Tag Archives: Great Attractor

The Day of the Fanciful Sovereign: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is Sept. 5
The Day of the Fanciful Sovereign | The 2019-20 Virgo Astrology Studio can now be pre-ordered | All Other Signs

This is likely to be a busy year for you, potentially involving lots of action. Any project you have particularly in mind could very well take off; things appear set up so that effort put in will yield proportional results. Just be mindful of your physical and emotional limits, however broad. Watch for burnout, and set some time aside to relax and to make contact with your deeper thoughts and feelings. We all need to wind down occasionally, and it helps keep your ideas fund in credit.
— by Amy Elliott

If your Sun, Moon or rising sign is Virgo, You are heading into a most unusual solar year, set up to do the thing Virgo is designed for: integrate the elements of your being, find your direction and purpose, and act on it. Eric will lay it all out in your 2019-2020 Virgo Astrology Studio.

Written in the Planets

Mercury is in the process of making a series of aspects from Virgo, one of the two signs it rules. So there’s extra emphasis currently on thought processes, communication, and what you do with an idea once you’ve thought of it. Under normal circumstances, Mercury’s current trine to Saturn in Capricorn would describe an ability to organize the details of your environment methodically. Mercury’s square to Jupiter would suggest the optimism and broad vision needed to plan a long-range goal.

Those statements are still true; they just come with a twist right now. That twist is being provided by Neptune in Pisces. Is Neptune enhancing the idealism you need to achieve an important dream? Perhaps. Is Neptune obscuring certain details and truths that could impact your pursuit of that dream? Maybe.

Yet today Mercury is also making squares to the Great Attractor (a deep-space phenomenon in Sagittarius) and an object called Altjira (in Gemini). There’s something here, I think, about the need to think beyond simple polarities (yes/no, good/bad, black/white, possible/impossible); and also about understanding who stands at the gate of your dreams (hint: it’s you). You could certainly get caught in minutiae and easily forget to look up. But it might be just as easy today to push against the details of reality and let your mind expand toward a vision of what’s possible. It doesn’t matter if you never reach it; the point is to let its potential suggest new pathways forward from where you are now.
— by Amanda Painter

It is difficult to feel good these days; it’s challenging to focus on your growth and self-care, or even to relax. We are pulled out of ourselves constantly, and often distracted from our core purposes. IN THESE TIMES, the Planet Waves autumn reading, will help.


Read more here.

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The Day of Validation: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is Aug. 11
The Day of Validation 2019-20 Leo Astrology Studio is available for instant access | All Other Signs

Life may be something of a wild ride at present, though you seem generally grounded and able to weather the various plot twists. Part of mastering this is basically accepting that chaos and novelty are a part of existence. Once you recognize this, the process becomes more of an adventure. You have everything you need within you, and just now you seem to possess a knack for fashioning lasting and valuable gifts from a continually fluctuating world. This is an impressive capability indeed.
— by Amy Elliott

Do you have a Leo Sun, rising sign or Moon? Your last couple years may have left you reeling trying to figure out which path forward is best. Hear Eric’s thoughts on expediting your post-eclipse process in your 2019-2020 Leo Astrology Studio reading.

Written in the Planets

Today’s the big day (big, because Jupiter is the planet of expansion! Sorry — couldn’t resist): Jupiter stations direct in Sagittarius today at 9:37 am EDT / 13:37:11 UTC. Do you have a sense of what you’d like to increase in your life, or where you could use a little more momentum?

Jupiter stations direct in a square to Neptune in Pisces, and in a conjunction to a deep-space phenomenon called the Great Attractor. The Jupiter-Neptune square describes your goals and dreams being thrust into the glare of reality. Do they stand up on their own footing, or do they evaporate? You may feel a push to see what’s what, which is really an opportunity to demonstrate the validity of your plans and the solidity of your ideals. The only way to really do that might be to get out there and take a chance on them, though that idea extends beyond just today.

Jupiter conjunct the Great Attractor in this situation may describe the sensation of polarities switching — like if you were a magnet, and the positive and negative ends suddenly reversed. It might not be that dramatic and obvious, but it could be. It’ll be up to you to notice whether you experience anything like that, either in a physical/material way, or in terms of your outlook on your priorities or a particular belief. Keep asking the challenging questions — even if you’re not sure you’ll come to an answer — and see if your ideal destination comes into better focus.
— by Amanda Painter


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The Day of Psychological Leverage: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is Aug. 9
The Day of Psychological Leverage 2019-20 Leo Astrology Studio is available for instant access | All Other Signs

Cherish your individuality. If you’re living in a way that’s faithful to yourself, people will notice; they may react strongly. Yet whether they’re charmed, provoked or fascinated makes no difference in reality. What matters is that you continue on your life path regardless. Keep truth as close to you as possible, like a priceless item you could never sell or give away. When committed to this way of doing things, you can find yourself growing, creating and healing almost as a matter of course.
— by Amy Elliott

Do you have a Leo Sun, rising sign or Moon? Your last couple years may have left you reeling trying to figure out which path forward is best. Hear Eric’s thoughts on expediting your post-eclipse process in your 2019-2020 Leo Astrology Studio reading.

