Thursday Night Weekly Horoscope for June 13, 2019

Posted by Sara Victoria Emory


What do you need to feel safe; to feel good about yourself; to feel free? Your evolution requires real emotional honesty in answering these questions. You’ve reached a point where your self-worth and sense of security must arise more from your own innate talents and resources, less in terms of relationships, intimate or familial.

Thursday Night Weekly Horoscope for June 13, 2019 (#1250) | By Victoria Emory

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Any frustration, anxiety or irritation you may feel about an external roadblock is feeding off ancient roots that descend into the past. The more conscious you are of old patterns related to childhood insecurities and resentments, the more effectively you’ll be able to implement strategies for moving forward. As pressures mount leading up to Monday’s Full Moon, make every effort to tune into the strong signals broadcasting from your deepest, less-than-fully-conscious emotional stations. Let off steam privately, if necessary, with awareness and compassion for yourself. Genuine power draws upon sources that extend beyond ego identification. Force, on the other hand, pushes against, and sets up a depleting counter-force. Keep your eye on the long game.

Your hot new Mars-focused spring video readings are ready for instant access: purchase individual signs or nab all 12 here.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Inner dialogue is like software; it’s a program that can be changed, regardless of what messages repeatedly scroll across your screen. The personal revolution heralded by Uranus in your sign requires some restructuring of your belief system and worldview. To become truly aware of core beliefs takes practice; start by listening to what could be some pretty annoyed inner voices right now, railing against restrictions on your freedom to pursue certain goals. It will be tempting to discharge tension by projecting your irritation outwardly, but whatever that voice is telling you, its purpose is to move you past limiting beliefs. The more creatively you approach this dynamic, the more you’ll enhance self-esteem and personal security.

Your hot new Mars-focused spring video readings are ready for instant access: purchase individual signs or nab all 12 here.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — What do you need to feel safe; to feel good about yourself; to feel free? Your evolution requires real emotional honesty in answering these questions. You’ve reached a point where your self-worth and sense of security must arise more from your own innate talents and resources, less in terms of relationships, intimate or familial. Greater personal empowerment is the goal; creativity, conviction, and self-acceptance are your tools. This process will last for some time, though challenges this week could push your buttons mightily. Exercise diplomacy with others, and don’t be spooked by what may seem an insurmountable wall — you can go around it. Summon courage and patience; the reward is to become more who you really are.

Your hot new Mars-focused spring video readings are ready for instant access: purchase individual signs or nab all 12 here.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — You’re channeling enough force to initiate a personal renaissance, and to impress the world with your gifts more than you have in a long time. How you’re positioned in relation to others is the question. If partners feel like a drag on your speed, if your patience with perceived limitations has evaporated: pause. Your relational environment — personal or professional — is evolving; you’re reclaiming some power. The more you examine old insecurities or childhood imprinting, the more effectively you’ll navigate those sensitive waters. You’ll do yourself a favor by exploring some new terrain, literally or figuratively. Break up established routines as much as possible now. Educational, philosophical or spiritual endeavors will introduce essential fresh air you might not know you’ve needed.

Your hot new Mars-focused spring video readings are ready for instant access: purchase individual signs or nab all 12 here.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — There are times to forge ahead and damn the torpedoes, and times when that’s as helpful as banging your head against the wall. You’re a natural leader; you exert influence. Lately, however, your forces are less easily deployed, may backfire or could somehow undermine your intention. For what may feel like forever, just taking care of yourself amidst relentless demands on your time has been an act of power. You’re so used to rising to the occasion that you might not be fully conscious of just how over it you are. Vague anxieties or emotional turmoil are signals that a strategic retreat is in order. Focus on your wellbeing right now. Attend to both psychic and bodily needs, to re-set your mojo.

Your hot new Mars-focused spring video readings are ready for instant access: purchase individual signs or nab all 12 here.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Those goals you’ve been harboring for “the future”? Prioritize practical strategies and get that ball rolling, despite perceived limitations on your creative freedom. Heavy responsibilities may have weighed you down, but you’ve matured and honed your vision, and old baggage has sapped your focus long enough. Real opportunities to take concrete steps forward are available now. A ‘destiny window’ is opening soon, and your path of power involves actualizing some project that’s been long on the back burner. Continue refining the structure as you work, and let whatever frustrations you feel serve as grist for the mill. A confidence-boosting nudge from an insightful ally can help break the logjam; don’t hesitate to draw on that support.

