By Eric Francis

Belief is fragile. Most beliefs do not stand up to verification. Yet the starting point to getting real is discovering your assumptions and, one by one, popping them like balloons. That’s the big courageous thing involved in growth. Some forms of spiritual training and study give you a pin to do the popping; others give you more hot air to inflate more balloons. You could save yourself time by questioning every assumption you have, and by counting everything you think you know as such. This is not as harsh as it sounds. It’s more like opening up the windows on a cool autumn afternoon, and being grateful that you need neither heat nor air conditioning. Being ‘disillusioned’ is thought of as a bad thing; you might think of it as being shorn of your illusions. The more disillusioned you are, the more open you’ll be to that seemingly elusive thing known as reality. That’s the thing you want. The first benefit will be simplicity. What is so is more elegant and more pragmatic than what you hope is true, or are pretending is true. Yes, this takes commitment, but after a short time the energy that comes back to you will provide ample power for the whole project. It’s like cleaning closets. Once you clean one, going for the rest feels good and ends up being great fun.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 24, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You need to find some level ground with the world, a place where people don’t seem to have all the advantages over you. I would propose that will come from taking care of yourself first. Center your life around your physical and emotional wellbeing, starting with rest, water and some time to yourself. This will help you settle into your body and your feelings, which will in turn give you more confidence. It’s true that you have many demands on your energy and much work to do. In order to be fully present and to offer yourself in service, you need to have all your resources available — to you. Over the next few days the logic of this will seem more apparent, and you’ll naturally go in that direction. Just remember, this is not at cross-purposes to all that you want to get done. Rather, it’s the essential ingredient.

Weekly Horoscope for Oct. 20, 2016, #1122 | By Amy Elliott

You’ve always been, to some extent, a beacon to guide those around you; and just now you are blazing perhaps brighter than ever before. If there’s anything you feel you really could do with more of in your life, it may well start coming to you. Check in with your heart: does opening or relaxing into that space begin to let in what you desire? If any challenges arise, check that you have given out the clearest message possible to anyone involved. Finally, as far as you can, be the example you would most wish to set if you knew people would watch, listen and follow.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 17, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Don’t let anyone’s scrambled ideas about life scramble your mind, or your emotions for that matter. It will help if you recognize when this is happening. It may have been happening quite a bit over the weekend. The best thing you can do is to stop communicating with people who view their role as being to mess with you in some way. The other best thing you can do is to keep your sense of humor. Nearly everything has a funny side, and you’ll be at an advantage if you keep your mind there rather than on some other aspect. The truth has a way of coming through when humor is present. It’s as if seriousness blocks the sensitivity and perceptiveness needed to actually discern reality. Notice the way that your experience changes as your perception changes. The world you see is the one you contain in your mind. Knowing that, and using it, gives you extraordinary influence.

Moonshine Horoscope for Aries Full Moon, #1121 | By Len Wallick

Always being a good sport does not necessarily mean giving away your power. Being a good sport in all ways need not result in your being victimized. There are ways to be consistently fair to others, and still come out on top. It starts with being yourself at all times. If you present the same face to everybody, not only will you be true to yourself — you will be perceived as worthy of trust. Those whose trust you have earned will in turn offer a fair account of you. The testimony of others impressed by your integrity will then precede you to open doors before you even reach them, making you the winner a poor sport could never be.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 10, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

As the Full Moon builds to a peak, I suggest you invest your energy three ways: one is listening, another is being articulate, and the third is listening. Your solar chart describes beautiful opportunities to relate to others. You also seem to have an emotional situation where you need to tune into a domestic partner or close relative. Take special care with this situation. Someone is feeling more than they are letting on, and they may have the feeling of being muted or unable to express their needs. This is why I suggest you listen for clues and bring subjects up delicately. To some extent this may describe you and your relationship to your feelings about someone you live with. No matter how questionable your emotions, all you really need is a dialog. Get the discussion going and all paths will lead to healing.

Short Monthly Horoscope for October 2016, #1120 | By Eric Francis

You must make a special effort to say what you mean and mean what you say. This is less about absolute truth and more about sincerity. Your words count for more than you know right now, so don’t waste them on gossip, on trivia or on negativity. Rather, use words and ideas like the valuable resources they are, and remember that for you honor counts. So too does presentation. Being well-spoken, presenting the written word with care and respect, and keeping things beautiful will be surprisingly helpful in whatever you’re doing or creating.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 3, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You seem to want to get a lot of work done, but you might ask yourself what has already been accomplished — by others and by you. This will save you plenty of work, as it seems the bulk of what you’re trying to do has already been done. You might do a little research and determine the thing that nobody else can figure out how to do. There would seem to be something, which might have been considered impossible or too difficult to accomplish. You might know exactly what this is. You might need to figure it out; and once you do, you’re likely to discover that it’s not so difficult after all. Well, the passage of time, changing conditions and a new mental approach may be what’s helping the difficulty unravel. Be mindful if a task is taking too long; that will mean you need to reassess whether it’s necessary, check your method or find someone who knows more than you and get some information.

Moonshine Horoscope for Libra New Moon, #1119 | By Len Wallick

A vague and undefined feeling you have been living with for some time now is about to become something more definite and clear for you. As you approach this new level of your awareness, it would help your cause to remember two things. First, always remember that your feelings are valid. Never let anybody tell you otherwise. Even if you don’t know why you are feeling happy (or sad, or lucky, or whatever) you can be certain that the sense represents a reality every bit as substantial and consequential as any other. Next, remember that knowledge — and access to it — is power. The self-knowledge you are about to realize more fully is no exception to that rule. Do not fear having your eyes opened. You will be better off with a better understanding of what you have so long only intuited.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 26, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Be generous with praise and compliments, and with sharing your knowledge. You have a lot to say, and it’s time you said it. You have some genuine areas of both expertise and experience. However, you will need to focus what you know and what you’ve accomplished into a form that is relevant for others. This will involve reinterpreting what you know, and in a sense transforming, focusing and making it accessible. Yet if you can do this, you can actually feed yourself using your ideas. This would include any form of business activity on the internet, and many forms of creative work or consulting. The thing is, you need an angle. What you have possession of is like a library, or a mine full of ore. Now you must extract the useful ingredients and fashion them into something valuable. Once you’ve done that, connecting with those who will benefit is the easy half of the gig.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscopes for October 2016, #1118 | By Eric Francis

You may need to work hard, though that’s also an invitation to work brilliantly. You will save yourself effort and get better results by applying intelligence first to any situation. Get a concept, an overview, a vision. Rather than a sense of direction, what you will benefit from is a concept of what you’re working toward. This might be more or less specific, lavishly detailed or less so. Let that guide you, in a loose and evolving way. It’s essential that all of your plans and even intentions be flexible enough to express themselves in a way that can actually manifest. One quality of our times is the environment changing so rapidly that it’s impossible to adapt. Rather, the thing essential to adapt oneself to is the sensation of constantly shooting the rapids. The beauty of speed is that small moves mean a lot. Momentum is doing most of the work; your role is to guide and direct. That’s the difference between working hard and working smart, as the old expression goes. There is plenty of energy coming out of the ground, and the fire-breathing dragon of time is hot and heavy at the moment. Therefore, settle into your seat and guide your craft; or if it suits you, step outside and walk.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 19, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

