Libra 2016

Posted by Eric F Coppolino


Moonshine Horoscope for Capricorn New Moon #1132 | By Len Wallick Whether in the material world or with intangibles (such as knowledge), you can most often become wealthy in one of two ways. The first and most obvious way is to progress forward and accumulate through your own efforts. The second and subtler protocol is […]

Moonshine Horoscope for Capricorn New Moon #1132 | By Len Wallick

Whether in the material world or with intangibles (such as knowledge), you can most often become wealthy in one of two ways. The first and most obvious way is to progress forward and accumulate through your own efforts. The second and subtler protocol is to behave and position yourself to attract what you want as though it were coming home to you on its own accord. It seems most probable for you at this time that you have gone for many a month winning more than losing whenever you take sufficient action. If that’s the case, when should you begin reactivating your capacity to allow for, and simply accept, good fortune? If things begin to get more frustrating than at any time in recent memory, don’t be discouraged. Rather, let it be your sign that a tide has turned. Then begin to brush up on locating and tuning into a flow of what will more often than not be abundance — at least for a while.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 26, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

It seems like you need some passion in your life. Currently most of the energy that would become some form of love or creative expression appears to be getting burned up by worry. Most of that, in turn, seems to surround family issues or shared living arrangements. You must look out for your own interests first, and not be distracted by others who want to hand you their problems. They may have done so in the past, and they may know how to push your buttons, though that doesn’t mean you have to go along for the ride. Anything involving your own children, if you have any, requires special handling. You probably consider them a direct extension of yourself, though be aware of the ways that can be used against you, and play a clean game. Back to my original point: you need passion, not distraction; you need love, not the kinds of political games people seem to be playing.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 19, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

The planets now emphasize family matters, yet you don’t have to get caught in the dramas of others. Where family is concerned, this can be difficult to discern. Someone can try to make their issues into yours, though that doesn’t make it so. You might take as proof the fact that your buttons can get pushed, or that people seem to have the power to upset you. This is the very thing you now have the opportunity to address. Consider that any family weirdness is like flakes of ancestral DNA bursting to life. People around you are living out facets of the past that are so distant in time, nobody actually remembers their origin. You have the option to see all of this for what it is, summon your maturity, and move on with your life. The controversy is that you’re betraying your family. Well, looked at that way, you have to betray either them or yourself. They’ll get over it.

Moonshine Horoscope for Gemini Full Moon #1130 | By Len Wallick

Desire and greed are not the same. On the whole (and in spite of what the fictional movie character Gordon Gekko famously insisted), greed almost never serves to support the greater good. Desire, on the other hand, is almost always among the greatest of good things. Without desire, you probably wouldn’t be alive. While you almost certainly are not one who conflates desire and avarice, you may still sometimes feel a bit guilty for wanting what you want. If ever there was a time to get past that guilt, it’s now. Since we are presently in the thick of what for many is a holiday season, you can begin by giving yourself the generous (yet inexpensive) gift of at least accepting your desires for what they are.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 12, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You’re starting to get a taste of what is possible. Your new life is much more exciting than it’s been many other times. You’re more independent, and you’re willing to stand up for that independence. It helps that others are in a similar place, needing their freedom as well. So if your relationships have not been ‘normal’ recently, there are good reasons why, and those reasons can work for you many ways. All the usual modes of relating seem to be changing rapidly. It’s possible to cling to the past, or to invent something that works for you. Clinging to the past won’t work so well these days; though considering what you actually want and need in your whole life, not just your partnerships, will work brilliantly. Start from scratch and consider what would make you happy — and be real about what freedom you would need to have that happen. The door is open.

Short Monthly Horoscope for December 2016, #1129 | By Eric Francis

What some call luck is on your side now, though use it wisely. Your main advantage is how much you know, though that only has a genuine worth if you put it to conscious use. Another edge you have is stability. This comes in handy when you’re among the brilliant but erratic types. You might try on the feeling of being a tad larger than everyone and everything around you. Adjust your sense of scale and imagine you’re a foot taller than you are. That doesn’t make you better, it just enhances your perspective and levels out the game.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 5, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You may find it challenging to say what you want to say. A few things may be happening, one of which is that you’re having some difficulty putting your message into words. You might feel it’s too large or encompassing to communicate accurately or meaningfully. Consider that you won’t ever get it ‘perfect’, and that you don’t need to. You mainly need to capture the spirit of what you feel and relay it as best you can. Then guide the conversation onward, even if it takes several days or a week to get there. You’re working your way through some layers, down toward something that resembles a core truth. Rather than being some concept or abstract idea, this is about you discovering who you are in the process of trying to describe who you are. Follow your feelings toward that core inner truth rather than your words. It’s true that words count, but not as much as what you’re feeling.

Moonshine Horoscope for Sagittarius New Moon #1128 | By Len Wallick

If you want to finish this year with flying colors, simply remember the immortal words of Navy Admiral and computing pioneer Grace Hopper: “The most dangerous phrase in the language is, ‘We’ve always done it this way.'” If anything is keeping you from being as amazing as Admiral Hopper was, it’s probably a cherished habit that can now safely be jettisoned.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 28, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You seem to be pushing loose from some lonely residue of your past. The longer story of your astrology, going back years, is about cultivating your emotional independence. Most people who know they want to possess this kind of self-containment never get there because one of the requisite steps is giving up what’s blocking you from doing so. And you will never want to release something that you feel is helping you, or that you cannot live without. Taking the first steps into the visceral level of that independence is almost always lonely. The old way of existing is dissolving while the new one has not grounded fully into your awareness. Yet you’re closer than you’ve ever been right now. Many seemingly separate circumstances of your life are conspiring to put you in a position where you must encounter yourself as the center of your existence. From that still point of the turning world, profound growth is possible.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope — December 2016, #1127 | By Eric Francis

There seems to be some complex family situation brewing in your chart, and you have the ability to entirely subvert this from becoming a drama. As you do that, you have an opportunity to shift your perspective on your family history and all the ways that it relates to both your past and your present. There seems to be a lot to unravel here. Yet I can tell you from much experience in therapy that sometimes the simplest observation can reveal the whole pattern, and once you see that for what it is, you can let go of it — if you choose. Here’s a story for you: Many years ago I was in therapy and brought in my father. I was frustrated that he did not seem to recognize who I was, but he was willing to come in. It was a form of Gestalt therapy (which gets right to the point). Joe, the therapist, had us stand face to face about half a step apart. He said, raise your hands and press them together. We stood there like that for a moment, and he said, on the count of three, push. One, two, three — and I went over backwards. My father had just pushed me over backwards. I caught my balance, though in that moment I understood the total dynamic of our relationship. I got it, just like that — and I was set free and never forgot.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 21, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

How would you live if you could be emotionally independent of your family, and of your history with them? This is so unusual as to seem impossible. Yet your growth process going back many years has been driving you in this one direction: into your own need to free yourself from your past, and in the process, develop genuine emotional independence. That means not letting your parents run your life, whether via Facebook or from “the other side.” In order to do this, you will need to face your own insecurities. You will need to see your past in context, realistically. You would have to recognize that the influences that shaped you then do not need to shape you now. And, knowing that, you would select influences that you consciously want to shape you now. Such a moment is upon you. Give yourself credit for how much you’ve accomplished, and get ready to take the next step.

Weekly Horoscope for Nov. 17, 2016, #1126 | By Amy Elliott

If your relationship world has experienced some upheaval, this week you might just begin to be on familiar ground once more. You seem to feel increasingly comfortable in your skin. You can exercise your natural gregariousness, and enjoy mixing with fellow humans, and still never waver in those values you hold most sacred. Recognizing all this about yourself provides the ammunition you need to reach the new heights for which you are aiming. Self-doubt is an illusion, and you easily have the power to prevent it from impeding your progress.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 14, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Insecurity is a drag. You don’t need to be ruled or even influenced by it. Yes, that may seem like a tall order, here in the land of the touchy, the shaky and those hanging by a thread over thin ice. The world is currently an uncertain place. I will let you in on two ancient secrets: one is, it always was uncertain. Two is, you don’t have to let your fears get in the way of anything, or stop you from doing anything, though that requires taking a risk. Here’s what that looks like: if you find yourself getting bogged down in any form of fear, worry or rumination, go into creative mode. Focus on the present, face toward the future and plot your way forward. Fear may seem like an affliction. Actually, it’s an attachment, or a kind of self-feeding addiction. Beyond everything you fear is an actual creative opportunity, though for that to be real, you must fully engage that idea — and you can.

