Monthly Archives: September 2011

In Search of Love (or Self-Identity)

Dear Friend and Reader:

The Sun is in Libra, the sign of relationships — and this is a month where relationships are a strong theme for other reasons. One of the aspects that makes October 2011 unique is Saturn opposite Eris. It’s an opposition between the planet of structure and form (Saturn), and the planet associated with the identity chaos of the modern psyche (Eris). Saturn has been around literally since forever. Eris was the planet named in 2006 that was responsible for the ‘demotion’ of Pluto to minor planet status. Remember that? Eris upset the known order of the solar system, and was named for the Greek goddess of discord.

Les Demoiselles d’Avignon by Pablo Picasso (1907), Museum of Modern Art, New York. Picasso’s style of imagery reminds me of how we might see the world through the lens of Eris.

Saturn is now in Libra. Eris is in Aries, the sign of self. One speaks about structured relationships; the other about a chaotic self-concept. This is a hint that many people are trying to have structured relationships in a time of personality chaos. Often we use our relationships to try to stabilize our sense of who we are. More often than not, the restless need to exist as an individual can wreak havoc on our partnerships, which are not designed to embrace the reality of growing people, who are in motion. Our relationships, as we’re taught to have them, can offer stability that can come with a sense of confinement. This is an old situation, though I think one possibility of this time in the human story is to work that out.

Saturn opposite Eris is a picture of that. It’s a relatively rare event. There will be a nearly exact repeat of this same opposition next year, then the next time it happens will be in 2041.

This speaks to the old ‘freedom versus commitment’ issue. Our persistent challenges balancing this is what I believe makes so many relationships so unstable. We tend to assume, for example, that people are going to remain the same rather than change or grow, but growth is inevitable. We talk about making progress in our lives — then many of the arrangements that we live don’t take it so well. Our self esteem, such as we have access to it, is rarely built on solid ground.

Due to the presence of another planet in Aries, this situation is ramped up at full strength right now. That is Uranus, which is specifically about the drive to independence and freedom. It’s a relatively new arrival in Aries (it entered that sign to stay on March 11), and for those who can feel its influence, it’s pushing the drive for individuality to a new height. We are currently in one of the most restless moments in many generations. It’s as if something is stirring in the human spirit, eager to bust free. Of course, then there is the other side of the psyche, which wants to cling and hold fast and make sure that nothing important changes.

La Vie by Pablo Picasso (1903), Cleveland Museum of Art.

Many are noticing that the compromises they used to make in their partnerships and households no longer work. Relationships will have to adapt to contain a meeting of actual individuals. Many decent, loving people struggle to find an appropriate partner. There is a large swath of the population that needs a partner who can really honor them as a whole person, which would mean someone else living as a whole person as well.

Saturn in Libra may seem to be setting limits on your relationships. You may be feeling the sense of being enclosed within something more palpably than usual. You may feel like you don’t want a relationship, but you do want to relate. Now is the time to consider what kind of relationship structure best matches with the reality of who you truly are, and what kind of person would be best suited to that reality — if anyone.

For those currently in intimate partnerships, you might ask: how much of your identity is wrapped up in your relationship? To what extent do you use your relationship to stabilize your life, rather than doing inner work on the issues that might be destabilizing you? Even if this is a question that has persisted for many years, you may finally be able to embrace the subject matter now. One key to doing so will be people acknowledging restlessness, the need for independence and the desire for a more complex social life as qualities rather than as things that describe us as dysfunctional. In other words, you’re not weird if you feel restless. It’s not a sign of intimacy issues — it’s more likely a sign that you’re alive. The need to exist as an individual is a healthy and necessary state of growth, and we can still want companionship, trust and closeness to others.

Saturn opposite Eris is exact on Oct. 27. Here are some other details from this month’s astrology. The Aries Full Moon is on Oct. 11. That event may bring out the themes I’ve described above in a distinctive, polarized way. You may seem to be confronted by an either-or choice. The Sun will be conjunct Saturn and the Moon will be conjunct Eris. This will emphasize the polarity. It’s up to you to discover the common ground you share with the people you’re close to. Full Moon is an excellent time to work through deadlocks.

In this chart, Mercury is trine Neptune — an aspect that heightens intuition. I suggest you let your intuition be your guide to communication. Don’t just guess what someone is feeling, or expect them to guess what you’re thinking and feeling. We assume that we’re supposed to do a lot of that in our relationships.

Femme nue au collier by Pablo Picasso (1968), part of the Tate collection of art, held in London.

Next is the Sun entering Scorpio on October 23. The Sun joins Mercury and Venus, which are already in Scorpio by that time.  So this is going to be a rich, sensuous season of Scorpio. The days that follow the Sun’s ingress into this singularly important sign are often profound. They are the days that the veil between the dimensions is the thinnest. You don’t need to be a clairvoyant to feel the poignancy of this. Many cultures celebrate the Days of the Dead at this time, when they welcome home the spirits of their ancestors.

Scorpio shifts the emphasis from relationships to sex. The presence of Chiron in Pisces accents the healing aspect of sexuality — something that many of us are aware of but that few people know how to access or work with. One suggestion I have is to work with the distinction between ‘fantasy’ and ‘reality’.  Create a space wherein it’s safe for you and anyone you’re intimate with to open up on the level of imagination. Notice if you feel threatened by potentials or ideas. That’s a good space to observe your responses and relax into the different possibilities, which is likely to be more fun and not as destabilizing as you imagine it would be.

The Scorpio New Moon follows on Oct. 26. This happens early in the Sun’s trek across Scorpio, so both the Sun and the Moon are trine Chiron. The New Moon also makes a strong, useful aspect to Pluto (a sextile), granting mental and emotional leverage. And the New Moon is opposite Jupiter. That brings the theme back around to where we started — what is the true meaning of relationships? How much do we seek them for love, and how much for the supposed benefits they offer?


P.S. Sometime over the weekend you’ll receive an announcement for the 2011 Autumn Report, which describes this month’s aspects in greater detail for each of the 12 signs. Check your inbox. — efc


Now Playing: Virgo Birthday Report

Dear Planet Waves Reader:

Your Virgo birthday reading is available — a little late, and perfectly dry. It survived the great Virgo Hurricane Irene and is now ready for you. It’s about 70 minutes of astrology and tarot — two sections of astrology and then a reading with the Voyager deck by James Wanless.

Another Virgo hurricane.

In the first section of astrology I cover a topic that I’ve been developing over the past few years for Virgo — family material and ancestral history. Your charts have the theme of resolving old karma. It’s in high focus, a clue that this is the time to do it. This is based on the Sagittarius alignment you may have read about, that is in your solar chart’s house of family, safety and security.

One of the themes I address is your tendency to use spirituality as your primary line of defense in the world, rather than say locks, alarms and karate. Your early environment had some unusual properties regarding religion, which I describe in terms of how they influence you now.

In the second section of astrology, I cover relationships and then your work/professional life. Relationships are of course an outgrowth of our family environment, and there is something new in your environment now. The past seven years have been a challenging spell in your love life, and now something new is coming into focus: a new energy, and a new quality to the communication. You have more in common with some of the people you meet, and also there are some greater risks involved, and greater vulnerability necessary to make real contact.

In the section on your professional life, I talk about what it’s like to have two career goals, or two entirely different professional paths. This is also a time of purging old goals and embracing the new ones.

I will let the tarot section speak for itself. Photos of the spread are included.

The whole package is yours for $14.95. Here is how to order.




Dear Friend and Reader:

I’ve prepared a new 12-sign report for you — one that covers the rest of the year. These little projects have proven to be a popular and efficient way to provide extended astrology information. They’re based on the same method I use for my horoscope, but with spoken word it’s also spacious, with most of the readings being about 15 or 20 minutes long.

Eric Francis chez Blue Studio.

Most of my colleagues do weekly 12-sign audio. I am working toward that with these seasonal projects, which go into greater depth than you can usually get in a scripted four or five minute recording. Your 12 signs come with a free half-hour introduction that anyone can listen to. Then you can listen to your Sun, Moon and rising signs, or those of your friends.

As for theme: there is an unusual focus on relationships for the next few months and into the first half of 2012. It goes a little like this. We’re conditioned to find our ‘missing piece’ in relationships with others. Sometimes that seems to be the only option available — until we figure out that we really do want to be a whole person relating to another whole person. That provides something solid to stand on, and the security of knowing that someone else is not basing their whole life on you. Looking at the aspect Saturn opposite Eris, I introduce this theme, among others. I covered this subject in the October monthly horoscope.

The idea of independence and autonomy extends into many areas of life, including the creative and work aspects of existence. Those are, in truth, going through as many changes as our relationships. I cover some of this material as well.

My audio readings are casual, free-style (direct from the chart, not from a script) and designed to get you thinking and choosing rather than designed to stoke up your expectations. While I spend a lot of time listening in my one-on-one sessions, I take advantage of my many dialogs with my readers to get a sense of how to tune my interpretations.

Every time one of these products goes out, we get some amazing responses that always surprise me and encourage me to keep experimenting. Just a moment ago, this message came in: “Eric, I love listening to your voice. Your reading was quite enlightening and confirming. Lots of new information that I can work with. Paired with the reading I was able to listen to for 2010…. Wow! You are a gem in the universe. Love to you and your staff.”

If you’re interested in exploring this report, here is the sales link.

Please let me know how you like this series of readings — and by the way they are guaranteed; if you’re anything other than fully satisfied, just call Chelsea and we will return your payment.

Sending the love right back to you —


Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope – October 2011

Revised and Updated! Click for Eric’s Zodiac Sign Descriptions

Aries (March 20-April 19) — In every relationship where the parties are opposite sex and anywhere close to reproductive age, there will be reproductive politics involved. The relationship does not have to be an overtly sexual one; pheromones know no boundaries. By politics I mean there will be some negotiation or struggle for power that is based on biological instructions that tell us to reproduce, and how those are activated by the presence of people who might help us do that. Within relationships, part of the struggle involves the question of whether the ‘real’ purpose of sex is to make babies or to make love. I don’t mean to set up a dichotomy, or worse, a false dichotomy. The actual purpose is not necessarily one or the other — but the truth is that relatively few people explore their sexuality in order to have children. That happens without much exploration at all; in fact it usually happens unconsciously, leading to all kinds of adventures and misadventures. This is the time to take control of your creative power, in whatever form it takes. It’s the time to look for your wholeness not in relationships but within yourself. It’s been that time for a while, but as the next month or two develop, you may discover that you have no choice. Your relationships will remain important; they will provide the necessary reflection that your self-discovery and healing process are your business. Yet beyond a certain point, they can no longer be the main focus of your life.

Aries, your birth sign or rising sign, is getting some of the most potent transits of them all right now. I’ve recorded an hour of astrology and a tarot card reading for you. Learn more by visiting this page.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You’re about to reach a limit in your relationship to your mother or to her legacy. The days of deep therapy where we looked honestly at the influence of our parents seem to be a relic of history, supplanted by prescriptions and distractions. Yet there is wisdom in understanding how these previously all-powerful, all-knowing people shaped us, taught us how to feel about ourselves and influenced our concept of the world. This month you will have the opportunity to see something involving your parents that has been impossible to observe, perhaps ever. Factors that operate ‘subconsciously’ can have a profound influence on our lives, often being point sources of the psychic chaos that we don’t seem to understand. These are the same internal wave machines that keep us running in circles or searching obsessively for who we are. They are often invisible; we have to infer their existence, and that can seem like a clairvoyant feat. Yet a kind of clairvoyance is exactly what you get now: the ability to see into the dark, into the world of your ancestors, and in particular, into the psyche of your mother. I can describe what I am seeing in your solar chart: seemed to be something strong about her, which was a mask over something that was missing. It’s not just this fact that you can observe, but also the results. Once you understand the ways you’ve been turned against yourself, you may find it a lot easier to be your own friend.

I’ve recorded an hour of astrology and done a tarot reading especially for you. It’s information that will help with your relationships, your professional life and your personal growth. Visit this page to find out more.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Creativity is serious business. I agree with Julia Cameron, author of The Artist’s Way: actually expressing your creativity is more about focus and discipline than it is about inspiration. Yes, it’s wonderful when work seems ‘truly inspired’, but that says nothing of the 15 drafts that went into an article or novel you love. It’s a little like the feeling you get sitting inside a cathedral, responding to the architecture — then you realize it took a century to build, requiring a mix of inspiration, engineering and persistence. Your chart is strong with all three right now. Gemini is famous for its challenges focusing; in order to harness your creative (or other) talents, what seems like an extreme kind of discipline is necessary. It’s not really extreme, though. It’s more about guiding your work process into a container. This might be about anything from a job search to a project you’ve wanted to do for a long time. The container is primarily about time and space. Define the time and set aside the space and you will make a lot more progress. I suggest you work with limits, such as ‘one hour on this project every day’, until whatever you’re doing has a life of its own. You will feel a threshold shift at that point. I would add a word of caution about the influence of friends. They are only your friends if they have the same basic agenda as you.

Gemini is one of the most misunderstood signs — and as someone born under this sign, part of your role is to hold a mirror to the world. I’ve recorded an hour of audio for you, plus a 20-minute tarot reading. You can get access to these by visiting this page.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — What exactly are you exerting yourself against? Let’s say you want to be more confident, so to do that you wage a campaign against insecurity. How well is that going to work? Another approach would be to master the elements of confidence, while gradually understanding your insecurity. In that case you would not be waging a campaign against anything, but rather reaching into another way of being more suited to your goals. I suggest you keep your efforts proactive, rather than attempting to fix something about you or about the world that is ‘wrong’. There is a fine line, I know. But rather than being about something you can see, it’s about something you can feel. Fixing something feels different than creating something new. Of course, to switch from one to the other, you would need to shift your orientation from the past to the present/future. Your primary goal would be different as well, and by that I mean your concept for what you want to accomplish. It’s both easier to focus on the past, and easier to get stuck there. What you might call the key to the future is a vision; that is the difference between fixing and creating. Gradually you are strengthening the part of your mind that allows you to visualize what does not exist. This is going to take some time, but you are about to receive an energy boost. This month, I can sum up the key to discerning the past from the present in one word — passion.

