Sagittarius 2016

Posted by Eric F Coppolino


Moonshine Horoscope for Capricorn New Moon #1132 | By Len Wallick Abrupt changes need not be unpleasant. When things happen fast, they can just as likely be for the better. Even so, sudden shifts do not usually favor everybody equally. Revolutionary developments tend to be better for those who possess a flexible temperament and adaptable […]

Moonshine Horoscope for Capricorn New Moon #1132 | By Len Wallick

Abrupt changes need not be unpleasant. When things happen fast, they can just as likely be for the better. Even so, sudden shifts do not usually favor everybody equally. Revolutionary developments tend to be better for those who possess a flexible temperament and adaptable skills. It is extremely unlikely that the entire world will change overnight for everybody at any time in the foreseeable future. That being said, consider how you are so often the exception to nearly every rule that applies to almost anybody else. You might want to mentally prepare to make some significant adjustments sometime during the next nine months or so. Once you have both intellectually and emotionally situated yourself to accept unbidden shifts, you will also be among the best situated to profit and prevail come what may. If you can bring yourself to think of your future in that way, who knows; you might be motivated to be among those who get a revolution started.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 26, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

The fewer financial moves you make for the next few weeks, the better. I mean, really, keep it simple and do only what’s necessary. First, you must conserve your resources. You have plans, and your talents are worth a lot, though no matter — efficiency is always in order. One thing you can do is to spend less, and work with what you already have. If you need to buy something, the chances are good that you already have something that will do the job, or someone can loan you what you need for a while. Don’t be afraid to ask. I’ve said many times in this column that we live under the delusion that money can solve all problems. Well, most problems are actually solved by thought, ingenuity and the willingness to do some work. One thing that’s in order right now is taking an inventory: of what you have, including your talents, as well as what you owe to anyone. Give that a few weeks and get some real data to work with.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 19, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Dream big to get big. Why size? Does size matter? Yes, for a Sagittarian it does. Or perhaps better said, your ideas need to find their correct proportion and their correct scale. And that is likely to mean scaling up. You may feel limited by issues around financing your ideas, though that is a matter of planning. It’s a matter of communication and of outreach. Meanwhile, there are many small steps you can take that utilize resources you already have, in the way of people, community and physical needs. One problem with the current world philosophy is the belief that everything can be solved with money. However, cash is useless without ideas about what to do with it, and it’s more often wasted than not. Think efficiently. Use what you have well. Get one or two intelligent people involved. Then figure out what you actually need, and you’ll get ideas how to fund the project.

Moonshine Horoscope for Gemini Full Moon #1130 | By Len Wallick

You have no doubt learned at least a few valuable lessons regarding relationships over the last year. Even though your learning curve is almost certainly not yet complete, the next year or so will represent a time to begin integrating what the experiences of 2016 have taught you. Given astrology’s current indicators, the relationship subject matter most worthy of your evaluation right now would have to do with the place and purpose of boundaries. When it comes to adjoining parcels of real estate, the most applicable aphorism is that good fences often make for good neighbors. For other types of alliance and association, appropriate guidelines are seldom so simple. Nonetheless, you might want to begin your next celestial semester by mending a few metaphorical fences that might have recently come down.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 12, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You may feel as if the universe has trimmed back your plans. Yet it’s often necessary to reduce, minimize and conserve energy before you can experience a growth spurt or enter new territory. Take the long view here. Start to prepare for developments that can come to fruition in late January. By prepare, I mean really prepare: know your goals; have some idea how you’re planning to get there; and give yourself the basic things you need. And please don’t be deterred by the many people around you who have a full-time occupational commitment to being lost. You are not part of the dazed and confused generation. You are, rather, a serious person who is intent on your own success. Step into those shoes without delay. Bring your full professionalism to everything that you do; be the first into the office and the last out. Be willing to do whatever it takes to maximize your talent.

Short Monthly Horoscope for December 2016, #1129 | By Eric Francis

People cannot read your mind; even a clairvoyant would have a hard time figuring out what you’re thinking. Therefore, come in a little closer to the people around you and tell them what’s percolating. Slow down and explain your viewpoint step by step, including how you got there. This is not on the usual Sagittarius menu of options, though your relationships will go more smoothly, and you will feel more confident, if you trust that people understand you. Listen long enough to get their opinion as well. There will be a few crucial moments you’ll be very glad you took the time to do this.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 5, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Be conscious of where you direct your energy. Your words and your ideas have more impact than you may imagine. Resist the temptation to argue on your own behalf, especially if you know you’re right. In that case, let the power of truth do the work for you. You might say, “I don’t think you’re correct,” or, “Let’s take a deeper look at the facts,” though that’s not quite arguing. Stay in control at all times. Your vibes are more persuasive and have more impact than your words or your ideas at this particular point, and that’s very persuasive indeed. Given that, you might take up the causes of those who don’t have your voice or your power. This can include in your intimate relationships, where you recognize subtle (or not-so-subtle) injustices and speak up on behalf of the underdog. Take the occasion to notice any way you might be being unfair to others and correct that first.

Moonshine Horoscope for Sagittarius New Moon #1128 | By Len Wallick

It may not have been easy, but it’s likely you have learned at least one lasting and valuable lesson from another person this year. Interestingly, it’s just as probable you will be somebody’s equally influential teacher next year. In order to prepare for your new and more responsible role as an instructor in the future, work on what would have made you a better student in the past.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 28, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Tomorrow’s New Moon in your birth sign says you must be your own partner, your own lover and your own best friend. All else flows from there. This can be a challenging thing to learn in the land where life is all about the other, or more accurately, about you being the other. When we talk about things like commitments and containers in relationships, that’s a projection — an extension outward — of the need to be contained within, and committed to, oneself. When you experiment with this, you might notice the kind of chaos it seems to stir up around you. Yes, there will be objections, some of them forceful, and they all have deep roots. I remember working with a client once, whose partner was having jealousy issues. His definition of monogamy included a prohibition on her going to community college. And I thought, wow, this is not what it seems to be. Push the edge, just a little, and see what you learn.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope — December 2016, #1127 | By Eric Francis

The past year of your life has summoned a level of discipline in you that’s been most unusual. Yet the results have been worth it. You have come into a state of balance that has brought maturity, progress and some actual achievements. Keep in mind that the most important of those are internal: your ability to make decisions, to get along with others, and to set the course of your life. It’s true that you’ve had to make some sacrifices, though in hindsight you will likely see that what you’ve given up you actually exchanged for experiences of greater value. If your chart describes one necessary growth task at this time, it involves a lingering attachment left over from early in life, which you now have an opportunity to identify and resolve. There are few people who have not endured some kind of abuse or neglect, and most of them underestimate the degree to which this affects their lives today. Even a relatively small unresolved emotional condition can, at times, turn into a reactive state that is projected onto others, who have absolutely no connection to the original situation. Should something like this happen over the next few weeks, you have the ability to stop the show, and get a handle on what’s really going on. Those now in your life will be open to your healing this; you can let it go.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 21, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

A relationship may seem to take a serious turn over the next few days; don’t take that so seriously. What someone close to you is looking for is an open ear and an open heart. They want you to be flexible in your views, and in your view of them. If you open up and offer yourself to this process, you will make some beautiful discoveries about how easy it is to relate to others, when you understand your own power. Borrowing a metaphor from something called Transactional Analysis, the current shape of the relationship might be that of a child trying to get a parent’s attention. If you can shift the discussion to that between two adults, leaving out all the parent-child dynamics, you will find that the conversation goes much more smoothly. You, however, are the one who must initiate this shift, as a fully conscious gesture. Be strong in who you are, and open up to mutual reception..

Weekly Horoscope for Nov. 17, 2016, #1126 | By Amy Elliott

I’m not sure what it’s like to be you just now, but I’d imagine it’s as if you’re doing a Tarot reading and keep pulling out the Major Arcana cards — that is, the big ones, with the sweeping themes. You may well be in a state of continuous surprise at just how many universes now seem to have you at the center. This is not a drill. Rest assured, however, that you have fully earned the place you hold. It doesn’t mean you get to rule by diktat — something you’d most likely be furiously uncomfortable with anyway — but it could certainly be fun.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 14, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You are your lover, your spouse and your domestic partner. You are your own best friend, and if you don’t feel that way, it’s time to make the commitment. This means focusing on your point of origin: your consciousness is the source of all that you experience. Right now, your consciousness is urging you to be self-aware and aligned with your own best interests. Doing this is often the single most relevant turning point in a person’s life, and the most challenging. Many other false loyalties must be questioned, put on hold, or severed (usually in that order). When you do this, confidence is easy; in fact you could say that the lack of confidence is caused by not aligning with your best interests. When you make this switch, when you choose to align with yourself, you can experience a seemingly miraculous boost in your sense of personal power.

