Category Archives: Weekly Horoscope

Weekly Horoscope

Weekly horoscope for July 11, 2019

Weekly horoscope for July 11, 2019 (#1253) | By Amy Elliott

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Certain conflicts are now decidedly behind you, and you may well feel freer and more like yourself than you have in a long while. Enjoy the sense of relief and release. During the next few weeks, it might still be worth going over the past and considering what your experiences have taught you. It’s important that you understand how your new situation is a development from the previous one, and that you are still the same person, grown wiser. What you have learned from recent events is a key component of this knowledge.

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Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Since your thoughts originate with you, try not to be afraid of them. If you feel like they’re leading into some deep, dark areas, do what you can to provide illumination. Write down what you experience and, if possible, tell someone you trust. The chances are that in the background of all this are some old devils attempting to take new shapes, and that once identified they’ll be far less fearful. You’ve almost certainly defeated them before, and are more than capable of doing it again; you’ve already proved both your strength and your tenacity.

You’re invited to have a look at our new Special Readings page.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Be aware that you are almost certainly underestimating your capabilities, especially when it comes to achieving what you most wish for. Definitely avoid any temptation to assume the worst or to move the goalposts. Mercury is retrograde in any case, so the stage isn’t exactly set for major determinations of that nature. Instead, stick to the plans you already have in place, and keep any appointments or promises you’ve made. Doing what you know to be right should be one useful tool to help you restore your confidence.

You’re invited to have a look at our new Special Readings page.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — You seem to be developing a strong understanding of who you are at essence, and what you’re capable of accomplishing. You are navigating that sometimes-tricky boundary between yourself and the rest of the world. Mastering this can be a source of immense power and energy, and you are glimpsing this now; it’s important that you make no assumptions, especially regarding limitations. Many people are experiencing a crisis of self-esteem and feelings of disenfranchisement; you do not have to be among them.

You’re invited to have a look at our new Special Readings page.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You likely have a sense of something preparing to come to a head: a phase of your life that you’re ready to let go of amid new challenges and interests. What is emerging probably still has some developing to do before you can see a clearly defined shape; this could feel unsettling, though there might also be an inspiring quality to the process, on which you can draw. Hold space for the tension and the uncertainty. You may benefit for now from focusing on what’s immediately in front of you; that should help keep your mind busy.

You’re invited to have a look at our new Special Readings page.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — It may be necessary for you to cultivate greater trust in your instincts, which in turn requires trust in yourself. While you may be feeling rather unsure just now, a part of your mind at least seems tuned in to exactly the frequency needed to receive valuable insights. This could be of considerable benefit to specific people in your milieu as well as yourself. Be open to what comes through, as far as possible, and try to address anything related to your self-confidence that’s bothering you, as this will help clear up the signal.

You’re invited to have a look at our new Special Readings page.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — It would seem you’re gradually forging a vision of the next phase of your life, which is assembling one piece at a time. The gentle pace is necessary to allow you to take every facet into consideration. Once the final image is complete, you’ll know. During this process, you may benefit from keeping day-to-day events and routine tasks at surface level, dealing with them quickly and then leaving them behind. Anything that requires your special attention will be evident. Otherwise, give your mind room to work its miracles.

You’re invited to have a look at our new Special Readings page.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — First and foremost, remember you are worthy. Dare to aspire after what is good and beautiful, even if it seems too far to reach. Your desired goal may well be closer than you think. One idea that may help you at this time is getting to know the layout of the path between you and your destination; mapping out methodically all the windings, bumps and other changes you’re aware of. This might help make the work seem significantly more manageable. One step at a time may not be a sprint, but it’s still moving forward.

You’re invited to have a look at our new Special Readings page.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — When it comes to fulfilling an agreement or working on a group project, be sure you’re holding up your end of the bargain before questioning anyone else’s commitment. It may be wise for now to assume everyone has the best intentions. Ruts and delays can happen without anyone orchestrating them. Develop a sense of mutual trust, and review your own actions to be clear you’ve not missed anything. Now is a time for fact-checking and being actively clear in communications, so that nothing is left to the mercies of chance.

You’re invited to have a look at our new Special Readings page.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Like many others, you might be afraid that allowing your desires to be valid could mean a loss of self-control, or straying too far from the narrow path. Don’t be fooled by things like shame and embarrassment. Sexual desire in particular can be confused with actual unethical behavior, to the extent that people tend to shut themselves down before they’ve even got started. You have some perfectly healthy and reasonable needs to explore. Why not suspend self-judgment and try out one or two thought experiments, or even play a little?

You’re invited to have a look at our new Special Readings page.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — This could very well be a good week for “serious play,” not only in the sense of creative thought, but also as a way of connecting consciously with experiences that delight you. You may be inclined toward a more cynical or morose view than usual at present, and could probably use a pick-me-up or three in order to dispel that line of thought. Do some of your favorite things, and some altogether new; vary the day-to-day routine, especially if it seems dull. Everyone needs a holiday now and then. You’ve certainly earned one.

You’re invited to have a look at our new Special Readings page.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — There are those rare and special moments when we understand something of the answers to the more profound questions. We see the underlying patterns, like individual threads creating a beautiful tapestry. Recent events have started making sense to you, where in the past the significance has seemed foggy or vague. The picture is falling into place in all its vibrancy and wonder, and you now have a clear enough lens to take in the view. Let this revelation empower you to live fully in the light and express your most fundamental truth.

You’re invited to have a look at our new Special Readings page. 

Planet Waves

Planet Waves Horoscope — Solstice Edition

Planet Waves Horoscope — Solstice Edition (#1251) | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Aries (March 20-April 19) — In the end, as in the beginning, all you have is yourself. This may seem like a lonely proposition, though in truth it’s the only path to true companionship. Unless you see and recognize who you are, there is not room for others in your life, nor is there a suitable role for them to serve. You do not need self-esteem. You need to respect yourself, which means to respect the fact that you exist. That means to bear ongoing witness to the truth of your being. When you attempt to derive your value from someone else, you give away the only power you have. The temptation, indeed, the relentless pressure, to do this is not an accident; it is a setup for a society of weak and depleted people who do not recognize their own existence. In human terms, love is the recognition of freedom and individuality of one person offered to another, though you must have it to give it to anyone else.