I’ve recorded an hour of astrology and done a tarot reading especially for you. It’s information that will help with your relationships, your professional life and your personal growth. Visit this page to find out more.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You are working with a lot of energy right now, and you need to direct it consciously. It would help if you figured out just how much you are working with, a fact that may be concealed by the odd sense that your energy is suppressed. In truth it is not; that is merely a thought, but it’s a powerful one. You may be concerned that if you tap into your energy, you’ll go out of control. I can assure you this will not happen; the more you make contact with your sense of presence, your will and your clear desires, the more you’re likely to direct them in a constructive way. I would caution you that in the angle of your solar chart that addresses matters of a spiritual or religious nature, there is quite a bit of chaos — as if you’re not sure what you believe. For this reason, I suggest you explore your beliefs in the form of practical actions: making things, exploring places you’ve never seen, business activities and even sex. I think you may be sensing the potential for harming others, or for being perceived as selfish — or worse, actually discounting the needs of others and being self-centered. The astrology has some built-in safeguards that will pretty much ensure that you take the needs of others and indeed your whole environment into account, though until you dare to do something different, you might not notice they are in place.

The 2011 Leo birthday report is 70 minutes of in-depth astrology plus a 20-minute tarot reading for you, exploring relationships, personal growth and your professional life. Visit this page for additional information.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You would do well to ask yourself just what happened to you the past month, and where those events leave you right now. For a few years, you’ve been addressing a situation with roots deep in the past. Each year around your birthday there is a flare-up of what you might think of as emotional activity, or family issues, or karma. Then it tends to sink below the surface for a while, only to arise again in a new form. You may think that you’re not making any progress but I can assure you that if you compare the past three birthday seasons, you will see signs of movement, maturity and increasing emotional clarity. One thing to bear in mind (I will repeat this later in the year) is the relationship between emotional wellbeing and your sense of being spiritually grounded. These may be connected for everyone, but for you the contact point is especially vivid. There is a deeper connection to your ancestral past that you may have noticed during these phases, if you look beyond family-related dramas — they go much deeper. As for where that leaves you today, having been through this? I would suggest that you’ve never been closer to who you are. The opinions of relationship partners, business partners or those who would seek to influence your life are now in their correct place. Feel the sensation of being solid in who you are, your own authority, your own source of trust.

The 2011 Virgo birthday report is ready! I’ve recorded 70 minutes of astrology plus a tarot reading for you, exploring how you’re working through family material, your use of spirituality, some new energy in your relationships and your professional goals. Visit this page for additional information.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Relationships as we practice them are not set up for the partners to keep individuating. They tend to be designed for conformity, which in theory is the easier of the two ways to go — unless, of course, ongoing growth is your desire and your intention. There’s also something else going on. Much of the struggle we see in relationships is between the desire of people to be free and their desire to have companionship. The phase of life you’re in right now is about working through that seeming contradiction. It’s actually possible to resolve this one, but you need a lot of maturity and determination to do it. It comes down to understanding the purpose of your existence, which is secondary to the purpose of your relationships. This is the big one; this is the thing. Those who focus on existence first and relationships second can highlight or evoke the insecurity of those around them. Yet what you may be discovering is the simple and necessary truth that you are the most significant point of continuity in your life. Your path through the universe is consistent; the people around you will come and go. To get to this spot, you may have to pass through a sense of loneliness or isolation (or the fear of this potential). But something is waiting for you on the other side. I believe this will be a crucial step in transitioning toward your authentic personhood and independence.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Libra, please go to this link.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — As a perpetual gender studies major, one thing I’ve noticed about the world in recent years is women openly expressing their desire to be in contact with their male side. This used to be expressed as (clearly misnamed) feminism. These days, it is something more basic and not attached to much ideology — nor to being lesbian. I believe that men have been openly pushing the envelope on expressing their feminine side for a lot longer, even risking arrest, prosecution and clobbering to do so. The astrology of Scorpio this month is all about exploring sexual identity. I mean that from the inside out — the emotional and hormonal experience of sex and gender rather than any kind of affect or show of style. For a while you may feel like you’re two different people, one who likes to dominate and conquer, and one who thirsts for submission and craves allowing your more vulnerable side out of its usual hiding places. You may have the illusion that this is building to some kind of a crisis, particularly if it’s causing any consternation in your relationships. It could just as easily be a fun place to explore, if you put your desires face-up on the table. But I don’t really see a crisis at all — what I see is a direct experience of resolving some long-held tension, which will allow you to clear up important elements of the past and move on to a new agenda in life and in love.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Scorpio, please go to this link.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Ethics are always situational: they depend on the moment. As such they are flexible and useful. Morals pretend to be absolute, and as a result they are brittle and lack sensitivity to the actual circumstances involved in any question of right or wrong. You’re in the process of getting clear about all of this, and I reckon it’s been through personal experience and not by sitting in philosophy class. The world is in a state of moral decay (which is frightening enough), but in the midst of this extreme disorientation can arise the simple question of what is appropriate. I suggest you keep asking yourself that, from moment to moment. The word ethics has its root in the Greek word ethos, which was considered the highest ideal — and the true spirit of a person or a society. When we say, ‘This is a person of character’, we are talking about ethos. I think of it as the guiding ray within a person, something you can tune into that informs and enlightens everything else that you do. I suggest you allow all of your experiences to guide you toward making contact with this core experience of humanity: they certainly can right now, if that is what you want. The sensation is a distinct morph of that which is spiritual and that which is human. It’s the place where there is no difference; that well-tuned state of mind where life becomes art and art becomes life.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Sagittarius, please go to this link.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — In what ways have you succeeded at doing things differently than your parents? I really mean it — truly, significantly differently? Humanity has a way of not making progress on this particular issue, partly because people are so enamored of their parents, and so many others aspire to their mediocrity. I have noticed that much of what we call self-improvement, personal growth or having better relationships usually exists in contrast to our parents and how we think of them. In a sense, we’re always dancing with their limits — that is, until we stop. One of the most popular ways to go beyond those particular limits is to wage a revolt. However, where you are in life that’s not only not an option: it’s just a tad adolescent, when your primary objective (so far as I can tell) is to be a dependable adult. There is certainly a rebellious streak that is stirring you up deep inside, but your expression of that impulse is designed to be all about solid, unflinching leadership. One thing about Capricorn is that it’s always a child inside, and that you tend to get younger as the years unfold. Let your desire to stir the pot entice you to be that much more fearless, that much bolder, but always taking a well-proportioned approach and giving the appearance of playing within the rules. In essence, the perfect revolt for this moment is to be unequivocally yourself.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Capricorn, please go to this link.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Religion is a supposedly simple way to cook down the complexities of who and what a person is. It takes many forms, but the one thing they all have in common is reducing many intricacies and subtle shades of meaning down to rules and a few rigid ideas. They paper over how much we have going on inside, how jumbled our minds can get, and how difficult it can be to have a clear sense of self. This is especially true now, due to two current, and rather extreme, trends: increasing limits placed on our options (all of us), and the deep restlessness of the human soul. You don’t need to impose an external ideology onto yourself, no matter where it comes from; that is not a solution. You also have a rare perspective on seeing the ways in which beliefs box you into your limitations, and know how questioning your beliefs can set you free. Over the next few weeks, you’re likely to encounter situations that compel you to challenge what you believe and why. The deeper issue is who has set the limits on your vision of yourself and of the world; who has set the limits on your happiness. You may be inclined to say that it’s you, but it actually goes back a lot longer than any memory of the ‘you’ that you now know. I suggest you push back; your mind is vibrating with the need to express yourself, and though it seems chaotic in there, it’s the fertile, passionate kind of chaos.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Aquarius, please go to this link.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You are poised to make some truly innovative decisions about money, which will be disguised in the appearance of conventionality. By innovative I mean radical, based on your values and your willingness to dare. By appearance of conventionality, I mean through some kind of structure or agreement that seems, on its face, like it’s a normal thing: a contract, a company, a partnership of some kind. This is an opportunity to remember — and work with — the difference between content and form, which is another way of saying that appearances deceive. There are many forms of deception, and one of them is camouflage, which is precisely what you’re doing. In a similar way, your charts talk about working both ends of the polarity that seems to run from risk to discipline. It’s not really that linear; these are ingredients that you can and must blend artfully; you need the right proportion of each. As you do this, remember your purpose; focus on why you’re doing what you’re doing, and consider your ultimate goal. That goal is likely to change and evolve, which is a healthy sign: it means your values are in a state of evolution. If the people around you seem stuck or slow to pick up on what, to you, is obvious, don’t waste energy trying to convince people of anything. Your actions and their results will speak for themselves.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Pisces, please go to this link.

Introducing a Weekly 2012 Diary by Eric Francis

Dear Friend and Reader:

This thing called 2012 is approaching fast. We’ve got just one more season and we’re there. This is one of the most predicted-about times in human history. I can tell you that there will be a lot of unemployed prophets on Jan. 1, 2013. And I can tell you that the changes that do happen to society will be the ones that were right in front of us — but which we were not expecting. In honor of those changes, and our opportunity to use them creatively, for the next few months I will be using the Tuesday space to write a 2012 diary. [Note, even though our records show you’re not a subscriber to Planet Waves Weekly, we will be emailing the October monthly horoscope to you on Friday.]

What is the theme of 2012 as I see it? In a phrase, “Everything, All at Once.” We’ve had a few little tastes of that quality the past few years (especially in 2011); yet the story has just begun. This astrology will come in and out of focus, depending on the positions of other planets. It happens to be in high focus today, as the Libra New Moon makes an exact square to Pluto and a close opposition to Uranus. We are in what you might think of as a 2012 microcosm. [To read about that in detail, please check Soul, Form and Fear: New Moon Square Plutoon Planet Waves daily.]

At the heart of this is Uranus square Pluto, which is exact from 2012-2015. It’s been building for a long time and once we know what to look for, we’ll be able to see cultural manifestations going back five years. This aspect will influence you personally; it is affecting all of us. It could manifest emotionally as some form of obsession, the drive to participate, deep introspection — or as fear. One thing we need to learn through the 2012 astrology is how to keep fear, and the people who use it against others, in perspective. Mostly, this alignment is about the drive for progress.

Every change we’ve delayed, every place we’ve been stuck, every aspect of our lives that needs attention, the ways we feel summoned to get involved — all of these will come into focus in 2012, and stay there for at least three years. That’s a lot of material to cover. It will seem to rush on fast, and yet we must use well the time we have.

Many Decisions, Many Variables

A lot of this is about embracing decisions, and allowing for variables. We know how much we delay making changes because one change might lead to another, and another. Yet there seem to be so many variables right now. There is a way to go through this experience without getting overwhelmed, and my intention as an astrologer and writer is to help you see the way to do that.

This Tuesday weekly series will relate directly to the 2012 annual edition of Planet Waves. The annual edition, usually published the first week of January, is where you get your extended overview of the new year (last year’s was called Light Bridge; the year before was called Cosmic Confidential). Our annual is a comprehensive product, which many people depend upon for a bit of perspective and easy-to-understand astrology guidance.

Because of the extraordinary astrology of 2012, I am devoting extra time to doing this year’s edition. This new Tuesday series will serve two purposes: one being to keep you informed about this unusual astrology and related events; and the other being a place for me to create and develop the ideas that you’ll be reading about when the annual publishes in just a few short months.

Big astrological events mean something different to everyone. I will be counting on your feedback, ideas and wisdom to create this annual edition. You can write directly to me by replying to this email.

The Cycle Starting in 1965 Turns a Corner Now

The topic for today is: what is the relationship of 2012 astrology to the 1960s — and why should you care? Let’s take them one at a time.

The Rain in Spain — the 1960s were not all about protests and LSD. Among the less-tumultuous developments was a film production of My Fair Lady, adapted from a play by George Bernard Shaw. It won eight Academy Awards, including best picture, released shortly after the Beatles arrived in the United States.

On Oct. 9, 1965, there was a conjunction in mid-Virgo — Uranus conjunct Pluto. That was the epicenter of what we think of as “The Sixties.” Historians have tried for decades to explain what the 1960s were — and it would help if they had astrology. Let’s just say they were about a lot more than protests. They were a time of monumental change in every facet of life: technology, art, literature and music. The family structure of the 1940s and 1950s was totally rearranged. Sex roles began to change. There was a sexual revolution, with mixed results — but some real impact.

You could say that consciousness itself changed, and we’ve been living with that particular mental vibe ever since. As The Eagles so brilliantly said it, “You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.” We are, however, about to do something other than check out or leave. We are going into the next phase of that cycle — Uranus square Pluto. It’s taken 46 years for Uranus and Pluto to move from a conjunction to a square. This is like the week that it takes the New Moon to become the quarter Moon, only it was nearly half a century. Think of all that has happened in those years.

When Uranus and Pluto get to the first quarter, the action begins again. It’s actually been happening for several years, but it’s been really obvious in 2011, whether you consider Arab Spring, the volatility of the financial markets, the political chaos, the sense of total overwhelm that is reminiscent of the Sixties. The times we are in will challenge you to be yourself fully, and to live the life that is right for you. Clinging will not work — making conscious and informed choices will work a lot better.

Astrologically, one big difference between the 1960s and now is that the conjunction was in the relatively mellow, intellectual, service-oriented sign Virgo. The square that we are approaching now reaches from Uranus in Aries to Pluto in Capricorn — super-high energy signs that are all about taking action. Uranus in Aries is about a stunning self-awakening. Pluto in Capricorn is about changes to the very roots of our society and its structure. Where the two intersect for you personally is a crucial meeting point. It’s where you need to be focusing your plans, your decisions and your concept for your life, even as everything is changing before your eyes.

One thing that most people don’t understand is that times of change and instability are the moments of the greatest potential. Yes, you have to be gutsier, apply your intelligence, and dare to take a few risks. You could say the possibilities are limitless, though closer to the point is that they are real — and the astrology points us directly to them. More next week.


P.S. The October monthly horoscope will be published on Friday.

Libra Equinox: In Search of Justice

The judge said, “Guilty” in a make-believe trial,
Slapped the sheriff on the back with a smile and said
“Supper’s waiting at home and I got to get to it.”

