Dear Friend and Reader:
Jupiter stations retrograde tonight, in Scorpio, the ancient sign of sex. And sex has certainly been in the news lately, only it’s taken some strange forms, and there is intrigue and chaos on many other levels.

Original Caption from Instagram: “fightthenewdrug last weekend our co-founder @clayolsen presented to the @kcroyals players and coaches. The Royals are the first #MLB team to actively take a stand against porn, and we’re inspired that they’re stepping up to the plate. #pornkillslove #fightforlove.” The first comment reads, “I’m in awe at how dumb this is. Imagine your day job is talking to grown men about whether or not they should watch porn.” The guys are being very polite.
The most interesting thing about Jupiter’s move to retrograde motion (which lasts through July 10) is that it’s in an aspect to Eris in Aries. When a planet changes apparent directions, it holds its position for a while, and Jupiter and Eris are in a 150-degree angle, called a quincunx.
It’s linking planets placed in two Mars-ruled signs, and at the moment Mars is big, conjunct the Galactic Core (exact Monday).
We live in the age of Eris, which induces chaos in psyche and culture in part through advances in communication technology. It’s easy to forget that just about everything we experience as information comes through TV and the internet.
News on the topic of sex has been so weird, it has been difficult to notice. Chaos is in the air. We’re in the midst of the fifty shades of scandal that are brewing as the wheels, axels, fenders, bumpers and doors are coming off of the executive branch of the federal government.
Top presidential advisors are quitting the White House on an almost daily basis. High officials lack security clearance, beat up their wives and sell their influence abroad, and the guilty pleas related to the Russia investigation have been flowing. (Going against the trend, former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, however, pleaded not guilty on Thursday to additional charges related to financial fraud. His former longtime assistant Richard Gates has pleaded guilty and will testify against him.)
Then there’s the just-for-fun (because conflict is fun) tariffs on steel and aluminum that Pres. Trump has apparently threatened just because he was pissed off and looking for a fight. That’s an interesting Jupiter-in-Scorpio theme, in that it’s rooted in an abundance of commodities, and our relationships with trading partners.
Jupiter describes the abundance, Scorpio describes the exchange of resources, and Eris describes the taste for aggression. He did this against the wishes of numerous Republican lawmakers and American allies, and in the wake of his chief economic advisor, Gary D. Cohn, resigning over the issue earlier this week. Things are going so well that Trump just named his campaign manager for his 2020 re-election bid.
Spring Is in the Air
Now for some sex news.
Yesterday, I noticed an article on the Daily News website about how the players for the Kansas City Royals baseball team were being given instruction at spring training camp on why porno is bad. You can tell from their faces and body language in the photo above how excited they are about this.
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Scene from the Fight The New Drug video, with some men siting under a tree contemplating how bad porno is.
This is by an organization founded by some young men, called Fight The New Drug, who claim to have no moral or religious issues, whose mottos are “porn kills love” and “fight for love.” They scored their first major league gig right in the heart of the Bible Belt. They are based in Salt Lake City, in the heart of the Book of Mormon Belt.
As far as the “drug” being new, anyone who knows the history of photography knows that it’s largely the history of naked pictures of women (which all started in France). And 54 years ago, Marshall McLuhan summed up the entire photographic medium as “the brothel without walls.”
You can watch their promo video here, which reminds me of the commercial on SiriusXM about the guys who make socks, where one gets a tattoo he doesn’t want, on a dare, after selling a million pairs.
While I was watching, my mind went to one place: what’s the definition of porn? What are they actually talking about? I just called and spoke to someone at Fight The New Drug Headquarters, and asked for their definition. The young woman who answered the phone tried to refer me to the executive director, who I should email, and said I would get a response in a week.
I pressed her: “You don’t have a page on your website defining the thing you’re fighting?”
She said, “I’m not going to comment on that.” But I kept going. She was getting sanctimonious, and I was just slightly incredulous. We could hear it in one another’s voices. It was a polite, softly-spoken standoff.
“So you’re saying you don’t have a public resource that defines the problem your organization is meant to solve?” And she replied, “Our organization does not provide a clear-cut definition of what porn is and what it is not. There are reasons for that.”
Yes, there are reasons: it’s extremely convenient. And nobody can tell you where the line between “porn” and “art” actually is.