Short Monthly Horoscope for November 2016, #1125 | By Eric Francis

People or circumstances you thought could never work together will get you some unusual results. That could be some blend of old and young, serious and freewheeling, traditional and future-oriented. There’s some alchemy happening in your life, and it has nothing to do with what’s worked before. If something is unprecedented, that’s a sign of its potential success. There’s some powerful mojo working behind the scenes of your life, and it will reveal itself in these unusual blends of energy and people. You want to do something new, and that calls for new approaches to what may in truth be very old puzzles.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 7, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Keep your mind on what you’re doing, not what others are doing, or expect of you. You’re in a rich creative moment. Once you tap that well, there will be no stopping you. Therefore, don’t get distracted, or dissuaded from painting, writing, practicing your new song or planning a trip you’ve been wanting to take. Don’t let anyone dampen your enthusiasm. If you discover that a commitment to another person is getting in the way of your self-expression, it may be time to question that commitment, or to look more closely at what’s going on. The first question to ask yourself is: what do you want or need to say that you haven’t yet said? Then the second: what do you fear would happen if you speak up? The thing you fear the most may be the right outcome.

Moonshine Horoscope for Scorpio New Moon, #1124 | By Len Wallick

Assuming you are a licensed driver, now is a good time to look back and recall how it was when you were first learning how to operate an automobile. Odds are good you are now going through a similar learning curve, and dealing with its challenges will be a lot easier if you can remember how your motivations encountered your misgivings to result in your being both safe and comfortable behind the wheel. One thing you surely learned as a student driver is that fear is not helpful but deliberate caution is essential. The same is probably true for you now. Be alert, for sure. Be aware, of course. Just remember that there is no good reason to be afraid.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 31, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You’re under less pressure than you think. You also have more resources to work with than you think, despite any recent setbacks. First, address the pressure. This is mostly psychological, though there’s an emotional dimension. What you seem to be craving is to live out some of your fantasies, whether they are of the rock star, sex diva or financial wizard variety (fill in with your own ideas). The thing to do is to make it real — whatever that might be, even if in a small way. That will help you relax and remove the annoying sense of how abstract and disconnected from reality everything (and everyone) seems to be these days. As for resources, the first thing you need is to know what you need. Be practical about this: make a list. You’ll be able to cross off about half of the items on that list because either you or someone close to you has direct access to that thing. The rest will be within reach, with some effort or negotiation.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for November 2016, #1123 | By Eric Francis

We all have limited time to accomplish what we came here to accomplish — and we don’t know how much time we have. Making peace with those facts is the first step toward bona fide maturity. The presence of Saturn in your birth sign will be reminding you of this in some way every day. Sometimes this might manifest as a sense of limitation; others times as a sense of urgency. I suggest you take it as an entirely practical matter. You are being invited to take charge of your life, which in the first instance means your time. That’s your single most important resource, and you must treat it that way. By fully embracing the finite nature of time (at least as it exists in our consciousness) you will expand your potential into something wider and vaster than you thought was possible. You’re likely to become aware that there is something far greater than time or this one lifetime, though what you have is now, and your sense of your mission. The more seriously you engage with your mission, purpose or however you think of it, the more wisely you will use your time. The more you recognize time as finite, the more strength you can draw upon to act on your most deeply held values without delay.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 24, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Remember, you have your options open. You might start to feel like you’re in a pinch, financially, emotionally or otherwise. Should that happen, stop and take a wider view of your life. Make a list of your possible choices for how to handle your situation. It’s likely that you’re missing something obvious. You might seek the input of someone who knows you well and can help you see some of the potentials that might elude you. They exist, and going through this exercise might result in your seeing some truly excellent possibilities you would have missed otherwise. At least one of them will involve working with a few other people, or seeking resources through your network of contacts. What you need already exists. It might even be in the same room as you are right now.

Weekly Horoscope for Oct. 20, 2016, #1122 | By Amy Elliott

Some of your core philosophy appears to be undergoing a change. It’s possible that recent new experiences, perhaps involving getting to know someone better, have widened your perspective considerably. You can now begin to reap the benefits of this alteration, starting with giving your new ideas a good airing. As long as you are not judgmental or severe in your communications, you’re likely to find more sympathy and goodwill than you might have expected. This is a moment you’ve been preparing for; now it seems you’re ready.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 17, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

This is an excellent time to expand your social network, whether for fun or to spread your influence in some way. In either case, your astrology says keep it friendly, and make your contacts with people in person as much as possible. You want them to see your eyes and your face; you want to see them as humans, and notice how they carry themselves and dress and what their voice sounds like. This whole business of everything happening on the internet is not really helping people. The real basis of trust is in-person relating; and if the association must be long distance, choose telephone rather than text message or email. You’re looking for actual connection, and you have the ability to create it. Let people feel who you are. Charm them with your friendly, positive approach to life, and look for the ways you may work and create.

Moonshine Horoscope for Aries Full Moon, #1121 | By Len Wallick

Life is not always easy. You know that. Even so, working your backside off does not have to be miserable, either. If your chosen field of endeavor is not currently a source of satisfaction, it might be time to consider what else you could be doing. This is not to say your work needs to be all fun all the time, but neither is it necessary for you to live a life of continuous drudgery. It could very well be that you simply need to schedule a long vacation and recharge your batteries. What’s most likely, however, is that you need to get clear about what inspires you, and make plans to be more joyfully earning your way in the world by this time next year.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 10, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

This is your week to be a star, or rather to become one. You have a positively gorgeous alignment of planets in the sweet spot in your chart, which is Libra. It’s your most social angle, and also the one that describes legitimate respect for what you do in the world, and the proceeds from business enterprises. All of these things are glowing with opportunity. What will add something to the equation is your willingness to take creative risks. Smash the mold and do what you think is shocking or stunning or unusual or weird. Whatever you do for art or pleasure, do it in a new way. Challenge yourself to come out of all your safe zones and formulas and let yourself stretch, burst or explode. This is how you’ll reach into yourself and make contact with that deeply original core you contain. This is not territory for the meek, mild or timid; thankfully you have nothing to worry about there.

Short Monthly Horoscope for October 2016, #1120 | By Eric Francis

There is more to life than what you believe. What you have personally verified, and what has stood the test of time, are more important teachers. One gift of this phase of your life is the discovery of your authentic values. That means priorities, or core principles. They’re your rudder that goes deep into the water, or a foundation reaching into the earth. Yet from time to time, even those change and evolve in surprising ways; and that is what seems to be happening. Cooperate fully with this process. You are tapping into deep knowledge extending way beyond the usual scope.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 3, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

It’s time to take action on the money thing. Once there was an astrologer named Lois Rodden, one of the best and most productive of our era. She said to me once, “Most astrologers say Mercury is the money planet. They are wrong. It’s Mars, because making money takes motivation, and that’s what Mars is about.” Mars has now entered the financial angle of your chart. This, after 10 months of retrograde and dancing around in your sign and in Scorpio, as if wondering what the next thing to do really is. Well, now the thing to do is business. You have a keen instinct for finances. You merely need to get past a kind of over-caution that’s not really befitting your swashbuckling soul. Yet you’ve been learning that the careful and reserved side of your nature — especially around money — must be balanced by boldness and imagination, and that’s the story of your life right now. Whatever it is, don’t wait for it to come to you. Go to it.

