Capricorn 2016

Posted by Eric F Coppolino


Moonshine Horoscope for Capricorn New Moon #1132 | By Len Wallick Simply being realistic about what you can and cannot do at this time will put you in a superb position to make wiser and more productive choices than ever before. Allowing any sense of discontent to run your life will almost certainly have an […]

Moonshine Horoscope for Capricorn New Moon #1132 | By Len Wallick

Simply being realistic about what you can and cannot do at this time will put you in a superb position to make wiser and more productive choices than ever before. Allowing any sense of discontent to run your life will almost certainly have an opposite effect. If, for example, owning a Rolls Royce is not currently a practical goal right now, you have options. You can choose either to sulk or to be relieved that any achievable purchases will not depreciate nearly as quickly or as much. While such a scenario may seem unrealistic in and of itself, you might want to take a close look in your life for any actual parallels. Pay special attention to any circumstance in which you might be tempted either to judge others too harshly or to blame them for your troubles. What such a cursory self-examination might reveal could very well open your eyes in time to make that metaphorical Rolls possible — if not probable — sooner than you might think.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 26, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Self-discovery never ends. You never actually ‘figure out who you are’ — but you can get to know who you are, and what your tendencies are, here in the world of forever changes. In these weeks you may make some startling, informative or genuinely useful discoveries about your tendencies. You don’t have to do anything about them; just note what you’re learning as you learn it. Notice and make friends with the process of change. Make friends with uncertainty. Being ‘certain’ is often rife with false security. So, too, is the desire for anything to be so-called permanent. The continents drift around the globe. The North Pole was once a tropical region. The Great Sphinx long predates ancient Egypt. Change is your friend, and the easiest thing to change is your mind. Let’s put it this way: if you’re going boat shopping, you don’t need a yacht. You need a very sturdy, dependable little fishing boat. Then get up every day and see what you catch.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 19, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

There’s a concept I learned in Hakomi Therapy training, which they call ‘efforting’. It describes a counseling room phenomenon where the therapist or the client is working too hard emotionally or intellectually to get a desired result. You know, the conversation that goes on too long, or that seems to get nowhere; the problem you keep banging your head on; the person who you cannot convince; the question you cannot answer; the habit you cannot let go of. Often this gets conflated with ‘having integrity’ or ‘working on yourself’. I suggest you be cautious about anything that’s draining your emotional or mental energy. The solution is unlikely to be doing more, but rather to stand back and do less. The mere acknowledgement that ‘this is harder than it’s supposed to be’ is an excellent start. There’s something you’re missing — information you need, or a shift of perspective. Start with the obvious. What do you really want?

Moonshine Horoscope for Gemini Full Moon #1130 | By Len Wallick

Even if you are doing everything you can to keep a low profile, it’s quite likely that you are getting some attention about now. Some are almost certainly looking up to you. Others are probably looking out for you. No doubt a significant number are observing you for reasons somewhere in between. To make the most of what one might call your circumstantial charisma, assume that you will nearly always be making an impression of one kind or another for at least the next month, if not longer. You could also safely assume that simply being your genuine and authentic self will make a good impression. If your life up to now has prepared you for anything, it’s scrutiny. Have fun with the spotlight, and rest assured that any criticism says more about the critics than it does about you.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 12, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Years ago I learned something in Hakomi Therapy training that has served me well ever since. When addressing an intense emotion, approach it from the edge rather than diving into the middle. It’s a little like standing next to an open fire; you can feel the heat and smell the smoke at a safe distance. Now, some would say that this alone represents significant maturity: the ability to take some distance on your feelings. Yes, we can all get drawn in, and it’s pretty easy to lose control. However, you will be at a significant advantage if you keep a handle on yourself and notice what you’re feeling rather than giving into it entirely. Keep possession of your mind and you will have access to real ideas about how to manage your life. Lately this translates to managing change; which is to say, making peace with the fact that change happens. Stay one step ahead of yourself and it’ll be much more fun.

Short Monthly Horoscope for December 2016, #1129 | By Eric Francis

You may need to assemble the truth in small bits rather than getting it as a fully assembled picture. This might require comparing information from different sources over a period of time, perhaps five or six weeks. As you do this, be as methodical and objective as you can be. Then you will have that moment when reality comes into focus. Tempted though you may be, don’t rush to conclusions. Your ultimate determination might be entirely different from what your initial response or reaction was. What you call intuition must be backed up by concrete and provable data.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 5, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You would be wise to address the notion that you must be pure, or perceived as pure. You know you’re not; everyone else knows you’re not; and there’s no such thing as purity except maybe in an air-locked laboratory or in the mind of the pope. But purity is different from integrity. And someone as intense as you are, with opinions as strong as yours are, needs integrity. But what is that? I think of it as having the various parts of yourself in agreement with one another. It’s about noticing when you contradict yourself. There’s the bit about having the same expectations for others that you have for yourself. And it’s about letting your deeper truth out into the room rather than having to stuff it down into the dark. There seems to be something you absolutely must reveal about yourself, and it will prove that you might not be ‘pure’, but you possess genuine integrity.

Moonshine Horoscope for Sagittarius New Moon #1128 | By Len Wallick

You should probably receive a college degree simply for living your life over the last eight years or so. Just as with a university education, everything you’ve experienced since late 2008 will probably boil down to one thing. What you now know better than before has less to do with what you were tested on, and more to do with what you were tested by.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 28, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Steam, heat and flames are roiling and boiling inside of you. This is often true; these days it’s a bit more than the usual. There’s so much that you want to make sense, and so little that actually does. It’s as if you’re looking for yourself in the middle of a hurricane. Note that this may be under the guise of seeking the love of your life, or trying to figure out what happened (or is happening) in a relationship. However, it would seem that anything of any relevance is happening inside of you. If other people are involved, they’re more like supporting actors who briefly come onto the stage in the midst of your one-person show. If that’s true, there’s only one direction for you to look, which is within. You might have to forgive everyone and everything around you to get there; you will definitely need to forgive yourself, and journey inward. You may discover it’s not so dark or foggy after all.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope — December 2016, #1127 | By Eric Francis

There’s a story developing in your chart about devoting your attention to those who are less well-off than you are. If you follow this story, it will become a calling, an invitation to do what you can for whomever you can. I recognize these are instincts that must be followed carefully. It’s easy to burn out or overextend yourself. It’s also easy to listen and hear the seemingly small ways you can be of help, and take action in a way that is harmless to everyone and helpful in the intended way. Noticing that people exist is an excellent place to start; being noticed can be of profound significance for someone who lives their life feeling invisible. And there may be more tangible ways you can help, whether in the moment or in the long run; for example, making introductions between those who have a need and someone else who might be able to fulfill it. The wider theme here is the cultivation of your compassion and empathy. This comes at no cost to anyone, and does not take up your time. What these qualities do call for is vulnerability, and the recognition of human frailty. Once you make contact with that level of your existence, you will tap into a deeper strength, perhaps deeper than you’ve ever known. And you will discover yourself to be a messenger of faith.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 21, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

There’s a kind of healing that can only happen through an honest conversation. Honest and healing begin with gentle, and emotionally grounded. That means close to the Earth, close to the center of your body, and tuned into your feelings. From there, you can tune into the feelings of those you’re intimate with. In any conversation of this kind, there may be references to the past, though be clear about what they are. Acknowledge what has happened and how you feel about it; ask your conversation partner their view on what happened and how they feel about it. Mostly, keep your focus on the present, facing the future, because that is the only direction you can travel. In any discussion, consider that you may begin with one idea about what matters most, or what you have to say, and through the discussion make a whole new discovery.

Weekly Horoscope for Nov. 17, 2016, #1126 | By Amy Elliott

What’s that little idea you seem to have brewing in your thoughts? It might take a bit of reaching if it’s hiding in the depths; but once you’ve figured out its nature, I advise you to share it openly. Do not by any means allow a tendency to retreat into your inner space to take over. Don’t let self-doubt or fear get the better of you. What you have in mind is simply too important to remain hidden in the mists. By all means start with people you trust. Just don’t let slip this chance to make your mark on the world, and to contribute to its improvement.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 14, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Money is not a matter of luck. It’s not a matter of position. It’s a matter of wanting the stuff. If you want it, and you use your intelligence, you can get it. Problems arise when your desire for money puts you in the position of going against your moral code. That’s the place to start. If your ambition (or desire for wealth) exceeds your knowledge and your ethics, you can have a real problem on your hands. You would be wise to temper yourself until you’ve got that clear, and focus on doing the right thing. This means focusing on the task at hand, for its own sake. The question of the right thing to do is answered in what you would do, were you not getting paid. If you are doing anything for the money, especially if you consider it a lot of money, it’s time to reflect and meditate. If you’re in a rush, ask yourself what that’s about.