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Collection of Fight The New Drug propaganda, imported from Salt Lake City. The tipoff is “Love Takes Two.” The Mormons, in theory not affiliated with this movement, are famous for their stance against solo sex, it being the root of all evil. The practical definition of porn is “anything anyone masturbates to.”
This sounds like the famous, unintentionally ironic quote by Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart: “I can’t say what it is, but I know it when I see it.” Maybe this is because in order to explain it, one would have to make a display that says, “This is porn and this is not,” or, “If she moans more than once every minute, that’s porn,” or, “One finger is love, two fingers is sex, three fingers is porn.”
And the whole fist — we’re somehow back to love.
There is no legal definition of pornography. Only obscenity is defined, in the famous case of Miller v. California.
Obscenity verges on impossible to prove, because there are three conditions, and the jury must find that all are met: (1) If the predominant theme of the work is ‘prurient’, according to the sensibilities of the average person of the community, which means “having or encouraging an excessive interest in sexual matters”; AND (2) The material must depict sexual conduct in a patently offensive way; AND (3) The material in question, taken as a whole (that is to say, not with one part taken out of context), must lack serious literary, artistic, political or scientific value.
All three conditions must be met before something can be deemed obscene by a court of law. Certainly, something has at least some political merit if it’s being debated before a jury. Plus, the prosecutor would have to copy the material and show it to the jury, thereby committing the crime he was holding someone else accountable for.
I wonder if this was explained at the Royals’ spring training camp.
Looks Like Rain! Stormy Daniels
Then there’s Stephanie Gregory Clifford, a/k/a Stormy Daniels, or Stormy Waters, a Pisces drink of water born in 1979. Donald Trump’s attorney Michael Cohen publicly declared that he used his own funds to pay Daniels $130,000 in October 2016, so she would shut up about her year-long affair with Donald Trump. This was shortly after the birth of Trump’s youngest child Barron with his third wife and our current First Lady of the Land, Melania.
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Hubbah, hubbah, hubbah! — it’s Stormy Daniels.
I guess to be certain, we would have to know it when we see it, but Daniels says that her career is porn actress, writer and director. She also ran for U.S. Senate in 2010.
That $130G purchased a nondisclosure agreement, which Daniels now says is nonbinding due to the lack of Trump’s personal signature. The agreement is written under alias names, and Trump didn’t even sign his.
The White House denies that the affair happened, though this week Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the official spokesperson, said that there had been an arbitration order, which for some reason angered Trump.
Why would they need a nondisclosure and hush money if it was all a nothing sandwich, just like all those dozens and dozens of meetings with Russian spies, bankers, and other officials is “no collusion”?
And am I actually writing this? Think of how little got Bill Clinton into how much trouble for his moral turpitude, as the morally upstanding, foot-tapping in the bathroom Republicans dragged him through an actual impeachment.
Recall that the Sabian symbol for Donald Trump’s ascendant, 30 Leo, is “an unsealed letter.” The NDA will come out. Everything will come out. I mean, a lot is out, but we ain’t seen nothin’ yet.
Bad Bad Birth Control
One last bit. Some time in the past five or 10 years, the Republicans added being against birth control to their allegedly moral stance on abortion. This is under the flawed logic that birth control is abortion.
According to a New York Times editorial today, the Trump administration is buckling to his Evangelical supporters, who are apparently so thrilled with what a pure guy he is, and seeking to block federal funding for contraception.
We should bear in mind that within my lifetime, a married couple could get arrested in the United States for using a condom in the privacy of their own bedroom. That was ended by a Supreme Court case called Griswold v. Connecticut.
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Estelle Griswold (L), medical advisor and executive director of the Planned Parenthood Clinic in New Haven, and Mrs. Ernest Jahncke, president of Parenthood League of Connecticut, Inc., flash a victory sign as a result of the court’s decision that Connecticut’s birth control law was unconstitutional. AP photo.
The Times dragged up this hilarious quote: “Back in my days, they used Bayer aspirin for contraceptives,” the Republican donor Foster Friess said in 2012. “The gals put it between their knees, and it wasn’t that costly.”
Thankfully “his days” are over.
Here on a different day, National Women’s Day, the Times reminded us all what Simone de Beauvoir was talking about in 1950:
“Women’s progress in America has been inextricably tied to the availability of birth control. Landmark Supreme Court decisions in 1965 and 1972 recognizing a constitutional right to contraception made it more likely that women went to college, entered the work force and found economic stability. That’s all because they were better able to choose when, or whether, to have children.
