Tag Archives: Monday Morning Horoscope

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 12, 2016


Aries (March 20-April 19) — Your relationships are not a question of who can do what for whom. Rather, think of them as creating a mutually supportive environment. The difference may seem subtle, though what I’m suggesting is more offering, and more giving, and less taking, and less in the way of expectation. Fairness is the necessary primary value. This is not about some form of exact exchange. You may give more than you receive in some situations, but that’s your contribution to the greater good. You are certainly being offered more than you might expect in other situations, and about these things you would be wise to be gracious and receive with a spirit of genuine appreciation. There exists a question of what to do if you’re feeling anger. I would propose that this is about something much older than your current circumstances, and you would be wise to address it as such.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You must consider what your point of hesitation is. This seems to be influencing a creative project or sexual relationship; perhaps the place where the two meet. What exactly are you not trusting? What idea or fear is preventing you from offering your complete trust? Consider the relationship between trust and vulnerability. They are different facets of the same thing. To trust you must be vulnerable, and being vulnerable is painful unless you are in a position to trust. I suggest you take the discussion, whether with yourself or with someone else, on this level. You seem to be aware that there’s some risk involved in what you want to do. The question is how to approach that with an open heart and an open mind. You will get the most positive results by treating everything as an experiment.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — An artist is someone who is aware of their environment in the moment, and who carefully considers the impact of their words or other creative expression. An artist can be in any field, no matter how technical or seemingly ‘non-artistic’. You’re being called to just such awareness now: to bring yourself and all of your talents into everything you do, but more than that, to understand what you make as being inherently relational: that is, with every breath you breathe, with every mark of a pencil on a page or letter that you type, you are connecting to someone. And in connecting, you’re having an influence and creating an effect. As a matter of your highest ethics and what some call dharma — acting as if to hold the world together — you must consider the impact of what you create. This is best as a matter of day-to-day habit. Your true talent will flourish when you do.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — If ever there was a ‘feather your own nest’ moment of your life, this is it. As one born under the sign Cancer, it’s easy for you to put the needs of others ahead of your own. You do this as much because you need to as because you want to. However, it’s time to reverse this process for a while, and to make a focused effort on taking care of yourself. The first place this translates to is your living space; the second, to any other facet of living that helps you feel more confident and secure. One clue that I can offer you is to focus on the beauty of your living environment. Freshen things up; clear out the corners; bring in what makes you feel alive, such as your favorite colors and textures. When you follow your own aesthetic sense, you feel more spiritually connected. Your relationships go more smoothly. It’s easier for you to relax and open up. That’s all excellent incentive.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Most people don’t know what they believe — and this is a luxury you cannot afford. Not only do you need to know what you believe, but also to discern whether it’s true. Pay attention to what you say every time you utter the phrase ‘I think’, which really means, ‘I believe’. Have you verified whether it’s true, or whether other points of view might expand your thinking? You need to establish yourself as your own fact-checker. You might also be mindful of when you impose your beliefs on others, and back off from that. It would be altogether wiser of you to really understand your own thoughts and ideas rather than exporting them in some way. This will help you develop your considerable intelligence, deepen your maturity and tap into all that you’ve learned. If you present yourself to the people in your life as someone who questions yourself, nobody will need to question you.

Planet Waves
Late summer landscape in Washington County, New York. Photo by Eric Francis.
The audio segments of your Virgo 2016-17 Birthday Reading are available for immediate access, and the video Tarot reading will follow soon. Get hold of some excellent guidance from your favorite astrologer to navigate through this eclipse season. Order your birthday reading today.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Your world is still vibrating with last week’s total solar eclipse in your sign. It’s now undeniable that you’re fully involved in a process of not just transformation but of claiming some deep aspect of who you are. Here is something to consider, while you’re on the way to doing that, which is the source of your anger: The most toxic anger is what a person takes out on themselves, often in the form of guilt. Yet there are other manifestations, and I suggest you watch them all. It’s possible you’re figuring out that someone has kept you in the dark about an important matter. You might have some idea that you have to cool down before you assert your opinion or make a decision. However, I would say that you need to use your points of leverage, and you have one coming this week. Just bear in mind there are some old issues that are coming up, having nothing directly to do with your current situation. Be clear with yourself about that.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Jupiter enters your sign this week. Without carrying on too much, this is good news for you. Jupiter offers protection, and knowledge, and — in your sign — a sense of fairness. Yet the real gift is one of abundance. You can afford to offer yourself to life without hesitation. You can afford to love whomever you want to love. You are free to take creative risks. Jupiter in your sign is designed to awaken something subtle in you, which is seeing the love and wisdom of the cosmos reflected in anything you perceive as beautiful. Too often the ‘divinity’ factor is assigned to dogma or books about being a better person. There’s something better, though. Yours is the sign that sees the beauty in everything, and is especially adept at bringing beauty into the world. This can come in any form: from thoughtfully arranging the cheese and crackers, to decorating a room, writing a song or making a sculpture. Beauty is your religion. Who needs any other?


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — It’s time to confront the dark side of your relationships: all the emotions that you don’t usually consider. This will, after a little while, have the desirable effect of setting you free. Now let’s consider a few possible emotions. To be clear, I am not proposing that you actually feel them, but I suggest you question whether you do. One is an entitlement to feel jealous, particularly in sexual situations. There’s no emotion more capable of shutting down the love that might flow between you and someone else. Yet you’re missing an opportunity to learn about yourself, and something profound about your existence, if you do. Another is the reluctance to state, in simple and honest terms, what you need — and to allow others the chance to respond. One last is projecting your struggle to love yourself onto others, pretending that for whatever reason they don’t love you. The moment you become aware of any of these (or any related scenarios) you also invoke the power to change them, if you want.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You must be exceptionally careful when dealing with colleagues, as well as with bosses and superior officers. You might lose your temper at exactly the wrong moment, and cause a cascade of events that you truly regret. Therefore, keep a cool head, and keep your opinion to yourself for at least 48 hours after you decide you have one. This will give you time to cool down, and also an opportunity to see things from other points of view. After half that much time, you might decide you don’t even care. If you take that approach, you’ll allow everyone else to reveal their opinions and their psychology while you take it all in; make sure to take at least mental notes and remember what you learn. If you’re a keen observer and bide your time, you will discover opportunities for leadership. There would indeed seem to be some problem that you understand and nobody else does, but wait till they throw up their hands before saying a peep.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Aspects this week move boldly in favor of your career plans, and this will hold true for the next year. Yet the planets in their courses also remind you that bravado is the very last thing you want — that is, being a big shot at whatever you do, rather than someone who does it competently and on time. In one sense, we could say that you’re being given an opportunity to exceed your experience and your usual talent level. You’re likely to be more visible than you typically are, and that means being noticed. Therefore, understate your own case, and be careful never to presume knowledge that you don’t have. Take the ideas of others on board, and be fair-minded. You are, in a sense, a judge of all that you survey. You cannot avoid this, as the tendency of the mind is to assess, compare and evaluate. Yet you must seek balance and impeccable honesty as a conscious act of creative will.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You of all people simply must have faith in humanity, or life isn’t worth living. Jupiter changing signs to Libra this week will help you with just that project. You might also discover that your sense of the future opens up like a window overlooking a vista. It’s there to be seen, to be discovered and to be embarked upon. Despite whatever petty complications you might be going through at the moment, keep your outlook both positive and, most of all, long. Dare to consider what you want to accomplish in a year, or in five or in ten years, knowing there are no guarantees. That’s the point of the adventure, isn’t it? You know, the bit about not being sure whether you can achieve or accomplish something, but aspiring to do it anyway. Dare to be optimistic, even when the world seems to be unraveling. The more you do this, the more likely whatever you’re negotiating or working out with a partner is likely to go brilliantly.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — This week Jupiter moves into Libra, your 8th house of shared finances, passionate sex and deep commitment. (The three are directly related in astrology.) This placement will last for the next year, and it’s an invitation to success. On the most basic level, this opens up a world of resources for you. You have the fully activated potential for your collaborations to be more mutually profitable than ever. Here is the catch: you must select those people with whom you feel the open flow of energy; people who offer themselves and their ideas to you. To gain the best benefits of this transit, that would exclude anyone to whom you have to plead or even ask for what you want. Focus on the people who know what you want, and who want a mutually beneficial relationship. Focus on those who understand that working together and playing together is the way to get there. Love, beauty, intelligence and Eros: let them flow.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 5, 2016

