Leo 2016

Posted by Eric Francis Coppolino


Moonshine Horoscope for Capricorn New Moon #1132 | By Len Wallick Every new circumstance benefits from a new perspective. While experience counts for a lot, it is equally as important to be capable of temporarily setting aside, if not forgetting, what you know whenever life gives you a fresh start. If you have recently entered […]

Moonshine Horoscope for Capricorn New Moon #1132 | By Len Wallick

Every new circumstance benefits from a new perspective. While experience counts for a lot, it is equally as important to be capable of temporarily setting aside, if not forgetting, what you know whenever life gives you a fresh start. If you have recently entered an environment in any way different from where you have been before, now is a good time to evaluate both what you brought in with you and how things are working out for you. It could very well be that any new associates would ultimately benefit from perceptions you gained in a different climate. It is just as likely, however, that you stand to learn a thing or two from those who already know the ropes. In order to maximize the possibility of mutually beneficial exchanges between you and those you are in the process of fitting in with, do what you can to make it known you are willing to listen first and share opinions later.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 26, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You’re inclined to give people the benefit of the doubt, though now would be a good time to make sure that people prove themselves. This is not about being mean or untrusting; it’s about taking care of yourself. Your situation is somewhat complex right now, particularly at work. There don’t seem to be any problems you cannot solve, nor challenges you cannot rise to. Yet any person in a position to assist you can also hurt you, particularly for the next month or week or so. That translates to taking it slowly before handing anyone your keys, your password, or care of your kids or critters (especially them). So, screen people carefully, and test them on small projects before you give them bigger ones. If nobody is up to the task, do it yourself, or wait till you find someone appropriate. This goes for all facets of work. ‘Tis the season when mindfulness is essential.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 19, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Focus your efforts. Rather than trying to get everything done at once or in time for the holidays, choose one project that simply needs to happen, and focus on that. It may be the one that nobody else wants to do, or that has resisted your best efforts. It may be something that’s been delayed a few times. Clearing up this one bit of stuck energy will help get things moving. Remember, though, if you feel like you’re working too hard, or like your effort is going nowhere, change your strategy. The chances are you’re missing some vital information. It might relate to some technical aspect of what you’re doing, or you may not understand why something has to happen. In fact, there’s a chance that it’s not necessary, or that there’s a workaround that solves the problem even better. Take the time to do some research, and ask for help if you need it.

Moonshine Horoscope for Gemini Full Moon #1130 | By Len Wallick

There is family of birth, and there is family of choice. Right about now would be a good time to examine how you feel about all of those you have chosen to identify with thus far. This does not mean you should be critical of your discretionary circle. Rather, you should endeavor to better understand and appreciate just how your currently elective tribe came to be, so as to better know yourself. The reason for such an indirect self-examination may not be clear for you currently. Yet, you would be well advised to proceed with an abiding faith that you will soon be presented with a rare and formative chance to expand your voluntary sphere of shared influence. When that opportunity finally comes, you will want to be clear about what you want to make of it.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 12, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You may need to look beyond the confines of committed relationships to get the contact you need. This may be in the form of an honest conversation, which is not actually in violation of monogamy but which may feel like it. This highlights the differences between — and the confusion between — intimacy and sex. Ideally, you would be able to say anything to anyone; and you would be open to hearing what anyone has to say to you. Yet here’s the discovery: communication and mutual understanding are sexy, and they lead to erotic feelings. In the world where appearance seems to count for everything, and listening seems to count for so little, who would have thought? Now you get to take the opportunity and the risk of being honest about who you are and what you want. The universe is listening. Are you?

Short Monthly Horoscope for December 2016, #1129 | By Eric Francis

This will be a phenomenally productive month at work for you, if you know when to back off and let things work themselves out. You might encounter a diversity of traps that could lure you into wasting your time. The moment you feel like you’re not being productive, ask yourself whether the thing you’re doing actually needs to happen. Review your schedule daily. Be decisive about revising and simplifying your plans, and adjusting your goals. The world goes into a frenzy trying to get stuff done before the end of the year. Set clear priorities and stay off the proverbial treadmill.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 5, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

If you want to have fun, then you must be willing to push your boundaries and take some personal risks. Don’t worry about your dignity. Go out with your hair a mess and notice how warmly people respond to you. You don’t always have to be seen as someone who has everything together all the time. Your astrology is suggesting that you hang a little loose, and give yourself permission to do what might not please the abundant parental figures that populate the world. Speaking of: who is playing that role in your life? Who, in your mind, might be concerned if you have ‘too much’ fun, or get friskier than usual? Check your relationship agreements carefully. Remember that if you have to ask permission, you’re not relating to other people as adults, nor are they to you. The deeper theme of your project of having more fun than usual is about establishing level ground with the people who surround you.

Moonshine Horoscope for Sagittarius New Moon #1128 | By Len Wallick

There is likely something new in your life. It might be a big change. Or maybe you simply purchased some replacement underwear. No matter how apparently important or seemingly insignificant your own personal ‘new’ is, enjoy the feel for its own sake. The sooner you acquire a taste for the unfamiliar, the better you will be prepared for a newer than usual year.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 28, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You might find yourself offering quite a lot of your personal resources to someone close to you; that would include the erotic and creative kind. You seem to know what others need, and you have plenty to offer. You can safely let this flow. Whether or not anyone expresses appreciation, you will find some happiness in the giving. One thing you’ll gain is experience you’re craving. It’s vital to honor that. You will receive good information that will help you sort out some puzzling issues related to partnership and marriage. These themes and questions can never be answered in theory; they must be explored through direct and conscious experience. Though this may sound strange, one way to look at your quest for independence and self-directed creativity is a social justice issue. You crave freedom, and so does everyone around you. Usually it’s a fantasy. Now you can take steps toward making it real.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope — December 2016, #1127 | By Eric Francis

You’re growing and changing in ways you may not understand; don’t let that stop you from appreciating them. You may, for instance, have noticed that the ground seems to be leveling between you and those you previously considered powerful or daunting. It’s a sign of maturity when you can meet people on the human level, irrespective of any rank, status or power they may seem to have. Learning to see people eye to eye, across level ground — including everyone you encounter — is going to be the essence of your life for the far foreseeable future. To do this requires commitment and practice. It’s a form of karma yoga that you can do all the time, and from which nobody you encounter is exempt. By this I mean the great and the mighty, the poor and the infirm, plants, animals, skyscrapers, sacred ruins and all the great achievements of culture. All of the above: train yourself to view this as all being equal to you. This would also include the tragedies you witness, and the desolation that is becoming prevalent in our benighted world. In the most immediate, practical and day-to-day approach, this ‘level field of reality’ reaches first into the agreements that you make mutually with others. You must hold yourself to those agreements, and do what you can to hold others to their commitments to you. That is the beginning.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 21, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You might do what you love; you might also love what you do, whatever it may be. Both are necessary skills at different times in life. Both are possible for you now. Whatever you’re doing, do it with quality and attention. And when you’re done with that, then explore something that you want to do, or simply must do. This is one way to make the divide between “one’s work” and “one’s art” less daunting. Being an artist or craftsman means doing whatever you do with the intention of excellence. This is about you, not whomever you’re working for. It’s less about the product and more about how you feel while you’re engaged in your activity. If you do an unpleasant job with care and love, you will soon understand that you can do even better work, and feel worthy of it. Said another way, master one task and move on to the next.

Weekly Horoscope for Nov. 17, 2016, #1126 | By Amy Elliott

It would seem you have a considerable opportunity to pursue pleasures, probably with someone you love. These enjoyments are likely to have a purpose — however, this does not compel you to take them so uber-seriously that you lose the actual fun. Rather, consider the fun as the foremost goal. Let it bring you naturally into a state of relaxation, or peace of mind. Your journey toward further enlightenment, though certainly a part of all this, can be seen more as the context or background than a requirement to be fulfilled consciously. You’ve got this.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 14, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You must be true to yourself. What are you waiting for, and why would you want any other option? Go straight to the point. This means acting with commitment. You could read your current solar chart a few different ways. One take is that a romantic adventure gets serious. The greater path is commitment to your art; that is, to creation along your own personal edge. Art is your spiritual path. It’s about staying connected to yourself, and disconnected from the madness of the world. It’s about making your own way in life, and making your life into what you want. This is often spoken of but rarely embarked upon with genuine sincerity — and you can do it. Yet this takes commitment to yourself. And in a sense this precludes commitment to others, but only of a certain kind: the neurotic kind.

