Category Archives: Horoscopes

Monday Morning Horoscope #172 for April 15, 2019


Aries (March 20-April 19) — You don’t need to push anyone or anything to resolution. You’ve made some difficult decisions and taken action. You have been through some challenging territory. You are self-aware, and growing more so. And you can now coast toward Friday’s Full Moon, as long as you guide your vessel. The Moon-Sun opposition involving your sign will work as a solvent and help you address a situation or loggerheads that may seem intractable. Whatever may be true, let your mind be the flexible element in the equation. Know what you’re willing to compromise, what you could live without, and what is non-negotiable. Make sure everything is in its correct category, and then see what develops. One factor to review is your interactions with those in any position of authority, and your experiences of being a person who may be in such a position. How is that going? Did you get your taxes done on time (if you file in the U.S.)? The “authority issue” will be one of the prevailing themes of the next year and a half; track it carefully. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — By the time the Sun enters your sign Saturday, you’ll be involved in some bold adventure. Remember, though, that this is not about the outer world; it’s about discovering who you are, and setting yourself free to be that person. Surprise yourself. Get out of your routines. Take any opportunity to experience something or someplace new, unfamiliar or just interesting. The old thought forms that have kept your life in line for so long are dependably crumbling. As a result you are open to new influences, which is a great time to experiment. Yet the central theme of your life is gaining inner knowledge, not outer. Chiron moving through your adjoining sign Aries will invite you, entice you, encourage you, or take you kicking and screaming — the choice is yours. Self-knowledge is controversial because it imparts deep responsibility, to make your choices and guide your healing process specifically in accord with what you know: as in, know about yourself. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Mars in your sign is urging you to assert yourself and to be cautious at the same time. The way to do both is to apply far less energy to any situation than you think you need to get a result. The upcoming square of Mars to Neptune cautions about two things: one is to check your judgment at every turn, and make sure your thinking is clear. The other is to verify the facts you accept as true, or state to others as true. The Mars in Gemini factor is urging you to be aware of when you are trying to hold two contradictory positions. You can do that, as long as you’re honest about it — which is the slippery point where the square to Neptune is concerned. Therefore, take nothing for granted. Slow down the movie, and be aware of your agenda. You have one: there are things you desire, changes you want to make, and a real degree of lust for life that you’re experiencing. Yet before you open up the throttle and just go for it, you have to ask what is really worth any potential consequences, and what is not. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Keep your lights on. Stay alert and visible. Fear no person, and no situation, and maintain your integrity by being honest from the first words out of your mouth. It’s now clear that you’re the one who takes the initiative in your life: you set your agenda, and you take action to put it into motion. You are, therefore, on notice not to wait for the whims of fate or fortune to guide you, but rather to use your awareness and set your course in life. As you know, there are no guarantees that any plan or intention will come to fruition, though this is not about the result. Your life at present, and for the foreseeable future, is about how you make your choices in the moment. Having authority over your life does not mean that you rule your world. Rather, it means that you make your own decisions and take responsibility for the results that you get. There is no other form of “empowerment” on our planet. Your ability to choose is the origin and grounding of your freedom. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — It has been said many times that faith can move mountains, though when it happens, it always comes as a pleasant surprise. Faith means in yourself; said another way, we’re talking about fidelity to your own purpose. With Chiron now traveling through your fellow fire sign Aries, your sense of orientation and meaning is stronger than ever. You have a sense of direction, or at minimum are feeling a tug along a new route. You can trust that, even if as an experiment. This counts even if you’re having some kind of crisis of belief, which will only serve to help raise your awareness and get you thinking about what is and is not true for you. One benefit is keeping yourself alert to fixed beliefs. If you’re questioning yourself, you will notice when you run into a conflict, and then you might decide to sort it out. Underneath all of this is something much simpler, though: a sense of what you need to do. That is something you can trust. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — One of your most vital missions at this time in your life is to keep a wide perspective. Most of the time it seems easier to be myopic — that is, to walk down the street with tunnel vision, looking only where you’re headed. If you do that, you will miss most of the beauty around you, and you’ll be working with limited information. Looking around, observing, and allowing in more sensory data is not on everyone’s agenda. Some consider it inconvenient. You seem to be of two minds: one is guiding you to over-focus, and the other is compelling you to look around in all directions. Make sure you do at least one thing: stay up-to-date on where a close partner or loved one is coming from. Do what you can to make sure you understand their point of view. That means keeping a dialog open, which has three parts: listening, speaking and considering (reflecting on) what you’ve said and heard. Don’t assume you understand what someone means simply because they explained it once. And don’t assume someone understands you just because you told them something. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — This week’s Full Moon in your sign (exact Friday) will be preceded by a series of developments that build on one another. And it’s not over till it’s over. Therefore, guide rather than push. Ride rather than drive. The events of your life have considerable momentum at this time, and you’ve made your investment in the outcome you’re seeking. If there are obstacles in the way, give them a chance to re-adjust, move, tumble or crumble. If there are misunderstandings, give them an opportunity to shift. The Full Moon takes place in the last degree of Libra, which suggests that certain events that develop late in the process will be the most meaningful, and the most interesting. One word of caution from the Moon conjunct Eris: beware of the mirage of the internet. Have as many of your experiences in person as possible. Listen to people’s tone of voice and watch their facial expression. Verify the facts, even the ones that seem obvious. Then, go with the flow. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — When the Sun enters your opposite sign Taurus next weekend, you will have a far better understanding of where you’re at with a close partner. The past year has been perplexing; the past season, maybe even more so. Yet there is some sense and order to it all, which is having the main benefit of helping you get off the rails and onto the open road. Make friends with what is unfamiliar, including aspects of people you care about that you’ve never encountered before. Welcome anything new, any change of pace, whatever sets you free from what is familiar or what you think you know. It’s likely that others will have a hand in helping guide you in this direction, and that environmental factors will play a role as well. One of the reasons the world is so boring right now is that just about everyone thinks they know everyone. There is exceedingly little sense of mystery. Everything just is the way that it is, and will always be that way. Except for one thing: that’s never true. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Jupiter has just stationed retrograde in your sign, so you get a phase of review. It’s helpful to think of life in terms of advancing forward over new territory, then backtracking a little to consider where you’ve been and how you feel about it. Go back to your most recent birthday. Consider all the interesting ground you’ve covered since then, and what has changed as contrasted with your previous year on the planet. Another angle is considering what you’ve learned, and choosing what you can do with it. Your solar chart has become a creative vortex, and with Mercury joining a wild collection of planets in Aries, you are being invited to experiment with what you know. By experiment, I mean to gain experience. That comes from actually doing things, exceeding your abilities, pushing your limits and being willing to make mistakes. In order to get anything right, you have to get it wrong first. This is how just about everyone learns everything. There is another definition of learning that I love: discovering that something is possible. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Friday’s Full Moon is another peak of energy that seems designed to reveal where you are in life. How much progress have you made? How far do you have to go? The thing to track is your direction of movement, no matter how subtle. Pay attention to improvement, no matter how small. You don’t need to be content with this, though it’s essential that you be observant. This way, you will have some idea what serves your purposes, what gets a result, and what does not. Forces much greater than you may be aware of are moving the very ground you stand on. Cycles that reach back into previous generations are not only influencing your life in profound ways; your whole orientation on the past is changing. You’re being compelled by your circumstances to resolve matters that your predecessors found to be utterly vexing, if they even noticed the issues. In a sense, you’re being called upon to do the impossible, and the way to do that is a little at a time. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — If you have something to say, this is the time. If you have something to write, this is really the time. A rare alignment of energies is making it possible to express what would otherwise be difficult or even impossible. One thing you probably already know is that you find yourself through writing. Not only find: cultivate, develop, understand and grow. This goes deeper than intellectual interests, as you have the ability to access every layer of your being through a mental process, which is rare. Yet for that to actually happen, you must engage your full creativity, which is to say, push into the unknown by stating what you observe. Don’t worry about how intelligent you think your ideas are; you may have a blind spot here, and underestimate this particular factor. Regardless, the thing to do is to write, and read, and write. This might feel like plowing furrows in your mind, and planting ideas. It’s a physical sensation, associated with a deep inner experience that is changing you for the better. The more you invest, the more you will benefit. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You are soon to encounter a whole new perspective on yourself and on life. This is happening inwardly first, as the Sun passes through your solar 2nd house and you are awakening to your talent, your potential, and your many other resources. They are yours to use, enjoy and explore. This is the whole point of being alive. Note that it’s your awareness that activates your potential. And your awareness may be provoked by confronting a problem that you need to solve, a personal challenge you face, or some seeming lack or absence. You don’t know your value until you make contact with it in some tangible way. Therefore, strive to correct what you think is wrong, and to accomplish what you may have previously decided was impossible or above your abilities. Most significantly, don’t count yourself out — of any situation you want to be in, of any realm you want to create in, or what you know your life has to offer. Count yourself in. Participate directly in your own world. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for April 11, 2019