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 5, 2016 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Despite this being such a busy time at work for you, pay attention to your relationships. It would be too easy to let projects push people out of the way, when some of the best life has to offer is coming through them. So make sure that your work has a start time and a finishing time, or at least create some space where you can take it slow and get to know someone. There is also the potential for collaboration, which may come along with a personal encounter. Someone close to you may have ideas that will help you along, or might be available to work with you; or you might form a partnership based on both love and something that you want to create or accomplish. Because two people cannot live by majority rules, it’s important to have a consensus-based decision-making process: that means give-and-take, and sticking to your deeper purpose as the guiding idea.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You might feel like circumstances are compelling you to make more alterations than a busy day in a tailor’s shop. However, you don’t need to renegotiate every agreement in your life. You can afford to slow down and see how things work out. However, remember that ultimately the people in your life are responsible for taking care of their own emotional needs, which might just mean stating them out loud. You could help the situation by encouraging people you care about to do just that: to speak up for themselves. You can set the example by doing so yourself. Speak for your needs calmly and clearly. Not only can you afford to skip any melodrama, you will get much better results if you do. Be patient, especially if the discussion involves sexual or emotional boundaries. This whole topic is more complex than it needs to be.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You seem to be under the influence of a forgetfulness spell. Therefore, focus on remembering: remember your agenda, remember what you need to do and who you need to talk to, and remember your most basic needs. Most of all, remember your ideas. This is one of those weeks when a beautiful turn of phrase, a solution to a persistent problem, or an elegant chord progression can get lost between the moment you discover it and the time you get to your notebook. So be persistent about this, and trust you are having ideas that are worth remembering. Your chart shows you working toward some impressive goals; remember that the big achievements in life are always a mosaic of seemingly small goals met, combined with an overarching vision. Therefore, set out to accomplish those seemingly little things, and remember that you did, and why you did. And then pull back and size up the big picture at least twice a day.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Keep your focus on your immediate environment — in particular, getting yourself organized. You’ve probably been feeling the need for this already. If you have, it’s the right instinct. This may be more challenging than it seems, but the results will be worth it. Clear clutter out of the way, both mental and physical. Resolve past issues, and go looking for things left undone: leftover filing, mystery mail or nameless clumps of paper in the corner of your desk. Emphasize the physical plane first; the actual reality you inhabit in time and space is more important than anything in the cyber dimension. As one born under your sign, the quality of your working and living space is the single most influential factor affecting your state of mind. As you organize, begin sketching plans for future action. Insert a delay; for best results on new plans, move forward when Mercury stations direct on Sept. 22.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You will make great strides in improving your financial situation if you take full responsibility for yourself in these weeks of your life. Depend first on your own resources. Rather than being independent as a matter of pride, do so as a matter of integrity. You can afford to be more generous with others than you think; part of improving your finances involves changing your attitude about money, and getting yourself out of scarcity consciousness. You would benefit from sidestepping the usual gossip about complaints, including avoiding people who are enamored of their own sense of lack. Teach yourself new habits by selecting friends who take a positive approach to money. And by all means get in the habit of voting with your dollars (or quid, or euros). Spend money where your need for some service or item meets someone in business who deserves your investment.

Planet Waves
Marble bust of Isis-Sothis-Demeter, Gregorian Egyptian Museum, Vatican City. Photo by Colin.

The audio segments of the 2016-17 Virgo Birthday Reading have been published and are available for instant access. The video Tarot section will follow soon. You can still get this excellent, friendly and helpful reading for the pre-order price of just $19.97. Order today for yourself or as a gift.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Mercury is retrograde in your sign in rather spectacular fashion. And you’re still reverberating with the effects of a total eclipse that happened several days ago. I suggest you get used to the feeling of nothing being settled, then take advantage of it. The molecules of your life are shaking and vibrating and forming themselves into new compounds. This is the perfect moment to inject your influence. Rather than retreat from any feeling of chaos or what cannot be explained, take advantage of it; things are more flexible right now, and the glue that usually binds patterns and people has not set. You can make adjustments, or easily pull things apart and put them back together. This is the last week of Jupiter in your sign, which is an indicator that you can tune into all that you’ve learned during the past 12 months, and put it to work for you. There is plenty.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Jupiter enters your birth sign this week, where it will remain for one year. More than anything, Jupiter is the planet of potential. It’s up to you to make that potential real. Jupiter grants its greatest rewards when we define a purpose and do the work, which usually means aspiring to a goal rather than hoping you’ll get there some day. One thing that Jupiter assures is that you’ll have the resources that you need to get the job done. One of those is talent; another is the ability to collaborate; another is the funding you will need. Yet another is your natural charm, which is a precious thing in the human world. Therefore, know your most important objectives and work toward them. Aspire to great things, and to modest ones as well, by taking action. You may have to consciously focus your mind; though when you do, you’ll discover an abundance of energy.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — There’s a line from a book that I’m reminded of often: “Beware of the temptation to perceive yourself as unfairly treated.” You might, instead, champion the causes of those who really need you. It’s a much better use of your energy, and will serve to remind you how good you have it. If you feel yourself encountering emotions on the jealousy and control side of the spectrum, take a breath and ask yourself whether you’re not really upset about something else. You are equally free to celebrate your own passion by celebrating that of everyone else. It’s a true fact that you cannot control other people. At best you could control yourself, but you don’t need to do much more than guide your thoughts and feelings in the direction of what is alive and life-affirming. When you honor love in any form, you also honor your own need and desire to be loved. Open up and you will feel just how much life is offering you.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Pay attention to when you say no but you mean yes. The world has become so enamored of the concept of boundaries that many seem to have forgotten that walls can have doors, and doors can have locks and doorknobs. The usual advice is to think long and hard about whether you mean yes. I would propose thinking carefully about whether you really mean to deny yourself or anyone some feeling, experience or thing you might share. Resistance is not integrity, nor is it a substitute for integrity. You don’t have anyone to impress with your purity. But you have a life to live, and the only way to actually proceed and progress is to say yes to whom and what you desire. That’s not a guarantee that you’ll get it, but it’s certainly an affirmation of openness and willingness. Here’s some astrological advice in the style of Mars square Chiron, your current aspect: get out of your own way.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Jupiter crosses the midheaven angle of your solar chart this week. That’s a fancy way of saying you’re moving up in the world. Yet your chart presents a puzzle. When you make a move, you might stir up a nest of anxiety. This, in turn, could stop you from stepping forward. The psychological setup is the classic fear of success masquerading as fear of failure. You might start on something worthwhile and decide that it’s never going to work. The question you might ask is: what if you get results? That would require prolonged commitment. You will need to keep developing your idea; you will need to increase your level of responsibility and visibility; you will need to maintain your devotion to quality. Most of all, there is such a thing as a community standard. You can deal with that by exceeding any standard you perceive, while still keeping your creative integrity. That takes courage and devotion. Get ready.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Turn your attention to sources of professional revenue. This angle of your chart is on fire lately, and you seem determined to resolve any lingering issue related to being well paid for what you do. Yet here is the caveat or the creative hint: work with your friends and your allies. Work with people in positions of authority. Recognize when someone is in a position to help you, and approach them in a cooperative manner. While you’re at it, take any opportunity to assist a deserving underdog. There’s a great tradition that I associate with the sign Aquarius, which is that of people seeking assistance from their peers and getting it, doing good turns for their peers, and everyone passing it forward. There’s a word for this in Sanskrit, which means “acting as if to hold the world together” — dharma. In times of such tremendous stress as we are currently living through, this means more than ever.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Keep challenging yourself to do more relevant, creative things. Remember your highest goals, the ones that seemed out of your reach, and get them into your plan of action. To do this, bear in mind that you depend on both structure and creativity to succeed. The two often contradict one another, but the true artist or engineer or self-visionary gets them working together. Beyond balancing the two, you have the ability to form a whole new substance that incorporates and accentuates both. You are in a truly unusual phase of life; one that may be pushing you to your limits, only to discover that it was time to exceed them. However, you must be cool about this. Despite your passion and ability, you must keep a cool head and err on the side of humility. This isn’t something one usually has to tell a Pisces, but it’s clear from your charts. Be a collaborator first and boss second.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 29, 2016