You’re invited to have a look at our new Special Readings page.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Uranus in your sign is merely a reminder you are a distinct person unlike any other. Taurus has a way of being obsessed with conventionality. This is a defense mechanism. It’s an odd way of “protecting” yourself from the truth of your own distinction, and of blending in with the scenery. After all, if you reveal yourself as different, that attracts attention, potentially negative. Yet if you want to be at peace, it’s necessary that you give yourself permission to be who you are. There is a seeming risk involved, which is that you won’t be acceptable to others. Yet that’s always true — nobody is everyone’s cup of tea. The alternative is actual loneliness: your true being trapped within an image, façade or costume, unavailable to share yourself with the world. As you crack through the layers, you will emerge as yourself, and certain people will recognize you. Some already do.

You’re invited to have a look at our new Special Readings page.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — There is no room for deception in your life, particularly emotional. Such is often sly, as if you convince yourself of something that you don’t even want to be true. Often this is about portraying an image, which is a social norm in a world where everyone is trying to be their own publicist rather than be themselves. What you present to others needs to reflect your true priorities, no matter how others may feel about it. And if your priorities do not match those of the people around you, then you need to either go it alone, or find a different scene. If you find yourself in some kind of internal argument about who you are, take a step back and consider what that is about. It’s not healthy; it’s a sign of anger, which could easily be driving you along, with you in the passenger seat. If true, that’s something to heal, not to live for, or even with.

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Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Mars has been in your sign for weeks, opposing the historic aspect pattern of our era: the Saturn-Pluto conjunction. If you are holding your own, and directing the course of your life, that bodes well for the future. If you are feeling out of control, or if you are involved in conflicts that are not moving toward resolution, then you simply must get a grip on yourself. Mars is now in a position where it will make a square — the most dynamic aspect — to Eris in Aries, your house of profession and reputation. Chiron is also there, calling the focus to this vitally important area of your life and your self-expression. The actions you take over the next few days will have a powerful effect on the flow of events. Sitting still is probably not an option; yet you must act with care, wisdom and courage. Enlist one or two of the deep thinkers you know — people who are not driven by fear.

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Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You must stand up for what is right and what is true. Look about and see all the pretense, the sloganeering, the virtue signaling, the acting as if one cares. I am talking about the opposite of that: courageously advocating for someone who is depending on support and who may be having difficulty finding it. That person may be you. Standing up for oneself is not the typical thing to do; most people are more inclined to suffer injustice and indignity than they are to say something about it. Yet you must be cautious about proceeding indignantly, or subversively. Rather, be impeccable, above boards, sincere and clear. Be moderate and present your ideas or concerns in a respectful way. There is no room for games, nor for tolerating them. Conducting yourself in this way surely involves a risk, though it’s considerably less of one than refusing to speak when that is what is called for.

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Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You must recognize when you’re looking into a fog or a hazy reflection, and instead, look honestly at the world around you. There is plenty going on — in the way of conflict, power struggle, and disregard for what is urgently necessary. It seems easier to stare into the haze in search of clarity, though in truth, it’s nothing but frustrating. And while it’s obvious that the world needs to change, the only place you can have any real influence over that project is with yourself. You are still in the middle of breaking through many layers of conditioning that conned you out of your rightful place as a creator, and creator of your own reality. You have the ability, the energy and the opportunity, though if you want results, you must focus on this one project, as an extension of everything that you do. You cannot be fully committed part of the time; commitment is a full-time occupation.

You’re invited to have a look at our new Special Readings page.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — The Sun crosses the midheaven of your solar chart on Friday, which is going to turn up the light, the sound and the juice. You will be more visible and seen as one whose purpose is to offer guidance and leadership. That means manifesting as the very incarnation of Libra, which means as the perfect diplomat. The world is not in a reasonable state right now, and many have the idea that civil discourse is nonexistent. Where it does not exist, you are the one to bring it. You set the tone. You set the agenda. Most of all, you set the example. While there is no guarantee of success, the more you bring yourself to whatever needs to be done, the better chance you will accomplish that very thing, or something better. Nobody is happy about the state of the world — that is, here on the humble level of the ordinary non-multi-billionaires. And we are the only ones who will make it better.

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Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — With Mars about to square Eris — the planetary sigil of our era of history — some tremendous power is about to be unleashed. You would be wise, however, to think of this energy field in terms of the vision, the values, and the sense of purpose that you can express. To say ‘express’ means you are going to keep some spin control, and to do that, you will need to be something of a minimalist. We live in the age of the terrorist, the dominant, the overlord. We live in the age of people doing things because they can. Your best option is to do something because it’s the right thing to do. There is someone close to you who is offering you an example of how to conduct yourself. The essence is that your actions need to transcend you. Your personal emotions, your anger, your animus, your sense of lack, all need to be far away from this situation. They have no place there.

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Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Jupiter is in your sign, which is one of the greatest things that can happen to Sagittarius. However, you are living with the complexity of a square to Neptune, which happens only rarely, and even less frequently with your sign directly involved. So this is an odd condition, obscuring the benefits of Jupiter and making it difficult to see the way forward. Yet Neptune in Pisces represents your own emotional confusion. That, in turn, relates to some idealized notion you have, which may be linked to a domestic situation, your family, or your sense of your grounding. The short version of the message is that you need to be more practical about your affairs, and be honest with yourself about the meaning of your personal transactions. Not the perceived meaning or value, not what you wish was true, but the actual truth — and you know what it is. Dare to do the right thing for yourself.

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Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Mars has been the agent provocateur of your life the past few weeks, as it’s made its way across the relationship angle of your chart. Yet you have a part in every transaction. I’m not saying that if a meteorite hits you on the head, it’s your fault because you were there (as they might say in some cultures). What I am saying is your state of mind has an influence on your environment, and represents more than half of what happens in your relationships. You’re in one of those states where anger and aggression come back to you like rapid-fire boomerangs. The astrology you’re going through calls for you to be fully informed about your life (including the planetary patterns), but more than anything, you need to groom your energy and make conscious choices about how you express yourself, and to whom. This is not a time to come on strong. It’s time to lead with sincere understanding, which requires listening, patience and thought.

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Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Your space is the place where you must be free to be yourself. There can be no compromises here; no dealing with people who in any way mistreat you within your own four walls (and if you own a business, that’s included). You’re not here to make sacrifices for anyone; rather, you either give freely of yourself, or not at all. If you find that you’re in conflict, it’s essential that you find a way to work that out honestly, if not peacefully. However, it would be wise of you to go for both, and first, that means being honest with yourself. Where a particular matter involving a sexual or romantic relationship is concerned, you are running the risk of going over the edge with some form of self-deception. And you will never get a handle on conflict with others until you truly understand the nature of the inner conflict that you are carrying around at this time.

