The Day of the Observer: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is March 29
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Make friends with your inner wild child, though do so consciously. That means be aware of the implications of your actions, and stay in control. The gifts of the passionate side of your nature involve knowing what you really, truly want, without any judgmental barriers or false shame. The more thoroughly you investigate your desires, the more likely you are to find the most profound ones, those that bring meaning to the quest of existence.
— By Amy Elliott

Written in the Planets

What happens to your best-laid plans when you’re facing someone with subversive or less-than-ethical behavior? Does crazy-making spur you to work harder at being equitable and balanced, or do you tend to get thrown off-kilter in your reactions? You may have an opportunity to review this dynamic today, as retrograde Pallas in Libra opposes Eris in Aries. Upping the ante — and potentially the emotional power issues — the Capricorn Moon sweeps through the aspect pattern early in the day. As it does so, it’s amplifying Pluto by conjunction, as well as the lunar nodes (which are in Capricorn and Cancer). If you consider how you’ve dealt with such people and situations in the past (or if you’ve ever been the attention-seeking chaos instigator, even unconsciously), are there other options you’re finally in a position to choose?

Keep in mind that Mercury, although now in direct apparent motion, is still slow and powerful and churning the sensitive waters of Pisces — all while conjunct Neptune, the master of illusions (and of higher love, on its better days). Continue your usual Mercury retrograde protocols for at least the next week. Writing down your rambling thoughts, unexpected insights and wildest fantasies could assist more than you’d expect in your efforts to get re-focused.
— By Amanda Painter

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