Short Monthly Horoscope for November 2016, #1125 | By Eric Francis

Only you can allow yourself to be free. You don’t need anyone’s permission, nor will it be helpful. Your inner consent is on the emotional level, rather than as some idea or concept. For you, the line between free and un-free involves trusting yourself. You have no more important task or personal mission at this time in your life. You don’t need to be fearless, but rather know how to keep making decisions, and taking action, despite any anxiety you might feel. Hope is one thing, though you might remind yourself that there no guarantees. Life is far more exciting without them.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 7, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Your solar chart is a study in how to have fun without over-committing. Borrowing from that old joke, you don’t need to bring a U-Haul on the second date. The kind of pleasure you want, and can have, is based on your freedom of movement. Go from experience to experience if you want to keep the sense of adventure alive. The thing to be cautious of is jealousy. It’s easy to get caught in that loop if you feel like a playmate is having more fun than you are. Pay attention to your own experience and train yourself to take pleasure in the fun that other people have. This is one of the most enlightened states of mind; or rather it’s the door that opens up a realm of true liberation. Mostly what gets liberated is you. One positive experience leads to the next, and you get some freedom from negative fixations.

Moonshine Horoscope for Scorpio New Moon, #1124 | By Len Wallick

You could do far worse than make an effort to discover a new purpose about now. That’s especially true if anything happens to free up some of your time and energy over the next month or so. The nature of this new reason to be will depend on who you are, but there are some guidelines you can follow to find it. First off, think less about satisfying others and more about what it would take to satisfy yourself. Next, be open to having at least two purposes — perhaps one for the short term and one for the long term. Finally, start looking where you already are, but don’t be afraid of relocating (at least temporarily) if that’s what it takes to find your new, true cause.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 31, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Not everything is an emotional drama, nor does it have to be made into one. The tendency to take everything personally, and to view anything in the world as a threat to your security, is one of the most wasteful plights of our time in history. You can take 10 years of therapy to figure this out, or you can just see that it’s true: without you feeding the drama, it would hardly exist. Therefore, you might consider withdrawing your energy from anything that’s negative, annoying or intrusive, and investing it in your own wellbeing. You are free to block the phone numbers, ignore the text messages and delete the voicemails of anyone who saps your strength or wastes your time. If you feel any guilt about it, presume it’s a toxin rather than a natural substance. This is a great time to bring certain emotional habits to an end, and teach yourself some new ones.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for November 2016, #1123 | By Eric Francis

Belief is fragile. Most beliefs do not stand up to verification. Yet the starting point to getting real is discovering your assumptions and, one by one, popping them like balloons. That’s the big courageous thing involved in growth. Some forms of spiritual training and study give you a pin to do the popping; others give you more hot air to inflate more balloons. You could save yourself time by questioning every assumption you have, and by counting everything you think you know as such. This is not as harsh as it sounds. It’s more like opening up the windows on a cool autumn afternoon, and being grateful that you need neither heat nor air conditioning. Being ‘disillusioned’ is thought of as a bad thing; you might think of it as being shorn of your illusions. The more disillusioned you are, the more open you’ll be to that seemingly elusive thing known as reality. That’s the thing you want. The first benefit will be simplicity. What is so is more elegant and more pragmatic than what you hope is true, or are pretending is true. Yes, this takes commitment, but after a short time the energy that comes back to you will provide ample power for the whole project. It’s like cleaning closets. Once you clean one, going for the rest feels good and ends up being great fun.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 24, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You need to find some level ground with the world, a place where people don’t seem to have all the advantages over you. I would propose that will come from taking care of yourself first. Center your life around your physical and emotional wellbeing, starting with rest, water and some time to yourself. This will help you settle into your body and your feelings, which will in turn give you more confidence. It’s true that you have many demands on your energy and much work to do. In order to be fully present and to offer yourself in service, you need to have all your resources available — to you. Over the next few days the logic of this will seem more apparent, and you’ll naturally go in that direction. Just remember, this is not at cross-purposes to all that you want to get done. Rather, it’s the essential ingredient.

Weekly Horoscope for Oct. 20, 2016, #1122 | By Amy Elliott

You’ve always been, to some extent, a beacon to guide those around you; and just now you are blazing perhaps brighter than ever before. If there’s anything you feel you really could do with more of in your life, it may well start coming to you. Check in with your heart: does opening or relaxing into that space begin to let in what you desire? If any challenges arise, check that you have given out the clearest message possible to anyone involved. Finally, as far as you can, be the example you would most wish to set if you knew people would watch, listen and follow.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 17, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Don’t let anyone’s scrambled ideas about life scramble your mind, or your emotions for that matter. It will help if you recognize when this is happening. It may have been happening quite a bit over the weekend. The best thing you can do is to stop communicating with people who view their role as being to mess with you in some way. The other best thing you can do is to keep your sense of humor. Nearly everything has a funny side, and you’ll be at an advantage if you keep your mind there rather than on some other aspect. The truth has a way of coming through when humor is present. It’s as if seriousness blocks the sensitivity and perceptiveness needed to actually discern reality. Notice the way that your experience changes as your perception changes. The world you see is the one you contain in your mind. Knowing that, and using it, gives you extraordinary influence.

Moonshine Horoscope for Aries Full Moon, #1121 | By Len Wallick

Always being a good sport does not necessarily mean giving away your power. Being a good sport in all ways need not result in your being victimized. There are ways to be consistently fair to others, and still come out on top. It starts with being yourself at all times. If you present the same face to everybody, not only will you be true to yourself — you will be perceived as worthy of trust. Those whose trust you have earned will in turn offer a fair account of you. The testimony of others impressed by your integrity will then precede you to open doors before you even reach them, making you the winner a poor sport could never be.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 10, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

As the Full Moon builds to a peak, I suggest you invest your energy three ways: one is listening, another is being articulate, and the third is listening. Your solar chart describes beautiful opportunities to relate to others. You also seem to have an emotional situation where you need to tune into a domestic partner or close relative. Take special care with this situation. Someone is feeling more than they are letting on, and they may have the feeling of being muted or unable to express their needs. This is why I suggest you listen for clues and bring subjects up delicately. To some extent this may describe you and your relationship to your feelings about someone you live with. No matter how questionable your emotions, all you really need is a dialog. Get the discussion going and all paths will lead to healing.

Short Monthly Horoscope for October 2016, #1120 | By Eric Francis

You must make a special effort to say what you mean and mean what you say. This is less about absolute truth and more about sincerity. Your words count for more than you know right now, so don’t waste them on gossip, on trivia or on negativity. Rather, use words and ideas like the valuable resources they are, and remember that for you honor counts. So too does presentation. Being well-spoken, presenting the written word with care and respect, and keeping things beautiful will be surprisingly helpful in whatever you’re doing or creating.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 3, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You seem to want to get a lot of work done, but you might ask yourself what has already been accomplished — by others and by you. This will save you plenty of work, as it seems the bulk of what you’re trying to do has already been done. You might do a little research and determine the thing that nobody else can figure out how to do. There would seem to be something, which might have been considered impossible or too difficult to accomplish. You might know exactly what this is. You might need to figure it out; and once you do, you’re likely to discover that it’s not so difficult after all. Well, the passage of time, changing conditions and a new mental approach may be what’s helping the difficulty unravel. Be mindful if a task is taking too long; that will mean you need to reassess whether it’s necessary, check your method or find someone who knows more than you and get some information.

