Tag Archives: Virgo

The Day of Lively Precision: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is Aug. 23
The Day of Lively Precision | The 2019-20 Virgo Astrology Studio can now be pre-ordered | All Other Signs

Finding a role that truly reflects you is almost always worth any effort, and may be of particular importance for you this year. There is a tremendous difference, in terms of wellbeing, between a job you consider merely a means of bringing home the dough, and something that is much more a labor of love. If it wouldn’t be so easy to do the latter in a paid capacity, make sure you have sufficient time to pursue your real interests. This will help you feel more fully alive and in touch with your essential self.
— by Amy Elliott

If your Sun, Moon or rising sign is Virgo, You are heading into a most unusual solar year, set up to do the thing Virgo is designed for: integrate the elements of your being, find your direction and purpose, and act on it. Eric will lay it all out in your 2019-2020 Virgo Astrology Studio.

Written in the Planets

Today the Sun enters Virgo, at 6:02 am EDT (10:01:52 UTC), and begins the last sign of the current season. In one month, we arrive at the equinox. We’re entering a phase of harvest and the gathering in of the wisdom we’ve gained from recent experience. In so doing, we can begin the process of integrating it and — eventually — bringing the results out into the world. With a Venus-Mars conjunction brewing, that process of integration is likely to involve some of the most potent inner dualities we human beings encompass. Or, to put it more simply: what do you need to acknowledge and tend to in your relationship to yourself?

Late tonight into Saturday (depending on time zone), the asteroid Juno also leaves Leo and enters Virgo — describing a focus on the health of the people we’re most intimate with, and how it impacts the relationship as a whole. In between, we have the last quarter Moon today, after the Moon enters Gemini. This is the waning Moon phase leading to the next New Moon — suggesting that you put some energy toward moving a project toward the next stage, or toward completion. Whether that project is something external or some kind of inner process, sometimes even seemingly minor insights and small steps turn out to be the key to unfolding all the rest.

It is difficult to feel good these days; it’s challenging to focus on your growth and self-care, or even to relax. We are pulled out of ourselves constantly, and often distracted from our core purposes. IN THESE TIMES, the Planet Waves autumn reading, will help.


Read more here.

In These Times graphic

Bumblebee on a bachelor's button; photo by Amanda Painter.

Solar Virgo: What Will You Harvest?

By Amanda Painter

Tomorrow the Sun enters Virgo, at 6:02 am EDT (10:01:52 UTC), and begins the last sign of the current season. Speaking as one living in the Northern Hemisphere, I am wondering where the hell summer has gone. I’m not quite ready for the cooler nights we’ve had lately where I live, or for the Sun to be setting closer to 7:30 than 8:30 in the evening. But ready or not, here we are — along with the benefits of this part of the season, namely the harvest.

Bumblebee on a bachelor's button; photo by Amanda Painter.

Bumblebee on a bachelor’s button; photo by Amanda Painter.

Along with the literal harvest of vegetables, grains and fruits, the sheaves of wheat in the arms of the Virgo virgin also symbolize what Frances Sakoian and Louis Acker describe as “the wisdom that is harvested in the fields of experience.”

They add that one lesson of this sign is that “although the body must serve the mind, ultimately the mind must serve the spirit.”

I wonder if this idea about Virgo relates to its association with healing professions and processes — not simply in the sense of one part of Self being ‘in service’ to another part. But rather, in the sense that when we get those various parts of ourselves working together in such a relationship, healing occurs. With our own inner healing and harmony, we’re able to hold space for others to do the same and can model how it feels and what it looks like.

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The Day of the Standout: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is Aug. 21
The Day of the Standout | The 2019-20 Virgo Astrology Studio can now be pre-ordered | 2019-20 Leo Astrology Studio is available for instant access | All Other Signs

If you’re in the mood to get things accomplished this year, you could well cover a lot of ground. The current conditions are ripe, firstly for big changes, and secondly for bringing ideas to life. A little enthusiasm will probably go a long way; so be bold, and focus on goals that carry real meaning for you. It may be advisable to take the view, in fact, that you can accomplish whatever you have a mind to. Actually, this is probably not too far from the truth.
— by Amy Elliott

Do you have a Leo Sun, rising sign or Moon? Your last couple years may have left you reeling trying to figure out which path forward is best. Hear Eric’s thoughts on expediting your post-eclipse process in your 2019-2020 Leo Astrology Studio reading.

Written in the Planets

One of the first things astrologer Debbi Kempton-Smith says about Venus in Virgo is that it “sees sex as a healthy function, something one does in order to be a tension-free, well rounded-person.” This approach could feel particularly resonant this week: Venus enters Virgo today, on its way to a conjunction with Mars on Saturday. Often Venus-Mars conjunctions spell “sex” — and this one very well could, too. But there’s something about these ideas of “healthy” and “well-rounded” that is coming to the forefront of this week’s overall trajectory, and it looks more internally focused.

