Everybody Can See

Posted by Len Wallick


Next week’s Capricorn Full Moon in the exaltation degree of Mars is a cue for you to do your part by acting so as to bring no more violence into the world. As Len Wallick suggests, everybody can see that there has never been a more appropriate time to become an advocate for love and peace.

Everybody with serviceable eyesight can see the Sun, weather permitting. The same is true for the Moon during the days approaching and achieving its fullness. Those are two important fundamentals for human beings to remember at this particular time on planet Earth.


So happens we are now in the days approaching the Capricorn Full Moon, which will take place this coming Tuesday, July 19. From now until then the illuminated portion of the Moon will be growing in size, until Luna is as fully lit as it can be.

In addition to “waxing” into fullness over the next handful of days the Moon will be visible during the early evening hours when most people are still awake. That’s how it works coming up to a Full Moon.

What the Sun and Moon are doing right now is something everybody can see so long as clouds don’t get in the way. The same cannot always be said for even the brightest planets. Even Venus, which is the only celestial object besides the Sun and Moon to shine bright enough to cast a shadow, can sometimes be elusive. Other planets are even less bright, and even more subject to being obscured by the lights and buildings of the cities in which so many of us dwell.

Fortunately, using the Sun and Moon alone we can at least infer a good deal of what is going on with the astrology. That’s especially true for the impending Full Moon, which will take place in the 28th degree of Capricorn shortly before 7 pm EDT (22:56:31 UTC) on Tuesday. That’s because the 28th degree of Capricorn is where Mars is exalted.

As Eric put it in the Planet Waves weekly edition yesterday, Mars is at “center stage” from its current position in Scorpio for astrologers right now.

Unfortunately, everybody can see how the front and center presence of Mars in our current astrology is now predominantly being expressed on Earth. The recent series of tragically violent events all over the world can fairly be correlated with the less fortunate downside of Mars. Yet, that’s not all there is to how Mars manifests in actual practice. There are in fact two sides to astrology’s Martian story.

Ancient astrologers divided up celestial objects into good guys (“malefics”) and bad guys (“benefics”). Beginning in the 20th Century, astrologers like the late, great Al Morrison challenged that antiquated prejudice based on how things actually work out in the world. Now, most modern astrologers agree with the greatest living astrologer, Robert Hand. In the October/November 2014 edition of The Mountain Astrologer Mr. Hand flatly declared that “There are no benefics and no malefics.” Instead, astrologers now interpret planets to be consistent with what everybody can see.

Based on actual practice, everybody can see that every planet, every sign and every aspect has both an upside and a downside. The question of which side is expressing at any given time is usually resolved by context — where one object, sign and/or aspect fits into the whole. That holistic way of looking at things will provide both a useful and hopeful framework in which the implication of next Tuesday’s Full Moon can be understood.

One way in which anybody can understand the world is that things often go as far in one direction as they can before they must swing the other way. That’s obviously true of many natural phenomena, such as the seasons. It’s also a pattern that tends to evince in both large and personal scale human events. Astrology is no exception either.

The Moon, as it goes through its phases, is yet another example of moving from one extreme to the other that everybody can see. Indeed, one common way of interpreting a Full Moon is as a culmination after which Luna can only subsequently wane. Therein is reason for you to believe that you can act and make a difference to turn things around in concert with the skies.

Planets do not simply express from where they are in the sky or on the zodiac. Mars, for example, can be found to manifest from the signs it rules (Aries and Scorpio) and where it is exalted (Capricorn) at any given time, even if it is moving elsewhere.

A Full Moon precisely in the exaltation degree of Mars (which does not happen very often) implies that the violent downside of the red planet has gone as far as it can go before it must turn back and begin manifesting in more life-affirming ways. Given the importance of context, however, a fortunate outcome is not certain. A turnaround must be made to happen. That, as always, is where you come in.

That’s because astrology is not a spectator sport. You are part of the holistic context in which astrology plays out. It’s up to you to manifest the potential of next Tuesday’s Full Moon. Fortunately, you or anybody can see how to do it.

In a phrase, eschew violence. Act without violent means. Speak without violent expressions. Advocate for love, and against war. Be an example for others to do the same. Indeed, in the U.S. at this time you can commit the equivalent of a revolutionary act by simply not owing a gun. You don’t have to take it upon yourself to change the world. You don’t have to do the impossible. You simply have to do your part by not bringing any additional violence into the world.

If there is anything to what next Tuesday’s Capricorn Full Moon is telling us, the best time to do your part is now. Everybody can see that there has never been a more appropriate time to become an advocate for love and peace.

Offered In Service


The Planet Waves Boutique has plenty of balm for your soul. Come pay us a visit, put your feet up, and enjoy discovering all the wonderful readings we have to offer.

Posted in Columnist on | 15 comments
Len Wallick

About Len Wallick

Besides endeavoring to be of service to all of you here at Planet Waves, Len strives to live in Seattle while working as a professional astrologer. To contact him for an astrology reading you can send an e-mail to: lenwallick@gmail.com. His telephone number is 206-356-5467. In addition to his profession, Len contributes to the Seattle community without monetary compensation by serving as a Reiki practitioner and teacher through classes and outreach offered by the Seattle Reiki Mastery Series modality.