Moonshine Horoscope for Libra New Moon, #1119 | By Len Wallick

A vague and undefined feeling you have been living with for some time now is about to become something more definite and clear for you. As you approach this new level of your awareness, it would help your cause to remember two things. First, always remember that your feelings are valid. Never let anybody tell you otherwise. Even if you don’t know why you are feeling happy (or sad, or lucky, or whatever) you can be certain that the sense represents a reality every bit as substantial and consequential as any other. Next, remember that knowledge — and access to it — is power. The self-knowledge you are about to realize more fully is no exception to that rule. Do not fear having your eyes opened. You will be better off with a better understanding of what you have so long only intuited.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 26, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Be generous with praise and compliments, and with sharing your knowledge. You have a lot to say, and it’s time you said it. You have some genuine areas of both expertise and experience. However, you will need to focus what you know and what you’ve accomplished into a form that is relevant for others. This will involve reinterpreting what you know, and in a sense transforming, focusing and making it accessible. Yet if you can do this, you can actually feed yourself using your ideas. This would include any form of business activity on the internet, and many forms of creative work or consulting. The thing is, you need an angle. What you have possession of is like a library, or a mine full of ore. Now you must extract the useful ingredients and fashion them into something valuable. Once you’ve done that, connecting with those who will benefit is the easy half of the gig.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscopes for October 2016, #1118 | By Eric Francis

You may need to work hard, though that’s also an invitation to work brilliantly. You will save yourself effort and get better results by applying intelligence first to any situation. Get a concept, an overview, a vision. Rather than a sense of direction, what you will benefit from is a concept of what you’re working toward. This might be more or less specific, lavishly detailed or less so. Let that guide you, in a loose and evolving way. It’s essential that all of your plans and even intentions be flexible enough to express themselves in a way that can actually manifest. One quality of our times is the environment changing so rapidly that it’s impossible to adapt. Rather, the thing essential to adapt oneself to is the sensation of constantly shooting the rapids. The beauty of speed is that small moves mean a lot. Momentum is doing most of the work; your role is to guide and direct. That’s the difference between working hard and working smart, as the old expression goes. There is plenty of energy coming out of the ground, and the fire-breathing dragon of time is hot and heavy at the moment. Therefore, settle into your seat and guide your craft; or if it suits you, step outside and walk.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 19, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

When the Sun changes signs this week, you may start to give yourself a break from worrying about money. Cash flow is meaningful but understanding your priorities is more important — and that’s the place to start. Once you determine what really matters, you might be surprised to see how much else does not matter. It’s been easier than usual for you to obsess over the small details lately, because there have been so many of them, coming at you so fast. For the next few weeks, you have the perfect opportunity to work through essential or desired tasks left incomplete, or those that have been forgotten. It will still be easy to get distracted by trivial worldly concerns, so you will need to keep prioritizing as a conscious act. These days that’s an essential skill, with so much mental overload. Yet do it long enough and you’ll get the hang of it, and get back into the flow.

Pisces Full Moon Moonshine for Sept. 15, 2016, #1117 | By Len Wallick

For you, ‘work’ is not the cursed four-letter word it is for some others. To have work to do and be able to do it is a blessing because you are aware that worthy labors, like time, wait for no one. Whether you are aware of it or not, it would appear that you have nearly completed your preparations to shift from one form of work to another. In spite of any qualms you have, follow through on what you resolved to start. Give yourself a chance to complete the transition(s) you have initiated. Feel secure that the aptitudes and skills that have allowed you to excel in other fields will transfer to your new endeavors. Finally, look forward to uncovering new and deeper layers of truth through new ways of working.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 12, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Most people don’t know what they believe — and this is a luxury you cannot afford. Not only do you need to know what you believe, but also to discern whether it’s true. Pay attention to what you say every time you utter the phrase ‘I think’, which really means, ‘I believe’. Have you verified whether it’s true, or whether other points of view might expand your thinking? You need to establish yourself as your own fact-checker. You might also be mindful of when you impose your beliefs on others, and back off from that. It would be altogether wiser of you to really understand your own thoughts and ideas rather than exporting them in some way. This will help you develop your considerable intelligence, deepen your maturity and tap into all that you’ve learned. If you present yourself to the people in your life as someone who questions yourself, nobody will need to question you.

Short Monthly Horoscope for September 2016, #1116 | By Eric Francis

You must be shrewder with money, and you can be. You have the natural intelligence to do so, though you must invest in yourself. When you spend a dollar or swipe some plastic, ask yourself how you benefit, and for how long. Ask yourself who else benefits. Self-investment rather than mere spending is cumulative, and the results are durable. This involves time as much as it does money. Slow down, consider what you want, and devote yourself to experiences that will enrich your humanity and have lasting value.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 5, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You will make great strides in improving your financial situation if you take full responsibility for yourself in these weeks of your life. Depend first on your own resources. Rather than being independent as a matter of pride, do so as a matter of integrity. You can afford to be more generous with others than you think; part of improving your finances involves changing your attitude about money, and getting yourself out of scarcity consciousness. You would benefit from sidestepping the usual gossip about complaints, including avoiding people who are enamored of their own sense of lack. Teach yourself new habits by selecting friends who take a positive approach to money. And by all means get in the habit of voting with your dollars (or quid, or euros). Spend money where your need for some service or item meets someone in business who deserves your investment.

Virgo New Moon Moonshine for Sept. 1, 2016, #1115 | By Len Wallick

You do not rule the world. Perhaps you should, but that’s not the issue for you now. At this time, it is less necessary for you to spread your influence, and more important for you to expand your appreciation of how influential you already are. If you will stop and think about it, there are small but significant recent examples of people deferring to you as never before. It is almost as if you have come of age somehow, and claimed a place among peers who were previously elders. Now, your task is to own and care for your new level of status as if it is a proud possession. Don’t abuse it. Keep it clean and polished. Display it. Stake out the ground that is now properly and duly yours so you can both stretch out within it and invite others to share it.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 29, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

This week’s unusual astrology is about your relationship to money. This theme has been coming up for you over and over again, though you may not trust the earning potential that you feel. That would call into question your relationship to all forms of your potential. It’s clear that you may be seriously underestimating your ability to convert your talent and ideas into money. You’re being invited to open your mind to those ideas, which is another way of saying that you must assess your value in a practical way. For most people accustomed to working for wages, this feels like manifesting something out of thin air. It’s nothing of the kind, though you must get over a tendency to think small; that’s another way of thinking bigger. You have many gifts and personal assets. Converting that into revenue is a matter of aligning your skills with the needs of others, and assessing a fair price. This will be approximately double what you would be likely to estimate in the first round.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for Sept. 2016, #1114 | By Eric Francis

From the look of your solar chart, you’ve just experienced some kind of personal breakthrough that’s taken you closer to being an artist, a lover or a free spirit. You’ve worked hard for this; you’ve had to face many inner demons and insecurities, and the result has been a surge of creative and sexual energy. This has helped you overcome an inner block that’s been interfering with your fun and passion for a while. The thing to remember is that it’s possible to revert to old ways of being. It’s easy to get scared of being ‘too free’ or ‘too powerful’. In fact, freedom feels like a dangerous state to many people, which is why humans so often revert to some form of unfree. You have to decide what you want, and what you’re willing to do in order to have it. If you want to get into the flow of energy, ideas and pleasure — that is, vital force — I have a few suggestions from your astrology. One is to avoid moral judgments on pleasure of any kind. Another is to step back from people, whether friends, partners or colleagues, who express such judgments. Preserving and developing your newfound space to explore your potential will in part depend on cultivating relationships that support you rather than diminish you. Those relationships are available, though you must set the criteria.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 22, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You have abundant resources to work with. Therefore you can go light on your own money and toil. Pause and take an inventory of what’s available. I assure you that anything you need, you or someone close to you already has. Proceed in the spirit of service without necessarily using that word. State clearly what you want to get done and by when. Remember that any project you’re involved with will have in equal measure creative potential, the ability to support others, and a visionary touch to it. You may be feeling that the time is now, though you don’t need to proceed with urgency or a sense of pressure. You’re fully connected to the best possible outcome, though you may need to work your way through some turbulence to get there. This is why I’m suggesting that you conserve your energy and use what you have wisely. Make a goal of never getting stressed. When in doubt, get out your sketchpad and draw something, or put on some music and dance around the room for a few minutes.