That is, rather than seeking out sex with somebody else, you might want to consider the ways you actually contain all of what you may seek — giver and receiver; active and passive; sensual and sexual; male and female. In any way that you tend to see yourself on one side of a polarity or dichotomy, see if you can find the place in yourself where the other half of the equation lives — without criticizing yourself for not seeing it before, or for not developing it, or for projecting it onto others. How can you bridge the gap and relieve some tension?

With the Moon moving through Taurus today and tomorrow, there’s some solid, relaxed emotional support that you can likely access most easily the more in touch you stay with your physical senses. What would feel good to your body?
— by Amanda Painter

It is difficult to feel good these days; it’s challenging to focus on your growth and self-care, or even to relax. We are pulled out of ourselves constantly, and often distracted from our core purposes. IN THESE TIMES, the Planet Waves autumn reading, will help.


Read more here.

In These Times graphic

The Day of Endurance: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is Aug. 18
The Day of Endurance | The 2019-20 Virgo Astrology Studio can now be pre-ordered | 2019-20 Leo Astrology Studio is available for instant access | All Other Signs

Gradually you are coming to view yourself and the ideals you cherish most in a new light, and with Mars changing signs early on your birthday, this is likely to be an ideal period for bolstering your self-confidence. As part of this, be wary of any mindset that involves variations on shame, embarrassment or self-doubt. Try exchanging these emotions for “I want to…” and “I can…” and see how that feels for you. It would help you to start with the understanding that nothing, in fact, is forbidden.
— by Amy Elliott

Do you have a Leo Sun, rising sign or Moon? Your last couple years may have left you reeling trying to figure out which path forward is best. Hear Eric’s thoughts on expediting your post-eclipse process in your 2019-2020 Leo Astrology Studio reading.

Written in the Planets

Mars leaves Leo and enters Virgo today. This should offer some down-to-earth energy as you get focused on the workweek ahead or on household tasks. Mars in Virgo tends to be ingenious, practical and industrious, but also prone to over-focusing on details and non-essentials. Over the next three days Mars moves into a conjunction with a point called Transpluto in early Virgo, suggesting extra reason to guard against fussiness and narrowness of effort.

Mars will also be square Ceres in Sagittarius. That may describe all the nudge you need to balance your actions and mental energy, since it seems to describe the bigger picture of what feeds you spiritually — and what you can offer people that will nurture them, too. Mars in Virgo has an inclination to be very helpful toward others. Just ask those close to you whether they desire assistance in solving the puzzles of their lives; sometimes people just want a kind ear, or a hug, or a little warmly held space to sort themselves out.
— by Amanda Painter

It is difficult to feel good these days; it’s challenging to focus on your growth and self-care, or even to relax. We are pulled out of ourselves constantly, and often distracted from our core purposes. IN THESE TIMES, the Planet Waves autumn reading, will help.


Read more here.

In These Times graphic

The Day of Laughter and Sadness: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is June 10
The Day of Laughter and Sadness | Order Your 2019-20 Gemini Reading | All Other Signs

Keep your perspective: don’t make small things larger than they are, and don’t count the small things as meaningless. Everything counts, though be aware of your tendency to exaggerate on the one hand, and get lost in the details on the other. Handle your affairs by prioritizing the most important matters, and the most timely; and by breaking big tasks into manageable steps. Venus newly in your birth sign suggests you will associate generosity with popularity. Be sure to keep those things in their proper places.
— by Eric Francis Coppolino
Hear Eric speak about your year in-depth in your 2019-20 Gemini Astrology Studio Reading.

Written in the Planets

Today’s first quarter Moon describes a good landscape for moving something forward, perhaps in an especially expressive way. This lunar phase is actually part of a bigger pattern: a grand cross in the mutable signs involving the Gemini Sun, the Virgo Moon, Jupiter in Sagittarius and Neptune in Pisces. That configuration may offer some stability for whatever it is you need to do.

Here’s the question: do you feel like you need to loosen something up, or nail something down? Over the course of a year around the zodiac, the mutable signs come at the ends of seasons: after a fixed sign and before the next cardinal sign. As a result, they can sometimes act like one or the other. So you may want to check whether you’re at a point of needing to add flexibility and wiggle room to a process that has plateaued, or whether you’ve been vacillating to the point of inaction and now need to make a firm decision between options.

With the Sun also conjunct the centaur planet Asbolus, it’s also possible you’re in a ‘survivor’s mindset’ of some sort. We’ve all been through shit, and it’s not productive to compare who’s been through the worst; at the same time, there’s value in awareness of where you’ve been, seen alongside where you are now. All of that exists within you at all times. Since you get to choose what to do with it, why not see what new and beautiful places you can go with your well-earned wisdom? Today’s astrology suggests that you don’t have to be a Pollyanna to contribute to the cycle of positive vibes — and even small acts of courage. You only need to be you.
— by Amanda Painter

Did you know that Eric Francis has recorded new videos for all 12 signs, specifically investigating Mars interacting with some of astrology’s most influential planets this season? His Call the Astrologer readings are available individually or as a 12-sign set to share with your loved ones. Check out samples here and here.

