Aquarius 2016

Posted by Eric Francis Coppolino


Moonshine Horoscope for Capricorn New Moon #1132 | By Len Wallick Somewhere on a sunny beach long ago, some anonymous surfer once offered a piece of advice that has been repeated over the sands ever since. That observation, as pithy as the interior of a fine surfboard, was that “the best way to deal with […]

Moonshine Horoscope for Capricorn New Moon #1132 | By Len Wallick

Somewhere on a sunny beach long ago, some anonymous surfer once offered a piece of advice that has been repeated over the sands ever since. That observation, as pithy as the interior of a fine surfboard, was that “the best way to deal with the situation is not to deal with the situation.” In other words, don’t sabotage yourself by either trying too hard or losing faith in your ability to improvise. Your genes contain literally billions of years of experience with life on Earth. The memories your own life has stored up in your body and mind represent an even more specifically applicable set of resources that is just waiting to be used. It is understandable for you to want relative certainty (or at least a chance to prepare). Yet there are times when you both need and want to draw fearlessly upon your unequaled aptitude to make good things happen on the spot. Just such a moment would appear to be drawing near for you. Surf’s up.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 26, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Do not, repeat, do not let anxiety get the best of you. Your chart suggests you may be worrying to the point of obsession. This may not be about anything in particular; it may be what shrinks call generalized anxiety. While I cannot describe the astrology fully in this short space, it involves the dog-and-pony show going on in your adjoining sign Capricorn (perhaps read this week’s Cap reading for additional insight). Relax and feel the passage of time. Remind yourself that you’re an intelligent, hardworking person who has the adult power to solve any problem you might become aware of. Keep in mind that as one born under the sign Aquarius, the keynote of your sign is cooperation. That means being open to helping others, and being open to assisting when you can. Your community is your most vital resource. This is true of everyone, but each of the signs has its special theme, and this is the theme of your sign. Work that for all it’s worth.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 19, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You know that you have to love yourself, though this often exists as an idea rather than as a feeling. The idea is a starting place, though the feeling is what you want. Often something gets in the way of your positive regard of yourself: some inner voice, some doubt, some question that nags you. If you’re experiencing that, you need a strategy for how to handle it. The chances are that it’s coming from the distant past, which means something you were told in childhood, or memories passed down from parents and grandparents. You don’t have to take on their psychological burdens. You don’t need to take on the role of oppressor, standing in for people who said or did mean things to you or to your older relatives. You live in a different world, you’re a different person and you have more options open. One of them is to seek understanding rather than accepting your supposed lot in life.

Moonshine Horoscope for Gemini Full Moon #1130 | By Len Wallick

In proverbs of old, the “three Rs” were the essentials of public education: “reading, (w)riting and (a)rithmetic.” For you, however, the “three Rs” are more like what appear to be your three best options for the holiday season: rest, recreation and/or romance. The better you can combine the three, the jollier your turnover into 2017 will be. Should you be forced to choose, however, put rest first. After all is said and done, all play and no rest will make you just as dull as all work and no play (and just as likely to come down ill, too). Keeping a proper balance with your “three Rs” will probably come down to two things: First, be moderate with the food and drink. Next (and probably most important) take time away from anything with a glowing screen.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 12, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Don’t let anyone mess with your confidence. By that I mean you can safely ignore the critics and be flattered that they have anything at all to say. Yet whether someone thinks they approve of what you do, or thinks it should or should not be popular, is not the place to be getting your self-assurance. Most good ideas are by definition ahead of their times, and are not usually considered even vaguely worthwhile at the time someone comes up with them. You must have confidence in what you are creating, developing or building; that’s to say, to accomplish this, you need to foster your confidence in yourself. The best way to do this is not to talk yourself out of it. Proceed each day and remind yourself that you’re doing what you came here to do, and that you have every right to succeed. This is not a matter of opinion. It’s much closer to biology. You belong on this planet.

Short Monthly Horoscope for December 2016, #1129 | By Eric Francis

It’s time to start thinking about your longer-term future. It’s as if you’ve had a lens in your mind replaced and can now see ahead more clearly. Yet this involves what you consider possible as much as anything else. Therefore, start from the position that nothing is impossible, and that anything gains potential as you visualize it. This is not about magic; visualizing is how discoveries are made, movies are created and bridges are built. You might be considering a long-distance move, or entering a whole new line of work. Let yourself dream. Love or a partnership may factor into this equation.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 5, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

It’s probably not worth fighting with others, though it’s a temptation. Instead, proceed with your agenda. You are your own master, as long as you maintain the standard of basic responsibility to others. That’s different from doing what they want, or even thinking you have to stop and think about it for too long. It’s also different from trampling over anyone. You must carefully find the middle way, and then proceed with confidence. Part of that confidence is trusting yourself. That seems to be a sticking point lately. Confidence is based on understanding your motives. This one theme is perhaps the most challenging aspect of your current astrology, and the issue isn’t going anywhere soon. However, you will respond to a process of seeking an understanding of why you do what you do, and making peace with that reality. Self-deception is toxic in any form. Once you get clear on what’s driving you, you will be more compelling to everyone around you.

Moonshine Horoscope for Sagittarius New Moon #1128 | By Len Wallick

If you got through last month without doing anything to apologize for, give yourself a well-deserved pat on the back. If things did not go quite so smoothly, let it slide off your back. Either way, and so long as you apply all you have recently learned, you will now have every reason to believe that those who care about you will henceforth have your back as never before.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 28, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Life never lives up to fantasies, but if that’s true, then what are they for? I would propose that one use of fantasy might be to get you to try something, and then be led to a different place or experience. You might not have gotten there otherwise, even if what you were imagining and what you discover are two different things entirely. As you do this, you may realize the difference between fantasy, which is essentially a passive state, and imagination, which is an assertive and creative state. The thing is, society — this place where you try your real-time experiments — is a major mess at the moment. So anything you do is likely to be transformed rapidly, and this may happen in a quick succession of create-recreate experiences. If you ride with this, and pay attention to your surroundings, you will notice that a pattern emerges, and that’s the thing you’re looking for.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope — December 2016, #1127 | By Eric Francis

In addition to being one of the most mentally intelligent signs of the zodiac, Aquarius can have a tendency to outsmart itself. This is the result of overemphasis on analysis as a means of answering questions or solving problems. Reason and rationality are essential tools, and they must be balanced by what is sometimes called emotional intelligence. We might reframe that as physical intelligence, a kind of clairvoyance that comes directly through your body. Your body does not usually speak in words, and it’s easy to drown out its intelligence with too many of them. That said, your intuition seems to be developing a new language. You might think of this as a language conveyed in light rather than in sound or the alphabet. The light you ‘read’ may be experienced internally, or you may gather a feeling or sensation from visual illumination. Look carefully at the edges of things, of people and their auras. There is a message for you, though it will be subtle. It may be filtered and/or doubted by your rational mind. Work with that: doubt is a kind of affirmation and acknowledgement. If you experience any negative emotions directed at yourself, tune in to the spiritual level in this way. The purpose of these communications is healing your self-doubt and past injuries to your self-esteem. Ease back and let the love flow to you, and through you.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 21, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

It’s now necessary, even urgent, to consider your relationship to all this technology that surrounds you. This is particularly true if you’ve had any kind of mishap that you attribute to something like texting or email. Or you might be figuring out what being surrounded by the digital environment has done to you spiritually. Consider your life before all this tech took over all of known reality; how did you feel, and what kinds of relationships did you have? What did you want from life, and how did you feel about the future? The remedy to all these digital robots that engulf our lives is being human. You are an Aquarian, which means quirky and highly social. Get with people, in person. Take a chance and risk face-to-face encounters. Be yourself and remember who you are.

Weekly Horoscope for Nov. 17, 2016, #1126 | By Amy Elliott

Your career path is being bolstered by a fresh perspective, or by an outright change. You can assist this process by bringing to bear your inventiveness and inquisitiveness, both of which seem to be blessed with extra inspiration just now. Reaching your planned destination may appear tough in places, but approach each problem like a mystery that’s just waiting to be solved, one step at a time, and you’ll likely get through nicely. One more thing: in pursuing your goals, don’t forget to employ that sense of fairness for which you are rightly reputed.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 14, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Now is the time to engage your plans. For a couple of months you’ve gradually attained a wider, brighter and more interesting concept of your own possibilities, and therefore, your own future. Dreaming, plotting and planning are one thing; taking action with your hands and feet is another, and it’s now time. You have an opening to connect productive action to your ideas about your future. This will last a little while, though it won’t last forever. The thing to do with these astrological windows is to initiate your choices by action. That’s a form of commitment, and it’s the kind that we move toward, and providence moves toward us. In other words, your chart is the meeting place of personal choice, action and what seems like some spiritual agency at work. Keep at it.

