Author Archives: Sara Victoria Emory

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Oct. 17, 2019 (#1265)


Aries (March 20-April 19) — Mars, the cosmic warrior and your ruling planet, will continue to rouse relationship issues for weeks to come. Together with other dynamics impacting your chart, this points to a need to address tension between partnerships of whatever sort, and mounting pressure you’ve felt to realize over-arching professional goals. An important opportunity window is opening to release some emotional backlog, and quite possibly advance professional aspirations as well. Take time for an honest personal inventory, and let yourself actually feel what you may have been holding in. You’re able to tap into deeper psychic strata than usual these days, and the more you respect messages arising from your emotional body, the more you’ll align with optimal trajectories. Channels are wide open for communications with those in a position to assist, perhaps regarding resources to help further your ambitions. Keep your inner ears open and your dream memory on. Your intuition and career path are moving into beautiful, synched-up harmony. — By Victoria Emory

RESPECT, the epic 2020-2021 annual edition by Eric, is now available for pre-order. Picking up where Intelligence left off, RESPECT will track the story of the astrology as we cross the bridge into our new era. You may pre-order the full reading today.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — The rock ‘n’ rollers at the vanguard of current astrology are pulling you up on stage to dance. I’m speaking about Uranus’ passage through your sign and the tightening Saturn-Pluto conjunction. Dancing requires a flexibility and freedom that might feel liberating and exciting, or intimidating and awkward, depending on your self-image. That is, what you’re conditioned to believe — about yourself and the world ‘out there’. Focusing these long-term influences right now is a concentration of energy in your relationship sphere. Whatever jolts you may have experienced in that department recently, R.S.V.P. to invitations arriving this week. You might need to look for them stuck in a corner of your mailbox, but you’ll be glad you followed through. A significant meeting of minds is possible, which strengthens important ties while expanding your worldview in some way. Take advantage of occasions to get together while you can. Pressing demands on your time will take over soon enough. — By Victoria Emory

Prepare to follow the astrology of 2020-2021 with RESPECT, our new annual edition. In the forthcoming Aquarian mini-age, old challenges will give way to new opportunities, and this reading will help you get ready to receive them. Pre-order now for best price.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Activity in your chart points to opportunities to get out ahead of work issues that Mercury’s upcoming retrograde will bring to the fore. Talent is one thing; craft is another. Inspiration could be pouring out of your ears, but to bring whatever gifts you have out to the world in a meaningful way, you need technique: skills you can depend on. Regardless of whether you consider yourself an artist or not, keep that image in mind this week. The more disciplined your approach to job-related activities, the more you’ll be able to seize openings over the coming days to negotiate financial and professional channels to your advantage. Keep your antennae up, as significant advancement is possible. Doing so now will help mitigate potential challenges that may soon arise between your need for personal freedom and self-expression on the one hand, and security-related partnership matters on the other. — By Victoria Emory

How do you deal with any sense of uncertainty, instability or enforced changes? The astrology of 2020-2021 is about to usher in a brand new paradigm. With RESPECT, our forthcoming annual edition, you can get a head start on the action. Pre-order here.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Pressures that emerged over last weekend’s Full Moon signify the need for both courageous changes and the healing that makes them possible. This is the week to express some of what’s built up, with significant others and/or with one whose counsel you trust. Conditions are right for constructive encounters that get to the nitty-gritty heart of what matters. Your need for self-expression and creative thinking will be emphasized for many weeks to come; but regardless of who you’re in dialogue with, remember to listen, as well as hold forth. It’s conceivable you’ve grown so accustomed to grinding stress that you aren’t entirely conscious of what you’ve been sitting on. Make space available and encourage emotional movement. Often simply feeling received with compassion will open those gates. If initiating communications feels too intimidating, understand that opportunities taken now will help minimize potential tension down the road. — By Victoria Emory

RESPECT, the epic 2020-2021 annual edition by Eric, is now available for pre-order. Picking up where Intelligence left off, RESPECT will track the story of the astrology as we cross the bridge into our new era. You may pre-order the full reading today.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Your tribe is known for its charismatic flair, expressive talents and capacity to lead others. What’s rarely mentioned is the well of emotional intensity at the root of your being. A natural deep-sea diver, you’re able to recognize buried truths and bring treasures of insight and healing up from the past. Your perception has been heightened over the last few weeks; both internally and regarding the outer world. You’re now in an ideal position to take some of what’s recently come into focus, and tap available channels of communication to move toward resolution on pressing, key issues. These could be work or health related, or some combination of both. Matters concerning your home, family or personal history may be involved. Whatever your specifics might be, the lines are open, so dial in. The more you reach out to connect this week, the easier the next few months are likely to go. — By Victoria Emory

Prepare to follow the astrology of 2020-2021 with RESPECT, our new annual edition. In the forthcoming Aquarian mini-age, old challenges will give way to new opportunities, and this reading will help you get ready to receive them. Pre-order now for best price.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — We tend to think of ‘conscience’ as our duties or allegiance toward others. On the collective level of society, the need for personal accountability is one (enormous and critical) thing. But a form of conscience often overlooked is the haunting weight that results from denying one’s need for personal fulfillment. Keeping food on the table pulls rank in terms of priority, and financial security has been on your radar, no doubt. But when creative aspirations feel urgent enough, the will finds a way. Self-expression is on your agenda — projects that have simmered on a back burner might be occupying more of your thoughts. Chances are you’ve got a backlog of unexpressed impulses straining at the bit to be set free. Your ruling planet Mercury’s upcoming retrograde has an advanced message for you: it’s time. You have something to say. Alignments this week are perfect for getting thoughts onto paper or into appropriate ears. — By Victoria Emory

How do you deal with any sense of uncertainty, instability or enforced changes? The astrology of 2020-2021 is about to usher in a brand new paradigm. With RESPECT, our forthcoming annual edition, you can get a head start on the action. Pre-order here.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — The high-voltage Full Moon last weekend likely stirred deep-seated material that left you more consciously aware of what you must let go of, and what you require to feel safe on a fundamental level. How to bring those needs forward may be the question, but your evolutionary path demands that you overcome indecision and hesitation to act on your own behalf. The alternative is festering frustration and exacerbated, mounting pressure — something’s gotta give. Resources and values factor largely in this scenario. Relationships with a financial component may well play a role. Fortunately, opportunities for fruitful communications are available over the coming days, which can help pave the way for changes you’ve probably wanted to make for a long time. Issues related to your home, your past, or your family are up for resolution, and will necessitate some work. But steps taken now can help steer you onto the most direct route to the inner security and stable environment so essential to your wellbeing. — By Victoria Emory

RESPECT, the epic 2020-2021 annual edition by Eric, is now available for pre-order. Picking up where Intelligence left off, RESPECT will track the story of the astrology as we cross the bridge into our new era. You may pre-order the full reading today.

You may pre-order your Scorpio Astrology Studio now. Astrology Studio is a different reading from the annual; it’s difficult to say just how it’s different but think about it like two albums by your favorite musician. It’s the same artist, but another concept. Astrology Studio comes with a bonus recording, “Self and Society,” and with a tarot card reading. Pre-order for best price!

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — The word “learn” derives from an ancient root meaning “to follow or find the track.” That’s a pretty good metaphor for activity dominating your chart this week. Your entire conceptual framework has undergone major reconstruction for some time, courtesy of the heavy-hitting Saturn-Pluto conjunction in your sphere of ‘mind’. Mercury, planet of cognition and expression, is traversing your sign and will soon backtrack through it again. This will afford ample opportunity to trace aspects of your psyche, your past and your approach to the world in a way that refines your perspective yet further. A series of stimulating contacts between these two influences signal an educational journey ahead. First previews begin this week, so pay attention. Follow the trail of what piques your interest; you’re primed for serious encounters with respected sources of wisdom in one form or another. Places of study could offer social opportunities at just the right time. Revealing synchronicities, creative or even romantic inspiration, are possible. Heed the omens. — By Victoria Emory

Prepare to follow the astrology of 2020-2021 with RESPECT, our new annual edition. In the forthcoming Aquarian mini-age, old challenges will give way to new opportunities, and this reading will help you get ready to receive them. Pre-order now for best price.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Perseverance is a fine art. To master it requires some technique. Your focus on future goals ties in with the radical, evolutionary changes you’ve gone through regarding your values, and how they impact self-worth and security. The situation is ripe with potential, but like the farmer so eager to reap his crop that he pulls growing shoots up from the soil, patience is your friend. Yet that doesn’t mean passivity, which is where skill enters in. Refine the essence of your desire: the feeling you’re after. If it’s financial freedom, that’s a sensation more than a number on your bank statement. From there, engage colleagues and proceed with projects in appreciation for ‘what is’. A gentle dual focus is involved. Your intuitive guidance is your best ally in getting from A to B right now, and those messages require a relaxed state of mind to get through. Just remember to stay present; all power flows from there. — By Victoria Emory

How do you deal with any sense of uncertainty, instability or enforced changes? The astrology of 2020-2021 is about to usher in a brand new paradigm. With RESPECT, our forthcoming annual edition, you can get a head start on the action. Pre-order here.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Solitude and control are powerful strategies, and part of your natural skill-set. They come with a downside, however, that you’re also familiar with. Last week’s Full Moon triggered the high-pressure conjunction of Saturn and Pluto in your sign, and chances are there’s a lot built up inside that begs for release. You need human contact. A bit of warmth and communication with allies can go a long way toward helping you along the path of your highest purpose. Dynamics in your chart describe a productive overlap between worldly achievement, long-range objectives, and expressing ideas and feelings with others who share your ideals. These channels open wide over the next several days, but you may need to take the initiative. The upcoming Mercury retrograde looks like connections made now could lay groundwork for future endeavors. Social engagements this week can both strengthen existing relationships and spark inspired, creative vision. Take advantage of favorable winds and reach out. — By Victoria Emory

RESPECT, the epic 2020-2021 annual edition by Eric, is now available for pre-order. Picking up where Intelligence left off, RESPECT will track the story of the astrology as we cross the bridge into our new era. You may pre-order the full reading today.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Career-related strategies will continue to dominate your thoughts for some time. Integrating your work in the world with changes on the home front is an evolving project, so strive for flexibility and give it time. You’re entering a review process of sorts, and it’s important to listen for intuitive prompts that will steadily be delivered throughout. You’re probably out in a more active, visible public forum than you’ve been in a while, and that’s set to accelerate. So sensitivity to subtle guidance from within will require more intention than usual. A tremendous amount power in your chart is focused ‘behind closed doors’, in the deepest regions of your psyche, and that’s generating considerable pressure. The more honest you are with yourself, the more willing you are to feel what’s bubbling up from the depths, and the more you’ll be able to utilize all of your resources to make optimal choices. This is no time for rigid beliefs. — By Victoria Emory