Moonshine Horoscope for Libra New Moon, #1119 | By Len Wallick

You know the sensation. Just when you begin to feel a little sorry for yourself, something happens that is so gratifying as to make you feel silly for having indulged even the slightest self-pity. Astrological indications are now hinting rather broadly that you are ripe for just such an event at this time. What form the experience takes will depend on who you are. Perhaps love will find you. Maybe you will find a niche in the world that fits you like a glove. Of course, you must do your part by keeping your eyes open for — and being receptive to — what is flowing in your direction almost in spite of yourself. If you need a clue regarding where to look and what to look for, focus on people you already know and places you already go. Odds are that somebody or someplace familiar to you will pleasantly surprise you sooner rather than later.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 26, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

If you’ve been struggling to increase your professional income, now is the time. This will come with the enhancement of your professional stature. You’ve spent much of the last two years doing the real work: building your skills and your reputation. Of course, you can always be better at what you do; and you will get better with the doing. However, you’re at a point in your journey where it’s time to collect on what you’ve accomplished. If astrology is a true indicator of your environment, you will be supported generously. What you need to do above all else is to step into your new stature. You need to be the person you are becoming, only not in the sense of putting on a costume but rather of transforming yourself from the inside out. This will take commitment and practice, especially when you’re in public or among friends. Stand at your full height and walk with confidence.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscopes for October 2016, #1118 | By Eric Francis

Now would be the time to focus on increasing your income. You have the ideas, and you have the motivation, and most of all, you have the opportunity. It’s rare to put all of those factors together in the same place and time. That’s your direct opportunity to take advantage of what you have available. Most of all, this means focusing on actual tasks. It’s easy to get consumed by meaningless details, abstract plans and list making. What you need to do to get this party started are the challenging, potentially difficult but in any case actual tasks with a beginning, middle and end (with emphasis on the end). Know what must happen, and do that first. Know what you want to happen, and get to that a little later in the day. At the moment, you have the added advantage of some relative calm (particularly after the frenetic madness of the past month). So use that space and mental bandwidth wisely. It won’t last forever — though it’ll last long enough to help you make some progress toward your most valued goals. One last thought: this progress will come partly in the form of building things, and partly in the form of taking some things apart. The level of structure is the one to focus on, that is, the underlying layer: walls and doors rather than the furniture.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 19, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

The concept ‘spiritual’ is often described as a kind of Zen state of mind in a hushed space filled with calm and quiet, and a little tree, and a meditation cushion. Then it turns out that the many people we respect the most, the ones who have the courage to challenge authority and to make changes in society and to let their energy have an impact on the world, are doing a whole other kind of spiritual — the one that’s about the fire of actual spirit coursing through their heart and soul. That’s what you have going on right now. It’s as if you’re channeling the energy of the cosmos into every cell in your body. There is intelligence coming through in this experience: about what you want and do not want, about how to make decisions and how to conduct yourself. You can afford to let go into this experience; it’s far better for your integrity than holding yourself back.

Pisces Full Moon Moonshine for Sept. 15, 2016, #1117 | By Len Wallick

It is with good reason that you may feel a need for stability. Yet you also have every reason to be choosy about where, when and with whom you either drop anchor or put down some real roots. Validate the impressive progress you have made in finding yourself on the inside by also taking an appropriate amount of time to find your place in the world. There’s no need for you to rush into commitments. Any place or partnership worthy of you will remain open while you explore other options to be sure of what you want and get clear on what you need. This is not a good time to be impulsive about decisions of substance. Give yourself at least six more months before finalizing anything of long term.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 12, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You must be exceptionally careful when dealing with colleagues, as well as with bosses and superior officers. You might lose your temper at exactly the wrong moment, and cause a cascade of events that you truly regret. Therefore, keep a cool head, and keep your opinion to yourself for at least 48 hours after you decide you have one. This will give you time to cool down, and also an opportunity to see things from other points of view. After half that much time, you might decide you don’t even care. If you take that approach, you’ll allow everyone else to reveal their opinions and their psychology while you take it all in; make sure to take at least mental notes and remember what you learn. If you’re a keen observer and bide your time, you will discover opportunities for leadership. There would indeed seem to be some problem that you understand and nobody else does, but wait till they throw up their hands before saying a peep.

Short Monthly Horoscope for September 2016, #1116 | By Eric Francis

You seem ready to outgrow a concept of yourself that has long been a point of frustration. Just remember your inner growth is not a revolt of a child against a parent. You are an adult, and that means keeping perspective, and acting in your own best interests. What you want seems to be exceeding what your current life will allow you to have, though you must surpass that limit gently and persistently. That means taking some tangible action every day, and giving yourself credit for having done so. One step and then another will dependably take you to the next stage of your life.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 5, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Pay attention to when you say no but you mean yes. The world has become so enamored of the concept of boundaries that many seem to have forgotten that walls can have doors, and doors can have locks and doorknobs. The usual advice is to think long and hard about whether you mean yes. I would propose thinking carefully about whether you really mean to deny yourself or anyone some feeling, experience or thing you might share. Resistance is not integrity, nor is it a substitute for integrity. You don’t have anyone to impress with your purity. But you have a life to live, and the only way to actually proceed and progress is to say yes to whom and what you desire. That’s not a guarantee that you’ll get it, but it’s certainly an affirmation of openness and willingness. Here’s some astrological advice in the style of Mars square Chiron, your current aspect: get out of your own way.

Virgo New Moon Moonshine for Sept. 1, 2016, #1115 | By Len Wallick

It would seem as though there is some mirroring going on (or about to happen) in your life. What form these reciprocal reflections take will depend on who you are. One way or another, however, you will either somehow be seeing yourself in others, or they will somehow see themselves in you. Should you begin to have such a set of experiences, remember that the reflections are most likely subjective. That is, they’ll say more about what is going on inside you (or inside the other person seeing the reflection) than with the party or parties being so perceived. Therefore, don’t assume that somebody is anything like you just because they remind you of yourself. By the same token, don’t take it too seriously if somebody else says you remind them of themselves. Rather, take any such incidents as evidence that the word ‘familiar’ implies a profound possibility of the true interrelatedness of all human beings.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 29, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

In astrology there are two houses devoted to one’s professional activities. One is the 6th house, which is about going to work every day and doing what you’re supposed to do. The other is the 10th house, which is about aspiring to do what you really want to do. Right now planets are collected in your solar 10th house, which is Virgo, and an eclipse is about to happen right there, this very week. This suggests that events at this time in your life are in some way indicative of your highest calling. The price of admission to the 10th is taking total responsibility for answering that calling, and for taking every step that must be taken to get you there. That might mean focusing on the details; it means keeping your mind on your vision for yourself; and most of all it means making decisions consciously. Most people never get as far as the 10th house. You’re there now. Accept your mission. Moreover, love your mission. It’s yours and yours alone.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for Sept. 2016, #1114 | By Eric Francis

Whatever happened in late August was in some way life-altering; which is to say, it looks like you had a moment of clarity. An innovator of therapy named Fritz Perls once said that his definition of learning is discovering that something is possible. So I would ask: what did you discover is possible? Did you challenge yourself to do something that made you push your abilities or talents? That might even include challenging someone who had undue authority in your life. You might have challenged a belief that was holding you back; and if you have not quite squared up to that yet, there’s still time. You remain determined to live your life your way, beyond what’s typical even for you. Take this advantage while you have it. You can proceed with the confidence that your truth is your truth, and if you don’t live for that, you’re not really living. This will, of some necessity, involve conflict. This doesn’t need to be ‘jackets-off, outside’ type of conflict, but it might mean some abrasion. Little scrapes and skirmishes will help you get clear about who you are and what you want. And nearly everyone on the planet needs practice standing up for themselves. Before long you will be able to dial this back and be on friendly terms with the many people who see, and moreover feel, who you are.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 22, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You’re about to experience a personal breakthrough that will, at first, take you by surprise. Then it will seem like you knew exactly what was about to happen, and knew how to respond and what you were going to do with the sense of release you knew you would feel. Take hold of the moment of mystery while it lasts, while the developments still hold their full potential. Stop and consider what you want to do with such a rare moment of transformation. You are setting something within yourself free. That something has a life of its own, which is your life, and you want to express yourself. Yet you no longer have any use for holding any aspect of yourself down. That seems to be the larger message of these events. Hang loose, relax and let the energy flow through you. If you have questions, take your sweet time answering them.