Short Monthly Horoscope for November 2016, #1125 | By Eric Francis

Your sign has a dual reputation: one for being reserved and cautious on the one hand, and another for being bold and courageous. Lately, your confidence and self-assertiveness have surprised even you, and there’s no turning back from the path you’ve chosen. In life it’s necessary to push back against the world, and get people to move over and make room for you. As you do this, you’ll remind yourself that you actually exist, and that you have desires, and that you seek success and fulfillment. These things are made real in action, not in contemplation. Courage is a muscle — flex it.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 7, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

In a few days your plans and sense of the future are likely to open up. With that, you may start to get the feeling that you’re painted into a corner. You’ll feel fine as long as you don’t seriously entertain the idea of stretching your possibilities. You may feel boxed in the moment you want more or extend yourself into the future. You might think that this is about social acceptability, though that’s a trap. Whether you’ve got the approval of others is the last thing you need to worry about. That’s not because you have or do not have that approval, but because you don’t need it and don’t want it. You are the person who needs to approve of yourself. This is not about telling yourself something you don’t believe; it’s about going deep into your feelings and connecting with your commitment to your mission.

Moonshine Horoscope for Scorpio New Moon, #1124 | By Len Wallick

For every problem, there is a solution. If you can remember just that one fact, you can head off any frustrations before they happen. As regards to any exasperating circumstances you may now be facing, remember two additional things. First, as the late, great astrologer Rachelle “Rockie” Gardiner so often reminded her readers: “Patience is the key to heaven.” Second, you are rarely, if ever, alone with your concerns. Somewhere in your community of friends, peers and citizens there are almost certainly a number of people who share (or at least empathize with) the issues that are important to you. So long as you can make your needs known to those communities while also patiently participating in finding a remedy, contentment should ultimately be yours.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 31, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Mars in your sign is pushing you to be at your best. But what is your best? Being a star, or doing quality work? The two motivations are mutually exclusive. For some people, in some times and some places, the drive for notoriety pushes them to actual accomplishments. For you that’s too risky; it would be too easy for your ego to dominate consciousness. That’s to say, what you do cannot be about you — it must be about the thing you’re doing, and the part that’s about you is the discipline and dedication necessary to make something happen. Be cautious about any inspiration that comes from praise or public attention. Be cautious about anything a detractor says. Consider them to have approximately the same value, which is less value than your own pressing need for integrity. That means listening with your whole mind, telling no lies whatsoever, and accounting for what you promise but do not deliver.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for November 2016, #1123 | By Eric Francis

You’re starting to make contact with your own desire. By that I mean you’re removing the obstacles between what you want and admitting what you want. You might think this is too simple to be effective, but all the complexity — the wrangling over appropriateness and guilt and your fear of personal anarchy if you let go of your precious self-control, even just a little — is all a distraction. Sooner or later, you will admit to what you want, which is another way of saying admit to who you are. Then what, exactly, is the fuss? I would remind you that you no longer have to prove that you’re a good girl or good boy. You no longer have to impress your parents or your teachers. Who you are is in fact none of their business, no matter what they may have convinced you. This extends to partners, friends and people in your community whom you think you have to impress as morally upright. Even if you dispense with all of this mental meshugas, there’s one last point to consider: your need to feel safe. Under your current astrology, clinging to security is the last thing that will give you a sense of confidence. Dancing with the possibilities, with your own potential, and the current chaos of the world will, however, do wonders for you.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 24, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

People already notice you. You don’t have to go out of your way. They already know you do good work; you don’t have to impress them, and you don’t have to impress yourself. If you’re going to be proud of your achievements, make it the mild, laid-back kind of pride, like sitting in a chair and knowing you’re a good dancer. The key idea here is understatement. If you show off your skills or talents, that’s likely to backfire. Focus on getting the job done well and on time, and forget about recognition and even about the money. Put everything you have into quality and devotion to your work for its own sake. If you’re feeling insecure, this may be more of a challenge; though you have what it takes. Insecurity can be a fine inspiration to do what needs to be done. A measure of uncertainty will help you to be thorough and keep an eye out for your mistakes.

Weekly Horoscope for Oct. 20, 2016, #1122 | By Amy Elliott

The world is not your burden to carry, although I am sure you feel that way sometimes. You need to take it easy. Make sure you’re getting enough rest, and that your living space is as comfortable as it can be. This might also be a good time to cultivate your inner life as well as your dealings with what is outside: your imagination is richer than many suspect, as you may have discovered lately. When you’ve had sufficient time and space to refresh yourself, you will be better equipped to proceed with being an asset to the entire planet.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 17, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

If you’re wondering what the right thing to do is, it’s the thing that brings people together rather than driving them apart. That means you, personally, being closer to people, rather than deeming anyone an enemy. Everyone you meet has the potential to help you grow, and you have the same potential for them. The current astrology is focused on your sign, and it is hot, it’s aggressive and it’s deep. That represents how you may be feeling: on the list of possibilities is anger coming to the surface, or some sense of loss, and a need to heal some wound and move beyond the past. What I suggest you remember is that when you clear all these other feelings out of the way, the underlying issue is connecting with yourself more deeply. That means being honest about who and what you want. It also means being honest about what you would do if you were to align your desire with your soul’s mission.

Moonshine Horoscope for Aries Full Moon, #1121 | By Len Wallick

Have you noticed anything new about yourself lately? If you’re not sure, perhaps enlist others to offer their observations. Something momentous is afoot in your life. In fact, it would be realistic to say you are currently at a crucial stage in a long process of evolving into a person of uncommon substance. To get an idea of what you should be alert for, think back to about this time two years ago. Try to remember what issues you were dealing with then, and how you handled them. Of course, that was then and this is now. Nonetheless, the latter part of 2014 likely contained both lessons and rewards for your efforts. Now you have a chance to show both yourself and those who care about you just how far you have come since then.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 10, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

At the moment, there is an unusual conjunction happening in your sign: Mars, the planet of energy, drive and desire, is meeting up with Pluto, the planet of soul and transformation. This is happening after a long buildup — something that’s been developing all year. This is a description of you coming into a new level of your existence, a new idea about who you are, and what you might think of as an increase in your personal power. Yet you must handle this with care and caution. Your words count for three times the potency as usual. Your emotions are exponentially stronger. As this develops over the next week or so, you must practice consciousness and restraint, and be selective about how to express your energy in healthy ways. No doubt some of them will be sexual, because you’re finally making contact with what you want, and are willing to admit it. But be kind to people, and try not to burn anyone as they touch your gorgeous flame, or get touched by you.

Short Monthly Horoscope for October 2016, #1120 | By Eric Francis

This month, you have the power to make any change you want. I don’t use the word ‘power’ lightly, but there really is no other. By change, I mean on a structural level: a deep rearranging of your mentality. It’s as if a force beyond normal desire or intention is working through you. It’s an evolutionary impulse combined with true need that’s moving you to make a decision you might never have predicted. You can trust this process, because it’s entirely natural and coming from within you. Though it might not have made sense a year ago, it makes perfect sense now.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 3, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Mars ingressing your sign this week will have you feeling like your old self again, though in an entirely new way. The main message of this event is that it’s time to unplug fear as a primary force in your psyche. The fear might be there, but you have better sources of information. By fear, I mean anything from vapid anxiety to letting your idea of the worst-case scenario drive your decisions, from the insecurity that’s followed you around for so long to guilt about what you want. You’ve made some unusual choices this year; some have worked out, and others you’re still wondering about. You might count up the cost of what you’ve lost because you were afraid of something that never happened, and was not going to happen. You might seriously reconsider any decision you made based on the fear of some abstract prospect, on guilt, or on any form of denial. Here’s the plain truth: you’re bigger than all of that, not to mention better.

