Tag Archives: Pisces

The Day of the Observer: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is March 29
The Day of the Observer | Pre-order Your 2019-20 Aries Reading | All Other Signs

Make friends with your inner wild child, though do so consciously. That means be aware of the implications of your actions, and stay in control. The gifts of the passionate side of your nature involve knowing what you really, truly want, without any judgmental barriers or false shame. The more thoroughly you investigate your desires, the more likely you are to find the most profound ones, those that bring meaning to the quest of existence.
— By Amy Elliott

Written in the Planets

What happens to your best-laid plans when you’re facing someone with subversive or less-than-ethical behavior? Does crazy-making spur you to work harder at being equitable and balanced, or do you tend to get thrown off-kilter in your reactions? You may have an opportunity to review this dynamic today, as retrograde Pallas in Libra opposes Eris in Aries. Upping the ante — and potentially the emotional power issues — the Capricorn Moon sweeps through the aspect pattern early in the day. As it does so, it’s amplifying Pluto by conjunction, as well as the lunar nodes (which are in Capricorn and Cancer). If you consider how you’ve dealt with such people and situations in the past (or if you’ve ever been the attention-seeking chaos instigator, even unconsciously), are there other options you’re finally in a position to choose?

Keep in mind that Mercury, although now in direct apparent motion, is still slow and powerful and churning the sensitive waters of Pisces — all while conjunct Neptune, the master of illusions (and of higher love, on its better days). Continue your usual Mercury retrograde protocols for at least the next week. Writing down your rambling thoughts, unexpected insights and wildest fantasies could assist more than you’d expect in your efforts to get re-focused.
— By Amanda Painter

The Day of Innocence: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is March 28
The Day of Innocence | Pre-order Your 2019-20 Aries Reading | All Other Signs

Get ready for a new phase of your life, or perhaps a change of direction. Before you take those crucial first steps, however, you’ll need to tie up some loose ends and clear some space for yourself to move more freely. Stay in the moment; proceeding thoroughly will probably get you to your goal faster than any attempt to sprint. Preparation is your friend. What you’re doing is worth the time you need to do it right.
— By Amy Elliott

Written in the Planets

Say a cheer: Mercury stations direct today at 9:59 am EDT (13:58:41 UTC)! Now repeat after me: I will keep checking my facts. I will continue to regard any ‘really good deals’ with skepticism, and do my research. I will reach for the phone if emails or social media get twisted up, and will try for face-to-face if phone calls aren’t getting through. These are words to live by for at least the next couple weeks, as Mercury slowly moves out of the part of Pisces where it has been retrograde, and gradually leaves the company of Neptune. If an unexpected puzzle piece comes you way today, add it to the puzzle but perhaps wait on declaring it ‘complete’. Reviewing your notes from the last three weeks could prove useful.

More than one current aspect pattern is offering a reminder to watch your boundaries. This applies both to incoming energy and outgoing energy or actions. A square between Vesta in Pisces and the Galactic Core and centaur Ixion in Sagittarius offers a reminder that when we get excited about helping, it can be harder to notice our underlying motivations. By all means, hold space where it’s needed and aim to serve the greater good; just check your ethics in the process. The idea is to act in a way that integrates lessons learned with what you offer the world. It’s not all that complex; we just are operating in a moment when all may not be as it seems — both within and without.
— By Amanda Painter

A giant Pinocchio balloon above the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade in Manhattan, probably during the 1930s. Photo by Walter Kelleher / NY Daily News Archive.

You’re Not Actually About to Float Away

By Amanda Painter

Are you feeling like a total space cadet this week? Or maybe like you’re beaming in somebody else’s daydreams? How many times have you absentmindedly suffered a minor injury / locked yourself out / thought it was a different day? Are your efforts at sensitive, empathetic communication just not landing anywhere near your intended target (especially online conversations)?

A giant Pinocchio balloon above the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade in Manhattan, probably during the 1930s. Photo by Walter Kelleher / NY Daily News Archive.

A giant Pinocchio balloon floats above the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade and its many handlers in Manhattan, probably during the 1930s. Photo by Walter Kelleher / New York Daily News Archive.

Is the world an ever-morphing mix of crazy-beautiful and scary-surreal?

Okay, I’ll grant you, that last sentence has been applicable for a good three years now — or perhaps for all time. But from my perspective, all those other questions appear to have been peaking in this last week — described by Mercury traveling in apparent retrograde motion in a tight conjunction to Neptune in Pisces.

Mercury makes its direct station today at 9:59 am EDT (13:58:41 UTC). It does so (cozied up to Neptune) while making a T-square to the asteroid Juno in Gemini and Ceres in Sagittarius.