Short Monthly Horoscope for November 2016, #1125 | By Eric Francis

You’re having an impact. That much you can trust. It just may not be what you think it is, which includes the potential that you’re reaching further and wider than you imagined possible. You’re a person with a mission now, one that’s close to your heart. Therefore, let nothing stop you. You will do yourself a service by having total faith in what you’ve set out to accomplish. This may not be the easiest road to travel. You are finding out how thick people can be, though this is leading you to develop new ways of getting your message across.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 7, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Whatever you do or say over the next few days could go viral. That could be by internet, rumor or reputation. You’ll want to choose what you say and to whom you say it. That means paying attention and making choices. Be cautious about what you say that’s motivated by fear, because your concerns will probably turn out not to be true. You might take advantage of the situation and promote your own cause: a project, your business or some social message. Keep spin control by selecting your words carefully. Yet more significant is choosing your feelings, or at least knowing where you’re coming from. You can understate your case; no need to push anything too hard. Your words and your ideas have influence, and even impact. Keep it positive. Look for solutions. Better yet, focus on your best ideas.

Moonshine Horoscope for Scorpio New Moon, #1124 | By Len Wallick

Don’t give up on your aspirations now. Even if you have had some discouraging experiences lately, there will be at least one door opening for each one that appears to have closed until at least this time next year. In addition to being optimistic, there are at least two other things you can do to encourage yourself. First, remember that there is a difference between being stubborn and being persistent. If you can’t make that discernment right now, visualize the difference between digging in with your heels versus digging in with your toes. Let ‘less heel and more toe’ be your slogan. The second thing to keep in mind is that self-respect is contagious. Treat yourself with respect and others will not only return the favor, but also be inspired to emulate your example.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 31, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Monitor your fear level closely. It’s still a potentially serious distraction. Remember that there are two ways to approach any possibly fearful situation: you can ruminate over the past, or you can focus on solutions. The past might provide some helpful information; but that’s about all you need, and working with that information is not about dwelling on history, or fear. When I was in therapy school, I learned something helpful: Let the fear speak first. Rather than suppress it, or get sucked into it, listen to what your fear is saying. If you decide that it’s something valid, then translate that into a plan of action. You are being called to leadership, and the first and most important variety is self-leadership. Guide yourself forward. Take steps in the direction you’re trying to go — at least one per day, and then go for two per day, until you’re up to one per hour.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for November 2016, #1123 | By Eric Francis

Every decision you make stems from what you think you are. When you make contact with who you truly are, you will feel your own grandeur and the beauty of your life. When you feel small, or weak, or inferior, you can be sure you’ve lost contact with who you really are. When you feel that your life has meaning, and like your presence offers strength and encouragement to the world around you, you can be sure you’re in contact with who you are. One theme of your chart is expanding your vision for your life. This story is being told by Jupiter moving through your house of your ‘higher self’. At the same time, Saturn is compelling you to take the opposite approach, and narrow your focus to a specific role. The two processes are not at odds. In fact, this month they join forces, with a rare meeting of Saturn and Jupiter. This will help you prioritize, which is exactly what you need to do. It’s a fact that the possibilities are endless. It’s a fact that you can only embrace and express some of them. It’s also a fact that you need some better possibilities, and those exist if you will see them for what they are. As the month progresses, some key facts will come into focus, and you will be well positioned to take advantage of rare circumstances. Pay attention.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 24, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You’re being offered the help you need; are you open to receiving it? Consider that for a moment, and then let’s go a step further. If for some reason you’re not open to assistance, you might consider why that is, and whether it’s actually the correct position to take. You don’t really need that much help. You might need some companionship, though even that is minimal. Then consider the other possibility: that you would benefit from being more open to assistance. What you and those around you must know is that it’s not really going to benefit you if it’s not on your own terms. Be polite about this. Get an understanding of what’s being offered, and select the elements that you need. Then establish a clear understanding with whoever is involved. In your calmest, most relaxed mental posture, you must be the one who takes charge.

Weekly Horoscope for Oct. 20, 2016, #1122 | By Amy Elliott

If your Saturnian side has come uppermost of late, you might feel in need of some fun. I’m sure you know not to take any careless risks. That caveat in place, I suggest you indulge. Gather your posse and sally forth into the streets (or possibly the shopping mall, the funfair or the nearest quirky bar). Let your inner child loose; bring them into consultation if needs be. This should make it a good deal easier for you to be the person you’re required to be in the more serious areas of life. After all, everyone needs a bit of playtime.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 17, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

There’s that old joke about the person buying the hotdog who says, “Make me one with everything,” then she asks for her change, and the vendor says, “Change comes from within.” Now, your current astrology might not be feeling so Buddhist. You might have thoughts and emotions surfacing associated with matters you thought were long past. You might be feeling some fear or panic. You might be having some unusually racy, deep or fiery erotic thoughts and desires. It’s all part of the same process, and though not all of this feels good (though some of it might), think of it as previously ‘unconscious’ material coming to the surface of your mind. In doing so, it relieves pressure. That, in turn, helps you clear your psychic and emotional bodies. Take the ride, be aware, and let yourself feel rather than stuffing your feelings down. From there, it’s a short hop to the joke about the hotdog vendor.

Moonshine Horoscope for Aries Full Moon, #1121 | By Len Wallick

The world needs more people like you, whether you’re feeling recognized in that way or not. It’s not likely that you are being taken for granted by those who know you best. It is instead more probable that you are currently underrating yourself. To get a more balanced perspective of your place among those closest to you, look for a chance to spend quality time in some form of service among those who don’t know you from Adam or Eve. Doing so would function to accomplish more than to broadening your horizons and expanding your relationships — it would also give you some perspective regarding just how valuable you really are.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 10, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Lately I’ve been reminding you to open your mind and consider the possibilities for your life. Clearly you need and want change. There are basically two ways for that to happen: some event occurs to you and you’re compelled to deal with it. Or, in the alternate, you unfurl your imagination and expand your vision and move into it. Right now your chart is perfectly suited for doing just that. The thing about a vision is that it must exceed who and what you currently are. That presents a real challenge for many people. For example, they might wonder how they’re going to make that thing they want to happen. That’s exactly what not to worry about right now. It doesn’t matter how you’ll get there or even whether you will. What matters is getting your ideas flowing and being real about what you want to do and become. Of note, certain aspects are doing their best to help you dig out of any old ideas you might have about yourself, or that you inherited from your elders. This is demolition work, but don’t let the noise frighten you.

Short Monthly Horoscope for October 2016, #1120 | By Eric Francis

One of your great strengths is your ability to work with others, and this is gleaming out of your solar chart right now. You’ve had to go it alone for a while, or perhaps with less cooperation or resources than are ideal. Yet now your wisdom and leadership are becoming obvious to the people around you. You are stepping into your authority and embracing the knowledge you possess. You have one other gift, which is the ability to be undaunted by fear. That is the true essence of your leadership ability. And it’s rare to find.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 3, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Your motivation comes from inside you. You know this, you forget it, then you remember, then you forget. Now I’m reminding you. Something has just shifted around this area of your life, and you seem to have a newly lit fire under your ass. Here’s the deeper message: you need to make structural changes in your life. This is less about cleaning your desk and more about moving your office to the right part of your house for maximum efficiency. It’s less about sorting your paperwork and more about inventing a file system that suits your actual needs. Less about getting more clients for your current business than it is about revising your business model or plan. Structural changes will generally relate back to physical changes to your environment; alterations to your work pattern; fully conscious decisions about how you organize your time; and in particular, seeking and removing blocks to your progress. Don’t just turn stones over. Get them out of your way.