You’re invited to have a look at our new Special Readings page.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — To have what you want, you must be willing not to have it. Then, you will have the freedom to see all sides of the situation, consider other options, and recognize the will of others for what it is. At first this may feel like one of those paradoxes, such as where an airplane is in a stall, and the pilot must point it toward the ground in order to pick up enough airspeed to come out of an even more dangerous condition. Embrace the risk involved, whatever it may be. We are living under conditions when the only thing that can cut through the noise is sincerity. Not everyone is interested. Not everyone is listening. Others are more interested in drama and conflict. Yet if peace is your goal, you may feel like you’re taking a chance by saying or doing something that has the power to offend them. That’s OK. You are making space for the truth. There is such a thing.

You’re invited to have a look at our new Special Readings page. 

Thursday Night Weekly Horoscope for June 13, 2019

Thursday Night Weekly Horoscope for June 13, 2019 (#1250) | By Victoria Emory

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Any frustration, anxiety or irritation you may feel about an external roadblock is feeding off ancient roots that descend into the past. The more conscious you are of old patterns related to childhood insecurities and resentments, the more effectively you’ll be able to implement strategies for moving forward. As pressures mount leading up to Monday’s Full Moon, make every effort to tune into the strong signals broadcasting from your deepest, less-than-fully-conscious emotional stations. Let off steam privately, if necessary, with awareness and compassion for yourself. Genuine power draws upon sources that extend beyond ego identification. Force, on the other hand, pushes against, and sets up a depleting counter-force. Keep your eye on the long game.

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Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Inner dialogue is like software; it’s a program that can be changed, regardless of what messages repeatedly scroll across your screen. The personal revolution heralded by Uranus in your sign requires some restructuring of your belief system and worldview. To become truly aware of core beliefs takes practice; start by listening to what could be some pretty annoyed inner voices right now, railing against restrictions on your freedom to pursue certain goals. It will be tempting to discharge tension by projecting your irritation outwardly, but whatever that voice is telling you, its purpose is to move you past limiting beliefs. The more creatively you approach this dynamic, the more you’ll enhance self-esteem and personal security.

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Gemini (May 20-June 21) — What do you need to feel safe; to feel good about yourself; to feel free? Your evolution requires real emotional honesty in answering these questions. You’ve reached a point where your self-worth and sense of security must arise more from your own innate talents and resources, less in terms of relationships, intimate or familial. Greater personal empowerment is the goal; creativity, conviction, and self-acceptance are your tools. This process will last for some time, though challenges this week could push your buttons mightily. Exercise diplomacy with others, and don’t be spooked by what may seem an insurmountable wall — you can go around it. Summon courage and patience; the reward is to become more who you really are.

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Cancer (June 21-July 22) — You’re channeling enough force to initiate a personal renaissance, and to impress the world with your gifts more than you have in a long time. How you’re positioned in relation to others is the question. If partners feel like a drag on your speed, if your patience with perceived limitations has evaporated: pause. Your relational environment — personal or professional — is evolving; you’re reclaiming some power. The more you examine old insecurities or childhood imprinting, the more effectively you’ll navigate those sensitive waters. You’ll do yourself a favor by exploring some new terrain, literally or figuratively. Break up established routines as much as possible now. Educational, philosophical or spiritual endeavors will introduce essential fresh air you might not know you’ve needed.

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Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — There are times to forge ahead and damn the torpedoes, and times when that’s as helpful as banging your head against the wall. You’re a natural leader; you exert influence. Lately, however, your forces are less easily deployed, may backfire or could somehow undermine your intention. For what may feel like forever, just taking care of yourself amidst relentless demands on your time has been an act of power. You’re so used to rising to the occasion that you might not be fully conscious of just how over it you are. Vague anxieties or emotional turmoil are signals that a strategic retreat is in order. Focus on your wellbeing right now. Attend to both psychic and bodily needs, to re-set your mojo.

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Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Those goals you’ve been harboring for “the future”? Prioritize practical strategies and get that ball rolling, despite perceived limitations on your creative freedom. Heavy responsibilities may have weighed you down, but you’ve matured and honed your vision, and old baggage has sapped your focus long enough. Real opportunities to take concrete steps forward are available now. A ‘destiny window’ is opening soon, and your path of power involves actualizing some project that’s been long on the back burner. Continue refining the structure as you work, and let whatever frustrations you feel serve as grist for the mill. A confidence-boosting nudge from an insightful ally can help break the logjam; don’t hesitate to draw on that support.

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Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — From ancient shamanism to modern psychotherapy, the practice of retrieving parts of the psyche that have been somehow lost or frozen in time has been an essential high art. To engage the world meaningfully, we need all of ourselves in the game. You have a calling. Your creative gifts must be made manifest. Accumulated weight from the past has held you back, and tension between feeling stuck and fulfilling your ambition requires strategy and sensitivity to release. Whether some old family or domestic situation, you know where your power feels trapped. Creatively dialogue with your own inner voices, rather than project that frustration onto others. Clear out your space; write down your thoughts. Your liberation is fundamentally an inside job.

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Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Don’t confuse your thoughts with reality, or even with the extent of your conscious mind. Mental habits can grow stale. A rigidity tends to set in, keeping you locked into patterns and attitudes that limit your potential. To own your true power, you must expand your belief system beyond the old confines of your established worldview. You need a vision quest. Remember your natural fascination with mystery and let yourself explore new territory; invite wonder and follow where it leads. The more creative play you bring to this journey, the less opening your mind to new perspectives will threaten your sense of security, or provoke unnecessary conflict. If challenging long-held concepts triggers anger, ask yourself why.

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Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — What’s your bottom line? Negotiations related to values and resources, likely involving hard currency, could devolve into a battle of wills — with a dose of confusion or guilt-tripping — if you aren’t clear with yourself about your own emotional agendas around security. Guard against defensiveness, and reach for patience if partners seem intent on chewing your last nerve. Your basis for self-worth and security is evolving; you’ve outgrown old orders, and the process will take time. You’re in primordial instinct territory here. Fear is the challenge; wisdom and power are the rewards. Your tools are courage, patience and fine-tuned psychological radar. We’re not talking Game of Thrones; compassion and love may be found. Just know thyself.