“A 2012 study from the University of Michigan found that by the 1990s, women who had early access to the birth control pill had wage gains of up to 30 percent, compared with older women.”
Then the Editorial Board wrote: “It’s mind-boggling that anyone would want to thwart that progress, especially since women still have so far to go in attaining full equality in the United States.”
Mind-boggling, but this is what it’s all about. As in, all of the above.
With love,
Photo by Jefferson Siegel/New York Daily News.
Period Poverty: End the Stigma
By Jennifer Weiss-Wolf and Maeve Roughton | New York Daily News
In the last year, we have seen the reemergence of a powerful women’s movement in the United States. From the Women’s March on Washington, to the #MeToo movement, to Time’s Up and activism in Hollywood, we’re seeing results: Sexual predators are being held accountable, more women are running for elected office than ever before and a powerful industry is beginning to discuss gender and racial disparities in pay, representation and opportunity.
As we fight to expand equality, however, we cannot forget about menstrual equity.
This International Women’s Day, we are focused on the path towards greater gender parity. In order to have that fully equitable and participatory society — where all women can contribute and prosper — we must have laws and policies that ensure that menstrual products are safe and affordable for all who need them.
To accomplish this goal, we must put an end to period poverty.
“Period poverty” is when menstruating women are unable to afford basic sanitary products that help mitigate period symptoms and manage bleeding. According to experts, period poverty impacts millions of people in the United States and around the world, especially poor women and marginalized communities.
Readers Say This Is Our Best Annual Reading Yet
Tap or click to visit our most beautiful website ever.
“Incredible! As a Capricorn who has been demolished by Pluto and searching for myself for a long time, I cried so many times reading this. I feel like I have found a long-lost piece of myself through your writings, today especially through The Art of Becoming. I feel hopeful and even inspired. Bravo Eric, you are brilliant, wise, and encouraging as always. Many thanks to you and the entire Planet Waves team for bringing this to life!”
— Amy Welchez, on the Art of Becoming reading for Capricorn
Dear Friend and Reader:
We recently published The Art of Becoming reading for Aquarius. This means that ALL TWELVE Art of Becoming signs are now available for instant access — whether you purchase one or two readings individually, or go all-in and order all 12 signs to share with your household.
“Thank you for these readings, filled with life-enhancing, creative ideas. Helps me to continue to ask the right questions. To be open, curious and engaged. A refreshing orientation. And as I purchase the full twelve signs, I learn lots of astrology too. Appreciate you being so transparent with your technique/method.”
— R.T., on the Art of Becoming annual readings
If you have any questions, please email us at Or call from within the U.S. at (845) 481-5616, or from outside the U.S. at (206) 567-4455. If you leave voicemail, please be sure to leave your number in the message, and we’ll call you back as soon as we can.
We look forward to hearing your response to these beautiful readings.
Yours & truly,
Amanda Painter
P.S. Here’s what others are saying about The Art of Becoming:
“I love your readings! I just finished listening to the first reading. You include the history of what is leading up to the now, and its influence operating in the now, and how my actions now can affect my future! Your readings have a depth and character to them that creates a deeper context and meaning that actually helps this old lady see that I am indeed self-manifesting and self-actualizing and moving forward, feeding my inner kid! I am doing something bigger and better and bolder than in the past and harnessing energy to create a more real me. Thank you!”
— Bobbie Kithcart, on the Art of Becoming reading for Leo
“Eric, as a Pisces I really appreciate all your readings, as they have truly helped me push past the insecurities and become a truly wonderful person with greater strength to become ME. Thanks so much!”
— Susan Andrews, on the Art of Becoming annual reading for Pisces
“Each year I purchase the annual readings and each time I find myself understanding the depth of it precisely when I need it (or right in the midst of the unfolding) so that I can navigate the energies and alignments in a way that feels right, makes sense and moves me forward. My journey with Chiron has led me to combine my affinity for teaching with healing and connection to Spirit that runs in my family but was never actualized…until I decided to work with it. Your readings have largely contributed to helping me ground this gift. Thank you for the work you do; it is so needed in this world!”
— Winter Clark, on the Art of Becoming annual reading for Gemini
Chiron Return Presents: Weekend of Listening
Dear Friend of Planet Waves:
Astrology is more accustomed to talking when what it really needs to do is to listen: to the people who seek out its wisdom, to the planets, to the ocean, to the subtle vibration of the universe. Mostly, we need to let our clients tell us what they need, and help them figure out for themselves what that is.