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for April 11, 2019 (#1242) | By Victoria Emory

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Graduating to a higher grade of mastery always follows a test of some kind. This week may present such an opportunity. Trust in yourself and in your goal: what your endgame means to you and why you’re fighting for it. Recognize the difference between self-importance and self-acceptance. The more you push against what’s ‘out there’, the more defensive or controlling you become, the less power you’ll have to act effectively. Compassionate self-awareness is the key to navigating the weight of past patterns, your own healing process, and how these relate to your momentous push to succeed in The World. A personal revolution in your own self-worth can yield tangible rewards; your authenticity is your strength.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Beliefs are thoughts empowered by emotion and imagination. Now’s the time to examine long-held assumptions you’ve mistaken for objective fact. Open up to exploring beliefs held below the threshold of consciousness: imprints from childhood, the works. Remind yourself to remember your dreams; make it a priority. The more you manage this, the more leverage you’ll build up to realize goals that may seem far-fetched to the self you’re growing out of. Breakthroughs are possible now, with the courage, patience and daring to hold space for healing wounds that impact self-esteem. Friends or colleagues may play a role in some way, if you let them. Like a seed gestating underground, this invisible work is preparation for your debut.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You’re in high gear and able to wrap up career-related issues that seem to have dragged on forever. This includes getting necessary help regarding financial matters; just give partners, or anyone you’re dealing with, space to make necessary adjustments. This week especially, slow down enough to check in emotionally. Psychic pressure you’ve been under for quite a while — lurking fears or burdens left from long ago — could weigh heavily at the moment and benefit from a reality check. Fortunately, it looks like powerful, caring allies are ready to lend support; a call on Sunday could be a major vibe-lift. Healing, self-worth and material resources go hand-in-hand for you now.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — If tensions between your public role and outside forces feel oppressive or combative this week, consider Jung’s teachings about projected shadow material: “Knowing your own darkness is the best method for dealing with the darknesses of other people.” To what extent have you compromised your true self, or relied on others for your identity? Unconscious resentments or fears arising from this could reflect back to you in the form of externalized conflicts. The time has come to retrieve some of the power you’ve invested in others, and engage the world from a place of greater authenticity and creativity. Fear not; your security is not in jeopardy — it’s being rebuilt on a stronger foundation.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — A change is as good as a rest. You could use a bit of both right now. Even if wiggle-room on the job seems non-existent, find some way to break up your daily routines. If you’re fortunate enough to get away for a day or two, by all means do so; your physical wellbeing will benefit. Something’s grinding between your established regimens and your evolving world-view that deserves your attention. You’re embarking on a new era in terms of your public profile — if your aspirations require education of some kind, this is a good week to explore options. Your spirit’s calling: it wants some freedom back. Look around with fresh eyes.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — When it’s time to give birth, the mother’s body releases hormones that induce labor. A dramatic encounter with the Great Mystery ensues. To give form to any creative impulse is an initiation: an empowering transformation that brings something new into the world. You stand at such a crossroads now. It’s time to bring forth your own expressive gifts to the community; your evolution and healing require it. You may have felt hamstrung by scarcity consciousness, or inner-critic imprints from childhood, but those limitations are yesterday’s news and no longer serve you. Think in terms of the future. Set your sights. Allies are available to help you work through lingering fears or doubts. You’ve got this.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — There’s a gold mine deep beneath your floorboards. Family history, elements from the past still unresolved, transformation of your actual living space or domestic situation — any or all of these may feel overwhelming, but too much of your power has been trapped there not to brave what’s necessary to retrieve it. Your growth requires claiming your place in the world; keep that vision ever in mind as you navigate this process. Relationships may require adjustments, but don’t let conflict-phobia keep you locked into patterns that are holding you back. Take advantage of open channels for guidance from creative partners or a mentor figure. You have a public role to play.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — You’re naturally a deep thinker. But lately your mental traffic has the intensity of all-nighters behind the wheel of a big rig on a crowded interstate. Enough, already. Work obligations or concerns may be exacerbating your mental burdens. If so, there’s likely more leeway available than you realize. Whatever the specifics may be, your habitual thought patterns — how you relate to your immediate environment and frame perceptions — seem to have become too heavy and restrictive. The next stage of your evolution involves daring to expand those boundaries to include more exotic, inspiring or educational territory. Creative endeavors and fun with friends can help you loosen up and conceive new possibilities. Sunday get-togethers look promising.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Confidence, both personal and shared, depends on trust. Open yourself to the soul-naked intimacy found in trusted confidantes to strengthen your own self-assurance. The one requisite in such a relationship is depth of understanding. Think of yourself as a warrior on the path of knowledge. In the words of don Juan, “If a warrior is to succeed in anything, the success must come gently, with a great deal of effort but with no stress or obsession.” Patience may not be an inherently Sagittarian trait, but you will fortify your confidence and minimize insecurities through honest, real sharing with someone you truly trust. Deep inner work is your path of power now.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Like a snake shedding its skin, you’re in the midst of a transformation that’s both the end of an old phase and the beginning of a new cycle of growth. Take a clue from serpent wisdom: don’t fight it. Trust the process and help nature along by scraping off what no longer fits the ‘you’ that needs to emerge. This may include matters of personal history: bags you’ve carried around so long you’ve forgotten what’s even inside. And understand: you don’t have to go it alone. You’ve been there, done that. Lines are open to connect with caring souls who can help ease pressures that might feel acute around now. Reach out; the universe is offering a hand.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You’ve got a lot to communicate and much business to conduct in the outer world. Your mind is as busy as the rest of you right now, but there’s also intense activity happening behind the scenes, on a different layer of awareness than what you’re consciously focused on. Pay attention to subtle clues from your inner self; dream imagery and feeling-tones that color your perspective, but might go unnoticed if you don’t deliberately slow down to check in. You’re laying the groundwork for a new cycle this year, and the more you can sync-up inner and outer facets of your psyche, the more effective your efforts will be, especially this week. Clear space and make time to tap in.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — “Commitment is healthiest when it is not without doubt, but in spite of doubt.” So sayeth Rollo May in Courage to Create, my nomination for Pisces’ Book of the Month Club. Create you must; all signs point toward that true north of your highest aspiration. Your focus may be on necessary material resources right now, but don’t let anxiety throw you off your game. Think in terms of being ‘in the world, but not of it’ for a while. That doesn’t mean rejecting genuine social responsibilities, but prioritizing your own values. Direct your power toward important personal projects. Do necessary reconnaissance work and invest in your own creative voice. Small steps matter.