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Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — There’s a karmic element in relationship dramas you may encounter, and few concepts are more misunderstood than ‘karma’. Think of it as the magnetic force generated by intense emotional patterns, more than reward or punishment. We often confront reflections of our own denied feelings in others. Ideally, we manage to learn about ourselves and grow, as a result. You’ve been enrolled in a masterclass in Transformation, Power and Responsibility. It’s been a long, challenging ride. If relations seem combative, look within for any frustration or anger or fear you might have been sitting on, before digging in your heels or firing back. Strive for objectivity, flexibility and compromise, if possible. The wise warrior picks their battles.

Your hot new Mars-focused spring video readings are ready for instant access: purchase individual signs or nab all 12 here.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Your chart has the quality of a long-distance endurance runner right now. You’ll need both stamina and mental fortitude. Pace yourself, nourish your body and carve out down-time. Your identification with work and accomplishments may feel driven by an element of anxiety, or you might encounter more frustration and annoyance than expected. You’re actually building necessary foundations for a mighty new phase in your life that — consistent with the ‘long-distance’ theme — is a good eighteen months down the road. Keep the lines open to your intuitive inner wisdom and breathe. If co-workers get in your face, don’t take it personally; it’s not about you. Creative exploration looks fulfilling, but guard against overconfidence or confusion. Negotiate like a pro.

Your hot new Mars-focused spring video readings are ready for instant access: purchase individual signs or nab all 12 here.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You’re loaded with enough fuel to ignite a blazing, creative fire right now. Feed those flames, for this is the hearth at the center of your greatest power this year. It’s been challenging to maintain focus on your true objectives; on some vision or project you’ve wanted to bring forth to the world. Lately that may seem so far back on the stove as to have grown cold. Do not lose heart; The Force is more with you than you realize. Be ‘in the world, but not of it’ for a while, and prioritize your own expressive talents. Fulfill obligations to your community without getting sucked into unnecessary dramas. Draw on the inspiration of your own private muse.

Your hot new Mars-focused spring video readings are ready for instant access: purchase individual signs or nab all 12 here.

Thursday Night Weekly Horoscope for June 6, 2019

Thursday Night Weekly Horoscope for June 6, 2019 (#1249) | By Amy Elliott

Aries (March 20-April 19) — It would seem you’re gearing up for some kind of confrontation — whether with another person, or with yourself, or possibly both. Specific truths are making themselves felt and challenging your understanding on a particular point. The uncertainty you experience may be disquieting, though it’s perhaps better to sit with the feeling a while and not try to force a solution before its time. You will discover whatever is left to be found soon enough; then you’ll be ready to deal with the situation head-on. Doing this will likely give you a renewed sense of purpose and vigor: the ground beneath your feet should feel a lot more solid.

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Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Self-love is the root from which all other love grows. By self-love, I mean genuine and just appreciation of your gifts, and treating yourself with respect, not just as a result of those gifts and the way you apply them, but as a daily practice. Without this, we tend to need approval from others to bolster our happiness, which creates a dependency that’s never quite satisfied. This is like Tantalus reaching for the fruit always out of his grasp. Vesta is about to enter your sign, which will help focus the question of where you place your energies; whether you need to divert more power, for example, to stoking your creative inner fire.

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Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Your birthday season is likely to receive a nice boost as Venus enters your sign Saturday night ET. If you’re so inclined, this is an excellent time to head out, socialize and meet new people. You deserve to feel good about yourself and do what you love. This is also true on a deeper level, as you continue making leaps and bounds on your journey of healing and growth. We all have moments of doubt, though in general you can deal with any that arise by simply understanding how much you’ve achieved, and recognizing what it took to get there. Celebrate yourself and have some well-earned fun.

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Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Amid some recent tensions and challenges, you may well be in the mood for chilling out and reconnecting with your inner life, especially if certain people around you are creating some turbulence or perhaps bringing up old issues. Get away from such conflicts where you can. Spend time in any particular space you consider a sanctuary or where you feel at home. It’s possible you feel under some pressure to take sides in an argument, though it would be worth refusing to bow to any attempt at boxing you in. Don’t commit to any ideas you are not fully prepared to endorse for their own sake.

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Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — There is often a delicate line between evincing enough skepticism that you’re able to examine any position critically, and sufficient trust that you don’t dismiss anything you might encounter without due consideration. Just now you appear to be facing a decision on how far you might give a hearing to a specific concept. You could begin by resolving to keep an open mind for as long as there is uncertainty, and be careful to identify any preconceptions that may be hindering that; next, remember that research is your friend. Gather all the data you can that will help you make an informed choice.

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Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You’re experiencing quite profound changes at present in terms of your aspirations, to the extent that you are in the process of removing some longstanding roadblocks and looking with new eyes at what is possible. Vesta entering your 9th house will open up your perception further, giving you perhaps a clearer idea than ever before of your capabilities. You’ll probably want to take it one step at a time, leaving plenty of space for reflection as well as action. That said, steady perseverance is also likely to be useful. Notice where your attitude has shifted decidedly from the past, which is a good measure of your progress.

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Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You seem aware that a change is afoot; tension is crackling in the air, and you may have a sense of uncertainty. Yet there’s no need for any angst; the alteration is more than likely to show itself as a shift in your perspective, opening you up to new and interesting ideas. This is only frightening if you allow it to be, in the same way that learning anything from medieval history to paragliding can feel intimidating until you gradually gain confidence, and can look back on your early endeavors with pride in how far you’ve come. Think of this development as organic progress, and let it happen in its own time.

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Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — When you enter into an agreement of any kind with someone, do you know where your red lines are? This week you may be called on to consider that deeply. No commitment can be made without a sacrifice or compromise of some sort. Is the concession you’re being asked for reasonable and worth offering, or would it encroach on your autonomy, freedom or ability to be true to yourself? You might also review your own requests in the same light. Gaining the upper hand needs to be the least of your concerns here; what you’re aiming for is a cooperative scenario in which everyone receives something they need. Otherwise, why bother?

Your hot new Mars-focused spring video readings are ready for instant access:purchase individual signs or nab all 12 here


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Your attention is being drawn to the way you respond to others when they act in less-than-perfect ways, whether loved ones or people you hear about. How often do you rush to judgment? Given the cultural pressure to do so, we all need to examine ourselves carefully on this subject. The first thing to remember is that none of us is a model of etiquette all the time. Secondly, you may not know all facets of the story. It’s a good idea to gather all necessary information before making any decisions, and to keep your critical thinking faculties sharply honed.