Written in the Planets

The Moon’s conjunction to Jupiter in Sagittarius today is just the latest in personal planets making aspects to it before it stations direct on Sunday. On a social level, this is likely to come through as generosity and easy, lively rapport with others. Mercury in Cancer continues to signify enhanced emotional intelligence in that realm (especially if you’ve been working with any insights from its recent retrograde, and if you’re keeping tabs on your own sensitivities and those of others).

On a more philosophical or metaphysical level, the Moon conjunct Jupiter suggests the inspiration to seek or focus on some of the deeper spiritual insights life offers. How personal can you make them? As in: rather than pondering big ideas in the abstract, what questions can you ask yourself about your sense of purpose; your vision for your life; the lessons you’ve learned and the patterns you’ve perceived that contribute to your worldview and sense of yourself in it?

Or, to put it more simply: when you allow yourself to get very quiet and still inside, where can you feel yourself drawn to expand and emerge and explore? Jupiter is nearing the end of its phase of review in its home sign. When it shifts back to an orientation of forward momentum and external expansion, your notes on these questions could be useful in staying focused on the place where you most desire to aim your arrow. Of course, you may also find that the target itself has shifted. That’s okay — all that matters is that you notice it and respond accordingly.
— by Amanda Painter


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Jupiter Stations Direct in Sagittarius

By Amanda Painter

On Sunday, Jupiter will station direct in Sagittarius, the first of two signs it traditionally rules (the other being Pisces). I know a few people who’ve been feeling like some part of their lives has been less able to develop over the last several months, or like it’s been hard to home in on a goal or vision. Jupiter traveling in apparent retrograde motion since April 10 is as good an image as any for that sensation, if it’s one you’ve been experiencing.

Photo by Amanda Painter.

Photo by Amanda Painter.

In these final days before Jupiter makes its switch (which happens at 9:37 am EDT / 13:37:11 UTC on Aug. 11) it might be helpful to ask yourself some questions. The answers may be slow to emerge after the station direct; I have never tried to track whether Jupiter stations tend to arrive with the same kind of ‘sudden truth’ moment that Mercury stations can signal. I suspect that the expansive nature of Jupiter may correlate to a wider window of revelation and reorientation.

Yet this may be a good time to start practicing and opening up the space via these questions. Such as: how in touch do you feel with your sense of purpose or your vision for your life? What are you noticing right now about the lessons you’ve learned and the patterns you’ve perceived that contribute to your worldview and sense of yourself in it?

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The Day of the Double Agent: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is Aug. 7
The Day of the Double Agent | The 2019-20 Leo Astrology Studio is available for instant access | All Other Signs

Your birthday this year is highlighted by an interesting and somewhat intense first-quarter Moon. There’s a lot of energy about, though you’ll need to harness it and propel yourself forward, even if there’s a nice tailwind. One thing to be cautious of is making conclusive decisions too soon. Another is dispensing with ideas or resources you might perceive to be useless or wasteful, but could have hidden potential. One person’s weeds are another person’s sources of medicine.
— by Amy Elliott

Do you have a Leo Sun, rising sign or Moon? Your last couple years may have left you reeling trying to figure out which path forward is best. Hear Eric’s thoughts on expediting your post-eclipse process in your 2019-2020 Leo Astrology Studio reading.

Written in the Planets

Today, a trine with the Leo Sun looks like an infusion of greatly needed heart and soul — whether you’ve been struggling or have been coasting along okay. Jupiter-Sun trines usually spell good feelings, optimism, and not much motivation to trouble oneself with effort. Yet Jupiter is stationing direct in its home sign Sagittarius on Sunday. And with Jupiter currently slow, powerful, and pivoting conjunct the compelling signature of a deep-space phenomenon called the Great Attractor, you may find it worth motivating yourself to do a little more.

You can work this on the most basic, practical level by trying some new activity or area of study, or possibly a trip (Sagittarius loves a new adventure, and Leo is known for its courage, after all). Kicking things up a notch, maybe you’re reconnecting with a life-goal you’d let fall by the wayside, and can funnel some of this energy into pursuing it. If you’re picking up the pieces after a crisis — or you’re in the midst of one — you may find a way to catch a breather today.