Moonshine Horoscope for Libra New Moon, #1119 | By Len Wallick

Some astrologers think Aquarius is inherently gregarious. Others aren’t so sure. Most likely, the set of qualities associated with any sign are only potentials that function something like genes. Some qualities tend to be dominant. Others are latent. What ultimately expresses often depends on context. It would appear that the astrological context of at least the next four weeks (if not the next year) would favor your being socially active. This might be especially true in a structured environment such as your workplace, your place of education or even your place of worship. If that’s a plausible scenario for you, be aware of how nearly any behavior can be appropriate if it is practiced at the right time and in the right place. In other words, rather than being a social butterfly, be a social politician.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 26, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Celestial activity this week will lighten up your vibe and remind you that there is a world beyond what you know. The challenge you face now, and for the next few months, is to allow aspiration and the love of what you do to motivate you, rather than fear. This will take some imagination, and a real measure of daily discipline. You may not be able to detach yourself completely from the possibility of negative outcomes; they do exist, in potential. But you can use them to your advantage through a time-honored method known as engaging with shadow. In other words, rather than suppress difficult feelings like shame and fear, admit that they exist, and explore them consciously. This will free up energy, which you can then use for whatever you want. Holding down your feelings burns up life force. Perhaps take this as your mantra: the way out is through.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscopes for October 2016, #1118 | By Eric Francis

This month comes in two distinct phases — before and after the Full Moon of Oct. 16. Rather than arrive at phase two and wonder what you were so worked up about, I suggest you pace yourself and turn your squelch knob up to about eight. (Squelch is the thing on a two-way radio that suppresses background noise but allows through strong signals). There is plenty distracting you in your immediate environment, yet despite this you must persist in weaving your vision for the future. You have the added challenge of being motivated by something other than fear. It may well seem that wanting things not to go badly is a more powerful driving force than wanting them to go well. This would be especially true if you don’t quite have a clear notion of what ‘well’ would be. And this is why you will benefit from focusing specifically on that idea. To do this you will need to rise above the fray of daily activity and get your mind to a clear place. I recommend altitude: a tall building, a mountaintop, a cliff side with a view, a bridge you love. Stay there long enough to take in the perspective and allow it to make an impression on you, so that you think different thoughts. You will be tapping into your ‘alt mind’, which knows more than your regular one.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 19, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Whatever challenges you may be facing in your immediate time and place, you’re being called to take the long view of your life. Even if you’re doing brilliantly and are both happy and successful, it’s time to expand your view of yourself and your purpose. Rather than planning for the future, you might imagine yourself in 10 years looking back at yourself now. What ideas or advice would your future self have for you now? What obstacles that look so challenging today would seem minimal if seen from a greater distance? And what opportunities do you have available that are obscured today, but which seem obvious if seen from a different vantage point? Try a few exercises like that, and stretch your ideas about who you are and what you’re capable of. With the perspective offered by astrology, it’s obvious this is far more than you may think.

Pisces Full Moon Moonshine for Sept. 15, 2016, #1117 | By Len Wallick

Among your most precious possessions are a conscientious nature and a capacity for true originality. By now you know that hard work is the best way to cultivate both of those proficiencies. Pure pragmatism, however, is not your best friend. There is more to you than the tried and true. There is also more to life than just a means to an end. To realize and work the utter magic you are capable of, you must consistently do the right thing by others and constantly endeavor to do your thing in a new and different way every time. For you, being industrious does not require you to emulate the ruthless and derivative ways of big industry. Be not a dinosaur; rather, become a bird.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 12, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You of all people simply must have faith in humanity, or life isn’t worth living. Jupiter changing signs to Libra this week will help you with just that project. You might also discover that your sense of the future opens up like a window overlooking a vista. It’s there to be seen, to be discovered and to be embarked upon. Despite whatever petty complications you might be going through at the moment, keep your outlook both positive and, most of all, long. Dare to consider what you want to accomplish in a year, or in five or in ten years, knowing there are no guarantees. That’s the point of the adventure, isn’t it? You know, the bit about not being sure whether you can achieve or accomplish something, but aspiring to do it anyway. Dare to be optimistic, even when the world seems to be unraveling. The more you do this, the more likely whatever you’re negotiating or working out with a partner is likely to go brilliantly.

Short Monthly Horoscope for September 2016, #1116 | By Eric Francis

You’re only limited by what you think is possible. You would serve yourself well to challenge any concept about yourself or the world that effectively blocks your willingness to take action, or to make improvements in your life or your wider environment. However, possible does not mean easy, nor is there any guarantee of success. The closest you will come is really, truly wanting to accomplish something specific. Then even challenges can and must serve as inspiration and motivation. Focus your vision. Be clear about what you want to do, and you’re much likelier to make it happen.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 5, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Turn your attention to sources of professional revenue. This angle of your chart is on fire lately, and you seem determined to resolve any lingering issue related to being well paid for what you do. Yet here is the caveat or the creative hint: work with your friends and your allies. Work with people in positions of authority. Recognize when someone is in a position to help you, and approach them in a cooperative manner. While you’re at it, take any opportunity to assist a deserving underdog. There’s a great tradition that I associate with the sign Aquarius, which is that of people seeking assistance from their peers and getting it, doing good turns for their peers, and everyone passing it forward. There’s a word for this in Sanskrit, which means “acting as if to hold the world together” — dharma. In times of such tremendous stress as we are currently living through, this means more than ever.

Virgo New Moon Moonshine for Sept. 1, 2016, #1115 | By Len Wallick

Unlike the deepest point in the ocean, the deepest mysteries have no bottom. One layer is peeled back only to reveal another, without end. The subject of bottomless mysteries might very well be of interest to you at this time. That’s because you are probably facing several questions or situations that have not yet resolved themselves with certainty. In addition, there is also a good chance that you will never have an answer for at least one of those questions or situations. Even so, in the absence of a sense of completion you must still go on living from day to day. How do you carry on indefinitely without a sense of closure? As you find your way through doing so, consider having faith in what works for you. When in doubt, rely on the revolutionary idea that the proof you seek lies within, unless or until you may learn otherwise.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 29, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Try to keep things simple, especially where joint finances are concerned. You seem to have a lot of proposals on your desk, or maybe bills, or both. It will help significantly if you prioritize. That means recognizing what is the most important, the least important, and everything in between. As a great songwriter once said, you have to know your plastic from your cash. You might set a priority on being financially solvent (honorable enough), though you might set another one on figuring out how you can take advantage of your current situation to further your own goals. There are some potential partners with whom you can have a mutually profitable relationship. But check them out carefully first. Make sure that anyone you’re doing business with can actually keep their commitments, and — closer to the point — that they want to do so. Not everyone has your integrity, or your drive to succeed in an honest and meaningful way.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for Sept. 2016, #1114 | By Eric Francis

It looks as if you’re ready to go someplace exotic, or at least to travel further than you can drive. In any event, you need a change of scenery and a change of pace. This will help you see the greater possibilities that you contain. When you can feel your own potential, you have a much greater chance of making it real. And that is the very thing that is opening up for you now. If you tune in, you may feel the scale of your entire future. This might manifest as what in the Seth material is described as your ‘probable selves’. You have many; many people you can be, things you can do, and places you can go. Hold that potential open as you make some important decisions this month around your finances and your career. You are starting to see the futility of certain attachments that are not furthering your cause. Before long, you’re sure to notice a certain attractive power of one particular goal. It’s seemed like a nice idea; though, when Venus moves in your favor later this month, you’re likely to be drawn to this with passion and creative lust. You’re intelligent enough to work with a clear strategy, and clever enough to know that part of that strategy must include leaving certain things to what some call luck or fate. Keep your feet loose and your wheels turning around.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 22, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Muster all your personal resources for the task at hand: your skills, your inventiveness, your bullshit-sniffer and your ability to get people cooperating. You’re in that moment when an ideal or fantasy is about to become a reality. There’s always a transformation involved; what you imagine rarely feels like what actually manifests. Yet it will help if you stick close to your core intent, which is to shake up belief in something that’s no longer working. This will require you to do that inside yourself, which in turn will open up the potential for something that gets the result that you want. Just remember, it’s unlikely to happen the way you were planning. Therefore, let go of your plan the moment you need to. Rather than adapt to the new conditions, create something you were not planning. A little turbulence and chaos will go a long way toward creativity and adventure.