Full Moon Moonshine Horoscope for Aug. 18, 2016, #1113 | By Len Wallick

More than most people, you know who and what you are. More often than not, your intrinsic self-awareness has had the fringe benefit of grounding you in circumstances where others lose touch, if not control. What you may not fully understand is that the rewards of your more-than-usually examined life extend beyond just stability. Included in the qualities that make you both real and realistic is a capacity to distinguish more clearly than most between being bold and being reckless. Therefore, if your current perch begins to feel a little confining, don’t be afraid to try your wings — if only just a little.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 15, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Always remember that your intelligence is your most valuable resource. You may have finances on your mind, and the key to whatever you’re puzzling over or trying to figure out is the power of your mind. You are about to tap into a much wider and deeper source of mental power than you’re typically accustomed to. This will, in turn, help you tap into greater resources than you usually have. Yet this is not like getting a loan from a bank. Rather, it’s much closer to you making your resources available, and seeing what that attracts. The more generous you are, the more you will figure out how much that you have, and that you know. It may be popular to withhold knowledge, as if that makes it worth more. Often this is a mask for lacking confidence. Ideas increase by being given away. You will gain self-assurance as you share what you know, and base your relationships on that sharing.

Weekly Horoscope for Aug. 11, 2016, #1112 | By Amy Elliott

Play has many useful purposes. In children, it fosters important social and emotional development as well as honing brain skills. We all need to play sometimes, even in adulthood when we’re expected to be all serious and grown-up. This week, be sure to indulge your sense of fun — not only would this have great healing potential, you could well find your creative wits becoming sharper. Respect others’ self-direction by all means, but don’t let anyone try to stifle or control yours.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 8, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

If you’re prospering financially, you know it’s not a matter of luck. You know it’s a matter of focus, effort and intelligence. If you want to do better on the money scene, bring your intelligence to the question. Leo can have a frugal quality that you might need to get over. What for some is about covering their basic necessities for you might seem overly extravagant. You might suspend those kinds of judgments on the way to figuring out your relationship to money. Everyone must find their proper place on the food chain. You value what is simple, and by all indications you despise waste and want. Yet to have a good life it’s important to have one or two selected areas of life where you go to excess, if only as a reminder that you’re the one making the decisions. Financial success is largely a matter of being open to it; that makes all your other efforts possible.

Short Monthly Horoscope for August 2016, #1111 | By Eric Francis

You seem certain who you are and what you want. At the same time, commitments to others, or delays others are causing, might be bogging you down. Look clearly at these engagements. Are they supporting you in some way, and if so, how exactly? If not, the question is why they are in your life. It may be necessary to break this down to the seemingly cold facts of who owes what to whom. Unspoken agreements must be uncovered and then addressed clearly, if you truly want to live the life that is calling you with such fire and passion.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 1, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

This week’s New Moon in your sign will unlock many doors for you, though you won’t know which they are unless you turn the knob and try to get in. The perfect collaboration between you and the universe involves opportunities that are activated — that is, turned on and made real — by your curiosity and motivation. These are ‘use it or lose it’ tickets to the future. With Mars about to move in your favor, you should have plenty of ideas and moxie. The question is: will you persist through any resistance or challenging patches along the way to what you want to do? I suggest you promise yourself, now, that you’re not going to give up the first time you feel blocked or come to a rough patch. That’s built into this particular equation, and it would seem that the great reward of this phase of your journey is learning how to keep your momentum running on any terrain.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for August 2016, #1110 | By Eric Francis

You are standing at an intersection in your journey through space and time. There are a few ways to look at this: for example, you might take the more challenging route or the easier one. You might choose to be jealous or forgiving. You might choose to deceive, or to tell the truth. All of those potentials are open, and many more. Yet what I suggest you not do is let ‘fate’ decide. You must determine the approach you want to take to life, and understand your motives for doing so. It would help if you recognize that subtle choices and shifts of energy can make far greater differences than seems obvious. In that environment it makes no more sense to leave your life to luck or destiny than it does to take your eyes off the highway for a few minutes when you’re driving 75 miles per hour. When you’re driving, minuscule decisions can have profound outcomes. Trusting to seeming fate is not appropriate, though for you right now it’s a real temptation. Why you might do that is another question, and it involves your experience of your power. Most of the time it’s far less nerve-wracking to be ineffectual and subject to the whims of others. Invoking one’s own strength and influence can seem dangerous. Fear of failure and fear of success can both loom large. But they are not equal values.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 25, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Energy is now pumped in all three of the fire signs. The Sun, Mercury and Venus are in your sign, which is picking up on (and feeding) the energy of all the other fire signs. What that describes is the drive to do beautiful things. Yet there is a wider theme: self-awareness. The world is going through some extreme growing pains right now. Much of this is being driven by a struggle to awaken that’s being ignited by the grand fire trine in the sky (that’s when all three fire signs have planets in them). For you, this is an invitation to stay awake and present in your life. Do what matters to you. Hang out with people you care about. Try going out without your phone for a whole evening and engaging only with people in the physical world. Most of all, let yourself feel passion. The way consciousness is today, actual passion will feel a little dangerous, as if you care so much, or feel so good, that you’re about to burst into flames.

Weekly Horoscope for July 21, 2016, #1109 | By Amy Elliott

The feeling of being refreshed and renewed that comes with your birthday season might be especially potent for you this year. If that’s the case, feel free to ride the wave, bearing in mind the usual caveat about considering carefully any significant risks you might be drawn to. Pay generous attention to any opportunities for developing your career or public life. What you’re particularly looking for here is a chance to move toward increased fulfillment at the soul level; this may include withdrawing from a situation that has somewhat of the opposite tendency. Be ready, and seize the moment when it comes.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 18, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

The Sun will soon arrive in your sign, beginning your birthday season. You may already be feeling the positive vibes, with Mercury and Venus running a few paces ahead of the Sun. They’re describing what is possible, and giving you a sense that there really is a future if you appreciate what you have now. If you find yourself hung up on some issue rooted in the past, be patient and present. This may relate to the affairs of someone who was on Earth before you, or who has left before you. Any confusion you’re feeling is unlikely to be your own. Family baggage is passed down from generation to generation like some kind of heirloom. Many, many people live in a state where the past is left unresolved. Ask yourself what you can do to have closure, so you can live your life in the moment.

Full Moon Moonshine Horoscope for July 14, 2016, #1108 | By Len Wallick

Giving and receiving are not two different things. They are in fact two facets of the same thing. If you have been exclusively on one side or the other for a long time, now would be a good time to allow for some balance. Because of your leonine heart, it’s probable that you have been far more in the role of the giver for as far back as memory can reliably serve. If that’s the case for you, it’s likely that some reciprocal gifts from the grateful will soon be coming your way. Simply be gracious in accepting those tributes and tidings, and the experience will be more than gratifying — it will be genuinely and authentically life-changing.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 11, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Anxiety is an issue these days. Anyone who doesn’t freak out every now and then probably doesn’t have a pulse. Concern extends to our families, our friends, the environment, the world and the state of the country. Your chart has a good few indicators that you might be a little more worried than usual these days. It’s as if some pressure has built up and you need to vent it. Physical activity would be a good way to do that. Your desire nature looks pretty stoked as well — you might choose to express rather than suppress. The thing to remember is that you need emotional connection. That calls for some vulnerability, which in itself might present a concern. At a certain point you must decide that you’re safe, or at least safe enough for the purposes of what you want to do. Then let off some pressure. See how you feel, and try it again.

Short Monthly Horoscope for July 2016, #1107 | by Eric Francis

Your best ideas are going to come out of the blue, as if your inner genius is a kitten ambushing your head from behind the couch. Therefore, pay attention, and do that thing where you sleep next to a notebook and pencil, or ask your friends to write things down while you’re driving. There is energy behind your thoughts right now, and you will come up with solutions to problems that could turn out to be valuable, useful things. It doesn’t matter whether you feel creative; the fact is that you are, in some eminently practical forms. Put that gift to use.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 4, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Aspects for the next few days will help you let off some psychological pressure. The way to do this is to let your imagination flow uninhibited. Let off on the breaks, and choose to never be afraid of your own thoughts. The chances are that you’re tapping into the sweet spot of your imagination right now. You have a clue how good life can be, and you know you have the power to make that real. Yet imagination has a way of ‘threatening’ known reality, especially if it’s boring or backed into a corner. Wanting richer intimacy has a way of ‘threatening’ situations where there is little or no intimacy, for example. Visiting an exciting, creative workspace is certainly a ‘threat’ to any job that puts you to sleep. You might feel quaky for a moment at the thought of doing something more fulfilling, but once you spring into action, that won’t last long.

