Monday Morning Horoscope #200 for Oct. 28, 2019

Posted by Eric Francis Coppolino


Tonight’s New Moon in your birth sign will be full of surprises. Some may seem to come from you, others from people close to you. Therefore, keep your plans loose for the next few days, to accommodate anything interesting that might arise. With Mercury about to station retrograde in your sign, you will likely be revising your agenda a few times.


Aries (March 20-April 19) — It may be tempting to cover your tracks or slip out of a situation with a white lie, though it will only come back to haunt you. The underlying issue seems to be about you or a close partner wanting to avoid a confrontation. But there is tension or pressure that needs to be resolved somehow, and it’s not going to be through avoidance. The first thing to do is figure out where you stand with yourself. You will need to sort out the ways in which the viewpoint of a partner is interfering with how you feel, and what you think is true. So you will need to factor for this, and not be intimidated by whatever someone thinks they can hold over you. You can learn something by applying a tool from Transactional Analysis. Is this a transaction between adults, between children, or is it a parent-child situation? I don’t mean this in terms of chronological age, but rather mental and emotional posturing. The only people who can work this out are two adults. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You have more influence on others than you realize. You’re already aware you have a way of agitating people and situations (particularly with Uranus in your sign). You might take a balanced view of this, and not assume it’s OK because people need it, or because they love (or depend upon) you, or whatever excuse you might make. You will be doing your relationships a service by staying in contact with people and sizing up how they are actually responding to you. If you’re going to be a source of stimulus in your environment, it will help if you do your part to hold up the structure, keep things on schedule, and clean up after the party. Stay in communication and, particularly with Mercury about to be retrograde, make sure that there are as few misunderstandings as possible. Minimize assumptions. Repeat your understanding back to others, for example, “What I hear you saying is [so and so]. Is that accurate?” The world will be a happier place. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Mercury, the Gemini planet, is about to be retrograde in Scorpio. That gives us a clue as to the nature of the retrograde and how it will influence you. This is your 6th house, which covers work and wellbeing. It would seem like you want to accomplish a lot. The way to do that is to mind your politics. Rather than running wrangle, check with both colleagues and higher-ups and figure out the best way to allocate your energy. Avoid surprises; negotiate everything except maybe bathroom breaks. Do your part to support your total environment. As for health-related matters, you seem to be walking a fine line between emotional detachment and overload. The way to handle this is to find methods to stay in contact with yourself, though without diving all the way in. There is a way that you can touch the edges of feelings without getting soaked in them. This is a little like dipping your feet in the pool rather than going off the deep end. You can still feel the water, but there’s no chance of drowning. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — This week’s New Moon in Scorpio, your 5th solar house, is like turning up the voltage on a sex electromagnet. I am aware that most of the world is too pure these days to admit sexual desire even to themselves. I suggest you not play this game, and allow yourself to feel what you feel and want what you want. You’re likely to be experiencing some powerful attractions, though I suggest distinguishing this from being attached to someone, or an idea about them. Move quickly through your environment until you arrive at a point of contact. If one situation does not work out, another will. It will also help to distinguish sexual attraction from “true love” in any form. I’m not talking about joining Tinder or Grindr but rather allowing your erotic transactions to be friendly and gentle, though driven by curiosity rather than by some notion of commitment. Be present for the people you share yourself with. That is committed enough. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Be aware of when you are “efforting.” I know this word from Hakomi therapy training; it’s when the therapist is working too hard, or expending emotional energy, to make a point or get some result with a client. Only in this case, it could be any kind of efforting, or action that seems to be futile or pointless but is still burning up your energy. Stop and think the second time you try to do something and you don’t get a result. There is a good chance you can take a whole other approach and get a much better result. You will make things easier for yourself by being less emotionally invested in an outcome, and instead, do what you’re doing as an experiment. Your astrology illustrates two things that I’ll pass along as suggestions: one is to stick to tidying and improving your home; and the other, which is related, is to take your creativity to the kitchen. Baking and cooking would be perfect things to do this week and for the next few weeks. Nothing will make your home feel quite as homey as something good on the stove. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — The theme of language is all over your solar chart right now, particularly with Mercury about to go retrograde in Scorpio. One theme is that of “revision.” This is the time to rethink, revise and rewrite. You can apply this to work or creative products with excellent results. You might go through your social media feeds and delete any posts that you no longer agree with, or that might not serve your future interests. This is also a good time to fix any misunderstandings that might have arisen the past few months, and get a little clarity before you forgive and forget. Meanwhile, now is the time to edit carefully anything you write, and plan what you’re going to say before you say it — especially in a professional environment. Carefully consider the impact that your words will have, and bear in mind that it may not even vaguely resemble what you expect. You cannot control the responses of others, though you can write and speak carefully, and listen to what comes back. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Be careful whom you involve in your financial plans, and to whom you reveal them. Overall, less is more: less involvement, and less discussion. This is particularly important during the Mercury retrograde that starts on Halloween and ends on Nov. 20. The chances are, your agenda will be in flux. That means putting new commitments on pause, and investing your energy into sorting out your overall financial situation. This is largely a matter of knowing the balances in all of your accounts. Then, take steps to ensure that you’re spending less than you’re bringing in. If you do this carefully, you will find a number of unnecessary expenses and at least one financial involvement that is not helping you. Be on the lookout for someone who messes with your plans, or throws you curves. The people you want in your financial life are the steady and predictable ones. If the provocateur is someone with whom you’re in an intimate relationship, you will need some boundaries around their financial power over you. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.