Prepare to follow the astrology of 2020-2021 with RESPECT, our new annual edition. In the forthcoming Aquarian mini-age, old challenges will give way to new opportunities, and this reading will help you get ready to receive them. Pre-order now for best price.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — How do your habitual beliefs dovetail with personal aspirations that can no longer be ignored? Goals you’ve cherished for years could feel intimidating, yet you’re compelled to achieve them. If only you felt secure enough; if only you knew how. Cosmic weather patterns moving in for the second half of the month suggest that to get a grip on limiting fears, some kind of vision quest is in order. Perspective is everything, and you need to widen your scope. Frustration around finances and related partnerships, strategic alliances and the direction you see for yourself presents a worthy evolutionary challenge. Your way through an apparent dilemma requires a tweak in worldview. It’s time to let your mind soar past confines you’ve grown accustomed to. That’s what Mercury’s upcoming retrograde can help you achieve. You’re primed for revelations. You may have something to teach that others need. Seize opportunities available this week to communicate with those in your circle, to open those doors. — By Victoria Emory

How do you deal with any sense of uncertainty, instability or enforced changes? The astrology of 2020-2021 is about to usher in a brand new paradigm. With RESPECT, our forthcoming annual edition, you can get a head start on the action. Pre-order here.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Oct. 3, 2019


Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Oct. 3, 2019 (#1263) | By Victoria Emory


Aries (March 20-April 19) — Power is peace within. However much your attention gets drawn to what’s coming at you from ‘outside’, keep this deceptively simple axiom in mind. The more real you are with yourself, the more accepting of where you are in your process, the greater your capacity to act and respond in ways that serve both you and others. The marked shift into the second half of the astrological year becomes more palpable this week. For you, that’s likely to be felt in terms of your relational environment, professional development, and values, security and resources — yours, and those you share with key associates. A transition period is concluding in your professional sphere. Gradually, changes you may have contemplated for months should become easier to implement. Partners of whatever sort appear to be directly involved, and inventive solutions or compromise may be easier to arrive at than you realize. Remember: you are the hub of the wheel. To stay centered, dance with the music and breathe.

A new season has begun, and there are big changes coming — also great potential. What do you need to know? The 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, will help you orient yourself through the months to come. Order individual signs here.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — The confluence of factors shifting into gear this week has Work-Life Balance written all over it. Demands on your time or on the job are set to accelerate, and you’re primed to accomplish as much as you can. This coincides with an uptick in your relational sphere. That might include increased communications related to work, while personal relationships also call for attention. You’re generally pretty good at going with the flow. But if you find yourself growing increasingly frustrated in days ahead, pause. Stuffing dissatisfaction will exacerbate the potential for nervous irritability or explosive encounters. Clarify for yourself what you want, and why you want it. If you feel conflicted between satisfying others’ expectations and the need to do your own thing, that’s a conversation worth having. You’re insightful and compassionate enough to respect where they’re coming from, even as your own needs are transforming. Cut through overwhelm by identifying priorities. Make sure self-care is among them.

How do you find the strength to take some meaningful action in your life — on whatever level? In These Times, the 2019 Autumn Reading, is designed to help you find the answers on your own, through grounded, therapeutic support. Order individual signs here.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Joy is an essential nutrient, and you could use a supplement. Creative expression of some kind is one way to fill that requirement. Play in any form that stimulates your imagination and inner vitality, or a bit of romance, will do the trick. Here’s a permission slip, if you need one: it’s good for your nerves. Mercury’s recent sign change will sharpen your mind like a stiletto, and you may be extremely focused on mental work in coming weeks. That same influence also has the potential for generating anxiety, however. Treat yourself like a finely tuned instrument: don’t tighten the strings too much. Other aspects moving into position could exacerbate vague fears or feelings of constraint. Yet your inner child is ready and eager to help out; loosen the reins enough to let it. Remember what’s it’s like to feel special? Get out, see friends and have some fun — your body will thank you.

If you are looking for a sane, calm space where you can think, reflect and prioritize during the next few months, the 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, offers just that. You can also order individual signs to reap the benefits of my therapy training and decades of astrological experience.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — The wheel of this year has turned, and the volume in several areas of your chart will turn up a notch. With conscious awareness, you can leverage pressure to your advantage, but you’ll need to intentionally, and honestly, feel into what’s moving within the depths of your psyche. You could act out patterns or attitudes from the past without realizing it. These tie in somehow with weighty relationship issues that you know call for closure. On the mundane level, work that’s directed toward your living space will serve a dual purpose. One: channeling energy into improving your base of operations, and clearing literal clutter, can symbolically open a gateway toward emotional healing. Two: you’re entering a cycle of emphasis on self-expression. The more room you free up, physically and psychically, the more easily thoughts and creative impulses flow. Let yourself turn inward and regroup. A gentle regard for your private process will pave the way for improved relations all around.

A new season has begun, and there are big changes coming — also great potential. What do you need to know? The 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, will help you orient yourself through the months to come. Order individual signs here.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — The Observer Effect in quantum physics demonstrates that the mere presence of an observer affects that which is observed. The mind is not a wholly internal affair; it plays a role in determining what we perceive ‘out there’, and which trajectories we activate. Food for thought, as your mental forces are about to launch into warp speed. You might notice a dual focus clicking into gear. On the one hand, your day-to-day pace and need to express ideas is set for ‘Intense’. Work obligations may generate stress that you can minimize by weighing your honest, subjective responses. You’re not powerless in the face of demands, and your primary obligation must be to yourself. As busy as you soon may be, a period of intellectual withdrawal of some kind is also beginning. Working through elements of the past could play a role. Your words have amplified power now. Observe your inner response before speaking, to avoid a potential speedbump just up ahead.

How do you find the strength to take some meaningful action in your life — on whatever level? In These Times, the 2019 Autumn Reading, is designed to help you find the answers on your own, through grounded, therapeutic support. Order individual signs here.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Your analytical and expressive prowess is shifting into high gear. At the same time, your focus on values, resources and security will intensify. Discern your bedrock requirements as distinct from desires, and where they might overlap. It’s hard to write The Great American Novel while working 9 to 5. If creative projects you’ve had in mind have been shoved down the priority list, don’t discount what could be a soul-level need for artistic fulfillment. If you’ve been anxious about a relationship with a financial component, consider opening that up for discussion. Insecurities tend to fester and multiply when left unexpressed. Your ruling planet Mercury will be in the zone of your chart most conducive to its expression for nine weeks. A high-voltage current will accelerate your mental tempo, and you should be able to convey exactly what’s necessary, with profound impact now. Words are your tools. Use them wisely. Just don’t let nervous tension lead you to waste them on what you cannot take back.

If you are looking for a sane, calm space where you can think, reflect and prioritize during the next few months, the 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, offers just that. You can also order individual signs to reap the benefits of my therapy training and decades of astrological experience.

In These Times — 2019 Autumn Reading

How do we confront this dual problem of premeditated decay of society, and the inner issue of needing the strength to take some meaningful action? Where do we start? As in few other times, this calls for a response from a spiritual place: of deep caring and responsibility; the quest for honest connection above all else.

Planet Waves

It has called forth all of my knowledge, experience and wisdom to do this work. I have proceeded in the spirit of therapy, knowing that most people do not or will not go. That spirit first involves seeking refuge, becoming aware of your situation, ordering your priorities, and then making choices. But the single most important factor of therapy — and of old school spiritual mentorship — is not giving answers, but helping the client find them for themselves. What I have to offer you are 12 readings of approximately one hour each, which use astrology to address the matter: the one about how to orient yourself to make the most of the difficult and challenging times we are in.

All 12 signs are currently $111. I am keeping that price low to encourage having access to all of the work. Individual readings are $44 for the first and $22 for each additional.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Get ready for your close-up. This week of this season of this year has money riding on it. You’re emerging in a personal renaissance, and it’s time to step up, gather your courage and dare to ‘be for yourself’, to borrow from Hillel. For years, what you’ve relied on in terms of home, family or foundational security has undergone demolition. Complex gears shifting in your chart point to the essential need to initiate bold strategies for reconstruction. The evolutionary potential in this leg of your journey is greater self-confidence than you’ve ever known. The challenge is conquering old fear patterns and making peace with the past. Your tools are innovation, adaptation and unwavering commitment to your vision. Sustained emphasis on negotiating values and resources will call for your special blend of tenacity and diplomacy. Desire itself generates power and kick-starts creation. Let that momentum propel you. Jupiter’s light at the end of the tunnel will shine soon enough.

A new season has begun, and there are big changes coming — also great potential. What do you need to know? The 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, will help you orient yourself through the months to come. Order individual signs here.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Your tribe has a reputation for instinctively seeking the truth; picking up clues and following whatever dark and winding trails may lead there. To ‘pierce the veil’ holds power. And possibly danger. The sheer intensity of the experience is alluring enough. When the mystery is yourself, the stakes are even higher. Dynamics affecting your chart indicate your readiness to investigate seriously how you’ve constructed your approach to the world. This learning process has been ongoing; now you’re prepared for more advanced teachings. The mirror held up by your relational environment may offer surprises, in terms of how you identify yourself with reference to others. Cleansing the doors of perception can be a messy job. But you’re not the type to be satisfied with superficial answers. As your solar year wraps up, look with new eyes at attitudes and assumptions you’ve taken for granted. Your inner, psychic depths are active now. Remember to remember your dreams; they could be especially revealing.

How do you find the strength to take some meaningful action in your life — on whatever level? In These Times, the 2019 Autumn Reading, is designed to help you find the answers on your own, through grounded, therapeutic support. Order individual signs here.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — The quest to reconcile long-term goals with nuts and bolts necessities enters a new phase this week. Mercury, planet of cognition and expression, enters the most private inner sanctum of your chart, for an extended tour. A door to deeper self-knowledge opens. The more you “make the unconscious conscious,” the less at the mercy of external events you’ll feel. Motivations and imprints you’ve responded to without realizing it should be easier to grasp. Obviously, this is invaluable for charting your course. You might be more withdrawn for a while; inclined to keep thoughts to yourself. Just don’t withhold communication that’s actually necessary, as Mercury’s influence overlaps with a period of amped-up social engagement. This could be work-related, with groups or colleagues who share your ideals and can help further your objectives. Balancing the need for introspection with your drive to push ahead is the challenge. Remember, you’re playing the long game here: restructuring key facets of your material world.

