Dear Friend and Reader:
In today’s edition we’re thrilled to announce the advent of Planet Waves TV. Yes, Eric has dared to get in front of a TV camera, reporting in from his breakfast haunt, the Outdated Cafe in Kingston, NY. In the current edition he explains the double conjunction happening this week — Mars conjunct Uranus, and Venus conjunct Eris.
I’ve also covered this astrology in written form from a slightly different angle in this week’s Monday Diary.

Eric Francis in the second edition of Planet Waves TV. You can watch on Planet Waves or on our brand new You Tube channel.
In tonight’s edition of Planet Waves FM, Eric co-hosts with his music teacher Daniel Sternstein. The whole program is about astrology — the aforementioned conjunctions and much background on them. Daniel plays the role of the non-astrologer asking reasonable questions, and in the process he figures out the difference between a conjunction and a square.
In the second part of the program Eric takes a reader’s question about locational astrology, and gives an idea about how it works and how to use it well. Locational astrology is when you cast your chart for a place you want to live and assess how your life will be there.
Musical guests for the program are The Chromatics, the Indigo Girls and Jane’s Addition, all doing covers of songs by other artists. The program, which posts by 5 pm EDT, is worth hearing just for the Chromatics’ magnificent work.
Elsewhere on the Planet Waves website, in looking at what most religious dogmas teach us about the need to be ‘saved’ from our suffering, Amanda Moreno considers the idea that fully experiencing the physical density of the flesh is why we’re here.
In this week’s tarot reading, Sarah Taylor explores the re-emergence of The Fool — one of the cards that welcomed us into the New Year — and how your stepping up and out in your own life has started to make itself known. Masks are falling and liberation awaits.

The Chromatics; hear them on tonight’s Planet Waves FM.
The Sun-Chiron conjunction that’s still in effect in Pisces may be highlighting for you an awareness of past wounding, and your processes of healing and integrating. Guest-writer Christina Louise Dietrich, who has been chronicling her journey of reclaiming herself (especially sexually), writes of her latest strides, “What I didn’t expect was the actual felt and embodied presence of my literal 4-year-old self.”
Judith Gayle, in her latest foray into the current political moment, how it reflects the Uranus-Pluto square, and how we fit into it writes, “We’ve created the emerging outcome, we’ve crafted it for its lessons and its opportunities. Now we’ll see what we’ve produced.”
Len Wallick’s column for today chronicles Mercury’s move into Pisces after more than two months in Aquarius, and should appear on the Planet Waves website at about noon. You can read my column on the latest phase of this week’s jam-packed astrology on the website tomorrow.
This is a wild week; embrace unexpected sparks of opportunity, but watch your step and drive carefully. There’s a lot of energy building that you can put to real use.
Yours & truly,
Amanda Painter