This week on Planet Waves FM: The Shape of the Shadows

Redacted version of the Special Counsel’s report, p. 20-21.

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Dear Friend and Listener:

Arthur Joseph Kushner, one of my teachers of yore, once said, “The shape of the shadows reveals the shape of what’s hidden.” That’s the theme of tonight’s Planet Waves FM.

First, promised resources: The Readings Channel, the Yogi Slut website, and our membership drive letter.

As for the program — I start with the current astrology, including a discussion of Mars and Asbolus square Neptune (which was exact Saturday), and Juno in Cancer getting mixed up in the Chiron-Salacia pattern in Aries. Some very exciting stuff in there.

I look at the USA Sibly chart, which is rather active right now, as you might expect with the United States in such a weird state. Then there’s a poetry break, followed by my reading from the Mueller report for some relaxing bedtime reading; followed up by an extended Tantra Studio.

This week’s music is all by Vision Quest. Thanks to Daniel Grimsland for keeping the music flowing. Don’t miss our 24-hour audio stream of ambient rock, rehearsals, recording sessions and concerts.

Planet Waves FM is part of the Pacifica Radio Network. We’re a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation and supported by your donations and sustaining memberships. Thank you for contributing and for all your positive vibes.

With love,
PS — Don’t miss my new letter, We’re a Little Old-Fashioned.

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