Short Monthly Horoscope for November 2016, #1125 | By Eric Francis

You have many advantages going for you, and you may as well use them. Upcoming developments in your life will more than compensate for any struggles you’ve been through lately. If there is such a thing as luck, you have it on your side. Yet you need more than that. You must be the master of your own motivation, and take action based on what you know to be true. When you put your abundant knowledge and insight to work, you get solid results. You can trust what you’re feeling now, and what you feel inspired to do.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 7, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You have a wider safety buffer than you may think. It’s true that you like to err on the side of caution (that is one likely explanation for the somewhat-famous challenge Librans have making decisions). However, you don’t need to take the safe route all the time. You would be well served to consider the possible implications of what you choose, though sometimes you must spin the wheel. You must be especially cautious under the influence of alcohol or substances, though. Those can mess with your sense of appropriateness. So if you can, consider what you want in a few different states of mind. That of course is not always practical. Sometimes you have to spin the wheel and do something because it’s the thing to do in the moment. Sometimes it’s necessary to break conventions and taboos.

Moonshine Horoscope for Scorpio New Moon, #1124 | By Len Wallick

Whatever you initiated at the beginning of October is almost certainly not coming to a close for you now. It is more likely that you have reached a point where you either need to step up or step back as regards to seeing things through to a conclusion. Before you do so, be aware that the process of finishing what you started could take as much as a year, and could result in your being a changed person. In all likelihood that change would be for the better, resulting in at least some of the balance you have sought in your life. First, however, you must answer an important question: do you really, truly want to change? If the answer is yes, take charge. If the answer is no, delegate the responsibility for closure to assure the best outcome for all concerned.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 31, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

The theme of your life is finding your independence, and this is true from at least two directions: financial and emotional. It’s difficult to have one without the other, so you may as well consider them one goal. They are so intimately related that they are functionally one thing. It’s likely that your relationship to one or both parents is involved. As you understand and work toward establishing your financial sovereignty, emotional issues will come up. As emotional material comes up, you will discover that much of it is inherently financial. Said another way, your emotional clarity and strength are directly related to how you relate to money. This is the dinosaur in the room, and everyone knows it. Just listen for the actual reasons people give for staying in toxic situations, including putting up with their family. Be strong about this, and be clear: anyone who lacks financial power over you has no power at all.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for November 2016, #1123 | By Eric Francis

You must do something about any lingering inferiority complex that you have, or the present one that’s driving you nuts. First, let’s get one thing out of the way: the world is designed to make us all feel inferior and inadequate. All the advertising and politics and catty, competitive social interactions that seem inescapable: all are designed to erode your confidence in yourself, which then can become a permanent judgment. There are alternatives to inferiority. One is finding people you sincerely look up to, who serve as models. You assign them a ‘superior’ role and then aspire to their greatness. We live in tough times because we silently expect everyone who seems good and decent to be revealed as a fraud. Be careful about that thought form, and take a balanced view of people you hold as exemplars. Another is recognizing that we all have equal potential, and what we get out of life is a matter of what we invest. Let’s put it this way: there are some aspiring guitarists who hear Derek Trucks play and feel inferior and disheartened. Others hear him play and think, “I want to play that well. I know it’ll take practice.” Which of these do you choose? One last bit: take everyone as your teacher. The wise, the nutty, the young, the old, the dogs, the cats and the bunnies.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 24, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You seem to be grappling with self-esteem, but really it looks more like self-judgment. Address the second and the first will take care of itself. You will feel better if you depend less on external influences for reassurance. You don’t need people to tell you that you’re great, and you don’t need to be better than anyone; take a break comparing yourself to others and you’ll feel more centered. It matters not whether anyone is ‘better’ or ‘worse’ in any way; the mere gesture of comparison puts you at a disadvantage. When you enter that state of mind, you lose. You are your own exemplar; set the example for yourself. It’s possible to accept yourself for who you are, and consciously engage in learning and growth at the same time.

Weekly Horoscope for Oct. 20, 2016, #1122 | By Amy Elliott

You have permission from the cosmos to believe in yourself. In fact, you might even choose to foster such belief actively. If needs be, you could (for example) find a convenient mirror and compliment yourself to your face. Alternatively, you may have some idea of how to make life better for people in your community — whether by charitable work, activism or in other ways. If that’s something you would be happy doing, then by all means forge ahead. Your community loves you, and they are only waiting for an opportunity to show it.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 17, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You’re burning off some of your deepest insecurities. That’s a process that might make heat and smoke, meaning you might feel your fears in some raw form before you decide you don’t need them anymore. Therefore I suggest being prepared for some emotional intensity — which you would do best to be open about with people you share your living space with. If you’re going through something, tell them you are. This will serve as insurance against anyone taking anything personally when it’s not. You need some room to process your emotions. More than anything, in the grand scheme of things, you need room to feel what you feel. You need emotional independence. That’s good because by one reading, others are either ready to give you space, or you’re not interested in sharing too much space with them. You may learn a lot from people who grate on you a bit, and you’re entitled to take them in limited doses. In any event, you need a room of your own.

Moonshine Horoscope for Aries Full Moon, #1121 | By Len Wallick

If you are not already aware of somehow being something more than you used to be, try entertaining the notion now. Perhaps you have been freed of responsibilities that limited your options. Maybe it just took a while to find yourself. It could even be that hitching your wagon to something bigger than your own interests has functioned to enhance your potential. No matter what led you to this juncture into expansion, it’s most important that you not be afraid of living differently from before. Draw upon the courage that is surely within, pick just one thing you never thought you could do, and get started towards making your life as big as your heart has always been.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 10, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You’re experiencing some of the most vibrant, alive astrology in many, many moons. One thing I’ve noticed is that sometimes even the very best aspects can get mixed results. So I’m here to tell you what’s available: a whole world of possibilities is right within reach. You’re likely to be attracting interesting, exciting people. Let them shake your tree a little. You don’t need to be conservative or withholding — you have plenty to go around, and the more you share the more you’ll realize you have. As for what dark streaks might be coming through, the thing to watch for is jealousy in any form. It’s most likely to be sexual or emotional, and it’s the thing you want to address first — if you happen to be feeling it. Be generous with people by reminding them they are free to pursue their lives, their interests and their pleasure. Those who come to you as part of that quest are the people you want to share your time and space with.

Short Monthly Horoscope for October 2016, #1120 | By Eric Francis

Those born under your sign often avoid controversy and confrontation. Yet you might consider the value they have. You will thrive on a little friction and polarity. That does not mean hostility or any form of negative vibes. Rather, you need the kind of contact that allows you to assert who you are in a sportsman-like way. You can trust saying what’s not included in the script, and say things you were not planning to say, and listen to what others say that pushes your buttons a little. From this, you’ll get ideas you never would have dreamed of otherwise.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 3, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You’re approaching an important decision. It might seem like the decision is approaching you, though this is something you’ve been thinking about for a long time. Whatever it may involve, the key is to choose from a place of strength rather than one of weakness or lack. Once you commit to this, it will be easier than you think. Your main strength involves your resiliency. A lot has changed in the past month, and you’re working with newly accessible resources, ideas that are coming to fruition, and confidence that can only come from actual trials and tests. If you’ve made it this far, you have not just passed those tests; you’ve emerged into a new phase of your life. You are a bigger person than you once were, and it’s time to step into the new scale of your existence. Remember at all times: you actually have something to offer. You possess knowledge, understanding and a sense of potential that’s about to be realized.

Moonshine Horoscope for Libra New Moon, #1119 | By Len Wallick

There is no question that you have a great deal to look forward to during the next 12 months, no matter how things look to you now. For the time being, however, it would be best if you focus more on getting the smaller and more personal details of your life in order. That way, you will be less likely to feel scattered, off your tether or otherwise out of sorts when your experiences begin to make your world a bigger, broader place than it has recently seemed to be. Let there be no question: you are ready. Your life since this time last year has primed and prepared you to take in and retain everything you need to attain greater proficiency and step up to bigger aspirations. Just give yourself a chance to start slow. If you need it, take a nap. If you crave it, linger long in a warm, soothing bath.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 26, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

This week’s meeting of the Sun and Jupiter in your birth sign is nothing short of a glorious invitation to live, to live fully, and to live well. It’s also about your newfound ability to make solid and tangible what was, before this time, wispy and lacking form. You now have some firm, fertile soil to sink your roots into, and to grow tall in. You can think of Jupiter in your birth sign as an opportunity to redefine yourself — how you experience and perceive yourself, and how you want others to experience you. You can magnify the elements of your character that you want to emphasize: such as talents or skills, or things you might not feel you ordinarily have the privilege of expressing. Think of any aspect of yourself that you love but tend to hide. You might think of this as a giant coming-out party. It’s time!