This spring, I’ll be offering an astrology workshop called Weekend of Listening. Originally developed for the Omega Institute, this is an astrology class like no other. Rather than filling your head with technical information, we will use what you already know, and develop some basic skills that will focus your strength of understanding and self-understanding.
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Eric Francis has taught astrology internationally since 1998, including at NORWAC, UAC and NCGR conferences, the Omega Institute for Holistic Studies, and elsewhere.
You will leave this workshop with a new understanding of your chart, and with the ability to safely work with others as their astrologer.
You will learn a process that relies on the lifetime transits of Chiron, which will help you get beneath the busy static of the chart, and understand the client’s actual needs and intentions. This primarily involves using the chart as a gentle guide, and allowing the client to speak for themselves.
This takes us out of the realm of speculation and into the realm of real-world experience. The past will be revealed in a new light. Previously invisible patterns within your life will emerge. And you will leave with the skill of being able to work with people in a way that guides them to their own truth as they understand it, rather than using astrology to dictate their reality.
Skill Level Necessary
This workshop will be accessible to anyone with a basic understanding of the planets, signs and houses. You should have at least a rudimentary understanding of your own chart; it will help if you’ve attempted to read the charts of friends and relatives.
If you are an advanced student or experienced professional, this class will provide you with a new set of skills and an entirely different approach to astrology than the one taught by most books and classes. If you’re a therapist or healer of some kind, you will learn techniques that help you better serve your clientele, and put astrology to good use — without the need to guess or speculate.
Prerequisite study is any two of my online classes, whether you took them at the time they happened or have worked with the recording.
Class Dates
Weekend of April 20-22 (Friday 7 pm through Sunday 3 pm with an optional late afternoon session for anyone who wants to stay). For the afternoon session, we have several options, including a general Q&A, a technical focus, or a discussion about writing.
Food and Lodging
We will provide lunch on Saturday and Sunday, and suggestions for the many good local places to take other meals. There are several boutique hotels in the area, several chain hotels within a 10-minute drive, and a scruffy motor lodge just down the street. We’ll provide a list of those establishments, and will help you buddy up with other participants if you want to reduce your lodging costs. If people coordinate their arrivals at Albany Airport or the Rhinecliff Amtrak station, we can assist with transportation to our location. We have a professional driver who can fetch you at the airport, and a local taxi from Rhinecliff is affordable.
Travel to Kingston
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Astonishing rainbow over uptown Kingston, New York last summer. View full size image here.
I am located in Kingston, New York, which is about two hours’ driving distance from New York City and Long Island, very close to Albany, a modest hike from Boston, and a short hike from western Massachusetts. The easiest-access airports are Albany and Stewart Field, both about an hour away. The closest Amtrak is Rhinecliff, and there is a Trailways bus station right in town.
Tuition and Fees
Tuition for the weekend, including study materials and lunch Saturday and Sunday, is $1,200 for the public, or $1,100 for Core Community members and $1,000 for Backstage Pass holders. Tuition is $600 (half price) for current Galaxy Pass holders. Past Galaxy Pass holders may apply their consulting credit(s) to tuition.
There will be two tuition-free positions available for teaching assistants who are well familiar with my working methods. The class includes a follow-up teleconference for questions and answers. A professionally made recording of the weekend will be available to participating students for a modest fee.
This class is presented by Chiron Return, Inc., a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. As such, tuition will be listed as a “donation” and a portion of the tuition will be tax-deductible to those who file U.S. tax returns. It will also be a write-off as “professional development” for those who itemize.
The class size is limited to 12 students. With two assistants helping, the student-to-teacher ratio will be four to one.
Registration is a manual process, not an automatic one. If you want to register, please write to us using the email link below. We will respond to your questions directly, and register you personally. For the confidence of everyone attending, all participants will be interviewed in advance. If you’re interested in registering, please write to us at a special email address:
Thank you for your interest.
With love,

Review and Integration: Jupiter Retrograde in Scorpio
By Amanda Painter
Today Jupiter stations retrograde in Scorpio. Like most planetary retrogrades (Mercury being the best known), this signals a phase of review and integration.
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Photo by Amanda Painter.