Full Moon Moonshine Horoscope for Aug. 18, 2016, #1113 | By Len Wallick

Freedom beckons. It’s probably not liberty from something or somebody on the outside. More likely the freedom now coming your way has to do with a release of tension you have been holding on the inside. It is equally possible that the release in question will necessarily be from a pattern of thinking or behavior you have identified with and maintained since you were very young. Rather than relying upon serendipity to reveal any ancient attachments now binding you, provoke yourself to find it (or them) on your own. Begin with the absurdly simple. The next time you put on shoes, begin with the other foot. Then go on to break other routines; keep at it until a light comes on.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 15, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You must work with your resistance rather than let it slow you down. The question, though, is what are you holding onto? You must beware of orthodoxy in any form. Checking the semantic roots of that word, we discover that it’s based on the idea of “straight, upright, rectangular, regular; true, correct, proper.” Seen another way, it means stuck in the past for its own sake. The allegedly proper way to do things back then may have little bearing on the way you need to do them today. That might mean breaking tradition, and you might worry this is going to offend people. That is irrelevant. What truly matters is that you understand the wisdom of the past and actually assess its value. It might be relevant; it might not be. Does it help you accomplish what you want to accomplish now, or does it get in your way? The creative process is based more on mistakes than it is on purity.

Weekly Horoscope for Aug. 11, 2016, #1112 | By Amy Elliott

“It’s life, Jim, but not as we know it.” Your particular universe seems to be expanding, and I have no doubt you’ll soon be making first contact with some exotic, previously undiscovered species. I am of course speaking metaphorically. Yet recent experiences might well feel as if you’d somehow landed on another planet. There may still be more revelations to come. Keep your eyes peeled; and if you have an interesting idea, put it out where others can see it.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 8, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Mars is in your sign, and you’re now in the perfect position to assert yourself. But against what? I would say: the past. You’re at the point where you truly want a new vision for yourself, and new plans based on that vision. In light of that, I suggest you update all your files. Make sure that the goals you have are actually the ones you currently value; the ones you really and truly want, now. As you do this, you’re likely to come up against some previous plans, including ones that may have been important to you even recently. It will help if you let go of any attachment you might have; for example, because you worked so hard. The work you did is not lost; it was an investment in your self-development, and you learned plenty. If you get to a point where your new agenda conflicts with your old one, pause and consciously reassess. Use your energy wisely.

Short Monthly Horoscope for August 2016, #1111 | By Eric Francis

You will come to a point this month where everything you’ve been worrying about, and wondering about, seems irrelevant. Let this prove to you how easy it is for fear to disappear like a puff of smoke. Remember this if you find yourself concerned about something: fear is in your mind. One of your greatest assets is your flexibility. You have the ability to stretch, to bend and to compromise, especially if you’re striving for something you want. As for whatever goal you select, proceed without reservation, and let no obstacle deter you. You have both talent and momentum.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 1, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

If you’ve been asking yourself deep questions the past couple of months, or struggling to figure out something about yourself, you’re now ready for answers. Yet with self-knowledge of any form, it’s wise never to think you’ve ‘figured yourself out’ and leave it there. What you learn about yourself must be treated gently, and it’s best to leave your mind in flexible condition rather than being rigid or right. You may not recognize the extent to which you think you’re easygoing and yet are in truth obsessed with the details and even with total control. This is a reflection of how you treat yourself. Remember that everything about you is a work in progress, even your greatest talents and areas of personal mastery. If you feel yourself pushing against something, perhaps it’s the feeling that you’ve arrived, which now needs to give way to a new level of your personal adventure.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for August 2016, #1110 | By Eric Francis

Powerful forces of change are at work in your life. They point to one thing, which is the need for flexibility. Sagittarius is the most interesting blend of broad, sweeping vision (skipping the fine points) and total obsession over every last detail. You may be leaning toward the control/detail side of the equation, though you would benefit from more emphasis on your larger ideas. This may be a case of how all the facts in the world don’t add up to the truth, but the truth can be supported by certain facts. Mars will be back in your sign all month, and it’s driving you to explore life from a space of passion and freedom of being. As you do that, you may notice an obstacle. This is not a physical block but rather an idea that’s separating you from your life force. You may feel the desire to confront whatever this is, though you might take the nonviolent approach and ask yourself: is this true? What good is this serving? The belief may be so deeply rooted as to count for religion. Yet it’s likely to lack any poetic elegance or mark of the divine. It’s more like some huge should or should not. What is this doing where it is? You don’t need any self-governing devices. You merely need to make decisions that make sense and feel right, to you.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 25, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Your chart looks like some kind of creative explosion is happening, which may pertain to dance, music, painting or sex. It’s true that Saturn is in your sign, which can be a depressive or heavy influence, though as my mentor Joe is fond of saying, the opposite of depression is expression. In that spirit, I suggest you express yourself, however you want to. If you face any challenge such as fear of what other people might think (possible even for a Sagittarius), a conservative streak or discomfort with being spontaneous, just get over yourself. You don’t need to be as regulated as you are. You can, instead, lose yourself in the joy of creation or collaboration, the beauty of sharing passion, and most of all, the freedom to change. Take those last four words and write them in lipstick on your bathroom mirror, on your phone case in sharpie, or in reverse lettering on your forehead.

Weekly Horoscope for July 21, 2016, #1109 | By Amy Elliott

Is adventure calling? Feel free to answer; only, while you’re traveling in the glorious realms of imagination, be sure to pack proper supplies and bring along a high-definition camera. This isn’t simply so that the envious folks back here on Earth can get a piece of the action. If you have what appears to be a divinely inspired idea, keeping some form of recording equipment on hand — and also tracking your progress methodically — will likely help you shape your moment of contact with your ingenuity into something concrete, lasting and thoroughly satisfying.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 18, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Your chart remains fine-tuned for high achievement. The feeling tone is essentially this: you are being called to do things that you may think are over your head, above your level of talent, or above your pay grade. That’s the place to lean into any resistance you feel and do what you must do that feels outside your comfort zone. If you get the sensation that all eyes are trained on you, it means you’re doing it right. If you have the notion that you’re somehow accountable for more than just your own life and your own choices, that’s a sign of progress. If you feel yourself needing to connect to something larger than you, you’re catching the vibe of your astrology. Maintain awareness of the broad vision you have, and be the one who also attends to the many details necessary to get anything done.

Full Moon Moonshine Horoscope for July 14, 2016, #1108 | By Len Wallick

Time for some imagination. Specifically, experiment with imagining yourself without a favorite possession. First, picture what, if any, adjustments you would have to make to survive without it. Next, envision what it would take to be happy without it. Then, fantasize a scenario wherein you would actually be grateful to be free of it. Go through the same mental process one step at a time regarding each material object you identify with most deeply, and then finally in combination. The idea is not to impoverish yourself. Rather, the idea behind this mental exercise is to ultimately define yourself as somebody who’s more than what you own.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 11, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

It might seem silly to remind you that you’re a human, not a robot, but these days it’s worth mentioning. We are surrounded by automatic devices, and people become like the tools they use. Yet other factors are guiding us to be less sensitive; less compassionate; less inclined to go out of our way for others. You must reverse all of these tendencies in yourself, as you notice them. Pause and listen to people. Make sure you understand something before you make a judgment call. Take every opportunity to be kind and express the ways in which you care. Your chart is set up for some unusual success at the moment, though everything that comes to you will do so through people, and through relationships. You are in a position of leadership — lead the way with love.

Short Monthly Horoscope for July 2016, #1107 | by Eric Francis

You will lay many anxieties to rest this month, as you discover that your fears were all in your imagination. Once you let go of this kind of resistance, you’ll discover how much more energy you have. Eventually you’ll reach the point where your flow of love and creativity leaves no room for worry or self-doubt, which is how you’re likely to imagine yourself as an enlightened being. This is a rare form of confidence, deeply rooted in your soul. The more you focus on what you love about life, the more you will discover where your true strength lies.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 4, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Flexibility is your best friend. Therefore, offer it lots of gifts. Stretch out and stretch your ability to consider many possibilities rather than just one. Lead yourself into coming up with new potentials based on what you want rather than what you think is possible. On that topic, it will help if you recognize when you’ve taken on someone else’s idea about what’s impossible, and decide for yourself whether that’s true. Can you really know until you’ve tried? Therefore, monitor carefully this idea of what you think is ‘possible’. You have things you want to do; you have places you want to go; you have talents that are aching to be expressed. Too many times, petty fears have blocked you from taking action. There comes a time when you must ignore them, and other times when you must rebel. The choice is yours.

