The Day of Innocence: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is March 28
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Get ready for a new phase of your life, or perhaps a change of direction. Before you take those crucial first steps, however, you’ll need to tie up some loose ends and clear some space for yourself to move more freely. Stay in the moment; proceeding thoroughly will probably get you to your goal faster than any attempt to sprint. Preparation is your friend. What you’re doing is worth the time you need to do it right.
— By Amy Elliott

Written in the Planets

Say a cheer: Mercury stations direct today at 9:59 am EDT (13:58:41 UTC)! Now repeat after me: I will keep checking my facts. I will continue to regard any ‘really good deals’ with skepticism, and do my research. I will reach for the phone if emails or social media get twisted up, and will try for face-to-face if phone calls aren’t getting through. These are words to live by for at least the next couple weeks, as Mercury slowly moves out of the part of Pisces where it has been retrograde, and gradually leaves the company of Neptune. If an unexpected puzzle piece comes you way today, add it to the puzzle but perhaps wait on declaring it ‘complete’. Reviewing your notes from the last three weeks could prove useful.

More than one current aspect pattern is offering a reminder to watch your boundaries. This applies both to incoming energy and outgoing energy or actions. A square between Vesta in Pisces and the Galactic Core and centaur Ixion in Sagittarius offers a reminder that when we get excited about helping, it can be harder to notice our underlying motivations. By all means, hold space where it’s needed and aim to serve the greater good; just check your ethics in the process. The idea is to act in a way that integrates lessons learned with what you offer the world. It’s not all that complex; we just are operating in a moment when all may not be as it seems — both within and without.
— By Amanda Painter

2 thoughts on “The Day of Innocence: Birthdays and Planet News

  1. Kelly Grace Smith

    Great stuff Amanda, thank you. I have had one breakthrough after another on my way out of this retrograde, being a Pisces has amplified everything. This morning it’s just before 10am and its as though the retrograde is jamming in “just one more thing!” I’ve had alifelong paradigm busting epiphany about want & need & what is attraction.

    To dovetail on your message, I would say…write it out. Whatever is coming through or breaking through…write it down and stay with a bit, you may get a whole lot more! And whatever seems dramatic or difficult or stuck…let it go and ask to be shown. And be prepared to get just that!

    1. Amanda Painter

      Brilliant, Kelly Grace Smith! Thank you for chiming in on your station-direct experience. I definitely second the “write it all down” advice. Even if one is not sure if anything is coming through at all, sometimes the practice of free-writing will give something the space and momentum it needed to emerge.

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