Aries (March 20-April 19) — Anything is possible, though usually you must do the work to make it happen. There are times when your efforts seem to count for more, and others when they seem to count for less. At the moment you can harvest the benefits of efficiency and leverage. You have a little something extra going for you. Investing relatively modest amounts of energy will get unusual results. Following your astrology, here is what I suggest: for the next couple of days, work on resolving old business at the same time you plant the seeds of new business. Tidy up the past and, in the same gesture, move any obstacles you find out of your way. This might include clearing physical space, commitments and lingering issues with others. At the same time, clear out your mental space. Make room for new ideas. Be happy to let go of what was not working, experiment with different approaches, and keep your focus on that one thing you know you want to make real.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — There is that moment in the course of any creative project, or work project, when it seems to take on a life of its own. At that moment it becomes woven into the organic pattern of your life. This usually makes things easier, simplifying the experience of commitment. It’s more of a mutual thing than something you have to push or make happen. What you must do, though, is give yourself over to the process. Said another way, you surrender to becoming someone new, because that’s the experience of creation or of truly mindful involvement in something. Many ingredients are currently brewing in your consciousness. New talents are emerging, which are made from combinations of previous experiments and discoveries, and something truly special about this moment. Note that as you get this going, you’re likely to turn on (as in: light up, provoke or arouse) the people around you. Accept that gift.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Mercury, your home planet, is about to station retrograde. Typically this is classified as the astrology of inconvenience. For you, and for those you influence, this will be an unusual one, rich with discoveries and a major personal breakthrough. For this to serve you best, you need to remember something you’ve learned many times, which is how to stay open-minded. This extends to being open to your own feelings, and to your feelings changing. Pay attention to your tendency to have to understand every single emotional impulse before you let it in. You’re likely to be feeling so much, particularly the next few days, there’s no accounting for it all. If you open up to your own mental and emotional flow, you’ll feel better, you’ll feel more grounded, and you’ll get more done. The one thing I suggest you give up on is control. This is the primary message coming from your chart: relax a little and let life happen.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — On the offhand chance you’re a writer or aspire to be one, sharpen your pencil. This is the perfect moment to commit yourself to an ambitious project — one that you may have thought was over your head or beyond your talent. For everyone else, I would remind you that our civilization was built on the written word. Our ideas about ourselves, and the communities that we live in, are based almost entirely on literacy. You’re a distinct individual before you’re a member of any tribe. You are a person with an inner sanctuary, a place in you that you know to be real. And you’re someone with a unique point of view that only gets stronger as you explore your own perspective — and physically move around and see things from as many angles as possible. All of these things relate to the power of the written word. When you take this skill into your hands, recognize its true role in society, and bring your full integrity to the task.

Planet Waves

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Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — This week’s unusual astrology is about your relationship to money. This theme has been coming up for you over and over again, though you may not trust the earning potential that you feel. That would call into question your relationship to all forms of your potential. It’s clear that you may be seriously underestimating your ability to convert your talent and ideas into money. You’re being invited to open your mind to those ideas, which is another way of saying that you must assess your value in a practical way. For most people accustomed to working for wages, this feels like manifesting something out of thin air. It’s nothing of the kind, though you must get over a tendency to think small; that’s another way of thinking bigger. You have many gifts and personal assets. Converting that into revenue is a matter of aligning your skills with the needs of others, and assessing a fair price. This will be approximately double what you would be likely to estimate in the first round.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — A total eclipse of the Sun takes place in your sign this week. This suggests a few possibilities. One is that you’ve reached a point of no return in your personal growth. You must now take the step that you know you’ve been looking toward, and be happy that there is no turning back. If you’ve been consciously working toward this, then now is the time to solidify your commitment, and fully live out, explore and embrace this new phase of what might feel like your destiny. Yet I don’t think this is a point of destination as much as it is one of embarking. You are at a beginning, and a beautiful one it is. You are in a position to connect with and acknowledge your innate gifts, which are one and the same as your sense of purpose. That’s another way of saying you really can live your life your way. It may take a little time to get there; but carry on, overcome any setbacks and keep going.

Virgo: A View From the Inside

“Thanks for putting your heart and soul into what you do. Without a doubt, your work and love enrich my life.” — Ellie

Dear Friend and Reader:

As a student of astrology, I know there is something to love about each of the signs; something unique and beautiful, a crucial piece of the picture. Yet I must confess that with Virgo, my rising sign, I enjoy an unusually profound connection.

Planet Waves
Our ruling planet Mercury, captured in a delightful false-color image by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.

I’m not a Virgo Sun native, but I generally pay the most attention to Eric’s readings for this sign, because they seem to resound most powerfully for me. And as someone who identifies strongly with Virgo, I can tell you this: Eric understands us through and through, and his incredibly accurate readings reflect that.

The 2016-17 Virgo Birthday Reading will appear following the total solar eclipse in Virgo. This, paired with the imminent Mercury retrograde and Jupiter leaving our sign, means the forthcoming solar year could be a big one for us. And that makes Eric’s friendly and useful advice all the more important.

I heartily recommend you pre-order yourself a copy of this reading. As always, the pre-order price is the best one — just $19.97. Truly a great bargain to secure an invaluable guide for the year ahead.