— Bobby Russell

Dear Friend and Reader:

If there was a silver lining to Wednesday night’s human sacrifice of Troy Davis, it was that so many people cared — and did something tangible about it. In the days and weeks leading up to his execution by the state of Georgia, there was an unprecedented global outpouring of sadness, concern and outrage not just because of evidence that he was innocent, but also of disgust at the continued use of the death penalty by the United States. No death sentence has raised this much public ire since Karla Faye Tucker, who was executed by Texas in 1998.

Troy Anthony Davis as a death row inmate in 2002, shown with his mother, Virginia. Photo from family website.

Troy Davis was convicted of the 1989 murder of off-duty police officer Mark MacPhail in Savannah, Georgia, though seven of the nine witnesses whose testimony convicted him have recanted. One of the other two is believed by many to be the actual shooter. Millions of people signed petitions, spread the world through social media and shut down phone lines going into every conceivable office in the Georgia legal system. But as Troy himself put it, it really was about all the Troy Davises that came before and after the one who died Wednesday night.

The public uprising was truly activism in the tradition of Uranus square Pluto, the centerpiece of 2012 astrology — an aspect directly related to the fabled uprisings of the 1960s. Transcending national boundaries and the usual divisions of race and class, it is during Uranus-Pluto aspects, which happen a few times per century, that progress on human rights is often made. Troy Davis was one of many social justice stories that emerged in the week that the Sun was preparing its ingress into Libra, the sign of the legal system and the concept of fairness, (illustrated with scales, held by Astraea, the goddess of justice). The Sun entered Libra with the equinox early Friday, and will aspect Uranus and Pluto through the weekend and into next week. In doing so, it will set off the 2012 aspect, once again bringing the future a little closer to us.

Those raising their voices on behalf of Troy Davis included former FBI director William Sessions (who served under Ronald Reagan); Dr. Allen Ault, a former warden of the Georgia prison where Davis was killed; Pres. Jimmy Carter; Pope Benedict and many celebrities from around the world.

Most astonishing and unexpected among these figures was Dr. Ault, who with a group of former Georgia prison officials wrote to Gov. Nathan Deal out of “overwhelming concern” that Davis was innocent — and the impact that this would have on the executioners. The issue of what happens to the people who must actually kill the condemned person is finally starting to get some traction, after being raised for years by Helen Prejean.

“We write to you as former wardens and corrections officials who have had direct involvement in executions,” Ault and his colleagues wrote to Gov. Deal, who could have stopped the execution with a phone call.

“Like few others in this country, we understand that you have a job to do in carrying out the lawful orders of the judiciary. We also understand, from our own personal experiences, the awful lifelong repercussions that come from participating in the execution of prisoners. While most of the prisoners whose executions we participated in accepted responsibility for the crimes for which they were punished, some of us have also executed prisoners who maintained their innocence until the end. It is those cases that are most haunting to an executioner.

Amnesty International protest in Atlanta in support of Troy Davis, part of an international show of opposition for his execution — and for the death penalty itself. Many protests were in virtual space, and numerous others took place on the ground. Photo: Elizabeth Hartsig.

“We write to you today with the overwhelming concern that an innocent person could be executed in Georgia tonight. We know the legal process has exhausted itself in the case of Troy Anthony Davis, and yet, doubt about his guilt remains. This very fact will have an irreversible and damaging impact on your [prison] staff. Many people of significant standing share these concerns, including, notably, William Sessions, Director of the FBI under President Ronald Reagan.

“Living with the nightmares is something that we know from experience. No one has the right to ask a public servant to take on a lifelong sentence of nagging doubt, and for some of us, shame and guilt. Should our justice system be causing so much harm to so many people when there is an alternative?” [End of quote from Dr. Ault’s letter.]

The alternative would not have been to release Davis, but rather to commute his sentence to life without the possibility of parole while the investigation continued. The state could have hedged its bets here, especially given that he is likely to be exculpated (declared innocent after conviction, and in this case, execution). Because of the high probability of Davis’ innocence, what Dr. Ault and his co-authors are saying is that the death penalty spreads the agony like poison in water. I believe it spreads the karma of murder out over an entire society. In order for ‘justice’ to be done, millions of people had to feel the pain and helplessness of watching a potentially innocent man be put to death.

MacPhail’s relatives said that Davis and his family had duped people into believing in his innocence. “We know what the truth is,” MacPhail’s widow, Joan MacPhail-Harris, told CNN. “And for someone to ludicrously say that he is a victim — we are victims. Look at us. We have put up with this stuff for 22 years. It’s time for justice. We need our justice.” I think she means revenge. There is a difference, and not everyone gets it. But as a friend pointed out yesterday, the blood lust that is associated with the American death penalty may be the toxic shadow of living in a country where justice has been denied to so many for so long.

Also executed Wednesday night was Lawrence Brewer, a self-avowed racist who tortured and murdered James Byrd, Jr. in 1998. He was the 236th prisoner to be executed by the State of Texas during the governorship of likely Republican candidate Rick Perry — a record number of executions under one governor. While this kind of case is often used as justification for the death penalty, Byrd’s family was opposed to Brewer’s execution on the basis that it is only more killing, which would help nothing.

More killing is what Texas is all about. Since 1976, when the death penalty was resumed in the United States after a brief moratorium, Texas has executed more than 476 prisoners, nearly half of those executed by the United States in the modern era of the death penalty.

Troy Davis pictured at his high school graduation ceremony. Photo provided by Amnesty International.

Despite the impressive reputation of Texas, Georgia is the unofficial capital of capital punishment in the United States. It was the Supreme Court’s Furman v. Georgia decision that stopped the death penalty in 1972 due to numerous problems. These included what was in reality a lottery system of inconsistent application of execution throughout the states, death sentences imposed for rape by some states and not others, and innumerable accusations of racial bias. Justice Potter Stewart famously wrote that the Bill of Rights “cannot tolerate the infliction of a sentence of death under legal systems that permit this unique penalty to be so wantonly and so freakishly imposed.”

It was Gregg v. Georgia, a 1976 decision, that allowed states to resume executions under new, supposedly more rigorous conditions — but those rules seem to have done little to impose fairness or guarantee that condemned people are actually guilty, or guilty of something other than being black. Issues with the death penalty in Georgia are part of its folk history. Everyone remembers “The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia,” the haunting 1972 southern gothic song about the false trial and hanging of an innocent man.

Since then, Georgia’s execution process has been wracked with scandal — including federal officials seizing the state’s illegally imported supply of sodium thiopental, the drug usually used to kill prisoners. Davis’ execution was carried out by a company called CorrectHealth, a for-profit enterprise that oversees all executions in Georgia. What is entered on the certificate of death under the ’cause of death’ as state homicide is in fact corporate homicide.

Before he was killed, Davis spent 22 years in solitary confinement, a form of torture. He had four separate death dates, refusing his last meal for all of them, one time coming within two hours of execution before the process was stopped. His scheduled killing this week was delayed for several hours as the justices of the Supreme Court were polled about whether they wanted to grant a stay. The workings of the Supreme Court are mysterious, but one observer I trust said that the decision to deny a stay was likely unanimous, or the execution would have been halted. Technically, it takes a minimum of five justices to stay an execution, something that they rarely do.

Troy Davis was executed using pentobarbital, a drug usually used to euthanize household animals, and died Wednesday at 11:08 pm. But he leaves a legacy behind him: especially an invigorated anti-death penalty movement, and a name that everyone will recognize if and when evidence emerges that someone else committed the crime for which his life was taken. The chart for his death suggests that capital punishment in the United States will be one of the things overthrown by the public uprisings of 2012-2015.

Personal Questions and Public Issues

In case you didn’t notice, this was a week of subtle tension and constant adjustment. At times it might have been not so subtle, but better described as intense and edgy. There were two main aspects in effect — both of them quincunxes, or 150-degree aspects. If you think of a square as being inwardly confrontational and a trine as being an easy flow, think of a quincunx as halfway between. Their distinctive feeling is that of unresolved tension and the continuous sensation of working it out. In fact, we can make significant progress under the influence of these aspects.

Lady Gaga speaks at the National Equality March on Nov. 28, 2009. She was a leading advocate of open service in the military. Photo by Ryan J. Reilly via Wikimedia Commons.

The aspects were Sun quincunx Neptune, at the same time as Mars quincunx Chiron. It’s fairly rare to have this kind of simultaneous dual alignment of an unusual aspect like this, but for reasons I will describe another time, the sky is a setup for quincunxes at the moment. On a personal level, you may have noticed yourself asking many questions about your life, or rather, discovering that those questions existed. Next, you may have gone on a campaign of making many adjustments, another keyword of the quincunx.

Sun to Neptune had the vibe of not being able to stand the lies, the sensation of slipping, or the disregard of intellectual clarity. One thing about our era of history is its blatant anti-intellectualism — remember that ‘reality based’ is an insult and that science is considered by many to be inconvenient — or a sign of weak faith. Blending the Sun (expression, ego) and Neptune (creativity, deception) in a 150-degree aspect screams with the desire for clarity. Happening as it did at the end of two signs (Virgo and Aquarius), this may have come with the feeling of enough already.

At the same time, Mars was newly in Leo — which grants energy and courage. It was (and still is) making an aspect to Chiron in early Pisces. This is about a new approach, taking up new tools, and taking on life’s challenges with the courage of a warrior and the precision of a surgeon. The fog and slippery quality of Sun-Neptune may have felt like provocation into the new, exacting methods of Mars-Chiron.

These two aspects to me are like an illustration of the necessities of our moment. On one level there is so much bullshit and mental chaos that a sane person cannot stand it. There is that sense of drowning in disinformation, but really needing information good enough to act on. It’s enough to make you question your sanity, especially when events themselves become overwhelming.

Then you look at the situation another way, or feel within yourself for resources. You take an approach that utilizes a psychological tool or the direction of energy. All Mars-Chiron aspects have the feeling of martial arts, which are about the conscious use and application of inner power. This is the perfect antidote to the chaos of the Sun-Neptune aspect. Mars-Chiron favors the underdog and has the sense of a quest for justice.

Lady Gaga in Portand, Maine, on her sexual equality rights tour that helped end “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” Photo by Amanda Painter.

Now two other things are happening: the Sun is beginning its path across Libra, putting it into contact with the Uranus-Pluto square. This feels like resolution; it feels like a new surge of energy. The Sun will make a concentrated series of big aspects through the next two weeks — first to Chiron, then to Uranus, then to Pluto, then to Jupiter and finally to Saturn. (There is a very high-potency lineup on Wednesday, Sept. 29.)

The Sun is now in a cardinal sign and at the first moment of a new season — this sequence of events is about taking action. Said another way, it’s about a surge of energy that is focused into a tangible, disciplined process. The energy surge comes first — followed by the obvious need to focus. The story in the planets right now is not about going with the flow, but neither is it about pushing the river. It’s about the conscious application of mental and emotional power. Chiron is a big player that describes a process of planning, documenting and making decisions that are based on actual data.

As for the public issues — there were two other social justice events this week that would count for signs of the times. The first was the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” the Clinton-era policy that led to an 18-year witch hunt of gay and lesbian people in the military. The legal process that led to this actually started in July, when the leaders of the military said their forces were ready to toss out the old policy that had wrecked so many lives and spread so much paranoia.

With this change, an era of nationally-sanctioned lying and discrimination has come to an end. Over the DADT years more than 14,500 able-bodied soldiers left the Armed Services due to sexual orientation. Very few left the military because they wanted to and with the end of DADT, many who were recently released are planning to rejoin. West Point graduate and activist Dan Choi plans on reenlisting, saying, “Going back to the military will be a vindication. I’m going back because I fought to go back. The seriousness of our claims was not just political theatre — it was really drawn from our lives. I sacrificed so much so I could go back.”

Meanwhile, those discharged as ‘undesirable’ can now petition to have their decisions changed to ‘honorable’, as was a 70-year-old discharge, concerning a World War II soldier.

With one or two rare exceptions, protests on Wall Street, New York City, this week were ignored by the media. At the peak there were more than 2,000 people there. Mayor Bloomberg was having CGI fantasies of many more. Photo by Alex Féthière.

Then there was a protest that was near to my heart: the occupation of Wall Street. On Sept. 17, the event kicked off with some 2,000 protesters crowding Bowling Green Plaza, angry about the financial meltdown caused by “the corruption of the 1%,” and the continuing unregulated speculation that erodes stability of the financial markets and of the whole economy. Protesters were comprised of recent college grads unable to find employment and others who have identified corporate America as the primary cause of our fiscal decline. As with so many protests these days, the idea was developed and implemented through social networking.

Mayor Bloomberg likened it to the Arab Spring, and made it clear that the same kind of “riots” that occurred in Egypt and Spain were unwelcome in New York. Perhaps that’s why there has been so little news coverage of this protest. Just one weekly free paper in New York City covered it, as did Toronto Star. Any journalist who violated an unspoken ban on the story could have been cut off from the mayor’s good graces, which is an annoying possibility to consider. Simultaneous protests are occurring in England, so it is BBC that seems to be the leader in covering both movements.

“Banks are sitting on cash hoards and corporate profits are riding high — yet ordinary U.S. taxpayers face joblessness and cuts,” wrote Amy Goodman in The Guardian (U.K.), apparently unable to place her op-ed in an American newspaper.

By the fourth day, the otherwise peaceful protest, smaller in numbers but no less vocal, had turned testy with a belligerent police presence: see the video here.

A summer ago, people in three-cornered hats, waving placards — some quite disturbing — and carrying guns held protests all over the nation, including in front of the White House. I don’t remember arrests. The Wall Street protest has scored a number of arrests now, including one arrestee reported in severe medical condition.

We remain a nation — and a world — in search of justice.


Additional Research: Rachel Andrews, Steve Bergstein, Judith Gayle and Carol van Strum. Photo research by Sarah Bissonnette-Adler.


Planet Waves FM: About the Death Penalty

Here is your podcast — it covers the death penalty and the equinox chart.

My understanding of how these death penalty cases pan out when they get to the court, is that individual justices are assigned to regions of the country. However, if that justice is unavailable or if that justice wants to defer to a larger discussion, they may do so. The matter went to Clarence Thomas, who is the circuit justice for this circuit. He referred it to the full court and as we know, Davis did not get the five votes that he needed.

Here is your program in the old player and a downloadable archive.


 Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Sept. 23, 2011, #876 – BY ERIC FRANCIS

Revised and Updated! Click for Eric’s Zodiac Sign Descriptions

Aries (March 20-April 19) — You don’t have to apply a lot of force to get your way, or to express yourself — and in truth you don’t need to apply any force at all. Rather, direct your will, your intentions and your desire gently and with precision, and you’ll accomplish exactly what you want to accomplish. That said, be careful about approaching life as a game. This may be a strong temptation, particularly since you may have the notion that you can gain more by gambling than you can by honest effort. That, precisely, is the trap to avoid. Taking a creative approach is risky enough (though it’s a different kind of risk). It would call for more humility and does not involve a win-or-lose-everything approach. In fact it does not involve winning or losing at all. Rather, you will embark on a process of evaluating your actions, mainly through their results. You don’t know all of the factors involved in your life right now, and there are likely to be authority figures who will not look kindly on your playing fast and loose.

Aries, your birth sign or rising sign, is getting some of the most potent transits of them all right now. I’ve recorded an hour of astrology and a tarot card reading for you. Learn more by visiting this page.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — What was the definition of ‘fair’ in the household you grew up in? That idea influences you now. I reckon that it had something to do with listening: with listening to others, and being listened to. There’s also something about the noise level. Were things suppressed and quiet, were they over-boiling and confrontational, or was there actual civility and communication? The answer to this question says something about how you respond to others, and how you expect them to respond to you. Looked at one way, your solar chart hints strongly at growing up in a household where there was a good bit of pride, and where everyone around you had to be number one. Yet this competitive vibe may not have been expressed openly; it may have been subversive. Contrast this now with whatever you’re going through emotionally; you may get a new layer of understanding about how and why you respond to the people close to you.

I’ve recorded an hour of astrology and done a tarot reading especially for you. It’s information that will help with your relationships, your professional life and your personal growth. Visit this page to find out more.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You would be wise to work with those more powerful than yourself rather than against them. If you’re in doubt whether your cooperation would be a good idea, I suggest you sit out this round. Assuming your involvement passes an integrity check, here is what I suggest. Try out something that the Midwest Academy, an organizational training center, calls power analysis. Who actually has the power to make the decision in this situation? And what is your power to influence them? You need to know these things, and work with them carefully. Your mind is hot with ideas and creativity right now, but it’s vital that you direct it like a laser. That calls for applying strategy. Know who your friends are and who your potential enemies are, and do your best to get along with both. Keep peace in your environment; pride or talking too much is not going to serve you well. And if your mind is a geyser of ideas all of which you want to do yesterday, choose carefully among them for the best.

Gemini is one of the most misunderstood signs — and as someone born under this sign, part of your role is to hold a mirror to the world. I’ve recorded an hour of audio for you, plus a 20-minute tarot reading. You can get access to these by visiting this page.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — You will be making a series of financial decisions this week, and I suggest you make them with impeccable care. You happen to have many advantages working for you, but you must guard against overconfidence. It is true that a significant impediment has been lifted from your life during the past week or so, but this merely shifts the balance of power rather than guaranteeing an outcome of any kind. The quality that is the very strongest in your chart right now is a spirit of innovation. Careful experiments, based on what you’ve learned from previous endeavors, are one of the best ways you can invest your time and energy. I do mean careful. You will be rewarded for your discipline and your restraint, which will also provide the perfect venue for your best ideas to come through. Part of that discipline is about understanding the potential costs, benefits and liabilities of everything.

I’ve recorded an hour of astrology and done a tarot reading especially for you. It’s information that will help with your relationships, your professional life and your personal growth. Visit this page to find out more.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You may feel like you’re caught in a situation you cannot get out of — or, if you notice carefully, you may see you’re in the perfect position to take action that has a positive influence on several different situations around you. They all seem to involve partnership, work and finance. You’re serving as a point of contact — but this is not merely a passive role. The part you play is about initiative, motivation and making sure that any action taken is the correct action. As the next week passes, you may have an inclination to increase or magnify your involvement; I suggest you keep your efforts steady and persistent, rather than backing off or coming on stronger. That you have the awareness and courage to assert your will is another — but you’re also setting the tempo of an approach that is designed to last a while. Take as little credit for your contribution as possible, which will keep the involvement of ego down to a minimum. There is no room for games.

Hello Leo! Your birthday report is now available. I’ve recorded 70 minutes of in-depth astrology plus a 20-minute tarot reading for you, exploring relationships, personal growth and your professional life. Visit this page for additional information.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Most things that people start — especially the ones that turn out to be the most meaningful — begin as a kind of mystery, with an outcome that could never be predicted. How many times have you said, or heard someone say, ‘If I knew what I was getting into, I never would have tried — but I’m glad that I did’. You may discover that you’re in just such a moment where one decision leads to another; where one adventure leads to the next and pretty soon you have no idea how you got where you are. I would guess, however, that you have some kind of a clue or a feeling that some unusual turns of events are on the horizon, particularly where your professional life and your creative life intersect. Many things that were cloaked in a fog have become clear even in the past two or three days. This is a time to keep your mind loose and limber, and dance to the music rather than the choreography.

Eric is working on your birthday audio — we plan to have it available shortly — sorry for the delay. Please stay tuned!

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — The Sun moves into your sign [today/Friday], and this will feel like turning the lights on in a space where you were already able to see most things in the dark. You will not only notice subtle differences; you will see your options. You will also discover a surprise in the form of the revelation of how someone close to you feels about something they may not have been stating directly. Did you have a clue about this? Does what you’re discovering seem familiar? Try not to act too surprised. There is actually a significant benefit in this for you. You may be feeling restless the past few months, as if you’ve become stuck in your own footprints — particularly where an important relationship or relationships are concerned. This weekend’s turn of events will connect you to more people, and send a pleasant shockwave through your life, yet without threatening to turn over your world.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Libra, please go to this link.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — The more you overtly assert your leadership, the more likely you are to run into resistance of people who specialize in negative inertia. Look for the small, meaningful leverage points where you can assert your influence gently. If possible, work invisibly, behind the scenes, rather than making any kind of announcement or openly setting an agenda. Let others be the vectors for your ideas. I know this sounds like I’m recommending subterfuge, but actually I’m suggesting that you move carefully beneath the radar of those who may not have your best interests at heart. Unless you proceed with a bit of stealth, you could easily get bogged in emotional drama, or spur the jealousy of those who simply feel like resisting you. Meanwhile, check carefully why you want to do what you’re doing. What is your actual goal? I get that part of it involves personal advancement. But you seem to have other motives. The clearer you are about them, the more easily you will get it to happen.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Scorpio, please go to this link.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Now is the time to make your presence known to the world. I know there’s part of you that wants to hole up and get things done, but you have some rare and precious opportunities to show the world your face, your talent and your shining presence. You’re in an unusual position to meet people who are your creative peers, and who have the energy to shock you to a new level of expression. Indeed, anyone you make contact with or collaborate with during the next few days could do that — and you may find yourself with a new mission or project on your hands. That would be the time to retreat — but only for as long as you need to. I suggest you be as extroverted as you can be for the next month, though if I’m not being clear, this is not about being social as much as it is about pollenating your mind and spreading your presence and involvement in the world.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Sagittarius, please go to this link.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — For you, taking authority is not taking something new — it’s about occupying something that you’ve already created. Authority means authorship, so think of this as living out a story that has been taking shape in your mind for a long time. The theme of the story is justice, which is another way of saying fairness. This does not usually happen by luck; typically, it takes effort, and some degree of subverting all of the other agendas that currently exist around you. And I do mean subvert, rather than challenge openly. The most important thing you can do is present your alternative, and present it not only logically but beautifully so that it has at least two levels of appeal. The second most important thing to do is pay attention to who is pushing their will the hardest, and use the martial arts skill of turning their own energy against them. In other words, set your adversaries up to be their own worst enemy; then you won’t have to play that role.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Capricorn, please go to this link.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Let others know that you’re listening and moreover, that you understand them. Once you’ve spent a few moments getting clear, the words, ‘I understand where you’re coming from’, or ‘This is what I hear you saying’, will go a long way. What close partners (or even adversaries) want most is to be heard, and this is something you can offer. It costs you nothing, and you’ll only benefit. At the same time, your solar chart currently hints at a risk if you assert yourself in a way that tells others you want them to believe you. I dare say that it’s not going to work: someone close to you is in too aggressive a mood to listen to much at all, but their conquering spirit will calm down a little if you pay attention. This is not necessarily going to solve the problem, and I suggest you watch the situation closely. Soon enough whoever you’re dealing with is likely to encounter a more powerful authority and will have to change his or her ways.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Aquarius, please go to this link.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — This is the month to get your financial house in order. Whether you’re dealing with creditors, with clients, with an employer or with some kind of investment advisor, you are in a position to make a series of strategic moves that simplify your situation, allow you to apply several good ideas, and come to a new understanding about the value of your work. One of the distinctive qualities of this adjustment phase is a blend of creativity and absolute practicality. You don’t need to take any flying leaps; you don’t need to risk everything. You need to get the engine connected to the wheels and decide where you want to go. Over the next few weeks you’re likely to discover that doors you thought were closed will swing open, and that people you thought opposed you are willing to cooperate. But most of all you will discover that you’re making a unique contribution to the world — a fact that can serve you very well.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Pisces, please go to this link.

Looking Back on a Wild Year

Dear Friend and Reader:

As we approach the end of another calendar year, we are also closer to 2012 — a year that has been predicted endlessly, and in a sense, lived before anyone has had a chance to get there. For the next few months I will be doing the 2012 annual edition of Planet Waves. As you know, there is big astrology coming — some of the biggest of our lifetimes.

Photo by Eric Francis.

I’m not quite settled on the title of this edition (it changes every year — last year it was Light Bridge and the year before Cosmic Confidential), but it’s likely to be something like “Reality Check.” We need one of those, with so many strange beliefs taking hold, so much conflict and so many predictions of doom going around. The 21st century got off to a rough start. We have time to get on the right track, especially as individuals. I’m not really an optimist, but rather someone who has faith in the power of human creativity.

In order to get the annual edition done smoothly and on time, I have two proposals, one of which is a request for your feedback about your own life. If you would take a few minutes, please tell me as much about your astrology as you know: your Sun sign, your year of birth and other details if you know them. This will help me check my previous work and develop angles to help you with your astrology through 2012 and beyond. What are some of the questions and issues you’ve been facing? What opportunities have come your way?

How are you guiding your life through the changes that are influencing so many people? Have you been impacted by the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and by the changes on the planet? How have these events altered your life and influenced your values? Here is a big one: What is up with your kids (if you have any) and what are your concerns about the future of the world as it impacts them?

Second general theme is: What inner developments are you experiencing? By that I am referring to what most people think of as their spiritual life, their healing process or their growth. I’m curious what you’re aware of within yourself, what changes you’re going through and how you are experiencing your maturing process. Are you in therapy? Are you on a spiritual path? Are you using meds to help you cope? How do you define the terms ‘growth’ and ‘healing’?

I would encourage you to use these notes as a basic guide — please don’t try to cover them all, only what is most important to you. I don’t need a lot of writing, just a few salient observations (I can discern a lot from relatively little). I do need your Sun sign and year of birth, and other details that you know would help (such as your rising sign if you happen to know it). Please send your responses to with the subject header “2011 Feedback.” I won’t have time to respond to every one personally, but I will read what you write to me. If I quote you because you’ve said something better than I ever could, it will be anonymously.

Last thing. The annual edition includes written and audio readings for all 12 signs, as well as articles by myself and others. It’s a big, beautiful, useful project, and to do it, I need to focus — which can be challenging while I’m working for you as a full-time journalist. I want to do this well: It’s going to be a big year, and that is saying a lot.

To help facilitate my work, I’m going to make a series of schedule adjustments over the next three months to give myself a little more time and space to do these readings. For example, some weeks I’ll combine Tuesday and Friday editions. Other weeks I will depend more on guest writers. In the tradition of ‘Planet Waves Weekly’ (the real name of this newsletter) there will be something for you every week. If you see me make an adjustment to the schedule, that’s why I’m doing it.

Meanwhile, please look for a pre-order announcement some time in the next couple of weeks. There will be two phases of pre-order — one for those who want to contribute a little extra to the project to help get us started, and then a second one for an advanced-sale discount.

I’ll see you with a regular issue Friday, and the October monthly horoscope next week.


Whatever That Thing Is

Dear Friend and Reader:

I recently mentioned a conjunction developing in mid-Sagittarius, aligned with a body called the Great Attractor. The alignment was precise to the arc minute this week, which I trust opened a door to its meaning. I associate it with a kind of toxic spirituality that is on the loose lately. The conjunction involves centaur planets, which can manifest as the desire for healing, or if they’re taken unconsciously, as some inflamed, weird behavior. The alignment also involves a little Pluto-like planet called Ixion, which I associate with the curious lack of moral or ethical consciousness in public discourse, and also in individuals.

Photo by Amanda Painter.

We’re seeing this blatantly in modern politics; the campaign of 2012 has begun, and it’s all about who you can screw over the worst. I know you may not watch the news, and if that is true, I can tell you that the political environment would qualify as unconscious, inflamed and weird lately. I am as disgusted by politics as anyone right now. But as I was watching one of these “jobs creation” discussions today, peering through the language and the deception, it occurred to me that politicians get away with what they do because most people don’t understand politics — that is, how the game is played, and who influences it from backstage.

Most people don’t even know that it’s a show. It takes time to get there (you have to participate directly or watch from the first few rows to notice that). It requires some experience to see the Democrat/Republican game for what it really is, and what it has become. Though the parties have different outward positions, they’re about as meaningful as dividing the summer camp into the Blue and Gold teams for the mock Olympics.

The summer camp is capitalism itself. Wall Street sets the most basic terms of our society, which you can tell (in part) because there is a stock ticker on every TV station’s news ticker rather than, say, the voting record of our representatives. Political campaigns are now all about the money invested by people who purchase influence, and the supposed issues are a total ruse. The flow of cash, lots of cash, determines nearly every decision. The ongoing debate over eliminating Social Security — I cannot believe I’m even typing those words — is about who gets their hands on that huge fund. The ‘social policy’ angle, I believe, is a kind of game.