Monday Morning Horoscope #171 for April 8, 2019


Aries (March 20-April 19) — Check in carefully and frequently with your intuition this week; it’s likely you will make some discoveries pretty soon about the next phase of your journey. By now you have some idea of the person you are becoming, and the role you are beginning to grow into. A special conjunction in your sign between Vesta, an asteroid associated with devotion, and Chiron is likely to imbue you with a sense of purpose and a vision as to how you can accomplish what you seek. Go with it, and see where it takes you; and fill out the details as they emerge. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — One function of dreams might be to help us process and understand what’s going on around us. Another is perhaps expressing truths we may not be willing to admit to ourselves in waking life. Either way, dreams (and intuitive leaps) can be a way of showing the truth with its mask off; without any obfuscation. If you receive information along these lines, however, be sure to verify it as far as possible, and remember that certain nuances can become lost in translation. That said, whatever is revealed to you could be something that, deep down, you already know. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — In any form of relationship you have with others, trust is a crucial factor. The majority of people have, somewhere along the way, been hurt or betrayed by someone else; yet we’ve also been saved, helped or supported by our true friends and allies. Try approaching any new contacts you make with the idea that they are probably honest and sincere unless they show themselves to the contrary, and remember everyone has better and worse qualities. Cherish your established friendships, also, and let those you love best know how grateful you are for their presence. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — As your responsibilities develop in your working life, it may be useful to think about how you intend to carry out your role, especially if you expect to be in any kind of authoritative position. Be prepared to listen to those who have more experience than you (though you need not take any advice as gospel). In terms of anyone you manage, make sure they know they can talk to you freely and frankly; simply hearing them can help you learn a great deal. Lastly, take up any chance to collaborate on certain projects, irrespective of whether your job involves that by definition. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Creative exploration could be seen as an act of bravery. At some stage, most forms of art and self-expression involve some sort of risk, usually when it comes time to involve an audience. Yet it’s also a natural part of personal development, and pursuing one’s calling is nothing short of vital to the soul. Therefore, whatever trepidation you might feel about following yours, do it anyway. If you stick your head above the parapet, you’ve already gained a victory, regardless of how the performance pans out. Everyone makes mistakes; it’s part of the process, and it helps you hone your skill. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Consider any turbulence you’ve lately been encountering as a little like a rainstorm that leaves a clear sky once it’s spent itself. You may already have caught glimpses of the lightening atmosphere or smelt the freshness in the air. When the clouds are fully passed over, you’ll notice you can perceive how to tackle something that’s been troubling you for a while. This will most likely require action and some dedication, though understanding improvement is possible would seem to be the first part of the battle. Take courage; and do justice to your abilities, which are more than adequate. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — If there is a specific matter you need to discuss with a loved one, it’s important that you do so, and that you are properly received and heard. However, be sure to communicate your thoughts clearly and directly. Avoid any tendency to hint or add subtle digs, as opposed to being completely open. You can be sensitive to someone’s feelings without dodging the truth. Take your time and plan how best to address the issue. Notice also if you’re afraid of speaking plainly; you’ll want to understand that fully. Remember that knowledge is better than ignorance. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — You are gradually learning to employ your gifts and your resources in more discerning ways, and growing ever closer to your vocation in your daily practices. Don’t worry too much if you stumble here and there. This is a learning process, which also means: try to avoid running before you can walk, or rushing into the middle of nowhere without a map. Instead, set a pace you’re confident you can keep. Meanwhile, try to maintain a careful eye on your spending: research any potential investments before committing to them, and make sure you have what you need. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — When it comes to delineating and expressing your individuality, there are plenty of people who might feel they have a duty to offer you advice. Many of them will probably have something interesting to say, though that is for you to determine: your judgment is the ultimate arbiter of whether someone is cautioning you not to fly too near the Sun, or trying to clip your wings. You are under no obligation to take anyone’s word as gospel, though if you don’t listen at all, you have no way of deciding on the merits of the argument. The point is to retain your independence. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Certain past experiences or emotional responses may be resurfacing from the depths in some way, pressing you to deal with them. This might relate to a challenge you’ve avoided working through in the past. Figuring it out is going to require discipline and possibly considerable effort, though don’t be daunted, and be sure to keep hold of the gritty humor for which your sign is famed. You need to break away from the hold of certain memories; to be free to dance in the sunlight, smell the flowers and be fully involved in your continuous self-creation. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Part of why practicing conformity is such a popular sport involves the social rewards, which are plentiful and alluring to the extent that the stifling loss of one’s individuality tends to be overlooked. There can also be powerful pressure to comply, especially in the threat of being cast out. Yet you know well the necessity of expressing your uniqueness, and the emotional cost of not doing so. Gradually, you have been discovering the line over which you will not cross, no matter the temptation, and no matter the would-be encroachments of others. Hold that line for all it’s worth. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Your destiny is firmly in your hands, and where you go from here depends largely on what is important to you. What do you value most of all? What does success look like to you? You may want to treat these questions on a profound level, requiring deep and earnest thought, since you very likely have the ability to make your wishes manifest over time. It would help enormously for you to be fully aware of your various needs, desires and motives for action. That doesn’t mean judging what you feel or seeking anyone’s approval; just be transparent with yourself. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for April 4, 2019

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for April 4, 2019 (#1241) | By Amy Elliott

Aries (March 20-April 19) — If you’re wishing to make a fresh start on any facet of your life, a New Moon in your sign is always useful in some way to that end; though this particular conjunction may be significantly more so. The act of making a beginning, and of getting yourself out of any situation where you feel stuck, will require you to take the initiative. Once you do, though, the metaphorical wind should be at your back. Count yourself in, and try to envisage what you want without placing limits on your potential reach.