When the Sun changes signs this week, you may start to give yourself a break from worrying about money. Cash flow is meaningful but understanding your priorities is more important — and that’s the place to start. Once you determine what really matters, you might be surprised to see how much else does not matter. It’s been easier than usual for you to obsess over the small details lately, because there have been so many of them, coming at you so fast. For the next few weeks, you have the perfect opportunity to work through essential or desired tasks left incomplete, or those that have been forgotten. It will still be easy to get distracted by trivial worldly concerns, so you will need to keep prioritizing as a conscious act. These days that’s an essential skill, with so much mental overload. Yet do it long enough and you’ll get the hang of it, and get back into the flow.

Pisces Full Moon Moonshine for Sept. 15, 2016, #1117 | By Len Wallick

For you, ‘work’ is not the cursed four-letter word it is for some others. To have work to do and be able to do it is a blessing because you are aware that worthy labors, like time, wait for no one. Whether you are aware of it or not, it would appear that you have nearly completed your preparations to shift from one form of work to another. In spite of any qualms you have, follow through on what you resolved to start. Give yourself a chance to complete the transition(s) you have initiated. Feel secure that the aptitudes and skills that have allowed you to excel in other fields will transfer to your new endeavors. Finally, look forward to uncovering new and deeper layers of truth through new ways of working.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 12, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Most people don’t know what they believe — and this is a luxury you cannot afford. Not only do you need to know what you believe, but also to discern whether it’s true. Pay attention to what you say every time you utter the phrase ‘I think’, which really means, ‘I believe’. Have you verified whether it’s true, or whether other points of view might expand your thinking? You need to establish yourself as your own fact-checker. You might also be mindful of when you impose your beliefs on others, and back off from that. It would be altogether wiser of you to really understand your own thoughts and ideas rather than exporting them in some way. This will help you develop your considerable intelligence, deepen your maturity and tap into all that you’ve learned. If you present yourself to the people in your life as someone who questions yourself, nobody will need to question you.

Short Monthly Horoscope for September 2016, #1116 | By Eric Francis

You must be shrewder with money, and you can be. You have the natural intelligence to do so, though you must invest in yourself. When you spend a dollar or swipe some plastic, ask yourself how you benefit, and for how long. Ask yourself who else benefits. Self-investment rather than mere spending is cumulative, and the results are durable. This involves time as much as it does money. Slow down, consider what you want, and devote yourself to experiences that will enrich your humanity and have lasting value.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 5, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You will make great strides in improving your financial situation if you take full responsibility for yourself in these weeks of your life. Depend first on your own resources. Rather than being independent as a matter of pride, do so as a matter of integrity. You can afford to be more generous with others than you think; part of improving your finances involves changing your attitude about money, and getting yourself out of scarcity consciousness. You would benefit from sidestepping the usual gossip about complaints, including avoiding people who are enamored of their own sense of lack. Teach yourself new habits by selecting friends who take a positive approach to money. And by all means get in the habit of voting with your dollars (or quid, or euros). Spend money where your need for some service or item meets someone in business who deserves your investment.

Virgo New Moon Moonshine for Sept. 1, 2016, #1115 | By Len Wallick

You do not rule the world. Perhaps you should, but that’s not the issue for you now. At this time, it is less necessary for you to spread your influence, and more important for you to expand your appreciation of how influential you already are. If you will stop and think about it, there are small but significant recent examples of people deferring to you as never before. It is almost as if you have come of age somehow, and claimed a place among peers who were previously elders. Now, your task is to own and care for your new level of status as if it is a proud possession. Don’t abuse it. Keep it clean and polished. Display it. Stake out the ground that is now properly and duly yours so you can both stretch out within it and invite others to share it.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 29, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

This week’s unusual astrology is about your relationship to money. This theme has been coming up for you over and over again, though you may not trust the earning potential that you feel. That would call into question your relationship to all forms of your potential. It’s clear that you may be seriously underestimating your ability to convert your talent and ideas into money. You’re being invited to open your mind to those ideas, which is another way of saying that you must assess your value in a practical way. For most people accustomed to working for wages, this feels like manifesting something out of thin air. It’s nothing of the kind, though you must get over a tendency to think small; that’s another way of thinking bigger. You have many gifts and personal assets. Converting that into revenue is a matter of aligning your skills with the needs of others, and assessing a fair price. This will be approximately double what you would be likely to estimate in the first round.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for Sept. 2016, #1114 | By Eric Francis

From the look of your solar chart, you’ve just experienced some kind of personal breakthrough that’s taken you closer to being an artist, a lover or a free spirit. You’ve worked hard for this; you’ve had to face many inner demons and insecurities, and the result has been a surge of creative and sexual energy. This has helped you overcome an inner block that’s been interfering with your fun and passion for a while. The thing to remember is that it’s possible to revert to old ways of being. It’s easy to get scared of being ‘too free’ or ‘too powerful’. In fact, freedom feels like a dangerous state to many people, which is why humans so often revert to some form of unfree. You have to decide what you want, and what you’re willing to do in order to have it. If you want to get into the flow of energy, ideas and pleasure — that is, vital force — I have a few suggestions from your astrology. One is to avoid moral judgments on pleasure of any kind. Another is to step back from people, whether friends, partners or colleagues, who express such judgments. Preserving and developing your newfound space to explore your potential will in part depend on cultivating relationships that support you rather than diminish you. Those relationships are available, though you must set the criteria.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 22, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You have abundant resources to work with. Therefore you can go light on your own money and toil. Pause and take an inventory of what’s available. I assure you that anything you need, you or someone close to you already has. Proceed in the spirit of service without necessarily using that word. State clearly what you want to get done and by when. Remember that any project you’re involved with will have in equal measure creative potential, the ability to support others, and a visionary touch to it. You may be feeling that the time is now, though you don’t need to proceed with urgency or a sense of pressure. You’re fully connected to the best possible outcome, though you may need to work your way through some turbulence to get there. This is why I’m suggesting that you conserve your energy and use what you have wisely. Make a goal of never getting stressed. When in doubt, get out your sketchpad and draw something, or put on some music and dance around the room for a few minutes.