The Day of Nimble Time: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is May 30
The Day of Nimble Time | Order Your 2019-20 Gemini Reading | All Other Signs

Take care constantly to find ways to broaden your perspective, and to take into account other points of view. This is a valuable tool for learning and growth. Other people and new ideas can often be a surprise that either delights, irritates, intrigues or downright enrages; all of which constitutes stimulus, and encourages us to break out of patterns and remain fresh. Open up to the boundless variety of human thought, and let it inspire and recharge you.
— by Amy Elliott

Written in the Planets

Today the Sun makes a square to a minor planet called Orcus, in Virgo. Mythically, Orcus was kind of an ancient Etruscan precursor to Pluto, and the enforcer of contracts. What promises have you made to yourself that are asking to be kept? How do they factor into your ongoing process of shaping yourself? Squares signify internal tension: a signal that you need to do something actively that will integrate the two sides of the square. What is on your mind — perhaps in some kind of dual or paradoxical state — and what do you need to do to bring it into physical form? As you make that agreement with yourself tangible, it will in turn bring forth some new facet of you. This is just one of the subtle ways in which we evolve — not into a ‘better’ person, but simply who we came here to be.

We also have Saturn in Capricorn and Juno in Cancer opposing each other today. Can you give the very thing you seek to receive in a relationship? It’s a hard lesson of life to realize that we often have to give to ourselves first the emotional energy, attention and love that we hope another will show us. The weird paradox is that when we do take care of our own emotional needs first, it can open the space for the other person to meet us and share themselves more freely — though that generally happens as a fringe benefit, rather than as the primary goal. (That said, if someone is withholding to an abusive level, it can take the help of a therapist to sort that out.) Notice in particular whether this dynamic is cropping up with an authority figure, or with someone older (perhaps even parental).

Finally, Mercury in Gemini is exactly opposite Jupiter in Sagittarius today. Be sure you keep toggling back and forth between the bigger picture and the details of any situation — especially if it’s related to business dealings, planning sessions or your larger goals. Check the Monday Astrology Diary for more detail on this aspect.
— by Amanda Painter


Mercury: Getting To the (Aries) Point

If you’re a regular reader of Planet Waves, chances are you know your Mercury retrograde pretty well. You know that it happens roughly three times per year, and that it usually entails taking extra care over a variety of matters; mostly to do with finance, communication and technology. Mercury retrogrades are often easily navigable by following those steps, although each of these phases has a unique signature — and can still be quite frustrating.


I just couldn’t resist this reference: 1988 cult classic, They Live — a movie about hidden messages and unraveling the truth.

Mercury will station retrograde on Tuesday, Aug. 30 at 9:04 am EDT (13:04 UTC), in the very last degree of Virgo.

In other words, it stations on the Aries Point (the very next degree of the zodiac begins Libra, and activity in the first degrees of all cardinal signs counts as Aries Point activity). Yet another unusual quality: Mercury will station retrograde just two days prior to a total solar eclipse.

What that would seem to translate to is this: pay attention. Listen, record and remember — and, of course, don’t forget to make backups. Notice the subtext of words and actions, and where matters in your personal life correspond to the wider field. I’d advise that you keep an eye on said wider field as much as you can stomach without spontaneously combusting: not easy in the midst of election season, but quite possibly worth it in terms of the patterns or themes that might reveal themselves.

It’s likely the events of this week could lead to big changes, in the sense of the future being virtually unrecognizable from the past. You have the ability to steer this transformative energy in the direction of your choice. That’s an opportunity to watch for once Mercury is back on track; right now, you have the chance to ensure your choices are as clear and informed as they can be.


Eric has completed the 2016 Midyear Reading, BALANCE. We strongly recommend you get all 12 signs. If you prefer, choose your individual signs here. Photo by European Southern Observatory.

The Integration Point

Dear Friend and Reader:

Virgo may be the most interesting sign. It’s certainly one of the most complex, laced with inconsistencies that only start to make sense over time. Yet I would also make the daring statement that at this time in history, Virgo and what it represents may be the most relevant sign — to notice, and to learn from.

Planet Waves
Fractal flame, created by Gut Monk, Wikimedia Commons.

It may be the sign that represents what we are going through at this stage of human and planetary evolution.

In last year’s introduction to Virgo, Threefold Goddess in a Field of Grain, I referenced Alice Bailey’s chapter on Virgo in her 1951 text Esoteric Astrology. She describes Virgo as the place in the womb of the goddess that gestates the highest human potential.

“The sign Virgo is one of the most significant in the zodiac,” Bailey wrote in her introduction to this sign, “for its symbology concerns the whole goal of the evolutionary process, which is to shield, nurture and finally reveal the hidden spiritual reality. This every form veils, but the human form is equipped and fitted to manifest it in a manner different to any other expression of divinity and so make tangible and objective that for which the whole creative process was intended.”