With best wishes,

 Amy Elliott



Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — People are often mysteries to themselves, and you may be feeling some of this right now. Yet you don’t need to make sense to yourself. Who you are does not need to add up rationally. Rather, feel who you are, and let your intuition guide you from one discovery to the next. In time, and not so much time, a series of personal revelations will leave you with the feeling that who you are and what you’ve been doing have made sense all along. Until then, you truly can afford to trust this fact. What might confuse you is seeking answers and explanations in ways that are reasonable and logical by some exterior metric — such as you could ‘prove’ them to someone else. You don’t need to think that way. Hang loose, and give yourself a break from being linear. Let your life follow the logic of a dream. Be gentle reading the symbols. Stick close to how you feel rather than what you think something means.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Keep your focus on work. You may have lots of social opportunities, and by all means have some fun. Yet maintaining consistency and devotion to your professional activities, and to your professional image, are essential now. You’re at a turning point where many facets of life are concerned, though especially your work. This can turn out very well for you. Yet your success requires prolonged devotion and dedication. That means persistence, which includes sidestepping turbulence and unhelpful people, and staying on track. Be mindful of the fact that you are, in a sense, on public display at all times. People are looking to you for leadership and as an example. That makes you a focal point of your community, and someone whose ethics are an important part of the message that you send. Stay sober, negotiate rather than get involved in conflict, and at all times remember what you want.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — In astrology there are two houses devoted to one’s professional activities. One is the 6th house, which is about going to work every day and doing what you’re supposed to do. The other is the 10th house, which is about aspiring to do what you really want to do. Right now planets are collected in your solar 10th house, which is Virgo, and an eclipse is about to happen right there, this very week. This suggests that events at this time in your life are in some way indicative of your highest calling. The price of admission to the 10th is taking total responsibility for answering that calling, and for taking every step that must be taken to get you there. That might mean focusing on the details; it means keeping your mind on your vision for yourself; and most of all it means making decisions consciously. Most people never get as far as the 10th house. You’re there now. Accept your mission. Moreover, love your mission. It’s yours and yours alone.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — If you have spirituality on your mind, you might consider whether you actually have sex on your mind. This is a fairly typical reversal, and not everyone cares. From the look of your solar chart, you’re determined to find out the truth about something. Yet if that is coming up as the craving for mystical ideas or experiences, I would propose that what you truly want is something more emotional, biological and physically satisfying. That means self-discovery in reality rather than in abstract theory. Your body knows what is right for you, if you will only listen. Your dreams may also be telling you something. If stepping in this direction feels at all edgy, nerve-wracking or comes tinged with guilt, you can be sure you’re following your true calling. You have no need to be pure or holy, only real, which means real with yourself. This is a special moment for you to place your focus here: an excellent time to make friends with desire.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Try to keep things simple, especially where joint finances are concerned. You seem to have a lot of proposals on your desk, or maybe bills, or both. It will help significantly if you prioritize. That means recognizing what is the most important, the least important, and everything in between. As a great songwriter once said, you have to know your plastic from your cash. You might set a priority on being financially solvent (honorable enough), though you might set another one on figuring out how you can take advantage of your current situation to further your own goals. There are some potential partners with whom you can have a mutually profitable relationship. But check them out carefully first. Make sure that anyone you’re doing business with can actually keep their commitments, and — closer to the point — that they want to do so. Not everyone has your integrity, or your drive to succeed in an honest and meaningful way.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Amidst all that’s going on in your life, and the many people who surround you, one specific situation stands out as especially meaningful. Whatever it represents is an actual transition in your life. It includes an ending and a beginning. There is a review of the past, and an opportunity to explore the future. Take things one step at a time, though be aware that one step may come on the heels of another. It’s essential that you keep your focus and not lose yourself in anyone or anything. It will help if you give people plenty of room to make their own decisions, with as little attachment as possible to the choices they make. You may feel like you’re in a position only to respond, rather than be proactive. What’s emerging is the result of your being proactive in the past. Keep responding in a creative way, focus on collaboration, and be as patient with people as you can.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 15, 2016