Full Moon Moonshine Horoscope for Aug. 18, 2016, #1113 | By Len Wallick

Leadership comes naturally to you. Even the greatest talents, however, are ultimately no match for finely honed skills. Unfortunately, most forms of leadership training either are beneath you or are not sufficiently advanced enough to do you any good. Even so, it would be doing yourself a great deal of good if you were to keep your eyes open for either the equivalent of a graduate-level course in executive proficiency or an open command position that will force you to exceed your previous accomplishments. Whether you can see it or not, room is being made at the top, and your potential to fill it must first be realized.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 15, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

When one goes against popular opinion, one is often playing with fire. I suggest you switch ‘playing’ to ‘working’, and use fire carefully and consciously, as the tool that it is. Bucking popular trends or opinions can work well, if it’s done with a level of Jedi awareness. Our current environment is set up to feed counter-trends, and people love them. Remember that you cannot do this alone. You need allies; you need the experience and the wisdom of others who have done similar things before, and who are capable of studying the environment. This may be your friends, your clients, your colleagues or the general public (depending on what you do). The question to ask yourself is: what is the core belief that you’re working with? I could just as easily have said ‘working against’ but in fact you will be working with the very thing you’re working against. Figure out what that is, and you’re well on the way to succeeding.

Weekly Horoscope for Aug. 11, 2016, #1112 | By Amy Elliott

Resist the temptation either to brood or to do anything that involves more risk than you know would be wise. There is more than enough variety of choice in between. You would probably do well to spend some time with friends, especially if you feel in need of support. In addition, you’re likely to continue developing your knowledge in an intriguing and fresh direction. Your mind seems to be unusually sharp and cohesive just now, and you can use that to your advantage.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 8, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

If you find yourself facing a problem or issue, pause and ask yourself if you’ve already solved it. If you find yourself needing anything, ask yourself if you already purchased it. Rather than discover, acquire or plot new things, check out what you already have on hand. You seem to be up to something — some project with potential public impact, and you want to proceed with intention and use your resources wisely. Draw on your environment: approach your supporters, work with your allies, and make sure you get people on board as far in advance as you can. This same astrology might lead you into high-friction situations, which would be a waste of time. If you use your mind and your intuition, you will save time and get more done. And if you put your social skills to work — which, as you know, is optional — you will get even further. Think and be polite.

Short Monthly Horoscope for August 2016, #1111 | By Eric Francis

There is some debate among professional astrologers whether Aquarius really is the humanitarian sign that it’s made out to be. Whatever they may decide, you have the power to help many people this month, as long as you take care of your own basic needs. That means eating, resting and — most importantly — describing how you feel and what you need from close partners. It would help if you set aside any defensiveness, expectation or emotional charge and simply state the facts. People who are actually working with you will be supportive without hesitation. Some things really are that simple.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 1, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

It’s often necessary to ruffle some feathers or make a pest of yourself to get things done. You have, however, been involved in a kind of cosmic leadership instruction program designed to help you be persistent but less irritating. One of the most helpful methods of doing this is being aware of who you are before you set out to accomplish something. This removes the need for conflict as a path to self-knowledge, from that particular situation. Said another way, your confidence in yourself and in your mission inherently reduces the conflict factor. Think of how insecurity leads you to assert yourself beyond what is necessary. You might not think it’s possible to put confidence as the first item on your to-do list, though that’s what your charts suggest would work, and is possible. You know who you are well enough never to have to argue the point.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for August 2016, #1110 | By Eric Francis

You can afford to sidestep controversy and conflict. In fact, you would be wise to do so — and to invest your energy in more productive things. You might want to keep that skill close to the top of your personal toolkit this month. You will find that if you use your diplomatic resources, you will have much more influence over your environment. Nobody is asking you to suffer fools but rather to know how to deal with them effectively. Relate to everyone on the level of their agenda. That will help you fulfill your agenda, about which you need to be abundantly clear. That is to say: know what you’re working for; be clear about the specific goals you have in mind; and then fit that together with all the people you need to cooperate with you. I suggest keeping that number as low as possible, and placing emphasis on those whom you actually understand, and who are responsive and engaging. Remember: you have a vision. You are working diligently to bring that vision to fruition. You know how tricky this is in a world where everything seems to change every five minutes, and where the one thing you need is stability. Succeeding under the bizarre conditions of the world right now depends on having special skills. You have them, or you’re learning. Make sure you use what you know.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 25, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

This year has come with a training program in leadership for you. It’s arrived in various ways, though the most prominent has been self-leadership. You may not think of it that way: you might be remembering various shades of conflict and a few long stretches of utterly exhausting challenges. You’ve made changes you didn’t really want to make but knew were the right thing to do; so you did them, and ended up in a better space and time. The way you’ve done that, and continue to do that, is by feeling solid in who you are, and bold about your mission. You cannot fake this, and what you’ve been experiencing is precisely that process of engaging your reality. That can involve confrontations; you might have to nudge some people aside to get something even pretty simple done; you might annoy some people. All of these sources of friction serve to make you stronger in who you are. Take a step back and feel your strength.

Weekly Horoscope for July 21, 2016, #1109 | By Amy Elliott

When was the last time you really had fun, as in belly laughs or full-on bliss? If you’re pining for that now, by all means indulge in some relaxation. It’s not necessary to go for what’s truly risky or chaotic simply for the sake of being that. In fact, it can be surprising how well the smaller pleasures in life can answer your needs. Don’t go to the opposite extreme, either, by rationalizing away your desire for a good time; we all need to kick back. If you’re really stuck for a recreation recipe, ask someone close to you for ideas. Then simply serve and enjoy.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 18, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Your role as an Aquarian is to love everyone equally. On some level we all know this is the transcendent love that’s both impersonal and intimate. Not everyone would like this experience. Humanity’s taste for jealous love seems to be persistent, though we’ve barely ever been told that basically just loving everyone is possible. If anything, this would seem a phenomenon of soul. To others it might seem cool and indifferent. To others it might seem impossible. Others are in love with the idea of special love, and nothing else counts. Yet you need to be undeterred, and build up that peculiar, singular strength of loving for the sake of love, and remembering that we are all children of the Earth or we are nothing at all. This does not preclude people playing specific roles in your life, and of course you feel something different for your cat or dog, but in that same gesture you love all cats and dogs. It works the same way with people.

Full Moon Moonshine Horoscope for July 14, 2016, #1108 | By Len Wallick

Michelangelo did not so much see himself as a great artist creating his famous sculptures. Rather, he perceived himself more humbly, as a craftsman who removed the stone from around a specific figure that already resided within a given block of marble. In a very real way, you would do well to emulate Michelangelo at this time in your life. First, you must acknowledge that a masterpiece already exists within you. Then you will need to envision its form precisely. Finally, you must do the work. In all probability the labor will be significant and take some time. The likely result of your efforts, however, will be an enduring symbol of just how beautiful your humanity really is.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 11, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

One of the reasons the world has gone so insane is that people are losing contact with their inner life. This is being provoked by many factors, though if you look at any of our wonderful new technologies carefully, it becomes obvious that they’re turning us inside out. The notion of privacy is gone; in fact, so gone that many people alive right now don’t even know what it is, and if they once knew they have likely forgotten. The theme of your charts for the foreseeable future is cultivating your inner being. That means knowing yourself on a deep level: what may seem totally incomprehensible to many people around you. That’s not your concern; you don’t need to be acceptable to them, or to explain how you feel. Yet you dearly need to know how you feel and why you feel that way. If one thing translates to growth, that’s the one.

Short Monthly Horoscope for July 2016, #1107 | by Eric Francis

Take some space for yourself this month, as in space and time to get to know yourself again. Plenty has changed, and you’ve been through a lot in recent seasons of your life, and it’s time to reassess. It’s true that you could find plenty to keep you busy. The angle of your solar chart that’s getting all the action is the one that covers ‘work and wellbeing’. Emphasize the wellbeing, minimize the work, and you’ll be stunned how much you get done with how little effort. Rest, recreation and repair are the keys to efficiency. This will serve you well.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 4, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Your work environment must be nurturing, like a greenhouse is to plants. Create the right conditions and you will be able to accomplish great things. Presently this seems to include co-workers or employees who are willing to assist and take part, yet who are in need of positive affirmation and a sense of family. This is too often said and not often enough acted upon. Many workplaces resist being too nice to people, knowing that their kindness is most likely to be taken advantage of. Set that fear aside, and promote a value of ‘We’re all in this together; let’s make the most of our experience’. Speaking of values, decisions are best made based on an underlying agreement about what is important or necessary. Agree to that and the right thing to do will be obvious to everyone.