Regardless, notice anything that seems to be showing you the larger patterns in your life. If the pattern only appears to be one of negativity, pain or loss, see if you can take another step back for a broader perspective. The whole picture is never just black or just white; and truly useful insights always shine some light on the path — even if they illuminate the need to climb over some boulders or double back a little to continue on your way.
— by Amanda Painter


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The Day of Driven Dedication: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is May 27
The Day of Driven Dedication | Order Your 2019-20 Gemini Reading | All Other Signs

Hone and practice your fact-checking skills. You are capable of setting an excellent example for others in terms of rational and critical thinking. Look for original sources, notice when myths or unsupported opinions are being presented as facts, and avoid our present cultural tendency to take sides almost for its own sake. Stick to finding out the truth on any topic for yourself, and keep your mind determinedly open. There’s always something new to learn.
— by Amy Elliott

Written in the Planets

Mercury makes a conjunction to Altjira, an object named for an aboriginal creation god of the dreamtime, today in Gemini. Both are opposite the Great Attractor, a deep space phenomenon in mid-Sagittarius. If you can remember the dreams you have while you sleep, you might try journaling them or even telling them to a friend to see if some new understanding emerges. Even if you don’t tend to remember your nocturnal dreams, you may wish to pay attention to anything peeking out from the edge of your awareness.

In fact, as the Pisces Moon squares these points in the early hours EDT, it may knock something from your unconscious into a more consciously visible or creatively useful form; it could be an emotional tone that stands out. As you articulate whatever that is, notice if it’s something (or relates to someone) that seems out of reach, but which also has a strong pull for you. It (or they) might even provoke a strong negative reaction; your job is simply to notice that, and see what the effect tells you about yourself.
— by Amanda Painter

Have you tried the Astrology Readings Channel?

Planet Waves offers readings for all the signs and rising signs. These readings are must-haves among a core group of people who love them, though perhaps you have not heard what Eric is doing. We’ve taken many readings from 2018 and put them on a 24-hour audio stream, which anyone can tune into. Whatever your sign, you will find it interesting no matter when you tune in. If you’re up late and want something soothing and informative to listen to, or if you’re curious about astrology, tune in here. No login is required.

The Day of Return: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is March 18
The Day of Return | Order Your 2019-20 Pisces Reading | All Other Signs

Dream big, and let the tide of fervor and inspiration carry you along for a while. Once you have the broad concept in place, you can begin to fill in the details. At first, though, it can be immensely useful to spend time with your big vision and experience enthusiasm filling you up like fuel. This doesn’t replace hard work, but it does give life and interest to your efforts, and the gift of perseverance when it’s needed.
— By Amy Elliott

Written for the Planets

The Moon moving through the last third of Leo today suggests a more social Monday than usual. Whether you’re looking for emotional contact from others (which might come via a friend or acquaintance rather than something more intimate), feeling inclined to offer support and generosity to others, or getting chatty in the digital realms, keep the energy moving but remember that it’s not all about you. Juno in Gemini opposite the Great Attractor in Sagittarius could describe a sense that relationship needs are either polarizing, pulling you along, or just out of reach. Is it something you can talk about with a friend or two, so you don’t feel like things are at quite such a stalemate? (Note also that we’re building to a Full Moon in Libra with the Aries equinox on Wednesday.) With almost two weeks left of Mercury retrograde in Pisces, keep reminding yourself to double-check the details and take things slowly. When and if something does go wrong, where’s the deeper lesson in it?
— By Amanda Painter

A Mercury Station, a New Moon, and You Are Enough

By Amanda Painter

Often misworded, the quotation “Do what you can, with what you’ve got, where you are” is also overwhelmingly misattributed to Theodore Roosevelt (Teddy did not come up with it; he quotes it in his autobiography, and attributes it to one Squire Bill Widener of Widener’s Valley, Virginia). Be that as it may, it struck me as perhaps a useful mantra for the current astrology as we head into the weekend. With Mercury stationing direct today, a New Moon in Sagittarius tomorrow, and various other planets interacting with those two events, you might be feeling a mix of push-pull on the one hand, and a lull in energy on the other hand.

Rocking chairs at the Portland International Jetport, Portland, Maine. Photo by Amanda Painter.

Rocking chairs at the Portland International Jetport, Portland, Maine. Photo by Amanda Painter.

If that’s the case, I suspect it would be useful to stay in touch with your actual circumstances, resources and honest desires. I’m not only referring to the seeming ‘limitations’ of What Is, but also to something that you may sometimes push aside or not believe: your inherent enough-ness; that is, the fact that you are enough, as you are right now.

But, I get ahead of myself. Let’s go over the astrology in a little more detail.

As mentioned, Mercury stations direct in late Scorpio today at 4:22 pm EST (21:21:59 UTC). I don’t know about you, but the last few weeks (most of which Mercury spent in Sagittarius) seem to have been marked by a number of interesting things coming to light — both in the public/political realm, and also in my personal life.

Given that Scorpio is the sign of secrets (among other things), I’m very curious to witness what shakes out as it stations direct today. See if you can keep your awareness tuned to that sense of something being revealed, and make a note of what you discover.

Tomorrow, at 2:20 am EST (7:20:15 UTC), the Sagittarius Moon and Sun form their conjunction for the month, for the New Moon. They do so conjunct a deep-space phenomenon called the Great Attractor (you can read more about that here) and square Mars and Neptune in Pisces.

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