Moonshine Horoscope for Libra New Moon, #1119 | By Len Wallick

Abraham Lincoln reportedly observed that response to hardship is a less-than-reliable indication of personal character. So far as Honest Abe was concerned, the truest test of character is how a person handles being in a position of power. If one assumes that President Lincoln was a good judge of human nature, you might want to be aware of how the astrology for the remainder of this year is implying that you are being conferred a significant amount of power yourself. Specifically, you might expect people to be looking up to you as an authority figure in your public and professional roles, even if your official place in any hierarchy is low man on the totem pole. This could be an opportunity. Act as if you are worthy of influence now, and it might mean a promotion later.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 26, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You’ve come a long way in a short time. Suddenly, that is apparent. You are getting a taste of what it’s like to be recognized and appreciated for what you do. There would seem, however, to be something else that you’re seeking, a different kind of success or reputation. What is this about? I reckon you’re not quite sure yet, and that you’re consciously searching for something. That something is not a thing; it’s yourself. While it’s possible to seek and find some elements of yourself through some activity — which is exactly what you’re doing — this is a journey that you’ll need to take deeper. It will help to avoid any form of false certainty about who you are. And it will be a difficult temptation to resist. Yet the equation is simple: what you do does not define who you are. Who you are is the bottom line.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscopes for October 2016, #1118 | By Eric Francis

You’re going through a phase of catching up with yourself. True, you’ve made plenty of progress the past couple of months, despite factors that would have deterred others. Still, you need to gain some essential experience, so that you can focus your direction based on real information. It’s essential that you be willing to get your hands dirty, and essential that you not go into any project with the expectation that it will be easy. Many factors in your chart are insisting that you be willing to go deep, and that you be willing to embark on projects whose destiny you don’t know. And while everything is designed as a learning process, it must never stop there. It’s imperative to engage with the worth in what you’re doing, and to make sure that you follow through to the point where something actually serves a purpose extrinsic to yourself. People are fed up with complication. That’s the mark of our times. Yet you know that getting a result is not as easy as tapping the screen on a phone, but rather more like the work that took to design and create the app. You don’t need simplicity as much as you need a broad perspective. Jupiter is here to help you, if only you’ll remember there’s more to heaven and earth than you may have believed previously.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 19, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

If you’re honest you will admit to yourself that some of your perceptions of life, and some of your expectations, have fallen short of realistic. I’m not advocating for limiting yourself or curtailing your dreams in any way. Rather, I’m suggesting that you take some time to do a reality check. Saturn, the planet associated with your sign, is calling on you to look at yourself and your life from a new angle, one that shows you something you’ve been missing. Here’s a suggestion: it’s easier than you may think to meet people on common ground. You don’t give up any part of yourself by finding a point of agreement or of cooperation. Rather, you will only enhance your life by sharing your desires, your passion and your drive for success. Life is not an all-or-nothing exercise. Your reality overlaps those of the people you care about in many different ways.

Pisces Full Moon Moonshine for Sept. 15, 2016, #1117 | By Len Wallick

You have already seen the light. Now, you might want to busy yourself with widening the crack through which the light is shining. Interestingly, one way to do so is for you to support and encourage those you are closest to in their efforts to change and grow, just as you have done since about this time last year. In addition, you may want to consider the benefits of sprucing up and otherwise improving your immediate environment, rather than yielding to restlessness and jumping ship without just reason. After all, the light does not always shine everywhere at once. You also know that you have done more than enough time with darkness. Work on improving what’s already good and you will not have wasted your time.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 12, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Aspects this week move boldly in favor of your career plans, and this will hold true for the next year. Yet the planets in their courses also remind you that bravado is the very last thing you want — that is, being a big shot at whatever you do, rather than someone who does it competently and on time. In one sense, we could say that you’re being given an opportunity to exceed your experience and your usual talent level. You’re likely to be more visible than you typically are, and that means being noticed. Therefore, understate your own case, and be careful never to presume knowledge that you don’t have. Take the ideas of others on board, and be fair-minded. You are, in a sense, a judge of all that you survey. You cannot avoid this, as the tendency of the mind is to assess, compare and evaluate. Yet you must seek balance and impeccable honesty as a conscious act of creative will.

Short Monthly Horoscope for September 2016, #1116 | By Eric Francis

Mindfulness is the only way to learn from your fears, but they have something to teach you. The most important is pointing out places where you lack trust, be it in your own strength or in the universe to take care of you. Remind yourself regularly that you have the experience and the intelligence to guide your life, and to respond to any situation that might arise. This ongoing process is nothing less than the cultivation of actual faith in yourself. For you these days, the key to any door or puzzle is courage. A little goes a long way.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 5, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Jupiter crosses the midheaven angle of your solar chart this week. That’s a fancy way of saying you’re moving up in the world. Yet your chart presents a puzzle. When you make a move, you might stir up a nest of anxiety. This, in turn, could stop you from stepping forward. The psychological setup is the classic fear of success masquerading as fear of failure. You might start on something worthwhile and decide that it’s never going to work. The question you might ask is: what if you get results? That would require prolonged commitment. You will need to keep developing your idea; you will need to increase your level of responsibility and visibility; you will need to maintain your devotion to quality. Most of all, there is such a thing as a community standard. You can deal with that by exceeding any standard you perceive, while still keeping your creative integrity. That takes courage and devotion. Get ready.

Virgo New Moon Moonshine for Sept. 1, 2016, #1115 | By Len Wallick

By now you should at least be starting to see in yourself some of what others have seen in you over the last seven or eight years. It has undoubtedly been a long, strange trip for you during those years. You may have wondered what kept some old friends faithful in spite of your testing their loyalty. You also may have mused upon what attracted some new friends to you even when you were feeling anything but attractive. Now, the perspective of your most recent decade should finally be opening your eyes to the greater, wider worth and importance of your life. Perhaps you have been avoiding seeing it. On the other hand, you could have been earnestly seeking it. Either way, a larger truth about you is finally becoming available to you. Let that truth inspire you to take the best care of yourself that you possibly can from here on out.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 29, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

If you have spirituality on your mind, you might consider whether you actually have sex on your mind. This is a fairly typical reversal, and not everyone cares. From the look of your solar chart, you’re determined to find out the truth about something. Yet if that is coming up as the craving for mystical ideas or experiences, I would propose that what you truly want is something more emotional, biological and physically satisfying. That means self-discovery in reality rather than in abstract theory. Your body knows what is right for you, if you will only listen. Your dreams may also be telling you something. If stepping in this direction feels at all edgy, nerve-wracking or comes tinged with guilt, you can be sure you’re following your true calling. You have no need to be pure or holy, only real, which means real with yourself. This is a special moment for you to place your focus here: an excellent time to make friends with desire.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for Sept. 2016, #1114 | By Eric Francis

You tend to split hairs over your beliefs, as if trying to determine which are more true than others. Here is the thing: Belief is just belief. The problem is that when something so frail is assigned authority, that thing can take authority over you. For example, you might have a belief about integrity, and that can take on the stature of a god in your mind, while doing little to influence you in a positive way. Your astrology for the next few weeks is challenging you to consider this issue. What do you believe and why do you believe it? When you encounter one of these thought forms, ask yourself this question, and listen for the answer you get. Then ask again and take it deeper. You might conclude that belief per se is meaningless. It would be a compliment to call it fiction, since fiction at least involves the conscious weaving of a reality for a specific purpose. Yet it works a little like that — the purpose often being convenience. Don’t be afraid to go out of your way to find out what’s actually true for you. That might include going somewhere to conduct a personal inquiry, in search of what is real. The decisions you make this month can influence not just your long-range view of your future, but also your actual destination. Keep your eyes open and shine your light into the dark.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 22, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

If you can rise above your fear, you can do anything you want, and there is plenty that you want to do. I would remind you, though, that to most people, freedom ranges from scary to terrifying. Who would have thunk it? Yet humans invest vast amounts of energy in retreating from their potential rather than exploring it curiously and courageously. I suggest you go right in the direction of what makes you nervous, or gives you butterflies or goose bumps. Those things contain the experiences you seek. The fear is merely what you experience when the first blush of energy rises, though it’s partly about an ingrained habit. Face it: you see far more potential in yourself and to life than your parents did. You are willing to take greater risks for a greater reward. That is progress, if anything is.