Full Moon Moonshine Horoscope for Aug. 18, 2016, #1113 | By Len Wallick

More than most people, you know who and what you are. More often than not, your intrinsic self-awareness has had the fringe benefit of grounding you in circumstances where others lose touch, if not control. What you may not fully understand is that the rewards of your more-than-usually examined life extend beyond just stability. Included in the qualities that make you both real and realistic is a capacity to distinguish more clearly than most between being bold and being reckless. Therefore, if your current perch begins to feel a little confining, don’t be afraid to try your wings — if only just a little.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 15, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Always remember that your intelligence is your most valuable resource. You may have finances on your mind, and the key to whatever you’re puzzling over or trying to figure out is the power of your mind. You are about to tap into a much wider and deeper source of mental power than you’re typically accustomed to. This will, in turn, help you tap into greater resources than you usually have. Yet this is not like getting a loan from a bank. Rather, it’s much closer to you making your resources available, and seeing what that attracts. The more generous you are, the more you will figure out how much that you have, and that you know. It may be popular to withhold knowledge, as if that makes it worth more. Often this is a mask for lacking confidence. Ideas increase by being given away. You will gain self-assurance as you share what you know, and base your relationships on that sharing.

Weekly Horoscope for Aug. 11, 2016, #1112 | By Amy Elliott

Play has many useful purposes. In children, it fosters important social and emotional development as well as honing brain skills. We all need to play sometimes, even in adulthood when we’re expected to be all serious and grown-up. This week, be sure to indulge your sense of fun — not only would this have great healing potential, you could well find your creative wits becoming sharper. Respect others’ self-direction by all means, but don’t let anyone try to stifle or control yours.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 8, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

If you’re prospering financially, you know it’s not a matter of luck. You know it’s a matter of focus, effort and intelligence. If you want to do better on the money scene, bring your intelligence to the question. Leo can have a frugal quality that you might need to get over. What for some is about covering their basic necessities for you might seem overly extravagant. You might suspend those kinds of judgments on the way to figuring out your relationship to money. Everyone must find their proper place on the food chain. You value what is simple, and by all indications you despise waste and want. Yet to have a good life it’s important to have one or two selected areas of life where you go to excess, if only as a reminder that you’re the one making the decisions. Financial success is largely a matter of being open to it; that makes all your other efforts possible.

Short Monthly Horoscope for August 2016, #1111 | By Eric Francis

You seem certain who you are and what you want. At the same time, commitments to others, or delays others are causing, might be bogging you down. Look clearly at these engagements. Are they supporting you in some way, and if so, how exactly? If not, the question is why they are in your life. It may be necessary to break this down to the seemingly cold facts of who owes what to whom. Unspoken agreements must be uncovered and then addressed clearly, if you truly want to live the life that is calling you with such fire and passion.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 1, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

This week’s New Moon in your sign will unlock many doors for you, though you won’t know which they are unless you turn the knob and try to get in. The perfect collaboration between you and the universe involves opportunities that are activated — that is, turned on and made real — by your curiosity and motivation. These are ‘use it or lose it’ tickets to the future. With Mars about to move in your favor, you should have plenty of ideas and moxie. The question is: will you persist through any resistance or challenging patches along the way to what you want to do? I suggest you promise yourself, now, that you’re not going to give up the first time you feel blocked or come to a rough patch. That’s built into this particular equation, and it would seem that the great reward of this phase of your journey is learning how to keep your momentum running on any terrain.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for August 2016, #1110 | By Eric Francis

You are standing at an intersection in your journey through space and time. There are a few ways to look at this: for example, you might take the more challenging route or the easier one. You might choose to be jealous or forgiving. You might choose to deceive, or to tell the truth. All of those potentials are open, and many more. Yet what I suggest you not do is let ‘fate’ decide. You must determine the approach you want to take to life, and understand your motives for doing so. It would help if you recognize that subtle choices and shifts of energy can make far greater differences than seems obvious. In that environment it makes no more sense to leave your life to luck or destiny than it does to take your eyes off the highway for a few minutes when you’re driving 75 miles per hour. When you’re driving, minuscule decisions can have profound outcomes. Trusting to seeming fate is not appropriate, though for you right now it’s a real temptation. Why you might do that is another question, and it involves your experience of your power. Most of the time it’s far less nerve-wracking to be ineffectual and subject to the whims of others. Invoking one’s own strength and influence can seem dangerous. Fear of failure and fear of success can both loom large. But they are not equal values.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 25, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Energy is now pumped in all three of the fire signs. The Sun, Mercury and Venus are in your sign, which is picking up on (and feeding) the energy of all the other fire signs. What that describes is the drive to do beautiful things. Yet there is a wider theme: self-awareness. The world is going through some extreme growing pains right now. Much of this is being driven by a struggle to awaken that’s being ignited by the grand fire trine in the sky (that’s when all three fire signs have planets in them). For you, this is an invitation to stay awake and present in your life. Do what matters to you. Hang out with people you care about. Try going out without your phone for a whole evening and engaging only with people in the physical world. Most of all, let yourself feel passion. The way consciousness is today, actual passion will feel a little dangerous, as if you care so much, or feel so good, that you’re about to burst into flames.

Weekly Horoscope for July 21, 2016, #1109 | By Amy Elliott

The feeling of being refreshed and renewed that comes with your birthday season might be especially potent for you this year. If that’s the case, feel free to ride the wave, bearing in mind the usual caveat about considering carefully any significant risks you might be drawn to. Pay generous attention to any opportunities for developing your career or public life. What you’re particularly looking for here is a chance to move toward increased fulfillment at the soul level; this may include withdrawing from a situation that has somewhat of the opposite tendency. Be ready, and seize the moment when it comes.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 18, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

The Sun will soon arrive in your sign, beginning your birthday season. You may already be feeling the positive vibes, with Mercury and Venus running a few paces ahead of the Sun. They’re describing what is possible, and giving you a sense that there really is a future if you appreciate what you have now. If you find yourself hung up on some issue rooted in the past, be patient and present. This may relate to the affairs of someone who was on Earth before you, or who has left before you. Any confusion you’re feeling is unlikely to be your own. Family baggage is passed down from generation to generation like some kind of heirloom. Many, many people live in a state where the past is left unresolved. Ask yourself what you can do to have closure, so you can live your life in the moment.

Full Moon Moonshine Horoscope for July 14, 2016, #1108 | By Len Wallick

Giving and receiving are not two different things. They are in fact two facets of the same thing. If you have been exclusively on one side or the other for a long time, now would be a good time to allow for some balance. Because of your leonine heart, it’s probable that you have been far more in the role of the giver for as far back as memory can reliably serve. If that’s the case for you, it’s likely that some reciprocal gifts from the grateful will soon be coming your way. Simply be gracious in accepting those tributes and tidings, and the experience will be more than gratifying — it will be genuinely and authentically life-changing.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 11, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Anxiety is an issue these days. Anyone who doesn’t freak out every now and then probably doesn’t have a pulse. Concern extends to our families, our friends, the environment, the world and the state of the country. Your chart has a good few indicators that you might be a little more worried than usual these days. It’s as if some pressure has built up and you need to vent it. Physical activity would be a good way to do that. Your desire nature looks pretty stoked as well — you might choose to express rather than suppress. The thing to remember is that you need emotional connection. That calls for some vulnerability, which in itself might present a concern. At a certain point you must decide that you’re safe, or at least safe enough for the purposes of what you want to do. Then let off some pressure. See how you feel, and try it again.