If you are looking for a sane, calm space where you can think, reflect and prioritize during the next few months, the 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, offers just that. You can also order individual signs to reap the benefits of my therapy training and decades of astrological experience.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — To undergo a change of form: that’s been your task for over a decade. It’s confronted you with aspects of your psyche that most avoid at all costs. You’ve been challenged to rise from the ashes of self-concepts you’ve outgrown. Daunting stuff, but consider all you’ve been through as the path to your highest destiny. This week marks a turning point along that trajectory. An opportunity is at hand to examine more closely how you want to express yourself in the world, and to fine-tune your approach. You can achieve a great deal professionally now, and the more you work independently, the less friction you’ll encounter. You’re entering a high-visibility zone; what you say and do will be “on the record,” so bear that in mind. Inspired, creative solutions are possible, but you’ll need to play well with others to get there. An extended review of your overall goals, and the ideals behind them, also commences now. Don’t be afraid to seek counsel from those you trust.

A new season has begun, and there are big changes coming — also great potential. What do you need to know? The 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, will help you orient yourself through the months to come. Order individual signs here.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Astrophysicists say dark matter makes up 85% of the physical universe. But it’s invisible. We only can only measure its effect on what we see. That’s how the most influential astrology of our time impacts your chart. Massive tectonic plates are shifting deep underground, in the most buried regions of your psyche. But you might pick up clues about what’s transforming in there over the coming days. Most people aren’t especially conscious of how their beliefs shape their experience. But pay attention to any friction that registers with respect to concepts you encounter, such as challenges to your world-view or to your assumptions. This might arise in an educational setting of some kind. If an idea makes you uncomfortable but you’re not sure why, look deeper. Another note to listen for may come via your public role. Career-related plans, perhaps communications in professional settings, will dominate much of your attention for a while. Challenges between your public persona and radical changes at home could prompt awakenings.

How do you find the strength to take some meaningful action in your life — on whatever level? In These Times, the 2019 Autumn Reading, is designed to help you find the answers on your own, through grounded, therapeutic support. Order individual signs here.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — There is struggle, and there’s intent. Aspirations dear to your soul may have felt increasingly remote, but that fog is clearing and you seem to be waking up to an urgency to move forward. Conflict around financing your goals may register high on your emotional radar in days ahead. Dig deeper and you’ll discover that the matter is one of confidence. Where there’s desire, there’s power. That’s the flipside of fear. You’re well-positioned to question insecurities now, and to integrate what you discover. This will help you to dismantle patterns that have held you back. More than anyone, you understand the role of belief in creating experience. It’s time to air out your mind. Break up routines that keep your thought patterns locked into place. Inspiration is stalking you, so make yourself available. Feed your spirit: visit the bookstore or museum, or look into a subject that you’ve thought of but just haven’t gotten to. This prepares the ground for your work that lies ahead.

If you are looking for a sane, calm space where you can think, reflect and prioritize during the next few months, the 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, offers just that. You can also order individual signs to reap the benefits of my therapy training and decades of astrological experience.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Sept. 12, 2019


Aries (March 20-April 19) — Yours is a tribe of action; the courageous pursuit of personal fulfillment. This involves risk and requires passion. Your journey has surely led down many paths, each with gifts of wisdom for those who seek it. This year’s long-running square between Jupiter and Neptune has opened doors to deeper spiritual awareness, and planted seeds of wisdom worth cultivating. You’re carving out a new path, with more of yourself to bring to it. We’re heading into a super-charged Full Moon right now and you’ll need to tune in deliberately, to ascertain which paths to follow and what action is wise. It’s a Slippery-When-Wet few days, when risky action of any kind is unadvisable. Frustration, confusion, discouragement or self-doubt are all possible under these conditions. But a karmic wave of sorts is breaking, and profoundly transformative insights are just as likely. Pay extra attention to dreams this weekend. Inner focus now will help you take advantage of a major shift coming up, one that clears the tracks for forward motion in worldly pursuits.

It is in times of the greatest change that the most progress is possible — and we’re in such an era. If you need help getting a grip, the 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, could be the lifeline you need to align with yourself. Order individual signs here.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — To believe is to create. That’s Metaphysics 101: the causative power of concentrated thought. The stronger the emotion attached to a belief, the more intense the momentum. This works both ways, of course. Doubt — in your right to experience what you desire, or in its possibility — inhibits that creative force. The trick is to be on the same page with yourself; to get out of your own way. You can’t get what you want ‘till you know what you want, as the song goes. Distilling that into its essential core will help you navigate the deep waters rising over this Full Moon weekend. Long-term goals are in the spotlight, and you’ve got more resources than you might realize with which to actualize them. You don’t have to figure out details about the ‘how’ of it right now. It’s more important to clarify your actual intentions, and note where fears or doubts crop up. This is a gentle, feel-your-way process. Be patient with yourself, and those you wish to travel with into the future.

The 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, consists of 12 astrology sessions that will help you see where the stress points are, and where you can direct your energy and resources for some peace of mind and the results you want to get.
Order individual signs here.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Your need for private, inward focus — for healing and deep emotional processing — may have been waylaid more than it should. Your public role and relational environment have demanded time and attention, and this weekend’s Full Moon brings much of that pressure to a head. Give yourself permission to actually feel what you feel, but recognize the difference between you and your emotions. This is no time to push yourself, get too down on yourself, or have that extra drink, especially if you’re ‘operating heavy machinery’. The good news is the palpable shift immediately after that wave crests; as the weekend concludes you should start to feel a little lighter. Assembly-line mentality dominates our culture, but to stay sane you’ve got to take time for yourself and have some fun. As much as you possibly can, carve out space for some R and R next week. An important opportunity to stock up on good vibes is closer than you think.

Feel deeper peace of mind, balance and a sense of influence over your affairs. Using the techniques of spiritual practice, therapy and astrological counseling, the 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, will help you focus on yourself, your priorities and your needs. You can order individual signs here.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — You might have had a bit too much to think. Between demands on the job, a packed schedule and overwhelming mental busy-ness, you could be running on fumes yet unable to stop. As one especially sensitive to lunar cycles, do yourself a favor and slow down. Don’t try to figure anything out right now. A potential for frustrating, confusing or dispiriting exchanges — or interior dialogue — is possible over this Full Moon weekend. Heightened emotional reactivity is familiar territory, but no running with scissors for a few days, OK? Let emotion flow without turning a mood into a manifesto. A reality-check and encouraging word from a solid companion can make a huge difference now, so don’t feel you need to go it alone. The less pressure you place on yourself, the more you’ll be able to tap your psychic reservoir for inner guidance that’s trying to get through. You need time on the proverbial mountain. Your inner world will look considerably brighter as soon as you come down.

It is in times of the greatest change that the most progress is possible — and we’re in such an era. If you need help getting a grip, the 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, could be the lifeline you need to align with yourself. Order individual signs here.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — The dramatic Full Moon clicking into gear illuminates your innermost psychic depths. The last several weeks have emphasized security issues — what you need to feel safe, and practical methods for strengthening material and emotional resources. You’re also in a cycle of expansive creativity and self-expression, and with it increased confidence in shining your true light out into the world. What’s coming to a head this weekend may feel like a confusing dilemma: risk versus safety, optimism versus worry, art versus paying the bills. Your fears may well be exaggerated, but you’re wise to take real time this weekend to turn within and let yourself feel what’s calling for attention. What have you avoided? The more honest you are with yourself, the more you value and invest in the process, the greater the potential for meaningful revelation. An element of healing weaves in here. Mentors, or renewed commitment to healthy routines, can provide much needed stability.

The 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, consists of 12 astrology sessions that will help you see where the stress points are, and where you can direct your energy and resources for some peace of mind and the results you want to get. Order individual signs here.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — The Sun entered your sign this year with a powerful message of rebirth. This is an ongoing process of integration, of making-whole, and of emergence into a fundamentally more empowered sense of self. This weekend’s Full Moon asks you to feel into what part of your soul you’ve handed over to others, and the role anger plays in healing what might feel lost. You may have been striving for inner security in terms of an idealized relationship. Or seeking to reconcile the past with a series of confusing impressions that have ricocheted without satisfying resolution or clarity. Letting yourself explore this in some tangible, creative form can be profoundly helpful right now. If you’re in the early stages of a romantic relationship, it may be possible to move through challenging territory for the sake of creating a more solid, honest encounter. Ultimately, however, this is about your relationship with yourself. You’re on the verge of turning an important corner. The enhanced self-esteem that awaits is just the beginning.

Feel deeper peace of mind, balance and a sense of influence over your affairs. Using the techniques of spiritual practice, therapy and astrological counseling, the 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, will help you focus on yourself, your priorities and your needs. You can order individual signs here.

How do we confront this dual problem of premeditated decay of society, and the inner issue of needing the strength to take some meaningful action? Where do we start? As in few other times, this calls for a response from a spiritual place: of deep caring and responsibility; the quest for honest connection above all else.

Planet Waves

It has called forth all of my knowledge, experience and wisdom to do this work. I have proceeded in the spirit of therapy, knowing that most people do not or will not go. That spirit first involves seeking refuge, becoming aware of your situation, ordering your priorities, and then making choices. But the single most important factor of therapy — and of old school spiritual mentorship — is not giving answers, but helping the client find them for themselves. What I have to offer you are 12 readings of approximately one hour each, which use astrology to address the matter: the one about how to orient yourself to make the most of the difficult and challenging times we are in.

All 12 signs are currently $111. I am keeping that price low to encourage having access to all of the work. Individual readings are $44 for the first and $22 for each additional.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Transiting Jupiter in your chart has sought to re-wire limiting thought patterns, and inspire a more expansive view of the future. You have something to say. Yet certain projects, perhaps related to writing or education, could be hovering in limbo. Demands on your time, your job, or maybe health issues have kept intentions on hold. The real culprit seems related to self-esteem, however. A build-up of psychic pressure just beneath the conscious threshold may register as vague anxieties: fears or frustrations that haven’t been fully processed. This should start dissipating just after the Full Moon. Forward motion on several fronts is set to commence, so to ride the currents to best advantage, tend to ‘where you live’. This includes your actual home, family history, and old baggage you’ve put up with that’s weighing you down. Your new solar year approaches, and it’s time to clear the ground for rebuilding foundations, literally and figuratively. Every step in this direction will help kick-start new beginnings, sooner than you think.