New Moon Moonshine Horoscope for June 30, 2016, #1106 | by Len Wallick

In all probability, you have recently had occasion to reflect on how much you and your life have changed since this time last year. If so, the most important thing is to appreciate those changes. It is likely that you now have a better idea than ever before of who you are. That alone is reason for gratitude. Your recently-acquired knowledge of self will, in turn, soon serve to provide the starting point for a new cycle in your personal evolution. For the time being, however, you have a few things to finish up and a lot more simply to enjoy. While some due diligence is still very much part of the order for your everyday, don’t let what you have to do dull your enjoyment when you get the chance to do as you please.

Monday Morning Horoscope for June 27, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Ask yourself for real: how many times have you been overwhelmed by fear, and then had the specific thing you’re afraid of actually happen? Or even something close to it? The answer is probably close to zero. With such an abysmal track record, how is it that fear is taken so seriously? Well, there is certainly an element of long-term conditioning involved. And there is something about where most fear is hooked, which is on a difficult-to-access emotional level. The difficulty is taboo: there’s a kind of imaginary fence around the region where it’s possible to learn something. Anyway, no part of you is off limits to you. You have no classified or top-secret elements of your psyche that you must avoid. And if you’re willing to embrace how you actually feel, and what you really want, you will be more likely to discover the hook where fear seems to get its power over you — and let it go. Consider, though: it all comes back to desire.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for July 2016, #1105 | by Eric Francis

You are being pulled in what feels like the direction of your destiny. Factors that might otherwise make this particular movement feel strange or alien are balanced by confidence that you really can do what you’ve set out to do. I think that the most delicate challenge is balancing your wider vision with the microscopic details required to get anything done. I would describe this as one of the most elemental factors of being born under your sign. The key, I think, is to keep context. If you find yourself getting lost in the minutiae of something, ask yourself why you’re doing it. If you find yourself having wild, brilliant visions, acknowledge them and then notice if you take the steps toward making your visions real. You have the strength, the experience and the opportunity right now to blend practicality and vision. Just remember: in the end, this is a practical affair. Your vision does not need to be grandiose or even grand in order to be genuinely useful to yourself and your community. The outcome does not need to be certain. What matters is that you engage a specific idea with specific action — and strive to change yourself just a shade more than you’re striving to change the world. Ultimately you are not accountable to anyone or anything outside yourself. Good thing, too.

Monday Morning Horoscope for June 20, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You will need to keep a handle on your emotions today, and if you do, you can figure out something about a nagging emotional need. This might be masquerading as a sexual need, question or issue, and that’s true on one level. I see two things going on. One is about your ability to receive love and other forms of emotional nourishment. For many people it’s easier to love others than it is to receive, though what that prevents is an exchange. And an exchange is what you want. The other thing relates to self-worth. It’s true that the whole self-esteem issue has gripped society on a pandemic scale. Yet it’s your destiny to go beyond this, perhaps before any of your friends; and you know you’re a pioneer. This may not be comfortable territory for you, because the thing you need in order to receive emotional nutrients is vulnerability. Yet the moment you open up, you will feel like someone let the oxygen back into the room.

Moonshine Horoscope for June 16, 2016, #1104 | by Len Wallick

The fact that you can’t control everything does not mean your life is out of control. More than nearly anybody else, you know uncertainty is your friend (and you probably know it now more than ever before in your life). It’s not so much that any other circumstance would be better than yours is now. On the contrary, it appears as though you have at least some enjoyment in direct proportion to how hard you have worked and how much you have evolved since this time last year. Nonetheless, you are very likely now ready to take on anything that comes your way — and to find within yourself not only a way to survive, but also a way to thrive. The degree to which you can be open to what the future will bring is the extent to which you will now be able to begin shaping a future you can gratefully call your own. Let the world watch out: here you come.

Monday Morning Horoscope for June 13, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Be aware of a potential power struggle in a relationship wherein someone feels they must sacrifice something. While it’s not always possible to convince people of this, it will help if you understand that all relationships involve give and take. Ask yourself whether you’re offering your heart, soul and resources to a situation that actually calls for it. Notice what you expect of others in the way of flexibility, offering their time and energy, and the concept of commitment. You won’t benefit from being the kind of person who expects perfect fidelity when you doubt your own (though this is quite common). In any discussion of commitment, focus on what you have to offer, and be mindful of how your words and your actions match up. You’re now at the point where you must provide your own ethical leadership. Life is not about what you can get away with; rather, it’s about what you bring to any collaboration.

Monday Morning Horoscope for June 6, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the United States president from 1933 to 1945. He is famous for many things, including a statement about the nature of fear that they used to teach (in partial form) to schoolchildren. He said: “So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself — nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.” Your astrology is insisting that you have a clear, fully aware relationship to any form of anxiety, hesitation, nervousness or the bouts with outright panic that so many people experience these days. The reason you want a conscious relationship with these feelings is that it’s the only way to resolve them. You can bob, weave and dodge all you want, but you will still feel pursued by your own inner emotions. Just remember: fear and desire often masquerade for one another. You would do well to pause and ask yourself what’s really going on.

Short Monthly Horoscope for June 2016, #1103 | By Eric Francis

Practice living like you’re the most beloved, wealthiest and most successful person in the world. Open your heart and mind and allow the energy to flow through you. Yet, as you do this, step lightly over the Earth. See everything as an opportunity for both giving and receiving. The principle of exchange is so strong in your solar chart right now that anything is possible. That means you can afford to be generous with your knowledge, time and talent. Be generous with yourself, and keep the mantra going that no goal is too difficult or out of reach.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 30, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You may feel as if some sort of showdown is brewing, which seems like a reasonable enough concern on a planet dominated by conflict. Yet you would be the main source of friction, and you can avoid that by being flexible. A fancier way to say that is ‘psychically mobile’ — which means being able to move your point of view, reconsider your opinions, and figure out what other people are getting at. One thing that tends to make people ‘fix’ their point of view is fear. So if you notice that you’re stuck, ask what you’re afraid of. Conversely, if you notice fear, also notice what that leads you to stick to. It will help you greatly to unmask this psychological tangle. It may not seem like much, but once you get free of the bindings, you will see the clear benefits. One of them will be getting along with others, or rather having more fun with them. I know you have a lot of work to get done; taking human companionship breaks will make it easier.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for June 2016, #1102 | By Eric Francis

You are being taken on a tour of what might be called your underlying motives. You are tapping into the deeper level of your feelings. What you may be noticing is that they don’t quite jive with your image. Neither do they blend well with your conditioning, which other factors in your solar chart are insisting you come to terms with. If you are experiencing any conflict, consider the relationship between these two layers of your psyche. First there is the inner you, driven by passion, a sense of mystery, incessant curiosity and vibrant sexuality. Then there is the outer you, which seems to need space and independence, yet is often caked in a layer of fear that’s difficult to penetrate. Now, at least, you have the impetus to move from the inside out. Your core motives, necessities and desires are speaking to you, growling and groaning and insisting that you take notice. Here is what I propose, for your consideration. You have nobody you must impress, most particularly your parents or some visage of them (the priest, rabbi, lawyer or insurance company among others). There is no outer authority you must obey. You may govern yourself with decency, empathy and a sense of balance, but you don’t need to serve or have the approval of any external master. You are, therefore, free to respond to your actual self.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 23, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Mars has been retrograde in your sign since mid-April. This process is about to take a new turn: Mars will leave your sign and enter Scorpio this week. This is going to challenge your confidence, in the form of pushing you to rise above your fears. It’s true that Sagittarius has a reputation as being all courage and daring, though you’re human like the rest of us. We all must rise above insecurities and some lurking sense that existence is pointless; that is, we must if we ever want to find courage and meaning. You might call this the journey to your deeper humanity, and at this stage, you are being invited to face your fears, your insecurities and any lingering darkness from your past. The healing potential of this astrology is rare and beautiful, and nothing like it will repeat for many, many years. Summon your courage, and remember you are bigger than any fear.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for May 19, 2016, #1101 | By Len Wallick