New Moon Moonshine Horoscope for June 30, 2016, #1106 | by Len Wallick

Be as generous with yourself as you have been with others, and the weeks to come will be more rewarding. While it may indeed be time to acquire a few possessions you have been putting off, the most valuable gifts you can give yourself now would probably be experiences. Specifically, do what you can to get yourself out of your residence and workplace and into your local unexplored world. Look to take in whatever your community has to offer as regards to art and performance; the idea is to expand your sense of both home and self beyond familiar walls. As you avail yourself of your outer environs, keep your eyes open. Look for places you might want to return to — not just to take them in, but also to take part.

Monday Morning Horoscope for June 27, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You don’t need to engage in any debate about morals, especially sexual. In sex, there is just one necessary line of appropriateness, which is of-age consent. Once that’s been taken care of, you are entitled to be who you are, to feel what you feel, and to do what you want to do. So is everyone else. What is so often disguised as morality is like a crepe-paper Halloween costume pulled over a deeper reality: some people want everyone else to have less fun than they do. The very things to avoid are gossip and scandal in any form. Simply do not participate. Walk away or end the discussion. You are the one and only person who must make up your own mind about what is right or wrong for you and for your relationships. This takes less courage than it may seem to at first. You merely need to call things what they are, and remember that nobody is your judge or jury.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for July 2016, #1105 | by Eric Francis

Imagine a famous person who is really an introvert. It seems like a contradiction because so many people know their name and face. This is a fair description of you right now. You have a lavishly enterprising outer life, and yet you are an inwardly focused person; you must pull in and find a home within yourself. This is not optional; one way or another, it’s going to happen, so you may as well make some choices that work for you and give yourself all the space and time you need away from your usual activities. This will remind you what a private person you are. You might wonder how you engage in so much activity with so many people, and with so little time and space for yourself. Those are good questions and they are worth asking, and answering to the extent that you can. Your astrology, however, is encouraging you to take a more reflective view of life for a while. That means making fewer plans, not more of them. If you do make plans, such as to travel or take time off, minimize activity and give yourself plenty of time to sit on the porch and stare at the water or at some trees. This is not any kind of permanent state. Rather, you’re gathering your strength and awareness for the next stage of your journey, soon to arrive.

Monday Morning Horoscope for June 20, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You seem uncertain about what you need to feel safe. Is it some form of emotional reassurance? Is it the feeling of stability? Or do you need to find your core of self-reliance, the one that has worked for you so well in the past? I would propose that the less you can make this about other people, and the more you can make it about yourself, the better you will feel. Despite ancient and modern mythology to the contrary, your confidence comes from you. Your security comes from you. This begins with you deciding to feel comfortable in your own skin and accepting of who you are. There’s something huge here about giving yourself permission to desire exactly what you need, without judgment. The more honest you are with yourself, the more confidence you will feel. Therefore, if you’re feeling shaky, get real with yourself and you will feel better.

Moonshine Horoscope for June 16, 2016, #1104 | by Len Wallick

Being comfortable in your own skin is half the game right now. That’s because wherever you choose to go, there you will be. The same principle applies to whatever you choose to do, and whenever you choose to do it. You are the common denominator in your life for every moment you live. Of course, that’s true for everybody. For you, however, your own presence at every occasion in your life is something more than just a pithy precept. It’s a cornerstone waiting to be laid. It’s an epiphany waiting to happen. There are two big reasons for that. First, every day really is the first day of the rest of your life. Additionally, your relationship with the universe really does imply that the majesty and magnanimity humanity has always imagined of lions is implicitly part of who you are. All you have to do is allow that part to live through your every action and you will not only be comfortable but beautiful in your own skin.

Monday Morning Horoscope for June 13, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You seem to be getting your message clear. Remember that in trying to persuade others, they’re more likely to respond to beauty, or their feelings, than they are to logic. You might have the idea that if you’re clear enough, and make enough sense, you’ll get everyone on board with your idea. Think of it this way: people are already convinced; they just need to be motivated. It’s essential that you remember this, because additional attempts to convince anyone will have an effect opposite what you’re going for. What will get results is having faith in yourself, if you are willing to act on it in a meaningful way. By this I mean you have to trust yourself more than any nagging voice in your mind, and you have to trust that you’re good for your commitments — because you are.

Monday Morning Horoscope for June 6, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You cannot control how other people perceive you. Try as you may, everyone is going to come up with their own idea. There is no point resisting or resenting the attention that you get, when you try so diligently to be visible and to make the right impression. It’s interesting how much energy people invest in being their own publicist, stylist and manager trying to get a grip on their image, and the mixed feelings that result. While you cannot control what others think, you can influence it. The distinction is relevant because wielding influence is different from the illusion of controlling someone’s perception. One distinction is that it would necessarily lead you to pay attention to the response you get from your environment. That will tell you a lot, and you’ll have more fun. You just need to hang loose and be more transparent. Open up and actually offer people insight into your thoughts, and notice what happens when you do.

Short Monthly Horoscope for June 2016, #1103 | By Eric Francis

Know where you stand with people, particularly financially. Make sure that you understand the details of any arrangement, and that you enter any agreement with a conscious agenda. Contracts work because they describe a mutual set of needs and intentions, and you can only participate in a constructive way if you know where you stand, what you want, and what you have to offer. You may need to be a little less trusting, ask more questions and seek the input of people who know more than you. When in doubt, read the fine print and ask the difficult questions.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 30, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Pay attention to the inconsistencies between what you say and how you really feel. Notice how your image differs from your inner reality. Do you promote the difference, or do you strive to have your ‘inner being’ match your outer presentation? Ponder this question for a while. It’s been hanging around your life for some time, though it’s really coming into focus now. There are other ways to play with this: notice what you say about your reality to some people as opposed to others. Notice the slightly different way you present yourself to everyone. What is really going on? It may be that each time you encounter a new being, you have a different energy resonance with them, and a new version of you emerges. It may be that people mirror you or that you mirror them, creating a unique experience every time you encounter someone else. This leads back to a very old question: who are you really? You may not have an answer yet, but it will feel good to ask.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for June 2016, #1102 | By Eric Francis

Most blessings are hidden: we don’t notice them. Pay attention; and not only observe but embrace the many offerings existence is holding out to you. First among them is what looks like some burning spiritual thirst or desire. You can count that as a gift because without it, what motivation would you have to seek your deeper truth, embrace your life or strive for freedom? You may be experiencing an emotional craving for sex that has replaced your previous need to feel safe and secure. Count this as a gift because you’re going beyond the need for things to stay as they are, and are becoming willing to challenge yourself and allow your life to change. You may want independence from your family and its drama, which is a gift because you have your own life to live. The essential blessing of this time is the ability to honestly admit what you want, stepping out of any guilt or hang-ups for doing so. This is no small matter, as we live in a time of increasing criminalization of any desire that does not involve your credit card number. You seem ready to burst free from this oppression, though you would be wise to have a plan for what to do with any inner backlash. In this instance, as in most of life, guilt is a sure sign you’re doing the right thing.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 23, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

It looks like some professional issue, a hitch or delay of some kind, has come unstuck – or is about to. If you are planning any sort of career move, the next few weeks are a good time to aim for. You must, though, be aware of a rapidly shifting environment, and certain developing matters that are likely to come to a head between now and early June. That means keep an open mind, and listen more than you speak. If you do, you will learn many things that influence your decisions, and reveal the best strategy to use. Meanwhile you would be wise to keep your plans under wraps, while making any necessary moves behind the scenes. With the current emphasis on what are called mutable signs – Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces – be prepared to adapt and pivot, and to take advantage of unplanned-for opportunities. Most of all, work with the state of flux and keep your mind wide open to the possibilities.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for May 19, 2016, #1101 | By Len Wallick

You may have had good reason to go it alone in some ways during your life — especially for the last four or five years. Perhaps it was to protect yourself somehow. Maybe it was because you found that you could rely on yourself when others occasionally proved to be unreliable. It’s good to be able to protect yourself. It’s also good to be self-reliant. There is no avoiding the fact, however, that you are a human being. There is also no denying that our species has survived because of, and defined itself by, a capacity for cooperation and forming communities. Therefore, as you move forward from this auspicious point into the rest of your life, be open to joining with the auspices of individuals or groups with whom you could form a more perfect union.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 16, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