It is in times of the greatest change that the most progress is possible — and we’re in such an era. If you need help getting a grip, the 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, could be the lifeline you need to align with yourself. Order individual signs here.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Creative instinct flows from the well of fantasy. The imagination plays with the object it loves, to borrow from Carl Jung. The light of this weekend’s Full Moon illuminates your inventive gifts, and aspirations you may have harbored for projects rich with potential. The challenge is bringing that dream into tangible form. Recent focus on future goals might have bounced with dizzying speed between an idealized concept or romantic vision, and grounded, rational analysis. Professional or creative allies factor in here, which has presented its own challenges. If you encounter what feels like unduly harsh criticism, don’t be discouraged. Emotions are especially heightened right now, and you may tune into your muse more effectively without others around anyway. Communicate with those involved with as little judgment as possible, and/or get some of that inspiration down in written form, to mid-wife your dream. Note: exercise caution this weekend regarding recreational substances. This is not a good time to take chances.

The 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, consists of 12 astrology sessions that will help you see where the stress points are, and where you can direct your energy and resources for some peace of mind and the results you want to get. Order individual signs here.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Constraints are essential to genuine creativity. Courageous encounter with a problem sparks an alchemical process, setting conscious and unconscious forces in motion to form something new. Jupiter traveling through your sign this year has surely expanded your world in gratifying ways. Yet that quest for freedom and self-discovery has rubbed against slippery emotional history involving your past, your home, and your innermost private world. To the extent that you’ve established some personal sanctuary, a sacred space where you can retreat and commune, you’re in good shape. If you’ve felt undermined, or pressured to sacrifice your needs for family, look to what you honestly value. Denial or escape from what’s buried keeps you stuck. Recent intense activity related to your public role has likely brought this tension into sharp relief. This Full Moon brings it to a boil. You may have worldly commitments, but your power lies in quiet, meditative reflection now. Your inner being has wisdom to deliver. Note: Stay in or stay sober this weekend. Or both.

Feel deeper peace of mind, balance and a sense of influence over your affairs. Using the techniques of spiritual practice, therapy and astrological counseling, the 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, will help you focus on yourself, your priorities and your needs. You can order individual signs here.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Sift the sands of your past for the lessons of value. They are your precious jewels and gifts of power. It’s gritty work, but archeology of the soul is your highest calling at this moment. Saturn, your ruling planet, hovers stationary in your sign, to resume forward motion next week. This weekend’s Full Moon is a prelude to a pivotal act in the drama of your life, and on the world stage. You’re well positioned to rise to the challenge. It requires honest examination of what may be unearthed, and the courage to feel, process and release what keeps you shackled to a self that you’ve outgrown. Dynamics in your chart right now speak of creative tension between conscious belief and intuitive wisdom. Your transformational journey has tested you to the limit, but you’ve developed strength you might not have thought possible. Most importantly, you seem to be asking the right questions, and are capable of opening to answers that feel true in your gut. That’s the metric to trust.

It is in times of the greatest change that the most progress is possible — and we’re in such an era. If you need help getting a grip, the 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, could be the lifeline you need to align with yourself.
Order individual signs here.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — What’s most important to you? That’s what describes your ‘values’. What deserves your attention, time and care, and occupies the highest place on your priority list? Friction between your own personal values (and security) and those of your community has been a theme this year. Your tribe has a reputation for independence, a certain ‘rebel’ cachet, but that requires a commitment to your personal truth that’s hard won. On a mundane level, the question has been how to reconcile idealistic aspirations for the future with available resources. Recently, that conversation has deepened to include those values and resources you may hold in common with partners, and reaches into highly sensitive psychic territory. This weekend’s Full Moon brings this tension to a head. You’ll navigate potentially contentious waters best by stepping back and taking as gentle and intuitive an approach as possible. Table financial decisions for a few days. Honest conversations about what may have been unacknowledged, fears or unexpressed needs, might be in order.

The 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, consists of 12 astrology sessions that will help you see where the stress points are, and where you can direct your energy and resources for some peace of mind and the results you want to get. Order individual signs here.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Dreaming-awake is a high art. It requires training yourself to become aware that you’re asleep; to realize consciously that you are dreaming. Then you can direct the dream with volition, and create a new reality in the physical, waking world. We’re heading into a positively oceanic Full Moon in your sign, a deep dive into Neptune’s realm. One over-arching theme conveyed is the need to retrieve essential aspects of your psyche that you’ve invested in relationships. You have a mission in this life, and you need all of yourself in the game. Your tribe is so acutely sensitive, and navigating this world can scathe your fine-tuned instrument to the point of shutting down. But you’ve ‘grown sick of shadows’, and have no desire to float down-river like the tragic Lady of Shalott. It’s time to come home. This emotional high tide is an opportunity to re-set, to heal old wounds in order to move forward. Honor this process. Your dharma calls you to bring forth your gifts to the world.

Feel deeper peace of mind, balance and a sense of influence over your affairs. Using the techniques of spiritual practice, therapy and astrological counseling, the 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, will help you focus on yourself, your priorities and your needs. You can order individual signs here.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Aug. 22, 2019

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Aug. 22, 2019 (#1258) | By Victoria Emory

Aries (March 20-April 19) — To be ‘In the Zone’ is a type of heightened awareness. Physical, mental and emotional focus all sync up to engage the task at hand so totally, that you tune out everything but the present moment, and enter a peak state through which you access optimal potential. The term was popularized in the sporting world, and athletes train rigorously in order to enter that state. You’re in a profound process of re-fashioning your world; peeling away what you’ve outgrown, and building strong foundations based upon values that reflect more of who you really are. ‘The Zone’ awaits you with open arms, and with the right approach you can make important strides in coming days. Organization and discipline are your primary tools — from there, follow your excitement. Working partnerships can be golden now. Healthy routines matter. Don’t stress over the goal, but don’t lose sight of practicality. This is your Tao of Zone for a while. Ideas are stalking you. — By Victoria Emory

It is in times of the greatest change that the most progress is possible — and we’re in such an era. If you need help getting a grip, the 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, could be the lifeline you need to align with yourself.



Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Look up the expression “Let Your Freak Flag Fly,” and you’ll find approximately zero references to your sign. Yet Uranus is slow-walking your own private revolution, to liberate you from limiting self-concepts that you might not even realize were there. You’re entering a powerful phase of creative discovery to help propel you in this direction. The genius of a child at play beckons, and the more you make room for a bit of joyful abandon, the more you’ll be able to catch that ride. Creative projects should prove especially satisfying now; experimenting with self-expression in all forms has the potential for inspiring originality that can surprise even yourself. Enriching social encounters are equally possible, big time. Exciting frontiers may be explored even with partners of long standing. But you must give yourself permission. Look up ‘Think Outside the Box’ and you’ll find approximately every reason to do so. To feel alive — isn’t that reason enough? — By Victoria Emory

The 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, consists of 12 astrology sessions that will help you see where the stress points are, and where you can direct your energy and resources for some peace of mind and the results you want to get.



Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You’re on the cusp of what can be a profound period of psychic integration and healing. Several aspect patterns repeat this message in coming days, and it’s an opportunity to take seriously. Make yourself available by allowing yourself to withdraw from the constant drone of business as usual, as much as you can. Your roots, your past, your home and everything this means to you is the prime material you’re working with. Aspects of your psyche are lining up to facilitate a kind of alchemical marriage, a union of opposing forces out of which a new birth is possible: a transformation that opens doors to greater wisdom and wholeness, on a foundational level. Gentle self-care will help. Paying attention to dreams will, too. This is a deeply personal process, but it’s also possible to bring domestic partnerships to a place of greater depth and harmony at this time. Invite significant others along for the ride. — By Victoria Emory

Feel deeper peace of mind, balance and a sense of influence over your affairs. Using the techniques of spiritual practice, therapy and astrological counseling, the 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, will help you focus on yourself, your priorities and your needs.



Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Your mind has been firing on all cylinders lately, and that pace is about to accelerate. You may have noticed more energized identification with your ideas and especially forceful expression recently, but a window is opening through which your ability to perceive and express yourself can come from a place of unusual harmony: a balance between promoting your own agenda, and sensitivity to the relational environment, that will serve you well. Intense mental activity and focus on communications will increase in coming days; brilliant flashes of insight and original ideas are possible now, but so is nervous tension. Getting your body moving will help focus your mind and dissipate anxiety. Just a quick walk around the neighborhood can make the difference between enhanced mental prowess and thoughtless impulsivity. Added bonus: you could encounter unexpected inspiration along the way. — By Victoria Emory

It is in times of the greatest change that the most progress is possible — and we’re in such an era. If you need help getting a grip, the 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, could be the lifeline you need to align with yourself.



Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — The words ‘value’ and ‘valor’ derive from a common root meaning strength. Courage. Worth. Keep this in mind as your focus on material resources increases in coming days. Your ability to attract what you require is blending in rare harmony with your will to go boldly after it. This works to your obvious advantage, and you may be able to reconnect with professional opportunities that were exciting a few months back, but since fell off the radar. Lay the groundwork, put out feelers and get organized. As the month winds down, leading up to and through next week’s New Moon, excellent openings become available to connect with those who can further your interests. Like attracts like; remember that your power derives from inherent belief in your own worth. Proceed with a grounded, methodical approach, centered in your natural courage. — By Victoria Emory

The 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, consists of 12 astrology sessions that will help you see where the stress points are, and where you can direct your energy and resources for some peace of mind and the results you want to get.



Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — The wisdom-language of myth conjures a powerful image for your year ahead: the divine conception of the heroic — the extraordinary virgin birth. This motif recurs throughout ancient lore, and is far from unique to Christianity. The solar rays first penetrate your sign tomorrow as the symbolic male and female forces (Mars and Venus) unite. The message indicates a rebirth from a place of psychic wholeness; a profound transformation; a potential to become your own hero. The hero’s strength balances courage with love; that’s how she or he overcomes obstacles and vanquishes darkness. Don’t worry; you don’t have to understand this with your mind alone. For now, simply focus on personal priorities, honor your body and psyche with care, and take time to recharge. This week’s astrology brings another theme that repeats at next week’s New Moon: this rebirth holds electrifying opportunities to expand your world in exciting ways. — By Victoria Emory

Feel deeper peace of mind, balance and a sense of influence over your affairs. Using the techniques of spiritual practice, therapy and astrological counseling, the 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, will help you focus on yourself, your priorities and your needs.


It is difficult to feel good these days; it’s challenging to focus on your growth and self-care, or even to relax. We are pulled out of ourselves constantly, and often distracted from our core purposes.

IN THESE TIMES, the Planet Waves autumn reading, will help.