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscopes for October 2016, #1118 | By Eric Francis

You must take the lead in your relationships. By this I mean take a strong hand in setting the agenda in both business and personal partnerships. If you don’t, you could be subjected to the wild swings that other people take you through. Another approach could be to take a step back and be detached. Yet you are way too involved, and your circumstances are too sensitive, for you simply to let go of your control or of your influence. The main thing you will need is a strong degree of self-leadership and self-guidance. This is the only factor that you can count on to help you navigate your environment when the intensity level goes up (which it will mid-month). Let’s put this into terms suited to Libra. You depend on balance, but you cannot depend on others to help keep you in balance. Only you can do that for yourself. It will be tempting to look to others for support when they may be your most dependable source of chaos. This posture may leave you feeling like you’re on your own or out in the cold, but it will work better than any form of toxic togetherness. You have a much deeper agenda: to cultivate and maintain your emotional independence. You’ve been working at this for a long time, and this is the perfect month to practice and learn.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 19, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

The Sun is about to join Jupiter in your birth sign, which will emphasize what an unusual time this is in your life. By unusual I mean beautiful, and with your potential making itself known to you. The thing with potential, though, is that you must consciously choose to make it into something, and then take action. Feeling what you might do, and how much you want to do it, is a good start; now comes the addition of intention and dedicated effort sustained over time. The time factor is one of the most significant issues of our era; the immediacy and instant gratification of our culture (mostly driven by digital consciousness) makes it difficult to think about anything coming to fruition in the long run, such as over the course of a year or so. This is an impossibly long span of time to consider for most people, though if you can focus that much energy and concentration, it will be just enough time to accomplish what you want to accomplish.

Pisces Full Moon Moonshine for Sept. 15, 2016, #1117 | By Len Wallick

It was not so long ago that your good faith was not always met in kind. As recently as five years ago, your good heart may have led you into confining commitments. Now, all of that is in the past. A whole new life is at hand. You can do your part to make the most of any doors now opening by closing a few of your own. Most of all, close the door on cynicism. Leave discouragements and pessimism behind. Plan on doing your best and receiving both support and encouragement in return. Have faith that what you believe in can, and will, come true. Know that your heroic efforts have not been wasted. Finally, open your heart and mind to receive the same gifts of love you’ve already given so well.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 12, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Jupiter enters your sign this week. Without carrying on too much, this is good news for you. Jupiter offers protection, and knowledge, and — in your sign — a sense of fairness. Yet the real gift is one of abundance. You can afford to offer yourself to life without hesitation. You can afford to love whomever you want to love. You are free to take creative risks. Jupiter in your sign is designed to awaken something subtle in you, which is seeing the love and wisdom of the cosmos reflected in anything you perceive as beautiful. Too often the ‘divinity’ factor is assigned to dogma or books about being a better person. There’s something better, though. Yours is the sign that sees the beauty in everything, and is especially adept at bringing beauty into the world. This can come in any form: from thoughtfully arranging the cheese and crackers, to decorating a room, writing a song or making a sculpture. Beauty is your religion. Who needs any other?

Short Monthly Horoscope for September 2016, #1116 | By Eric Francis

You are the gathering point, the focus of your community. Handle that role graciously and without pretense. Your task may be social and may be visible, though it’s humbler than it might seem. As a benefactor, your role is to help people. As a magnet for group energy, your role is to help people get to know one another, and to get along. Resist any temptation to be judgmental, and say less rather than more. You’re likely to be called upon to help resolve a conflict, and it will help if you’re perceived as being genuinely neutral.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 5, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Jupiter enters your birth sign this week, where it will remain for one year. More than anything, Jupiter is the planet of potential. It’s up to you to make that potential real. Jupiter grants its greatest rewards when we define a purpose and do the work, which usually means aspiring to a goal rather than hoping you’ll get there some day. One thing that Jupiter assures is that you’ll have the resources that you need to get the job done. One of those is talent; another is the ability to collaborate; another is the funding you will need. Yet another is your natural charm, which is a precious thing in the human world. Therefore, know your most important objectives and work toward them. Aspire to great things, and to modest ones as well, by taking action. You may have to consciously focus your mind; though when you do, you’ll discover an abundance of energy.

Virgo New Moon Moonshine for Sept. 1, 2016, #1115 | By Len Wallick

Infatuation is a word and a concept for you to be aware of during the next month or so. It’s distinctly possible that somebody will become infatuated with you in the next four weeks. It is somewhat less probable (but still within the realm of possibility) that you will come to be infatuated with someone else. Either way, you should also be aware that the skies above imply your appropriate response will be to exercise a balanced mix of authentic compassion and strong boundaries. Compassion is distinguished from empathy, sympathy and other similar feelings by not being judgmental. Contrary to common opinion, boundaries are best employed not to keep others out, but to keep you functioning at your best — which is to say, within your own limits. Infatuation is no small or shallow thing. It comes from deep within. Match that depth and all will be well.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 29, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

People are often mysteries to themselves, and you may be feeling some of this right now. Yet you don’t need to make sense to yourself. Who you are does not need to add up rationally. Rather, feel who you are, and let your intuition guide you from one discovery to the next. In time, and not so much time, a series of personal revelations will leave you with the feeling that who you are and what you’ve been doing have made sense all along. Until then, you truly can afford to trust this fact. What might confuse you is seeking answers and explanations in ways that are reasonable and logical by some exterior metric — such as you could ‘prove’ them to someone else. You don’t need to think that way. Hang loose, and give yourself a break from being linear. Let your life follow the logic of a dream. Be gentle reading the symbols. Stick close to how you feel rather than what you think something means.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for Sept. 2016, #1114 | By Eric Francis

The big news, of course, is that Jupiter is entering your sign this month. For reference, the most recent time that happened was way back in late September 2004, which leads me to a question: are you still facing the same old fears, or have you found your confidence? I suggest you not make any assumptions; really consider this one. Fear and confidence work in a ratio. The more confidence you have, the less you are inclined to worry about things that might trouble other people. Another theme is generosity. I’ve noticed something grim in the 12 years since Jupiter was last in Libra, which is that being sincerely helpful has grown ever-less fashionable — or worse, it makes less and less sense to many people. The ethos of taking, of getting what you can, of taking advantage, seems to seep through a lot of rhetoric about integrity. You have something to gain by being generous, which is peace of mind. I would propose that you have a need to live knowing that you’re doing everything that you can do for everyone you can do it for. To do this, you must go beyond what you think your capacity is. You must stretch a little, and that is what Jupiter does. You will have many opportunities this year to set small things right — and some big ones, too.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 22, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

For Libra, this is International Get Along With Your Neighbors Week. By that I mean your literal neighbors and housemates, and your sibs and cousins in all their forms, genetically real and metaphorical. There’s tension in this angle of your chart right now, and you’re the one who has the power to guide things to a higher plane of reality. You don’t need drama, and you know that nobody else does, either. You cannot control others, and you have only limited influence over them. What you can do is respond with kindness and concern, which is the missing piece in the world right now. Yet where care and gestures of love exist, it’s best to proceed without attachment. You won’t always get a positive response, though it will help if you continue to respond positively, or just step back until the dust settles. In a sense, what you’re learning is your independence; love must stand on its own, rather than get mired in need and complexity. This is considered impossible for most people, though not for you.