This image just came to me as I was writing that sentence: that Juno and Ceres are kind of like a couple of handlers from the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade, each holding a line to one of those giant cartoon-character balloons high in the air. (I know, I know: wrong season. Just bear with me.)

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The Day of the Originator: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is March 27
The Day of the Originator | Pre-order Your 2019-20 Aries Reading | All Other Signs

Focus on bringing your ambitions and dreams to life. Even if you’re uncertain whether what you are truly passionate about can be achieved, make the assumption that it is at least possible, and start planning out a path to accomplishing it. You may find, especially if you do thorough research, that there are methods you’ve not yet considered. Be persistent: this is a meaningful quest, and your wishes and needs are important.
— By Amy Elliott

Written in the Planets

Mercury stations direct tomorrow, at 9:59 am EDT (13:58:41 UTC). I mention the specific time because Mercury’s changes of direction — especially going direct — tend to offer up missing information, often something you did not even know you were missing. While this phenomenon could emerge almost any time tomorrow, I personally experienced it in striking fashion about ten minutes after one particular Mercury station direct many years ago. So this is your heads up to keep your eyes and ears peeled.

With Mercury in a close conjunction to Neptune, you should also be on alert to check the veracity of your hunches and any seemingly key details that come up. Intuition, energetic sensitivity and emotional resonance are also likely to be operating at high frequencies in those who cultivate such forms of awareness. Even so, you’d do well to fact-check those channels, no matter how confident you are in them.

Note also that the Moon enters Capricorn today, squaring the early Aries Sun. You have solar initiative combined with lunar-infused Saturnine tenacity working for you currently. Use this well by focusing on the brass tacks of any endeavor: the bottom-line details, the bones of the thing, the parts that need disciplined focus (at least, as much as can be found given Mercury’s status). Venus and the other bodies in Pisces are offering more than enough imaginative inspiration, so chances are you’ll benefit if you can lean on the Aries-Cap energy while you have it. This could be especially true for working on the ‘home stretch’ of a project already in progress.

On the social front, Venus in Pisces and Uranus in Taurus are hooking up to enliven the social front today, if you make the effort. Whether you meet some quirky new acquaintance or seek out a gathering of your brightest and most creative pals, there’s an opportunity for some satisfying freedom in the company of others — especially anywhere smooth tunes and high-quality food are present.
— By Amanda Painter

The Day of Integrity: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is March 26
The Day of Integrity | Pre-order Your 2019-20 Aries Reading | All Other Signs

Aim at strengthening your connection with your spirituality this year, in whatever form that exists. In this busy age, make a point of setting aside some time for quieter moments, in which you can ground and center yourself. This may mean actively overcoming social pressure to maintain constant motion. Recognize that you, along with everyone else, deserve to have space to wind down, and to cultivate peace of mind within you.
— By Amy Elliott

Written in the Planets

Have you ever spent the day walking around in business attire at work in the winter, and then you get home and slip into a warm bath? That might be one way to think of Venus entering Pisces later today. Venus is still Venus, just a little more relaxed and open, and better able to be sensitive to others’ needs and emotions. Yet Venus is also moving into aspects with Uranus in Taurus (exact tomorrow) and Pholus in Capricorn (exact Friday). Be on the lookout for romantic flights of fancy that offer an exciting break from routine, and for stimulating friends and new acquaintances. Caring gestures — given or returned — have the potential now to offer lasting positive benefits to the recipient (which is always a solid cosmic law to follow). So why not extend a little love (in the sense of agape) for love’s sake?

Just be aware that Mercury stations direct in Pisces, conjunct Neptune, in two days. This means we’re currently in the pre-station ‘storm’ phase of this process. If you’re experiencing an element of choppy psychic waters, general absent-mindedness, or difficulty keeping track of whose emotions are whose (yours or the other person’s), Mercury’s situation definitely describes all of those. If you’ve been doing your inner-awareness-honing homework and healing for quite a while, it’s possible you’re accessing higher planes of intuition this week. Even in that case, however, it’s best to confirm your hunches a couple of ways, rather than launching straight into action. The mental realm is slippery right now; these are key days to watch your step (and the road), think before you speak, and mind your mind.
— By Amanda Painter

The Day of Dynamism: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is March 25
The Day of Dynamism | Pre-order Your 2019-20 Aries Reading | All Other Signs

Keep a hotline to your emotional body; and for that matter to your body itself, and the instinct in the very depths of your gut. You might be inclined to look to the spiritual for inspiration and guidance; however, remembering to check in with your basic physical sensations first could well prove useful. Every facet of you matters, and has a part to play in the sacred work of your growth.
— By Amy Elliott

Written in the Planets

With the Moon in shoot-from-the-hip, big-picture, freedom-loving Sagittarius, you can expect details and tact to get a little slippery today. This is magnified by retrograde Mercury’s cozy contact with Neptune. Yes, the details matter; however, trying to focus on them as your only (or primary) guide today might leave you falling short. By all means, double-check facts and specifics; but giving yourself time and space to let more intuitive channels inform your approach to the day will likely help tremendously. Kind of like how fins are better for swimming than mountain-climbing shoes are.