Planet Waves

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — That’s quite a relationship you’ve got happening offstage, in the back of your mind; perhaps so far back it’s a secret even from yourself. But that’s where the action is, which is ramping up, so pay attention. What’s playing out is easier to feel than to point at directly, so start there. Your ruling planet Venus has slipped behind the curtain to hook up with Mars in the most hidden, unconscious corner of your chart, and the Sun’s presence spotlights their rendezvous. The direct current running between them and another, deeply personal, psychic center conveys a message of intense desire, perhaps denied, and working through emotional history that’s been swept under the carpet. The good news is that you’re wired for awakening, and relationship issues that might have haunted you are ripe for resolution. The more you balance inner work with attention to your body, the more fruitful the process will be. Self-esteem and physical wellbeing are inseparable. — By Victoria Emory

It is in times of the greatest change that the most progress is possible — and we’re in such an era. If you need help getting a grip, the 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, could be the lifeline you need to align with yourself.



Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — What do relationships and lightning have in common? For starters, they’re both intense agents of transformation, and can strike without warning. Uranus, the ‘Great Awakener,’ has begun work on your relational environment to shake things up; it’s testing what works, what needs revision, and is presenting you with opportunities to learn that only the mirror of relating to others can. Your focus on future goals, and those who can help you realize them, is gathering momentum, and indicators as to how partnerships may factor in should flash across your screen in days ahead. Whether professional, intimate, platonic or some combination of each, tune your radar for connections that could play a significant role. You tend to keep what’s going on inside pretty well concealed; just don’t play games. Regardless of what’s involved, remember that trust is the basis for any worthwhile relationship. — By Victoria Emory

The 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, consists of 12 astrology sessions that will help you see where the stress points are, and where you can direct your energy and resources for some peace of mind and the results you want to get.



Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Professional aspirations will command your attention with increasing intensity in days ahead, and opportunities to reignite projects that have been on hold might seem to come out of the blue. What’s in play is infused with an unusual degree of harmony between creative vision and hard-nosed will to succeed, and career-related partnerships may prove as personally enriching as they are productive. The potential for significant achievement is real, so don’t let passing annoyances related to finances throw you off your game. Attention to detail and organized, grounded, cooperative efforts are the ticket now. Use this week to prepare and connect with colleagues, so that by the New Moon at month’s end you’ll be in position to go full speed. Heavy demands on your time and mental energies require conscientious self-care; the more in tune you are physically, the more you’ll enjoy the ride. Prepare to be seen. — By Victoria Emory

Feel deeper peace of mind, balance and a sense of influence over your affairs. Using the techniques of spiritual practice, therapy and astrological counseling, the 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, will help you focus on yourself, your priorities and your needs.



Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Location, location, location. Each has its own energetic signature, complete with unique probable timelines for any given series of events. Scheduled programming is bound to be a great deal more interesting on a different station than what you’re usually tuned to, so adjust your dial accordingly. You needn’t travel far, or even at all, in terms of spatial distance, but you’ll expand your world in delicious ways by deliberately breaking up established routines and giving yourself permission to journey with your mind. It’s Back-To-School season in the Northern Hemisphere, and if you’ve harbored any educational aspirations, now’s the time to follow through. Even picking up a book you’ve thought about and re-arranging your normal schedule can lead to surprisingly uplifting experiences. If literal travel is an option, get packing. You need to explore some new territory. — By Victoria Emory

It is in times of the greatest change that the most progress is possible — and we’re in such an era. If you need help getting a grip, the 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, could be the lifeline you need to align with yourself.



Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Desire; secrets; power; fear; deep, soul-level intimacy and transformation: that’s the terrain emphasized in your chart right now, and the intensity will magnify. An opening for profound, psychic integration and healing is available, which extends into the subterranean reaches of your past and most private, inner world. Whatever this instinctually triggers for you is the place to start. If you think you’ve been there, done that, there’s likely more going on beneath the surface than you’re allowing yourself to notice. Emotionally honest exploration can clear the path to a new chapter in your relationships: to yourself, to your sexuality and to domestic or intimate partners — past and future. Self-esteem and security programming weaves into all of this material, and is ripe for resolution. On a lighter note, significant encounters are also possible now, intimate or professional. Whatever the particulars may include, the impact should be illuminating. — By Victoria Emory

The 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, consists of 12 astrology sessions that will help you see where the stress points are, and where you can direct your energy and resources for some peace of mind and the results you want to get.



Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — This time of year always highlights your relational environment, but you’re at the threshold of an especially powerful cycle right now. Over-arching themes involve integrating opposing psychic forces, within the framework of partnership: the outgoing, courageous and ego-oriented ‘yang’ with the receptive, sensitive and relationally oriented ‘yin.’ Whatever your circumstances, a renaissance in relations with others is possible; including your relationship with yourself. Opportunities are available for rich encounters that spark surprising insights and lead to original, transformative communications. Work undertaken for mutually fulfilling reasons, professionally or personally, should be especially gratifying. Note where any self-worth issues get activated: a message of healing informs this cycle, and it’s a fine time to undertake work with a trusted counselor, if appropriate. To open in trust to another involves risk, but your greatest evolution is impossible without it. This is no time to go it alone. — By Victoria Emory

Feel deeper peace of mind, balance and a sense of influence over your affairs. Using the techniques of spiritual practice, therapy and astrological counseling, the 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, will help you focus on yourself, your priorities and your needs.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Aug. 8, 2019

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Aug. 8, 2019 (#1256) | By Victoria Emory

Aries (March 20-April 19) — You’ve had to fight for your right to party. Like a hawk soaring on an updraft, you’ve had a few recent moments to catch your breath and take in the view from a higher perspective. If you’re feeling optimistic one minute, vaguely anxious the next, remember that even calmer waters call for skillful navigation. After several rocky months and withdrawn focus on past or domestic issues, you’re emerging to train your sights on the future. This includes reviewing changes in material security and adjusting what’s necessary to create the freedom you seek. Professional and domestic concerns might have been so overwhelming lately as to eclipse an underlying need, now ripe for attention: to free your mind; to feed your soul; to seek truth. Inner prompts toward study, spiritual development, writing or travel should be taken seriously. Make the quest real by homing in on one idea you’re really drawn to, and take the first step. With focus, the creative potential in such a path is immense. — By Victoria Emory

There are a lot of reasons to feel under pressure these days, and it can be hard to find resources offering real, practical ways to deal with it and feel better. Your 2020 reading by Eric Francis is available for instant access to help you get started.



Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Each evolutionary process has milestones, and Uranus moving through your house of self-identity can deliver some memorable jolts. But the revolutionary changes this transit implies take seven years to play out (give or take), and you’ll have six months to review what’s been stirred, after Uranus (the Great Awakener) stations retrograde on Sunday. Jupiter turns direct the same day, lending powerful support to what looks like a propitious stage of integration. A nine-month cycle involving relationships also wraps up now, on fertile soil to sow seeds for a new stage of relating: to partners, your past, your family and to your own desires. Your foundations, literal and psychic, are well synced at the moment. A lot’s going on inside and below ground, so take a few weeks to turn within and re-group. If your living space needs an upgrade, resources should be easier to tap. Envision goals with an eye toward practical strategies, and you’ll soon emerge with considerable creative fire to take deliberate action. — By Victoria Emory

Change may be the only constant, but that doesn’t always make it easy to deal with. Your 2020 reading by Eric Francis (available now) offers creative ways to navigate the chaos of life that are grounded, reassuring and actually useful.



Gemini (May 20-June 21) — After months of ponderous focus on personal security — and how other people factor into it — you can finally begin to make progress in important relationships with less overwhelming emphasis on power dynamics, or mercantile concerns. The game changes on Sunday, though you might have picked up a few recent, uplifting clues. Both your mind and schedule look pretty jammed, but the tempo is set to accelerate, so guard against overwhelm. Communication and relationship patterns are in re-set mode, in a sense, and opportunities to re-energize key relationships, personal and professional, hold significant promise. New connections are also possible now, if you’re interested. Just proceed with eyes open. There’s a potential for over-idealized projections, or compulsion/obsession, in all relations, including career-related. Would you prefer enriching, creative partnerships or vagueness and fantasy? Honesty and discernment will steer you right. — By Victoria Emory

Feeling stuck, in pain or totally overwhelmed can have a numbing effect and make it hard to find the way back to what you love most in life. If you need some assistance along these lines, your 2020 reading by Eric Francis (available now) may be just what you need.



Cancer (June 21-July 22) — You’re an alchemist. You may not realize it, but the challenges you’ve faced this year, the bruises as well as victories, have all been integral to a heroic transformation of your self-identity: the dissolution of old patterns, and distillation, refinement and re-creation of how you manifest in this world. A stage of re-building and solidification clicks in now, and magnificent power is at your disposal to establish the material base you require. To channel that power most effectively, you’ll need to clarify priorities and systematically focus on specific facets of your overall project. Map out practical, step-by-step strategies, and stick to the outline. If you need a job, or an assistant, or additional skills, The Force is with you. Just be disciplined in your approach. A pitfall to avoid is the potential to scatter your energies in far-flung schemes, or getting sidetracked by dreamy projections far into the future. Use that wealth of creative vision to identify concrete objectives. Then stay on course. — By Victoria Emory

There are a lot of reasons to feel under pressure these days, and it can be hard to find resources offering real, practical ways to deal with it and feel better. Your 2020 reading by Eric Francis is available for instant access to help you get started.



Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Your power to work creatively and courageously through any challenge is infinitely more accessible than it’s been for months, so don’t let a stalled professional project drag your speed. Whatever’s in play needs to be re-worked in some way, and you’ve got plenty of mojo to do your own thing. You’re emerging in a personal renaissance, and seeds planted now are charged with a fortunate ray. Mercury exits the shadows to enter your sign this week, so prepare to accelerate. The more you focus on creative projects, self-expression and objective self-examination, the less you’ll dissipate forces through buzzing all over the place. So much fire’s flowing through you these days; capture sparks of inspiration and put them to use, just don’t burn yourself out. Whether you consider yourself an artist or not, your life is your canvas, and more optimistic, invigorating winds are headed in your direction. Note: Play and creative exploration should be potent, revitalizing elixirs now. Excessive indulgence would have quite a different effect. — By Victoria Emory

Change may be the only constant, but that doesn’t always make it easy to deal with. Your 2020 reading by Eric Francis (available now) offers creative ways to navigate the chaos of life that are grounded, reassuring and actually useful.



Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Where do you feel most connected; that inner sense of belonging and security at the root of your being? For nine months you’ve had the opportunity, perhaps necessity, to consider the question from a higher perspective. It’s been a powerful cycle of inner growth, making peace with your past, your family, and your own sense of self. Externally, Jupiter’s transit through the foundation of your chart can express in terms of ‘home improvement’; if you’ve wanted to get that ball rolling, this week’s direct station will help clear that path. The real action in your chart is very much internal, however: primarily focused in terms of working through a specific relationship issue. A great deal of your energy’s been wrapped up there. It’s human nature to romanticize the past or idealize partners, but the more honest you are with yourself, the more you allow emotion to move, the more you’ll reclaim parts of you that have been trapped. Several convergent cycles support this process; you cannot lose what is truly yours. — By Victoria Emory

Feeling stuck, in pain or totally overwhelmed can have a numbing effect and make it hard to find the way back to what you love most in life. If you need some assistance along these lines, your 2020 reading by Eric Francis (available now) may be just what you need.



Planet Waves


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Your approach to future goals has expanded this year. Previous frameworks of thought have evolved, and you’ve developed a higher level of perception. Key relationships in your community could factor directly in to what you hope to achieve, and after months of rumination, you should have a clearer sense as to how to proceed. A new start in such relationships is possible now, and you’ll do well to look at the history between you through that lens of greater wisdom now available. Communications in general, especially with allies you may have lost touch with, or involving long-term projects that have been on hold, are powerfully supported now. Express yourself as honestly as you can, with generosity of spirit and self-confidence. This might require transcending idealized scenarios, or insecurities you’ve held in the back of your mind. If writing is on your agenda, get real about discipline. You’ve got a message to deliver that will benefit others — trust your need to do so. Just strive for clarity; first within, then without. — By Victoria Emory

There are a lot of reasons to feel under pressure these days, and it can be hard to find resources offering real, practical ways to deal with it and feel better. Your 2020 reading by Eric Francis is available for instant access to help you get started.



Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Momentum is set to pick up this week regarding professional matters. If projects or negotiations have been hanging in mid-air, you should be quite well positioned to move forward and advance your interests. You’ll be most effective, however, when bringing your fine-tuned sensitivity to all communications. Your drive to succeed is intense, but potential ego clashes can be avoided with a little diplomatic intelligence. Feel into the environment and be very honest with yourself about your objectives. Brainstorming about creative ideas may indeed prove worthwhile, but the more methodical an approach you can take, the less power you’ll waste by getting side-tracked by fantasies or risky schemes. Relationships with employers or other authorities connected with your career seem especially highlighted this week, and it’s possible to establish new frameworks within which to operate. A metamorphosis in your relational environment overall is just getting started, but if recent fireworks caught you off guard, Uranus’ upcoming retrograde should tamp down that heat for a while, giving you plenty of time to adjust. — By Victoria Emory

Change may be the only constant, but that doesn’t always make it easy to deal with. Your 2020 reading by Eric Francis (available now) offers creative ways to navigate the chaos of life that are grounded, reassuring and actually useful.



Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Jupiter resumes forward motion in your sign this week, with the house most conducive to their expression hosting a fiery power-panel of planets. The flow between them is electric, and when Mercury ignites that rocket the same day, you’re headed into a few weeks of Super-Sagg. With an encouraging wind at your back, the quest for truth hits Mach speed and adventure calls. It’s a rare, peak season for rewarding travel and study. The seeker of knowledge faces many tests along the path, however, and this epic year has delivered. Over-arching themes include freedom versus security, and withstanding the tension of evolving values and self-identity. Another challenge is trickier to pin down, and may be the hardest of all: to remain open without falling for tempting illusions. The process is deeply personal, and for a while longer, understand that you’re traversing a type of liminal realm.  You’ll emerge soon enough, with greater clarity and understanding. Note the terrain, and trust that the journey is worth it. — By Victoria Emory

Feeling stuck, in pain or totally overwhelmed can have a numbing effect and make it hard to find the way back to what you love most in life. If you need some assistance along these lines, your 2020 reading by Eric Francis (available now) may be just what you need.



Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You’re plenty familiar by now with the challenging side of Saturn’s conjunction with Pluto in your sign: the weighted, serious introspection; confrontation with unconscious shadows and drives, the works. But as your tribe knows instinctively, where there’s challenge, there’s reward. And the immense evolutionary rewards include the kind of wisdom gained only through deep exploration of inner dimensions; intimate self-knowledge; psychic transformation. This week some juicy juju provides powerful support to help tap these rewards. Jupiter’s whispering guidance to your inner being from off stage, and this benevolent teacher’s direct station lines up with your psychic receiver to turn that volume way up. To maximize reception, take time out and intentionally relax your body, quiet your mind and tune in. Gently turn your focus inward and try to let go. If you haven’t remembered dreams lately, just thinking about doing so helps. This is a dialogue between You and you; fortifying nutrition for your psyche and soul, that will serve your progress down the road. — By Victoria Emory

There are a lot of reasons to feel under pressure these days, and it can be hard to find resources offering real, practical ways to deal with it and feel better. Your 2020 reading by Eric Francis is available for instant access to help you get started.



Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Complex astrology this week expresses in your chart through exciting alignments between your cherished goals for the future and meaningful relationships that help you achieve them. Projects you may have been hoping for, or which required the right people, might spark to life to the mutual benefit of all. Conditions are very right for meeting friends who will help you realize ambitions, and more — who you relate to as part of the same tribe, in the sense of shared ideals. The light turns green under fortunate skies, so get ready to roll and get out there. A note to the wise: whatever’s involved has enormous creative potential, but keep an eye on any fuzziness around the financial component. Tension exists between needs and dreams. It’s also possible that a friend may become something more this week, or an intimate partnership gets re-negotiated. You’re integrating revolutionary changes in the deepest strata of your being: your roots; your past; your home. This is a work in progress. — By Victoria Emory

Change may be the only constant, but that doesn’t always make it easy to deal with. Your 2020 reading by Eric Francis (available now) offers creative ways to navigate the chaos of life that are grounded, reassuring and actually useful.



Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You’ve had a vision of something of great significance that you’ve wanted to manifest in the world. It may seem as if that vision has drifted beyond your ability to actualize, and slippery friction has made gaining traction toward achieving that goal a genuine challenge. The time has come to banish self-doubt, however; to summon your will and get clear with yourself about how to make that dream real. Jupiter’s direct station this week can re-ignite faith in your power to do so, and you seem prepared to put in the work necessary. The more you direct your attention toward organized, tangible steps, the less overwhelmed you’ll feel by what may have become an over-idealized concept that needs to be brought into focus. You can access precisely the grounded, process-oriented commitment necessary. This is your key to mastery. But you must gather your intent and actively tap into it. Assistance is available; quite possibly in the form of allies you respect, who recognize your talent and potential. — By Victoria Emory

Feeling stuck, in pain or totally overwhelmed can have a numbing effect and make it hard to find the way back to what you love most in life. If you need some assistance along these lines, your 2020 reading by Eric Francis (available now) may be just what you need.

Monday Morning Horoscope #187 for July 29, 2019


Aries (March 20-April 19) — Courageous encounter is what leads to discovery of new forms, new ideas on which to build. This requires trust in your own validity — and distinguishes creative engagement that feeds your soul, from what amounts to vacuous play. Set the stage on which you want to perform; offer your inner child freedom to emerge and shine. Openings to connect with certain facets of yourself, perhaps long buried, are available, and Wednesday’s New Moon (exact at 11:12 pm EDT) initiates a cycle loaded with creative potential. Mercury dramatically stations direct at the same time, activating sensitive emotional history stirred up by recent eclipses. To bring forth your true self is the ultimate creative achievement. For you, now, that calls for honest reckoning with some outstanding issues concerning your family, your past, or where you live. Revelations may surface that call for receptivity and maturity as situations unfold. If unexpected tensions arise between your desires and personal resources, stay limber; an open-minded approach can yield innovative solutions. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Fill in the blank: If only I were free to ____. Follow your train of thought, and bear in mind that outer manifestations reflect inner conditions. If you haven’t yet felt the revolutionary insistence of Uranus in your sign, stay tuned. You’re expanding beyond limiting self-concepts, and this week something related to your roots, your home, or your private past will help prod you awake to immediate priorities in your personal liberation. Emotional imprinting functions instinctively, just below conscious radar, but the truth is that what we think, what we believe, determines what we feel. Wednesday’s New Moon and direct station of Mercury spotlight the relationship between your habitual mental patterns and psychic foundations. Let yourself dive inside for a period of strategic withdrawal; feel around for what’s holding you back. Observe your thought process and question assumptions. Real breakthroughs are possible now. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — The wind changes direction this week to start filling your sails, building momentum to move forward on matters involving resources and security. As clarity emerges around longstanding financial issues, summon patience; whatever’s involved is complex, and ties into potentially intense family history. Tectonic shifts in your support system, emotional or material, may have triggered upheaval on the deepest strata of your psyche that you’re not entirely aware of. Keep tabs on how your inner dialogue and everyday interactions impact your subtle sense of ease or anxiety. Opportunities are available now to connect with healing guidance; choose mentors or counselors wisely, but even a word with a trusted friend could be a powerfully good thing. You’re well on your way to getting your groove back — and then some. To navigate your way there, focus your sights like a laser on where you want to be. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — As captain of your soul you’ve earned a few extra stripes this season. Challenging storms have tested your powers and your limits, and the strength you’ve developed is yours forever. Clearer weather approaches, but keep your hands on the wheel; your stance firm, but not rigid. Mercury stations direct in your sign on Wednesday, while the New Moon occurs in your house of resources, security and personal values. Your oracle this week: The Root of Confidence is Trust; The Root of Value is Strength. Your ability to focus on essentials, likely financial, will soon be easier — when in doubt, take inventory of your skills, your strengths, and trust yourself. Hang loose and don’t overreact if revelations or tensions emerge regarding relationships: professional, personal or in terms of your community. Give things time to unfold and remain open. Your sensitivity is matched only by your tenacious will, and your reputation for wisdom and leadership will serve you in good stead. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.

Part One of Eric’s Solar Winds reading, Astrology Studio for Leo Sun, Moon and rising, is now available for instant access. Leo has just been through an extraordinary experience of eclipses (including the Great American Eclipse), and you are still reorienting from those experiences. We will move from there into the influence of the Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn, which talks about the profound changes you’re going through in “everyday life,” including matters related to work and wellbeing. And of course, Chiron in Aries will feature prominently, in this extended reading for Leo. Take a break from the mental stress and frustration of society, and enter a world where you are at the center, where your potential is real, and where your problems yield to your spiritual gifts.