Full Moon Moonshine Horoscope for Aug. 18, 2016, #1113 | By Len Wallick

Even if you could use a break, consider making it an entertaining (or better yet, a stimulating) respite. Whether you can see it or not, the future is about to open for you like a flower. At the very least, consider doing something that will expose you to new patterns of thinking, if not new patterns of living and relating. Don’t let the season of the year or the season of your life restrict you from either traveling or somehow resuming your education later in the year. For the next few months, however, focus on freeing your mind from previous assumptions so that (when the time comes) your body will be ready to follow.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 15, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Most arguments are a waste of time, and this will be especially true this week. I suggest you do that Libra thing and figure out how to sidestep conflict, or turn it into something productive. It’s true that you feel important principles are at stake, but are they really? And do principles really matter? Given the astrology, I would say that part of what you’re doing is re-evaluating your position on matters of deep personal importance that have little involvement with the lives of others. You must make up your mind about what works for you, and you can be more flexible with yourself. If you find yourself feeling certain about something, you might inquire whether that’s not a cover story for feeling utterly clueless. Knowing that you don’t know is a far better option than thinking you know and being wrong. And if someone has an opinion and is right, concede the point quickly and move on.

Weekly Horoscope for Aug. 11, 2016, #1112 | By Amy Elliott

You can safely continue your preparations to emerge from the shadows and burst upon society, like the glorious being you are. There may be some who would like to keep you hidden, but by now you have a pretty good idea how to circumvent that. Your charm speaks for itself. Lay plans for the next few years, in well-ordered steps that you can follow easily; be determined to achieve your goals. Above all, maintain faith in yourself and practice self-kindness. You have good reason.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 8, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You have some interesting people around you, who may be shocking you into a new level of awareness. You might not like their style, or you might be happy that they’re them and you’re you. But the message is that you’re free to be more assertive in your environment. You don’t need to be so retreating or understated. You don’t need to hide your point of view. If you’re looking for yourself, or trying to figure out who you are, step out into the world and give things a push. See how people respond to you, by getting them to respond. The thought of this may make you bristle, though it’s better to have creative experiments rather than actual conflicts — and those seem to be your current options. There’s a level of self-development where you must pull in and maintain your silence. A little of that will help you now, but just a little. Mostly, you need to let your freak flag fly.

Short Monthly Horoscope for August 2016, #1111 | By Eric Francis

If you have something to say, you can be certain there are people who want to listen. If you need help, you can be sure there are people who want to collaborate with you. That’s good, because at this point it would be wise of you to seek and accept support, rather than trying to go it alone. Ask others how they perceive things, even if you see them clearly. Then, listen carefully. This is not about advice; it’s about gaining perspective. You will discover things you never imagined possible, and see potentials you would have missed otherwise.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 1, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Your social charms remain at a near peak level, and you’re likely to find yourself not just out among people but having fun doing so. You might not claim to like being the focus of attention, though these weeks are an exception. You’re probably the most entertaining person in the room, so you may as well enjoy that fact. I don’t mean dancing on the table, but rather something subtler that you offer. It’s as if you’re transmitting on two levels — the physical level and empathy. People want to be around you because of something they feel from you, something that you offer them. You might think of it as a healing gift or a reassuring quality that you offer with your presence. Given that, you don’t really need to say or do much.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for August 2016, #1110 | By Eric Francis

Jupiter will soon be arriving in your sign; that happens on Sept. 9, for the first time in 12 years. Until then, you may feel like you’re stuffed with potential but are having a difficult time expressing any of it. You might be feeling a bit trapped within yourself. I suggest you hold that space as consciously as you can. Feel all that energy you have inside of you. You’re under no special obligation to sort it all out. Let the elements you contain mix and match as they please for now, and see what ideas come to you. I do suggest that you leave yourself at least one creative vent. It might be writing every day, or drawing, or taking pictures, or playing music — though it will help abundantly if it’s an active vent rather than a passive one (i.e., participating rather than observing). You’re not doing this for any special goal, or you don’t have to. Rather, it’s about staying limber and expressive, and keeping contact with your inner world. To this end, keeping a dream journal for the next two months could provide a resource that you treasure for a lifetime, because that’s the most likely way that you will get a sense of your own potential. Notice, feel and observe the way that your sense of self comes in and out of focus. Then keep noticing.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 25, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You’re a natural born charmer, though you’re verging on devastating at the moment. It’s a good thing that you’re generous and have an aversion to being the center of attention. Use those traits well and many doors will open for you. In any event, you can proceed with complete confidence in any social situation, and be an illumination source for those around you. Most people are far less comfortable in social situations than you are. That’s why so much alcohol is used as a social lubricant. It’s a poor substitute for confidence, too, because it makes people sloppy and clouds their judgment. Yet one person in the room who feels good about themselves, and at ease with who they are, can relax the entire place. That would be you at the moment. Be the person who introduces people around, and who smooths over that bit when people don’t remember someone’s name. Along the way, I reckon you’ll have no shortage of candidates for dates.

Weekly Horoscope for July 21, 2016, #1109 | By Amy Elliott

Sometimes it’s necessary to ground yourself before undertaking any new project. This is by no means a bad thing. Inspiration can be as much a product of the everyday as of the unusual. This week, count the blessings you already have, and allow yourself the freedom to enjoy them. If you are able, spend some time with your social group; preferably in person rather than on Facebook. There is an unequaled pleasure in a real face-to-face conversation. Not only will this nourish you emotionally; you are likely to be all the readier when Jupiter arrives in September to rock your world.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 18, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

For the next few weeks you may be the flavor of the month, so have fun and make friends. Do whatever you can to feel like you were just given a million dollars; step out into society and shine. The astrology you’re under favors both business and pleasure, in such a way that the whole is more than the sum of the parts. In other words, one will facilitate the other. Therefore, be bold about who you are and what you do. By bold, I mean friendly and outgoing. Introduce yourself to anyone you want. Walk up to them, say hello and extend your hand. They will feel good meeting you, and were probably already curious about you. Then just let the conversation roll. The key to your success is to go out, be visible, and converse with people about real things that actually interest you. Trust your charm and beauty.

Full Moon Moonshine Horoscope for July 14, 2016, #1108 | By Len Wallick

If it’s not broke, don’t fix it. That’s especially the case regarding where you reside. If your home environment and cohabitants (if any) are providing what you need from them, consider how any itch to make changes may very well have to do with something else, somewhere else. Therefore, don’t be rash. Find the source of your rash first instead. If the origin of any discomfort in your life does indeed prove to be outside of your home, you can avoid potentially making things worse by not taking it home with you. Rather, protect your private sanctuary by taking any negotiations for relief to where it will do the most good. That way, what’s already good will be more likely to stay that way.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 11, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Keep your focus on advancing your professional life. You might have to dodge a few social engagements or opportunities to have fun, though this will be less of an issue if you’re a bit disciplined. The thing about your best work and highest achievements is that they are mostly likely to happen in an environment you like. In selecting goals, you might include as your highest priority the physical place you work, how you feel there, and the overall vibe of the project or organization. You need beauty. You need to be around nourishing people. And you need a true devotion to service, which gives you energy rather than depletes your reserves. That happens when you’re doing something that’s truly creative; you tap that wellspring. You might be tired at the end of the day, but you’ll feel good about what you’ve done.

Short Monthly Horoscope for July 2016, #1107 | by Eric Francis

This is a moment of bold achievement for you, though remember that your real goal is to take care of people. Whatever you do, and whatever you aspire to, consider how important that value is to you. More than being about graciousness, you recognize this as central to your philosophy of existence. It will help considerably if you surround yourself with others who share this approach to life. You can also do some teaching, both in words and by example. You may not recognize how well respected you are, so keep in mind that what you say and what you do are powerful examples to others.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 4, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Be confident of what you want to accomplish and go for it. You can skip over any concerns you might have about doing good or helping others. Those factors seem to be included in your intentions no matter what you do. They are the basis of your plan rather than an add-on. Anything you do that leads to genuine success will be about providing support and some kind of caring to the world. It’s as if your concept of profession inherently stems from the idea that humanity is a family. Yet even a household is a serious business, and you must take that approach. Be clear about your plans and have some idea how you intend to get where you want to be. Make sure you work with a budget; that is, a basic business plan with elements of where revenue comes from and where resources go. Money is one resource to track carefully, though also count the personal gifts you bring to the table, such as emotional energy and time.