In spite of what an old Internet hoax may tell you, Mars will never appear to be as large as the Moon from your perspective of the sky here on Earth. For the remainder of this year, however, the things that Mars represents on Earth (among them: desire) could very well appear for you to be as large as some of the things symbolized by the Moon (among them: emotional needs). That’s not necessarily a bad thing. It may be useful for you to know the difference, however. Under some circumstances at least, pursuing a desire could entail a different strategy and require different tactics from seeking to get your needs met. Therefore, to have the best results in both attaining your desires and fulfilling your emotional needs, seek to know the difference — and yourself — better.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 16, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Mars retrograde in your sign is having the effect of making the obvious seem obvious, even if it contradicts what you previously believed. Be glad of the occasion to unburden yourself of so much that was not true. This is a vital step in the process of discovering what is true, getting the clutter that passes for information out of the way. You are gradually entering the realm of direct knowledge. This will take the place of many forms of opinion and theory. Remember that most of this knowledge comes from your relationship with your body, rather than what we think of as the mind. The body has a mind of its own, you might say — and that is the mind you are learning to listen to. The body does not speak in riddles, and it doesn’t speculate. It speaks in clear terms, like thirst (respond by drinking water) or craving anchovies (respond by eating anchovies). You will get other messages as well.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for May 12, 2016, #1100 | By Len Wallick

Worry not. There is no indication that your future will be anything less than your present. Indeed, if anything, there is a promise (even the inevitability) of more. Whatever appears to be a prospect of loss at this time is in all probability the prelude to actual gain. Whatever looks for all the world like an onset of limitations is likely just part of a process leading to personal development and expansion. It’s almost as if you are young and growing again. Even though you may feel trepidation and uncertainty about what’s ahead, the probable fact is that you and your life are about to open and bloom like a flower.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 9, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

One never knows what the future holds. Some use this as an excuse to trounce and elbow their way through life. Others use it as an excuse to be loving toward others, and to take a gentle approach to existence. Usually, this is based on how one treats oneself. Several factors indicate that you may be feeling stressed or irritated without really understanding what the issue is. You might be feeling impatient, as if you’re behind your time. I suggest you settle into a gentle and patient approach to both yourself and to your relationships. You can afford to set aside expectations, and to live a little closer to the present moment. If you do that, you might notice that certain stuck areas are starting to move, and that important goals are showing signs of life. Remember, though, the universe is made of one thing only, and that is relationships.

Moonshine Horoscope for May 5, 2016, #1099 | By Len Wallick

Almost free. You can feel it. You can taste it. You are almost done with some difficult but rewarding work, which, once completed, will allow you to finally stretch your legs and maybe even spread your wings. The main thing is to apply the same effort and diligence to the end of your task as you have to the beginning. If you can manage just that, your own innate gifts for exhibiting excellence will take over and see you through. Once you have met the obligations you took on so long ago, there will of course be other work for you to do, but perhaps not right away. It appears as though you have at least earned a break to enjoy the fruits of your labor by lifting your nose from the grindstone to breathe free at last.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 2, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

It would blow the minds of most people how much of what ails them involves unresolved relationships with their parents. To see this is to see the invisible, though it’s easier than spotting molecules of air floating by. The lack of resolve takes many forms: loyalty to parents that subverts your own needs; having their troublesome emotional habits; being subject to manipulation. With these things in place, the energy can spread, to the point where many people around you seem to have a kind of parental power. This can affect people of any age, including those who are considerably older. Here’s a simple test: When you want to do something merely because you want to do it, how quickly do you experience guilt? And on what particular topics? The presence of guilt is a little like getting snagged in the invisible fence. Suddenly you discover that it’s there. Perhaps cut the power, or just walk on through and don’t look back.

Short Monthly Horoscope for May 2016, #1098 | By Eric Francis

Yours is the sign that wants to fly toward the air like an arrow with one destination. But now both Mars and Saturn are moving backwards through your sign, which is compelling you to stop, rethink, reconsider and revise many of your life plans. You might feel like your life is one long episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm. Yet this is the time for careful review of what you want. The planets are conspiring to remind you that desire plus discipline is the winning formula for life. Be patient and work that equation daily, and you will be unstoppable.

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 25, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

It’s necessary to have tension to create movement. The poles of a battery must oppose one another; an ordinary car engine contains the force of many explosions per second. You have energy of this kind moving in you now, though I suggest you be careful about taking out any negative feelings on yourself. You’re in a particularly sensitive and vulnerable place in your life, which is entirely necessary if you want to make full contact with your talent, your creativity or your life purpose. Just make sure you remember that vulnerability when you approach the tasks you must complete, or when you strive for discipline. You are in a phase of your personal journey when it will help to do less and to feel more; to say less, and to contemplate more. You have in fact accomplished so much that it would be wise of you to choose two or three long-term goals and focus on them exclusively for a while.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for May 2016, #1097 | By Eric Francis

You may be experiencing a side of yourself that you rarely admit to inwardly, much less talk about openly with others. You might, for example, be remembering desires that you left behind or forgot about long ago. You might feel drawn inward, and toward a form of self-discovery that you cannot explain to the people around you. There is no need to. You don’t have to distract yourself with the thought of what others might think. Within your own interior space, only your opinions and viewpoints count now. While you’re there, remember to be gentle. You don’t have to judge what you think, feel or want. You are free to assess and revise your most deeply held beliefs. In fact it’s the perfect time for that. Remember, though, that beliefs often serve as psychological stabilizing devices for what otherwise might be a shaky relationship to existence. You don’t have to worry about that. When you question your beliefs, you tend to build a stronger relationship to truth; that’s because what is untrue only interferes with what is true. You can, therefore, afford to be bold about this. Leave no stone unturned, no found scrap of paper unread, no door un-knocked upon. When you run into any difficulty, look for the belief that it’s not true, and notice whether what seemed to be a problem resolves, or turns to a gift.

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 18, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Mars has just turned to retrograde motion in your sign, something that will last for a little over two months. While most astrologers will be describing this as frustrating, I have another idea: you have the opportunity to connect with your motivation. You know how easy it is to accomplish something when you want to do it. While I don’t suggest you abandon all the responsibilities you don’t fancy, I do suggest you tap into the elements of life that truly inspire you to take action. All in all you need to be driven less by obligation and responsibility than you are by sincere interest and passion. Then you can go through a process of exchanging things that you seemingly must do for what you want to do, one by one. Yes, it’s a process, of growth and learning, and one that will serve you brilliantly.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for April 14, 2016, #1096 | By Len Wallick

Scratching an itch is rather profound if you think about it. The sensation actually exists in your mind, but is addressed by the action of applying your hands to your body. Sometimes the physical action somehow connects body with mind, resulting in relief. Other times the only result is more irritation, and even damage. Hence, a lesson to apply whenever you feel either a physical or metaphorical itch coming on anytime during the remainder of this current season. If some form of friction serves to solve the problem promptly, take it in as an epiphany. If scratching does not work, however, know when to stop and try something else.

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 11, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You are learning how to focus your intention. If you don’t feel that way, you might give it a try, because it’s likely to be easier than ever. The precursor to this, however, is knowing what you want. You may be hesitating, since it’s possible to invest in what you want, and then to change your mind and not want it anymore. This is all part of a process of figuring out authentic desire. There is no way to do this other than to experiment. This includes with people. We’re living through another one of those ages wherein people treat one another as disposable or as married from the first date. There’s a lot of territory between those two not-so-useful polarities. For the next few months, your experiments in desire will take you closer to your core. There are a few surprises waiting for you there, too.

Moonshine Horoscope for April 7, 2016 #1095 | By Len Wallick

If molecular biologists have it right, all the people on Earth are family. If musical anthropologists are correct, an integral part of your human family history is rock-and-roll. What distinguishes rock-and-roll at its best is that it’s fun. The main reason rock is fun evidently has to do with its correlation to one of the most gratifying and enjoyable activities of all: sex. That’s why the people who are at war with sex are nearly always the same folks who want to ban raucous music and dancing. It’s also how you can most safely and surely address anything cramping your style right now. One way or another, give yourself permission to rock with abandon even if it means dancing alone in a chair. It will bust you out and bring you back home.

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 4, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Your sign is a magnificent blend of sensitivity and courage. Both are going at full strength at the moment. I suggest you emphasize your sensitivity for the first few days of the week, and then plunge into the courage side of the equation. Phase one is about feeling how deep your ideas go, and feeling how deep your emotions are. Just being present for yourself will build your confidence. Hang in with yourself — there is no rush. When the psychic tide turns, you will know it, and you may feel called to express yourself in an especially bold or daring way. Your chart depicts you as the ‘true artist’ at the moment — whose inner life, creativity and outward expression are mingled into one idea. Few others might grasp how this works, or how necessary it is for you to be this way, but that hardly matters. Your journey is your journey — and that is the rare beauty of Sagittarius.