You may order here. This reading is included with the Backstage Pass and Galaxy Pass.

Planet Waves

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Wednesday’s New Moon marks your astrological birthday, the start of a new solar year. At this time, you’re naturally more focused on yourself in a positive sense, and can use power flowing in your direction to re-charge your batteries and consider priorities for the year ahead. This cycle brings with it a message of healing, of learning and spiritual growth. Channels are wide open to connect with those who can assist in this department, and as the week unfolds, confusion or static clouding your inner compass will start to clear. Keep your sensors tuned for signals you might have been waiting for without realizing it, to help illuminate your path. The spotlight is yours; just stay flexible if unexpected events related to your public role or career obligations seem to challenge your personal needs this week. Your good will radiates a very bright light, and your ability to shine is at maximum strength. The Force is with you and growing stronger. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You know which relationships help to iron your vibe; those with whom you share a kindred bond on a true soul level. Reconnecting with nurturing allies ties directly in to your own need for deep psychic healing this week. There’s a potentially difficult juxtaposition of social and interior focus, yet communication is essential to really shifting emotional gears and clearing the path. You may also provide for others just the support they need; as long as you’re coming from a place of love, rather than obligatory sacrifice, the sharing will serve you both. Mercury’s direct station is a reminder that your capacity for joy has been too long held in check, and your path this year involves community. Keep your receiver open as your solar year concludes; pay attention to intuitive prompts and examine fears rather than run with them. Take time to regroup and recharge. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Mercury stations direct at the top of your chart on Wednesday, focusing attention on your public role and profession. Though your heart may long to be elsewhere, sensitive communications related to your career might require your full attention. For optimal navigation of potentially stressful conditions, bring your best Zen master-diplomat to the table: calm, discreet, discerning. Whatever’s in flux will take time to shake out, so keep your wits and stay cool. That’s how to roll right now, but easier said than done. This potent event activates issues brought up by the recent lunar eclipse, and confusing uncertainties on the job could trigger insecurities related to upheavals you’ve weathered, and the need for solid foundations. You’ve got a lot on your plate, but the essential nutrient to restore your spirit is available in the form of trusted allies, perhaps some with whom you’ve lost touch. This week’s New Moon heralds a cycle in which connecting with friends and members of your community plays a vital role. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Ego gets a bad rap, but without it we couldn’t function at all. We’d have no means by which to pursue fulfillment or even take care of our physical needs. A strong sense of self is integral to a whole and healthy personality. Key word: whole — your ego is the means through which your Greater Self negotiates this realm. But it’s actually a small fraction of who you really are, and becomes a fearful, jealous god when left to its own devices, cut off from the mother-ship: the guidance of your Higher Self. Our culture’s dominant world-view supports this division, resulting in a painful state of affairs one needn’t look far to see. You have a golden opportunity now to embrace a more integrated path. Take advantage of it by consciously tuning in to assumptions you’re reacting to; question reflexive judgments; quiet your mind and open to wisdom that’s trying to penetrate the noise. Commit to this practice and let the process unfold. This is key to the worldly success you’re after. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Your instinct to go for the goal, whatever it is, is part of what makes you powerful. You’re experienced enough by now to recognize the power of patience, however, in actually achieving it. Wednesday’s New Moon occurs simultaneously with Mercury’s direct station; if you’ve been champing at the bit to get going already, take heart. The broader horizons you seek will come into sharper focus as the week unfolds. Given changing conditions, you’ll navigate your way most effectively by allowing some wiggle-room in your intended route. Mercury activates the ongoing evolutionary process in your support system, and specifically counsels both receptivity and circumspection with regards to financial agreements and work-related projects, not necessarily directly related. You may receive information you’ve been waiting for that helps you get clear about how to proceed. Understand this will take time, but don’t be deflected. Train your sights on your objective and stay flexible. The journey, as they say, is the destination. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Emotion is power. To bring light to darkness, to effect meaningful transformation, one must venture into the psychic depths where that power resides and allow it to move. That requires courage to feel, and express that feeling. And nothing generates intense emotional response more than significant relationships: desire, the need for trusted, soul-level intimacy and the extent to which those are frustrated or fulfilled. This is potentially radioactive material and most don’t risk opening those doors. Your greatest evolution, however, requires exploring that territory. Never forget that this is about you — your transformational process — and relationship issues that move the dial at all reflect back to us, in one way or another, what we hold inside. Whatever dramas this involves for you, Mercury’s direct station mid-week opens the door to essential communications that call for patience, self-awareness and compassion, for yourself and others. Clarity will take time to unfold. Trust the process. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Shifts on tap this week may play out for you in several ways. One over-arching theme involves significant relationships and negotiating essential changes related to your base of operations: home life, emotional history and old family imprinting. In terms of domestic partnerships, Mercury’s direct station on Wednesday paves the way for overdue communication around the balance of power, responsibilities and how those impact your ability to function as part of a team. Proceed slowly, with sensitivity; look within for inhibitions or unexpressed resentments that feed into the situation. This is a dialogue that must unfold over time; overreaction won’t help. You may also be able to get the ball rolling on an intended work project, formulating ideas to contribute to colleagues. Finally, if you’ve been unclear or frustrated about health-related issues, opportunities open up this week to connect with appropriate guidance or specialists; follow up on leads and reach out. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Most of us avoid making changes in our routines, despite growing discomfort and awareness of how much we need to. Eventually, conditions exert enough pressure to trigger some kind of eruption, which liberates dammed-up energy, and we act. This may register for you regarding demands on the job, or frustration over health-related issues. If you feel ready to blow, just don’t do so at co-workers (or others for that matter). A good rant in an appropriate environment could clear the pipes and help you get going. Summer, in the Northern Hemisphere, is the time to get outside and, if you’re lucky, take a break. You might have to lean into a heavy work schedule, however. Yet don’t let this be at the expense of your physical wellbeing. Carve out down time. Getting organized now, adjusting regimens and work patterns, lays the foundation to re-engage an important goal related to your success that may have been stalled in the water. Tune up and refuel; activation of your creative power requires a full tank. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

Planet Waves

Thursday Night Weekly Horoscope for June 13, 2019

Thursday Night Weekly Horoscope for June 13, 2019 (#1250) | By Victoria Emory

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Any frustration, anxiety or irritation you may feel about an external roadblock is feeding off ancient roots that descend into the past. The more conscious you are of old patterns related to childhood insecurities and resentments, the more effectively you’ll be able to implement strategies for moving forward. As pressures mount leading up to Monday’s Full Moon, make every effort to tune into the strong signals broadcasting from your deepest, less-than-fully-conscious emotional stations. Let off steam privately, if necessary, with awareness and compassion for yourself. Genuine power draws upon sources that extend beyond ego identification. Force, on the other hand, pushes against, and sets up a depleting counter-force. Keep your eye on the long game.

Your hot new Mars-focused spring video readings are ready for instant access: purchase individual signs or nab all 12 here.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Inner dialogue is like software; it’s a program that can be changed, regardless of what messages repeatedly scroll across your screen. The personal revolution heralded by Uranus in your sign requires some restructuring of your belief system and worldview. To become truly aware of core beliefs takes practice; start by listening to what could be some pretty annoyed inner voices right now, railing against restrictions on your freedom to pursue certain goals. It will be tempting to discharge tension by projecting your irritation outwardly, but whatever that voice is telling you, its purpose is to move you past limiting beliefs. The more creatively you approach this dynamic, the more you’ll enhance self-esteem and personal security.

Your hot new Mars-focused spring video readings are ready for instant access: purchase individual signs or nab all 12 here.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — What do you need to feel safe; to feel good about yourself; to feel free? Your evolution requires real emotional honesty in answering these questions. You’ve reached a point where your self-worth and sense of security must arise more from your own innate talents and resources, less in terms of relationships, intimate or familial. Greater personal empowerment is the goal; creativity, conviction, and self-acceptance are your tools. This process will last for some time, though challenges this week could push your buttons mightily. Exercise diplomacy with others, and don’t be spooked by what may seem an insurmountable wall — you can go around it. Summon courage and patience; the reward is to become more who you really are.

Your hot new Mars-focused spring video readings are ready for instant access: purchase individual signs or nab all 12 here.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — You’re channeling enough force to initiate a personal renaissance, and to impress the world with your gifts more than you have in a long time. How you’re positioned in relation to others is the question. If partners feel like a drag on your speed, if your patience with perceived limitations has evaporated: pause. Your relational environment — personal or professional — is evolving; you’re reclaiming some power. The more you examine old insecurities or childhood imprinting, the more effectively you’ll navigate those sensitive waters. You’ll do yourself a favor by exploring some new terrain, literally or figuratively. Break up established routines as much as possible now. Educational, philosophical or spiritual endeavors will introduce essential fresh air you might not know you’ve needed.

Your hot new Mars-focused spring video readings are ready for instant access: purchase individual signs or nab all 12 here.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — There are times to forge ahead and damn the torpedoes, and times when that’s as helpful as banging your head against the wall. You’re a natural leader; you exert influence. Lately, however, your forces are less easily deployed, may backfire or could somehow undermine your intention. For what may feel like forever, just taking care of yourself amidst relentless demands on your time has been an act of power. You’re so used to rising to the occasion that you might not be fully conscious of just how over it you are. Vague anxieties or emotional turmoil are signals that a strategic retreat is in order. Focus on your wellbeing right now. Attend to both psychic and bodily needs, to re-set your mojo.

Your hot new Mars-focused spring video readings are ready for instant access: purchase individual signs or nab all 12 here.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Those goals you’ve been harboring for “the future”? Prioritize practical strategies and get that ball rolling, despite perceived limitations on your creative freedom. Heavy responsibilities may have weighed you down, but you’ve matured and honed your vision, and old baggage has sapped your focus long enough. Real opportunities to take concrete steps forward are available now. A ‘destiny window’ is opening soon, and your path of power involves actualizing some project that’s been long on the back burner. Continue refining the structure as you work, and let whatever frustrations you feel serve as grist for the mill. A confidence-boosting nudge from an insightful ally can help break the logjam; don’t hesitate to draw on that support.

Your hot new Mars-focused spring video readings are ready for instant access: purchase individual signs or nab all 12 here.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — From ancient shamanism to modern psychotherapy, the practice of retrieving parts of the psyche that have been somehow lost or frozen in time has been an essential high art. To engage the world meaningfully, we need all of ourselves in the game. You have a calling. Your creative gifts must be made manifest. Accumulated weight from the past has held you back, and tension between feeling stuck and fulfilling your ambition requires strategy and sensitivity to release. Whether some old family or domestic situation, you know where your power feels trapped. Creatively dialogue with your own inner voices, rather than project that frustration onto others. Clear out your space; write down your thoughts. Your liberation is fundamentally an inside job.

