Category Archives: Planet Waves FM

Love From Yasgur’s Farm, 1969

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Max Yasgur's former dairy cow grazing pasture in White Lake, Town of Bethel, NY, as it appeared in August 2018 and still is today. my guitar is on the ground where so many great musicians hung out in the hospitality tent, close to the permanent historic site marker. When you see those photos of people as far as the horizon, this is the land that you’re looking at.

Max Yasgur’s former dairy cow grazing pasture in White Lake, Town of Bethel, NY, as it appeared in August 2018 and still is today. my guitar is on the ground where so many great musicians hung out in the hospitality tent, close to the permanent historic site marker. When you see those photos of people as far as the horizon, this is the land that you’re looking at.

Dear Friend and Listener:

Tonight’s program visits the Woodstock Festival many times. We hear from Swami Satchidananda, Ravi Shankar, Max Yasgur, and many others who were there. I describe how Virgo astrology, especially Pluto in Virgo, was the dominant force of the 1960s and how this relates to the festival — which was, of course, a kind of once-in-forever World Heritage event.

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Planet Waves FM: Aquarius Full Moon, Jupiter Direct and the Woodstock Festival

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Scene from the 1969 Woodstock Music and Arts Festival, White Lake, Bethel, NY.

Scene from the 1969 Woodstock Music and Arts Festival, White Lake, Bethel, NY.

Dear Friend and Reader:

Tonight’s Planet Waves FM looks at the current astrology: Jupiter stationing direct, with Jupiter square Neptune, and Thursday’s Aquarius New Moon.

I briefly discuss the deeper implications of the Jeffrey Epstein situation. Then I move on to a reading of the Woodstock Festival chart (included below), and Tantra Studio, wherein I discuss the “anti-environment” created by conscious sexuality.

Tonight’s music is mostly by Vision Quest (I open with a Mickey Hart piece from Planet Drum).

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Sun Square Chiron — Now and in the Stonewall Chart

It was not a riot. It was an uprising.

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Dear Friend and Reader:

Here is a short letter introducing tonight’s intriguing edition of Planet Waves FM. First, later in the program, my guest is a man named Mitch Horowitz, an author and presenter on the subject of the metaphysical and the history of the occult.

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Gemini New Moon Conjunct Magdalena

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Dear Friend and Listener:

Tonight’s Planet Waves FM is ready. I take two different looks at the Gemini New Moon, exact Monday morning at 6:02 am ET. One look involves the New Moon opposite two deep space points; the other takes up the Magdalena aspect of things.

In a political segment of the program, I consider how 2nd Amendment advocates relate to the responsibilities involved in such an unusual right. And then I play the entire statement by Robert Mueller and give some analysis.

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Memorial Day Edition of Planet Waves FM: Enough Obsession With War. We Need Friendly Vibes.

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Dear Friend and Listener:

The new edition of Planet Waves FM is ready. I continue coverage of the Mars transit, look at the Vesta-Eris conjunction, and track a few other events ahead of next week’s Gemini New Moon.

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Interview with Johnson v. Monsanto Juror #4

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Dear Friend and Listener:

Tonight we have an incredible edition of Planet Waves FM for you. The main event is an interview with Robert Howard, who served as a juror in the first case involving Roundup to go to trial. That was in August 2018; Lee Johnson was the former groundskeeper at a California school who had to use Roundup regularly, and got very sick from exposure.

Eric Francis.

The jury awarded him $289 million — and Bob Howard was in the room. He tells us what happened, and how he felt about it. Then, he was present at the two subsequent Roundup trials, both this year — Edwin Hardeman v. Monsanto,, and Alberta and Alva Pilliod v. Monsanto.

I warm up with the astrology. Tuesday, the Sun enters Gemini in a conjunction with Mercury, aligned with the fixed star Alcyone (the Pleiades star cluster). To understand a bit about Alcyone, I borrow from Alice A. Bailey, who wrote in Esoteric Astrology: “The energies coming from Alcyone impregnated the substance of the universe with the quality of mind. As a consequence of this most ancient activity, the same force was present at the time of individualization in this solar system.”

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This week on Planet Waves FM: The Shape of the Shadows

Redacted version of the Special Counsel’s report, p. 20-21.

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Dear Friend and Listener:

Arthur Joseph Kushner, one of my teachers of yore, once said, “The shape of the shadows reveals the shape of what’s hidden.” That’s the theme of tonight’s Planet Waves FM.

First, promised resources: The Readings Channel, the Yogi Slut website, and our membership drive letter.

As for the program — I start with the current astrology, including a discussion of Mars and Asbolus square Neptune (which was exact Saturday), and Juno in Cancer getting mixed up in the Chiron-Salacia pattern in Aries. Some very exciting stuff in there.

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Sun Conjunct Uranus and the Mueller Report

Eric Francis.

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Dear Friend and Listener:

This week’s Planet Waves FM looks at Monday’s chart for Sun conjunct Uranus in Taurus — the first of seven annual conjunctions. Then I spend the next 90 minutes reading from, and commenting on, the report of the Special Counsel on the antics of Donald Trump and Russia.

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