24 thoughts on “Planet Waves TV — Two Hot Conjunctions For You

  1. Kerstin

    Thank you Eric, it is soooo helpful to see the chart and have you explain it with the graphic, I loved it! It’s also great to see you speak and smile, makes it so much more personal. I feel like I was sitting across from you, being able to pick up the nuances much better than just in audio. You have such a wonderful charisma and are so engaging and lovely… please do continue making these videos 🙂

  2. Deborah

    In the 80’s I taught on-cam acting techniques for commercials at Weist-Barron School for TV in Boston. I trained actors to sell people shit they didn’t need as that’s what commercials are. If you can fake honesty well enough you can sell any kind of snake oil to a general public always anxious to drink kool-aid that the almighty tube told them is new and improved.
    I commend and appreciate your new video podcast and enjoy seeing the face behind the voice along with visual aids. Your enthusiasm and passion for astrology came through today, overriding the nerves from yesterday, and you seem to be honing your communication skills at an exponential rate, taking to the camera like a Pisces to water. Kudos to an honest presentation…I love what you’re selling.

  3. Julia A. Gatto

    You are just too cool! Thanks for the update……I’ll try to keep myself in check but I make no promises. Looking forward to your next analysis. Aquarius comin’ at ya.

  4. Jan Eaton

    Wow you already look like an old hand Eric. Love the presentation. The visual prompt made me realize that the Mars Uranus conjunction is on top of my natal Venus at 13.5′ Aries. Interesting!!

  5. Dorothy Rodriguez

    Eric, I was getting ready to sit and do my version of tearing it up in the studio till 5:00 a.m., which you wrote about in an oracle posted not too long ago. Then I found your second PW TV on the conjunctions. You have inspired me by putting yourself ‘out there’ for all of us. I’m thinking, are you maybe setting the trend for us with this week’s energy – which is wonderful; Go Eric, you are good at this!

  6. Kyra Baehr

    Thank you for focusing on this current astrology and bringing it into the light of conscious consideration. I am a Pisces sun with Aquarius rising, Chiron in my first house, and Venus in Aries. This all feels very personal to me and I appreciate your keen awareness of the intensity of these moments. My personal path is definitely aligned with the current astrology and I am transforming so quickly that the old time religion song about Jericho keeps popping into consciousness. “And the walls come tumbling down, and the walls come tumbling, tumbling ….”

    The videos are wonderful, Eric. They create a much more personal experience and expansive connection to you and what is being transmitted. I appreciate you sharing your endearing self on video as an inspiration for the rest of us. Your Pisces impishness, charm, and humility radiate through your smile and facial expressions creating an intimacy and trust through your vulnerability and openness. It is a more fulfilling experience of the message – confirming the often nebulous experience that ‘pesencing’ is a part of the illumination. The visual access brings light to the various levels of information coming through you, making them more available.

    1. Amy Elliott

      Interesting – makes me think of the tarot card the Tower, which is associated with Mars. Are both conjunctions taking place in your third house?

  7. Lizzy

    Love the matching pen and head band, dear Eric! Have only had time to watch half of it so far – it’s a little bit long for me on a busy work day. Will catch the rest this evening (my side of the world) xxx

  8. Laura Wells

    I like the video format! Do you think you’ll do Planet Waves FM this way too, or is it too long? I like seeing your smiling face and concur with many of the previous comments. 🙂 Very informative reading, looking forward to the radio show as always. Thanks and peace!

  9. Jere

    Good call to rekindle the A.S.R., I do miss Paola and Dierdre though.

    The format is stellar, although I recommend utilising/investing in a (decent sized) mirrored/electronic screen beside the camera in order to view yourself and the lighted reflections you convey. That way you’ll know exactly what’s on the screen, and be able to compensate appropriately.

    I wish you good times, and the best of luck! (It’s the best I got as a Sag.)


  10. ScorpioX3

    Great to finally see the friendly face and wonderful smile behind your informative astrology. You looked as comfortable in front of the camera as your voice projects thru your weekly radio readings. Someone up thread mentioned the matching headband and pen. LOL! It’s the very first thing I noticed – good power energy. I have the cluster of Pisces and Aries straddling my ascendant so your points about the Venus/Eris and Mars/Uranus conjunctions helped me better understand how their energy has and will continue to inspire me. Thanks so much, Eric. (Listening again to the 2015 Pisces reading…wow. Just wow.)

  11. Rachel

    What a blast, Eric! I didn’t see the earlier video but this lit up my evening. It was not only aesthetically pleasing but so very helpful. I do have a lot coming at me — and from me — this week. Am about to pack and do an interstate move. Concurrent with what you said about the Uranus Mars conjunction, I just today discovered through a neighbor’s past experience with a friend who lived here long ago, that the floor in about a quarter of the house needs to be heightened before I put down roots in it and hurricane season begins! The money part scares me but at least I have an ally or two, and this is the time to rally them. Thanks for your guidance, your humor, your big Italian smile, the depth of your experience and the way you share it with us. You lead by example, teach by example, so we can reach out to you but also trust our own intuition. I cannot thank you enough!! xxx ooo Ra

  12. Jane Macdonald

    Great work, Eric!! Loving Planet Waves TV. I have two Pisces friends having birthdays this week and they are both writers working in creative industries. I sent one a Facebook message as part of a birthday greeting using a photo of Cyndi Lauper. The message with the photo said “Unleash your creative spirit this week – be unusual”. Sounds appropriate for the current energy. My eldest son was in a car accident at the beginning of the week and, very fortunately, walked away unscathed. This astrological energy is palpable. Cheers, Jane

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