New Moon Moonshine Horoscope for June 30, 2016, #1106 | by Len Wallick

You may have heard it said that you are what you eat. There is a great deal of truth to that statement. Yet, the fact remains that diet is not everything. Lots and lots of people manage to be good and kind, creative and beautiful in spite of habitually consuming mass quantities of donuts, candy, cola and such. Similarly, the world has seen a lot of cruel and offensive people who are that way in spite of very healthy eating habits. Ultimately, what comes out of your mouth is at least as important as what you put into it. While your good health does obviously rely on good nutrition, your food does not define you nearly as much as what you say and how you say it, along with what you do and how you do it.

Monday Morning Horoscope for June 27, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

In order to find yourself or discover who you are, some element of conflict with others is necessary. At the moment, though, I suggest you not challenge anyone other than yourself. While you’re doing this, pay close attention to your environment. Notice how people are responding to you and to one another. You are in a position to offer leadership, though you must take a psychological approach to the question. In other words, your assignment is to know your needs, intentions and plans, and then figure out for everyone else the most likely ways they can help you get that done. This will take some observation, however; and that will take a little time. Aspects currently developing hint strongly that a delay of a few days, perhaps till later in the week, will serve you — and when the time comes to take action, do it subtly, one step at a time, phasing in your plan gently.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for July 2016, #1105 | by Eric Francis

You must trust your own leadership. It’s true that when you have to take over and get the job done, not everyone is happy. But more people will be. It’s essential to recognize how much humans need and depend on leadership. Crooks and tyrants know this; it’s time for wholesome people such as yourself to figure it out. It’s time to assert a few significant goals, and rally the jamboree. Do this in a spirit of service, in the spirit of what is right and true. Offer people the good feeling of cooperation and of assisting one another, and of working for a larger purpose. Say that over and over again until everyone around you is humming it like a catchy tune. There is one thing I suggest you remember, though: a key to your success is exercising your flexibility. As one born under a fixed sign, you have to work at this regularly, and I suggest you do that at every opportunity. Every discussion is an opportunity to compromise and be accommodating. Do this in conscious, measured ways; open up the give-and-take aspect of every situation, and make sure you establish an environment where ‘negotiable’ is a working theme. If you notice someone taking advantage of you, say something sooner rather than later. Keep everything above the boards and state your goals openly.

Monday Morning Horoscope for June 20, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Make a list of everything you would need to do to take care of yourself, and get busy. What’s missing from your life? Exercise? Getting outside? More wholesome food? Cleaning out closets? Better rest? Focus your life on providing those things for yourself. What do you have too much of? Responsibility? Visibility? Relentless effort? Ease back on that and see if you can let your mind, rather than brute force, do the work. When you experience resistance, whether internal or in your environment, pause and see if you can figure out where it’s coming from. You’re making an adjustment in how you assert your will. Rather than applying pressure or persuasion, see if you can align yourself with the right thing. This may take an act of faith, but it won’t be blind faith. If you gently lean into what you want, or want to do, you might find that the world moves more easily than you expected.

Moonshine Horoscope for June 16, 2016, #1104 | by Len Wallick

The world can be a serious place, as the most recent public events continually seem to attest. You are very capable of responding by being every bit as serious in turn. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, but there is another, more private potential within you. It’s an alternative form of response, which you might be inclined keep private because it may rub some people the wrong way. It’s about creating warm, sunny play out of the cold clay that the world can sometimes hand you. Your funny flip side is anything but flippant, however; neither is it crazy. Even so, as you have undoubtedly found from experience, it takes courage to risk showing it. Now could very well be one of those times when your potential to dare making fun out of what’s serious might be thankless but certainly not useless. At the very least, try taking yourself less seriously for your own sake.

Monday Morning Horoscope for June 13, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Developing aspects are calling on you to be honest with yourself. The paradox is that it’s easy to reassure yourself you’re being real when something else is happening. So you need ways to verify, but mostly you need to be aware of your agenda. What are you trying to accomplish and what is your motive? There seems to be something you’re trying to resolve between ‘looking good’ and ‘acting on your authentic values’. Often the two are incompatible. Sometimes, to act on your true values, you must make an ass out of yourself, or let someone down. To look good, it’s often necessary to deny or defy your values. You must decide what is more important to you. Yet the two don’t need to conflict, either. It may take guts, but it’s possible to earn someone’s respect, or public respect, by saying, “This is how I feel” or “This is what I want” and letting it fly.

Monday Morning Horoscope for June 6, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

What you need is experience, not theory. It’s easy to chew everything over in hypothetical form, especially if you live mostly on the Internet. Genuine exploration happens through your physical body. Even if you’re a theoretical physicist, a designer of bridges or professor of philosophy, you don’t really know something for sure until there is an actual experiment performed. I suggest you set about doing that experiment, by which I mean anything prompted by an idea, which also has an uncertain outcome. You might do something like driving to an odd part of the countryside, intentionally getting lost. Visit some strange part of town or some other city, where you would never ordinarily go and where you know nobody, and do something the natives do. Take any chance to immerse yourself in unfamiliar environments, and to expose yourself to points of view you totally disagree with. That will stoke your creative (and social) fires brilliantly.

Short Monthly Horoscope for June 2016, #1103 | By Eric Francis

This will be an enormously productive month, leading to an equally abundant summer. The key to this is making sure you love the work that you’re doing. If you have the power to choose your projects, emphasize the ones you like the very best. If you don’t have that option, then find the thing about every task that is engaging and fun, even if you can only find that in the people you’re working with. These relationships may develop into some brilliant collaborations. Keep your mind open to the possibilities. If someone says, “I have an idea,” perk up and pay attention.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 30, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You might feel as if your career is stalled out or going backwards, though I assure you that’s not true. You’re in an important phase of both rethinking and preparing for developments in the not-too-distant future. Though it may feel particularly challenging now, the thing you need to do is set goals. This will come, of necessity, with reviewing your previous objectives, plans and desires. To do new things, it’s essential to get outdated and/or conflicting plans and desires out of the way. Dedicate yourself to this over the next few weeks. Really sort out your goals, by which I mean your very highest desires for your life. Notice when you seem to reach a limit of what you think is possible. That might be a place you’re inclined to stop your ambitions. I suggest you keep going, for one reason: anything worthwhile that anyone achieves was once considered ridiculous, unlikely or impossible. In hindsight, it was none of the above.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for June 2016, #1102 | By Eric Francis

The poet Marge Piercy wrote, “The good must learn to cultivate their anger like fields of wheat that must feed them, if they are ever to win.” One of the unspoken issues of our time is seething rage, what one pundit called “distemper among the electorate,” that (for example) is driving much of politics at the moment. Yet anger, if taken consciously and properly understood, can be a tremendous force for change. Many other emotions considered unsavory and/or politically incorrect can be cultivated and worked with constructively. Really, do we have any other choice at this point? Shadow is only shadow if it’s unconscious, which typically means projected onto others. You are in a rare position to see the deal the way it’s going down — and to do something about it. This will surely be in many small ways, and potentially some big ways. The action piece is about taking accountability, including for what may not properly be your responsibility. You are in a position of leadership, and your example counts for more than you may know. Yet a vital part of that example involves how you move what is inherently frightening, negative, shadowy and toxic to a new level. This is more than about ‘seeing the positive’ in something. Rather, you have the capacity to recognize anything with emphasis behind it as a source of energy, and to tap that energy on your way to changing the world.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 23, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Much of your existence right now is centered on the wellbeing of others. How is that for a perfectly Aquarian theme? I suggest you not go halfway with this; give yourself the honor and the pleasure of going the whole distance. The hard thing to get over at this point of history is that it’s not all about you. But once you make contact with that, you might catch glimpses of how the whole world, and the whole life you are living, and all that you perceive, is a reflection of you. As you offer your loving support and assistance to people, it’s as if you are reconnecting with scattered aspects of your soul. In a very real sense, you’re being called upon to be submissive to your own existence, as a gesture of respect. As you do this, you will get to know yourself in new ways. You will become personal witness to how every facet of life relates to every other.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for May 19, 2016, #1101 | By Len Wallick