New Moon Moonshine Horoscope for June 30, 2016, #1106 | by Len Wallick

Stopping to think may seem like a luxury for you right now. Nonetheless, if you can spare yourself even one day away from your busy schedule to do nothing but think in a leisurely and unstructured manner, you will almost certainly be able to address at least one necessity: catching up with yourself. Think of it as going out on a date with somebody you haven’t seen for a while. Start with an unhurried cup of coffee or tea at some quiet, intimate place. Follow your refreshment up with a slow, rambling walk in a park or pleasant neighborhood. Then seek some distraction, such as offered by a movie or museum. Finally, see yourself home safely, and go to bed early enough to dream long and well about that special person you just got to know again.

Monday Morning Horoscope for June 27, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Aspects around profession, reputation and aspiration are so strong right now, you could make a smashing success of anything. Yet you might feel like this on the outside but less so inwardly. The point of resistance seems to be questioning whether your ideas are good enough. Usually you’re optimistic about your plans and your sense of purpose. If there is a current question, it seems to be lingering around the matter of, “Is this really me?” or, said another way, “Is this how I want to express myself?” On any long-term project or new phase of your life, it helps to keep in mind that there is not always a perfect fit in the early stages. Give yourself the benefit of the doubt. Assume that you’re doing the right thing for yourself (and, it would also seem, your community or surroundings). Then give yourself some time, perhaps a few seasons, to work out the subtle points.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for July 2016, #1105 | by Eric Francis

For most people this is the time of year to take it easier. For you right now, it’s the time to accomplish great things. Do your best not to be distracted by the social fashion of the season, but rather put it to good use when you do get involved. You need less recreation than you think; in the language of your chart, what you need is the satisfaction of creative achievement. Your soul is calling out for the kind of fulfillment that can only come from doing something of genuine significance, in your own opinion. You cannot fake this, because when you invest yourself in your work, you do it with your body and your soul. And that, I believe, is the thing that will give you both emotional nourishment and an opportunity to mature in the ways that you want to grow, particularly as a person of influence. Remember that your sense of contact must flow all the way through from your inspiration or drive into what you create, and how it influences people. The sign that occupies your house of career is the one usually associated with feeding people, with rearing children, and with taking care of a family. That particular sign is Cancer, and right now you have enough to feed many hungry mouths, or hungry souls. Rise to your purpose.

Monday Morning Horoscope for June 20, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You’re working with some extraordinary mojo when it comes to meeting your highest goals and objectives. In other words, this is the week — and indeed the month — not only to dress for success, but to look for every opportunity to make your way in the world. Your planets are especially well-favored for two things. One is a take-charge attitude that also includes building your reputation. The other is working with people who are higher on the food chain or ladder of success than you are. The key to both is a gentle, friendly and creative approach rather than an ambitious or aggressive one. By all means know what you want and develop your plan for getting there, but remember that success is always about how you work with others. And that spirit of collaboration is where you are shining bright. Remember that for a Libra, doing quality work means taking care of people, and it means doing everything beautifully.

Moonshine Horoscope for June 16, 2016, #1104 | by Len Wallick

Think of your life up to now as having been a period of preparation to stake out your place in the world, and you will have an appropriate mindset to deal with both your inner and outer environments. What you lack is not knowledge. You have learned much. Neither are you likely to be wanting for skill. Just being alive at this time means you have, at the very least, successfully completed an apprenticeship of sorts. All that you have taken into yourself is now ready to come back out with a style and flavor uniquely your own. The question you now face is finding the place where what you have to offer will be valued sufficiently to support both personal mastery and public acceptance. That place could be where you already are. If you can bring yourself to at least look elsewhere, however, the odds are you will be very glad you did by this time next year.

Monday Morning Horoscope for June 13, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You must feed what you want, and withdraw energy from what you don’t want. What you feed will grow; what you withhold nourishment from will gradually disappear. I don’t mean ignore, though; remaining aware is essential. Therefore be clear about what you consider to be positive and what you consider to be detrimental, and respond to each appropriately. Just because you might be driven by an idea or infatuated by a person does not make it wholesome for you. If you hear the little voice that says, ‘This isn’t healthy’, you would be wise to respond to it. If you’re attracted to some experience and you think it might be ‘scary’, ask yourself what you’re really scared of and determine whether that is realistic. Often this thing we call scary is a cover for what is most important to you, what is actually real, what is urgent and what may change your life.

Monday Morning Horoscope for June 6, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

What limits do you suspect are wrapped around your potential? Said another way, do you decide what is possible today based on what you accomplished previously? That would be a mistake, because the definition of an accomplishment is doing something you’ve never done before. That’s the whole point. So you need a better basis for assessing what you’re capable of than the past. This would take you out of your proverbial comfort zone, though you might ask yourself how comfortable it really is in there. Or, you might ask: Does self-doubt make me feel good? And if so, why? Anyway, you can go beyond that, though you would need to tap into some long-forgotten resource or talent. There is something you know perfectly well how to do, and it holds a key to your ability and willingness to do so much else. Remember, this comes from you, not from someone else.

Short Monthly Horoscope for June 2016, #1103 | By Eric Francis

Imagine that your life is the perfect blend of logic and dancing. There is logic to dance, though it’s different from that of chemistry. It begins with feeling the music and then allowing yourself to be moved. Rather than worry about how you look, stay with the music and keep flowing. This is the story of your professional life right now. There is a goal calling you, something you need to accomplish. You will get there through flexibility, elegance and sharing your beauty rather than concealing it. Keep your heart open as you aspire to great things. That alone can change the world.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 30, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Your mind is in big adventure mode. All these planets in Gemini (there are several currently, including the Sun, your ruling planet Venus and a fantastic asteroid called Vesta) have you thinking toward the future. You seem to be allowing yourself to consider much wider possibilities than you might otherwise. There are, however, so many of them — so many options — and many are truly appealing. One thing I suggest you watch carefully is any split between what you want to do and what you think you should do. Given that choice, I suggest you lean toward what you want rather than what you ‘think is right’. In the best scenario, what you want is what you think is right, and by ‘want’ I mean with passion and gusto. While I cannot suggest what you want (by topic), it is likely to be the option where you feel like you’ll shine the brightest. Trust that it’s possible.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for June 2016, #1102 | By Eric Francis

Success for you is a matter of caring, of devotion and of beauty. Our culture has long been driving a notion of success as competition and greed. This is not in your DNA, and you would be ill-advised ever to act as if it is: to take part in practices that are, in effect, destroying society. You know that you must take another path, something that respects the inherently familial nature of humanity. This month, particularly toward solstice, your sense of caring increases exponentially, partially in response to what looks like the tail-end of an extended self-esteem crisis. Here is the catch: caring in the style of family can breed resentment. You might feel like you have no choice. That, in turn, can come with a wildly varying cycle of devotion. It may seem inescapable, though it’s one of the essential disciplines of your life to stabilize your caring for others, which is a direct extension of your caring for yourself. If you feel resentment, consider resolving that one of the deepest healing projects of your life. This month you will get a chance to feel how beautiful it is to devote yourself fully, to see its effects in the world and to feel the benefits in your own life. Your success is not about you or the wider world separately, but rather the sensitive place where the two intersect.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 23, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Spirituality is organic, if you love and respect life. Apart from that, there’s nothing to teach, or to learn. This basic honoring of existence is now opening up for you in a new way. All you need to do is make room for it – and to recognize opposing influences that might get you to do otherwise. Our culture may finally be coming out of a long phase where selfishness was revered as the highest virtue. In a world that depends on nothing more or less than cooperation, that cannot possibly be true. I suggest you question everything you hear, and ask yourself whether it’s coming from a place that is respectful of life and human worth. You might apply the same question to your own thoughts and ideas, and guide yourself in the direction of faith and trust. I recognize that not everyone around you is on board with this, but you will still provide an important example to those who care.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for May 19, 2016, #1101 | By Len Wallick

For every little thing you figure out how to do better — even the seemingly insignificant — the result will improve the quality of your life. Therefore, pursue perfection, but not as an end in itself. After all, perfection is only an ideal. The purpose of ideals is to serve as a guide, not as a master. For that reason you should be careful not to become a slave to the unattainable. Making yourself and everything you do more and more excellent should be a process. You will know you are engaging with that process successfully if you get a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment from even the most mundane tasks. That sense will, in turn, bring you joy. By any measure, enjoying yourself more is an indication that the quality of your life has indeed improved.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 16, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You might not appreciate the fact that you’re in the role of teacher, guide or the person holding the rudder of your relationships. Yet this is a more meaningful role than you may imagine. While you may find it irksome that you cannot quite get a handle on ‘normal’, you’re certainly gaining experience with eccentric and interesting. Yet if you agree to do your part and hold space open for whatever is strange or unpredictable, you are doing something else, which is fostering a revolution. You have needed a real change in your relationships for a while, which happens to be the same change the world is either eagerly wanting, or avoiding with all its might. Consider yourself a midwife who is helping others birth new ideas about who they are. You can learn a lot about yourself along the way, though your gift of holding space open for the progress of others will be a precious gift in their lives in the coming days and weeks.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for May 12, 2016, #1100 | By Len Wallick

