Love From Yasgur’s Farm, 1969

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Max Yasgur's former dairy cow grazing pasture in White Lake, Town of Bethel, NY, as it appeared in August 2018 and still is today. my guitar is on the ground where so many great musicians hung out in the hospitality tent, close to the permanent historic site marker. When you see those photos of people as far as the horizon, this is the land that you’re looking at.

Max Yasgur’s former dairy cow grazing pasture in White Lake, Town of Bethel, NY, as it appeared in August 2018 and still is today. my guitar is on the ground where so many great musicians hung out in the hospitality tent, close to the permanent historic site marker. When you see those photos of people as far as the horizon, this is the land that you’re looking at.

Dear Friend and Listener:

Tonight’s program visits the Woodstock Festival many times. We hear from Swami Satchidananda, Ravi Shankar, Max Yasgur, and many others who were there. I describe how Virgo astrology, especially Pluto in Virgo, was the dominant force of the 1960s and how this relates to the festival — which was, of course, a kind of once-in-forever World Heritage event.

I look at the forthcoming Virgo astrology (Venus, Mars, Sun, Juno), in contrast with the prevailing Aries and Capricorn astrology we’re so accustomed to. I devote a segment to decrypting the mystery of the 2nd Amendment. I think I’ve figured it out. And in Tantra Studio, I look at masturbation as a healing art.

Planet Waves FM is sponsored entirely by your memberships and contributions. If you listen to the program regularly, remember how much love, attention and resources go into its creation every week, and please do your bit. Thank you.

Note, I will either take next week off, or do a short astrology-only edition.

Thanks for tuning in.

With love,

PS — As promised, here is the full Jimi Hendrix set, from 50 years ago today. It’s really quite good.

Jimi playing Woodstock, 50 years ago today.

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