There is big movement in the house associated with your career, though there is little room for error. That can be a dangerous combination, so you need to slow down and make sure that you take any necessary precautions without stilting yourself. Said another way, make sure you take responsibility for both ends of any line of communication for a week or so. This will require some executive micromanagement, such as calling someone up to ask if they got your email. You’re good at that, anyway; though the key will be maintaining your wider vision at the same time. You must keep a high vantage point and a broad perspective. Know what larger plan every smaller element fits into. Go for efficiency points and make things applicable to various goals and purposes. And when you’re dealing with higher-ups, bosses and others in power, take extra responsibility and measure your words carefully.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for May 12, 2016, #1100 | By Len Wallick

If you want to be understood, first seek to understand. Even though you may not receive credit for being compassionate, you know in your lion’s heart that one of your many strengths is to feel empathy and show support for those you like and love. The only challenge is that it is now evidently time for you to demonstrate the same qualities of heart towards those who have not previously inspired you to be sympathetic. There is a reason for this, and it has to do with what some call enlightened self-interest. The degree of success you enjoy henceforth will be proportional to the extent you are able to walk in another’s shoes.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 9, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You may not think this is the best time to be making professional decisions. Yes, Mercury is retrograde in your career house; that’s supposed to be a cause for concern. Yet sometimes the exact opposite of conventional wisdom holds true, and this is just such an occasion. You can do something unusual now; for example, embark on a project, a business or a series of moves to enhance your career. There’s just one condition for success, though: in addition to the necessity for impeccable quality, you must do what you’re doing in a way that is truly your own. This is success dancing to the beat of your own drummer, based on work so good that you are willing to sign your name to it. Said another way, this is not the time to follow the rules that others have set; it’s the time to follow your own calling and your own inner code, which is a high standard indeed.

Moonshine Horoscope for May 5, 2016, #1099 | By Len Wallick

Let the word ‘affinity’ serve as a template through which you filter your options. That’s because you are (perhaps at long last) going somewhere as regards finding your place and establishing your reputation in the world, even if it may not seem that way now. It will be no small thing to include among your many considerations whether you will like and be liked among the various people, places and situations that might become available to you sooner than you think. While it makes sense to put your own happiness first, compatibility is ultimately a two-way street. Therefore, take what you have learned from experience, and anticipate where you most likely will find welcome as well as opportunity.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 2, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You seem to be reshuffling career goals, with an aim of setting your sights on something more meaningful and more profitable — in that order. I suggest you start with what would be meaningful and leave out the financial end. That’s really a separate project, and a lower priority. Getting a real idea of what you want is the more challenging thing. I suggest you take your time, and stoke your imagination. It’s easy to walk along a city street, or for that matter, through a small town, and think that there are limited opportunities for you. You want to go to the other side of the spectrum: let yourself believe, for as long as you can, that anything is possible. Worry not if you ‘don’t think you can make a living at it’. Nearly everything that people thrive on economically today was considered impossible or nonexistent just 10 or 20 years ago, and with this experiment, you are pointing the ship of your life toward the future.

Short Monthly Horoscope for May 2016, #1098 | By Eric Francis

This month looks like the tipping point in a professional matter that’s been evolving for a while. Consider every conversation you have as some form of a lucky break. If you feel that someone is fortunate to meet you, ask yourself why exactly that is — and know the specifics. Success implies responsibility. You might earn more, and then you might also have to work longer hours and take worries off the minds of your bosses. Be grateful for that. When someone trusts you enough to grant you authority of any kind, take it as a blessing and work twice as diligently.

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 25, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

At present, your solar chart describes how your life is set up to accomplish some rather large goals in some unusual ways. You are under no obligation to follow convention, as long as you don’t piss off your higher-ups or people to whom you’re responsible. This leaves you plenty of room for unconventional approaches to leadership, to meeting your goals and to succeeding in some special way. Focus on the task at hand and ask yourself what you’re really trying to do. See if you can strip away any need you have for maintaining an appearance. That kind of goal will typically lead you to some pointless places. However, remember that you’re being observed by others who may hold some power and influence in your life; and you want to do things well, and maintain a policy of genuine honesty. You will save yourself precious time and effort. Better still, you will thrive on any demonstration that the truth is your greatest source of strength.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for May 2016, #1097 | By Eric Francis

You seem ready to take your professional life more seriously; your timing is good. You will make the greatest strides by using unconventional means. These days, unconventional (verging on really weird) involves actually calling someone on the phone, or showing up somewhere that you think might have an opportunity waiting or where you will gain experience or learn something new. Any error you make, or miscommunication you encounter, might contain an opportunity. Pause and look for what that might be; for example, if you get an email from someone by mistake, or dial the wrong company. Investigate what truth might exist within a misunderstanding. Notice whom you ‘just bump into’. You might also intentionally call up some old contacts and see what they have going on. All of this is predicated, of course, on you having some idea what you want to do and why you want to do it: some actual goal. I suggest, however, that this really be a top priority, something with substance and with lasting value. It’s likely to be something you’ve wanted to do for a long time, and are just connecting or reconnecting with. It will be worth every bit of your energy right now, though I suggest you aim high: consider your most important professional goal. And remember that you might get there in a way you were not expecting.

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 18, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Be patient with any career or professional plans you may have. You seem to be getting impatient, as if your current life cannot contain your ambitions. The Sun’s move into Taurus later this week will only help you, though I suggest you remember that we’re not really talking about ‘career’ or ‘profession’. We’re talking about you: your devotion to life, your experience of your existence. You will make tremendous progress if you focus on developing your talent rather than striving to succeed at something. If you accept the fact that this will take some time and effort, and make that investment, you’re likely to get a greater return than you were expecting. The key to art is managing to have fun while you’re doing the discipline thing. That means loving the process of learning and developing your talent. Keep reminding yourself: this is what it means to be human.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for April 14, 2016, #1096 | By Len Wallick

You will know that it was right to let go when you do not find yourself empty-handed for having done so. Of course, not knowing outcomes until after the act of releasing attachment will entail some risk. Actively engaging with risk will in turn require that you willingly and even eagerly embrace uncertainty. If ever it were (or will be) appropriate to forgo securing sure things in order to make room for possibilities to become real, the next eight months appear to be your prime time for doing just that. If you need a hint regarding what to let go of first, examine all you serve. Sustain any cause of love and compassion, but free yourself from being a slave to mere sentiment.

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 11, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Your long-term vision may not be what you thought it was; be glad of that fact. Indeed, this week you may have a series of revelations not just about what you want, but also about who you are. The two are integrally related, and as you explore that relationship, you will make many bold discoveries. The key to success is not limiting your imagination. People are often inclined not to think about something, or not to want it, because it seems impossible or unlikely. Yet I suggest that you consider those very things. Get over the first obstacle, which is yourself. Be ready to be persistent, and to take the long view, by which I mean what you want to accomplish before your next birthday. You don’t need to probe centuries ahead of yourself; you just need to see yourself substantially beyond where you are now, and remember that anything is possible if you have faith in yourself.

Moonshine Horoscope for April 7, 2016 #1095 | By Len Wallick

Make hay while the Sun shines. There are evidently some things that need your fullest attention now, because they will not wait. Other things can safely be put off. Discerning between the two will do more than just make you efficient and effective. People will notice how you combine diligence with discretion, and will support you in your aspirations to extend your horizons and expand your opportunities for advancement. This is no game. Part of the picture for every person who would like to be a future reference on your resume is their own reputation. Hence, be aware that every time you come through for yourself will also feather the cap of those who are cheering you on with enlightened self-interest.

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 4, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You have the ability to see far into the future. This is a gift of the current moment, as if you’re standing on a high mountain and can see the landscape in every direction, all around you. Take a week out of your usual approach to life and really look into the distance — checking out every possible perspective, remembering what you see. Imagine the different choices you might make, different directions in which you might proceed, and project each one five years into the future. Once you come down from that mountain and continue your journey, your perspective will be different, much closer to the ground. You will benefit from bringing your perspective with you, remembering how you felt when you saw into a particular direction of future arrival. If you have commitments or complications today that you think might prevent going any particular way, do not be hindered or discouraged. You have the power to resolve them, and nothing will stop you.