Children who play well, either with others or by themselves, possess a great wisdom: that being human and alive on Earth includes places and times when it is appropriate to have fun. Regardless of what you are now dealing with or living through, indications from the sky above imply that you are being accorded the right time, and enough time and space, in which to have some fun of your own (or you will be soon). But first you must remember what you knew as a child. Play does not have to be anything in particular. It’s about what you feel. If what you are doing when you play feels fun enough to keep you doing it for its own sake; and if you lose track of time, concerns, or even the weight of responsibilities in the process; you will know that you have remembered very well indeed.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 16, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Take some time out of every day and remember to feel safe. If it’s raining out, be grateful for having a dry place to live, or that the plants have something to drink. If you have critters, be grateful for your ability to feed them, and to the mutual loyalty of the relationship. It is true that we in the Western world either don’t know how good we have it, or we lose sight of that basic fact. I suggest you keep this truth about your life firmly in mind. Even if you are struggling financially, which is possible with Mercury retrograde in Taurus, you might take time to appreciate your astonishing resources: be they talents, skill sets, values or collections of people and things. Identify your form of abundance, love it and share it. That’s the best place to come from if you want to live even more abundantly. Said more simply, you have what it takes.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for May 12, 2016, #1100 | By Len Wallick

When you are at home, feel it. Enjoy the comforts of your abode, no matter how humble. Revel in the simple miracle of your pillow, or favorite chair. Take in your table, and everything on it, with a sense of awe and wonder regarding how it all came to you. The same sense of appreciation will go a long way when in the company of friends, or family. Listen to that unique voice and all that it says beyond words. Look into those living, incomparable eyes and search for the soul that is there to be seen through them. Let gratitude be your guide. Let it take you from the prosaic into the profundity that fills even your most mundane moments, and freedom will be yours.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 9, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

No amount of money or number of things is an assurance of feeling secure or confident. Extremely wealthy people are often the most insecure of the lot, which is because wealth on that level only provides a limited kind of confidence. And often it will substitute for other, far more meaningful, kinds of confidence — or worse, interfere with cultivating them. Right now you have an opportunity to experience what happens when confidence comes from deep within you. This may feel like the ground cracking open on a hot day and fresh water spouting out. You might feel like you’ve come to an understanding with yourself, which relates to your genuine value in the world. It is true that many people who contribute the most, and who mean the most to their friends, rarely get to feel that. Listen to yourself this week and you will hear the message that you need.

Moonshine Horoscope for May 5, 2016, #1099 | By Len Wallick

It is true that people do not live by bread alone. In some way, no matter how well you have overcome any instability or dearth of years past, there may be some needs of yours that have long been unmet. Examine your life for frustrated or neglected desires, especially those that have been relegated to the realm of luxury because of your need to focus on necessity. Perhaps you could now consider exchanging one form of affordable luxury for an upgrade that will provide a form of nourishment you have long done without. You know yourself well enough to understand you will not be excessive or irresponsible if you allow yourself to live with — rather than without — what amounts to more sustenance for your soul.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 2, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

There are beautiful treasures to be found right in your home: emotional, creative, aesthetic. I suggest you devote the next few days of your life to appreciating the space you’ve created for yourself. You probably put more thought and effort into your home than you have time to enjoy it, and I suggest you reverse that process. Actually feel what you’ve assembled, and allow yourself to soak in the quality of life that you’ve given yourself. Home space includes the immediate surroundings of where you live, your neighborhood and your neighbors. Much of the world is in crisis and turmoil; chances are if you’re reading this, you’re somewhere safe, warm and dry. This fact deserves more attention than you typically give it. Make sure you add the food you love to your appreciation, dining in rather than going out. If for some reason what I’m saying contradicts the facts, consider that it’s time for a new setting for your life.

Short Monthly Horoscope for May 2016, #1098 | By Eric Francis

The planets are suggesting that your goal is not to be popular, but to get the job done. You’re clearing the way for some important future plans. This involves fewer other people than you might think. Do your thing, go about your plans, and ignore any unsolicited reviews or feedback. You know you’re working with a decent idea, but you might not recognize just how good it is. What you’re doing has the power to change the world. For now, proceed slowly, carefully and with intention, sharing your plans with others only on a need-to-know basis.

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 25, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

The Sun is now in Taurus, and this places the emphasis of your life on your home. You might have noticed that you feel less appeal in going out, especially if you’ve been engaging in what we could politely call mindless diversion. You have important work to do at home, which is your actual base of rest, renewal and repair. Your mind has been active lately, and there are few people in your social sphere who truly understand what you’re going through. If you move your social activities into your living room, you will filter out most of the people who don’t quite get it, and you’ll be able to focus on the ones who do. I suggest you make an effort to prepare your own meals for the next few weeks, shaking off the distinctly modern habit of letting others control your source of nourishment. In this and many ways, you’re really the very best person to do that for yourself.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for May 2016, #1097 | By Eric Francis

It’s time to feather your own nest. You are doing much else besides: your chart in many ways describes what one might call public responsibilities, things that happen outside your own home and which are intended for the benefit or service of others. At the same time, you are advancing in society, or at least your chart describes that potential vividly. This comes with various ups and downs; peaks and lulls in effort; and greater or lesser results, depending on the day and the week. Make this work for you. For all its reputation as an android, the Aquarius solar chart is oriented with Taurus on your home angle, which is another way of saying solid, comfortable, and providing space for you, your friends and maybe a few critters. Living well, as you know, is the ultimate statement of your success. Planets are now gathered in Taurus, emphasizing the point. I suggest you make your home as beautiful as you feel inclined to. Invest resources there. Upgrade or replace what is worn. One large gesture in that regard (a new bed or bedding, for example) would remind you that you are, in reality, feathering your nest in the literal sense. Dig out your cupboards, clean them and replace what you don’t like with what you do like (all while praising the Goddess). The investment will come back to you manifold.

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 18, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Aquarius is considered the most social sign, and it might pain you at times when you need to do things that don’t exactly make you more popular. It is, however, a productive exercise because you benefit from any experience of choosing not to run your life based on what other people feel or want. That doesn’t mean you need to be offensive. However, it’s clear that your long-term plan involves working yourself into the culture in a durable and dependable way. That means doing things your way, which in turn works for others, and this is the process you’re working out. There are times you will need to be abrasive. There are times you will need to be more retreating and conservative. Knowing the difference will require an ongoing social experiment, which is convenient because that’s one of the central purposes of your life.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for April 14, 2016, #1096 | By Len Wallick

It’s almost certainly not necessary for you to hide from the wider world. The answer to taking care of both yourself and your place in the human race is most likely to chill out more efficiently and more often. With regards to any collective enterprise or entity especially, delegate (or even simply leave) as much as you can responsibly to others. Allow yourself the chance to be pleasantly surprised by how well groups or communities you identify with can function without imposing your identity upon them. Take heart in how your peers and comrades can be just as helpful and effective in serving you as you are in serving them.

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 11, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

In the phrase, “Think globally, act locally,” the first operative element is thinking, and the second is acting. That is what your chart is about right now, in a glorious way. You’re naturally an ideas person, but you and everyone else would benefit from trusting your ideas and putting them to work. This means getting out of the realm of theory and into the realm of trying something that you think might work. There’s a debate in astrology about whether Aquarius really is a humanitarian sign. I will say this — you have actual potential to develop that aspect of yourself, and it’s burning bright right now. You play an important role in your community, and you have the ability to focus that into some truly positive contributions, better than you’ve ever done before. Think of yourself as an inventor on a mission to solve something both vexing and obviously needing attention.

Moonshine Horoscope for April 7, 2016 #1095 | By Len Wallick

Doing the right thing for others is an expression of love. So, however, is doing the right thing for yourself. It should currently be possible for you to love both yourself and others at the same time. To get started, review your life for any habits that do not seem to be doing you or those you care for any real good. Then take some actual written notes whenever you indulge those predilections. Note especially your motivations for continuing what (at least on the surface) seems to be an indulgence that costs more than it pays. That way, you will either discover a heretofore-unrealized benefit of these particular customs or gain insight into how to better know and practice what love can be.

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 4, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Rarely mentioned about Aquarius is your sign’s deep commitment to service. You might be into socializing, cars, clothing or your recording studio, though the bottom line of your chart is your humanitarian values. Two things are happening to bring this out. One is that the sky is still swimming in Pisces energy (that’s the water in your urn). At the same time, the Sun is about to meet up with a planet you love: inventive, oddball Uranus. You have a sense of what the people around you need, and you have the ideas and intelligence to do something exceptionally useful. Trust your ideas. Trust yourself. Whatever scale you’re working on, I would encourage you to make the contribution that you want to make. The reward for you will be the exquisite feeling of fulfilling your purpose, which has a way of opening doors both in your mind and in the world around you. Open is not merely good, it’s excellent.