Get your full Aries INTELLIGENCE reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Profound healing may be open to you at present, especially relating to longstanding patterns of self-judgment or self-suppression. You are on a path to a place where you can be fearlessly unique; this means addressing every challenge to your doing so as it arises, and probably digging deep to tackle some sensitive material. The sense of liberation you are likely to feel at the end of this endeavor should make every effort worthwhile. Make accepting yourself in your true identity a conscious intention.

Get your full Taurus INTELLIGENCE reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You may well be able to have some fresh experiences in your social life in the coming days. This could come in the form of simply meeting new friends; you might also decide to revisit certain activities you enjoyed in former days. Taking advantage of whatever opportunities occur may require you to loosen up a little, particularly in regard to work commitments. You are perhaps overestimating the importance of remaining tied to your duties; don’t forget to treat your need for relaxation and fun as equally significant.

Get your full Gemini INTELLIGENCE reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Continue your journey of growth into the character of leadership, which as you know by now is significantly different from merely possessing a formal title with accompanying perks. A good leader teaches by example, demonstrating the qualities they would see awaken in others. Encouragement and judicious praise also go a long way. Should all this be developing in parallel with possible career advancements, take care to select positions and duties that coincide with your ethical principles.

Get your full Cancer INTELLIGENCE reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — The New Moon in your fellow fire sign Aries could well prove an excellent one in terms of opportunities for your spiritual development and/or making contact with your higher self. It’s as if the fence we often place between ourselves and the Divine, in the workaday world at least, is no longer a barrier for you, unless you actively reinforce it. This might appear somewhat discomfiting, though that can be part of the nature of growth, and keeping an open mind almost always has beneficial results. Listen and see what comes through.

Get your full Leo INTELLIGENCE reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — “Know thyself,” the famed inscription over the door of the Eleusinian temple, is perhaps especially pertinent for you this week. Specifically, knowing yourself as apart from others might be more precise. With effort, you could very well reach a turning point in understanding the truth of you as an individual in your full power, independent of other people’s influences and of your own desires regarding them. Set your aspirations high; in theory, there is very little that is not within your power to attain.

Get your full Virgo INTELLIGENCE reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Take extra care over the boundaries between yourself and loved ones, mainly in your mind and feelings. Projecting desired or undesired qualities onto a significant other may be a serious temptation over the forthcoming week, the more so if something important to you might be at stake. Check in with your emotional state frequently, and be thorough in analyzing your motives. It would probably be worthwhile to avoid quarrels as much as you can for the time being. Focus instead on living for yourself.

Get your full Libra INTELLIGENCE reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — When you were a child, did you have certain dreams about what you wanted to do and become? This week you may find you have the chance to revisit some of those ideas, and perhaps figure a way to realize them in your present life, or in the near future. The key to this is likely to be a change in your daily processes; probably in making some time for yourself to act. Keeping the spirit of those early bright ideas close by will surely go a long way toward helping you. Wherever you rekindle your passion, stoke the flames.

Get your full Scorpio INTELLIGENCE reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Give your inspiration free rein as the New Moon kicks off a firestorm of creative potential. Whether or not you think of yourself as an artist, if you feel called to attempt something in that line, try to embrace that mission without allowing any fears of mistakes or of what others might think to deter you. Remember that practice and hard work are almost always the main ingredient in success; you don’t need an obvious innate talent. In any case, you have every right to pursue your desires.

Get your full Sagittarius INTELLIGENCE reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Be a good friend to your inner child, and let yourself out to play. Do things you enjoy, and be with people around whom you can relax. Try to view everything around you with that sense of wonder so many of us seem to discard once we grow older. It’s highly fashionable to play it cool just now. Be warm instead, and keep your heart open. You need to stretch your wings and then take them on a good few test flights; to grow into all the space you can reasonably take up, and allow no one to shrink you down again.

Get your full Capricorn INTELLIGENCE reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — New information you receive this week may require you to revisit something you thought you understood fully: an assumption you might have made or a conclusion drawn based on where the facts seemed to point. Try to consider the matter as a chance to learn and improve, rather than anything to be troubled about. It’s rare indeed for one person to grasp the whole picture on any one subject; our perspectives are by nature incomplete, yet to form interpretations is a normal and necessary part of human experience.

Get your full Aquarius INTELLIGENCE reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Cherish the refinement of your mind, and let the values you hold paramount seep through into your daily thoughts and movements. For you, there is no satisfaction in yielding to inertia, or in merely passive benevolence. You are not content to rest on laurels, imagined or real; you feel the importance of pursuing excellence, of practicing discernment, and of striving for an ever better understanding of the world. These are sterling qualities, and this is a great time to cultivate their full power.

Get your full Pisces INTELLIGENCE reading by Eric here.