Short Monthly Horoscope for April 2016, #1094 | By Eric Francis

Skip back 10 years and ask yourself what, at that time, you thought you would be doing now. Does it resemble what you have going on today? Now, project that magnitude of change 10 years ahead and imagine the possibilities. Time seems to be moving so fast that you must keep your eyes right on the ground in front of you. I suggest you look up, and look out, and notice what you see. Then bring that vision into the present moment and create some aspect of it right now. You don’t need to delay, or spend your time waiting.

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 28, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Dare to allow yourself to be driven by a creative idea. This may show up as an impulse of some kind, or daring yourself to do something you really want to do for the pleasure of doing it. You will know you’re in range of a real idea when you say to yourself, “I’m not sure how this is going to come out, but I really want to try it.” One emotion that’s taken a beating in the Internet Age is passion. This is the exact opposite of being powdered and rehearsed, cool and smooth. Passion means connecting feeling and action. I suspect you have an idea good enough to persist with once the initial rush of desire and intention fade to your usual level of ambition. If you like what transpires from your first attempt, then consider committing to a longer experiment and notice how it develops, say, over the next month.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for April, 2016, #1093 | By Eric Francis

You have a future. That’s a big deal right now, with the world living like there’s no tomorrow. While it’s not a good idea to obsess over the future or to treat it as your only resource, you will live more confidently in the present moment if you know you have time, space and potential ahead of you. Think of this message as: take your time rather than waste time. Taking your time means using time well. One particular angle of your chart is trying to get your attention, which is the house that addresses the themes of creativity, pleasure and risk. It seems as if there is something you want to experiment with or explore, yet you don’t know whether to dive in or to hesitate. If this involves something you could call purely creative — that is, some form of expression with few possible consequences — you risk nothing by diving in. If there are some actual, potential consequences, which you must risk in order to succeed, then consider the worst-case scenario. What could go wrong and what are the chances that it will? How can you mitigate those potential effects? Then ask yourself if it’s worth taking that risk to achieve what you want to do. Once you decide to proceed, skip all the hesitating and get on with the show.

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 21, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You may feel unsure whether to worry yourself sick, or to declare that your life is headed in the best possible direction. When you have seemingly opposing or contradictory thoughts, it can help to let them stand face to face for a while. You have no need to resolve the seeming paradox, and you will learn plenty this week that helps you sort out the approach you want to be taking. If your source of anxiety involves a relationship, you might ask yourself whether your level of dependency is healthy or appropriate. You might also consider whether certain factors that seem to be set in stone really are negotiable. Yet you must be the one who sees the highest possible potential and actively seeks a solution that works for everyone. This is a creative act and, in your life, you are the source of that creativity. Therefore, be bold and take leadership.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for March 17, 2016 #1092 | By Len Wallick

Doing things the hard way is neither redeeming nor ennobling for you at this time. Taking and making things easier is not necessarily laziness. You owe it to yourself to examine your life for how you might be pursuing a harder way than is absolutely necessary. If labor-saving devices are available and appropriate, employ them. Should shortcuts be conscionable, take them. If you are going it on your own when help is available, team up and pool efforts. If any endeavor is taking more out of you than it returns at this time, don’t accept that state of affairs as necessary. To feel happier, seek to balance your exchange of energy with the world.

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 14, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Keep simplifying your affairs. Remember what is really of actual value, which begins with companionship, a dry roof and food to eat. If you have that much, count yourself not just lucky but as extremely fortunate. You will send a message to the people closest to you about what really matters. Notions of commitment, abstract ideas about money, and people passing their burdens to you need to be seen as the irrelevancies they are. Simple means sticking to what is tangible. If you are happy, you have the power to be even happier. If you are in any way struggling or feeling burdened, you have the potential to get clear and make clear decisions. Give back to others what belongs to them. Take on only responsibilities that are truly your own. The concept of net worth is meaningless in comparison to the value of your soul, and what you have to offer the world.

Moonshine Horoscope for March 10, 2016 #1091 | By Len Wallick

Conventional wisdom is just that. It consists of aphorisms, which many people agree to agree upon. You, however, are not ‘many people’. You should feel no pressure to conform to conventional wisdom. More importantly, you should not feel something is wrong with you if your own experience does not resonate with pithy proverbs, no matter how commonly accepted. Rather, it is your role to be the learned skeptic. Whenever you find that common sense makes no sense for you at all, first do your research. Get to the bottom of how things actually work, as opposed to how they are supposed to. Then, combine the fruit of your investigations with your currently strong sense of doing what’s right: make the world work better for you and better your work in the world.

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 7, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Proceed with caution on financial issues this week. Don’t let anyone rush you into anything you’re uncertain of, or don’t understand well enough to explain clearly. Any nagging hint of doubt you may feel is worth listening to, and indicates there is some missing information. Few things of any real importance cannot wait a week or two. No person of any real significance would fail to respond to your need for clarity, especially if they are expecting you to make a commitment of any kind. If someone makes the case that you could lose an opportunity, you can be sure it’s not an opportunity you would want, anyway. If you’re looking for a real margin of safety that will help you get to the bottom of things, what you learn around the time of the Full Moon eclipse of March 23 will be golden.

Short Monthly Horoscope for March 2016, #1090 | By Eric Francis

Don’t let worries about money stop you from doing what you’ve set out to do. If you bring the commitment and the ideas, it’s likely that others will bring the resources. Even without the help of anyone else, you have more than enough to accomplish your goal. It’s mostly a matter of where you choose to invest your funds and, more importantly, your energy. Between being cheap and being wasteful exists a wide area where there is simply enough to get the job done. Remember: your most valuable asset is your mind — even a single idea.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for March 2016, #1089 | By Eric Francis

Clinging to yourself, your ideas, your ideals, your money or your energy does not help. Your life is a collaborative venture, and there seems to be some rapidly growing influence to get more involved, and to take this to a new level. Yet in order not to be swallowed by your circumstances, or overwhelmed, you must loosen up and invite progress, healing and pleasure into your environment. Many people have something to offer you right now. Without alienating anyone, I suggest you choose carefully in terms of who has the thing you need the most. It might not be your official partner. It might be someone you hardly know, or someone who mysteriously arrived in your life. It might be someone you’ve looked up to for a long time and now you know you’re ready for this particular form of exchange. Be open and keep a loose grip on your reality. This will be mostly true on the level of what you think is important. You may need to rearrange your priorities, and more than that, act boldly on them when you figure out what’s true for you. It’s important that you do this before you feel the influence of others. This way you will recognize what is possible, and know that the motivation to change and grow is coming from you and not from others. That will be your basis of real trust.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Feb. 22, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Monday’s Full Moon is emphasizing financial matters. The message of the chart is that you need to understand your interdependencies with others, especially close partners. The first thing to check for is that everyone is being honest about money. Then look around and notice whether you and those you’re close to have an exchange you both can abide. Ask yourself if you’re being generous enough or whether you’re holding back. If you feel yourself withholding, there’s a possibility this is about your self-esteem. The better you feel about yourself, the more generous you will be with the people you love and care about. Yet it works the other way too: the more generous you are, the better you will feel. All of this may relate to sex every bit as much as it relates to money.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for Feb. 18, 2016, #1088 | By Len Wallick

Envy does not become you. Don’t let a desire for what others possess bring you down at a time when you should be lifting yourself up. In your lion heart, you understand fully that quality of character is a greater asset than anything that is measured by quantity. Intellectually you also know that the goods of the material world do not remain in any one place for long. Tangible wealth is not intrinsically evil, but being consumed by an obsession to acquire and accumulate riches can lead to no good. Have faith that the intangible values you have been so faithfully cultivating in yourself for so long will bring you all you need of this world sooner rather than later — without your having to sacrifice what no amount of money can ever buy back.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Feb. 15, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Be careful not to let your fears run away with you. The thing about fear — and this cannot be said often enough, or to enough people — is that fear is usually fantasy, directed at something that’s neither true nor real. The problem is that it seems so convincing. The other problem is that bad things actually do happen, though not nearly as often as we expect them to. What I suggest you do is to guard your inputs. You’re unusually sensitive to influences coming in through media — television, films and even music. I suggest you experiment by indulging only influences that are positive and creative. Another way to say this is to assess the nutritional content of what you indulge in with your senses, and what you soak your mind in. If you consume what is healthy, loving and wholesome, that’s how you’ll feel.