Short Monthly Horoscope for July 2016, #1107 | by Eric Francis

Your best ideas are going to come out of the blue, as if your inner genius is a kitten ambushing your head from behind the couch. Therefore, pay attention, and do that thing where you sleep next to a notebook and pencil, or ask your friends to write things down while you’re driving. There is energy behind your thoughts right now, and you will come up with solutions to problems that could turn out to be valuable, useful things. It doesn’t matter whether you feel creative; the fact is that you are, in some eminently practical forms. Put that gift to use.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 4, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Aspects for the next few days will help you let off some psychological pressure. The way to do this is to let your imagination flow uninhibited. Let off on the breaks, and choose to never be afraid of your own thoughts. The chances are that you’re tapping into the sweet spot of your imagination right now. You have a clue how good life can be, and you know you have the power to make that real. Yet imagination has a way of ‘threatening’ known reality, especially if it’s boring or backed into a corner. Wanting richer intimacy has a way of ‘threatening’ situations where there is little or no intimacy, for example. Visiting an exciting, creative workspace is certainly a ‘threat’ to any job that puts you to sleep. You might feel quaky for a moment at the thought of doing something more fulfilling, but once you spring into action, that won’t last long.

New Moon Moonshine Horoscope for June 30, 2016, #1106 | by Len Wallick

Be as generous with yourself as you have been with others, and the weeks to come will be more rewarding. While it may indeed be time to acquire a few possessions you have been putting off, the most valuable gifts you can give yourself now would probably be experiences. Specifically, do what you can to get yourself out of your residence and workplace and into your local unexplored world. Look to take in whatever your community has to offer as regards to art and performance; the idea is to expand your sense of both home and self beyond familiar walls. As you avail yourself of your outer environs, keep your eyes open. Look for places you might want to return to — not just to take them in, but also to take part.

Monday Morning Horoscope for June 27, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You don’t need to engage in any debate about morals, especially sexual. In sex, there is just one necessary line of appropriateness, which is of-age consent. Once that’s been taken care of, you are entitled to be who you are, to feel what you feel, and to do what you want to do. So is everyone else. What is so often disguised as morality is like a crepe-paper Halloween costume pulled over a deeper reality: some people want everyone else to have less fun than they do. The very things to avoid are gossip and scandal in any form. Simply do not participate. Walk away or end the discussion. You are the one and only person who must make up your own mind about what is right or wrong for you and for your relationships. This takes less courage than it may seem to at first. You merely need to call things what they are, and remember that nobody is your judge or jury.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for July 2016, #1105 | by Eric Francis

Imagine a famous person who is really an introvert. It seems like a contradiction because so many people know their name and face. This is a fair description of you right now. You have a lavishly enterprising outer life, and yet you are an inwardly focused person; you must pull in and find a home within yourself. This is not optional; one way or another, it’s going to happen, so you may as well make some choices that work for you and give yourself all the space and time you need away from your usual activities. This will remind you what a private person you are. You might wonder how you engage in so much activity with so many people, and with so little time and space for yourself. Those are good questions and they are worth asking, and answering to the extent that you can. Your astrology, however, is encouraging you to take a more reflective view of life for a while. That means making fewer plans, not more of them. If you do make plans, such as to travel or take time off, minimize activity and give yourself plenty of time to sit on the porch and stare at the water or at some trees. This is not any kind of permanent state. Rather, you’re gathering your strength and awareness for the next stage of your journey, soon to arrive.

Monday Morning Horoscope for June 20, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You seem uncertain about what you need to feel safe. Is it some form of emotional reassurance? Is it the feeling of stability? Or do you need to find your core of self-reliance, the one that has worked for you so well in the past? I would propose that the less you can make this about other people, and the more you can make it about yourself, the better you will feel. Despite ancient and modern mythology to the contrary, your confidence comes from you. Your security comes from you. This begins with you deciding to feel comfortable in your own skin and accepting of who you are. There’s something huge here about giving yourself permission to desire exactly what you need, without judgment. The more honest you are with yourself, the more confidence you will feel. Therefore, if you’re feeling shaky, get real with yourself and you will feel better.

Moonshine Horoscope for June 16, 2016, #1104 | by Len Wallick

Being comfortable in your own skin is half the game right now. That’s because wherever you choose to go, there you will be. The same principle applies to whatever you choose to do, and whenever you choose to do it. You are the common denominator in your life for every moment you live. Of course, that’s true for everybody. For you, however, your own presence at every occasion in your life is something more than just a pithy precept. It’s a cornerstone waiting to be laid. It’s an epiphany waiting to happen. There are two big reasons for that. First, every day really is the first day of the rest of your life. Additionally, your relationship with the universe really does imply that the majesty and magnanimity humanity has always imagined of lions is implicitly part of who you are. All you have to do is allow that part to live through your every action and you will not only be comfortable but beautiful in your own skin.

Monday Morning Horoscope for June 13, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You seem to be getting your message clear. Remember that in trying to persuade others, they’re more likely to respond to beauty, or their feelings, than they are to logic. You might have the idea that if you’re clear enough, and make enough sense, you’ll get everyone on board with your idea. Think of it this way: people are already convinced; they just need to be motivated. It’s essential that you remember this, because additional attempts to convince anyone will have an effect opposite what you’re going for. What will get results is having faith in yourself, if you are willing to act on it in a meaningful way. By this I mean you have to trust yourself more than any nagging voice in your mind, and you have to trust that you’re good for your commitments — because you are.

Monday Morning Horoscope for June 6, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You cannot control how other people perceive you. Try as you may, everyone is going to come up with their own idea. There is no point resisting or resenting the attention that you get, when you try so diligently to be visible and to make the right impression. It’s interesting how much energy people invest in being their own publicist, stylist and manager trying to get a grip on their image, and the mixed feelings that result. While you cannot control what others think, you can influence it. The distinction is relevant because wielding influence is different from the illusion of controlling someone’s perception. One distinction is that it would necessarily lead you to pay attention to the response you get from your environment. That will tell you a lot, and you’ll have more fun. You just need to hang loose and be more transparent. Open up and actually offer people insight into your thoughts, and notice what happens when you do.

