In this week’s Planet Waves TV, Eric describes Monday’s Mercury transit of the Sun — an exact conjunction of Mercury and the Sun. This is part of Mercury retrograde, as there is a conjunction each time Mercury goes past the Earth (as it’s doing now). But typically Mercury will pass above or below the Sun. On Monday, it walks directly across the surface of the Sun, which Eric interprets. For a sign-by-sign description, see the Monday Morning Horoscope by Eric, which is available to subscribers; for example, if you have a Horoscope Lover subscription.
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Monday: Mercury Transit of the Sun
by Eric Francis
Monday is the midpoint of Mercury retrograde. At that time, Mercury passes between the Sun and the Earth. That is the essence of the retrograde — Mercury going by. That’s called the interior (previously, inferior) conjunction of Mercury and the Sun.

The most recent Mercury transit of the Sun, from Nov. 6, 2006 — shortly after Eris was named and Pluto was ‘demoted’ to minor planet. The transit is an invitation to define your own turning point in your life.
When it does, it usually passes a little above or below the Sun. Most conjunctions are not exact alignments; they are a little off, on the vertical axis. When Mercury and the Sun meet on both the vertical and horizontal axes, that’s called a transit of the Sun — and that’s what we get Monday.
This happens in the sign Taurus. The most fleeting of the planets, Mercury, meets the Sun in its most solid and stable sign, in a kind of mutual infusion of energy.
To me the symbolism is about where mind meets substance. We might scoff at the notion that we can conjure things with our minds, but tell that to someone who sketches a skyscraper on a napkin and then goes and builds the thing. Tell that to someone who writes a hit song, or any song. In one sense the whole universe as we perceive it is a figment of the imagination.
Now we have this exact alignment where mind and matter meet directly. This provides an occasion to develop the connection in your own life. Taking that a step back, you might acknowledge the degree to which your thoughts and your decisions determine much of what you experience as real and as true.
My Monday Morning horoscope will be devoted to this aspect; we will mail it out Sunday night to Planet Waves members and subscribers.
In case you missed it in the Thursday edition, you can read Jonathan Cainer’s interpretation of the Mercury transit here.