Full Moon Moonshine Horoscope for Aug. 18, 2016, #1113 | By Len Wallick

Being in service is usually a good practice. Being in servitude usually isn’t. It’s distinctly possible that you currently have something of a blind spot regarding the difference because it has to do with something you own. It may very well be the case that you are not seeing how something you own in fact owns you. For that reason, endeavor to be more than usually conscious of your possessions over the next month or so — especially any time and expense you put into either maintaining or using them. If you are not getting something out of it in proportion to what you are putting in, you may want to make some changes.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 15, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You’re working to break free of something that has often hindered you in the past: a thought form, an idea about yourself, or an attachment to a belief. (Those are all ways of saying the same thing; choose which one you relate to.) What I suggest you notice is any time you take something on the level of a religious belief. I don’t mean religion per se but rather that style of ‘true believership.’ There are a few qualities that such might have, one of which is that it’s born of an attempt to simplify something complex. Another is that it’s a response to a fear, with a palliative value (it makes you feel better, or is supposed to). Last, it’s the kind of idea that leads you to avoid something rather than to engage it directly. In case nobody has told you yet, you have a bold, brilliant imagination, and you’re capable of coming up with ideas that far surpass any form of simplistic viewpoint. Those ideas have life and they have energy, and that’s what you’re feeling now.

Weekly Horoscope for Aug. 11, 2016, #1112 | By Amy Elliott

We earthy types have a reputation for not especially relishing sudden change; yet there’s a good chance you’ve grown somewhat used to the ground shifting. You know now that it’s part of existence. At present, changes seem to be occurring in the breadth of your horizons, which is to say you’re learning that certain things really are possible. It’s likely that someone specific is acting in the role of teacher. If so, notice that and pay attention. Their message will probably benefit you considerably.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 8, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You must look beyond your tendency to be pessimistic, and consider what is possible. You might not be able to do that based on what you’ve accomplished in the past; that’s the point. You need a different basis for faith in your ability to shape your life. One thing that might ease your way is to let go of having to make an exact plan for every goal. Between the first step in a process and what might seem to be the last one, there are many surprises. It’s not that planning is in some way wrong, but rather that it can only get you so far. Think of your plans as a kind of guide, such as figuring out what rocks you’re going to step on to get to the other side of the stream. Once you’re stepping from rock to rock, you might make another choice, and you might get your feet wet. You’ll still get where you’re going.

Short Monthly Horoscope for August 2016, #1111 | By Eric Francis

Many people carry burdens around their whole lives, not realizing they belong to others. This is the time when you can give up what is not yours to carry. You might think you’re helping someone by doing so, but really, you’re not benefiting anyone by weighing yourself down. You have no need to feel guilt about doing something in your own interest. It might seem strange at first, though the presence of guilt is assurance that you’re doing the right thing rather than something wrong. When you figure out the logic of this, you will be pleasantly stunned at your discovery.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 1, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You need to be more honest about the influence of fear in your life. It has a significant role, though the more you acknowledge that fact, the more you will diminish the power it seems to have over you. The truth is that there’s a lot to be scared of in the world; however, relatively little of it happens to anyone. Fear is best understood as a thing of the imagination. It’s creative energy that’s been turned on itself. I recognize it may not seem that way, though the mind really only has one kind of energy, and that is creative. It’s up to you to use this human gift on your own behalf. This is akin to using a power tool consciously and carefully, or unconsciously. The first step is listening to yourself rather than trying to drown anything out. You want to let the pressure off rather than keeping it contained.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for August 2016, #1110 | By Eric Francis

Pay close attention to your level of anxiety as the next few weeks unfold. Indeed, it would be wise of you to invest a little extra time and space into your inner life, whatever that means to you. Sagittarius, the sign right before yours, is the one that relates to your inner being. Mars will be in there, making a conjunction to your ruling planet Saturn. This could be the formula for a struggle — or it could be the perfect setup you need to help you figure out how, exactly, you can live in peace with yourself. You might get over the idea that you need all the answers, right now. You might set aside the notion that you can control what is true and what is not (which is usually done by ignoring valid information). There is, however, something else. What you thought to be true in the past and what you know to be true today are not compatible. It would seem like you’re trying to reconcile the two, and not very successfully. One last clue: that previously true thing was true for your parents, not for you. And if you find yourself in the midst of some anxiety-producing crisis, it’s really about trying to please them, or somehow live up to some expectation in the past that has nothing to do with you and never did.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 25, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

If you’ve been struggling to establish your social position, you can ease off and let your momentum do the work. Nobody doubts where you’re coming from. You need to feel your place in society, and most of all to know who your friends are. Yet there is one other thing, which is being real about your sexuality. It’s not enough not to be a prude. It’s not enough to be OK with who you are. The gem, the true achievement, the gift, of this year’s Mars retrograde for you is learning to be shameless, transparent and positive about turning on others, and being turned on by them. While this takes some bravery, less is required than you may think, and there are rewards that you have not yet been introduced to. This is likely to be a many-year process of claiming yourself back. Yet the initial throwing-off of the shackles of doubt and embracing honest desire and pleasure as a way of life are the first, boldest and most immediately rewarding steps.

Weekly Horoscope for July 21, 2016, #1109 | By Amy Elliott

Many now subscribe to the view that there is a divine presence within all of us; some believe it consists of all genders. Right now, the goddess part of you is surfacing. You can welcome her and cultivate her acquaintance by giving yourself some extra love and pleasure. That could mean sex; in which case the more time, space and exploration or experimentation you can indulge in, the better. You might also spend a bit of time out in your preferred patch of wilderness. When encountering others, too, do all you can to make the experience life-enhancing and nourishing. Your goddess-self will thank you.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 18, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Your chart is resonating, or perhaps rumbling, with the feeling of deep and inevitable inner change. Most of the time you take this in stride, or have the occasional meltdown requisite of total personality reformation. Then there are times when you get some perspective about where you are, when you are and what ways you are adapting to and rising to the occasion of the moment. You sense the distances involved, and can see their scale. Deep down you also know of the potential of the world, and the abyss over which society seems to be treading some edge. This, by extension, would include you. Or is that a total projection? Are you experiencing ‘I am changing’ as ‘omg, society is about to spin out of control’? As one born under your star sign, you are normally cool enough not to go places like that. Cool, though, is not what you get with a fire like yours burning.

Full Moon Moonshine Horoscope for July 14, 2016, #1108 | By Len Wallick

One difference between pure sport and actual capitalism is the attitude towards competition. For a capitalist, competition is a nuisance to be acquired, undermined or just avoided. In sports, however, a worthy competitor has value as a means by which to measure improvement and achievement. In an astrological sense, the best way for you to approach this coming week is as a sportsperson. Every challenge you may face should be welcomed, and something to be grateful for. That’s because you are at a point in your life when you will almost certainly prevail over what, in the past, has either intimidated or defeated you. Congratulations, you’ve come a long way. Life is now yours to win.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 11, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You’re always your own best friend or worst enemy, and it’s time you commit to one or the other. You don’t need enemies, especially yourself, and you definitely need friends, so the choice should be obvious. Being your own friend means consistently making decisions that support you. Yet at a certain point in the life of any evolved person, the goal must become the greatest good for all concerned. This may seem impossible in a world seemingly made of winners and losers. Yet part of your evolutionary task is to step out of this mode. If you ask yourself the question, ‘how can I work for an outcome that serves everyone?’ you may get some real information. And in the absence of that, do what is genuinely right for you. Yet one thing is clear: figuring out what that is may take a little while.

Short Monthly Horoscope for July 2016, #1107 | by Eric Francis

You may discover that this is a rich month for relationships, so much that you will want to keep your options open. Many feel that when you’re doing that, there’s only so close you can allow yourself to get to other people. You might consider taking the opposite approach, where you stay open and embracing of anyone who strikes your fancy, with no hesitation. You certainly have a little something extra going on. These people are drawn to something, and that something is you. Being open to receiving is one of the great lessons of your life, great being another word for excellent.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 4, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

It would seem that for the great majority of people, allowing themselves to be loved is a challenge greater than loving. Which is it for you? It’s clear that you’re harboring doubts of some kind, perhaps of whether you’re ‘acceptable’ — though if that’s even vaguely true, you just need to get over yourself. There is no orthodoxy necessary; such is merely a power trip. It’s quite enough that we have the privilege, the gift and the ongoing experiment of life. It will be a happy day when that’s accepted by humanity, though you can have that pleasure a heck of a lot sooner if you choose. Just open up and receive. Allow yourself to flow. And remember that you’re bigger than any fear or concern that you could possibly have — if you remember that you are. Said another way, try stepping out of your ideas about life and into life itself.