Short Monthly Horoscope for June 2016, #1103 | By Eric Francis

Know where you stand with people, particularly financially. Make sure that you understand the details of any arrangement, and that you enter any agreement with a conscious agenda. Contracts work because they describe a mutual set of needs and intentions, and you can only participate in a constructive way if you know where you stand, what you want, and what you have to offer. You may need to be a little less trusting, ask more questions and seek the input of people who know more than you. When in doubt, read the fine print and ask the difficult questions.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 30, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Pay attention to the inconsistencies between what you say and how you really feel. Notice how your image differs from your inner reality. Do you promote the difference, or do you strive to have your ‘inner being’ match your outer presentation? Ponder this question for a while. It’s been hanging around your life for some time, though it’s really coming into focus now. There are other ways to play with this: notice what you say about your reality to some people as opposed to others. Notice the slightly different way you present yourself to everyone. What is really going on? It may be that each time you encounter a new being, you have a different energy resonance with them, and a new version of you emerges. It may be that people mirror you or that you mirror them, creating a unique experience every time you encounter someone else. This leads back to a very old question: who are you really? You may not have an answer yet, but it will feel good to ask.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for June 2016, #1102 | By Eric Francis

Most blessings are hidden: we don’t notice them. Pay attention; and not only observe but embrace the many offerings existence is holding out to you. First among them is what looks like some burning spiritual thirst or desire. You can count that as a gift because without it, what motivation would you have to seek your deeper truth, embrace your life or strive for freedom? You may be experiencing an emotional craving for sex that has replaced your previous need to feel safe and secure. Count this as a gift because you’re going beyond the need for things to stay as they are, and are becoming willing to challenge yourself and allow your life to change. You may want independence from your family and its drama, which is a gift because you have your own life to live. The essential blessing of this time is the ability to honestly admit what you want, stepping out of any guilt or hang-ups for doing so. This is no small matter, as we live in a time of increasing criminalization of any desire that does not involve your credit card number. You seem ready to burst free from this oppression, though you would be wise to have a plan for what to do with any inner backlash. In this instance, as in most of life, guilt is a sure sign you’re doing the right thing.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 23, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

It looks like some professional issue, a hitch or delay of some kind, has come unstuck – or is about to. If you are planning any sort of career move, the next few weeks are a good time to aim for. You must, though, be aware of a rapidly shifting environment, and certain developing matters that are likely to come to a head between now and early June. That means keep an open mind, and listen more than you speak. If you do, you will learn many things that influence your decisions, and reveal the best strategy to use. Meanwhile you would be wise to keep your plans under wraps, while making any necessary moves behind the scenes. With the current emphasis on what are called mutable signs – Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces – be prepared to adapt and pivot, and to take advantage of unplanned-for opportunities. Most of all, work with the state of flux and keep your mind wide open to the possibilities.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for May 19, 2016, #1101 | By Len Wallick

You may have had good reason to go it alone in some ways during your life — especially for the last four or five years. Perhaps it was to protect yourself somehow. Maybe it was because you found that you could rely on yourself when others occasionally proved to be unreliable. It’s good to be able to protect yourself. It’s also good to be self-reliant. There is no avoiding the fact, however, that you are a human being. There is also no denying that our species has survived because of, and defined itself by, a capacity for cooperation and forming communities. Therefore, as you move forward from this auspicious point into the rest of your life, be open to joining with the auspices of individuals or groups with whom you could form a more perfect union.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 16, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

There is big movement in the house associated with your career, though there is little room for error. That can be a dangerous combination, so you need to slow down and make sure that you take any necessary precautions without stilting yourself. Said another way, make sure you take responsibility for both ends of any line of communication for a week or so. This will require some executive micromanagement, such as calling someone up to ask if they got your email. You’re good at that, anyway; though the key will be maintaining your wider vision at the same time. You must keep a high vantage point and a broad perspective. Know what larger plan every smaller element fits into. Go for efficiency points and make things applicable to various goals and purposes. And when you’re dealing with higher-ups, bosses and others in power, take extra responsibility and measure your words carefully.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for May 12, 2016, #1100 | By Len Wallick

If you want to be understood, first seek to understand. Even though you may not receive credit for being compassionate, you know in your lion’s heart that one of your many strengths is to feel empathy and show support for those you like and love. The only challenge is that it is now evidently time for you to demonstrate the same qualities of heart towards those who have not previously inspired you to be sympathetic. There is a reason for this, and it has to do with what some call enlightened self-interest. The degree of success you enjoy henceforth will be proportional to the extent you are able to walk in another’s shoes.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 9, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You may not think this is the best time to be making professional decisions. Yes, Mercury is retrograde in your career house; that’s supposed to be a cause for concern. Yet sometimes the exact opposite of conventional wisdom holds true, and this is just such an occasion. You can do something unusual now; for example, embark on a project, a business or a series of moves to enhance your career. There’s just one condition for success, though: in addition to the necessity for impeccable quality, you must do what you’re doing in a way that is truly your own. This is success dancing to the beat of your own drummer, based on work so good that you are willing to sign your name to it. Said another way, this is not the time to follow the rules that others have set; it’s the time to follow your own calling and your own inner code, which is a high standard indeed.

Moonshine Horoscope for May 5, 2016, #1099 | By Len Wallick

Let the word ‘affinity’ serve as a template through which you filter your options. That’s because you are (perhaps at long last) going somewhere as regards finding your place and establishing your reputation in the world, even if it may not seem that way now. It will be no small thing to include among your many considerations whether you will like and be liked among the various people, places and situations that might become available to you sooner than you think. While it makes sense to put your own happiness first, compatibility is ultimately a two-way street. Therefore, take what you have learned from experience, and anticipate where you most likely will find welcome as well as opportunity.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 2, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You seem to be reshuffling career goals, with an aim of setting your sights on something more meaningful and more profitable — in that order. I suggest you start with what would be meaningful and leave out the financial end. That’s really a separate project, and a lower priority. Getting a real idea of what you want is the more challenging thing. I suggest you take your time, and stoke your imagination. It’s easy to walk along a city street, or for that matter, through a small town, and think that there are limited opportunities for you. You want to go to the other side of the spectrum: let yourself believe, for as long as you can, that anything is possible. Worry not if you ‘don’t think you can make a living at it’. Nearly everything that people thrive on economically today was considered impossible or nonexistent just 10 or 20 years ago, and with this experiment, you are pointing the ship of your life toward the future.

Short Monthly Horoscope for May 2016, #1098 | By Eric Francis

This month looks like the tipping point in a professional matter that’s been evolving for a while. Consider every conversation you have as some form of a lucky break. If you feel that someone is fortunate to meet you, ask yourself why exactly that is — and know the specifics. Success implies responsibility. You might earn more, and then you might also have to work longer hours and take worries off the minds of your bosses. Be grateful for that. When someone trusts you enough to grant you authority of any kind, take it as a blessing and work twice as diligently.