In order to convince us that we need to take away benefits that people have paid for their whole lives, and that every employer pours money into every week, we have to be convinced that it’s a bad thing, and to do that, we need to chill down the emotional temperature of society. We all have to be turned a little colder and desensitized to one another’s needs. Usually this is done indirectly.

Photo by Eric Francis.

You may have seen video of the discussion during the Republican candidates debate when eternal presidential hopeful U.S. Rep. Ron Paul was asked what society should do if someone who was healthy and didn’t think he needed health insurance (and didn’t want to pay the $300 a month) ended up in a coma. Should society keep him alive? The audience cheered at the possibility that he should be allowed to die.

This was not at some homespun yahoo political rally — it was at a Politico/CNN event, and the questioner was Wolf Blitzer. At the prior debate, something even weirder happened. Brian Williams, the anchor and managing editor of NBC News, asked candidate Texas Gov. Rick Perry: “Your state has executed 234 death row inmates, more than any governor in modern times. Have you struggled to sleep at night with the idea that any one of those might have been innocent?”

The weird thing was, at the mention of the executions, the audience sent up a cheer, Williams paused, and then he finished his sentence. I guess I shouldn’t be so surprised, but the little kid in me feels nauseous that people would cheer about executions. Of course, we’ve all seen the ‘pro death’ rallies in dark prison parking lots as someone receives the lethal injection.

Perry replied, “No sir. I’ve never struggled with that at all. The state of Texas has a very thoughtful, very clear process in place of which when someone commits the most heinous of crimes against our citizens, they get a fair hearing, they go through an appellate process, they go up to the Supreme Court of the United States if that’s required. But in the state of Texas, if you come into our state and you kill one of our children, you kill a police officer, you’re involved with another crime and you kill one of our citizens, you will face the ultimate justice in the state of Texas, and that is you will be executed.”

Photo by Eric Francis.

A thoughtful, clear process? That would be the same one, mandated by the Supreme Court’s Furman decision, that resulted in at least 13 false convictions in Illinois, which as a result stopped its death penalty in 2003. I cannot imagine not struggling with something like the potential execution of an innocent person at all. And if he’s appeasing himself that there is Supreme Court review of each case, he’s kidding himself. That review is strictly at the court’s option. It is he who has the power of executive clemency.

He cannot, or will not, admit that he’s struggled even a little bit. By its advocates, the death penalty is always presumed right, no matter who is declared innocent after they were killed (at least 24 executed people were later declared innocent in the United States prior to the temporary suspension of the death penalty in 1967). For the population, the death penalty is about blood lust. For politicians, it’s about demonstrating who is boss, and I believe that it’s a form of modern-day human sacrifice. Note that if economic conditions persist and the unemployment rate stays where it is or gets worse, Rick Perry is the person we’re most likely to have as our next president.

This does not worry me as much as the spiritually vapid social environment we’re living in, evidenced by all those people who raise a cheer about lethal injection or letting a patient die. It does not worry me as much as the people who consider themselves spiritual who think they are going to meditate away the bad people — that’s as ridiculous as Perry’s plan to pray for the federal budget deficit to go away, and I think we need to recognize that fact. I don’t think the solution to the problems we face will be a political one. But I think that along the way we will have to understand politics.

That is not the final destination. The final destination is understanding ourselves. And we might start with understanding the disconnect that is allowing all of this to happen, and the way it’s being exploited by a kind of opportunistic infection. Choosing not to participate in politics does not make one immune. This is particularly true given that we’re experiencing an artificially created economic crisis concurrently with the same forces wanting to remove the social safety net that is the only thing between what we have right now and an actual depression. Most working people curse the poor and not the wealthy for their problems, but they have a lot more in common with the people they look down on. And this whole mental complex has developed into a kind of sadistic mania.

Photo by Eric Francis.

We have to ask ourselves how this can be happening. I think we need to cultivate an understanding of what is happening within humanity, and I mean that on an individual level, then multiplied out by however many people there are. What we think of as ‘the media’ is prohibited from discussing this issue as a matter of personal ethics, and it’s not a small matter. Politics is currently all pumped full of religious rhetoric, which is a ruse for something that’s essentially a spiritual problem.

Let’s revisit the conjunction happening in Sagittarius for a picture of how that looks. Sagittarius is the sign associated with the spiritual quest, or quests of any kind for that matter. I like Alice Bailey’s description the best: the arrow represents the one-pointed direction of the soul determined to be conscious, free, and most important, determined to travel on its path of initiation or discipleship. Sagittarius is on one level about the centaur (who shows up there in some representations of the sign, because it’s in the constellation Centaurus), and this describes the spiritual question of, ‘Am I a man, or am I an animal?’ The whole war against sex that politics is currently so drunk on plays off of that very conflict, and it’s a septic conflict at the moment: it’s infected. But if we take Sagittarius on what you might think of as a more evolved level, it’s about the quest of making contact with one’s soul. And here, our society and many people in it have a little problem.

The way most people are trying to handle the infection factor, and many other attributes of the issue, is with painkillers. This is represented by Pholus, which is about intoxicants; those include everything from alcohol to video games. One of the mental states of Pholus is being so drugged that you’re out of control.

Hylonome is the next factor — a female centaur about grief and how we deal with it, extending from the most personal response to mass eruptions in society. It’s about ‘the cry of the poor’ (a cry growing louder by the day) and how we respond to it. Hylonome can have a suicidal or ‘senseless’ quality. We must suppress an enormous amount of grief just to get through the day. We do so every time we turn away from pain and suffering, every time we walk past someone we could afford to help, every time we train ourselves to be insensitive. We might dress this up as ‘having boundaries’, or we could say that to be alive right now, many think it’s necessary to live behind walls.

Photo by Eric Francis.

You can think of people who cheer about a patient dying, or inmates dying, as a wall. What is behind that wall? The answer is a world of pain. This would be better served in a therapy room, and is safe enough in one’s living room, but when it becomes expressed as public policy, we all have to be concerned.

I have also mentioned Ixion, the small planet hanging out in this neighborhood, the one that’s about lack of morals and ethics; in a word, depravity, disguised as religion (nothing new, I know). Ixion is less precisely aligned in this mix (it’s about two degrees from Pholus and Hylonome) — but it’s been working over the Great Attractor for several recent years, evangelizing the weak with the idea that there is no difference between right and wrong.

As for the Great Attractor itself. What we know is that it’s a supermassive, pumped-up radioactive deep-space point that even astronomers have a hard time understanding. It’s not what you would call human. Nobody has ever seen it. Its existence is inferred by many clues, such as all the galaxies rushing in its direction — more than a million of them. But it’s rushing away at the same time. If Sagittarius has anything to do with our soul’s quest, this is an extremely tense situation — and to some degree we are all in it.

We might start to work out our situation with a basic understanding of cause and effect. Every effect has a cause, every cause has an effect, and the two cannot be separated, no matter how fast we run, or how blotto we try to make our awareness. In a word, this is the law of karma.

Much of what we seem to struggle with is free will. If we have free will, then we need karma as a governing agency. We currently live as if cause and effect have no relationship. We don’t need to prove the point one way or the other — we just need to look at what is so.


Planet Waves FM: Venus in Libra, 9/11 and the Gardasil Girls

In this week’s edition of Planet Waves FM, I look at Venus entering Libra, which is the chart I used for the horoscope in today’s edition of Planet Waves. Venus is making a lot of aspects as she moves through the first few degrees of Libra, including a conjunction to Typhon (the planet named for the god of storms), an opposition to Uranus and a square to Pluto. That’s a lot of aspects for sensitive, complex Venus.

This involves Uranus square Pluto, the 2012 aspect. We’re going to keep getting new experiences of this all the time; Venus making an opposition to Uranus and then a square to Pluto over the next few days is a good example. Venus opposite Uranus feels like a relationship experience, and then the subsequent square to Pluto feels deep and introspective. I also previewed the aspect that is the subject of the article above — Pholus conjunct Hylonome. Speaking of that kind of deep cultural stuff, I wrap up my discussion of 9/11 for now. This includes a visit from Dick Cheney, who was portrayed brilliantly last night on The Daily Show. This is must-see, if you have any fetish at all for Mr. Evil. If you are a student of Jon Stewart’s pregnant pause approach to comedy, there are some juicy ones.

This short segment is featured on the cover of The Daily Show site at the moment (you may have to look for it now that it’s Friday, but the segment is called The Humanization of Dick Cheney). Note a correction, Cheney did appear as a guest on MSNBC, on Morning Joe.

One last topic, that I think takes about half an hour — HPV and Gardasil. This is just an introduction to an issue I’ve been following for more than 20 years, but it’s timely now because Michele Bachmann claimed that the vaccination caused mental retardation in one of her out-of-district constituents. Bachmann came under fire from both the ‘left’ and the ‘right’ for her position, which was apparently anti-corporate and anti-science at the same time. However, she is right, if not specifically correct in this instance. I reference two webpages in this discussion: The Truth About Gardasil site (don’t miss the video at the bottom), and then an editorial that appeared in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 2009 — the best thing I’ve ever read about HPV or the vaccine.

I will come back to this issue, sooner if I hear from my listeners with their personal experiences. HPV is a significant issue in that it will affect from half to 90% of all sexually active people at least once. Yet the medical information is all over the map, contradictory and driven by marketing and profits. If you’re curious about how this relates to politics, CNN actually covered the issue yesterday. Amazing.

Here is your program in the old player and a downloadable archive.



Photo by Eric. This is from slide film — now I remember what it looks like.


Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Sept. 16, 2011, #875 – BY ERIC FRANCIS

Revised and Updated! Click for Eric’s Zodiac Sign Descriptions

Aries (March 20-April 19) — The past six weeks have been a challenging time in your home life, and you seem determined to resolve certain family or personal issues once and for all. However, I strongly suggest you check carefully and make sure that you’re solving the right problems. Your solar chart suggests that the main thing you’re struggling with is confidence. This started in early August disguised as an emotional issue, leading to all kinds of conflict and mischief. However, recent developments indicate that the actual matter involves the deepest level of faith. You may not be able to see this; matters of faith have a way of rendering themselves invisible. We more often see the results. Faith in this instance translates to faith in yourself, though that in turn connects to your sense of connection (or lack thereof) to something larger than you. The next few days may feel edgy, as if you’ve reached the limit of how far you can work with these themes; stay close to the edge and you will learn a lot.

Aries, your birth sign or rising sign, is getting some of the most potent transits of them all right now. I’ve recorded an hour of astrology and a tarot card reading for you. Learn more by visiting this page.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You may be confronted with so much opportunity you don’t even recognize it as such — you may just feel overwhelmed. I suggest you do what you can to shift from an emotional orientation to a mental one. Think of your various life situations in a logical way, using words rather than impressions. You’ll not only feel better if you do; you will also be able to make some clear decisions that can free up your time and energy for what matters the most. Clearly you have a lot happening on the work front, and this is where I suggest you focus your energy — though this is going to require that same mental clarity I just described. Your emphasis on projects and responsibilities is not happening in a compartment. In truth it connects to every other aspect of your life; what you call ‘work’ is a doorway to many points of contact with yourself. Think of it as an organizing principle or point of integration rather than someplace you go every day — or would go, if you had the chance.

I’ve recorded an hour of astrology and done a tarot reading especially for you. It’s information that will help with your relationships, your professional life and your personal growth. Visit this page to find out more.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Life is not a game of how little consciousness you can get away with, but rather how much you can stand. You seem to keep drifting into a kind of slumber, then waking back up in the nick of time. This is partly because you’re using your mind for what you need to be doing with your senses. Let your mind process the information coming in through your senses, and you’ve got the formula for staying awake and alert: that’s a fancy way of saying paying attention. That is likely to lead you directly to creative mode. For you at the moment, the opposite of dullness is not alertness but passion, and you will know it’s passion because it comes with a blast of impulsive curiosity and the desire to dare. There is still part of your psyche that wants to lull you back to sleep, but once you catch the energy wave that’s building inside you, you will love where it’s taking you.

Gemini is one of the most misunderstood signs — and as someone born under this sign, part of your role is to hold a mirror to the world. I’ve recorded an hour of audio for you, plus a 20-minute tarot reading. You can get access to these by visiting this page.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Someone you meet this weekend will give the impression that they’re important — and may be very important in your life. I suggest you not trust this on its face, but rather treat the person respectfully as your equal and see what develops. You’re at the end of a challenging cycle of experience, and are apt to be looking for a sense of authority. Tune into that within yourself. You know enough; you’ve been through enough. At this point authority translates to knowing what you want, and nobody else can tell you that. Others can keep you busy as you make your decisions about your own desires, and they may be able to point you in the general direction of yourself. That, however, is the limit that I suggest you allow others to have on you, no matter how enchanting, charming or all-knowing they may seem. Resist the temptation to think so — but make sure you listen carefully for grains of truth and wisdom. They are equally likely to come from you as from anyone else.

I’ve recorded an hour of astrology and done a tarot reading especially for you. It’s information that will help with your relationships, your professional life and your personal growth. Visit this page to find out more.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Have you ever had the experience of a splinter or shard of metal embedding in your skin, then healing over? Gradually it works its way toward the surface, and then finally one day pierces through. It’s an amazing feeling, and it reminds you that the body’s healing process works gradually but dependably. You’re experiencing something like this on the psychic level. It’s as if a fear got embedded in your mind, and disappeared beneath the surface. It’s presence down there was not exactly benign — it caused its share of chaos until it finally settled into place. Now it’s working its way upward, and it’s about to break the surface and set itself free. You may be experiencing this as the expectation of getting injured in some way, and in a sense that is true — there will be a little tear as it emerges fully into your awareness. But you’ll be a lot happier that it’s ended up where you can see and feel it, and where it cannot do any more damage.

Hello Leo! Your birthday report is now available. I’ve recorded 70 minutes of in-depth astrology plus a 20-minute tarot reading for you, exploring relationships, personal growth and your professional life. Visit this page for additional information.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — The Sun is now making its way through the last degrees of your sign. It’s been a long month, but you’re about to be the recipient of one last surge of summer energy, motivation and drive. You will, that is, if you don’t allow a partnership situation to sap your energy. I suggest you keep your focus on yourself, as challenging as that may be. The main distraction is likely to be emotional turbulence, and you may want to go deeper into the relationship in order to ‘work that out’ or ‘resolve it’. This is more like a temptation than a reality; the more you extract yourself from the situation and get some perspective, the easier it will be to see it for what it is. I recognize that you may have the sensation of descending into an uncomfortable kind of self-judgment, but your release from that feeling arrives shortly after you’re directly honest with yourself about it.