But what are you being called to review, assess and integrate? In part, that will depend on what Jupiter has been increasing, expanding or calling your attention to while it’s been traveling through Scorpio since mid-October.
You might want to consider whether anything in your life has seemed to be under a magnifying glass in those months. In other words, is there some inner experience or outer dynamic that has consistently called your attention to it?
Or, you might think about particular types of growth you’ve experienced these last five months — emotional, professional, financial, sexual, spiritual, physical, and so on. Jupiter is the planet of expansion, so the word ‘excess’ might be another way to think of this, depending on whether you feel like ‘positive’ things or ‘negative’ things have been on the increase. Is there anything in your life that seems outsized compared to your ability to handle, understand or guide it?
I ask, because although Jupiter is often cast as the ‘lucky planet’ (and often is, if you do your part), it also can magnify what isn’t working or what one has been ignoring and needs to address. If that feels like it describes you, don’t despair; Jupiter’s retrograde offers you another chance to work with whatever it is and bring it into line. And if you feel like you’ve been on an exciting, upward trajectory, Jupiter’s retrograde represents an opportunity to double-check things (especially your inner experience of what’s been unfolding) and take stock. You can check the integrity of your growth and make sure it — and you — still align with your goals and values.
Jupiter stations retrograde tonight at 11:45 pm EST (4:45 UTC Friday), at 24 degrees of Scorpio. There’s a set of channeled symbols for the degrees of the zodiac called the Sabian symbols, the most famous being the version reinterpreted by Dane Rudhyar. The symbol for 24 Scorpio is: “After having heard an inspired individual deliver his ‘sermon on the mount,’ crowds are returning home.”

Jupiter’s Introspection, Revealed
By Amanda Painter
With Jupiter stationing retrograde in Scorpio today, you’ll need to keep your antennae tuned for any kind of introspection, review or reconsideration of sexual issues. That might take the form of anything from quietly personal situations to the current political/cultural environment around speaking up about sexual power imbalances. Maybe something’s been at the back of your mind for months; perhaps something unexpected crosses your path that suddenly prompts you to investigate further.
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Work-safe detail from one of Laura Dodsworth’s Manhood photos.
If you like, you can take Laura Dodsworth’s book Manhood as a starting point. As described in this article in The Guardian, Dodsworth’s very personal project features photographs of 100 men’s penises — from about mid-abdomen to mid-thigh, no faces — as well as each man’s personal story about his relationship with his penis, and his experience as a man. (Dodsworth did a similar project previously that was focused on women’s breasts and their relationship to having them.) The Guardian includes a handful of these interview responses.
“I had this sense that men were in a ‘man box’ as much as I’d been in a ‘woman box’, and I wanted to get to know them better and hear their stories. One word for penis is manhood, so it seemed a perfect starting point to talk about being a man,” says Dodsworth.
About her methods, she says, “The photographs took only about 10 seconds, then I spent 30 to 60 minutes interviewing them. Once somebody has bared their body, they are much more likely to bare their soul. You get a much better interview after the picture.”
In the Guardian article, Dodsworth reveals that she was actually quite surprised by how vulnerable and insecure so many men feel about their penises. “A lot more men feel a sense of shame or anxiety about their size, or an aspect of their performance, than I would have thought. What really moved me is how much that shame and inadequacy had bled into different parts of their life,” including shame from being teased as a child about their penis that many never recovered from.
In a social climate in which, for many women, the penis has become a literal weapon — or, at least, a symbol of pain and violence rather than of pleasure — Dodsworth’s project opens the door for a new dimension of understanding and empathy. (I realize that is a response some women may not have readily available to them, due to trauma and its persistent effects). Yet she hopes Manhood also offers men a sense of belonging, of being ‘normal’ despite their penis’ uniqueness, perhaps even of mitigating shame that’s been internalized from bullying, rejection or viewing too much online porn.
Maybe Manhood can even help us collectively to begin bridging some of the recurrent obstacles in sexual communication. Says one of the interviewees, a 46-year-old black man, “Women and men both enjoy sex, are curious about sex, and boast about sex in different ways; but men are more afraid and less understanding of its emotional nature. If we acknowledged that sex isn’t just about gratification, there is a broader communication. I think we’d be more respectful.”
May it be so.

This week on Planet Waves FM
The Next Generation: Those Kids Born 2000+
Dear Friend of Planet Waves:
After two programs focused on history, the 2nd Amendment and the gun problem, this week’s edition of Planet Waves FM [play program here] is astrology-focused. This show was originally broadcast on Sunday night, live on Radio Kingston.
