Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for March 14, 2019

Posted by Amy Elliott


One of the most important things you can do at present is to hold firm the line between truth and lies. Among the fallacies pervading our modern era, one that really stands out is the confusion of social media personas with actual people; another is the concept that nothing can be trusted. This sort of thinking is eroding honesty, and causing many people simply to abandon integrity.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for March 14, 2019 (#1239) | By Amy Elliott

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Be true to who you are, and remember that you’re allowed to have flaws. Don’t waste your valuable time chasing a fictional version of yourself who’s stripped of all your quirks, peccadilloes and everything else that makes you actually human. Social approval is a fickle thing, of which it helps to remain independent: the more important question centers on your personal aspirations, and whether you’re getting where you need to be, which includes right action. Only you and whatever divine principle you adhere to can hold yourself to account. No other opinions are ultimately relevant.

Get your full Aries INTELLIGENCE reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — As the revelations continue about your place in the world at large, and new hopes and fears are emerging as a result, it’s time to address any persistent self-doubts you may have. Whatever is troubling you is highly unlikely to resemble the real truth. If it helps, talk to people you trust and get a broader perspective on the matter; you will almost certainly begin looking at things very differently, and realize you were unaware of your true capabilities, or the influence you possess. Use this exercise to transform your way of thinking, and establish truth as the foundation.

Get your full Taurus INTELLIGENCE reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Focus this week on the human element when it comes to your ambitions or vocation. Virtually all jobs contain opportunities to interact with customers or mingle with colleagues. Particularly if there’s someone you see or hear from most days but feel you don’t know too well, take the time to get acquainted. This isn’t the same as networking, which is goal-oriented; this is more about establishing real connections with others who are a part of your life. Obviously be aware of politics and professional boundaries; though a simple friendly gesture or two may be all that’s needed.

Get your full Gemini INTELLIGENCE reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — In the course of following your life’s path, you will almost certainly at some stage distinguish yourself. This probably won’t require any deliberate action on your part; it tends to happen organically, as a product of your endeavors to reach a specific goal. The more you integrate the aims that matter most to you into your everyday work and habits, the more you will find yourself naturally standing out from the crowd. While this may sound daunting, in truth this is part and parcel of living a truly honest existence, and doing what you need to do. Shine on, and be proud of your accomplishments.

Get your full Cancer INTELLIGENCE reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Don’t underestimate the importance of fun in your journey of personal growth, especially as connected with your emotional wellbeing. If life seems too much like a series of dull repetitions, it’s time to inject some color and variety. You might visit somewhere you’ve never been and always wanted to see, or meet some new people. Or perhaps get out crayons or paints and make a glorious Jackson Pollock-style mess on an unsuspecting blank page. The key going forward is to avoid relapsing into mechanical routines, and maintain a little splash of novelty on a regular basis.

Get your full Leo INTELLIGENCE reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Navigate with caution any form of confusion relating to where you end and a loved one begins. In fact, keep the boundary as distinct as possible. Approach the issue of your relationships on high alert, especially for any tendency you might have to project certain qualities onto partners or to lose yourself in them. At least while Mercury is retrograde, try to operate strictly on the basis of known facts, and avoid speculation of any kind. Put off making any big decisions or commitments for a few weeks yet; there may well be relevant information still to be uncovered.

Get your full Virgo INTELLIGENCE reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Keep the focus on your healing and growth process, and pay close attention to what your body tells you, especially as concerns its needs. Study whether your daily routines are supportive of this, and be prepared to make some changes if you find otherwise. With all the present technology taking us out of our bodies, it’s necessary to make a conscious effort to bring ourselves back. Also, don’t neglect the importance of your emotional wellbeing. Take some time this week for the various relationships in your life, and actually get out to see loved ones in person if that’s possible.

Get your full Libra INTELLIGENCE reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Consider the nature of your most deeply held principles, the ones you cannot abandon no matter the consequences. How are you expressing them? How far do they inform your personal development? If you suspect that certain tenets or practices you hold important are getting lost amid all the distractions, it’s time for a careful review. This may well involve making more space in your life for meaningful acts; it might include withdrawing from any activities that are specifically hindering your cause. You need to ensure your life is ultimately built around serving your values.

Get your full Scorpio INTELLIGENCE reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Current events may be assisting you to view elements of the past in greater clarity, perhaps, than you’ve ever done before. It’s as if you’re able suddenly to strip away whatever emotional luggage you’ve accumulated, and see through any illusions or obstructions to the very essence. This could be profoundly beneficial for your healing process, provided you are willing to let go of outdated beliefs regarding yourself and others. This can be harder than it seems, even when the truth is shining before you; take all the time you need, though bear in mind facts are preferable to fiction.

Get your full Sagittarius INTELLIGENCE reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Knowledge can only come your way if your mind is open to receiving it. You may be inclined sometimes to black-and-white thinking, though this can have the effect of narrowing your options. Try to entertain other points of view. You don’t necessarily have to agree with them. Rather, the point is to recognize that everyone, including you, has limits on their perspectives. It’s useful to at least listen to those with whom you differ. This keeps you from crystallizing, and helps you maintain a healthy level of humility, in acknowledging that you might not see the full picture without assistance.

Get your full Capricorn INTELLIGENCE reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You may have cause this week to reflect on how far your friendships and broader associations are helping you remain true to yourself and your ideals. Does anything need to change? Are your community, your environment and your personal connections all a good fit in terms of the life you’re striving to lead? If something has to give, consider how you could best accomplish that. Don’t be too afraid to put yourself first, or to exercise a higher level of discernment if that’s what you feel is necessary. At any rate, there’s nothing wrong with making some new acquaintances.

Get your full Aquarius INTELLIGENCE reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — One of the most important things you can do at present is to hold firm the line between truth and lies. Among the fallacies pervading our modern era, one that really stands out is the confusion of social media personas with actual people; another is the concept that nothing can be trusted. This sort of thinking is eroding honesty, and causing many people simply to abandon integrity. Yet you know that is too high a price for keeping up appearances, or indeed for anything else. Stand solidly by your principles, place your faith in what is real, and aim consistently for clearer vision.

Get your full Pisces INTELLIGENCE reading by Eric here.

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