It’s simply about using the right gear (or technique) for the terrain. You can continue to be cautious and methodical in Mercury-ruled areas (purchases, tech, communication, thought processes) even if you’re not coming at things from an analytical standpoint. If you misspeak, consider using a different form of communication to explain or apologize; if that’s not an option, notice if you start to over-explain, and then dial things back.
— By Amanda Painter

The Day of Beguiling Simplicity: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is March 24
The Day of Beguiling Simplicity | Pre-order Your 2019-20 Aries Reading | All Other Signs

Recognize that in living through many of your past experiences, especially the most seminal, you’ve come away with a gift: be that additional strength, wisdom, friendship or something else. These moments have helped shape the person you are today, and as you continue along your path, you can use them as beacons to light the way and help you acclimatize to the new territory. You have more of a grasp in this area than you know.
— By Amy Elliott

Written in the Planets

Can you spend today daydreaming, playing with art supplies (creative writing or anything visual/performance-based/musical/poetic also counts), or immersing yourself in your spiritual side? Any of those activities, practiced within clear boundaries, could be a fun and safe way to express the combined energies of Mercury and Neptune today. With Mercury retrograde, you might add to the list of ideal activities a review of creative or spiritual lessons that could apply to your current situation.

That said, Mercury-Neptune in Pisces, combined with some Aries-Cap square energy, describes the need to use discernment and a light touch today in all actions and communications. Check back with yesterday’s Written in the Planets for more detail on that score. There’s pent-up energy looking for a way out, mixed with a generally soft grip on things like mental focus; and the only person you can truly direct through this is yourself. A sextile between Venus in Aquarius and the Galactic Center and Ixion in Sagittarius may offer a second chance to serve the highest good through an act of friendship. To do so, however, you’ll need to stick closely to your ethics. That could be tricky right now; regular reality checks will be crucial.
— By Amanda Painter

The Day of Curiosity: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is March 23
The Day of Curiosity | Pre-order Your 2019-20 Aries Reading | All Other Signs

Get ready to dive deep into the mystery of you, to find information that will point you toward your next phase of personal growth and possibly thorough healing. Note that you will make all the more progress if you can meet any fear or self-judgment with some detachment, which will help keep them from interfering with your ideas and understanding. Approach every new fact with an open mind, and a willingness to learn more, and you’ll probably free up a lot of power within you.
— By Amy Elliott

Written in the Planets

As we head into the final week of Mercury’s current retrograde in Pisces, a couple of aspect patterns are calling for your awareness. The more pressurized one is a square between the Sun, Chiron and Salacia in Aries on one side, and Pholus and Quaoar in Capricorn on the other (exact today and Sunday). There’s a lot of energy here looking for a way out into the world, and that happens through action. Some of it may have been tapped and released by Wednesday’s Full Moon, but it appears there’s still more to go. It’s asking a question: who are you (including sexually) in relation to your family’s behavioral patterns?

Consider for a moment that the identity you came into the world with has been molded and re-directed by your family as you grew up. What might happen if you took steps to reassert who you feel yourself to be at your core? It’s easy to assume that we’ll encounter strict limits to our self-expression if we do. Yet, has it occurred to you that the expectations and seemingly set reactions of family might not be so iron-clad as you thought? Or, at least, that you’re capable of standing in your center regardless? Pholus here is both a reminder of how little it can take to ‘keep us in our place’ and an indication of how little we may need to do to shift family dynamics toward a place where we can stand out for who we are in a more integrated way.

Meanwhile, retrograde Mercury’s two-week conjunction to Neptune is exact tomorrow. Keep tracking your intuition and other subtle senses, but also be sure to check facts. Notice carefully all facets of your environment — the external surroundings, the moods of others (both expressed and unexpressed), and your inner emotional/mental landscape. A disturbance or distraction in one is likely to affect the others. Even though Mercury retrograde in Pisces might not feel as scattered or harsh as some others, the presence of Neptune is a red flag to keep your mind as clear as possible this weekend (and for the next week-plus), and to be extra-careful with things like purchases, commitments and what you may be projecting onto others.
— By Amanda Painter