The Day of Driven Dedication: Birthdays and Planet News

Posted by Planet Waves


If you can remember the dreams you have while you sleep, you might try journaling them or even telling them to a friend to see if some new understanding emerges. Even if you don’t tend to remember your nocturnal dreams, you may wish to pay attention to anything peeking out from the edge of your awareness […]

If Your Birthday is May 27
The Day of Driven Dedication | Order Your 2019-20 Gemini Reading | All Other Signs

Hone and practice your fact-checking skills. You are capable of setting an excellent example for others in terms of rational and critical thinking. Look for original sources, notice when myths or unsupported opinions are being presented as facts, and avoid our present cultural tendency to take sides almost for its own sake. Stick to finding out the truth on any topic for yourself, and keep your mind determinedly open. There’s always something new to learn.
– by Amy Elliott

Written in the Planets

Mercury makes a conjunction to Altjira, an object named for an aboriginal creation god of the dreamtime, today in Gemini. Both are opposite the Great Attractor, a deep space phenomenon in mid-Sagittarius. If you can remember the dreams you have while you sleep, you might try journaling them or even telling them to a friend to see if some new understanding emerges. Even if you don’t tend to remember your nocturnal dreams, you may wish to pay attention to anything peeking out from the edge of your awareness.

In fact, as the Pisces Moon squares these points in the early hours EDT, it may knock something from your unconscious into a more consciously visible or creatively useful form; it could be an emotional tone that stands out. As you articulate whatever that is, notice if it’s something (or relates to someone) that seems out of reach, but which also has a strong pull for you. It (or they) might even provoke a strong negative reaction; your job is simply to notice that, and see what the effect tells you about yourself.
– by Amanda Painter

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