Your hot new Mars-focused spring video readings are ready for instant access:purchase individual signs or nab all 12 here


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — As you almost certainly know by now, much of the big astrology of our era is focused on your sign, with the developing conjunction of Saturn and Pluto. At times, this may feel as if you’re carrying the weight of the world, or at least a significant proportion of it. You are not alone; many people are justly concerned by what is happening around them. Yet this too shall pass: astrological eras come and go, just as generations do, and human evolution proceeds along with them. All we can do, all we can ever do, is live our best lives, whatever that means for each of us. Be patient and kind to yourself.

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Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Showing one’s ideas to others is an important step in the creative process. Until that moment, whatever you’ve made is exposed only to your own worldview; as the audience widens, even if only by one person, there’s a risk that some criticism (hopefully constructive) will follow. Yet this is something that has to be encountered on the way to completion. Cultivate your patience and remember that others do not always articulate their points well, or know what they’re talking about. However, you may well receive at least one interesting idea you can apply. Be courageous.

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Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Notice any reluctance you might feel to let go of the threads of what is past, and to focus on the future. While things may not have turned out precisely as you planned, you currently have a pretty rare opportunity: to place your hand firmly on the shape at the potter’s wheel, and design it virtually exactly as you wish to do. At this point you are calling the shots in your life in a way you’ve not been able to do for a good while. Therefore, take the space to craft the life you envision in all its complexity and detail. It may involve one or two slips, though you’ll be learning all the time.

Your hot new Mars-focused spring video readings are ready for instant access:purchase individual signs or nab all 12 here

Thursday Night Weekly Horoscope for May 23, 2019

Thursday Night Weekly Horoscope for May 23, 2019 (#1247) | By Victoria Emory

Aries (March 20-April 19) — You’re on the hero’s journey, a path of initiation: a hands-on, guided tour through all that keeps you from embodying your most authentic self and greatest potential. Every step along the way involves a lesson learned through summoning the courage to honestly encounter and conquer fears and self-doubt. Although your mind and calendar will be quite busy for a while, make the deliberate choice to focus conscious awareness on the intense emotional activity bubbling up from within. Examine the relationship between defense and anger, between desire and what lies buried in the past. Ultimately, the hero emerges with the power to bring wisdom and healing to others. Remember that wholeness is not perfection. It’s infinitely more compelling.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You may have considerable demands on your time, and can certainly get a lot done in coming days, but let yourself regroup and bask in some simple pleasures as much as possible now. Personal resources and security are likely on your mind, though if you’re experiencing disproportionate anxiety, feel into what old imprints related to self-worth may be ready for healing. Take advantage of opportunities opening up for fulfilling get-togethers with friends and colleagues; you’ll replenish your spirit and could further some long-term goals. Allow for some tactical confusion later this week, but the warmth radiating from Venus in your sign can attract positive encounters and strengthen existing alliances. Express your ideas with sensitivity but conviction.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Plug in to the life-giving force of our star, now directly focused upon you, to recharge your batteries. This is your time to take stock of what you want, what you need and what you truly value. Think in terms of where you want to go and who you want to go with, but home in on the essence of those desires, rather than trying to nail down specifics right now. Consider ideals, and direct your thoughts along developmental lines — how do you want to grow; what do you seek to learn? Just a tap on your mental steering wheel can shift any recent discouragement around resources and hopes for the future into the lane of possibility.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — You’re channeling the necessary power and courage to initiate projects or changes that serve your interests; though if launching an important venture, work on fine-tuning strategies for the next ten days or so, until the New Moon. In fact, ‘fine-tuning strategies’ is a primary theme in coming days. Negotiating matters close to home related to fairness, commitment and partnerships this week calls for emotional intelligence and diplomacy. As outwardly focused as you may be, it’s your intuitive wisdom that will guide you best in navigating those waters, so slow down enough to tap in. Observe yourself in both defense and offense modes, and strive for objectivity. Listen for prompts from your inner guidance as you regenerate your outer reality.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — “When fishermen can’t go to sea, they repair their nets,” is a good bit of runic lore to stick on your fridge right now. If you’re feeling frustrated, uneasy or vaguely insecure, tune in to any repressed anger or desires that may lie underneath. A trusted ally should be available over the weekend for some affirming communion or wise counsel, if you need it. Opportunities to strengthen professional relationships, perhaps tied to specific projects, open up next week, but allow for fluidity as you negotiate creative concepts and contractual issues. ‘Go with the flow’ may not be your favorite mantra, but trust the process and loosen the reins a little; whatever you’re working on requires time to come together.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Creative tension building between how you want to show up in the world, where you live, and important relationships — either personal or professional — may feel overwhelming, but not because you don’t know what you want. If at a loss as to how to resolve what seems like a dilemma, use your ideas: your creative work will ground you and strengthen belief in yourself, which is actually greater than you may realize. Visualize, write, tap the wires between your higher mind and expressive voice. You’re working through fundamental issues on what may feel like shaky ground, but give it time. Soulful, heartfelt exchanges as the month winds down can help replenish essential spiritual nutrients you’ve been missing.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Confidence can be hard won, but essential to that victory is identifying with your ambitions and putting yourself out there. If you’ve felt diminished by insecurities, relationship wounds or old baggage you’ve been sitting on related to your roots and family imprinting, recognize these as necessary tests along your path of power. Your inner warrior is preparing to take a stand, and bring to bear all the mental clarity and skill required to support you from within; independent of others’ approval or belief. Focus on your relationship to the community, what you wish to bring to the world. A deep well of psychic insight is available to you now to illuminate clearly whatever has held you back.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — The world is bigger than you think it is. More mysterious, vast and unlimited in what may be learned, on this extraordinary journey that is your life. This is also true of your inner world, and your psychic depths are particularly activated now. You don’t need much time or money to explore subjects that attract your spirit, but if your personal liberty feels shackled by drudgery or work-related uncertainties, look within for any issues around self-worth fueling that. Empowerment lies in freeing your mind. Deliberately breaking up habitual routines will help clear the path. Opening those channels is more important now than you know — mental burdens have weighed you down, and you were born to soar.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Consider the pearl: a precious jewel to the ancients, symbolizing wisdom of immeasurable value. It’s a gem grown through friction, irritation from a single grain of sand. Generative friction between your quest for freedom and concerns close to home, between confidence and material security, have been recurring themes along your path of knowledge this year. Relationships, personal or professional, will factor into this complex yet profoundly creative dynamic in days ahead. Allow others the liberty you prize so highly, and dance with whatever may feel confusing or frustrating as the situation develops. Your inner mystic will help pierce the fog and distinguish essential truths. Trust yourself and stay open. You’re seeking the pearl of great price.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Where there’s anger, there’s desire. And desire is the creative power of the universe, therefore sacred. If your relational environment has been contentious, look within for any frustration at thwarted desires you may be projecting outwardly. Recent conflicts might have triggered old wounds you’ve carried from the past; if so, let that awareness alone become a steppingstone to liberation. Your own creative powers are especially strong now, and growing. Take advantage of the string of green lights ahead for juicy, playful engagement to line up with circumstances that enhance self-worth and security. Allow for whimsy: switch your control dials to spontaneity for a while. Self-expression and a bit of joyful abandon are precisely what you need.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — “Art is the key to sanity,” said the late Louise Bourgeois; whether or not you consider yourself an artist, per se, play around with this idea. Play is the operative word: giving expressive voice to your inner experience, in the childlike spirit of imaginative freedom. Revolutionary changes on the deepest levels of your psyche may not register on your conscious radar, but creative exploration can prove self-revelatory now, and help relieve psychic pressures you’ve felt without knowing why. Projects you’ve envisioned involving your community need your inventive genius, but remain flexible as all the working parts will take time to come together. Think big, but don’t let idealism blind you to reality. Balance trust with discernment.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You have big ambitions; you know what you need to bring out into the world to fulfill your soul; your expressive fires are stoked. A period of strategic withdrawal is necessary, however, in order to reconnect with yourself on the deepest level and prepare the ground. Give yourself permission to turn inward; attend to your actual living space and what you’ve stashed in your psychic basement. Unprocessed emotional history and physical clutter go hand in hand. Clear out as much as you can right now, to strengthen your base: the platform from which you’ll spring. The more you commit to this essential work, the more empowered you’ll be to navigate the next stages of manifesting your goal.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for May 16, 2019