Aries (March 20-April 19) — You have some unusual and by all indications excellent opportunities to express yourself, in creativity, in love or both. What you might come up against, though, are some of your more rigid beliefs about life. These are likely to be values that were instilled in you when you were young, and which don’t serve you. Yet you seem to depend upon them, in a way, to protect you from your more exciting options and your true vitality. Now you’re pushing back against them; that is necessary, if you want any room to have some fun, which is another way of saying to get past the limits that were set upon your bliss. Look for examples of this if you decide you want to do something adventurous and then feel guilty about it, or you feel like something horrible might go wrong. That fear is a blockage, and it stands between you and the future. Now is the time to work it out.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You cannot look to others for validation of your feelings, or not at this stage anyway. For you, there is no compromise between the past that you’re leaving behind and the life that you want. You must use your power of persuasion, seduction or some other influence to convince a partner to slow down enough and hear the other sides of an issue. This includes their having a sense of your growth trajectory. One thing you can do for yourself is to evaluate your own beliefs. If you notice that your beliefs are rigid, which means firmly held and not tending to flex or bend, you would do well to soften up. Setting that example will be good for everyone. Allow for change, and for the passage of time. Notice the subtle points, which means listen carefully.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Learning is discovering that something is possible. The next week or so will be rich with this energy: of self-discovery, of your learning potential, and most of all, figuring out how much you already know. Please don’t resist this. Slow down and take your time with everything that you’re doing and everything you’re feeling. We’re not talking about knowledge that’s limited to what you’re holding in your head. For you in particular, authentic knowledge is rooted in your feelings, your blood and your bones. Your body informs your mind, not the other way around, and this quality of your being is coming on strong now. Along with this process, pay attention to what you eat and how it makes you feel. Pay attention to your sleep patterns and dreams. And if you have any connection to your ancestors, particularly on your father’s side, consider what they have taught you and what they are offering you now.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Be ready to negotiate for what you want. That means three things mainly: preparation, knowledge and flexibility. You must be coming from an informed place, to the degree that you know more than anyone with whom you’re working out business or contractual arrangements. Powerful forces are at work in your life, and you must be their master, or you face the risk that they will master you. Therefore, I suggest you over-prepare on every subject, but don’t show off your knowledge. Rather, use what you know to ask the right questions. Listen carefully and figure out what other people know, revealing as little as possible. Your astrology reveals that you have a rare opportunity to crack the code of one particular puzzle involving sex, money or some combination of the two. This discovery will lead you to rethink your relationships, and put yourself on much firmer ground when you’re done.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Always remember that your intelligence is your most valuable resource. You may have finances on your mind, and the key to whatever you’re puzzling over or trying to figure out is the power of your mind. You are about to tap into a much wider and deeper source of mental power than you’re typically accustomed to. This will, in turn, help you tap into greater resources than you usually have. Yet this is not like getting a loan from a bank. Rather, it’s much closer to you making your resources available, and seeing what that attracts. The more generous you are, the more you will figure out how much that you have, and that you know. It may be popular to withhold knowledge, as if that makes it worth more. Often this is a mask for lacking confidence. Ideas increase by being given away. You will gain self-assurance as you share what you know, and base your relationships on that sharing.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Relationships are always more than the sum of their parts. Working with others in a harmonious way allows for greater creative flow than people working alone, and opens the way for ideas that never would have emerged otherwise. Therefore, you might want to seek collaboration and cooperation on anything you’re working with. Many hands make lighter work, if you can keep people coordinated, though this goes deeper, to the level of a real exchange. Yet you must be the director of any collaboration, proceeding gently and respectfully but with a degree of quiet authority. Mostly this means setting the agenda based on real goals, being aware of the many factors involved in your environment, and consulting with anyone you’re working with. This process of consultation — with lots of listening involved — is where you will demonstrate respect for the ideas of others, bring out your own best ideas, and then create that something extra.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Most arguments are a waste of time, and this will be especially true this week. I suggest you do that Libra thing and figure out how to sidestep conflict, or turn it into something productive. It’s true that you feel important principles are at stake, but are they really? And do principles really matter? Given the astrology, I would say that part of what you’re doing is re-evaluating your position on matters of deep personal importance that have little involvement with the lives of others. You must make up your mind about what works for you, and you can be more flexible with yourself. If you find yourself feeling certain about something, you might inquire whether that’s not a cover story for feeling utterly clueless. Knowing that you don’t know is a far better option than thinking you know and being wrong. And if someone has an opinion and is right, concede the point quickly and move on.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Finances remain an important theme for you now, and you need to get your house in order. The first thing to do is to prioritize, which is likely to involve making what seem like difficult choices. The question is, what exactly is the difficulty? You appear to be in conflict between what you want, and what you think other people think is right for you. This can be a subtle level of psychology, where you sort out the influence of authority figures in your thought process. Once you start setting your own priorities as a fundamental matter of living, it becomes easier to see where you’re letting others have an influence. I am speaking specifically about parents, siblings and various authority figures from your past who seem to be in a kind of inner debate. None of this is real unless you pretend that it is. What matters is what you say matters.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You must work with your resistance rather than let it slow you down. The question, though, is what are you holding onto? You must beware of orthodoxy in any form. Checking the semantic roots of that word, we discover that it’s based on the idea of “straight, upright, rectangular, regular; true, correct, proper.” Seen another way, it means stuck in the past for its own sake. The allegedly proper way to do things back then may have little bearing on the way you need to do them today. That might mean breaking tradition, and you might worry this is going to offend people. That is irrelevant. What truly matters is that you understand the wisdom of the past and actually assess its value. It might be relevant; it might not be. Does it help you accomplish what you want to accomplish now, or does it get in your way? The creative process is based more on mistakes than it is on purity.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You’re working to break free of something that has often hindered you in the past: a thought form, an idea about yourself, or an attachment to a belief. (Those are all ways of saying the same thing; choose which one you relate to.) What I suggest you notice is any time you take something on the level of a religious belief. I don’t mean religion per se but rather that style of ‘true believership.’ There are a few qualities that such might have, one of which is that it’s born of an attempt to simplify something complex. Another is that it’s a response to a fear, with a palliative value (it makes you feel better, or is supposed to). Last, it’s the kind of idea that leads you to avoid something rather than to engage it directly. In case nobody has told you yet, you have a bold, brilliant imagination, and you’re capable of coming up with ideas that far surpass any form of simplistic viewpoint. Those ideas have life and they have energy, and that’s what you’re feeling now.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — When one goes against popular opinion, one is often playing with fire. I suggest you switch ‘playing’ to ‘working’, and use fire carefully and consciously, as the tool that it is. Bucking popular trends or opinions can work well, if it’s done with a level of Jedi awareness. Our current environment is set up to feed counter-trends, and people love them. Remember that you cannot do this alone. You need allies; you need the experience and the wisdom of others who have done similar things before, and who are capable of studying the environment. This may be your friends, your clients, your colleagues or the general public (depending on what you do). The question to ask yourself is: what is the core belief that you’re working with? I could just as easily have said ‘working against’ but in fact you will be working with the very thing you’re working against. Figure out what that is, and you’re well on the way to succeeding.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You might have the feeling that you’ve found the perfect relationship or the perfect person. You’re certainly being drawn in that direction. At the same time, you are being bold about focusing your purpose and your mission. It’s essential that these two seemingly different aspects of your life not conflict. That would be a waste of a phenomenal opportunity to create harmony between your personal involvements and your most important missions in life. Those missions all require cooperation with others; nearly everything does, though this particular fact is emphasized in your current solar chart. Yet you’re also in the position of setting your own agenda, rather than following what others think is the right thing to do. You must trust your own sense of mission; though remember that you need to reevaluate your goals constantly. There are certain items that have been on your to-do list for a while, and among them are a few that deserve a real investment of your time and your energy.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 8, 2016


Aries (March 20-April 19) — Focus on the quality of the work you do, and devote yourself to the service you offer, and you cannot go wrong. You might think that this is the approach you take when you’ve figured out what you want to do with the rest of your life. Yet it’s the devotion to whatever you happen to be doing that will guide you to the place you want to be the most. This is an inner quality rather than an outer one; the common thread is a state of mind rather than any particular activity. Doing quality work in a deli is not that different from doing quality work as a writer; in both cases you must pay attention, focus on the details and keep your human presence strong. Respond to your environment and honor the idea, “I am here only to be truly helpful.” When in doubt, remind yourself of that.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — It’s amazing how changing your relationship to food can change your life. Most people suspect this, though the details can be elusive. Fad diets compete with ‘fine’ restaurants, the ones where butter makes it better. Your astrology suggests this is the time to get your kitchen and your eating habits in order. This will likely prompt a more holistic review of your life, with food at the center, where it belongs. It’s true that eating well costs money, but it’s a lot cheaper than eating out. If you draw your energy into your home (and, for example, away from restaurants), that will shift the flow of your life in many other ways. The thing you need is control over what goes into your food, and actual choice over what you eat. This will help your mood, your energy level, your creative flow and many other factors of life that you might never associate with a fork or spoon.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Don’t trip over yourself. Tie your shoes, pull up your socks and walk forward. You might not be feeling self-confident enough to blaze forward, though this is what I’m speaking about. If you act confidently and proceed with some direction, you will feel confident. If you overthink everything, especially in the context of what will make you feel safe, you’re likely to feel stuck. Others in your environment may seem bold or aggressive, which may be irritating; however, you might consider that they have the right approach to life. It’s true that some people around you may have a higher tolerance for conflict, though you have a skill that can convert friction into cooperation: that would be your gift of language. Your ability to negotiate and to see both sides of an issue will help you turn potential competitors into allies and even friends. Find your common goals and agree to work toward them.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — To succeed professionally, it’s essential that you have a solid home life. This is not true for everyone, though it’s essential for you. You need harmony in your living space, and also order and beauty. You need space you can depend on and use as you need to, and you need to feel good there. In a few weeks Jupiter will be entering the home angle of your solar chart. This transit is about one year of focused improvement, feathering your nest, clearing out space and, quite possibly, getting yourself into a better location. All of this adds up to taking care of the space you have, and figuring out what you need and want. My own preference is for high ceilings, wood floors and a lot of light, which turns out to be easy to find. Yours may be just as easy, though it helps significantly to know what you want before you find it. Pay attention to where you feel good.

Planet Waves
A Florida panther. Photo by Ethan Oringel.