Your hot new Mars-focused spring video readings are ready for instant access: purchase individual signs or nab all 12 here.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Don’t confuse your thoughts with reality, or even with the extent of your conscious mind. Mental habits can grow stale. A rigidity tends to set in, keeping you locked into patterns and attitudes that limit your potential. To own your true power, you must expand your belief system beyond the old confines of your established worldview. You need a vision quest. Remember your natural fascination with mystery and let yourself explore new territory; invite wonder and follow where it leads. The more creative play you bring to this journey, the less opening your mind to new perspectives will threaten your sense of security, or provoke unnecessary conflict. If challenging long-held concepts triggers anger, ask yourself why.

Your hot new Mars-focused spring video readings are ready for instant access: purchase individual signs or nab all 12 here.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — What’s your bottom line? Negotiations related to values and resources, likely involving hard currency, could devolve into a battle of wills — with a dose of confusion or guilt-tripping — if you aren’t clear with yourself about your own emotional agendas around security. Guard against defensiveness, and reach for patience if partners seem intent on chewing your last nerve. Your basis for self-worth and security is evolving; you’ve outgrown old orders, and the process will take time. You’re in primordial instinct territory here. Fear is the challenge; wisdom and power are the rewards. Your tools are courage, patience and fine-tuned psychological radar. We’re not talking Game of Thrones; compassion and love may be found. Just know thyself.

Your hot new Mars-focused spring video readings are ready for instant access:purchase individual signs or nab all 12 here.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — There’s a karmic element in relationship dramas you may encounter, and few concepts are more misunderstood than ‘karma’. Think of it as the magnetic force generated by intense emotional patterns, more than reward or punishment. We often confront reflections of our own denied feelings in others. Ideally, we manage to learn about ourselves and grow, as a result. You’ve been enrolled in a masterclass in Transformation, Power and Responsibility. It’s been a long, challenging ride. If relations seem combative, look within for any frustration or anger or fear you might have been sitting on, before digging in your heels or firing back. Strive for objectivity, flexibility and compromise, if possible. The wise warrior picks their battles.

Your hot new Mars-focused spring video readings are ready for instant access: purchase individual signs or nab all 12 here.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Your chart has the quality of a long-distance endurance runner right now. You’ll need both stamina and mental fortitude. Pace yourself, nourish your body and carve out down-time. Your identification with work and accomplishments may feel driven by an element of anxiety, or you might encounter more frustration and annoyance than expected. You’re actually building necessary foundations for a mighty new phase in your life that — consistent with the ‘long-distance’ theme — is a good eighteen months down the road. Keep the lines open to your intuitive inner wisdom and breathe. If co-workers get in your face, don’t take it personally; it’s not about you. Creative exploration looks fulfilling, but guard against overconfidence or confusion. Negotiate like a pro.

Your hot new Mars-focused spring video readings are ready for instant access: purchase individual signs or nab all 12 here.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You’re loaded with enough fuel to ignite a blazing, creative fire right now. Feed those flames, for this is the hearth at the center of your greatest power this year. It’s been challenging to maintain focus on your true objectives; on some vision or project you’ve wanted to bring forth to the world. Lately that may seem so far back on the stove as to have grown cold. Do not lose heart; The Force is more with you than you realize. Be ‘in the world, but not of it’ for a while, and prioritize your own expressive talents. Fulfill obligations to your community without getting sucked into unnecessary dramas. Draw on the inspiration of your own private muse.

Your hot new Mars-focused spring video readings are ready for instant access: purchase individual signs or nab all 12 here.

Thursday Night Weekly Horoscope for May 23, 2019

Thursday Night Weekly Horoscope for May 23, 2019 (#1247) | By Victoria Emory

Aries (March 20-April 19) — You’re on the hero’s journey, a path of initiation: a hands-on, guided tour through all that keeps you from embodying your most authentic self and greatest potential. Every step along the way involves a lesson learned through summoning the courage to honestly encounter and conquer fears and self-doubt. Although your mind and calendar will be quite busy for a while, make the deliberate choice to focus conscious awareness on the intense emotional activity bubbling up from within. Examine the relationship between defense and anger, between desire and what lies buried in the past. Ultimately, the hero emerges with the power to bring wisdom and healing to others. Remember that wholeness is not perfection. It’s infinitely more compelling.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You may have considerable demands on your time, and can certainly get a lot done in coming days, but let yourself regroup and bask in some simple pleasures as much as possible now. Personal resources and security are likely on your mind, though if you’re experiencing disproportionate anxiety, feel into what old imprints related to self-worth may be ready for healing. Take advantage of opportunities opening up for fulfilling get-togethers with friends and colleagues; you’ll replenish your spirit and could further some long-term goals. Allow for some tactical confusion later this week, but the warmth radiating from Venus in your sign can attract positive encounters and strengthen existing alliances. Express your ideas with sensitivity but conviction.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Plug in to the life-giving force of our star, now directly focused upon you, to recharge your batteries. This is your time to take stock of what you want, what you need and what you truly value. Think in terms of where you want to go and who you want to go with, but home in on the essence of those desires, rather than trying to nail down specifics right now. Consider ideals, and direct your thoughts along developmental lines — how do you want to grow; what do you seek to learn? Just a tap on your mental steering wheel can shift any recent discouragement around resources and hopes for the future into the lane of possibility.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — You’re channeling the necessary power and courage to initiate projects or changes that serve your interests; though if launching an important venture, work on fine-tuning strategies for the next ten days or so, until the New Moon. In fact, ‘fine-tuning strategies’ is a primary theme in coming days. Negotiating matters close to home related to fairness, commitment and partnerships this week calls for emotional intelligence and diplomacy. As outwardly focused as you may be, it’s your intuitive wisdom that will guide you best in navigating those waters, so slow down enough to tap in. Observe yourself in both defense and offense modes, and strive for objectivity. Listen for prompts from your inner guidance as you regenerate your outer reality.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — “When fishermen can’t go to sea, they repair their nets,” is a good bit of runic lore to stick on your fridge right now. If you’re feeling frustrated, uneasy or vaguely insecure, tune in to any repressed anger or desires that may lie underneath. A trusted ally should be available over the weekend for some affirming communion or wise counsel, if you need it. Opportunities to strengthen professional relationships, perhaps tied to specific projects, open up next week, but allow for fluidity as you negotiate creative concepts and contractual issues. ‘Go with the flow’ may not be your favorite mantra, but trust the process and loosen the reins a little; whatever you’re working on requires time to come together.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Creative tension building between how you want to show up in the world, where you live, and important relationships — either personal or professional — may feel overwhelming, but not because you don’t know what you want. If at a loss as to how to resolve what seems like a dilemma, use your ideas: your creative work will ground you and strengthen belief in yourself, which is actually greater than you may realize. Visualize, write, tap the wires between your higher mind and expressive voice. You’re working through fundamental issues on what may feel like shaky ground, but give it time. Soulful, heartfelt exchanges as the month winds down can help replenish essential spiritual nutrients you’ve been missing.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Confidence can be hard won, but essential to that victory is identifying with your ambitions and putting yourself out there. If you’ve felt diminished by insecurities, relationship wounds or old baggage you’ve been sitting on related to your roots and family imprinting, recognize these as necessary tests along your path of power. Your inner warrior is preparing to take a stand, and bring to bear all the mental clarity and skill required to support you from within; independent of others’ approval or belief. Focus on your relationship to the community, what you wish to bring to the world. A deep well of psychic insight is available to you now to illuminate clearly whatever has held you back.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — The world is bigger than you think it is. More mysterious, vast and unlimited in what may be learned, on this extraordinary journey that is your life. This is also true of your inner world, and your psychic depths are particularly activated now. You don’t need much time or money to explore subjects that attract your spirit, but if your personal liberty feels shackled by drudgery or work-related uncertainties, look within for any issues around self-worth fueling that. Empowerment lies in freeing your mind. Deliberately breaking up habitual routines will help clear the path. Opening those channels is more important now than you know — mental burdens have weighed you down, and you were born to soar.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Consider the pearl: a precious jewel to the ancients, symbolizing wisdom of immeasurable value. It’s a gem grown through friction, irritation from a single grain of sand. Generative friction between your quest for freedom and concerns close to home, between confidence and material security, have been recurring themes along your path of knowledge this year. Relationships, personal or professional, will factor into this complex yet profoundly creative dynamic in days ahead. Allow others the liberty you prize so highly, and dance with whatever may feel confusing or frustrating as the situation develops. Your inner mystic will help pierce the fog and distinguish essential truths. Trust yourself and stay open. You’re seeking the pearl of great price.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Where there’s anger, there’s desire. And desire is the creative power of the universe, therefore sacred. If your relational environment has been contentious, look within for any frustration at thwarted desires you may be projecting outwardly. Recent conflicts might have triggered old wounds you’ve carried from the past; if so, let that awareness alone become a steppingstone to liberation. Your own creative powers are especially strong now, and growing. Take advantage of the string of green lights ahead for juicy, playful engagement to line up with circumstances that enhance self-worth and security. Allow for whimsy: switch your control dials to spontaneity for a while. Self-expression and a bit of joyful abandon are precisely what you need.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — “Art is the key to sanity,” said the late Louise Bourgeois; whether or not you consider yourself an artist, per se, play around with this idea. Play is the operative word: giving expressive voice to your inner experience, in the childlike spirit of imaginative freedom. Revolutionary changes on the deepest levels of your psyche may not register on your conscious radar, but creative exploration can prove self-revelatory now, and help relieve psychic pressures you’ve felt without knowing why. Projects you’ve envisioned involving your community need your inventive genius, but remain flexible as all the working parts will take time to come together. Think big, but don’t let idealism blind you to reality. Balance trust with discernment.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You have big ambitions; you know what you need to bring out into the world to fulfill your soul; your expressive fires are stoked. A period of strategic withdrawal is necessary, however, in order to reconnect with yourself on the deepest level and prepare the ground. Give yourself permission to turn inward; attend to your actual living space and what you’ve stashed in your psychic basement. Unprocessed emotional history and physical clutter go hand in hand. Clear out as much as you can right now, to strengthen your base: the platform from which you’ll spring. The more you commit to this essential work, the more empowered you’ll be to navigate the next stages of manifesting your goal.