15 thoughts on “Everybody Can See

  1. char mcgheechar mcghee

    Len…I totally… adore..you ….could be at the Methow rhythm and blues …Methow wa this week-end< listening to the fabulous Thunderbirds….thank you so much for your work …kind…
    words, and wisdom.I appreciate you….just didnt feel like partying this week-end.
    Miss Mcghee

  2. LizzyLizzy

    Len – I posted my comment under Eric’s piece – so posting it again: Bless you, Len, bless you. Am so touched by your words, also because they confirm that I’m on the right track. I’ve had problems with a colleague at work, who can be a bit difficult. Am so stressed out at the moment that I didn’t behave very well towards her in these last days. But yesterday, I was so devastated by what happened in Nice – and I know that this woman has a little boy. Somehow, I felt I had to change things around – so I went into her office and apologized for not having behaved very well in these days, but that I was so stressed out. She gave me this enormous, beautiful smile, and was clearly surprised, and perhaps a little touched. it’s easy to be nice with charming, lovely people – but I reckon that the real challenge is turning the other cheek with the difficult ones (without of course, letting them walk over one). It also ties in beautifully with Eric’s great words, “Make your personal choice in favor of something else. Visualize and do what you can to make your personal world a saner and more peaceful place.” Thank you, dear ones.

    1. Len WallickLen Wallick Post author

      Lizzy: Thank you for sharing your workplace experience, and for how you always so generously support other commenters here at Planet Waves.

    1. Len WallickLen Wallick Post author

      Geoff: One night, years ago, Out away from city lights, on a moonless night, I saw my shadow cast by Venus. I did not have a camera to record it. There must be a photo on line somewhere, but (as you know) i’m not much at search engines. Thanks you so much for your questions and support.

  3. Barbara Koehler

    Thank you Len, we are on the same page with this Full Moon in seeing that violence (Mars expression) has gone about as far as it can go, and although I didn’t know that Mars had 27+ Capricorn as his exaltation degree, I did know that 27+ Capricorn is where the U.S. Sibly chart’s Pluto is. I didn’t know that Venus could cast a shadow either. You aren’t teasing are you?

    No, the reason I’m thinking that violence for the sake of violence is morphing into something else is because of Mars’ opposition to Sedna at this Full Moon. Sedna not only symbolizes the waters of our planet and all the life within it, her mythology (story) is a product of the patriarchal age, just as Mars myth is and that is going down. I see this opposition as a balancing of the extremes of the masculine and feminine natures of human beings, a blending of this dawning new age where polarized views (of man/woman and other things like black and white, rich and poor) will be working toward a common ground; equality if you will.

    With the grand water trine between Chiron, Sun and Mars still effective, and Vesta reaching her opposition to the Galactic Core, this Full Moon reeks with compassion and healing. The New Moon also trines Sedna and I’m hoping for some powerful decision-making (U.S. Pluto) that either favors women’s rights in some way or a change in the abuse of so much of our U.S. lakes, rivers and streams and the Gulf of Mexico.

    The U.S. Vesta Return chart of last April had both the Sun and QB1 in the degree of Chiron’s discovery, 3+ Taurus. If Sun symbolizes consciousness and QB1 symbolizes a threshold then this Full Moon’s Pallas at 4+ Pisces retrograde, Ceres at 0+ Taurus and Juno at 1+ Scorpio appear to be lighting the way forward for some Vesta/Chiron type of healing action of a feminine nature. Even the U.S. Venus at 3+ Cancer supports this Vesta Return’s Sun-QB1 conjunction.

    Perhaps in a rally of support of Sedna’s agenda, these 3 goddesses in the FM chart, Ceres, Pallas and Juno will be working on some legislation to curb violence at least in this country. Actually, Sedna forms a pattern called a kite in which a grand trine (in this case Sun, Mars, Chiron) has a planet in opposition to one of the 3 in the grand trine. That would be Sedna in this case. Again, the focus is on Mars, life-affirming action Mars. You have my word I won’t bring any additional violence into the world Len.

    Additionally, the Full Moon’s Jupiter at 19+ Virgo is trine the U.S. Vesta at 19+ Taurus, she who recently had that Vesta Return (almost at the same time transiting Mercury occulted the Sun in the same degree as U.S. Vesta). Transiting Pluto is within orb (15+ Capricorn retrograde) at this Full Moon to qualify for a grand earth trine with transiting Jupiter and U.S. Vesta, so it really could happen. Peace and Love conquers all.

    1. Len WallickLen Wallick Post author

      Barbara (and Geoff): First off, i’m not teasing. Please see the link from NASA immediately below this resp0nse regarding the shadow cast by Venus (under the right circumstances). So, unless you think NASA is teasing, that should be that as regards to that fact.

      Next, thank you again so very much for being so generous with your time and energy as to continue to keep us abreast of transits and progressions to the U.S. Natal (Sibly) chart.

      Finally, as regards to Juno and Ceres facing off from across the zodiac. I’ve been watching that particular opposition forming up for some time. It won’t last forever because Juno is moving a bit faster right now. Even so, it’s a relatively long-lived aspect which will be the baseline of a brief fixed sign T-square when the Sun enters Leo on Friday. i’m not done thinking about it, but so far it seems to have to do with being consciously aware of priorities it comes to needs. In this case at least, the “T” in “T-square” could stand for “triage.”


  4. Barbara Koehler

    Someone should write about Ceres at 0 Taurus opposite Juno at 0 Scorpio right now and the fact that transiting Hades continues to languish in his conjunction with the U.S. Jupiter. Or maybe I just missed it.

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