We’ve now published the audio segments of the 2016-17 Leo Birthday Reading. The video will follow soon. Eric’s insightful, friendly readings put you in the driving seat of your life, while giving you valuable and enriching advice. Don’t miss out on this birthday treat for yourself or the Leo you love. Order your reading today.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — If you’re prospering financially, you know it’s not a matter of luck. You know it’s a matter of focus, effort and intelligence. If you want to do better on the money scene, bring your intelligence to the question. Leo can have a frugal quality that you might need to get over. What for some is about covering their basic necessities for you might seem overly extravagant. You might suspend those kinds of judgments on the way to figuring out your relationship to money. Everyone must find their proper place on the food chain. You value what is simple, and by all indications you despise waste and want. Yet to have a good life it’s important to have one or two selected areas of life where you go to excess, if only as a reminder that you’re the one making the decisions. Financial success is largely a matter of being open to it; that makes all your other efforts possible.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Nothing is all male or all female. All critters have both male and female hormones; all humans have tendencies that are considered native to their sex, and of the opposite sex. Most of these are conditioned and have no relationship to biology. Virgo in particular is a sign that’s ruled by Mercury, the one truly hermaphroditic planet. You have no special need to attach yourself to one particular polarity or viewpoint, and you would have great fun experimenting, especially now. The sticking point is usually the fear of what others might think, though I suggest you step over that like the six-inch-high fence that it is. Apropos of both Mercury and Virgo, the thing to do is to keep moving and exploring rather than getting yourself into a fixed point of view. Beware of clarity; that is, the feeling of having determined something with certainty. The moment you feel that, ask yourself, “And now what?”


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You have some interesting people around you, who may be shocking you into a new level of awareness. You might not like their style, or you might be happy that they’re them and you’re you. But the message is that you’re free to be more assertive in your environment. You don’t need to be so retreating or understated. You don’t need to hide your point of view. If you’re looking for yourself, or trying to figure out who you are, step out into the world and give things a push. See how people respond to you, by getting them to respond. The thought of this may make you bristle, though it’s better to have creative experiments rather than actual conflicts — and those seem to be your current options. There’s a level of self-development where you must pull in and maintain your silence. A little of that will help you now, but just a little. Mostly, you need to let your freak flag fly.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Money issues often come back to unresolved issues with parents. Carl Jung, the great 20th century psychoanalyst, said they relate to mother. Sigmund Freud, one of his teachers, said they relate to father. So let’s say it could be either parent, or both — and you’re likely to be rubbing against these themes now. The fact that this question relates to your family may not be obvious on the surface. It’s not always as stark as someone telling you what to do (though it may be). More often it relates to how you feel when you set your own priorities. For example, when you decide what you want and take steps to make it happen, do you feel guilty? Even a little? Do you feel like you’re betraying someone by making your own decisions? That’s the feeling I’m talking about. The core of this issue almost always relates back to being afraid of people who seem to hold authority over you, or who once did. In the next few weeks you can blow through this, with gusto.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Mars is in your sign, and you’re now in the perfect position to assert yourself. But against what? I would say: the past. You’re at the point where you truly want a new vision for yourself, and new plans based on that vision. In light of that, I suggest you update all your files. Make sure that the goals you have are actually the ones you currently value; the ones you really and truly want, now. As you do this, you’re likely to come up against some previous plans, including ones that may have been important to you even recently. It will help if you let go of any attachment you might have; for example, because you worked so hard. The work you did is not lost; it was an investment in your self-development, and you learned plenty. If you get to a point where your new agenda conflicts with your old one, pause and consciously reassess. Use your energy wisely.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You must look beyond your tendency to be pessimistic, and consider what is possible. You might not be able to do that based on what you’ve accomplished in the past; that’s the point. You need a different basis for faith in your ability to shape your life. One thing that might ease your way is to let go of having to make an exact plan for every goal. Between the first step in a process and what might seem to be the last one, there are many surprises. It’s not that planning is in some way wrong, but rather that it can only get you so far. Think of your plans as a kind of guide, such as figuring out what rocks you’re going to step on to get to the other side of the stream. Once you’re stepping from rock to rock, you might make another choice, and you might get your feet wet. You’ll still get where you’re going.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — If you find yourself facing a problem or issue, pause and ask yourself if you’ve already solved it. If you find yourself needing anything, ask yourself if you already purchased it. Rather than discover, acquire or plot new things, check out what you already have on hand. You seem to be up to something — some project with potential public impact, and you want to proceed with intention and use your resources wisely. Draw on your environment: approach your supporters, work with your allies, and make sure you get people on board as far in advance as you can. This same astrology might lead you into high-friction situations, which would be a waste of time. If you use your mind and your intuition, you will save time and get more done. And if you put your social skills to work — which, as you know, is optional — you will get even further. Think and be polite.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Stick to your most important goals. Pause what you’re doing, take a survey of what you’ve been up to for the past six months, and prioritize. Mars has returned to Sagittarius, which is your house of ambition and reputation. It will help if you remember that both of those count: you are in an excellent position to strive for unusually bold goals, and you must do so with integrity and a clear sense of mission. By mission, I mean be clear about what your service is. You are being called to work in service, though at the same time, you can and must make it work for you. Emphasize collaboration and include as many points of view as you can; at the same time maintain a position of leadership over your own affairs. When the time comes to connect with people you identify as working on a high level, or as an authority figure of some kind, handle that communication yourself.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 1, 2016


Aries (March 20-April 19) — Mars, the Aries planet, is finally set to move out of Scorpio, into Sagittarius. This is one of the closing chapters in a long story of self-discovery for you; you’re now moving on to new adventures. You may feel a sudden burst of liberation, or like you pulled in your landing gear in preparation for cruising altitude. For you this may be like those moments when you’re at the end of a relationship and finally decide that it’s time to be free; only this may be about any number of commitments, entanglements or contracts that you’re ready to move beyond. When you get this feeling, I suggest you face toward the future immediately. You don’t have to rush anywhere or into anything new, though once you sense that you’ve got some freedom from the past it’s wise to place your emphasis elsewhere. And there’s certainly plenty of adventure in the air.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Commitment is an option, otherwise the concept is meaningless. Sometimes involvement with a person is more interesting and easier to roll with if you have your choices open, or if you remind yourself that you’re able to choose. Even better, if you notice that you are indeed doing so, you can feel the strength in your ongoing decision, knowing it’s the right thing for you. When you get to that point, you can discover the freedom that exists within a commitment — the space you have to explore, how it feels to get to know someone, and the awareness that you have another encounter coming. Yet this here-and-now awareness can remind you how delicate every situation is, and how little you can take for granted. The ability to appreciate every moment is indeed a gift; and based on what you’ve learned lately, it’s one that you value dearly.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — At a certain point you have to come out of your comfort zone, and it would seem as if a relationship partner or potential interest is guiding you to do just that. If someone seems to be confronting you, ease back and take it not as an offense, but as a friendly challenge. Work with the idea that it’s up to you to offer people the space to be themselves. You do plenty of changing and choosing; you know that the people you truly call friends are the ones who give you the widest berth to be yourself. If you extend that truly loving courtesy of affirmation to others, you will discover the corresponding reward of how good it feels to offer freedom as well as to have it for yourself. They are so similar as to be the same thing. And it would seem that in this situation, the feeling is mutual.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Sometimes when you have a concern about money it helps to drill right in and tackle the subject specifically. Other times it helps to work on other, related issues. It would seem that the financial part of your life will take care of itself if you keep everything else moving, and in balance. Such as your ideas, for example, and your work flow, and your ongoing plan of taking better care of yourself. By now you already know the benefit of honoring sex as a means to wellbeing, with the approximate value of oxygen; keep reminding yourself about that and take every wholesome opportunity you get to share and explore. As you do, feel your sense of flow and movement develop and deepen. If you catch the hint that you’re in the right place at the right time, pause, slow down, and appreciate that fully. One good thing leads to the next.