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for May 16, 2019 (#1246) | By Amy Elliott

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Your ruler Mars is now in the realm of your family and ancestral roots, from where it will form a series of potent aspects to a variety of major and minor planets. As it begins that journey, keep in mind who you’ve become more recently: the personal growth and significant achievements you have gained — and who you are developing into. Certain recollections or people may tend to make you feel as if you’re back in the past, emotionally speaking; remember you’re an autonomous adult, and that you have the power to face them down and remain firmly in the present.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Keep the rational part of your mind in the driver’s seat over the next few days, particularly in any situation where you don’t have all the information you need to solve a question or a puzzle. Emotions may run high, and could interrupt your thought processes without necessarily showing up openly. Be especially wary of fear and of rage, and if you find yourself feeling them, that’s a sign you probably need to slow down and investigate what you’re experiencing, before moving on. There is no rush, and denial will only cause further delays down the line. Be honest and forgiving with yourself, and take what time you need.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Take a pause before deciding your next steps. Some fruits of recent labors are about to make an appearance, and you’ll want to ensure you’ve gathered in the whole harvest before deciding how to distribute it. Some meditation (in the general sense) may be useful in terms of checking in with your more profound feelings, and steering in the direction you’re being called toward. Although you might be tempted to dismiss or avoid such guidance, it’s likely to offer some valuable insights in a way that normal waking consciousness usually cannot. Ideas and viewpoints abound; for a while, try being open to all.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Mars in your sign is likely to afford you access to a wellspring of energy and dynamism, which would seem to be pretty much at your disposal. Embrace it with a sense of adventure. This may mean entering the spotlight somewhat, and being at the front and center of events in a way you might not generally be used to. Yet there’s a side of you that’s all about pioneering and leadership, and it’s these qualities that will support you in the forthcoming weeks perhaps more than any other. Let go of any superstitions, habits or fears that tend to keep you stuck in the same old routine, and spread your wings.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Cultivate your faith in the concept that much in this world is still benevolent and good. This will be especially useful if you can’t currently see how a particular situation is going to pan out; even more so if you are feeling inclined to suspicion or distrust. There may be good reasons for a dose of healthy skepticism relating to some elements of the process; however, you should be in a position to take any necessary precautions without despairing of the whole thing. When in doubt, make contact with your internal compass, and keep an eye out for signs from the cosmos.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Changes in the dynamic of certain friendships or social groupings may well be worth paying close attention to over the forthcoming week. Be cautious of where unseen motives could come into play on specific issues; notice if someone is framing a request or subject of discussion in a particular way, and if that gives you the impression of your choices being limited. You may have more freedom in this scenario than currently appears. Think for yourself, and consider a broader variety of viewpoints, including any instincts you have. Do not allow others simply to persuade you into acquiescence.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — With Mars now in your zone of career and ambition, you may feel energized and inspired to press on with a certain project. Just be careful not to rush ahead too fast; there’s no need to be obsessive about checking every minute unimportant detail every ten seconds, but at each stage make sure you are clear to proceed before doing so. There may be one or two unexpected hitches, though in any case being organized and prepared will serve you well, and allow you to move at a steady enough pace without essential points of accuracy being jeopardized. This is too important not to get right.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — The power of reflection and (re)consideration in the human mind is a really remarkable quality. While it is becoming increasingly clear that our species is not so markedly distinct from others as previously thought, it’s still an impressive trait. When choosing how to act on received information, it allows us the freedom to adjust our responses consciously rather than reacting autonomically to an instinct or impulse. That power also conveys responsibility: there is an ethical duty of sorts to use what we have and cultivate it. Make sure your higher mind and values are holding the reins this week.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — If you are feeling things rather intensely of late, go easy on yourself, but also be honest about your emotions. Those two concepts really go hand in hand. Denying or minimizing one’s experiences and carrying on regardless is a common enough tactic; yet it may be best if you consider this method as a non-option for now. You need to slow your pace, and take some time exploring the various complex layers of your internal landscape. Among other things, addressing this matter will give you a far clearer sense of what you really owe to yourself, and an accurate location for your lines in the sand.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Some people enjoy immensely the thrill of a surprise adventure, for example, or a blind date. Others are more apprehensive. Yet every new experience involves some element of the unknown, and these can be immensely enriching to our lives. A loved one or close friend may have some ideas or plans that could open your eyes to an entirely new perspective. Taking this up may require you to muster some courage; however, your horizons should grow exponentially. This is probably ideal, especially if you’ve been feeling somewhat stuck in a rather humdrum existence, and in need of refreshment and stimulus. It won’t be lacking.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Keep a check on any tendency you might have to give in to anxiety about certain issues, however pressing they appear at present. The worrying could get out of hand relatively easily. Instead, try to investigate solutions and channel the nervous energy constructively. You can almost certainly achieve a great deal in a small passage of time, if you have the mind to. What you may now view as an irrefutable crisis should, before too long, be revealed as containing far more nuance than is now evident. At any rate, it’s unlikely to present a challenge you don’t already know how to surpass. Have faith in your skills.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Acknowledge the true scope of your creative or innovative abilities, along with the breadth of your accumulated wisdom, and do not seek to impose limits for which you have no tangible evidence, whether by yourself or at the behest of others. That includes not trying to fit inside a pigeonhole. Hold the space of liminality: this is a region rarely occupied at present, and thus an increasingly sacred charge, rather like tending to a stray cat whom no one around appears to feed. In turn, what you discover is likely to inspire and enrich your ideas in a way nothing else quite can. You could, so to speak, wind up with a new pet.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for May 9, 2019