Monday Morning Horoscope #170 for April 1, 2019


Aries (March 20-April 19) — It’s time to bring the full truth of who you are out into the light, for everyone to see. This revelation, dramatic as it sounds, might not require any sort of fanfare. In fact, it may well represent the culmination of a gradual process of evolution, in which you’ve come to recognize that you can no longer veil your power or your emotions so that others can feel unchallenged. That is progress. There is a purpose in causing discomfort, especially to those who are somewhat complacent, that could be described as sacred. What you are now discovering is along those lines. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — There are times when denial has its uses, albeit as an expedient rather than a positive philosophy. To put it mildly, this is not one of those times. Your bullshit detector is currently turned up to 11, and it’s pointed right at your most private of inner sanctums, the place where you keep your raw energy and some deep secrets locked up tight; often hidden even from yourself. You are likely already sensing that this arrangement is no longer sustainable. Instead, try being completely transparent and open with yourself. You may well find this brings a palpable relief, among other benefits. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — While your ruler Mercury is still working its way out of its conjunction with Neptune, you may be well advised to keep a firm grip on what is real. Mirages can sometimes appear in the unlikeliest places: they may occasionally fool most, if not all, of your senses. Fact-check everything as if your reputation depends on it; be wary of trusting any one source specifically, and try to avoid relying on any internet content as far as you can manage that. Where possible, defer reaching a firm conclusion on anything for the next week or two, however certain you may feel. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Part of making strides in the ambition and career department involves leaving behind that which no longer serves you. You don’t need to do today what you did yesterday, simply because it is the established path; be wary of maintaining rituals for their own sake. Moving forward has much in common with moving house, or with travelling: at some point during the process you have to de-clutter, so as to end up carrying with you only what you need. This may be a useful moment to clear out some items — literally, perhaps, as well as figuratively — that have become disposable. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Your philosophy of life and your aspirations have a way of being unique, and you may be about to find out how unique. Potentially, some among your contacts are encouraging you to adhere to specific beliefs, and to direct your life a certain way; yet you may realize rather suddenly in the coming days precisely where you differ from them and why. This is likely to spring from a deep place, indicating how fundamental these ideas are to your being, and to your connection with the divine principle, or with your higher self. You need not fear to stand out. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Prior to finalizing any sort of commitment, take some time to re-read the small print, and make sure you’re not signing up for something you may later regret. Confirm that your understanding of the situation is congruent with that of all others involved: that you are, so to speak, all on the same page. Meanwhile, check in with your thoughts and emotions, and make a point of knowing your own motives for acting; be entirely honest with yourself, even if you risk discovering something you’d prefer not to be true. Within a couple of weeks, everything will probably be much clearer. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — If someone close to you rouses your anger — especially if you’ve recently been involved in a dispute — it may be helpful to consider carefully how you act, and what your emotional response really means. The chances are it’s something deeper than you realize, and not necessarily created by the present situation. There is enormous temptation just now to act immediately on our emotions, and to take our feelings as gospel truth, which goes far beyond a healthy reliance on one’s instinct. Take as much time as you need to figure out what is really the case. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Right now it seems you know pretty clearly where you wish to be, in terms of your current goal at least. Keep that vision close to your thoughts, and use each day to get a little closer to it. If it helps, you might even consider reviewing your progress on a daily or weekly basis, in order to help you organize and plan — though be sure anything of that sort inspires you, rather than wearing you down. Solve any challenges methodically and patiently. Ultimately, you know that what you seek is possible, and within your reach, no matter how long it takes to arrive. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Making use of your creative or imaginative abilities is one way to exercise your free will and determine your destiny. You can do this in small ways, and it would be just as valid as if you won fame or material gains through your gifts. The point is you are asserting your right to live on your own terms. If there is something you want to try doing, remember that many things worth accomplishing often don’t involve outstanding success on the first try. They tend to require ongoing commitment and daily practice; the journey thereby holds as much meaning as the destination. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Trust the original instincts you had about a specific project. If you are concerned that the effort you’ve put into it may have been to no avail, or that things appear to be turning out rather differently from what you envisioned, wait for more information before you give it up. There’s a reason you decided to place faith and resources in this work initially; you might benefit from recollecting that first train of ideas. Consider what you have accomplished so far; it is likely you’ve made more progress than you know, and that some results have yet to emerge fully. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — After what you’ve experienced in recent months, it would not be astonishing if your emotional center had the approximate strength and imperviousness of titanium. This, however, does not require you to maintain a stiff upper lip if you should find yourself needing support. While that’s a useful survival strategy at times, it’s crucial to retain your ability to trust, even if that seems difficult right now. Acknowledging when you need to be vulnerable is a wise and courageous act. Everyone has the right to seek help, and to use the support available to them — including you. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Keep a handle on your self-esteem, and do everything you can to fend off challenges, whether internal or external. In particular, try to recognize when an idea you have about yourself comes from an imposed narrative that should long have been consigned to the trash. This may manifest in you taking on responsibility for other people’s expressed anger or similar emotions that are not in fact yours to own. Be careful about a response or train of thought that feels ‘right’ — it could turn out to be simply a familiar pattern wearing a different mask. For now, take every individual case on its merits. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