Short Monthly Horoscope for April 2016, #1094 | By Eric Francis

You currently face the challenge of organizing your financial life, which has two implications. First, you want absolute clarity on where you stand in terms of assets, debts and knowing your monthly expenses and income. Yet there is a larger message, which is to have a sense of what all your valuable resources are. You have many, in the form of everything from existing work product to allies to your capacity to solve problems with original ideas. All of these will add up to running your life as a successful economic enterprise. It all starts with knowing exactly where you stand.

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 28, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

There is some irony in that you are born under the sign associated with groups, but you’re the person least concerned about whether you’re popular. Said another way, it’s natural for you to simply be who you are, and that has a way of getting results. The world could learn a few things from you about why, for example, it’s so ridiculous to be pretentious. Right now you’re at your individualistic best, though I see you on a mission. This is less about being you for its own sake and more about using your talent to get some important and lasting results. This process will go on through most of the year, so I suggest you take it slow and take the long view. Persistence will pay off, and — as I’ve been suggesting — your work really is about establishing something of lasting value. Here is a clue: figure out what people believe, and work with that rather than against it.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for April, 2016, #1093 | By Eric Francis

Be mindful of your need to plan things out. You have enough momentum in your life, and sufficient resources, to wing it for a while. Planning and strategy have a defensive quality, which can cut you off from your abundant creativity. This is a state-of-mind thing. Strategizing when you really would thrive on going with the flow is a distraction, which takes you out of the moment and therefore out of your ability to make decisions based on what is actually happening. If you want a strategy that might work, keep looking around at your environment and ask yourself what you need to be aware of, and what you need to do right now. This is called immediacy. It may seem radical not to dwell on the past or on the future, but it’s not so strange if staying right in the moment puts you in contact with the equivalent of vast wealth — emotional, creative and material — plus a community to support you. Home in on what is genuinely available to you. Notice how generous people will be if you show up and are real in the moment. You might be amazed at all you were missing all that time, but you don’t have to dwell on it. You have what you need, and who you need, right here and right now.

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 21, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

These days it may seem like you have so much to offer that you don’t know where to begin, nor have a clue what will be most acceptable or useful to others. You might consider doing less, with greater emphasis on quality. Ultimately you will bring all your talents into the work that you do, though you don’t need to emphasize or even mention them. You seem to have one special project that you’re working to get recognized or even get a foothold with. You are closer to that than you may think, and if you look carefully at what you’re doing, you will see signs of success. While you’re doing that, an unexpected event may point you in the direction of a method or pathway you had no idea existed. Yet it does exist, and the best thing you can do for yourself is keep your eyes open, focusing on the environment around you as you are focusing on your own idea.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for March 17, 2016 #1092 | By Len Wallick

If you want to be understood, you must first seek to understand. Even if you have personal issues that need your attention, it should be possible to turn outward on a regular basis to listen and learn. It could be that some who have something to say to you have been in your place, and are graciously offering the benefit of their experience. Even in the case of those who are too busy with their own affairs to be concerned with yours, it is important for you to acknowledge any legitimate expectations they have of you. If you can show that you know it’s not all about you, and prove that you really care about others, your life will improve even if things already seem okay for you now.

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 14, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You have so much to offer, people are wondering where you get it all. Yet do you really feel this way? Your solar chart is reminding you that the more you give, the more you will feel like you have. If you go to a show and love it, and afterward you meet the musician, try buying all of the artist’s CDs instead of just one. We’re not talking about a lot of money, but it will make a difference in the life of that artist, and you will feel wealthy enough to make that real. You can do this many ways and stay within your means. The same is true with your talents. Many people have the idea that they establish the value of their talent by how much they charge. I would propose that you will experience the priceless quality of what you offer the world by actually doing it. As my mom used to say, make yourself useful.

Moonshine Horoscope for March 10, 2016 #1091 | By Len Wallick

This would be a good time to examine your attachments. Some attachments (such as those motivated and informed by love) are ennobling and worthy of your energies because of the energy and support you receive in return. It is very possible, however, that at least some ties which you formed at another time now serve only to make you less free. One way to pinpoint your attachments is to make note of what you might call ‘knee jerk’ reactions. Behind every case of reacting without thinking is a conditioned response. Some of that conditioning (such as taking your foot off your auto’s accelerator when you see a red light) is good and healthy. Other reflexes, however, might deserve a closer look and a discussion with either a trusted friend or trustworthy professional.

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 7, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You may be tempted to avoid your feelings or to translate everything into an idea, though you would be missing the beauty of the moment. You don’t need to analyze or even ask the question ‘why’. Rather, tune into your senses and see what they tell you. This is the best way to get your priorities in order, which itself is one of your highest priorities right now. Using your senses and your feelings will at least help you decide what you’re not interested in at all, and what actually does mean something to you. Once you have everything that you know is irrelevant out of the way, then a little mindfulness and time management will help you refine your order of operations. One message is coming from your current solar chart: there may be something of genuine significance that you need to remember. You’ll recognize it immediately.

Short Monthly Horoscope for March 2016, #1090 | By Eric Francis

You can get on top of any financial issues you’ve been facing, and you can do a lot better than that. Typically, you’re a resourceful person who knows how to turn everything into a productive enterprise. If that has been more difficult than usual lately, you can trust that the tide is turning. Your part involves giving up what does not work, as much as consciously embracing what nourishes you. If you make all your seemingly financial choices on the basis of what feeds you and enhances your life, rather than mere profitability, that will take you far.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for March 2016, #1089 | By Eric Francis

It’s time to take a step financially. However, for this to work, you will need to make contact with money as the expression of something else, perhaps several other things; and you would decide what they are. It would seem that your fortunes are intimately intertwined with those of someone else, but that is the nature of any economic system; you are not walking around gathering nuts and berries (and even that was done with collaboration). Your own sense of your value to the world is what to focus on first. In the vast exchange process that is the whole world right now, you are giving up something old for something new. Look carefully for some element of your values that no longer works, and update it for something that is about right now: the world the way you know it is today, and who you know yourself to be today. Figure out exactly what you have to offer, from the core-center known as your soul, and then notice who will benefit from that quality. This is your point of exchange. The most vital conducting medium will be service rather than money, though correctly financing the venture is clearly in the stars. Remember at every single turn that this is about you, and it’s also about a heck of a lot more than you. That is happy news.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Feb. 22, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Venus has entered your sign, joining Mercury and a beautiful asteroid called Pallas Athene. This has you at your most Aquarian, tapping into your streak of genius, your love for ideas and, most of all, your ability to motivate people. The real gift of this astrology will be to do the thing that Pallas Athene is best at, which is to come up with a strategy for living. This is the time to brainstorm a plan to do the big things you want to accomplish. It will help if you consult other smart people one by one and put a few questions to them. Then morph the best ideas into your own personal plan of action. No goal is too difficult to meet, and no problem is a match for the ingenious power of your mind. Remember that, and don’t forget.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for Feb. 18, 2016, #1088 | By Len Wallick

This is a rare and special moment for you to make a good impression on both new acquaintances and familiar friends. It is important, however, to do so in such a way as to not spread yourself thin or wear yourself out. Do only what you can with what you have to work with. Do not dwell on what your available time and energy will not allow you to get done. If others do not understand that you cannot possibly please everybody, let that be their problem. Indeed, take heart in the fact that what you offer is valuable enough to be in as much demand as it is. So long as you can go to sleep every night knowing that you have done your best without doing yourself in, let that be enough.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Feb. 15, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You’ve been on a roll with good ideas the past few weeks, though the best is yet to come. Keep mulling over the possibilities, though pay attention to the subtle levels of your mind. You know how ideas sometimes float in seemingly from nowhere? Those are the ones you want. If you wake up from a dream with the sense of seeing a problem in a new way, write down the details. You have a powerful intellect, though what you need to tap into now is your intuition. To do this, focus on listening to your own mind, and notice how you respond to the thoughts of others. Something perfectly ridiculous, or unrelated to the topic at hand, can spark a clever idea in your mind. I would, however, remind you of one guiding principle for what you’re doing: service.