Short Monthly Horoscope for April 2016, #1094 | By Eric Francis

Most of the great artists in history have tapped into their emotional challenges to do their work. Most would tell you that without a dependable means of expression, they would have gone mad long ago. Your chart now reveals a setup where you can take the intense emotional processing you’re doing and convey it directly into beauty and healing. Writing will be helpful, preferably in a notebook rather than on a device. Express yourself as much as you can and you will feel healthy, stable and strong. While you’re at it, indulge beauty any way you can, whatever does it for you.

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 28, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Mars, the planet of motivation and desire, is doing something special in your chart: it’s about to be retrograde. This happens every two years, though rarely in Sagittarius. Yours is the sign of the spiritual quest. Often this is lived outwardly, as a passion for travel, curiosity about anything exotic and the love of all things mystical. But now your attention is being turned inward; your quest is about to become a true adventure into the mystery of who you are. Three themes are likely to arise. One is gaining an understanding of your desire nature. You will have the opportunity to make peace with what you really want. The second is getting clear about what you believe — or rather seeking a deep understanding of what is true for you. Finally, you will reach deep into your underlying motives, including discovering something about why you were born and why you chose to come to this particular planet.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for April, 2016, #1093 | By Eric Francis

You might feel like some kind of showdown is brewing, though I doubt it. The real question seems to be what you’re going to do with all this energy you’re feeling. Even if you’re not one of these people who lives surrounded by art supplies, musical instruments and notebooks, I suggest you find a creative outlet for your abundant energy. One secret to the sign Sagittarius is that the most natural place for you to cultivate and grow your sense of personhood is in expressing yourself. Travel is important — yet I would propose this is more important. I am confident you’re aware of the many ways you want to get your thoughts out of your own mind and into the world. You now have the advantage of the best thing that inspires art or writing, which is necessity. You need to take this chance, and to embark on this personal mission. If you’re already an artist in some form, you can do riskier work and take yourself to a deeper place. In a little while you’ll wonder how you ever survived without living like this all the time. Exploring in this direction will be one of the most dependable ways to find your path to the professional success that has been calling you, and that you’ve been reaching for. Set your mind free and good things will follow.

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 21, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Do not be intimidated by the seeming complexity of your life. Emotionally you may feel like you have a few too many fish swimming around your inner aquarium, and you can’t keep their names straight; plus, they all have so much to say. However, there is a clear line of thought that will serve to guide you to where you want to be. There are priorities that stand out high above many other smaller concerns, and I suggest you identify those and focus on them. You have set some significant goals for yourself, and it’s clear that in order to accomplish them it will help to set aside less important activities. Be honest with yourself about what’s the most important to you, and about what you know you’ve set out to accomplish. Then don’t allow anyone or anything to get in the way. Focus, prioritize, achieve.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for March 17, 2016 #1092 | By Len Wallick

Take care of your feet. Take care of your head. Ridiculously simple though it may seem, devoting special attention to the two opposing ends of your body will likely address uncounted needs and provide innumerable benefits for you at this time. Put a special priority on not taking your feet for granted. Everything you can do to pamper your tootsies will be repaid in benefits beyond imagination. Beyond paying for a pedicure, there is a lot you can do yourself. A few minutes of soaking your feet in warm water will go a long way. As will clean socks. As for your head, beyond protecting it from the elements, be choosy about who and what you allow to spend a lot of time inside of it.

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 14, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Mars is now in your sign, and is having two effects. One is to motivate you, and to put a little extra thrust in your rockets. The other seems to be stirring up some family baggage that is so old you’d assumed it would be around forever. In asserting your will over your own life — in short, by doing what you want — you are making great strides toward healing this lingering issue. You know you’re on the right track when you feel like you’re transgressing someone else’s boundary when you live your life, your way. Just in case you need to be reminded, it’s nobody’s role to set the limits on your bliss. If you had your own mind to make up about this — and you do — you would set no limits at all. Yet to step out of those past patterns and the emotional residue in your family pool, you must be bold, courageous and determined. Good thing you already are.

Moonshine Horoscope for March 10, 2016 #1091 | By Len Wallick

Long distance runners are familiar with a phenomenon called a “second wind.” It occurs after a brief period of crisis marked by the apparent onset of exhaustion, long before the course has been run. Experienced runners know not to give up, and how to push through the misleading sense of being worn out prematurely — until they overcome what turns out to be their mind’s resistance to avail themselves of their bodily reserves. Whether you are a runner or not, indications are that you will get your own version of a second wind very soon. Of course, you must discern when it is appropriate to slow down for the sake of your health. But as long as you know that you are both fit and fully capable, persevering at this time should soon bring you to a point where you suddenly feel that you can go the distance and then some.

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 7, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Pace yourself. Some things you want to do can happen fast. Others can and must take time. You need the wisdom to know the difference. When in doubt, avoid acting on emotional impulse. Said another way, the best thing you can do right now is to understand your motives. This will not take 10 years in psychoanalysis. Know when you’re motivated by desire, by a creative impulse, by anger or by wanting to make something right. If you can keep those motives sorted out, you will have more energy and find yourself in less conflict. You seem to be keeping your most important goals in sight; you know you’re going somewhere. The theme of the next few weeks will be tending to your inner needs and your emotional wellbeing. More than you need to accomplish something in the future, you need to resolve something from the past.

Short Monthly Horoscope for March 2016, #1090 | By Eric Francis

Sagittarius, contrary to every myth, is one of the most emotionally sensitive signs of the zodiac. And this is an exceptionally sensitive time in your life. You don’t need to be bold and outgoing if you don’t want to be — and this approach to life will help with long-overdue inner healing processes. It looks like the most vital among them is resolving a family matter that has long eluded your grasp. Along the way you can take great strides toward making sure that your home really is the place where you feel safe, warm and welcome.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for March 2016, #1089 | By Eric Francis

You seem to be alternating between the feeling of wanting to run coast-to-coast, and that of being backed into a corner. The first is a more accurate representation of your true state. The bit about being stuck or held down is merely because you have not yet figured out how to make the most of your circumstances. This, in part, is about an emotional quagmire connected to your family. There’s no version of ensnared as effective as the emotional dysfunctions of close relatives. What happens over the next few weeks is akin to a drain opening up at the bottom of your psyche, allowing you to drain one particular emotional pool associated with your distant past. This might even be your ancestral past. You came into this life a different person from your relatives, with a different mission and your own set of unique and vital assets. Don’t let anyone convince you that someone else’s problems are your own; but — closer to the point — don’t convince yourself. It will take some focus to step out of those influences, though the most effective way will be to step into your own life: your highest goals, your unusual style of leadership and your willingness to serve. Others who are obsessed with their problems live their way; you have your own agenda and every right to live fully.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Feb. 22, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Contrary to what you might read in many astrology books, yours is one of the most detail-oriented signs. I have no idea where anyone came up with the thing about ‘big picture only, don’t bother me with the numbers, the punctuation or the boring theory’. Actually, you know that success comes from making sure the fine points are covered. However, right now, I suggest you keep your mind on larger goals, and the widest view you can attain. There’s a potential trap in getting caught in petty concerns, and a special reward if you consider your most precious desires, objectives and ambitions. Focus on what matters, on what feels productive and, most of all, what feels good. That will be the best mind-food you can give yourself, and you will get results. If anything you think seems like an idea, write it down and remember where you put it.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for Feb. 18, 2016, #1088 | By Len Wallick

If you have a home, take good care of it. Show your appreciation for both the places and people with whom you find comfort and safety. It is no small thing to have a place of your own in this world, and if you are lucky enough to be among those who do, be present to your good fortune. If you either do not feel at home where you are, or do not happen to desire at present to put down roots, note within yourself all that is worthy of shelter and care. Then honor that worthiness in everything you do, by taking the best care of yourself you possibly can. If you care for whatever you do have, and whatever you most deeply value, you will be bringing a sense of ‘home’ to wherever you are. At the same time, you’ll likely also attract what amounts to better residential and relational circumstances than ever before.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Feb. 15, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You will feel better, and better able to make progress in your life, if you can let go of something that’s troubling you from the past. It may be some half-completed goodbye or a development you have not fully come to terms with yet. Doing so consciously will help you restore your energy and simplify your affairs. We live in a time when very little that happens in the past is actually resolved. As a result, it tends to collect; then it’s difficult for people to focus their minds on the present and the future. You’ve reached a point where you know you must come to terms with certain points of history. The question is how? The answer is: consciously, and a little bit every day. The more honest you are with yourself, the better you will feel.