Your hot new Mars-focused spring video readings are ready for instant access: purchase individual signs or nab all 12 here.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — From ancient shamanism to modern psychotherapy, the practice of retrieving parts of the psyche that have been somehow lost or frozen in time has been an essential high art. To engage the world meaningfully, we need all of ourselves in the game. You have a calling. Your creative gifts must be made manifest. Accumulated weight from the past has held you back, and tension between feeling stuck and fulfilling your ambition requires strategy and sensitivity to release. Whether some old family or domestic situation, you know where your power feels trapped. Creatively dialogue with your own inner voices, rather than project that frustration onto others. Clear out your space; write down your thoughts. Your liberation is fundamentally an inside job.

Your hot new Mars-focused spring video readings are ready for instant access: purchase individual signs or nab all 12 here.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Don’t confuse your thoughts with reality, or even with the extent of your conscious mind. Mental habits can grow stale. A rigidity tends to set in, keeping you locked into patterns and attitudes that limit your potential. To own your true power, you must expand your belief system beyond the old confines of your established worldview. You need a vision quest. Remember your natural fascination with mystery and let yourself explore new territory; invite wonder and follow where it leads. The more creative play you bring to this journey, the less opening your mind to new perspectives will threaten your sense of security, or provoke unnecessary conflict. If challenging long-held concepts triggers anger, ask yourself why.

Your hot new Mars-focused spring video readings are ready for instant access: purchase individual signs or nab all 12 here.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — What’s your bottom line? Negotiations related to values and resources, likely involving hard currency, could devolve into a battle of wills — with a dose of confusion or guilt-tripping — if you aren’t clear with yourself about your own emotional agendas around security. Guard against defensiveness, and reach for patience if partners seem intent on chewing your last nerve. Your basis for self-worth and security is evolving; you’ve outgrown old orders, and the process will take time. You’re in primordial instinct territory here. Fear is the challenge; wisdom and power are the rewards. Your tools are courage, patience and fine-tuned psychological radar. We’re not talking Game of Thrones; compassion and love may be found. Just know thyself.

Your hot new Mars-focused spring video readings are ready for instant access:purchase individual signs or nab all 12 here.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — There’s a karmic element in relationship dramas you may encounter, and few concepts are more misunderstood than ‘karma’. Think of it as the magnetic force generated by intense emotional patterns, more than reward or punishment. We often confront reflections of our own denied feelings in others. Ideally, we manage to learn about ourselves and grow, as a result. You’ve been enrolled in a masterclass in Transformation, Power and Responsibility. It’s been a long, challenging ride. If relations seem combative, look within for any frustration or anger or fear you might have been sitting on, before digging in your heels or firing back. Strive for objectivity, flexibility and compromise, if possible. The wise warrior picks their battles.

Your hot new Mars-focused spring video readings are ready for instant access: purchase individual signs or nab all 12 here.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Your chart has the quality of a long-distance endurance runner right now. You’ll need both stamina and mental fortitude. Pace yourself, nourish your body and carve out down-time. Your identification with work and accomplishments may feel driven by an element of anxiety, or you might encounter more frustration and annoyance than expected. You’re actually building necessary foundations for a mighty new phase in your life that — consistent with the ‘long-distance’ theme — is a good eighteen months down the road. Keep the lines open to your intuitive inner wisdom and breathe. If co-workers get in your face, don’t take it personally; it’s not about you. Creative exploration looks fulfilling, but guard against overconfidence or confusion. Negotiate like a pro.

Your hot new Mars-focused spring video readings are ready for instant access: purchase individual signs or nab all 12 here.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You’re loaded with enough fuel to ignite a blazing, creative fire right now. Feed those flames, for this is the hearth at the center of your greatest power this year. It’s been challenging to maintain focus on your true objectives; on some vision or project you’ve wanted to bring forth to the world. Lately that may seem so far back on the stove as to have grown cold. Do not lose heart; The Force is more with you than you realize. Be ‘in the world, but not of it’ for a while, and prioritize your own expressive talents. Fulfill obligations to your community without getting sucked into unnecessary dramas. Draw on the inspiration of your own private muse.

Your hot new Mars-focused spring video readings are ready for instant access: purchase individual signs or nab all 12 here.

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