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for May 9, 2019 (#1245) | By Victoria Emory

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Your need to restructure something related to your public role has brought with it a focus on material security. If this has triggered frustration or irritation, try not to stress it. The truth is you’re actually freeing yourself from outgrown limitations, in order to express yourself more authentically and expansively in the world. Revelations and revolutions in your personal values, and how to manifest them, may require going back over old ground, cleaning up old business. Continue gathering information, but make every effort to focus and shut out distractions this week. You’ve got an open stretch of road ahead, with opportunities to make considerable progress toward creating the stronger foundations you need. Carpe diem.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Most people don’t examine the beliefs that drive them, even if they theoretically understand the creative power of thought and belief. But individuation, an ongoing process, requires a conscious engagement with what we believe about ourselves and about the world. The Great Awakener Uranus in your sign will continue prodding you to release previous restrictions to your freedom and identity. Certain beliefs or goals, perhaps plans related to travel or education, may require revision, but The Force is very much with you this week to make powerful, necessary adjustments that will serve your end game. Pay attention to intuitive promptings related to resources and values, both personal and material. Listen with your whole body to your own higher guidance.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — After a month of firing on all cylinders, you may notice some easing of pressure and pacing this week. Increased activity in less than fully conscious areas of your chart invites you to tune in to the ‘short wave’ for information; your intuition may be especially heightened now. Clues to resolving emotional pressures of long standing may come through the language of dreams, so pay attention. As Mars wraps up its transit through your sign, continue to assert yourself in the outer world and fight for your needs, however: your highest integrity is called for as the week begins. Steer clear of potentially underhanded opponents. Use your energy to engage the stimulating, refreshing social opportunities available, instead.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — For one so acutely sensitive, you’ve exemplified strength under pressure for a long time running. Responsibility and the requisite maturity to rise to the occasion remain fundamental themes for the foreseeable future, but this week some well-earned assistance is available via supportive allies. You’ll need to reconfigure elements of your relational environment over the next few months. Make every effort to communicate with friends, colleagues and members of your community in the coming days — there are moments when the right connections make all the difference, and this may be one of them. In the words of that great community leader, Winnie the Pooh: “You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.”


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You’ve put in the hours and carried the weight, now it’s time to shine your light out into the world like never before. Regardless of your chosen field, own your power as a creative leader. This may require enlisting worthy helpers; take advantage of the excellent opportunities available to do exactly that, over the next ten days or so. Follow up on potential job opportunities. If you need to hone some skills to fulfill your ambitions, this week is perfect for nailing down practical avenues to get that started. Readjusting your strategies and/or daily routines ties directly in with career goals at the moment, so if you’ve put off what needs to be done, the time has come and it is now.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — At the heart of any quest lies a spark of inspiration, arising from that part of you that knows. You’re embarking on the quest of a lifetime, a journey to grow your soul. A Yes-To-Life homing signal is trying to lock onto your wavelength. You may have been too focused on worldly responsibilities recently to notice, but tune your dial. Make time this week to intentionally entertain the fertile interplay between the search for higher knowledge, inspiration and playful expression. Breaking up established routines in some way will help. If you’ve had creative projects on hold, this week is prime for revisiting them. Banish doubt with the power of make-believe. Your inner child will remind you how.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You’re more sensitive than most to your environment: the literal, physical space you occupy as well as the emotional undercurrents present. Overdue changes you’ve wanted to make in your living space, domestic situation, or with respect to lingering family issues may feel increasingly frustrating lately. Nothing is so liberating as a decision, and initiating transformations on the home front should be easier over the next several days. If concerns related to jointly held finances are a factor, just wading into that territory will help diminish psychic pressure. Clearing out old crap has to start somewhere, and it’s essential that you open up space, literal and emotional, in which to let your highest creative work take form. Your future demands it.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — When you assume you know the answer, it’s harder to discover the truth. This goes double when the question involves relationships, triple when your desires, fears and the personal history behind them are less than fully conscious. You’ve entered a period of accelerated learning; your teacher(s) will be partners, intimate or professional, and your relational environment in general. Significant openings for truly meaningful communications are available over the next ten days, possibly long past due. New connections may be found through literal establishments of learning, or local networks. Take an emotional inventory of your own agendas and strive for genuine self-acceptance, to clear the path. Then follow wherever it leads.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — The quest to expand your world and explore new terrain has brought with it the need for grounded, responsible planning, in terms of material resources. You’re building on the physical as well as philosophical planes, which is exactly as it should be, but pace yourself. Maintain healthy routines as demands on the job settle in for a month of sustained effort; the two go hand in hand. Doors between work and reward swing wide open over the next ten days, so take advantage of favorable winds to revisit projects or renegotiate contracts of some kind. Make those calls. Relationship tensions should dissipate soon, but filter out distractions and channel your considerable powers toward enhancing security and self-worth.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — “A person’s maturity consists in having found again the seriousness one had as a child, at play.” Keep this Nietzschean nugget of wisdom in mind; now and in the years ahead. Long-lasting transits demand maturity and have felt so heavy that serious, burdensome concerns may have dominated your outlook. Yet you’re at a point where your evolution requires a re-awakening of creative, playful expression. You need some fun. The more you can release rigid, linear mental habits, the greater your power to seize opportunities over the next ten days for creative problem solving. Remind yourself that masterworks go through stages of creation. You are the artist; your life is the canvas. Inspired breakthroughs are possible now.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Planets activating your emotional and historical foundations urge you to let yourself withdraw and turn inward for a while. Dive down; follow the taproot of your secret self and regroup. Make every effort to free up some mental bandwidth this week, and tune in to the loud and clear signals broadcasting from your deeper consciousness. Powerful insights, guidance and fuel for an important psychic re-boot are trying to get through. This will help you orient, as Uranus makes itself at home in Taurus. Your attention may be on your base of operations, family or physical living space, but remember that ‘where you live’ is infinitely more than an address. It’s who you are wherever you may be.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You’ve reached a stage where freedom of perception — expanding beyond old concepts and mental constructs — is necessary, to fulfill your highest potential. It’s time to start sharing your unique, personal expression; experiment, reach out! The world needs your voice. Timing is everything, and you’ve got a big, cosmic green light to connect with friends and colleagues, perhaps after falling out of touch. Communicating with members of your community will help nourish your mind and feed your confidence. Follow up on intuitive impulses to pursue avenues of learning. If writing is on your agenda, use the coming days to get thoughts on paper. You’re learning to see with new eyes. Remember that wonder is the beginning of wisdom.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for April 18, 2019