Moonshine Horoscope for Feb. 11, 2016, #1087 | By Len Wallick

It’s possible to make friends nearly anywhere. It’s probable that there is at least one area of your life where you have overlooked the possibility of forging bonds or developing relationships — maybe at work; perhaps at school. Could be your admirable ethic of applying yourself with a determined purpose towards attaining your goals is preventing you from seeing what only society with colleagues can offer. It is good to develop yourself to your maximum potential, but no person is an island. When it seems appropriate, don’t hesitate to start conversations, or even to ask for help. While friendship may sometimes include sharing frivolity, it is not frivolous. Create connections.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Feb. 8, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Monday’s New Moon in your opposite sign Aquarius is calling your attention to a relationship. But it may not be a relationship in the romantic sense. It could involve an organization or informal group with whom you are turning over a new leaf. While one-to-one encounters are vital to your way of life, there’s a dimension of you that deeply needs and craves connection to community, with a purpose. It is this purpose that would guide your choices, and I suggest you keep an eye out for the feeling of actual meaning. In other words, this is not about going out or having a good time. It’s about your tribe, your support network, your professional community, or an artistic community. You need to be part if it, and it needs to be part of you.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for Feb. 4, 2016, #1086 | By Len Wallick

It wasn’t that long ago that you were a child who could have a ball without the need for anything other your own imagination. With time, childhood passed and you became an adult with different needs. Among the most prominent imperatives that come with adulthood is the attraction of intimate relationship. It is not absolutely necessary to have a committed partner to have a happy and productive life. Nonetheless, the ability to share both burdens and joys with another can and often does contribute to making life a lot easier and more gratifying. As you well know, however, a toxic or unequal relationship can take life the other way, into drudgery and misery. Perhaps it is the downside of a close relationship that has had you working on improving yourself for so long? Now, you might want to consider whether it’s time to put that good work of yours to use, and apply yourself to improving existing relationships — or forming new partnerships that are even sounder than those you have previously known.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Feb. 1, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You will be able to move mountains at work this week, though you would benefit from treating everything and everyone creatively. In any situation, ask to be connected to its highest potential. You seem destined to establish something of lasting value, which means focus on the quality of what you’re doing rather than the amount. Go deeper into any question, and find out what is really motivating you. You may arrive at a point where you face the question of either following the established way or provoking a revolution. You don’t need to make any radical changes, though. You might think of the formula as encouraging evolution: progress that seems modest, but which is real and authentic. This will be your formula for success. As you push your roots deeper into the ground, your branches will reach higher into the sky.

Short Monthly Horoscope for February 2016, #1085 | By Eric Francis

You’re a taskmaster right now, and can get months of work done in just a few weeks. Just make sure that some of what you’re doing is devoted exclusively to the activities you want the most. Duty and responsibility are important. It’s equally vital that you have a fulfilling life. So send some of that ‘get it done’ energy your own way.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 25, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

The recent Full Moon in your birth sign may have brought some important matters to a head. If so, one result could be that you have a much better understanding of where someone is coming from. You might not agree with their position, or you might be hoping for something better. In all, I suggest you guide yourself to the level of deeper healing. Seen one way, there is no such thing as a relationship issue; there’s just what individuals go through. You’re in a rare position to work out a psychological and emotional matter that may have puzzled or troubled you for years, seeming to have no possible resolution. The answer involves making tangible decisions and sticking with them long enough to evaluate whether you made the right choice.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for February 2016, #1084 | By Eric Francis

Leave room for a little madness in your life. Leave yourself room to cut loose, and be a bit Bacchanalian. Real mental stress sets in when people are wound too tight, or become obsessed by control. You need to loosen up, however you define that, though I would say that you need something better than alcohol. You need to feed your imagination and get into that space where you really can share yourself with others, and receive what they offer you. Generally this is called intimacy. But I don’t mean it so much in the sense of pure fidelity as I mean it in the sense of an experiment and a celebration. To go there, you may really need to convince yourself to relax, and set aside any concerns related to work or health. You are already doing what you can, which may mean that you’re doing quite enough. What you would benefit greatly from adding is the quality-of-life piece, which may feel like a throwback to a much younger age. But that is who you were, and in many respects it’s who you still are. What you have now that you didn’t have then is a degree of confidence. Your self-esteem is much stronger. It’s true you built that on your accomplishments. You’ll appreciate it more if you take a breath, slow down and play.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 18, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Be mindful of the decisions you make at work for the next few days, and take your time deciding on your agenda. This really is a scenario insisting that you plan your work and then work your plan, or measure twice and cut once. You’re likely to be feeling the pressure to make a decision, yet without complete information. And you might think that whatever it is has to happen as soon as possible. Actually, it can wait, and if you insert a few delays or strategic pauses in the action, you will discover things that completely change the scenario. Meanwhile, quietly gather facts and figures, and learn where people are coming from without revealing your viewpoint yet. Your knowledge will become power, and the situation may mysteriously resolve itself.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope — Jan. 14, 2016, #1083 | By Len Wallick

If you can see your way clear to make it so, the coming weeks would be a good time to call a moratorium on additional commitments. That would mean, at least in part, learning how to rein in your magnanimous nature. Take a cue from wise parents who teach patience to their children by showing patience in the face of strident requests and urgent demands. In other words, there are alternatives to saying “no” available to you. If it comes down to there being no other way to keep more from being heaped onto your full plate, however, you will almost certainly find that a clear and rational declaration of boundaries will be met with acceptance and respect so you can catch up.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 11, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Have you ever had the experience of typing the wrong word, but it turned out to be better than the one you were planning? Or autocorrect coming up with something so funny you use it? That’s the way I suggest you live for the next few weeks. Trust that the little things that go wrong will provide information or lead you to interesting places. If you find something odd in a file, see if it contains an idea. If you make a wrong turn and end up somewhere unexpected, notice where you are and see if there’s anything you might discover. Coworkers will be a source of information as well; trust that anyone might come up with the winning strategy, no matter how much or how little they are supposed to know.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope — Jan. 7, 2016, #1082 | By Len Wallick

Odds are you have made your mind up about something or other after a long period of contemplation. Let that be a good thing. You owe it to yourself to have faith in your purposeful deliberations. You should also give yourself credit for having overcome impulse to find your truth. There is one other favor you should grant yourself, however. Whatever you have decided upon, do not make an irrevocable commitment until the last possible moment. Even as sure as you may be about where your heart is, give your mind a chance to change while it is still possible to do so with grace. This is not to say you should be fickle or put things off. By all means, move in the direction of your choice; but gradually, one step at a time. Make each step only after you are sure and unshakable in your resolve not to retrace it.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 4, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You’ll be able to get a month of work done this week, provided you can keep the complications down to a minimum. Work on your own as much as possible, rather than delegating. If you must farm out a task, make sure you only do so with someone who has proven that they can and will come through for you in any weather. Meanwhile, there appears to be an important matter brewing on the home front. Once you dip into that you may discover it involves an old issue that was left unresolved from some time in the autumn. Now is the time to get the discussion going, though don’t push for a quick resolution — give it some time and make sure significant others know you really do care.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for January 2016, #1081 | By Eric Francis

Not everything is about money. Money is important, but it’s also necessary to remember its inherently symbolic value. In other words, you cannot eat the stuff, and if it has any meaning at all, it’s the meaning we give it. Your charts this year are, in many ways, about discussions and negotiations over resources. It may seem that other people are in a better position than you are, yet if you look closely enough you will see the many advantages that you hold. One of them is that you are resourceful, which means inventive. Another is that when you’re under pressure, you can be brilliantly creative. Yet you can also be naive, particularly in your business dealings; and it’s now essential that you be realistic. This includes in all matters where resources of any kind are exchanged. The deeper the exchange, the more complex this can become — for example, where both sex and money are involved; where inheritances are involved; where your creative work product is connected to finances and your self-esteem. What you must bring to the table is a mix of your passion, your talent and your stone-cold analysis of who holds what cards. As part of that breakout, make sure you notice who has invested so significantly in you. Someone has — and they have just as much faith in you now as ever.

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