An idea becomes real; a potential manifests. The germ of life inside the seed of grain is protected, and when the conditions are right, it emerges and grows. That is the essence of Virgo, where we see so much in the way of intellectual expression yearning for a place to take form. To do this, it’s necessary to honor the life within what we’re doing, and the deeper life within ourselves. This takes patience and care. It requires living in service of that inner light, until it’s fully born.

Even in the most ordinary themes of Virgo we see these qualities expressed — for example, the undeniable emphasis on service that Virgo so often presents. When a person with strong Virgo in their chart is in conflict or crisis, it would be a good idea to check for the extent to which they are honoring and are in harmony with that inner life. Note: service does not necessarily mean being a nurse or a teacher. It means doing what one came here to do; it means following one’s true calling, which almost invariably serves humanity.

In today’s article I would like to introduce another idea about Virgo, something I’ve been mulling for a while and that is starting to come into focus.

Planet Waves
Julia Set, a fractal related to the Mandelbrot Set and the Fatou Set. Wikimedia Commons.

Virgo is one of the four mutable signs. The first of the four is Gemini, which I described in an article from this past spring called A Glass Bottomed Boat Reveals Undersea Wonders.

Gemini is the seat of dualism in the zodiac. While most of the signs describe dualism to some degree and all of them imply it in some way, Gemini is the first sign where a person shows up, and there are not one but two people. The mutable signs all carry this quality, of reflection, of two sides to the story.

We see this reflected in the many ways that both consciousness and society always seem to bifurcate — to split into two. The two could be female-male; self-other; light-shadow; sinner-saint; higher-lower; rich-poor; paper-plastic; debit-credit; gay-straight; single-married; perpetrator-victim; content-structure; form-function —  and so on, and on.

The story of physical life seems to be an endless study in binary splits, and I believe this is gradually driving us insane. At the least, it sets the scene for a worldview that cannot really make sense of existence.

If Gemini, ruled by Mercury, is the sign where dualism is the most obvious, Virgo may be the mutable sign where it tries to come together as one thing. Mercury is described in classical astrology as a planet with no sex — officially, it’s the only androgynous planet. (Personally, I think that Saturn does a good job being androgynous as well.)

Another Mercury-ruled sign, Virgo has no obvious theme of dualism. It’s there — in various forms of inner tension, conflict, changing positions spontaneously, and a struggle to express male or female energy clearly. If Gemini is the sign of either/or, Virgo is the sign of trying to be neither, and I think therein lies the main clue what this sign is about.

Planet Waves
Natural fractal shape of Romanesco broccoli. Photo by Jon Sullivan / Wikimedia Commons.

Think of Virgo as the place where opposites collide and try to fuse into one thing. I recognize that this is a concept sometimes attributed to the next mutable sign Sagittarius, though Virgo is a step on the way to getting there. It’s the place where most of the work of integration actually happens. This is the essential conflict of Virgo — its role is to constantly integrate opposite polarities.

Most of the struggle of both society and of individuals at this time involves the attempt to judge, cast off or attack whatever is perceived as the opposite. The energy field known as Virgo has the impressive work of calling back that projection of otherness and reabsorbing it into the whole. This is a vital expression of the holistic principle, which seems to find its home in Virgo. It is not surprising that Virgo has emerged as the sign associated with holistic healing.

This attribute of Virgo seems to have emerged right around when Chiron was discovered, seen as the patron saint of healers and associated with Virgo.

This is some of the most important growth work that we can be doing in a time of history when dualism is in fact killing us. Ways of thinking that are based on domination or are strictly linear are out of balance, and are driving the world out of balance. Models of business that function exclusively to provide profits at any cost to people and the environment are out of balance. Yet it’s easy to rationalize this away, on the argument that we need energy or that life is not fair.

Notably, all of this begins with thought patterns, which are a primary topic area of Virgo. Everything begins as thought, and then manifests as a physical reality. We are not going to fix the world without healing the patterns of thought that are driving the world into its present state.

You might call that state one of disintegration, which is happening many places you look. It’s also an inner struggle, for people whose life purposes are out of joint with one another — the seemingly separate functions of relationship, work, family, creative outlets and earning money. One dire necessity of a great many people is to get these elements of life working with one another rather than against one another.

Planet Waves
The Mandelbrot Set, the first fractal ever discovered — though the original didn’t look so pretty. Wikimedia Commons.

I know that this seems like an impossible assignment, requiring more thought, energy and intelligence than seems available. Thinking is a skill, it’s hard work, and it seems like it’s ever less popular.

The world is dumbing down constantly, despite all these information superhighways that so often seem to be devoid of anything vaguely meaningful.