New Moon Moonshine Horoscope for June 30, 2016, #1106 | by Len Wallick

It appears you have gotten better at making good choices as compared to just a few years ago. Assuming that’s true for you, the next thing you might want to work on to improve the quality of your life is making yourself more happy more often without resorting to bad choices. That’s especially the case when it comes to getting your intimate needs met in a relationship. When all is said and done, being alive is the necessary requisite to everything else; you should remember that good choices start with what keeps you among the living. Other than that, however, don’t make things too complicated. If you know what sort of relationship makes you happy, focus on making it happen. If you don’t know what would make you happy, focus on finding out.

Monday Morning Horoscope for June 27, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You may be wondering how someone feels about you, or whether they are moved by you, but the real question is how you feel, and whether you are moved. Mars is a planet closely associated with your sign, and it’s been at a standstill for days. This suggests some form of either hesitation or of feeling like you must make what seems like a huge decision. Yet is it really that significant? There is an added factor that’s been popping up to some extent all year long, which is concern over what other people might think — by which I mean friends or associates. Concern over your image is the best way to divert attention from the actual substance of who you are: what you want and what you feel. We live in morally corrupt times when nearly everyone is concerned about maintaining the image of purity. This is merely a trap, and one that you don’t need to fall for.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for July 2016, #1105 | by Eric Francis

While life is emphasizing relationships, and offering you so much, it’s possible that you’re feeling isolated. That’s not certain but it’s a potential that’s necessary to address, and it seems to be related to wondering what impact you have on others. What I would propose is that the thing you want is for others to have an impact on you: to be moved by them. Pluto in your sign is strongly emphasized right now, as many planets are going by in the sign Cancer, making oppositions to it. You can be sure that you’re having an influence on people: that they feel you, and want your attention. You can be sure that they notice you, even in those times when you feel invisible. The question is: are you actually moved by them? Do you let yourself be moved? By moved, I mean movement in all its forms, whether physical, psychic, emotional or metaphorical. And I mean moved in the direction of the other, in reality rather than in your head. Pluto in your sign is likely to be making you feel vulnerable, yet at the same time, not necessarily willing to express that openly. Work with your willingness. Offer the very thing you want the most. Give people a chance to trust you, by being trustworthy. Give them a chance to feel you, by feeling them.

Monday Morning Horoscope for June 20, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

If you’re feeling isolated or lonely, or like nobody understands you, take a deep breath. Help is on the way. The Sun enters your opposite sign Cancer on Tuesday, and that will shine some light on your love life. You’ll feel more at home on the planet. Until then it will be helpful if you go gently on yourself, and remember that much of our world is in dire straits. You might need a reminder that you can reach out to others. I suggest you invite over a close friend or two and cook them dinner (not take-out, not instant mac and cheese — actual cooking). What you want to cultivate is the feeling of home. This is more than a safe space; it’s your space, among the people whom you choose to be with. This feeling is disappearing rapidly as living space become less stable, and more time is spent out of the house than benefits anyone.

Moonshine Horoscope for June 16, 2016, #1104 | by Len Wallick

In all likelihood, your life over the last seven or eight years will make a lot more sense if you can look back and see it as a journey. It might be fair to say that your voyage started with a struggle against some things. It might also be accurate to say that sometime along the way you put the struggle against those things behind you, and started striving for something instead. Now, it appears as though the struggle and strife part can be over, but only if you let it go. In large part, your good fight has been won. Just remember, your victory has not brought you to an end. Make peace, not war, in order to remake yourself. If peace means stability at this time, the best way to find it is to be stable within yourself. Settling down need not mean settling for less. Neither is it necessary to confine yourself. Rather, seek to define yourself anew. Then, endeavor to live according to your own, hard-won definition.

Monday Morning Horoscope for June 13, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You might be wondering whether to just have faith, or to work for what you want. Yet it’s not a matter of either/or. You can do both at once. Working toward a goal calls for faith in yourself. That, in turn, is related to courage. It would be easy for you to get caught in the details, and avoid action that way. If you’re asking yourself questions like, “Am I a good enough person?” or “Do I know enough?” that suggests you’re getting bogged down. You need to trust your inherent goodness, use what you know, and strive for real experiences that test your theories and teach you more. If you’re still in any way hung up on your image or what people might think of you — especially whether they think you’re competent or not — you’re merely feeding an excuse for not taking action. You do have useful experience, and the opinions of others count far less than you’ve ever imagined.

Monday Morning Horoscope for June 6, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

As one challenge eases, another seems to come on. Yet have you considered that this energy is coming from inside you? For many years, you’ve built your life on an idea of stability and predictability. You’ve associated an idea of consistency with being a good person. Yet did that equation serve to create either goodness or consistency? Now, any direction you want to move demands that you change. That’s because you have no choice but to grow, and growth is change, which means being different. It’s possible to try to build your life on some concrete idea of yourself, oriented mainly on being secure. Yet you’re likely to create a tense, rigid emotional state when the thing you need is to move and flow. There is so much energy rising up from your core that it would be dangerous to block it. That includes hanging around people who reward you for being stuck or narrow. Your real friends embrace you in all your contradiction and wild potential.

Short Monthly Horoscope for June 2016, #1103 | By Eric Francis

You’re an independent, cautious person, though at the moment it will help if you leave yourself open to the assistance and affection of others. This will call for authentic emotional vulnerability, and requires some real measure of trust. These may be the last things you want to dare right now, yet they will be the most helpful. People care deeply about you. But they cannot express that care and affection if you don’t allow the feelings in. So relax, be a sponge and absorb the nourishing water that others are offering. You will free yourself from the past, and make your world a happier place.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 30, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Last week, The Onion, a satirical website worth checking out, published an article about a space probe crashing into the edge of the universe. The joke, of course, is that the universe doesn’t have an end or a wall or a cliff that a thing can bang into, or fall off of. As you seek the deeper truth of yourself, it will be helpful to recognize that you don’t have such an edge either — though you might feel as if you do. You’ll discover yourself as deeply as you want to go. You might believe there is some limit that you must not exceed, some depth that’s too dangerous to fathom. Most people will obey their fear and stop long before they get anywhere near there. I would encourage you to keep going: to keep pushing your inner limits, and most of all, to experiment being evermore truthful about who you are to your friends. This, and little else, will give you the confidence you seek.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for June 2016, #1102 | By Eric Francis

It’s time for your reputation to live up to your substance. In the age when everyone is their own full-time publicist, it can seem that the thing people are the most afraid of being known for is who they actually are, and what they actually think. This is plastered over — habitually, even incessantly — by the image of integrity and authenticity. Yet it’s not enough to seem sincere. You’re being guided into revealing yourself, your feelings, your misgivings and most of all, what you want. This is likely to be happening among the people you consider your friends and colleagues. Here’s where things get tricky. Social groups are based on the principle of inclusion and, by inference, exclusion. There’s always the lingering primal fear that one will be cast off. So to reveal your inner truth — that is, to actually say what you want, what you want to do, and with whom — you must face that fear. At a certain point the pressure of being bottled up, and the constant need to seem pure and ‘in integrity’, must give way to being known. This is true even (and especially) if you are addressing inner conflict, which is seemingly the most important thing to conceal. Open up and let in the fresh air and sunshine — and as you do, build the confidence that people love you for who you actually are.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 23, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Remember that integrity is not a concept, nor is it an appearance. It’s from a Latin root that means “soundness, wholeness, completeness.” This implies that the main action connected to this word is inclusion of all that you are. You might, therefore, ask what you are afraid others might find out about you. What, specifically? And what would the presumed result of that be? The results of this thought experiment will give you a good idea where you’re holding back; what you might be leaving out of completeness. You would go a long way toward explaining certain recent struggles by identifying those elements of yourself, and inviting them back into the fold. It’s the cast-off aspects that tend to wreak havoc. Once you embrace and take ownership of who you are, you will have far more strength, and your life will be easier. So pay attention and notice what you try to give away or pretend doesn’t exist – they hold the key to your liberation.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for May 19, 2016, #1101 | By Len Wallick