You may pre-order your Scorpio Astrology Studio now. Astrology Studio is a different reading from the annual; it’s difficult to say just how it’s different but think about it like two albums by your favorite musician. It’s the same artist, but another concept. Astrology Studio comes with a bonus recording, “Self and Society,” and with a tarot card reading. Pre-order for best price!

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Tonight’s New Moon in your birth sign will be full of surprises. Some may seem to come from you, others from people close to you. Therefore, keep your plans loose for the next few days, to accommodate anything interesting that might arise. With Mercury about to station retrograde in your sign, you will likely be revising your agenda a few times, so you would be wise to avoid making promises. And this is definitely one of those “don’t sign, don’t buy” Mercury retrogrades, particularly for you. Rather, see who and what comes your way. You don’t need to make anything official, or sign onto anyone. You might have amazing experiences you’re not expecting, and then on other days, disappointing developments. Yet you can minimize the negative by letting go of all expectations. Rather, take a “let’s see what happens” approach and your life will be much more pleasant and interesting. One other thought — there seems to be some deep frustration you’re dealing with but may not have articulated to yourself. Do the work. Don’t take it out on anyone, including and especially yourself — but not anyone. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Keep your secrets to yourself, and especially keep them off social media. You need to concentrate the power of your self-awareness, and figure out where you’re really at. Then you will be ready to share your thoughts, when appropriate, with the person you need to share them with. You are a work in progress at the moment, and if you pull your awareness inward for a while, you will make a few discoveries, particularly as Mercury changes directions on the 31st. These discoveries are likely to involve another person or, rather, how you feel about a relationship. However, I suggest you resist the notion that you’re making any certain or final determination, as Mercury retrograde will take you on a tour of yourself and your feelings over the next few weeks. You may change your mind a few times before you finally choose a direction. Go fully into each possibility, and then explore the next one as it presents itself. You will have much more clarity when Mercury stations direct and the Sun enters your sign the third week of the month. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — This will be a hot week for the gossip circuit, and I suggest you park your consciousness elsewhere. Avoid discussions of other people (if they are not present), and do what you can to avoid being made a topic of conversation. However, that statement excludes being sincere in social situations, which is the very thing you’re wanting to learn the most these days. One of the situations you face is being uncomfortable with what you think other people think/feel about you. However, this is gloriously irrelevant if you are comfortable with yourself. You would serve yourself well, though, to be aware that all kinds of people have all kinds of sexual thoughts about you, and there is nothing that you can do about it. Be aware that your speculation of someone’s thoughts, or even inferences you may draw, are not necessarily accurate. And whatever ideas enter your mind are your ideas, no matter where you think they “came from.” Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — At this new stage of your vocation, profession or career (however you may think about it), be mindful of mistakes you’ve made repeatedly. Pause for a few thinking sessions and go through your history and make a list. Maybe there will be one thing, maybe there will be a few; but get familiar with them. This is not necessarily part of your nature, though you will identify tendencies you need to correct or alter; you can choose to do so. This process starts with awareness of what you’re addressing, and studying where it may come from. (You will need to consider both parents carefully, and other early influencers.) Mercury retrograde through your 10th house the next few weeks says put new plans on hold, tidy up past accounts and commitments, and plan your next move carefully. You may not have clear data on that until Mercury stations direct on the 20th and the Sun enters Sagittarius on the 22nd. So bide your time and abide it well. And get your resume down to one page. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — As the world opens up for you, tune into your powers of observation. Let this be on every level. Remember, as Sting said, “In the empire of the senses, you are the queen of all you survey.” That also means you are the regent of your feelings, your ideas, your body and your desires. Your relationship to existence, God, Goddess or the universe is your own, one-to-one, direct from source to your soul. All you need to focus on is your connection, and what your senses offer to you. That will provide you with enough information to make any decision you need to make, and navigate any opportunity or challenge. There are plenty of distractions available that can take you out of those two nourishing and guiding factors. There is plenty of needless misery, struggle, jealousy and competition. Don’t fall for any of it; stick to the truth and the love of existence that is burning at your core. This may take a good bit of gently sidestepping all that is unnecessary, unhappy or ridiculous. Again and again, come back to yourself, open your eyes, and feel. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

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