Moonshine Horoscope for Feb. 11, 2016, #1087 | By Len Wallick

Rain is good. Just ask anybody living through a drought. Yet, rainy days have a bad reputation they do not deserve. Now is an excellent time to look at what some commonly disparaged life circumstances might mean to you were they yours to live. It would also be a good idea to understand what others might find enviable about your circumstances now. This means more than counting your blessings — though that would not be a bad idea. Beyond living in gratitude, you might also want to reconsider some life options that you have disregarded or dismissed in the past. It could very well be that some of those options will soon become not only available, but also highly desirable.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Feb. 8, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Monday’s New Moon in your sign seems designed to connect you with your true strength. It’s as if you can make contact with all of your talents and skills at once. If you can identify a need, you can identify a resource to meet that need. Remind yourself that you have everything necessary; and if you don’t, you can connect with it or acquire it. The real gift of this moment is to help you focus on your true purpose. If you know what it is, take the steps necessary to focus your energy on that goal. If you feel like you don’t know, I can assure you that you don’t need to look far to find it. It’s the thing that you feel the most passionate about — no matter what everyone else may think. It’s the thing you want to do for its own sake.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for Feb. 4, 2016, #1086 | By Len Wallick

If you had to choose between power, wisdom and pleasure, which would you pick? There is no denying that there is nothing quite as pleasing as pleasure. Nonetheless, is it really your purpose in life just to please yourself? Neither is power anything to be sneezed at. In practice, power can bring you all the pleasure you can handle, in addition to its many other fringe benefits. Even so, would you really be fulfilled by simply having your way with everything all the time? Wisdom, on the other hand, is neither exclusively gratifying nor entirely self-serving. Being wise, at its most fundamental, includes making the right choices at the right time for everybody involved, even if those decisions require postponing personal pleasure or giving up personal power. Therefore, preferring wisdom over pleasure and power could, in many ways, be the least desirable selection of all — but only if desire is your be-all, end-all. Should you sense that there is something about you that transcends your desires, take your pleasure where you find it and accept power responsibly, but make the acquisition of wisdom your ultimate goal.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Feb. 1, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Remember, you set an example for everyone around you. You’re likely to find yourself in a position where your leadership is required, and people are more inclined to do what you do, rather than do what you say. Yet at the moment you’re a kind of psychic transmitter. So what you feel is as important as what you do. In every situation, take the higher road, and see the best in people. Mars in the achievement angle of your chart may be giving you a competitive edge, but it’s essential that you not act that way. Treat people as your friends and allies, enlist their help when you need it and offer yours at any opportunity you get. Weave a culture of cooperation and mutual benefit, and that will go a long way for you and everyone.

Short Monthly Horoscope for February 2016, #1085 | By Eric Francis

Take leadership, and do it now. Set things right from the beginning. Admit that you know more than nearly anyone else around you, and remind yourself that you have the guts to take action. If you’re clear about these things, you’ll be of true service to those around you. They will benefit from your guidance and ability to make clear decisions.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 25, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Your worst fears are unlikely to be true. Was there ever a time when they were? But that may be small reassurance, if you’re inclined to panic. What can you do? A psychological solution is not going to go deep enough. You need not just insight into your own mind, but actual evidence of truth, and the experience of how it feels. The most revealing information is likely to come through your dreams. Most people feel that dreams are weird and senseless; though, when examined carefully, they often have elegant logic. Go gently into this territory, and allow your observations to flow. Pay attention to how you feel, and remember that every symbol in the dream is a representation of you. How those elements relate is how you relate to yourself.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for February, 2016, #1084 | By Eric Francis

Whatever you’re doing or working to succeed at, turn your soft side to the community. You are in one of those phases where you must be gritty and serious in order to get the job done, to establish yourself or to go to the next level. But make sure the public aspect of what you’re doing is all compassion and empathy. Think of Fred Rogers, who was at once the central figure in Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood and at the same time one of the pioneers of both public television and children’s television. On camera, people met Mr. Rogers, the gentle and kindly friend to the kids. Off camera, people had to work with a shrewd developer, director and businessman. He never confused the two roles, and you would be wise to know which scenario you are in at any given time. What you’re doing requires an all-wheel-drive, brass bolts (and perhaps balls) approach. Yet community relations is where you will actually make contact, and your skill will determine the degree of success you are able to attain. Work on this as a special topic, and develop it as a distinct skill. Study people who are very, very good at it and learn everything you can. When you write for the public, make sure you rewrite until your message and presentation are smooth, clear and authentic.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 18, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You may be in a situation where you need to take charge, though I suggest you do this in subtle ways. Now is not the time to declare yourself the boss of anyone or anything, or to manipulate events — that will likely backfire. Yet you could well be the person through whom the creative solution comes. You could be the person who solves the riddle, or who makes the budget work out when nobody else could. Here is a clue: do this slowly. Take your time. Focus on getting the question right, and the answer is more likely to come to you. Or rather, the answer will come from you. One discovery you’re in the process of making is that just about any information or ideas of real importance bubbles up from inside of you.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope — Jan. 14, 2016, #1083 | By Len Wallick

The weight of being fully and consciously aware of what’s right and wrong as a natural instinct is something that many can successfully avoid, deny or ignore. But not you. Not for long anyway, and certainly not without nearly immediate consequences. If there are any crosses you must bear, always knowing better is almost certainly one of them. All things considered, it’s not such a bad cross even at its heaviest. There are far worse things than being constantly present with your conscience. The main problem that comes with being conscientious is the eventual realization that some of what you have been conditioned to accept is unconscionable. When that happens, remember that it’s always better to be true to yourself than to your conditioning.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 11, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Nearly anyone who succeeds defies the expectations of others, even the experts. Most of the truly innovative things that we now take for granted were thought of as silly, irrelevant or a false rumor (the airplane, for example). Many commodities that power society were first treated as useless waste products (gasoline, for example). Therefore, you don’t need the endorsement of anyone with special qualifications. Rather, cultivate faith in yourself, and the special contribution that you know you want to make. You see the problem clearly, and you can see the solution just as well. Now you must go through the process of working out the details, slowly and carefully. Make friends with people who will support you merely because they like you. So often this makes the world go ‘round.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope — Jan. 7, 2016, #1082 | By Len Wallick

Just because it’s a new year does not mean you should be doing something different. If anybody knows the value of sticking with what works, it is you. The idea, however, is not to get stuck once what works has run its course. Therefore, endeavor to keep going as you have while keeping an eye out for your chance to make things work even better. The most important thing for you to keep in working order at this time is your body. When in doubt, choose rest over strain. Listen to your body and heed its calls for sleep and nourishment. Err on the side of caution when it comes to staying well. If you have your health, nearly anything else is possible, and all sorts of possibilities are soon to open up — provided you can be both physically fit and mentally capable of releasing attachment to what no longer serves you.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 4, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

As usual, you’re doing something unusual, and you’re accustomed as ever to having to go it alone. But at the moment you have at least one ally who is willing to help you, if only you would recognize who this person is. You might think you’re smarter and have more experience; even if that’s true, there’s still a real chance someone holds a missing piece for you. Where you struggle to fit in, they know exactly what to do. Where you may be consumed with a sense of duty, they are inspired by a sense of beauty. Where you have expertise, they bring the beginner’s mind. Where you see limits, they see potential. The meeting of these various elements will be beneficial to everyone, and open the way to some unusual success.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for January 2016, #1081 | By Eric Francis

How exactly do you hold on to your ideals in a world where it seems like the whole game is rigged for greed, competition and conformity? I never thought you’d ask! The answer is: it’s challenging, but you must. It may be five times harder to reach for your truth as the madness of our society reaches a new peak. And in the end it will get you double your investment, because you are building a strong foundation that will be there when the world is in calmer times. Before then, you know you’re being true to yourself, and you cannot live with yourself any other way. The current struggle of our world translates to energy loss, depression and confusion in most people, and it could easily do so for you — which is why you must keep your grounding. And your grounding is in your ideals. I would propose that the one that’s closest to the core is existing in a way where you see the needs of the many, the needs of the few, and your own personal necessities. If you at least acknowledge that they exist, you will have perspective. The one rapidly disappearing element of the world is that of mutual benefit. Practice and apply this concept in everything you do. And while you do that, notice who cannot see past their own personal hunger, and steer clear of them.

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