Anybody who thinks you need fixing is probably wrong. Anybody who tries to fix you is almost certainly not doing you a good turn. Your very best friends will distinguish themselves by accepting you and being happy with you as you are. Another attribute of good friends, however, is that they want you to be happy in, and with, your life. For that reason (and for the sake of your friends, as well as for yourself) make it your business to figure out, to the extent that you can, all that makes you happy and all that does not. Once so figured, do your level best to live in ways that support, rather than sabotage, your happiness. If you can do simply that, you will have become more than just your own best friend. You will also have given your friends the best gift possible: your good example.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 16, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Your life seems to be an ongoing study in questioning assumptions about yourself. This process set in slowly, and now it’s taken over. However, should you find yourself in any kind of quandary, difficulty or special challenge, you might return to the yoga of investigating what you presumed to be true before you actually verified it in some way. Apart from the obvious problem with this, assumptions deny you the pleasure of curiosity, investigation and experimentation. And your chart is glowing with these things now — with the craving of direct experience, the thirst for learning by doing, and experiencing the freedom to learn from your mistakes. This will help you get out of your head and into your body. You can afford to take more risks than you do, and most of them involve things like the crazy discoveries you make by being ‘wrong’, exploring new feelings and noticing how you respond to people and things the first time.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for May 12, 2016, #1100 | By Len Wallick

It’s okay to have exactly the life you want to have. There is, however, no need to be distraught if you run into some detours on the way. This does not mean that you need to suppress your emotions or compromise your feelings. It does mean you owe it to yourself to be joyful and elated about your prospects. If there is anything your life has taught you up to this point, it is that you can feel confident and believe in yourself. Just look at how far you have come. Just think about all the people who respect what you have done. Therefore, respect yourself and enjoy the journey, even if the road is not always smooth or straight.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 9, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Your life has been defined recently by the relentless pressure to change and to grow. Like anyone who lives under intense conditions, eventually you get used to them. Then, when some factors change, when the pressure lets off or a welcome opportunity comes your way, you might notice how you’ve felt all along. One factor that’s working in your favor is a better ability to feel your own future. Try it and see. There’s no longer an invisible force making you look over your shoulder all the time. Yet the thing about the future is that it’s always born of our creative experience of the present moment. And that, too, is coming into focus. You might feel it as some inspiration, or better yet, the desire to experiment. That is the thing to do, without any thought of what might become of your idea or your project. One definition of learning is making the discovery that something is possible. And you do that by trying something you thought was, if not impossible, then beyond your ability or talent.

Moonshine Horoscope for May 5, 2016, #1099 | By Len Wallick

In some way or another you have probably received what you asked for. Now the idea is to remember what you were going to do with it. Slipping back into a few old but charming and harmless habits may not be an entirely bad thing. After all, it is important to be comfortable. However, there are indications that you can now go to new places and hook up with new people who might just become guests in your home. Who knows — if there is room in your life and it’s the right time, even a new domestic partner could be in the offing. If that is the case, you would want to pay special attention to making sure that your residential space is at least as attractive as you have worked so hard and so long to be. — by Len Wallick.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 2, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Your solar chart is describing you trying to remember something. The feeling is similar to when you’ve had a dream you cannot quite recall, and you’re struggling to get the image and the feeling back. Yet it never comes back to you that way — you need to relax and let your mind flow; in a sense, you need to forget in order to remember. Then when it comes back to you, it’s subtle, and easy to dismiss — instead, that’s when you would invite a full recall, and scribble down the central image and the feeling. The feeling is more important than anything; give that some time and space to come back to you; five minutes of quiet reflection might be enough. If you’re at home, get off the Internet for a moment; if you’re at work, disappear into the supply closet and meditate. The message wants to come through — though it’s sublime, a distant memory of something relevant now.

Short Monthly Horoscope for May 2016, #1098 | By Eric Francis

We live in an age of anxiety. It really is true, there’s so much that can go wrong. But of all the possibilities, consider how much goes right. The current story of your charts right now is that of understanding and addressing fear. We might first ask whether this is the emotion you need to run on, considering that there is a much better possibility. When you encounter a fear over which you have no control, the best thing to do is give it up to a higher power. This is a pragmatic, easy and effective spiritual practice.

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 25, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You’re someone who is accustomed to living on strong foundations. These days, however, your foundations are moving, and you need to move with them. It will not help to cling to anything old and familiar just for the sake of doing so. It will help immensely to immerse yourself in your own creative flow. That means staying awake and alert in the moment, and deciding what you need to do at any given time based on what you notice, and what you perceive your needs are. Keep updating your awareness and asking yourself what is relevant now. This will be especially true if you feel insecure or as if some long-trusted source of support seems not to be there. In many, many ways the universe is reminding you that you must be your own most dependable friend and ally. Once you tap into the strength of that position, you will never want to turn back. And one of the best benefits will be seeing how much you have available to offer others.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for May 2016, #1097 | By Eric Francis

It’s often said that fear is misdirected creative energy — though have you ever experienced that discovery for yourself? Remember that theory is not experience, and rationalizing is not a substitute for understanding. If you want to actually prove something, you must actually experiment. What would it mean to choose something you’re afraid of, face it and dance with it? There seem to be two levels of fear operating in you right now. One you can use as an excuse. The other presents some kind of a block. It’s difficult to see the real block if you’re fixating on the excuse. So you might just pause the story-generation machine and ask yourself what it is you’re concerned might happen if you truly confront what you’re afraid of. I have an idea what that might be: you might have the fun and pleasure you want to have. You might, as in you would likely, experience the love you say you seek and so often search for. Yet if you did, you would have to rearrange your whole belief system. If you confronted one fear successfully, you would then naturally want to confront the rest of them, since you would then be certain they are a waste of precious time and energy. Now for the real question: why ever would you hesitate to do that?

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 18, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

There’s a fear problem on the planet right now. That’s ironic because most places, there’s far less to worry about than there was 100 years ago –- and those of us who live in Western civilization have it better than anyone else on the planet. Yet most people burn themselves up with worry, and you might be feeling that inclination. The past few years you have come a long way in your personal development, independence and maturity. You’ve overcome many obstacles, and one way to address fear is to remind yourself how much you’ve dealt with, and how much strength that reveals you to have. Yet you might consider the possibility that what you’re concerned about has nothing to do with actual situations, and is merely being created by your own mind. At first it takes courage to look fear in the face and say, ‘You are not real’. Then it’s great fun.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for April 14, 2016, #1096 | By Len Wallick

Every step forward has a greater value than usual for you now. Therefore, to the extent that you have a choice, emphasize the quality of what you do over how much you are doing for the time being. By the same token, whenever you are free to do so, prioritize being slow and steady over fast and furious. That way, the chances of a step backward will be minimized and the possibility of your having greater freedom and more options to choose from will be maximized. After all, if you can’t make adequate time and devote the necessary energy to getting things done the right way with your first attempt, where are you going to find the time and energy to do things twice?

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 11, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

My therapist Joe once asked me: if you can’t be naked in your own home, where can you be? Translation: can you be yourself where you live? Can you say what’s on your mind? Can you actually be transparent with the people you share your space with, or who come into your space? If the answer is no, it’s worth asking yourself why you’re there. You’re outgrowing needing people around you to set limits on what is appropriate. In fact you’re shedding all kinds of skins that previously held you in your place. It’s true — that will leave you in a vulnerable position, which is entirely the point. Weaving yourself into a cocoon is getting old, and you seem to want people to actually know and understand who you are. That will involve taking a chance, or deciding you have no other viable choice.

Moonshine Horoscope for April 7, 2016 #1095 | By Len Wallick

If you haven’t recently moved from one abode to another, at least be open to a chance to improve your circumstances by doing so. If a change of residence simply is not in the cards for your foreseeable future, think about what you can do to make changes where you sleep. You know what simply opening a window can sometimes do to make an interior space suddenly more comfortable and restful. In your case, at this time, there are indications that a similarly easy addition or removal at what you call ‘home’ could yield something of the same results. If you need a clue regarding how to make it happen, look around where you live and either add something that says ‘you’, or purge something that doesn’t. Repeat as needed.

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 4, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Your solar chart has the look and feel of home renovation. You might not be diving into Angie’s List this weekend, but let’s take the metaphor in ways that would work for you on the physical and psychological levels. It looks like you want to change things around. It’s often relevant to rearrange your furniture, or to clear out a room and use it for something else; it’s also relevant to rearrange your priorities and make sure that you’re doing first what you want to do and need to do most. That alone can be liberating, not just of time and of energy but also of your sense of freedom. Yet there’s something else — perhaps more appropriate for outdoors, by the water, on a rooftop or in a quiet space: pause, invoke the silence, listen and receive. What you would be listening to is yourself. You have something interesting to say, though it’s subtle — so you’ll need to tune in.