So far as you are able to do so, it would be worth your while to invest in your community. Your contributions need not be extravagant, monetary or even tangible. What will count most is the quality of what you give and the degree to which your devotions serve to develop bonds with your neighbors. For that reason, offer your services through existing cooperative efforts, at least at first. What’s more, part of what looks to be your personal environment of endeavor at this time implies that you should be something more than just an agent of change and service. Also, be open to being changed, so long as it is for the better.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 9, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You may find yourself able to reach an unusual agreement with a close partner — something that has no resemblance to what is normally thought of as compromise, but rather a whole new kind of double-win situation. You have always known this was possible; for you, mutually beneficial agreements are on the level of a biological instinct. It’s just that humans (at times, yourself included) can have an uncompromising approach to life. Yet now it’s as if what was previously unmovable and inflexible has reached a melting point. You will be amazed how little needs to change on the mental level for so much to change on every other level. Nobody is asking for a lot. Everyone involved seems capable of offering, and even willing to offer, far more. Yet embracing the notion of symbiosis — a biological relationship where two different entities thrive on one another’s presence — will lend itself to much happiness. The keys: listen, and be open.

Moonshine Horoscope for May 5, 2016, #1099 | By Len Wallick

If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. That’s especially true for you now. More specifically, it’s an important (if somewhat earthy) maxim to follow regarding relationships where income and property are co-mingled. The potential for you and your partner (or partners) to share both unprecedented prosperity and blissful harmony is probably much better than it might look for you right now. Give any urge to tinker a rest and allow your mutual venture to develop, so long as it is doing well and that is well enough. While it is never advisable to count your chicks before they hatch, it’s not a good idea to count them out, either. Unless you begin to actually lose financial ground or equal influence, put pie in the sky on the back burner until at least November.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 2, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

How much effort must you exert to get what you need? Do you find that people respond to you, or do you constantly have to push them? Before you can find a meeting place between your needs and those of someone close to you, it would help if you find your own center first. That means understanding yourself well enough to make a few clear, simple statements about which you do not feel guilty. You seem to be under the influence of someone with whom you’re not sure you see eye to eye. You can get to a clear meeting, though understanding yourself is the first step. I recognize how complicated this self-understanding thing is. But it doesn’t need to be that way. If you run into some internal contradiction, consider the two sides of the equation. How exactly did you end up with two values or desires that conflict? Where did you get the idea that you can have one of them, or neither, but not both? You did not make that one up on your own.

Short Monthly Horoscope for May 2016, #1098 | By Eric Francis

Now is the time to have your relationship review conversation. Set aside expectations and come from a place of how much you value someone you care about. Commitment is one thing, but honoring someone’s presence in your life, as demonstrated with genuine appreciation, is what you’re looking for. Some topics may require a conversation that extends over a few weeks. Be patient and work your way to the heart of the matter. Any subject involving money needs to be handled in a genuinely ethical way. Toss out gender roles — everyone must do their bit.

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 25, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You may have the feeling of others not making sense to you all of a sudden — even people who made perfect sense yesterday. But who is actually changing their perspective? It would seem that you are asking some deep questions, going places philosophically where your friends and cousins rarely go. This is a sign of your advancing maturity. You are someone who cares about real ideas, to an extent that can leave other people bewildered. You probably wonder why they don’t care as much as you do; why they don’t read the books that you do, or ask the questions you do. I suggest you keep reading and keep asking; and when you have the chance, ask out loud and see who joins the conversation. You are developing a rare or even unique aspect of your intelligence, which is your ability to see through false ideas and notice the ones that have relevance. You can have plenty of fun doing this, and fill a notebook you will treasure for a lifetime.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for May 2016, #1097 | By Eric Francis

You can negotiate a better deal, though flexibility is a must. So, too, is a kind of optimism that you may not be feeling up to these days, though believe me when I tell you there is gold in them there hills. And not just gold: there is a potential meeting of the minds, on matters of real substance. Yet you must keep a positive frame of mind, and not allow frustration to get the best of you. Find reasons to rise above it; seek the ways to get hold of your mind and put your energy to work for you. You have plenty, if only you would tap into it creatively and constructively. If you find yourself blocked, look for workarounds. Slow your thoughts down; break complex tasks into steps; pause and ask yourself why you’re doing something. Most of all, use time as an ally rather than as an enemy. If you schedule things at a pace you can handle, and really ask yourself what has to be done by when, you will find your efforts easier to manage. But there is no substitute for understanding what you want, and what others want, and identifying the common ground between you. Those shared values are the basis of any real agreement, and you have plenty in common with key people in your life. They can easily be turned to mutual profit.

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 18, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You’re entitled to change your mind, even if you felt passionately about something that you now admit was wrong. Sometimes it seems as if the more energy you invest into an idea, the more likely it is to be wrong, or not to serve your best interests. If you feel yourself pushing something hard, that’s a sign to pause and reflect. It might help going forward to be less attached to what you believe. You’re not being indecisive if you take a more questioning approach to your philosophy of life. As the next month or so progresses, you’ll begin to connect with the emotional drive beneath your thoughts. This will help you make more sense to yourself. You might say the goal of this season in your life is to connect your beliefs to some underlying emotional reality, and then you can decide with more clarity whether they really serve you.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for April 14, 2016, #1096 | By Len Wallick

Family matters would appear to be an appropriate subject for you to reflect on at this time. Specifically, it would seem that your personal relationship with actual family members or the subject of family in general is ripe for review. If you elect to embark upon such an evaluation, it would probably be best to begin consulting with at least one other person outside of family for the purpose of conducting a thorough self-examination. One possible (and worthy) objective of such a consultation would be to discern any differences between your perceptions of family on the inside and realities on the outside. Don’t be surprised if the ultimate result is a much better relationship with yourself.

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 11, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

People in your life are presenting you with a powerful reflection. It’s almost a magnifying mirror, where you can see your tendencies enlarged before your eyes. This will give you the option to choose what you want and what you don’t want. While you’re doing that, I suggest you go gently on yourself. It’s good to do that anyway, but remember that you’re in a kind of echo chamber, where things seem much louder and more vivid to you than they do to the people around you. As you look, listen and feel, you will begin to find new points of contact with your intimate partners. The key here is new — a conversation that has never happened before, a desire that you’ve never expressed and want to experiment with, or something that you want to offer to someone because you care about them. One excellent result of self-discovery is the ability to share yourself.

Moonshine Horoscope for April 7, 2016 #1095 | By Len Wallick

While climbing a tree, it’s usually a good idea to stay close to the trunk where the footholds are strong and there is nearly always a way to pull yourself up further. Going out on a limb is usually understood to be the equivalent of taking a risk. You know from your own experience that the safest, surest way works best most of the time. Even so, there are times when a carefully calculated risk is your best bet. Look around and consider whether now might be one of those times to branch off. In order to evaluate whether that’s true for you, ask yourself two questions. First, is the metaphorical trunk solid or rotted at the core? Next, will the symbolic limb ultimately take you to somewhere besides thin air?

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 4, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Be mindful of negativity in your environment, and make the conscious choice not to take it on. From birth, you’re someone who does what healers call ‘somaticize’ — that is, you can easily transpose emotions to physical experiences and body ailments. However, this is working with greater emphasis in the current extended phase of your life, so you must be especially mindful at this time. Tune into every environment before you dive in, just like you would size up a lake before diving in head-first. Before you eat anything, ask yourself if this is really what you want or need. If you can take care of yourself this way, you’ll turn your exceptional sensitivity into a productive, creative force. Your greatest strength right now is not your time or your labor, it’s your ideas. You can see things that nobody else can perceive. This includes problems and it includes brilliantly creative solutions. Though others will want their say, be sure to trust yourself first.

