The Day of the Originator: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is March 27
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Focus on bringing your ambitions and dreams to life. Even if you’re uncertain whether what you are truly passionate about can be achieved, make the assumption that it is at least possible, and start planning out a path to accomplishing it. You may find, especially if you do thorough research, that there are methods you’ve not yet considered. Be persistent: this is a meaningful quest, and your wishes and needs are important.
— By Amy Elliott

Written in the Planets

Mercury stations direct tomorrow, at 9:59 am EDT (13:58:41 UTC). I mention the specific time because Mercury’s changes of direction — especially going direct — tend to offer up missing information, often something you did not even know you were missing. While this phenomenon could emerge almost any time tomorrow, I personally experienced it in striking fashion about ten minutes after one particular Mercury station direct many years ago. So this is your heads up to keep your eyes and ears peeled.

With Mercury in a close conjunction to Neptune, you should also be on alert to check the veracity of your hunches and any seemingly key details that come up. Intuition, energetic sensitivity and emotional resonance are also likely to be operating at high frequencies in those who cultivate such forms of awareness. Even so, you’d do well to fact-check those channels, no matter how confident you are in them.

Note also that the Moon enters Capricorn today, squaring the early Aries Sun. You have solar initiative combined with lunar-infused Saturnine tenacity working for you currently. Use this well by focusing on the brass tacks of any endeavor: the bottom-line details, the bones of the thing, the parts that need disciplined focus (at least, as much as can be found given Mercury’s status). Venus and the other bodies in Pisces are offering more than enough imaginative inspiration, so chances are you’ll benefit if you can lean on the Aries-Cap energy while you have it. This could be especially true for working on the ‘home stretch’ of a project already in progress.

On the social front, Venus in Pisces and Uranus in Taurus are hooking up to enliven the social front today, if you make the effort. Whether you meet some quirky new acquaintance or seek out a gathering of your brightest and most creative pals, there’s an opportunity for some satisfying freedom in the company of others — especially anywhere smooth tunes and high-quality food are present.
— By Amanda Painter

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