Here is where Alice Bailey’s idea about Virgo becomes even more helpful. She views it as the place where the true spiritual core of humanity is gestated and nurtured. She describes this in metaphorical terms as the gestation of the Christ consciousness within Mary. Said another way, this is describing the birth of a germ of consciousness within mother/mater/matter. The Earth is intelligent, she thinks and she supports and gestates the next generation of thought.

The problem of imbalance and of mental chaos is not going to be solved using the same thought patterns that created it. Even if we were to apply logic, ethics and science, we would still be likely to have a problem we could not solve on the same level. There must be something else.

I don’t think we’re going to integrate opposites by putting them into a blender together. Rather, the work of integration must be begun in earnest, however that feels for each person. Then some new thing will emerge, first in consciousness, then in the world. Eventually it will become a collective phenomenon — though that is a whole other step in the process, where we will need to bring Aquarius into the scenario. There is an esoteric — that is, hidden — relationship between Virgo and Aquarius, where what gestates in a hidden way is released into the collective. We may be closer to that point than is obvious to the eye.

I am curious to hear your responses to this theory, and whatever original thoughts it inspires for you. Please write to me at dreams@planetwaves.net.


Thanks to Janine James for bouncing some of these ideas around with me during an astrology session this week.

Note about Inner Space for September. I did not finish writing it till last night, and it seems silly to distribute two monthly horoscopes in one day. So I will have that for you Tuesday. — Eric Francis

Planet Waves (ISSN 1933-9135) is published each Tuesday morning and Thursday afternoon in Kingston, New York by Planet Waves, Inc. Annual basic subscription rate: $99/year. Core community membership: $199/year. Editor and Publisher: Eric Francis Coppolino. Business Manager: Chelsea Bottinelli. Web Developer: Anatoly Ryzhenko. Copy Editor: Jessica Keet. Research, Writing and Editing: Planet Waves is produced by a team consisting of Fe Bongolan, Brendan Merritt, Amy Elliott, Judith Gayle, Kelly Janes, Elizabeth Michaud, Amanda Moreno, Amanda Painter, Casey Smith, Carol van Strum, Len Wallick, Lizanne Webb and Chad Woodward.



Planet Waves

Embrace Your Vision and Be Realistic

The Virgo Sun is currently opposing Neptune in Pisces (exact Aug. 29 at 10:33 am). Neptune aspects are famous for being slippery — the kind of thing that often requires frequent reality checks, and second opinions on schemes that seem too good to be true. But across the Virgo-Pisces axis, it’s possible to work some grounded practicality into any creative process.

Planet Waves
Peace dove over Nubble Pond, Maine; photo by Amanda Painter.

That includes the basic creative process of living.

It’s easy to hear “creativity” and, if you don’t make your living at visual or performing art, think, “Well, that doesn’t apply to me.” We forget just how often we need to tap into something other than the logical, linear parts of our brains to solve problems at work, or to negotiate with a toddler, or to come up with a win-win outcome in a romantic relationship. Heck, even just rearranging the living room asks us to step out of “what is” and step into “what could be.”

That takes creative vision. But what sets creative vision apart from idle daydreams, outsized fantasies and flat-out delusion is the ability to connect our imaginations with the facts of our current reality and the tools at hand.

In the Sun-Neptune equation, Neptune in Pisces is the super-dreamy playground of color, light, sense impressions, mind-altering substances, parallel realities and incense-suffused erotic energy. The Sun in Virgo is the realm of applied science — that is, translating from idea to reality and back; a Virgo Sun at its best is all about the ability to enact a detailed, logical plan, especially if done in the service of a larger goal that benefits others (including healing).

So the primary energy this weekend is about identifying what you desire, the steps needed to get there, and then starting from where you are now.

This is not a wish-upon-a-star / fairy godmother / genie situation. It’s about taking ownership of your vision, your dream, your creative impulse to make something new. Taking ownership means acknowledging how close to (or far from) making it real you actually are. Once you’ve made that measure, you can chart the steps to getting there.

Planet Waves
Late-summer grass; photo by Amanda Painter.

Things don’t always go according to plan; yet the curve balls that may come your way could actually be beneficial synchronicities. Part of what determines that may be your own ability to be flexible (yet still realistic) with your plan. Luckily, Virgo and Pisces are both mutable signs; the ability to morph when meeting an obstacle is implied.

A couple final notes about Sun opposite Neptune: first, do make sure you present yourself as straightforwardly and honestly as you can from now through next week (and beyond, really). Be clear about your intentions; be wary of anyone who seems anything less, and ask detailed questions until you’re satisfied the conversation, situation or relationship is on solid ground and above-board.

Any attempts on your part to achieve your vision by questionable means will likely backfire, as will any lapses in heeding your intuition about others if you sense a red flag.

Second, the asteroid Ceres in Scorpio is sextile the Sun and trine Neptune. The more your vision and your plan to enact it are mutually nourishing to you and those around you, the more ease you’ll likely encounter in enacting it. That nourishment may very likely come on an emotional or erotic wavelength, though in Scorpio, we could also be looking at the inflow of financial nourishment (money is just another form of energy exchange, after all).