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for April 18, 2019 (#1243) | By Amy Elliott

This is Amy Elliott’s take on tomorrow’s powerful Full Moon in the last degrees of Aries and Libra. Eric also covered the Full Moon in his Monday Morning Horoscope, which you may review here.


Aries (March 20-April 19) — Tomorrow’s Full Moon in your opposite sign may signal a good time to take stock and notice any changes in your thoughts and emotions, especially within the two months since Chiron re-entered your sign. This may give some clue as to your trajectory and the challenges you might face going forward. Be receptive also to messages in your dreams and through those closest to you: it’s your prerogative to decide what to take on board, though at this moment it may be wise simply to hear all voices — at least those you can trust to have your back.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Your inner transformation, which has been taking place mostly behind the scenes, is now about to show some of its results in the conscious realm. That is, you’re likely to begin doing certain things differently to a noticeable extent. This may also represent a gain in maturity; an awareness, at least, of the scope and potential consequences of your choices, especially in the ethical sense. You may well have some big decisions to make, though in the main this is likely to be about the small moves you make every day. Get into good habits.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Efforts you’ve made in terms of getting your work seen by a wider audience, or of giving it a broader perspective, should now begin to bear fruit. Keep taking opportunities wherever they arise to expand your network of contacts, of all sorts. Be open to synchronicities as well. All this relates to making strides along your dharmic path, and furthering the cause most important to you at this time in your life. That means you need to both keep your focus and cultivate trust in the universe to deliver in matters outside your immediate reach.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — A Full Moon falling in the last degree of the respective signs involved is sure to generate at least a little tension. You may already have experienced some or most of the turbulence, though take it easy over the next couple days until the terrain has stabilized. Try to postpone major decisions where possible, and don’t assume you know anything for certain unless it’s obvious and incontrovertible (on the level of ‘rain is wet’). With everything else, you’ll want to leave room for doubt. Also, pay consistent attention to the wellbeing of your body and mind.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Use at least some part of the next few days to get outside, enjoy yourself and recharge. Certain aspirations you’ve had for a while are almost ripe for the work of harvesting. This could well involve a period of long and steady application, in which case you’ll want to be ready to jump to it when the moment arises. That moment is likely to consist of a profound realization regarding your work and your plans, as they are connected with your deepest sense of identity. You may trust yourself to see through what needs to be done.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — During this latest phase of your life, you probably asked yourself several challenging questions, and perhaps lived through an emotional struggle or two, to say the least. Now you may be awakening gradually to a specific revelation that cuts to the heart of who you are, and how your philosophy is intrinsically connected to your personal healing path, and to your dharma. This marks the next stage in a long-term growth process; engage in it consciously, and you may be able to catapult yourself through a lot of territory in a short time.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — With the Full Moon Friday morning in the last degree of your sign, certain questions will probably emerge about your unique sense of self and how far it is distinguished from that of significant others. You might have noticed the boundaries shifting in a particular direction. Now the time is coming when you must steer the ship with your fully conscious mind. First ask yourself whether the changes are for the better; and, as a significant part of that, whether it is making you happy. If you are unsure, you need to give yourself time to figure it out properly.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — One of the better developments of the modern era is the widening recognition that everyone should be treated with respect as human beings, regardless of any accidents of birth. However, there is also a growing tendency to see grounds of offence where perhaps nothing of that nature was intended, or through projection of earlier wounds onto others. This week, if you feel someone has been disrespectful or unkind, first establish the truth — you might ask what they meant, for example, and also consider if there is anything deeper going on for you.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Keep in mind the reason you are working on your current project and use that to carry you through the days when the routine sort of task prevails; you can create the fun you need, and have periods of downtime. You know well that what you’re doing is worthwhile to say the least, even during those moments when you need to correct a mistake or clean up a spillage. Be wary of the insidious kinds of doubt that can get inside your head and disrupt your flow; should they appear, deal with them firmly, in the name of truth as well as self-validation.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Brace yourself. A highly probable result of the current Full Moon is that you’ll become a good deal more visible, whether or not you were actually planning on that. This is very likely to be a good thing. It’s time more people see and understand who you are, and appreciate your unique gifts. That means giving yourself the space to exercise those gifts fully, hone them and gain further expertise. Bringing witnesses into the picture can aid that process exponentially, especially if you view praise and criticism alike as simply more tools in your kit.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Over the course of this week, you may find the strands of the past few months drawing together and suddenly fitting into a coherent pattern. This may be a good moment for a deep and thorough review of all that you have learned, what you’ve gained, what you’ve let go, and how all of this has informed your ongoing path. There may be profound healing especially in recognizing how your strengths have shown themselves. It’s also worth remembering that, regardless of any official status, each of us has intrinsic power that can never be removed from us.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — If you have something to say, grab the microphone; though before you do, make sure your reasoning is clear and easy to follow; and above all, that your facts are checked down to every letter. Even if hyperbole, exaggeration or lying by omission is tempting — and may even appear to secure results at first — only demonstrable, transparent truth will gain you what you seek. To borrow a phrase from Charlotte Bronte, show a clear front. Standing by one’s principles regardless of any response by others is a great act of courage that brings its own rewards.