Eric is working on your birthday audio — we plan to have it available shortly — sorry for the delay. Please stay tuned!

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You have come to a point where you must discard your antiquated ideas about relationships. The people around you may not be on the path that is right for you, but they’ve certainly been providing enough provocation to wake you up. Finding your way is likely to fit a ‘necessity is the mother of invention’ model of thought, and this may come on like a storm. It’s essential that you recognize that your environment has become too confining for you. Yet everything in your surroundings serves a purpose — and you’ll have to redefine those purposes or how you engage with them, if you’re going to make any progress. Said another way, you have to get your needs met. But many of those needs are no longer valid or useful, and the best thing you can do for yourself is take this opportunity to figure out what is what. Allow yourself a moment of everything being transient. Imagine your life with no attachments, and consider what you would do.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Libra, please go to this link.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Taking authority has been a huge theme in your life this year. It’s been more like a dance with leadership, with power, and with ego drama. As Mars crosses the midheaven angle of your chart, you’re about to begin a whole new round of the game. Don’t let the temporary sensation that you’re standing on quicksand trick you into doubting your confidence. In a short while you will be fully engaged in a scenario that calls for your competence, leadership and restraint. How you handle yourself will either stir people to rebellion or command their loyalty. What makes the difference is how much confidence you inspire in them — and this really is up to you. Part of that ability to inspire will come from being undeterred from your goals, which I suggest you know well enough to recite in your sleep. Part will come from your ability to relate to people in a way that transcends the game level of reality. Connect with the idea that you’re in service to something larger, then carefully demonstrate this to others so they can do the same thing.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Scorpio, please go to this link.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You are running on your instincts, to say the very least. I don’t just mean guiding yourself by them but rather caught in a torrent of inner guidance that may be taking over your mind. This goes deeper than intuition. I’m talking about something that feels more like surfing: being driven by the actual power of your thoughts and emotions. Intuition would be how you guide yourself within that stream. You may continually reach the point where your mind (or someone close to you) tries to intervene, and tells you you’re doing the wrong thing or don’t have the facts. Rather than getting into a pissing match, I suggest you enter into a dialog and do some fact checking. You then have a clear basis to accept or toss any idea that goes contrary to your inner flow. You’ve experienced plenty of examples where your logic was wrong, and I’m sure you wish you had tested it rather than merely taking its word for things.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Sagittarius, please go to this link.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Be careful in your financial dealings with others the next few days — there may be a predator in your midst, and if so, their behavior will not be obvious at first. You will need to be extremely sensitive to your boundaries and your sense of when your principles are being violated. That is the time to take notice. This in turn will help you notice what your principles are. If you maintain a continuous analysis of what is right and what is wrong for you, your sense of potential will open up. This is not the time to bend your ethics in the direction of what is most convenient, though I recognize that this is a prevailing theme of the times in which we live. Rather, subject everything you encounter to actual scrutiny, including your own thoughts. There is a line between this and not trusting anything at all; you’ll be able to see it if you look and feel. On one side of the line, everyone is suspect. On the other, everything appears in a shade of gray.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Capricorn, please go to this link.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — I’m sure you would be grateful to know just what is bothering you. It seems to come into your awareness then sink beneath the surface. You may have the idea that it’s something specific, however I think that you’re responding to your environment. You’re more sensitive to your surroundings than you think, and the past five or six weeks have come with a diversity of twists and turns that have taken their toll on you. You may be tired of what some call passive aggression; you wish people would give you straight talk and reveal their motives. But deeper down, there is a question brewing about your philosophy of relationships. You know you need commitment and stability, and you know you need your freedom. This seeming contradiction is perhaps more evident in the lives of Aquarians than any other sign. At the moment, I would remind you that it has an abstract quality, based on the past. Treat your relationships individually, and size up how each one plays off of this theme.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Aquarius, please go to this link.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Your faith in relationships may be at low tide, though I suggest you invest that faith in individual people rather than an abstraction or idea. Most people don’t know the difference. There is a difference — one is a thought in your mind, and the other is a person with whom you can have a real exchange. Such a person may well be in your environment right now. Their presence may be a little stronger or assertive than your usual tastes would prefer, though there is a real point of contact between you. I suggest you allow yourself to be provoked. Allow yourself to be vulnerable. The beauty of this encounter is that someone’s strength can make contact with an aspect of your psyche that you rarely allow anyone to see. Allowing that vulnerability is about you — not the other person. You’re the one making the choice, you know it, and that’s the ultimate turn-on.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Pisces, please go to this link.

The Harvest Moon & the Pegasus Syndrome

Flying Over Tycho. Tycho is the well-known landmark crater of the southern lunar hemisphere, visible here just below the plane’s nose. The crater’s impact rays are believed to extend well into the lunar northern hemisphere. Photo by Anthony Ayiomamitis.

Editor’s Note: Gary Caton is a specialist in observational astrology — an earlier kind of navigation by the stars and planets that depends on what you can see. He will be doing our Full Moon article each month teaching this method, telling you about what is visible in the night sky. Anthony Ayiomamitis is our friend in Greece, and he is a photographer-astronomer who often takes photos near the ancient temples that dot the land of his country. I consider him an honorary astrologer. — efc

By Gary P. Caton

Traditionally, the Full Moon closest to the fall equinox is called the Harvest Moon. The idea is that for a few days the light from the Full Moon allows farmers to work later, and helps them to bring in their crops. Because of the shallow angle the ecliptic (the path of the Sun, Moon and planets) makes to the horizon at this time of year, the extra natural light from the Full Moon is maximized. Normally the Moon rises 50 minutes later each evening, but at this time of year it is only about 30 minutes. So, there is no long period of darkness between sunset and moonrise and farmers can continue being productive, bringing in their crops by moonlight even after the Sun has set. Hence we get the name Harvest Moon.

Star chart showing the constellation Pegasus, with Cetus, the sea-dragon, partially shown at the bottom. Andromeda, the princess, is partially shown at the top; it shares its brightest star with the Great Square of Pegasus. The purple line is the ecliptic.

Visually, the most noticeable thing about this Full Moon is that it has passed by the Summer Triangle, and is now shining under another huge asterism (a grouping of stars that may or may not form a constellation) called the Great Square of Pegasus. Pegasus is an easy constellation to find in the autumn sky. The constellation forms a winged horse, which is flying upside down across the sky. Begin by looking for the four stars of about the same brightness that form an almost perfect square or diamond. This is the Great Square, which represents Pegasus’ body. Next, start at the lower right corner of the Great Square and continue your gaze to the right and down along Pegasus’ neck and then slightly upward to a brighter star. This bright star is Enif, which represents Pegasus’ muzzle or nose.

Enif happens to be an integral star in the Sibly chart for the U.S., as it is shining above the Moon in late Aquarius. The Sibly chart is one of the more commonly used birth charts for the U.S., based on the signing of the Declaration of Independence. We’ll get back to the specifics of this later.

The stars of Pegasus shine above the part of the Zodiac that stretches all the way from late Aquarius, through Pisces and past the vernal point into Aries. Anytime we have planets right below the individual stars of Pegasus, this is considered a conjunction. When we see these conjunctions we should be alert for the signs of a psychological complex called “The Pegasus Syndrome,” which is a set of behaviors that echo some of the mythic themes surrounding one of the winged horse’s unfortunate riders.

Pegasus was the offspring of Medusa and Neptune. The winged horse was born from the mix of sea foam and blood when Perseus tossed Medusa’s severed head into the sea. Early in the myth, we see references to three other constellations nearby Pegasus in the sky: Perseus, Cetus and Andromeda. The story goes that Perseus rode Pegasus, who carried the hero over the sea to defeat Cetus, the sea-dragon, and rescue the Princess Andromeda.

After this, the young colt was taken by Minerva (Athena) to Mt. Helicon and his care entrusted to the Muses. He was the favorite of Urania, the Muse of Astronomy (and presumably astrology as they were not separate then). It then happened that another hero, Bellerophon, was called on to slay the Chimera, a beastly mixture of lion, goat and dragon. Bellerophon accepted the challenge and consulted the soothsayer Polyidus, who advised him to procure the help of Pegasus. For this purpose Polyidus directed Bellerophon to pass the night in the temple of Minerva (who was the patron of heroes), and as he slept Minerva came and gave him a golden bridle. Minerva also showed him Pegasus drinking at the well of Pirene, and at the sight of the golden bridle the winged steed came willingly. Bellerophon mounted him, and gained an easy victory over the monster.

Bellerophon riding Pegasus attempts to fly to Olympus. This ceiling fresco by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo (1696-1770) hangs in the Palazzo Labia, Venice, Italy.

Bellerophon spent many long years and accomplished many heroic deeds in the companionship of Pegasus, but in the end fell victim to the tragic flaw of hubris. Bellerophon attempted to fly up into heaven on his winged steed, but his pride and presumption drew the anger of the gods. Jupiter sent a gadfly, which stung Pegasus and made him throw his rider. The winged steed went on without him to become immortalized in the sky.

From this, we can gather that the Pegasus Syndrome is about people who are, on the one hand, blessed with divine aid and an ability to negotiate difficulties by rising above them. On the other hand, their success carries the danger of overreaching themselves.

In the story, Bellerophon unwisely attempted to fly to Olympus (overreach his potential). After achieving success, which was not entirely his alone, he took himself too seriously and mistakenly believed that Pegasus was subject to his will. However, it was Pegasus who made it to Olympus, and Bellerophon who fell. The moral of the story is that it is unwise to overestimate your abilities or take for granted a partner as the ‘lesser’ person, whom you can control. So, the Pegasus Syndrome is at once the seemingly blessed ability to ‘fly over any situation’, with the caution of reversals or lessons in humility — being ‘taken down a peg or two’.

As mentioned earlier, the brightest star in the constellation Pegasus shines above the Moon in the U.S. Sibly chart. Do any of these mythic themes sound vaguely familiar with regard to the United States as a nation: an heroic figure who achieved many significant victories, but then overreached and got knocked down a peg or two? After WWII the U.S. was the only nation to be both victorious and survive with its infrastructure intact. This put us on the course to become a superpower, both a financial and political hegemon. Since then, however, flying all over the world as a sort of world police has not worked out so well. While technically we can claim victory in the Cold War, we definitely got knocked down a peg in Vietnam, and the jury is still out on Afghanistan and Iraq. It’s a mixed bag at best. In this astrologer’s opinion the U.S. might even be the poster child for the Pegasus Syndrome, and as I have written elsewhere, should consider taking a more cautious approach toward both world relations and resources.

But what does all this have to do with you and me? In my missives on both the June and July Full Moons, I showed how in the summer months the Full Moon is illuminating the Summer Triangle and the mythic journey of the Hero/ine — inviting us to ‘live like stars’. Now, as autumn approaches, the Full Moon is lighting up a part of the sky that warns us of the consequences of taking this heroic journey too far. If the hero/ine doesn’t know when to call it a day, a season or a career, then the victory/treasure may be spoiled or lost. The Tao Te Ching sums up this wisdom in verse 44: To know when you have enough is to be immune from disgrace; to know when to stop is to be preserved from perils.

Depending on your circumstances, it may be time for you to take up one or two last adventures before summer officially ends, but if you venture forth, be aware of the dangers of flying too high or overreaching. If you are tempted to take on an epic adventure which requires great risks, it may be better to put it off until a time when you will have the opportunity to follow up with a second or third chance. It may also be time to simply call it a season and reflect on the lessons in the adventures you’ve already encountered. In either case, the message in the heavens just now is that when living like stars, we must still remain cognizant of our own mortality and fallibility, and not take foolish chances or indulge in self-aggrandizement.

P.S. If you are interested in contributing to the 2012 annual edition, please visit this page.

Sept. 11, 2001: Call it what it is

Photo of the Pentagon crime scene taken by the Department of Defense on Sept. 14, 2001.


Dear Friend and Reader:

So here we are, at the 10-year mark of the Sept. 11 incident. Wars are still being fought, lives are being taken, there is chaos in the Middle East, and everyone who boards an airplane or makes a phone call is treated as a potential terrorist. Politicians will lay wreaths and many will take the opportunity to put a little more yeast in the brew of hatred and paranoia, but I wonder what we’ve learned. I wonder who is asking questions about what happened on Sept. 11, 2001, why it happened, and how.

Pentagon before the wall fell down about 30 minutes after the explosion or missile impact on Sept. 11, 2001. Notice the lack of airplane wreckage, and how the wall is standing intact. You would have to use your imagination to see an airplane there. We all know how big jetliners really are. The scene above shows no sign of the 124-foot wingspan of the aircraft that supposedly struck the building. There is an entry wound, but it’s too small for an airplane, and there are large punctures deeper within the rings of the building. There is no airplane wreckage or debris field visible. Image from MSNBC.

I’m one of the people who doubted the official story of Sept. 11 before I even heard it. Once I started reading the explanations, I knew there were problems with everything that was being said. I anticipated that I would be involved in a long investigation, and I have been. Some of these inquiries begin with the sensation of scaling a wall with my bare hands; that’s how it felt to approach the Sept. 11 incident. My first breakthrough came seeing the astrology for the incident. Reading that chart, I warned that the ‘secret enemy’ who had done this horrid thing would be morphing to suit political convenience, and had an oddly intimate relationship to the government.

I had my second breakthrough looking at the picture at the very top of the page, which is a Department of Defense photo of the Pentagon crime scene from Sept. 14, 2001. This came into my hands six months after the incident, in early March 2002. Maybe you saw the email titled ‘Hunt the Boeing’ published by the French website, which passed around the link. The premise of ‘Hunt the Boeing’ was, okay, if this event at the Pentagon is an airplane crash, then where’s the airplane? Where did it strike? Where did the 100 tons of composite aluminum and titanium go? Where is the impression of the wings, and those enormous jets? What about all the fuel on a plane that was bound for the West Coast? How come that big pile of rubble isn’t a burned-out bonfire?