It was an interesting night. The recording you have is not exactly what I was planning. And why was that?
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Kids schooling adults. Photo by Lorie Shaull.
Well, I managed to turn off the radio station for nearly two hours. Not the radio — the whole station. You don’t know what you don’t know, and I didn’t know I had accidentally pushed the “off” button while making room for my laptop, and had taken WKNY offline and off the air.
So this presentation is a little rushed. You get to hear how I respond in real time to what would be the nightmare of any broadcaster. My original plan follows:
I’m curious about the young people finally moving the needle on gun control. They are sick of their schools being “soft targets” — like the schools, hospitals and farms in Nicaragua under attack from the Contras. They know this is connected to money in politics.
My main focus is on the charts of the cohort born starting in 2000, what you might call post-millennials. This astrology contains two conjunctions that represent steps forward: the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Taurus, and Chiron and Pluto in Sagittarius.
To get there, we need a clue as to what it means astrologically to be a Baby Boomer (Pluto in Leo), and what was going on in the 1960s (Uranus and Pluto in Virgo) and the 1970s (Chiron in Aries). I briefly consider what people born in the 1980s and 1990s experienced astrologically, and then demonstrate the significant differences in charts starting in 2000.
This is a presentation of the kind that people get on an airplane, book a hotel room and pay expensive tuition to attend at someplace like UAC, the United Astrology Conference. Only, tonight’s program is free and commercial-free, brought to you by Chiron Return, Inc.
Note that all past episodes are archived at Planet Waves FM. We have a resources page that includes the various items, charts and articles I promised during the program.
Planet Waves FM is sponsored by the tax-deductible contributions of our listeners. If you are a supporter, thank you so much. If you love this program and keep coming back to it, please do your part and make a one-time or monthly contribution.
Thank you for your listenership and your financial support.
With love,

Monthly Horoscopes and Publishing Schedule Notes
We published your extended monthly horoscopes for March on Thursday, Feb. 22. Your extended monthly horoscopes for February were published on Thursday, Jan. 25. Please note: we normally publish the extended monthly horoscope on the first Friday after the Sun has entered a new sign.

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Most of the human race is having an identity crisis right now, linked to the disruption that’s taking place all around us. It’s not easy, in these circumstances, to focus on living productively or to find a guidance system you can hold to firmly amid the ever-changing face of the world. Yet it can be done, if you only look within. The golden thread of integrity is there, and all the rulebooks ever written can’t replace it. More than ever, the wisdom of your inner compass is crucial. Do what you can to keep it within reach. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
Taurus (April 19-May 20) — When we form strong and loving connections with other people, they do wonders for our deep healing. You might see Jupiter’s station retrograde in your opposite sign as a gift that allows you to take in the warmth of companionship and let it fill you up. This is an active process, however; among other things, it requires that you place trust in what you’re offered, and that you communicate your needs clearly. Perhaps even more importantly, don’t forget to return the favor or pass it on. Love shared is love multiplied. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Over the past few months, you’ve perhaps learned to consider the details of your daily life more in terms of the bigger picture. Astrology connects our regular routines with the concept of service. What you may find in the coming season is a more accurate sense of your calling, made clearer by recent experiences and changes. What you offer to the world is intimately connected with who you are, and with that unique gift which you, and only you, possess. When you’re doing that every day, it won’t feel nearly so much like work. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) — What ultimately underpins your success? This question might absorb at least some of your attention as Jupiter turns retrograde in your solar 5th house. This is the house of creativity and art, and everything that means; particularly with Scorpio there, with its connection to the deeper concepts of life, it is also incredibly profound. What this adds up to is an understanding that you cannot and must not compromise on how you spend your energy. You need the freedom to be yourself as a foundation. Be discerning. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You need to recognize that you are a complex being, full of intricate and occasionally even contradictory qualities, like a puzzle. If something is holding you back from pursuing your aspirations, chances are you’ll find the root cause, or at least a clue, by digging around in the past — which is not the same as getting lost there; it’s about knowledge and perspective. Becoming who you want to be often just means accepting and seeing who you are, which can actually strengthen your ability to deal with any underlying issues. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Many natives of your sign are used to the idea of working behind the scenes, preferably as quietly and anonymously as possible. There is a certain safety in being useful to someone else. Unfortunately — or perhaps fortunately — this is no longer enough. Recent events have coaxed you out of your shell, if only just a little; absorbing the lessons of those experiences will surely help draw you out further. It’s time to do precisely that, and take the risk of speaking in your own voice. It’s not nearly as risky as you think. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You may be getting a fresh perspective on partnerships of all kinds; in particular regarding what can reasonably be expected, of you and of your loved ones. Self-esteem and holding to one’s values are keys here. A healthy relationship with yourself is the best way to make sure you’re independent of others, and that those others cannot overwhelm you with needs or demands. Too often we develop ways of interacting based on expectations and scripts. Resolve instead to proceed based on what is indubitably real. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Jupiter in your sign is changing direction. That presents you with an opportunity to review the past few months and consider how the big planet’s presence has influenced your life so far. In particular, whether it’s helped you to express yourself more clearly and honestly, in the service of taking up your life mission. This would seem to be a developing theme over the next few weeks. It would probably be especially useful for you to spend some time figuring out what you’re not saying, and why. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Sagittarius is portrayed in popular tropes as a rather flighty and reckless sign, though naturally this is a misunderstanding. It’s just that early on you discovered the secret of being true to yourself and honest with others, which is really a deeply responsible way to live. Besides, what you’ve dealt with in the recent past has given you enough extra, added maturity that, emotionally speaking, you could lift a car. It would probably do you good to recognize this, and to give yourself all due credit. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — When trying to process a challenging experience, whether from the distant past or more recent, there can be a temptation to close yourself off. You might even let resentment bottle up until you find yourself lashing out, which doesn’t help anyone involved. There is a different way: you can open up, be vulnerable and trust those who love you best. That way also nourishes and broadens your sense of compassion and community. In the present environment we must do all we can to forge and strengthen human bonds. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — The last few months appear to have been something of a game-changer in terms of how you view your career or social standing. Potentially one specific issue may have rubbed you the wrong way, causing you to feel somewhat held back or disappointed. In the course of the next several weeks, you’ll almost certainly come to regard these events in an entirely different light. When the full pattern is revealed, what perhaps seems frustrating now will probably make a lot more sense by the time the solstice arrives. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
Pisces Birthday Reading is Available for Instant Access
Dear Fellow Pisces, Pisces Rising or Pisces Lover:
Last week was crazy busy — finishing The Art of Becoming, keeping up with horoscopes and playing investigative reporter — but I just had to do the Pisces birthday reading in time for the Virgo Full Moon.
You can still get instant access to this reading at just $44; the final price will be $66.
My job is to provide encouragement, reassurance, and actual information about your transits. I do my best to provide just that.
This is a mellow but detailed reading, which starts with a long discussion of relationships and the need to be discerning. This is directly related to claiming your full value in the world, and feeling good about yourself: what some call self-esteem.
I expound on two different interpretations of the Virgo Full Moon — one based on my own writeup in the Daily News, and for contrast, the other based on Sally Brompton’s interpretation in The New York Post.
From there, I talk about the ingress of planets from water sign Pisces to fire sign Aries, which in the coming days will include Mercury and Venus, then Chiron.
In the second segment I talk mainly about career, profession and community involvement — this is a discussion of Saturn moving from Sagittarius into Capricorn.
There is plenty more. You can get a personal reading from me lasting 75 minutes for $555 — or a reading I would be very happy to get, 75 minutes for $44. Get instant access now.
Thank you for your business, and for trusting me as your astrologer.
With love,
P.S. The Art of Becoming is now ready. This reading is a very detailed report on Chiron moving from Pisces to Aries, among other things. You can get individual signs here.
P.P.S. You may access last year’s Pisces birthday reading here at no cost.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — The period since your traditional ruler Jupiter entered your 9th house has been a sort of living experiment in how much you can achieve, and how much progress you can make, in a really short space of time. For you, this retrograde phase is unlikely to be merely about reflection and review. It’s far more probable that you’re being called to shift gears, and to spend more time getting your message disseminated on a wider scale. To put it another way, it seems you need to get some practice in being utterly and delightfully shameless. — by Amy Elliott. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
Don’t forget to take advantage of this special gift: Eric’s Daily Horoscope can arrive in your mailbox by 7 am ET, containing great astrological guidance for all 12 signs. You can sign up with our compliments, though we welcome donations.