Short Monthly Horoscope for April 2016, #1094 | By Eric Francis

Relationships are rarely predictable, much as we want them to be. In fact, they often seem to defy expectations. The wise learn to work with this unpredictability factor rather than fight it. With the world as erratic as it currently is, the thing we want is stability. I would propose that you’ll find that quality the most abundant in people who have the ability to change. That and one other thing: the ability to trust the flow of events as best you can, inspired by others who do. The point of agreement that you share with another person is solid, and it’s real.

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 28, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

If you put something in writing, you can say anything and not worry about the effects. That’s because you have the power to revise and edit. I suggest you put a 24-hour delay between what you want to express to someone and the moment you push the ‘send’ button. This will allow you to get in touch with your feelings; in particular, your anger. The thing to remember is that your anger belongs to you. If you have a grievance with someone, it’s preferable that you take ownership of your feelings. There is more to this picture than meets the eye, and it will take some thought and reflection to figure out just what that is. It will, however, be worth your effort, because as I read your charts there is a gift beneath all the layers — understanding something surprising about what you want, and why you want it.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for April, 2016, #1093 | By Eric Francis

Instead of wishing that life was not so confrontational, you might consider rising to the occasion. This will be easier than you think, especially if you consider that you’re paying for the same team as most of the people around you. Rather than invoking an ‘us and them’ kind of response, you might consider everyone ‘us’ and see how that works. What might seem strange is how self-focused people around you are, up to the point where many ordinary aspects of life can seem competitive. One reason people choose to play this kind of game is because it’s more fun, or seems so. Who really wants to play softball if one team doesn’t get to win? Yet few people understand the nature of cooperative games. I would propose that the most significant game going on in your environment (mental and physical) is about figuring out who you are, and understanding your identity, without the need to resort to any form of aggressive confrontation. You would be the likely person in your environment to offer that idea through your example. Some people may understand this one if you offer it in theory, though figuring out and demonstrating what Germaine Greer called “the trick of cooperation” will work a lot better. Note that this would involve cooperating even with people you don’t like; but that’s the whole point, isn’t it?

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 21, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You may seem subject to many forces beyond your control. Yet life is rarely about control, and much more often about influence — and of that you have plenty. Remember this, should you find yourself in an edgy state of mind, or fretting over some perceived uncertainty. In any situation, ask yourself where you have some role to play, or somewhere you might interject an idea. Closer to the point, remember that the power of decision is your most important freedom in this world. You will feel better if you give yourself more choices, particularly where you saw only one before. The way you do that is by pausing, looking at the situation and asking yourself clearly, “what are my options here?” Then start listing things off, beginning with “do nothing,” and including every other possibility from the most sensible to the most outrageous. From among that selection you will see some clearly viable possibilities.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for March 17, 2016 #1092 | By Len Wallick

Let the Sun shine in, in every sense of the word. Welcome and receive day and light in every form. If it would cause no danger or damage, try keeping window shades open until sunset. Provided it would do you no harm, keep your sunglasses in their case more often. Smile, to improve the chances of being smiled at. Most of all, be open to both consciously perceiving and gratefully receiving all that even your most trying relationships have to offer. Each being in your life, from the most loved to the most challenging, is part of a whole that makes you greater just by their being there. Allow yourself to revel in the presence of every living connection.

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 14, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

I would remind you yet again that your physical health and your emotional health are one and the same. Remember this for all your days, but especially remember it now. The feelings you feel have direct effects on your physical state of being. To get a handle on your physical health, you must begin with your emotional health — and that is now more tangible and accessible than it’s ever been. The main thing to address is resentment. If you’re holding onto past grievances, you might try letting them go and moving on. That’s where you will find the justice you seek; that is the only true correction. You might also ask yourself in earnest if you are doing the work that you really want to be doing. Your attitude toward not just your daily activity but also your work environment is one of the most important ingredients that factor into your emotional wellbeing.

Moonshine Horoscope for March 10, 2016 #1091 | By Len Wallick

Sometimes getting along with others means going along with them. That’s not easy when going along doesn’t sit well with your conscience. In order to best rise to such a challenge, it’s necessary to both envision a middle way and believe that it can be found. This middle way would allow you to honor your conscience while also maintaining a social life. The path between one extreme (of abandoning yourself to others) and another extreme (of abandoning others for the sake of yourself) begins with your own conduct. It means behaving as you would like others to behave, while also remaining in society with them. In that way, others can see and (hopefully) learn from your example. Setting an example can be lonely at first, but so long as you trust that others also have a conscience, you won’t be lonely for long.

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 7, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Your chart is the picture of where mind meets body. This is one way to understand your sensitivity, and it will help you access your deepest gifts. When you feel something, or think something, your body responds, and it can be profound. When you take care of your body and your environment, and when you make sure that you’re feeling good, your life changes dependably and you’re at your best. Now is the time to work this with relationships. The next couple of weeks present an opportunity to clear negativity from your life, take steps to feel better, and as a result, step into a lavishly productive and creative time. Cleaning your living and working space counts for double right now. Stretching out, drinking water and eating good food count for triple. Indulging art in any form gets quadruple life-improvement credit. Feeling good is a habit, and it’s calling you now.

Short Monthly Horoscope for March 2016, #1090 | By Eric Francis

Focus on your ideas and you will figure out how powerful they are. Speak, write, share, argue and otherwise articulate what you’ve been thinking. If you discover something isn’t true, change your mind and go deeper. You may spend the next six months revising and reconsidering what you’re thinking, which would be the perfect activity for your current astrology. Above all else, know and trust that you have something to say — something valuable that others will feel was worth hearing. Amidst the confusion of the world, you are a clear light.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for March 2016, #1089 | By Eric Francis

Put your health and wellbeing first, and all else will flow from there. There are, to be sure, times a person’s gotta do what they gotta do — such as when duty calls. But this is theoretical if you lack the power to respond fully, and that is what I suggest you preserve and cultivate. You are sensitive right now; your emotions and the health of your body are more closely linked than ever. It’s for this reason that I suggest you tend to the needs of your body — for nourishment, water, rest and, most of all, pleasure. You have a lot to do; the environment in which you must perform has many variables, some of which have not manifested yet. Yet you can rise not just to the occasion of your circumstances but also to the occasion of your purpose. You are closer now to that purpose than you’ve been in a long time, despite the sensation that it’s difficult to grasp. The purpose of all your creativity is to develop your own original existence. Categories like art, work, personal, business, home, office, artist, craftsman and many others are blurred in your life to the point of being meaningless. You get to explore all of these things and develop them in ways that suit the purposes that you decide are valid. You are creator and created; be bold and loving as you may.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Feb. 22, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

It’s time to have fun. You probably don’t need an astrologer to tell you that, but I am telling you — the time is right. But not just any fun: the exact, specific kind of celebration you want. Whether it’s going to the movies or making a movie; going to an art exhibit or getting out your paints and canvases; going to a rock concert or tuning up your guitar; or reading a romantic novel or having a romantic tryst — go for it. The feeling you’re looking for is a little like cutting out of school to go to the beach. Trade in some responsibility that doesn’t really need your full attention now for something really excellent that you will love. Your solar chart suggests you might want to do this with a few close friends, but if you go solo you’re likely to make new friends wherever you go.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for Feb. 18, 2016, #1088 | By Len Wallick

Before yielding to impatience and impulsiveness by making big changes in your life, give small adjustments a chance first. It could very well be that a little tweak here and a small toggle there will get the results you want, without the unintended consequences that often come with a huge shakeup. You have lived long enough to know that a sense of proportion is important. You have sufficient experience with life to have acquired some perspective. Therefore, trust your hard-earned wisdom and give moderation a chance to succeed. If it turns out that only big changes will do, the option to make them will almost certainly remain available should smaller and less disruptive actions not succeed in making your life what you want it to be.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Feb. 15, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

If your attention has been dominated by emotional or family matters, it’s time to start having more fun. It would seem that, going back to the beginning of the year, you’ve been encountering complexities that you wanted to get beyond but which seemed to be holding you back. Now you’re being set free to experience many other facets of life. To use this freedom, you need to make two decisions — one is either to get out the door, or to be among your people, or to pick up creative projects that you’ve been distracted from. The other is to leave behind the emotional states associated with solving complex problems. Your experience influences how you feel, though it also works the other way. Gently let those old attachments go, especially any lingering affinity for struggle or emotional confusion.