“What an amazing reading! I do believe that Eric upped the ante on his reading skills.” — Dee McCrorey

Planet Waves
“Stripes” by Gwenn Seemel.

Actively creating one’s life can be challenging. If you or anyone you love with a Leo Sun, Leo rising or a Leo Moon could use a nudge in the right direction — or some deeper insights into current questions — please consider giving them (or yourself) the 2016-17 Leo Birthday Reading as a gift.

Leo is the sign of leadership, and it’s also the sign of service in the sense of the Sun holding all the other planets in orbit. Your life often feels that way, though now you have some help and some unusual options open to you.

This blend of audio and video, astrology and tarot is like a motivational immersion experience, but at a fraction of the cost of a workshop.

The current price is $24.97, and the price will increase when Eric publishes the well-respected reading.

Get your life purring along with one of the best possible forms of empowerment available, allowing you to take the lead in your life while knowing you have support. Pre-order your Leo Reading today.



Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — This week’s New Moon in your sign will unlock many doors for you, though you won’t know which they are unless you turn the knob and try to get in. The perfect collaboration between you and the universe involves opportunities that are activated — that is, turned on and made real — by your curiosity and motivation. These are ‘use it or lose it’ tickets to the future. With Mars about to move in your favor, you should have plenty of ideas and moxie. The question is: will you persist through any resistance or challenging patches along the way to what you want to do? I suggest you promise yourself, now, that you’re not going to give up the first time you feel blocked or come to a rough patch. That’s built into this particular equation, and it would seem that the great reward of this phase of your journey is learning how to keep your momentum running on any terrain.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You already know the seeming power of self-doubt to get in your way. Yet you either keep your power or you give it away. You can choose what voice to listen to; you decide what viewpoint has credibility. It’s essential that you learn how to let fear and anger motivate you rather than shut you down. There’s something you may be really good at, which is standing apart from past influences and the things your family said about you that were clearly not true. And if those things were false, then something else must be true. It’s up to you to figure out what is genuinely your own: what personal gifts, what talents, what interests and most of all what purpose. The thing with purpose is you cannot push it, or push yourself there. It’s necessary to listen to an inner voice that you may usually strain to hear, though it is likely speaking to you clearly right now.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Your social charms remain at a near peak level, and you’re likely to find yourself not just out among people but having fun doing so. You might not claim to like being the focus of attention, though these weeks are an exception. You’re probably the most entertaining person in the room, so you may as well enjoy that fact. I don’t mean dancing on the table, but rather something subtler that you offer. It’s as if you’re transmitting on two levels — the physical level and empathy. People want to be around you because of something they feel from you, something that you offer them. You might think of it as a healing gift or a reassuring quality that you offer with your presence. Given that, you don’t really need to say or do much.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Mars is about to leave your sign, after being with you for months. Have you learned to state, in plain and simple terms, what you want? If nothing else, that would be a fitting legacy of your experience. Yet on a deeper level, the theme has been learning to let go of aggression against yourself in the form of self-judgment, resentment or guilt in any form. These are deeply ingrained patterns and they’re not usually transcended easily. Yet the moment you become aware you’re feeling one of them, notice how you can just stop yourself. The more you practice this, the easier it will be. Remember that these strange emotions serve to undermine your self-confidence, and if you focus on that you’ll have an added edge. You need and depend on your confidence, and you’re likely to have plenty of it at the moment.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — If you’ve been asking yourself deep questions the past couple of months, or struggling to figure out something about yourself, you’re now ready for answers. Yet with self-knowledge of any form, it’s wise never to think you’ve ‘figured yourself out’ and leave it there. What you learn about yourself must be treated gently, and it’s best to leave your mind in flexible condition rather than being rigid or right. You may not recognize the extent to which you think you’re easygoing and yet are in truth obsessed with the details and even with total control. This is a reflection of how you treat yourself. Remember that everything about you is a work in progress, even your greatest talents and areas of personal mastery. If you feel yourself pushing against something, perhaps it’s the feeling that you’ve arrived, which now needs to give way to a new level of your personal adventure.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You need to be more honest about the influence of fear in your life. It has a significant role, though the more you acknowledge that fact, the more you will diminish the power it seems to have over you. The truth is that there’s a lot to be scared of in the world; however, relatively little of it happens to anyone. Fear is best understood as a thing of the imagination. It’s creative energy that’s been turned on itself. I recognize it may not seem that way, though the mind really only has one kind of energy, and that is creative. It’s up to you to use this human gift on your own behalf. This is akin to using a power tool consciously and carefully, or unconsciously. The first step is listening to yourself rather than trying to drown anything out. You want to let the pressure off rather than keeping it contained.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — It’s often necessary to ruffle some feathers or make a pest of yourself to get things done. You have, however, been involved in a kind of cosmic leadership instruction program designed to help you be persistent but less irritating. One of the most helpful methods of doing this is being aware of who you are before you set out to accomplish something. This removes the need for conflict as a path to self-knowledge, from that particular situation. Said another way, your confidence in yourself and in your mission inherently reduces the conflict factor. Think of how insecurity leads you to assert yourself beyond what is necessary. You might not think it’s possible to put confidence as the first item on your to-do list, though that’s what your charts suggest would work, and is possible. You know who you are well enough never to have to argue the point.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You are ready to take on a goal that you had to set aside because you didn’t have the energy or the cooperation. Now you have both. Of the two I suggest you rely on cooperation first. A partnership or collaboration that has been on/off at different times now seems to have matured to the degree where you can get results. This may involve several people, and you’re likely to have additional decisions to make. In order to work with people, you must emphasize communication, which means understanding where people are coming from. Listen to what they say and track their behavior. Where the two seem to conflict will give you the clues that you need. If you find yourself getting defensive about anything, slow down the movie and make an inquiry. What you’re looking for is not just peace and harmony but rather those who can share a commitment to accomplishing something useful and beautiful.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 25, 2016


Aries (March 20-April 19) — This will develop as one of the most creative and exciting times of the year, if you can stay focused in the moment. You seem to have some concern about the future, which might translate to not quite feeling what is possible. Yet you don’t need to have faith in the future; you need to trust yourself in this moment. Your astrology says that the most beautiful possibilities exist right now, and if you immerse yourself in living, the future will take care of itself. By that I mean you will cultivate the plan that you need to go forward. You don’t have to justify your fun with any excuse, like it’s somehow productive. Sincerely indulged, creativity will get you far. It will help if you set modest goals, like devoting yourself to a task or activity that you’ve wanted to do, so you have something to aim for. Accomplishing anything creative will feel good, and encourage you to do more.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — The quiet confidence of Taurus has some of its roots in the placement of Leo in your solar chart, on your home and security angle. The Sun, Mercury and Venus are now hanging out there, which is eminently helpful. Part of what makes you a solid person is having a base of operations and some sense of grounding. Anyone born under your sign who masters this one thing will be much stronger than they would otherwise. While this doesn’t make you immune to fear or worry, keeping your feet on the ground and taking care of yourself reminds you that life provides you with what you need. The better you take care of yourself, and the more you invest in your home base, the better this will work. You would also be well served staying in close contact with those people you consider your extended family. If you need something, one of them has it.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — It’s worth one more mention that quality writing, once the purview of high school students, has become an art form as rare as ballet. The ability to read, once the foundation of all knowledge, has been replaced in most people by the ability to keep up with the latest rumors. Yet you have reading skills that are better than most of the people you know; and better still, reading and writing for you are a dependable form of fun. With that said, these things also make you a more valuable collaborator. Put another way, these skills are actually worth something, by which I mean they have a significant monetary value. Remember that. And do not take your skills for granted: refine them all the time. Read three books on a subject where you might ordinarily read just one. Carefully proofread everything you send, and be one of the people who set the example of honoring language.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — While the world at times obsesses over what is in truth a global debt crisis, it would seem that the true deficit is self-worth. Rare aspects now have you in a position to truly feel and understand that you belong in the world. You possess a kind of spiritual capital that is now bearing dividends. These are coming in many forms, but the most vital one is faith in your abilities. The thing to do with that faith is whatever you think needs to be done, or that you want to do. Choose projects or ventures that truly matter to you, and that align with your values, and you’re likely to get a positive result. While you’re at it, invest in others you believe in any way you can. That might be sharing your knowledge or contacts, financial support or basic encouragement. You got where you are through hard work; that’s a given for everyone. Now you can make someone’s path a little easier.