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 25, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

At present, your solar chart describes how your life is set up to accomplish some rather large goals in some unusual ways. You are under no obligation to follow convention, as long as you don’t piss off your higher-ups or people to whom you’re responsible. This leaves you plenty of room for unconventional approaches to leadership, to meeting your goals and to succeeding in some special way. Focus on the task at hand and ask yourself what you’re really trying to do. See if you can strip away any need you have for maintaining an appearance. That kind of goal will typically lead you to some pointless places. However, remember that you’re being observed by others who may hold some power and influence in your life; and you want to do things well, and maintain a policy of genuine honesty. You will save yourself precious time and effort. Better still, you will thrive on any demonstration that the truth is your greatest source of strength.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for May 2016, #1097 | By Eric Francis

You seem ready to take your professional life more seriously; your timing is good. You will make the greatest strides by using unconventional means. These days, unconventional (verging on really weird) involves actually calling someone on the phone, or showing up somewhere that you think might have an opportunity waiting or where you will gain experience or learn something new. Any error you make, or miscommunication you encounter, might contain an opportunity. Pause and look for what that might be; for example, if you get an email from someone by mistake, or dial the wrong company. Investigate what truth might exist within a misunderstanding. Notice whom you ‘just bump into’. You might also intentionally call up some old contacts and see what they have going on. All of this is predicated, of course, on you having some idea what you want to do and why you want to do it: some actual goal. I suggest, however, that this really be a top priority, something with substance and with lasting value. It’s likely to be something you’ve wanted to do for a long time, and are just connecting or reconnecting with. It will be worth every bit of your energy right now, though I suggest you aim high: consider your most important professional goal. And remember that you might get there in a way you were not expecting.

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 18, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Be patient with any career or professional plans you may have. You seem to be getting impatient, as if your current life cannot contain your ambitions. The Sun’s move into Taurus later this week will only help you, though I suggest you remember that we’re not really talking about ‘career’ or ‘profession’. We’re talking about you: your devotion to life, your experience of your existence. You will make tremendous progress if you focus on developing your talent rather than striving to succeed at something. If you accept the fact that this will take some time and effort, and make that investment, you’re likely to get a greater return than you were expecting. The key to art is managing to have fun while you’re doing the discipline thing. That means loving the process of learning and developing your talent. Keep reminding yourself: this is what it means to be human.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for April 14, 2016, #1096 | By Len Wallick

You will know that it was right to let go when you do not find yourself empty-handed for having done so. Of course, not knowing outcomes until after the act of releasing attachment will entail some risk. Actively engaging with risk will in turn require that you willingly and even eagerly embrace uncertainty. If ever it were (or will be) appropriate to forgo securing sure things in order to make room for possibilities to become real, the next eight months appear to be your prime time for doing just that. If you need a hint regarding what to let go of first, examine all you serve. Sustain any cause of love and compassion, but free yourself from being a slave to mere sentiment.

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 11, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Your long-term vision may not be what you thought it was; be glad of that fact. Indeed, this week you may have a series of revelations not just about what you want, but also about who you are. The two are integrally related, and as you explore that relationship, you will make many bold discoveries. The key to success is not limiting your imagination. People are often inclined not to think about something, or not to want it, because it seems impossible or unlikely. Yet I suggest that you consider those very things. Get over the first obstacle, which is yourself. Be ready to be persistent, and to take the long view, by which I mean what you want to accomplish before your next birthday. You don’t need to probe centuries ahead of yourself; you just need to see yourself substantially beyond where you are now, and remember that anything is possible if you have faith in yourself.

Moonshine Horoscope for April 7, 2016 #1095 | By Len Wallick

Make hay while the Sun shines. There are evidently some things that need your fullest attention now, because they will not wait. Other things can safely be put off. Discerning between the two will do more than just make you efficient and effective. People will notice how you combine diligence with discretion, and will support you in your aspirations to extend your horizons and expand your opportunities for advancement. This is no game. Part of the picture for every person who would like to be a future reference on your resume is their own reputation. Hence, be aware that every time you come through for yourself will also feather the cap of those who are cheering you on with enlightened self-interest.

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 4, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You have the ability to see far into the future. This is a gift of the current moment, as if you’re standing on a high mountain and can see the landscape in every direction, all around you. Take a week out of your usual approach to life and really look into the distance — checking out every possible perspective, remembering what you see. Imagine the different choices you might make, different directions in which you might proceed, and project each one five years into the future. Once you come down from that mountain and continue your journey, your perspective will be different, much closer to the ground. You will benefit from bringing your perspective with you, remembering how you felt when you saw into a particular direction of future arrival. If you have commitments or complications today that you think might prevent going any particular way, do not be hindered or discouraged. You have the power to resolve them, and nothing will stop you.

Short Monthly Horoscope for April 2016, #1094 | By Eric Francis

Skip back 10 years and ask yourself what, at that time, you thought you would be doing now. Does it resemble what you have going on today? Now, project that magnitude of change 10 years ahead and imagine the possibilities. Time seems to be moving so fast that you must keep your eyes right on the ground in front of you. I suggest you look up, and look out, and notice what you see. Then bring that vision into the present moment and create some aspect of it right now. You don’t need to delay, or spend your time waiting.

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 28, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Dare to allow yourself to be driven by a creative idea. This may show up as an impulse of some kind, or daring yourself to do something you really want to do for the pleasure of doing it. You will know you’re in range of a real idea when you say to yourself, “I’m not sure how this is going to come out, but I really want to try it.” One emotion that’s taken a beating in the Internet Age is passion. This is the exact opposite of being powdered and rehearsed, cool and smooth. Passion means connecting feeling and action. I suspect you have an idea good enough to persist with once the initial rush of desire and intention fade to your usual level of ambition. If you like what transpires from your first attempt, then consider committing to a longer experiment and notice how it develops, say, over the next month.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for April, 2016, #1093 | By Eric Francis

You have a future. That’s a big deal right now, with the world living like there’s no tomorrow. While it’s not a good idea to obsess over the future or to treat it as your only resource, you will live more confidently in the present moment if you know you have time, space and potential ahead of you. Think of this message as: take your time rather than waste time. Taking your time means using time well. One particular angle of your chart is trying to get your attention, which is the house that addresses the themes of creativity, pleasure and risk. It seems as if there is something you want to experiment with or explore, yet you don’t know whether to dive in or to hesitate. If this involves something you could call purely creative — that is, some form of expression with few possible consequences — you risk nothing by diving in. If there are some actual, potential consequences, which you must risk in order to succeed, then consider the worst-case scenario. What could go wrong and what are the chances that it will? How can you mitigate those potential effects? Then ask yourself if it’s worth taking that risk to achieve what you want to do. Once you decide to proceed, skip all the hesitating and get on with the show.

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 21, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You may feel unsure whether to worry yourself sick, or to declare that your life is headed in the best possible direction. When you have seemingly opposing or contradictory thoughts, it can help to let them stand face to face for a while. You have no need to resolve the seeming paradox, and you will learn plenty this week that helps you sort out the approach you want to be taking. If your source of anxiety involves a relationship, you might ask yourself whether your level of dependency is healthy or appropriate. You might also consider whether certain factors that seem to be set in stone really are negotiable. Yet you must be the one who sees the highest possible potential and actively seeks a solution that works for everyone. This is a creative act and, in your life, you are the source of that creativity. Therefore, be bold and take leadership.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for March 17, 2016 #1092 | By Len Wallick

Doing things the hard way is neither redeeming nor ennobling for you at this time. Taking and making things easier is not necessarily laziness. You owe it to yourself to examine your life for how you might be pursuing a harder way than is absolutely necessary. If labor-saving devices are available and appropriate, employ them. Should shortcuts be conscionable, take them. If you are going it on your own when help is available, team up and pool efforts. If any endeavor is taking more out of you than it returns at this time, don’t accept that state of affairs as necessary. To feel happier, seek to balance your exchange of energy with the world.