Short Monthly Horoscope for April 2016, #1094 | By Eric Francis

You may be overwhelmed with how much you’re feeling, which is a sure indication that you’re alive and well. True, popular culture (and medical science) often make it seem like feeling too much is unhealthy. Yet life is not an exercise in being cool and detached. If anything, yours is an experiment in being real, which starts with being true to yourself. Take the time to pause and focus your words honestly, and say what you’re experiencing as best you can. Strive to keep the flow going, rather than thinking you must reach always for certainty. Authentic mystery is a form of truth.

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 28, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Can you imagine life without fear? You do a lot of negotiating with that emotion, but really, it’s entirely non-negotiable. When fear seizes your mind, its grip is total, and it takes you out of control of your life. When you decide that fear is meaningless and is not going to influence you, you are powerful, which means free to make choices. I would propose a psychological exercise. If you feel paralyzed or as if you can’t decide something, trace that backwards into the fear that’s leading to your state of mind. There will always be a fear, but you will rarely articulate it — that’s why you have to go looking for it. Then do something bold: give your fear a voice. State what you’re afraid might happen in the worst-case scenario. Then ask yourself the chances of that really happening. You don’t have to be a slave to fear, though the only way out is clarity and courage.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for April, 2016, #1093 | By Eric Francis

If you’re experiencing turbulence in your environment, or if you’re feeling insecure, strive to make peace with yourself. To the extent that we humans create our reality, much depends on how safe we feel within our own mind and body. Part of what leads to your particular form of turbulence is that your imagination is confined. It often seems you can make the most elaborate and beautiful life you want, as long as it’s a shoebox-sized diorama. You want and need more space and freedom than this, and you owe it to yourself to reach for it. The persistent question seems to be: what would people think if they knew what a wild thing you are? Yet why do you care? There’s a reason, which functions as an excuse. It’s easier to judge yourself if you let other people do it for you. Not judging yourself would mean granting yourself permission to explore, to expand your horizons and to experiment with your feelings, your ideas and your body. This would clearly threaten an identity you’ve cultivated around being small. You cannot have both, though I would ask why you would ever want to shrink yourself down. Initially this began as the desire to please other people without actually succeeding. You and only you can call a stop to this cycle, which means claiming your existence as your own.

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 21, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Whatever scenario or drama is unfolding in your professional life, you might consider it in the context of your early childhood. It seems like you may be confusing the power relationships you have with people today, with events when you were much younger and had far less influence over the course of your life. It’s easy to get caught in situations where people appear to have the power of your mother and father, but really they’re just your fellow humans. From the look of your chart, plenty of changes are in motion, and you might consider that there is no development that you cannot put to positive or creative use. But you have to see your opening and call the shot, and not wait for someone or something to act on you. You have the integrity and the foresight to stay several steps ahead of the game, and right now that counts for a lot.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for March 17, 2016 #1092 | By Len Wallick

After things settle down in your public life, take a moment to address your private spaces. To the extent you have been busy in the world, it’s very possible that you have had to let a few things slide where you sleep. While you need not be overly concerned about unmade beds and backlogged laundry now, there will be a time when you will want to be content with where you retreat. In order not to be overwhelmed when you most need to relax, do one small thing every day to reduce the clutter and restore order. Besides your own comfort, there is one other thing to consider. When you do have time to come home and stay a while, you just might have a chance to bring somebody home with you.

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 14, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You may have so much going through your mind that you have no idea what you want, what you believe or what to do next. Thankfully this is a problem of abundance rather than lack. However, I don’t think it’s so strange or mysterious what you really want and need to do. It’s the thing that you’re passionate about, but which you’re afraid is going to upset some applecart. You might ask yourself what role guilt plays in your life and, closer to the main idea, where guilt comes from. This may be the single greatest spiritual and psychological question of our time in history. Do you really need some internal governing device to keep you in line? Do you need to meet any standard of ‘good’, particularly if it’s at the direct expense of being real? What is the worst thing that could happen if you make some honest decisions? Make peace with that and you’ll set yourself free.

Moonshine Horoscope for March 10, 2016 #1091 | By Len Wallick

If there is a pebble in your shoe, it makes sense to stop and remove it even if you are in a hurry to get somewhere. The same is true for anything that is bugging you now. It makes no sense at all to live with unnecessary discomfort even if you feel too busy to avail yourself of relief. Don’t disregard any persistent physical aches and pains. To the extent that you can, consult with an appropriate provider of healthcare and give yourself a chance to better enjoy living. By the same token, allow yourself whenever you can to do whatever it takes to address any mental, emotional or spiritual challenges. If it is at all possible for this time to be one of the best times of your life, don’t let the equivalent of a pebble in your shoe keep you from having the fullest experience possible.

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 7, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Friendship is more than a concept. It’s something that you demonstrate. When someone is your friend, you’re willing to go out of your way or inconvenience yourself. I suggest you translate your feelings into action any chance you get. The point is not reciprocation; in fact, that expectation has a way of detracting from the experience of demonstrating your loyalty just because you feel like it. I suggest you make a project of extending this to whatever you think of as your immediate community. Some of that will be physical and some will be in the online world. Make yourself a resource. Be strong for the people you care about, and understand their needs. Then be patient and notice who responds to you, who expresses gratitude, who offers you what they have. Let your mantra be, “Act as if to hold the world together.”

Short Monthly Horoscope for March 2016, #1090 | By Eric Francis

You can change your mind, by which I mean your way of thinking. Presented with the overflow of information, ideas and sensory data flooding through you now, you must find a new way to consider your experiences. You tend to process your thoughts with your feelings. Under the circumstances, you might want to take that up a few notches and work with one clear idea that puts everything else into perspective. What might that be? The best thought you can develop involves rising above fear. At the heart of everything you’re experiencing is a healing process.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for March 2016, #1089 | By Eric Francis

Your chart looks as if you’re writing the greatest novel ever created. However, if that’s not exactly what’s happening, you might pay closer attention to the idea dynamo that is your mind — and show it some authentic respect. Rather than your usual concepts of propriety and integrity, however, this is the respect that an artist in her studio would demonstrate for an infinite supply of paint and canvas: the willingness to hang loose and experiment. The ideas you’re thinking, feeling or at least capable of are not anything that’s been thought of before. What you express, therefore, has no need to be based on anything tried and true, certified wholesome or subject to the rules of grammar. You are safer in deep water than you are near the rocks and shoals of others’ expectations (or presumed expectations). The days of living up to your parents are long since gone. That revolution has happened, though freedom makes people nervous. Have you noticed that? Most people don’t trust themselves actually to be free, and so generally choose some form of confinement (usually mental, and often sexual). That policy will not facilitate the cosmic explosion going on in your mind right now — though you must. Do yourself a huge favor and face your own infinite potential. Give yourself permission to take the chance. Make up the rules as you go, the most important of which is some form of YES.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Feb. 22, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Your financial strategy must involve communicating with others. Any economy is a community affair; your personal economy is no different. What is distinctive about your solar chart is the extent to which your personal wealth is directly linked to the people around you. Your role is to reach out and to take initiative. Rather than expecting others to come to you, make yourself, your intentions and your needs known to them. Another distinctive feature you possess is the extent to which your value to others is in your ideas. However, in order to make money with your ideas, you need to cultivate and develop them, which means integrating a wide diversity of sources. And you must be flexible; it will help to consider the way that any idea is applicable to any situation. Life doesn’t have separate subjects; it’s really one vast ocean of experiences.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for Feb. 18, 2016, #1088 | By Len Wallick

You have demonstrated a better ability to make and keep commitments to others than you probably give yourself credit for. Just because others have not always been satisfied with what you have done does not mean your efforts have been anything less than satisfactory. As a matter of fact, the time is nigh to make and keep some commitments to satisfy yourself as well as others. Begin with a determination to do what makes you stronger and better able to live the long and prosperous life you deserve. While you need not (indeed, should not) neglect pleasing yourself, it’s now appropriate to do so with discretion. Look beyond indulgences that please only for the short run; keep your eye on benefits that will last.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Feb. 15, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Strive to be fair with others. I know fairness isn’t a big hit these days, but that doesn’t detract from how necessary it is for you now. You can begin by making sure you hear and understand all sides of an issue. Know when you’re being arbitrary, and take a step back. It’s fair to say, “I don’t see where you’re coming from. Please explain it to me.” Or you can say, “I follow your thinking up to this one point. Get me over the hump.” Following someone’s logic doesn’t mean that you agree with them. What it does is to open up space for potential compromise. There is an added benefit, which is giving people the feeling of being heard. That reduces stress in the environment. And of course, if you decide someone is right, the real benefit is that you learned something helpful.