During March of 2002, I studied this photo night and day for a week (I had fewer deadlines back then). At the end of that week, I understood that I was not looking at the photo of a plane crash. Besides the lack of wreckage, one really weird thing stood out. How is it possible that an airplane hit that building at a minimum of 250 miles per hour, but all the rubble collapses outward? When you see a photo of a car that’s been driven through the wall of a house, you don’t expect to see the debris all over the lawn. Most of it plunges inward and follows the direction of travel of the car, following the laws of kinetic energy. Here, the wall looks like it tumbled outward, which is what it did. This debris goes in the wrong direction, that is, if something large and heavy from the outside plunged in.

What did not happen — this is an approximate size comparison of a 757 with the breach in the Pentagon. The rubble would have gone the other way — and there would have been a lot more damage. Graphic from

To see an airplane crash here, you really have to use your imagination. You can pretend that the airplane is under the rubble. You can imagine that it burrowed into the building and disappeared, kind of like the planes did at the World Trade Center. You can pretend that it’s invisible, like Wonder Woman’s airplane. You can tell yourself that something had to happen to it — but it must be there someplace. But to do any of these things, you have to make believe.

After I did this work, studying dozens of other photos, I knew there was a problem with the official story, the one about the supposed airplane crash. One of those other photos is shown a few paragraphs above and to the right. It’s a picture of the Pentagon during the first half hour after the explosion. Notice that there is nothing on the lawn and that the wall is standing intact. There is no damage in the shape of an airplane; it’s more like a building on fire. About 30 minutes after the impact or the explosion, the façade collapses outward. In other photos you can see a round hole about 10 to 15 feet in diameter right around the second floor.

Through the first week after the Sept. 11 incident, I consoled myself mainly by listening to Steve Inskeep on NPR. He had been standing next to the Pentagon for the first three days after whatever happened there. I knew and trusted Steve from my days covering the state capitol, and I clung to his sane, moderated voice and temperament. Steve was in Afghanistan on a new assignment when I called, but my phone rang six months later and — faithfully — he was returning my call. I told him what I was thinking and asked for his honest opinion. Was I crazy?

He told me that he was one of the first people at the Pentagon after whatever happened. He was called to the scene of an explosion — not an airplane crash. He said it didn’t look like an airplane crash, but then not all of them do. He confirmed that there was no wreckage visible. However, he thought my theory was plausible and worth following up. I will save those stories for another time. While the Pentagon presents a mystery (covered in greater detail in this article), it’s not the most interesting one.

The Mystery of World Trade Center 7

By far, the most interesting and persistent mystery of Sept. 11 is what happened to World Trade Center 7. Most people don’t know that three towers of the World Trade Center fell down on Sept. 11. We’ve all seen the two big familiar Twin Towers fall down again and again, but there was a third — a 47-story structure called the Salomon Brothers Building. It was not hit by an airplane. Across the plaza from the Twin Towers, WTC 7 suffered some damage when the two other towers fell, but not especially severe. There were some scattered office fires in the building.

World Trade Center 7, or the Salomon Brothers Building, shortly before it collapsed on Sept. 11, 2001. Most people don’t know that a third tower of the Trade Center complex fell down that day. Photographer unknown.

Then at 5:20 pm, it collapsed at near-free-fall speed in its foundation, landing in its footprint in just under seven seconds. The impressive thing is how it just elegantly cascades to the ground, like a waterfall. It implodes and lands in a tidy heap. When something descends at free-fall speed, that means there is no resistance below it. For that to happen, all 50 or so vertical beams would’ve had to be cut at the same time, which does not happen accidentally.

There are lots of video clips of this in YouTube. There are clips of newscasters saying the building had fallen down when it was still standing; the most famous is the BBC live broadcast. On the local Fox News channel in DC, the reporters are saying it already fell down while looking at a live feed of the New York skyline — then it collapses while they’re talking. (This video has since disappeared from YouTube.)

WTC 7 was glossed over in the official investigations. This is true despite the tenants of the building including the FBI, the SEC, the IRS, the Secret Service, the NYC Office of Emergency Management and a diversity of banks and insurance companies. There is also a public safety issue. If it’s true that WTC 7 collapsed from some rubble damage and a few fires, one would think that there would be a major investigation into the structural integrity of skyscrapers, because such a thing had never happened before. But WTC 7 was treated so casually that most people have no idea that it even happened.

In a PBS interview done for America Rebuilds, the one-year anniversary special, the owner of the building, Larry Silverstein, admits that one of the Fire Department commanders called him up and told him they had to demolish the building — and he gave his consent to “pull it.” (You can see this on video here. I purchased the original from PBS to make sure it wasn’t a fake.) Silverstein, who also was the new leaseholder on the Twin Towers, admits the building was demolished intentionally, which is obvious from watching it implode. But I’m left wondering, if this really was done by the Fire Department, how it was possible to get a demolition crew into the building and prepare it to be imploded in a few hours, right in the midst of the Ground Zero catastrophe. I’m wondering how you just demolish a structure with a tenant’s list like that, without emptying the structure first. You know, the files and the safes and vaults and data centers and other secret bits.

Larry Silverstein, owner of WTC 7, said in a PBS interview that he told the Fire Department that, “The smartest thing to do is pull it.” Screen shot from PBS.

In order to accept that WTC 7 was not demolished, you have to pretend. For example, I once got into a heavy argument with a Wikipedia administrator, who said that what Larry Silverstein really meant when he said “pull it” was that the Fire Department could pull its men out of the building because it was about to collapse. Since when does the Fire Department need a landlord’s permission to get its own men out of imminent danger? (For more information on WTC 7, visit a website called, named for the judge who had never heard of the thing and asked, “Building what?”)

There are a lot of other problems with the official story of Sept. 11. In a 2007 article, Robert Fisk, the eminent Middle East reporter for The Independent in the UK, states: “Even I question the ‘truth’ about 9/11.” He starts by saying he hates conspiracy theories, but these questions here are too big to ignore.

He asks about the plane crash in Pennsylvania: “Why did flight 93’s debris spread over miles when it was supposed to have crashed in one piece in a field?” He asks, “If it is true, for example, that kerosene burns at 820C under optimum conditions, how come the steel beams of the Twin Towers — whose melting point is supposed to be about 1,480C — would snap through at the same time? (They collapsed in 8.1 and 10 seconds.)” And, “What about the third tower — the so-called World Trade Centre Building 7 (or the Salomon Brothers Building) — which collapsed in 6.6 seconds in its own footprint at 5:20 pm on 11 September? Why did it so neatly fall to the ground when no aircraft had hit it?”

Then there are the firemen who said that there was molten steel flowing in the rubble of the Twin Towers “like a foundry” and “like lava.” The issue of molten steel, a factor in all three building collapses, is impressive. There are steel microspheres, which can only be created by melting it, in the dust of all three WTC high-rises that collapsed that day. I could go on and on — I’ve only described some of the more prominent questions. An organization called Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth has been asking a lot more of them, though they have a special focus on WTC 7. (You can visit their website at

Tracy Litts Karson, and Karson’s husband, Chris, watch as the casket of her son, Pfc. Douglas Cordo is placed in a hearse on the way to the cemetery. Cordo was killed in Afghanistan last month, believing he was defending the United States against the 9/11 attackers. The war goes on even as the truth about 9/11 comes to light. Photo by Eric.

The story that some terrorists from Afghanistan attacked us because they resent our freedom is the product of a nifty picture of world politics. It fits into a preconceived idea not of 9/11 but of how wonderful we Americans are. (Actually, the terrorists accused were from many different Arab nations, including Saudi Arabia.) If we look at the writing of the Project for the New American Century (PNAC) published in the late 1990s, we find out about the need for a “new Pearl Harbor” so that the United States can fight a multi-front war early in the 21st century. Most signers of PNAC, which is basically a vision for perpetual war, became the Cheney/Bush administration.

Once you start gathering them, and looking at them with your eyes open, the facts are so obvious they can speak for themselves; that is, to anyone who wants to listen. Yet here is what I call the spiritual problem, though. It’s the implication of any of this information, if you accept it. If we shift the narrative of what happened on Sept. 11, 2001, we have to change our worldview. I don’t mean this casually. Understanding Sept. 11 requires changing your perspective of the world.

If we accept that there’s a problem with the official story, we have to open up to the possibility that 1) we are being lied to and 2) that there is another version of events — such as the whole thing was a premeditated false flag event. I mean, it didn’t just happen all by itself. If, hypothetically, there were explosive charges put into buildings, and they had to be placed in advance, who did it? And why? Those questions have answers. And those answers challenge who we are as individuals and also on the tribal level.

This is too big of a psychological barrier for most people to cross over. Once you go down that road, as someone said to me the other day, you don’t know where you’re going to end up — or rather you do know and it’s not a pretty place. Your whole notion of both society and politics will change, and as a result, you will change. This makes the issue deeply personal — just like we experience it.

You can start by doing something easier, which is calling the Sept. 11 incident what it is, which is something that you don’t fully understand. That takes the pressure off of you to have the answers.



Planet Waves FM: Sept. 11, science and astrology

The new edition of Planet Waves FM is done — thanks for the slight delay (usually PW FM comes out just past midnight Wednesday morning). I wanted to see the new film Explosive Evidence, created by Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth before doing my first podcast on Sept. 11 for the 10th anniversary. I describe the film in this edition, focusing on the last section — interviews with psychologists explaining why so many people refuse to see the obvious.

In this edition, I reference a few articles. One is called Were It So, from March 2002. This is the first article I wrote deconstructing the official story of 9/11, which was based on one photo taken on Sept. 14. I look more closely at this image in today’s lead article above.

I also mention an article called Sept. 11, 1984, which gives a basic examination of the Sept. 11 chart. I conclude today’s edition with a similar discussion; you can see it in black and white on that page.

More recently, I wrote a piece called History, Turning on a Phrase, which takes apart the situation with World Trade Center 7 — the third skyscraper that fell on Sept. 11, despite not being hit by an airplane. Explosive Evidence spends an hour on WTC 7, discussing how the steel melted and the building fell at free-fall speed, despite the only damage being from some small office fires and debris striking the structure — not enough to make it fall down at all, much less collapse in its own footprint.

But at the heart of the matter of Sept. 11 is why we believe or don’t believe what is presented to us. The whole incident relates to our worldview; that is, how we see Sept. 11 is evidence of how we see the world around us, and what we believe about the world. That is the theme I do my best to develop in this edition, and with your help will continue next week.

Here is your program in the old player and a downloadable archive.

Thanks for tuning in.



Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Sept. 9, 2011, #874 – BY ERIC FRANCIS

Revised and Updated! Click for Eric’s Zodiac Sign Descriptions

Aries (March 20-April 19) — I suggest you ask yourself just what you’ve been through the past five or six weeks. It was definitely unusual, and by that, I mean not your typical emotional crisis. It was more like a series of initiations, or an extended ordeal designed to help you figure out who you are. You learned a lot — and now the question is how not to forget. If outright frustration has tamped down to a sense of mild irritation, allow that irritation to keep reminding you to stay awake and alert. Notice those relationships wherein there is a bit of push and pull, and the sense that things are not quite right but they work anyway. That tension can also remind you to pay attention, and mind the details of your personal associations with others. If you treat others as if they are here to help you, they are more likely to do so. Open up to receiving what they offer and they’re likely to give you more of what you need.

Aries, your birth sign or rising sign, is getting some of the most potent transits of them all right now. I’ve recorded an hour of astrology and a tarot card reading for you. Learn more by visiting this page.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You may be feeling like you’re out of your element, but I doubt that’s true. Where you are, however, is in a situation that’s insisting that you update your files in realtime. By that I mean set your mind in manual mode and size up your environment and your mental state every hour or so, or every time you remember. Rather than settling back into the sensation that things are how they are, keep your senses sharp and observe what they are telling you. Keep the conversation going even with the people who annoy you. They are likely to provide useful information that you would have missed ordinarily. Part of why one person in particular may be irritating, by the way, is that he or she is able to discern how much of your mind you’re actually using. It’s as if someone is lurking around while you’re sleeping, waiting for you to wake up. Waking up, at the moment, means living with the sense that you’re participating in an experiment. You don’t know the outcome, and that is the whole point.

I’ve recorded an hour of astrology and done a tarot reading especially for you. It’s information that will help with your relationships, your professional life and your personal growth. Visit this page to find out more.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You now have the awareness and strength to break free from at least one dysfunctional belief of your parents. This would seem to be a lifelong process of healing and growth. It is, yet there are moments of breakthrough, when you make a discovery that works on several levels. First, see what it’s like to not be angry when you discover that you’ve been deceived. Right under the deception is a contact point with your power. It’s as if you’re clearing the fog on some event or condition of childhood that obscured your ability to see contrasts, and to make coherent decisions based on them. Now that ability is suddenly coming back to you. Remember that the root of feeling and seeing the truth is emotional, as is your ability to act on it. You are making contact with who you were before the paralysis of denial set in, which is another way of saying that the kid who refuses to believe lies is alive and well in your heart.

Gemini is one of the most misunderstood signs — and as someone born under this sign, part of your role is to hold a mirror to the world. I’ve recorded an hour of audio for you, plus a 20-minute tarot reading. You can get access to these by visiting this page.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — You don’t need other people as much as you think. Of course it can be challenging to test that belief, but I suggest you give it a try. You’ll benefit from proving to yourself that the dependencies you think you have are not so sticky, though to get there you have to confront the situation in some direct way. Do something on your own that you thought you needed help with. Solve a problem that you think is over your head. Challenge your sense of loneliness by diving into your creative talent. The quality of experience you have with others will improve significantly when it’s focused on writing, art or a service project rather than merely ‘social’. Look for a point of contact with yourself, develop that and then boldly engage in a real exchange with someone you consider smarter or more advanced than you. From that series of contacts you will make an important discovery about yourself.