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 14, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Keep simplifying your affairs. Remember what is really of actual value, which begins with companionship, a dry roof and food to eat. If you have that much, count yourself not just lucky but as extremely fortunate. You will send a message to the people closest to you about what really matters. Notions of commitment, abstract ideas about money, and people passing their burdens to you need to be seen as the irrelevancies they are. Simple means sticking to what is tangible. If you are happy, you have the power to be even happier. If you are in any way struggling or feeling burdened, you have the potential to get clear and make clear decisions. Give back to others what belongs to them. Take on only responsibilities that are truly your own. The concept of net worth is meaningless in comparison to the value of your soul, and what you have to offer the world.

Moonshine Horoscope for March 10, 2016 #1091 | By Len Wallick

Conventional wisdom is just that. It consists of aphorisms, which many people agree to agree upon. You, however, are not ‘many people’. You should feel no pressure to conform to conventional wisdom. More importantly, you should not feel something is wrong with you if your own experience does not resonate with pithy proverbs, no matter how commonly accepted. Rather, it is your role to be the learned skeptic. Whenever you find that common sense makes no sense for you at all, first do your research. Get to the bottom of how things actually work, as opposed to how they are supposed to. Then, combine the fruit of your investigations with your currently strong sense of doing what’s right: make the world work better for you and better your work in the world.

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 7, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Proceed with caution on financial issues this week. Don’t let anyone rush you into anything you’re uncertain of, or don’t understand well enough to explain clearly. Any nagging hint of doubt you may feel is worth listening to, and indicates there is some missing information. Few things of any real importance cannot wait a week or two. No person of any real significance would fail to respond to your need for clarity, especially if they are expecting you to make a commitment of any kind. If someone makes the case that you could lose an opportunity, you can be sure it’s not an opportunity you would want, anyway. If you’re looking for a real margin of safety that will help you get to the bottom of things, what you learn around the time of the Full Moon eclipse of March 23 will be golden.

Short Monthly Horoscope for March 2016, #1090 | By Eric Francis

Don’t let worries about money stop you from doing what you’ve set out to do. If you bring the commitment and the ideas, it’s likely that others will bring the resources. Even without the help of anyone else, you have more than enough to accomplish your goal. It’s mostly a matter of where you choose to invest your funds and, more importantly, your energy. Between being cheap and being wasteful exists a wide area where there is simply enough to get the job done. Remember: your most valuable asset is your mind — even a single idea.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for March 2016, #1089 | By Eric Francis

Clinging to yourself, your ideas, your ideals, your money or your energy does not help. Your life is a collaborative venture, and there seems to be some rapidly growing influence to get more involved, and to take this to a new level. Yet in order not to be swallowed by your circumstances, or overwhelmed, you must loosen up and invite progress, healing and pleasure into your environment. Many people have something to offer you right now. Without alienating anyone, I suggest you choose carefully in terms of who has the thing you need the most. It might not be your official partner. It might be someone you hardly know, or someone who mysteriously arrived in your life. It might be someone you’ve looked up to for a long time and now you know you’re ready for this particular form of exchange. Be open and keep a loose grip on your reality. This will be mostly true on the level of what you think is important. You may need to rearrange your priorities, and more than that, act boldly on them when you figure out what’s true for you. It’s important that you do this before you feel the influence of others. This way you will recognize what is possible, and know that the motivation to change and grow is coming from you and not from others. That will be your basis of real trust.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Feb. 22, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Monday’s Full Moon is emphasizing financial matters. The message of the chart is that you need to understand your interdependencies with others, especially close partners. The first thing to check for is that everyone is being honest about money. Then look around and notice whether you and those you’re close to have an exchange you both can abide. Ask yourself if you’re being generous enough or whether you’re holding back. If you feel yourself withholding, there’s a possibility this is about your self-esteem. The better you feel about yourself, the more generous you will be with the people you love and care about. Yet it works the other way too: the more generous you are, the better you will feel. All of this may relate to sex every bit as much as it relates to money.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for Feb. 18, 2016, #1088 | By Len Wallick

Envy does not become you. Don’t let a desire for what others possess bring you down at a time when you should be lifting yourself up. In your lion heart, you understand fully that quality of character is a greater asset than anything that is measured by quantity. Intellectually you also know that the goods of the material world do not remain in any one place for long. Tangible wealth is not intrinsically evil, but being consumed by an obsession to acquire and accumulate riches can lead to no good. Have faith that the intangible values you have been so faithfully cultivating in yourself for so long will bring you all you need of this world sooner rather than later — without your having to sacrifice what no amount of money can ever buy back.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Feb. 15, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Be careful not to let your fears run away with you. The thing about fear — and this cannot be said often enough, or to enough people — is that fear is usually fantasy, directed at something that’s neither true nor real. The problem is that it seems so convincing. The other problem is that bad things actually do happen, though not nearly as often as we expect them to. What I suggest you do is to guard your inputs. You’re unusually sensitive to influences coming in through media — television, films and even music. I suggest you experiment by indulging only influences that are positive and creative. Another way to say this is to assess the nutritional content of what you indulge in with your senses, and what you soak your mind in. If you consume what is healthy, loving and wholesome, that’s how you’ll feel.

Moonshine Horoscope for Feb. 11, 2016, #1087 | By Len Wallick

It’s possible to make friends nearly anywhere. It’s probable that there is at least one area of your life where you have overlooked the possibility of forging bonds or developing relationships — maybe at work; perhaps at school. Could be your admirable ethic of applying yourself with a determined purpose towards attaining your goals is preventing you from seeing what only society with colleagues can offer. It is good to develop yourself to your maximum potential, but no person is an island. When it seems appropriate, don’t hesitate to start conversations, or even to ask for help. While friendship may sometimes include sharing frivolity, it is not frivolous. Create connections.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Feb. 8, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Monday’s New Moon in your opposite sign Aquarius is calling your attention to a relationship. But it may not be a relationship in the romantic sense. It could involve an organization or informal group with whom you are turning over a new leaf. While one-to-one encounters are vital to your way of life, there’s a dimension of you that deeply needs and craves connection to community, with a purpose. It is this purpose that would guide your choices, and I suggest you keep an eye out for the feeling of actual meaning. In other words, this is not about going out or having a good time. It’s about your tribe, your support network, your professional community, or an artistic community. You need to be part if it, and it needs to be part of you.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for Feb. 4, 2016, #1086 | By Len Wallick