Now go play.

Yours & truly,

Amanda Painter



Planet Waves

Planet Waves

Have you ever wondered what your alternate selves might be doing at this moment? Yet in the end, all we ever have is right here, right now. Image: video still from “A Truncated Story of Infinity.”

Treading Between Earth-Bound Reality and the Seas of Chance

By Amanda Painter

Between the Virgo Sun and Neptune in Pisces (which oppose each other Aug. 29 at 10:33 am) lies the meeting place between precision and infinite possibility, between the seeming logic of ego-consciousness and the boundlessness of imagination.

In “A Truncated Story of Infinity,” writer and director Paul Trillo follows “a day in the life of Vincent, ‘Subject X’, and his many variations that exist throughout the universe.”

Inspired by two books, The Hidden Reality by Brian Greene and I am a Strange Loop by Douglas Hofstadter, Trillo describes the short film as “A look at the infinite possibilities within the everyday.” In this case, “Vincent’s” everyday involves following a would-be lover down the street, his parallel doppelgangers subject to subtle differences in choice and the whims of circumstance.



Planet Waves

The Nature of the Beast

Why is it necessary to protest? Because protest brings out the nature of the thing being protested, so that everyone can see what it is. In this week’s edition of Planet Waves FM, I consider the two charts that I’ve read for the shooting of Michael Brown and the subsequent protests in Ferguson, Missouri — one cast for midnight and another cast for noon, on the same day.



Planet Waves

Your Monthly Horoscopes — and our Publishing Schedule Notes

Your extended monthly horoscopes for September are published below in this issue. We published your extended monthly horoscopes for August Thursday, July 24. We also published an Inner Space horoscope for August Tuesday, July 29. Moonshine horoscopes for the Aquarius Full Moon published Saturday, Aug. 9. Please note, we normally publish the extended monthly horoscope on the first Friday after the Sun has entered a new sign.

Note about Inner Space for September. I did not finish writing it till last night, and it seems silly to distribute two monthly horoscopes in one day. So I will have that for you Tuesday. — Eric Francis

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for September 2014 | By Eric Francis

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — The chaos factor you’re experiencing may be the result of clinging to an idea about yourself — some point of identity, which feels like insisting on ‘I am’. This has its effect whether one claims to be a doctor, married, cool, pure, gay, straight, trans, smart, stupid, old, young or any other descriptor. One problem with ‘I am’ is that it changes, and right now it’s changing rapidly for you. This may be making you nervous enough to hold on tight — to anything. ‘I am’ rarely describes the deeper and more meaningful level of existence; indeed, the insistence on identity can serve to obscure much else. Your existence is an adventure, a fact that is especially true now. Yes, you need something you can refer to for stability. A relationship will not serve that purpose, especially if that relationship cannot contain the discoveries you’re making about yourself. So what does that leave? It leaves the quest that you’re on. Define yourself by the adventure that’s before you, and within you. Define yourself by the questions that you ask. Know yourself in your immediate experience, by perceiving what is shown to you — and then gradually recognizing the perceiver. Consider the notion, “I am the mind of the senses, the consciousness of creatures.” Who is that mind? Who is that awareness? This is who you are.

Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — How risky are ideas? For many people they are terrifying; notice how distinctly unpopular thinking is. Notice society’s tendency to censor, to control, and to spy on what people say. But does that really mean ideas are actually risky? Well, they can be, in the sense that they are the precursor to progress. I suggest you take all the risks you can muster when it comes to thinking for yourself. To do that, you might need to tune in to the ways you were conditioned not to think for yourself, which includes everything from unquestioned prejudices to going along with the crowd to believing something is true because a parent or partner says it’s true. And herein lies the trap — the fear that if you dare to be original, or to question consensus reality, you will be cast out of the tribe. That’s about the last thing you have to worry about now; you are more likely to be considered in a position of leadership, specifically because you possess and use your capacity to think, and to think creatively. Here is a formula you can try, which can turn problems into solutions: Catch yourself every time you go into safe/narrow/prejudiced mode. Pause right then, and prompt yourself to question. Step over the nonexistent barrier and consciously allow your thoughts to unfold.

Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Sex is communication. Whatever else it may seem to be — recreation, reproduction, creativity, commerce — on the deepest level, it’s an exchange of feelings, energy, contact and words, all inherently communicative. When there’s any kind of breakdown around sex, from antipathy or cheating to violent assault, you can count that as a failure of communication. When you notice one of those, the first thing to do is to get the conversation going. The semantic origins of the word communicate are “to share, divide out; impart, inform; join, unite, participate in,” literally “to make common.” That’s the thing to reach for. This concept could be the basis for an entire course on sex education, suitable for adults or children. Think of it — common ground as the basis for relationship. What a radical notion. You are being drawn into that common ground right now, and it may seem on the surface to be about some form of romance or partnership. That would be true if the world were rated PG-13, but it’s not. Biology runs things on our particular planet, and that topic usually gets an XXX rating. Now, there aren’t usually many words spoken in those awesome little 10-minute features, and it’s up to you to bring some form of a dialog to the table. Not the bedroom; that’s not the best place to talk. The kitchen table is much better.

Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — When people say the word ‘commitment’ they usually mean ‘control’. This is not always true; in the most functional situations, commitment obviates the need for control. But in its shadow form, there is usually an expectation that someone is going to give up their power to someone else. I suggest you keep an eye on this, in whatever direction the energy may flow. Make sure your primary commitment is to yourself, and make sure that you’re open with yourself about how you feel about any given situation. Identify your needs without guilt, hesitation or resentment, then set about getting them met one by one. Honesty with everyone is central to this process, which always begins as responsiveness to your inner dialog. Now, you might notice how much of that involves the attempt at self-control — and you might notice that there are forces at work in your psyche that are saying it’s time to cut loose. This may especially be true around your work or profession. You seem tired of being hemmed in, and ready to accomplish something much greater than you ever have in the past. You do not need to revolt or reinvent your life. I suggest you do what you know works well, always with an original flare, and the revolution will come to you.

Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Though the Sun has moved on to Virgo, he has very courteously left Jupiter in Leo for the next 11 months. Going back years, there have hardly been any slow-moving planets visiting your sign (Saturn was the most recent one, and that was between 2005 and 2007). You now no longer need to feel like you must make something from nothing. You now have your own little solar system to play in, a planet 1,200 times the size of Earth, with 67 confirmed natural satellites. Jupiter is opening up a profound source of knowledge for you, though rather than being some form of abstract information, I mean direct wisdom. The idea is not to learn this wisdom but rather to become it. This may seem like a stretch for you, but this is the specialty of Jupiter — to broaden your horizons, to widen your mind and to open up a field of potential that you never knew existed. But this is more than wide; there is depth and a concentrated flow of energy revealed by the aspect pattern that Jupiter is making. That is depth you can access, and energy that will flow directly to you. There is no skill you cannot learn or apply. There is no problem you cannot solve. It is essential that you remain open and as free from negative thought patterns as you can.

Virgo Birthday Reading: Pre-order Now for Lowest Price

Dear Virgo Sun or rising:

Summer may be winding down, but your solar year is only just beginning. Eric will have your Virgo birthday reading available next week — making this the perfect time to pre-order for the best possible price.

Eric’s birthday readings work beautifully for your rising sign as well, so if you’re Virgo rising, you’re invited to take advantage of some helpful, eloquent and spot-on astrology.Your reading includes a live question-and-response session with Eric (date TBA), archived in case you cannot make e live event.

These conference calls have been productive and a fun way to learn about astrology and how it affects us. You also get access to last year’s reading to check Eric’s accuracy, and do a review of the past few seasons. And your reading includes an extended written sign description.

You can lock in the current price of $24.95 by pre-ordering now; the price will increase to $34.95 on Monday, and then increase again to $49.95 upon publication. If you’re not a Virgo, this will make a beautiful, lasting and inexpensive gift for any Virgo in your life.

Yours & truly,

Amanda Painter


Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — At this time in your life, some of the most important soul-level work you can do involves sexual healing. This process has been in progress for about six years, since Pluto entered Capricorn, your solar 5th house. Pluto describes what one author famously called “the evolutionary journey of the soul.” Normally the 5th is the place we seek fun and pleasure, though you have Capricorn in this house, which can act as a reservoir of past conditioning. It can store up shame and guilt from past generations. And Pluto is now opening the barriers that contain those fossilized emotions, all in the interest of setting you free. As this happens, it’s essential that you remain aware of what your body is feeling. You may be tempted to take the process to the mental or abstract level. You may be tempted to go to the astral or fantasy level. I suggest you stay grounded, as in bare feet on the ground. It’s essential that you take risks, especially some that you’re the most averse to. More significantly, it’s time to go past the expectations of purity that you think others have of you. Most of these are in your own mind, and they tend to create aversions to both risks and to pleasure. To open pathways to relating, creating and feeling good about yourself, this is where to invest.

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Focus less on appearances and more on saying what you really mean. You might even consider forgetting appearances entirely and investing everything into speaking, and living, your truth. I normally would not cast this in such polarized terms, though these two concepts are often mutually exclusive. Appearances are usually designed to conceal the truth. You have a choice to make, though it may not be so starkly clear now as it’s likely to be around the time of your birthday. The decision involves not just whether you want to live with a veil thrown over your reality, and therefore isolated from others, but also why you would want to do so. You are more transparent than you think, and it would support your concept of integrity to be seen and known for who you are. This is for you, not for anyone else. One happy result will be you’ll have more energy to invest in what you love the most dearly. Yet there is something deeper at play here, which is your need to have an open conduit of communication with others, one that is based on actual vulnerability. I recognize how scary this is, especially in our moment of social history when the climate is chilled to below freezing. Others may think this works fine for them; you need warmth, contact and most of all, honesty.

Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — It’s possible to be motivated by both ideals and money, but don’t confuse one for the other. It’s possible to take profits gained through more conventional motives and invest them in what you consider socially relevant, though this usually requires a level of care and discipline that most people only ever dream about. You might ask what gets in the way of translating what you think of as materialistic into what you hold as spiritual — that is, what values, or what conflicting desires. I suggest you check in with whether you hold back when it comes to your own stated commitment to make the world a better place. Are you concerned that it’s futile, or that it will take too long to make a difference? It may be true that you’re doing everything in your power to stretch beyond your limits and make a positive contribution, but only you can know that for sure. Be aware that a deeper level of motivation is starting to wake up and make itself known. It’s a kind of calling that can only be answered by taking action — not in the future, but right now. Here is the catch: right now has to last a long time, because only sustained action gets results. For that to happen, you really have to be in harmony with yourself and with your deepest motives.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — All this energy you’re feeling is not just coming from you. Some of it is; your brain and body are running hot. You definitely burn food into calories that fuel your nerves and muscles. Yet you’re also tuning into other sources of power and strength, which you might think of as coming from beyond you, or from some aspect of yourself as yet unacknowledged or undiscovered. I suggest you leave that particular theme an open issue, and observe the ways in which you’re inspired, motivated and guided to action. Notice what forces conspire to assist you. Observe whether plans you made long ago are gradually coming to fulfillment. This may have the effect of getting you to consider what you want in the future, not on the basis of whether you think it can be attained but rather whether you think it is the right thing for you. What’s most exciting is how the concept of ‘right for you’ is merging with the notion of ‘right for the world’. One thing our entire society struggles with is the problem of separate and competing interests. If a higher power or superior intelligence is helping guide and coordinate your life, one of the first places you’ll be taken is where there’s efficiency, and where your personal efforts support, and are supported by, the efforts of others.

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Laced throughout the literature of spiritualism and occultism is the notion of religion as a kind of science. The idea holds that there’s a true religion, or that if religion is practiced truly, there will actually be a result. This may not manifest for you so overtly, though it may show up as a devotion to purity, to sacrifice, or to the notion that faith must in some way make sense. You’re a more organic person than this. Yes, I see the appeal of the idea, because the human psyche can be chaotic, and you are in an extended phase that often seems to carry the message grow or die. That is not neat or tidy, though I suggest you not succumb to the idea that your growth somehow depends upon your becoming a perfect person, or living your life perfectly. What you can have, and have plenty of, is faith in yourself. The beauty of faith is that it’s not dependent upon any precursor; there is no test you must take in advance. It’s just somewhere you allow your mind to go. You know you’re there because you have less to worry about, rather than more. You know you’re there when your intellect relaxes a bit and accurate information starts coming back to you. You know you’re there when you feel more confident but you don’t necessarily understand why.

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Mother — the enigma, the force of nature, the essential thing to leave behind. By leave behind, I mean various things, such as ‘not allow to run your life’ and ‘resolve the issues that you inherited from her and her mother’. I also mean the role of mother, when that role is more or less finished, or when it’s ready to transform. Yet here is what really needs to transform for our whole society — the family as the authoritarian mini-state, borrowing from the words of a great 20th century philosopher. If we want any scant possibility to live on some shared level ground with one another, or to explore any collective form of leadership, we must go beyond the model of absolute authority that is then internalized into perpetual inhibition and approval-seeking. Father plays a role in this, though in our generations that more often involves being absent or only partially present than it does the former ‘father knows best’ model of family. This can still manifest as the disembodied, nagging conscience — what another philosopher called the superego. You need order in your life. Anarchy will not suffice. But neither will the absolute rule of law, emotional or otherwise. The thing to remember is that personal autonomy requires maturity and an evolved sense of responsibility, though one that does not demand answering to someone else.

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Set out to do your very best work this month — that which you’ve always wanted or needed to do; that which you could not accomplish before; what you have considered improbable or impossible. A rare connection between Chiron in your sign and Jupiter in Leo (among other planets) is opening up a conduit that could grant what seems like miraculous powers of creativity and achievement. Yet because Chiron and Jupiter are the main players, and since this is astrology we’re talking about, the process is not automatic. You must bring your intentions, your energy and your ideas. You must bring yourself to the work every day, and resume as soon as you can if you must skip a day or two. The effort factor is what will be reduced or made more efficient, and rewarded by a tangible sense of progress. Yet I suggest you not look back — look forward and work steadily. Focus your goals one at a time, and keep your sense of perspective. By that I mean work with a meta-goal and notice how your individual projects relate to one another. There is a pattern that will start to emerge, and the pieces of the plan will begin to fit together. You may feel like you’re bringing in knowledge or wisdom from somewhere else, and there’s no harm acting as if that’s true.


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