Monday Morning Horoscope #169 for March 25, 2019


Aries (March 20-April 19) — You are making your mind up about something, though you may not know what it is yet. This is a deep and somewhat mysterious process that is difficult to name, though the decision may involve your commitment to a healing process that you’ve been concerned about for some time. It’s one of those lurking things that are difficult to get underneath, though you’re in a moment when you can do that. What seemed perfectly cryptic and intangible can emerge in a form that is tangible and understandable. This will not last forever; it’s a kind of temporary awakening that you can both access and use to make adjustments to your state of mind and your life patterns. It’s as if a portal into your deeper dimensions is opening up, and you have a rare opportunity to do inner work — and to make contact with a level of your being that’s evasive and elusive most of the time. Your timeframe is about 10 days. Your mission is to focus your awareness inwardly during that time. Do not concern yourself with results, only with where you direct your attention. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Pay careful attention when you’re out of the house in social situations. This also applies to any online or public presence that you have. Be sure to sniff the air, listen to the wind and check the tide chart before you go too far or do too much. Notice those little flags flying at the end of the dock — the ones that warn you about gale and gusts. And keep checking, because conditions are likely to change unexpectedly. Pay attention as well to the human environments that surround you, and take the temperature of where people are coming from, and notice if you want to take your jacket off or put it on when you’re around someone. You can’t really believe anything you hear outside of your own home, but you will pick up on some interesting scenarios, a few ridiculous claims and some significant wisdom mingled in among it. The thing you can do is follow your curiosity to some deep places, like the mermaid or merman that you are. This will be great fun as long as you don’t commit to anything in particular being true. Rather, listen and consider. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Your life continues to be a study in what you dream of, as contrasted to what you think is possible. In one direction things seem boundless, and in another, hemmed in. It’s vital that you pay attention to certain bottom-line elements of life, but even more important that you consider your ideals and your dreams. This is more than about balance. It’s about transcending your limitations. For that to work, you have to know what your limits are, or what you think they are. This is actually the line of demarcation of what you think is possible. As you gradually adjust (or suddenly revise) your ideas about what can be achieved, those seeming limits will appear to move, open or seem to be an illusion of the past. This may lead you to the question: what exactly stands between you and others? Is it something real, or is it some figment of your thoughts or beliefs? And if the latter, what purpose do they serve? It will help if you know your primary purpose for being in any relationship. You have one, whatever it is; and that is the angle to explore with that person, first. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — There are two unusually strong forces working in your life right now: one is a calling to focus your spiritual development, which really means your inner awareness; and the other one is to be out in the world, taking responsibility for your existence and achieving some of the great things you know you’re capable of. Everyone should be so fortunate to have these working at the same time, because they are the perfect complement to one another. The drive to build, or to change the world in any way, dearly needs to be informed by deeper layers of ethics and conscience, the ones that come right from your inner creative source. Spirit and wisdom need means of expression, and modes of action. I suggest you err on the side of telling more of your deeper truth rather than less. Don’t be so quick to filter out what you want and need to say. Creative leadership requires taking creative risks. So does being an artist, whose primary commitment is to stay awake and connected to your senses and to the world around you. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Every moment, you’re making the choice about how to live. You affirm your life plan with every word, every idea, every contact with another person. Your relationships are reborn every moment. You influence your experience through your presence: physical and verbal; sensory and emotional — all forms of engagement count, particularly under the current astrology. Slow down and take the time to be with people you care about. Make sure you have plenty of one-on-one time with those closest to you, and invest the energy necessary to listen deeply. You will find true freedom in doing so, and a new depth of mutual understanding. This is likely to change and evolve over the next two weeks; it’s not the kind of thing you can hold in your hand or keep in a jar, nor do you want to. The unpredictable and genuinely mysterious quality of the astrology during this time is a necessary element in the creative process — the great art studio known as your life. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — There are aspects that say, “a significant meeting is on the horizon,” and you’re in one of them now: Mercury turning to direct motion in your 7th house of relationships, in Pisces, conjunct Neptune. Yet such a Mercury-Neptune contact also describes a mysterious and potentially invisible process. The best way to handle this is to think of it not in terms of what stands out within your environment, but rather, what is going on in the background. That means away from view, off to the side, behind the scenes — or generally, everywhere. Treat every encounter as meaningful enough to pay attention to. Notice how you feel around anyone you may meet. You’re likely to be picking up subtle vibes and sensory perceptions that will be easy enough to ignore, particularly if you get lost in someone’s charm or charisma. So keep your focus and remember who you are at all times. If you find yourself making an effort to stay above the surface of the water, keep going. But you don’t need to exert too much effort. Listen to your senses and maintain a dialog. Listen to what you hear, and to what you say. Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You may be initiating or influencing events in ways you don’t understand, and far beyond your perception. Imagine that your words, your actions and your thoughts ripple through existence, affecting people far from you, many of whom you do not know. While that’s happening, someone appears to be throwing you a curve, compelling or demanding your attention. Don’t be so fast to respond to anything that may seem hot and heavy. Rather, invest a few days in allowing the facts to come out, giving yourself time to think, and getting a better idea of what’s really on the minds of people you’re invested in or working with. They have problems and situations you may not be aware of, and may not understand. Keep some perspective and some distance there, enough not to make those problems your own in any way. You will find yourself in a position to be supportive, though you must take care of yourself first. Amidst many other intriguing developments, Venus enters the health and wellbeing angle of your solar chart on Tuesday, and Mercury is about to station direct. Focus on yourself for a while — enough to make a difference. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Many people wonder if the whole sex thing is worth it, but you don’t wonder for long. Now is the time to immerse rather than to avoid, which does not need to involve anyone but yourself. It can, of course, and it may well. The new pattern that has taken shape in your solar chart is about unexpected developments, people arriving or departing without notice, and you being in a position to respond or react. And with many truly unusual events in Pisces, your solar 5th house of playful, creative and erotic experiences, this has rarely been more exciting. One issue is that many people have made up their mind about sex, or feel betrayed or let down by it — and would rather not get hurt again. If that is true for you, there’s a backstory; there may be lingering events and experiences that need attention. Now is the time to devote yourself to that. If you suddenly find yourself having more space in your life, use it well and wisely. Remember that however you get there, healing means a return to trust, pleasure and sharing. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Be careful not to let the seeming exigencies and urgencies of others sway your judgment, or tug at your emotional strings. You have your priorities, and you must think in terms of your bottom line. This is not your usual way of being; you’re more often reluctant to translate anything into dollars and cents, preferring other forms of worth or value. Yet this is not really a matter of money. The numbers point to values, to willingness, to honesty, and to the truth. So stick to your number, and don’t be so fast to state out loud what it is. Rather, let the discussion flow out in your direction; size up carefully what others are saying and what they are thinking. Be aware it could take you days to actually come around to what that is, so for this reason I recommend delay, delay, delay, while you observe, observe, observe. Think with the part of your mind that does not chatter, which may mean not thinking at all, so much as you can make that so. Dig in the dirt or play a drum. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You may have experienced some shock to your foundation or security base recently. But you must take it in stride and keep one foot swinging in front of the other, until you either get away from something you don’t like, or work your way toward something that you do. Life is full of surprises these days, and you probably have a few more to come. However, I suggest strongly that you not hang yourself up in hope. Sold as the most fantastic product in the world, it’s an inert substance. Rather, learn from what you observe. Notice what is really a thing of the past, and what is a present concern. That’s something that must be evaluated carefully, especially during these confused days. Mercury still moving retrograde for a few more days is a caution that you might be thinking too much in terms of the past and not enough about what is a present and active concern, potential or opportunity. In fact you may be thinking too much, when music would be a far more nourishing environment. You will feel less suspicious in a week. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You may not be fully set in your agenda, but you have a good idea what you want and what you want (and need) to do. It’s just a matter of that information settling into the water in your soul, and letting it mix and mingle there for a while. You also appear to be processing some karma from the distant past, whether it’s family baggage or stuff you have in a storage locker. If it’s on the emotional level, be aware that it may have nothing to do with this lifetime or your generation. If you determine that you’re addressing something from the distant past, make sure you respond appropriately and treat it as such. There are times when you must look at a situation and take care of it directly. There are other times when it is fair to size something up carefully, and hand it back to whomever it belongs to. Do not assume that everything you’re confronted with is your responsibility to resolve. Make a conscious choice in the matter. Then take ownership of what is yours, and fully engage your plans. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You can trust what happens this week, even if you don’t think you can right now. Yes, there is an unpredictable energy in the sea around you, and the ocean is nothing to be taken for granted. Yet it is your home and your environment. It’s where you were born and where you live. Others around you may not be so adept at so much Pisces in the sky right now, as Mercury aligns with Neptune over the next week. Yet it represents a role reversal, and the potential for deep bonding with someone you value or want to be close to. Venus enters your sign on March 26, and is providing reassurance that you can trust your feelings and the flow of events. Take this process one moment at a time, rather than projecting into the future, or lingering around in the past. Stay right where you are, make eye contact, make voice contact, listen and share. This does not look like a situation where you go to someone, or pursue them in any way. It’s more about someone or something coming to you. This is also helpful astrology if you have any bonds or ties that you want to dissolve, even if this has proven challenging in the past. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