I’ve recorded an hour of astrology and done a tarot reading especially for you. It’s information that will help with your relationships, your professional life and your personal growth. Visit this page to find out more.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Lack of self-esteem is one of the most serious issues of our day. It may be the most damaging problem that humans face, responsible for most of the misery and abuse in the world today. We then take this condition and bring it into our relationships, basically putting our self-worth into the hands of someone else. This is the root of what is commonly called codependency. I don’t think anyone is exempt, but Mercury and Chiron are about to align in a way that can clarify this issue for you. Imagine that there are many ways that two people can align; pretend we have hundreds of ways we can connect with others. Among them, there are just a very few alignments where this issue of how we handle, treat and mirror one another’s self-esteem can be seen for what it is. And what is that ‘what it is’? That’s for you to observe over the next few days. I suggest not looking for specifics, but rather treating everything that happens as an expression of this issue — and seeing where that leads you.

Hello Leo! Your birthday report is now available. I’ve recorded 70 minutes of in-depth astrology plus a 20-minute tarot reading for you, exploring relationships, personal growth and your professional life. Visit this page for additional information.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You’ve faced some serious challenges this week. You may be considering them emotional in nature, but so far as I can see, the deeper issues are spiritual. Since that’s a controversial term, I’ll explain what I mean. Primarily, you’re being called deeper than the sensory world, and the world of feelings. Those things are the starting point, but you’re being invited deeper. You’re being called beyond your individual past into what you can think of as the ancestral past. You’re going deeper than human connection, into a realm where you meet something akin to a ‘cosmic other’. You may discover this entity within you through a process of inner conflict. That conflict may feel like encountering some of the darkest aspects of who you are, but once you make friends with them, you discover the light within the shadow. To get there, it’s essential that you suspend judgment about yourself, i.e., not deciding that you’re so-and-so kind of person based on a certain experience you’ve had or feelings you discover within yourself. Observe, listen and keep your sense of humor.

Eric is working on your birthday audio — we plan to have it available shortly — sorry for the delay. Please stay tuned!

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Relationships are a delicate, sensitive dance. You can take nothing for granted — and while that may seem like torture to those who desire only stability and consistency, it is the more likely path to healthy interaction. We have all discovered at some point that relationships can be dangerous. We can invest enormous amounts of self-esteem into them, alter the course of our lives and make commitments that may take decades to work out. Often we have to do this working from a blind spot as we assess who people are — only to find out that additional information would have been useful much earlier on. If you’re pondering subject matter such as this, I suggest you consider which fears you were carrying around before you got into your present situation. At the moment you’re susceptible to the self-fulfilling prophecy. Keep an open dialog with those you care about, and do your best to avoid making claims on the future.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Libra, please go to this link.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — One of the temptations you’re facing now is the idea of purity. You may be obsessed with it, though in a way that’s lurking in the background. This may involve themes like wanting to have an absolutely clear conscience, correct intentions, take impeccable care of your health, or absolute focus on your most important purpose in life. You know, that kind of impossible-to-attain stuff that could gradually drive you nuts if you take it too seriously. I suggest you invest your energy soothing your frayed emotions rather than trying to improve yourself. You need rest, you need water, and most of all you need to experiment with fulfilling some of the desires that have been continuously frustrated in recent weeks. I suggest you start modestly, with a sincere desire, particularly of a kind that you fear someone else might be inclined to judge. This is a good time to go out and make some new friends. Look for reasons to say yes.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Scorpio, please go to this link.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Humans are complex beings. We seem to spend half our lives working out our contradictions, and the rest of the time working out those of the world around us. The good news is that you seem to be making progress. Despite the many intricacies and the maze-like quality of your life, you are actually finding common ground with people — with one key individual in particular, and also with certain groups that have a family-like quality. If we were to make a list of the most persistent mysteries that have faced humanity for its entire history, they might include questions like, ‘Where did we come from and how did we get here?’ But on top of the list would be, ‘What is the secret to human cooperation?’ You seem to be figuring this one out, and I suggest you put the information to work — especially toward advancing a long-held career goal.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Sagittarius, please go to this link.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — I suggest you connect the idea of professional advancement with fertility. Whatever your condition of employment, you’re in a phase of seeding the future. You can think of this as impregnating your own aspirations, which — when they begin to manifest — often have the sensation of ‘having a life of their own’. This is precisely what you’re going for. Be mindful of who you’re speaking with at all times. Listen for the ways you can work together, and pay attention for those visionary moments when ideas erupt spontaneously. Please keep a notebook to track both who you’re talking with and what you’re talking about. Give things a chance to develop, and also do your best to consciously evolve them. Notice when certain themes repeat themselves. Keep in contact with people who share similar ideas. Look for patterns of affinity, such as when you hear of organizations that have values similar to your own. This will work a lot better than sending out resumes.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Capricorn, please go to this link.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You seem to be trying to fit yourself through a narrow opening of what you believe is possible. As you are discovering, you won’t fit through that passageway; you need a wider concept, and a bigger idea; that means you will need to enlarge your concept of who you are. One typical problem you encounter when you do this is that you can lose any sense of definition, shape or form — or you fear that you will. That suggests you need to work with structure and with a concept, but that concept needs to be flexible enough to adapt to different situations. But the heart of the matter is not about the concepts — it’s your beliefs about what you’re capable of. You seem to be using these beliefs as the basis of setting your goals. I suggest you work the other way, by defining some objectives, then determining how you’re going to get there.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Aquarius, please go to this link.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Sex is like seawater, in that it contains nearly every element of consciousness. Many have noted the similarities between blood and seawater, both of which are like the ocean that refuses no river. This is more than a metaphor. Notice how your sexual ideas, emotions and experiences contain all of your feelings about yourself. Notice the overlay and exchange between yourself and the people close to you, including in fantasy experiences, dreams and the odd things that people say. Among erotic experiences there are times for blending energies more deeply, and times for sorting out who is who. At the moment, the cosmos is revealing a specific difference between you and someone close to you — which may translate to a difference between you and everyone else in the world. Yet this is the kind of distinction that can have a way of bringing people closer. True individuality provides the basis for respect and the authentic sharing of common ground much more often than it does the basis for separation.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Pisces, please go to this link.

Chiron Files: Mercury Opposite Chiron

Dear Friend and Reader:

Last month in Chiron files we looked at Mercury retrograde in Leo and Virgo, called Tales of Mercury and Chiron. The two planets are related through an association to Virgo. We often associate Chiron with the healing process. Hermes, the Greek messenger god identified with the Roman Mercury, is mistakenly associated with healing because his staff — the caduceus — is widely used as the symbol of medicine and health care in the United States. This is a classical ‘trickster’ move.

The real symbol of health care is supposed to be the rod of Asclepius, the god of medicine who was a student of Chiron. What we get with this confusion is a mix-up between who should be the representative of medicine: Asclepius or Hermes? Nothing against Hermes, but there is a problem.

In 1932, Stuart L. Tyson wrote in The Scientific Monthly, “As god of the high-road and the marketplace Hermes was perhaps above all else the patron of commerce and the fat purse: as a corollary, he was the special protector of the traveling salesman. As spokesman for the gods, he not only brought peace on Earth (occasionally even the peace of death), but his silver-tongued eloquence could always make the worse appear the better cause.” Mercury was a kind of salesman, and he is the patron of all those big pharma reps who spend their time on the road, hawking everything from gloves to lasers.

The healing tradition of Chiron and Asclepius takes a service approach and a holistic approach, rather than a commercial approach to medicine. This is a central theme of our time in history, as the business of ‘health care’ gets more energy than we might actually offer to help a sick person get well, or better yet, to help people stay healthy. In the United States, everything about what we call ‘health care’ comes back to money, including who is allowed access to the system, and what quality care they are able to get. Many people become doctors because they want to make money — not because they have a passion for helping those who struggle. That said, practicing medicine and nursing can bring out the best in some people, but it’s still amazing how much of a role money plays.

The Mercury retrograde that we’ve just experienced began with a close, but not exact, opposition between Mercury in Virgo and Chiron in Pisces. Now that its retrograde is over, Mercury is about to re-enter Virgo and will complete its opposition to Chiron. You can think of this as a moment of contact and potential awareness.

With this aspect, we have a kind of astrological mirror between the holistic healing model of medicine and the marketplace model. One is supposedly couched in belief; those who accept it are often accused of going purely on faith and not honoring science. Chiron in Pisces is currently the symbol of alternative and preventive medicine. The Pisces energy field clouds how much alternative medicine actually knows; it also presents us with an idea that healing needs grounding on the emotional and spiritual levels in order to be effective.

The way to see an aspect is by numbers. This is not math — it’s looking up the address of the planet. Start with Mercury, which is the green symbol at the top of the chart. It’s at 2 Virgo 18. Directly opposite Mercury is an orange, key-shaped symbol for Chiron. That’s at 2 Pisces 18. They are in an exact opposition, which is the subject of this article. Just to the left of Chiron (again, at the bottom of the chart) you can see the Moon-Neptune conjunction; the Moon looks like a grey crescent and Neptune looks like a blue trident.

Mercury in Virgo, across the zodiac, represents the official medical model, couched in the garb of science. It’s supposedly all about rationality and proof and data.

I think we have it backwards. Most of what we call traditional medicine (which in truth is not so traditional) is based on a kind of mythology and is often accepted on pure faith. The doctor is supposed to have some mystical power of diagnosis, prognosis and cure, and is the one who is revered because he or she can deliver the death sentence. In my experience, what we call ‘alternative’ medicine is more directly based on applied science and ongoing investigation. For example, I would say that more people are likely to accept that antidepressants work rather than accepting that homeopathy does, but who has actually looked at the evidence, including the influence of commerce and profit?

One problem many of us are aware of is how drugs and vaccinations make people sick. While the ignorance you encounter can be appalling (such as people allowing a doctor to give their newborn infant six vaccinations in one day), some people are waking up. However, this has a way of happening too late, such as this example from Norway.

Let’s take a closer look at the chart for Mercury opposite Chiron (set for Sept. 10, 2011 at 12:29 pm EDT), and see what it tells us about the supposed controversy and what it says about us and our approach to wellness. Something is coming to completion after a long inner negotiation. Ideas are crystallizing and expressing themselves as circumstance. Wellness is at the root of all our other issues, because without this one factor we don’t have a basis for action. Wellness is about strength and integrity, and that must reach all levels to be meaningful.

One interesting aspect in the chart is that the Mercury-Chiron opposition is square Heracles. We have an idea of healing that you’re supposed to go in and do it — the heroic model. Naturopaths and homeopaths don’t go in and chop out the tumor; they spend a lot more time observing the patient. This is sometimes called the Wise Woman approach, which starts with observe, and continues to the second step of nourish. Heracles, however, is from the model of heroic medicine, rather than the holistic one. The heroic model resorts to invasive interventions right away, rather than taking the time to explore the emotional and environmental connections that would help us get at what is really bothering us.

These are some of the minor planets that are collected in the early mutable signs around the Mercury-Chiron opposition. I don’t mention all of these planets in the article, but they’re all there (the universe is serving up more planets than we can use these days). However, I do mention Heracles and Orcus. Two that I don’t mention are in early Sagittarius: Chariklo and Hidalgo. They both have something to say. Chariklo is the healing property of being with, or accompanying. Hidalgo is about rebellion against ridiculous social customs: among other things, going to the doctor to be made sick.

Another aspect that stands out in this chart is the Moon conjunct Neptune. This talks about the influence of belief on all forms of healing, and also about delusions based on false belief. Moon-Neptune also describes a drug-based way of doing things — especially psychotropic drugs. In other words, we take a feel-good approach to healing, which is not really healing at all. It might be, if the feel-good approach didn’t have so many toxic effects, and if all kinds of feeling were approached.

Both the Moon and Neptune are opposite Transpluto in Leo. This is a useful hypothetical point, representing narrowness and focus, judgment and discernment (at times harsh and negative). On the one hand we see some of the narrowness that is associated with the heroic approach. On the other hand, there is something here about seeing through deception, misdiagnosis and drugs that suppress symptoms rather than bring them out. There may be the obsession that there is ‘something wrong’ as in something specific that we can ‘fix’, when the necessity is to take a more observation-based holistic approach and really understand the issues.

There is another exact aspect, also an opposition: Venus opposite Ceres. This is about the influence of food on our health — in particular how rich foods (associated with Venus) can make us sick. Ceres is associated with grain and we’re finally starting to figure out that a carbohydrate-based diet is simply not healthy. Venus-Ceres is also a comment on our emotional patterns and their relationship to food as it influences wellness. Food as a healing agent is becoming an esoteric subject, though food really is the best medicine. Mars aspecting Ceres (it’s making a trine from Cancer to Pisces) talks about eliminating foods that aggravate. This has to be done patiently, methodically, with reasonable expectations of the results. It’s also an underlying foundation to other approaches to healing that would come through one’s relationship to food. Most of the time we know exactly what to do, but for different reasons don’t actually do it.

There is one other aspect in the chart that clarifies the situation. That is Mercury conjunct Orcus in Virgo. This is to say that Mercury is precisely conjunct a planet, which tells us a lot about what’s going on inside its thought process. Orcus is a plutino or Pluto-like thing — it has a 245-year orbit, similar to Pluto’s 251-year orbit. Orcus is an Etruscan deity that was conflated with Pluto in Roman times, so we have a god of death associated with the market-driven, Western model. Both Death and the Trickster are stalking Chiron in Pisces, as if to say, healing is too serious for your circumspect approach, no matter how grounded it may be.

Orcus is of the ‘punisher of broken oaths’ cycle of deities. Conjunct Mercury in this configuration, this is the fear of death inherent in all serious illness, and how that fear influences our approach to the market model: we will spend anything we need to, in order to evade death. It’s also about the fear of insanity inherent in any mental disturbance. Mercury-Orcus is a grotesque parody of human consciousness, a kind of shadow-ego, but one we’re using to make these supposedly life-and-death decisions.

We need to recognize that there is a crucial aspect of healing that involves the alleviation of fear, or the confronting/processing of fear. I recognize that fear is very fearful, but this is the very essence of the issue. Fear is making us sick, and it is a sickness. A Course in Miracles describes all healing as being the release from fear, but this is something so alien to us that we likely have no clue where to begin. This is where spiritual intervention can enter the picture. How do you recognize this? Well, it’s not trying to sell you anything, and it’s not making any promises. Your awareness increases, but rather than being terrorized by something, you can see that you have possibilities.

Let’s hold that thought, and come back to the theme of fear next month.

Yours lovingly,