Moonshine Horoscope for Feb. 11, 2016, #1087 | By Len Wallick

Doors are opening for you in proportion to how much you have been knocking. You know this is true. You have evidence that your efforts do get results. Once those doors open, however, the effort need not stop. There are portals beyond where you think you can enter, and you can find them if you persevere with patience. While it is very possible that applying yourself persistently can lead to rapid advancement soon, don’t allow yourself to be discouraged if results accrue in a slow and steady manner. When big things are showing little progress, attend to one small thing in particular — your morale. The luckiest person in the world is usually the one who considers her or himself to be most fortunate. Keep knocking.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Feb. 8, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Money flows toward structure. If you want to improve your financial position, create a structure that helps you account for your income and expenses, or update the one you have. I suggest you make a list of exactly how much you have, how much you owe, your expenses and your income. This will help you make a coherent strategy. Your strategy must be based on actual facts rather than on any form of wishful thinking. When in doubt, return to the numbers. If you set a goal, make sure you have some precedent for that thing being possible. In this way, you may grow incrementally toward the place that you want to be. It is, however, essential that you take one step at a time, and that you know what steps you’re taking.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for Feb. 4, 2016, #1086 | By Len Wallick

Any dissatisfaction or lack you now feel might not, in fact, correlate with something lacking in your life. Rather, you may be sensing that there is something more you can do with your life. There is a difference, and it does not mean you have to change the plans you have already developed and put in motion. By all means, do follow through and complete what you have started. Once you have settled into your new situation, however, look to do yourself one better by setting aspirations that go further than being happier with your lot. Go beyond simply confronting challenges that come your way in due course. Create a challenge you can own. Specifically, look to manifest something you have probably been thinking about (but not acting on) for quite a while now. It will have to do with the reason so many people have been looking up to you, even as you have been looking down on yourself. It will mean seeking out greater responsibility and convincing others that you are ready to make the most of it. But first you must convince yourself that you are ready to call some shots rather than take them.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Feb. 1, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Your planets are describing the potential for a passionate week. Venus in your sign hints at some profound self-discovery you will make, which is rooted in being utterly honest with yourself. This will be easy, because you might say that Venus alludes to an aspect of yourself to which you don’t always have easy access, but you do now. Let your experiences guide you to a deeper place and then remain alert and aware. In work-related matters, this same basic posture will allow you to emerge as a kind of creative prodigy. Your natural inclination is to put love and quality into everything you do. Take that to an extreme. I don’t mean be a perfectionist. I mean intentionally infuse everything you touch with the energy of the goddess, which in a word is beauty. You are her representative on Earth.

Short Monthly Horoscope for February 2016, #1085 | By Eric Francis

There’s a lot you’re willing to say, and there seems to be plenty you don’t want to reveal, or don’t know how. I suggest you mind your need for privacy, though err on the side of saying too much rather than too little. People are interested in what you have to offer, and both you and they will benefit from a real conversation.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 25, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

One would think the human mind is the most flexible thing in the world, though that rarely turns out to be true. You seem to be in a position where you have to change your mind every day, and you may be getting tired of this. Yet this is exactly what learning is. This may seem like an unusually deep or difficult process. What you’re feeling is that it’s real. You have questions, which are themselves compelling you to rearrange your assumptions, especially about yourself. Now you need to keep not just an open mind but a flexible one, so that the answers can find their way into your view of the world and of yourself. Make peace with the fact that authentic discoveries necessitate real adjustments. That is progress.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for February, 2016, #1084 | By Eric Francis

You can now be the bold, lusty being you’ve always wanted to be. Forget your carefully groomed image. Forget prim and proper. Life is not a pageant, nor is it an integrity contest. Anyway, if you associate integrity with being real (that’s the standard, in this astrology lab), then be a real goat. That means mischief, and accessing your somewhat devious/deviant side, and considering anything potentially edible; you don’t know until you try. But most of all it means throwing your image to the four winds. Basically, you’re a prisoner of how you think you appear, which you will only discover the moment you decide, even as an experiment, that it doesn’t matter. The sensation of cracking out of your shell will feel so good, you will wonder how you could have ever waited, or what you were waiting for. The best discovery is likely to be that as you are real with people, you will discover that they are real with you. You have the power to subvert the social media public relations department in the simple gesture of connecting your voice, your words, and your facial expression with your feelings. This will liberate so much energy that you’re likely to do something like make a film, write a novel, foment a revolution or get out of whatever you think is dragging you down. Is freedom dangerous? You will have to see.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 18, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You have a rare moment to consider your relationship to your father. In a sense this holds a key to your happiness, because so many of the rules and restrictions of life are held in that one relationship. You don’t necessarily need to pick up the phone or write a letter, but you can. The real quest is for understanding. Deeper still, your quest is for a clear conscience. If anything is troubling you about any of your past actions, now is the time to bring it to the surface. You may admit that you could have done better, yet you may also figure out that you didn’t do anything wrong; that it was all a mind game. And you might try this: as you meet men, look at them and quietly say to yourself, “This person is not my father.”

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope — Jan. 14, 2016, #1083 | By Len Wallick

You have made a lot of progress in knowing your own mind, and acting as your own person. Yet, you should still be aware of the extent to which you remain highly impressionable, and how that need not be a weakness. Indeed, your willingness to be influenced at this time in your life is a great asset, which you will not always have to the extent you do now. The key to remaining your own person is developing your ability to consciously pick and choose from among the many persuasions vying to steer you. That means being stronger under pressure, and less vulnerable to flattery. In the end, you will be better off influenced by those who hasten to support you than those who endeavor to persuade you.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 11, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

What seems like a lucky break is really a blessing. There is an important difference: luck is not a reflection on your character. A blessing is something you’re more likely to receive as a cosmic gesture for a job well done, or for maintaining your integrity. You’re being called upon to do something daring, which is to think for yourself. You may have to go against common wisdom or the opinions of others. You may need to stand your ground, or decide a debate is not on the agenda. Yet it will be helpful if you carefully consider all sides of the equation rather than dig in. Observe the situation from other angles. Be open to new information. Most of all, listen carefully and be grateful for whatever advantage comes your way.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope — Jan. 7, 2016, #1082 | By Len Wallick

Pride in excess can indeed lead to a fall. In your case, such a danger is unlikely. Ask anybody who loves you, and you will almost certainly hear that their affections are informed and supported by the pride they have in you. Hence, your task is to become proficient with pride. To begin with, get and keep yourself constantly present to what you should rightfully be proud of. In all probability it is achievement, as well as persistence. Do not neglect, however, to be proud of how good you have been to other people. Time and time again you have been supportive above and beyond the call of friendship. Over and over you have gone beyond offering a helping hand to follow through. As result, many have manifested what was once only a dream for them. Of all that, you can and should be justly proud.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 4, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You don’t need to add winning a popularity contest to your resume, though a little crowd-pleasing will go a long way. You have more charisma than you may imagine at the moment, and people will be eager to help you, if only they know that you see their humanity. So start there with everyone you encounter, and then get down to business. It also looks like you’re about to receive a piece of confidential information that allows you to solve a particularly vexing problem. Make sure you protect your sources, and give yourself plenty of time to understand the full implications of what you learn. People in high places are involved, and you must proceed wisely, and with caution, right up to the point where you take action (and beyond).

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for January 2016, #1081 | By Eric Francis

For quite some time you’ve been dealing with undeniable forces of change, which have pushed and stretched you. You’ve made major adjustments, you’ve made progress and you’ve sustained some losses. You know all of this was necessary, because the result has been focusing your life on your evolution. You’re now entering a more introspective time, when outer pressures and chaos will be less influential. Your direction of movement is inherently inward. Even if you’re the outgoing kind of Capricorn, the chances are that in truth you’re an introvert. You are now being pulled deeper in, closer to your spiritual core. You know you’re tapping into aspects of existence that many people around you neither notice nor acknowledge. But here is the thing. Ultimately you are being pressed, guided and compelled to a state of clarity. That, your charts suggest, is going to come in the form of language. While it may seem there are realizations too sacred to be spoken, or too difficult to put into words, you simply must make the effort, for your own sanity. Your inward draw is only as helpful as the ideas that you focus — no matter how challenging, imperfect or imprecise. Leave yourself and others a record of your inner journey, one word or one page at a time, as necessary. As for love, I can sum it up in a sentence: Intimacy is introspection that we share.

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