Monday Morning Horoscope #168 for March 18, 2019


Aries (March 20-April 19) — There’s something you don’t know, and you need to figure out what it is. The chances are, you’re looking right at it. There are a number of reasons that the situation might disguise itself or fade into the background where you may not notice it. For example, the implications of making a discovery might include something that you don’t want to know about or deal with, or the potential for such. However, that’s not really an option. By the time the Sun reaches your sign on the 20th, a veil will come up and you’ll see everything you were ‘missing’ previously. Before you get there, you might want to map out the territory, based on what you know or what you think might be true, founded on some evidence or data. Once the Sun enters your sign, events are likely to feel compressed and like there is no room for you to think or make rational decisions. Soon after, Mercury begins to go direct, and that will add to any confusion. So focus your mind and do your homework early. Get your full Aries reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You have some bold ideas, though it would be wise of you to present them as ordinary ones. Rather than hype innovation, demonstrate that you have a grasp on the fundamentals. Show you understand where any partners, colleagues or collaborators are coming from, and do not run ahead of them. It’s your job to learn and speak their language, not the other way around. This is an important adaptation with Uranus in your sign, and it will be helpful to you and others if you honor it. You may think you know more than you know; you may think an idea is better than it is. One measure of your knowledge is your ability to explain yourself to someone with little to none, and not skip relevant steps. One measure of assessing the quality of an idea is whether it solves practical problems, even just one. The “practicality test” will be your best friend. And especially during the forthcoming Mercury station, try to avoid solving problems that don’t exist. Get your full Taurus reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — We’re still over a week away from Mercury stationing direct, though this is one you’re going to need to plan for. Mercury, a planet that (in the microcosm of astrology) signifies you, will be conjunct Neptune for 10 days, from late March into early April. I suggest that you take special precautions beginning now, particularly as you guide your professional activities. This is the time to apply all the most basic rules of Mercury retrograde, in a similar way that competent air or sea pilots follow stringent guidelines. Those include avoiding making any new commitments, signing contracts or making major purchases. There could be tempting opportunities. People may make offers or promises that seem enticing or too good to be true. You might be inclined to do the same. Under this astrology, it’s a near certainty that your plans will work out differently from what you intended, so making as few plans as possible will be helpful. But don’t just get blown around by the wind; pick a destination or modest goal and keep your focus. Get your full Gemini reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — This week, the Sun moves into Aries (well, the Earth moves, but the Sun looks like it does). For you, that means visibility, and it means aspiration. However, to these ends (if you’re interested), I suggest you do less rather than more. Your astrology has considerable momentum, and the thing you need to do is keep your rudder in the water, and pay attention to conditions in the environment. There are times to take an offensive posture, meaning to go for it, and times to take a defensive posture, which means to be responsive. Now is the time to slow down and observe. You have most of the information you need to navigate through these waters, and being born under a water sign will help. What you need to get accustomed to is the principle of magnification: that the combination of the Sun, Chiron and other factors joining forces in Aries raises your profile considerably. Remember that, even if you think you’re laying low. It would be wise to make an extra investment in whatever you consider the spiritual aspects of your life through this time. Get your full Cancer reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Two things are going on at the moment. One is that the Sun is about to enter your fellow fire sign Aries, and make a whole bunch of aspects to planets in Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. While that is happening, Mercury will be making the most unusual station direct that I’ve ever seen, forming an approximately two-week conjunction to Neptune. All of this cautions against thinking you know anything much for certain. You are about to learn a lot; some will be from seemingly inner sources, and some will be from seemingly outer sources. Yet as it turns out, all knowledge and learning ultimately comes from within you, and that is the place to focus. Here’s one image I suggest you remember, as the Sun seems to make a lot of aspects: the Sun is in the center, and everything in our solar system is moving around it. This places you in a central position, and if you remember that, you will have considerable influence over your affairs. Keep your perspective, listen to the music, and watch everyone dance around you. Remember to tap your feet. Get your full Leo reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Remember that you’re in new territory on a number of different fronts. Be aware of the extent to which you strive to find yourself in others, through intimate relationships. If you can be aware of that, you can move through the territory of intimacy without getting lost in the other. However, since your ruling planet Mercury makes a two-week conjunction to Neptune (the potential for confusion galore), in your house of relationships, you will need to pay attention. You would be wise to get alcohol entirely out of your intimate life, if it has a role. Under this influence, you will be a different person on a single glass of wine. This could distort your perceptions, intensify your emotional reactions, or get you to say things you don’t mean. Other substances could have a similar effect, and the insidious part is you might not notice until you’re already being carried by the current. I suggest you be real with yourself that your relationships are about you. My mantra for that is, “It’s not about him/her/them, it’s about me.” Get your full Virgo reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — This could be one of those times when everything suddenly comes out in the wash, catches up with you or seems to come unraveled. You can avoid that by staying ahead of your truth, by which I mean backing off from that oh-so-modern kind of denial that seems necessary at our time in history. It’s usually the first two minutes of a sensitive topic that are difficult to talk about, if you don’t count the days, weeks, months or years leading up to them. Chiron and other factors in your opposite sign Aries make it inevitable that your most intimate relationships are reorienting. That suggests strongly that you need a point of orientation within yourself. You remember what this is: the many times you’ve come back to yourself, back to your inner sanctuary (which has always proven to be easier between relationships rather than during them). I suggest that you focus your inner orientation on two qualities: one, how you feel every day, and two, what you make every day. Notice how you feel; notice what you make; note the connections. Get your full Libra reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — You seem to be taking the long way around “figuring something out” when really, the whole matter is one of desire. What do you want? What does someone else close to you want? Who wants whom? How do you know? Imagine that’s the whole issue right there, spelled out. Who wants what? If you can admit that, you have some power. If you don’t, you have none. You want other people to be upfront about this as well, so encourage them. Use your influence to get everyone around you to make affirmative statements of their desire. I know that in some quarters and in some sub-cultures this might be like throwing a bomb, however, political correctness never saved a life. The person to focus on the most assertively is yourself: detect and evaporate any trace of denial you find in yourself. Forget trying to impress anyone with your purity; the notion that you are pure is laughable, and it’s not what you want to be. You want to be a blood-sweat-and-tears human. Get your full Scorpio reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You can take a cautious approach, or a creative approach. Taking a creative approach usually means trying something you have not done before, which will carry you into some new and unfamiliar experiences. In theory, this is what you want, though it would seem you’re hesitating in some way. It’s likely to involve what you believe a relationship partner would think about you if you exceeded your own expectations, or even chose to shake up your personal world. However, this has nothing special to do with a partner; rather, it’s your own inner trip, dressed in the garb of a relationship. Said another way, what you’re really needing to address are your own ideas, which will come in the form of ideas that you think other people have about you. This is a little like a mode of dream analysis, where you recognize every facet of the dream (including inanimate objects) as an aspect of your voice. What you think people think is what you’re thinking. Get your full Sagittarius reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — The primary exercise of your life in these years is about developing clarity of thought. You have this in one sense of the word: you tend to think you know when something is true. Yet this is different from clarity, which is the ability to see a question or situation from several different viewpoints, and then identifying the specific distinctions. Be mindful if you find yourself certain that something is true — whatever it might be, whether deeply personal, something about the world, or an idea you’re developing. Learning how to be circumspect takes training and practice. It requires the cultivation of thought habits. For example, once you’ve identified a problem and solved it, start over and do that a second time, using a different approach. The positively urgent thing I suggest you do in the coming few weeks is make sure you leave detailed notes in the margin. Leave your arithmetic where you can see it, so that you can observe how you came to any given conclusion or certainty. Get your full Capricorn reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — This week, Venus in your sign forms a square to Mars in Taurus. This aspect presents a question: what do you want to express? Have you got something you need to get out of your system, to say, to do, or otherwise communicate? First, though, check inwardly for any motive involving anger, jealousy, guilt or fear. If you detect that’s what’s driving you, address that first. Address partly means understand, and mostly means finding an outlet for your energy that’s healthy and that won’t hurt anyone. If you’re inspired by some other impulse — love, creativity, curiosity, or friendly lust, to name a few — get some of that going. In our world, it’s usually more acceptable to stick to the rage/frustration side of the spectrum. All that pretty stuff on the love/creativity side of things tends to be fragile, not just in ‘the world’ but in consciousness. I know you have a lot on your mind, and you’re doing a good job keeping a positive attitude. Make sure you do some of what you’re really into. Get your full Aquarius reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — One of the most unusual Mercury-goes-direct moments I’ve ever seen is now in progress, and is taking place in your sign. You’re probably aware Neptune is gradually making its way across Pisces — a gas giant that at times orbits more slowly than Pluto. Now Mercury, the fastest of all the planets, is moving retrograde into a conjunction with Neptune, and then stations direct on March 28. (I’ve detailed this in the article above.) The result is that a planet associated with your sign, and sometimes with you, will be in a long conjunction with the planet (Mercury) that rules your opposite sign, Virgo. This represents a point of contact — a dialog, a meeting, a revelation that unfolds slowly. It represents a transformation for you and possibly for a relationship, though you will need to pay attention. That means two things: making sure you and people close to you understand one another; and that you keep track of your money. You are in ‘don’t sign/don’t buy’ territory to the max. Get your full Pisces reading by Eric here.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for March 14, 2019