Moonshine Horoscope for Feb. 11, 2016, #1087 | By Len Wallick

Your generosity is a strength. Your magnanimity is an asset. Don’t let any pressure currently originating from outside of you depreciate what you bring to your immediate environment. Neither should you allow any pressure you are putting on yourself to do anything other than motivate you to do and be better. There is no reason to judge yourself harshly for not being perfect. A diamond in the rough is still a diamond. The same applies to you. You are already a precious jewel. Just because you are currently in the process of enhancing your value in the world should not detract from what you intrinsically already are to those who know and love you — ideally including you.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Feb. 8, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You cannot reason your way out of all fear. At a certain point you must address anxiety as its own subject. Because so few things that we fear actually go wrong, you can safely treat fear as an emotion, rather than as a prediction or premonition. This is a crucial distinction to make, because if fear has relevance, it’s about the thing that you fear coming to pass. It looks like your concerns may center around control of some kind, such as over the behavior of a partner. If you find yourself keeping score, I would propose that this is not helpful. Ditto if you find yourself keeping secrets. I suggest that you would benefit from being honest with yourself — and then with intimate partners — about what is truly important to you. Right now, honesty and transparency are your best friends.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for Feb. 4, 2016, #1086 | By Len Wallick

What you have been searching for is probably in your immediate vicinity. No kidding. Instead of coming over the horizon, what you have been longing for is most likely in plain sight among the living beings and inanimate objects you encounter every day. It is not so much that you have to look further. Rather, you need to see better. What there is no need for is getting down on yourself. Part of being a human being is accepting that you cannot and will not ever be perfect. Yet, it is possible to understand and work with your imperfections, including those that have to do with not always perceiving and appreciating what is within easy reach. Indeed, the fact that you are now overlooking something or somebody already there for you is reason to feel good about yourself; because the next step — actually realizing the value of what you already have — is a step you will never again forget how to take. Therefore, do not think of yourself as one who is about to stumble across anything. In a very real way, you are about to rise to it.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Feb. 1, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

There is no order of difficulty of miracles. They are all equally easy, or what would be the point? Your astrology is pointing to some minor challenge that, if you meet it consciously, opens the way to infinite experience. It’s as if, in the process of solving some minor problem or meeting a routine challenge, you tap into a kind of spiritual well that contains the answer to much more than you were looking for. It would help, therefore, to pay attention to small things, even those too small to notice under normal circumstances. Consider every question you’re asking to be a metaphor for something greater; every puzzle you try to solve or problem you try to resolve the key to something larger. Tap the deeper, abundant creative energy that is currently filling your deepest well.

Short Monthly Horoscope for February 2016, #1085 | By Eric Francis

Recent developments are leading you to take a more structured and serious approach to life, though it’s essential that you maintain your flexibility. You can afford to take everyone’s different point of view under consideration, then make up your own mind. Most excellent ideas really are a group effort, especially as they develop. Take charge of this process and you’ll get genius results.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 25, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

The most important fact about money is knowing how much of the stuff you have. As Peter Gabriel said, you must know your plastic from your cash. With that out of the way, remember that ideas are much more valuable than funds are, if you act on them. Make sure that every decision you make is aligned with your long-term goals. This will keep you focused on those goals, which would be something of a miracle here in the age of Attention Deficit. Trust, above all, that you’re being drawn in the right direction, though this will be far more meaningful if you actually answer the calling. It’s true that you have some impressive goals, which you actually can accomplish if you’re willing to invest the time and devotion for a few years.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for February, 2016, #1084 | By Eric Francis

Let your fears inform you. You might try an exercise where you transform them into some kind of opposite outcome. Imagine that each worry or concern is really an explication of what might happen in the best possible outcome, but reversed. For example, “I fear my partner might leave me” would translate to something like, “This could be the best relationship I’ve ever had,” or, “I am ready for the right relationship in my life.” All fear has a source, and I would propose that it’s a kind of ego reaction to your currently incredible creative potential. However, apropos of understanding and working with that potential, remember that at the moment, building your life is in part about what you’re adding, and partly about what you will be subtracting. This is not about going forward in all directions, or the nonstop bull market. Nor is it about magical alchemy. What you’re doing is more like an industrial process of experimenting, synthesizing and putting in the time and discipline to get something like the result you’re looking for. Don’t be attached to one outcome — there are better things possible than what you might be imagining. Yet underneath it all, both the objective and the result is confidence in yourself. This is not about a test but more about a process of temperance: of gradually conditioning yourself to be in actual possession of the strength you know you already have.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 18, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Be impeccable with money this week. First of all, know how much you have at all times. Be aware of your resources, financial and otherwise. This is a core element in your ongoing process of learning self-esteem. Some people are born respecting themselves and some take it way too far. You need a realistic point of view, which means acknowledging your own competence, considering what you’ve accomplished, and recognizing that you’re a helpful person. No matter who may be involved, respect is something that is earned. As you work with that process internally, you will discover that people around you treat you with greater confidence. Whether you strive for this or not, you are setting an example for many other people. Remember that basic truth every day.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope — Jan. 14, 2016, #1083 | By Len Wallick

While you may not have access to the same technology employed by the fictional Doctor Who, it appears as though you have come into some of the same facility with regard to time and making it work for you. But first you must change your perception of what time is. Thanks to the work of Albert Einstein, you can make a good start. It was Einstein who realized (and apparently proved) that space and time are the same thing. Therefore, begin by organizing the spaces that are yours alone. Get places such as your desk, the interior of your car, and your private residence under control. If Einstein was correct, time should then begin coming under control for you as well.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 11, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

There’s no question that you deserve love, though recent events may have challenged your faith. Yet the deeper experience you’re seeking is trust, which is so often what we mean when we say love. Put in those terms, everything is clearer. This not only involves ‘special’ people and situations, but rather everyone, and your relationship to your own life. Ultimately, you must trust yourself first. Think of it this way: In the end, you must have faith in your decision to trust others — and that’s actually about you. Strive to become the most solid person in your life. Be the person you depend on, and be your own best friend. Once you do that for a while, it will be much easier to see where you stand with others.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope — Jan. 7, 2016, #1082 | By Len Wallick

In the long run, time will prove to be on your side. It simply may not seem that way right now. That’s the reason you need to find some faith to tide you over, like a wisely chosen snack can help you keep going between meals. Just as with a snack, you should not overdo the faith thing. Take only what you need. Remember that its purpose is to sustain you. Even though it would be best if you chose to have faith in yourself first and foremost, it does not really matter what form of faith works for you. So long as it is working for you and you are not a slave to it, any form of faith will probably do you a lot of good this year. What you learn from employing (rather than being employed by) faith will also stand you in good stead when your relationship with time turns around, and you are finally on top of it again.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 4, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

This is a get-serious time in your life, and I suggest you sing the praises of the planets that this is true. Focus your efforts on your most important goals and you will, at the same time, begin to unravel the insecurity that has stopped you so many times before. Engineers know that the best way to build a bridge is to have it already be there — so start by laying that first cable across the water, and then do it again, and again. You may feel odd or out of sorts at times, which means you’re entering new and unfamiliar territory. That is exactly where you want to be. Just think of how strange and beautiful it will feel to succeed at things you previously thought were impossible.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for January 2016, #1081 | By Eric Francis

Can anyone ever plan to be on top of their game? Preparation and focus can get you pretty far. Ambition and a sense of mission can take you even further. The last and most challenging factor is the emotional piece. Imagine if you could feel good every single day — you would be unstoppable. One method that’s worked for you in the past has been detachment. That, however, now verges on impossible. Your solar chart is so emotionally connected that you have no choice but to get in the water and swim. I think that full immersion in your feelings is the way to get you into that play-to-win mode. It is easier to feel than to resist, because resistance consumes precious energy. There is something else that would help, which is to see all of your motives, desires and aspirations not only as valid but as aspects of the same thing. You are one unified, holistic being. As you gather the seemingly different facets of yourself, and consider them all valuable assets, you will concentrate your energy. And you will discover how many small things it takes to make a lot. Remember that while the details matter and must be attended to, your overall vision matters a heck of a lot more. Stay in contact with yourself and rise to your own true level.

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