Moonshine Horoscope for Feb. 11, 2016, #1087 | By Len Wallick

There is a difference between gambling and managing risk. No matter how much skill is involved, gambling still leaves things mostly to chance. The essence of risk management, on the other hand, is to leave as little as possible to chance. Gambling is ultimately recreational, and one should only invest what one can be resigned and willing to lose. By comparison, risk management is occupational, with a realistic and achievable intent to realize gain. Indications are that you should eschew gambling for the time being and manage risk instead. You have a gift for finding a way to gain where others only see a potential for loss. For you, the time to begin employing that gift has come.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Feb. 8, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You may have family, partnership or joint financial concerns on your mind, but now is the time to celebrate. You can set all that other stuff aside for a while, and consider the most positive facets of your life. It’s time to explore and to build and to open up some new territory in your creative and social facets of life. The way this will feel is like freedom, like potential opening up, like some inner horizon of who you want to create yourself to be. Regarding partnership, I would offer this: relationships need jobs, a purpose outside the ‘you and me’ theme. They also call for leadership. These two things — purpose and leadership — can help you refresh a relationship, and take some steps on a new phase of your journey. Apply this idea to new partnerships and you’ve got some special potential available.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for Feb. 4, 2016, #1086 | By Len Wallick

How long has it been since you have had some real fun? Not distraction. Not disruption either, but actual delight? More to the point, how long has it been since you have been perceived by others as fun to live, work or hang out with? If your answer to those questions is, “too long,” now would be a good time to begin thinking about how to make life more fun for both yourself and those you know and care about. You will not have to spend a lot of money to restore levity to life. Instead, spend time understanding what fun means to others. Start off by taking the time to share a smile with everybody. That will open some doors and even possibly some hearts. Then, devote additional time toward encouraging others (who show they are willing) to share their enthusiasms with you. Finally, set aside sufficient time to pursue enough of those shared enthusiasms to find newly common ground in the unlikely cauldron of sheer frivolity. Fun is better when offered rather than taken, and best when exchanged as a common value.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Feb. 1, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You have no need to conceal what you’re feeling, as much as it’s your tendency to do so. Rather, I suggest you put words to all the movement and sorting out that you’re going through. Certainly maintain an active dialog with yourself, whether it’s in your diary or some other expressive outlet. Yet you will benefit greatly from choosing one or two people you feel confident with, and letting them know what’s moving and shaking within you. Sometimes talking about things disperses the energy, and sometimes it helps you discover what is real, what is meaningful, what is the most important to you. Your charts describe all forms of expression as having the power to lift your mood, to give you more room to move around and to take a weight off of your chest. Speak freely and be free.

Short Monthly Horoscope for February 2016, #1085 | By Eric Francis

You will make some excellent decisions about money this month, especially if you stop and consider exactly what you’re planning. The sign of a workable choice is that it solves several problems at once and doesn’t create any new ones. So use that analysis for every option and it will soon be obvious what’s the right thing to do.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 25, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Don’t take family quarrels or emotional conflict too seriously. Give yourself some distance rather than getting dragged into the discussion. Your role is to recognize what belongs to others, and to act as if that is true. Yet you’re also in a position to provide what I would call a loving presence. You don’t need to mediate, or help settle the matter, or take sides. You will be at your best if you are able to hold space for a conversation to happen. Before long, any confusion will resolve itself, leading to a genuine moment of peace and harmony. In support of that, it would be helpful if you remain on friendly terms with everyone. You don’t have to take sides, though you do need to be aware of how you feel.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for February, 2016, #1084 | By Eric Francis

You’ve been through many seasons of changes that seemed beyond your control. This has, many times, left you wondering the degree to which you’re really safe, living here on our strange old planet. Yet your solar chart is describing a scenario where you feel right at home, not merely despite all the intensity but thanks to it. Said another way, you’re learning to feel safe in the midst of nearly constant change and adaptation, and if you have not felt that way so far, you can take a big step this month. We could say as an understatement that the Libra charts have been intense, particularly starting in 2012. But really, the story of your life is the story of the world. It’s just that you’re getting it in a particularly focused way. Lest you feel tempted to believe that your life is especially challenging, consider the possibility that you’re particularly gifted at adapting to such a rapidly changing environment. This puts you in a position of leadership, because you’re accustomed to territory that people are just getting used to. Yet you have an added benefit: discovering some unusual source of nourishment in the midst of this all. You’re likely to be in a position to affirm that deep personal investigation, going through changes and, most of all, standing on your own foundation, are actually worth the fuss.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 18, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Love is spiritual. In fact, it’s the only thing that is. You may be figuring out that love is freedom. This is one of those facts that everyone knows and just about everyone forgets. It’s now up to you to remember. Here’s how you know you’re actually going in that direction: you will feel some anxiety or guilt. That’s the trip wire that’s supposed to snare you. Now that you know it’s there, step gently over it and keep going. You can be free with others, though the most important gesture you can make is being liberated within yourself. That means feeling what you want, writing what you want, going where you want to go and believing what you want to believe. Practice doing that and you’ll steadily build your confidence.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope — Jan. 14, 2016, #1083 | By Len Wallick

As you know so well, balance is rarely conferred as a matter of course. Rather, equilibrium is usually attained. You also know that some degree of oscillation on either side of balance is not only something to be expected, but something to be desired. It is the rigid and unyielding that will ultimately fatigue and break. Being supple and adaptive, on the other hand, allows for correction and recovery even if it does not always maintain an even keel. In the case of your own personal conduct, however, you might want to refrain from bending rules set by your own conscience. There may someday be a time when situational ethics is appropriate for you, but that time is almost certainly not the present.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 11, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

The choice you face is not between saying too much or too little; rather, it’s about admitting you’re a person with feelings and authentic concerns. Society puts immense pressure on people not to feel too much. Detached and nonchalant are considered cool, but that does not translate to warm-blooded human. If you ask honestly why you tend to doubt yourself, you will likely come up with an answer that helps you resolve the question. Currently, your self-esteem seems to be invested in a relationship. Like many, you might feel that your value comes from someone else expressing their care for you. Yet your true worth comes from a much deeper place, and it does not involve any other person in the world.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope — Jan. 7, 2016, #1082 | By Len Wallick

Enough with humility for the time being. If you have not conducted yourself to the satisfaction of others, you also know that very few are worthy of judging you. If you do not consider yourself at least the equal of anybody else, ask yourself what it would take to feel that way. If the answer is that you have to be something other than what you are, take that as a sign that you are selling yourself short. Nobody is perfect, and nobody should burden themselves with trying to be perfect. If you are going to take on any aspirations at this time, let them be of your own creation. Your sociable side may want to be ‘where it’s at’, but your soul will be more content if you focus on finding out where you are at and placing yourself there. Granted, being true to yourself may not be easy at first, but eventually it will be right.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 4, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You’ll be far better off using persuasion rather than force, no matter how strongly you may feel about something. More to the point, you’ll also benefit from being real with yourself about your need for independence, both emotional and financial. Here’s a radical idea: you don’t need permission from others to be who you are. That translates to not explaining yourself, asking advice or revealing your plans, until you are completely confident in your chosen course of action. The famous Libra quality of indecision is really a consequence of allowing yourself to be influenced by the desires of others. It’s high time that you run your life, and they run their lives. If you feel any guilt about this, lay it where it belongs: in the fireplace.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for January 2016, #1081 | By Eric Francis

We hear the word ‘security’ a lot these days. If you were some observer not directly associated with our society, you might think it was a product sold by the pound — we spend this much, we feel this good. Yet authentic security is nothing of the kind. You know this because for a number of years, you’ve experienced what seems like every possible challenge to your grounding and stability. Libra is famous for its love of balance. You have been living in an earthquake zone. But what you’ve learned from living there is that ultimately it is your own choice to feel secure. No amount of lawyers, guns, money or shoes can change that. Often the people of the most impressive means are the ones who feel the most threatened by little changes. You are becoming accustomed to feeling secure in the midst of huge changes. For all your life you’ve wanted to stand on your own feet. You’ve wanted to take responsibility for your own decisions, and reap the benefits. And you’ve wanted to serve the world around you in the way that works for you. That is what you are finally getting to do. And now, as this story develops, you’re being called upon to rise to a new level of challenge, and of talent, with a mix of Libra’s two best qualities — elegant finesse and gritty determination.

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