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for March 14, 2019 (#1239) | By Amy Elliott

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Be true to who you are, and remember that you’re allowed to have flaws. Don’t waste your valuable time chasing a fictional version of yourself who’s stripped of all your quirks, peccadilloes and everything else that makes you actually human. Social approval is a fickle thing, of which it helps to remain independent: the more important question centers on your personal aspirations, and whether you’re getting where you need to be, which includes right action. Only you and whatever divine principle you adhere to can hold yourself to account. No other opinions are ultimately relevant.

Get your full Aries INTELLIGENCE reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — As the revelations continue about your place in the world at large, and new hopes and fears are emerging as a result, it’s time to address any persistent self-doubts you may have. Whatever is troubling you is highly unlikely to resemble the real truth. If it helps, talk to people you trust and get a broader perspective on the matter; you will almost certainly begin looking at things very differently, and realize you were unaware of your true capabilities, or the influence you possess. Use this exercise to transform your way of thinking, and establish truth as the foundation.

Get your full Taurus INTELLIGENCE reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Focus this week on the human element when it comes to your ambitions or vocation. Virtually all jobs contain opportunities to interact with customers or mingle with colleagues. Particularly if there’s someone you see or hear from most days but feel you don’t know too well, take the time to get acquainted. This isn’t the same as networking, which is goal-oriented; this is more about establishing real connections with others who are a part of your life. Obviously be aware of politics and professional boundaries; though a simple friendly gesture or two may be all that’s needed.

Get your full Gemini INTELLIGENCE reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — In the course of following your life’s path, you will almost certainly at some stage distinguish yourself. This probably won’t require any deliberate action on your part; it tends to happen organically, as a product of your endeavors to reach a specific goal. The more you integrate the aims that matter most to you into your everyday work and habits, the more you will find yourself naturally standing out from the crowd. While this may sound daunting, in truth this is part and parcel of living a truly honest existence, and doing what you need to do. Shine on, and be proud of your accomplishments.

Get your full Cancer INTELLIGENCE reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Don’t underestimate the importance of fun in your journey of personal growth, especially as connected with your emotional wellbeing. If life seems too much like a series of dull repetitions, it’s time to inject some color and variety. You might visit somewhere you’ve never been and always wanted to see, or meet some new people. Or perhaps get out crayons or paints and make a glorious Jackson Pollock-style mess on an unsuspecting blank page. The key going forward is to avoid relapsing into mechanical routines, and maintain a little splash of novelty on a regular basis.

Get your full Leo INTELLIGENCE reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Navigate with caution any form of confusion relating to where you end and a loved one begins. In fact, keep the boundary as distinct as possible. Approach the issue of your relationships on high alert, especially for any tendency you might have to project certain qualities onto partners or to lose yourself in them. At least while Mercury is retrograde, try to operate strictly on the basis of known facts, and avoid speculation of any kind. Put off making any big decisions or commitments for a few weeks yet; there may well be relevant information still to be uncovered.

Get your full Virgo INTELLIGENCE reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Keep the focus on your healing and growth process, and pay close attention to what your body tells you, especially as concerns its needs. Study whether your daily routines are supportive of this, and be prepared to make some changes if you find otherwise. With all the present technology taking us out of our bodies, it’s necessary to make a conscious effort to bring ourselves back. Also, don’t neglect the importance of your emotional wellbeing. Take some time this week for the various relationships in your life, and actually get out to see loved ones in person if that’s possible.

Get your full Libra INTELLIGENCE reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Consider the nature of your most deeply held principles, the ones you cannot abandon no matter the consequences. How are you expressing them? How far do they inform your personal development? If you suspect that certain tenets or practices you hold important are getting lost amid all the distractions, it’s time for a careful review. This may well involve making more space in your life for meaningful acts; it might include withdrawing from any activities that are specifically hindering your cause. You need to ensure your life is ultimately built around serving your values.

Get your full Scorpio INTELLIGENCE reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Current events may be assisting you to view elements of the past in greater clarity, perhaps, than you’ve ever done before. It’s as if you’re able suddenly to strip away whatever emotional luggage you’ve accumulated, and see through any illusions or obstructions to the very essence. This could be profoundly beneficial for your healing process, provided you are willing to let go of outdated beliefs regarding yourself and others. This can be harder than it seems, even when the truth is shining before you; take all the time you need, though bear in mind facts are preferable to fiction.

Get your full Sagittarius INTELLIGENCE reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Knowledge can only come your way if your mind is open to receiving it. You may be inclined sometimes to black-and-white thinking, though this can have the effect of narrowing your options. Try to entertain other points of view. You don’t necessarily have to agree with them. Rather, the point is to recognize that everyone, including you, has limits on their perspectives. It’s useful to at least listen to those with whom you differ. This keeps you from crystallizing, and helps you maintain a healthy level of humility, in acknowledging that you might not see the full picture without assistance.

Get your full Capricorn INTELLIGENCE reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You may have cause this week to reflect on how far your friendships and broader associations are helping you remain true to yourself and your ideals. Does anything need to change? Are your community, your environment and your personal connections all a good fit in terms of the life you’re striving to lead? If something has to give, consider how you could best accomplish that. Don’t be too afraid to put yourself first, or to exercise a higher level of discernment if that’s what you feel is necessary. At any rate, there’s nothing wrong with making some new acquaintances.

Get your full Aquarius INTELLIGENCE reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — One of the most important things you can do at present is to hold firm the line between truth and lies. Among the fallacies pervading our modern era, one that really stands out is the confusion of social media personas with actual people; another is the concept that nothing can be trusted. This sort of thinking is eroding honesty, and causing many people simply to abandon integrity. Yet you know that is too high a price for keeping up appearances, or indeed for anything else. Stand solidly by your principles, place your faith in what is real, and aim consistently for clearer vision.

Get your full Pisces INTELLIGENCE reading by Eric here.