Aries (March 20-April 19) — Certain conflicts are now decidedly behind you, and you may well feel freer and more like yourself than you have in a long while. Enjoy the sense of relief and release. During the next few weeks, it might still be worth going over the past and considering what your experiences have taught you. It’s important that you understand how your new situation is a development from the previous one, and that you are still the same person, grown wiser. What you have learned from recent events is a key component of this knowledge.
Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Since your thoughts originate with you, try not to be afraid of them. If you feel like they’re leading into some deep, dark areas, do what you can to provide illumination. Write down what you experience and, if possible, tell someone you trust. The chances are that in the background of all this are some old devils attempting to take new shapes, and that once identified they’ll be far less fearful. You’ve almost certainly defeated them before, and are more than capable of doing it again; you’ve already proved both your strength and your tenacity.
Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Be aware that you are almost certainly underestimating your capabilities, especially when it comes to achieving what you most wish for. Definitely avoid any temptation to assume the worst or to move the goalposts. Mercury is retrograde in any case, so the stage isn’t exactly set for major determinations of that nature. Instead, stick to the plans you already have in place, and keep any appointments or promises you’ve made. Doing what you know to be right should be one useful tool to help you restore your confidence.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) — You seem to be developing a strong understanding of who you are at essence, and what you’re capable of accomplishing. You are navigating that sometimes-tricky boundary between yourself and the rest of the world. Mastering this can be a source of immense power and energy, and you are glimpsing this now; it’s important that you make no assumptions, especially regarding limitations. Many people are experiencing a crisis of self-esteem and feelings of disenfranchisement; you do not have to be among them.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You likely have a sense of something preparing to come to a head: a phase of your life that you’re ready to let go of amid new challenges and interests. What is emerging probably still has some developing to do before you can see a clearly defined shape; this could feel unsettling, though there might also be an inspiring quality to the process, on which you can draw. Hold space for the tension and the uncertainty. You may benefit for now from focusing on what’s immediately in front of you; that should help keep your mind busy.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — It may be necessary for you to cultivate greater trust in your instincts, which in turn requires trust in yourself. While you may be feeling rather unsure just now, a part of your mind at least seems tuned in to exactly the frequency needed to receive valuable insights. This could be of considerable benefit to specific people in your milieu as well as yourself. Be open to what comes through, as far as possible, and try to address anything related to your self-confidence that’s bothering you, as this will help clear up the signal.
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — It would seem you’re gradually forging a vision of the next phase of your life, which is assembling one piece at a time. The gentle pace is necessary to allow you to take every facet into consideration. Once the final image is complete, you’ll know. During this process, you may benefit from keeping day-to-day events and routine tasks at surface level, dealing with them quickly and then leaving them behind. Anything that requires your special attention will be evident. Otherwise, give your mind room to work its miracles.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — First and foremost, remember you are worthy. Dare to aspire after what is good and beautiful, even if it seems too far to reach. Your desired goal may well be closer than you think. One idea that may help you at this time is getting to know the layout of the path between you and your destination; mapping out methodically all the windings, bumps and other changes you’re aware of. This might help make the work seem significantly more manageable. One step at a time may not be a sprint, but it’s still moving forward.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — When it comes to fulfilling an agreement or working on a group project, be sure you’re holding up your end of the bargain before questioning anyone else’s commitment. It may be wise for now to assume everyone has the best intentions. Ruts and delays can happen without anyone orchestrating them. Develop a sense of mutual trust, and review your own actions to be clear you’ve not missed anything. Now is a time for fact-checking and being actively clear in communications, so that nothing is left to the mercies of chance.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Like many others, you might be afraid that allowing your desires to be valid could mean a loss of self-control, or straying too far from the narrow path. Don’t be fooled by things like shame and embarrassment. Sexual desire in particular can be confused with actual unethical behavior, to the extent that people tend to shut themselves down before they’ve even got started. You have some perfectly healthy and reasonable needs to explore. Why not suspend self-judgment and try out one or two thought experiments, or even play a little?
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — This could very well be a good week for “serious play,” not only in the sense of creative thought, but also as a way of connecting consciously with experiences that delight you. You may be inclined toward a more cynical or morose view than usual at present, and could probably use a pick-me-up or three in order to dispel that line of thought. Do some of your favorite things, and some altogether new; vary the day-to-day routine, especially if it seems dull. Everyone needs a holiday now and then. You’ve certainly earned one.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — There are those rare and special moments when we understand something of the answers to the more profound questions. We see the underlying patterns, like individual threads creating a beautiful tapestry. Recent events have started making sense to you, where in the past the significance has seemed foggy or vague. The picture is falling into place in all its vibrancy and wonder, and you now have a clear enough lens to take in the view. Let this revelation empower you to live fully in the light and express your most fundamental truth.

“You seem to be developing a strong understanding of who you are at essence, and what you’re capable of accomplishing” – yes, just getting glimpses, but it’s dawning on me that the greatest accomplishment of all is realising that there’s nothing to accomplish (à la “There’s no place like home”). Thank you, dear Amy. (((())))