Planet Waves

Eric, this year you outdid yourself, if that is all possible. You literally just put my life, feeling, thoughts, even questions in layman terms. My last hour has been a bunch of ‘aha’ moments.
— Tracy Nicastro

Eric will soon record the 2016-17 Leo Birthday Reading. This exciting presentation in audio and video will help you to make the most of your solar year, whether you intend to soar in a blaze of glory or just to bask in the sunshine.

Mars will shortly enter your house of creativity and fun; soon, Jupiter will arrive at your house of communication and travel.

Eric will shed light on how you could make these and other astrological happenings work beautifully for you. There will be two audio segments of at least 30 minutes each; plus a video Tarot reading with the lovely Voyager deck by James Wanless.

Seize your moment and pre-order this reading today, whether as a gift to yourself or for the special Leo in your life.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Energy is now pumped in all three of the fire signs. The Sun, Mercury and Venus are in your sign, which is picking up on (and feeding) the energy of all the other fire signs. What that describes is the drive to do beautiful things. Yet there is a wider theme: self-awareness. The world is going through some extreme growing pains right now. Much of this is being driven by a struggle to awaken that’s being ignited by the grand fire trine in the sky (that’s when all three fire signs have planets in them). For you, this is an invitation to stay awake and present in your life. Do what matters to you. Hang out with people you care about. Try going out without your phone for a whole evening and engaging only with people in the physical world. Most of all, let yourself feel passion. The way consciousness is today, actual passion will feel a little dangerous, as if you care so much, or feel so good, that you’re about to burst into flames.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Jupiter remains in your sign for the next two months, which is about stretching your emotional capacities. By that I mean your ability to feel, and to receive the feelings of others. You might stretch in the direction of being more compromising with the people you care about the most. Jupiter describes you getting out of your head and being more grounded in your senses. Other aspects reveal that you’re going through a concentrated phase of letting go of old tendencies, all the ones that don’t serve you. As you do that, it will become obvious that you both need, and have something to offer, those who are around you. Through this process you will be doing the challenging groundwork of improving your self-esteem. The environment is right, particularly if you choose as exemplars people who have done just what you’re trying to do. They are willing to help, if you’re willing to receive their generosity.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You’re a natural born charmer, though you’re verging on devastating at the moment. It’s a good thing that you’re generous and have an aversion to being the center of attention. Use those traits well and many doors will open for you. In any event, you can proceed with complete confidence in any social situation, and be an illumination source for those around you. Most people are far less comfortable in social situations than you are. That’s why so much alcohol is used as a social lubricant. It’s a poor substitute for confidence, too, because it makes people sloppy and clouds their judgment. Yet one person in the room who feels good about themselves, and at ease with who they are, can relax the entire place. That would be you at the moment. Be the person who introduces people around, and who smooths over that bit when people don’t remember someone’s name. Along the way, I reckon you’ll have no shortage of candidates for dates.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Astrologers around the world still have their eyes focused on Mars in your sign, which was recently retrograde, and involved in many potent aspects. The latest news is that you have finally gone beyond a series of high-friction encounters and confrontations that have taken up much of your time the past month or so. Speaking of the past, you would be wise to go beyond it. It’s way too easy for you to live there, seemingly perpetually. Greater things are calling you, if only you would take a break from obsessing over your own psychology or analyzing your motives. What, exactly, are you concerned about? What evidence do you have, by which I mean actual evidence, that you want anything but the best for other people? If you owe anyone an apology, offer it humbly, forgive yourself, and move on. There are mighty aspects in your chart that are summoning you to fulfill your true destiny. Get to it.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Your chart looks like some kind of creative explosion is happening, which may pertain to dance, music, painting or sex. It’s true that Saturn is in your sign, which can be a depressive or heavy influence, though as my mentor Joe is fond of saying, the opposite of depression is expression. In that spirit, I suggest you express yourself, however you want to. If you face any challenge such as fear of what other people might think (possible even for a Sagittarius), a conservative streak or discomfort with being spontaneous, just get over yourself. You don’t need to be as regulated as you are. You can, instead, lose yourself in the joy of creation or collaboration, the beauty of sharing passion, and most of all, the freedom to change. Take those last four words and write them in lipstick on your bathroom mirror, on your phone case in sharpie, or in reverse lettering on your forehead.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — If you’ve been struggling to establish your social position, you can ease off and let your momentum do the work. Nobody doubts where you’re coming from. You need to feel your place in society, and most of all to know who your friends are. Yet there is one other thing, which is being real about your sexuality. It’s not enough not to be a prude. It’s not enough to be OK with who you are. The gem, the true achievement, the gift, of this year’s Mars retrograde for you is learning to be shameless, transparent and positive about turning on others, and being turned on by them. While this takes some bravery, less is required than you may think, and there are rewards that you have not yet been introduced to. This is likely to be a many-year process of claiming yourself back. Yet the initial throwing-off of the shackles of doubt and embracing honest desire and pleasure as a way of life are the first, boldest and most immediately rewarding steps.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — This year has come with a training program in leadership for you. It’s arrived in various ways, though the most prominent has been self-leadership. You may not think of it that way: you might be remembering various shades of conflict and a few long stretches of utterly exhausting challenges. You’ve made changes you didn’t really want to make but knew were the right thing to do; so you did them, and ended up in a better space and time. The way you’ve done that, and continue to do that, is by feeling solid in who you are, and bold about your mission. You cannot fake this, and what you’ve been experiencing is precisely that process of engaging your reality. That can involve confrontations; you might have to nudge some people aside to get something even pretty simple done; you might annoy some people. All of these sources of friction serve to make you stronger in who you are. Take a step back and feel your strength.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — There’s an interesting scenario in your relationships — maybe you’ve noticed it. You’re in a beautiful position to love people as equals, yet at the same time you end up in the role of mentor or teacher. Perhaps a therapist might not agree that this is possible, much less a good idea, though it’s the role of any true mentor to see the people learning from them not only as equals, but as people who have more potential than they do. That gesture, of seeing the possibilities, has a way of leveling things out. So too does the fact that in any true gesture of teaching, the teacher learns as much as the student. So, be happy that knowledge is being exchanged and created in your relationships. Be willing to teach those you care about what you know. Thoughts increase by being given away, so make them creative and loving thoughts and we’ll all benefit.