It wasn’t that long ago that you were a child who could have a ball without the need for anything other your own imagination. With time, childhood passed and you became an adult with different needs. Among the most prominent imperatives that come with adulthood is the attraction of intimate relationship. It is not absolutely necessary to have a committed partner to have a happy and productive life. Nonetheless, the ability to share both burdens and joys with another can and often does contribute to making life a lot easier and more gratifying. As you well know, however, a toxic or unequal relationship can take life the other way, into drudgery and misery. Perhaps it is the downside of a close relationship that has had you working on improving yourself for so long? Now, you might want to consider whether it’s time to put that good work of yours to use, and apply yourself to improving existing relationships — or forming new partnerships that are even sounder than those you have previously known.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Feb. 1, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You will be able to move mountains at work this week, though you would benefit from treating everything and everyone creatively. In any situation, ask to be connected to its highest potential. You seem destined to establish something of lasting value, which means focus on the quality of what you’re doing rather than the amount. Go deeper into any question, and find out what is really motivating you. You may arrive at a point where you face the question of either following the established way or provoking a revolution. You don’t need to make any radical changes, though. You might think of the formula as encouraging evolution: progress that seems modest, but which is real and authentic. This will be your formula for success. As you push your roots deeper into the ground, your branches will reach higher into the sky.

Short Monthly Horoscope for February 2016, #1085 | By Eric Francis

You’re a taskmaster right now, and can get months of work done in just a few weeks. Just make sure that some of what you’re doing is devoted exclusively to the activities you want the most. Duty and responsibility are important. It’s equally vital that you have a fulfilling life. So send some of that ‘get it done’ energy your own way.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 25, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

The recent Full Moon in your birth sign may have brought some important matters to a head. If so, one result could be that you have a much better understanding of where someone is coming from. You might not agree with their position, or you might be hoping for something better. In all, I suggest you guide yourself to the level of deeper healing. Seen one way, there is no such thing as a relationship issue; there’s just what individuals go through. You’re in a rare position to work out a psychological and emotional matter that may have puzzled or troubled you for years, seeming to have no possible resolution. The answer involves making tangible decisions and sticking with them long enough to evaluate whether you made the right choice.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for February 2016, #1084 | By Eric Francis

Leave room for a little madness in your life. Leave yourself room to cut loose, and be a bit Bacchanalian. Real mental stress sets in when people are wound too tight, or become obsessed by control. You need to loosen up, however you define that, though I would say that you need something better than alcohol. You need to feed your imagination and get into that space where you really can share yourself with others, and receive what they offer you. Generally this is called intimacy. But I don’t mean it so much in the sense of pure fidelity as I mean it in the sense of an experiment and a celebration. To go there, you may really need to convince yourself to relax, and set aside any concerns related to work or health. You are already doing what you can, which may mean that you’re doing quite enough. What you would benefit greatly from adding is the quality-of-life piece, which may feel like a throwback to a much younger age. But that is who you were, and in many respects it’s who you still are. What you have now that you didn’t have then is a degree of confidence. Your self-esteem is much stronger. It’s true you built that on your accomplishments. You’ll appreciate it more if you take a breath, slow down and play.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 18, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Be mindful of the decisions you make at work for the next few days, and take your time deciding on your agenda. This really is a scenario insisting that you plan your work and then work your plan, or measure twice and cut once. You’re likely to be feeling the pressure to make a decision, yet without complete information. And you might think that whatever it is has to happen as soon as possible. Actually, it can wait, and if you insert a few delays or strategic pauses in the action, you will discover things that completely change the scenario. Meanwhile, quietly gather facts and figures, and learn where people are coming from without revealing your viewpoint yet. Your knowledge will become power, and the situation may mysteriously resolve itself.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope — Jan. 14, 2016, #1083 | By Len Wallick

If you can see your way clear to make it so, the coming weeks would be a good time to call a moratorium on additional commitments. That would mean, at least in part, learning how to rein in your magnanimous nature. Take a cue from wise parents who teach patience to their children by showing patience in the face of strident requests and urgent demands. In other words, there are alternatives to saying “no” available to you. If it comes down to there being no other way to keep more from being heaped onto your full plate, however, you will almost certainly find that a clear and rational declaration of boundaries will be met with acceptance and respect so you can catch up.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 11, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Have you ever had the experience of typing the wrong word, but it turned out to be better than the one you were planning? Or autocorrect coming up with something so funny you use it? That’s the way I suggest you live for the next few weeks. Trust that the little things that go wrong will provide information or lead you to interesting places. If you find something odd in a file, see if it contains an idea. If you make a wrong turn and end up somewhere unexpected, notice where you are and see if there’s anything you might discover. Coworkers will be a source of information as well; trust that anyone might come up with the winning strategy, no matter how much or how little they are supposed to know.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope — Jan. 7, 2016, #1082 | By Len Wallick

Odds are you have made your mind up about something or other after a long period of contemplation. Let that be a good thing. You owe it to yourself to have faith in your purposeful deliberations. You should also give yourself credit for having overcome impulse to find your truth. There is one other favor you should grant yourself, however. Whatever you have decided upon, do not make an irrevocable commitment until the last possible moment. Even as sure as you may be about where your heart is, give your mind a chance to change while it is still possible to do so with grace. This is not to say you should be fickle or put things off. By all means, move in the direction of your choice; but gradually, one step at a time. Make each step only after you are sure and unshakable in your resolve not to retrace it.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 4, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You’ll be able to get a month of work done this week, provided you can keep the complications down to a minimum. Work on your own as much as possible, rather than delegating. If you must farm out a task, make sure you only do so with someone who has proven that they can and will come through for you in any weather. Meanwhile, there appears to be an important matter brewing on the home front. Once you dip into that you may discover it involves an old issue that was left unresolved from some time in the autumn. Now is the time to get the discussion going, though don’t push for a quick resolution — give it some time and make sure significant others know you really do care.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for January 2016, #1081 | By Eric Francis

Not everything is about money. Money is important, but it’s also necessary to remember its inherently symbolic value. In other words, you cannot eat the stuff, and if it has any meaning at all, it’s the meaning we give it. Your charts this year are, in many ways, about discussions and negotiations over resources. It may seem that other people are in a better position than you are, yet if you look closely enough you will see the many advantages that you hold. One of them is that you are resourceful, which means inventive. Another is that when you’re under pressure, you can be brilliantly creative. Yet you can also be naive, particularly in your business dealings; and it’s now essential that you be realistic. This includes in all matters where resources of any kind are exchanged. The deeper the exchange, the more complex this can become — for example, where both sex and money are involved; where inheritances are involved; where your creative work product is connected to finances and your self-esteem. What you must bring to the table is a mix of your passion, your talent and your stone-cold analysis of who holds what cards. As part of that breakout, make sure you notice who has invested so significantly in you. Someone has — and they have just as much faith in you now as ever.